FOR CPT STUDENTS Abbreviations in Macro Economics A AEZ

Abbreviations in Macro Economics
AEZ : Agriculture Export Zones
AAP : Annual Action Plans
AAY : Antodaya Anna Yojana
ARCSC : All India Rural Credit Survey Committee
ACD : Agriculture Credit Department
ARDC : Agricultural Refinance and Development Corporation
AFC : Agriculture Finance Corporation
AMPC : Automatic Mail Processing Centers
AIE : Alternative Innovative Education
BFC : Bengal Famine Commission
BPL : Below Poverty Line
BPE : Bureau of Public Enterprises
BPO : Business Process out Sourcing
BSNL : Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
BIFR : Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
CRTTC : Composite Rural Training and Technical Centers
CACP : Commission for Agriculture Costs and Prices
CSO : Central Statistic Organisation
CCBs : Central Co-operative Banks
CADP : Common Area Development Programme
CIP : Central Issue Price
CSIR : Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
CEA : Council of Economic Advisers
CWS : Currently Weekly Status
CDS : Currently Daily Status
CERC : Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
CRR : Cash Reserve Ratio
CCS : Cash Compensatory Scheme
CENVAT : Central Value Added Tax
CFF : Compensatory Financing Facility
CRISIL : Credit Rating Information Services of India Ltd
DCP : District Credit Plan
DCC : District Consultative Committees
DAPR : Draft Agricultural Policy Resolution
DIC : District Industries Centre
DWCRA : Development of women and Children in Rural Areas
DPAP : Drought Prone Area Programme
DDP : Desert Development Programme
DFEC : Duty Free Export Credit
DSB : Dispute Settlement Body
DES : Duty Exemption Scheme
DEPB : Duty Entitlement Pass Book schemeSLIIC : State Level Inter
Institutional Committee
EPZs : Export Processing Zones
EAS : Employment Assurance Scheme
EDP : Entrepreneurial Development Programme
EGS : Education Guarantee Scheme
EPCG : Export Promotion of Capital Goods
EOUs : Export Oriented Units
EMRs : Exclusive Marketing Rights
EEFC : Export Earners Foreign Currency
FIEO : Federation of Indian Export Organisation
FERA : Foreign Exchange Regulation Act
FSS : Farmers Service Societies
FDI : Foreign Direct Investment
FRAs : Forward Rate Agreements
FEMA : Foreign Exchange Management Act
FCI : Food Corporation of India
FPS : Fair Price Shops
FTWZ : Free Trade Ware Housing Zone
FRBM : Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management
FII : Foreign Institutional Investors
GIC : General Insurance Corporation
GATT : General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
GST : Goods and Services Tax
GRT : Gross Registered Tonnage
GSTR : General Scheme for Trade Preference GER : Gross Enrolment
GDRs : Global Depository Receipts
HYVP : High Yielding Variety Programme
IFCI : Industrial Finance Corporation of India
IPR : Industrial Policy Resolution
IPM : Integrated Pest Management
IADP : Intensive Agro District Programme
IRDP : Integrated Rural Development Programme
IIP : Index of Industrial Production
ICOR : Incremental Capital Output Ratio
IRCI : Industrial Reconstruction Corporation of India
IMF : International Monetary Fund
IBRD : Industrial Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IDA : International Development Association
IFC : International Finance Corporation
IRBI : Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India
IIBI : Industrial Investment Bank of India
IDBI : Industrial development Bank of India
ICICI : Institutional Credit and Investment Corporation of India
IOC : Indian Oil Corporation
IDRA : Industrial Development and Regulation Act
ISM : Integrate Indian System of Medicine
IMR : Infant Mortality Ratio
IWDP : Integrated Waste lands Development Programme
IIT : Indian Institute of Technology
IIM : Indian Institute of Management
ICSID : International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
JRY : Jawhar Rozgar Yojana
JGSY : Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana
JPRGY : Jai Prakash Rozgar Guarantee Yojana
KGBV : Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya
LIC : Life Insurance Corporation
LDBs : Land Development Banks
LTC : Leave Travel Concession
MRD : Ministry of Rural Development
MEC : Minimum Economic Capacities
MODVAT : Modified Value Added Tax
MFALS : Marginal Farmers and Agricultural Labourers Scheme
MRTP : Monopolies Restrictive Trade Practices
MOU : Memoranda of Understanding
MTA : Mid Term Appraisal
MTNL : Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited MIGA : Multilateral
Investment Guarantee Agency
MTAs : Multilateral Trade Agreements
MMR : Maternal Mortality Ratio
MCA : Minimum Compulsory Access
MFA : Multi Fiber AgreementNPAs : Non-Performing Asset
MWS : Million Wells Scheme
NPEGEL : National Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary
NFFWP : National Food For Work Programme
NIXI : National Internet Exchange of India
NRI : Non-Resident of India
NSSO : National Sample Survey Organisation
NABARD : National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NLBS : National Livestock Breeding Strategy
NRY : Nehru Rozgar Yojana
NPDP : National Pulses Development Programme
NIP : New Industrial Policy
NTPC : National Thermal Power Corporation
NCLT : National Company Law Tribunal
NSIC : National Small Industries Corporation
NEFS : National Equity Fund Scheme
NSIC : National Small Industries Corporation
NEF : National Equity Fund
NHDC : National Handloom Development Corporation
NAS : National Account Statistics
NHPC : National Hydro electric Power Corporation
NPCIL : Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited
NPE : National Policy on Education
NLM : National Literacy Mission
ONGC : Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
OPEC : Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OGL : Open General LicenseSIDC : Small Industries Development
PLR : Prime Lending Rates
POL : Petroleum Oil and Lubricants
PMRY : Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana
PTAs : Plurilateral Trade Agreements
PRGF : Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility
PCOs : Public Call Offices
PMIUPEP : Prime Minister’s Integrated Urban Poverty Eradication
PMGY : Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana
PMGSY : Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
PSUs : Public Sector Undertakings
PLF : Plant Load Factor
PSK : Parambhik Shiksha Kosh
PDS : Public Distribution System
R&D : Research and Development
RIDF : Rural Infrastructural Development Fund
RRBs : Regional Rural Banks
RWP : Rural Works Programme
RCTC : Risk Capital and Technology Corporation
RCF : Risk Capital Foundation
RPC : Rural Planning and Credit
SGRY : Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana
SIDBI : Small Industries Development Bank of India
SIDO : Small Industries Development Organisation
SCI : Shipping Corporation of India
SIDF : Small Industries Development Fund
SESUP : Self Employment Scheme for Urban Poor
SCBs : State Co-operative Banks
SFPP : Special Food Grain Production Programme
SIC : Sick Industrial Companies
SEBs : State Electricity Boards
SAO : Seasonal Agricultural Operations
SJSRY : Swarna Jayanti Shahri Rozgar Yojana
SJGSY : Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana
SME : Small and Medium Enterprises
SSA : Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
SEZ : Special Economic Zone
SBA : Stand By Agreement
SLR : Statutory Liquid Ratio
SRF : Supplemental Reserve Facility
SIL : Special Import License
TME : Technical Monitoring and Evaluation
TPDS : Targeted Public Distribution System
TDC : Technology Development Cell
TRAI : Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
TLC : Total Literacy Campaign TRC : Tax Reform Committee
TRYSEM : Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment
TRIPs : Trade
Related Intellectual Property Rights
TDICI : Technology Development and Information Company of India
TFCI : Tourist Finance Corporation of India
TM : Trade Mark
T&D : Transmission and Distribution
UNCTAD : United Nations Conference on Trade And Development
USEP : Urban Self Employment Programme
UNS : United Nations Survey
UWEP : Urban Wage Employment Programme
UTI : Unit Trust of India
VPT : Village Public Telephone
VAT : Value Added Tax
VAMBAY : Valmiki Ambadkar Awas Yojana
WFP : World Food Programme