2012-2013 Instructor: Mr. Kerr Digital Electronics Office: D103 Phone: 243-1789 Lecture Room: D115 Phone: 243-1759 Course Description: Digital Electronics (DE) is the study of electronic circuits that are used to process and control digital signals. In contrast to analog electronics, where information is represented by a continuously varying voltage, digital signals are represented by two discreet voltages or logic levels. This distinction allows for greater signal speed and storage capabilities and has revolutionized the world electronics. Digital electronics is the foundation of all modern electronic devices such as cellular phones, MP3 players, laptop computers, digital cameras, high definition televisions, etc. The major focus of the DE course is to expose students to the design process of combinational and sequential logic design, teamwork, communication methods, engineering standards, and technical documentation. Utilizing the activity-project-problem-based (APPB) teaching and learning pedagogy, students will analyze, design and build digital electronic circuits. While implementing these designs students will continually hone their interpersonal skills, creative abilities and understanding of the design process. Digital Electronics is a course that is appropriate for 10th or 11th grade students interested in electronics. Other than their concurrent enrollment in college preparatory mathematics and science courses, this course assumes no previous knowledge. Digital Electronics is one of three foundation courses in the Project Lead The Way® high school pre-engineering program. The course applies and concurrently develops secondary level knowledge and skills in mathematics, science, and technology. Course Outline I. Foundations of Digital Electronics o Scientific and Engineering Notations o Electronic Component Identification o Basic Soldering and PCB Construction o Electron Theory & Circuit Theory Laws o Circuit Simulation o Breadboard Prototyping o Component Datasheets & Troubleshooting II. Combinational Logic Analysis and Design o Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Number Systems o Boolean Algebra and DeMorgan’s Theorems o AND-OR-INVERT, NAND Only, and NOR Only Logic Design. o Binary Adders and Two’s Complement Arithmetic o Combinational Logic Design with Field Programmable Gate Arrays III. Sequential Logic Analysis and Design o Flip-Flops, Latches and Their Applications. o Asynchronous Counter Design with Small and Medium Scale Integrated Circuits. o Synchronous Counter Design with Small and Medium Scale Integrated Circuits. o Sequential Logic Design with Field Programmable Gate Arrays 1 IV. o Introduction to State Machines. Introduction to Microcontrollers o Software Development for a Introductory Microcontroller o Real-World Interface: Introduction to Hardware Controls o Process Control with a Microcontroller Evaluation & Grading Evaluation is based upon the completion of required assignments, quizzes, laboratory assignments and exams. Final grades will be determined using the following criteria 1st Qtr /2nd Qtr 45% 3rd Qtr/4th Qtr 45% Final Exam 10% Text Tokheim, Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications, 6th ed., Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2003. Student's Responsibility 1. Attendance of each class period is required. 2. Daily work and assignments will be turned in on the due date unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor. 3. Read required assignments and review notes prior to attending class. 4. Report any malfunctioning equipment to the instructor. 5. The electricity/electronics lab is open for your use starting at 7:15 a.m. daily. 6. If a student is absent from class for any length of time, it is the student's responsibility to obtain any/and/or all notes from classmates and it is the student’s responsibility to obtain assignments from the instructor. 7. Students must be on time for all quizzes and tests. Tardiness will result in a deduction of 10 percent from the score. Cheating Cheating is interpreted to mean the copying, tracing or use of another persons' work for the purpose of completing an assignment. Individual initiative and personal performance in completing all assignments is required of all students. This course may seem to offer situations that are conducive to cheating. However, evidence of cheating on the part of ANY student will be sufficient cause for an assignment of an "F" for the assignment and possibly the quarter and/or course. The instructor reserves the right to change a grade after the end of the semester if there is evidence to warrant such action. Materials Needed Daily 1. Pencil or pen 2. Calculator (preferably scientific) 3. 2 - 3 ring binder (1" style & 3” style) with lined, loose-leaf paper 4. Computer storage device (thumb drive) 5. Textbook (with book cover) 6. Z 87.7 approved safety glasses (as needed) 2 WITC Articulation Students who complete this course and earn a grade of B or higher are eligible to receive college credit at WITC. Check with your guidance counselor for further details. Policies, Procedures & Expectations Class is conducted similar to a work environment; credit is given for participation, work ethic , timeliness and quality of completed work. Your grade will be based upon participation, equipment-use competency, daily work completion, test performance and the quality of completed activities and projects. Due dates are established and adhered to as in industry. Thus, deadline dates are firm and severe penalties will be imposed on material turned in after the due date. IN THIS CLASS LATE WORK IS NOT ACCEPTED! Attendance Attendance is very important to a student’s success in this course. Upon return from an absence, it is the responsibility of the student to ask the instructor what material or assignments were missed. Students have 2 days to make up work missed for an excused absence. Tardy You are to be in the classroom/computer lab prior to the bell, with all materials needed to complete work for class, otherwise you are considered tardy. Habitual tardiness demonstrates a lack of selfcontrol. To curb that behavior, you will be required to make up missed time (5 minutes for each offense) before or after school whichever is most convenient for the instructor. Behavior Be kind, courteous, and respectful to everyone (including substitute teachers)-you will need their help at some point in the future. Disruptive behavior, inappropriate language, negativism, and put-downs are not allowed. You can't expect people to work with you if you treat them poorly. Come to class each day prepared and ready to rock n’ roll! I expect you to work everyday, for the entire period! NO soda, NO water, NO food in the classroom or computer lab at ANY TIME! Basic Housekeeping Your mother is not enrolled in this course; therefore, if you make a mess, (even a small one) you will clean it up. If you take out a piece of equipment, you will put it away again. This is not your personal space or your room; so don't leave your personal items lying around. Keep your personal items in your locker or at home. Electronic Devices Electronic devices (cell phones, MP3 players, Kindles, iPads, etc.) will be CONFISCATED if a student uses them inappropriately (as defined in the student handbook). 1st offense-returned to student at the end of school day. 2nd offense-returned to parent/guardian at the end of school day. 3rd offense-returned to your parent at the end of the school day on the last day of week. 3