bibliography - Global Democracy

Thematic bibliography
On globalization
Held, David, Anthony McGrew, David Goldblatt, and Jonathan Perraton. Global
Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1998.
Scholte, Jan Aart. Globalization: A Critical Introduction. New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2005.
On economic globalization
Friedman, Thomas L. The Lexus and the Olive Tree. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux,
Oxfam International. Rigged Rules and Double Standards: Trade, Globalization, and the
Fight against Poverty. Oxford, UK: Oxfam International, 2002.
Ha-Joon Chang. Kicking away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical
Perspective. London: Anthem Press, 2002.
Nader, Ralph, et al. The Case against “Free Trade”: GATT, NAFTA, and the Rise of
Corporate Power. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2003.
Oxfam America. Global Finance Hurts the Poor: Analysis of the Impact of North-South
Private Capital Flows on Growth, Inequality, and Poverty. Boston: Oxfam
America, 2002.
Rodrik, Dani. “Governing the World Economy: Does One Architectural Style Fit All?” In
Brookings Trade Forum: 1999, ed. Susan Collins and Robert Lawrence.
Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1999.
Rodrik, Dani. “The Governance of Trade as if Development Really Mattered.” Paper
prepared for the United Nations Development Program, April 2001, Harvard
University, Cambridge.
Wolf, Martin. Why Globalization Works. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004.
On democracy
Dahl, Robert A. Democracy and Its Critics. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989.
On global governance – the “governance without government” paradigm
Florini, Ann. The Coming Democracy: New Rules for Running the World. Washington,
DC: Island Press, 2003.
Nye, Joseph S., and John D. Donahue, eds., Governance in a Globalizing World.
Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2000.
Reinicke, Wolfgang H. Global Public Policy: Governing without Government?
Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 1998.
Rosenau, James N. “Governance and Democracy in a Globalizing World.” In ReImagining Political Community: Studies in Cosmopolitan Democracy, edited by
Daniele Archibugi, David Held, and Martin Köhler, 28–57. Stanford: Stanford
University Press, 1998.
Rosenau, James N. “Governance in a New Global Order.” in Governing Globalization:
Power, Authority, and Global Governance, ed. David Held and Anthony
McGrew. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2002.
Rosenau, James N., and Ernst-Otto Czempiel, eds. Governance without Government:
Order and Change in World Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
Slaughter, Anne-Marie. A New World Order. Princeton: Princeton University Press,
On global governance – the “cosmopolitan democracy” paradigm
Archibugi, Daniele, and David Held, eds. Cosmopolitan Democracy: An Agenda for a
New World Order. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1995.
Archibugi, Daniele. “Principles of Cosmopolitan Democracy.” In Re-Imagining Political
Community: Studies in Cosmopolitan Democracy, edited by Daniele Archibugi,
David Held, and Martin Köhler. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998.
Held, David. “Democracy and Globalization.” In Re-Imagining Political Community:
Studies in Cosmopolitan Democracy, edited by Daniele Archibugi, David Held,
and Martin Köhler. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998.
McGrew, Anthony, ed. The Transformation of Democracy? Cambridge, UK: Polity
Press, 1997.
On global governance – the “world federalism” paradigm
Baratta, Joseph Preston. The Politics of World Federation. Vol. 1, United Nations, U.N.
Reform, Atomic Control. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2004.
Baratta, Joseph Preston. The Politics of World Federation. Vol. 2, From World
Federalism to Global Governance. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2004.
Davis, Troy A. P. Appel pour une démocratie mondiale [Call for World Democracy].
Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1998.
Glossop, Ronald J. World Federation? A Critical Analysis of Federal World Government.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1993.
Heater, Derek. World Citizenship and Government: Cosmopolitan Ideas in the History of
Western Political Thought. London: Macmillan Press, 1996.
On global governance – other works
Fleming, Tony, Didier Jacobs, Heather Hamilton, Amelia Kucklewicz, James Riker, and
Scholte, Jan Aart. “The Challenge of Global Democracy: Report of a NGO
Retreat Addressing the Democratic Deficits in International Decision-Making.”
Hosted by Oxfam America and Citizens for Global Solutions, Washington, DC,
December 3–5, 2003.
Jacobs, Didier. “Democratizing Global Economic Governance.” In After Neoliberalism:
Economic Policies that Work for the Poor—A Collection of Papers Presented at a
Conference on Alternatives to Neoliberalism, May 23–24 in Washington, DC,
edited by Jim Weaver, Didier Jacobs, and Jamie Baker. Washington, DC: New
Rules for Global Finance, 2003.
Monitor Group. NGO Engagement in International Governance: A Report from the
Findings from a Survey and Interviews of Representatives of Civil Society and
Intergovernmental Organizations. London: Monitor Group, forthcoming.
Montreal International Forum. “Global Democracy: Civil Society Visions and
Strategies.” Report of the Global Democracy 2005 (G05) Conference, Montreal,
Canada, May 29–June 1, 2005.
Patomäki, Heikki, and Teivo Teivainen. A Possible World: Democratic Transformation
of Global Institutions. London: Zed Books, 2004.
Riker, James. “Promising Visions and Strategies to Advancing Global Democracy.”
Paper presented at the Global Democracy 2005 (G05) Conference, Montreal,
Canada, May 29–June 1, 2005.
Rodrik, Dani. “Governance of Economic Globalization.” In Governance in a Globalizing
World, ed. Joseph S. Nye and John D. Donahue, 347–65. Washington, DC:
Brookings Institution Press, 2000.
Singer, Peter. One World: The Ethics of Globalization. New Haven: Yale University
Press, 2002.
On corporate social responsibility
“A Survey of Corporate Social Responsibility.” Economist, January 25, 2005.
Christian Aid. Behind the Mask: The Real Face of Corporate Social Responsibility.
London: Christian Aid, 2004.
Savitz, Andrew W. The Triple Bottom Line: How Today’s Best-Run Companies Are
Achieving Economic, Social, and Environmental Success—And How You Can
Too. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2006.
On global civil society
Edwards, Michael, and John Gaventa, eds. Global Citizen Action. Boulder, CO: Lynne
Rienner, 2001.
Florini, Ann M., ed. The Third Force: The Rise of Transnational Civil Society. Tokyo:
Japan Center for International Exchange and Washington, DC: Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace, 2000.
Kovach, Hetty, Caroline Neligan, and Simon Burall. “Power without Accountability?—
The Global Accountability Report 1.” London: One World Trust, 2003.
Scholte, Jan Aart. Democratizing the Global Economy: The Role of Civil Society.
Coventry: Center for the Study of Globalization and Regionalization [University
of Warwick], 2003.
On global public opinion
Advisory Group on Public Diplomacy for the Arab and Muslim World. “Changing
Minds, Winning Peace: A New Strategic Direction for U.S. Public Diplomacy in
the Arab and Muslim World.” Report submitted to the Committee on
Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives, October 1, 2003.
Aspen Institute. From Values to Advocacy: Activating the Public’s Support for U.S.
Engagement in an Interdependent World. Washington, DC: Aspen Institute, 2002.
Chicago Council on Foreign Relations. Worldviews 2004: American Public Opinion and
Foreign Policy. Chicago: Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 2004.
German Marshall Fund of the United States. “Transatlantic Trends.” A Project of the
German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Compagnia di San Paolo,
2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006.
Global Stakeholder Panel 2020. What NGO Leaders Want for the Year 2020: Report of
the Second Survey of the Global Stakeholder Panel 2020. Toronto, ON: 2020
Fund, 2004.
Norris, Pippa. “Global Governance and Cosmopolitan Citizens.” In Governance in a
Globalizing World, ed. Joseph S. Nye and John D. Donahue, 155–77.
Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2000.
Telhami, Shibley. The Stakes: America and the Middle East: The Consequences of Power
and the Choice for Peace. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2002.
Zogby, James J. What Arabs Think: Values, Beliefs, and Concerns. Utica, NY: Zogby
International, 2002.
On the rising poor & middle-income powers
“The New Titans: A Survey of the World Economy.” Economist, September 16, 2006.
On the lack of check & balance mechanisms in global governance – the case of the
sanctions against Iraq in the 1990s
“When Sanctions Don’t Work.” Economist, April 6, 2000).
Ackerman, Seth. “A Timely Scandal” Oil-for-Food Charges Conveniently Tarnish U.N.”
Extra! (FAIR), July–August 2004.
Ackerman, Seth. “New York Times on Iraq Sanctions: A Case of Journalistic
Malpractice.” Extra! (FAIR), March–April 2000.
Ackerman, Seth. “The Washington Post’s Gas Attack: Today’s Outrage Was Yesterday’s
No Big Deal.” Extra! (FAIR), September–October 2002.
Despratz, Michel, and Barry Lando. “Notre ami Saddam: Quand les Etats-Unis et la
France s’alliaient à la dictature.” [Our friend Saddam: When the United States and
France were allies of the dictatorship]. Le Monde Diplomatique (Paris),
November 2004.
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, “‘Paper of Record’ Distorts Record on Iraq
Sanctions,” FAIR Action Alert, September 13, 2000,; and
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting. “Common Myths in Iraq Coverage.” FAIR Action
Alert, November 27, 2002.
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting. “For the New York Times, Iraq Deaths Are the Other
Guy’s Fault.” FAIR Action Alert, August 6, 1999.
Human Rights Watch. Genocide in Iraq: The Anfal Campaign against the Kurds. New
York: Rights Watch, 1993.
Kendal, Nezan. “Quand ‘notre ami’ Saddam gazait ses Kurdes.” [When ‘our friend’
Saddam was gassing his Kurds]. Le Monde Diplomatique (Paris), March 1998.
Mahajan, Rahul. “We Think the Price Is Worth It: Media Uncurious about Iraq Policy’s
Effects—There or Here.” Extra! (FAIR), November–December 2001.
Naureckas, Jim. “Wolf Blitzer for the Defense (Department): Making Sure the Official
Line is the Last Word.” Extra! (FAIR), January–February 2003.
Parry, Robert. “Iraqgate: Confession and Cover-Up.” Extra! (FAIR), May–June 1995.
Pilger, John. Paying the Price: The Killing of the Children in Iraq. Documentary film.
Stork, Joe. “Armer aujourd’hui, détruire demain: l’‘Iraqgate’ ou le cynisme-roi.” [Arm
today, destroy tomorrow: The ‘Iraqgate’ or the reign of cynicism]. Le Monde
Diplomatique (Paris), February 1993.
Tripp, Charles. “Leçons d’une histoire coloniale oubliée.” [Lessons of a forgotten
colonial history]. Le Monde Diplomatique (Paris), January 2003.
On benevolent imperialism
Fukuyama, Francis. America at the Crossroads: Democracy, Power, and the NeoConservative Legacy. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006.
Fukuyama, Franics. “The End of History.” National Interest, Summer 1989.
Kagan, Robert. Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order.
New York: Alfred Knopf, 2003.
Isikoff, Michael, and David Corn. Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the
Selling of the Iraq War. New York: Crown, 2006.
Odom, William E., and Robert Dujarric. America’s Inadvertent Empire. New Haven:
Yale University Press, 2004.
Ricks, Thomas E. Fiasco: The American Adventure in Iraq. New York: Penguin, 2006.
Woodward, Bob. State of Denial: Bush at War, Part III. New York: Simon & Schuster,
On nationalism
“China and Japan: So Hard to Be Friends.” Economist, March 26–April 1, 2005.
“In Dangerous Waters.” Economist, October 7–13, 2006.
Baceyich, Andrew J. The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by
War. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Golub, Philip S. “Dieu, la nation et l’armée, une sainte trinité.” [God, Nation and Army:
A Holy Trinity]. Le Monde Diplomatique (Paris), July 2005.
Huntington, Samuel. “The Clash of Civilizations.” Foreign Affairs 72, no. 3 (1993): 22–
Lieven, Anatol. America Right or Wrong: An Anatomy of American Nationalism. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2004.
Reich, Robert B. Reason Why Liberals Will Win The Battle For America. New York:
Vintage Books, 2004.
On multilateralism
Commission on Global Governance. Our Global Neighborhood. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1995.
International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty. The Responsibility to
Protect: The Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State
Sovereignty. Ottawa: International Development Research Center, 2001.
Kuziemko, Ilyanna, and Eric Werker. “How Much Is a Seat on the Security Council
Worth? Foreign Aid and Bribery at the United Nations.” Journal of Political
Economy 114, no. 5 (October 2006): 905–30.
McGeary, Johanna. “Freedom Fighters.” Time, March 8, 1999.
On localism
Hines, Colin. Localization: A Global Manifesto. London: Earthscan, 2000.
International Forum on Globalization. Alternatives to Economic Globalization: A Better
World Is Possible. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2002.