Lesson Plan 2010 / 2011 THINK ACTIVE! IS THIS A LEARNER-CENTRED PLAN? Name: Myles Carter Course: Level 1 Cert Sport Time: 09:00am-10:00am Lesson: Practical – Healthy Lifestyles th Date: 10 February 2011 Room No: 0.068 Learning Aim / s: Understand why personal fitness is important Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson learners will be able to: Identify the different stations involved in planning a circuit training session Explain how each station operates and the areas of the body you are working Demonstrate an understanding of different exercises which could be used to train the same parts of the body. Differentiation: Identify how you will differentiate in this lesson Answer questions, complete the circuit and give feedback Give examples for a range of exercise which train different parts of the body. Create a more in-depth circuit with alternative, more difficult exercises for different parts of the body Resources: Whiteboard, Pens, Flip Chart Paper, Circuit Training Equipment, Music Player Functional Skills: English Maths ICT Other Level L1 L1 L1 0 Describe the type of learner activity in each FS: Group discussions, Q&A, Feedback Number and order of stations. Develop an plan future circuit training e-Learning: Describe planned integration of e-Learning: After the session students are to create and plan a personal circuit training session using ICT. These will be included with student’s individual workbooks. Pictures and diagrams for plan can be obtained through research on the internet and clip art. Every Child Matters: Describe how Every Child Matters is integrated into the lesson under the themes: 1. Being Health; 2. Staying Safe; 3. Enjoying & Achieving; 4. Making a Positive Contribution; 5. Achieving Economic Wellbeing. ECM 1. Being Healthy – Student participation / enjoyment through activities ECM 2. Staying Safe - Ensure comfortable teaching environment and equipment is safe prior to use. Students to identify risks and hazards ECM 3. Enjoying & Achieving - Lesson uses various teaching methods which will be enjoyable and students will achieve set objectives through different learning techniques ECM 4. Making a Positive Contribution - Contribute and participate to the lesson and encourage maximum learner involvement. ECM 5. Achieving Economic Wellbeing.- Skills and knowledge will help achieve understanding of requirements of a fitness coaching role. Some examples of verbs to help describe lesson objectives & activities: Knowledge Understanding Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation List, name, Classify, order, Predict, Compare, Create, Justify, label, explain, imitate, contrast, design, evaluate, recognise, illustrate, calculate, review, model, give reasons draw, count, summarise, paint, examine, modify, for, select, write, generalise, collect, focus, categorise, appraise, quote, find, estimate, choose, research, integrate, critique, match, convert, show, infer, propose, assess. record, read, predict. construct, deduce, perform, describe. solve, debate. combine. produce, act. Easy High Low Level Order Learning Thinking Learning Activity – Teaching / ALS Activity what will the learners do? 09:00am Register ALS – Jonathan Paisley 09:05am Brain warmer Head Catch Answer questions ALS – Assist with RedThinking Style students answers 09:10am Re cap previous lesson Question and answers. Stations / Contract Previous sessions. Time ALS – Help students with Green Thinking Style recap 09:15am “Lesson Objectives” Question and answers Demonstrate Flip Chart Understanding through ALS – Provide support discussion with Derrick Thomas Red Thinking Style How will learning be checked? Answers to brain warm up. Completed when whole group achieves task. Tutor lead recap; answers given writing on whiteboard. Identify any issues whilst discussion taking place Ensure all students have contributed to classroom activities 09:20am Circuit Training Stations Plan and Design Monitor student’s work. Station design to be posted on the wall. 09:30am Patrol group and support students leading 09:35am 09:45am 09:55am 10:00am Discussion, Q&A Complete work tasks Set Out Individual ALS – Check for learners Stations needing support Yellow Thinking Style Warm Up Student lead, Student Participation Red Thinking Style Circuit training session Take part in circuit training session Complete presentation on evaluation – Flip Chart paper ALS – Provide support to Blue Thinking Style all student’s Yellow Thinking Style Circuit Training Session Evaluate stations / Time at each station. Change stations, ALS – Provide support alternative exercises with Anthony Green Blue Thinking Style Discussion / Group Re-Visit Learning Activity (Head Catch) / Objectives Re - Cap Green Thinking Style ALS – Check for learners needing support End of session Evaluation of presentations Question and Answer exercise Feedback Q&A Stations Changed Q&A Group Activity Equality & Diversity Any areas of attention: The group is working at entry 3 Maths and English. Learners are an eclectic mix with varying abilities academic abilities, E2 through to L1 in literacy and E3 – L1 in numeracy. A collection of tasks are used to challenge learning. This includes individual, pair and group work. Student learning styles are considered throughout and mentioned within the lesson plan. During the lesson students will be asked how exercises could be different for genders and fitness levels. Evaluation: Use this space to reflect on the lesson. What went well? Why? What went badly? Why? What would you do differently? Are there any examples of ‘best practice’ you could share?