Research Methodology - Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie

„A P R O B”
Şef catedră Medicină Socială şi Management
Sanitar „Nicolae Testemiţanu” d.h.ş.m, prof.
_______________________Dumitru TINTIUC
“__15__”_____noiembrie______ 2011
pentru studenţii anului III, facultatea Medicina nr.2 , anul universitar 2011-2012
(instruire în limba engleză)
The definition of research. The main important criteria of research process.
The role of validity and reliability in research activity.
Characteristics of Research: their meaning. Give an example.
Types of Research: Classification from perspective. Give an example.
Application of Research Study: types and their meaning. Give an example.
Pure Research: the meaning and its purpose. Give an example.
Applied Research: the meaning, types, its purpose and executors. Give an example.
Classification of Research from the viewpoint of objectives. Give an example.
Historical Research:
the purpose, contents, sources of data collected. Give an
10. Descriptive Research: the purpose, contents, sources of data collected. Give an
11. Correlational Research: the purpose, contents, sources of data collected. Give an
12. Experimental Research: the purpose, contents, sources of data collected.
Give an example.
13. Steps in Research Process: their contents and particularities.
Give an example.
14. Formulating the Research Problem: main function, sources, and aspects.
15. Steps in formulation of a Research Problem: their contents and particularities. Give
an example.
16. Reviewing of literature: its functions. More important systems to make a
17. The Objectives: definition, the meaning and types. Rules of formulation.
18. Hypotheses: definition, the meaning and functions.
19. Variables: definition and types. Give an example for each type.
20. Types of variable’s measurement scales. Give an example for each type.
21. Research design: the meaning, functions and contents.
22. Classification of Methods of Epidemiological studies. Their design and types.
23. Observational method of Epidemiological studies: the meaning and particularity.
Advantages and disadvantages. Give an example.
24. Experimental method of Epidemiological studies: the meaning and particularity.
Advantages and disadvantages. Give an example.
25. Which type of epidemiological study is best depending from the point of view of
26. State the main difference between the following study designs: observational and
experimental studies. Give an example.
27. State the main difference between the following study designs: observational
descriptive and observational analytic. Give an example.
28. State the main difference between the following study designs: cohort and casecontrol studies. Give an example.
29. State the main difference between the following study designs: case series and
cross-sectional studies. Give an example.
30. State the main difference between the following study designs: case series and casecontrol studies. Give an example.
31. State the main difference between the following study designs: case series and
cohort studies. Give an example.
32. State the main difference between the following study designs: case series and
Clinical trial studies. Give an example.
33. State the main difference between the following study designs: cross-sectional and
case-control studies. Give an example.
34. State the main difference between the following study designs: cross-sectional and
cohort studies. Give an example.
35. State the main difference between the following study designs: cross-sectional and
clinical trial studies. Give an example.
36. State the main difference between the following study designs: case-control and
clinical trial studies. Give an example.
37. A cross-sectional study: meaning, its main disadvantages. Give an example.
38. A case series study: meaning, its main advantages and disadvantages. Give an
39. A case-control study: meaning, its main advantages and disadvantages. Give an
40. A cohort study: meaning, its main advantages and disadvantages. Give an example.
41. A clinical trial study: meaning, its main advantages and disadvantages. Give an
42. The sample: definition, contents, types. Give an example.
43. Probability samples: types, their meaning and rules of selection.
44. Non-probability samples: types, their meaning and rules of selection.
45. Processing and analysing data: the meaning and their methods.
46. State the definition of Biostatistics and its study compartments. Main uses of
satistical methods.
47. The Role of Satistics in Health Science and Health Care Delivery.
48. State the main Sources of Health Data: their advantages and disadvantages.
49. Regular or routine data collection systems: the meaning and its contents. Examples.
50. Ad hoc data collection systems: the meaning and its contents. Examples.
51. Statistical totality’s definition, types and its elements;
52. Characteristic of general and selective statistical totality (a sample).
53. Determining a sample designs: types of samples and its characteristics.
54. State the advantages and disadvantages of the selection totality (a sample).
55. Big numbers law: the meaning and its application in Biostatistics.
56. Determining a sample designs: Ways of selective totality’s formation.
57. Probability theory: the meaning and its application in Biostatistics.
58. Absolute values: the meaning and their application in Biostatistics. Give an
59. Relative values: the meaning and their application in Biostatistics. Give an example.
60. Classification of Relative values. Give an example for each type of Relative values.
61. Intensive Relative indicators (the rate): their particularity, rules of calculation and
application. Graphic presentation. Give an example.
62. Extensive Relative indicators (the proportion): their particularity, rules of
calculation and application. Graphic presentation Give an example.
63. Rapports Relative indicators (the ratio): their particularity, rules of calculation and
application. Graphic presentation. Give an example.
64. Measures of Central Tendency (measures of location): their characteristics.
65. The Arithmetic mean: the meaning, its rule of calculation. Give an example.
66. The Median: the meaning, its rule of calculation. Give an example.
67. The Mode: the meaning, its rule of calculation. Give an example.
68. The weighted mean: the meaning, its rule of calculation. Give an example.
69. The meaning and reasons for measures Variability. Types of Variability’s measures
(Measures of dispersion).
70. Merits, demerits, properties, uses of Variability’s measures.
71. Range: meaning and its characteristics. Rule of calculation. Give an example.
72. Standard deviation (SD): meaning and its characteristics. Rule of calculation. Give
an example.
73. Coefficient of Variation: meaning and its characteristics. Rule of calculation. The
Scale of interpretation. Give an example.
74. Variable series’ definition. Its component elements. A frequency table.
75. Organization and Presentation of Data: its reasons and types.
76. Tabular presentation: types and their characteristics. Give an example.
77. Graphic presentation of data: types and particularities in the construction of
diagrams. Give an example for each of them.
78. Chronological series: definition, types and their characteristics.
79. Reporting the findings: types and their contents.
Aprobate la şedinţa catedrei Medicină Socială şi
Management Sanitar „Nicolae Testemiţanu”
extras din procesul verbal nr.___6_____din
„ ___15___”_____noiembrie__________ 2011
Şef de studii,
doctor în medicină,
conf. universitar