جامعة البرتا Petra University )(جامعة خاصة معتمدة (Private Accredited University) كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات قسم انظمه المعلومات الحاسوببه Faculty of Information Technology Department of Computer Science CourseTitle Course No. Credit Hrs Decision Support Systems 602481 3 Instructor Name Dr. hayam ensour Office Prerequisite 602181 Management Information Systems e-mail/Web Site Year (semester) 2013-2014 (1) Lec./Lab. Credit Lecture: 3 Lab : 0 Office Hours hensour@uop.edu.jo Coordinator Text Book Course Description Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems 9&th edition, Turban & Aronson This course provides an overview of current trends in Decision support systems , This mainly includes DSS methodology and also covers Rapid DSS application , Management support systems and other techniques. Understand how management uses computer technologies. Learn basic concepts of decision-making, Understands decision support systems. Recognize different types of decision support systems used in the workplace. Aims This course is intended to give the student basic literacy with decision support systems concepts. At the end of the course, the student is expected to have gained good knowledge of the covered areas, thus, enabling him/her to functionally utilise these skills in his/her future practices. Furthermore, this course is deployed and administered in such a way that enriches the students' understanding of best practices and the advantages of such skills in increasing quality and productivity. Objectives This course introduces students to the software systems that coordinate data, modeling, algorithms and user-friendly interfacing to create an environment for automated or interactive decision making. It also introduce students to technologies such as OLAP, GSS, AI, Organizational learning and Knowledge management. Intended Learning Outcomes and their alignment with Program ILOs : Successful completion of this course should lead to the following learning outcomes : 1 - Be able to recognize user interface issues in the development of systems to aid decision makers. - Be familiar with the characteristics of Group Decision Support Systems (and other groupware) and how these systems may be applied to group tasks. - Develop Decision Support Systems using Excel and VBA. - to provide an understanding of the concepts of modeling and to begin - to understand how models can be used to simulate real world problem - to develop an understanding of the concepts of business intelligence and data management. - to relates system development concepts to DSS development A- Knowledge and Understanding : - Be able to recognize the role of Decision (and other Management) Support Systems and their potential for assisting in organizational and individual decision making. - Be able to identify potential effects of cognitive biases, which affect individual decision makers, and groupthink, which affects groups of decision makers. - Be able to identify the types of problems that may be addressed effectively through the use of Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems. - Be able to recognize user interface issues in the development of systems to aid decision makers. B- Intellectual Skills: Enable students to have a primary goal of developing students' critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and problem solving skills C) Practical skills/Subject Specific Skills: 1) Plan for a major Group project and successfully execute the steps in the plan. 2) Create models of Decisions using a variety of notations and techniques 3) Professionally present work both in written and oral format using appropriate media. D) Transferable Skills relevant to employability and personal development: 1) Ability independently to gather, sift, synthesise and organise material from various sources (including library, electronic and online resources), and to critically evaluate its significance.. 2) Recognising and identifying views of others and working constructively with them - understand group dynamics and intercultural backgrounds in the use of negotiating skills to reach objectives 3) Capacity to make oral presentations, using appropriate media for a target audience 4) Ability to schedule tasks in order of importance 5) Ability to manage Communication, Responsibility and teamwork effectively Teaching and Learning Methods: Interactive lectures Lecture on major concepts and issues: Interactive lectures with videos and PowerPoint slides are conducted with lecturer explaining and illustrating the concepts. Students will be invited to share their view and experience in applying the concepts. Group Projects and Presentation Students will work on a course projects (2 to 3 students in a group). Each group will submit a short proposal of their project, including the names of team members starting from the third week of classes. Once the project is approved by the instructor, the group submits a more extended proposal which includes the role of each team 2 member, Time-Plan, Cost/benefit analysis, and the tools and applications that will be employed in the project. Each group will submit their project with a presentation at the end of the semester. Online search / research and short presentations Each student will be required to search the net for a new topic that relates to this course. A one page summary of this topic is to be submitted a long with a 10 minute presentation. Textbook Problems Problems have been selected for in-class illustration of certain concepts and applications. Additional textbook problems have been assigned for students to practice and gain better understanding of the concepts discussed. Homework assignments will be collected for grading. Outside-classroom activities Students are required to schedule meetings with their groups, and to document the results of such meetings. Students will also be required to visit local businesses which relates to their group projects. Companion Web Site ( http://www.prenhall.com/turban Students will be required to visit the companion web site and solve and submit the required home works and short case studies. Course Contents : Week Topics 1,2 Management Support Systems: An Overview 3,4 Decision-Making Systems, Modeling, And Support 5,6 Decision Support Systems: An Overview 7 Modeling And Topic Details • Understand how management uses computer technologies. • Learn basic concepts of decision-making. • Understands decision support systems. • Recognize different types of decision support systems used in the workplace. • Determine which type of decision support system is applicable in specific situations. Learn what role the Web has played in the development of these systems. • Learn the basic concepts of decision making. • Understand systems approach. • Learn Simon’s four phases of decision making. • Understand the concepts of rationality and bounded rationality. • Differentiate betwixt making a choice and establishing a principle of choice. • Learn which factors affect decision making. • Learn how DSS supports decision making in practice. • Understand DSS configurations. • Learn characteristics and capabilities of DSS. • Understand DSS components. • Describe structure of DSS components. • Understand how DSS and the Web interact. • Learn the role of the user in DSS. • Understand DSS hardware and integration. • Learn DSS configurations. Group Project Initial Proposal First Exam • Understand basic concepts of MSS modeling. 3 Reference (chapter) Chp.1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Chp1,2,3 Ch. 4 Assignment Analysis 8,9 Business Intelligence: Data Warehousing, Data Acquisition, Data Mining • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 10 11 Decision Support System Development Collaborative Computing Technologies:Gr oup Support Systems • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 12 Knowledge Management • • • • • • • • • • • • Describe MSS models interaction. Understand different model classes. Structure decision making of alternatives. Learn to use spreadsheets in MSS modeling. Understand the concepts of optimization, simulation, and heuristics. Learn to structure linear program modeling. Describe the issues in management of data. Understand the concepts and use of DBMS. Learn about data warehousing and data marts. Explain business intelligence/business analytics. Examine how decision making can be improved through data manipulation and analytics. Understand the interaction betwixt the Web and database technologies. Explain how database technologies are used in business analytics. Understand the impact of the Web on business intelligence and analytics. Understand the concepts of systems development. Learn PADI, the phases of SDLC. Describe prototyping. Understand which factors lead to DSS success or failure. Learn the importance of project management. Describe the three technology levels of DSS. Understand the learning process involved in DSS development. Second Exam Understand concepts and fundamentals of groupwork, communications, and collaboration. Examine how computer systems enhance communication and collaboration. Understand the principles and capabilities of GSS. Explore the concepts of time/place frameworks. Learn how GSS interplays with the concepts of process gain and loss, and task gain and loss. See how GSS utilizes parallelism and anonymity. Understand the fundamentals of electronic meetings. Examine GSS’ three technologies. Learn how the Web enables GSS, electronic meetings, and collaborative computing. Explain hoe distance learning is enabled by GSS. Show how GSS enhances creativity. Learn the basic concepts in enterprise information systems. Determine how to extract information needs for a DSS. Compare features and capabilities of EIS and DSS. Learn the relationship between and amongst business intelligence/DSS systems. Understand the capabilities of enterprise information portals. Examine supply chain management issues. Discuss customer relationship management concepts. Understand how the Web impacts EIS, and vice versa. Describe how EIS has improved decision making. Learn emerging and future EIS. 4 Ch 5 Ch. 6 Chp.4,5,6 Ch. 7 Ch. 8 CONTINUAL COURSE Quality IMPROVEMENT The following Measures are taken seriously to continuously improve the quality of the course: Student Feed back: Using the University Student Evaluation, and the IT faculty Special Evaluation Form to provide instructor and department with feedback. Peer Visitation: Feedback from faculty members with similar specialization Course Coordinator: Participates in course updates, and monitors course progress Internal Examiner: Feedback pertaining to course outline, exams and projects, Course objectives and ILOs External Examiner: Feedback pertaining to course outline, exams and projects, Course objectives and ILOs ACM, AIS, and AITP Curriculum Guidelines MOH Guidelines for Standard Efficiency Exams Assesment and Grade Distribution Assesment I.Group Work Project Presentation II. Individual Work Attendance, Participation, and Home works Quizzes ILOs First Exam Second Exam A Comprehensive Final examination Requiremet for Grading / Due Date Points Total 15% 5% 10% Proposal + written Report Power Point Slides 85% Chapter Homeworks, Presentations Discsstions, UnAnnounced Short quizes Covers Chapters 1 – 3 Multiple Choice Questions Questions of exam grade. Covers Chapters 4– 7 Multiple Choice Questions Questions of exam grade. Covers Chapters 1 – 8. Multiple Choice Questions. Essay Questions of exam grade. TOTAL Short 10% and/or Essay 20% and/or Essay 20% 40% 100% References: [R1] Turban, E & Aaronson, J (2012) Decision Support Systems and Intelligent System. Seventh edition, Prentice Hall [R2] Turban, E & Aaronson, J (20010) Decision Support Systems and Intelligent System. Seventh edition, Prentice Hall COURSE POLICIES The University Regulations on academic dishonesty will be strictly enforced! Please check the University Statement on plagiarism. Make-up Exams: Only students with valid excuses are allwed to have make up exams. All excuses must be signed by the Faculty Dean. Student has the responsibility to arrange with his/her instructor for an exam date before the occurrence of the next regular exam. All assignment and class work must be submitted at the specified due date. No late work will be accepted. Attendance policy will be strictly enforced (refer to student's Handbook). No make up for quizzes under any circumstance. 5