Carlisle Business Centre 60 Carlisle Road Bradford BD8 8BD Tel: 01274223232 (o), 07900855722 (m) Email: Bradford Women’s Network Directory INSIDE THE DIRECTORY In this directory you will find five sections: Section one: About this directory ........................................................................................ 3 SECTION TWO: INDEX: ....................................................................................................... 5 Consists of an index of the organizations. Section three: BRADFORD VOLUNTARY WOMEN ORGANISATIONS BY SECTOR: .............. 10 Consists of organizations listed by sector. Section four: WOMEN ORGANISATIONS: ............................................................................ 16 Consists of comprehensive information about the organizations. Section five: Service providers ............................................................................................. 44 Section six: INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS: .................................................................................... 57 Consists individuals who expressed interest to be directly part of the women’s network and to be involved in every activity happening within the women’s network. Section one: About this directory IMPORTANT NOTICE Please note that all materials provided in this directory are provided for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer, invitation, basis for a contract, advice or recommendation to conclude any transaction or for the purchase or sale of any goods or services. PURPOSE The purpose of this directory is to provide information to Bradford Women’s Network, stakeholders, partners in service and the general public. Whilst every effort is made to provide the correct information for every organization, it is likely that the information provided may be incomplete. It is, therefore, recommended that you should check with the relevant organization for up to date information using the contact details provided. If it is your organization which feels some information is not well detailed or you have made changes, or moved offices, please do not hesitate to contact the compiler of this directory on the above contact details. UPDATE Bradford Women’s Forum is putting in place a mechanism to update the directory from time to time. So feel free to email your new information or any other organization that has been missed out or wants to affiliate itself with the Bradford Women’s Network to the email indicated on the cover of this directory. ABOUT BRADFORD & DISTRICT WOMEN’S FORUM Name The name of the organization is Bradford and District Women’s Forum, hereinafter called The Forum. Aim To support and empower women to develop to their maximum potential, through raising their profile and providing a forum for their voice to be heard. The forum is established for women who live or work and have an interest in Bradford and the District Objectives (a) (b) (c) (d) The Forum aims to organize activities, training and co-ordinate campaigns to promote healthier lifestyles, relief from social isolation and exclusion, improved confidence and a belief in self within a community that is positively diverse. The Forum aims to enable all women organizations in Bradford to network by bringing them together to share experiences, skills and responsibilities and aspire to be one voice for women. The Forum aims to provide integrated opportunities where individuals, groups and agencies, irrespective of ethnic origin, age, gender, sexuality, disability and cultural difference, can air their views in a safe space. The Forum aims to work in partnership with other organizations and where appropriate and, enable the affiliation of other women’s groups at Local, Regional, National and International levels. We work in partnership with other organizations where appropriate and enable the affiliation of other women’s groups where different disciplines represented on the group have a shared understanding. Background to the Compilation of the Directory The need to compile a directory for active women organizations and service providers came out at the consultation meeting which was organized by Beatrice Botomani , held on 17th March, 2010 at Kala Sangam. At this meeting, need was expressed to have an organization which would bring all women organizations together to network, voice their issues in unity and share their experiences. Bradford & District Women’s Forum was chosen to be the appropriate organization to do the coordination and facilitate the communication amongst the women organizations, service providers and service users and the community as a whole. At its meeting on 26th March, 2010, the Core Group agreed to compile an up to date directory for all women organizations in Bradford to facilitate the communication process within and amongst the organizations and partner organizations. The compilation of this directory has been done on desk research by Beatrice Botomani which included direct communications, internet research and meetings with the organizations listed in this directory. However, it must be said that this is by no means a complete list of voluntary women organizations and community groups within Bradford District. The compiler believes that there are other organizations which we have not come across with or we failed to get through to them and we are eagerly looking forward to keep on adding them into the directory online from time to time. This directory will be linked to other partner organizations like DIVA and CNet with whom we are directly working with hand in hand. As said above, any incorrect information about your organization or any information missed out or any information you want to be added onto your organization should be emailed to . ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We appreciate the help of those who have participated in providing information, guidance and direction of what this directory should carry. We hope this will enhance the services of all Women organizations, service providers and all the stakeholders as well as improve the communication and networking process for all the women and the Bradford Community and the UK population as a whole. A vote of thanks is hereby also given to Action for Business Limited (ABL) who generously have and continue to provide all administration costs to Bradford & District Women’s Forum by providing an office space, computer, phone and printing. Without this help, compilation of this directory was going to be a nightmare to complete. Beatrice Botomani Volunteer Bradford & District Women’s Forum SECTION TWO: INDEX ORGANISATION PAGE Abigail Housing 44 African Caribean Achievement Project (ACAP) 17 African Refugee Health Access and Support (ARHAS) 17 African Women’s Circle 50 Association of Wrens Bradford Branch 18 Baildon Ladies’ Club 18 Barry Clark Solicitors 59 Barnardo’s Turnaround Service 18 BEACON (Bradford Ecumenical Asylum Concern) 50 Behind Closed Doors 19 Bevan House Homeless & Asylum Support Team 51 BIASAN 52 Black Women’s Support Project (BWSP) 19 Blenheim Project, 14 Oak Lane 19 Bradford and Airedale NHS Stop Smoking Service 63 Bradford Alliance on Community Care 20 Bradford Asian Girls Group (BAGG) 20 Bradford Cancer Support 20 Bradford Ladies Cricket club 21 Bradford Ladies Hockey club 21 Bradford Law Centre 59 Bradford Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Survivors Service (BRC&SASS) 21 Bradford Action for Refugees 53 Bradford Day Shelter 54 Bradford Rape Crisis & Sexual Abuse Survivors Service (BRC & SASS) 54 Bradford Refugee Forum 55 Bridge-IT Housing 55 British Red Cross Refugee Support Service 55 Business Forum, Charles Town House 22 Centre Resolution Conflicts (CRC) 56 Chadian Association for Integration (CAI) 56 Children’s Society Leap Project 57 COEMO. Consortium of Ethnic Minority Organizations 23 Domican Association 25 Domestic Violence Services Keighley (DVSK) 25 City of Sanctuary Bradford 57 English Conversation & Craft Class for Women 58 Eccleshill Afternoon Townswomen’s Guild 25 El Shadai International Christian Centre 26 Elstead Ladies Choir 26 Fairweather Project 27 Federation of African Caribbean Elders 26 Fitness League – Women’s League of Health and Beauty 27 Forster Community College 58 HALE Project 62 HEM – Holme Wood Ethnic Minorities 27 Hillside Bridge Health Centre 58 Humdard, 94 Nab Wood Drive 28 Ilkley Soroptimist Club 29 Immigration Advisory Service 60 ISIS Project 29 Jyoti Services 29 KHIDMAT Centre 59 Keighley Association Women’s and Children’s Centre (KAWACC) 31 Keighley Women’s Aid 31 Keighley Women’s Centre/Versa 31 Maendeleo Refugee Youth Club 32/61 Maternity Services Liaison Committee (MSLC) 64 Mathieson Law Gumption Centre 60 Meridian Centre 32 Milan Group 32 Millan Centre 33 Palm Cove Society 34 Peacemakers 34 Persephone Women’s Morris 35 Pollard Park Asian Women Centre 36 Roshni Ghar 36 Roshni Ghar 37 Safe Areas for Everyone Project (SAFE) 37 Sedbergh Health 4 All 38 Sharing Voices, (NOTE: September moving) 38 Shipley Conservative Ladies Coffee Club 39 Shipley Women’s Aid 39 Solace 62 Soroptimist International (SI) Bradford 40 South Asian Women’s Health Awareness Association (SAWHAA) 40 STAR (Student Action for Refugees) 62 Staying Put 41 SWITALSKI’S 61 The Anah Project 42 The Nile African Development Organization 42 The Oasis Project 42 The Taylor Partnership (OISC Level 3 registered) 61 Thornbury Centre 43 Thornbury Youth Association 43 Together Women Project (TWP 43 Toller Youth Café (TYC) 44 Undercliffe Women’s Institute (Undercliffe WI) 44 UnLtd 63 War Widows Association of Great Britain 45 West Yorkshire Netball Association 45 Wilsden Women’s Institute (WI) 46 Women and Children’s Holiday Centre 46 Women in Business (WIB) 46 Women’s Discussion Group Baildon 47 Womenzone Community Centre 47 Women Together Bradford 31 Wrose Ladies Club 48 Wyke And District Evening Town’s Guild 63 Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association 48 Yorkshire Ladies County Golf Association (YLCGA) 48 Yorkshire Women’s Cricket Association (YWCA) 48 Zimbabwe Community in Bradford 49 Section three: BRADFORD VOLUNTARY WOMEN ORGANISATIONS BY SECTOR LEISURE, ENTERTAINMENT AND YOUTH SUPPORT/GIRLS ISSUES FRIENDSHIP African Women’s Circle African Caribbean Achievement Project (ACAP), Association of Wrens Bradford Branch Barnardo’s Turnaround Service Baildon Ladies’ Club Bradford Action for Refugees BIASAN Bradford Rape Crisis & Sexual Abuse Survivors Service (BRC & SASS) Bradford Cancer Support Chadian Association for Integration (CAI) Centre Resolution Conflicts (CRC), Children’s Society Leap Project Chadian Association for Integration (CAI) Eccleshill Afternoon Townswomen’s Guild El Shadai International Christian Centre, Bradford Domestic Violence Services Keighley (DVSK), Humdard ISIS Project Elstead Ladies Choir Federation of African Caribean Elders Fitness League – Women’s League of Health and Beauty KHIDMAT Centre Maendeleo Refugee Youth Club Meridian Centre HEM – Holme Wood Ethnic Minorities Humdard KHIDMAT Centre Milan Group Millan Centre Peacemakers Milan Group Millan Centre Persephone Women’s Morris Pollard Park Asian Women Centre Roshni Ghar Staying Put Pollard Park Asian Women Centre Roshni Ghar Sedbergh Health 4 All STAR (Student Action for Refugees) Thornbury Centre Soroptimist International (SI) Bradford Thornbury Youth Association Thornbury Centre Toller Youth Café (TYC) Thornbury Youth Association Wilsden Women’s Institute (WI) Toller Youth Café (TYC) Womenzone Community Centre Undercliffe Women’s Institute (Undercliffe WI) West Yorkshire Netball Association Wilsden Women’s Institute (WI) Women and Children’s Holiday Centre Women’s Discussion Group Baildon Wrose Ladies Club Wyke And District Evening Town’s Guild Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association Zimbabwe Community in Bradford ORGANISATIONS DEALING WITH DESTITUTION, ORGANISATIONS DEALING WIH SEXUAL ABUSE SAFETY AND HOUSING AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Abigail Housing Barnardo’s Turnaround Service Behind Closed Doors Behind Closed Doors Bevan House Homeless & Asylum Support Team Black Women’s Support Project (BWSP), Black Women’s Support Project (BWSP), Bradford Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Survivors Service (BRC&, SASS) Blenheim Project Bradford Day Shelter Bridge-IT Housing Bridge-IT Housing Domestic Violence Services Keighley (DVSK) Jyoti Services Chadian Association for Integration (CAI) Hillside Bridge Health Centre Fairweather Project Keighley Women’s Aid Palm Cove Society Roshni Ghar Keighley Women’s Aid Palm Cove Society Shipley Women’s Aid Shipley Women’s Aid The Anah Project The Anah Project Together Women Project (TWP), The Oasis Project Together Women Project (TWP), ORGANISATIONS DEALING ASYLUM SEEKERS ORGANISATIONS DEALING WITH EDUCATION, AND REFUGEES ISSUES SKILLS AND WOMEN EMPOWERMENT Abigail Housing African Caribean Achievement Project (ACAP), African Refugee Health Access and Support (ARHAS) African Women’s Circle BEACON (Bradford Ecumenical Asylum Concern) Barnardo’s Turnaround Service Bevan House Homeless & Asylum Support Team Bradford Asian Girls Group (BAGG), BIASAN Bradford Cancer Support Black Women’s Support Project (BWSP) Eccleshill Afternoon Towns Bradford Action for Refugees El Shadai International Christian Centre, Bradford Bradford Refugee Forum women’s Guild Bridge-IT Housing English Conversation & Craft Class for Women British Red Cross Refugee Support Service Forster Community College (was Cathedral Centre) Centre Resolution Conflicts (CRC), HALE Project Chadian Association for Integration (CAI) ISIS Project Children’s Society Leap Project KHIDMAT Centre City of Sanctuary Bradford Keighley Association Women’s and Children’s Centre (KAWACC), English Conversation & Craft Class for Women Hillside Bridge Health Centre Meridian Centre Millan Centre Keighley Women’s Aid Maendeleo Refugee Youth Club STAR (Student Action for Refugees) Milan Group Peacemakers Pollard Park Asian Women Centre Zimbabwe Community in Bradford Roshni Ghar Safe Areas for Everyone Project (SAFE), Soroptimist International (SI) Bradford The Nile African Development Organisation Thornbury Centre Toller Youth Café (TYC) Undercliffe Women’s Institute (Undercliffe WI) Wilsden Women’s Institute (WI) Women’s Discussion Group Baildon Womenzone Community Centre Women Together Bradford Wyke And District Evening Town’s Guild Zimbabwe Community in Bradford ORGANISATION DEALING WITH POVERTY AND ORGANISATIONS DEALING WITH HEALTH, BUSINESS NETWORKS COUNSELLING, SPORTS AND WELL BEING African Women’s Circle African Caribbean Achievement Project (ACAP), Bradford Cancer Support African Refugee Health Access and Support (ARHAS), Business Forum Baildon Ladies’ Club Bradford Ladies Cricket club El Shadai International Christian Centre, Bradford Bevan House Homeless & Asylum Support Team Forster Community College (was Cathedral Centre) BIASAN Ilkley Soroptimist Club Bradford Alliance on Community Care, Women Together Bradford Bradford Cancer Support Keighley Association Women’s and Children’s Centre (KAWACC), Bradford Ladies Hockey club Milan Group Bradford Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Survivors Service (BRC&SASS) Peacemakers Centre Resolution Conflicts (CRC), Roshni Ghar Domican Association Soroptimist International (SI) Bradford Fitness League – Women’s League of Health and Beauty The Nile African Development Organisation HALE Project Thornbury Youth Association Humdard Women in Business (WIB) ISIS Project KHIDMAT Centre Jyoti Services Keighley Association Women’s and Children’s Centre (KAWACC), Keighley Women’s Centre/Versa Maendeleo Refugee Youth Club Milan Group Peacemakers Persephone Women’s Morris Sedbergh Health 4 All Sharing Voices South Asian Women’s Health Awareness Association (SAWHAA), Staying Put The Nile African Development Organisation Thornbury Centre War Widows Association of Great Britain West Yorkshire Netball Association Wilsden Women’s Institute (WI) Women’s Discussion Group Baildon Yorkshire Ladies County Golf Association (YLCGA) Yorkshire Women’s Cricket Association (YWCA), Zimbabwe Community in Bradford ORGANISATIONS DEALING WITH LEGAL ORGANISATIONS DEALING WITH BME ISSUES ASSISTANCE Barry Clark Solicitors African Caribbean Achievement Project (ACAP) Bradford Law Centre BIASAN Immigration Advisory Service Centre Resolution Conflicts (CRC), Mathieson Law City of Sanctuary Bradford SWITALSKI’S COEMO. Consortium of Ethnic Minority Organisations African Refugee Health Access and Support (ARHAS), The Taylor Partnership (OISC Level 3 registered) HEM - Holmewood Ethnic Minorities Jyoti Services Peacemakers Roshni Ghar Sharing Voices The Anah Project The Nile African Development Organisation Thornbury Youth Association Zimbabwe Community in Bradford ORGANISATIONS DEALING WITH WOMEN IN ORGANISATIONS DEALING CAMPAIGNING FOR POLITICS CHANGE Shipley Conservative Ladies Coffee Club BEACON (Bradford Ecumenical Asylum Concern) The Nile African Development Organisation Bradford Refugee Forum Children’s Society Leap Project City of Sanctuary Bradford STAR (Student Action for Refugees) ORGANISATIONS DEALING WITH FUNDING UnLtd VOLUNTARY WOMEN ORGANISATIONS AND SERVICE PROVIDERS WHO ARE EXISTING AND INTERESTED IN BEING PART OF THE UNITED WOMEN’S NETWORK IN BRADFORD Section four: WOMEN ORGANISATIONS NO NAME OF ORGANISATION, ADDRESS, TEL AND FAX EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON 1. African Caribbean Achievement Project (ACAP), Email: info.acap@btconnect.c om Gertrude Musiiwa 17 Clermont, Website: ACTIVITIES, MEETINGS AND MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Bradford, * Mentoring services with volunteers working in schools as positive role models. After school/homework support project with primary and secondary school pupils 'YouthStart' project targeted at NEET (not in education, employment or training) priority young people or those in danger of school exclusion. Drop in centre and Internet cafe for young people and parents Holiday play scheme. ARHAS is a voluntary organization which aims to work with health professionals to raise awareness of the health of refugees and asylum seekers, help them access health services more effectively and particularly advance the welfare of those affected and infected with HIV/AIDS in strict confidentiality. BD7 1BG Tel: 01274 720254/01274 724916 2. African Refugee Health Access and Support (ARHAS), 17-21 Chapel Street, Bradford, BD1 5DT Email: Cassim-Issa Tel: 01274 779002 Mobile: 07896322175 Fax: 01274 725046 3. Association of Wrens Bradford Branch Mrs M Evans Comradeship of the service. Meet at the CVS buildings, 19/25 26 Greedside Lane, Cullingworth, BRADFORD, BD13 5AN Sunbridge Road on the last Monday in each month at 1.30pm. Tel: 01535273174 4. Baildon Ladies’ Club Mrs A Dearden 7 Westleigh Close, Baildon, Shipley, BD17 5DR Membership by application. Approximately 16 members. AGM in March. Interesting evening meetings. Walking group. Craft Group. Gardening group. (These activities all take place on a regular basis) Tel: 01274 590823 The main meeting is on 3rd Monday of the month at Ian Clough Hall, Baildon starting at 7.30 pm. 5. Barnardo’s Turnaround Service Anne Hunter The Turnaround Service works together with girls and young women aged 5-18 (if there are special needs) to increase selfesteem, skills, resilience and knowledge around reducing the risks of sexual exploitation. We offer one-to-one individual service, group work and work in schools (Bradford area). We also work alongside other professionals ,and We work with parents to ensure the young person is safe. Information and support to women experiencing/ have experienced domestic abuse. Can provide free support around legal issues, benefits, housing and other practical information. Also offer emotional support in LS16, Springfield Complex, Square Lane, BRADFORD, BD9 6RA TEL: 01274 548 379 HELP LINE: 0800 085 5830 FAX: 01274 484 346 6. Behind Closed Doors P.O. Box 275, Leeds, LS19 9BN Help Line: 0800 3282430 website: Admin Officer, Ortaith Mooney Fax: 0113 3911910 LS18, LS19, LS21, LS29, BD10. 7. Black Women’s Support Project (BWSP), P.O. Box 617, BRADFORD, BD2 4YN Provide service provision talks to other agencies and one day basic awareness training. Can meet at any venue where client feels safe, also provide private rooms at various venues in the area. Provision of safe temporary supported accommodation for black/asian/ dual heritage women with children fleeing domestic violence/family abuse. The refuge is based in the Bradford area. Part of Manningham Housing Association Blenheim Project offers temporary accommodation to women with and without children. All women must work to a support plan. The project also offers a tenancy support scheme (Purlin Project) to women who are struggling to maintain their existing tenancy. This is aimed at women aged 60+ with or without children. Yvonne Slater Runs a women’s programme called Proactive Approach to Health (PATH) Secretary Activities and training for all young women. We meet at Bradford Central Library, Tamina Tel: 01274 635205 8. Blenheim Project, 14 Oak Lane, BRADFORD, BD9 4PX servicemanager@blenh Debie/ISIS Manager Tel: 01274 495834 Fax: 01274 544914 9. Bradford Alliance on Community Care, Carlisle Business Centre, Unit 37, 60 Carlisle Road, Bradford, BD8 8BD Email: Website: Tel: 01274 481590 10. Bradford Asian Girls Group (BAGG), c/o 18 Exmouth Place, BRADFORD, BD3 0NA Email: bradfordactivities@hot Carlisle Business Centre and other places. Tel: 07821 757717 11. Bradford Cancer Support, Daisy House Farm, 44 Smith Lane, BRADFORD, BD9 6DA Website: www.bradfordcancersu Debra Lindsay Tel: 01274 776688 The public phone is text only. We aim to provide practical, social and emotional support to cancer patients, their families and carers. Support available includes art based activities, group relaxation sessions and a computer class. We also offer a range of complementary therapies, a counselling service and a headwear for hair loss service. There is access to welfare rights advice and a drop-in information service. Transport may be available. To promote and play women’s cricket. Membership open and any age welcome. Meet at Thornton Cricket club, Hilltop Road, Thornton, Bradford on Thursdays between April and August from 6.30-9.00pm. AGM November. Approx. 20 members Winter nets with coaching. Ladies at all levels interested in hockey are welcome. We also have links with Bradford Men’s Hockey. Senior training on Tuesday, 7-9, at Bradford Girls’ Grammar School, Square Lane, BD9. Welfare Benefits: 01274 777711 Fax: 01274 776555 12. Bradford Ladies Cricket club, 30 Ryefield Avenue, Clayton, BRADFORD, BD14 6BJ Website: Ms June Stephenson Tel: 01274 816204 13. Bradford Ladies Hockey club, 98 Beechwood Avenue, Wilbsey, BRADFORD, BD6 3AN Tel: 01274 401977 Email: info@bradfordhockey.c Website: www.bradfordhockeycl Beverly Barstow 14. Bradford Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Survivors Service (BRC&SASS), C/O BCVS, 19-25 Sunbridge Road, BRADFORD, BD1 2AY Tel: 01274 308271 1st XI – National English Hockey League; 2nd XI Yorkshire Premier League. Senior matches are on Sat and Sun at Bradford Girls’ Grammar School and Thornton Sports Centre Astro Turf. Tues 7-8 pm is for abilities – venue is Bradford Girls’ Grammar School. AGM – May. Approx. 48 senior members. Helpline & face to face counseling for women & girls who have been raped or sexually abused at any time in their lives. Emergency and ongoing support We can accompany women to police station, courts, doctors, provide information on police, court and medical procedures. Project Jyoti provides a special service for black and Asian women and girls. Also includes Project Jyoti Helpline: 01274 308 270 15. Business Forum, Charles Town House, ECON Industrial Park, Shipley, BD17 7SW Tel: 01274 717542 Email: hamid.shah@accentgro Hamid Shah Website: Mobile: 07827958397 We are keen to identify forums and networking groups operating within the Bradford district and would be interested to look at any events/meetings etc which offer networking opportunities to third sector organisations or to businesses/people looking to go into business. For a suitable event we may be able to offer assistance and support, this support tends to be specific to the needs of the forum and can for example take 16. COEMO. Consortium of Ethnic Minority Organisations Business Unit 85, Carlisle Business Centre, 60 Carlisle Road, Bradford, BD8 8BD Tel: 01274 488872 Email: Mohammed Salam the form of developing and producing marketing and promotional materials, venue hire assistance, support with attendance, connecting your forum/network with suitable organisations, possibly be able to try find a suitable speaker. Recent example of groups we have helped include the Inspired Neighbourhoods organisation with their Bradford East Business networking event in April by having their marketing material designed and produced for the event, we have also been supporting a networking group called the Sherdil Club to re-brand and bring them to work jointly with a new business women's networking group jointly in order for them to launch themselves to a larger business audience COEMO is an umbrella organization and was formed in October, 2000 by a number of community organizations from the black and ethnic minority voluntary sector who felt that a representative umbrella body was now crucial and ethnic minority sector was to survive and develop in a climate, which required an increasing amount of collective collaboration. We raise the profile of BME organizations; We provide infrastructure support BME organizations; We provide networking and consultation events; Website: Fax: 01274 223306 Mobile: 07968490631 17. Domestic Violence Services Keighley (DVSK), P.O. Box 79, KEIGHLEY, BD21 2UD, Tel: 01535 210999 Email: manager@keighleydvs. org Diana Reed We undertake research activities within BME sector; We act as an advocate for BME Voluntary and the wider community with local government, central government and other relevant institutions; We represent the ethnic minority voluntary sector on partnerships and decision-making bodies at local, regional and national level. We are currently representing views and aspirations of over 180 organisations involving the following communities: South Asian Communities, African communities, Afro-Caribbean Communities, Some East European communities. The organization has a constitution and is registered as a company limited by guarantee with a charitable status. The management of the organization is based on membership who annually elects a management board. Our services are open to all BME sector. We have an office and paid staff DVS provides Practical/emotional support for women experiencing domestic violence. Specialist service for Asian women experiencing domestic violence. Specialist service for children who have witnessed/experienced domestic violence. Fax: 01535 210020 18. Access to voluntary programmes for perpetrators of domestic violence. Volunteering programme. Basic awareness training for other groups, organizations. A professional counselling service for young people aged 11 to 21 years who have witnessed/experienced domestic abuse. Runs Women’s programmes on Wednesday and Thursday between 10am – 4pm Counselling and Health Support Mrs Doreen Midgley Meet at the Meeting Room, Norman Methodist Church, Ecclesshill, Bradford on the 2nd Monday of every month at 2pm. Frances Gammond Runs a women’s Revive Programme such as: Home and Style Fair on 24th July Teach Session on Saturday 25th September Worship (preparing for Christmas on Saturday 27th November Revive is a series of teaching sessions and practical workshops with ladies in mind An opportunity to set aside some time in the midst of busy schedules and enjoy a slice of life together over coffee and cake Collum Sheridan-Small Domican Association, 10 Worhenton, Bradford, BD8 8EG Tel: 01274 770218 19. Eccleshill Afternoon Townswomen’s Guild, 4 Robin Close, Eccleshill, BRADFORD, BD2 2EZ Tel: 01274 408338 20. El Shadai International Christian Centre, Bradford Tel: 01274 724557 EmailL fgammond@elshaddai. Website: 21. Elstead Ladies Choir, 38 Glen Road, Eldwick, BINGLEY, BD16 3ET K. Newell Tel: 01274 563 324 22. Federation of African Caribean Elders, Mary Seacole Court, 89 Park Road, Bradford, BD5 0SW Claudia MacFarren Singing for pleasure to a reasonable standard coupled with good fellowship. Membership application. Meet at St Lawrence’s Church School, Otley Rd, Eldwick on Fridays except Bank Holidays and a short summer break. Fees reasonable to cover choir expenses. Approx 25 members. To provide for the social, recreational and cultural needs of the African-Caribbean, elderly community. Membership open. The group meets Monday to Friday 10:30am to 3:30pm. AGM April Approx 165 members The following organisation is part of Federation of African and Caribbean Elders: African Caribbean Neighbourhood Action Planning Group (ACNAP) Rowan House (01274 77338) Direct access, 24 hr, emergency accommodation for women with or without children. Tel: 01274 391136 23. Fairweather Project, Gaugers House, 10 Stony Lane, Eccleshill, BRADFORD, BD2 2HN Tel: 01274 777271 Email: enquiries@fairweather. Caroline Leigh House (01274 410957) Provides short to mid-stay accommodation for women with mental health needs. Midstays (01274 411158) Provides support to women who are not yet ready for independent accommodation an opportunity to develop their confidence and enhance their life skills before they are ready to move the community. 24. Fitness League – Women’s League of Health and Beauty, 17 Park Road, Eccleshill, BRADFORD, BD10 8AN Email: uk Mrs. B.J. Craven Tel: 01274 630146 25 26. HEM – Holme Wood Ethnic Minorities Holme Wood Activity Centre Broadstone Way Bradford, BD4 9BU 01274683740 07757118726 Humdard, 94 Nab Wood Drive, SHIPLEY, BD18 4EW, Email: virginielusandu7@hot Vie Lusandu Exercises for women to tone, Stretch, mobilize and strengthen. Improve posture and feeling of well being. Exercises are to music. General Class 7.30-8.30 am then apparatus/sequence class from 8.309.00 pm. Classes are aimed at women over 40. New Members welcome. Meets at Kirk gate Community Centre, Kirk gate, Shipley on Wed. evenings Activities - One-to-one visits/ outreach for a listening ear, befriending, interpreting, advocacy (no set times, just whenever someone is in need ie why this is my mobile which enables people to call anytime, any day (evenings and week-ends included) bi-monthly meetings where we bring the information to people/ individuals - a face is always better! Can be a person representing a class/ group within Holme Wood but also Bradford district and very informal where people can chat/ socialise at the end. Intercultural Cafés that are held every 3 months - a theme is chosen, and we provide food, music, dance performances, exhibition, quizzes, sharing of stories. this is a way to promote holmewood in a positive way but also to enable crossinteraction between all residents in holmewood and bradford. Asian support group for women with young children. Or hem@holmewoodactiv Email: shahidaakhtar@hotmai Ms Shahida Akhtar Tel: 01274 482955 Mobile: 0792 9195768 and Nazma 07545525705 27. Ilkley Soroptimist Club, 4 Chantry Close, ILKLEY, LS29 9JA Website: Mrs. Pat Booth Group also includes Bereaved Asian Families and also Shahida Hair and Beauty Salon which provides self-care beauty therapies, body massage, Reiki, reflexology, relaxation techniques. Membership open. Meet at 103-105 Oak Lane, Bradford, BD9 4EQ A women’s International Service Organisation. Its objects are to maintain high ethical standards in Business and Professional life and to strive for human rights for all people. Membership by invitation – all ages welcome. Meet at the Clark Foley Centre, Ilkley, on second and fourth Thursday of each month at 7.30 pm. Approx 60 members. Helping women and their children survive the trauma of mental distress through group work, Provides a crèche In-House courses and service user Led support Groups. Satellite Ex-Service User-Led weekly support groups – currently Shipley (Wednesday am – Salvation Army). Description: Jyoti services provides a specialist service for Black Asian Minority and Ethnic women & girls. We provide a face to face counselling service, helpline, Tel: 01943 608572 28. ISIS Project, Farfield Road, SHIPLEY, BD18 4QP Tel: 01274 532 858 Email: k Website: 29. Jyoti Services Address: C/o 19-25 Sunbridge Road, Bradford, BD1 2AY E-mail: Sheila AsgarTourzan Tel: 01274 308271 advocacy and outreach service. Helpline Number: 01274 308270 We can offer information about police, court and medical procedure as well as accompanying women to these places. We are able to offer these services in Mirpuri, Urdu, Punjabi and English. We can also arrange to do education talks to groups of women about sexual/domestic violence and its impact on an individuals emotional and psychological well-being as well as the social implications. Aimed at: Black Asian and Minority Ethnic women & girls It is a registered charity Accessibility: accessible toilets, disabled parking. Our office is open Monday to Friday and the helpline is open most days with a answer phone service where a helpline support worker would call back as soon as possible. Regards to women accessing the service it is all done by appointment only. (the first meeting will always be an initial visit to the service where women can find out what counselling service we offer). If professionals wanted to refer clients/ set up workshops their can calls us on the either of the numbers and leave a message) For BAME women & girls wanting to speak Urdu/Punjabi the helpline is open Wednesday 1-4pm 6-8pm (new callers) & Thursday 1-4pm In 2007 we change the previous nursery space into a youth station Fax: 01274 308 497 30. Keighley Association Women’s and Children’s Centre (KAWACC), Centre Manager In addition we hold ESOL classes, Literacy and numeracy Adult guidance and placements Job search skills, Health workshops, art, youth groups, sewing classes, exercise classes, walking group, photography, summer schemes, Bangla and Urdu language classes. Most classes for women have a free crèche. Provision of refugee accommodation for women with or without children fleeing from domestic violence. Tel: 01535 210067 Helpline: 01535 210067/667352 Provision of support services for resident women and children. Confidential location All referrals should be made by telephone. Staff are available Mon-Fri 9 am to 4 pm. Answer phone and signposting message out of office hours A voluntary sector charity for both women and men. Offers counselling, weight management, complementary therapies and training for health workers. Rooms for hire. Appointment only MRYC aims to promote the integration of Youth African refugee and asylum seekers living in West Eastwood Centre, Marlborough Street, KEIGHLEY, BD21 3HU Tel: 07889167031 01274 303390 Helpline: 01535 663759 31. 32. Keighley Women’s Aid, P.O. Box 46, KEIGHLEY, BD20 6UA Email: kwomensaid@hotmail. com Keighley Women’s Centre/Versa, 182 Skipton Road, KEIGHLEY, BD21 2 SY Sue Player Val Slater Tel: 01535 681316 Fax: 01535 606595 33. Maendeleo Refugee Youth Club 19-25 Sunbridge Road, Email: Bradford, Yorkshire. BD1 2AY We have a range of activities that we offer such as football and basketball, and We organize seminars and workshops on crime and anti-social behaviour, HIV, etc. We give advice and information Aims to provide a focal point for Asian women and girls for educational activities. Accredited IT courses – ECDL, English ESOL, Maths numeracy. Meets at St. Pauls Road, Manningham, Bradford, 5 days per week. For details of girl sessions, please contact centre. Activities include study support, computing, workshops, etc. Approx 500 members Women’s Voluntary Group activities: Mon 1-3pm Social group and exercise class Thurs 1-3pm Mother and toddler group Some examples of other activities are: Jewellery making, silk painting, summer trips, aromatherapy & beauty sessions, poetry readings, cultural events celebrations, social activities, exercise classes, weight watching sessions, etc Centre for women and children (boys under 5 years only). Tel: 01274 722207 34. Meridian Centre, 19 St Peters Way, Menston, ILKLEY, LS29 6NY Email: Director, Shanil Khan Tel: 01943 872662 35. Milan Group, The Mayfield Centre, Broadway, off Manchester Road, BRADFORD, BD5 9NP Nighat/Mumtaz /Tahira Tel: 01274 227580 36. Millan Centre, Victor Street, BRADFORD, BD9 4RA Surji Cair Tel: 01274 480691 Toddler group, girls’ group, English, Urdu, sewing, opportunities for women and advice etc. Training project offering prevocational and basic skills, enquiries welcome, elderly group. Homework sessions, exercise classes We also run playgroup for 2 to 3 years, and mother and toddler groups. Crèches are available for certain classes. Membership open to people living in the area. Meet at the Milan Centre, Victor Street, Bradford BD9 Mon-Thurs 9.30 am – 5pm and Fri 9 am – 4 pm AGM October. Approx 50 members Supported accommodation for single homeless refugees, eligible asylum seekers or migrants and unaccompanied asylum seekers children leaving care. We provide support, advice, outreach, and advocacy to women and children experiencing domestic violence, refugees, eligible destitute asylum seekers or migrants and unaccompanied asylum seeker children seeking care. We can also accommodate any of the aforementioned women who are fleeing domestic violence (with low security needs). In collaboration with other agencies we aim to offer a place of safety, Mobile: 07971615475 Fax: 01274 480691 37. Palm Cove Society, Lady Wells Mills, Mill Lane, BRADFORD, BD4 7DF, Email: Yvonne@palmcovesoci Tel: 01274 722765 Or Helpline: 01274 722765 enquiries@palmcoveso Fax: 0560 1274528 Managing Director, Yvonne Hall Website: www.palmcovesociety. advice on housing options, guidance on educational and health issues whilst promoting the ethos of social inclusion and community cohesion. 38. Peacemakers, P.O. Box 962, BRADFORD, BD6 1YF TEL: 01274 737831 Mobile: 07803518749 Fax: 01274 737831 39. Persephone Women’s Morris Email: peacemakersthe@hot If the Local Authority are prepared to pay contracted fees Office hours are Monday to Friday 9.30 am to 4.30 am Executive Director A confidential service run by women for women. Yemi Fagborun The service is free Also home-school mediation and youth support and workplace mediation. African business and employment support. African health forum Please contact us for details of more projects Opening times: Mon, Tue 10 am – 5pm; Wed, Thurs 9.30 am – 5.30 pm; Sat, Sun – closed Asylum Support Group – Wed 11 pm – 2 pm. Mondays and Fridays: drop-in sessions for women who have suffered abuse. Tues and Weds: open sessions Weds 10 am – 12 noon: women’s self help group – knitting, cooking, discussion, etc (554 Manchester Road). To learn and perform Morris dancing in the North West tradition. Website: www.thepeacemakers. Email: rose.hudson1@b The Secretary Rose Hudson Tel: 0113 561 265 40. Website: www.persephonemorri Dance members are all women but the band is open to both men and women. Weekly practices are on Tuesday evenings 7.30-9.30 pm at Huns worth Community Centre, Huns worth Lane near Cleackheaton Close to Junction 26 of the M62. AGM late September, open evenings in October. Our main aims are to contribute to keeping English traditions alive and in the public eye, perform to a high standard, dance with other such teams locally and countrywide and enjoy ourselves socially. We dance accompanied by a live band. Most of our performances are at folk events or weekends of dance, but we occasionally dance at other events locally, including evening pub dance outs. New members are welcome, particularly during the autumn and winter months where there are fewer performances, but may be considered at other times, too. Women only activities Visiting local areas of interest, museum, library, etc. Arabic language classes for women. Numeracy, Literacy and Arabic classes for young children. Extra curricular activities for young children over weekend. We run seven support groups for women from the BME community Pollard Park Asian Women Centre, 102-104 Boldshay Street, BRADFORD, BD3 OAJ Chairperson, Mrs N Mirza TEL: 07529997352 41. Roshni Ghar, 13 Scott Street, Keighley, BD21 2JH Website: Saida Moghal who suffer from mild to moderate and severe and enduring mental illness. Tel: 01535 691758 Helpline: 01535 6991758 42. Roshni Ghar, 61 Highfield Lane, Keighley, BD21 2DH Mahros Aktar We support women and girls of all ages, starting from the ages of 12 years. As well as this; we offer one to one drop in support; form filling, support in partnership in Citizen Advice Bureau; carers support group, English classes; and , are currently working to develop a domestic violence support group. Examples of activities include trips, arts & crafts, cooking and group discussion and aromatherapy. Same as above Tel: 07799308006 43. Safe Areas for Everyone Project (SAFE), 11 Parkside Grove, Heaton, BRADFORD, BD9 5LL TEL: 01274 495684 Email: elizabethsafe@blueyon Elizabeth Hellmich MBE The SAFE project was set up after the Bradford Riots because women in Manningham/Heaton were frightened to go out and about. The project provides training on ways to feel safe and empower yourself. The project is now a charity and is Bradford wide. The project runs the community section of Bradford Firework Safety Campaign and helps organize community cleanups and business watches. Training for men can be arranged, but not for mixed groups. SAFE also runs the annual Heaton/Manningham Young Peoples Mobile: 07815941459 Citizenship Awards. 44. Sedbergh Health 4 All, Sedbergh Centre, Huddersfield Road, Odsal, BRADFORD, BD6 1DJ Arnold Butterfield, Centre Manager TEL: 01274 679843 SAFE tutors mainly women and young people from all sections of our diverse communities in nonconfrontational “Thinking Safe” (copyrighted term) safety training. We signpost learners to other agencies/organizations to assist them in solving any problems they may have. Health 4 All, activities include: Cook and Eat (10am-12noon Fridays) Health trainer (10am-3pm) Ladies Aerobics (7pm-8pm Wednesdays) Holiday activity schemes Easter and Summer holidays (10am-3pm Mondays to Fridays) 45. Sharing Voices, (NOTE: September moving), 99 Manningham Lane, Bradford, BD1 3BN Tel: 01274 731166 Email: .uk Or Jennifer Powell Jennifer.powell@sharin Sharing Voices Bradford is a Community Development Mental Health Organisation and became operational in August 2002. Sharing Voices primarily works within the inner city areas of Bradford comprising over 50% of Black Minority Ethnic Communities (BMEC). These are predominantly of south Asian backgrounds but there are also substantial African / African-Caribbean, Irish and Eastern European communities. There is a growing acceptance that traditional ways of thinking about mental distress / well being and the development of services have not always served individuals and families from these communities well Our experience so far 46. Shipley Conservative Ladies Coffee Club, 8 Glenview Grove, SHIPLEY, BD18 4AQ Assistant Secretary, Mrs J Hudson To promote the Conservative cause politically and to raise funds for the Party as well as providing the necessary organization to win elections. Membership is open Meet at the Bradford and Bingley Rugby Club, Wagon Lane, Bingley on the second Wednesday of each month at 10.30 am. SWA provide supported housing for women and children fleeing domestic violence in the form of a refuge. Shipley Women’s Aid is staffed Monday-Friday 9.30 am-5.30 pm Accommodate women and children fleeing domestic violence. We offer support to all women including women fleeing same sex relationships. To maintain high ethical standards in business, the professions and other aspects of life. To strive for human rights for all people and in particular to advance the status of women. To develop a spirit of friendship and Tel: 01274 587986 47. Shipley Women’s Aid, P.O. Box 84, SHIPLEY, BD18 2QE Email: Sande Sales TEL: 01274 530124 FAX: 01274 201800 48. Soroptimist International (SI) Bradford, Soroptimist House, 4 Park View Road, Heaton, BRADFORD, BD9 4PA Website: uk (follow link to group) Mrs Beryl Eakin confirms that when it comes to mental well being often individuals, families and communities have untapped expertise and hold many of the solutions. A community development approach is about working to explore this expertise, to realise these solutions and promote greater choice. TEL: 01274 561134 unity amongst Soroptimists of all countries. 49. South Asian Women’s Health Awareness Association (SAWHAA), 1721 Chapel Street, Little Germany, BRADFORD, BD1 5DT Email: Shazia or Foazei To quicken the spirit of service and human understanding. To contribute to international understanding and universal friendship. Membership is by invitation and by application. Meet at Soroptimist House, 4 Park View Road, Heaton, Bradford on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 7.15pm. Create mild/moderate mental health awareness for South Asian women and girls in Bradford, thus building confidence, self esteem and improving quality of life. We aim to offer support and social gathering, awareness around mild/moderate mental health illness, to use various techniques to combat mental illness, emotional support and many more activities. Referrals: self refer, by health professionals, voluntary organizations, social services, schools. Groups aimed at: South Asian women and girls (14+) in the Bradford district. Staying Put supports women to stay in their own homes following domestic abuse as an alternative to hostel or refuge accommodation. Provides practical support including, panic alarms and lock changes. Website: TEL: 01274 721540 FAX: 01274 721540 50. Staying Put, P.O. Box 449, BRADFORD, BD1 2XB Email: TEL: 01274 667104 Website: FAX: 01274 665086 Yasmin Khan 51. The Anah Project, P.O. Box 548, BRADFORD, BD1 5YX TEL: 08459 606011 Access to children’s services who do recovery work with children following domestic abuse and offering legal assistance about women’s options + accompany women to court. Cultural support available for Asian women. Language support includes Urdu, Punjabi and Hindi. Access to perpetrator programme is available for abusive partners which aim to affect behaviour change. One to one work takes place in service user’s homes or public places e.g. town, café, etc. Email: joyce@anahproject.plu s Joyce Simon We provide safe and secure accommodation and support for lone Asian/BME women fleeing domestic abuse, as well as 24 hour telephone line support for anyone needing advice. Email: nileafrica@africanachie CEO/Founder To improve the quality of life of Africans and African Caribbean people and the community in cultural appropriate ways in the areas of Health, Poverty eradication, Women, Social Care, Education, Training, Business and Employment. Overcoming abuse through social independence with support. Oasis offers safe, temporary, independent accommodation for black/asian/dual heritage women with children fleeing domestic Helpline: 08459 606011 52. The Nile African Development Organisation, 28a Barry Street, BRADFORD, BD1 2AW TEL: 07853 738951 FAX: 01274 734232/01274745557 David B Ndiwanyu Or Website: 53. The Oasis Project, P.O. Box 923, BRADFORD, BD1 9BL violence or family abuse. 54. Thornbury Centre, Leeds Old Road, Website: www.thornburycentre. com Elizabeth Sheridan and Phone 01274 371151 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm to make a referral. We have eight dispersed properties in the Bradford area. Part of Manningham Housing Association. The Thornbury Centre offers a range of activities including nursery, childcare, community café, IT training, ESOL, toddler group, church, luncheon club, library with internet access, wellbeing café for the elderly, and teenage girls’ project. All are welcome regardless of faith, race, age or gender We deliver a youth and community project, training and other support in order to aid regeneration in the area. We employ a small team of mainly part-time staff who work within the Thorn bury area. They extend the project to the local women, men, elderly, disabled, and ethnic minorities. The Together Women Project provides a community based ‘one stop shop’ approach to support women offenders and women at risk of offending. We have 3 centres in Bradford, Doncaster and Leeds. Our aim is to reduce re-offending, provide alternatives to custodial sentencing, thereby preventing Helen Speight Bradford, BD3 8JX Tel: 01274 666649 55. Thornbury Youth Association, 16 Lower Rushton Road, Thornbury, BRADFORD, BD3 8PX Email: thornburycc@hotmail.c om Atif Riaz or Rashid Hussain TEL: 01274 777890 56. Together Women Project (TWP), 1st Floor, Broadacre House, George Street, BRADFORD, BD1 5AA Website: k Nicola Simpson / Keri de Souza TEL: 0845 3100198 FAX: 0845 3100195 family breakdowns. 57. Toller Youth Café (TYC) 2 Duckworth Lane, BRADFORD, BD9 5EP Email: gemma.booth@bradfor Gemma Booth TEL: 01274 433550 We need female Volunteer Mentors 18yrs+ to develop a one-to-one mentoring relationship with our customers. We offer free training and support, free CRB checks, reimbursement of expenses and the chance to meet new people in this safe and friendly environment. Bradford centre is open Monday to Friday 9am to5pm. Youth work provision for people aged 12-20 years living in Bradford 8 or 9 area. However we welcome those living outside of this. We offer fun activities, (led by young people), accreditation opportunities, residential, project work, access to IT suite, outside/offside activities, sports etc. There is a café led by young people which offers opportunities to learn food hygiene and employment skills. Health advice and careers advice also available. Also have a specialist Youth Deaf Club running every Thursday evening for young people aged 11-25. Come and join. We are a local group of the largest national women’s voluntary organization. We meet to enjoy friendship and fun, to widen our interests through talks and discussion and to learn new skills. The WI offers social and educational FAX: 01274 434803 58. Undercliffe Women’s Institute (Undercliffe WI) Mrs J Cooper Tel: 01274 630185 opportunities for all women. 59. War Widows Association of Great Britain, C/O 199 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1AA Tel: 0845 2412 189 Help Line: 0870 2411 305 60. West Yorkshire Netball Association Email: k Kathleen Morgan and Rose Dellon We are non-political, non-religious, non-sectarian. Our ideals are fellowship, truth, tolerance and justice. Membership open to women in Undercliffe, Eccleshil, Bolton, Greengates, Fagley. We meet at Eccleshill Library on third Thursday of the month at 7.30pm. Approx 15 members. To work with various organizations on behalf of all war widows. To give members through its newsletter ‘Courage’ information about current legislation affecting them, and to help members in matters concerning their welfare. Meet at the Civil Hall, twice yearly. Approx 90 members. Aims to promote the game of netball for women of all ages and ability. For further details contact secretary. Membership open. AGM in May. Approx 500 members. To give countrywomen the opportunity of working together, to improve and develop the conditions of country life, putting into practice the ideals for which it standsfellowship, truth, tolerance and Website: www.warwidowsassoci Mrs Suzanne Hewitson 4 Sorrell Way, Baildon, SHIPLEY, BD17 7QG TEL: 01274 585048 Mobile: 07775 830473 Fax: 0113 272 0227 61. Wilsden Women’s Institute (WI) 13 Birchlands Grove, Wilsden, BRADFORD, BD15 Mrs J Caunt 0HD justice. TEL: 01535 273 709 62. Women and Children’s Holiday Centre Website: Ammanda and Joan To educate, entertain and enhance the lives of all women. Meet at Willesden Primary School on the first Monday of each month at 7.30 pm except on bank holidays. AGM held in March. Approx 60 members. Providing low cost holidays to women with or without children (boys up to 11th birthday, or up to 15 on selected weeks). Cost is on a sliding starting from £850 which includes all meals (vegetarian/vegan). See address for contact person; we have one full time workers as this is a live-in-post. In addition, the house can be booked by groups for a minimum of 2 nights. Women in business is a pro-active group of successful women whose objective is to encourage business growth. This is done via a series of high quality seminars with a supporting business exhibition targeting women who are either in business or thinking of starting a business. An organization for elderly women above 70 years old. Operational for 27 years. Speakers, discussion, non-partisan. Through sharing ideas to promote greater understanding and The Old Vicarage, Hortonin-Ribblesdale, BD24 0HD Tel: 01729 860207 63. Women in Business (WIB) 34 Peckover Street, BRADFORD, BD1 5BD Website: Director, Sharon Jandu TEL: 01274 401444 Mobile: 0797 0148925 Fax: 01274 401444 64. Women’s Discussion Group Baildon 29 Belmont Rise, Baildon, SHIPLEY, BD17 5AW TEL: 01274 598093 Ruth Hardy wholeness of self and others. 65. Women zone Community Centre 19-21 Hubert Street, BRADFORD, BD3 9ET Email: womenzonecc@hotmai Sadia Naim or Rubina Khalid TEL: 01274 665 270 Membership open. Meet at Baildon Methodist Centre on Wednesdays at 10-11.45 am during term time. Approx 30-40 members. Women zone is a safe and welcoming environment which empowers local women and children through social, educational and recreational activities. Current activities at Women zone are as follows: gym, and steam room and keep fit/exercise classes for women only; benefit advice sessions; Multi Mums support group; VI Sahara Braille group; crèche drop-in play sessions; educational and vocational courses. Friendship, entertainment and education. FAX: 01274 665 435 66. Wrose Ladies Club Email: k John.watmough@bradf 67. Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association – Eldwick and District Branch, The Memorial Hall, Eldwick, Bingley, West Yorkshire Website: www.countrywomen.o rg Cllr Naveeda Ikram, the Deputy Mayor / Cllr John Watmough (Lib Dems) The YCA is a social group of ladies who meet the second Tuesday in the month at Eldwick Memorial Hall, in Bingley. It was formed in 1983 to further interests of Country Women throughout the whole of the original (pre 1974) geographical county of Yorkshire. It is run by members for members, is non-sectarian and non-party political. 68. Yorkshire Ladies County Golf Association (YLCGA) 10 Usher Park Road, Haxby, Whixley, York, YO32 3RY Tel: 01904 761987 69. Yorkshire Women’s Cricket Association (YWCA), Homecrest, Carthorpe, BEDALE, DL8 2LF Email: dawnhclegg@hotmail.c om Dawn H Clegg To further the interest of ladies golf in Yorkshire. Further information available from the secretary. AGM held in November. We encourage ladies and girls to play cricket in Yorkshire. We run teams for the country and hold various coaching sessions. We also tell people where to contact local cricket clubs with girls sections as well. Membership open to all women of an age. Meet at various clubs around the region. AGM November Website: Website: Miss B Hare Tel: 01845 567385 70. Zimbabwe Community in Bradford, 60 Hillcrest Road, Queensbury, BRADFORD, BD13 2QZ Tel: 01274 415630 The organization provides relief/support to refugees and asylum seekers in Bradford District through activities intended to: Or Mashindu13@hotmail. com Promote their physical and mental wellbeing; Social get together and cultural events; Promotion of their native languages and cultural identity. Meets once a month, 1st weekend of the month at Bradford Resource Email: zimbabwecommunityin k A. Mazhindu Mobile: 07833298467 Centre Section five: SERVICE PROVIDERS/LOCAL RESOURCES 71. Abigail Housing Tel: 01274 721248 Mobile: 07743 189314 72. Email: anne.hebden@btintern Anne Hebden Website: www.abigailhousing.or African Women’s Circle Great Horton Methodist Church, Great Horton Road (Opposite Paternoster Lane), Great Horton, Bradford, BD7 3 Destitution Project, housing for asylum seekers made homeless by negative asylum decisions. Currently has two houses in Bradford, one in Leeds. Refugee Housing Project: Temporary accommodation, currently only in Leeds, for those whose NASS support has just ended, and then held in finding suitable longer-term accommodation. Meetings with speakers etc. social evenings, outings to interesting places, theatre visits, supporting local events, leisure and social activities. To advance the education of women irrespective of race, creed or party towards a fuller life and for the common good and to provide leisure and social activities. Membership open. Meet at Wyke Methodist Church Hall, Hanson Fold, Laverack Field, Towngate, Wyke on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:15pm April-July and 2:15pm Sep-Mar. AGM March. Approx 30 members. 73. BEACON (Bradford Ecumenical Asylum Concern) Email: Will Sutcliffe m 32 Merton Road, BRADFORD, BD7 1RE Or Tel: 01274 727525/721626 Laura.beacon@yahoo.c om Tel: 07531 576330 (McKenzie Friends or via Website: www.beaconbradford. Will Sutcliffe or Laura As well as campaigning on asylum issues and awareness-raising within churches (and beyond). BEACON has four projects: McKenzie Friends are trained volunteers who provide moral support and informed help for those without access to legal representation appealing against office) 74. Bevan House Homeless & Asylum Support Team Bevan House Primary Care Centre 152 Sunbridge Road, BRADFORD, BD1 2HA org Email: Fiona.lerner@bradford. asylum decisions. Fiona Lerner or CHAT (Care and Hospitality at Thornbury) offers a warm welcome and simple refreshments to asylum seekers waiting for their appeals to start at the Asylum and Immigration Hearings Centre at Phoenix House. The Hosting Project provides short, medium and longer-term accommodation for destitute asylum seekers within the homes of volunteer hosts. The Befriending Project matches trained volunteers with asylum seekers and refugees in need of friendship and support. Refugee Development Service – drop-in on Tuesdays Focus – Bevan House Homeless and Asylum Support Team is a partnership between Bradford City Teaching Primary Care Trust and Horton Housing Association (HHA). It is a joint approach to working with homeless people in response to their housing needs, health and social well-being. HHA’s specific role is to provide housing related support for people living in temporary accommodation, throughout the Bradford District. Aim – Our aims are: to provide a responsive, one stop service to meet the multiple needs of homeless people in crisis; and to provide short term but intensive practical help to ease the immediate damaging effects of homelessness and the process of moving on. Facilities: Floating support, food co- Angus McNab or k Tel: 01274 227555/o1274227554 op (Wednesday 10 am – 12 noon), access to health-care services. 75. BIASAN C/O Bradford Resource Centre, BRADFORD, BD1 5DT Email: Maggie Piers/Helen Kemp Referral Route: Please contact the team by any method detailed above or complete the referral form at the beginning of the services section of the website. Drop-In: on Thursday at 6-8pm at Bradford Resource Centre. A good meal is provided and donated clothing and goods are often available. Members are signposted to relevant agencies and other sources of support. Open Meeting: On the first Thursday of the month there is an Open Meeting with interpreters to plan future activities, air views and disseminate information. There is no distinction between ‘client’ and volunteer, between continuing and ‘failed’ asylum seekers and successful refugees – all are seen as members. Women’s Club: For women and their children drop-in session at Frontline Initiative, Green Lane from 1-4 pm every Thursday. The club provides opportunities for women to socialize, whilst play workers provide activities for their children. A health worker, befriending coordinators from BAFR and a worker from Bradford Education regularly attend. Homework Club: Held at Bradford Resource Centre in Chapel Street in the City Centre every Thursday after school, with workers from Bradford Study Support Network (BSSN). 76. Bradford Action for Refugees Email: 40a Piccadilly Road, Bradford Website: Anna Otielo or Christy As well as help with homework, the club organizes special events and trips out during the year. English Lessons: Run by a volunteer teacher on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon from 4.30-6.30 pm at Bradford Resource Centre, 17-21 Chapel Street (in Little Germany), BD1 5DT. Special Events: including an August Bank Holiday day trip to the seaside at Filey. No office base or phone number. The Advice Service provide advice and assistance to refugees and asylum seekers who reside in the Bradford District on a number of issues such as housing, employment, health and wellbeing, integration and welfare benefits. The Children and Families Project (Monday 4-6 pm at Frontline Initiative, Green Lane, Manningham) is designed to meet the educational, social and development needs of refugee and asylum seekers’ children and their families. It provides three core programmes that are designed to enable families to better integrate into British society as well as support the local community in being able to better understand asylum seekers and refugees. Check their website for further BD1 3NN Tel: 01274223318 updates. 77. Bradford Day Shelter 16-20 Edmund Street, BRADFORD Email: dayshelter@hortonhou Monday: 9.30 am – 4pm; Wednesday: 9.30 am – 3pm; Thursday: 9 am – 4 pm; Sunday: 9 am – 3 pm + Throughout Christmas For Women and girls only. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday – Afternoons. Wednesday & Thursday – Evenings Activities: Advocacy, support & drop-in service 3 times a week at Bevan House Primary Care Centre for women, including homeless, asylum seekers and refugees. Referrals via Bevan House. Coordinator Abraham Mdlongwa To represent the interests of refugees in Bradford. To ensure active representation of refugees and refugee community organization (RCOs) in the political, economic and development systems and organizations of Bradford. To ensure the provision of positive information about the role of refugees within the communities of Bradford. Membership: open to all Refugee Community Organisations in the Bradford Metropolitan Borough. Meetings: Once a month on the 2nd Thursday at 3.30 pm at Frontline Initiative, Green Lane, Manningham. Manager, Michelle Clark TEL: 01274 393 234 78. Bradford Rape Crisis & Sexual Abuse Survivors Service (BRC & SASS) C/O BCVS, 19-25 Subbridge Road, BRADFORD, BD1 2AY Email: Website: centresshow.php Tel (Office) 01274723896 Helpline: 01274308270 Fax: 01274 308 497 Referrals & Appointments: 01274308271 79. Bradford Refugee Forum Based at Bradford Action for Refugees 40a Piccadilly Bradford BD1 3NN Email: Abraham Mdlongwa" abraham.mdlongwa@n Website: www.bradfordrefugeef Tel: 01274 762 116 (b) 0782 4707 458 (m) Fax: 01274730 761 80. Bridge-IT Housing Unit 1, 10a Rutland House, 114-116 Manningham Lane, BRADFORD, BD8 7JF Website: AGM in May. Supported housing for refugees, victims of domestic violence and asylum seekers (where funding is available). Tel: 01274 725 510 Fax: 01274 725510 81. British Red Cross Refugee Support Service Unit 20, Carlisle Business Centre, 60 Carlisle Road, BRADFORD, BD8 8BD TEL: 01274 223 293 82. Centre Resolution Conflicts (CRC), Email: uk Sally McGee Or carlisleBC@redcross.or Email: crc_bradford@yahoo.c om>; Kongosi Mussanzi Trained volunteers help : filling in forms and providing information about housing, benefits, and asylum. Making phone calls. Finding doctors, dentists or solicitors Providing information about jobs and courses Using libraries, museums, etc. Using public transport Issuing food parcels and sleeping bags to asylum seekers and refugees who are destitute. Drop-In Sessions: for clients every Tuesday from 10 am to 2 pm at Unit 20 Carlisle Business BD8 8BD. We offer a variety of activities: conferences, international mediation, trauma hearing, training, visiting ministry, relief distribution for refugees, networking, etc. We have a Peace Music programme on BCB Radio All Saints Church, Bradford, BD5 0NG, Tel: 07500410772 Mobile: 07500410772 83. Chadian Association for Integration (CAI) Email: 4 Thirkhill Court, BRADFORD, BD5 7TY Website: Mr Mahamat Hangata TEL: 0732 906017 84. Children’s Society Leap Project Website: www.childrenssociety. Mrs Judith Shalkowski Working across Leeds and Bradford with children of refugee and asylum seekers 0-19 years and unaccompanied children. PA to Connexions 13 years plus. Befriending, mentoring, advice and support. Delivering disability training programmes to professionals and parents working with children. City of Sanctuary Bradford is part of a national movement to build a culture of hospitality for people seeking sanctuary in the UK. We are part of a growing network of towns and cities throughout the UK which are proud to be places of safety, and which include people seeking sanctuary fully in the life of their communities. By summer 2009 111 local groups, organizations and the City Council had signed a resolution of support (copies available on our website) for our campaign. We work closely with local refugee community organizations and services for asylum seekers and Lower Ground Floor Cubic Business Centre 533 Stanningley Road LS13 4EN Housing Advice & Information Welfare Rights Advice Information Supporting People Service Youth Guidance & Support English Classes Summer Trip Work Placement Opportunities Eid Festival Celebrating historic days Tel: 0113 2363900 Fax: 0113 2363940 85. City of Sanctuary Bradford C/O Touchstone 32 Merton Road BD7 1RE Email: laura.beacon@yahoo.c Website: www.cityofsanctuary.c om/bradford Laura O'Connor Tel: 01274 721626 Fax: 01274 395324 refugees, and have run several successful events aimed at highlighting the situations of those seeking sanctuary in Bradford, as well as the contributions that they make to our city. We do not employ any staff or have any promises, however Touchstone Methodist project kindly provides a postal address as well as free meeting place. There is limited parking outside Touchstone. 86. English Conversation & Craft Class for Women Our contact number is therefore answered during their office hours: Mon-Fri 10am-4pm. They will pass any messages on to our Chair. Betty Thompson Tuesdays at 10.30 am – 12 noon at Thornbury Methodist Church – opposite Phoenix House, the Asylum Court Anne Griffin ESOL + ICT; housing, benefits and career advice and guidance. Travel expenses, registration and exam fees are covered. The classes are majority asylum seekers from a wide range of backgrounds. ESOL courses are free for asylum h seekers once they have been in the UK for 6 months and those on Section 4 (sadly not for those whose claims have failed). Reduced fee for those in receipt of Jobseekers Allowance or Working Tax Credit. Tel: 01274 665232 87. Forster Community College (was Cathedral Centre) Tel: 01274 308707 88. Hillside Bridge Health Centre 4 Butler Street West (off Otley New Road), Website: www.cathedralcentre.c om Email: christine.bennette@lcd Christine Bennette Open 8 am – 8pm 7 days/week. Anyone can just turn up to see a GP or a nurse, whether a patient of the BRADFORD, BD3 0BS, 800m from City Centre practice or not. No appointment needed. KHIDMAT Centre 36 Spencer Road, Great Horton, BD7 Women’s Drop-Ins: Mon, Tues: 9.30 am – 12.30 pm. Men’s Drop-Ins: Mon, Tues Thurs: 17 pm Advice (not legal): Mon-Thurs: 9.30 am – 1 pm. Community Café: Weds and Thurs: meal for £2. Closed on Fridays. Free Legal Services Commission asylum advice & representation on immigration and asylum matters. Opening times: Monday to Friday from 10 am to 3 pm. How to access: Drop in, phone or write for appointment. Open – Monday – Friday from 10 am – 1 pm. Drop-In session at the Law Centre on Mondays 10 am – 1 pm. Phone consultations on Tuesdays between 10 am – 1pm. Appointments to be made by telephone on Tuesdays between 10 am – 1 pm. Clients with prior appointments can then be seen on Mondays – Fridays. The Immigration Advisory Service (IAS) is the UK’s largest charity providing representation and advice TEL: 0845 121 1024 (24 Hours) 89. Tel: 01274 521 792 90. Barry Clark Solicitors 10 Mornington Villas, BRADFORD, BD8 7HB Email: info@barryclarksolicito Barry Clark or Nigel Vaughan TEL: 01274 544 844 FAX: 01274 488 505 91. Bradford Law Centre 31 Monor Row, BRADFORD, BD1 4PS Website: www.bradfordlawcentr TEL: 01274 306617 FAX: 01274 390 939 92. Immigration Advisory Service First Floor, City Exchange, Email: Harry Pratt 61 Hall Ings, BRADFORD, BD1 5SG TEL: 0844 887 0111 FAX: 0844 887 0222 93. 94. Or We can give you a free assessment and may be able to help you free of charge thereafter. Otherwise, we operate a non-profit fee paying service – the modest charges simply cover our costs. Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9.30 am to 5 pm. Clients are seen on a first come, first served basis. Please ring us before coming to check availability, and when you visit us bring satisfactory evidence of means so that we can work out whether you qualify for free advice. Please also bring a friend to your first appointment if you are unable to speak English. Immigration and asylum lawyer Offers free initial consultations to everybody that may ask you for immigration advice should you know where to signpost them Has 7 years experience in the immigration law field. Email: Free Legal Services Commission advice Website: Representation on immigration and asylum matters. Opening times: Mon-Fri – 9 am – 5 pm. How to access: phone for an appointment. Website: Mathieson Law Gumption Centre Glyde House Glydegate Bradford ... Email: uk Tel:(0) 1274 28 80 90. Fax: +44 (0) 8707 62 59 87 Website: www.mathiesonlaw. SWITALSKI’S 2a Darley Street, BRADFORD, BD1 3HH TEL: 01274 720 314 FAX: 01274 721 206 in immigration and asylum law. Leanne Mathieson 95. The Taylor Partnership (OISC Level 3 registered) Suites 1.6 and 1.7, 114-116 Manningham Lane (ATL Building), BRADFORD, BD8 7JF TEL: 0844 800 7930/01274 744 777 Email: marktaylor@thetaylorp Mr Mark Taylor Provide Legal Advice Representation Sport (basketball & football), seminars, etc for African young people from Leeds & Bradford, ages 11-25 years, With the aim of promoting a positive and healthy lifestyle. Languages spoken include English, French and Swahili Health Networker for Asylum Seekers and Refugees. Helps to link you to your community. HALE Networks will find out what activities and services are available for you locally and helps you to get there. The aim of the project is to support people who feel isolated, lack confidence or just don’t know about places that they might be able to go to. Helps you to access ESOL or or college courses. Helps to explain letters you’re your Or Website: www.thetaylorpartners Ghazala Ali:07538380395 Fatema Majid: 07939466909 Mr Mark Taylor: 07944844398 96. Maendeleo Refugee Youth Club Email: Paul Katanga 4th Floor CVS, 19-25 Sunbridge Road, BRADFORD, BD1 2AY TEL: 01274 722 207 MOBILE: 07939 779 126 97. HALE Project Shipley Town Hall, Floor 2, Merchant’s Quay, Ashley Lane, Shipley, BD17 7DB Tel: 01274 271 088 Email: k or Natasha Thomas or Sarah Ward uk Website: k doctor or hospital. 98. Solace Woodroyd Children’s Centre, Woodroyde Road, West Bowling, BRADFORD, BD5 8EL Email: Anne Burghgraef Helps you to find appointment locations. Helps you to find bus routes or walking routes around your local area and shops. Will be able to meet with you between 6 and 8 times Helps you make new friendships and give you confidence to try new activities and to go to new places. HALE Networks will meet you and find out what you are interested in, and then go with you to those local places of interest. These services are free. Solace is a charity which provides counselling and psychotherapy to asylum seekers and refugees in the Yorkshire region. Most of the counselling is one-toone, working with trained interpreters in about two thirds of the counselling sessions that take place. We also have an Advocacy worker and a Complementary Therapist. Anne Burghgraef is available at the Woodroyd Centre on Thursdays or in Leeds on Mondays to Wednesdays. Meets every Monday at 6-8 pm at Desmond Tutu House, Tree, 2 Ash Grove (opposite the university) It is open to all Its main activity is conducting antideportation campaigns for asylum Website: TEL: 07546 585246 99. STAR (Student Action for Refugees) Tel: 01274 727034 Mobile: 07800586020 Email: chrishowson@yahoo.c om Chris Howson seekers. 100 UnLtd, 15 Hallfield Road, BRADFORD, West Yorkshire, BD1 3RP Website: It also does language classes. Operate the Refugee initiative for Social Entrepreneurs (RISE), which aims to unleash and encourage the potential of refugees as social entrepreneurs. UnLtd will support refugees to set up projects that will make their communities happier, healthier, safer and more just places; As well as support refugees to achieve their full economic and social potential. Meetings with speakers etc. social evenings, outings to interesting places, theatre visits, supporting local events, leisure and social activities. To advance the education of women irrespective of race, creed or party towards a fuller life and for the common good and to provide leisure and social activities. Membership open. Meet at Wyke Methodist Church Hall, Hanson Fold, Laverack Field, Towngate, Wyke on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:15pm April-July and 2:15pm Sep-Mar. AGM March. Approx 30 members. Tel: 01274 750630 101 Wyke And District Evening Town’s Guild, 152 Westfield Lane, Wyke, Bradford, BD12 9DL, Email: mervis.leadbeater@tal Mervis Leadbeater Tel: 01274 671946 102 Bradford and Airedale NHS Stop Smoking Service. Address: Listerhills Park of Science and Commerce, Unit 69, Campus Road, Bradford BD7 1HR Tel 01274202793 Email: Bradbury Lorraine" Lorraine.Bradbury@bra For queries Lorraine Bradbury To make an appointment Tess lefeuvre or Diane Berry Provide stop smoking support to all smokers across the district who want to stop smoking. Offers drop-ins (no appointment needed) one to one appointments and group support. Service is free provided by NHS Fax 202803 103 Maternity Services Liaison Committee (MSLC) Email: Address: MSLC Bradford, NHS Bradford and Airedale, Douglas Mill, Bowling Old Lane, Bradford, BD5 7JR Website: Kristina Juryta Tel: 0845 111 5000 Fax: 01274 237453 Bradford and Airedale MSLC are a group of members of the public and health professionals that work together to improve maternity services and facilities across Bradford and Airedale. We aim to seek views of local women and families about the care that they received during their pregnancy, labour and aftercare services. We would like to know what service users would recommend for future improvements. Membership of MSLC is made up of a mixture of groups and we are continually looking at recruiting members in order to have a full representation of parents views. Members are supposed to comment on issues of maternity care. This is a chance for you to get involved in maternity services and have your say. You may attend meetings, or you can have your say in writing, over the phone or by email. Your views are very important to us. Meetings: We meet 2 months at venues across the district. The meetings last for 2 hours and refreshments are provided. Members receive transport reimbursement of travel costs and childcare expenses (with proof i.e. receipts, tickets, etc.) If you would like to find out more about joining the MSLC or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the address provided. Section six: INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS Anne Colley,Flat 5, Mount Royd, BRADFORD, BD8 7AY, Tel: 01274 491217 Nuslat Ncheel, 8 Rose Street, BRADFORD, BD8 7PF,Tel: 07817769938 Fenaro Rhomes, 70 Prone Park Lane, BRADFORD, BD5 9TA,Tel: 01274 542397 PC 4263 Susan Mitchell,West Yorkshire Police, Trafalgar House Police Station, Nelson Street, BD5 0DX,Tel: 07595005640,Email: Sandra Howard, SI Bradford, BRADFORD CATHEDRAL, Stott Hill, 7723BD1 4EH, Tel: 01274 77,Email: Angela Wortis, Community Learning Champion, Tel: 01274 394676 Sorrel Weaver, 10 Frieldhurst Road, Todmorden, OL14 8JL,Tel: 01706819061 Email: Katende Soda, African Community Support Project, Tel: 07507845471 Halima Brophy, Bingley, BD16 2SB, 01274 563028 Karen Mitchell, Staying Put, P.O. Box 449, BRADFORD, BD1 2XB, Tel: 01274 667104, Email: Dawn Kinsella, DVS Keighley, Tel: 01535 210999 M. Houigh, 54 Lingwood Avenue, BD8 9PR, Tel: 01274 497928 Farzara Air, NHS Bradford + Airdale, C/O Woodroyd Centre, Woodroyd Road, BD5, Tel: 07984696192 Colleen Heenan, Email: Ayenalem Taddess, 23 Airedale College Mount, BRADFORD, BD3 0JU, Tel: 07908169641 Jennifer Jones, 239 Westfield Lane, Wyke, BRADFORD, BD12 9BY, Tel: 01274 608122, Mobile: 07791517724 Email: Maria Haigh, Hospital Interpreter (NHS), Tel: 01274497928 Delicia Chiltenden, 91 Brackenbank Avenue, Keighley, BD22 7AT, Tel: 01274 532858, Mobile: 07981765178 Emai: Kath Jones, 23 Pasture Lane, Clayton, BRADFORD, BD14 6JR, Tel: 01274 815126, Email: ANV Sand, 17 Syinmore Avenue, Todmorden, OL14 5PL, Tel: 01706 817581 Samia Shafiq, 91 Wadroyd Road, BRADFORD, BD5 8EL, Tel: 07900110293, Email: Angela Curtis, CLC, Email: Sheila Asgari-Tourzan, Farfield Road, Shipley, BD18 4QP, Tel: 01274 532858, Fax: 01274 532858, Email: