EE 3010 Specific Information and Guidelines TA: _________________ Email: _________________ Office: _____ EERC Mailbox: 7th floor EERC, #_____ Phone: ____________ Home Phone: _______ Office Hours: _______________ Course Goals: The goal for this course is to ensure each student is successful in learning the proper laboratory techniques necessary to: Construct circuits from diagrams or descriptions ranging from simple to complex. Use various measuring devices to analyze circuits. Use different software packages to construct and evaluate circuits ranging from simple to complex. Realize the similarities between laboratory experiments and lecture theory. Write an informative and interesting report. Grading: Points will be awarded for each experiment based on the following criteria: Attendance: In order to receive any credit for a particular laboratory experiment, you must attend that class. Be on time. Show up for each lab. Contact Glen Archer ahead of time ( if you must miss a lab. We will work with you to make up a lab in another section if you contact him ahead of time. Prelabs: It is your responsibility to print off and read through each week’s lab before coming to lab. The labs are located at: Some of these labs have prelabs. Prelabs are due at the beginning of lab. Turn them in. 10 points each Experimental Data: Your TA will check each student’s work as they finish the experiment for that week. Having complete and correct results in the time allotted will earn the maximum points in this area. 25 points for each lab session Quizes: The majority of labs will include a short quiz covering the topics of the previous week’s lab. The quizzes may cover either lab techniques, lecture theory, or both. 25 points each Lab Reports: As an engineer, reports are often necessary to inform others of your work, and the results obtained. Three of the labs will require well-written lab reports. Lab reports will be due at the beginning of class one week from the completion of the lab for which they are assigned. Points will be deducted at the discretion of the TA for unexcused tardiness. 90 points each Included with this syllabus are guidelines for proper report writing and organization. Also included are samples of reports to use as a guide. Reports will be graded based on the attached matrix. Lab Practical: The semester will conclude with each student participating in a one hour individual lab practical. The goal will be to assess how well you have attained the course goals. 100 points Comments / Suggestions: The ECE Department is always looking for ways to improve the student’s lab experience. Please include in each lab report a brief section with your personal comments and suggestions for each lab. Conclusion: If the TA and the students follow the same set of guidelines, a common communication path will be created and we can both achieve the most out of this lab experience. You have made a significant financial commitment to taking this lab, and I believe that should be taken seriously by both parties. With that in mind, let’s put forth our best efforts and have a great semester. For any questions concerning any ECE labs: please contact your TA or Mr. Glen Archer ( anytime. EE 3010 Lab Schedule for Fall 2002 Week Number Quiz Topic 1 2 None None 3 Lab 1 4 Lab 2 5 6 None None 7 Lab 3 8 Lab 4 9 Lab 5 (p1) 10 Lab 5 (p2) 11 Lab 6 (p1) 12 Lab 7 13 Lab 8 (p1) 14 Lab 8 (p2) 15 Description No meeting Experiment 1 Multimeter Measurements on DC Resistive Circuits Experiment 2 Simulation of DC Resistive Circuits Experiment 3 Digital Oscilloscope Familiarity Exam 1 Problem Set Appendix A Complex Number Review Assignment Date Due Report Week 4 Good luck on Exam! Experiment 4 AC Magnitude and Phase Experiment 5 (part 1) Frequency Response and Passive Filters Experiment 5 (part 2) Report Week 10 Exam II Problem Set Experiment 6 (part 1) Op Amps Experiment 6 (part 2) Report Week 12 Experiment 7 Introduction to Labview Experiment 8 part A,B Introduction to Digital Circuits Experiment 8 part C, D Digital Circuits continued Lab Practical Laboratory Report Guidelines Reports are to include the following: Cover sheet with course number, section number, title of the lab project, your name, your lab instructor’s name, date due, and date submitted. Objective section that states the goals of the experiment, the definition of the problem and identifies any constraints or assumptions made. Procedure section that describes the procedure used. This should be a cohesive summary of the steps taken in lab, not a word for word copy of the lab handout. Schematic diagrams for all circuits constructed are strongly encouraged in the Procedures section. Discussion section that answers all questions posed in the lab handout. It should also show all completed calculations (word processed equations) and tabulated results. Describe any extra investigations that you performed, or and discrepancies you may have encountered in this section. Conclusion section to discuss the outcome of the experiment and, most importantly, what you learned from performing it. It is also encouraged to include personal statements and suggestions about the lab in this section. Appendix is used to include extra information or printouts that are too large to be integrated with text. If any figures are included in this section, they must be properly referenced in the text. Text. All text should be word-processed and single-spaced. Reports are to be written in third person (avoid terms like I, We, You – instead use terms like “The lab called for…,” “It was decided then to..”). Paragraphs should be grouped with descriptive headings, and where needed, with subheadings. Indentation can also be helpful. This page illustrates one acceptable format. The MTU Writing Center is located in Walker 107. They are provided, free of charge, to assist you in improving your writing. If a good lab report seems difficult to write, or if English is not your first language, please visit the writing center. Figures. Figures are often graphs, but they also include schematic sketches and drawings. Your ability to machine produce a figure will depend upon the nature of the figure itself, so both hand-prepared and computer drawn figures are acceptable. Note that hand-prepared is not the same as “freehand”; neatness requires prudent use of drawing aids. Whenever possible, figures should be understood on their own. They must have a figure number (Arabic numeral) and title below the figure, a legend (if applicable), and units must always be clearly marked. Figures should support the text, not replace it. For this reason, all figures should be referenced in the text. Preferably, the reference will be on the same page as the figure, but if this is not possible then the page they are located on must be stated. For an illustration, see Figure 1 on the following page. Tables. Tables are often confused with figures, but in engineering writing they are treated differently. A Table Number (Roman numeral) and Table Caption should appear at the top of the table. We recommend that they be boxed into the table itself. Columns must be annotated with quantities and their units. Any remarks enabling the table to stand alone can be boxed immediately below the table. If a table is not found directly below the related text, it must be referenced by number. For an illustration, see Table I. Table I Load Voltage and Current Voltage (V) Resistance ( 0 0 200 2.35 500 3.81 1000 4.80 Note: Short Circuit Current = 15.38 mA Current (mA) 15.38 11.76 9.52 6.06 Equations. Equations should be word processed and integrated into the text. When presenting a series of related equations, it is not necessary to show every single step of a derivation so long as the method is clear to the reader. Use of transitionary phrases between key steps will add greatly to the reader’s understanding. Equations may be numbered at the right margin for convenience of reference. For example: V = 10e -2000t cos (2ft) (1) Laboratory Report Grading Matrix Student_________________________ Instructor__________________________________ Section ____________________ Lab Number ___________________ Attribute Report Mechanics Organization Format Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling Length Content Introduction 0-2 Unacceptable 3-5 Below Expectations 6-8 Meets Expectations 9-10 Exceeds Expectations Inappropriate content in most sections of report Some inappropriate content in some sections of report Some portions are sloppy and difficult to read, some format errors Content appropriate in all sections of report Unique organization enhances readability and/or understandability of report Text, tables, figures are readable and understandable. Text, tables, figures so clear and understandable as to enhance the report’s impact, unique format enhances report’s impact Completely free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors Tables and figures can not be read/understood, fonts difficult to read, so many format errors as to make the report useless Excessive spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors Far too long or too short Some spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors Only a few spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors Too long or too short Problem not stated, constraints or assumptions not explained, contains results/conclusions Problem stated poorly, limited discussion of constraints, assumptions Procedure Omitted Discussion— Quantitative Analysis-- No apparent understanding of lab tasks, no quantitative support provided Conclusion— What did you learn Omitted Labhandout restated verbatim, or summary is far too brief to be of use Poor understanding of lab tasks, poor quantitative support, Weak Questions Does not address questions posed in lab materials Appropriate report length Problem clearly stated, impact of constraints and assumptions clearly discussed Good summary of steps taken to perform the lab So clear and complete as to enhance impact of report Lab tasks clearly understood and discussed, solid quantitative support, Clear Discussion clearly reveals insight and understanding beyond level expected Some questions correctly answered Points Awarded Summary includes all steps taken and challenges overcome. Includes ample use of figures Conclusion clearly reveals insight and understanding beyond level expected All questions correctly answered Report Total Prelab Data Total points possible_______ Total points awarded_______ Sample EE3010 Laboratory Quiz Lab 1 Name:______________________ Resistor Color Code Chart: 0 Black 1 Brown 2 Red 3 Orange 4 Yellow 5 Green 6 Blue 7 Violet 8 Gray 9 White 5% Gold 10% Silver 1. What colors would the bands be from left to right if the following were a 1k resistor with 5% tolerance? 2. Nominal value = 1.5 k, 10% tolerance Measured Value = 1.6 k %Error = ________ 3. Is the resistor in Question 2 within the manufacturer’s specifications? 4. A voltmeter measures voltage through/across a resistance? (circle one) 5. An ammeter measures current through/across a resistance? (circle one) 6. A voltmeter is connected in parallel/series (circle one) and an ammeter is connected in parallel/series (circle one). Instructor Use Only Quiz Total Prelab Data Total points possible_______ Total points awarded_______