Course Syllabus Ceramics Syllabus

Course Syllabus
Kara Oxner
Course Description
This course is designed to teach an appreciation for the techniques, vocabulary,
problem solving methods and applications of design used in creating meaningful art.
Students will learn art history, the elements and principles of design, and art appreciation.
Emphasis is on design techniques related to the following hand building methods with
clay: pinch, slab, coil, throwing on a pottery wheel and combinations and variations of
each. You will also learn glazing and other finishing techniques.
Grading will be based on a percentage of various activities on the following 100%
scale. Points are earned by participating in class each day and completing assignments
on time. Art projects are the largest portion of your grade but daily work habits, notes
and quizzes are also part of this course.
93 – 100%
90 – 92%
88 – 89%
83 – 87%
80 – 82%
78 – 79%
73 – 77%
70 – 72%
68 – 69%
63 – 67%
60 – 62%
below 60%
70%- Homework and Class Work:
These pieces of art are 70% of your overall semester grade. This is based on
teacher and self-evaluation of creativity and craftsmanship. Your art work reflects your
time and technique. This is hands on activities, content and process driven class. Please
work oat your best ability at all times. Visual art standards based assessment rubrics will
be used to assess your work.
20%- Participation and Citizenship (Empathy):
Be on task with necessary materials. Always have your art journal with you at all
times. Attendance – Assisting students in establishing lifelong habits of reliability
and promptness is an instructional objective of this particular course. Progress
toward this goal will be measured, at least in part, by tracking student attendance.
Tardiness or absence will directly affect your grade.
10%- Test and Quizzes
Late Work
Homework and drawing assignments:
1. 1 day late - 10% grade reduction
2. 2 days late - 20% grade reduction
3. 3 days late - 30% grade reduction
* After 3 days late, a grade of 0% will be recorded.
** If homework is completed and turned in on the first day, it will be reviewed and
incorrect answers will be circled/highlighted and returned to the student for corrections.
Students then can turn in the work a second time for a grade.
4. Work turned in without a name will be thrown out and a 0 will be recorded in the grade
Students who are absent will be required to turn in all homework assignments on
the day they return to class. A schedule is given and everyone is aware that missed tests,
quizzes, and assignments must be made up or turned in the day of their return unless they
have missed notes. It will be their responsibility to gather these from other students. It is
also the responsibility of the student to find out what work they missed while absent. No
credit will be given due to truancy or unexcused absence.
Assisting students in establishing lifelong habits of reliability and promptness is
an instructional objective of this particular course. Progress toward this goal will be
measured, at least in part, by tracking student attendance. Therefore, a student’s grade or
credit in this class may be adversely affected by reason of tardiness or absence.
If you missed your daily participation points you may make them up on your own
time either before or after school only. While I encourage you to come in during that
time to work on projects. But it will not count towards make-up points until after 2:45pm.
Tardy Policy
After the second tardy, students receive 2% off their grade for each tardy up to 5
tardies. If a student receives 5 tardies then they are referred to the Dean of Students.
Materials and Fees
There is a $12 art fee to cover art supplies. Pay the cashier and bring me a copy
of your receipt. Care of art materials are the students responsibility and they will be
assessed a replacement fee for any supplies not returned in the same condition. Students
with financial hardships see the counselor or Ms. Oxner. This will be kept confidential.
Handling of Tools and Materials
Successful artists place a high value on their tools and materials. Art students at
Tahoma High School are also expected to place a high value on the tools and materials
they use in their art classes.
Students are expected to handle, store and maintain all tools and materials with proper
respect and care. Teacher direction must be followed at all times regarding the
appropriate use of tools and materials. Clean-up of work spaces at the end of each work
period is mandatory. Any instance of deliberate misuse or mishandling of tools or
materials will be cause for decisive discipline. These offenses include, but aren’t limited
 throwing clay, erasers, or other materials
 damaging table tops and other surfaces by deliberate cutting or marking
 spraying or splashing paints, inks, or other liquids
 engaging in horseplay with knives, rulers, scissors, or other tools
 failure to properly put away and clean up tools and materials
Students engaged in any of these kinds of behaviors will be subject to immediate
removal from the art class that day and further disciplinary action.
1. Students are expected to be on time. Late students should have a pass with them. Students
who choose to be habitually late choose to deal with the consequences. School rules
apply and in my class.
2. Students need to have a pass to go to the lavatory, locker, or other areas of the building.
3. Students should arrive prepared and have any assignments/homework with them.
4. If a student is unexcused absent from class, they will have a grade of 0% recorded for
work missed that day.
5. Students will be allowed to listen to their own music as long as you have headphones. As
soon as it becomes a distraction because various social media or texting issues then the
teacher will have the right to take the device away and have it sent down to the office.
1. Each student is required to keep a journal that will aid them in notes, studying for tests
and quizzes.
A student who misses class will be responsible for obtaining the notes and handouts for that class.
1. Tests will be announced approximately a week in advance.
3. Test material will cover lectures, notes, and any assigned reading.
4. Make-up tests must be made up within one week from the original test before or after
school or during a study hall.
1. Projects are graded according to the criteria established and discussed at the beginning of
the project.
2. Any misuse of art materials will result in a 0 on the project and removal from class.
3. All work can be reworked and resubmitted for a higher grade prior to the end of the
current marking period.
1. Students will receive at least two days’ notice prior to a quiz.
Making up work:
1. Regular attendance is expected. You may make up assignments during my work period,
before school or after school. There is a limited time to make up assignments.
1. Students will treat others with respect and listen anytime either the teacher, other
students, or guest speakers are addressing class.
2. Students will use appropriate language in class.
Overarching Goals of Visual Art Education
Accomplished teachers hold high expectations that their students will be able to
communicate ideas and feelings through the creation of works of art; interpret, evaluate,
and respond to complex characteristics of works of art, design, and visual culture;
understand the roles and functions of artists and works of art in cultures, times and
places; perceive, understand, question, and appreciate the diverse meanings and values of
works of art; and make valid connections among the content of art, other subject areas in
the curriculum, and everyday life.
Classroom Expectations
Good students are expected to constantly be working to improve their skills.
Successful students avoid wasting of time, excessive social conversation, and any
behavior that detracts from an organized, safe, and pleasant art studio and classroom.
Please be advised that students who spend most of their time talking and visiting during
class often fail to complete assignments or do inadequate jobs. Violation of this advice
may also result in dismissal from the course or time before or after school.
General Student Conduct Rules:
Students are to remain seated until the bell has rung. DO NOT WAIT BY THE DOOR!
Do not sit on tables, counters, window sills, etc.
All school rules apply.
Retention of student work may occur for various art shows throughout the year. You will
get the artwork back at the end of the year.
If you are going into the field of art, you will need to save all of your artwork. When you
apply to colleges, you will need to show a portfolio. Schools will want to see what you
have accomplished over 4 years of high school.
Do not deface school property by writing or carving into desktops, or countertops.
Please dispose of candy wrappers and trash. No drinks are allowed in the art room.
Protect work surfaces when working with tools, and clean up after yourself.
Do not touch any other student’s work on shelves, bulletin boards, etc.
Shelves need to be cleaned off after completing assignments and work taken home.
Projects left on shelves after they have been graded and handed back will be disposed of.
I am looking forward to working with you this year. This document should be the first
page of the student’s notebook. Please read the next page and sign that you have read
and understood this letter. I can be reached at:
Phone: (425)413-6200 extension: 9041
RETURN THIS PAGE TO Ms. Oxner By:_________________________ .
We have read the introductory letter on the previous pages and agree to abide by the
terms and conditions. Please complete this form, and return it to Ms. Oxner for
assignment credit. Students must keep the course syllabus in their notebook for future
reference. An additional copy will be available on SWIFT. Thank you for your
Class Period
Print Student Last Name
First Name
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Comments or concerns from parents: