
DEFKALION project proposal in marine electrical engineering
Project Proposal : DEFKALION (Studying and Resolving Power Quality Problems in Ship Electric
Energy Systems)
Proposal Synopsis
The proposed project “DEFKALION” deals with analysing and resolving Power Quality (PQ)
problems in electric energy systems of ships with extensive electrification. Within this framework,
optimized configurations of critical subsystems are studied in depth: shaft generators, thrusters, pods,
earthing grids and protection against lightning. Finally, a central electric power management system is
designed and tested in a manner that all PQ problems studied are monitored and mitigated. Noting the
forthcoming complete ship electrification (called “All Electric Ship”), it is highlighted that this the first
time that a project focuses on resolving all significant PQ problems met aboard. The anticipated results
can be summarized as aiming at a greener, safer, more reliable and more economic ship. The power
quality problems dealt refer to all three distinct power sub-systems: (a) generation (b) distribution, and
(c) consumers. The methodology proposed, comprises both theoretical approach accompanied by
experiments. This requires the inter-disciplinary engagement of researchers from different scientific
areas such as naval architecture, hydrodynamic engineering, marine engineering, electric grid and
earthing grid engineering, electric machinery and power electronic engineering and energy
engineering. Thus, the Main Research Team comprises academics grouped in 4 groups:
a) Marine Technology
b) Energy Saving
c) Electromechanical Energy Conversion
d) Electric Overvoltages
accompanied by a team of freelance researchers.
A distinguished Invited Researcher participates, too (Dr Sakis Meliopoulos, distinguished professor
from Georgia Technological Institute, USA). The project is subdivided into 9 workpackages:
WP1: Project Management
WP2: Studying PQ problems due to shaft generator operation
WP3: Studying PQ problems due to thruster operation
WP4: Studying PQ problems due to pod operation
WP5: Studying PQ problems due to grounding grid
WP6: Studying PQ problems due to lightning
WP7: Monitoring, Recording and Analysis of PQ phenomena
WP8: Evaluation of the project – Propositions on resolving PQ problems in ships with extensive
WP9: Result Dissemination
Experience and scientific reputation of the Coordinator of the research team (John Prousalidis)
Assistant Professor John Prousalidis will have the dual role of the Co-ordinator of the project and the
leader of the first research group, NT. As it is noted next, Mr J. Prousalidis has extensive research and
educational experience lying in the scientific field of the proposed project.
Research projects
A) "Investigation of Electric Power Quality Phenomena in Power Systems ships with emphasis on
Voltage Fluctuation Phenomena" performed in the framework of "Pythagoras II-EPEAEK" in the
period from 1/1/2005 to 31/12/2007. Several researchers of this proposal had also participated in this
project (Ch. Frangopoulos J. Hatzilaou, E. Styvaktakis, G. Antonopoulos, F. Kanellos, M.
B) "Investigation of Magnetic Phenomena in Ferromagnetic Materials at High Frequency Steady
State Operation focused on Naval Applications of Electrical Engineering (Electric rotating naval
machines)” (started on 5/11/2007, financially supported: Program for the support of Basic Research in
NTUA - PEVE 2007, Project Co-ordinator: Assistant Professor J. Prousalidis, participant: Professor A.
Kladas, principal researcher: Y.D Ch Patsios (all involved in this proposal).
C) "Investigation of the Problem of active and reactive loading distribution between Shaft and
Conventional Ship Generators" (sponsor: Elefsis H.S.Y., Project Co-ordinator: Assistant Professor J.
Prousalidis, with the participation of Dr. E. Styvaktakis and Dr J. Dermentzoglou (members of
“DEFKALION” Research Team).
D) "Investigation of the Problem of ferries' electric driven bow-thruster Starting Mechanism"
(sponsor: ROTEK MECHANICAL, Project Co-ordinator: Assistant Professor J. Prousalidis with the
participation of Dr. E. Styvaktakis (member of “DEFKALION” Research Team).
E) "Investigation of Surge Voltage Phenomenon during the disconnection of the Medium Voltage
compensation Inductive Coil connected to the autotransformer tertiary winding" (Coordinator:
Assistant Professor J. Prousalidis, financial support: Public Power Corporation / DNEM).
F) "Investigation of Voltage Drops in the Tunnel Driskos of Egnatia highway Electrical
Installation for the respective under-construction project of SIEMENS SA" (Coordinator:
Assistant Professor J. Prousalidis, financial support: ROTECH ENGINEERING Ltd, SIEMENS SA).
G) "Transient stability study of three-phase synchronous generator connected to the underconstruction 150 kV network, of Rhodes, during three-phase symmetrical short circuit,
considering Automatic Voltage Regulators" (Coordinator: Assistant Professor J. Prousalidis,
participation of Dr. G. Antonopoulos (member of “DEFKALION” Research Team), financial support:
H) "Transient stability study of three-phase synchronous generator connected to the underconstruction 150 kV network, of Atherinolakkos/Crete, during three-phase symmetrical short
circuit, considering Automatic Voltage Regulators" (Coordinator: Assistant Professor J. Prousalidis,
participation of Dr. G. Antonopoulos (member of “DEFKALION” Research Team), financial support:
PhD Theses
The PHD thesis of Mr. H. Sofras (involved in the proposed project) is under the supervision of
Assistant Professor J. Prousalidis, and it is entitled: "Investigation of Electric Power Quality
Phenomena in Ship Power Systems" (member of the advisory committee: Ch. Frangopoulos (member
of “DEFKALION” Research Team, coordinator of the 2nd research group).
Assistant Prof. Mr. J. Prousalidis was member of the Advisory Committee of a PHD thesis on the
optimization of power systems operation, which was completed in October 2009, and he is a member
of the Advisory Committee of a PhD thesis dealing with optimized operation of a fuel cell energy
system. Both PhDs was/is under the supervision of Professor C. Frangopoulos)
Diploma Theses
Assistant Prof. J. Prousalidis has supervised from 2001 up to now 16 completed dissertations, while
another four are in progress, all dealing with marine electrical engineering issues. Among these, the
most directly related to the proposed project are:
a) G. Diamantis "Digital Simulation of Direct Torque Control Technique (Direct Torque Control DTC)
of electric motors using MATLAB", Diploma Thesis, School of NAME/NTUA, Athens 2003
(Supervisor J. Prousalidis, members of the examination committee: C. Frangopoulos, A. Kladas).
b) J. Pavlou, "Study of ship electric power generation system with Shaft Generator'', Thesis, School of
NAME/ NTUA, Athens 2005. 2003 (supervisor J. Prousalidis)
c) K. Voutzoulidis, "Analysis of the problem of static active and reactive load sharing between
synchronized conventional generators and shaft generators", Diploma Thesis, School of NAME/
NTUA, Athens 2007. 2003 (J. Prousalidis supervisor, member of the examination committee: Ch.
d) E. Xanthopoulos, "Dynamic analysis of the problem of sharing active and reactive loads between
synchronized conventional generators and shaft generators" Thesis, School of NAME/ NTUA, Athens
2007. 2003 (J. Prousalidis supervisor, a member of the examination committee: C. Papadopoulos)
e) G. Sfakianos, "Short-circuit study in electric power system of liquefied natural gas transportation
ship", Diploma Thesis, School of NAME/ NTUA, Athens 2008. 2003 (supervisor J. Prousalidis,
member of the examination committee: C. Frangopoulos)
f) P. Mouzakis, "Investigation of Electric Power Quality Problems in Ship Power Systems caused by
electric motors operation ", Diploma Thesis, School of NAME/ NTUA, Athens 2009. 2003 (supervisor
J. Prousalidis, member of the examination committee: G. Politis)
g) A. Vlachokostas, "Study of ship Lightning Protection", Diploma Thesis, School of NAME/ NTUA,
Athens 2009 (supervisor J. Stathopoulos, member of the examination committee: J. Prousalidis).
Publications – References
The Assistant Prof. J. Prousalidis has published fifty (50) papers reviewed in full text (fourteen (14)
published in international journals and thirty - six (36) published in conference proceedings) and
twelve (12) publications reviewed in summary. Furthermore, he has exclusively published one (1)
academic book, one (1) is in press, and two (2) handbooks of theoretic and laboratory exercises. He is
also co-author in other two (2) books. Finally, there are eighty-four (84) citations in his published
Educational experience
Mr. Prousalidis, in addition to undergraduate courses that he is fully assigned ("Electrical Circuits",
"Electro-technical Laboratory Applications and Electrical Laboratory for Naval Mechanical Engineers)
or partially assigned (Ship Electrical Power Systems" along with Ch. Frangopoulos and " Marine
Engineering Laboratory”) :
Co-teaches courses leading to doctoral degree of the School of ECE /NTUA "Electric
Power Quality" and "Fast Transients"
He is the coordinator of a series of training seminars and workshops in Operation, Safety
and Maintenance of Ship Electrical Installations with High and Low Voltage" entitled
"Seminar on Ship High and Low Voltage Electrical Installations", financial support:
Kristen Navigation Inc - MaranGas Maritime (research project Coordinated by the
Assistant Professor J. Prousalidis and with the participation of Dr. E. Styvaktakis
(member of “DEFKALION” Research Team)).
Other Activities
He is referee in international conferences and journals such as IEEE Transactions of
Power Engineering Society, the IET, the International Journal of Ocean Systems
Management (IJOSM) of Inderscience and ENERGIES of Molecular Diversity
Preservation Inst (MDPI). In addition, he is a member of the Editorial Board of the
Journal of Ocean Systems Management (IJOSM) of Inderscience and of Electrical
Systems in Transportation of IET.
He is member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the
Institute of Marine Engineering Science and Technology (IMAREST) and the Technical
Chamber of Greece.
In July 2004 he was Vice President of the International Conference on Marine Electrical
Engineering and All Electric Ship
He is member of the International Scientific Committee of the Electric Ship Technology
Symposium (ESTS)
He is corresponding member of the IEEE P-1662 Working Group (Preparation of
Regulations for "Naval Power Electronic Devices") and P-1709 (Preparation of
Regulations for "Marine dc medium voltage installations up to 35 kV")
Member of Technical Chamber of Greece, Member of the Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineers (IEEE), Member of the Institute of Marine Engineering Science and
Technology (IMarEST), Regional Coordinator of IMarEST /Young Member Network
(YMN), Elected Board Member of Hellenic Joint Branch (RINA / IMarEST)
Experience and scientific reputation of the leaders of the research teams (Frangopoulos, Tatakis,
Ch. Frangopoulos (leader of the 2nd research group): with research activity in the optimal design
and operation of complex energy systems with applications to ship energy systems
He has published 63 papers in international journals and conferences (26 papers in international
journals reviewed in full text and 37 papers in international conferences reviewed in full text). In these
papers he has gained international recognition of his work with more than 321 citations (source: He has completed the supervision of three PhDs, and he is currently
supervising 2 PhDs. He has participated in 15 research projects, in 10 of which he has been the Coordinator.
Educational experience
Professor Frangopoulos, in addition to the graduate courses that he is fully assigned ("Analysis and
Optimization of Energy Systems) or partially assigned (Ship Energy Systems" along with J.
Prousalidis) he participates in the Interdepartmental Postgraduate courses (Production and Energy
Management" coordinated by the school of ECE/NTUA and "Naval & Marine Engineering"
coordinated by the school of NAME /NTUA).
Research projects related with the proposed project “DEFKALION”
Other Activities
In support of the recognition of his research and scientific activities in international and national level,
various partnerships and other activities of Professor Frangopoulos, are listed below:
Member of the Honorary Advisory Board and Consulting Editor of the Encyclopedia
of Life Support Systems: Water, Energy, Environment, Food & Agriculture.
Member of the Executive Committee of the International Centre for Applied
Thermodynamics (1998-present).
Member of Editorial Board of magazines:
International Journal of Thermodynamics (1998 - present).
Energy - The International Journal (2003 - present).
Energy Conversion and Management (2005 - present).
Member of Scientific Committees of international conferences.
Reviewer of the next Journals:
International Journal of Thermodynamics
Energy – The International Journal
Energy Conversion and Management
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power (ASME)
Journal of Energy Resources Technology
Applied Thermal Engineering
Reviewer of International Conferences, some of the most significant are listed next:
International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and
Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS) (series of annual conferences)
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) (series
of annual conferences)
European Congress: Economics and Management of Energy in Industry (2004,
2007, 2009)
Scientific Consultant for the issue "Technology" of the Greek Educational
Encyclopedia (Athens Publishing, 1995).
President the Board of Directors of the Greek Committee of Electricity and Heat
Cogeneration (1995-1999).
Member of the Executive Committee of the European Association for the Promotion
of Cogeneration, COGEN EUROPE (1994-1999).
Member of the Advisory Board of the European Association for the Promotion of
Cogeneration, COGEN EUROPE (2000-2001)
President of the Special Committee on "Energy Management and Environment" of
Collaboration with Assistant Prof. J. Prousalidis.
Collaboration with other universities and companies, mainly foreign research projects
funded by the European Union.
E. Tatakis (responsible for the third research group): Research in electromechanical energy
conversion and power electronic converters and their applications especially to the electric vehicle.
He has published 86 papers in international journals and conferences (15 papers in international
journals reviewed in full text and 71 papers in international conferences reviewed in full text). He has
also published 4 articles in national journals and 25 in national conferences. He has gained
international recognition of his work reflected on 146 citations. He has completed the supervision of 2
PhDs while 2 are in progress. He has participated in 13 research projects, in 6 of which he was the
Project Co-ordinator.
Research projects related to the proposed project
1) Title: AECNET: Environmentally clean vehicles technologies
Programme: European Community, STRIDE HELLAS No. 350, FK 515. Project Co-ordinator: Prof.
Dr.-Ing. A.N. Safacas. Period: 01/01/1991 to 06/30/1994. Funding: General Secretary of Research and
Technology 75%, National participation 25%. Budget: E.H.M.E. 213.000 ECU (a total of 1.820.000
ECU). Participants: Teocar SA, Germanos Batteries, Yalos Design Consultants, Protech, Centre for
Renewable Energy Sources (CRES, Leader), Laboratory of Machine Design and Control Systems,
National Technical University of Athens, Laboratory of Electromechanical Energy Conversion,
University of Patras.
2) Title: "Development of industrial standards for voltage source inverter for asynchronous motors
speed control" Programme: Development of Industrial Research, Ref. No. 96ΒΕ233, FK 1751 Project
Co-ordinator: Professor Dr.-Ing. E. Tatakis Period: 01/09/1997-31/08/1999 Funding: 50% from the
General Secretary Research and Technology and 50% by the construction company VALIADIS & SIA
Ltd. Participants: VALIADIS & SIA Ltd., Laboratory of Electromechanical Energy Conversion,
University of Patras (as subcontractor)
In support of the recognition of his research and scientific activities in international and national level,
various partnerships and other activities are listed below (see section B12 and Appendix B):
1) Member of Société Royale Belge des Electriciens (SRBE) since 1990.
2) Member of the European Power Electronics and Drives Association (EPE) since 1990.
3) Founding member of the Greek Institute of Electric Vehicle (HEL.IEV, 1991). From April 1992
until May 2005 elected member of the Board of Directors of the Institute (every two years before 2000
and three years from 2000).
4) Representative of the European Electric Road Vehicle Association (AVERE) in Greece, from May
1992 until May 1998.
5) Member of the Organizing Committee and Scientific Secretary of the conference
"ELECTROMOTION '99", jointly organized by the Laboratory of Electromechanical Energy
Conversion, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Patras, Faculty of
Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Romania and Laboratory of
Electromechanics and Electrical Machines of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
Switzerland (June 1999).
6) From January 1992 until January 1995 he was member and coordinator of the Scientific Committee
on Electromechanical Energy Conversion and Power Electronics of the Technical Chamber of Greece
7) Member of the Organizing Committee of four (4) workshops organized by the TCG, with focus on
power electronics and electro-motion.
8) Reviewer in international journals:
IEE Proceedings-Electric Power Applications (2001-2008)
Electronics Letters (since 2001)
IEE Proceedings-Generation-Transmission and Distribution (since 2006);
IET Proceedings-Electric Power Applications (since 2008)
IET Proceedings-Power Electronics (since 2008)
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (since 2005)
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (since 2007)
Inderscience - International Journal of Power Electronics (IJPELEC) (since 2008)
and in international and national conferences.
9) Representative of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering / University of Patras in
Leonardo da Vinci program, for the employment of graduates or post-graduates in a foreign company
or research institute for the academic years 2004-2005, 2005-2007 and 2007-present.
10) Cooperation with foreign universities under the program Socrates-Erasmus (University of BrasovRomania, University of Zilina-Slovakia, University of Aalborg-Denmark), and the program FirstEurope (Université Libre de Bruxelles-Belgique).
E. Pyrgioti (responsible fourth research group): She has research in high voltage and lightning
protection in High Voltage Laboratory, administrated for several years by Professor Menemenlis and
then the late Professor D. Agoris.
Ms. Pyrgioti has published about 50 articles in international journals and conferences (14 international
journals reviewed in full text, 29 international conferences reviewed the full text and 7 reviewed in the
summary). Moreover, she has published 7 papers in national conferences reviewed in the summary.
There are 17 citations to her published work. She is supervising three PhDs. She has participated in 13
research projects and she was leader in 6 of them.
Research projects related with the proposed project
Ms. Pyrgioti has involved for a long period in the research of High Voltage Laboratory for the record
of the lightning activity in Greece, which began in 1983 and continues until today. This research
project has, at times, been financed by public-sector. In the framework of her participation in this
research project she is responsible for the installation and the maintenance of devices measuring the
density of lightning and the collection and evaluation of the measurements.
She has published studies related with the construction, testing and improvement of lightning
protection systems of public buildings, wind turbines, photovoltaic systems, radars, gas stations etc.
She is responsible for the dielectric-tests and inspections of high and low voltage equipment, conducted
by High Voltage Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Patras
and used for certification according to European and international standards. In these test applications
of high voltages (AC and impulse), partial discharge measurements, measurements of dielectric loss,
measurements of temperature limits, etc are made. She has participated in all research programs of
High Voltage Laboratory. Examples of the most recent are:
«Development of Information Tool for Mapping, Development and Management of Energy
Networks and Equipment». PRAKSE 02 156. FP 2000-2006 (Leader, D. Agoris, ended successfully).
« Recording of Medium voltage network with a GIS». Cooperation of University of Patras – Center
of Renewable Energy Sources for the development of applications based on geographical information
systems. (Leader, E. Pyrgioti, ended successfully).
«RES Power Stations connection to High Voltage Networks and Development of relevant tools of
informatics» PENED 2003, Funding GSRT (finance of two PhDs at the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, University of Patras, and two PhDs at the National Technical University of
Finally, it is noted that she was a member of the Organizing Committee of the 25 th International
Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP) Rhodos-Greece, 2000. In the framework of international
cooperation, she has published jointly with Professor S. Grsybowski a paper published in journal with
review in full text, whose pioneering experimental research (studies of lightning-ship models) will
enhance the proposed project "DEFKALION".
Experience and scientific reputation of the participants DEFKALION Research Team
Members of 1st Research Group
Ch. Papadopoulos (Lecturer School of NAME / NTUA):
He has published about 16 papers in international journals and conferences (4 international journals
reviewed in full text, 12 in international conferences reviewed in full text). He has also published 4
papers reviewed in the summary (of which, 1 published in national conference reviewed in summary).
The international recognition of his work is supported with 35 citations. He has participated in 5
research projects.
Reviewer of scientific journals:
Applied Acoustics - Elsevier,
Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology - Multi-Science.
Referee of national projects of basic research
E. Samuelidis (Associate Professor of School of NAME / NTUA)
He has published about 41 papers in international journals and conferences (5 in international journals
reviewed in full text, 10 in international conferences reviewed in full text and 26 reviewed in
summary). With his work he has gained international recognition with 90 citations. He has completed
the supervision of 1 PhD and he is currently supervising 2 PhDs. He has participated in 6 projects, in 3
of which he was Project Co-ordinator.
Research projects related with the proposed project (particularly with WP5 and WP6 in which he
will be involved)
- Design of Ro-Ro vessels under extreme loading conditions - DEXTREMEL (Project Co-ordinator, E.
- Innovative continuum Multiplex Optical Sensors hull stress monitoring system, supporting shipping
safety and Enhancing the control capability over structural Ship integrity - MOSES (Project Coordinator: Associate Professor N. Tsouvalis).
- Network of Excellence on Marine Structures - MARSTRUCT (Project Co-ordinator: Professor V.
- Safety at Speed - S @ S (Project Co-ordinator: Professor G. Grigoropoulos).
- Harmonization of rules and design rationale - HARDER (Project Co-ordinator: Professor Apostolos
- Development of dedicated software for the proper application of High Speed Vessels' Code (Project
Co-ordinator E. Samuelidis).
- Advanced materials and design procedures for large size SES structures –MATSTRUTSES (Project
Co-ordinator E. Samuelidis).
In support of his recognition at international and national level various collaborations are listed below
(see section B12 and Appendix B):
Member of the organizing committees of international conferences:
• Member of the Organizing Committee of FAST 2009, Athens, October 2009, ASRANET 2008,
Athens 2009, 16th International Conference of Ship and Shipping Research NAV 2009, 26-27
November 2009, Messina, Italy.
Member of other international scientific committees:
• Standing Committee ISSC2012.
• Technical Committee of ELOT/TE 6 "Shipbuilding", associate member from 2006 until today.
• Member of V.1 Committee: Damage Assessment after Accidental Events of the 17th International
Ship and Offshore Structure Congress 2009 (2006-2009).
Member «Editorial Board» of the international scientific journals:
Ships and Offshore Structures (editor: Prof. Jeom Kee Paik)
Guest editor – together with Prof. P.K.Das: Ship and Offshore Structures - Special edition
dedicated to Structural Risk και Reliability, scheduled in 2009.
Reviewer of scientific papers in international journals:
Ocean Engineering (editor: Prof. Atilla Incecik), Ship and Offshore Structures (editor: Prof.
Jeom Kee Paik) Ship Structures (editor: Prof. Torgeir Moan).
Reviewer of scientific papers in international conferences MARTSRUCT, OMAE, ASRANET,
Imam, Elinda.
G. Politis (Associate Professor of School of NAME / NTUA):
He has published 27 papers in international journals and conferences (9 in international journals
reviewed in full text, 18 in international conferences reviewed in full text) and 2 more after invitation.
There are 6 citations to the published work. He is currently supervising 1 PhD thesis. He has
participated in 16 research projects, in 10 of which he was the Project Co-ordinator.
Research projects related to the proposed project (especially with WP3 and WP4 which will be
1. 'Prediction of propeller performance using lifting line theory', Project Co-ordinator G. Politis,
General Secretariat of Research and Technology and Bulgarian Ship Hydrodynamics Center,
Duration: 2 years, 1985-1986.
2. 'Advanced design of propellers for military and merchant vessels using a PC - Calculation of
permanent and transient forces for given naval wing propeller geometry' Project Co-ordinator G.
Politis, Secretariat for Research and Technology, 1985-1986.
'Detailed propellers design using higher order frame-methods', Project Co-ordinator G.
Politis, Secretariat for Research and Technology, 1986-1987.
'Calculation of adjustable pitch propellers behavior using boundary finite elements',
Project Co-ordinator G. Politis, Secretariat for Research and Technology, 1988-1989.
'Lifting Line performance calculations for cavitating screw propellers', Principal Project
Co-ordinator G. Politis, General Secretariat of Research and Technology and Bulgarian Ship
hydrodynamics Center, Duration: 1 year, 1988-1989.
'Calculation of adjustable pitch propellers behavior using boundary finite elements Experimental verification and optimization algorithms", Project Co-ordinator G. Politis,
Secretariat for Research and Technology, Duration: 1 year, 1989-1990.
'A practical design method for cavitating screw propellers', Project Co-ordinator G. Politis,
General Secretariat of Research and Technology and Bulgarian Ship hydrodynamics Center,
Duration: 1 year, 1990-1991.
'Analytical and Experimental Investigation of the propeller propulsion system design and
energy recovery watermill', Project Co-ordinator G. Politis, PENED 89, Secretariat for
Research and Technology, Duration:1 year, 1992-1993.
'Development of database and software for propeller design of high-speed crafts', Project
Co-ordinator G. Politis, Cooperation of NTUA and MOTOMARINE SA under the Universities
and Technological Institutes connection program with Industry, European Social Fund,
duration: 1 year, 1993-1994.
'Development of a fish tail type propulsion system for application to ships and autonomous
submarines for scientific measurements', Project Co-ordinator G. Politis, PENED 95,
Secretariat for Research and Technology, duration: 2 years, 1996-1998.
'Theoretical and experimental investigation on the design of skewed propellers', Project
Co-ordinator Th. Loukakis, General Secretariat of Research and Technology and Bulgarian Ship
hydrodynamics Center, Duration: 1 year, 1980-1981.
'Development of computer programs for the study of oscillations of the ship metal
construction', Project Co-ordinator V. Papazoglou, Finance: Hellenic Navy, duration: 1 year,
'Technical-economical design aspects of fishing vessels for medium range fisheries in
Greece - Propulsion calculations, best propeller choice and propulsion power calculations',
Project Co-ordinator A. Papanikolaou, Greek Ministry of Agriculture, Division of Fisheries,
duration: 2 years, 1989-1991.
'Computer assisted conceptual / preliminary design procedure for underwater vehicles',
Project Co-ordinator N. Kyrtatos, MAST Project No CT91.0079, 1992.
15. 'Adaptive Control of Marine Engines (ACME) - Propeller performance in irregular weather
conditions, a model based on statistical analysis of experimental data', Project Co-ordinator
N. Kyrtatos, BRITE / Euram Project BE-1433, 1995-1998.
'Composite Marine Propellers (COMARPROP), Methodology and tools for the design of
controllable pitch flexible propellers', Project Co-ordinator Th. Loukakis, BRITE / Euram
Project BE-96-3030, 1997-1999.
In support of his recognition at international and national level various collaborations are listed below:
Reviewer in international journals:
Journal of ship Research
Ocean Engineering
International Journal of Maritime Engineering
Indian Journal of Marine Sciences
One of his papers has been translated in Japanese by the Japanese Society of Naval Engineering.
Reviewer in conferences:
3rd National Conference of Mechanics, 25-27/6/1992.
CMEM 2001, 4-6 June, Alicante, Spain: Μέλος της “International Scientific Advisory
ΙΜΑΜ 2002, 10th International Congress of the International Association of the
Participation in professional associations:
Technical Chamber of Greece (Member), Greek Institute of Marine Technology, (Partner)
Members of 2nd Research Group
L. Kaiktsis (Assistant Professor of School of NAME/ NTUA)
He has published 26 papers in international journals and international conferences reviewed in the full
text. The international recognition of his work is reflected on the number of the respective citations
(219 citations). He is currently supervising 1 PhD thesis. He has participated in 8 research projects, in 5
of which as Project Co-ordinator or Principal Investigator.
Research projects related with the proposed project (especially with WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP7 in
which will be involved).
Participation in research projects as Project Co-ordinator or Principal Investigator:
premixed flame stabilization using non-aerodynamic bodies: numerical simulation, stability
analysis, and dynamics study using the method of orthonormal projections
Organization Body: National Technical University of Athens, Program for basic research
Implementing body: Department of Marine Engineering, School of N.A.M.E.
Coordinator: Assistant Professor L. Kaiktsis.
Computational study of instability phenomena in the propagation of laminar premixed flames:
numerical simulation and stability analysis
Organization Body: National Technical University of Athens, Program for Basic Research
in 2008
Implementing body: Department of Marine Engineering, School of N.A.M.E.
Coordinator: Assistant Professor L. Kaiktsis
Research Project "Development of CFD Tools for Large Marine Diesel Engine Applications MARINECFD"
Organization Body: European Union
Implementing body: National Technical University of Athens, School of N.A.M.E.,
Department of Marine Engineering
Program Duration: 2 / 08 - 2 / 12
Participant researcher Dr. Chris Chrysakis
Coordinator: Assistant Professor L. Kaiktsis
Participation in research projects as a member of the Research Team:
Integrated Project "HERCULES"
Funding body: European Union
Implemention Body: National Technical University of Athens, School of N.A.M.E.,
Laboratory of Marine Engineering
Programme Duration: 3 / 04 - 2 / 07
Participation in the simulation of flow and combustion phenomena in two-stroke Diesel
Marine Engines
Coordinator: Prof. N. Kyrtatos
In support of his recognition at international and national level various collaborations are listed below
(see section B12 and Appendix B):
Reviewer of ten journals in the area of thermo-fluid mechanics and combustion.
member of the "Flow-Structure Interaction" committee of ASME (American Society of
Mechanical Engineers)
Reviewer in FP6, Call b.3: "Communication Network Development Consolidating Initiatives"
(April 2005). Reviewer in FP7, Call INFRA-2007-1.2.1: "Scientific Repositories" (April 2007).
J. Dermentzoglou (Assistant Professor of Technological University of Kavala)
He has published 6 papers in international journals and conferences (4 in international journals
reviewed in full text, 2 in international conferences reviewed in full text). He has participated in 2
research projects in one of which he was the Project Co-ordinator.
In support of his recognition at international and national level various collaborations are listed below
(see section B12 and Appendix B):
-Member of the Scientific Group EMTP-ATP (EEUG) which is responsible for the development of the
Electromagnetic Transients Program that simulates Electric Drives, Power Systems. He is authorized
user of the program.
Cooperation with other members DEFKALION Research Group: cooperation in 1 research program
with the Co-ordinator of the proposed project J. Prousalidis. 2 papers are in preparation in the field of
optimal use of electricity in Ship Power Systems.
M. Moschakis (Lecturer of Technological University of Larisa)
He has published 16 papers in international journals and conferences (4 in international journals
reviewed in full text, 12 in international conferences reviewed in full text). This work has gained
international recognition with 37 citations. He has participated in 15 research projects.
Cooperation with other members DEFKALION Research Group: cooperation in 1 paper published in
international journal and 1 research project with the coordinator of this project, J. Prousalidis. Also, he
has participation in co-teaching of the pre-doctoral course "Electric Power Quality" with J. Prousalidis
and the professors of School of ECE/NTUA, N. Hatziargyriou and E. Dialynas.
Research projects related to the proposed project
Upgrade and Exploitation of Electric Power Transmission Systems
Advanced Control Advice for Power Systems with Large Scale Integration of Renewable
Energy Sources– CARE
Electricity Tariffs and Embedded Renewable Generation
Dissemination of the Advanced Control Technologies for isolated Power Systems with
Increased Res Penetration
Lightning Protection of Wind Turbines
MORE–CARE (More Advanced Control Advice for Secure Operation of Isolated Power
Systems with Increased Renewable Energy Penetration & Storage)
Design and Construction of Rectification Device
DISPOWER (Distributed Generation with High Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources)
ANEMOS (Development of a Next Generation Wind Resource Forecasting System for the
Large-Scale Integration of Onshore and Offshore Wind Farms)
MICROGRIDS (Large Scale Integration of Micro-Generation to Low Voltage Grids)
Development of an autonomous solar-desalination system (23.05.011) - Study of Development
and Implementation of its Control System
Analysis and Quality improvement of Electric Power Distribution Networks of Public Power
Investigation of Electric Power Quality Phenomena in Ship Power Systems with emphasis on
Voltage Fluctuation Phenomena
DERlab (Network of Excellence for Decentralised Energy Resources and Preparation of
RISE (Renewables for Isolated Systems – Energy Supply and Waste Water Treatment)
In support of his recognition at international and national level various collaborations are listed below :
Reviewer of scientific articles in journals and conference proceedings (2003 to present)
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, International Journal
PowerTech and MedPower, international conferences
Evaluation of research programs proposals. FP7-ENERGY-2007-2-TREN, SMART ENERGY
NETWORKS. Evaluation of research programs proposals (FP7 Independent Expert-Evaluator)
for the European Union, Brussels, September 2007.
Members of 3rd Research Group
A. Kladas (Professor of S. ECE / NTUA)
He has published 106 articles in international journals and conferences (61 in international journals
reviewed in full text, 45 in international conferences reviewed in full text). His work has gained
international recognition, with 120 citations. He has completed the supervision of 5 PhD theses, and he
is supervising 5 PhD theses. He has participated in 16 research projects. He was Project Co-ordinator in
6 of them.
Research projects related to the proposed project “DEFKALION”
GRECO51 '85 (France) with the company VALEO and SUPELEC, entitled "Analysis of car
starter - charger of special structure batteries.
PAVE 88 (GSRT) with the Company ELVIM, entitled "Calculation of forces on power
transformer windings during short-circuits.
Human Capital and Mobility '92 (EC) entitled, "Optimization of electric vehicle motion
PENED ΄92 (GSRT) with PPC, entitled "Design and construction Electric Vehicle using an
existing chassis".
PENED ΄96 (GSRT) with PPC, entitled "Design and construction of Hybrid Vehicle using the
existing chassis".
'96-24 (GSRT) with CRES and the company POLITIS-PAPAS, entitled "Design and testing
of electrical machine for 2 kW wind turbine".
'96-95 (GSRT) with PPC, entitled "Developing and implementing software for voltage
stability analysis".
Archimedes '98 (ICCS), entitled "Development and application of advanced optimization
algorithms to the Integrated Electromechanical Wind Turbine Design."
Project Co-ordinator as representative of NTUA for the following Projects:
PAVET '2000 (GSRT) project 00VE457 with the Company SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SA
entitled "Improving the Design-Prediction Methodology of Power Transformer characteristics
using Magnetic Field Advanced Technical Analysis and Experimental Verification.
PAVET '2000 (GSRT) project 00VE142 with the Company and Athena SA and CRES entitled
"Experimental sea wave power production plant.
"Construction-design and measurements on magnetic circuit and electronic device for eddy
currents estimation," sponsored by the company ELCO VAGIONIS.
HRAKLEITOS '2002 (Ministry of Education) project funded by EPEAK program, entitled
"Innovative materials for motion systems of zero emissions."
PENED '2003 (GSRT) project 03ED45 with the Company SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SA
"Development of Unified Finite Element Model for Losses Prediction and Techno-Economic
Evaluation of Advanced Materials in Electric Power Transformers: Cost of Construction –
Operation and Energy Saving".
In support of his recognition at international and national level various collaborations are listed below
(see section B12 and Appendix B):
Reviewer of the research activity of all Portuguese Universities for the period 2008-2012
(Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia-FCT, Panel Electrical Engineering) in the area of energy
for financing from EU funds
Secretary of the Greek-Japanese Cooperation on innovative materials issues
Co-Chairman of Japanese-Mediterranean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for
Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials (JAPMED).
Member of the Organizing Committee of the IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field
Computation (IEEE CEFC)
Reviewer in the following international journals:
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
ΙΕΤ Proceedings on Electric Power Applications
COMPEL (The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and
Electronic Engineering).
Collaboration with other members of DEFKALION Research Team: 2 papers and one research
project (PEVE2007) and 2 Diploma Thesis in collaboration with J. Prousalidis. Papers jointly
published are:
- J.M. Prousalidis, N.D. Hatziargyriou, Α.C. Kladas, "Iron Lamination efficient representation in power
transformers", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 108, (2001), issue 2, pp. 217-220.
- C. Patsios, Ev. Tsambouris, A. Chaniotis, A. Kladas, and J. Prousalidis: “Coupled Field and
Circuit Model Analysis of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine for Direct Torque Control
Optimization”, Proceedings of 6 Japanese-Mediterranean Workshop on applied electromagnetic
engineering for magnetic, superconducting and nano materials, July 27-29, 2009.
Collaboration with foreign researchers: Prof. P. DiBarba - University of Pavia (1 paper published in
international journal, 1 paper in international conference), Prof. W. Tarczynski - Technical University
of lodz (1 paper published in international journal, 1 paper published in international conference),
Prof. F. Piriou - Universite de Lille (1 paper published in international conference).
Ν. Papanikolaou ( Lecturer, Technological University of Lamia):
He has published 17 papers in international journals and conferences (5 international journals reviewed
in full text, 10 international conferences reviewed in full text and 2 in the summary). He has also
published 8 papers in national conferences reviewed in the summary. His work has gained international
In support of his recognition at international and national level various collaborations are listed below :
Member of International Scientific Organization of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),
since 2009.
Reviewer of scientific articles in IET journal: Generation, Transmission & Distribution.
Reviewer of scientific articles in IEEE journal: Transactions on Power Electronics.
Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece since 1999.
Member of the Hellenic Association of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering since 1999.
Member of the Scientific Committee for Electromechanical Energy Conversion and Power
Electronics of Technical Chamber of Greece for the years 2005 to 2008.
Member of the Organizing - Scientific Committee of the Workshop, ELECTRIC
organized by Technical Chamber of Greece on 12 and 13 of January, in 2006, Athens.
Member of the Organizing - Scientific Committee of the Workshop, POWER ELECTRONICS
Technical Chamber of Greece on 5 and 6 of April, in 2006, Athens.
Cooperation with other members of DEFKALION Research Team: 23 papers and 7 research
projects (PEVE2007) jointly with Associate Professor E. Tatakis.
Members of 4th Research Group
I. Stathopoulos (Professor of Sc. of ECE/ NTUA):
He has published 154 articles in international journals and conferences (51 in international journals
reviewed in full text, 69 in international conferences reviewed in full text and 34 in the summary). He
has also published 17 papers in national conferences reviewed in the summary. His work has gained
international recognition, with 35 citations. He is supervising 8 PhD theses while he has completed the
supervision of five (5) PhD theses and 145 diploma dissertations. He has participated in 42 research
projects, in 24 of which he was the leader.
Research projects related to the proposed project (especially with WP5, WP6 and WP7 that he
will be involved)
Electrical equipment immunity to Noise Effect induced by High Voltage (Pythagoras)
Testing of New of Lightning Protection Installations in School Buildings
Dielectric Tests and Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility and Immunity
Design, Improvement and Quality Control of Medium and Low Voltage Equipment
Quality Control of Electrical Materials and Devices
Services for Quality Control, Electrical Tests and Electromagnetic Compatibility Tests
Quality Control, Electrical and Electromagnetic Compatibility Tests of Electrical, Electronic
and Hospital Equipment (Services)
Studies and Measurements for Assessment and Quality Control of electrical and electronic
equipment for the development of the Country
In support of his recognition at international and national level various collaborations are listed below
(see section B12 and Appendix B):
Member of scientific committee "Electromechanical Energy Conversion" of the Technical
Chamber of Greece (1992 - 1994).
Director of Electric Power Division of NTUA (09/01/1994 to 08/31/1997).
Representative of the school of Electrical and Computer Engineering to the Research Board of
Directors of NTUA
Member of the committee for the Self-Assessment of School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering of NTUA (1995).
Reviewer of the journal: International Journal of Energy Systems (1985-87).
Member of the Organizing Committee of the Synod of the Greek Chapter of CIGRE in 1989 in
Athens, 1990 in Kozani and 2000 in Volos.
Cooperation with other members DEFKALION Research Group: One co-supervision of (1) Diploma
thesis with Dr. J. Prousalidis
A. Vlachokostas, "Study of Lightning Protection of Ships", Diploma Thesis, School of ECE/
NTUA, Athens 2009. 2003 (supervisor Prof. J. Stathopoulos, member of the examination committee: J.
A. Meliopoulos (Invited Researcher from GATECH / USA)
He has published 184 articles in international journals and conferences (76 international journals
reviewed in full text, 108 in international conferences reviewed in full text). His work he has gained
international recognition, with 848 citations. He has participated in numerous research projects with
various donors, including the Office of Naval Research (ONR). His extended work that is related to the
research project is presented below together with his international -and not only in U.S.- recognition as
a researcher.
He has contributed to the development of the Electric Power educational program of Georgia Tech
University, and he has taught courses in this technical field since 1976. He was leading the reform
effort of the mid-term program for electric power. He has developed two new courses (Electrical Power
Quality and - Real-time control of electrical systems), he has enhanced and updated existing courses in
the scientific area of Electric Power, developed the manual for the previous laboratory and a series of
interactive educational software for a wide range of problems of applied electrical theory.
He has initiated new procedures for teaching using educational software long before the introduction of
PCs and multimedia technology. He continued this work with the Virtual Power System, a multifunction training system for visualization and animation used in various courses. He has developed the
electrical systems Certification Program for electric power engineers consisting of 8 short courses
covering all aspects of planning and control of electrical systems. This program has currently net
revenue for the Georgia Tech University more than 250 million dollars a year. He has organized and
taught many short courses of IEEE. He directs the Georgia Tech Protective Relaying conference, and
he has introduced a new conference on emerging technology for disturbance analysis. He is the author
of two books and he has contributed in a chapter (97 pages) of a handbook for electrical engineers. He
has also developed three manuscripts used in three courses in electrical systems: (a) Power System
Modelling, Control and Operation, 1013 pages, (b) Electric Power Quality, with G. J. Cokkinides, 635
pages, and (c) Power System Relaying: Theory and Applications, by G. J. Cokkinides, 787 pages.
Ηe has performed numerous research projects covering all aspects of modelling, design and control of
electric power systems, which have been funded by numerous companies such as Westinghouse,
Georgia Power Co, ESEERCO, NSF, ONR, NYPA, ENTERGY, TVA, METC, SCS, EPRI and others.
He has important contributions to electric power systems, power electronics and use and control of
Some specific areas of his research are: (a) development of methods for reliability analysis of large
electrical systems, (b) development of design methods to maximize the safety of power plants
(grounding analysis, analysis of electromagnetic fields, Electric Power Quality and Protection of
electric systems) (c) supervision of harmonics by models using advanced technologies based on GPS
time tagging, (d) analysis of detailed modeling, control and protection of the integrated power system
and power electronics building blocks (PEBB), including distributed generation and renewable energy,
and (e) implementation of new technologies for visualization and simulation of complex systems.
Several of the research results have been applied to industry, such as the Smart Ground Multimeter, the
GPS-synchronized harmonic measurement system, the distance errors index, the terminal grounding
substation, and the integrated design of grounding systems. Dr. Meliopoulos has been recognized as an
expert in power system protection, control, safety and precision measurements for advanced
monitoring and forecasting in power systems. For his research achievements he was elected Fellow
IEEE in 1993. Furthermore, he has received the IEEE-IAS Society Field Award in 2005 (IEEE-IAS
Richard Kaufman award).
In his most recent research activities, he has introduced new approaches to modeling of large-scale
power systems, based on «quadratization» technique and the use of this approach to various issues of
protection and control of future power systems comprising distributed generation, renewable energy,
power electronics modules and interfaces. He has introduced the concept of supercalibrator, a new
approach that allows for fully distributed state-estimation and disturbance analysis to find the primitive
cause; with a demo application of this technology in five substations in 2007 (this technology is
considered to have enormous impact on power systems supervision and monitoring).He has applied the
“quadratized” approach to high-fidelity analysis, stability and control of integrated systems consisting
of the power system and power electronics, distributed generation and renewable energy sources
(model mGRID).
He guides an inter-university effort (ASU, UWM, ISU and GIT) for the improvement of voltage
support and the solution of voltage stability problems in power systems with the optimal allocation of
dynamic reactive power sources. He has strengthened this work by using mapping and motion
Dr. Meliopoulos is active as industry consultant. He is active in leadership positions within the IEEE,
and he participates in various working groups. He is one of the founders of the International
Conference on Harmonics and Power Quality. He was the chairman of the IEEE/PES substations
committee (2003-2004). He is an expert in reliability analysis of power systems. During the current
period, he investigates the use of advanced technologies (GPS time-tagged measurements) for
improved control processes and operation of large power systems.
Current areas of interest
Design, simulation and protection of the future integrated power system with distributed generation and
renewable energy sources connected to the network via power electronic interfaces. GPS time tagged
measurements and applications, state-estimation, control and stability prediction. Coordination and
impact of distributed generation and renewable energy sources in fuel and electricity economy.
Electromagnetic Compatibility, grounding, power systems security. Methods of mapping and
animation for large power systems
Method and Apparatus for Cable Conductor Shield Fault Detection, US Patent # 4,387,336, June
7, 1983.
Method and Apparatus for Detecting and Responding to Downed Conductors), US Patent #
5,341,265, August 23, 1994.
Method and Apparatus for Measuring Ground Impedance, US Patent # 6,265,881 B1, July 24,
The latter patent has led to a commercial product, the Smart Ground Multimeter, a test instrument
based on PC programming. The rights have been given to the company "Patterson & Dewar
Engineers", Atlanta.
Notifications of inventions
Time Vernier Method for Time-Tagging Measurements with 2 microsecond precision), A. P.
Meliopoulos and G. J. Cokkinides, Georgia Tech, 1991.
"Kary" award for best academic performance in National Technical University of Athens (medal
and money), 1970-1971 and 1971-1972.
Engineer with better academic performance, Technical Chamber of Greece (certificate and
money), 1973.
Sigma Xi Young Faculty Research Award, 1981.
Best scientific article (Paper # 9), IEEE / PES Substation Committee, 1984.
Best scientific article (Paper # 16), IEEE / PES Education Committee, 1987.
Elected Fellow of the IEEE, 1993
Best scientific article, HICSS 2002
Outstanding Continuing Education Award, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002.
IEEE Society Field Award: IEEE Richard Harold Kaufmann Award, 2005.
Participation in Professional Associations
Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Elected 1993.
Member, Sigma Xi
Member, Technical Chamber of Greece
Member, AAUP