AAA School AMASA Media Management Curriculum Course Outline (There may be a few changes to the Media Course Outline) AN INTRODUCTION TO MEDIA STRATEGY LECTURES: 1-7 Developing a Standpoint for Media Position media planning within the broader discipline of advertising and communication. Understand the various elements of the media planning process. Understand the role of media planning within the advertising process SA Media Overview Provide a basic overview of the South African media landscape in order to put future communication channel lectures into context. Defining the Target Market Putting into perspective the importance of target market definition. Providing an overview of the various elements of target market definition, eg. Income, LSM’s, etc. Touching on the various research tools that are available for target market definition. Concepts of Media Planning The role of the media decision. Understanding basic media terminology, ie. Coverage, reach, cumulative reach, frequency, GRP’s, etc. Calculating and applying of basic media principles ie. reach, frequency, GRP’s, etc. Evaluating cost efficiency vs. media delivery. Reach guidelines. Setting effective frequency levels. Media Qualities and the Mix Differentiating between a medium and a media vehicle. Determining and evaluating media imperatives for each medium. Differentiating between cost efficiency vs. cost effectiveness. Understanding and compiling a SWOT analysis for each medium. Media Research Understanding the need for research. Overview of available research. How to evaluate research. Reading Computer Runs Reading and analysing a typical research run. Calculating and using indices, percentages, etc. PREPARING THE MEDIA STRATEGY LECTURES 8-20 Television Overview of the television industry. Definitions of relevant media terminology. The role of the medium in the overall planning process. Understanding, calculating and applying media specifics to television, ie. reach, frequency, GRP’s, CPP’s, etc. Understanding the dynamics of putting a TV plan together, ie. Sample sizes, audience shares, daypart delivery, etc. Reading and analysing a typical buying brief. Reading and analysing a typical post campaign report. Radio Overview of the television industry. Definitions of relevant media terminology. The role of the medium in the overall planning process. Understanding qualitative factors such as language, spot duration. Identifying audience patterns, daypart delivery, etc. Creating a radio plan to meet reach or frequency objectives. Evaluating the role of the various stations. Magazines Overview of the magazine industry from a publisher’s point of view. Overview of the magazine industry from a planning point of view. Definitions of relevant media terminology. The role of the medium in the overall planning process. Evaluation criteria. Calculating title and media schedule cost efficiency. Newspapers Overview of the newspaper market. Definitions of relevant media terminology. The role of the medium in the overall planning process. Evaluation criteria. Calculating title and media schedule cost efficiency. Cinema Overview of the cinema industry. Definitions of relevant media terminology. The role of the medium in the overall planning process. Utilising sources other than AMPS. Opportunities beyond the on-reel placement. Outdoor/Out of Home Overview of the OOH industry. Definitions of relevant media terminology. The role of the medium in the overall planning process. Understanding the limitations of conventional research. Relationship Marketing Overview of the DRM industry. Definitions of relevant media terminology. The role of the medium in the overall planning process. Alternative Media What is alternative media. Understanding the contribution that alternative media bring to a strategy. Definitions of relevant media terminology. The role of the medium in the overall planning process. Digital/ On-line Overview of the on-line/digital industry. Definitions of relevant media terminology. The role of the medium in the overall planning process. Increasing importance/ relevance of the communication channel. Sponsorships The role of sponsorships in the overall communication mix. How to evaluate sponsorships. Evaluation criteria. How to measure the impact of sponsorships. Reading Rate Cards How to calculate costs and read rate cars: Television Cinema Radio Magazines Newspapers On-line Creativity in Media Impact vs. effectiveness Role of creativity Examples of great creative media executions THE MEDIA STRATEGY LECTURES 21-34 Developing a Strategy Analysing the client brief. Understanding what data you need. Understanding the elements that make up a communication strategy. Presenting a media strategy. The Media Plan Isolating the steps from the communication strategy. Appropriate budget setting criteria. Laying out a media plan. Media Strategy Case Study Examples of media strategies that have been developed and the resulting media plans that were executed and implemented.