laboratory activity: observing chemical change

Lab Manual
First Semester
What’s In a Bomb Bag?
Separation Lab
Observing Chemical Change
Physical and Chemical Change
Discovering Density
Using Density to Identify Minerals and Wood
Calculating The Thickness of Aluminum Foil
Separation Challenge Chromatography T-Shirt
Who Dunnit?: Flame Test
Density as a Periodic Property
Periodic Table: Families
CSI: Nordonia
Identifying Ionic and Covalent Compounds
Classifying Chemical Reactions
Metal Activity Series
Second Semester
Mole Rockets
Stoichiometry Lab (Copper & Silver Nitrate)
Can you Make 2.00 Grams?
Which Equation is the right equation?
Determining which Substances are not soluble?
Freezing Point: Changes in State of Glaciated
Acetic Acid
Changes in States Virtual Lab
Specific Heat Lab
Specific Heat Virtual Lab
Chromatography Lab
Concentration Lab
Solution Challenge
Ice Cream Lab
Energy in Food Lab (Bugle Lab)
Chemistry in Cake
Nutrients in Food
Pressure – Volume Relationship
Temperature-Volume Relationship
Hot Air Balloons & Gas Laws
Acids and Bases – Part One: Properties of Acids
and Bases
Acids and Bases – Part Two: pH scale and
household items
Acids and Bases – Part Three: Indicators
Acids and Bases – Part Four: Base Neutralization
Acid in Fruit Juices
Organic Stretch Lab
Producing Nylon Lab
Identifying Polymers Lab
GLUEP – The Scientific Method
Investigations in Chemistry: What’s in a bomb bag?
Background: As you observed in the classroom, some chemical reactions, when they occur,
can produce interesting and useful side effects. In this activity, the side effect was a gas that
was generated. This gas was produced in such large quantities that it forced the bag to burst,
producing a satisfactory bang.
Now that manufacturers of the toy bomb bags tells us that this is done with “magic water”,
however we are not fooled by their attempts to be mysterious. We understand that chemistry
is at work here. The “magic water” is simply distilled water with a chemical dissolved in it.
This chemical is reacting with the sodium bicarbonate and producing gas as a result. In
chemistry terms it looks something like this:
Sodium bicarbonate + “magic water” chemical  gas (carbon dioxide) + other compounds
Your assignment is to determine what chemical is dissolved in the “magic water”, choosing
from several chemicals we provide for you.
You may wonder how you are going to do this. Our investigation is going to center around the
properties of magic water. Properties are those things that describe an object. For example,
one property of this piece of paper is that it is white. Another property would be that it is
flammable (it will burn.). All chemicals have properties and just like humans, many of those
properties are unique. So we will study the unique properties of “magic water” and then the
properties of our four possible powders. From the results of these tests, you should be able to
determine the mystery chemical.
Well plate
Stirring Rod
Paper towels
Universal Indicator
pH paper
1 bomb bag
small beaker
magic water
baking soda
chemical samples
Part One: The effects of the magic water
1. Obtain one bomb bag per group. Do not attempt to open it.
2. Using your fingers, feel the inside of the bag. You will note that there is a small “bag”
that feels as if you could squeeze it.
3. Make sure that floor around your table is clear.
4. Squeeze the inner bag until you feel it break.
5. Set the bag on the floor and observe.
Part Two: The insides of the bomb bag
6. Watch as your teacher cuts open a bomb bag
7. Note the contents of the bag.
Part Three: The properties of magic water.
8. Testing with sodium bicarbonate. Place a small amount of sodium bicarbonate into
one well of your well plate.
9. Using a pipet, dispense 10 DROPS of “magic water” into the same well. Write your
observations in the appropriate spot on your data table.
10. Testing with pH paper. Place 10 drops of “magic water” into a different well in your
well plate. Tear off a short (approx. 1 inch) piece of pH paper. Dip one end of the pH
paper into the same well. Immediately remove. Record any observations in your data
11. Testing with universal. Again, place 10 drops of “magic water” into a different well.
Using the appropriate dropper bottle, place 1-2 drops of indicator solution #1 in the
same well. Record any observations.
12. Testing with phenothalein. Repeat the procedure as you did in step 9. Remember to
use a fresh well each time.
13. Dispose of your chemicals into the sink and then use the soap and water to wash your
well plate.
Part Four: The properties of your sample chemicals.
1. In this section of the lab you will be testing each of the four chemicals in front of you
with the same five tests you performed on the “magic water”. Each of this chemicals
started off as a white powder, as your teacher illustrated, however, to facilitate your
lab procedure and help things run smoothly, each chemical has been dissolved in water.
They are now in dropper bottles.
2. Test acetic acid with each of the five tests: sodium bicarbonate, pH paper, universal
indicator, and phenothalein, using the instructions above for guidance.
3. Test sodium hydroxide with each of the five tests. Clean your well plate out with soap
and water, as needed.
4. Test citric acid with each of the five tests.
5. Clean your well plate with soap and water, then place upside down on a piece of paper
towel to dry.
Data Page for “Bomb Bag” Lab
Background: In this chapter you will learn that there are different types of matter. Some of
these types are mixtures, a collection of substances which are not chemically bonded to each
other. Because they are not bonded, the components of these mixtures can be separated by
physical means. In other words, we can separate them without changing their identity. In
this lab, we will separate an iron, sand and salt mixture, using physical properties.
You will be giving a mixture containing iron, salt and sand. Your job is to figure out how we
should separate these three components into their pure, uncombined forms. In order to
successfully complete the lab, you must also recover all three components. In other words,
when you are done, I will need to see three piles: one iron, one salt, and one sand.
Your first step is to write a procedure. No lab work may begin until this procedure is
approved by your teacher.
If you are wondering what supplies you may use, you may assume that any of your basic
chemical supplies will be available. If you feel that you need some equipment not usually
found in a lab, ask your teacher if such equipment would be made available.
Purpose: To observe possible signs of a chemical reaction.
Ziploc freezer bag
Calcium chloride pellets
Universal indicator
Plastic pipette
Baking soda
Background: You will be studying chemical change in this activity. Remember that when a
chemical change takes place, new substances are formed. But how do we know when a
chemical change has occurred? This activity will show you several signs to look for.
1. Place 1 small scoop of calcium chloride in your baggie.
2. Place 2 scoops of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in the baggie as well.
3. Fill the plastic pipette partway (a little more than halfway) with universal indicator and
place the entire dropper into the baggie. Do not squeeze the pipette at this time.
4. Zip the baggie closed.
5. Squeeze the pipette through the baggie and observe the changes that occur.
6. Record the changes that you observed below.
7. Experiment with each combination of chemicals to see if you can determine what
combination causes each change. You may add water when mixing the two dry
chemicals to help the reaction occur. After you have determined the cause for each
change, describe what you have discovered below.
Reaction #1:
1. Add a small scoopful of sodium chloride into an evaporating dish.
2. Pour a small amount of water into the evaporating dish so it is about ½ full.
3. Stir and record your observations.
4. Place the salt/water mixture on the wire gauze and heat over the flame as illustrated
by your teacher until all the water is gone.
5. Dispose of the water/salt solution down the drain.
Reaction #2:
1. Pick up a small piece of magnesium with crucible tongs and hold over the blue part of
the flame in a lit Bunsen burner. Record your observations.
Reaction #3:
1. Pick up a small piece of zinc with crucible tongs and hold over the blue part of the
flame in a lit Bunsen burner. Record your observations.
Reaction #4:
2. Place several drops of copper nitrate into a test tube.
3. Using the appropriate dropper bottle, add several “squirts” of sodium hydroxide.
4. Allow to sit several minutes. Record your observations.
Data Page: Physical & Chemical Changes
Lab: Discovering density
Background: This lab is intended to introduce density, a property which cannot be measured
1. Your teacher will assign you one of the metal samples.
2. Take a weighing dish and place it on the balance. Tare/zero the balance so that it
reads 0.00. Place a very small amount of your metal shot in the weight dish as it sits on
the balance. Record the mass in your data table.
3. Fill a graduated cylinder ½ way with water. Record the volume of water in your data
table. This will be your initial volume.
4. Now remove that shot from the weighing dish and lower it gently into the graduated
cylinder. Do not allow it to splash.
5. Measure and record the new volume of water. This will be your final volume.
6. Remove the shot from the water and dry thoroughly.
7. We are going to repeat these steps, but this time with a slightly heavier sample. Take
your empty weighing dish, place it on the balance and tare/zero it. Place a small
sample of metal shot into the weighing dish, slightly heavier than your last trial.
Record the mass in your data table.
8. Fill your graduated cylinder half way again. Record the volume.
9. Lower the shot carefully into the graduated cylinder, again being careful not to splash.
10. Record new volume, then remove shot and dry it.
11. Repeat steps 7-10 two more times (for a total of FOUR TRIALS), each time using a little
more of the metal sample. Record all of your observations in the appropriate place on
your data table.
12. Clean up by thoroughly drying all metal samples and returning your supplies to the
proper place.
Lab: Using density to identify Mineral and Wood
A story: Many years ago, a man named Archimedes was summoned to meet with the king.
The king had a dilemma. He had requested that the royal goldsmith make him a crown and
provided the goldsmith with the pure gold to make it possible. The crown was formed and
presented to the king. However, the king felt that something was wrong. His instincts told
him the gold was not pure. He was greatly concerned that the goldsmith had mixed his gold
with something another metal, and kept some of the pure gold for his own profit. He wanted
to behead the goldsmith for his crime, but felt that proof might be necessary before he took
such drastic actions. This is where Archimedes came into the story. Archimedes was the royal
mathematician. What Archimedes knew is that gold is a pure element and therefore has
definite properties. Gold’s density is definite and unchanging. Density is dependent on mass
and volume. With these two measurements, he could calculate the density and know if the
crown was pure gold. He knew he could get the mass of the crown by weighing it, but he was
unsure about the volume. If it were only a cylinder, he could find the volume by using the
equation  πr2h. If it were a rectangle, he could use (length X width X height). But this
crown had an irregular shape and he knew of no equation he could use. Perplexed, he did the
only thing he could do, he took a bath. Yes, in an attempt to relieve the stress of his
assignment, he took a trip to the public baths to soak away his troubles. Little did he know
how much this would help him. For, as Archimedes sunk down into the waters, he noticed the
water rising up around him. The further down he sunk, the higher the water rose! His
problem was solved, his dilemma unraveled. He was so excited by his discovery that he
jumped from the bath and ran naked through the town, shouting Eureka, Eureka (which may
be Greek for My God! I forgot to put my clothes on! )
Density is related to the spacing of the molecules in the substance you are studying. Particles
(molecules or atoms) which are spread far apart are considered less dense. Tightly pack
particles would be very dense.
To calculate density one finds the mass of an object and divides it by the amount of space
(volume) the object takes up.
Prelab Questions: To be completed and turned in prior to doing the lab.
1. What piece of lab equipment is used to measure the mass of a substance? What units will
you use?
2. What piece of lab equipment is used to measure liquid volume? What units will you use?
3. If the item you are testing is a solid block, how might you find the volume?
4. If density is calculated by mass divided by volume, what units would you have for your
final answer. (Use your answers from questions 1,2, and 3)
5. Imagine that your piece of aluminum is larger than the piece for the group next to you.
Will your density be different than their density? Explain your answer.
6. Which do you think is more dense, a large piece of Styrofoam or a small piece of lead?
Explain your answer.
7. Write the formula for density in equation form:
Density =
Lab Instructions:
Purpose: To identify three types of mineral and three types of wood based on their densities.
Materials: wood samples, mineral samples, beakers, graduated cylinders, water, balance,
rulers, calculator.
1. Based on the story of Archimedes written above, devise a plan to determine the density of
three minerals. You may use only the materials found in the list above. In other words,
what will you be measuring and how will you measure it? Construct a data table showing what
you will measure.
2. Now, devise a plan for determining the density of the three wood blocks. Note: You may
not use water when calculating the density of the wood. It will soak in and change the
density. Construct a second data table showing what you will measure during this lab.
Draw two data tables, one for mineral and one for wood. Please use a ruler and draw
neatly. Show you data table to your teacher both BEFORE AND AFTER THE LAB to receive
Data table for: Using density to identify Mineral and Wood
How could a person use the known density of aluminum (2.7
g/cm3) to calculate the thickness of each brand of foil?
There are two brands of aluminum foil on the front demonstration table. One brand
is the “thick” or heavy duty brand, and the other is the regular brand. You can use
only the following laboratory equipment: a ruler, scissors and the electronic
o Here
are some hints for how to complete your task:
What is the formula for density?
What parts of this formula do you already know?
What parts can of this formula can you measure in the lab?
Present your results in a visually impressive data table. Then write all necessary
calculations for each brand of foil.
Background: A crime has been committed. A horrible, heinous crime beyond compare!
World renowned chemist, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew has been found unconscious, close to death,
in his lab, the victim of foul-play. Forensic scientists have scoured the scene and found very
little in the way of clues. The only significant find was a sampling of powder found on the
duct tape used to silence Dr. Honeydew.
The suspects: A group of suspects has been lined up and questioned and each was found to
have a motive for hurting poor Dr. Honeydew. In addition, each had recently been exposed to
a powdery substance. The suspects are as follows:
Wanda Paschem: Angry at Dr. Honeydew for receiving the promotion she was ineligible for
after failing chemistry, Wanda had spend her lunch hour drowning her sorrows in a supersized
order of French fries, whose powdery salt contains massive amounts of sodium.
Dr. Needham Brake: Furious that Dr. Honeydew had used his new promotion to deny the
doctor’s request for a weekend off. The stress of work has caused so much anxiety he has
become addicted to TUMS, an excellent source of calcium.
Beaker, Dr. Honeydew’s hapless assistant: Tired of suffering at the hands of Dr. Honeydew’s
dangerous science, Beaker has sought the help of lithium-containing medicines to help him in
calming his nerves.
Suzy Lovelorn: Left alone far too often as Dr. Honeydew pursues his love of science. An artist
who tires of waiting for her favorite subject, Suzy spends her time alone, mixing paints which
often contain barium.
Mrs. Honeydew: The doctor’s long-suffering mother, also ignored as the doctor is driven by
science. Last Mother’s Day, the poor woman took to water gardening to help her forget his
absence and was recently seen purifying her pond with copper sulfate.
Dr. Graduated Cylinder Honeydew: Bunsen’s younger brother has lived in the shadow of his
brother’s success. After failing out of chemistry, G.C. Honeydew had to settle for a life
studying physics, a far inferior science. To compensate for his lower IQ (only 180), the
younger Dr. Honeydew works on his physique and spent lunch the day in question mixing a
powdered sports drink high in potassium.
The assignment
Each of these elements burns a different color due to the difference in electron arrangement.
Test each element to determine what color it normally burns. Follow-up by testing the
unknown powder found on Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and determine the identity of the powder by
1. At your lab station, you will find containers holding each of the six possible elements. It is
important that you treat each sample carefully to avoid cross-contamination.
2. On the lab table at the front of the room you will find wooden splints soaking in alcohol.
The purpose of the alcohol is to help the element burn. It will not affect the colors you
see. Caution: Alcohol is very flammable. Under no circumstance are you to take more
than one wooden splint at a time.
3. Take a wooden splint from the alcohol and place it into the lithium powder. Mix slightly to
coat the bottom of the splint with powder.
4. Light your Bunsen burner.
5. Place the tip of the coated wooden splint into the blue portion of the flame. Using the
table below, make detailed observations regarding the color(s) you observe. Note: In
order to be successful, you must be specific about what color(s) your observe. Green is
very different from green-blue.
6. Repeat steps three through five (using a clean wood splint every time) until you have
tested all of the identified chemicals.
7. At this time, you will need to get a sample from the crime scene. See your teacher to
receive this. Be sure to write the ID number for your sample in the space provided below.
8. Test the unknown in a manner similar to the identified samples. Record your observations.
Data Table:
Chemical Tested
Crime Scene Powder
Color(s) observed
My crime scene sample # _______ is:
One of the amazing things about Mendeleev’s periodic table was his ability to use it to predict
the properties of other elements. Remember, in your rainbow card activity you left a blank
space for the card you knew was missing. Similarly, Mendeleev left blank spaces for elements
he knew had not been discovered yet. He then proceeded to use the information from the
elements around that blank space to describe the missing piece. For example, Germanium
(atomic number 32) had not been discovered when Mendeleev made his table. By looking at
the properties for silicon and tin above and below, as well as gallium and arsenic to each side,
Mendeleev was able to predict many of germanium’s properties.
In this lab activity, you will be producing similar predictions. Specifically, you will be
calculating the density of some provided elements and then using them to predict the density
of a “missing” element.
Assigned metals
Silicon, Tin, Lead, Nickel, Copper, Zinc
Graduated cylinder
Periodic table
1. Find the mass of each metal using the balance. Record below.
2. Using the water displacement method to find volume of each piece. Record.
3. Due to the importance of accuracy, repeat steps 1-3 two more times for each metal.
4. In the section below your data table, calculate the densities for each trial then average
the densities for each metal. In other words, find the density separately for all three
trials of silicon, then average those three trials.
5. Place your average densities in the appropriate box on the periodic table on the next
Change in
volume of
Volume of
Laboratory Activity: Periodic Table: “FAMILIES”
Background: We continue our look at the patterns in the periodic table. In this activity, we will be
observing chemical reactions to see if there are any patterns in when they occur.
Well Plate
Magnesium solution
Calcium solution
Barium solution
Sodium carbonate solution (Na2CO3)
Silver Nitrate (AgNO3)
Chlorine solution
Bromine solution
Iodine solution
Part One:
1. Place several drops of each chemical (excluding silver nitrate and sodium carbonate) in
your well plate. As you place each chemical in its well, make sure to mark the position of
that chemical.
2. Add several drops of sodium carbonate to each of the chemicals. Records your
observations in your periodic table “data table” by placing a dot in each block where a
reaction occurred. In the space below, write down your general observations. In other
words, if chlorine reacted with sodium carbonate, I would find the square on the periodic
table that represents chlorine and I would place a dot in it.
3. Rinse out your well plate and fill each well with several drops of each chemical again
(again, excluding silver nitrate and sodium carbonate). Again, remember to mark the well you
place them in.
4. Place several drops of silver nitrate in each of the wells. Record your observations in your
periodic table, by placing a triangle in each block where a reaction occurred.
5. Observe the demonstration performed by your teacher. Again, record in your periodic
Background: The periodic table is more than just a list of elements. There are trends or
patterns on the periodic table which allow its user to predict what they might see in
terms of a chemical’s properties or what might happen when two elements react.
Conductivity tester
Safety goggles
Hydrochloric acid
Sample elements
Blank periodic table
Copper chloride
1. Dull or shiny?
a. Observe each of the element samples provided. For each one, observe if it
is shiny or dull. Remember that some elements will tarnish, so try to look
past this when making your decision. As you did in the last two labs, you
will be keeping data on a periodic table. In the upper left corner, place a
star for each element that appears to be shiny and a dot on each element
that appears to be dull. Be sure to make these symbols small as you will be
adding other symbols.
2. Malleable?
a. Using tweezers or forceps, your fingers, or a hammer and try bending each
sample. Will it bend (is it malleable?) or does it snap or crumble into
pieces, showing brittleness? Some of our samples are small and difficult to
manipulate. Your teacher has larger samples of these elements that you
can look at on the observation desk. Likewise, don’t be tricked by elements
that are malleable (bendable) but are so strong you would need tools to
help you. If a substance is able to bend without breaking it is called
malleable. Draw a line in the lower left corner if the substance is
3. Conduct electricity?
a. For this you will be using the conductivity testers. Be sure testing our
elements we must make sure that the conductivity tester is working. Turn
on the tester by moving the switch to the on position. Using your fingers,
gently hold the two leads on the tester until they touch. At this time, both
LED’s should light up. If they do not take the tester to your teacher for a
replacement. Now, test the electrical conductivity of your sample by
touching the two wire ends of your conductivity tester to the sample. Make
sure that both leads are held against the sample. Note the following: Are
there no lights? One light? Both lights? The brighter the lights, the greater
the conductivity. Mark very bright lights with a triangle, dim lights (or
one light) with a small square and no lights with a small X in the upper
right hand corner of each block.
4. React with acid?
a. Place a small sample of each element into a well in your well plate (each
element should have it’s own well.) To each well add just enough dilute
hydrochloric acid, to cover the solid; you do not need to fill the well. Look
for any evidence of chemical reaction, such as color changes (in either the
sample or the acid), evolution of a gas (bubbles or odor), or even significant
changes in temperature. If a reaction is observed, place a + sign in the
lower right corner of each block.
Clean Up – Shake your well plate into the garbage to remove the solid waste. Then clean
with soapy water and set upside down to dry.
CSI: Nordonia
The crime: A science teacher was found unconscious in her room last week. After
much investigation, several suspects have been identified. While attempts were
made at a cover-up, it has been leaked to the local news agencies that the suspects in
the crime have been identified as none other than Nordonia’s Infamous Five: Mr.
Charles P. Vrabel, Mr. David Broman, Mr. Casey Wright, Mr. Kevin Tanner and
Mrs. Carmella Vacca. Now their jobs are on the line. It is your task to exonerate
the innocent bystanders and convict the guilty party.
The unconscious teacher was found covered in a fine white powder. CSI agents
visited each of the suspect’s offices and collected sample powders for comparison.
You will receive a small sample of each powder collected, including the powder from
the crime scene. Please note the powder you are given must last through much
testing (meaning it must last all day). Only small “pinches” of each sample are to
be used.
You will also be given several testing chemicals including hydrochloric acid (HCl),
silver nitrate (AgNO3), sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and iodine (I2) solutions.
Because chemicals will behave differently based on whether they are in their solid or
their dissolved form, it is strongly suggested that you test your samples in both
forms. Remember to plan ahead so that you do not over use the chemicals. When
mixing your chemicals with water, you are urged to use no more than a pinch of
powder and a ¼ inch (one fingernail’s height) of water in your test tube.
Remember, by no means are you to do anything directly in the green capped test
tubes provided. Those samples must not be contaminated.
Test your various chemicals in the empty test tubes provided, gather your proof and
then present your conclusions on the back side of this paper. Please be sure to clean
all test tubes and return them to the appropriate basket.
Data Page for CSI: Nordonia
Lab: Identifying Ionic & Covalent compounds
Purpose to distinguish between two types of compounds based on their
Sodium chloride
Copper (II) chloride
Wood splints
Well plate(s)
Distilled water
Conductivity tester
Aluminum foil
Magnifying Lens
1. Clean your well plate thoroughly with soap and water. Dry.
2. Testing solubility in water:
a. Take a grain of rice size sample (this is very, very small, much smaller
than a pinch) of sucrose and place it in a well of your well plate.
Repeat until you have a small amount of each sample, each in its own
b. Using your distilled water bottle, add water to each well plate. Using
wooden splints (a different splint for each well), gently stir.
c. Record your observations.
3. Testing conductivity:
a. Check your conductivity tester to be sure that it is on, and that the
metal probes are not touching.
b. Place the metal probes in the first well containing the sucrose/water
mixture. Observe the bulbs on the conductivity tester and record your
c. Repeat step B in each of the wells, being sure to wipe dry the metal
probes between each well. Record your observations as you go.
4. Set up a heating apparatus as illustrated by your teacher. This will include a
Bunsen burner, ring stand, ring and watch glass.
a. Using a small piece of aluminum foil, fold up the sides a bit to form a
makeshift dish.
b. Place the aluminum foil “dish” over a clay triangle.
c. Place a small amount of sucrose on top of the aluminum foil.
d. Light the Bunsen burner and place under the watch glass.
e. Observe any changes that occur in the sugar.
f. Using forceps or tweezers, remove the aluminum foil and dispose.
g. Repeat steps a-e with each sample.
5. Observe each sample using a magnifying lens. Crush a small amount and
observe again. Record your observations.
6. Obtain an unknown from your teacher. Test as with the other compounds.
Record your observations.
Background: Chemical reactions occur when chemicals change to form new
substances. In this activity, we will observe six different reaction and them
discuss how these reactions are the same and how they are different.
Procedure: For each reaction observe and record the color and appearance of
the reactants, the evidence for a chemical reaction (what changes occurred)
and the properties of the products.
Reaction #1
1. Obtain a 3-4 cm strip of magnesium metal ribbon. Place the magnesium
strip in an evaporating dish and weigh them together. Write your
observations of the reactant, including this mass, in your data table.
2. Hold the piece of magnesium with forceps or crucible tongs and heat the
metal in a laboratory burner flame. Caution: Do not look directly at the
burning magnesium – ultraviolet light that is produced may damage your
3. When the magnesium ignites, remove it from the flame and hold it over
an evaporating dish or a pyrex watch glass until the metal has burned
completely. Let all of the product fall into the evaporating dish. Turn
off the laboratory burner and observe the properties of the product in
the evaporating dish. Weigh the evaporating dish with the product in it.
4. Record observations for the reaction, as well as observations of the final
product, in the data table.
Reaction #2
1. Using a plastic dropper, add about 2 ml (40 drops) of hydrochloric acid
solution to a small test tube.
2. Obtain a 2-3 cm strip of magnesium metal ribbon and coil it loosely into
a small ball. Write the observations of your reactants in your data table.
3. Add the magnesium metal to the acid in the test tube.
4. Carefully feel the sides of the test tube and observe the resulting
chemical reaction for about 30 seconds.
5. While the reaction is still occurring, light a wood splint and quickly
placer the burning splint in the mouth of the test tube. Do not put the
burning splint into the acid solution.
6. Record observations for the reaction, as well as observations of the final
product, in the data table.
Reaction #3
1. Obtain a clean and dry test tube and place a small amount (about the
size of a jelly bean) of ammonium carbonate into the test tube. Make
observations regarding the appearance of the ammonium carbonate in
your data table. (Gently waft the air above the test tube and record
odors, if any, as well)
2. Use a test tube clamp to hold the test tube and gently heat the tube in a
laboratory burner flame for about 30 seconds.
3. Remove the test tube from the flame and place a piece of moistened
litmus paper in the mouth of the test tube. Identify any odor that is
readily apparent by wafting the fumes toward your nose. Caution: Do
NOT sniff the test tube.
4. Test for the formation of a gas: Light a wood splint and insert the
burning splint halfway down into the test tube.
5. Record observations in the data table.
Reaction #4
1. Using a plastic dropper, add about 2 ml of copper chloride solution into
a small test tube. Record observations of this solution in your data
2. Obtain 1-2 pieces of mossy zinc or one piece of zinc shot. Record your
initial observations.
3. Add the zinc to the test tube. Allow to react for several minutes and
observe the resulting chemical reaction. Record your observations in the
data table. (Be sure to make observations regarding both the solution
and the zinc.)
Reaction #5
1. Record your observations for the two solutions available at this station.
2. Using a plastic dropper, add about 40 drops of copper chloride solution
into a small test tube.
3. Using a fresh dropper, add about 25 drops of sodium phosphate to the
test tube.
4. Record observations regarding the reaction and the new product.
This is an open ended activity. In other words, you will be responsible for deciding how it gets
Goal: There are two different containers in this lab. One contains sodium chloride, the other
sand (SiO2). Your task is to determine how many molecules are found in each container. Your
teacher will give you a lab writeup sheet to record your work and final answers.
In this lab we will use heat to cause magnesium to react with oxygen to create
magnesium oxide. Then we will calculate the percent of magnesium and the percent
of oxygen. Finally, we will compare our results with those of our classmates.
1. You will be given an index card with an assigned amount of magnesium. Staple
this index card to this paper.
2. Take a dry crucible and measure the mass. Record in the table below.
3. Measure the mass of the magnesium and place it in the crucible.
4. Add the mass of the magnesium to the mass of the crucible and place this sum in
your data table.
5. Light your Bunsen burner and place under the crucible so that the tip of the blue
cone is directly below and touching the crucible.
6. Heat the magnesium until it ignites.
7. Continue to heat the magnesium until it is completely reacted (it will look like
ash)/ (about 10 minutes).
8. Allow the magnesium compound to cool (about 5 minutes) then measure the mass
of the crucible/magnesium mixture.
9. Return the crucible/magnesium compound to the heat and heat for 5-10 more
minutes. Allow to cool, then measure the mass again.
10. If the mass of the magnesium compound has changed, you must heat again. If the
mass of the magnesium compound has not changed, record you mass in the table
11. Subtract the crucible weight from the final weight in #10. Record this as the mass
of the magnesium-oxygen compound.
12. When your crucible is cool, discard the ash as directed and wash and dry your
Data Table
Mass (in
Magnesium alone
Dry, empty crucible
Sum of magnesium and crucible
Magnesium compound and crucible after heating (1st time)
Final mass of magnesium compound and crucible
Mass of magnesium compound alone
(subtracting mass of crucible)
Metal Activity Series Lab
As you have read, some elements are more reactive (likely to be involved in a
reaction) than others. If one metal is more active than another, it will react and
displace (or replace) that metal, causing a chemical reaction. In this lab, you will be
combining various solids metals with solutions containing different, dissolved metals
and observing for any changes. If a change occurs this indicates that the solid metal
is more reactive than the metal already in the solution you mixed it with. By mixing
all the solutions with all the metals, you will be able to see which metals are most
reactive and list the metals from most reactive to least reactive.
Solid metals
Solutions containing metals
Well plate
Prelab Questions: use the notes and background material to answer these
1. What does it mean for a metal to be reactive?
2. What signs might we see that indicated a chemical reaction has occurred?
3. If a metal is mixed with a solution containing a less reactive metal, what will
we observe?
4. If a metal is mixed with a solution containing a more reactive metal, what will
we observe?
5. Circle the correct words to complete this sentence: A highly reactive metal
will be one which has more/less reactions and would be placed at the
top/bottom of our activity series.
6. Solid magnesium is mixed with a solution containing aluminum. A reaction is
observed (black crust forms). Which is more reactive, aluminum or
1. Place a small sample of aluminum in six of the wells in the first row of your
well plate.
2. Repeat with the other metals assigned (see the board) until all of the metals
have been placed in your well plate. As you do this, write the names of each
metal in your data table.
3. Place several drops of the copper nitrate on the aluminum in one of your well
plates and observe for a reaction to occur.
4. Record any reaction that occurs in the table below.
5. Repeat step three with all of the other metals, recording any observations that
6. Choose a new solution and test all your metals with this solution, recording the
reactions you observe.
7. Continue this pattern until all of the solutions have been used and all of the
metals have been tested.
8. Dispose of your materials as instructed and answer the post lab questions.
Data Table
Solution 1
Solution 2
Solution 3
Solution 4
Solution 5
Solution 6
Metal 1
Metal 2
Metal 3
Metal 4
Metal 5
Metal 6
Prelab Questions:
1. Write the formula for sodium bicarbonate.
2. In this lab we will be heating sodium bicarbonate. No other reactants will be
involved. What type of reaction will this be?
Sodium bicarbonate is a compound that decomposes when heated. There are three
possible reactions which take place when sodium bicarbonate is heated. Under each
word equation, write the balanced equation for the reaction.
The equations are:
Sodium bicarbonate decomposes to form solid sodium hydroxide and carbon
dioxide gas.
Sodium bicarbonate decomposes to form solid sodium oxide and carbon
dioxide and water vapor.
Sodium bicarbonate decomposes to form solid sodium carbonate and carbon
dioxide and water vapor.
Your job is to use stoichiometry to figure out which equation is right. Using the
equations above, complete the following questions to help you solve this challenge.
1. If you had 20 grams of sodium bicarbonate to start with, how many grams of
sodium hydroxide would be produced?
2. If you had 20 grams of sodium bicarbonate to start with, how many grams of
sodium oxide would be produced?
3. If you had 20 grams of sodium bicarbonate, how many grams of sodium
carbonate will be produced?
4. Look at your results from questions 1, 2 & 3. How can you use mass to
determine which equation is correct?
MicroMole Rocket Lab
Purpose: to investigate the optimum ratio of hydrogen to water when
oxygen is created.
Background: In this lab we will generate hydrogen gas and oxygen gas through separate
reactions. We will then mix the generated hydrogen and oxygen gas to produce water. The
formation of water is an exothermic process, releasing energy in several forms including sound.
Our objective is to find the combination of hydrogen and oxygen which makes the most sound.
We will then test our optimum ratio to see how far our “rockets” will fly.
Collect and Test Hydrogen and Oxygen Gas (Separately)
1. Add 3 M hydrochloric acid until your test tube that is your hydrogen gas
generator is half full. Add two small pieces of Mg to the test tube. Cap the tube
with the gas delivery stopper (rubber stopper with gas delivery tube).
2. Completely fill a calibrated gas collection bulb with water (plastic bulb, with
lines- you may need to redraw the calibration lines) and place the bulb over the
gas delivery tube to collect hydrogen gas by water displacement. As the bubbles
enter the bulb, the water will flow out of the bulb and down the sides of the test
tube to the paper towels you have placed below your test tube rack.
3. As soon as the bulb is filled with hydrogen (when the water is all gone), remove
it from the gas delivery tube and place a finger over the mouth of the bulb to
prevent the collected gas from leaking out.
4. Hold the gas bulb so the opening is pointed upward and have a classmate strike
a match. After the match is lit, remove your thumb from the opening and place
the match quickly over the opening. Record your observations.
Oxygen collection
1. Add one pipette of yeast suspension to your other test tube generator, and then
add one pipette of hydrogen peroxide. Cap the tube with the gas delivery
2. Completely fill a calibrated gas collection bulb with water (plastic bulb, with
lines- you may need to redraw the calibration lines) and place the bulb over the
gas delivery tube to collect hydrogen gas by water displacement. As the bubbles
enter the bulb, the water will flow out of the bulb and down the sides of the test
tube to the paper towels you have placed below your test tube rack.
3. As soon as the bulb is filled with oxygen (when the water is all gone), remove it
from the gas delivery tube and place a finger over the mouth of the bulb to
prevent the collected gas from leaking out.
Collect and Test Oxygen/Hydrogen Gas Mixtures
1. Restart your generators by adding ONE piece of Mg to your hydrogen generator
and ½ a pipette of yeast suspension to your oxygen generator. Recap each of
your gas generators.
2. Completely fill a calibrated pipette bulb with water and place it over the oxygen
gas generator to collect oxygen.
3. When the bulb is one-sixth full of gas, quickly remove it from the oxygen tube
and place it over the hydrogen gas generator.
4. Continue collecting hydrogen until the bulb is full of gas. This bulb should
contain a 1:5 ratio of oxygen to hydrogen.
5. Remove the bulb, cap it with a finger, and test with a lit match as you did
previously. Rate the “pop” you hear on a scale of one to ten (ten being the
loudest). Record your rating in the data table.
6. Repeat steps 1-4 to collect and test other volume ratios (2:4, 3:3, 4:2, 5:1) of
oxygen and hydrogen. Always collect oxygen first, followed by hydrogen.
Record all results in the data table.
7. Rank each mixture on your 1-10 scale to describe their relative loudness.
8. You may repeat your ratios or try other ratios as necessary to determine the
optimum ratio of hydrogen and oxygen for combustion. Because of the
subjectivity of the “pop-test” it may be necessary to hear each mixture several
times to fine the best mixture.
Rocket Launches
1. Collect the optimum (loudest) gas mixture one more time and bring it to your
instructor. Your instructor will place the bulb on a rocket launch pad and ignite it
with a piezo sparker. How far does the micro mole rocket travel?
2. Collect the optimum mixture again, but this time, leave about 1 ml of water in
the bulb. With your instructor’s help, launch the micro mole rocket.
Data Collection:
hydrogen Observations/ ‘pop’ rating
H2 only
O2 only
Background: In Chapter Eight we learned that some compounds are more
reactive than others. This difference in reactivity will cause a reaction when two elements with
different reactivities are put together. These are called single displacement reactions because the
more reactive element replaces the less reactive one. In this lab, we will be mixing copper with a
silver nitrate solution. Because copper is more reactive, it will replace the silver in solution. The
silver will then precipitate out of solution.
Purpose: To determine the moles of copper used and the moles of silver produced. And to
compare the experimentally determined value with what the equation determines.
Pre-lab Calculations: In this reaction, copper is reacted with silver nitrate to form silver and
copper (II) nitrate. Write a balance equation for this reaction:
1. Obtain a clean and dry 50 ml beaker.
2. Tare the balance with the beaker on the balance pan and then carefully add 1.0- 1.2 grams
of silver nitrate to the beaker. Caution: Use a spatula to transfer the solid – do not touch
the silver nitrate. Carefully clean up any silver nitrate spills in the balance area or on
the bench top.
3. Measure and record the exact mass of silver nitrate in your data table.
4. Fill the beaker with approximately 30 ml of distilled water and stir the solution with a
stirring rod until the entire solid has dissolved. Rinse the stirring rod with distilled water.
5. Cut a 25 cm piece of copper wire and loosely coil it as shown by your teacher.
6. Find the initial mass of the copper wire to the nearest 0.01 grams and record it in the data
7. Use a wood splint to suspend the copper wire in the silver nitrate solution. The copper
wire should not be touching the bottom or sides of the beaker.
8. Carefully add 3 drops of 3M nitric acid to the beaker. Do NOT stir the solution.
9. Allow the beaker to sit undisturbed on the lab bench for 15 minutes. Try not to jostle or
shake the suspended copper wire during this time.
10. Observe any signs of a chemical reaction occurring in the beaker and record all
observations in the data table.
11. While the reaction is taking place, label a 100 ml beaker with your name and
class/period. Measure and record the mass of this beaker in the data table.
12. After 15 minutes, gently lift the wooden splint to remove the copper wire from the
solution. Be careful not to lose the silver which has accumulated on the copper wire.
13. Holding the wire with the wooden splint, place the copper wire above the clean, 100 ml
beaker. Rinse the wire with a steady stream of distilled water from the wash bottle. The
silver crystals should easily fall of the wire into the beaker. Gently shake the wire and
rinse with water until no more silver adheres to the wire. Note: Use a total of about 40 ml
of distilled water.
14. When all of the silver has been removed, lift the copper wire out of the beaker and rinse
with acetone. The acetone will clean the wire surface and allow it to dry more quickly.
15. Allow the copper wire to air dry for 2-3 minutes.
16. Measure and record the final mass of the copper wire. Note the appearance of the
leftover wire and record your observations in the data table.
17. Examine the beaker containing the silver product. Most of the silver should settle into a
dense mass at the bottom of the beaker. Carefully decant the liquid into a waste flask
(125 ml Erlenmeyer) to remove most of the water. Note: Try not to lose any of the solid
in the process.
18. Rinse the solid with 5-10 ml of distilled water from a wash bottle. Decant the rinse water
into the waste flask as well.
19. Repeat the rinsing/decanting cycle with a second portion of distilled water.
20. Dispose of the waste solution as directed by your instructor.
21. When all of the liquid has been decanted, take the labeled beaker to your teacher for
22. Allow the solid to dry overnight.
23. When the solid is dry, measure and record the final mass of the beaker plus silver solid.
Mass of silver nitrate
Mass of copper wire (initial)
Observations – Reaction of copper and
silver nitrate
Mass of empty 100 ml beaker
Mass of leftover copper wire
Appearance of leftover copper wire
Mass of Copper Used
Mass of beaker plus silver product
In this lab, you will be performing a decomposition reaction.
Purpose: To produce exactly 2.00 gram of an assigned compound (precipitate).
How: You will use stoichiometry to determine the mass of reactants needed to produce 2.00 grams of
a product.
Pre-Lab Calculations:
In this lab we will be decomposing sodium bicarbonate to form sodium carbonate, carbon dioxide and
oxygen gas. Write the equation for this reaction:
1. Weigh an empty evaporating dish.
2. Weigh out the determined mass of sodium bicarbonate onto a weigh boat/paper and then place
into the evaporating dish.
3. Heat the evaporating dish/sodium bicarbonate for approximately 15 minutes. Allow to sit and cool
for 5 minutes.
4. Take the mass of the evaporating dish/baking soda.
5. Heat the evaporating dish/sodium bicarbonate for another 15 minutes. Allow to sit and cool for 5
6. Take the mass.
7. Dispose of the powder down the drain. Wash evaporating dish and return to proper place.
Freezing Point – Changes in State
Problem: How is energy “handled” when a substance is cooling and then freezing?
Test tubes
Test tube clamps
Ring stand
250 ml beaker
Glaciated Acetic Acid
1. Attach the test tube clamp to the ring stand so the tube is about 25 cm above the base. Place
test tube about 25 cm above the base. Place the test tube in the clamp near the top of the tube
and tighten the clamp securely (without breaking the test tube).
2. Place the thermometer in the slotted cork so that the temperature scale shows in the slot.
Position the cork so that the thermometer is about 1 cm from the bottom of the test tube when
the cork is in place.
3. Measure 10.0 ml of pure acetic acid using a graduated cylinder. Pour the acid into the test tube
and replace the thermometer.
4. Adjust the temperature of the acetic acid to about 25 deg. C by warming or cooling the test tube
in a beaker of water.
5. Empty the beaker and fill it about ¾ full of crushed ice. Add cold water until the ice is almost
covered. Place the beaker of ice water below the test tube assembly.
6. Carefully read the thermometer and record the temperature as the 0 minute reading in your
data table.
7. Lower the test tube assembly into the ice water. Be sure to lower the test tube until all of the
acetic acid is under water. Refasten the clamp to the ring stand.
8. Loosen the cork slightly and agitate the acid, gently, with the thermometer. Stir constantly and
consistently. Take temperature readings every 30 seconds as the acid cools. Begin with the 0.5
minute reading.
9. Stop stirring the acid continually as soon as you are sure that crystals are forming. Keep taking
readings until a total of 5 minutes has passed. Now stir the ice occasionally to help keep it at a
constant temperature.
10. After completing the temperature readings, remove the test tube assembly from the ice water.
Replace the ice water in the beaker with warm water. Immerse the test tube assembly in the
warm water and begin taking temperature readings every thirty seconds as the acetic acid
melts. Once the acid has melted a little and moves easily in the test tube, agitate the solid-liquid
mixture with the thermometer. Continue taking temperature readings until all of the acetic acid
is melted.
DATA PAGE: Freezing Point- Changes in State Lab
Virtual Lab: Changes in State
At the bottom of the page you will see a graph and the left of it what looks like an open ended box or
cylinder. This represents a test tube. Note that the tube shows a green bar and a blue bar. The green bar
is simply showing the top of the substance and we can ignore it. The blue bar represents the substance
we will be heating. The fact that it is blue shows that it is solid at this temperature. Follow the directions
below and answer the questions as you go through the experiment.
1. Click the reset experiment button and then type 200 in the box labeled W (It will most likely
already be there). Now you are going to click and hold down the mouse over the HEAT button.
Notice the changes in the graph as you hold the button down until the time is at least 20
seconds on the x axis.
a. What changes did you observe in the graph?
2. Press the reset experiment and reset graph button. You are going to do the same thing again
except this time you are going to watch the test tube.
a. What changes did you observe in the test tube as you held the heat button down?
3. You should have noticed changes in color as you held down the heat button.
a. If the blue color represents solid, what state of matter does RED represent?
b. What state of matter does yellow represent?
c. Based on what you know about the state of matter, explain why the yellow state takes
up so much more space then the solid blue state? (think about molecule arrangement)
4. Click the reset experiment and reset graph buttons. This time as we heat the substance we are
going to watch both the graph and the test tube simultaneously. Click the heat button and
watch the graph and test tube. Let go of the heat button when the red color (liquid state) first
appears (around 2 seconds). Click the heat button a few times and watch the line and test tube
as you do this.
a. What is happening to the color(s) in the test tube?
b. What is happening to the line on the graph?
5. Now click the heat button in small amounts until the blue color (solid state) is totally gone. Click
a few more times.
a. What is happening to your line on the graph now?
6. Hold the heat button down until all of the red disappears. Then click a few more times.
a. What state of matter is your substance in now?
b. What does the graph look like now?
7. Hold the heat button for a little bit longer.
a. What is happening on your graph?
8. Let’s look at this a bit further.
a. What does the test tube look like when both the solid and liquid states are present?
b. What does the line on the graph look like when both the liquid and solid states are
c. When only one state is present, whether it is solid, liquid, or gas, what does the line on
the graph look like?
9. Draw a copy of the graph in the space at the bottom of the page. Label the areas where the
graph shows a solid, liquid and gas. Label where melting is occurring and also vaporization.
Make sure that you include labels of the temperature and time.
10. Why are there regions where the temperature does not change with time, despite the fact that
heat is being added to the system?
11. In most cases, the transfer of heat to an object increases its temperature. In the regions where
the temperature does not change as heat is flowing into the substance, what change is the heat
12. What is the melting point of the substance?
13. What is the boiling point of the substance?
14. Change the value of W to 500, and hold the heat button. By looking at your two graphs, does
the heating curve for a 500 W heating rate compare with that obtained using a 200 W heating
rate? (Use numbers in your answer.)
15. Do the melting point and boiling point depend upon the heating rate?
Hot water bath
Three large test tubes
Styrofoam cups
Metric balance
Graduated cylinder
Two thermometers
Test tube holder
1. In this lab you will be using a water bath to heat three metals to 90. Then all three metals will be placed in
separate cups of cool water. Do you think that the type of metal will affect the final temperature of the cool
water? Explain your prediction.
2. If I place a chunk of hot metal in a container of cooler water, the water will heat up and then eventually the
temperature of the water will stop changing. When will the temperature of the water stop changing?
1. Put 20 ml of cold tap water in each of 3 Styrofoam cups.
2. Prepare a hot water bath, bringing the water to a boil. While waiting for the water to boil, go on to
the next step.
3. Label three test tubes: lead, aluminum, and copper.
4. Measure out 10 grams of aluminum and place it in the test tube. Repeat with lead and copper until
all test tubes are full. Record the mass (10 grams) in the table below.
5. Place the test tubes into the boiling water bath. Place a thermometer in the aluminum test tube with
the metal. Heat the test tubes until the temperature of the aluminum reaches 90°C. While you are
waiting for the test tubes to heat, go on to step 6.
6. Record the temperature of each Styrofoam cup of water.
7. In the next steps you will be pouring the metal in the Styrofoam cups and measuring the
temperature. It would be best to do one metal at a time.
8. When the aluminum has reached 90°, record its temperature (90°C) in your table (this is the initial
temperature of the metal).
9. Immediately pour the aluminum into the waiting Styrofoam cup. Place the second thermometer in
the cup of water, above the metal, and watch as the water temperature increases. As soon as the
temperature stops rising note the temperature. Record this as the final temperature of your water
and metal.
10. Repeat steps 7 and 8 with the other two metals, first copper, then lead. (If the temperature of the
metal has gone above 90°, hold the test tube in the air until it cools to the proper temperature, then
pour into the cup of cold water.)
Mass of metal
Initial temperature of metal after heating
Final temperature of metal after pouring into cup of
Temperature change of metal
Initial temperature of cup of cool water
Final temperature of cup of cool water
Temperature change of water
Specific Heat Virtual Lab
For this lab, we will be going to the website:
When you go to this lab, you will see a calorimeter. Take a minute to check out all of the information
provided. You will see that there is information for both the metal and the water that you will be placing it
in. We will be “heating” three different metals and then “dropping” them in water. In each case, we will
watch to see how they affect the temperature of the water.
1. In order to compare the three metals fairly, we will need to keep the amount of water constant. So in
the water box we will leave the mass of water and the starting temperature the same.
2. In the metal box, we will start by selecting the silver metal. Click on the silver button. We will leave the
mass of the metal constant at 20 grams.
3. We will “heat” the metal by changing the initial temperature of the metal. To do this, drag the bar above
the temperature box until it reaches 120 degrees. Make sure you are changing the temperature in the
metal box and not in the water box.
4. Press the Start button below the calorimeter. A graph may pop up. Simply close it. Now watch the
temperature as it increases. You are watching for it to stop increasing. It may move around a bit, but
the temperature will reach a point where it does not increase. Record the highest temperature the
water reaches. Also record the specific heat of the silver metal.
5. We are going to repeat this experiment with the gold, copper & iron. Each time make sure that the
water statistics stay the same and that the metal you are observing is “heated” to 120 degrees. Each
time record your final temperature as well as the specific heat for that metal.
6. In the second part of this lab, we will be studying two unknown metals and determining their specific
7. Click on Metal X. Again, heat the metal to 120 degrees. Follow all of the steps as you did above,
however, this time we must be sure to record all of the data for the metal and the water. Fill in the
information as requested in your data table.
8. Do the same with Metal Y. Again, heat the metal to 120 degrees. Record the final temperature as well
as all other information given.
9. You will now work on your lab write-up.
Chromatography Lab
In this lab we will be using the physical properties of solutions to determine the culprit in a crime. As you
ink is a mixture of pigments, a solution. Solutions can be separated using a process called
We saw this process earlier in the year when we made chromatography t-shirts.
Someone has written a nasty note! It reads: “This homework Is killing my grade!!!” Several students who
routinely “forget” their homework were interviewed and their pens were confiscated. These pens will be
studied and compared to the ink in the nasty letter.
1. Obtain 3 strips of filter paper and three pen samples, along with two beakers.
2. Draw a line 3 cm from the bottom of each strip of filter paper in PENCIL.
3. Using marker A, place a dot directly in the center of your line on your first piece of filter paper. Using
the same marker, repeat this process three times, each time placing your next dot directly on top of the
last dot. The intent here is to soak this one spot in ink. Now take a PENCIL (not pen or marker) and
write A at the top of the strip to represent Marker A.
4. Repeat this process with your two other strips, each one on its own strip of filter paper. Remember to
make the dot several times with the same ink and to mark the top of each strip with the ID for the
marker in PENCIL.
5. We need to suspend (hang) these strips on a wood splint so that they can be placed in our beaker and
be approximately 1-2 cm above the bottom of the beaker. Tape each strip in this fashion, as
demonstrated by your teacher. The reason that you have two beakers is that you cannot let your strips
touch and so you will only be able to fit two in one beaker. Place the splints over the beaker, so that the
strips are hanging down into the empty beaker.
6. We will now pour developing solution into the beaker. It is important that you pour enough solution to
touch the bottom of each strip (it should go about 1 cm up the strip) but not enough solution to go as
high as the marker dot that you made.
7. You will be letting your strips sit suspended over this solution as the solution travels up the strip.
8. Take note of what is happening to each ink as the solution travels. Does each marker behave in the
same way?
9. You will be stopping the experiment when the solution has traveled all the way up the strip. This is the
solution, not the ink. You will see the line as a difference as a watermark between wet and dry. Draw a
line with your PENCIL where the watermark stops.
10. Record the distance that the marker dot has moved up the filter paper for each different marker.
11. Record the distance that the developing solution traveled up each filter paper as well.
12. Dispose of the developing solution as instructed by your teacher, clean up and begin your lab write-up.
Concentration Lab
Purpose: In this lab you will be assigned a sample solution to test. You will then complete the following:
1. Test to determine the amount of solute dissolved in your sample solution.
2. Determine the concentration of your sample using the three possible units.
Evaporation dish
Watch glass
Bunsen burner
Ring stand set up with wire gauze
Assigned solution
1. Obtain a note card from your teacher telling you what solution you have been assigned.
2. Measure out the amount of solution indicated on your note card. Record in the data table below.
3. Take the mass of your empty evaporating dish and watch glass. Record.
4. Heat the evaporating dish until the water appears to be removed. Notice that the solute remains as
a residue.
5. Allow the dish to cool. Take the mass of the evaporating dish & watch glass with the residue.
6. Heat the residue for several more minutes. Allow it to cool. Take the mass again. If the mass has
not changed significantly (more than 0.2 grams) you are done.
7. If it has changed, continue heating and weighing until the mass stops changing (this is to make
sure all the water is dried off).
8. After it has cooled, clean up your evaporating dish and lab area. Continue on to data analysis.
Data table:
Solution Name
Volume of solution
Mass of empty evaporating dish & watch
Final mass of evaporating dish & watch
glass with residue
Mass of residue
(final dish with residue – dish & glass empty)
Lab: Solution Challenge
In this lab you will be using everything you have learned about solutions to determine the
identity of six unknown solutions.
The solutions you will be testing are:
Acetic Acid
Hydrochloric acid
Sodium hydroxide
Sodium chloride solution (1.0 M)
Sodium chloride solution (0.1M)
Sodium bicarbonate
Sugar solution
You will have the following materials to use:
Conductivity tester
Evaporating dish
Bunsen burner (with ring stand etc.)
Litmus paper & pH paper
Well plate
Test tubes
You will have 2 days to determine which of your solutions matches the solutions from the list
Testing Colligative Properties: Making Ice Cream
Ice cream is made by surrounding a dairy product, such as milk or cream, with a melting ice
bath in order to freeze it. This sounds simple, yet we know that ice cream can be a little more
difficult than just setting milk in a cup of ice water. This is because ice water (melting ice)
has a temperature of 0OC. In fact, when taken straight from the freezer, it can sometimes be
as cold as -20OC. However, to use it as it melts (as in an ice bath) requires waiting until it
reaches 0OC. If only there was some way to melt ice at a lower temperature. But wait! Didn’t
we just learn that adding a solute to ice will lower its melting point? If I add salt to the ice
can I get it to melt at a lower temperature? If you were paying attention while reading
section 4, you already know the answer to this. Now its time to reap the benefits of GOOD
1. Place the following in a SMALL freezer bag and tightly seal it:
1 T sugar
½ t vanilla
½ cup milk
2. Place the following in a LARGE freezer bag:
½ bag full of ice
12 T salt
3. Place the small bag inside of the large bag. Making sure the both bags are sealed.
4. Shake/jiggle the bags until you notice the milk mixture start to freeze. Continue to shake
until ice cream is at the desired consistency.
5. Remove small bag from large bag. RINSE THE ICE CREAM BAG EXTREMELY WELL WITH
COLD WATER. Add toppings and enjoy the wonderful world of chemistry.
Bugle Lab: Energy in Food
How do we know how much energy is stored in foods? Chemists can determine this by burning a known
amount of food under controlled conditions and carefully measuring the quantity of thermal energy it
releases. This procedure is called calorimetry and the measuring device is called a calorimeter.
In this experiment you will determine the energy given of by a Bugle when it burns. The oil in Bugles
burns rapidly when ignited. In a typical calorimeter, the thermal energy released by burning a samp0le
of food – in this case, the Bugle, heats a know mass of water. The temperature of the water is measured
before and after the Bugle burned, and the thermal energy released by the reaction is then calculated.
Read the lab to determine what measurements you will be recording.
1. Make a simple stand for the Bugle using a paper clip as shown.
2. Measure 100 ml of room temperature water in a graduated cylinder. Pour the water into an
empty Erlenmeyer flask.
3. Set up the can and water as shown. Use a thermometer to measure the initial temperature
of the water. Leave the thermometer in the can.
4. Place the Bugle on the paperclip and measure the mass of a bugle setup and record this
value. Place the bugle/paperclip under the calorimeter, so that the Bugle is about 2 cm
from the bottom of the can.
5. Use a kitchen match to light the Bugle directly.
6. As soon as the Bugle stops burning, carefully stir the water with the thermometer. Measure
the final (highest) temperature of the water. Record this value.
7. Allow the Bugle residue to cool, and then measure its mass as it is, on the paperclip. Record
this value.
8. Repeat Steps 3-7 with a new Bugle as instructed.
Initial mass of Bugle AND
Volume of Water
Initial Temperature of Water
Final Temperature of Water
Final Mass of Bugle AND
Chemicals Make the Cake
courtesy of Terrific Science
*** Make in a disposable 8 inch round pan or 9x9 square pan.
*** Please make sure that your name and class period is on the cake pan.
1. Obtain your ingredients and baking utensils.
2. You will need measuring spoons, measuring cups, two mixing bowls, and a disposable
3. Preheat the oven to 350°.
4. In the first mixing bowl you are to combine the first five ingredients if they are required
for your recipe (table sugar, glucose, vegetable oil, shortening, egg)
5. In the second mixing bowl you are to combine the next three ingredients if needed (flour,
baking powder, and baking soda)
6. Pour about half of the contents of the second bowl into the first, Add the water and stir
for 1 minute.
7. Add the remainder of bowl number two to bowl one and stir thoroughly.
8. Add the vanilla flavoring to the mixture and stir.
9. Coat the disposable pan with non-stick cooking spray and pour the contents into your
10. Place the pan on a cookie sheet in case it spills over.
11. Bake your cake for 30 minutes then check for doneness with a toothpick. Continue to
bake your cake until the toothpick comes out of the center of your cake clean.
Table Sugar
17 ½ Tbsp
12 ½ Tbsp
12 ½ Tbsp
17 ½ Tbsp
12 ½ Tbsp
5 Tbsp
5 Tbsp
Vegetable oil
3 (1/3) Tbsp
3 (1/3) Tbsp
3 (1/3) Tbsp
3 (1/3) Tbsp
5 Tbsp
1 (2/3) cup
1 (2/3) cup
1( 2/3) cup
2½ tsp
2½ tsp
Baking Soda
3 ¾ tsp
3 ¾ tsp
3 ¾ tsp
2 ½ Tbsp
10 Tbsp
10 Tbsp
10 Tbsp
10 Tbsp
10 Tbsp
2 ½ tsp
2 ½ tsp
2 ½ tsp
2 ½ tsp
2 ½ tsp
Identifying Basic Nutrients in Foods
In this experiment you will test for the presence of complex carbohydrates (starch), simple
carbohydrates (sugar), fats and proteins in several common foods.
Equipment and Materials:
5 test tubes
10 ml graduated cylinder
Metric ruler
Brown paper
Benedicts’s solution
Buiret reagent
Dextrose solution
Egg albumin
Banana suspension
Whole milk
Test tube rack
400 ml beaker
Safety goggles
Iodine solution
Burner or hotplate
Starch suspension
Vegetable oil
Bread suspension
Fat-free milk
Potato suspension
Procedure Part 1:
1. Place four clean test tubes in a test tube rack. Add 3 ml of starch solution to test tube 1; 3
ml of dextrose solution to test tube 2, 3 ml of egg albumin to test tube 3 and 3 ml of water
to test tube 4.
2. To each of these test tubes add one drop of dilute iodine solution. Record any color change
in your data table.
3. Wash the test tubes. Then repeat Step 1.
4. To each of the test tubes, add 5 ml of Benedict’s solution. Place the test tubes in a 400 ml
beaker containing enough water to completely surround the contents of the test tubes.
Wearing your goggles, heat the water in the beaker to boiling and then boil for three
minutes. Record any color change you observe in your data table.
5. Again wash and prepare the test tubes as in Step 1.
6. Add 3 ml of water to each of the four test tubes.
7. Wear safety goggles as you add 5 drops of Buiret reagent to all four test tubes. Be careful
not to get this solution on your hands, if any should contact your skin, wash it off
immediately using plenty of water. Record any color change you observe in your data table.
8. Because fats don’t dissolve in water, a different test is needed to check for their presence.
Place a drop of the dextrose, egg albumin, banana, Milk, Starch, vegetable, bread, and
potato in different spots on a piece of brown paper. Hold the paper up to a light. Any
sample containing fat will produce a translucent spot on the paper. Describe the
appearance of each sample in your data tale.
Procedure Part 2
1. Place 5 clean test tubes in a rack. Obtain 3 ml samples of the suspension of bread, banana
and potato flakes prepared by your teacher. Also obtain 3 ml samples of fat free and whole
milk. Place these in the test tubes. Test with iodine as in Step 2 and record results in your
data table.
2. Wash and prepare test tubes as in Step 1 and test each sample with Benedict’s solution as
you did in Step 4 of Part 1. Record results in your data table. Remember, this involves
3. Wash and again prepare test tubes as in Step 9. Test each sample with Biuret reagent as in
Step 7. Remember to keep your safety goggles on whenever using Biuret reagent. Record
your results in your data table.
4. Place a small amount of each of the five foods being tested on a piece of brown paper as in
Step 8 to test for the presence of fat. Record your results.
5. Clean up your area and dispose of leftover chemicals as instructed.
DATA PAGE: Identifying Basic Nutrients in Food
Gases are different from liquids and solids because they are compressible. In other words, they
are “squishable.” Their volume can change. As we learned from our observations on Day One,
volume is related to temperature and pressure.
In this lab you will be determining the relationship between pressure and volume and then, in a
separate experiment, temperature and volume. By relationship, we mean that you are going to
collect data for a line graph, remembering that line graphs can be used to view trends and predict
You will investigate the effects of pressure on the volume of a gas. The gas we will be studying
is air. You will be given the following materials: a bicycle pump, syringe filled with air, a
pressure gauge. Experiment with the equipment and design a procedure around it. When you
have an idea of how to run your experiment, draw a data table for collecting your data then you
will explain it to your teacher, receive a stamp and proceed.
Part Two: You are to prepare a hot water bath (check the demo desk for an example of how to
set up your equipment.) Using the hot water bath and a syringe full of air, design an experiment
to see how temperature affects volume. As you did in part one, construct a data table and receive
a stamp before proceeding.
Hot Air Balloons & The Gas Laws
Purpose: You will be designing a tissue paper Hot-Air Balloon. We will then fly those balloons
and compare them to the others in your class. You will then be required to redesign and repair
your balloon for a second round of flights.
Step 1:
1. You will design a balloon pattern on a piece of graph paper. To do this, know that you will
only have six sheets of tissue paper, each sized 20” X 30”, so that your total surface area for
your balloon cannot exceed this total surface area.
2. Sketch out an idea of what your balloon should look like. You do not need to choose a
typical balloon shape, just keep in mind that your objective is to build a balloon that will stay
afloat the longest.
3. When you have sketched your design, you will then want to create a pattern for your
balloon from this design. To do this, you may choose to tape or glue pieces of graph paper
together. If parts of your design are identical, you will only need to make one pattern piece
for all of those parts.
4. Lay out your pattern on your tissue paper and paperclip in place. Before cutting think the
process through to be sure that you will be able to get all the pieces you need from your six
sheets of tissue paper. Keep in mind that you might want to cut your pieces in a way that
will leave you with as much left-over material as possible.
5. Once all of your balloon pieces are cut you will be assembling your balloon. For this we will
use glue sticks. It is imperative, crucial, IMPORTANT that you only use the smallest amount
of glue possible. This is for two reasons. 1. We do not want to increase our weight
(remember, we want it to float) and 2. We may need to take parts of this apart later.
6. Put together your balloon.
7. You are able to test your balloon when you are ready in the classroom to see if it will fly and
if you want to make any changes for the big test tomorrow.
Day 2:
1. Your objective here is to build a better balloon. After our initial flight and your post
flight worksheet you should have an idea of what might improve the flight time for your
2. To achieve this you will be given two additional sheets of tissue paper. You will use this
in combination with your already built balloon to make a new improved balloon.
3. Using graph paper, determine a new design which will take advantage of your new,
better ideas.
4. Make a pattern for the new pieces you will add to your balloon. Cut these new pieces
from your extra tissue paper.
5. To add these new pieces to your balloon, you will need to partially disassemble your
balloon. We will do this by separating some of the seams we glued earlier (now you
know why we should only use a little glue.) Slowly take your balloon apart as necessary
(It is suggested that you only open one seam at a time.) Add in the new pieces and
reconstruct your balloon.
6. We will fly again tomorrow.
Acid – Base Lab Part One: Properties of acids and bases
Background: In this lab, you will be studying a variety of chemicals to find trends or
patterns in their behavior.
1. Obtain two well plates and place them on a piece of white paper, one above the
2. Each row will be for a different chemical. Fill each well in that row with 10 drops
of that chemical. For example: Fill all of the wells in Row A with acetic acid.
3. Continue until you have a row for each chemical (five rows).
4. Test each solution in column 1 with the conductivity tester. Record your results
in the chart provided.
5. Test each solution in column 1 with litmus paper. Record the color of the paper
in your data table.
6. Test each solution in column
7. Test each solution in column 1 with pH paper. Record the color of the paper in
your data table.
8. Add one drop of phenolphthalein solution to each well in column 2. Record any
changes in your data table.
9. Add a small piece of magnesium to each well in column 3. Record your
10. Place one drop of universal indicator in each well in column 4. Record
11. Using the hydrochloric acid solution, place 10 drops of HCl in each of the wells in
column 2, if a change occurs, record how many drops it took for the change to
Sodium hydroxide
Distilled water
Acetic acid
Hydrochloric acid
Litmus Paper
pH test paper
Reaction with
#drops of acid.
Acid-Base Lab Part Two: pH scale and household items
Background: There are many different ways to classify elements and compounds.
Earlier in the year we learned that some elements are metal while others are nonmetal.
We learned that some compounds are ionic, while others are covalent. This week we
are going to learn about a different type of classification, acids and bases. Acids and
bases are chemical compounds that have some very special properties. For example,
acids react with metals to produce hydrogen gas. They are sour tasting – you have
experienced this when you eat an orange (citric acid). Bases are slippery and very
corrosive. Drain cleaner is an example of a basic compound.
Not all acids have the same strength or power. For that matter, neither do bases. The
truth is, they are best represented by a scale, called the pH scale. This scale ranges
from 0 to 14 and represents acids, bases and neutral compounds.
In this activity you will be testing various household substances that have been
identified as acids, bases or neutral, using pH paper. You will then place them on your
pH scale. At the end of this experiment you should be able to tell what the pH range
for each type of compound is.
Baking Soda
Citric acid
Contact lens solution (saline solution)
Laundry detergent
Sodium hydroxide
Distilled water
Hydrochloric acid
Place a small amount (several drops) of each substance in a well plate.
Dip the end of a piece of pH paper into a well.
Using the key provided with the pH paper, read the pH of that substance.
Record your results on the data table.
Repeat steps 2-4 until all of the substances have been tested.
Acid – Base Lab Part Three: Indicators
Background: The pH paper that you used in Part One is just one way to test the pH
of a substance. There are also pH meters – these usually include a digital readout that
gives you the exact pH reading, however they are very expensive and easily broken.
A third way to read pH is using an indicator. An indicator is a substance which changes
color as pH changes. Some indicators change color only once. For example,
phenolphthalein is an indicator that changes from clear to pink as pH moves from below
seven (7) to above. Other indicators have a range of colors as pH changes, going from
green to purple to blue to yellow (or something like that).
In this activity you will test several known indicators to determine their pH range and
their behavior. You will then test an unknown indicator to determine its color range.
Finally, you will use your unknown indicator to test the pH of several substances.
1. Choose one of the indicators provided by the teacher.
2. Test this indicator with the acids and bases provided. These will include the
substances you tested earlier as well as possible new compounds the teacher has
3. Record what changes you observe on the data table.
4. Repeat steps 1-4 until all of the indicators have been tested with each solution.
Methyl Universal Methyl
Orange Indicator Red
Baking Soda
Citric Acid
Acid – Base Lab Part Four: Acid – Base Neutralization
Background: Acids and bases can be particularly damaging to human tissue. For
acids, this is because they react with water consuming the water in the chemical
reaction and leaving the tissue dehydrated, often beyond repair. How does this
happen? Acids release hydrogen ions that react with water to form hydronium ions.
The reaction looks like this (Hydronium ion is H3O+.)
HCl + H2O  H3O+ + ClBases can also be extremely harmful, however the explanation can be more complex
and so we will focus only on how they break down in water. When a base is placed in
water it breaks apart something like this:
NaOH  Na + OH-
Despite the fact that acids and bases can be extremely harmful in water, if you mix an
acid with a base they can actually create water as you can see from the reaction below.
HCl + NaOH  H2O + NaCl
As you can see, hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) react to form
water and sodium chloride. This is called a neutralization reaction because the harmful
effects of the acid and the base are neutralized.
Now, imagine that you have a container with an acid in it, but you don’t know how
strong (concentrated) the acid is. Also have a base, and for this you know the
strength. You can used neutralization to determine how strong your acid is. Your
teacher will explain more about how this is possible.
1. At your lab station will be dropper bottles: two containing acid (HCl and Acetic
Acid), the other base (Sodium Hydroxide). You will also have a dropper bottle
nearby with phenolphthalein. Remember that this is a compound that turns pink
when acid turns to base.
2. Place approximately 10 drops of HCl in a well of your well plate. Be careful to
make each drop holding your bottle straight up and down counting each drop as
you go. Record the number of drops in your data table.
3. Now add a drop of phenolphthalein.
4. You will now add NaOH to your well. It is important that you add the NaOH drop
by drop. Pause between drops and gently stir with your stirring rod. Be very
cautious not to loose any solution from your well plate. Count each drop as you
5. Continue to add drops, one at a time until the liquid in your well plate turns a
light pink color. If the color change is to a bright, dark pink you have added to
much base and this trial will not count.
6. When you reach light pink record the number of NaOH drops used in your data
7. Record steps 2-6 one more time each time going only until you reach light pink.
8. Repeat steps 2-6 two more times but use Acetic Acid instead of HCl.
Acetic Acid
Drops of Acid
Drops of Base
Acid in Fruit Juices Lab
Purpose: You will be testing various fruit juices for their acidity content.
Apple juice
Grape Juice (white)
Graph Juice (purple)
Grapefruit juice
Tomato juice
Orange Juice
pH paper
Test tubes
Sodium Hydroxide
Procedure: Part 1 – Using pH paper to test acidity
1. In this part we will test each juice with pH paper to determine which is more acidic.
2. Place 10 drops of each type of juice into a different well in your well plate.
3. Taking a small strip of pH paper, dip one end into your apple juice. Remove
immediately and note/record the color of the strip. Using the chart provided,
determine the pH level which corresponds to this color.
4. Repeat with each juice until all of your juices have been tested. (note – it may be
necessary to rinse the pH paper with distilled water after testing the tomato or
orange juice to remove pulp which may interfere with your reading.
Procedure: Part 1: Using an indicator to test acidity
1. Here we will use the indicator phenolphthalein, which, as you know, turns pink
when an acid is neutralized.
2. Using a test tube, place 20 drops of apple juice into your tube. Add 1 drop of
3. Add drops of sodium hydroxide, 1 drop at a time and shake your test tube between
each drop.
4. Continue to add drops until the solution changes to a pink color. Record the
number of drops necessary for the change to occur.
5. Rinse the contents of the test tube down the drain and refill with a different juice.
Remember to add 20 drops each time and 1 drop of phenolphthalein each time.
6. Again, add drops of sodium hydroxide, 1 drop at a time, shaking between each drop.
7. When it turns pink, record the number of drops.
8. Repeat until all juices except purple grape juice and tomato juice are tested.
9. Clean up your area and return all equipment to its proper place.
DATA TABLE: Acid in Fruit Juices Lab
Organic Stretch Lab
Introduction: In this lab, we will be testing the strength of various polymers. We will
test both their longitudinal strength as well as their horizontal strength. We will also
compare various brands to see if one brand is better than another.
Strips of polymers (only take one at a time)
Spring scale
1. At the” materials” counter you will see various strips of polymers all set upon papers
with the type of polymer and direction of cut (horizontal or lengthwise). YOU ARE
2. When you pick up a strip, immediately write down which type of strip you took,
including direction.
3. Find a drawer (not cupboard door) in the lab area and make sure it is locked.
4. Tie one end of your polymer strip to the handle of the drawer. Try not to waste any
of the strip. In other words, try to tie the knot right at the very end of the strip.
Your knot needs to be a double knot.
5. The other end of the strip is going to be tied around the hook on the spring scale.
Again, tie the knot at the end of the strip and use a double knot.
6. You are now going to pull on the other end of the spring until the strip breaks. It is
important that you pull slowly and consistently until the strip breaks. As you pull,
you will watch the scale, so that when the strip breaks you can record the number
(the force) at which the strip breaks.
7. As instructed, pull the strip until it breaks and record the appropriate force.
8. Repeat steps 4-7 as instructed with each type of strip until all strips are tested.
Making Nylon Lab
0.5 M hexamethylenediamine solution in a 0.5 M sodium hydroxide solution
0.2 M sebacoyl shloride solution in hexane
Food Color
Isopropyl Alcohol
50 ml beaker
Forceps/ tweezers
Stirring rod
Graduated cylinder
Rubber gloves
1. You must wear gloves to protect your hands. Both chemicals that are used in this
experiment are irritating to the skin.
2. Pour 5 ml of hexamethylenediamine/ sodium hydroxide solution into a 50ml beaker.
3. Add 1-5 drops of food coloring to the beaker with the hexamethlenediamine/ sodium
hydroxide solution so the nylon is more visible.
4. Measure out 5 ml of sebacoyl chloride/ hexane solution in a graduated cylinder.
5. Slowly pour the sebacoyl chloride/hexane solution down the side of the 50 ml beaker.
Be careful not to mix the two solutions. A discrete layer should form over the first
6. Very careful, grasp the film in the MIDDLE of the beaker with a pair of tweezers. Try to
not touch the sides of the beaker with the film.
7. Pull the film straight up out of the beaker and start to wind the nylon around the glass
stirring rod. Continue to do so until the rope breaks or one of the two chemicals are
used up.
8. Leave the nylon on the glass stirring rod and immerse it in water, swirling it to wash it.
Repeat the procedure with isopropyl alcohol and again with water before handling it.
(Your food coloring will wash out of it)
9. Be sure to still have your gloves on when handling your nylon because unreacted
chemicals may still be present.
10. Experiment with the nylon. Stretch the nylon until it breaks both long ways and
sideways. How far could you stretch it? Record your observations.
Identifying Polymers Lab
Purpose: To identify the six kinds of recycled plastic resins by measuring their physical and chemical
Background: The plastics industry uses resin pellets to make plastic containers. Each of the recycled
resins is color-coded to help you keep them separate in this analysis, but each may be made in any color.
These resin samples have come from recycled products.
6 samples of plastics
250 mL beakers
100 mL beaker
Bunsen burners or alcohol burners
forceps, tongs, and plastic spoons
1 hot plate
stirring rods or Popsicle sticks
copper wires (5 cm, 20 gauge)
50 mL acetone
60 g isopropyl alcohol (70%)
glass petri dish
100 mL corn oil
small cups to hold resin samples
1. Notice the test areas in the room. Some tests are to be done only at those locations, while others will
be performed at your lab desk. There are four specific test areas in the room that your teacher has set up:
a. Acetone Test—Have 50 mL of acetone in a 100 mL beaker covered with a glass petri
dish. KEEP THIS TEST AREA AWAY FROM FLAMES. Acetone is highly flammable and must
be kept away from flames and covered when not in use. Have tongs or forceps available.
b. Heat Test—Have 125 mL water in a 250 mL beaker on a hot plate. Keep this at a
rolling boil. Have tongs available. Make sure this does not boil dry!
c. Isopropyl Alcohol Test—Put 60 g (or 65 mL) isopropyl rubbing alcohol (70%) in a 250
mL beaker and add enough water to make 100 g (or 100 mL) of solution. Mix. Have
tongs or forceps available. Have plastic spoons available.
d. Oil Test—Put 100 mL of corn oil in a 250 mL beaker. Have tongs or forceps available.
Have plastic spoons available.
The other two tests, water and copper wire, are to be done at your lab station.
2. You and your lab partner are given six different kinds known types of plastics. Your task will be to
record information about these six plastic types and then use your gathered information to identify three
unknown plastics.
The following resins are the six you will study.
1. PET—polyethylene terephthalate
2. HDPE—high density polyethylene
3. PVC—polyvinyl chloride
4. LDPE—low density polyethylene
5. PP—polypropylene
6. PS—polystyrene
Water Test
At your lab desk, place one piece of each of the recycled plastic samples in 100 mL of tap water at room
temperature in a 250 mL beaker. Poke the pieces with a glass stirring rod to knock off any adhering
bubbles and try to make them sink. Note whether the sample floats or sinks. Do not pour the plastic
samples down the sink — they are insoluble in water! Take the plastic pieces out of the water with your
fingers and save the pieces for later.
Copper Wire Test
At your lab desk, using forceps, hold the 5 cm length of copper wire in the hot part of the flame of a
Bunsen burner or alcohol burner until it is red hot. Remove from the flame and carefully touch a plastic
piece with the hot wire. It may stick to the wire at this point so you will need to take another pair of
forceps to pull the piece off the wire. Place the wire with some plastic glob on it (not the piece) back in
the flame, observing the color of the flame that comes from the glob. You will notice a green or orange
flame color. Quench the sample in a beaker of water to stop the burning and cool the wire.
Acetone Test
Take your sample plastic to the acetone test area in the room. Using tongs, place a piece in acetone for 20
seconds. Remove the piece and press firmly between your fingers. The polymer chains may "loosen up"
and feel soft and sticky. Try to scrape off some plastic with your fingernail. There may be no reaction to
this scrape test. Discard the piece in a container provided. (Note: If you are using fingernail polish remover
instead of acetone, leave the plastic piece in for at least one minute. Use your fingernail to try to scrape
the piece to see if the outer layer has softened.) Place the used plastic piece in the special container for
Heat Test
Take your sample plastic to the heat test area. Using tongs, hold one piece in boiling water for 30 seconds.
PET (1) has a relatively low softening point and will show some reaction to the 100 degree Celsius water.
Press the piece between your fingers to see if it feels softened after you remove it from the water. Discard
the piece in the trash can.
Isopropyl Alcohol Test
Take five plastic pieces to the isopropyl alcohol test area. Place the pieces in the solution and poke the
pieces with a stirring rod to release any bubbles. Note whether the pieces float or sink. Scoop the pieces
out with a plastic spoon and take the pieces back to your lab station.
Oil Test
Take five plastic pieces to the oil test area. Place them in the oil and poke the pieces with a stirring rod to
release any bubbles. Note whether the pieces float or sink. Identify the plastic from the flow chart. Scoop
the pieces out with a plastic spoon and wipe them off with a paper towel. Take the pieces back to your lab
Clean Up
Please recycle your plastics in the appropriate containers. Try not to mix the plastics.
DATA PAGE: Identifying Polymers
Gluep is a polymer consisting of three ingredients: sodium borate, glue and water. The current
formula for gluep produces a runny, slimy, substance with a slight bit of bounce. A buyer is
interested in purchasing gluep but requests that we increase the bounciness of our product.
This lab consists of two parts. In part one, you will be making gluep according to the original
“recipe” as a source of comparison. In part two, you will run a series of experiments where you
vary different reactants in an effort to produce a bouncier gluep. The team that produces the
bounciest gluep will be awarded the contract (and the resulting bonus).
Part One: The old formula
In one container, dissolve 10 grams of white glue in 10 grams of water.
In a second container, dissolve 10 grams of sodium borate in 10 grams of water.
Mix the two solutions together by adding the glue mixture to the sodium borate mixture.
This is called the 10-10-10-10 formula.
Observe the properties of your gluep using the current formula. Try to bounce your gluep
and if successful, record how high it bounces.
Place your gluep in a baggie to save for comparison.
Part Two: Finding a better formula
Your job is to design a laboratory procedure which will answer the following questions:
1. Which ingredient is responsible for the bounce?
2. What is the optimum formula for Gluep?
Each team has been authorized a maximum budget of $8.00, and must complete the research in
one class period, so consider this in your procedure design. Fines will be assessed on research
teams for improper use of time and failure to properly clean up a lab station. If a team runs out of
money or is fined and has no money to pay the fine, a loan may be obtained from the research
director in exchange for a grade adjustment on the project.
Write a research plan for researching the “bounciness” of Gluep. Your team may wish to use a
flow chart. Use the current formula as a starting place and remember to change only one factor at
a time. A sample flow chart is shown below:
If the ball has
more bounce
than the control,
try this:
Experiment 2A
Experiment 1
If the ball has less
bounce than the
control, try this:
Experiment 2B
For each experiment, you must layout the following information:
Data Table:
Mass Used
Mass Used
Experimental Design:
Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
Teacher’s signature:
Data Table:
Experimental Design:
Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
Teacher’s signature:
Data Table:
Mass Used
Mass Used
Experimental Design:
Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
Teacher’s signature:
Data Table:
Experimental Design:
Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
Teacher’s signature:
Experiment Wrap Up:
Final Bounce Height:
Final Cost:
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1. According to your experiment, what ingredient appears to be responsible for the bounce of
2. According to your experiment, what is the optimal formula for Gluep?