Spanish Final Exam Review

Spanish Review Packet
By Tim Mercurio
Part I: Basic Spanish Phrases/Words
1. Who – Quien
2. What – Que
3. When – Cuando
4. Where – Donde
5. To Where – A Donde
6. Why – Cómo
7. How/Like – Como
8. If – Si
9. Yes – Sí
10. No – No
11. About – Sobre
12. Why – Por Que
13. Because – Por Que
14. To Be – Ser/Estar
15. Never – Nunca
16. Always – Siempre
17. But – Pero
18. Until – Hasta
19. Tomorrow – Manaña
20. Today – Hoy
21. Here – Aquí
22. There – Allí
23. Everyone – Todo El Mundo
24. All day – Todo El Día
Part II – Basic Grammatical Elements in Spanish
1. When you are talking about a specific person when they are not present, use “él or
la” (depending on whether they’re male or female) before their name.
a. Example: Él Señor Clarke trabaja aquí.
2. Difference Between El and Él: el means “the” while él (notice accent) means
3. Difference Between Tu and Tú: tu means “your;” while tú (notice accent) means
4. When you have a “de” followed by an “el,” the two words become one: “del”
5. When you have an “a” followed by an “el,” the two words become one: “al”
6. When you have the word “o” (which means “or) followed by a word beginning
with “o,” the word “o” becomes “u”.
7. Verbs stay in the infinitive when followed by a conjugated verb! “Yo voy a
comer”, not “yo voy a como”
Part III – Present Tense
1. When do we use it?
a. The present tense is simply used to state something that is happening at
the moment or something that you consistently do
i. Examples in English:
1. I go to Nantucket over the summer.
2. She talks on the phone a lot.
3. They are tired.
ii. Examples in Spanish:
1. Yo voy a Nantucket en el verano.
2. Ella habla por el teléfono mucho.
3. Ellos están consados.
2. Different Types of Verbs:
a. AR Verbs:
Yo – o
Nosotros – amos
Tú – as
Vosotros – ais
Él/Ella/Usted Ellos/Ellas/Usted
– an
b. ER/IR Verbs:
Yo – o
Nosotros –
Tú – es
Vosotros – eis
Él/Ella/Usted Ellos/Ellas/Usted
– en
Part IV – Verbs Like “Gustar”
1. Examples:
a. Gustar (to like)
b. Encantar (to love)
c. Parecer (to seem)
d. Molestar (to bother)
e. Aburrir (to bore)
f. Bastar (to be sufficient)
g. Caer bien (to suit)
h. Caer mal (to not suit)
i. Dar asco (to be unwilling)
j. Doler – oue verb (to be painful)
k. Fascinar (to be fascinated)
l. Importar (to care)
m. Picar (to itch)
n. Faltar (to be missing)
o. Quedar (to leave over)
2. These verbs change from singular to plural only when the object you’re liking,
disliking, etc. is plural. Remember! “Gusta” does NOT automatically change to
“Gustan” just because it involves more than one person doing the liking!
3. Adding “a mi” is not required; use only for emphasis.
4. Sentences:
a. Me gusta la escuela.
b. A él le encanta la comida.
c. A ellos les encanta el baloncesto.
d. A ella le molestan los insectos.
e. A nosotros nos gusta el sol.
f. ¿Os gustan los Estados Unidos?
g. ¿Te parece fea?
5. Structures:
Yo – Me
Tú – Te
El – Le
Nos – Nos
Vos – Os
Ellos - Les
Part V – Present Progressive
1. When do we use the Present Progressive?
a. We use the Present Progressive to illustrate an “-ing” verb in English, for
example, “I am speaking”. Keep in mind that it is not used for future
actions (in other words, it can’t be used to say “I’m studying with friends
2. How is it formed?
a. [Estar]+(Infinitive, taking away AR/ER/IR)+ando for AR verbs or
iendo for ER/IR verbs
3. Sentences:
a. Estoy hablando por teléfono.
b. Él está comiendo pizza.
4. Unfortunately, there are some irregularities in the Present Progressive.
a. Stem-Changing –IR verbs: (ei) change “e” to “i” and (oue) “o” to “u”
in the stem and add –iendo to the stem of the verb.
i. Sirviendo (Servir – to serve)
ii. Pidiendo (Pedir – to lose)
iii. Diciendo (Decir – to say/tell)
iv. Durmiendo (Dormir – to sleep)
v. Muriendo (Morir – to die)
vi. Pudiendo (Poder – to be able to)
b. Other Irregularities:
i. Cayendo (Caer – to fall)
ii. Creyendo (Creer- to think)
iii. Huyiendo (Huir – to flee)
iv. Yendo (Ir – to go)
v. Influyendo (Influir – to influence)
vi. Oyendo (oir – to hear)
vii. Trayendo (traer – to bring)
viii. Leyendo (leer – to read)
ix. Siguiendo (seguir – to follow)
Part VI – Preterite
1. We use the preterite tense when describing something that happened in a specific
time period. Some of the phrases that prompt the use of the preterite tense are:
a. Ayer (yesterday)
b. El año pasado (last year)
c. Anoche (last night)
d. (Any number) meces pasado (# of months ago)
2. Verb Endings:
a. AR Verbs:
Yo – é
Nosotros – amos
Tú – aste
Vosotros – asteis
Él/Ella/Usted Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes
– aron
b. ER Verbs:
Yo – í
Nosotros – imos
Tú – iste
Vosotros – isteis
Él/Ella/Usted Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes
– ió
– ieron
3. Irregularities:
a. Verbs:
i. Tener – Tuv… (to have)
ii. Querer – Quis… (to want)
iii. Hacer – Hiz/(Hice in the yo form) (to do/to make)
iv. Saber – Sup… (to know/find out)
v. Poner – Pus… (to put)
vi. Poder – Pud… (to be able to)
vii. Estar – Estuv… (to be)
viii. Venir – Vin… (to come)
ix. Caber – Cup… (to fit)
b. Their Endings:
Yo – e
Nosotros – imos
Tú – iste
Vosotros – isteis
Él/Ella/Usted Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes
– ieron
c. Verbs like “Decir”
i. Use the “J” Rule – use Decir as an example; most verbs ending in
“-cir” follow this rule in the preterite.
1. Yo dije
2. Tú dijiste
3. Él dijo
4. Nosotros dijimos
5. Vosotros dijisteis
6. Ellos dijieron
d. Ser and Ir are the same in the preterite; use context to figure out which one
is being used.
Yo – fui
Nosotros – fuimos
Tú – fuiste
Vosotros – fuisteis
Él/Ella/Usted Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes
– fue
– fueron
e. “Zorro’s Go Carts”
Verbs that end in –gar
change ggu
 Cegar
 Colgar
 Jugar
 Llegar
 Pagar
 Plegar
 Regar
 Rogar
 Tragar
 Vagar
Verbs that end in –car
change cqu
 Aparcar
 Buscar
 Clarificar
 Clasificar
 Destacar
 Justificar
 Practicar
 Sacar
 Tocar
Verbs that end in –zar
change zc
1. Almorzar
2. Autorizar
3. Cazar
4. Comenzar
5. Cruzar
6. Empezar
7. Forzar
8. Organizar
9. Simbolizar
10. Tropezarse
f. “Basement Boys:
i. “Basement Boys” have different verb endings only in the “el, ella,
usted” and “ellos, ellas, ustedes” forms (in other words, the 3rd
person forms).
ii. Double-Vowel verbs change in the preterite irregularly:
1. Yo creí
2. Tú creíste
3. Él creyó
4. Nosotros creímos
5. Vosotros creísteis
6. Ellos creyeron
iii. Other verbs like these:
1. Caer
2. Leer
3. Oír
4. Proseer
5. Proveer
6. Roer
iv. Exceptions:
1. Traer
2. Atraer
3. Distraer
a. These exceptions end in:
i. Yo traje
ii. Tú trajiste
Él trajo
Nosotros trajimos
Vosotros trajiesteis
Ellos trajeron
g. Verbs like “huir”
i. Verb Endings:
1. Yo huí
2. Tú huíste
3. Él huyó
4. Nosotros huimos
5. Vosotros huyísteis
6. Ellos huyeron
ii. Other verbs like these:
1. Construir
2. Contribuir
3. Destruir
4. Fluir
5. Incluir
6. Influir
h. EI Verbs
i. Verb Endings:
1. Yo repetí
2. Tú repetiste
3. Él ripitió
4. Nosotros repetimos
5. Vosotros repetisteis
6. Ellos ripitieron
ii. Other Verbs Like These:
1. Pedir
2. Preferir
3. Referir
4. Conseguir
5. Seguir
6. Mentir
7. Transferir
i. Verbs like “producir”
i. Yo produje
ii. Tú produjiste
iii. Él produjo
iv. Nosotros produjimos
v. Vosotros produjisteis
vi. Ellos produjeron
1. Other verbs like this:
a. Aducir
b. Conducir
c. Coproducir
Part VII – Imperfect
1. When is it used?
a. The imperfect is used for things done in the past. These actions were done
frequently (I used to…) and these actions do not have a specific time
period or you were in the act of doing them (I was swimming).
2. Verb Endings:
a. AR Verbs:
Yo – aba
Nosotros –
Tú – abas
Vosotros – abais
Él/Ella/Usted Ellos/Ellas/Usted
– aba
– aban
b. ER Verbs:
Yo – ía
Nosotros –
Tú – ías
Vosotros – íais
Él/Ella/Usted Ellos/Ellas/Usted
– ía
– ían
3. Some phrases that trigger the use of the imperfect:
a. Age
b. Weather
c. Description
d. Time
e. “A veces”
f. “Frequentamente”
g. “A raras veces”
h. “A menos”
4. Irregularities:
a. Ir:
i. Yo iba
ii. Tú ibas
iii. Él iba
iv. Nosotros íbamos
v. Vosotros ibais
vi. Ellos iban
b. Ser:
i. Yo era
ii. Tú eras
iii. Él era
iv. Nosotros éramos
v. Vosotros erais
vi. Ellos eran
c. Ver:
i. Yo veía
ii. Tú veías
iii. El veía
iv. Nosotros veíamos
v. Vosotros veiais
vi. Ellos veían
Part VIII – Commands
1. Forming positive “tú” commands: just use the “él/ella/usted” form of the present
tense (hablar  habla; comer  come, etc.).
2. Forming positive “vosotros” commands – go to the infinitive’ drop R and add D
(hablar  hablad; comer  comed)
3. Forming negative “tú” commands, negative “vosotros” commands, positive and
negative “usted” commands and positive and negative “ustedes” commands, use
the rules of the subjunctive.
4. Irregular Positive “Tú” Commands:
a. Poner – pon
b. Venir – ven
c. Ser – sé
d. Ir – vé
e. Salir – sal
f. Hacer – haz
g. Dar – di
5. Object Pronouns occur BEFORE the negative commands and AFTER AND
ATTACHED TO the positive commands.
Part IX – Object Pronouns
1. Direct Object – the thing being given/bought/eaten, etc.
a. Lo/Los: Masculine (singular/plural), meaning him/them/it
b. La/Las: Feminine (singular/plural), meaning her/them/it
2. Indirect Object – “For Whom” or “To Whom
a. Structures (same as verbs like “gustar”):
Yo – Me Nos – Nos
Tú – Te
Vos – Os
El – Le
Ellos - Les
b. Object pronouns come BEFORE conjugated verbs and negative
commands, and AFTER/ATTACHED TO the infinitive, gerunds (-ing
verbs, or in Spanish, -ando or –iendo), and positive commands.
Part X – Subjunctive
1. Uses:
a. Emotion
b. Volition (querer, es necesario que, mandar, etc.) – but NOT used for “yo
creo que,” “es cierto que,” or “es verdad que”
c. Doubt (dudar que, no creer que, etc.)
d. Something ideal (I’m looking for a store that sells Tylenol – Estoy
buscando una tienda que venda Tylenol)
e. Adverbial Clauses:
1. En caso de que
2. Sin que
3. Contal de que
4. A menos que
5. Para que
6. Antes de que
ii. Other adverbial clauses, NOT always subjunctive
1. Mientras que
2. Aunque
3. Durante de que
4. Hasta que
iii. Clue to knowing when “sometimes subjunctive” adverbial clauses
take the subjunctive tense: If the sentence talks about something
ideal or that has not happened yet. An easy way to identify that
something has not happened yet is if the verb is in the future tense
(Compraré [I will buy] chocolate aunque [although] esté [I am –
watch how this verb changed to subjunctive because before it was
a future-tense verb and an adverbial clause]) enfermo [sick].)
f. Forming Subjunctive: Go to the “yo” form of the verb in the present tense,
drop “o,” and add the opposite vowel (AR verbs: e) (ER/IR verbs: a).
i. Yo hable/Yo viva
ii. Tú hables/Tú vivas
iii. Él hable/Él viva
iv. Nosotros hablemos/Nosotros vivamos
v. Vosotros hableis/Vosotros vivais
vi. Ellos hablen/Ellos vivan
g. Irregularities (verbs shown below are in yo/él/ella/usted form):
i. Ser: Sea
ii. Saber: Sepa
iii. Ir: Vaya
iv. Haber: Haya
v. Dar: Dé
vi. Estar: Esté
Part XI – Past-Subjunctive
1. While it may be called “imperfect-subjunctive” at times, the one thing to
remember is that there are two tenses of subjunctive: present and past. There is no
preterite-subjunctive, and there is no future-subjunctive.
2. Formation:
a. Go to the “ellos/ellas/ustedes” form of the verb in the preterite (usually “ieron,” “-aron,” or “-yeron”).
b. Drop “-ron”.
c. Add:
Yo – Ra
Nos –
Tú – Ras Vos –
El – Ra
Ellos Ran
Part XII – Future Tense
1. Formation of Regular Future-Tense verbs:
a. Go to the infinitive of the verb.
b. Add:
Yo – é
Nos –
Tú – ás
Vos – eis
El – á
Ellos – án
2. Irregularities:
a. Haber: Habrb. Hacer: Harc. Poder: Podrd. Poner: Pondre. Querer: Querrf. Saber: Sabrg. Tener: Tendrh. Decir: Diri. Salir: Saldrj. Venir: Vendr-
Part XIII – Reflexive Verbs
1. Reflexive verbs signify an action that one does to oneself. These verbs usually
end in “se” in the infinitive (sentirse, acostarse, etc.)
2. The reflexive pronouns are placed BEFORE a conjugated verb and negative
commands and AFTER and ATTACHED TO a positive command, a gerund, or
an infinitive.
3. Pronouns (using the verb sentirse – to feel):
a. [Yo] me siento felíz.
b. [Tú] te sientes felíz.
c. [Él] se siene felíz.
d. [Nosotros] nos sentimos felíz.
e. [Vosotros] os sentéis felíz.
f. [Ellos] se sienten felíz.
Spanish Final Exam Practice Test
PART I. Formation and Use of Preterite/Imperfect:
1. Cuando (tener)___________ 5 años, (jugar)_____________ despúes de escuela.
2. Ayer yo (ir)__________ al centro.
3. (Haber)___________ sol.
4. Él (ser)___________ alto.
5. Nosotros (decir)____________ la verdad en el fin de semana pasado.
6. Nosotros (decidir)____________ (salir)____________ cuando él
7. Éllos (estar)_________ triste cuando nosotros (decir)__________ que
(ir)_______ a (salir)_________ Nueva York.
PART II. Commands:
1. Do your homework (tú)! ¡__________________________________________!
2. Don’t write it for her (tú)! (using pronouns) ¡_____________________________!
3. Listen (usted)! ¡__________________________!
4. Don’t buy her flowers (ustedes using prounouns)
5. Take a shower (ducharse, vosotros)! ____________________________________
PART III. Object Pronouns:
1. Yo compré los flores para mi padre.
2. Yo estoy escribiendo los apuntes para mi hermana.
3. Tell her the directions (+tú command)!
4. Don’t write those for her (-tú command)!
PART IV. Verbs Like Gustar:
1. A mis padres _____ ___________(gustar) esquiar.
2. A vosotros _____ __________ (fascinar) los animales.
3. ¿____ _________ (tú, molestar) sus padres?
4. A él no _____ ___________ (importar) la tarea.
5. A nosotros ____ ___________ (aburrir) las clases.
PART V. Present Progressive:
1. I am talking to my sister on the phone (hablar).
2. She is singing (cantar).
3. They are watching (mirar) television.
4. We are eating (comer) ice cream.
5. You (tú) are helping (ayudar) your mother.
6. You all (vosotros) are doing (hacer) your homework.
PART VI. Regular and Irregular Future
1. I will do my homework.
2. She will ski.
3. There will be sun (haber sol).
4. We will be able to work.
5. You all (vosotros) will eat pasta.
6. You (tú) will have 100 dollars.
PART VII. Subjunctive: Determine if the sentence should be in the
subjunctive or indicative form, past or present, and conjugate
1. Yo creo que la escuela (ser)_________ aburrida.
2. No hay duda que (hacer) ________ sol hoy.
3. No creo que yo (tener)___________ bastante dinero para el cine.
4. Es increible que él (haber)____________ terminado el proyecto.
5. Es cierto que nosotros (saber)__________ la verdad.
6. Es malo que vosotros no (saber)___________ la fecha del examen.
7. Estoy buscando para una tienda que (vender)__________ Tylenol.
8. No hay una tienda que (tener)____________ Tylenol.
9. Hay una tienda que (vender) ____________ Tylenol.
10. Era malo que yo no (poder) ____________ (ver)________ la programa.
11. Ella quería que nosotros (ir)________ a la oficina.
12. Yo iba a (volar)__________ en un avion.
13. Yo trabajaba para que yo (ganar)_________ dinero.
14. Yo estudiaré hasta que yo (terminar)__________ escuela.
15. Yo iba de compras hasta que no (tener) _________ mas dinero.
16. Yo compraré una mansión cuando (ser)__________ mayor.
17. Yo compré una mansión cuando (tener)________ 25 años.