Minster CE Primary School One Year Plan for PE and School Sport funding Sept 2015-6 Theme PE All children leave KS1 with basic physical literacy skills. All children in KS2 develop these physical literacy skills and apply them in a range of PE and school sport. Strand Teacher confidence/ delivery/CPD Current All staff had the requested dance and swimming CPD last year. Aim All members of staff are confident to delivery high quality PE. Provide opportunities for gymnastics and outdoor and adventurous CPD. Action KS1 and KS2 teachers to attend a course at Springboard gymnastic club after school in Autumn term. TK to organise an O and A day for YR-5 in the summer term when Y6 in Pencelli. Cost Cost of outside agency to deliver an O and A day. Leadership and management TK available to provide staff with support with planning, teaching and assessing PE if necessary. Provide staff with support for planning, teaching and assessing PE. TK to support staff with PE (ongoing). Supply cover for TK when needed Ensure whole school community are aware of the PE plan and how the money is being utilised. Monitor and evaluate teaching and learning of PE. TK to share PE plan with staff via DB in AutumnTerm. LT to share plan with governors at meeting and children in assembly in Autumn Term. LT to post plan on website in Autumn term. TK release time to do informal drop ins with PE governor in Spring Term. Evaluate teaching and learning in PE (ongoing). Impact Planning and assessment Resources School Sport All children to have the opportunity to take part and contribute in sporting competition. Extra-curricular provision All staff using the National Curriculum aims and subject content to plan and assess from. Staff use a range of schemes of work and resources to deliver PE. Consistency in planning and assessment across the whole school. TK complete the YST PE quality mark and school games kitemark in the Summer term. Supply cover to submit information. Achieved silver standard in the YST PE quality mark To achieve gold standards in the YST PE quality mark Achieved the school games bronze kitemark. More storage needed for playtime equipment. To achieve the school games silver kitemark Provide safe and adequate storage for playtime toys. Order new storage for playtime toys. Cost of storage. Better playtime toys needed for KS2. Provide KS2 with suitable playtime toys that are in good condition to encourage healthy active lifestyles. Order new KS2 playtime toys. Cost of toys. Both KS1 and KS2 have access to extracurricular sporting activities Ensure all children have access to extra-curricular sporting activities every term Staff to deliver extracurricular sporting activities throughout the year. Organise clubs strategically to ensure maximum participation. Staff time Staff and children are both involved in assessment and aware of their next steps in PE. Intra-school competition Inter-house sports day for whole school. Competitions within PE lessons. Organise an intra-school competition 3 times a year for KS1 and KS2. Develop the role of the YA’s and the Sports Crew to organise intra-school competitions 3 times a year to promote healthy active lifesyles. Time to meet with YA’s and Sports Crew. TK and LM to work alongside the YA’s and Sports Crew to help organise intra-school competitions. Inter-school competition Healthy, active lifestyle Engage all children in physical activity Links with Selwyn Widger and Kingdown School through School sports partnership. Links with Gay Butterworth and Warminster School. Provide opportunities for all children to take part in inter-school competitions. Continue to participate in inter-school competitions to encourage healthy lifestyles. Supply costs for staff to accompany children to sporting events. Organise B teams for as many sporting events as possible. Enter Y5,4 and 3 as B and C teams into as many sporting events as possible to gain silver kitemark. Transport costs to competitions. PE lessons All children have 2 hours of PE per week. Year 3 and 4 observed last year by TK and PE governor. All children are engaged in PE lessons. Monitor PE timetable. TK to do informal drop ins with PE governor of all staff who teach PE in the Spring term to check children are developing healthy active lifestyles. Supply cover for TK Lunch/break time activities One playground for all children. Some play equipment available. Provide all children with the opportunities to engage in physical activities during lunch/break times. TK to audit and purchase new play resources for KS2 to promote active healthy lifestyles. Time to meet with YA’s, buddies and sports crew. Intervention Year 3 and 4 Change for life club Year 6 Residential Bike it plus Sport relief Currently have bronze status Audit play resources and buy new equipment. YA’s, buddies and sports crew to teach children how to use play equipment appropriately. Develop the role of the YA’s, Sports crew and buddies. TK and LM to support YA’s, buddies and Sports Crew with this. Engage the disengaged in physical activity through the Peer Leader Program LM support YA’s and buddies to run the Peer Leader Program with Y1-4 For all children in Year 6 to take part in outdoor and adventurous activities during their residential Staff who accompany the children on their residential to ensure that all are Year 6 children are involved in outdoor and adventurous activities provided in the summer term To achieve silver status TK, ER and Bike it plus champions to work with Bike it plus representative to achieve silver status to help encourage children to lead a healthy active lifestyle. Possible supply cover cost for meetings For whole school to take part in a Sport Relief event Sports Crew to organise a Sport Relief event in the Spring term with support from TK and LM to Possible supply cover cost for meeting Possible supply lunch cover for LM . encourage healthy active lifestyles. Sports Crew Currently have a sports crew from Y46 To have a sports crew with members from all KS2 classes Y3’s to write applications and TK to read through them and choose members for Sports Crew in Autumn Term Time to read through applications