The Renaissance In Italy


The Renaissance In Italy

What is the Renaissance?

The word Renaissance means “Rebirth.”

During the Middle

Ages, people had lived lives centered around their villages or towns.

Their lives were based around the Catholic


What Changed During the


The Renaissance began around 1300 and reached its peak around 1500.

The Renaissance marked the transition from the medieval world to the

modern world.

During the Middle Ages, scholars focused on religion . Renaissance thinkers focused on this lifetime and the experience of being human.

Interest was reawakened in the Greek and Roman

writings and learning.

This movement was called humanism . These new thinkers focused on a variety of topics.

The Renaissance Starts in Italy

Italy had the remains of

Ancient Rome.

Italy was on the

Mediterranean and in an ideal place for trading.

The Roman Catholic

Church was based in


Italy was divided into

city states.

Patrons and Powerful Families

City states were ruled by powerful families and a strong merchant class.

The Medici family of

Florence was the most famous of these.

These families served as

patrons of the arts.

That means they gave

money to artists.

Renaissance Art Flourishes

Many artists were supported by powerful patrons.

They more topics than just

religious themes.

Artists made realistic artwork and used perspective.

Perspective means making close items larger than far items to make it seem realistic.

Artists also used shading and

correct anatomy.

Leonardo da Vinci

He was the ultimate

Renaissance man.

He was a painter and


He created famous paintings and also created inventions.

He was known for his curiosity and ingenuity.

He learned about human anatomy by dissecting


The Last Supper

The Mona


The Notebooks of



He was a sculptor, engineer, painter, architect, and poet.

He created marble masterpieces and painted the

Sistine Chapel.

He also created the design for the dome of St. Peter’s



The Pieta

The Sistine Chapel

The Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica

Rafael, the School of Athens

The Renaissance Spreads to the

Rest of Europe

The Printing Revolution

During the Middle Ages, books were copied by scribes and monks by hand.

Around 1455, a German named

Johann Gutenberg created the first moveable type

printing press.

This made books much more common and much more

accessible to the people.

The Printing Press

Sir Thomas More’s Utopia

Thomas More was an

English writer.

He wrote a book about a perfect society called

“Utopia” where everyone is equal and everyone lives in peace and harmony.

We still use the word utopia to describe a perfect world or society.

William Shakespeare

Shakespeare was the most important literary writer during the Renaissance.

He wrote 37 plays that are still performed today.

He also greatly

enriched the English language.
