Louise Stoney Resume October 2013

Louise Stoney
1120 North Golfview Road
Lake Worth, FL 33460
Email: louise.stoney@gmail.com
Consulting Experience:
• State of Louisiana (Department of Education, DHS, ECAC) (January, 2013 – present) – Currently providing
technical assistance to state staff on ECE policy and finance. Prepared a report on ECE compensation
and policy options for the Louisiana Early Childhood Advisory Committee.
• Vermont Birth to Three (August, 2003 – present) – Lead a day-long symposium on Shared Services for
the Early Care and Education Industry, followed by telephone technical assistance on next steps.
• Opportunities Exchange (June, 2009 -- present) Helped to establish this non-profit organization to
facilitate shared services in the ECE industry; secured funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to
establish a start-up grants program for shared services; provide support for a national learning
community, a webinar series, an annual conference on shared services; provide content (profiles, issue
briefs, etc.) for the website. Conduct speeches and workshops. Provide TA via phone and email.
Worked on feasibility studies and/or Alliance start-up in Atlanta, GA; Philadelphia, PA; Nashville, TN;
New Orleans, LA; Miami, FL; Minneapolis/St Paul, MN; Detroit and Grand Rapids, MI; Seacoast
Region, NH; Camden, NJ; New Mexico and Mississippi. Assisted in creating a multi-media tool to
demonstrate how a shared service approach to staffing can improve program quality and address issues
of cultural and racial equity.
• BUILD Early Childhood (July, 2011 – present) Planned and co-lead Learning Tables on QRIS Finance
and Developing/Revising QRIS Standards. Served as a member of the technical assistance team
focused on planning and writing state applications for the Race To The Top – Early Learning
Challenge. After applications were submitted, did an analysis of Section B (QRIS) of all 37 applications
and provided TA to some states that received awards.
• Palm Beach Children’s Services Council (Feb, 2012 – Dec, 2012) Assisting the Council in revising Quality
Counts, the county-based QRIS. This work includes standards review/analysis and cost-modeling.
• The Ounce of Prevention Peer Learning Network (June, 2012 – present) Planning and delivering peer learning
webinars on ECE finance, preparing background resources on ECE finance, consultation on finance
in collaboration with National Policy Team consultants, site-based work with Louisiana policy makers.
• The Alliance for Early Success (September, 2012 – present) Serve as a member of the Rapid Response
team as well as a member of the National TA Network, with a special focus on ECE finance.
• Institute for Mental Hygiene (October, 2011 – August, 2013) Helped to plan an initiative aimed at
increasing the number of ECE programs in New Orleans and throughout Louisiana, that are able to
blend funding from multiple sources. Project will include policy analysis and new policy development,
cost modeling, and training/TA on new fiscal management approaches such as Shared Services.
• Committee for Economic Development (October, 2011 – July 2013) Currently serving as an advisor to the
Subcommittee on Early Childhood Education as they analyze policies and make recommendations.
Provided consultation and support for CED projects in New Mexico and Mississippi.
• New England Early Childhood Learning Network (October, 2012) Planned and lead a one-day seminar on
ECE finance, for policy makers, advocates and stakeholders in the States of New Hampshire, Vermont
and Maine.
• Portland Community Foundation (October, 2011) – Helped the foundation research Shared Services and
explore possibilities for launching an Alliance in Oregon, including a day-long meeting and
presentation with foundation staff and key ECE leaders in the State.
• W.K. Kellogg Foundation (March, 2011 – June, 2012) Assisted the foundation summarize lessons learned
from the Alternative Financial Models for Early Care and Education Cluster. Co-authored two issue
briefs on ECE finance strategies. Planned and conducted seminar on ECE finance, including preparing
power point presentations and handouts.
• The Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade (December, 2010 – December 2011) Helped develop, and
begin to implement, plans to reform the current QRIS to be more effective, efficient and able to reach
providers throughout the City.
• The Children’s Trust (November, 2010 - March, 2011) Provided consultation regarding revision to
Quality Counts, the Miami Quality Rating and Improvement System, including cost-modeling and
system redesign.
• The New Mexico Early Childhood Development Partnership (July, 2010 - present) Helped the partnership
prepare issue briefs, background memoranda and policy proposals for their membership (mostly
business leaders) as well as NM policy makers. Served as resource to the Finance Sub-Committee at
the NM ECE Summit. Continue to help craft next steps for ECE policy and finance.
• The New Mexico Association for the Education of Young Children (March, 2011) Prepared an issue brief
summarizing key points from five studies and/or surveys on New Mexico early care and education
services. Helped plan a statewide shared services initiative.
• Maine VOICES for Children (March, 2010 – June, 2012) Modeled cost of the Quality for ME, the state
quality rating and improvement system (in partnership with Anne Mitchell); worked with advocates
and administrators to craft new policy options; drafted proposal for Educare Central Maine as a hub
for shared services.
• William Penn Foundation (September, 2008 – December, 2013) Helped to conduct a feasibility study to
determine viability of launching shared services for early care and education providers in Philadelphia.
Helped to launch the initiative and currently provide on-going TA to the foundation as well as staff
engaged in implementing Shared Services in PA. Also helped reach out to the Heinz Endowments for
funding to extend Shared Services work statewide, and continue to deepen and extend that effort.
• North Carolina Partnership for Children (May – December, 2010) Helped to craft national benchmarks for
early care and education Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS)
• Brody Weiser Burns/Opportunities Exchange/ Annie E. Casey Foundation (April 2006 – June, 2009) Helped
the foundation frame an investment strategy for family child care in low-income neighborhoods.
Planned and led a consultative session on home-based child care alliances. Helped plan national
conference and launch national learning community on shared services. Currently conducting
feasibility studies for ECE shared service alliances in Atlanta and Baltimore. Also assisting Casey
Foundation in launching a national learning community on Family, Friend and Neighbor Care.
• Greater Twin Cities United Way (September, 2008 – March, 2009) Consultation to the Minnesota Early
Childhood Legislative Caucus, including planning and leading retreat, developing shared vision,
drafting legislative proposals, delivering speech at Summit and other outreach events.
• Kellogg Alternative Financing Consortium (November, 2008 – March, 2010) Provide consultation to statebased public and private sector leaders on ECE financing strategies. Helped craft school-readiness tax
credits & social marketing campaign in Louisiana. Helped develop financing and cost plans for Quality
Rating and Improvement Systems in Minnesota and Montana. Helped craft new public finance
strategies in Maine. Helped prepare memo on use of land grant and mineral trust funds for ECE.
• ICF International/NCCIC (June, 2009 – January, 2010) Conducted research, prepared best practice
summaries and reviewed/edited drafts of tool kit on Quality Rating and Improvement Systems.
• BUILD Early Childhood (July, 2009 – June, 2010) Provided staff assistance to New York BUILD team
and the Early Childhood Advisory Committee, sub-committee on Finance. Wrote issue brief on using
ARRA funding for Quality Rating and Improvement Systems.
• New York State Early Learning Council (Summer, 2009) Gathered and analyzed data on ECE supply,
quality and cost. Helped craft longer-term data collection strategy. Provided support for QRIS
planning team, including financing plan and cost estimates.
• University of Minnesota Center for Early Education and Development (October, 2007 – August, 2008) MacEvoy
Lecturer in Fall of 2007; Helped to plan and lead Family Impact Seminar for State Legislature in Spring
2008; Provide on-going consultation.
• Florida Agency for Workforce Innovation (January, 2008) Helped to plan and lead a Governor's summit
focused on early care and education finance.
• Connecticut Children's Cabinet (February, 2008) Helped to plan and lead a two-day meeting on developing
a quality rating and improvement system for early care and education providers.
• Westchester County Partnership for Early Care and Education (April, 2005 – March, 2010) Helped to form
this public-private partnership and assisted them in developing a research agenda to more fully
understand early care and education (ECE) markets in Westchester County. Worked with staff team
to release research findings, plan & conduct a retreat for ECE leaders, and create an initiative (called
ECE Forward) aimed at 'reinventing' the local ECE industry. Developed proposal for a bi-county,
early care and education shared services project. Currently analyzing public policy & finance to
determine potential opportunities and providing assistance with implementation of ECE Forward.
• The David and Laura Merage Foundation (May, 2007 – December, 2009) Helped this family foundation
launch a statewide early care and education shared service alliance support network, craft an early care
and education agenda for Colorado, identify and forge partnerships with other funders and key
stakeholders, and plan next steps for national work.
• Smart Start National Technical Assistance Center (April, 2003 – December, 2010) Designed and
implemented annual pre-conference sessions on early childhood finance reform (2003, 2004, 2005 and
2006), including writing issue briefs, identifying resource people and delivering keynote address (with
Anne Mitchell). Wrote a report on collective management of as a follow-up to the 2003 conference.
Provide on-going technical assistance on ECE finance including: quarterly email updates ("What's New
in ECE Finance"), conference calls on selected topics, and relevant research. Staff a new, national
learning community focused on shared services in ECE. Provide technical assistance to organizations
that received venture grants from the Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project.
• Cornell University, Department of City and Regional Planning and the Institute for Women's Policy Research
(January 2001 – September, 2010) Co-direct, with Professor Mildred Warner and Barbara Gault, Ph.D.,
the Linking Child Care and Economic Development project. This project seeks to frame child care as
economic development; demonstrate and quantify the economic returns that result from child care
investments; and craft innovative policy that uses an economic development frame to help finance and
promote high-quality early care and education. In additional to developing tools and resource materials,
the project works directly with state and local early childhood partnerships, sponsors an innovative
Venture Grants initiative and provides targeted technical assistance. Authored and co-authored
multiple papers and reports in connection with this project. Planned and led meetings for participants
from state and local child care and economic development agencies. Staffed the Venture Grant
initiative, including preparing RFP, leading review team, and offering support/follow-up to grantees.
• United Way of Anchorage (Alaska) Success By 6 Initiative (January – December, 2007) Provided consultation
on the development of an early care and education Quality Rating and Improvement System in Alaska.
• The BUILD Initiative (January 2005 – December, 2009) Serve as a resource person on early childhood
policy and finance, with special support to Pennsylvania.
• Early Learning New Hampshire/Partnership for Effective Early Learning - (February, 2007 – December, 2009)
Spoke with ECE leaders and policy makers about financing a market-driven ECE system; consulted
with a network of child care program directors seeking to form a management alliance. Helped this
group morph into a staffed shared services Alliance and connect with the national shared services
• South Carolina Office of First Steps (October, 2006 - December, 2007) Consult with Governor's Task
Force on ECE Quality Standards.
• VOICES for Connecticut's Children (January, 2007) Delivered testimony for VOICES 2007 budget
hearings; provided consultation on system reform and financing market-driven ECE.
• Tulane University Institute of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (November, 2006 - June, 2007) Helped draft legislation to create school readiness tax credits in the State of Louisiana; provided
background information on tax credits in general and ECE markets and quality rating systems in
• The Children's Trust of Miami Dade (with Abt Associates, June to December, 2006) Assisted the
Children's Trust in developing an implementation and financing plan for a child care Quality Rating
and Improvement System.
• National Conference of State Legislatures (November, 2005) Provided technical assistance to the Governor's
Commission on Early Care and Education, as well as Smart Start Colorado, on early care and
education finance and system reform.
• Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade/Monroe (October - December, 2005). Assisted in preparing a
sustainability plan for their proposed early care and education quality rating system.
• Wisconsin Regional Training Partnership (June - December, 2005) Helped plan and conduct a consultative
session, sponsored by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, on establishing an early care and education
private employer organization (PEO). Authored a summary of the meeting.
• United Way of America - (July, 2004 - June, 2005) Authored a paper on financing early care and
education Quality Rating Systems (QRS). Conducted a half-day session on QRS financing at the
Success by Six national meeting. Participated in a national conference call sponsored by United Way of
• Zero To Three, National Infant & Toddler Child Care Initiative (July 2004 - present) Provided technical
assistance on state planning and systems development, including working with state teams, reviewing
draft documents and conducting a workshop at the national conference.
• Pennsylvania Department of Education Early Learning Team BUILD Initiative (June, 2003 - December, 2004)
Planned and conducted four day-long meetings with the planning team in Harrisburg, PA (on July 1,
July 31, August 12 and August 19). Developed background memoranda on early care and education
issues and a draft model for overall system vision. Assisted in drafting BUILD work plan. Spoke to the
Pennsylvania Association of Child Care providers about the BUILD project. Served as a consultant to
the Rates Policy Task Force and wrote final report. Assisted the ELT in crafting a new ECE Quality
Improvement system and structure that links professional development, training, technical assistance
and Keystone STARS into an integrated approach to quality improvement.
• Rice University Baker Policy Institute , Texas Program for Society and Health (Summer, 2004) Co-authored a
book chapter on financing early care and education services.
• The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston State Center for Early Childhood Development (August,
2004) Provided consultation -- as part of an expert panel -- to TEEM staff working on a new school
readiness assessment system.
• National Association of Counties (January - April, 2003) Wrote a technical assistance paper entitled
Financing Early Care and Education Services: A Primer for County Leaders. Assisted NACO staff in planning
several workshops on early care and education finance.
• The Alliance for Early Childhood Finance (June, 1999 – present) Revised and expanded the 1997 catalog of
child care and early learning finance strategies from across the country. Established a web site on early
child hood finance (see publications list). Prepared the Digest of Early Care and Education Policy in
the United States -- a concise, state-by-state summary of information on public and private policy
activity relevant to early care and education. Continue to provide technical assistance to states, cities
and individual organizations seeking help on ECE finance-related issues.
• National Conference of State Legislatures (June, 2001 - May, 2002) Provided technical assistance to the
Colorado Child Care Commission. Co-authored a book on financing early care and education services.
• The Committee for Economic Development (March, 2001 – January, 2002) Served as a consultant to CED’s
Early Care and Education Project. Assisted in writing report on investments in universal preschool.
• The Education Commission of the States (Fall, 1996 – December, 2001) Prepared a paper on effective early
education policy in the states. Facilitated workshops and meetings on early education policy (Fall,
1996). Spoke with the Rhode Island State Legislature about effective strategies to support early care
and education services (March, 1999). Wrote an article for the quarterly journal, and developed a
workshop for the annual conference, on financing early care and education services (Summer, 2001).
Spoke with the Vermont State legislature about investing in early care and education (December,
• The Long Island Community Foundation (Summer 2001 – Winter 2002) Serve as a consultant to a group of
Long Island funders interested in working together to improve the quality of child care in Nassau and
Suffolk Counties. Prepared handouts and gave presentation on systemic changes that promote quality.
Facilitated meeting on child care and economic development.
• The Center for Early Care and Education (Fall, 2001) Prepared background paper on financing early care
and education in New York State. Participated in conference to create a "blueprint" for early care and
education in New York.
• Children's Action Alliance (June - December, 2001) Served as a consultant to the Arizona School
Readiness Task Force. Activities included providing information and resource materials on early care
and education initiatives in other states, drafting background memoranda on key issues, and
participating in telephone conference calls to plan and de-brief meetings.
• The David and Lucile Packard Foundation (December, 2000 - January, 2001) Assisted the foundation in
preparing a strategic plan for grantmaking in child care finance. Conducted interviews with grantees
and prepared report summarizing findings.
• The Southern Institute on Children and Families (June – December, 2000) Served as a consultant to a Task
Force on Access to Child Care Assistance. Conducted a 17-state survey on child care subsidy policies
and practices. Prepared a briefing paper and visual presentation on the status of child care in the nation
and the south.
• Lucent Technologies (March, 2000 – June, 2001 ) Provided technical assistance to grantees of the Lucent
Universal Preschool Initiative, including: speeches, briefing papers, workshops and telephone
• New York State Council on Children and Families (August, 1999 – April, 2001) Developed a training
curriculum on child care subsidies for the Head Start Collaboration Project. Delivered training, upon
request, at meetings and conferences across the state.
• Invest in Children (June – October, 2000) Planned and facilitated two meetings of this group, which is
comprised of child care providers, advocates and policy makers interested in exploring alternative
approaches to financing early care and education in the State of Massachusetts.
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (June – September, 2000) Co-authored a
paper on the role of early childhood program accreditation in state and federal policy.
• USA Group (January – May, 2000) Assisted the Learning Between Systems project plan and conduct a
meeting on exploring cost, subsidies and tuition in higher education and early care and education.
• The Oregon Early Care and Education Initiative (March – May, 2000) Assisted the initiative in identifying
potential funding sources for establishing an early childhood career development system.
• The Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning (May, 2000) Facilitated a day-long meeting
with the state child care resource and referral network that focused on new approaches to early
childhood program finance.
• The United Way of Nashville (September, 1999 to May, 2000) Facilitated day-long meeting with the
representative of Tennessee Success by Six initiatives to plan a statewide child care agenda. Provided
on-going telephone technical assistance.
• Action for Children (January, 2000) Provided technical assistance Ohio’s Financing Child Care Programs
Initiative, including two days of meetings and speeches and follow-up telephone consultation.
• The National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (December, 1999 – February, 2000)
Assisted in planning and conducting a day-long seminar on child care finance. This including writing
briefing papers, speaking on New Mirrors… and preparing a written summary of the meeting.
• The Child Care Council of Suffolk and Chemung County Child Care Council (September, 1999- April, 2000)
Assisted these two child care resource and referral agencies in thinking through the role of their
agencies in the 20th century. This included reevaluating many of their current services, looking for new
approaches and models from child care resource and referral agencies across the country as well as in
other fields, and providing technical assistance to the board and director.
• The Enterprise Foundation (July, 1997 – December, 1999) Assisted this national organization that finances
and builds low-income housing to develop a subsidiary company to spawn affordable child care in the
communities in which their affiliates work. Continue to serve as a consultant to Enterprise Childcare,
including such tasks as preparing resource materials on child care financing options and providing onsite analysis and technical assistance in target communities.
• The Connecticut General Assembly Commission on Children (January, 1999 – September, 2000) Served as a
consultant to a tri-state prekindergarten project that brings together individuals involved in
implementing prekindergarten programs in the states of Connecticut, New York and New Jersey.
• The Center for Career Development in Early Care and Education (1996- 2000) Prepared a technical assistance
“Action Pack” that individual states can use to identify and track funds (from a wide variety of
sources) available to support training for early childhood care and education practitioners. Worked
with staff in Colorado Governor Roy Romer's office to pilot test the approach and develop the tool in
a format that was helpful to states. Assisted 11 states in “mapping” the systems that finance training
(this was a follow-up to the action pack prepared in 1996.) Assisted in conducting an evaluation
designed to help Pennsylvania expand it’s statewide training system for child care practitioners into a
multi-disciplinary, early childhood career development system. Wrote final report. Served as a
consultant to the center on a wide range of financing and career development policy issues. Currently
representing the Center as a consultant to the State of Kansas Professional Development Initiative
• The United Way of America (March - July, 1999) Developed and taught a course, entitled Child Care
Subsidies 101, for individuals involved in United Way Success by Six initiatives throughout the United
• The Bush Center in Child Development and Social Policy at Yale University (September, 1998 – September,
1999) Served as a consultant to the Financing Early Care and Education Project, including conducting
a fifty state scan and descriptive analysis of selected states to identify states that are willing and able to
pilot new models of financing early care and education.
• The Horizon’s Initiative (May - September, 1998) Researched and wrote a report, funded by the James C.
Penny Foundation, on what early childhood leaders can learn from other fields. This includes an
analysis of public policy in higher education, housing, health care and transportation and a discussion
of how this work can contribute to policy development in early care and education.
• The Rauch Foundation (April, 1997) Researched and wrote a memorandum on successful initiatives that
link training and compensation for early care and education practitioners in states and communities
across the United States.
• Expanding Child Care Opportunities (October, 1997 - May, 1999) Worked with a consortium of banks
(including Chase and Citibank), the nonprofit facilities fund, and early childhood leaders on crafting an
initiative to help finance early care and education facilities in New York City and the state as a whole.
• The Shumann Fund For New Jersey (August - September, 1998) Assisted the Fund and the State of New
Jersey in designing a project to help early childhood care and education programs in achieving
• The Enterprise Foundation (June 1997 - December, 2000) Assisted in writing a business plan for a child
care financing project in communities where Enterprise finances or develops low-income housing.
Worked with local Enterprise offices, community development corporations and other local affiliates
to develop plans for expanding child care in low-income communities.
 United Way of Iowa (July - August, 1998) Assisted United Way of Iowa in developing a plan to assist a
group in inner city child care centers with financial and fiscal management.
• The San Francisco Starting Points Initiative (February - April, 1998) Assisted staff from Starting Points and
the Mayor’s Office of Children, Youth, and their Families in exploring possibilities for coordinating
the child care system in the City of San Francisco.
• Connecticut Department of Social Services (March - September, 1998) Assisted the department on
establishing child care rate policies and revising state child care regulations. This included researching
approaches used by other states.
• The National Association of Child Advocates (October 1997 – January 2000) Assisted in planning and
conducting a conference on child care financing. This included creating a tool to assist NACA affiliates
in estimating the demand for and potential cost of child care subsidies. Currently providing technical
assistance to NACA members on early childhood policy issues.
• Missouri Governor’s Commission on Early Childhood Care and Education (October 1997 - January 1998)
Assisted Resource and Investment Subcommittee in identifying strategies to finance early childhood
care and education and preparing recommendations to full commission. Assisted commission staff in
drafting final report.
• NOW Legal Defense Fund (October - December 1997) Assisted NOW LDEF in develop a strategy for
becoming involved in child care policy and the state and national level.
• Child Care, Inc/The Lawyers Alliance/The Nonprofit Facilities Fund (October 1997 - January 1998)
Conducting background research on financing child development facilities for a “strategy day”
sponsored by the ECCO (Expanding Child Care Opportunities) Project. Gave keynote speech and
facilitated discussion group at strategy day. Assisted in developing plan to implement
recommendations from participants.
• Alabama Department of Human Resources/Gulf Regional Child Care Management Agency - (November 1997)
Assisted the Department of Human Resources and the child care management agency network in
learning more about child care market rate surveys and rate policies used in other states. Assisted these
groups in developing a work plan for a new market rate survey and budget training with child care
• Hornby Zeller Associates (October 1997 - January 1998) Served as a consultant for the California Child
Care Resource and Referral System Outcome Study.
• The Finance Project/Governor’s Office, State of Colorado (April 1997 - September 1999) Currently serving as a
facilitator and resource person for a team of Colorado staff who are developing a plan to finance early
childhood services.
• Oklahoma Department of Social Services, Office of Child Care (April - June 1997) Gathered information and
prepared charts and memoranda on state polices regarding child care reimbursement rates, pre-service
training, and family child care provider recruitment and technical assistance. Assisted staff in analyzing
these data and crafting policy proposals.
• Kansas City Metropolitan Council on Child Care (May 1997) Provided technical assistance on restructuring
child care resource and referral governance and service delivery in the metropolitan Kansas City area.
• The School-Age Child Care Project at the Center for Research on Women (May 1997) Assisted in planning and
conducting a conference on Sustaining Community Out-of-School Time Collaboratives.
• National Association for the Education of Young Children (March 1997) Prepared a background paper on
child care financing and participated in a Cantigny retreat on financing high quality early childhood
• West Virginia Governor’s Cabinet on Children and Families (April 1997) Provided technical assistance to a
cabinet-level staff team working on early childhood financing issues.
• Cherokee Nation Child Development Services (January 1997) Assisted staff in developing the tribal child care
plan, including: research and technical assistance on specific issues, co-facilitating a two-day retreat,
and preparing a written summary of next steps.
• New Mexico Children, Youth & Families Department (January 1997) Provided technical assistance to staff
on a range of early childhood policy issues, including rates, fee scales, provider training, tax policy, and
financing issues in general.
• The Bush Foundation (Winter & Spring 1997) Provided background information and consultation on
child care financing issues and assisted in evaluating proposals.
• The Pew Charitable Trusts and the Ewing and Marion Kauffman Foundation (Summer 1996) Prepared an
illustrative catalogue of child care finance mechanisms currently used by cities and states.
• National Conference of State Legislatures (December, 1996) Provided technical assistance on welfare reform
and child care financing to NCSL’s Blue Ribbon Panel on Child Care.
• The National Child Care Research Consortium (sponsored by the Child Care Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Administration for Children and Families) (Throughout 1996) Provided staff support
services and technical assistance to a consortium of three research partnerships aimed at improving
state-level child care data collection and analysis; strengthening the relationships between universitybased researchers, child care administrators, and child care resource and referral agencies; and
expanding the understanding of child care markets and their relationship to public policy. Co-authored
a paper on how research can be used to help inform the policy decisions made by state child care
• National Center for Children in Poverty (Throughout 1996) Assisted the Center on several projects, which
include: 1) providing technical assistance to a group of urban child care administrators; 2) helping to
plan a national meeting on new ways to improve the quality of child care in informal, regulation
exempt settings; and 3) coordinating a research partnership to improve data collection and analysis in
the states of Illinois and Maryland.
• The Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services (November 1995 - March 1996) Conducted an
analysis of the child care resource and referral (CCR&R) services provided by a wide range of
organizations in the state. Assisted the department in exploring various options for expanding and
restructuring the Kansas CCR&R network.
• The David and Lucille Packard Foundation (Spring 1996) Co-authored an article on the current financing
of child care and early education programs and the impact of pending federal changes for the
Summer/Fall 1996 issue of The Future of Children.
• Trans-Management Systems Corporation (January - March, 1996) Assisted in preparing a resource guide for
state child care administrators on strategic planning in a block grant environment. Spoke on child care
market rates at ACF Region II child care conference, and market-driven approaches to child care
policy at the Region II conference. Facilitated a workshop on challenges to quality at the ACF national
planning conference for state child care administrators.
• Families and Work Institute (April to December, 1995) Served as a consultant to the New York City Task
Force on Child Care Funding (which was staffed by the Institute.) Responsibilities included: preparing
an analysis of the funding streams currently used to support operating costs in NYC early childhood
care and education programs, advising subcommittees on promising practices in other cities and states,
and guiding Task Force members in formulating and drafting recommendations.
• National Association for the Education of Young Children (September, 1995) Prepared and presented a paper
on the role of accreditation in public policy for an invitational conference sponsored by the National
Academy of Early Childhood Programs.
• Policy Analysis for California Education (January to March, 1995) Served as a resource on federal child care
initiatives to the AB2184 Child Care Task Force. The Task Force was established to develop a
seamless set of early childhood programs for California children and families. A series of memos,
which describe and analyze federal child care funds and programs, were prepared for members of the
task force.
• Iowa Child Care Congress Planning Committee (October, 1994 to May 1995) Assisted a public/private
partnership in planning and conducting a conference on community planning for early childhood care
and education services. Gave keynote address. Led workshops on conducting a community needs
assessment and developing an action plan.
• Vermont Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services (March and April, 1995) Provided technical
assistance to the Child Care Services Division in simplifying and streamlining the administration of
child care funds, maximizing the use of all available funds, and preparing a market rate survey for
family child care providers.
Macro International/ ACF Region I (February and March, 1995) Planned and conducted a two day
technical assistance forum for child care administrators in the states of Connecticut, Massachusetts,
Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. Topics included developing "seamless" subsidy
systems, maximizing funds, identifying policy issues and setting priorities, and conducting market rate
• Macro International/New Jersey Department of Human Services (January, 1995) Provided technical assistance
on monitoring contract agencies that administer child care subsidies and/or provide child care
resource and referral services. Prepared an overview of approaches used in other states, and lead
discussion of how the New Jersey approach could be revised.
• The Urban Institute (November, 1994 - January, 1995) Assisted in data collection and analysis for a
study on the price of child care. The study is being prepared for the Office of Family Assistance in the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
• Kansas Action For Children (June, 1994 - January, 1995) Assisted in planning and conducting a statewide
child care policy conference to design a multi-year plan for child care in Kansas.
• The Families and Work Institute (September - December, 1994) Assisted with a study of urban child care
payment systems. The study was designed to explore the strengths and weaknesses of contracts,
vouchers, and other child care payment systems and to use these lessons to inform policy in the City of
New York.
• J & E Associates/U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (March, 1993 to April 1995) Provided
on-site technical assistance to state child care administrators on such issues as: administering child care
funds, maximizing the use of all available funding streams, managing waiting lists, monitoring contract
agencies that administer subsidies, and other relevant issues. Prior assignments: Assisted in planning
and conducting symposia for state administrators on implementation of the federal child care and
development block grant. Gave keynote presentation on "Framing the Big Picture," a discussion of the
policy issues with which states must grapple as they begin to develop comprehensive early childhood
care and education systems. Led round table discussions on child care certificate programs and market
rate surveys.
• National Conference of State Legislatures (November, 1992 - 1999) Assisted in planning and conducting a
legislative symposium on state child care policy. Provided technical assistance on child care financing
issues to state legislators, legislative staff, and state agency representatives. Reviewed various written
reports and provide background information and assistance as needed.
• Center for Assessment and Policy Development (September, 1993 -1995) Serve as a resource to CAPD on
child care financing issues as part of an adolescent parent project, as well as other agency initiatives.
• The District of Columbia Early Childhood Collaborative of the Institute for Educational Leadership (December,
1993 - August, 1994) Prepared an analysis of and recommendations regarding the early childhood care
and education financing system in the District of Columbia. A major goal of this project is to maximize
the use of federal child care funds in the District.
• North Carolina Department of Human Resources (May, 1994) Provided technical assistance to staff in the
Division of Child Development, on such issues as: subsidized care reimbursement policies and
methods, market rate survey techniques, automation systems, and data collection needs and resources.
• Macro International, Inc. (May - June, 1994) Assisted in editing two reports, one on child care
management information systems and another on child care certificate (voucher) systems. Also assisted
in designing a survey on the automated systems states use to manage child care funds.
• The Children's Defense Fund (October, 1993 - June, 1994) Wrote a report on child care market rate
surveys and policies. Designed primarily as a technical assistance document for state policy makers, the
report also includes policy recommendations for the federal government. A discussion of the role of
child care providers, advocates, and child care resource and referral agencies in understanding and
responding effectively to market rate surveys and policies is included as well.
• American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (January, 1994) Co-authored a chapter (with Robert
Frawley) on how states can develop "seamless" child care subsidy systems, for an AEI book on
enhancing early childhood education services.
• National Center for the Early Childhood Workforce (April, 1994) Participated in a discussion on ECE
reimbursement rates and policies. Assisted in editing an article on the relationship between rates and
staff compensation in early childhood programs.
• Iowa Department of Human Services (May - August, 1993) Conducted an analysis of the Iowa child care
system, including such issues as: resource allocation, budgeting and encumbrance systems,
administrative structure, automation needs, service definitions, rate structure, market rate survey
methodology, central office and field staff functions. Prepared a detailed report on the Iowa child care
subsidy system. Provided technical assistance to DHS staff in developing new rules, regulations, and
• Kansas Corporation for Change (January - May, 1993) Conducted an analysis of the Kansas child care
subsidy system to explore such issues as: barriers to "seamless" funding, automation needs, and
resource allocation. Prepared a detailed report on the Kansas child care subsidy system. Provided
technical assistance to Kansas state legislators & SRS staff.
• Illinois Child Care Resource and Referral System/Illinois Department for Children and Family Services (January,
1993) Assisted in planning and conducting a training conference, entitled "Regulating Child Care to
Achieve Quality: A Shared Vision for CCR&Rs and DCFS." Audience was staff from CCR&R
agencies, DCFS licensing division, Office of Child Development, and the Department of Public Aid.
Focus was on how the agencies could work together to build a shared vision and promote quality care.
• National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (April, 1992) Conducted a study of child
care certificate (i.e. vendor/voucher) programs in five states. Planned and lead two day-long
presentations of the research, one at the annual NACCRRA conference, and another in conjunction
with the annual American Public Welfare Association conference.
• New York State Child Care Coordinating Council (August, 1991 - December, 1992) Prepared a report on
"seamless" funding, which examines the administration of child care subsidies in the state's local social
service districts. Provided consulting to NYSCCCC staff and membership on a host of policy
development issues, including: the child care provisions of welfare reform, child care regulatory issues,
child care resource and referral agencies, subsidy systems, start-up funds, collaborative programs, and
• Statewide Youth Advocacy (November, 1991) Prepared an historical analysis of child care expenditures
and an overview of current child care programs and services in New York State.
• Child Care, Inc. (March and May, 1992) Gathered data on claims and appropriations for child care
subsidies in New York City. Researched training aspects of welfare reform programs in NYC,
including identifying funding sources for programs which train public assistance recipients to become
child care staff.
2006 – Present President, Stoney Associates (see above for details on jobs & clients)
The National Child Care Information Center
State Technical Assistant Specialist
1987 - 1991
New York State Child Care Coordinating Council
Executive Director; Policy and Program Director
1985 - 1992
Center for Women In Government, State University of New York at Albany
Instructor, Seminar on the New York State Policy Making Process
1981 - 1986
New York State Assembly Task Force On Women's Issues
Legislative Staff Director
1980 - 1981
New York State Senate
Legislative Assistant
Appointed Positions:
2005 – 2009 Partnership for America's Economic Success
Advisory Committee
1990 - 1995
New York State Permanent Interagency Committee on Early Childhood
Chair, Subcommittee on Seamless Funding & Parent Access
1987 - 1989
Governor's Advisory Committee on Child Care
Chair, Subcommittee on Supply
1985 - 1986
New York State Commission on Child Care
SUNY at Stonybrook, School of Social Welfare
Master of Social Work, focus on social policy and administration
Honors: National Institute of Mental Health Traineeship
New York State Senate Fellow
SUNY at Stonybrook
Bachelor of Arts, Social Science Interdisciplinary
Honors: Phi Beta Kappa
Many short technical assistance papers, resource materials and power point presentations prepared by
Louise Stoney are available at www.earlychildhoodfinance.org
Stoney, L (2013) Early Care and Education Compensation and Policy Options for Louisiana. LA Early Childhood
Advisory Committee.
Stoney, L. (2012) Unlocking the Potential of QRIS: Trends and Opportunities in the Race-to-the-Top Early Learning
Challenge Applications (http://qrisnetwork.org/sites/all/files/resources/gscobb/2012-0307%2008:29/LouiseStoneyMemo.pdf)
Stoney, L. and Blank, S. (2011) Delivering Quality: Strengthening the Business Side of Early Care and Education.
Opportunities Exchange (www.opportunities-exchange.org)
Blank, S. and Stoney, L. (2011) Tax Credits for Early Care and Education: Funding Strategy for a New Economy.
Opportunities Exchange (www.opportunities-exchange.org)
Stoney, L. (2013) The Iron Triangle: A Simple Formula for Financial Policy in ECE Programs. Exchange,
March/April 2013. p.12 www.childcareexchange.com
Stoney, L. and Poppick, L. (2010) “Strengthening Early Care and Education.” Communities and Banking.
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Vol 21. N 4.
Stoney, L. (2009). “Shared Services: A Powerful Strategy to Support Sustainability of ECE Businesses.”
Exchange Magazine. September/October (31) 5: p.68-71. www.childcareexchange.com
Stoney, L and Mitchell, A.(2009) Maximizing Resources from the Stimulus Package: Possible Strategies for Funding
Quality Rating and Improvement Systems The Build Initiative. www.buildinitiative.org/files/QRISStimulus%20Final.pdf
Stoney, L and Mitchell, A.(2007) Using Tax Credits to Promote High Quality Early Care and Education Services
Washington, DC: Partnership for America's Economic Success.
Stoney, L. Mitchell, A. and Warner, M. Smarter Reform: Moving Beyond Single Program Solutions to an Early Care
and Education System. Community Development 37(2).
Stoney, L. (2005). A Consultative Session on Establishing an Early Care and Education Private Employer
Organization (PEO). Milwaukee: Wisconsin Regional Training Partnership.
Stoney, L (2005) Beyond the Comfort Zone: New Ideas for the Early Care and Education Industry. Ithaca, NY:
Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project.
Mitchell, A. and Stoney, L. (2008) "Financing Early Childhood Care and Education Systems: A StandardsBased Approach" in Nurturing The National Treasure: Childhood Education and Development Before
Kindergarten. Rice University Baker Policy Institute Texas Program for Society and Health.
Stoney, L. (2004). Investing in Early Care and Education: An Economic Development Strategy for Chemung County.
Elmira, NY: Chemung County Child Care Council.
Stoney, L. (2004) Financing Quality Rating Systems: Lessons Learned. Alexandria, VA: United Way of America
Success by 6.
Stoney, L. (2004) Collective Management of Early Childhood Programs: Approaches That Aim to Maximize Efficiency,
Help Improve Quality and Stabilize the Industry. Raleigh, NC: Smart Start National Technical
Assistance Center & Cornell University Linking Economic Development and Child Care
Research Project.
Stoney, L., Warner, M. and Klockowski, K. (2004.) The Child Care Industry: An Integral Part of Long Island's
Economy. Long Island, NY: Child Care Council of Nassau & Child Care Council of Suffolk.
Stoney, L (2004.) Framing Child Care as Economic Development: Lessons from Early Studies. Ithaca, NY: Cornell
University Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project.
Stoney, L., Warner, M. and Wooley, A. (2003). Investing in the Child Care Industry: An Economic Development
Strategy for Kansas. Kansas City, MO: Mid-America Regional Council..
Stoney, L. (2003.) Financing Early Care and Education Services: A Primer for County Leaders Washington, D.C:
National Association of Counties. (One of a series of papers included in the Early Childhood
Development Tool Kit for County Leaders.)
Stoney, L., Groginsky, S. and Poppe, J. (2002.) Investing in Our Future: A Guide to Child Care Financing.
Denver, CO: National Conference of State Legislatures.
Mitchell, A., Stoney, L. and Dichter, H. (2001.) Financing Child Care in the United States: An Expanded Catalog
of Current Strategies 2000 Edition. Kansas City: The Ewing and Marion Kauffman Foundation.
Stoney, L. and Daugherty, J. (2000.)“Reinventing” NAEYC Accreditation: A Public Policy Perspective.
Washington, DC: The National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Stoney, L. (2000.) Child Care in the Southern States: Expanding Access to Affordable Care for Low-Income Families
and Fostering Economic Development. Columbia, SC: The Southern Institute on Children and Families.
Stoney, L. (2000.) “Toward Solutions: Through the Child Care Funding Maze”, in Stepping Up: Financing
Early Care and Education in the 21st Century, Palo, Alto, CA: the David and Lucille Packard
Foundation and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
Stoney, L. (1999.) Public Policy Report. Looking into New Mirrors: Lessons for Early Childhood Finance
and System Building. Young Children 54(3): 54-57.
Stoney, L. (1997.) Looking Into New Mirrors: Lessons for Early Childhood Finance and System-Building, Boston,
MA: Horizon’s Initiative.
Stoney, L., Elliott, K.,Chung, A., Genser, A., and Raggozzine, D. (1997.) Common Threads: Weaving a
Training and Career Development System for 21st Century Pennsylvania. Boston, MA: Center for Career
Development in Early Care and Education.
Stoney, L. (1999) Giving Children a Strong Start: Effective Early Education Policy in the States. Denver, CO:
Education Commission of the States.
Mitchell, A., Stoney, L. (1997.) Financing Child Care in the United States: An Illustrative Catalog of Current
Strategies, Philadelphia, PA: the Pew Charitable Trusts and the Ewing and Marion Kauffman
Chung, A. and Stoney, L. (1997) Using Research to Improve Child Care for Low-Income Families. Vienna, VA:
National Child Care Information Center.
Stoney, L. and Greenberg, M. “The Financing of Child Care: Current and Emerging Trends” in The Future
of Children, Vol. 6, No. 2, Summer/Fall, 1996.Palo Alto, CA: David and Lucille Packard
Stoney, L. (1996.) Financial Resources for Training Action Pack, Boston, MA: The Center for Career
Development in Early Care and Education.
Stoney, L., Merzon, F. and Mitchell, A. (1996) Moving Forward: Future Directions For The Kansas Child Care
Resource And Referral System. Topeka, KS: Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitative Services.
Stoney, L. (1996) “The Role of Accreditation in Public Policy” from NAEYC Accreditation: A Decade of
Learning and the Years Ahead, edited by Sue Bredekamp and Barbara Willer. Washington, DC:
Frawley, R. and Stoney, L. (1996.) “Toward Seamless Administration” by, from Enhancing Early Childhood
Programs: Burdens and Opportunities, edited by Douglas J. Besharov. Washington, DC: CWLA Press
and American Enterprise Institute..
Stoney, L. (1996.) New York City Temporary Task Force on Child Care Funding Final Report, NYC, NY: The
Families and Work Institute.
Stoney, L. (1995.) Statewide Child Care Policy Conference: Report on Conference Proceedings and Action Plan. Topeka,
KS: Kansas Action for Children, Inc.
Stoney, L. (1994.) Maximizing Funds For Early Childhood Care and Education Services in the District of Columbia,
Washington, DC: Early Childhood Collaborative.
Stoney, L. (1994.) Child Care Reimbursement Rates and Their Impact on the Early Childhood Work Force
Washington, DC: National Center for the Early Childhood Workforce, a working paper prepared
Stoney, L. (1994.) Promoting Access and Quality: Critical Steps in Conducting Child Care Market Rate Surveys and
Establishing Rate Polices. Washington, DC: Children's Defense Fund.
Stoney, L. (1993.) Child Care Financing In Iowa: Maximizing Funds, Coordinating Services and Structuring Rates
Des Moines, IA: Iowa Department of Human Services.
Stoney, L. (1993.) Improving the Kansas Child Care System. Topeka, KS: Kansas State Legislature and the
Corporation for Change.
Stoney, L. (1992.) Creating a Seamless System: A Look at the Administration of Child Care Funds In New York
State Local Social Service Districts. Albany, NY: New York State Child Care Coordinating Council.
Stoney, L. and Genser, A. (1992.) Establishing Effective Certificate Programs: Issues for States, Washington, DC:
National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies.
Stoney, L. (1992) The New York State Children's Budget Book 1992-93, Albany, NY: Statewide Youth
Advocacy, Inc. (Wrote chapter on child care.)
Stoney, L. (1991.) Maximum Day Care Reimbursement Rates and Income Ceilings: A County by County Survey.
Albany, NY: New York State Child Care Coordinating Council.
Stoney, L. (1990.) Service to Low-Income Families: The Role of A Child Care Resource and Referral Agency. Albany,
NY: New York State Child Care Coordinating Council.
Stoney, L. (1990.) Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies as Administrators of Child Care Subsidies: A New York
Perspective. Albany, NY: New York State Child Care Coordinating Council.