DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNDERGRADUATE COURSES: Mechanical Vibration/3 credits Prereq: Applied Mechanics (2) 1. Free vibration of SDOF systems 2. Forced vibration of SDOF systems 3. Multi-degrevibrations of freedom systems 4. Vibration of continuous systems 5. Introduction to modal analysis (Prof. Chen, Lien Wen) Advanced Materials Mechanics/3 credits Prereq: Materials Mechanics (2) 1. Stress and strain 2. Torsion problems 3. Basic analysis of plates & shell 4. Inelastic deformation 5. Fatigue and fracture (Prof. Chen, Lien Wen) Basic Computer Concept 1. Introduction to computer concepts 2. Computer peripheral devices 3. Number systems 4. Data representation 5. Programming language and program design 6. MS Dos system and chinese systems 7. Introduction to software packages 8. File and data processing 9. Data communication and networks 10. The application and development of computer future 11. Fortran programming language 12. Word processing package: PE3 and Comet (Prof. Huang, Chintien; Wang, J. J.; Hsu, Lai Hsing) Computer Graphics/3 credits Prereq: Basic Computer Concept 1. Introduction to computer graphics 2. Two-dimensional transformations 3. Three-dimensional transformations 4. Plane curves 5. Space curves 6. Surface description and generation (Prof: Hsu, Lai Hsing) Automatic Control/3 credits Prereq: Engineering Mathematics (2) 1. Introduction to control systems 2. Mathematical models of systems 3. 3-1 Feedback control systems 4. Performance of feedback control systems 5. Stability of linear feedback control systems 6. The root-locus method 7. Frequency response method 8. Stability in the frequency domain 9. PID control and compensator 10. Digital control systems 11. Several control experiments will be provided for hands-on experience (Prof. Ju, Ming Shaung; Shih, Ming Chang; Tsay, Tsing Iuan) Hydraulic and Pneumatic Engineering/3 credits Prereq: Fluid Mechanics (1) Hydraulic Engineering: 1. Introduction 2. Basic principles of fluid power 3. Hydraulic pump, motors and cylinders 4. Hydraulic control valves (Direction, pressure and flow control) 5. Hydrostatic transmission 6. Hydraulic accessories 7. Basic hydraulic control circuits 8. Application of hydraulic control circuits (2) Pneumatic Engineering: 1. Introduction 2. Compressed air supply units 3. Pneumatic control valves 4. Basic pneumatic control circuits 5. Design of pneumatic circuits 6. Application of pneumatic control circuits (Prof. Shih, Ming Chang) Heat Power Testing (junior) 1. The bomb calorimeter 2. Heating value of gaseous fuels 3. Proximate analysis of coal 4. Liquid fuel analysis 5. Gas turbine test 6. Solar cell tests 7. Rotary engine tests Materials Testing 1. Tension with stress-strain measurement 2. Mechanical properties in tension 3. Impact testing, hardness testing, compression testing, fatigue testing 4. Observation of microscopic structure of steel Servo Systems/3 credits Prereq: Automatic Control This is a continuation of the course in Automatic Control. It presents the basic concepts of analysis and design in a servo mechanism system where system components and different control configurations are studied in some detail. The 3-2 main contents of the course are the basic concepts of a servo system, components' characteristics, practical analysis skills, design methods and performance analysis. (Prof. Tsai, Ming Chi) Industrial Electronics/3 credits Prereq: Electronics This course is intended to introduce practical industrial control systems. The devices and systems that are presented have been chosen to represent a broad range of industrial applications. The overall aim is to show how individual devices and circuits interrelate to form useful systems. (Prof. Wang, J. J.) Power Plant Design Practice in boiler design and drawing. The study of fuel and ash handling equipment; pulverizer, condenser, heater, deaerator, evaporator, water technology, boiler control. Thermodynamics (1) 2 credits Prereq: Calculus (2), General Physics (1) 1. Properties of a pure substance 2. Work and heat 3. The first law of thermodynamics 4. The second law of thermodynamics 5. Entropy 6. Irreversibility and availability (Prof. Lin, Ta Hui) Thermodynamics (2)/2 credits Prereq: Thermodynamics (1) 1. Power and refrigeration cycles 2. Thermodynamic relations 3. Mixtures and solutions 4. Chemical reactions 5. Flow through Nozzles and Blade passages (Prof. Lin, Ta Hui) Materials Mechanics (1)/3 credits Prereq: Calculus (2), Applied Mechanics (1) 1. Introduction to stress, strain, and their relationships 2. Axial loading: applications and pressure vessels 3. Torsion 4. Flexural loading: stresses 5. Flexural 3-3 loading: deflection 6. Combined stresses and failure criteria 7. Columns (Prof. Chen, Tei Chen; Hwang, Sheng Jyei; Chue, Ching Hwei) Materials Mechanics (2)/3 credits Prereq: Materials Mechanics (1) 1. Theories of stress and strain 2. Advanced topics in torsion problems 3. Thick-wall cylinders 4. Energy methods 5. Curved beams (Prof. Chue, Ching Hwei) Engineering Graphics (1)-(2)/2 credits 1. Drawing instruments 2. Projection of points, lines and planes 3. Auxiliary views of points, lines and planes 4. Intersections and developments 5. Multiview draws 6. Auxiliary views, isometric projection 7. Sections (Prof. Yang, Yue Tzu; Lin, Psang Dain; Wu, Jiun Huang) Engineering Design/3 credits Prereq: Machine Design (2) 1. Introduction to engineering design 2. Engineering design processes 3. Creative design 4. Engineering models 5. Engineering communications 6. Design considerations 7. Design protection 8. Design automation 9. System design 10. Design projects (Prof. Yan, Hong Sen) Machine Design Principles (Mechanical Engineering Design) Basic, failure prevention application; from fundamental design theories to practical machine and mechanical engineering design. Applied Mechanics (1)/3 credits Prereq: Calculus (1) 1. General principles 2. Force vectors 3. Equilibrium of particle 4. Force systems resultants 5. Equilibrium of a rigid body 6. Structural analysis 7. Internal forces 8. Friction 9. Center of gravity and centroid 10. Moment of inertia 11. Virtual work (Prof. Chang, Ren Jung) Applied Mechanics/3 credits 3-4 Prereq: Applied Mechanics (1) 1. Kinematics of a particle 2. Kinetics of a particle: force and acceleration 3. Kinetics of a particle: work and energy 4. Kinetics of a particle: impulse and momentum 5. Planer kinematics of a rigid body 6. Planar kinetics of a rigid body: force and acceleration 7. Planar kinetics of a rigid body: work and energy 8. Planar kinetics of a rigid body: impulse and momentum 9. Three-dimensional kinematics of a rigid body 10. Three-dimensional kinetics of a rigid body 11. Vibrations. (Prof. Huang, Chintien; Chen, Tei Chen; Chen, Yuan Fang) Dynamics of Machinery/3 credits Prereq: Mechanisms (2) 1. Introduction 2. Static force analysis of machinery 3. Dynamic force analysis of machinery 4. Power analysis of gear systems 5. Cam dynamics 6. Balance of machinery 7. Vibration of shafts (Prof. Chiou, Shen Tarng) Advanced Heat Transfer/3 credits Prereq: Heat Transfer 1. Transient heat conduction 2. Radiative heat transfer between surfaces and in the media 3. Convective heat transfer in internal flows and external flows Prof. Chen, Han Taw) Engineering Drawing 1. Engineering graphic language 2. Presentation of three-dimensional subjects by precise graphics 3. Orthographic, pictorial and dimensioning 4. Fitting tolerance in mechanical components Robotics and Automation/3 credits Prereq: Mechanisms (2), Applied Mechanics (2) 1. Introduction to programming, sensing and servoing techniques in robotics and automation 2. 8 laboratories and one practice project are included (Prof: Tsay, Tsing Iuan) Heat Transfer/3 credits 3-5 1. Introduction 2. Introduction to conduction 3. One-, two-dimensional steady-state conduction 4. Transient conduction 5. Introduction to convection 6. External flow 7. Internal flow 8. Free convection 9. Boiling and condensation 10. Radiation 11. Heat exchangers (Prof. Ho, C. J.; Lin, Jen Fin) Dynamics of Machinery 1. Introduction 2. Force analysis 3. Force analysis with friction 4. Flywheels 5. Balancing of mechanisms 6. Critical speeds 7. Power equation 8. Dynamics of Cam mechanisms 9. Dynamics of gear mechanisms 10. Dynamics of Robotics Introduction to Finite Element Method 1. Introduction 2. Review of solid mechanics 3. ANSYS getting started 4. Bar and truss 5. Beams and frames 6. One-dimensional problems 7. Plane stress/strain 8. Axisymmetry problems 9. Isoparamentric elements 10. 3-D elasticity 11. Scalar field problems (Prof. Chen, Lien Wen; Ho, Shi Pin) Experiments in Mechanical Engineering (1)-(3)/3 credits Prereq: (1) General Physics; (2) Mechanical Materials; (3) Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics (2) 1. Pressure measurement 2. Flow measurement 3. Power measurement 4. Drag measurement on cylindrical bodies 5. The round turaulent jet 6. Temperature measurement 7. Measurement of thermal conductivity 8. Liquid fuels analysis 9. Bomb calorimeter, Junber calorimeter 10. Engine performance test (SI engine & CI engine) 11. Gas turbine test 12. Steam power plant test 13. COP of refrigeration cycle Machine Design Practice/1 credits Prereq: Machine Design (1) 1. Recognition of problems 2. Data surveying 3. Synthesis of mechanisms 4. Stress analysis 5. Selection of materials and manufacturing processes 6. Determination of sizes 7. Analysis and evaluation 8. Drawings and written presentations (Prof. Huang, Chintien; Hsu, Lai Hsing) Engineering Japanese (1)-(2)/3 credits 3-6 (1) Pronunciation, various basic patterns of sentences, parts of speech, names of foreign countries and places, words of foreign origin. (2) Expressions of 'liking and disliking', 'desire', 'comparison', 'similarity', 'will', 'speculation', 'invitation', 'asking for consent'. Expressions equivalent to 'one must', expressions equivalent to 'one can', expressions of one's experience, technical terms. (Prof. Shieh, Earl Chang) Advanced Fluid Mechanics/3 credits Prereq: Fluid Mechanics 1. Principles of irrotational flow, incompressible potential flow (both two-dimensional planar potential flow and three- dimensional axially symmetric flow are discussed) 2. Applications of complex variables and conformal transformation to two-dimensional planar potential flows boundary layer theory, flow of compressible fluid (Prof. Shieh, Earl Chang) Mechanical Materials/3 credits Prereq: Calculus (1) 1. Introduction and classification of materials 2. Material characteristics --mechanical, physical and chemical properties 3. Mechanical property testing 4. Crystalline imperfections and deformation5. Phase diagrams 6. Iron-iron carbide phase diagram 7. Heat treatment of steels 8. Engineering alloys and materials 9. Corrosion and fracture (Prof. Lee, Hwa Teng; Su, Yean Liang; Lee, Woei Shyan) Powder Metallurgy/3 credits Prereq: Thermodynamics (1), Mechanical Materials 1. Introduction 2. Metal powder production 3. Powder characterization and testing 4. Automatic compacting 5. Sintering of metal powder 6. Post processing for sintering 7. Compacting die and design 8. Powder metallurgy applications (Prof. Lee, Woei Shyan) Engineering Materials 1. Metal working and mechanical properties 2. Strengthening of materials 3. 3-7 Non-ferrous alloy: aluminum, copper, nickel, cobalt & titanium alloy 4. Ferrous alloys: iron & steel 5. Alloy steel 6. Ceramics 7. Polymer 8. Composite metrials (Prof. Lee, Hwa Teng; Su, Yean Liang; Lee, Woei Shyan; Hwang, Sheng Jye) Applications of Electron Microscopy 1. Introduction 2. Theory: electron-magnetic interaction, image, and aberration 3. TEM: thin-film, replica, extractive replica, bright and dark field, and SAD pattern 4. SEM: SEI, BEI, WDS, and EDS 5. EPMA 6. STEM (Prof. Lee, Hwa Teng) Failure Analysis of Materials/3 credits 1. Mechanical properties of materials 2. Fracture and failure mode 3. Impact fracture 4. Fracture testing: KIC test, J-integral, R-curve method, COD and CTOD method 5. Fatigue 6. Creep 7. Radiation damage (Prof. Lee, Hwa Teng) Strengthening of Metals 1. Introduction 2. Theory of dislocation 3. Strength 4. Solid solution strengthening 5. Fine grain 6. Precipitation hardening 7. Work hardening 8. Dispersion hardening (Prof. Lee, Hwa Teng) Thermoelasticity 1. Mechanical and thermodynamical foundations 2. Uncoupled and coupled thermoelastic theory 3. Plane strain and plane stress problems in thermoelasticity 4. Thermal stresses in beams, plates and thin shells 5. Analysis of inelastic thermal stress and viscoelastic stress 6. Applications of variational principle and finite element method (Prof. Chen, Tei Chen) Machine Design (1)-(2)/6 credits prereq: (1) Mechanisms (1), Mechanics of Materials; (2) Machine Design(1), Mechanisms(2) (1) Introduction, stress analysis, strain analysis, statistical considerations, materials and manufacturing methods, strength of machine parts, tolerance and fit, screws, fasteners and connections, welding and bonded joints. 3-8 (2) Springs, rolling contact bearings, lubrication and journal bearings, spur gear, Helical, Bevel and Worm gears, shaft, clutches, brackets and couplings, flexible mechanical elements, mechanical systems. (Prof. Li, Ke Yang; Wang, Ting San; Chen, Ja Hau) Numerical Control Machines/3 credits Prereq: Mechanical Manufacturing 1. Introduction 2. Principles of numerical control: structure of N.C. machines, classification of N.C. systems, coordinate system and machine axes, N.C. tape format 3. Basic concepts of N.C. part programming 4. Milling part programming and practice 5. Lathe part programming and practice 6. Computer aided part programming and practice 7. Interpolation and curve fitting 8. Hardware of numerical control: control system, control device, machine tool structure and precision 9. Future trends (Prof. Lee, Rong Shean) Precision Manufacturing Technology and Measurements/ 3 credits Prereq: Mechanical Manufacturing (2), Experiments in Mechanical Engineering 1. Introduction of Precision Engineering 2. Metal Cutting Theory 3. Grinding Theory 4. Economic Analysis of Machining 5. Sensors for Metal Machining and Automation 6. Non-Traditional Machining Processes 7. Metrology Theory and Technology 8. Precision Measurement System 9. Design of Ultra-Precision Machine Tools (Prof. Lin, Jehn Ming) Experiments in Mechatronic System Experiments designed to illustrate the integration of mechanical and electronic systems. Measurement techniques, A/D and D/A conversion, calibration, timing of controls, characterization of sensors and control circuits. Applications in robots, electromechanical, pneumatic, and hydraulic systems. (Prof. Chen, Chao Kuang; Tsay, Tsing Iuan) Mechanical Materials 1. Introduction 2. Atomic Structure Atomic Bonding in Solids 3-9 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Structures of Metals and Ceramics Polymer Structures Imperfections in Solids: Defects, dislocations, G.B. etc Diffusion Mechanical Properties: metals, ceramics and polymers Deformation and Strengthening Mechanisms: metals, ceramics and polymers 9. Phase Diagrams 10. Phase Transformations 11 Types and Applications of Materials: metals/ alloys, ceramics and polymers (Prof. Chung, Chen-Kuei) Mechanical Drawing 1. The standard of general mechanical graphics 2. Principles of dimensioning 3. Principles of precision dimensions 4. Mechanical working drawings 5. Mechanical component drawings ( Fastening, joining, and standard parts) (Prof. Chung, Chen-Kuei) Automatic Control / 3 Credits Prereq: Engineering Mathematics (2) Introduction to control systems Mathematical Models Feedback Control and Time Response Frequency Response Stability of Linear Systems Root Locus PID Controller Design Lead/Lag Compensator Digital Control Systems Experiments (Prof. Tsai, Nan-Chyuan) 3-10 Electronics/ 2 Credits Prereq: Electrical Engineering Introduction of Electronic Elements RC and LCR circuit Diode and Its Applications BJT and Its Properties CE, CB and CC Transistors FET Elements Frequency Response OP Amplifier Digital IC and Circuits Oscillators (Prof. Tsai, Nan-Chyuan) Fundamentals of Automotive Vehicle Crash Mechanics/ 3credit 1. Introduction: Crash Signature and Typical Testing Method, Coordinate System, Sensor, and Digital Filter. 2. Crash Pulse and Kinematics. 3. Analysis of Crash Test Data: Vehicle Response, Occupant Response- Dummy Calibration and Testing Response Analysis. 4. Injury Index (Prof. Huang, Tsai-Jeon) CAD Applications/ 3credits 1. Introduction. 2. Create 3D solid model by using existing software: Components and Assembly. 3. Generate drawing from 3D solid model 4. Computer Aided Manufacture 5. Develop the NC machine from 3D solid model 6. FEA Modeling: Static and Dynamic Analysis (Prof. Huang, Tsai-Jeon) GRADUATE COURSES Applied Plasticity/3 credits 1. Introduction: scope and applications 2. Plastic constitutive equations 3. Plastic material testing 4. Basic equations for plasticity 5. Analytical methods for 3-11 plasticity problems 6. Slip-line field method 7. Upper bound method 8. Visioplasticity method 9. Finite element method (Prof. Lee, Rong Shean) Internal Combustion Engines/3 credits 1. Engine types and their operation 2. Engine design and operating parameters 3. Thermochemistry of fuel-air mixtures 4. Properties of working fluids 5. Ideal models of engine cycles 6. Gas exchange processes 7. SI engine fuel metering and manifold 8. Charge motion within the cylinder 9. Combustion in spark-ignition engines 10. Combustion in compression-ignition engines 11. Pollutant formation and control 12. Engine friction and lubrication 13. Modeling real engine flow and combustion processes 14. Engine operating characteristics (Prof. Chiu, Cheng Ping) Theory of Vibration Principle of mathematical modeling, vibration of a single degree system, introduction to advanced dynamics, generalized eigenvector and eigenfunction expansion, vibration of a multiple degree system, vibration of a continuous system, approximation methods and Rayleigh quotient. Engineering Analysis/3 credits Eigenfunction expansion: vector space, functional space, generalized Fourier series, Sturm-Liouville problems,spectrum theorem of an operator, special functions Integral transform: applications of Fourier, Laplace, Hamilton and Mellin transform Green's function: Green's function of ordinary and partial differential equation, generalized Green's function Calculus of variation: Euler-Largrange equation, Sturm- Liouville problems, Hamilton's principle, boundary value problems, the Rayleigh-Ritz method, the Galerkin method, a semidirect method Integral equation: the Neumann series, Green's function, Fredholm theory, Hilbert-Schmit theory, Mercer's theorem, singular integral equation (Prof. Chen, Chao Kuang; Lee, Sen Yung) 3-12 Introduction to Polymer Processing 1. Introduction to polymeric materials processing 2. Introduction to properties of polymeric material 3. Introduction to mathematical simulation 4. Basic mathematical equation 5. Polymeric flow variable basic properties analysis 6. Polymeric materials process heat transform analysis 7. Polymeric materials process mechanics analysis 8. Example discuss (Prof. Hwang, Sheng Jye) Multi-Rigid Body Dynamic 1. Introduction to multi-rigid body system research 2. Rigid body dynamics 3. Basic rigid body system 4. Generally multi-rigid body system 5. The impact problem of multi-rigid body system (Prof. Ju, Ming Shuang) Cooling Technique of Electronic Equipments 1. Judgement of cooling requirement condition 2. Transform cooling of base and circuit plane3. Cooling technique of electronic element 4. Cooling of small computers, microcomputers and microprocessors 5. Rapidly cooling of electronic system 6. Special application of cooling process Mechanical Logical Control System 1. Introduction to automatic Machine 2. Basic theory of logical control - Boolean algebra 3. Electronic logical control circuits 4. Relay control circuits 5. Hydraulic & Pneumatic logical control circuits 6. Programmable controller & control instruction 7. Microcomputer logical control 8. Practice controller design Control of Biological System 1. Introduction - motor system, central nervous system 2. The mechanic property of muscle 3. Movement unit 4. The sensation of muscles, joints and skin 5. The reflective loop of the vertebra column and its function 6. The forward and backward paths of vertebra column 7. Cerebellar cortex 8. The cerebellum 9. Base neuro node (Prof. Ju, Ming Shuang) Robust Control 3-13 1. Introduce the system design idea of stability and function robustness 2. Quantify the robustness in order to be calculated and estimated 3. Utility the design methods and apply example explains the design points and characteristics of the robustness controller (Prof. Tsai, Ming Chi) Polymeric Materials and their Mechanical Properties 1. Introduction to polymeric materials 2. Introduction to individual properties of polymeric materials 3. Molecular properties of polymeric materials 4. Structure of polymeric materials 5. Chemical properties of polymeric materials 6. Physical properties of polymeric materials 7. Mechanical properties of polymeric materials Hyperelasticity Viscoelasticity Creep Non-Newtonian fluids Modeling & Simulation of Dynamic System 1. Introduction to system simulation 2. Physical system simulation and experiment 3. Physical system dynamic response simulation and analysis 4. Digital simulation technique (Prof. Chang, Ren Jung; Shih, Ming Chang; Ju, Ming Shaung; Tsai, Ming Chi) Signal Measurement & Control/3 credits 1. Introduction to measurement and control 2. Signal sense interface 3. Signal conduct, analysis, processed 4. Control signal generated and analysis 5. Measurement and control system integrated design Mechatronics 1. Introduction to mechanic properties 2. Mechatronic signal conversion 3. Mechatronic actuated energy conversion 4. Mechatronic elements match and interface 5. Mechatronics system design (Prof. Chen, Chao Kuang; Chang, Ren Jung) Solar Energy Engineering 1. Basic theory of solar energy radiation 2. Basic theory of solar energy system fluid mechanics and heat transfer 3. Solar energy collector of plane type 4. Solar energy collector of collective type 5. Solar energy adding heat system 6. Economical analysis of solar energy system, (Prof. Chen, Han Taw; Wu, Chih 3-14 Yang) Random Dynamic Data Analysis/3 credits 1. Scope of random data analysis 2. Basic statistic principle 3. Random data acquisition and storage 4. Random data processing 5. Random data estimator 6. Fourier analysis 7. Spectral analysis 8. Relativity analysis 9. Applications of ARMA/ARMAX model 10. Max. distribution estimate (Prof. Chang, Ren Jung) Feedback Control System Design 1. Introduction to feedback theory 2. Feedback time-domain design 3. Feedback frequency domain design 4. State space design 5. Digital feedback design (Prof. Tsai, Ming Chi; Chang, Ren Jung) Stochastic Control/3 credits 1. The theory of stochastic controls 2. Background in probability theory 3. Introduction to random processing 4. Random integral/differential & derivative equation 5. Stochastic system response 6. Kelvin filters 7. LQC analysis 8. Nonlinear stochastic control design (Prof. Chang, Ren Jung) Fundamentals of Metal Cutting/3 credits 1. Machine Tools and Machining Operations 2. Mechanics of Metal Cutting 3. Temperatures in Metal Cutting 4. Tool Life and Tool Wear 5. Cutting Fluids and Surface Roughness 6. Economics of Metal Cutting Operations 7. Chip Control 8. Grinding 9. Theory of Machining Chatter 10. Machine Tool Structure Dynamics 11. Cutting Process Dynamics (Prof. Lin, Psang Dain) Advanced Polymer Processing 1. Dynamic response of polymeric materials 2. Measurement of rheological date of polymeric materials 3. Constitutive equations of polymeric materials 4. Curvalinear coordinate 5. Convected coordinate 6. Differential form of constitutive equations 7. Integral form of constitutive equation 8. Summary of constitutive equations 9. Case study of polymer processing (Prof. Hwang, Sheng Jye) Mechanics of Metal Working 3-15 1. Stress and Strain 2. Yield criteria and Plasticity 3. Strain hardening 4. Strain rate and Temperature effects 5. Plastic work 6. Slab analysis for rolling, extrusion and drawing 7. Upper bound method 8. Slip-line field theory 9. Formability 10. Bending 11. Cupping 12. Sheet metal forming Theory of Gearing/3 credits This course covers principles and problems in gearing from a theoretical viewpoint. The analysis and synthesis of gearing and other topics in gear design are investigated. Mathematical emphasis is on plane curves, conjugated shapes, surfaces, and conjugated surfaces. The background of basic differential geometry is considered (though not necessary) helpful for understanding the materials covered in this course. Even though this course covers mainly plane gearing, students can easily apply similar techniques to the study of spatial gearing. 1. Coordinate transformation and its applications 2 homogeneous transformation Generation of curves and surfaces in matrix representation 3 Transformation of motion 2. Plane curves 1 Definition and parametric representation 2 Tangent, normal and curvature 3. Coujugate shapes 1 Locus of curves 2 Envelope of locus of curves 3 Determination of conjugate shapes 4. Plane gearing analysis 1 Equations of tooth shape tangency 2 Analysis of meshing 5. Basic kinematic relations of plane gearings and their Application 1 Basic kinematic relations 2 Relations between curvatures of conjugate shapes 3 Relations between centrode and shape curvatures 4 Conditions of tooth nonundercutting 6. Generation of conjugate shapes 1 Principles of generation of conjugate shapes 2 The Camus theorem 3 Evolute of conjugate shapes 7. Surfaces and conjugate surfaces 8. Survey of current research (Prof. Huang, Chintien) Mechine Tools Dynamics/3 credits 1. Vibration of discrete and continuous systems 2. Dynamic characteristics of 3-16 cutting process & machine tool structure 3. Stability analysis of machining system 4. Dynamic analysis of drive system and components 5. Adaptive control of cutting process 6. Monitoring and control of machining system (Prof. Wang, J. J.) Metal Cutting Dynamics/3 credits 1. Review of basic orthegonal and oblique cutting process 2. Mechanics of wave generating cutting process 3. Mechanics of wave removing cutting process 4. Convolution modeling of milling process 5. Frequency domain analysis of milling force pulsation 6. Effects of cutting parameters and tool shape on cutting force and cutting stability (chatter) 7. Effects of cutting conditions on dimensional accuracy of workingpiece 8. Monitoring and control of cutting process (Prof. Wang, J. J.) Applied Mechanics (2)/3 credits 1. Rigid body dynamics in 3-dimensional motion 2. Modal analysis of discrete system vibration 3. Introduction to continuous system vibration 4. Introduction to variational and Hamiltions principle 5. Euler and Lagrange's equations of motion Linear Algebra 1. Introduction to numerical analysis 2. Roots of algebraic and transcendental equations 3. Solution of simultaneous algebraic equations 4. Curve fitting 5. Numerical integration and differentiation 6. Numerical integration of ordinary differential equations: Initial-value problems7. Numerical integration of ordinary differential equations: Boundary-value problems 8. Introduction to partial differential equations Modern Control Theory/3 credits 1. State space representation of control systems 2. Structure of linear systems 3. Control of linear time-invariant systems 4. Asymptotic observer and dynamic compensator design 5. Stability of control systems (Prof. Ju, Ming Shuang) Automatic Control Engineering/3 credits 1. Introduction 2. Laplace transform and matrix 3. Dynamic modeling of physical systems 4. Transfer function and block diagrams 5. Transient analysis of control systems 6. Stability analysis: root locus 7. Frequency analysis 8. Industrial 3-17 controllers 9. Design of control systems (Prof. Shih, Ming Chang; Ju, Ming Shaung) Heat Power Lab Testing (senior) 1. Pressure, speed and time measurement 2. Power measurement 3. Analysis of products of combustion 4. Heat transfer tests 5. Automobile engine performance tests 6. Testing of reciprocating air compressor Heat Exchanger Design/3 credits 1. Classification of heat exchangers 2. Heat transfer analysis of various heat exchangers 3. Pressure drop analysis of various heat exchangers 4. Computer-aided design and optimization 5. Transient responses of heat exchangers 6. Flow-induced vibrations of heat exchangers (Prof. Jang, Jiin Yuh) Design Methodology 1. Introduction to design 2. Design processes 3. Conceptual design and innovation 4. Quantitative and systematic methods for design 5. Intelligent and knowledge-based systems for design 6. Information integration and management 7. Human interface aspects in design Tribology/3 credits Friction, wear and lubrication, theories and practices of interacting surfaces in relative motion. (Prof. Li, Ke Yang) Trilogy Research/3 credits Tribological system research; special topic study in mechanical engineering problem related to friction, wear and lubrication. (Prof. Li, Ke Yang) Experimental Stress Analysis/3 credits 1. Stress, strain 2. Strain gages 3. Photoelasticity 4. Holographic interferometry, speckie photography, Moire' Method (Prof. Chen, Yuan Fang) Digital Image Processing 3-18 1. Basic principles 2. Algorithms for filtering, edge detection, segmentation, enhancement, etc 3. Applications of digital image processing: visual inspection, measurement, and interferogram analysis Advanced Kinematics of Machinery/3 credits 1. Introduction 2. Basic concepts of mechanisms 3. Kinematic analysis of spatial mechanisms 4. Kinematic synthesis of spatial mechanisms 5. Special topics: Spatial mechanisms (Prof. Chiou, Shen Tarng) Viscous Fluid Flow/3 credits 1. Fundamental laws of fluid flows 2. Exact solutions of Navier-stokes equations 3. Low Reynolds number flows (Stokes flow, Oseen flow) 4. High Reynolds number flows (boundary layer theory) 5. The exact and approximate solutions of boundary layer flows 6. Jets and wakes (Prof. Jang, Jiin Yuh) Statistical Thermodynamics 1. Classical mechanics 2. Theory of relativity 3. Quantum mechanics 4. Statistical mechanics of a system of independent particles 5. Distribution laws 6. Partition function and thermodynamics 7. Classical statistical mechanics and the kinetic theory of gases 8. Statistical mechanics and chemical equilibrium constant, viscosity, thermal conductivity, diffusion coefficient of ideal gases Fluid Power Control 1. Introduction 2. Basic hydraulic restriction flow control 3. Mechanical-hydraulic servovalves and electro-hydraulic servovalves 4. Servovalve control actuator systems 5. Servopump control actuator systems 6. Pressure and flow control valve design analysis 7. Pneumatic servo-control system analysis Digital Control System Analysis and Design 1. Introduction 2. Discrete-time systems and the z-transform 3. Sampling and construction 4. Open- and closed-loop discrete-time systems 5. System time response characteristics 6. Stability analysis techniques 7. Optimal control design 3-19 Optimal Control/3 credits 1. Overview 2. Review of optimization theory 3. Problem formulation, constraints and performance 4. Bellman's principle of optimality, recurrence relation and dynamic programming 5. Computational procedure for dynamic programming, discrete linear regulator problems 6. Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations, continuous linear regulator problems 7. Calculus of variations 8. Necessary conditions, linear regulator problems 9. Pontryagin's maximum principle, state inequality constraints 10. Minimum-time problems, minimum control-effort problems 11. Singular intervals in optimal control problems 12. State estimation & Kalman filters 13. LOG problems 14. Numerical solution of two-point boundary value problems (Prof. Ju, Ming Shaung) System Identification/3 credits System identification deals with the problems of building mathematical models of dynamical systems based on observed data from the systems. This course is aimed at giving an understanding of current system identification methods, their rationale, properties and use. Both the basic principles and practical aspects of system identification will be given in great detail. (Prof. Ju, Ming Shaung) Adaptive Control Theory/3 credits 1. Introduction of adaptive systems 2. Real-time system identification 3. Model reference adaptive control systems 4. Self-tuning regulators 5. Stability, convergence, and robustness of adaptive systems 6. Auto-tuning & gain scheduling 7. Applications (Prof. Ju, Ming Shaung) Theory of Elastic Stability/3 credits 1. Stability of mechanical systems 2. Stability of columns 3. Buckling of thin and thick plates 4. Buckling of thin shells 5. Post-buckling behavior of plates & shells 6. Stability of nonconservative systems (Prof. Chen, Lien Wen) Plasticity Introduction: 1. Hysteresis effect, Bausinger effect, combined stresses. 3-20 2. yield criteria Plastic stress-strain relations: Incremental and deformation theories 3. Elasto-plastic problems in plane, cylindrical and spherical bodies: Successive approximations 4. Slip line field and applications 5. Limit design analysis 6. Applications in metal forming: Drawing, extension, rolling, and forging. Magnetohydrodynamics 1. Introductions: Plasma, Lamour radius, Debye length, Plasma frequency, Magnetic Renolds Number, magnetic Mach numbers, Hartmann numbers 2. Electrodynamic equations: Maxwell equations, electromagnetic stresses, and electromagnetic energy 3. MHD equations: MHD simplifications, and boundary conditions 4. Static solution and application of MHD equations: Squeeze effect 5. Steady state solutions and applications of MHD equations: Hartmann flow, channel flow, lubrication flows 6. Unsteady state solutions of MHD equations: Plane electromagnetic waves, shock waves, Alfoeu waves Hydrodynamic Stability Theory 1. Basic concept: stability, natural stability, interchange principle of instability, supercritical stability 2. Raleigh-Taylor instability 3. Bernard problems 4. Instability problems of Coustte flows 5. Instability problems due to surface tension 6. Instability problems of parallel flows 7. Instability problems due to stratified distributions of viscocity 8. Instability problems due to periodic excitations (Prof. Weng, Cheng I) Nonlinear Vibrations/3 credits 1. Principle of mathematical modeling 2. Characteristic of a nonlinear differential equation 3. Phase plane and stability analysis 4. Perturbation method 5. Nonlinear forced vibration of a one-degree freedom system 6. Parametric and self-excited vibration system 7. Liapunov stability theorem 8. Bifurcation and 3-21 catastrophe theorem (Prof. Lee, Sen Yung) Theory of Elastic Waves 1. One-dimensional motion of an elastic continuum 2. The linearized theory of elasticity 3. Elastic waves in an unbounded medium 4. Elastic waves in elastic half-space 5. Forced motions of a half space, diffraction, thermal, viscoelastic and nonlinear effects Computer-aided Mechanical Engineering Methodology and practice in computer-aided design of components and systems utilizing principle of several mechanical engineering disciplines. Mechanical Design of Robotic System Principle of hardware and software design of industrial robots and spatial linkage devices, including an actual robotic programming project. (Prof. Tsai, Ming June) Kinematic Geometry of Robot Manipulators/3 credits 1. Introduction of screw theory 2. Plucker coordinate 3. Mobility analysis 4. Singularity configuration 5. Reciprocal connection and their applications to kinematic/static analysis in spatial linkage (Prof. Tsai, Ming June) Special Topics on Mechanism Design/3 credits 1. Introduction to mechanism design 2. Mechanism and machine design processes 3. Creative mechanism design 4. Number synthesis of kinematics chains 5. Generalization of mechanism 6. Specialization of mechanism 7. Singular configurations of mechanism 8. Movable overconstrained mechanism 9. Computer-aided mechanism design 10. Design projects (Prof. Yan, Hong Sen; Huang Chintien) Design Methodology 1. Introduction to design 2. Design processes 3. Conceptual design and innovation 4. Quantitative and systematic methods for design 5. Intelligent and knowledge-based systems for design 6. Information integration and management 7. 3-22 Human interface aspects in design Instruments and Measurements 1. Introduction 2. The analog measurement and its time-dependent characteristics 3. Measuring system response 4. Sensors 5. Signal conditioning 6. Characteristics of digital measurement 7. Standards of measurement 8. Error analysis (Prof. Ho, C. J.) Computational Fluid Dynamics/3 credits 1. Introduction 2. Concept of finite difference method 3. Basic equations 4. Turbulence modeling 5. Finite difference methods for incompressible flow 6. Compressible flow (Prof. Ho, C. J.) Optimum Design/3 credits 1. Introduction 2. Problem formulation 3. Optimum design concepts 4. Linear programming 5. Numerical methods for unconstrained optimum design 6. Numerical methods for constrained optimum design 7. Interactive design optimization 8. Practical design optimization (Prof. Chiou, Shen Tarng) Finite Element Method/3 credits This course will introduce the fundamental theory of the finite element method and train students using Fortran to finish a finite element program independently. Course content: introduction to the finite element method, one-dimensional problems, development of a finite element program, two-dimensional problems, two-dimensional element calculations, and extensions. (Prof. Lai, Hsin Yi) Application of Finite Element Method 1. Introduction 2. Using ANSYS modeling 3. Vector field problems (review of elasticity, bar, truss, beam, frame, plane stress/strain, axisymmetry problems, 3-D elasticity) 4. Using ANSYS adaptive meshes 5. Solver (profile solver, frontal solver, iterative solver, comparison) 6. Nonlinear problems 7. Dynamic problems 8. Eigenvalue problems (Prof. Chen, Lien Wen; Ho, Shi Pin) 3-23 Engineering Statistics 1. Basic data analysis 2. Frequency histogram 3. The average, sample variance and sample standard deviation 4. Theoretical probability distribution 5. Probability density 6. Population mean variance 7. Normal distribution 8. Standard normal distribution 9. Distribution of average 10. The t-distribution confidence interval 11. Statistical tests 12. T-tests, blocking and randomization 13. Two-level factorial designs 14. Two level three variable design 15. Fractional factorial design 16. Matrix algebra 17. Regression analysis 18. Response surface methodology 19. Probability 20. Binomial and Poisson distribution 21. Single sampling plane22. Control charts 23. Time series analysis Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics 1. Fundamentals 2. Mathematical preliminaries 3. Equilibrium of thermodynamic systems, energy and entropy 4. Thermodynamic properties of systems of constant chemical composition 5. Thermodynamic properties of ideal gases and ideal gas mixtures of constant composition, thermodynamic properties of gas mixtures with variable compositions 6. Applications of thermodynamics to special systems 7. Irreversible thermodynamics Fundamentals of Combustion/3 credits 1. Combustion process 2. Combustion thermodynamics 3. Chemical kinetics 4. Rankime-Hugoniot relations 5. Premixed flame, diffusion flame, ignition, quenching and flammability limits 6. Explosion 7. Gaseous detonations 8. Spray combustion 9. Environmental pollutants (Prof. Lin, Ta Hui) Theory of High Strain Rate Deformation/3 credits 1. Dynamic aspects of mechanical teating, testing techniques at impact rates of strain, longitudinal elastic wave propagation torsional elastic wave propagation, plasticity concepts 2. Deformation mechanisms 3. Dislocation mechanics at high strain rates 4. Dynamic effects in deformation twinning 5. Adiabatic shear bands phenomena 6. Shock wave effects 7. Relation between microstructure and mechanical behavior 8. Constitutive equations and modeling 9. Applications: structural integrity and dynamic plastic behavior of structures (Prof. Lee, Woei Shyan) 3-24 Impact Fracture Mechanics/3 credits 1. Introduction to impact phenomena 2. Material failure at high strain rates 3. Material characterization at high strain rate 4. Introduction to penetration mechanics 5. Long-rod penetration mechanics 6. Analytical models for kinetic energy penetration 7. High velocity impact dynamics 8. Experimental methods for terminal Ballistics and impact physics 9. Survey of computer codes for impact simulation (Prof. Lee, Woei Shyan) Special Topics on Materials Panel discussions and lectures in the study of special topics related to materials and factories: heat treatment, superalloy, metallographic microstructure, microanalysis, failure analysis, case study and trouble shooting. (Prof. Lee, Hwa Teng) Metal Physics/3 credits 1. Crystal structure: lattice, millers, indices, defects. 2. Phase equilibrium: solid solution, intermettalic phase. 3. Dislocation: slip, strength, Burger vector, dislocation movement, critical shear stress, interaction. 4. Mechanical properties: plastic deformation, twin, yielding, strengthening mechanisms, fatigue, creep. 5. Diffusion. 6. Corrosion and fracture. (Prof. Lee, Hwa Teng) Special Topics on Metal Forming/3 credits Tooling design concepts in metal forming, physical modeling of metal forming, mechanics of metal forming, formability test and analysis, tribology of metal forming, CAD/CAM in metal forming, and superplasticity superplastic forming, powder forging and extrusion, expert systems for metal forming, recent technological development in metal forming. (Prof. Lee, Rong Shean) Computer-Aided Manufacturing/3 credits 1. Introduction 2. CAD/CAM systems 3. Geometric modeling 4. Principles of numerical control 5. CAD/CAM software 6. Computer controls in NC (CNC, DNC, adaptive control) 7. Industrial robots - technology and applications 8. Group technology and process planning 9. Computer aided process planning 10. Computer 3-25 process control 11. Computer aided quality control 12. Computer integrated manufacturing systems (Prof. Lee, Rong Shean) Geometric Modelling and its Applications/3 credits 1. The description of geometric shape and size, such as curves, surfaces and solids of mechanical objects. 2. The transformations operations of geometric shape. 3. The study of current geometric modeling system and their capabilities 4. The study of contemporary development and future trends. (Prof. Hsu, Lai Hsing) Mechanics of Materials (2)/3 credits Deals with the application of basic elasticity theory on the torsion, thick-walled cylinder and column buckling problems. The material failure design criteria and energy, methods are also included.1. Theory of Elasticity 2. Torsion 3. Yield and Fracture Criteria 4. Buckling Theory for Column 5. Energy Methods (Prof. Chue, Ching Hwei) Mechanical Material 1. Introduction 2. Mechanical Testing 3. Structure 4. Phase Equilibrium Diagram 5. Atomic Diffusion 6. Solidification 7. Strength and Deformation 8. Strengthening Mechanism 9. Heat Treatment 10. Alloy Steels 11. Cast Irons 12. Corrosion and Degradation Metal 1. Introduction 2. Crystal Structure 3. X-ray Diffraction 4. TEM 5. SEM 6. Diffusion 7. Dislocation 8. Solidification 9. Metal Strengthening Mechanism 10. Metal Degradation (Prof. Lee, Hwa Teng) Steel Material/3 credits 1. Manufacturing 2. Heat Treatment 3. Specification 4. Structural Stells 5. Tool Steels &Die Steels 6. Stainless Steels 7. Cast Irons (Prof. Lee, Hwa Teng; Su, Yean Liang; Lee, Woei Shyan) Fracture Mechanics/3 credits 3-26 Fracture Mechanics deals with the analysis of fracture behavior for cracked body. It contains the general introduction, Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics, Elastic-Plastics Fracture Mechanics, Fatigue Crack, and the Numerical (eg. finite element method Fracture Mechanics. (Prof. Chue, Ching Hwei) Mechanical Design of Robotics System 1. Introduction to Robotics System 2. Structural Design of Manipulators 3. Kinematic Analysis 4. Dynamics Analysis 5. Trajectory Planning 6. Programming 7. Control Algorithms 8. Robotics Vision and Sensing 9. Design Project and System Integration (Prof. Tsai, Ming June) Robotics and Automation 1. Introduction 2. Geometric Structure of Robots 3. Kinematics of Robotics 4. Robotics Programming Language 5. Robotic Task Planning 6. System Integration and Implementation 7. Experiments (Prof. Tsai, Ming June; Tsay, Tsing Iuan) Nonlinear Control/3 credits Nonlinear system analysis: phase plane analysis, describing function analysis, and Lyapunov analysis. Nonlinear control system design: feedback linearization, sliding mode control, and gain scheduling. (Prof. Tsai, Tsing Iuan) Dynamic system Modeling and Indentification/3 credits Generalized approaches to developing models for describing complex dynamic interactions between mechanical, electrical, and thermal systems. Basic identification techniques and algorithms. (Prof. Tsai, Tsing Iuan) Screw Theory and its Application/3 credits 1. Introduction of 3-D geometry and mechanisms. Elementary 3-D displacement. Dulity between statics and kinematics. 2. Plucker line coordinates, line geometry and 3-D algebratic curves. 3. Screw systems and special screw systems. 4. Screw and dual vectors. 5. Mobility analysis of linkages and overconstrained linkages. 6. Special configurations. 7. The applications of the screw system. 8. Reciprocal connections. 9. The Jacobian and matrix of cofactors. 10. Contact and 3-27 grasping wrench screw system. 11. Finite screw system. (Prof. Tsai, Ming June; Huang, Chintien) Computer-Aided Mechanical Design 1. Introduction to CAD system. 2. Introduction to CAD/CAM/CAE applied software. 3. 3-D space geometry data structure. 4. Numerical analysis methods for mechanical problems. 5. Computer-aided mechanism design. 6. Special topics. (Prof. Tsai, Ming June) MEMS Technology and Integration 1. Introduction to MEMS/MST 2. Basic semiconductor/IC process 3. Bulk micromachining 4. Surface micromachining 5. LIGA/LIGA-like technology 6. CMOS micromachining 7. Micro mechanical machining 8. Integration of MEMS technology 9. Case study (Prof. Chung, Chen-Kuei) to be announced, Spring term, 2004 (Prof. Tsai, Nan-Chyuan) the Technologies of Semiconductor Fabrication Processing and Equipment 1. Introduction 2. Thermal Oxidation and Diffusion Processing and Equipment 3. Deposition Processing and Equipment 4. Lithography Processing and Equipment 5. Etch Processing and Equipment 6. Iron Implantation Processing and Equipment 7. Rapid Thermal Processing and Equipment 8. Wafer Planarization Processing and Equipment 3-28 9. Process Integration 10.Plasma Techniques 11.Mass Flow Controller and Gas Panel 12.Vacuum Technology 13.Tool Automation 14.Future Development and Prospectives (Prof. Hsu, Jyue-Liang) 3-29