Santa Monica College FRENCH 1 Winter 2013 Section 1194 MTWTh 8:00AM – 11:30AM Location: DRESCHER HALL 217 Lab: Arrange 1 hour – DRESCHER HALL 219 Final Exam: Thursday, February 7th, 2013 at 8AM – 11:30AM Instructor: Dr. Esinam Kokovena Email: (best way to reach me) Phone: 310-434-8926 Class website: To email the class: Logon to eCompanion. Next ( ), click on “Login” on the left column, sign in with your eCompanion ID and password, click on “Winter 2013 eCompanion,” then click the Email tab to send an email to the class or to a classmate. 1 Introduction Welcome to French 1. This course is designed to improve your skills in French grammar, communication, linguistics (speaking, reading, writing and listening), and knowledge about French culture. You will learn to think in French and by the end of the course, understand a considerable amount of the French language. Required Books:Contacts: Langue et culture françaises, 8th Edition Jean-Paul Valette, Rebecca M. Valette ISBN-13: 9780618395781 ISBN-10: 0618395784 611 Pages Houghton Mifflin Company Student Companion Site: Contacts: Student Activities Manual/ Workbook, Lab manual And Video manual, 8 Edition, (Paperback) Jean-Paul Valette, Rebecca M. Valette ISBN-10: 0618395806 ISBN-13: 9780618395804 Houghton Mifflin Company Recommended Books : Le Nouveau Bescherelle. L’art de conjuguer. Dictionnaire de 12000 verbes. Hatier. Paris. (There is also an English version) Dictionnaire. French – English, English – French Course Content : Contacts. Unit 1-5. Lesson 1-15. Student Activities Manual Vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading, writing, speaking and videos Homework, 3 quizzes, 3 vocabulary quizzes, 2 compositions, 1 group presentation, 1 midterm , and 1 final exam 2 STDENT LEARNIN OUTCOME (SLOs) Communication: Effectively communicate thought in a clear, well-organized manner to persuade, inform, and convey ideas in academic, work, family, and community settings. Assessment: You are expected to speak French in class activities and at home every day. You will gain competency through many free-style conversations, oral pair or group activities; oral presentations, and cooperative learning activities in class. Cultural Diversity: Respectfully engage with other cultures in an effort to understand them. Assessment: You will demonstrate reasonable comprehension of cultural diversity by researching and comparing French cultures, events, people and customs with your own by doing oral presentations, attending group activities, (French club) and interacting and participating in class activities STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES (SLOs). (CONTINUED) In the result, by the end of the semester, students who successfully complete this course will be able to perform the following actions using the French language - Get acquainted with others - Discuss, read, and write about daily life - Discuss and write about their daily activities - Talk about themselves and others, and their possessions - Talk about their city, their home, ask for and give directions, and discuss future plans - Shop for clothes and other items - Discuss and write about weekend activities and vacations, and narrate what happened at any time in the past - Do the grocery shopping and order food in a restaurant or cafe - Master material from assigned chapters of the textbook - Demonstrate knowledge of the culture and lifestyles in France and French-speaking regions and countries - Master a working French vocabulary of between 600 and 900 words - Apply learned patterns of French pronunciation to new reading texts - Demonstrate the use of grammatical structures covered in assigned units of the textbook - Make introductions; ask questions about interests, preferences and hobbies - Speak with a sales clerk and waiter; talk about clothing, personal effects and home furnishings - Describe objects and people; talk about food and dining; and tell a short narrative in the past tense - Demonstrate comprehension of simple, conversational French - Use correct French in oral communications to answer and ask questions, to describe, and to narrate about simple, everyday topics - Demonstrate comprehension of brief selections of simple, culturally non-specific French reading passages - Write simple paragraphs to describe and to narrate in the present tense, immediate future and past tense using AVOIR or ÊTRE - Identify basic geographical, historical, and cultural facts about selected French-speaking countries - Engage in conversations and written correspondence in French to provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions 3 - Understand written and spoken French on a variety of topics such as the following: personal data, likes and dislikes, classes, schedules, plans for the future, activities, and emotions - Evaluate French speaking cultures as they compare to his or her own culture - Synthesize the grammatical rules of French as they compare to his or her own language - Incorporate French for personal enjoyment and enrichment in becoming part of the global community - Integrate the French language both within and beyond the classroom setting CLASS REQUIREMENTS ATTENDANCE You must attend every class session for the entire session, and also be on time. Included in each class session is a 10 minute break. Remember, do not miss class unless it is absolutely necessary; catching up is extremely difficult. All students are encouraged and expected to participate, as this is an essential part of learning a new language. Excessive tardiness and/or leaving the classroom before the end of the class always has a negative impact on your grades in this class. MODERN LANGUAGE LABORATORY Your listening, understanding, writing, and oral performance will be increased by going to the Modern Language Laboratory, located at (Dresher Hall 219). All students must show their student ID cards before using the lab. You must also complete the self-paced orientation program before using the lab. Students are expected to be courteous and to follow lab guidelines. Check in with the lab supervisor to find out when the last lab session is. The lab supervisors, Ms. Rickey Madison (434-4625), Ms Ann Mirsky (434-4353) and Tutoring Coordinator of Modern Languages: Mr. Peter Sierra (310) 434-4683 will answer all questions related to the laboratory. It is important for students to log off if they must leave the lab for any reason and it is important for students to be logged in at least 20 minutes before they leave so that their lab time will be credited. Lab staff will log off unattended stations even if personal belongings are still present. The website to the modern language lab is: A list of the lab resources can now be found at This list is relatively current. Please take a look at the lab resources for a more updated list. MANGO FOR THE LABORATORY - First, you must complete the lab orientation - You will then be given your Mango Username and Password later. - After you receive your Mango Username and Password, you can access Mango in the Lab or from home. - Reminder: YOU ONLY GET OFFICIAL LAB CREDIT WHEN YOU ARE IN THE LAB. In the Lab… - There is a link to the Mango Sign In page inside the Web Links sub-folder of every Language folder in Library Pilot (the program students use in the Lab to access the media available for the language they are studying). At home... Sign In page: SMC web page ( > Programs of Study > Modern Languages > Mango Languages (under Resources) > Mango Logo Once you get there, you can bookmark (Mac) the page as a favorite (PC). 4 LAB REQUIREMENT (12 hours minimum) You are expected to complete a minimum of 12 hours in the lab (as this is a level 1 course). That equates to twelve 60-minute sessions. Keep in mind that only one 60-minute session will be counted per day toward the total number of hours required for the session. For example, if you study 3 hours in the lab on one day, only 1 of those hours will count toward your 12 hour total. There is no exception to this campus rule. Students who complete the minimum required hours will get 50 pts. Those who do not meet the minimum will receive ZERO points. SPECIAL REQUEST: It is important that you log off if you must leave the Lab for any reason and that you are logged at least 20 minutes before you leave so that your lab time will be credited. Other Resourses: Pas de problème CD-ROM; Triple Play Plus ; French in Action Video ; Power Point Slide Shows- Rocca AT THE END OF THE SESSION (ONE DAY PRIOR TO THE FINAL EXAM, OR THE DAY OF THE FINAL EXAM), PLEASE BRING ME PROOF (AN OFFICIAL COPY OF YOUR LAB HOURS) TO RECEIVE THE 50 POINTS. HOMEWORK For each homework assignment, write down your full name as it appears on the roster, the class and section number, and the homework # on each homework assignment. Follow the example given in the homework assignment. You may turn in your homework in class, or post it on my website in the specific location for that homework assignment. If you are sick and/or must turn in your homework late, you may bring it on the following class day or post it on my website ( Be advised that you will not receive a graded copy of homework that is posted on my website. If you post a homework assignment on my website, YOU MUST ALSO TURN IN A HARD COPY when you come to class. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS ARE ALWAYS DUE AT THE FOLLOWING CLASS SESSION. DO NOT FORGET FOR EACH HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT TO WRITE THE NUMBER: HW # 1, HW # 2, etc.… GROUP PRESENTATIONS The class will be divided into 9 groups. Each group will give one presentation during the session. You will be assigned a group number at the beginning of the session. The oral presentations cover the material leading up to the assigned page. It is important that each member of the group contributes equally to the group assignment. Your grade will be reflected on your group’s performance. This means that each member of the group will receive the same grade. Your grade is determined by the participation of each member of the group, pronunciation, proper use of grammar, your ability to answer questions posed to you by your classmates or myself, the quality of the presentation, and team work. We will use P. 17 & 25 A Votre Tour, as practice in preparation for the group assignments. 1. Group #1, A Votre Tour, P. 47 2. Group #2, A Votre Tour, P. 67 Give personal information Conversation between two SMC students who met at the movie theater. Share a room with another student Description of a person whose name is Sylvie and who you would like to know more about. 3. Group #3, A Votre Tour, P. 93 4. Group #4, A Votre Tour, P. 107 5 5. Group #5, A Votre Tour, P. 119 Describe your future trip in a French speaking country. Use near future: (futur proche) Description of your family members (Use adjectifs) Go to buy some cloths. (Description) Look for a furnished apartment Describe your past trip to France or any francophone country. Use past tense. 6. Group #6, A Votre Tour, P. 143 7. Group #7, A Votre Tour. P. 155 8. Group #8, A Votre Tour, P. 169 9. Group #9, A Votre Tour, P. 205 COMPOSITIONS Writing compositions is an essential part of learning the French language. The composition assignments cover the material leading up to the assigned page. The book has examples of sample compositions for each assignment. Do not copy those compositions. Use the compositions in the book as a guide to writing your own composition using your own vocabulary. The directions for the compositions are as follows: 1. All compositions must be typed and double-spaced. Handwritten compositions will not be graded 2. Write down your full name as it appears on the roster, the class and section number 3. Write down the composition #, page, and TOPIC AS IT IS WRITTEN IN THE SYLLABUS. The questions on the different pages will help you to develop the topic. 4. Make sure you understand the directions for the composition 5. Write in complete sentences and make proper use of grammar and accents 6. Compositions must be typed and must be eight 8-10 lines in length. COMPOSITIONS (CONTINUED) Below is a list of topics for each composition. The questions in “A Votre Tour” can help you write your composition. 1. COMPOSITION #1, A Votre Tour, P. 119 prochaine? (Will start topic p.32) Dans quel pays francophone vous allez visiter l’année 2. COMPOSITION #2, A Votre Tour, P. 219 Vous avez visité la France ou les autres pays francophones l’année (Will start topic on p.196) passée. Décrivez votre voyage au passé. Comparez les pays ou les villes visitée\ \ 6 VOCABULARY QUIZZES No make-up of any kind will be allowed for vocabulary quizzes. There are no exceptions. YOU WILL MISS THE FULL CREDIT IF YOU MISS ONE VOCABULARY QUIZ SEE SAMPLE OF VOCABULARY QUIZ 0 ON MY WEBSITE. ALSO WE WILL PRACTICE VOC. QUIZ 0 IN CLASS Page: 3, 4, 7, 11, 14, 19, 20, 41, 43, 50, 53, 55, 56, 60, 62, 64, 66, 82. 1. VOCABULARY QUIZ #1, P. 84, 101, 112, 113, 115, 117 and P. 134, 140, 142, 146, 147 2. VOCABULARY QUIZ #2, P. 149, 152, 158, 160 and P. 166, 184, 187, 189 3. VOCABULARY QUIZ #3, P. 192, 202, 208, 210, 212, 215 QUIZZES MIDTERM FINAL EXAM No make-up of any kind will be allowed unless you have a serious illness or a personal emergency on the day of the test. Ten points will be deducted from the make-up exam if no documentation is provided to the instructor. There is no makeup for the final exam. HEALTH SERVICES The website for the health center is The Health Office (ext. 4262) is located on the first floor of the Cayton Center east side and is open Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m., and Fridays 8:00 a.m.– 3:30 p.m. In case of a medical emergency during all the other hours, call campus Police at ext. 4300. If you have a medical problem that might occur during class, please notify your professor(s) and the campus Health Services (434 – 4262) and provide the following information: Your name, addresses and telephone number, nature of your health problem, action you want taken if needed, name and phone number of at least three people who can be called to take you to the place you designate for care. The Health Services Office will provide a card for the student to fill out. Provide a copy of your “Notification to Professor of Health Problem” each semester and turn in the original with your signature to the Health Services Office. In the event of an emergency the usual procedure followed by SMC Staff is to contact the Health Services Office (Mon. – Thurs. 8:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m., and Fridays 8:00 a.m.– 3:30 p.m.). In case of an emergency at all other hours Campus Police will be called (310) 434 – 4300. If you have left instructions, the Health Services Office will follow them. Paramedics may be called if necessary and you will be held financially responsible. MESSAGES: The best way to reach me is via my email ( Also note that the office of the Modern Language Department- (310) 434-4248- cannot take phone messages from students after 5:00 p.m. If you cannot reach me by email, you may leave me a written message in the mail room (LA 106), or mail me a card or letter to Santa Monica College, Modern Languages Department 1900 Pico Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90405. You can also contact me at (310) 434 – 8926. 7 CHEATING AND DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR . Reference : These behaviors are intolerable in an academic environment. Students engaging in such conduct are subject to disciplinary action. Cell phones and pagers must be turned off before entering class. Any such interruption will cause you to be asked to leave, as it is disruptive and inconsiderate to your classmates and your professor. Students who are disruptive will have 10 points deducted each week. HOW TO GET AN “A” - Frequent practice is extremely important. Therefore, you should: do all the exercises as assigned by your instructor, work with a tutor; tutoring is free, go to the lab often, participate in class, read newspapers, magazines in French language; listen to the radio and watch television in French language whenever possible.( TV5) - Try to relax in class (making mistakes is normal). - Seek assistance the moment you sense that you’re falling behind. - Work in a group with classmates. - Have the phone number of three or four classmates to get information missed when absent. - Read out loud 30 minutes to one hour every day. - For information about French books, video, contact Euro/video in West Hollywood (323) 650-7642 CHANGES Each student should be aware that any changes announced in class SUPERSEDE the contents of this syllabus. In the event that the student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to inform him or herself of such changes. Bonne Année Scolaire! Bonne Chance et du Courage! Bon semestre! Policy on Make-Up Exams There are no makeup exams except in cases of serious illness or personal emergency the day of the exam. 10 points will be deducted from the exam if no documentation is provided to the instructor. Please make sure you can be present for all exams before taking this course. Policy on Dropping the Class If you plan not to continue in this class, please drop yourself to avoid receiving an “F” at the end of the session. Policy on Make-Up Vocabulary Quizzes No make-up of any kind will be allowed for vocabulary quizzes. There are no exceptions Policy on doing poorly in class If you are doing poorly in the class, try to get help or you will be referred to the counselor. This is the school policy. Policy on disruptive behavior in class If you significantly disrupt the class, you will be reported to the disciplinary dean. This is the school policy. 8 Policy to request an Incomplete: If you have a personal emergency the day of the final, you must give to the Hospital that treats you my name and the Modern Languages Deparment’s Fax number, that is: (310) 434- 3618. Or for an extreme circumstance, let a family member write me. I have to see this document and all missing assignments before you take the final or get an F. You must agree with your instructor upon the day of your final. Get an F if you allow that final day collapse. Students with disabilities Santa Monica College makes every effort to make its campus fully accessible to students with disabilities. Please see this website for more information: or call (310) 434-4684 or (310) 434-4265. ACADEMIC CALENDAR Visit Corsair Connect portal for specific deadlines Wednesday Friday Monday January 2 January 11 January 21 WINTER SESSION BEGINS Deadline to apply for Pass/No Pass MLK Holiday – CAMPUS CLOSED YOUR FINAL GRADE: Your final grade in the class will be determined according to the following percentages. GRADE A B C D F PERCENTAGE 90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% 0-59% POINTS (OUT OF 1000 TOTAL POINTS) 900-1000 800-899 700-799 600-699 0-599 9 Percent of final grade Points Note Lab 5% 50 Homework 10% 150 Group oral presentation Composition 5% 50 If by the end of the semester you have 12 hours of lab or more, you will get 50 points If you have 12 hours. Less than 12 hours, you will get 0 points 23 homework assignments X 10pts = 230 points. Do all of your homework and get EXTRA POINTS. Unexcused late homework or missed assignments = 0 pts (no credit) 1 X 50pts = 50pts 7% 70 (2 X 35pts each = 70 pts ) Vocabulary quizzes Quizzes Midterm Final Total 9% 90 (3 X 30pts each = 90 pts) 24% 15% 20% 100% 240 150 200 1000pts (3 X 80pts each = 240pts) 1 X 150pts = 150pts 1 X 200pts = 200pts Everyone starts out with 1000pts. You will then have points deducted for not meeting the lab requirement, not turning in homework assignments, and errors on both assignments and exams. Every drop of 100 points is a drop in a letter grade Students who are disruptive, disrespectful, or who do not follow the student code of conduct will have 10 points deducted from their grade for each week of misbehavior. After a verbal warning or written warning, students will be referred to the dean for disciplinary action. Disruption of class, disrespectful behavior, student misconduct LOSE 10 points for each week of disruptive behavior DETAILED SCHEDULE – WINTER 2013 Day of Sem ester DATE EXAMS & DUE DATES LESSON LE FRANÇAIS ÉCRIT Sections covered in class LE FRANÇAIS PARLÉ Group exercises in class Book: Contacts READ THESE SECTIONS BEFORE CLASS Book: Contacts Exercises to complete outside of class (REQUIRED, but you do not have to turn this in) 10 (Dictée) Dictations In class if we have time Otherwise, complete it in language lab Section to complete in the audio laboratory (Language Lab/CD) Book: (SAM) or Contacts REQUIRED HOMEWORK (Devoir) Exercises to complete outside of class (You must turn this in the following class session or on the due date) Book: (SAM) 1 Week 1 Wed Jan 2 (PART 1&2) Leçon 1 p. 1-9 Contacts P. 2-9 Leçon 1 Bonjour! (ALL) Contacts P. 3 # 1-2 P. 6 # 6-7 P. 7 # 8-9 Book: Student Activities Manual (SAM) SAM P. 1 # 1 P. 2 # 3 P. 8 # L Leçon 2 p. 10-17 Contacts P. 10-17 Leçon 2 Copain, copine (ALL) A Votre Tour Contacts P. 13 # 1-3 P. 15 # 5 SAM P. 12 # 3 P. 13 # 4-5 Book: (SAM) SAM P. 9 Charlotte et Kévin SAM P. 5-9 SAM P. 20 Amelie et Pierre SAM P.15-20 SAM P. 2 # 2 P. 3 # 4, 5 (HW # 1) SAM P. 11 # 1-2 (HW # 2) STUDY FOR QUIZ #1 2 Week 1 Thur Jan 3 Practice group presentation A Votre Tour (P.17;25) Leçon 3 p. 18-25 Leçon 3 p. 26-35 (PART 1&2) 3 Week 2 Mon Jan 7 (PART 1&2) Leçon 4 p. 36-45 Leçon 5 p. 46-53 Contacts P. 18-25 (ALL) A Votre Tour P. 26-29 Vie Pratique 1 : Au Café p. 29 A Votre Tour P. 30-5 Images du Monde Francophone Contacts P. 36-45 (ALL) Contacts P. 46 La langue française, sec. E P. 47 À votre tour P. 48 À Dakar P. 49 Note culturelle P. 50-3 La langue française Contacts P. 19 # 1 P. 21 # 2 P. 23 # 3-5 SAM P. 21 # 1 P. 22 # 3 P. 23 # 5 À votre tour NONE SAM P. 30 Salutations Review SAM P. 25-30 #AC, P. 26 # D, P. 27 # G-H SAM P. 25-30 Contacts P. 41 # 1-3 P. 43 # 4-6 P. 44 # 7-8 P. 45 # 9-10 Contacts P. 46 # 11-2 P. 51 # 1-3 P. 52 # 4 P. 53 # 5-6 11 SAM P. 35 # 1-2 P. 36 # 3-4 P. 37 # 5-6 SAM P. 45 # 2 P. 46 # 3 SAM P. 25-30 SAM P. 31 -4 SAM P. 43 A Québec SAM Les Voyages SAM P. 39-43 SAM P. 49 -52 SAM P. 22 # 3 (HW # 3) -------------------------------------SAM P. 22 # 4 (HW # 4) STUDY FOR QUIZ #1 … SAM P. 45 # 1-2 (HW # 5) STUDY FOR QUIZ #1 4 5 6 Week 2 Tue Jan 8 Week 2 Wed Jan 9 Week 2 Thur Jan 10 Leçon 5-6 p. 54-61 Group #1 Oral Presentation P. 47 Quiz #1 Leçon 6 p. 62-69 Leçon 7 p. 70-77 (PART 1&2) ---------Leçon 7 p. 78-87 Contacts P. 54-6 La langue française, Part B P. 57 À votre tour P. 58 Lec. 6 À Genève P. 59 Note culturelle P. 60-61 La langue française Contacts P. 54 # 8 P. 55 # 9-10 P. 56 # 11 P. 58 # 17 Genève P. 61 # 1-3 SAM P. 53 # 1 P. 54 # 3-4 P. 56 # A À votre tour SAM P. 60 Le Tennis Contacts P. 62-66 La langue française, Part B, C, D P. 67 À votre tour P. 68-69 La communication vie pratique 2 Contacts P. 62 # 4 P. 63 # 5-6 P. 65 # 7-9 P. 66 # 10 SAM P. 61-2 None Contacts P. 70-71 La communication vie pratique 2 P. 72-77 Images du Monde Francophone None Contacts P. 82 # 1 P. 83 # 2-4 P. 85 # 5-6 P. 86 # 7-8 P. 87 # 9-10 SAM P. 57 -60 No Homework STUDY FOR QUIZ #1 None SAM P. 47 # 4 P. 53 # 2 (HW # 6) STUDY FOR QUIZ #1 Contacts P. 80 Leçon. La vie est belle P. 81 Note culturelle P. 82-87 La langue française Part A, B SAM P. 63 -4 SAM P. 65 # 2 P. 66 # 3 P. 67 # 5 P. 68 # 6 et À votre tour None SAM P. 72 Jacqueline None SAM P. 69 -72 SAM P.54 # 4 P. 55# 5 (HW # 7) SAM P. 65 #1 (HW # 8) STUDY FOR QUIZ #2 12 7 Week 3 Mon Jan 14 Group #2 Oral Presentation P. 67 Leçon 7-8 p. 88-95 Contacts P. 88-93 La langue française Part C, D, E P. 93 A Votre Tour P. 94 À la terrasse d’un café P. 95 Note culturelle Contacts P. 88 # 11 P. 89 # 1213 P. 90 # 1415 P. 91 #16-18 SAM P. 73 #-2 P. 74 # 3 SAM P. 82 Suzanne SAM P. 77 # A-C SAM P. 66 # 3 P..67 # 4-5 (HW # 9) STUDY FOR VOCABULARY QUIZ #1 [P. 84, 101, 112, 113, 115, 117 and P. 134, 140, 142, 146, 147 ] STUDY FOR QUIZ #2 8 Week 3 Tue Jan 15 Group #3 Oral Presentation P. 93 Leçon 8 p. 96-103 Leçon 9 p. 104-111 (PART 1&2) Contacts P. 96-103 La langue française Part A, B, C Contacts P. 104-106 Part D ; P. 107 À votre tour P. 108 Leçons. 9 Vive la Musique ! P. 109 Note culturelle P. 110-111 La langue française Part A, B Contacts P. 97 # 1-2 P. 99 # 3-5 P. 100 # 6 P. 101 # 7-8 P. 102 # 910 P. 103 # 1112 Contacts P. 104 # 13 P. 105 # 14 P. 106 # 15 P. 108 # Vive la musique P. 110 # 1-2 13 SAM P. 75 # 5-6 P. 76 # A-B SAM P. 83 # 1 P. 84 # 3 None SAM P. 77 -82 -----None SAM P. 87 # A, E SAM P.73# 1 P. 74 # 4 P. 75 # 5 (HW # 10) SAM P. 83 # 1- 2 (HW # 11) STUDY FOR VOCABULARY QUIZ #1 [P. 84, 101, 112, 113, 115, 117 and P. 134, 140, 142, 146, 147 ] P. 111 # 3 9 Week 3 Wed Jan 16 Group #4 Oral Presentation P. 107 Leçon 9 p. 112-119 Contacts P. 112-115 Part B, C P. 116-118 Part D, E P. 119 À votre tour START WRITING COMPOSITION #1 [P. 119] STUDY FOR QUIZ #2 Contacts P. 112 # 4 P. 113 # 5-6 P. 114 # 7-8 P. 115 # 910 P. 116 # 1112 P. 117 # 1314 P. 118 # 1516 SAM P. 86 # A À votre tour SAM P. 91 le Temps Libre SAM P. 87-91 SAM P.84 # 4……. P. 85 # 5 (HW # 12) STUDY FOR VOCABULARY QUIZ #1 [P. 84, 101, 112, 113, 115, 117 and P. 134, 140, 142, 146, 147 ] STUDY FOR QUIZ #2 START WRITING COMPOSITION #1 [P. 119] 10 Week 3 Thur Jan 17 Quiz #2 Leçon 9 p. 120-129 Leçon 10 p. 132-137 (PARTS1&2) Contacts P. 120-123 La Ville : vie pratique 3 P. 124-129 Images du monde francophone P. 132 Lec. 10 Ma famille P. 133 Note culturelle P. 134-135 La langue française P. 136-137 La langue française Part A SAM P. 120-29 Vocabulaire et Lecture Contacts P. 135 # 1-3 P. 137 # 4-7 Films, Rue Case Nègre SAM P. 105 # 1 None SAM P. 93-98 SAM P. 109 # A P. 110 # B-E SAM P. 105 #1 P. 106 # 2 (HW # 13) STUDY FOR VOCABULARY QUIZ #1 [P. 84, 101, 112, 113, 115, 117 and P. 134, 140, 142, 146, 147 ] STUDY FOR MIDTERM WRITE COMPOSITION #1 [P. 119] 14 0 11 Week 4 Mon Jan 21 Week 4 Tue Jan 22 HOLIDAY MLK DAY Group #5 Oral Presentation P.119 HOLIDAY HOLIDAY HOLIDAY HOLIDAY HOLIDAY HOLIDAY HOLIDAY Leçon 10 p. 138-147 Contacts P. 138-139 La langue française Part B, C P. 140-142 Part D P. 143 À votre tour P. 144 Lec. 11 Rien n’est parfait P. 145 Note culturelle P. 146-147 La langue française P. 148-149 La langue française Part A, B Contacts P. 138 # 8-9 P. 139 # 1011 P. 140 # 12 P. 141 # 135 P. 142 # 16 P. 146 # 1-2 P. 147 # 3-4 P. 148 # 5 P. 149 # 6-7 SAM P. 107-8 # 4, 6 À votre tour SAM P. 114 Mes Voisins SAM P. 111-114 # F-K SAM P. 106 # 3 P.107 # 4 (HW # 14) REVIEW REVIEW Leçon 11 p. 148-151 (PARTS1&2) 12 Week 4 Wed Jan 23 REVIEW STUDY FOR VOCABULARY QUIZ #1 [P. 84, 101, 112, 113, 115, 117 and P. 134, 140, 142, 146, 147 ] STUDY FOR MIDTERM WRITE COMPOSITION #1 [P. 119] REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW VOCABULARY QUIZ #1 [P. 84, 101, 112, 113, 115, 117 and P. 134, 140, 142, 146, 147 ] 13 14 Week 4 Thur Jan 24 Week 5 Mon Jan 28 STUDY FOR MIDTERM MIDTERM MIDTERM MIDTERM MIDTERM MIDTERM MIDTERM MIDTERM Composition #1 due today [P. 119] Leçon 11-12 p. 150 # 6-9 p. 152-159 Contacts P. 150-151 La langue française Part B, C, D P. 152-154 La Contacts P. 150 # 8-9 P. 151 # 1011 P. 152 # 12 SAM P. 115-6 # 2 et 3 P. 115 # 1-2 P. 117-8 # 4 Au magasin p.125 SAM P. 109-20 P. 119-124 15 A Votre Tour SAM P. 107 # 5 P. 115 # 1 P. 116 # 3 (HW # 15) 15 Week 5 Tue Jan 29 Group #6 Oral Presentation P. 143 Leçon 12 p. 160-167 -----Leçon 12 p. 168-179 (PART 1&2) langue française Part D, E P. 155 À votre tour P. 156 Leçon. 12 Le rêve et la réalité P. 157 Note culturelle P. 158-159 La langue française P. 153 # 13 P. 154 # 15 P. 159 # 1-2 À votre tour Contacts P. 160 – 167 (ALL) Contacts P. 161 # 3-4 P. 162 # 5 P. 163 # 6-8 P. 164 #9 P. 165 # 1011 P. 166 # 1213 Contacts P. 168 # 1415 SAM P. 125 # 1 P. 126 # 2 P. 128 # 4 SAM P. 132-134 # J-F Contacts P. 169 À votre tour P. 170-73 Vie Pratique 4 : L’achat des vêtements P. 174-9 Images du Monde Francophone None SAM P. 132 Ma Chambre SAM P. 129-32 SAM P. 129-136 SAM P. 117 # 5 P. 118 # 6 P. 118 # A votre tour (HW # 16) SAM P. 126 # 2-3 (HW #17) STUDY FOR VOCABULARY QUIZ # 2 [P. 149, 152, 158, 160 and P. 166, 184, 187] STUDY FOR QUIZ #3 16 16 Week 5 Wed Jan 30 Group #7 Oral Presentation P. 155 Leçon 13 p. 182-189 Leçon 13 p. 190-193 (PART 1&2) Contacts P. 182 Une question de priorité P. 183 Note culturelle P. 184-9 La langue français Sec. A, B & C Contacts P. 190-2 La langue française. Sec. D, E P. 193 À votre tour Contacts P. 184 # 1 P. 185 # 2-4 P. 186 # 5-6 P. 187 # 7-8 P. 188 # 910 P. 189 # 11 -------Contacts P. 190 # 12 P. 191 # 135 P. 192 # 167 SAM P. 137 # 1 P. 140 # 6 ------SAM P. 140 À votre tour …….. SAM M. Vincent SAM P. 141 # A-B P. 142 # C-G P. 144 H ------SAM P. 141-5 SAM P. 127 # 5 (HW # 18) --------------SAM P. 138 # 2-3 (HW #19) STUDY FOR VOCABULARY QUIZ # 2 [P.149, 152, 158, 160 and P. 166, 184, 187] STUDY FOR QUIZ #3 17 Week 5 Thur Jan 31 Leçon 14 p. 194-199 Quiz #3 Contacts P. 194 Un mois à Paris P. 195 Note culturelle P. 196-99 La langue français Sec. A & B Contacts P. 197 # 1-4 P. 198 # 5-7 P. 199 # 8-9 P. 200 # 10 SAM P. 147 # 1 P.148 # 3 P. 149 # 5 None SAM P. 151-3 SAM P. 139 # 4-5 p. 140 # 6 (HW # 20) STUDY FOR VOCABULARY QUIZ # 2 [P. 149, 152, 158, 160 and 18 Week 6 Mon Feb 4 Group #8 Oral Presentation Leçon 14-15 p. 200-209 Contacts P. 200-4 La langue français Sec. C & D Contacts P. 201 # 1112 P. 203 # 13- 17 SAM P. 148 # 3 P. 150 # 6 À votre tour SAM P. 153 samedi dernier SAM P. 152 # H-I P. 153 # J-K P. 166, 184, 187] SAM P. 148 # 2 P. 149 # 4-5 (HW # 21) P. 169 VOCABULARY QUIZ # 2 [P. 149, 152, 158, 160 and P. 166, 184, 187] 19 Week 6 Tue Feb 5 Group #9 Oral Presentation P. 193 Leçon 15 p. 210-223 p. 224-229 (PARTS1&2) P. 205 À votre tour P. 206 Souvenirs de vacances P. 207 Note culturelle P. 208-9 La langue français Sec. A (Parts 1,2) 14 P. 204 # 1516 Contacts P. 210-18 La langue français Sec. A (Parts 3, 4), B-E P. 219 À votre tour P. 220-23 Vie Pratique 5: Les Sorties Contacts P. 224-29 Images du monde francophone Contacts P. 209 # 1-2 P. 210 # 3-4 P. 211 # 5 P. 212 # 6 P. 213 # 7-9 P. 214 # 1011 P. 215 # 1213 SAM P. 216 # 1415 P. 217 # 1617 P. 218 # 18 SAM P. 155 # 1-2 P. 157 # 4-6 P. 158 # 7 À votre tour SAM P. 162 Au Canada SAM P. 159 -166 SAM P. 150 # A Votre Tour P. 155 # 1 (HW #22) SAM P. 1 55 # 2 P. 156 # 3 P. 158 # A votre tour! (HW # 23) STUDY FOR VOCABULARY QUIZ #3 [P. 192, 202, 208, 210, 212, 215 ] START WRITING 18 COMPOSITION #2 [P. 220] 20 Week 6 Wed Feb 6 VOCABULARY QUIZ #3 REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW STUDY FOR FINAL EXAM [P. 192, 202, 208, 210, 212, 215 ] TO GET CREDIT FOR LAB (50 PTS) , BRING ME PROOF OF YOUR LAB HOURS Composition #2 Due Today [P. 220] LAB HOURS DUE 21 Week 6 Thur Feb 7 FINAL EXAM FINAL EXAM FINAL EXAM FINAL EXAM FINAL EXAM 19 FINAL EXAM FINAL EXAM FINAL EXAM