Synthesis Chart

ENGL 105 Synthesis Chart
This synthesis chart is designed to help you combine your research with the goal
of supporting of your claims. You should have at least two sources of support for
each topic sentence.
Be sure to include some type of information referencing where you found your
information (such as a page number) and any other information that you will need
when you write your References list (such as a URL).
You’ll also need to state the current date each time you update the chart so I’ll
know you’re keeping up with it. You will fill in this chart using your own topic
sentences, claims, or ideas and corresponding researched support and keep it
updated during the semester.
Also keep track of any inconsistencies, conflicts, or disagreements between your
An example is given to you.
Key Idea (a
sentence, an
idea, or a
claim you
need to
Author &
Author &
Author &
Author &
support for
support for
support for
support for
your topic
your topic
your topic
your topic
idea, or claim idea, or claim idea, or claim idea, or claim
ll research is
e most
rsial topics in
n problem with
research is
e scientists are
ting the stem
ment taxes are
for stem cell
Johnson, M.
Human Biology:
Concepts and Current
This book states how
controversial the topic of
stem cell research is.
No Author
New York Times:
Stem Cells
This source is through a
new york times article
and it has provided me
with useful information
about each form of stem
cell research
No Author
New York Times
No Author
New York Times
No Author
New York Times
This article states that
the stem cells are
constructed from
embryonic stem cells or
fertilized cells
The Dickey-Wicker
amendment is renewed
every year which bans
tax dollars to be used to
use destroyed embryos.
The controversial side of
embryonic stem cell
studies are highlighted in
this New York Times
rs today need to
aware of the
es between
ic and adult
Johnson, M.
Human Biology:
Concepts and Current
Stem cells differentiate
into different body parts.
anding the two
stem cell
thod of
has benefits
lems which can
ents. Both
f stem cells will
greatly over the
g years and
the possibilities
a child if
ng goes wrong
s helping an
he later future.
No Author
FDA Warns Vegas Doc
over Stem Cell Implant.
This source provides me
with background
information pertaining to
the genetic infections.
No Author
NIH Stem Cell
Information Home Page
No Author
NIH Stem Cell
Information Home Page
Stem cells are capable
of self-renewal.
Genetic mutations are
not detected through
research yet, but studies
have been shown to be
farthing the research.
No Author
NIH Stem Cell
Information Home Page
Embryonic stem cells
and adult stem cells are
different in various was
and this website
explains the differences
of both.
ic stem cells
main stem cells
tem cell
stem cell can
d produce
ealthy cells to
ssue in a living
No Author
NIH Stem Cell
Information Home Page
This provides reasoning
of why embryonic stem
cells are easily grown,
compared to adult stem
cells which are much
more difficult to grow.
Hughes, B.
This source states that
tumors have been found
in stem cell studies with
There is a possibility of it
happening in human
research too.
No Author
NIH Stem Cell
Information Home Page
No Author
NIH Stem Cell
Information Home Page
Research is limited with
adult stem cell research
because of
Stem cells have been
collected from adult
bone marrow, and
recently found more
places to extract adult
stem cells from
Johnson, M.
Human Biology:
Concepts and Current
Embryonic stem cells
can be injected while
adult stem cells cannot
be injected.
No Author
NIH Stem Cell
Information Hom
Embryonic stem
are collected fro
donated fertilize
Johnson, M.
Human Biology:
Concepts and Current
Johnson, M.
Human Biology:
Concepts and C
Stem cells have helped
Parkinson’s disease but
net yet cured the
disease, and it probably
never will
The research of
adult stem cells
expand because
are possibilities
eliminating embr
l research is
e most
rsial topics in
ociety because
mbryos are
stroyed for
No Author
New York Times:
Stem Cells
No Author
New York Times
Stem Cells
Congress denies the use Many people believe it is
of taxing for stem cell
controversial because it
research each year
is extracted from new
ersial Aspect
do not have the
ay whether or
want to be
n, therefore
re referring to
form of murder.
Johnson, M.
Human Biology:
Concepts and Current
Opinions and
controversial argements
have fled throughout the
world about this topic.
No Author
New York Times
Stem Cells
People argue that
embryos are considered
human beings.
Johnson, M.
Human Biology:
Concepts and Current
It backs up information
pertaining to law
enforcement of stem cell
research. This law states
that there must be
consent by an individual
before death in order to
extract and test their
organs after death
udents and
s need to
nd the
ents place in
stem cell
Harris, G.
Shay, K.
Shay, K.
August of 2010,
President Obama’s
executive order of 2009
to expand embryonic
stem cell research was
Citizens of the United
Each state has different
States are supporting
laws in regards to stem
biotechnology taxes, and cell programs
other people are against
the taxation of stem cell