The Praxis 1 Exam & VCLA Exam Toolkit Thank you for taking the time to read this information! Hopefully, it will help you navigate the process of understanding the process of taking both the Praxis 1 & Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) Exams. The Praxis 1 Exam is comprised of three tests: Reading, Writing, and Mathematics. These tests measure basic skills in each of these areas. In addition to licensure, these tests are often used to qualify candidates for entry into a teacher education program. The Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) Exam measures the communication and literacy skills necessary for Virginia educators. It is comprised of two tests: Reading and Writing. The reading subtest is designed to measure comprehension and analysis of readings, outlining and summarizing skills, and the ability to interpret tables and graphs. The writing subtest is designed to measure the development of ideas in essay form on specific topics and the mastery of grammar, mechanics, and vocabulary. There has been new legislation passed in 2010 regarding the Praxis 1 Exam and the VCLA Exam. This affects students who are applying to the Teacher Preparation Program for Spring 2011 admission and later. The new option allows students to take the Praxis I Mathematics subtest (minimum score of 178) or SAT Math subtest (score of 510 before April 1, 1995 or score of 530 after April 1, 1995) or ACT Math subtest (score of no less than 21 before April 1, 1995 or score of no less than 22 after April 1, 1995) and the VCLA (score of 470) for admission to teacher preparation. This change results in a savings for students as the Praxis I Reading and Writing subtests will no longer be required for those who select this option Teacher education majors are already required to pass the VCLA but may now take it earlier in their programs and use it for admission to teacher preparation. Of course, students may still take the PRAXIS 1 in its entirety as an option. See below for minimum passing scores. Praxis 1 Exam There are two settings available to take the Praxis 1 Exam: Computer-based testing OR Paper-based testing. Paper-based Testing: Upcoming Dates to take the paper-based Praxis 1 Exam at VCU: November 12, 2011 January 14, 2012 March 10, 2012 April 28, 2012 July 21, 2012 Registration: Registration Deadlines2 Test Date 1 Regular Extended Emergency Outside U.S. Monday Testing 11/12/11 10/13/11 10/20/11 11/4/11 9/15/11 9/29/11 1/14/12 12/15/11 12/22/11 1/6/12 11/17/12 12/2/11 3/10/12 2/9/12 2/16/12 3/2/12 1/12/12 1/26/12 4/28/12 3/29/12 4/5/12 4/20/12 3/1/12 3/15/12 7/21/12 6/21/12 6/28/12 7/13/12 5/24/12 6/7/12 1. Not all test centers are open on all test dates. o Accommodations for test takers whose primary language is not English are only offered on January 14, 2012 and April 28, 2012. 2. Registrations must be received by ETS by the deadlines listed above. o Extended Registration fee: $45. o Emergency Registration deadline fee: $75. o Emergency Registration is only available with online registration. o Outside U.S. deadlines also apply to test takers in U.S. Territories (except U.S. Virgin Islands). 3. Scores are available via phone and online. o Test takers will access their scores online. Login to your Praxis Profile to view your score report. o Test takers can get test scores early by utilizing the Scores by Phone service for an additional $30 fee. *You can register for the paper-based test either online ( or by mail Computer-based Testing: The computer-based test is only offered at the Prometric Testing Center (Monday-Friday, year-round). Address: 11547 Nuckols Road, Suite B Glen Allen, VA 23059 Phone number: (804) 346-8777 Customer Service: 1-800-853-6773 *Register online at or call the Prometric Center’s Customer Service number: 1-800-853-6773 Pricing: Paper-based Tests: Reading test-$40 Mathematics test-$40 Writing test-$40 Computer-based Tests: (A person can only take each PRAXIS I Test once every 30 days and must not exceed 6 times in 1 year) Reading, Writing, and Mathematics-$80 (each; if taken separately) Reading, Writing, and Mathematics-$120 (2 of the 3 tests)* Reading, Writing, and Mathematics-$160 (for all 3 tests)* Reading, Writing, and Mathematics-$130 (combined tests)* *Must register for tests at the same time, during the same telephone call Length of Tests: All individual tests have a timing session of 2 hours, BUT each test’s duration is only 1 hour (Reading, Writing, Mathematics) and strictly timed. This includes both computer and paper testing options Test Code Duration Session Timing Praxis I: Reading 5710 1 hour 2 hours Praxis I: Mathematics 5730 1 hour 2 hours Praxis I: Writing 5720 1 hour 2 hours Praxis I: Combined Test* 5750 4 hours* 4.5hours* 6 hrs. total* 4 ½ hours are allotted to take the combined test versus 6 hours if taking each part separately When Can I Receive My Scores? Paper-based Test: Score Release Dates: Test Date Approximate Score Reporting Dates: 11/12/2011 12/6/2011 12/16/2011 1/14/2012 2/7/2012 2/14/2012 4/3/2012 4/10/2012 5/22/2012 5/29/2012 8/14/2012 8/22/2012 Praxis I® 3/10/2012 and Praxis II® 4/28/2012 Paperdelivered 7/21/2012 Tests *MC = Multiple Choice **CR = Constructed Response (includes MC/CR and CR in reporting date) Computer-based Test: Reading & Mathematics portion: Receive test scores 10 business days after the test date by phone Approximate score reporting date is 2-3 weeks after test date Writing portion: Receive test scores 15 business days after the test date by phone. Approximate score reporting date is 2-3 weeks after test date How Do I Receive My Scores? (BOTH TYPES OF TESTS) Online: Your official score report will be available online via your My Praxis account on the score release date. Your scores will also be sent to up to three institutions/agencies you selected during the registration process. (*You need a hard copy*) Online scores are now downloadable for 45 calendar days. After 45 days, they will no longer be available and you will need to request additional score reports for a $40 fee (per request). Save a copy of your score report for future reference. Note: if you registered online for a computer-delivered test or registered by phone or mail, you must create a My Praxis account in order to access your scores. Test takers who registered online for a paper-delivered test have already created an account. Phone: Scores are also available to you slightly earlier than the score release date by phone for a $30 fee (per request). Note: Scores are not reported to institutions or agencies by phone. The phone service is for your information only. You will need the following to access our automated service: your Social Security number or candidate ID number your date of birth Your test date A valid credit card (VISA, Mastercard, AmEx) ETS keeps all test results on individuals for 10 years From the United States, U.S. Territories* and Canada: Call 1-877-ETS-TEACH (1-877-387-8322) Hours: 8 a.m. – 9:30 p.m., Eastern Time (New York), seven days a week Scoring Information: Virginia Department of Education Passing Test Scores for Admission into Teacher Prep. Reading: 178 *Composite: 532 Writing: 176 Math: 178 **IMPORTANT: Individuals may meet the Praxis I assessment requirement by achieving the scores established by the Board of Education on each of the three Praxis I tests individually OR by achieving the established composite score on all three tests combined. A minimum score on each test is not required as long as the composite score is achieved. SAT Substitute: Acceptable SAT scores as substitute for Praxis 1: Verbal (450), Math (510), Total (1000)-Prior to 4/1/1995 Verbal (530), Math (530), Total (1100)-After 4/1/1995 ACT Substitute: (We are currently looking into the scoring as the numbers don’t add up) Acceptable ACT scores as substitute for Praxis 1: English + Reading (37), Math (21), Composite (21)-Prior to 4/1/1995 English + Reading (46), Math (22), Composite (24)-After 4/1/1995 Student Services in the School of Education (SOE): 1) SOE does not receive a hard copy of the scores. Therefore, students ARE required to provide a hard copy of their scores when applying for admission to teacher preparation, student teaching, and teacher licensure through the Virginia Department of Education. 2) Scores are no longer being mailed to students. They must visit and sign into "MyPraxis" and save the scores to their computer and print the scores themselves. Students are given a 45 day window from the day the scores are reported to print their scores. If they do not print the scores within that 45 day window, then they will have to pay $40 to have ETS mail the scores to them. 3) SOE must have a hard copy of all score reports. NO EXCEPTIONS. Resources for the Praxis 1 Exam: Kaplan PRAXIS (current edition) Barron’s Praxis 1/PPST (R. Postman) The Praxis Series Official Guide (ETS) Practice questions at Barnes & Noble and Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) Exam What’s on the VCLA Exam? The VCLA has a reading subtest and a writing subtest. The reading subtest is designed to measure comprehension and analysis of readings, outlining and summarizing skills, and the ability to interpret tables and graphs. It consists of approximately 40 multiple-choice items. The writing subtest is designed to measure the development of ideas in essay form on specific topics and the mastery of grammar, mechanics, and vocabulary. Consists of approximately 40 multiple-choice items 3 short-answer items A written summary assignment, And a written composition assignment Passing Scores: The board approved a score of 235 for the reading subtest, a score of 235 for the writing subtest, or a composite score of 470 for the assessment. Individuals may meet the VCLA assessment requirement by achieving the scores established by the Board of Education for each of the two VCLA subtests--reading and writing--or by achieving the established composite score. The cut scores are effective immediately and will apply retroactively to all VCLA examinations taken since January 2006. Options for Taking the VCLA: Computer-based testing: Offered for both the reading and writing subtests You may register to take either or both VCLA subtests on computer. Test sessions are four hours in length; examinees must report to the test center 30 minutes before their scheduled testing time to be signed in. Test sessions are by appointment and are scheduled by examinees (see "Internet Registration"). If you register for both VCLA subtests, you will be assigned to complete both subtests during one four-hour test session. If you register for only one subtest, you will have the full four-hour test session to complete the subtest. If you wish to register for both subtests and you wish to take each subtest in a separate fourhour test session, you must submit a separate registration for each subtest. Please note that the registration processing fee is charged for each registration submitted (see "Test Fees and Payment Policies") and that there can be no guarantee that the two test sessions can be scheduled consecutively. Paper-based testing: is only offered in the morning for both the reading and writing subtests. The VCLA is conducted in morning test sessions that are four hours in length. The session has a reporting time of 7:30 a.m. and ends at approximately noon. You may register to take one or both of the VCLA subtests (the reading subtest and writing subtest) during this test session. If you register for both VCLA subtests, you will be assigned to complete both subtests during one four-hour test session. If you register for only one subtest, you will have the full four-hour test session to complete the subtest. What to consider when choosing which to take: Consider if you are a morning person or not and whether you test well using a computer or not. If you register to take both subtests, you will be required to complete both in the four-hour time allotment. If you sign up for just one subtest, you will have the full four hours to complete it. Available Testing Formats Test and Test Code Computer-Based Testing VCLA reading subtest (091) VCLA writing subtest (092) Paper-Based Testing (morning session only) (morning session only) Registration Information: VCLA Computer-based testing: Available Monday-Saturday at Pearson VUE Testing Centers in these Virginia locations: Lynchburg, Newport News, Richmond, Roanoke, and Vienna. There are no registration deadlines; however, you should plan to register as early as possible before your desired test date, as seating is limited. Official score reports will be mailed within 10 business days of your test date. To schedule your test, you must have registered at the Evaluation Systems VCLA website and received your Authorization to Test. After you receive your Authorization to Test, you may schedule your test online 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Richmond Location: 3900 Westerre Parkway Suite 202 Richmond, VA 23233 United States VCLA Paper-based testing: Test Area and Code Sept. 24, 2011 Test Dates and Test Area Availability Nov. 5, Jan. 21, March 24, May 12, 2011 2012 2012 2012 July 14, 2012 Blacksburg area (002) Charlottesville area (003) Danville area (004) Emory area (005) Harrisonburg area (006) Lynchburg area (007) Norfolk area (008) Northern Virginia area (001) Richmond area (009) Roanoke area (010) Winchester area (011) Wise area (012) When registering, indicate your test area choice. Your specific test site will be determined based on availability and appropriateness of facilities for test administration and will be within the areas listed but not necessarily within the actual city limits. Register as early as possible to increase your chances of being assigned to a test site within your first-choice area. When registering by mail, be sure to select a second-choice test area in case space is not available at a test site within your first-choice area. Every effort is made to assign you to your first or second choice test area; however, this may not be possible, as test site assignments depend upon available space. A request to be assigned to a specific testing facility within a test area or a request to be changed from one testing facility to another within the same test area cannot be accommodated. The name and address of your test site assignment will be provided on your admission ticket. Register as early as possible to increase your chances of being assigned to a test site within your first-choice area. When registering by mail, be sure to select a second-choice test area in case space is not available at a test site within your first-choice area Paper-based testing is offered at six test administrations per program year. Refer to the following table for registration options and deadlines for each test administration. Test Date Regular Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline (additional fee applies) Emergency Registration Deadline Score Report Date (additional fee applies) September 24, 2011 November 5, 2011 January 21, 2012 August 26, 2011 October 7, 2011 September 2, 2011 October 14, 2011 September 20, 2011 November 1, 2011 January 17, 2012 October 21, 2011 December 2, 2011 February 17, 2012 April 20, 2012 December 23, December 30, 2011 2011 March 24, 2012 February 24, March 2, 2012 March 20, 2012 2012 May 12, 2012 April 13, 2012 April 20, 2012 May 8, 2012 June 8, 2012 July 14, 2012 June 15, 2012 June 22, 2012 July 10, 2012 August 10, 2012 The deadline for submission of requests and all necessary documentation for alternative testing arrangements is the regular registration deadline. Because of space, staff, and time constraints, there can be no assurance that requests received after this deadline can be accommodated. Internet Registration All registration periods. To register on the Internet, your registration must be completed by 5:00 p.m. eastern time on the registration deadline for the period. U.S. Mail Registration Regular and late registration periods only. To register by mail during the regular registration period, your registration materials must be postmarked by the regular registration deadline. During the late registration period, your registration materials must be received by 5:00 p.m. eastern time on the late registration deadline. Telephone Registration Emergency registration period only. To register by telephone, call (866) 613-3292 or (413) 2562888 , 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. eastern time, Monday–Friday, excluding the following holidays: September 5, 2011; January 16, 2012; and July 4, 2012. You must call by 5:00 p.m. eastern time on the emergency registration deadline. Scheduling You may schedule your test appointment online 7 days per week, 24 hours per day. First-time test takers must create a Pearson VUE web account. When creating your account and scheduling your test, be sure to have your Authorization to Test available because you will be asked to provide your ID number. You will be sent an email from Pearson VUE with your new account information. Test appointments are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and seating is limited. After you schedule your test appointment, Pearson VUE will send a confirmation letter listing your test date, your testing time, the address and phone number of the test center, and directions to the test center. Registration Checklist (Paper-based Testing): 1. Review your registration options. Task Refer to: Select the test(s) you want to take. "Test Selection" Select a test date. "Test Dates" Select a test area. "Test Sites" Select a registration method—Internet, U.S. mail, or telephone. Depending on the registration period (regular, late, or emergency), you have the following choices: "Registration Options" Regular Late Emergency Prepare your payment. "Test Fees and Payment Policies" Credit card—VISA or Check or money MasterCard only order—do not send cash. 2. Gather the personal information you need to register. When you register, you will be asked to provide the following information: Name Address Daytime telephone number (required for Internet registration) Social security number (required for Internet registration) Date of birth (required to access your unofficial scores on the Internet) E-mail address (required for Internet registration) Race/Ethnicity (optional) Gender (optional) 3. Review the background questions. When you register, you will be asked to answer some background questions. Refer to "Background Questions" to prepare answers to the questions you will be asked during registration. 4. Review the Rules of Test Participation. Before you register, you must read and agree to abide by the policies stated in "Compliance with Testing Rules," including the Rules of Test Participation, and all procedures and policies contained in the 2010–2011 VCLA and VRA Registration Bulletin. Prices: Test Registration Fees Paper-based testing registration processing fee $30 Computer-based testing registration processing fee $50 VCLA reading subtest $40 VCLA writing subtest $40 Late registration fee $30 Emergency registration fee $70 Additional Service Fees Change of registration fee for paper-based testing $15 Fee for additional copy of test results (per copy) $10 Rescoring fee (per test/subtest) $50 Fee to clear an account (for example, due to a disputed credit card charge) $20 Payment Methods The fees for Internet registration, telephone registration, and changes to registration made on the Internet must be paid using a credit card (VISA or MasterCard only) or a debit or check card that carries the VISA or MasterCard logo and that can be used without the entry of a personal identification number (PIN). Bank cards without a VISA or MasterCard logo cannot be accepted. The merchant name that will appear on your credit card statement is "Eval Systems Test Fee." The fees for registration by U.S. mail and other services requested by mail ("Additional Service Fees" in the table above) must be paid by check or money order. Checks and money orders must be made payable to Evaluation Systems in U.S. dollars. Please write the last five digits of your social security number on your payment. Do not send cash. What to Expect on Test Day: It is recommended that you arrive to your Computer-based testing site 30 minutes early. Please arrive to your paper-based test site on time. If you arrive late, you may not be admitted. Dress in layers and wear soft-soled shoes. You get a bathroom break, but it is part of your testing time. Do not bring cell phones, food or drink As part of the identity verification process for the Computer-based test, your fingerprint or palm scan, photograph, and electronic signature will be taken at the test center. These will be used only for the purpose of identity verification. If you do not allow your fingerprint, photograph, or electronic signature to be taken, you will not be allowed to test and you will not receive a refund or credit of any kind. The following are prohibited at the test site: Smoking and the use of all tobacco products Visitors, including relatives, children, and friends Weapons of any kind For computer-based testing, any personal items that you bring to the test center must be stored in a locker outside the testing room during the test. This includes watches, wallets, and purses in addition to the prohibited materials listed below. Prohibited Materials DO NOT bring any unauthorized aids or prohibited materials, listed below, with you to the test site. If you do bring any of these materials, you will be required to leave them in a designated area. Cell phones (possession or use of) Electronic communication devices, visual or audio recording or listening devices or any device with an on/off option, including, but not limited to, MP3 players, PDAs, pagers, computers, CDs, removable storage devices, calculator watches, clocks or watches with alarms, spellcheckers, etc. Calculators and calculator manuals Handwritten or printed materials, such as dictionaries, notebooks, scratch paper, textbooks, etc. Packages and bags of any kind, such as backpacks, briefcases, etc. Hats or headwear, except those being worn for religious or medical purposes Food and drink, except, for paper-based testing only, water in approved containers as described in "Reporting to the Test Site" Unauthorized aids, such as slide rules, rulers, translation aids, highlighters, etc. What to Bring: Computer-based Testing: You must bring the following personal identification to the test administration: One piece of current, government-issued identification printed in English, in the name in which you registered, bearing your photograph and signature Acceptable forms of government-issued identification include photo-bearing driver’s licenses and passports. The Department of Motor Vehicles provides acceptable photo-bearing identification cards for individuals who do not have a driver’s license. One secondary piece of identification (with or without a photograph) Acceptable forms of secondary identification include student and employee identification cards, social security cards, draft classification cards, and credit cards. Paper-based Testing: Your admission ticket Several sharpened #2 pencils with erasers (no pens) and no pencils will be given out at the test site Proper Identification: see above During and After the Test: The test session is designed to allow sufficient time for sign-in, distribution of materials, and communication of directions before testing begins, and for completion of the test(s) by examinees. Some examinees may finish testing well before the scheduled ending time of the test session. However, you should be prepared to use the entire test session. You will be allowed no more than the allotted time to complete the test(s). During testing, you may take restroom breaks. Any time that you take for restroom breaks is considered part of the available testing time. You may not leave the testing facility or room in which you have been seated for any purpose (other than to use the restroom, as permitted) until your test materials have been collected and you have been officially dismissed by a test administrator. During the test administration, you may not communicate with other examinees or any unauthorized persons in any way, either in person or by using any communication device. For computer-based testing, the following procedures also apply: A nondisclosure agreement will be presented to you on computer after you sign in at the test center. It will ask you to indicate your agreement to the conditions set forth in the current registration bulletin, including the Rules of Test Participation for Computer-Based Testing and the rules communicated to you orally or in writing at the test administration. You will have five minutes to read and accept the terms of this nondisclosure agreement. If you do not respond within five minutes, or if you indicate that you do not accept the terms of the agreement, your test session will terminate and you will not be permitted to test. Examinees will be monitored at all times by video and audio recording. If you leave the testing room at any time during the test (e.g., to take a restroom break), your finger or palm scan will be taken when you leave and when you re-enter the testing room. Dismissal from the Test: Once you have been officially dismissed from a test session, you must leave the testing facility. If you are taking another test during a later session, return to the testing facility at the reporting time indicated on your VCLA CBT confirmation or your admission ticket. You may wish to bring something to eat between test sessions; however, eating is not permitted in the testing rooms. When you have completed testing or when the test session ends, whichever occurs first, your test materials will be collected and you will be dismissed from the test session. See "Test Selection" for test session reporting and dismissal times and test session length. Should you become ill and unable to finish testing, you may be dismissed before the end of the test session. In this case, your scores will be reported unless you request in writing that your scores be canceled as described in "Canceling or Voiding of Test Scores." Submitting Comments: The Virginia Department of Education and Evaluation Systems employ stringent quality-control procedures in preparing test materials. However, if you have comments about the test site or the conditions under which you took a test, please submit your comments in a letter sent to Evaluation Systems at the address indicated in "Contact Information" no later than seven days after your test date. Obtaining Scores: Your test scores will be reported to you, the Virginia Department of Education, and the institution that you indicated when you registered. Your score report will be mailed on the score report date published in "Test Dates." Your scores are reported directly to the Virginia Department of Education; however, please submit a copy with your application for licensure. Keep a copy for your permanent records. Under some circumstances, scores may not be available on the score report date. For example: Scores for newly developed or redeveloped tests may be delayed in order to set passing standards. Any such delays are noted in "Test Dates." Some individuals' scores may be delayed due to problems with registration or other matters. In addition, your scores will be delayed if there are problems with your payment, and your scores may be permanently voided if you have any outstanding balance owed by you to Evaluation Systems after a test administration for which you were registered. See "Test Fees and Payment Policies" for more information. Internet Posting of Unofficial Scores: Unofficial scores for VCLA computer-based testing will be available on the Internet within 10 business days of your test date. Unofficial scores for paperbased testing will be available on the Internet at 5:00 p.m. eastern time on the score report dates listed in "Test Dates." For each test date, unofficial scores will be available on the Internet for approximately two weeks. For security reasons, unofficial scores may be viewed only once on the Internet during the posting period. Unofficial scores are available to you on the Internet regardless of your registration method. However, you must provide your date of birth when you register in order to be able to retrieve your unofficial scores. If you register on the Internet, you may also request that your unofficial scores be sent to you by email. To access your unofficial scores on the Internet, select "Score Reporting" on the VCLA and VRA Web site and follow the instructions provided. You will be required to provide your date of birth and your examinee identification number, which is found on your Authorization to Test (for computer-based testing) or on your admission ticket and/or registration confirmation e-mail (for paper-based testing). Scores are available on the Internet and by e-mail solely to provide you with preliminary, unofficial notification of your passing status as quickly as possible. Unofficial scores sent by e-mail or posted on the Internet are not acceptable substitutes for an official score report. Official Examinee Score Reports If you took the VCLA on computer, your official score report will be sent to you by U.S. mail within 10 business days of your test date. For VCLA and VRA paperbased testing, your official score report will be sent to you by U.S. mail on the score report date published in "Test Dates." Your score report will be sent to the address that you provided during the registration process. If you wish to have your score report sent to a different address, you may request a change to your address by calling Evaluation Systems before the test (for computer-based testing) or completing a Registration Information Correction Form at the test site on the day of the test (for paper-based testing). For each test you took, your score report provides information about your passing status and other performance information. See "VCLA and VRA Passing Requirements" for detailed information on the passing requirements for the VCLA and VRA tests. Your score report is accompanied by an explanation of how to read your score report. A score report explanation is also available by selecting "Score Reporting" on the VCLA and VRA Web site. If you have not received your score report two weeks after the score report date, call (866) 613-3292 or (413) 256-2888. Under no circumstances will your official score report information be released in person or by telephone, fax, or e-mail. References (VCLA)