Parent-Student Handbook - St. Scholastica HSC Academy

St. Scholastica H.S.C. Academy
Parent/Student Handbook
Table of Contents:
Mission……………………………………………………….. ….. 2
School Goals…………………………………………………….… 2
Staff……………………………………………………………….. 3
Parent Roles and Responsibilities ……………………………….. 3
Friends of St. Scholastica (FOSS)…………………….…………. 4
Student Discipline Policy ………………………………………… 4
Academic Expectations and Policies ……………………………. 10
School Operations ………………………………………………… 14
Emergency Health and Safety Procedures ……………………… 20
Spiritual Growth…………………………………………………... 22
Tuition……………………………………………………………… 22
Uniform Policy…………………………………………………….. 23
Parent/Student Signature Page ………………………………….. 26
Extra Forms……………………………………………………….. 27
St. Scholastica was founded for the purpose of helping parents pass on to their
children the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Catholic faith in full communion with
the Magisterium. Our academic program is religious based and emphasis is placed
on the basics. We hope to awaken a love of learning in the mind of each child. The
students, with parents and teachers to guide them, practice self-discipline in every
aspect of their lives. Students are encouraged to practice Catholic charity, to treat
people with dignity, not to condemn but to love and to pass on to others this saving
faith. All for the glory of God.
St. Scholastica Academy will strive to:
 Teach
the Gospel of Jesus Christ as handed down by the Magisterium of the
Roman Catholic Church.
 Provide an education of excellence that assists children in their growth toward
full personal potential.
 Develop and offer an education in which intellectual, physical, and social
components are integrated with religious and moral instruction, and where
the Catholic Faith imbues all that we say and do.
 Teach students to think critically and express themselves with clarity and
 Promote character by insisting on responsible study and submission to
intellectual and moral discipline.
 Inspire students to realize their duties as American citizens and promote
general welfare through a deeper understanding of the effect of personal
actions upon the lives of others.
 Promote the development of leadership through the application of Christian
principles in activities and personal conduct.
 Foster refinement in manners, speech, and dress in accordance with Christian
 Promote the dignity of all human life, especially that of the unborn and elderly
who are in desperate need of protection amidst today’s culture of death.
 Develop the spirit of Christian charity as commanded by Jesus Christ.
 Foster each student’s personal relationship with Jesus Christ through personal
prayer, public worship, and the study and imitation of the lives of the saints.
Voice Mail: Out of respect for students, teachers, and academics, phone messages
should be left with our office staff during the school day; teachers will return calls
when their schedule allows.
Email: Email is the preferred way to communicate with staff during the school day.
St. Scholastica Academy exists to assist parents in their role as the primary
educators of their children. We therefore expect a high level of parental involvement
in our students’ education and formation. Parents/guardians will be informed of the
programs, regulations, and policies of our school via this Parent Handbook, parent
meetings and the Friday folders.
Parents are expected to:
 Know and
adhere to all policies contained in this Handbook; upon registering at
St. Scholastica Academy, parents accept responsibility for Handbook
 Reflect in their everyday lives the Christian atmosphere that permeates St.
Scholastica Academy.
 Encourage good study and homework habits and promote academic growth
 To be faithful to our mission as a school of academic excellence, students must
continually grow and occasionally push the limits of what they find
comfortable. One obstacle to students achieving their utmost is wellintentioned parents, verbally or non-verbally, informing students that their
homework is too much or too difficult. Teachers and parents must be united
in the academic expectations of the child.When a parent feels the homework
level is not appropriate, it is usually best to communicate that to the school
and not to your child. If a parent tells his child that the work is too much, the
child may no longer feel he needs to reach the goal. In most cases, stepping
back and letting your child overcome the difficultly is the best solution. If
your child is utterly overwhelmed, telling him that you will talk to the
teacher is probably helpful. It is problematic if a child is regularly
overwhelmed with homework, and a solution should be worked out with the
 Provide an
appropriate homework setting. For the most part, students are
dependent on their parents to give them an effective environment for study.
There is a range of settings for what is effective for any given student. The
primary situation that should be avoided is having a student in an
environment where he spends hours doing his homework but only
accomplishes minutes of actual work due to distractions. This scenario is
highly frustrating yet usually easily remedied with a plan and commitment to
give the children what they need to truly do their best.
 Support administration, teachers, and staff in matters of student discipline,
conduct, and moral development. We, parents and school, are all working
together to educate and help form virtue in the children entrusted to us. All
authority comes from God the Father and is given primarily to the parents.
The school participates in that God-given authority of the parents. Order and
good behavior is tied together with obedience to rightful authority. All
virtues flower when obedience is lived well. At times, some parents will not
see eye-to-eye with the way the school handles disciplinary situations with
their children. The temptation at these times may be to rush to judgment and
commiserate with one’s child. If children suspect that their parents do not
respect the authority of the school, it tends to lessen the child’s respect for
authority, and a break-down in virtue may begin to occur. Rather, after
talking with one’s child, parents should seek out the principal and discover
the details. After a careful examination of the facts, it is possible to come to
an educated judgment. Education is mostly dependent upon trust and respect;
where they are in short supply, precious little true education will occur.
 Sign and return all school forms, homework sheets, and conduct reports as
requested by administration and teachers.
 Provide a reasonably balanced home life. There are a number of worthwhile
extracurricular events in which children and parents can and should
participate. Even so, homework is always a priority over extracurricular
activities. Extracurricular activities may not be used as an excuse to not do
homework. When there is a busy night due to extracurricular activities, it is
the student’s responsibility to work ahead in anticipation to make sure all
homework is completed on time. Being a student is a calling and vocation
from God; students do God’s will for their lives here and now by being good
students. If a student’s extracurricular life is so busy or unorganized that
their studies suffer, priorities may be out of order.
 Meet financial obligations of tuition and fees and fundraisers.
 Support St. Scholastica Academy, administration, teachers, pupils, and staff in
a spirit of true Christian charity when speaking with others.
 Inform the school in writing of student illness or absence, change in parental
status and/or custodial restraints, change in transportation routine including
carpool assignments, change in address, phone, emergency contact, and child
 Mission
The Mission of the Friends of St. Scholastica H.S.C. Academy is to fully
support the staff in all of their curriculum goals through the intercessions of
our Blessed Mother. The Friends will support the SSHSCA in any or all
areas of the school as requested by the staff.
 Goals
To encourage families to demonstrate a commitment to their
child(ren)s’ Catholic school education through active participation in
school activities,
o To assist in developing good relations between school and
 Officers/ Membership
o The PTO Officers
o PTO Membership is automatic to all parents of St. Scholastica
Student Discipline Policy and Responsibilities
As a school we will consistently work to emulate the Holy Family. Christian virtue
will be the perpetual behavioral expectation. The rules and responsibilities
established for our students are enforced as a means of assisting them in their
journey as a child of God and as a soul destined for heaven. Do we expect
perfection? No. We strive for perfection, yet realize that we are all human and that
children like to know what the real limits are. It is normal for children to keep
pushing until they find the limit. Some children push more than others, but it is all
part of growing in maturity. It is not so important that children always behave well
as it is important to make sure the child knows when and how he has crossed the
acceptable limit. The key element is an appropriate consequence for inappropriate
behavior. Without this consistent response to bad behavior, all discipline programs
are ineffective.
In-School Expectations
Students are expected to follow these rules of behavior, accept responsibility for
their actions, correct behavior that does not correspond to the rules, and develop
self-control. At a minimum, we expect students to obey these rules from the
motivation that they are the rules of St. Scholastica Academy. Beyond that, we as a
community strive to instill in all students the desire to obey these rules, because to
obey these rules is an extension of the fourth commandment to honor one’s father
and mother. Obedience to these rules is a form of obedience to God. Ideally,
students will make their behavior correspond to these rules because they desire to
please God.
Following are the general rules of behavior:
 Students are expected to address all adults and visitors respectfully.
 Gum, candy, and food are not allowed in classrooms without permission.
 All electronic and musical devices and/or accessories such as cell phones,
cameras, iPods, or other belongings deemed inappropriate by the
administration are not allowed on school grounds during school hours. If you
have permission from the principal to have a cell phone at school, it must be
turned in or confiscated.
 Drugs, unaccompanied by the doctor’s prescription or a signed parent letter,
and smoking are not allowed on school grounds; possession is grounds for
immediate expulsion.
 The use of impure language, immoral behavior, or even simply having a
discussion supporting such behavior or supporting any communication media
which is contrary to Christian morals is obviously not allowed.
 All students must comply with the school uniform code; at the discretion of the
teacher, an intentional uniform infraction will result in a Conduct Slip.
 Any object classified as a weapon is not allowed on school grounds unless
written permission is obtained from the principal.
 Students must do restitution for any form of vandalism, rough-housing, or risky
behavior that causes damage to the school grounds or school property.
 Students are expected to respect the rights of other’s possessions and
schoolwork by practicing a high degree of honesty and integrity.
 Cheating, especially in the form of plagiarism, undermines the philosophy of
St. Scholastica Academy and will result in a “0” for the assignment along
with other possible discipline options as listed below. Plagiarism is any
attempt to pass off the ideas and/or writings of another as one’s own work.
 Children should do their best, but being overly competitive in academics, sports
or relationships does not fit with being a good sport or the Christian spirit.
Out-of-School Expectations
Students are expected always, whether after school, on the weekend, or even during
the summer, to strive to act in accord with Catholic morality and good behavior. At
a minimum, as long as one is a student at St. Scholastica Academy, whatever one
does and wherever one does it represents our school.
St. Scholastica Academy exists, first and foremost, to assist parents in forming their
children to lead a life of virtue and to develop a loving relationship with Christ. We
seek to foster an internal appropriation of the Christian life, not merely an external
appearance of virtue. There is no virtue or love in behaving only when others are
watching. Our goal is that the law of Christ is written on our hearts of flesh; i.e. that
we obey because we seek to please Jesus, the Love of our life.
Here are just a few examples of what is not consistent with who we are as a school:
 Using foul
language or being a bad sport on a team or at a get-together with
 Leaving Mass to waste time or visit with friends,
 Dressing immodestly or in a rebellious manner (including hair styles),
 Running wild unattended through the halls at an after school event,
 Misbehaving at a school-sponsored event/party either on or off campus.
Discipline Options
Silent or Homework Lunch
When assigned silent lunch, students will sit at the silent lunch table throughout their
lunch and/or lunch and recess period. If it is a homework lunch, students will
complete their assignment during this time instead of participating in lunch and/or
recess with classmates.
Conduct Slips
The use of conduct slips is a systematic and progressive procedure for the correction
of behavior; they are sent home for parents to sign. Students may receive two
conduct infractions in any given quarter without any further consequence. Should a
third infraction occur in any one quarter, the student will be assigned detention.
Depending on the severity of the situation as assessed by the teacher, it is possible
for a student to receive three infractions for one single event. At the beginning of
each quarter, students will begin with zero infractions, yet receiving two infractions
for more than two quarters will be taken into account when assigning appropriate
Detention is served the day that it is given. The student’s age and the severity of the
situation may mitigate the length of the detention. The average student serves an
entire hour-long period. Detention supersedes all extracurricular events, meetings
and school practices.
Students who receive three detentions in any given quarter, or are involved in a
situation that requires immediate probation without the use of progressive conduct
slips, will be placed on probation. This is an urgent alert to the student and parent
that the student’s behavior needs immediate improvement. Probation will remain in
effect for six weeks from the time of issuance. While on probation, a student may be
given work duty or be prohibited from participation in any extra-curricular events
sponsored by the school as determined to be most effective by the administration. A
significant violation of school regulations while on probation is cause for
In-School Suspension
Students who receive detention while on probation may be placed on in-school
suspension, although it may be given for other similarly serious situations. While on
in-school suspension, students will be removed from their classroom and spend the
school day doing their work in the school office or other conducive location.
Out-of-School Suspension
Students may be given out-of-school suspension. Only the principal may impose this
penalty. A suspension will be removed only after a conference is held with the
principal, parent, and if applicable, the teacher. If reinstated in school, the student
returns on probation for a minimum of twelve weeks or until suspension is removed
by the principal.
All homework is still due daily according to the classroom teacher’s assignments.
The student will have to arrange to get their work to school on time during their
Students who have received two out-of-school suspensions in any given quarter may
be expelled; students may also be expelled for other egregious offenses. Expulsion is
the termination of a student’s enrollment at St. Scholastica Academy. Obviously,
this is the most severe penalty that can be imposed on the student; the principal has
the final say in this matter and is the only one who can impose it.
Homework & Conduct Journal
All students will receive either an Assignment Sheet or a Homework Journal. This
journal is used to record daily homework and provide a regular conduct report for
first through fourth grade students; the conduct report may also be used for fifth
through eighth grade students should the need arise. The journal is to be signed daily
by first through fourth grade parents (or as requested by the teacher).
Bullying Policy
All bullying is unacceptable. Deliberate unkindness of any action that gives hurt,
whether verbal, physical, or relational, is bullying and will not be tolerated. It is the
duty of everyone who sees an instance of bullying, or potential bullying, to act to
stop it. Parents who have concerns about bullying issues should contact their child’s
teacher about their concerns.
The three main types of bullying are:
 Physical,
included but not limited to violence, theft, and destruction of
 Verbal, included but not limited to name calling, making faces, telling secrets,
teasing and mocking.
 Relational, included but not limited to cyber bullying, spreading rumors,
making gestures, writing notes, excluding someone from social groups,
malicious email, and prank phone calls.
Proper bullying report/response procedures by all teachers, staff, and students:
 Bullying incidents must be reported immediately to staff.
 Once reported, the staff member in closest proximity to the
event will record
reported bullying and give the report to the teacher.
 The bullying behavior or threats will be investigated either by the initial staff
member or by the teacher quickly and fully, with both victim and perpetrator
informed that the behavior will/must stop immediately.
 If the teacher deems it appropriate, the bullying perpetrator will meet with the
principal and his parents to discuss the seriousness of his actions and to
establish appropriate means of changing behavior.
Further options and outcomes:
 In serious cases, suspension, or expulsion will be considered.
 If feasible, both victim and bully will meet with the administration
to discuss
the problem and brainstorm ideas for reconciliation.
incident has been thoroughly investigated and dealt with, faculty will
monitor both students (including regular “check-ins”) to ensure that bullying
does not resume or reoccur.
 After the
St. Scholastica Academy teachers will:
 Teach self-respect and promote a sense of self-worth.
 Model assertive behavior and good social skills.
 Teach children ways to respond to bullies.
 Encourage children to stand up for a child being bullied,
and stress the
importance of reporting bullying to a trusted adult.
The spiritual, moral, intellectual, social and physical elements of the education that
St. Scholastica Academy offers are taught within the context of the Catholic Faith.
St. Scholastica Academy adheres to a traditional, well-balanced curriculum that
includes religion, math, language arts (phonics, spelling, grammar, literature,
vocabulary, penmanship, and writing), history, geography, science, music, art, and
physical education.
Homework Policy
Parental support of homework is a critical responsibility of all St. Scholastica
Academy parents; this is the line past which teachers have precious little control.
The following homework chart outlines the teamwork expected of all parties
involved. St. Scholastica Academy is dedicated to training students in both the
essential and advanced skills necessary for ongoing education. Homework is an
essential means of providing students with specific opportunities to practice and
extend the application of skills and knowledge. Completing homework well
develops independence and responsibility. Parents of students in grades 1-5 should
expect their children to do homework at least 4 days per week. Parents of students in
grades 6 - 12 should expect their students to do homework 5 days per week. A
Homework Journal or Assignment Sheets is provided for all students to record daily
assignments. In addition to daily homework, it is highly recommended that all
children read at least 1/2 hour each day from a book that they love. The following
homework guidelines have been established for students diligently and effectively
working at about the average level for their grade level:
 Kindergarten: 10 - 15 minutes two times per week
 Grade 1: 10 - 25 minutes at least four times per week
 Grade 2: 20 -30 minutes at least four times per week
 Grades 3 - 5: 30 - 60 minutes five times per week
 Grades 6 - 8: one to two hours five times per week
 Grades 9-12: One and half hours to two and half hours
five times per week
Late or Incomplete Homework:
Grades 1-6: Homework not turned in on the due date, or turned in incomplete, will
receive 50% of the available credit. For every day that the assignment is late after its
original due date, 10% more will be deducted. If an assignment is not turned in
within 5 school days of the due date, the student will receive no credit. In addition:
 If
a student has three days of missing homework in any one quarter, the
situation will be treated as a conduct issue. Each assignment missed after the
third day is also considered a conduct issue.
 Silent Lunch may be assigned to students with missing or late homework.
Grades 7-12: Homework slips are not issued. Instead, homework not completed and
turned in on time will not receive credit. If the assignment is not turned in by the
next class for that subject, the student will receive a conduct slip. Conduct slips will
continue until the assignment is turned in. Late assignments must be completed to
the standard of at least 80% or they will have to be done again.
Making up Homework Due to Absence: The student or parent is responsible for
requesting make-up work due to an absence. Two days will be allowed for make-up
work once the student returns to school. Additional time will be allowed at the
discretion of the teacher. Previously announced projects, tests, and assignments must
be turned in or taken on the date of the student’s return.
Extracurricular Events: There are a number of worthwhile extracurricular events
in which children and parents can and should participate. Even so, homework is
always a priority over extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities may not be
used as an excuse to not do homework. When there is a busy night due to
extracurricular activities, it is the student’s responsibility to work ahead in
anticipation to make sure all homework is completed on time. Being a student is a
calling and vocation from God; students do God’s will for their lives here and now
by being good students. If a student’s extracurricular life is so busy or unorganized
that their studies suffer, priorities seem to be out of order.
Grading Scale
 Kindergarten
- Grade 2 and Art, Technology, and Music will use the
following grading system:
Needs Improvement
3 – 12 will use the percentage system, and academic achievement will
be recorded as a specific number that directly reflects work. Less than 70% is
 Grades
Honor Roll
The Honor Roll is published each quarter to recognize students in grades fifth and
above for academic achievement. Students who have achieved an overall percentage
average of 93% or better during the quarter, have not received detention during the
quarter, and have not received a grade lower than 70% in any subject in the quarter,
will earn a position on the Honor Roll. The subjects averaged to determine a
student’s GPA are math, language arts, religion, history, science and Latin. Honor
Roll has two classifications:
Academic Excellence 96% – 100%
High Honors 93% – 95.99%
Academic Probation
Academic Probation is a tool used to alert both student and parent of serious
academic concerns requiring immediate attention. At the end of a quarter, a student
who has received a grade below 70% is subject to an academic review. At the
review, administration, student, and parents will formulate a plan of action to assist
the student in academic improvement. A student who exhibits a serious lack of
homework effort and responsibility may be placed on Academic Probation. While
on Academic Probation, student achievement is consistently reviewed for
improvement. If improvement does not occur in a timely manner, privileges and
involvement in extra-curricular activities may be removed. Students who do not
meet the minimum standards at the end of the next nine-week period may be asked
to withdraw from St. Scholastica Academy.
Report Cards, Mid-Terms, and Conferences
St. Scholastica Academy has adopted a quarterly grading system. In addition to
quarterly report cards, students in grades 5 on up may receive mid-term reports if
their grades merit a concern.
Conferences are mandatory before the grades for the first quarter are given. Parents
may also request an additional conference at any time.
Kindergarten student progress is evaluated throughout the school year, and report
cards are sent home after each semester instead of quarter.
Promotion / Retention
Promotion / retention will be based on academic achievement and emotional /
developmental maturity. In the case of retention, parents or guardians will be
notified of their child’s situation as soon as possible.
Standardized Testing
St. Scholastica Academy will use annual standardized student testing as a means to
evaluate and further develop our overall curriculum. Student performance levels are
considered confidential and will remain at the school or with a private testing
consultant hired by the school.
Student Records
In accordance with state and federal laws, parents are entitled to see their child’s
school records or data. An appointment with the principal should be made in
advance for a student’s record or data review. The principal will respond to the
request in a reasonable amount of time. School records or data include any or all of
the following:
 identifying student data including health data,
 academic work completed, grades, standardized testing scores,
 attendance data,
 family background information,
 teacher or counselor rating and observations including verified reports
serious or recurrent behavior patterns.
Religious Education
Integral to our mission is the formal study of the Roman Catholic Faith in union
with the Magisterium. Not only do we study the Catholic Faith, but also we strive to
provide an all-pervasive culture steeped in Catholicism. In our curriculum, and all
we do, we strive to be consistent with Catholic values and tradition. All students,
including non-Catholics, are required to attend all religious education classes,
Masses and prayer services, and adhere to the religious education expectations
established by the school. Students are expected to show respect for the Catholic
Faith in all they say and do.
Daily Schedule
First bell. Students need to be in their classrooms, ready for the day
Officially begin with Prayer
Lunch and Recess
Prayers are said. School is dismissed
Absences / Tardiness / Early or Late Dismissals
Regular attendance is essential for academic achievement. However, occasional
circumstances will arrive that necessitate a shortened school day or a planned
absence. In the event that this occurs, use the following procedures for notifying
teachers and making arrangements with the school office:
 Reporting
an Absence: Call the school office by 9:00 a.m. on the morning of
the student’s absence. The number is 763-689-4648. Upon the student’s
return, a signed parent letter that explains the reason for absence should be
given to the teacher who in turn will give it to the school office.
 Tardy Arrivals: Students are considered “tardy” when they arrive after the 8:15
bell. Students who arrive tardy must stop by the school office to sign in or
see the principal. Six tardy arrivals will result in a “Mandatory Make-Up”
which is a 60 minute make-up period, to make up for the loss of class time.
Two Mandatory Make-Ups will be recorded as an absence on the student’s
school record. Tardy arrivals are cumulative and do not start over at the
beginning of each quarter. When such events as severe weather or a major
traffic accident occur that makes it impossible to get to school on time, a
tardy will not be applied to the student’s record. Safety is the primary
consideration in commuting to school.
 Early Dismissal/Late Arrival: Parents should email the school or send a letter
to the classroom teacher at least 24 hours in advance. Parents must come into
the building to get the child from his classroom. Missing more than 3 hours
on a day consists of a full day’s absence; arriving after 10:40 AM or leaving
before Noon is considered being absent for the day.
 Planned Absences: Students should bring a signed parent letter to the
classroom teacher at least 24 hours prior to the planned absence. The letter
should include the dates that the student will be absent and the reason. If
homework is requested, parents or students must make arrangements with
the classroom teacher at least a week in advance.
Age Requirements
Students seeking entry into Kindergarten-4 must be four years of by September 1
of the year they wish to attend. Students seeking entry into Kindergarten-5 must be
five years old by September 1 of the year they wish to attend.
Kindergarten is in session Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 8:10 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Kindergarten students are required to be in uniform according to dress code.
Lunch and Snack
Children are to bring a lunch with them and a light snack for during the day.
Emergency Closings and Delayed Starts to the
School Day
In the event that severe weather or an emergency forces St. Scholastica Academy to
close or have a delayed start, we follow the closings and late starts of the
Cambridge/Isanti Public Schools.. It is every parent’s responsibility to ensure that all
emergency contact information is up to date with the school office.
All parents and visitors must stop at the school office or the principal’s classroom to
sign in.
School insurance does not cover the loss of personal possessions. Students are to
refrain from bringing valuables into the school building.
When money is sent to school, it should be placed in an envelope labeled with the
student's name, grade, and the purpose for the money. Money may not be kept in the
classroom for any reason.
Lost and Found
Lost items are kept in the LOST & FOUND BOX. Please ask your child to check it
frequently. At the end of each school year, all items remaining in the box will be
given to charity.
The students are required to bring a lunch every day. It’s important that each child
has a healthy lunch. No soda or energy drinks are allowed.
Mass is a very important part of our school week. Our students are truly blessed in
having the Eucharist and the Sacrifice of the Mass. Our students serve as Altar
Servers and they also serve as lectors.
Life Touch comes each year to take pictures. Picture day is a Dress Uniform Day.
Date will be announced each year.
School Directory
The school directory is published for the use of all families at the beginning of each
school year. This directory contains the names of all students and their parents along
with emails, addresses, and home phone numbers. If a parent does not want their
information to be part of the school directory, he or she must inform the FOSS by
the end of the first week of school. All information in the directory is confidential
and may only be used by registered members of St. Scholastica Academy.
Field Trip Permission Slips
Insurance regulations require a signed permission form every time students
participate in a field trip; failure to return the form means that the student may not
attend. Since we do not have a bus it is necessary to use transportation provided by
private vehicles. All private vehicles used to transport students must have
documented current registration and proof of insurance.
Transportation to School
Parents are responsible for making arrangements for their child to be transported to
and from St. Scholastica Academy. Students who live outside of the
Cambridge/Isanti School District may be eligible for annual transportation
reimbursements from the school district where their child resides. Contact your local
school district for guidelines.
Non-Discrimination Policy
It is the policy of St. Scholastica Academy to comply with state and federal laws
prohibiting discrimination, to the end that no person(s) shall be denied or excluded
from enrollment or participation in any educational program or activity operated by
the school on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, gender, age, marital
status, status with regard to public assistance, or disability.
 Minimum Age
For admission to Kindergarten4, the student must be four (4) years of age on
or before Sept. 1 of that year.
For admission to Kindergarten5, the student must be five (5) years of age on
or before Sept. 1 of that year.
For admission to First Grade, the student must be six (6) years of age on or
before Sept. 1 of that year.
 Required
The following documents must be completed and on file in the school office:
Application form with application fee
Birth certificate (copy)
Baptismal certificate (copy)
Records from previous school (if applicable) including report cards
Immunization Form
Student Health History Form
Family Information Card
 Family
As part of the normal admission process, the principal will meet with the
parents or guardians and the student before granting acceptance.
 Provisional
Admission for all new students
Admission of a new student is provisional until:
o All admission requirements have been met in full,
All records are received from the previous school attended,
All application and enrollment fees are paid in full or an arrangement
has been made with the school bookkeeper,
At the successful completion of a 9 week probationary period, students
will be granted regular status.
 Mid-Year Transfer Students
Students are eligible to transfer into St. Scholastica Academy mid-year if
there has been a change of residence, or if permission is granted by the
pastor or principal. Students who seek enrollment mid-year:
 are required to spend one full day in attendance at St. Scholastica
Academy after which a conference will be held with the principal and
parents to determine if St. Scholastica Academy is the best fit for the
 are automatically placed on probation for a nine-week period after
which they will be given regular student status if there have been no
major behavioral or academic concerns.
Waiting Lists
Waiting lists will be established when grades are filled. Placement will be awarded
following the enrollment priority listed below together with the completion of all the
usual school registration procedures.
Enrollment Priority
Placement in the grades will be awarded using the priority criteria listed below.
When a grade fills to capacity, a wait list will be established; wait lists will not be
kept for kindergarten. We will start accepting kindergarten applications the first day
of school in February for the upcoming school year.
Registration Fees
A yearly registration fee is required of all new and returning students. Registration
fees are not refundable or transferable except in the case of a documented military
 New
families: $400 non-refundable registration fee per family; $300 will be
applied toward the book fee.
 Returning families: $100 non-refundable fee per family, none of which goes
toward the book fee.
On their birthdays (or “half birthdays” for summer birthdays) students are wished
happy birthday during our morning announcements and invited to bring a snack to
share. Invitations to birthday parties may not be distributed during school
All students have recess during their lunch period unless it is forfeited to finish
incomplete work or for disciplinary reasons. Additional recesses are given to
students at the discretion of their teachers. Recess will be held outdoors every day
that it is not raining and the air temperature and wind chill are above zero.
Please dress children appropriately for all weather conditions.
Our school library supports the philosophy of St. Scholastica Academy in that
everything that is honorable from what is new will be used and nothing that is of
value from the past will be discarded. Students will have their own library “account”
and be encouraged to check out books on a weekly basis.
Internet Policy
St. Scholastica Academy will adhere to a K-4 “zero internet” student policy during
the school day, unless permission is granted by the principal for special assignments
or projects. Under the supervision of their teacher, students in grades 5and up may
use the internet during class for research and class assignments.
Media Policy
St. Scholastica Academy strives to emulate the virtues fostered in the Holy Family,
and parents are asked to do the same. We strongly discourage television, videos,
music, and internet that encourage or participate in rude, arrogant, immoral, impure,
or disrespectful behavior. A general rule of thumb to ask yourself is, “Since Jesus
and Mary are sitting here with me, are they pleased with what I am watching or
listening to?” Our teachers and staff reserve the right to prohibit conversations
amongst students regarding media that undermines the Christian integrity of our
All students are required to fully participate in the Raffle and attain the family goal.
This is the major fundraiser that directly benefits the ongoing expenses of St.
Scholastica Academy.
Important Emergency Information
The faculty and staff of St. Scholastica Academy have the highest concern for our
students’ safety. Because of this, we practice severe weather, fire, and evacuation
drills frequently throughout the school year. Although this planning and preparation
are very important, they are not complete without your knowledge of, and
compliance with, the established procedures. In the unlikely event that there is an
emergency while your child is at school; please observe the following guidelines so
that our staff can concentrate on the most important detail at hand – student safety.
 Keep
us informed and up-to-date with your current and accurate emergency
contact information. This is imperative! If there is an emergency while your
child is at school, we can only inform you of their safety if we can reach you.
Do not leave us stranded with inaccurate information.
 Should there be an emergency that requires your child to remain secluded
within the school for an extended period of time, do not come to the school
to pick them up. If we are placed in the position of shielding our students,
we will completely lock down the building.
Illness during the School Day
The principal, office administrator, and/or teacher may dismiss or approve the
dismissal of a student who becomes ill or hurt during the school day.
Parents/guardians are notified when the decision is made. If parents or designated
guardians are unable to come for the student, arrangements must be made for a
relative or other authorized person to pick up the student in the school office. A
student will not be sent home due to illness if a parent or guardian is not at home.
Student Emergency Contact Information
An emergency form is sent home at the beginning of each school year to be filled
out and signed by the parent. If address, phone, or emergency contact information
change during the year, it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to notify the
Health Records
Health records are required of each student. It is recommended that the student have
a physical before entering kindergarten or first grade and again in fourth.
St. Scholastica Academy follows the requirements of the Minnesota School
Immunization Law (Minnesota Statues Section 123.70). All immunization dates are
to be submitted to the school prior to the start date of the school’s present school
year. The parent is responsible for providing this information in writing to the school
office and for providing additional immunization information as administered.
Medication during the School Day (Minnesota Statue 126.202)
A written statement is required of the parent/guardian who requests and authorizes
the giving of medication in the dosage prescribed by the physician, thereby releasing
school personnel from liability should reactions result from the medication. Drugs or
medicines must be in the original licensed pharmacist’s labeled container.
Administration of the medication during school hours shall be in a manner
consistent with instructions on the label. Tylenol, cough medicine, and similar overthe-counter medications are considered the same as prescription medication and
must be stored in the school office. See the back of this Parent Handbook for
Medication Permission Slips.
Reporting of Child Abuse / Neglect
St. Scholastica Academy is legally required to follow the requirements of Minnesota
law pertaining to reporting child neglect and/or abuse. Staff members will report
suspected cases to the local law enforcement agency or social service agency if they
know of, or have reason to believe, that there is currently abuse or neglect present,
or has been present within the past three years. At the same time staff members will
report suspected cases to the principal. A written report must be filed within 72
hours of the verbal report. Neglect is defined as a serious failure to provide
education, food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or as prenatal exposure to a
controlled substance. Abuse is physical, sexual, or emotional maltreatment.
Custodial and Guardianship Issues
Where parental custody of a student is an issue, parents/guardians must supply
custodial and guardianship information to the office by the first day the child attends
school. In the case of divorced or separated parents, it will be presumed that both
parents have full parental rights and equal rights to custody of the student unless a
judicial decree stating otherwise is supplied to the office. Written notification should
be provided regarding to whom, besides the parents/guardians, the child may be
released during the school day.
St. Scholastica Academy teachers and staff are not permitted to be involved in
custody cases, including but not limited to, speaking or submitting a written
testimony on behalf of one or the other parent/guardian.
Fire / Tornado / Evacuation / Lock Down Drills
Fire, tornado, lock down, and evacuation drills serve to inform the students of
evacuation and precautionary procedures to be followed should a dangerous
situation arise. Such drills are serious and require a prompt, quiet, and obedient
response from everyone. Teachers will give instructions for exit and protection.
Students will be taught the plan as it applies to the various locations on school and
church grounds.
Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
St. Scholastica Academy, including both the student and faculty body, will be
consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the beginning of every school year.
Sacramental Preparation and Reception
Preparation programs for First Confession and First Communion are in second
grade. Students usually make their First Confession in winter and their First
Communion in spring. Students are to make their First Confession and First
Communion in their own parishes. Parents will need to contact their own parishes
for scheduling.
Students are required to memorize grade level prayers.
Please contact the school office for current tuition rates.
If paying monthly all payments are due on the 5th of each month. A late fee will
apply for all late payments.
All students who attend St. Scholastica Academy must adhere to the established
uniform policy. With the exception of stockings, belts, and shoes, uniforms should
be purchased from:
Donald’s Department Store, 972 Payne Ave, St. Paul; 651-776-2723; or or
Hair should be neat and well-groomed in a simple and modest manner. Unusual or
“trendy” hairstyles, including extensions and hair dye, are not permitted. Boys’ hair
should be short, i.e. off of the neck and ears and at least an inch off the eyebrows.
The school is the final judge on the suitability of hair grooming.
Body Accessories
Tattoos, nail polish, and body glitter are prohibited. Make-up is prohibited except
for naturally colored lip-gloss. Girls may wear post earrings that are no more than ½
inch in size. Earrings are prohibited for boys. Other permissible jewelry includes
Christian emblems, 1” in size or smaller, on a necklace chain and watches. No
bracelets. Girls may wear hair accessories in the colors of our uniforms.
Clothing in General
Uniforms are to be clean and in good condition; holes, fraying, hems coming
undone, dirty and stained clothing, etc. is not acceptable and should be fixed in a
timely manner.
Boys Clothing
Boys Grades K-8:
 Black uniform dress pants,
 Yellow long or short sleeve button
down oxford dress shirt; shirts are to be
tucked in at all times except during recess,
 Black tie,
 Optional black cardigan, vest, or “v neck” sweater, burgundy microfleece (from
 Black belt must be worn at all times (except for kindergartners who do not need
to wear belts),
 Black socks,
 Black shoes with “non-marking” soles (shoes with laces are to be tightly tied),
Girl’s Clothing
Girls Grades K-4:
 School designated jumper; length must be no shorter than mid knee,
 Yellow long or short-sleeved oxford dress shirt
 Black sweater (as weather permits), burgundy microfleece (from Donalds)
 White or black knee-highs or tights must be worn at all times. Anklets and crew
socks that are at least 3” above the shoe may worn also
shoes with “closed toe and closed heel” and “non-marking” soles are
required. If the shoes have a heel, they can be no higher than 1”. Shoe
accessories such as charms and pom-poms are prohibited (shoes with laces
are to be tightly tied).
 Black
Girls Grades 5-8:
 All of the above in the K-5 dress code except the blouse and jumper,
 Yellow Oxford button-down shirt (short or long sleeve),
 School designated skirt, length must fall to at least mid knee throughout
duration of the school year.
P.E. Attire: All students must wear gym shoes during P.E. that are made for
sports and fastened securely.
Grades K-3: No gym uniform required except for tennis shoes.
Grades 4-8: The boys are permitted to change into other pants (though if time
becomes an issue this will be revoked). Girls are permitted to wear pants under their
High School Students:
This establishes the basic "letter of the law", but students aided by their parents, should
discern and submit more importantly to the spirit of the dress code. Students must
appear at school in clean and pressed dress clothes. Damaged or excessively worn
clothing is unacceptable. Parents with questions or concerns should feel free to contact
the school for clarification. No graphics on the T-shirts.
Shoes: No heels higher than 2 inches; no sport shoes or flip flops; sandals with backs
are allowed
Slips: Must be worn every day
Skirts or dresses: Must touch floor when kneeling; no slits above knees
Shirts/tops: No more than 2 finger-widths below collarbone; shoulders are to be
covered; camisole must be worn under light-weight tops; shirts must not be tight-fitting
or see-through material.
No sweatshirts allowed.
Shoes: Black or brown lace-up Oxford style
Socks: Dress socks, not crew socks
Pants: Dress slacks
Style: Traditional cut without cuffs, not too baggy, no sewn on pockets
Material: No denim
Belt: Black or brown leather (to match shoes), no decorative buckle
Style: Long-sleeved, button-down dress shirt
Material: Cotton blend permanent press preferred, or 100% cotton
Sport coat: required
Tie: classic tie (i.e. not character based)
No sweatshirts allowed.
All families are expected to read and familiarize themselves with the St. Scholastica
Academy Parent-Student Handbook. The provisions in the handbook are designed to
provide parents and students with information and guidance as to the procedures and
rules of the school. The provisions are not a contract and impose no obligation on the
school. The handbook is not a part of the tuition agreement. The contents of the
handbook may be changed as necessary at the school’s discretion and, if changed,
written notification of such changes will be provided to parents and students.
Parent Agreement
I/We ___________________________________________________________________
Please print first and last names of parent(s) or guardian(s)
have read the material in the St. Scholastica Academy Parent-Student Handbook and
agree to follow and uphold the school policies while my child/children are enrolled
at St. Scholastica Academy.
Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________________ Date ____________
Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________________ Date ____________
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Agreement (All students in 5th Grade on up must sign)
I/We (Student Name(s)____________________________________________________
have read the material in the St. Scholastica Academy Parent-Student Handbook and
agree to follow and uphold the school policies while enrolled at St. Scholastica
Signature: ____________________________________Grade:_______ Date: _______
(First student in the family attending the school)
Signature: ____________________________________Grade:_______ Date: _______
(Second student in the family attending the school-if applicable)
Signature: ____________________________________Grade:_______ Date: _______
(Third student in the family attending the school-if applicable)
Signature: ____________________________________Grade:_______ Date: _______
(Fourth student in the family attending the school-if applicable)
Please tear them out and use them as needed.
Student Medication Permission Form
(Non-prescription medicine)
My child, _________________________________, has permission to take the following
non-prescription medication: ____________________________________________.
I understand that this over-the-counter medication must be taken under the supervision of
the classroom teacher or other authorized school personnel. My child may take this medication
for this Period of time: ____________________________________________.
The dosage is to be: ______________________________________________________.
I exempt the school and all school personnel from administering this medication. They
are also exempt from any liability should my child over-medicate, under-medicate, or otherwise
abuse or misuse this non-prescription medication.
Signed: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________________
-----------------------------------------------------Student Medication Permission Form
(Non-prescription medicine)
My child, _________________________________, has permission to take the following
non-prescription medication: ____________________________________________.
I understand that this over-the-counter medication must be taken under the supervision of
the classroom teacher or other authorized school personnel. My child may take this medication
for this Period of time: ____________________________________________.
The dosage is to be: ______________________________________________________.
I exempt the school and all school personnel from administering this medication. They
are also exempt from any liability should my child over-medicate, under-medicate, or otherwise
abuse or misuse this non-prescription medication.
Signed: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student Medication Permission Form
(Prescription medicine)
Name of Student: __________________________________________
Medication: __________________________________________
Dosage: _________________________________________
Time to be administered: __________________________________________
Length of prescription: _______________________(How long will your child be on this medication?)
I give permission for the above medication to be administered as detailed by my child’s teacher or
other employee of St. Scholastica Academy.
___________________________________ _____________________
Parent’s Signature
-----------------------------------------------------Student Medication Permission Form
(Prescription medicine)
Name of Student: __________________________________________
Medication: __________________________________________
Dosage: _________________________________________
Time to be administered: __________________________________________
Length of prescription: _______________________(How long will your child be on this medication?)
I give permission for the above medication to be administered as detailed by my child’s teacher or
other employee of St. Scholastica Academy.
___________________________________ _____________________
Parent’s Signature
Child’s Name____________________________________________________________
I give permission for my child to attend with _____________________________and
(Name of Class)
staff on a field trip to _________________________________ on
(Location of Trip)
I can be reached at (______)________________________ during the hours of the
field trip.
________________________________________ ______________
Signature of parent/guardian
-----------------------------------------------------PERMISSION SLIP FOR FIELD TRIP
Child’s Name____________________________________________________________
I give permission for my child to attend with _____________________________and
(Name of Class)
staff on a field trip to _________________________________ on
(Location of Trip)
I can be reached at (______)________________________ during the hours of the
field trip.
________________________________________ ______________
Signature of parent/guardian