
南京大学——英语 2003 年博士研究生入学考试试题
31. When the eye of the hurricane paused over there was a lull in the
[ A ] fresh out, burst [ B ] calm interval [ C ]rise in the wind [ D ]
32, The officer indicted the suspect for sabotage.
[ A ] allowed [ B ] ordered [ C ] beseeched [ D ] charged
33. It was the very position that they scrambled for.
[ A ] aspired [ B ] fought [ C ] searched [ D ] longed
34. He promised that he would write legibly.
[ A ] in accordance with law [ B ] easily to be read
[ C ] not in accordance with law [ D ] difficult to be read
35. The rock was poised on the edge of the cliff.
[ A ] balanced [ B ] dangling [ C ] enhanced [ D ] perpendicular
36. He reciprocated by wishing her a pleasant journey.
[ A ] cut off [ B ] got back [ C ]] gave in return [ D ] put back
37. No remnants of the settlement of Roanoke were found by the next
group of colonists.
[ A] traces [ B ] survivors [ C ] buildings [ D ] implements
38. When the bell rang, the chemistry student jerked her hand.
[A] abruptly pulled [ B ] clapped [ C ] gently moved [ D] rubbed
39. He is dubious about the success of the plan.
[A] ambiguous [ B ] articulate [ C ] indifferent [ D ] doubtful
40. In the 197O's, many governments' efforts to curb inflation were
[ A ]resist [ B ] induce [ C ] sustain [ D ] control
41. The movie critic said that Airplane, the parody of disaster movies,
was hilarious.
[ A ] suspensible [ B ] noisily merry [ C ] realistic [ D ] very tragic
42. In spite of medical advances, that disease is usually fatal.
[ A ] curable [ B ] painful [ C ] deadly [ D ] disabling
43. The sculptor, Lorenzo Ghiberti, blended medieval grace with
Renaissance realism.
[A] produced [ B ] combined [ C ] invented [ D] discovered
44. Pilfering by company employees costs many businesses thousands of
dollars each year.
[ A ] absent-mindedness [ B ] stealing [ C ] tardiness [ D ] ignorance
45. His special character impeded his ability to speak in front of large
groups of people.
[ A ] hindered [ B ] halted [ C ] accelerated [ D ] fostered
Section B
Directions: Questions 46 -- 60 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each
sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked A, B, C and D.
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then
blacken your answer in the corresponding space on your answer sheet.
46. The school could no__ building apartments for the staff members.
[ A ] run out [ B ] run out of [C] run to ID] run into
47. We had to wait some time before the menu was brought to us and our
[ A ] taken [ B ] given [ C ] done [ D ] made
48. Anthropology can be an subject.
[ A ] abstemious [ B ] abstruse [ C ] ambidextrous [ D ] ambience
49. The Chairman of our dramatic society was in the middle of phoning
me when we were
IAI cut in {B] cut off ICI cut down ID] cut out
50, Accidents and exhaustion may force more than half the cyclists to
drop out ~fore reaching the
IAI dead line [ B ] end line [C] finish line ID] finishing line
51, The well-meaning lady always her opinions into matters of no
concern to her.
[ A ] obtruded [ B ] intruded [ C J extruded [ D ] protruded
52. If you keep getting wrong numbers, your phone could be
IAI deceptive [ B ] defective ICI deficient ID] ineffective
53. Researchers claim it's all the high-rises in this area that make the on
television sets so poor.
[ A] station [ B ] reception [ C ] programmed [ D] quality
54. The light of day can be seen at about four o'clock.
[ A ] incipient [ B ] incisive [ C ] incestuous [ D] incite
55. After spending so many days lost in the desert, he was suffering from
[A] hyper hydration [ B ] hypo hydration [ C ] sub hydration [ D ]
56. Henry Adams Joseph Williams as the Ambassador to Russia.
[ A ] supervised [ B ] superseded [ C ] superconductor [ D ] supercharged
57. The highest mountain in New Zealand, Mount Cook, is now 10 feet
shorter because some of the__ at its top slid down in 1991.
[ A ] land [ B ] soil [C] earth [ D ] dirt
58. When Ken studied at Stanford University, he lived the University.
[ A ] out of [ B ] apart from IC] distant from [ D ] a long way from
59. On that bitterly cold winter night ,few people walked along the now
narrow street.
[ A ] deserted [ B ] lonely [ C ] isolated [ D ] neglected
60. The Sears Company recently made because of financial troubles.
[ A ] cuts [B] demands ICI omissions ID] orders
Directions: In questions 61 -- 70, each sentence has four underlined
words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked
A, B, C and D. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be
changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then blacken your
answer in the corresponding space on your answer sheet.
61. People lived at the mid-level and mountain slopes experienced the
greatest catastrophe when the incessant rain caused a sudden land-slide
over the area.
62. The course leader requests that all theses are handed in before 5 0 p.
m. next Friday.
63. The group of spectators was dispersed by the police who was at the
scene of the accident within minutes.
64. Why don't you try your hand at printing, now that you have retired
65. Only by this means you can do what is expected of you.
66. The committee have decided at its annual meeting that new
regulation regarding this phenomenon be imposed as soon as possible.
67. No bank keeps enough cash paying all its depositors in full at one
68. In his responses to the advertisement, Ed replied that he was looking
for a full-time position not part-time one.
69. While still a young boy Bizet knew how to play the piano well and as
he grew elder, he wrote operas, the most famous of which is Carmen.
70. The house has been vacant for a year when the new tenant arrived
bringing with him several pets.
Part IV CLOZE TEST (10 % )
Directions: For each blank for questions 71 -- 80 in the following passage,
choose the best answer from the choices given following the passage.
Then blacken your answer in the corresponding space on your answer
Several regions in the world are subject 71 storms which are so severe
that they 72 damage on a tremendous scale. The regions where this 73
are all located on the edges of great oceans. The general term for such
severe storms is "cyclone." The term "hurricane" is 74 for storms that
in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Cyclones and hurricanes differ in one curious way- in a cyclone, the wind
circulates 75 a clock-wise direction; in a hurricane, the wind direction is
counter-clockwise. 76 cyclones mid hurricanes have one ominous
similarity. From the point of view of the damage they cause on land and
at sea, they are
Australia 77 a number of cyclones every year along its northern coast,
which faces Indonesia. The cyclones occur mainly in December and
January, the summer months in the southern hemisphere. Usually the
Australian cyclones don't cause great damage because Australia's
northern territory has vast, empty regions that are virtually unpopulated.
There are few coastal cities. When a cyclone does move 78 from the sea,
it usually blows itself out without striking any inhabited area or causing
extensive damage. However, in 1971 the small city of Townville was 79
devastated by a cyclone. There was public outcry about it. People
demanded an adequate warning system. Ever since then, the
Meteorological Bureau has regularly issued alarms 80 every serious
71. IA] to [ B] for [C] of ID] on
72. IAI suffer [BI devastate ICI cause ID] make
73. [ A] is happened [ B ] happens [ C ] is happening [ D ] will happen
74. IAI called [BI named [C] reserved ID] defined
75. [A] at [B] under [C] for ID] in
76. [ A] But [ B] Therefore [ C] Besides [ D] And
77. [ A ] culminates [ B ] undergoes [ C ] undertakes [ D ] experiences
78. [ A ] into the land [ B ] inlands [ C ] inland [ D ] through land
79. [ A ] slightly [ B ] hardly [ C ] scarcely [ D ] completely
80.[A] in spit of [ B] regardless of [C] in front of [DJ in advance of
Directions: In this section you will read five passages. Each one is
followed by several questions about it. For questions 81 -- 100,you are to
choose the one best answer A,B,C or D to each question. Then blacken
your answer in the corresponding space on your answer sheet.
Passage One
If you are buying a property in France, whether for a permanent or a
holiday home, it is important to open a French bank account. Although it
is possible to exist on traveler’s cheques, Eurocheques and cred it cards
issued by British banks, the fees for these services can be expensive.
The simplest way to pay regular bills, such as electricity, gas or telephone,
particularly when you are not in residence, is by direct debit (a sum
withdrawn from an account) from your French account.
To open a current account, you will need to show your passport and birth
certificate and to provide your address in the United Kingdom. You will be
issued with a cheque book within weeks of opening the account. In
France it is illegal to be overdrawn. All accounts must be operated in
credit. However, there are no bank charges.
Note that cheques take longer to clear in France than in Britain, and can
only be stopped if stolen or lost.
The easiest way to transfer money from a British bank account to a
French one is by bank transfer: simply provide your British bank with the
name, address and number of your French bank account. The procedure
takes about a week and costs between 7 and 40 for each transaction,
depending on your British bank.
Alternatively, you can transfer money via a French bank in London. You
can also send a sterling cheque (allow at least 12 days for the cheque to
be cleared) ,Eurocheques or traveler’s cheques.
Finally, it is a good idea to make a friend of your French bank manager.
His help can prove invaluable.
81. If you buy a property in France, you can save money by
[ A] having a French bank account
[ B ] transferring money from Britain
[ C ] cashing traveler’s cheques or Eurocheques
[ D ] using credit cards issued by British banks
82. One advantage French banks have over British banks is that
[ A ] you may take out more money than is in the account.
[ B ] the interest rates on bank accounts are higher
[ C ] cheques are dealt with more rapidly
[ D ] you do not have to pay for services
83. The swiftest way to send money from England to France is
[ A ] to forward an English cheque to your French bank
[ B ] to go to a French bank in London
[C ] to use a cashier's cheque.
[ D ] to arrange a bank transfer.
84. The best title for this passage is
[ A ] How to Open a French Bank Account
[ B ] The Difference between Banking in Britain and France
[ C ] The Way to Transfer Money from Britain to France
[ D] A Guide to Banking in France
Passage Two
Does a drink a day keep heart attacks away? Over the past 20 years,
numerous studies have found that moderate alcohol consumption say,
one or two beers, glasses of wine or cocktails daily helps to prevent
coronary heart disease. Last week a report in the New England Journal of
Medicine added strong new evidence in support of that theory. More
important, the work provided the first solid indication of how alcohol
works to protect the heart.
In the study, researchers from Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital
and Harvard Medical School compared the drinking habits of 340 men
and women who had suffered recent heart attacks with those of healthy
people of the same age and sex. The scientists found that people who sip
one to three drinks a day are about haft as likely to suffer heart attacks
as nondrinkers are. The apparent source of the protection: those who
drank 'alcohol had higher blood levels of high-density lipoproteins, the
so-called good cholesterol ,which is known to repel heart disease.
As evidence has mounted, some doctors have begun recommending a
daily drink for patients of heart diseases. But most physicians are not
ready to recommend a regular happy hour for everyone. The risks of
teetotal ling are nothing compared with the dangers of too much alcohol,
including high blood pressure, strokes and liver troubles not to mention
violent behavior and traffic accidents. Moreover, some studies suggest
that even moderate drinking may increase the incidence of breast and
colon cancer, Until there is evidence that the benefits of a daily dose of
alcohol outweigh the risks, most people won't be able to take a doctor's
prescription to the neighborhood bar or liquor store.
85. The medical article quoted in the passage demonstrates
[ A ] the way in which alcohol can help the heart
[ B ] how a couple of cocktails daily can stop heart problems
[ C ] why alcoholic drinks are dangerous to one's health
[ D] that reports on the advantages of alcohol were misfounded
86. Experiments showed that nondrinkers had
[ A ] larger amounts of good cholesterol
[ B ] smaller amounts of good cholesterol
[ C ] higher blood pressure
[ D ] lower blood pressure
87. According to the passage, moderate drinking
[ A ] is recommended by most doctors for heart patients
[ B ] should be allowed on prescription
[ C ] is still not medically advisable
[ D] is not related to liver problems
88. The main theme of this passage is
[ A ] the change in recent drinking habits
[ B ] the connection between cancer and alcohol
[ C ] whether moderate drinkers outlive nondrinkers
[ D] whether alcohol may be good for your health
Passage Three
In its 16 years, the London Marathon has acquired a pedigree of
excellence. That excellence is not just the awesome energy of the best
runners and the smoothness of the organization, but also the quality of
determination shown by all the competitors, male and female,
able-bodied and disabled. When more than 26,000 gather at Greenwich
tomorrow morning, only a few will be in the running to win the big prize
money. The success of this event is that most of the athletes would be
prepared to pay serious money just for the privilege of running the 26
miles 385 yards to The Mall past the most famous urban scenery in the
The London Marathon has become one of Britain's leading sports events.
Since 1981 ,something like 45 million has been raised in individual
sponsorship for charities. Tomorrow hundreds and thousands of people
will line the route to cheer and to gasp in sympathetic participation.
Millions will watch on television. Although they will be excited by the
struggle for first place, they will also identify with the ordinary person
trying to fulfils his or her physical potential. Many spectators will wonder
whether next year they could complete the historic distance. That is how
athletic dreams are born.
If the London Marathon and the growth in interest in physical fitness
have transformed the lives of many adults, it is also important that
children should have the opportunity to fulfils their ability in individual
competitive sports.
Team games should be an essential ingredient of physical education in
the national curriculum. However, coexisting with the playing of team
games there should be an equal emphasis on the importance of
individual competitive sports at all levels in schools.
The Government must be careful that in insisting on the value of team
games in schools, it does not ignore the value of individual activities,
which are practiced throughout the world and form the basis of the
Olympic Games. Many of the runners in the London Marathon tomorrow
have found courage, fulfillment and fitness through training for the event.
These are qualities that schoolchildren can, and should, acquire through
a variety of demanding individual activities in physical education.
89. In order to enter the Marathon, participants must
[ A ] pay an entrance fee
[ B ] assemble in one specific area
[ C ] be able to run 26 miles,385 yards
[ D ] compete for the right to take part
90, The main attraction of the Marathon for non-participants is
[ A ] the amount of money raised for charity
[ B ] the chance to take part the following year
[ C ] witnessing the contestants' determination
[ D ] a concern with the race's history
91. According to the passage, which of the following is true
[ A] Individual sports are as important as team games.
[ B ] Individual sports are more important than team games.
[ C ] Individual sports are less important than team games.
[ D ] It is hard to say which is less or more important.
92. According to the writer, the Government's policy on physical
[ A ] should not promote team games at all
[ B ] upholds the principles of the Olympic Games
[ C ] is active in producing successful Marathon participants
[ D ] should encourage those qualities pursued by Marathon participants
Passage Four
On the track, the form embodies power, each curve and line is molded for
For the man at the wheel is the fastest athlete in the world today: Linford
Christie, European, Commonwealth and World champion, who has just
taken delivery of his new car, the latest version of the Toyota Supra.
It is a conspicuously fast car. The result perfectly matches Christie's own
character, and shares his inability to compromise when it comes to
delivering performance.
The Supra, priced a few pence short of 39, 000, is rumored to be capable
of 180 mph, but the speed is artificially limited to 155 mph. From a
standing start, it can reach 60 mph in under five seconds.
The Supra might raise Christie's profile with the police, but if he is pulled
over nowadays it is usually by an officer seeking a chat and an autograph
rather than anything more official. After an incident in 1988 when he was
stopped, he prosecuted the police and won ~ 30, 000 compensation for
wrongful arrest.
Safety is high on the list of Supra extras, with driver and passenger
airbags: antilock braking; electronic traction control to avoid wheel spin;
side-impact door beams; and a steering column that collapses to protect
the driver in an accident. Then there is the six speed gearbox; cruise
control; air-conditioning alarm and immobilizer.
Christie ,the British athletics team captain since i990, will enjoy the
comfort of the Supra during a hectic few weeks this June and July when
he visits Sheffield, Wales, Gateshead, Wrexham, Edinburgh, Crystal
Palace, and then Gateshead again, as his season builds towards the
Commonwealth Games in August and the World Cup in September.
93. The Supra is a suitable car for Linford Christie because
[ A ] it is an expensive model [ B ] it has high standards
ICI it helps promote sports ID] it is very safe
94. On the subject of speed, the car can travel
[ A ] at a maximum of 180 mph [ B ] at the same speed as the previous
[ C ] at a maximum of 155 mph [ D ] faster than the previous model
95. Nowadays if Christie is stopped by the police it is
[ A ] because he drives very fast [ B ] because he is not a thoughtful
ICI often for informal reasons ID] due to what happened in 1988
96. According to the writer the Supra's most outstanding feature is its
[ A ] six-speed gearbox [ B ] alarm system
[ C ] air conditioning [ D] safety features
Passage Five
Cart Van Ands, managing editor of the New York Times, believed in
"hard" news, thoroughly and accurately presented. A tireless worker, he
often stayed at the office all night. He was there at 1:20 a. m. on April
15,19i2 ,when a distress signal came in from Newfoundland that the
pride of Britain's passenger fleet, the Titanic ,was in trouble. The new
ship, believed unsinkable, had hit an iceberg and was in some
kind, of danger. But was it really serious or just a narrow escape? Had the
passengers needed to abandon ship? Van Ands could not tell from the
short and confusing message. Although he was generally considered a
conservative and cautious man, Van Ands gambled on the unthinkable
that the Titanic was sinking.
He threw his staff into action; the story was approached from all angles.
Some reporters put together lists of famous persons on board; others
turned out features about the ship and other important passenger liners;
still others did stories on similar sea disasters. In other words, Van Ands
and the Times went all the way with the story; they played it big. At other
newspapers, editors were more cautious, inserting such words as
"rumored" here and there. Van Anda's three-column headline reflected
the sureness that has marked the Times throughout its history:
Officials of the White Star Line, which owned the Titanic, had been
releasing optimistic statements all during the day of April 15 ,and did not
confirm Van Anda's story until the evening of April 16. Van Anda's final
edition, which went to press about three hours after the Times had
received the first brief wireless report, stated flatly that the Titanic had
sunk. This was perhaps a great risk on Van Anda's part and his "deductive
journalism" may have shocked many, but it remains as one of the great
against-a-deadline news coverage feats in all journalism.
97. "He was there at 1:20 A. M. on April 15,1912,when a distress signal
came in from Newfoundland that the pride of Britain's passenger fleet,
the Titanic, was in trouble. "Which of the following statements is true?
[ A ] Newfoundland was the pride of Britain's passenger fleet.
[ B ] The Titanic was part of Britain's passenger fleet.
[ C ] Britain's passenger fleet was in trouble.
[D] Newfoundland was in distress.
98. "Although he was generally considered a conservative and cautious
man, Van Ands gambled on the unthinkable that the Titanic was sinking.
"This means that
[ A ] Van Anda was thought to be careless
[ B ] Van Anda didn't think the Titanic was sinking
[ C ] Van Anda took a chance
[ D ] Van Anda gambled on the Titanic
99. "Van Anda's three-column headline reflected the sureness that has
marked the Times throughout its history. "This means that
[ A ] the Times has been serf-assured
[ B J the Times is thorough
[ C ] the history of the Times is reflected in its headlines
[ D ] the Times has a distinguished record
100. "Officials of the White Star Line, which owned the Titanic ,had been
releasing optimistic statements all during the day of April 15 ,and did not
confirm Van Anda's story until the evening of April 16." This means that
[ A ] the owners of the Titanic did not at first send out accurate reports
[ B ] the owners of the Titanic quickly admitted it was sinking
[ C ] the owners of the Titanic did not confirm Van Anda's story
[ D ] the owners of the Titanic did not think the Titanic would sink
Section A
Directions: Put the following passage into Chinese.
Modern science has opened up the path for the progress of production
techniques and determined the direction of their development. Many new
instruments of production and technological processes first see the light
of day in the scientific laboratories. A series of newborn industries have
been founded on the basis of newly-emerged disciplines of science and
technology. Of course there are, and there will be, many
theoretical research topics with no practical application in plain sight for
the time being. However a host of historical facts have proved that once
a major breakthrough is scored in theoretical research, it means
tremendous progress for production and technology sooner or later.
Contemporary natural sciences are being applied to production on an
unprecedented scale and at a higher speed than ever before. This has
given all fields of material production an entirely new look. In particular,
the development of electronic computers and automation technology is
raising the degree of automation in production. With the same amount of
manpower and in the same number of work-hours, people can turn out
scores or hundreds of times more products than before. How is it that the
social productive forces have made such tremendous advances and how
is it that labor productivity has increased by such a big margin7 Mainly
through the power of science ,the power of technology.
Therefore ,we maintain that the development of modern science and
technology has linked science and production even closer together. As
part of the productive forces, science and technology are coming to p1ay
an even greater role than ever before.
中国科学院——英语 2001 年博士研究生入学考试试题
中科院 2001 年博士英语入学试题
2001 年 3 月
一、本次考试题卷由试卷一(PAPER ONE)和试卷二(PAPER TWO)两部分组成。 试
卷一为 90 道客观题,答卷使用标准化机读答题纸;试卷二为主观题,答卷使用另
二、请一律用 HB 或 2B 铅笔涂写标准化机读答题纸,修改时请用橡皮擦干净。若
五、本考卷满分为 100 分,全部考试时间总计 180 分钟。分值及时间分布如下:
15 分
20 分钟
15 分
25 分钟
15 分
15 分钟
30 分
60 分钟
75 分
120 分钟
10 分
2 5 分钟
15 分
3 5 分钟
25 分
60 分钟
The Chinese Academy of Sciences
English Entrance Examination-For Doctoral Candidates
March 2001
PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (20 minutes, 15 points)
PART II STRUCTURE & VOCABULARY (25 minutes, 15 points)
Section A (0.5 point each)
Directions: Choose the word or expression below each sentence that best
completes the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of your
choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your
Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.
16. He gave me a lot of help in my work, so I have to my success to him.
A. grant B. ascribe
C. commit D. submit
17.It is well known that the first can only work hard planting young trees
for a new business, while the following people may obtain the successful
A. practitioners B. amateurs
C. forerunners D. managers
18. The honest journalist has kept investigating that high rank official for
a long time, and he felt very happy when that fellow's corrupt scandal at
A. got to light B. stood in light
C. came to light D. looked in light
19. The Minister's answer let to an outcry from the Opposition.
A. impressive B. evasive
C. intensive D. amusive
20. The old gentleman to be an old friend of his grandfather's.
A. turned in B. turned over
C. turned up D. turned out
21. The rules stated that anyone who had held office for three years was
not for re-election.
A. admirable B. eligible
C. reliable D. capable
22. I feel very sad that the young man's energetic initiative with nothing
in the experiment, for he met a lot of interference from the powerful
A. burned up B. tuned up
C. pushed up D. ended up
23. We were politely an armed guard and warned not to take pictures.
A. assigned B. allowed
C. accepted D. assisted
24.The recovery and of the country's economy has also been
accompanied by increasing demands for high quality industrial sites in
attractive locations.
A. renewal B. revival
C. recession D. relief
25. In fact the purchasing power of a single person's pension in Hong
Kong was only 70 per cent of the value of the Singapore pension.
A. equivalent B. similar
C. consistent D. identical
26. It seems a reasonable rule of thumb that any genuine offer of help
and support from people or organizations will be accompanied by a name
and address, and a willingness to be as to their motive in making contact.
A. seen through B. checked out
C. touched on D. accounted to
27. According to *** boxing reporter Mike Costello, just as there is
worldwide with boxing, so there is worldwide opposition.
A. passion B. attraction
C. emotion D. fascination
28. Although there are several variations on the exact format that
worksheets can take, they are all similar in their aspects.
A. potential B. social
C. essential D. partial
29. any advice which you can get from the interviewer and follow up
suggestions for improving your presentation and qualifications.
A. Take the most of B. Keep the most of
C. Have the most of D. Make the most of '
30. There is a loss of self-confidence, a sense of personal failure, great
anger and a feeling of being utterly .
A. let alone B. let out
C. let down D. let on
31. Japan remains tied to the Western camp partly because the
relationship has become to her economy and politics over forty years'
A. integral B. unilateral
C. rational D. hierarchical
32. With most online recruitment services, jobseekers must choose their
words carefully the search engine will never make the correct match.
A. because B. whereas
C. provided D. otherwise
33. The child should always the same basic procedure: seeing the whole
word--hearing and pronouncing--writing from memory.
A. go through B. take over
C. respond to D. carry off'
34. That MGM Grand Youth Center is open to children 3-12 years old what
hotel they are staying in.
A. regardless in B. regardless of
C. regardless on D. regardless from
35. Ever since Geoffrey sent a sizeable cheque to a well-known charity
he's been with requests for money from all sides.
A. devastated B. smashed
C. bombarded D. cracked
Section B (0.5 point each)
Directions: In each of the following sentences there are four parts
underlined and marked A, B, C, and D. Indicate which Of the four parts is
incorrectly used. Mark the corresponding letter of your choice by drawing
a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer
36. The opinion polls were showing(A) 76 percent of the
responders( more concerned about the shambles of American
education(C) than about any other problem on(D) the political agenda.
37. Kenny G is not a musician(A) I really had much of ( an opinion about
him(C) until recently(D).
38. I was twenty-five years old, and I'd just been laid down(A) from my
job as division( manager at(C) a mortgage banking(D) firm.
39. We knew so little(A) about equipments( , disposal(C) techniques, the
whole thing(D).
40. It was so disgusted(A), and somewhat hazardous( , not to mention(C)
a huge hassle and monetary expense(D).
41. Of course, I am aware of(A) what he has played since( , the success
he has had(C), and the controversy(D) has surrounded him among
musicians and serious listeners.
42. That 抯 not saying(A) it's easy, though( . There are definitely(C) jobs
that wore on(D) you.
43. Perhaps not surprisingly(A), the colleagues whom I thought less
high( , and whom I portrayed less admiringly(C), did not share my
44. The Times, financially(A) successful it may be( , is a powerful but(C),
at this moment, not very healthy institution(D).
45. Having imposed temporary sentences(A) of unprecedented( severity
on the five defendants who pleaded guilt(C), the judge told them that
their actual sentences might depend on their cooperation with(D)
subsequent investigations.
PART III CLOZE TEST (15 minutes, 15 points)
Directions: For each blank in the following passage, choose the best
answer from the four choices given in the opposite column. Mark the
corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square
brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.
When we think about addiction to drags or alcohol, we frequently focus
on negative aspects, ignoring the pleasures that accompany drinking or
drug-taking. 46 the essence of any serious addiction is a pursuit of
pleasure, a search for a "high" that normal life does not 47 . It is only the
inability to function 48 the addictive substance that is dismaying, the
dependence of the organism upon a certain experience and a .49 inability
to function normally without it. Thus a person will take two or three 50 at
the end of the day not merely for the pleasure drinking provides, but also
because he "doesn't feel 51 without them..
52 does not merely pursue a pleasurable experience and need to 53 it in
order to function normally. He needs to repeat it again and again.
Something about that particular experience makes life without it 54
complete. Other potentially pleasurable experiences are no longer
possible, 55 under the spell of the addictive experience, his life is
peculiarly 56. The addict craves an experience and yet he is never really
satisfied. The organism may be 57 _sated, but soon it begins to crave
Finally a serious addiction is58 a harmless pursuit of pleasure by Its
distinctly destructive elements. A heroin addict, for instance, leads a 59
life: his increasing need for heroin in increasing doses prevents him from
working, from maintaining relationships, from developing in human ways.
60 an alcoholic's life is narrowed and dehumanized by his dependence on
46. A. Hence B. Because
C. And yet D. Moreover
47. A. supply B. resume
C. accept D. prevent
48. A. except B. without
C. with D. besides
49. A. frustrating B. surprising
C. unchanging D. increasing
50. A. drags B. drinks
C. doses D. draughts
51. A. normal B. content
C. delighted D. spirited
52. A. A drugtaker B. The addicted
C. An addict D. The drugger
53. A. perform B. make
C. experience D. initiate
54. A. other than B. rather than
C. more than D. less than
55. A. while B. thus
C. even if D. for
56. A. distorted B. rectified
C. exaggerated D. improved
57. A. eventually B. temporarily
C. accordingly D. subsequently
58. A. identical with B. consistent with
C. separated from D. distinguished from
59. A. destructive B. Dissatisfied
C. damaged D. derivative
60. A. Similarly B. Conversely
C. Naturally D. Generally
PART IV READING COMPREHENSION (60 minutes, 30 points)
Directions: Below each of the following passages you will find some
questions or incomplete statements. Each question or statement is
followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Read each passage
carefully, and then select the choice that best answers the question or
completes the statement. Mark the letter of your choice with a single bar
across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.
Passage 1
It took no time at all for the native Americans who first greeted
Christopher Columbus to be all but erased from the face of the earth. For
about a thousand years the peaceful people known as the Taino had
thrived in modem-day Cuba and many other islands. But less than 30
years after Columbus' arrival, the Taino would be destroyed by Spanish
weaponry, forced labor and European diseases. Unlike their distant
cousins, the Inca, Aztecs and Maya, the Taino left no pyramids or
temples-no obvious signs that they had ever existed.
But it is a mistake to assume-as many scholars have until quite recently
that the absence of abundant artifacts meant the Taino were necessarily
more primitive than the grander civilizations of Central and South
America. They simply used less durable materials: the Taino relied on
wood for building and most craftwork, and much of what they made has
disintegrated over the centuries. However, thanks largely to two
remarkable digs undertaken recently, archaeologists will be able to
enrich their knowledge of the Taino.
In a village on the northern coast of Cuba, a Canadian-Cuban team
discovered the nearly intact remains of a Taino dwelling buried in the dirt.
This site may have been one of the Taino's major centers. Meanwhile,
deep in the forests of the Dominican Republic, a U.S.-Dominican team
has also made an important discovery: a 240-ft.-deep Taino cenote, or
ceremonial well, where hundreds of objects .thrown in as offerings have
been preserved in the oxygen-poor Water.
It will take a much longer time to understand the Taino fully, but they
have been rescued from the ignoble status of footnotes in the chapter of
history that began with the arrival of Columbus.
61. The main idea of Paragraph 1 is
A. Christopher Columbus returned the Taino's greeting with cruelty.
B. The Europeans' coming brought an end to the existence of the Taino.
C. The Taino once prosperous in modem-day Cuba now has no trace on
D. Spanish weaponry would have crashed the Taino but for Columbus'
62. It is assumed the Taino had a comparatively low civilization mostly
A. the Taino had produced no written records.
B. the Taino had built no pyramids mid temples.
C. there has been little wooden structure the Taino relied on.
D. there has been few remains showing the life of the Taino's.
63. Which statement is true concerning the Taino?
A. They were enslaved by foreign invaders.
B. They were more warlike than other Indians.
C. They were the most short-lived of all the civilizations.
D. They were buried deep in the dirt or oxygen-poor water.
64. What does the italicized word "ignoble" (in the last sentence)
probably mean?
A. unfortunate B. unsuccessful
C. unpromising D. unworthy
Passage 2
Already lasers can obliterate skin blemishes, topically applied drugs can
smooth facial lines and injected agents can remove deep wrinkles. Future
products will be faster, borer and longer lasting. "New substances will be
developed by entrepreneurs," says Brian Mayou, an aesthetic plastic
surgeon, "that will be more successful than liquid silicone that we use
today to eradicate wrinkles." The next major breakthrough, says Mel
Brahmn, plastic surgeon and chief executive of the Harley Medical Group,
will be laser treatment that needs no recovery period.
Nicholas Lowe, clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Los
Angeles, adds: "There will be more efficient anti-oxidants to help reduce
sun damage and aging. There will also be substances that increase the
production of new collagen and elastic tissue to maintain the elasticity of
youthful skin."
Lee Shreider, a research cosmetic chemist, says that we may be able to
look better without any kind of operation as semi-permanent make-up
gets better.
"Crooked noses will be improved by effectively sealing on shaded colors
that either enhance or subdue areas of the face. We will be able to
straighten eyebrows and lips making the face more symmetrical-which
remains one of the keys to beauty~and even close blocked pores with
permanent, custom-designed foundation."
The development of the safe sun tan is a potential gold mine. Being
researched at the University of Arizona, but a long way from reality, is the
injectable tan. Professor Lowe is optimistic: "There will almost certainly
be a safe way of developing a sunless tan that protects against sun
damage. In animal research, we've applied creams to guinea pigs that
can actually 'turn on' some of the genes that produce pigmentation
without any sunlight exposure."
65. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. Inventions in cosmetology.
B. New discovery in face-filling.
C. A bright future for facial make-up.
D. The development of beauty culture.
66. According to the passage, what has been used to remove deep
A. Applied drugs.
B. Liquid silicone.
C. Laser treatment.
D. Anti-oxidant.
67. Paragraph 4 suggests that one could improve effectively one's
appearance concerning the nose, eyebrows, lips, etc.
A. by applying certain lotions.
B. by having a beauty operation.
C. by changing the face shape.
D. by blocking several pores.
68. As implied in the last paragraph, the injectable tan is being
researched to meet the demand of the people who
A. refuse to be exposed to the sun.
B. refuse to apply suntan creams.
C. want to get a tan for beauty.
D. want to try gene pigmentation.
Passage 3
There are faults which age releases us from, and there are virtues, which
turn to vices with the lapse of years. The worst of these is thrift, which m
early and middle life is wisdom and duty to practice for a provision
against destitution. As time goes on this virtue is apt to turn into the
ugliest, cruelest, shabbiest of the vices. Then the victim of it finds himself
storing past all probable need of saving for himself or those next him, to
the deprivation of the remoter kin of the race. In the earlier time when
gain was symbolized by gold or silver, the miser had a sensual joy in the
touch, of his riches, m hearing the coins clink In their fall through his
fingers, and m gloating upon their increase sensible to the hand and eye.
Then the miser had his place among the great figures of misdoing; he
was of a dramatic effect, like a murderer or a robber; and something of
this bad distinction clung to him even when his coins had changed to
paper currency, the clean, white notes of the only English bank, or the
greenbacks of our innumerable banks of issue; but when the sense of
fiches had been transmuted to the balance in his favor at his banker's, or
the bonds in his drawer at the safety-deposit vault, all splendor had gone
out of his ~ice. His bad eminence was gone, but he clung to the lust of
gain which had ranked trim with the picturesque wrong-doers, and which
only ruin from without could save him from, unless he gave his remnant
of strength to saving himself from it. Most aging men are sensible of all
this, but few have the frankness of that aging man who once said that he
who died rich died disgraced, and died the other day in the comparative
poverty of fifty millions.
69. This short passage is mainly to tell that
A. man becomes increasingly greedy when getting old.
B. a miser can be honest if he does no wrong act.
C. age can help convert some virtue into a vice.
D. misers all started from trying to be thrifty.
70. According to the passage, one is thought vicious when he
A. gathers up money at the sacrifice of all his family members.
B. practices endless thrifty to guard his people from poverty.
C. stores continuously for his own and his relatives' needs.
D. saves too much but wouldn't spend it for the necessary.
71. The italicized expression "gloating upon" probably means
A. thinking with slight guilt.
B. seeing with much satisfaction.
C. touching with great awe.
D. hearing with little delight.
72. The passage implies that what could stop a miser from lusting for
money might be
A. his frankness.
B. his eminence.
C. his death.
D. his glory.
73. The words "in the comparative poverty of fifty millions" at the end of
the passage suggests a notion that
A. stinginess may cause a very rich man to die very pitiful.
B. rich people may still take 50 million as comparatively little.
C. one remains discontent with all he's gained until his death.
D. the rich are inconsiderate of the majority that live in poverty.
Passage 4
If a mother pushes her small son in a swing, giving only a light force each
time he returns, eventually he will be swinging quite high. The child can
do this for himself by using his legs to increase the motion, but both the
mother's push and the child's leg movements must occur at the proper
moment, or the extent of the swing will not increase. In physics,
increasing the swing is increasing the amplitude; the length of the rope
on the swing determines its natural oscillation period. This ability of an
object to move periodically or to vibrate when stimulated by a force
operating in its natural period is called resonance.
Resonance is observed many times without consciously thinking about it;
for example, one may find an annoying vibration or shimmy in an
automobile, caused by a loose engine mount vibrating with increasing
amplitude because of an out-of-round tire. The bulge on the tire slaps the
pavement with each revolution; at the natural resonance point~ of the
engine mount, it will begin to vibrate. Such vibrations can result in
considerable damage if allowed to persist. Anther destructive example of
resonance is the shattering of a crystal goblet by the production of a
musical tone at the natural resonant point of the goblet. The energy of
the sound waves causes vibration in the glass; as its amplitude increases,
the motion in the glass exceeds the elasticity of the goblet, and it
An instrument called a tachometer makes use of the principle of
resonance. It consists of many tiny bars, loosely fastened together and
arranged so that each bar can slide independently of the others.
Movement of the bars causes changes in a dial. When placed next to a
rotating motor or engine, the tachometer picks up slight vibrations which
are transferred to the resonant bars. These bars begin to move, and the
resulting dial may be read to find the revolutions per minute of the motor
very quickly.
74. An object, if moving rhythmically when stimulated in a natural period,
is said to
A. vibrate.
B. resonate.
C. swing.
D. oscillate.
75. The distance a swing moves from its resting position is called its
A. revolution.
B. movement.
C. frequency.
D. amplitude.
76. A tachometer is an instrument that uses resonance to determine
A. the speed of a motor in revolutions.
B. the frequency at which a motor vibrates.
C. the amplitude of an engine that oscillates.
D. the changes in a dial within a car engine.
77. An annoying vibration can be caused at the natural resonance of the
car's engine mount
A. if the engine moves too fast.
B. if the engine's amplitude increases.
C. if a tire gets out of balance.
D. if a damage occurs in the engine.
78. In which of the following cases is it useful to consider the relationship
between the length of an oscillating object and its natural period?
A. Adjusting the speed of a car.
B. Adjusting a clock pendulum.
C. Adjusting tire balance.
D. Adjusting engine mounts.
Passage 5
I was introduced to the concept of literacy animator in Oladumi
Arigbede's (1994) article on high illiteracy rates among women and
school dropout rates among girls. According to Arigbede, literacy
animators view their role as assisting in the self-liberating development
of people in the world who are struggling for a more meaningful life.
Animators are a family of deeply concerned and committed people whose
gut-level rejection of mass human pauperization compels them to
intervene on the side of the marginalized. Their motivation is not derived
from a love of literacy as merely another technical life skill, and they
accept that literacy is never culturally or ideologically neutral.
Arigbede writes from her experiences as an animator working with
women and men in Nigeria. She believes that literacy animators have to
make a clear choice about whose culture and whose ideology will be
fostered among those with whom they work. Do literacy educators in the
United States consider whether the instruction they pursue conflicts with
their students' traditional cultures or community, or fosters illiteracies in
learners' first or home languages or dialects and in their orality?
Some approaches to literacy instruction represent an ideology of
individualism, control, and competition. Consider, for example, the
difference in values conveyed and represented when students engage in
choral reading versus the practice of having one student read out loud to
the group. To identify as a literacy animator is to choose the ideology of
"sharing, solidarity, love, equity, co-operation with and respect of both
nature and other human beings". Literacy pedagogy that matches the
animator ideology works on maintaining the languages and cultures of
millions of minority children who at present are being forced to accept
the language and culture of the dominant group. It might lead to
assessment that examines the performance outcomes of a community of
literacy learners and the social significance of their uses of literacy, as
opposed to measuring what an individual can do as a reader and writer
on a standardized test. Shor (1993) describes literacy animators as
problem-posing, community-based, dialogic educators. Do our
teacher-education textbooks on reading and language arts promote the
idea that teachers should explore problems from a community-based
dialogic perspective?
79. A literacy animator is one who
A. struggles for a more meaningful life.
B. frees people from poverty and illiteracy.
C. is committed to marginalize the illiterate.
D. is concerned with what is behind illiteracy.
80. The author suggests that literacy educators in the US in a way
A. promote students' home languages.
B. force students to accept their culture.
C. teach nothing but reading and writing.
D. consider literacy as of non-neutral nature.
81. Arigbede worked with Nigerians probably to
A. teach American customs and ideology.
B. make a choice of culture to be fostered.
C. reject the values of the dominant class.
D. help maintain Nigerian language and culture.
82. According to the author, "choral reading" may represent
A. individualism.
B. collectivism.
C. competition.
D. immersion.
83. Animator ideology emphasizes more
A. the social function of literacy.
B. students?performance in tests.
C. the dominant group's language.
D. the attainment of life skills.
84. It is implied by the author that, because of the kind of teacher
education in the US, teachers there tend to ignore
A. constant development of new teaching approaches.
B. using their own wisdom in problem-solving.
C. talented performances of minority students.
D. community-based literacy enhancement.
Passage 6
Scientists have known for more than two, decades that cancer is a
disease of the genes. Something scrambles the DNA inside a nucleus,
and suddenly, instead of dividing in a measured fashion, a cell begins to
copy itself furiously. Unlike an ordinary cell, it never stops. But describing
the process isn't the same as figuring it out. Cancer cells are so radically
different from normal ones that it's almost impossible to untangle the
sequence of events that made them that way. So for years researchers
have been attacking the problem by taking normal cells and trying to
determine what changes will turn them cancerous-always without
According to a report in the current issue of Nature, a team of scientists
based at M.I.T.'s Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research has finally
managed to make human cells malignant---a feat they accomplished
with two different cell types by inserting just three altered genes into
their DNA. While these manipulations were done only in lab dishes and
won't lead to any immediate treatment, they appear to be a crucial step
in understanding the disease. This is a "landmark paper," wrote Jonathan
Weitzman and Moshe Yaniv of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, in an
accompanying commentary.
The dramatic new result traces back to a breakthrough in 1983, when the
Whitehead's Robert Weinberg and colleagues showed that mouse cells
would become cancerous when subjected to two altered genes. But when
they tried such alterations on human cells, they didn't work. Since then,
scientists have learned that mouse cells differ from human cells in an
important respect: they have higher levels of an enzyme called
telomerase. That enzyme keeps caplike structures called telomeres on
the ends of chromosomes from getting shorter with each round of cell
division. Such shortening is part of a cell's aging process, and since
cancer cells keep dividing forever, the Whitehead group reasoned that
making human cells more mouselike might also make them cancerous.
The strategy worked. The scientists took connective-tissue and kidney
cells and introduce three altered genes---one that makes cells divide
rapidly; another that disables two substances meant to rein in excessive
division; and a third that promotes the production of telomerase, which
made the cells essentially immortal. They'd created a tumor in a test
tube. "Some people believed that telomerase wasn't that important,"
says the Whitehead's William Hahn, the study's lead author. "This allows
us to say with some certainty that it is."
85. The problem that has been annoying cancer researchers for years is
the difficulty in telling
A. how cancer cells are formed.
B. why cancer cells never stop dividing.
C. why normal cells can mm into cancer cells.
D. how different normal cells are from cancer cells.
86. Whitehead's scientists have succeeded in
A. developing malignant cells in human bodies.
B. making normal human cells cancerous.
C. controlling the change of human cells.
D. changing the genes of cancer cells.
87. In the 1983 experiment, human cells didn't work the way mouse cells
did because the former
A. were easier to become aged.
B. checked telomerase in dividing.
C. had short ends of chromosomes.
D. lacked telomeres for cell division.
88. To make human cells more mouselike scientists tried
A. to subject them to two more genes.
B. to keep the division from slowing down.
C. to promote the production of telomerase.
D. to prevent excessive cells copying.
89. One key factor in creating tumor with human cells is
A. lengthening the ends of chromosomes.
B. altering the structure of telomeres.
C. increasing the levels of telomerase.
D. modulating the cell dividing process.
90. According to the passage, the Whitehead research has taken a big
step in
A. understanding cancer.
B. curing cancer disease.
C. eliminating cancer.
D. preventing cancer.
PARTV TRANSLATION (25minutes,10points)
Directions:Put the following passage into English.Write your English
version in the proper space on your Answer Sheet Ⅱ.
PARTVI WRITING (35minutes,15points)
Directions:Write an essay of at least l50words on the topic given below.
Use the proper space on your Answer Sheet Ⅱ.
There is no denying that the average living standard of our country has
greatly increased since the economic reform started20 years
ago.However, neither is it deniable that there has been a growing
contrast in income between the rich and the poor. What do you think of
this contrast in our country? State your opinion with appropriate
supporting details.
中国科学院——英语 2002 年博士研究生入学考试试题
PART Џ STRUCTURE&VOCABULARY ( 25minutes,15points)
sectionA( 0.5 point eath)
direction: choose the word or expression below each sentence that best
completes the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of your
choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your
machine-scoring answer sheet.
16.Knowing that the cruel criminal has done a lot of unlawful things, I
feel sure that I have no __________ but to report him to the local police.
A. time
B. chance
C. authority
D. alternative
17.Behind his large smiles and large cigars, his eyes often seemed to
A. teem
B. brim with
C. come with
D. look with
18.There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the
young one has a glorious future before him and the old one has a
_______future behind him.
A. splendid
B. conspicuous
C. uproarious
D. imminent
19. That tragedy distressed me so much that I used to keep indoors and
go out only _________necessity.
A. within reach of
B. for fear of
C. by means of
D. in case
20. A young man sees a sunset and unable to understand of express the
emotion that it _________in him, concludes that it must be the gateway
to a world that lies beyond.
A. reflects
B. retains
C. rouses
D. radiates
21.______________the heat to a simmer and continue to cook for
another 8-10minutes or until most of the water has evaporated.
A. Turn off
B. Turn over
C. Turn down
D. Turn up
22.Banks shall be unable to ___________,or claim relief against the first
15%of any loan or bankrupted debt left with them .
A. write off
B. put aside
C. shrink from
D. come over
23.I am to inform you ,that you may ,if you wish , attend the inquiry ,and
at the inspectors discretion state your case _________or through an
entrusted representative.
A. in person
B. in depth
C. in secret
D. in excess
24.In his view, though Hong Kong has no direct cultural identity, local art
is thriving by “being ___________,”being open to all kinds of art.
A. gratifying
B. predominating
C. excelling
25.In some countries preschool education in nursery schools or
kindergartens _________the 1stgrade.
A. leads
B. precedes
C. forwards
D. advances
26.Desert plants ________ two categories according to the way they
deal with the problem of surviving drought.
A. break down
B. fall into
C. differ in
D. refer to
27.In the airport, I could hear nothing except the roar of aircraft engines
which _________ all other sounds.
A. dwarfed
B. diminished
C. drowned
D. relative
28.Criticism without suggesting areas of improvement is not _________
and should be avoided if possible.
A. constructive
B. productive
C. descriptive
D. relative
29. The Committee pronounced four members expelled for failure to
provide information in the ____________ of investigations.
A. case
B. chase
C. cause
D. course
30. Since neither side was ready to __________ what was necessary for
peace, hostility were resumed in 1980.
A. precede
B. recede
C. concede
D. intercede
31.Such an _________act of hostility can only lead to war.
A. overt
B. episodic
C. ample
D. ultimate
32._________ both in working life and everyday living to different sets of
values, and expectations places a severe strain on the individual.
A. Recreation
B. Transaction
C. Disclosure
D. Exposure
33. It would then be replaced by interim government, which would
_________be replaced by a permanent government after four months.
A. in step
B. in turn
B. in practice
D. in haste
34. Haven’t I told you I don’t want you keeping ____________ with
those awful riding-about bicycle boys?
A. company
B. acquaintance
C. friends
D. place
35.Consumers deprived of the information and advice they needed were
quite simply _________ every cheat in the marketplace.
A. at the mercy of
the price of
B. in lieu of
C. by courtesy of
D. for
Section B (0.5 point each)
Directions : in each of the following sentences there are four parts
underlined and marked A, B, C, and D. Indicate which of the four parts is
incorrectly used. Mark the corresponding letter of your choice by drawing
a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer
36. The auctioneer must know fair accurately the current market values
of the goods he is
37.Children are among the most frequent victims of violent, drug-related
crimes that have nothing
doing with the cost of acquiring the drugs.
38. A large collection of contemporary photographs, including some
taken by Mary are on display
at the museum.
39.There is much in our life which we do not control and we are not even
responsible for.
40. Capital inflows will also tend to increase the international value of the
dollar, make it more
difficult to sell U.S. exports.
41. It can be argued that the problems, even something as fundamental
as the ever-increased world
population, have been caused by technological adcance.
42. It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resist
the temptation to revenge
as subfected to uncivilized behavior.
43. While experts in basic science are important, skilled talents should be
the overriding majority
since they are at heavy demand in the market.
44.Retailers offered deep discounts and extra hours this weekend in the
bid to lure shoppers.
45.The amendments of the laws on patent, trademark and copyright
have enhanced protection of
intellectual property rights and made them conform to WTO rules.
PART3 CLOZE TEST (15minutes, 15 points)
Directions: There are 15 questions in this part of the test. Read the
passage through. Then, go back and choose one suitable word or phrase
marked A, B, C, or D for each blank in the passage. Mark the
corresponding letter of the word or phrase you have chosen with a single
bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.
At least since the Industrial Revolution, gender roles have been in a
state of transition. As a result, cultural scripts about marriage have
undergone change, One of the more obvious ___46____ has occurred in
the roles that women 47 . Women have moved into the world of work
and have become adept at meeting expectations in that
arena, 48 maintaining their family roles of nurturing and creating
a(n) 49
that is a haven for all family members. 50 many women
experience strain from trying to “do it all, ” they often endoy the
increased 51 that can result from playing multiple roles. As women’s
roles have changed, changing expectations about men’s roles have
become more
52 . Many men are relinquishing their major
responsibility 53 the family provider. Probably the most significant
change in men’s roles, however, is in the emotional 54 of family life.
Men are increasingly
to meet the emotional needs of their
families, 56 their wives.
In fact, expectations about he emotional domain of marriage have
become more significant for marriage in general. Research on
marriage has changed over recent decades points to the increasing
importance of the emotional side of the relationship, and the importance
of sharing in the “ emotion work” 58 to nourish marriages and other
family relationships. Men and women want to experience marriages that
are interdependent, 59 both partners nurture each other, attend and
respond to each other, and encourage and promote each other. We are
thus seeing marriages in which men’s and women’s roles are becoming
increasingly more 60 .
46. A. incidents
B. changes
C. results
47. A. take
B. do
48. A. by
B. while
C. hence
D. thus
49. A. home
B. garden
C. arena
D. paradise
50. A. When
51. A. rewards
C. play
D. effects
B. Even though
B. profits
D. show
C. Since
C. privileges
D. incomes
52. A. general
B. acceptable
53. A. as
B. of
54. A. section
C. popular
C. from
B. constituent
D. apparent
D. for
C. domain
D. point
55. A. encouraged
B. expected
C. advised
56. A. not to mention
B. as well as
C. including
57. A. how
58. A. but
59. A. unless
60. A. pleasant
B. what
C. why
B. only
C. enough
B. although
C. where
B. important
D. predicted
D. especially
D. if
D. necessary
D. because
C. similar
PART 4 READING COMPREHENSION (60minutes, 30 points)
Directions: Below each of the following passages you will find some
questions or incomplete statements. Each question or statement is
followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Read each passage
carefully, and then select the choice that best answers the question or
completes the statement. Mark the letter of your choice with a single bar
across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.
The man who invented Coca-cola was not a native Atlantan, but on
the day of his funeral every drugstore in town testimonially shut up shop.
He was John Styth Pemberton, born in 1833 in Knoxville, Georgia, eighty
miles away. Sometimes known as Doctor, Pemberton was a pharmacist
who, during the Civil War, led a cavalry troop under General Joe Wheelrer.
He settled in Atlanta in 1869, and soon began brewing such patent
medicines as Triplex Liver Pills and Globe of Flower Cough Syrup. In 1885,
he registered a trademark for something called French Wine Coca-Ideal
Nerve and Tonic Stimulant, a few months later he formed the Pemberton
Chemical Company, and recruited the services of a bookkeeper named
Frank M. Robinson, who not only had a good head for figures but,
attached to it, so exceptional a nose that he could audit the composition
of a batch of syrup merely by sniffling it. In 1886-a year in which, as
contemporary Coca-Coca officials like to point our, Conan Doyle unveiled
Sherlock Holmes and France unveiled the Statue of Liberty-Pemberton
unveiled a syrup that he called Coca-Coca. It was a modification of his
French Wine Coca. He had taken our the wine and added a pinch of
caffeine, and, when the end product tasted awful, had thrown in some
extract of cola nut and a few other oils, blending the mixture in a
three-legged iron pot in his back yard and swishing it around with an oar.
He distributed it to soda fountains in used beer bottles, and Robinson,
with his glowing bookkeeper’s script, presently devised a label, on which
“Coca-Cola” was written in the fashion that is still employed. Pemberton
looked upon his mixture less as a refreshment than as a headache cure,
especially for people whose headache could be traced to over-indulgence.
On a morning late in 1886,one such victim of the night before
dragged himself into an Atlanta drugstore and asked for a doolop of
Cola-Cola. Druggists customarily stirred a teaspoonful of syrup into a
glass of water, but in this instance the man on duty was too lazy to walk
to the fresh-water tap, a couple of feet off. Instead, he mixed the syrup
with some soda water, which was closer at hand. The suffering customer
perked up almost at once, and word quickly spread that the best
Coca-Cola was a fizzy one.
64. What dose the passage tell us about John Styth Pemberton?
A. He was highly respected by Atlantans
B. He ran a drug store that also sells wine.
C. He had been a doctor until the Civil War.
D. He made a lot of money with his pharmacy.
62. Which of the following was unique to Frank M. Robinson, working with
the Pemberton’s Company?
A. Skills to make French wine
B. Talent for drawing pictures
C. An acute sense of smell.
D. Ability to work with numbers.
63.Why was the year 1886 so special to Pemberton?
A. He took to doing a job like Sherlock Holmes’s
B. He brought a quite profitable product into being.
C. He observed the founding ceremony of Statue of Liberty.
D. He was awarded by Coca-Cola for his contribution
64.One modification made of French Wine Coca formula was__________
A. used beer bottles were chosen as containers
B. the amount of caffeine in it was increased
C. it was blended with oils instead of water
D. Cola nut extract was added to taste
65. According to the passage, Coca-Cola was in the first place prepared
especially for ________
A. the young as a soft drink
B. a replacement of French Wine Coca
C. the relief of a hangover
D. a cure for the common headache
66. The last paragraph mainly tells___________
A. the complaint against the lazy shop-assistant
B. a real test of Coca-cola as a headache cure
C. the mediocre service of the drugstore
D. a happy accident that gave birth to Coca-Cola
Passage 2
Between 1833 and 1837, the publishers of a “penny press” proved
that a low-priced paper, edited to interest ordinary people, could win
what amounted to a mass circulation for the times and thereby attract an
advertising volume that would make it independent. These were papers
for the common citizen and were not tied to the interests of the business
community, like the mercantile press, or dependent for financial support
upon political party allegiance. It did not necessarily follow that all the
penny papers would be superior in their handing of the news and opinion
functions. But the door was open for some to make important journalistic
The first offerings of a penny paper tended to be highly sensational;
human interest stories overshadowed important news, and crime and
sex stories were written in full detail. But as the penny paper attracted
readers from various social and economic brackets, its sensationalism
was modified. The ordinary reader came to want a better product, too. A
popularized style of writing and presentation of news remained, but the
penny paper became a respectable publication that offered significant
information and editorial leadership. Once the first of the successful
penny papers had shown the way, later ventures could enter the
competition at the higher level of journalistic responsibility the
pioneering papers had reached.
This was the pattern of American newspapers in the years following
the founding of the New York Sun in 1833. The sun, published by
Benjamin Day, entered the lists against 11 other dailies. It was tiny in
comparison; but it was bright and readable, and it preferred human
interest features to important but dull political speech reports. It had a
police reporter writing squibs of crime news in the style already proved
successful by some other papers. And, most important, it sold for a
penny, whereas its competitors sold for six cents. By 1837 the sun was
printing 30,000 copies a day, which was more than the total of all 11 New
York daily newspapers combined when the sun first appeared. In those
same four years James Gordon Bennett brought out his New York Herald
(1835), and a trio of New York printers who were imitating Day’s success
founded the Philadelphia Public ledger (1836) and the Baltimore sun
(1837).The four penny sheets all became famed newspapers.
67. What does the first paragraph say about the “penny press?”
A. It was known for its in-depth news reporting
B. It had an involvement with some political parties.
C. It depended on the business community for survival.
D. It aimed at pleasing the general public.
68. In its early days, a penny paper often ___________-A. paid much attention to political issues
B. provided stories that hit the public taste
C. offered penetrating editorials on various issues
D. covered important news with inaccuracy
69. As the readership
was growing
A. improved its content
B. changed its writing style
C. developed a more sensational style
D. became a tool for political parries
70. The underlined word “ventures” in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced
by ___________
A. editors
B. reporters
C. newspapers
D. companies
71. What is true about the Philadelphia Public Ledger and the Baltimore
A. They turned out to be failures.
B. They were later purchased by James Gordon Bennett.
C. They were also founded by Benjamin Day.
D. They became well-known newspapers in the U.S.
72. This passage is probably taken from a book on ___________
A. the work ethics of the American media
B. the techniques in news reporting
C. the history of sensationalism in American media
D. the impact of mass media on American society
Passage 3
Forget what Virginia Woolf said about what a writer needs—a room of
one’s own. The writer she had in mind wasn’t at work on a novel in
cyberspace, one with multiple hypertexts, animated graphics and
downloads of trancey, chiming music. For that you also need graphic
interfaces, RealPlayer and maybe even a computer laboratory at Brown
University. That was where Mark Amerika—his legally adopted name;
don’t ask him about his birth name—composed much of his novel
Grammatron. But Grammatron isn’t just a story. It’s an online narrative
(Grammatron.com) that uses the capabilities of cyberspace to tie the
conventional story line into complicate knots. In the four year it took to
produce—it was completed in 1997—each new advance in computer
software became anther potential story device. “I became sort of
dependent on the industry,” jokes Amerika, who is also the author of two
novels printed on paper. “That’s unusual for a writer, because if you just
write on paper the ‘technology’ is pretty stable.”
Nothing about Grammatron is stable. At its center, if there is one, is
Abe Golam, the inventor of Nanoscript, a quasi—mystical computer code
that some unmystical corporations are itching to acquire. For much of the
story, Abe wanders through Prague-23, a virtual “city” in cyberspace
whare visitors indulge in fantasy encounters and virtual sex, which can
get fairly graphic, The reader wanders too, because most of
Grammatron’s 1,000-puls text screens contain several passages in
hypertext. To reach the next screen, just double-click. But each of those
hypertexts is a trapdoor that can plunge you down a different pathway of
the story. Choose one and you drop into a corporate-strategy memo.
Choose another and there’s a XXX-rated sexual rant. The story you read
is in some sense the story you make.
Amerika teaches digital art at the University of Colorado, where his
students develop works that straddle the lines between art, film and
literature. “I tell them not to get caught up in mere plot,” he says. Some
avant-garde writers—Julio Cortazar, Italo Calvino—have also
experimented with novels that wander out of their author’s control. “But
what makes the Net so exciting, “says Amerika, “is that you can add
sound, randomly generated links, 3-D modeling, animaion.” That room of
one’s own is turning into a fun house.
73. The passage is mainly to tell __________________.
A. differences between conventional and modern novels
B. how Mark Amerika composed his novel Grammatron
C. common features of all modern electronic novels
D. why Mark Amerika took on a new way of writing
74. Why does the author ask the reader to forget what Virginia Woolf said
about the necessities of a writer?
A. Modern writers can share rooms to do the writing.
B. It is not necessarily that a writer writes inside a room.
C. Modern writers will get nowhere without a word processor
D.It is no longer sufficient for the writing in cyberspace.
75.As an on-line narrative, Grammatron is anything but stable because it
A. provides potentials for the story development
B. is one of the novels at <grammatron.com>
C. can be downloaded free of charge
D. boasts of the best among cyber stories
76.By saying that he became sort of dependent on the industry, Mark
Amerika meant that _________.
A. he could not help but set his Grammatron and thers in Industrial
B. conventional writers had been increasingly challenged by high
C. much of his Grammatron had proved to be cybernetic dependent
D. he couldn’t care less about new advance in computer software
77. As the passage shows , Grammatron makes it possible for readers to
_____________A. adapt the story for a video version
B. “walk in” the story and interact with it
C. develop the plots within the author’s control
D. steal the show and become the main character
78. Amerika told his students not to ____________
A.immerse themselves only in creating the plot
B. be captivated by the plot alone while reading
C. be lagged far behind in the plot development
D. let their plot get lost in the on-going story
Passage 4
In 1993, a mall security camera captured a shaky image of two
10-year-old boys leading a much smaller boy out of a Liberpool, England,
shopping center. The boys lured James Bulger, 2, away from his mother,
who was shopping , and led him on a long walk across town. The
excursion ended at a railroas track. There, inexplicably, the older boys
tortured the toddler, kicking him, smearing paint on his face and
pummeling him to death with bricks before heaving him on the track to
be dismembered by a train. The boys, Jon Venables and Robert
Thompson, then went of to watch cartoons.
Today the boys are 18-year-ole men, and after spending eight years
in juvenile facilities, they have been deemed fit for release--probably this
spring. The dilemma now confronting the English justice system is how to
reintegrate the notorious duo into a society that remains horrified by
their crimes and skeptical about their rehabilitation. Last week Judge
Elizabeth Butler-Sils decided the young men were in so much danger that
they needed an unprecedented shield to protect them upon release. For
ht e rest of their lives, Venable sands Thompson will have a right to
anonymity. All English media outlets are banned from publishing any
information about their whereabouts of the new identities the
government will help them establish. Photos of the two or even details
about their current looks are also prohibited.
In the U.S, which is harder on juvenile criminals than England, such a
ruling seems inconceivable. “We’re clearly the most punitive in the
industrialized world,” says Laurence Steinberg, a Temple University
professor who studies juvenile justice. Over the past decade, the trend in
the U.S. has been to allow publication of ever more information about
underage offenders. U.S. courts also give more weight to press freedom
than English courts ,ewhich, for example, ban all video cameras.
But even for Britain, the order is extraordinary. The victim’s family is
enraged, as are the ever eager British tabloids. “What right have they got
to be given special protection as adults?” asks Bulger’s mother Denise
Fergus. Newspaper editorials have insisted that citizens have a right to
know if Venables of Thompson move in next door. Says conserbative
Member of Parliament Humfrey Malins;”It almost leaves you with the
feeling that the nastier the crime, the greater the chance for a completely
new life.”
79. What occurred as told at the beginning of the passage?
A. 2 ten-year-olds killed James by accident in play
B. James Bulger was killed by his two brothers.
C. Two mischievous boys forged a train accident.
D. A little kid was murdered by two older boys.
A. hav been treated as juvenile delinquents
B. have been held in protective custody for their murder game
C. were caught while watching cartoons eight years ago
D. have already served out their 10 years in prison
81.The British justice system is afraid that the two young men
A. hardly get accustomed to a horrifying general public
B. be doomed to become social outcasts after release
C. still remain dangerous and destructive if set free
D. be inclined to commit a recurring crime
82. According to the British courts, after their return to society, the two
adults will be __________
A. banned from any kind of press interview
B. kept under constant surveillance by police
C. shielded from being identified an killers
D. ordered to report to police their whereabouts
83. From the passage we can infer that a US counterpart of Venables or
Thompson would________.
A. have no freedom to go wherever he wants
B. serve a life imprisonment for the crime
C. be forbidden to join many of his relatives
D. no doubt receive massive publicity in the U>S>
84. As regards the mentioned justice ruling, the last paragraph mainly
tells that ________________
A. it is controversial as it goes without precedent
B. the British media are sure to do the contrary
C. Bulger’s family would enter all appeal against it
D. Conservatives obviously conflict with Liberals
Passage 5
Can the Internet help patients jump the line at the doctor’s office?
The silicon Valley Employers Forum, a sophisticated group of technology
companies, is launching a pilot program to test online “virtual visits
“ between doctors at three big local medical groups and about 6,000
employees and their families. The six employers taking part in the Silicon
Valley initiative, including heavy hitters such as Oracle and Cisco
Systems, hope that online visits will mean employees won’t have to skip
work to tend to minor ailments of to follow up on chronic conditions.
“With our long commutes and traffic, driving 40 miles to your doctor in
your hometown can be a big chunk of time, “ says Cindy Conway,
benefits director at Cadence Design Systems, one of the participating
Doctors aren’t clamoring to chat with patients online for free; they
spend enough unpaid time ton the phone. Only 1 in 5 has ever E-mailed
a patient, and just 9 percent are interested in doing so, according to the
research firm Cyber Dialogue.”We are not stupid,” says Stirling Somers,
executive of the Silicon Valley employers group. “Doctors getting jpaid is
a critical piece in getting this to work.” In the pilot program, physicians
will get $20 per online consultation, about what they get for a simple
office visit.
Doctors also fear they’ll be swamped by rambling E-mails that tell
everything but what’s needed to make a diagnosis. So the new program
will use technology supplied by Healinx, an Alameda, Calif.-based
start-up. Healinx’s “Smart Symptom Wizard” questions patients and
turns answers into a succinct message. The company has online
dialogues for 60 common conditions. The doctor can then diagnose the
problem and outline a treatment plan, which could include E-mailing a
prescription or a face-to-face visit.
Can E-mail replace the doctor’s office? Many conditions, such as
persistent cough, require a stethoscope to discover what’s wrong—and to
avoid a malpractice suit. Even Larry Bonham, head of one of the doctor’s
groups in the pilot, believes the virtual doctor’s visits offer a “very
narrow” sliver of service between hone calls to an advice nurse an a visit
to the clinic.
The pilot program, set to end in nine months, also hopes to determine
whether online visits will boost worker productivity enough to offset the
cost of the service. So far, the Internet’s record in the health field has
been underwhelming. The experiment is “a huge roll of the dice for
Healinx,” notes Michael Barrett, an analyst at Internet consulting firm
Forester Research. If the “Web visits” succeed, expect some
HMOs(Health Maintenance Organizations) to pay for online visits. If
doctors, employers, and patients aren’t satisfied, figure on one more
E-health start-up to stand down.
85. the Silicon Valley employers promote the E-health program for the
purpose of ___________
A. rewarding their employees
B. gratifying the local hospitals
C. boosting worker productivity
D. testing a sophisticated technology
86. What can be learned about the on-line doctors’ visits?
A. They are a quite promising business.
B. They are funded by the local government.
C. They are welcomed by all the patients
D. They are very much under experimentation.
87.Of he following people, who are not involved in the program?
A. Cisco System employees
B. advice nurses in the clinic
C. doctors at three local hospitals
D. Oracle executives
88. According to Paragraph 2, doctors are___________
A. reluctant to serve online for nothing
B. not interested in Web consultation
C. too tired to talk to the patients online
D. content with $20 paid per Web visit
89. “Smart Symptom Wizard” is capable of ___________
A. making diagnoses
B. producing prescriptions
C. profiling patients’ illness
D. offering a treatment plan
90.It can be inferred from the passage that the future of online visits will
mostly depend on whether___________
A. the employers would remain confident in them
B. they could effectively replace office visits
C. HMOs would cover the cost of the service
D. new technologies would be available to improve the E-health project
TRANSLATION (25minutes, 10 points)
Directions:Put the following passage into English. .Write your English
version in the proper space on your Answer SheetⅡ
伟大艺术的美学鉴赏和伟大科学观念的理解都需要智慧。但是, 随后的感受升
华和情感又是分不开的。没有情感的因素,我们的智慧很难开创新的道路; 没有智
PART VI WAITING(35minutes,15 points)
Directions: Write an essay of at least 150 words on the topic given below.
Use the proper space on your Answer SheetⅡ
With her entry into the WTO, China is being plunged into an international
competition for talents, and in particular, for higher-level talents. To face
this new challenge, China must do something, among other things, to
reform her graduate (postgraduate) education system. State your
opinion about this reform, and give the solid supporting details to your
中国科学院——英语 2003 年博士研究生入学考试试题
Section A
LISTENING COMPREHENSION (20 minutes, 20 points)
(10 points, 1 point each)
Directions: In this section, you will hear ten short conversations between
two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be as feed
about what was said. The question will be spoken only once. Choose the
best answer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding
letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your
Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.
1. A, She is sick.
B. She is hungry.
C. She was bitten by an ant.
D. She had a long bicycle ride.
2. 2. A. He's outgoing.
B. He's considerate.
C- He's successful.
D. He's nice to all,
A. 30 minutes
B. 25 minutes
C. 20 minutes
D. 15 minutes
4. A. take the air
B. park the car
C. fill in the form
D. work on a text
5. A. apply for a credit card
B. get a driver's license
C. buy an insurance
D. rent a vehicle
6. A, Crime needs to be treated as a disease.
B. Primitive punishment will do no good.
C. Severe punishment is necessary to stop crime.
D. Primitive people had trouble with crime treatment.
7. A, the sale of the old houses
B. the pulling down of the gas company
C. the proposal of the council
D. the building of the office blocks
8. A. He will not be able to many Cindy.
B. He has financial problems.
C. He has yet to buy furniture.
D. He may not be recovered until the wedding.
9. A. Both are having a cold.
B. Both are on holidays.
C. The woman feels sorry for the man.
D. The woman hopes to see the man in the school.
10. A. He felt sympathy for the Vietnamese.
B. He used to come to the U.S. unlawfully.
C. He aided illegal immigration to the U.S.
D. He dealt with 7,000 immigration cases.
Section B
(10 points, 1 point each)
Directions: In ihis section, you will hear three short passages. At the end
of each passage, there will be a few questions. Both the passage and the
questions will be read to you only once. After each question, there will be
a pause. During the pause, you must choose the best answer from the
four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar
across the
square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.
11. A. to make children grow tall and strong
B. to keep the soul in the body
C. to prevent someone from saying evil things
D. to protect someone against catching a cold
12. A. They think a good spirit may help the child grow,
B. They want to drive away the devil "sneeze."
C. They say it as a curse for the child to stop sneezing.
D. They consider a sneeze an obstacle to the child's growth.
13. A. the German
B. the Italian
C. the Japanese
D. the Hindus
14. A. All peoples are afraid of sneezing.
B. Some people never sneeze in their lives.
C. The moment of sneezing is very dangerous.
D. Many people say prayers when they sneeze.
15. A. a lack of available flights
B. long delays at the airport
boredom on long flights
D. long trips to and from the airport
16. A. on short trips
B. on long trips
C. when flying over cities
D. when flying at high altitudes
17. A. It fuels with nuclear energy.
B. It rests on a cushion of pressurized air.
C. It flies above magnetically activated tracks.
D. It uses a device similar to a jet engine-
18. A. She is poor in school grade.
B, Her major is thought to be useless.
C, Her job expectation is too high.
D, There is now an economic recession.
19. A, undergraduates
experienced M.B.A.s
C. laid-off workers
liberal-arts majors
20. A. Unemployment rate will get still higher.
B. There will be no multiple job offers.
C. 2 million job seekers will compete for jobs.
First-time job requirements will be lowered.
Section A
VOCABULARY (15 minutes, 10 points)
(0.5 point each)
Directions: Choose the word or expression below each sentence shot
best completes the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of your
choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your
Machine-scaring Answer Sheet,
21. His trick convinced none but the most
A. credulous
B. plausible
C. trustworthy
D. feasible
22. Many people proposed that a national committee be formed to
existing mass transit systems.
A. substitutes
B. measures
C, duplicates
D. alternatives
23. He is a hypocrite, a liar, a thief— , he is the greatest devil I ever know.
A. as a consequence
B. as a rule
C, as a matter of fact
D. as a matter of routine
24. Since she was alone, she opened
the door
. leaving the chain
A. warily
B. consciously
C. audaciously
25. In the last
as if
D. recklessly
the discussion were of some minor domestic matter and not survival
A. crucial
B. central
C. casual
D. causal
26. I didn't listen to Mom and 1 was not surprised at the look of
her face.
A. indifference
C, negligence
B. compliment
D. reproach
27. The victims of drunken driving in America over the past
incredible 250,000, with three killed every hour of every day on average.
A. Sake up B. add up to
C, count for
D. turn out to
28. He is believed to have been shot by a rival gang in
for the shootings
last week.
A. revenge
B, reserve
C. reverse
D. remedial
29. These pollutants can be
kilometers by
hundreds and even thousands of
large air masses.
A. contained
C. contaminated
B. conveyed
D. conserved
30. There are a few small things that I don't like about my job, but _ it's
very enjoyable.
A. all at once
B. once and for all
C. so much as
D. by and large
31. In a divorce, the mother usually is granted___________ of her
A. support
B. retention
C. perseverance
D. custody
32. What he had in mind to nothing less than a total reversal of the
traditional role of the executive.
A. contributed
B. dedicated
C. amounted
D. added
33. Some Heads of Government now fear that negotiations will before
a settlement is reached.
A. wear out
B. come along
C. break off
D. end up
34. A
of soap and two brightly colored towels were left beside the
bath, then the women smiled politely at Nicole and withdrew carefully
from the room.
A. loaf
C. stick
B, bar
D, block
35. Of the 1200 million people who call themselves Chinese,
number speak what is referred to as standard Chinese.
A. none but
C. all but
B. but for
D. but then
a very
36.___________ recent brain and behavioral research. Dr. Goleman
wrote a fascinating book entitled "Emotional Intelligence."
A. Drawing up
B. Drawing on
C. Putting up
D. Putting on
37. Many people think of deserts as
species of
regions, but numerous
plants and animals have adapted to life there,
A. remote B. irgin
C. alien
D. barren
38. Attempts to persuade her stay after she felt insulted were
A, of no avail
B. out of focus
C. at a loss
D, in no way
39. Scientists are certain that there is a cancer-inhibiting agent in the
blood of the shark.
A. dubiously
C. queerly
B. virtually
D. randomly
40. The integration of staff for training has led to a good exchange of
ideas, greater enthusiasm, and higher staff .________ ,
A. moral
C. morale
B, mortal
D. mores
(IS minutes, 15 points)
Directions: There are 15 questions in this part of the test. Read the
passage through-Then, go back and choose one suitable word or phrase
marked A, B, C, or D for each blank in the passage. Mark the
corresponding tetter of the word or phrase you have chosen with a single
bar across she square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.
It is appropriate on an anniversary of the founding of a university to
remind ourselves of its purposes. It is equally appropriate at such time
for students to 4j why they have been chosen to attend and to consider
how they can best 42.__ the privilege of attending.
At the least you 95 students can hope to become 43 in subject matter
which may be useful to you in later life. There is, 44 , much more to be
gained. It is now that you must learn to exercise your mind sufficiently
__45_ learning becomes a joy and you thereby become a student for life.
46 this may require an effort of will and a period of self-discipline.
Certainly it is not 47 without hard work. Teachers can guide and
encourage you, but learning is not done passively. To learn is your48.
There is 49 the trained mind satisfaction to be derived from exploring the
ideas of others, mastering them and evaluating them. But there is 50
level of inquiry which I hope that some of you will choose. If your study
takes you to the 51 of understanding of a subject and, you have reached
so far, you find that you can penetrate to 52 no one has been before, you
experience an exhilaration which can't be denied and which commits you
to a life of research.
Commit mem to a life of scholarship or research is 53 many other
laudable goals. It is edifying, and it is a source of inner satisfaction even
54 other facets of life prove disappointing. I strongly 55 it,
41.A. count
42. 42. A, benefit from
43. 43. A. efficient
44. 44. A. however
A. if
46. 46. A. Of late
47. 47. A. acquired
48. 48. A. ambition
50.A. any
51.A. ends
A. to
A. elsewhere
A. compatible with
A. shall
55. 55. A. declare
B. reflect t B.ake over B.excellent t B.herefore B.because B.Consequently
B.accomplished B.conscience B.on
B. one
B. responsible for
B. will
B. recommend
C. depend C.apply for C.professional C.indeed
C. so that C.Afterwards C.approached C.responsibility C. in
C. another C, borders
C. whichever
C. followed by
C. would
C, advise
D. comment D. go hrough D. proficient D. after all D.before
D. At first D.assured
D.challenge D. by
D. no
D. edges
D. relevant to
D. should
D. contend
PART IV READING COMPREHENSION (60 minutes, 30 points) Directions:
Be low each of the following passages you will find some questions or
incomplete statements. Each question or statement is followed by four
choices market! A, B, C. end D. Read each passage carefully, and then
select (he choice that bear answers the question or completes (he
statement Mark (fie teller of your choice with a single bar across (he
square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.
Passage I
Small, pink and very ugly. Hardly the qualities of a star, but they describe
the deformed mouse that was the media darling at a recent science
exhibition in Beijing. With a complex tissue structure in the shape of a
human ear grafted on to its back, the rosy rodent was a stunning symbol
of the serious strides China is making in the field of
China is fast applying the latest life-science techniques learned from the
West to aggressively pursue genome research. It's establishing its own
centers of technical excellence to build a scientific base to compete
directly with the United States and Europe. With a plentiful supply of
smart young scientists at home and lots of interest abroad biotechnology
is on the brick of a boom in China. And in the view of foreign scientists,
Beijing is playing a clever hand, maximizing the opportunities open to
For the moment, the cooperation exists mostly with Europe and the U.S.
But Asia's other biotech leaders, Japan, Singapore and Korea, also are
recognizing China's potential as an attractive low-cost base to conduct
research. These partnerships—and China's advancement in the field of
biotechnology—could help benefit the rest of Asia: China's rapid progress
in improving crop yields will address food-security concerns in the region,
In addition, China is more likely to focus on developing cheap technology
that its predominantly poor population—and those of other Asian
countries—-can afford.
There remain, however, serious barriers to the development qf a strong
biotech industry. Among them are a poor domestic legal framework,
weak enforcement of intellectual-property rights and loose adherence to
international standards, China is a signatory of the International Bio
Safety Protocol, which should mean adherence to global standards
governing the conduct of field trials. But some observers are skeptical.
'The regulations look good, but I haven't met one scientist who believes
they are being fully adhered to," says a European science analyst.
If shortcuts are taken, then some of the recent scientific achievements
trumpeted in the official press may never make it to market. But no
matter how strict lab tests are. other problems lie in waii. For example,
there is a number of tasks it would take years :o fulfill in the patents
office, says one lawyer, leaving innovators with little protection if they
take a product to market in China.
56, The mouse on display is most significant in that _
A. it has an ear in the shape of a human ear
B. it is unusually small and ugly as a star
C. it is the focus of the media at the exhibition
D. it indicates China's progress in biotechnology
57. The phrase "on the brink of a boom" (in boldface in Paragraph 2) in
the context
A. having an edge in competition
B. in great demand
C. on the way to success
D. preparing for challenge
58. In the field of biotechnology China is thought to
A. have been making an utmost effort learning from the West
B. have become a country among the advanced
C. have been able to rival the United Sates and Europe
D. have launched a biotechnological revolution
59. Japan, Singapore, and Korea will also be interested in cooperating
with China in biotechnology because________ .
A. it has made extraordinary contributions to the world
B. it has large supplies of talents and advanced research centers
C. its research focuses on the benefits of all Asian countries
D. its cooperation with the US and Europe proves profitable
60. Science analysts are worried that China, in the course of biotech
A. might refuse to join efforts to adhere to global standards
B. may put too much emphasis on developing cheap technology
C. cannot afford to fulfill years of tasks in assessing patents
D. may not seriously follow the International Bio Safety Protocol
61. As implied in the context, the shortcuts that might be taken
include___________ .
A. publicizing recent achievements in the official press
B. the protection of innovators with their products
C. the violation of intellectual-property rights
D. making lab tests as strict as possible
Passage 2
The sizzling streams of sunlight were just beautifully glimmering down
on the crisp green schoolyard. Such a wonderful day that was. Nothing
could have ruined it.
Little Jimmy, since it was such a wonderful day, decided to go to the
corner store and buy himself a little treat. As Jimmy started walking over
to the store, Clouds flocked over the dazzling sun and the sudden pitch
dark meant no trouble, On the other side of the road were three white
boys from Jimmy's same school. Upon recognizing Jimmy, the boys ran
over the street to where he was.
"Hey Negro, what's up?" one of the white boys said,
"Did your mamma pack you enough to eat today? "another hooted. "Just
leave me alone," Little Jimmy said.
" Oh no, Jimmy's really getting pist off!?" the first boy retaliated. "Just
shove off and let me be," Jimmy answered.
It is like this everyday, everywhere, and every time, people suffer
discrimination. All because they have differences amongst each other.
Different beliefs, different cultures, different skin colors, all of these act
like building blocks to help construct what we know as Racism.
Racism has become one of the many burdens amongst multi-cultural
worlds like Canada and the States. Racism is a part of each and every one
of us. No doubt, we are all racist, but the term racism has been used too
loosely. Racism has been mutated to such an extent that ii could be a
reason for war, a symbol of terrorism, and even an excuse for neglecting.
Is that all there is to it? No, actually it is just the beginning. Racism is just
like warfare in which there is no shelter and nobody is neutral.
Nobody is exempt from this demon. He has haunted us with a bitter curse.
On one occasion I remember, nobody would play with me at school. 1
would walk around by myself and ask people if we could play together.
Everywhere that 1 went, like the process of induction, everyone would
avoid me. Like two inducted poles with the some polarity, they would just
shimmer off into the distance and continue to do whatever they're doing.
Because of racial differences, they neglect me.
People are afraid of the unknown, and it is this difference amongst people
that spread rumors and distrust amongst people. Corrupting our
thoughts and reasons, we get accustomed to thinking differences are
omens. Amongst smaller kids, there is no difficulty in getting them to all
play together, Their thoughts are not totally corrupted as others.
Probably the demon has no time to bother with smaller children.
62. With the description of the weather and Jimmy's teeling about it the
author intends to show that_________ .
A. what a happy world it is for humans
B. what an innocent boy Jimmy was
C. what an unusual thing that was to happen to Jimmy
D. what a wonderful world that people have ignored
63. From the conversation with the three white boys, we learn that
A. must have offended them before
B. was a pleasant boy to be talked to
C. was being humiliated for being black
D. must have got used to their behaviors
64, According to the author, Racism
A. leads to a world with no variety
B. does not see the differences between cultures
C. hinders rhe world's economic development
D. does not tolerate coexistence of different cultures
65. By saying ''No doubt, we are alt racist" (in boldface in Paragraph 3)
the author admits that
A. we are all warlike by nature
B. we all discriminate against other peoples
C. we are all proud of our own race and nation
D. we all focus on the difference between races
66, To be continued, the passage would probably be followed by a
paragraph that deals with
A. how children's thoughts are corrupted by racism as they grow
B. the author's far more miserable experience of being neglected
C. how the black people should unite to fight against the Whites
D. the education of smaller children to behave pleasantly to each other
67. Which of the following can best describe the tone of the passage?
B. indignant
D. sarcastic
Passage 3
This week marks the 10th anniversary of the Alar apple scare, in which
many American consumers were driven into a panic following the release
of a report by an environmental organization claiming that apples
containing the chemical Alar posed a serious health threat to
preschoolers. The report was disseminated through a PR (Problem
Report) campaign and bypassed any legitimate form of scientific peer
review. Introduced to the American public by CBS' "60 Minutes," the
unsubstantiated claims in the report led some school districts to remove
apples from their school lunch programs and unduly frightened
conscientious parents trying to develop good eating habits for their
Last month, Consumers Union released a report warning consumers of
the perils of consuming many fruits and vegetables that frequently
contained '"unsafe" levels of pesticide residues. This was especially true
for children, they claimed. Like its predecessor 10 years earlier, the
Consumers Union report received no legitimate scientific peer review and
the public's first exposure to it was through news coverage.
Not only does such reporting potentially drive children from consuming
healthful fruits and vegetables, the conclusions were based on a
misleading interpretation of what constitutes a "safe" level of exposure.
Briefly, the authors used values known as the "chronic reference doses,"
set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as their barometers of
safety. Used appropriately, these levels represent the maximum amount
of pesticide that could be consumed daily for life without concern. For a
70-year lifetime, for example, consumers would have to ingest this
average amount of pesticide every day for more than 25,000 days. It is
clear, as the report points out. that there are days on which kids may be
exposed to more; it is also clear that there are many more days when
exposure is zero. Had the authors more appropriately calculated the
cumulative exposures for which the safety standards are meant to apply,
there would have been no risks and no warnings.
Parents should feel proud, rather than guilty, of providing fruits and
vegetables for their children. It is well established that a diet rich in such
foods decreases the risk of heart disease and cancer. Such benefits
dramatically overwhelm the theoretical risks of
tiny amounts of pesticides in food. So keep serving up the peaches,
apples, spinach, squash, grapes and pears.
68. In the Alar apple scare, many Americans were frightened
A. scientists warned that apples were dangerous
B. many school children became ill after eating apples
C. it was reported that apples were harmful to health
D. apples were discovered to have too much pesticide
69. The warning message about the Alar apple was given
A. by Consumers Union
B. by a health center
C. through an news agency
D. through the government
70. The last month report parallels that on the Alar apple scare in
A. neither really caused worry among the public
B. neither underwent a scientific peer review
C. neither provided statistical supports
D. neither aimed for the public good
71. The ''chronic reference doses" (in boldface in Paragraph 3) refer
A, the safe levels of pesticide exposure
B. the amount of fruits one can safely eat
C, one's digestive capacity for fruits
D. health values of fruits and vegetables
72. With regard to the pesticides in food, this passage seems to argue
A. parents should keep their children from the food with pesticides
B. they should be applied to fruits and vegetables with caution
C. more research needs to be done on their harmfulness to health
D. they are not as threatening as said to children most of the time
73, The primary purpose of this passage is to explain that___
A. not all reports on food are scientifically sound
B. it is important for the public to know the risks of pesticides
vegetables and fruits can be harmful to children's health
D. there should be no public concern over pesticides
Passage 4
Abortion. The word alone causes civil conversation to flee the room. This
is largely because the pro-choice and pro-life positions are being defined
by their extremes, by those who scream accusations instead of
More reasonable voices and concerns, on both sides of the fence, are
given little attention.
For example, prolife extremists seem unwilling to draw distinctions
between some abortions and others, such as those resulting from rape
with an underage child. They would make no exception in the recent
real-life case of a woman who discovered in her fifth month that her baby
would be bom dead due to severe disabilities.
On the other hand, pro-choice extremists within feminism insist on
holding inconsistent positions. The pregnant woman has an
unquestionable right to abort, they claim. Yet if the biological father has
no say whatsoever over the woman's choice, is it reasonable to impose
legal obligations upon him for child support? Can absolute legal
obligation adhere without some son of corresponding legal rights?
The only hope for progress in the abortion dialogue lies in the great
excluded middle, in the voices of average people who see something
wrong with a young girl forced to bear the baby of a rapist.
Any commentary on abortion should include a statement of the writer's
position, I represent what seems to be a growing "middle ground" in
pro-choice opinion. Legally, 1 believe in the right of every human being to
medically control everything under his or her own skin. Many things
people have a legal right to do, however, seem clearly wrong to me:
adultery, lying to friends, walking past someone who is bleeding on the
street. Some forms of abortion fall into that category. Morally speaking,
my doubts have become so extreme that I could not undergo the
procedure past the first three months and 1 would attempt to dissuade
friends from doing so.
Partial-birth abortion has thrown many pro-choice advocates into moral
chaos. I find it impossible to view photos of late-term abortion—the
fetus's contorted features, the tiny fully formed hands, the limbs ripped
apart—without experiencing nausea. This reaction makes me ineffectual
in advocating the absolute right to abortion. 1 stand by
tlie principle, "a woman's body, a woman's right" but I don't always like
myself for do ing so.
Fanatics on both sides are using reprehensible and deceitful tactics. An
honest dialogue on abortion must start by re-setting the stage, by
denouncing the approaches that block communication.
According to the passage, the pro-life and pro-choice
positions on abortion are
complementary to each other
B. opposed to each other
C. similar in nature
reconcilable in a way
75. To a pro-life extremist,
A. all babies should be carried to term
B. babies resulting from rape should not be bom
C. deformed babies can be aborted when detected
D. an underage girl has no right to give birth
76. According to the pro-choice position,_____
A. a pregnant woman cannot abort her baby if its father agrees to keep it
B. a pregnant woman has an absolute right of choice over an abortion
C. the baby's father also has a say over its mother's choice of abortion
D. the baby's father has an unalienable obligation to support the baby
77, Who would insist that the baby be born whether or not it is the child
of a rapist?
A. the author
B. average people
C. a pro-choice advocate
D. a pro-life extremist
78. The author doubts the legal right to lie to friends as well as the one to
A. abort a fetus in its fifth month
B. view the photos of late-term abortion
C. give birth to a baby in one's teenage
D. dispose of whatever under one's skin
79. The author, as a "middle ground" person,___________ .
A. actually holds a mild pro-life opinion
B. proposes that a rapist's baby never be born
advocates a serious dialogue on abortion
D. denies the principle "a woman's body, a woman's right"
Passage 5
In the absence of optimism, we are left with nothing but critics,
naysayers, and prophets of doom. When a nation expects the worst from
its people and institutions, and its experts focus exclusively on faults,
hope dies. Too many people spend too much time looting down rather
than up, Finding fault with their country's political institutions, economic
system, educational establishment, religious organizations, and—worst
of all—with each other.
Faultfinding expends so much negative energy that nothing is left over
for positive action. It takes courage and strength to solve the genuine
problems that afflict every society. Sure, there will always be things that
need fixing. But the question is, Do you want to spend your time and
energy tearing things down or building them up?
The staging of a Broadway show could illustrate my point. Let's say a new
production is about to open, A playwright has polished the script,
investors have put up the money, and the theater has been rented, A
director has been chosen, actors have been auditioned and selected, and
the cast has been rehearsing for weeks. Set, lighting, and sound
engineers have been hard at work. By the time opening night arrives,
nearly a hundred people have labored tirelessly—all working long hours
to make magic for iheir audience.
On opening night, four or five critics sit in the audience, [f they pan it, the
play will probably close in a matter of days or weeks. If they praise it, the
production could go on for a long and successful run. In the end, success
or failure might hinge on the opinion of a single person—someone who
might be in a bad mood on opening night! What's wrong with this scene?
In one sense, nothing. Critics have a legitimate role. The problem arises
when we make critics our heroes or put them in control of our fate. When
we empower the critic more than the playwright, something is wrong. It
is much easier to criticize than to create. When we revere the critics of
society, we eventually become a society of critics, and when that
happens, there is no room left for constructive optimism.
80. According to the author, critics usually
A. ignore minor imperfections
overemphasize flaws
C. see both sides of a coin
D. pin their hopes on improvements
81. It can be inferred from the text that if optimism were adopted,
A, no serious problems would arise in society
B, anything could be done with ease
C. some social problems could more possibly be solved
D. people would succeed in getting over all the obstacles
52. The preparation of a Broadway show is mentioned in order to
A. explain that staging a play requires complex teamwork
B. argue that a minute mistake may ruin a lifelong task
C. show that the preparatory stage is imperative to the following ones
D. illustrate that criticism may block the way to success
83. Compared with the playwrights, the critics are, according to the
pretentious rather than honest
B. arrogant rather than modest
C- cruel rather than merciful
D, destructive rather than constructive
84. What might be the ultimate result of a biased bitter criticism?
A. more rebellion
B. more creativity
C. less initiative
D. less destruction
85. The main idea of this passage is
A. the destructive role of utter pessimism
B. achieving success regardless of criticism
C. no cracking down, no building up
D. one should learn to handle stresses
TRANSLATION (30 minutes, 10 points)
Directions: Read (he following text carefully and then translate the
underlined segments into Chinese. Write your pieces of Chinese version
in the proper space on your Answer Sheet II.
Are you really in love? How do you know the difference between love and
infatuation? This is often difficult to determine, for there are no set rules
surrounding the definitions of love or infatuation. Romantic love is very
much a part of the American way of life and many expect that some day
"it" is going to hit them and they will know they are in love.
What are some of the differences between love and infatuation? 1)
Genuine love is more likely to involve a process of "growing" in love
rather than "falling" in love. This may sound terribly unromantic to some
who are used to hearing talk about "falling in love" or being "head over
heels in love". This "falling" is often infatuation, and the sheer emotion of
"falling31 in love often blinds a person to the imperfections of the loved
one. We tend to think of the loved one as "perfect", "ideal", or some other
divine image. Real love sees the total person—both the "perfection" and
the imperfection. Infatuation, then, is a sudden, emotional sense that
one has discovered the "perfect" lover. On the other hand, love realizes
imperfections and grows with the acceptance of those imperfections.
2) Love leads a person to a feeling of security and trust in the loved one.
It usually
involves a feeling of mutual benefit arising from the new relationship.
"We are able to
solve our problems together" is the feeling of love, rather than 'Please
love me because
I need you."
Infatuation often entails feelings of insecurity whenever the
"lovers" are
separated: feelings of doubt, fickleness, uncertainty, and fear of loss
often accompany
Infatuation. "What will I do if I lose him?" and "1 wonder if she really
means it when
she says she loves me?" express the feelings of infatuation, in such a
setting a lasting
love does not have a chance to develop.
41 Infatuation tends to be more manipulative than love because a lasting
feel inn of relationship probably has not developed, so that the
individuals are still concerned mainly about their own needs and
satisfactions. Conversely, in love, the feeling of relationship is genuine
and sincere so that concern for the other person evolves naturally.
5) Physical attraction is an important part of both infatuation and love,
but the superficial attraction is less important in love, for the couple
experiencing Jove usually will build their relationship on a broader base
than mere physical attraction.
WRITING (40 minutes, 15 points)
Directions: Write an essay of no less than 200 words on the topic given
below Use (he proper space on your Answer Sheet II.
Good management can help the organization achieve its desired results.
This is particularly true of the management of an organization full of
scientists and research workers. What is your idea about a good
management or a good manager of such a group of people?
中国科学院——英语 2005 年博士研究生入学考试试题
PART ? STRUCTURE&VOCABULARY ( 25minutes,15points)
sectionA( 0.5 point eath)
direction: choose the word or expression below each sentence that best
completes the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of your
choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your
machine-scoring answer sheet.
16.Knowing that the cruel criminal has done a lot of unlawful things, I
feel sure that I have no __________ but to report him to the local police.
A. time B. chance C. authority D. alternative
17.Behind his large smiles and large cigars, his eyes often seemed to
A. teem B. brim with C. come with D. look with
18.There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the
young one has a glorious future before him and the old one has a
_______future behind him.
A. splendid B. conspicuous C. uproarious D. imminent
19. That tragedy distressed me so much that I used to keep indoors and
go out only _________necessity.
A. within reach of B. for fear of C. by means of D. in case of
20. A young man sees a sunset and unable to understand of express the
emotion that it _________in him, concludes that it must be the gateway
to a world that lies beyond.
A. reflects B. retains C. rouses D. radiates
21.______________the heat to a simmer and continue to cook for
another 8-10minutes or until most of the water has evaporated.
A. Turn off B. Turn over C. Turn down D. Turn up
22.Banks shall be unable to ___________,or claim relief against the first
15%of any loan or bankrupted debt left with them .
A. write off B. put aside C. shrink from D. come over
23.I am to inform you ,that you may ,if you wish , attend the inquiry ,and
at the inspectors discretion state your case _________or through an
entrusted representative.
A. in person B. in depth C. in secret D. in excess
24.In his view, though Hong Kong has no direct cultural identity, local art
is thriving by “being ___________,”being open to all kinds of art.
A. gratifying B. predominating C. excelling D. accommodating
25.In some countries preschool education in nursery schools or
kindergartens _________the 1stgrade.
A. leads B. precedes C. forwards D. advances
26.Desert plants ________ two categories according to the way they
deal with the problem of surviving drought.
A. break down B. fall into C. differ in D. refer to
27.In the airport, I could hear nothing except the roar of aircraft engines
which _________ all other sounds.
A. dwarfed B. diminished C. drowned D. relative
28.Criticism without suggesting areas of improvement is not _________
and should be avoided if possible.
A. constructive B. productive C. descriptive D. relative
29. The Committee pronounced four members expelled for failure to
provide information in the ____________ of investigations.
A. case B. chase C. cause D. course
30. Since neither side was ready to __________ what was necessary for
peace, hostility were resumed in 1980.
A. precede B. recede C. concede D. intercede
31.Such an _________act of hostility can only lead to war.
A. overt B. episodic C. ample D. ultimate
32._________ both in working life and everyday living to different sets of
values, and expectations places a severe strain on the individual.
A. Recreation B. Transaction C. Disclosure D. Exposure
33. It would then be replaced by interim government, which would
_________be replaced by a permanent government after four months.
A. in step B. in turn B. in practice D. in haste
34. Haven’t I told you I don’t want you keeping ____________ with
those awful riding-about bicycle boys?
A. company B. acquaintance C. friends D. place
35.Consumers deprived of the information and advice they needed were
quite simply _________ every cheat in the marketplace.
A. at the mercy of B. in lieu of C. by courtesy of D. for the price of
Section B (0.5 point each)
Directions : in each of the following sentences there are four parts
underlined and marked A, B, C, and D. Indicate which of the four parts is
incorrectly used. Mark the corresponding letter of your choice by drawing
a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer
36. The auctioneer must know fair accurately the current market values
of the goods he is
37.Children are among the most frequent victims of violent, drug-related
crimes that have nothing
doing with the cost of acquiring the drugs.
38. A large collection of contemporary photographs, including some
taken by Mary are on display
at the museum.
39.There is much in our life which we do not control and we are not even
responsible for.
40. Capital inflows will also tend to increase the international value of the
dollar, make it more
difficult to sell U.S. exports.
41. It can be argued that the problems, even something as fundamental
as the ever-increased world
population, have been caused by technological adcance.
42. It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resist
the temptation to revenge
as subfected to uncivilized behavior.
43. While experts in basic science are important, skilled talents should be
the overriding majority
since they are at heavy demand in the market.
44.Retailers offered deep discounts and extra hours this weekend in the
bid to lure shoppers.
45.The amendments of the laws on patent, trademark and copyright
have enhanced protection of
intellectual property rights and made them conform to WTO rules.
PART3 CLOZE TEST (15minutes, 15 points)
Directions: There are 15 questions in this part of the test. Read the
passage through. Then, go back and choose one suitable word or phrase
marked A, B, C, or D for each blank in the passage. Mark the
corresponding letter of the word or phrase you have chosen with a single
bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.
At least since the Industrial Revolution, gender roles have been in a state
of transition. As a result, cultural scripts about marriage have undergone
change, One of the more obvious ___46____ has occurred in the roles
that women 47 . Women have moved into the world of work and have
become adept at meeting expectations in that arena, 48 maintaining
their family roles of nurturing and creating a(n) 49 that is a haven for all
family members. 50 many women experience strain from trying to “do it
all, ” they often endoy the increased 51 that can result from playing
multiple roles. As women’s roles have changed, changing expectations
about men’s roles have become more 52 . Many men are relinquishing
their major responsibility 53 the family provider. Probably the most
significant change in men’s roles, however, is in the emotional 54 of
family life. Men are increasingly 55 to meet the emotional needs of their
families, 56 their wives.
In fact, expectations about he emotional domain of marriage have
become more significant for marriage in general. Research on 57
marriage has changed over recent decades points to the increasing
importance of the emotional side of the relationship, and the importance
of sharing in the “ emotion work” 58 to nourish marriages and other
family relationships. Men and women want to experience marriages that
are interdependent, 59 both partners nurture each other, attend and
respond to each other, and encourage and promote each other. We are
thus seeing marriages in which men’s and women’s roles are becoming
increasingly more 60 .
46. A. incidents B. changes C. results D. effects
47. A. take B. do C. play D. show
48. A. by B. while C. hence D. thus
49. A. home B. garden C. arena D. paradise
50. A. When B. Even though C. Since D. Nevertheless
51. A. rewards B. profits C. privileges D. incomes
52. A. general B. acceptable C. popular D. apparent
53. A. as B. of C. from D. for
54. A. section B. constituent C. domain D. point
55. A. encouraged B. expected C. advised D. predicted
56. A. not to mention B. as well as C. including D. especially
57. A. how B. what C. why D. if
58. A. but B. only C. enough D. necessary
59. A. unless B. although C. where D. because
60. A. pleasant B. important C. similar D. manageable
PART 4 READING COMPREHENSION (60minutes, 30 points)
Directions: Below each of the following passages you will find some
questions or incomplete statements. Each question or statement is
followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Read each passage
carefully, and then select the choice that best answers the question or
completes the statement. Mark the letter of your choice with a single bar
across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.
The man who invented Coca-cola was not a native Atlantan, but on the
day of his funeral every drugstore in town testimonially shut up shop. He
was John Styth Pemberton, born in 1833 in Knoxville, Georgia, eighty
miles away. Sometimes known as Doctor, Pemberton was a pharmacist
who, during the Civil War, led a cavalry troop under General Joe Wheelrer.
He settled in Atlanta in 1869, and soon began brewing such patent
medicines as Triplex Liver Pills and Globe of Flower Cough Syrup. In 1885,
he registered a trademark for something called French Wine Coca-Ideal
Nerve and Tonic Stimulant, a few months later he formed the Pemberton
Chemical Company, and recruited the services of a bookkeeper named
Frank M. Robinson, who not only had a good head for figures but,
attached to it, so exceptional a nose that he could audit the composition
of a batch of syrup merely by sniffling it. In 1886-a year in which, as
contemporary Coca-Coca officials like to point our, Conan Doyle unveiled
Sherlock Holmes and France unveiled the Statue of Liberty-Pemberton
unveiled a syrup that he called Coca-Coca. It was a modification of his
French Wine Coca. He had taken our the wine and added a pinch of
caffeine, and, when the end product tasted awful, had thrown in some
extract of cola nut and a few other oils, blending the mixture in a
three-legged iron pot in his back yard and swishing it around with an oar.
He distributed it to soda fountains in used beer bottles, and Robinson,
with his glowing bookkeeper’s script, presently devised a label, on which
“Coca-Cola” was written in the fashion that is still employed. Pemberton
looked upon his mixture less as a refreshment than as a headache cure,
especially for people whose headache could be traced to
On a morning late in 1886,one such victim of the night before dragged
himself into an Atlanta drugstore and asked for a doolop of Cola-Cola.
Druggists customarily stirred a teaspoonful of syrup into a glass of water,
but in this instance the man on duty was too lazy to walk to the
fresh-water tap, a couple of feet off. Instead, he mixed the syrup with
some soda water, which was closer at hand. The suffering customer
perked up almost at once, and word quickly spread that the best
Coca-Cola was a fizzy one.
64. What dose the passage tell us about John Styth Pemberton?
A. He was highly respected by Atlantans
B. He ran a drug store that also sells wine.
C. He had been a doctor until the Civil War.
D. He made a lot of money with his pharmacy.
62. Which of the following was unique to Frank M. Robinson, working with
the Pemberton’s Company?
A. Skills to make French wine
B. Talent for drawing pictures
C. An acute sense of smell.
D. Ability to work with numbers.
63.Why was the year 1886 so special to Pemberton?
A. He took to doing a job like Sherlock Holmes’s
B. He brought a quite profitable product into being.
C. He observed the founding ceremony of Statue of Liberty.
D. He was awarded by Coca-Cola for his contribution
64.One modification made of French Wine Coca formula was__________
A. used beer bottles were chosen as containers
B. the amount of caffeine in it was increased
C. it was blended with oils instead of water
D. Cola nut extract was added to taste
65. According to the passage, Coca-Cola was in the first place prepared
especially for ________
A. the young as a soft drink
B. a replacement of French Wine Coca
C. the relief of a hangover
D. a cure for the common headache
66. The last paragraph mainly tells___________
A. the complaint against the lazy shop-assistant
B. a real test of Coca-cola as a headache cure
C. the mediocre service of the drugstore
D. a happy accident that gave birth to Coca-Cola
Passage 2
Between 1833 and 1837, the publishers of a “penny press” proved that a
low-priced paper, edited to interest ordinary people, could win what
amounted to a mass circulation for the times and thereby attract an
advertising volume that would make it independent. These were papers
for the common citizen and were not tied to the interests of the business
community, like the mercantile press, or dependent for financial support
upon political party allegiance. It did not necessarily follow that all the
penny papers would be superior in their handing of the news and opinion
functions. But the door was open for some to make important journalistic
The first offerings of a penny paper tended to be highly sensational;
human interest stories overshadowed important news, and crime and
sex stories were written in full detail. But as the penny paper attracted
readers from various social and economic brackets, its sensationalism
was modified. The ordinary reader came to want a better product, too. A
popularized style of writing and presentation of news remained, but the
penny paper became a respectable publication that offered significant
information and editorial leadership. Once the first of the successful
penny papers had shown the way, later ventures could enter the
competition at the higher level of journalistic responsibility the
pioneering papers had reached.
This was the pattern of American newspapers in the years following the
founding of the New York Sun in 1833. The sun, published by Benjamin
Day, entered the lists against 11 other dailies. It was tiny in comparison;
but it was bright and readable, and it preferred human interest features
to important but dull political speech reports. It had a police reporter
writing squibs of crime news in the style already proved successful by
some other papers. And, most important, it sold for a penny, whereas its
competitors sold for six cents. By 1837 the sun was printing 30,000
copies a day, which was more than the total of all 11 New York daily
newspapers combined when the sun first appeared. In those same four
years James Gordon Bennett brought out his New York Herald (1835),
and a trio of New York printers who were imitating Day’s success founded
the Philadelphia Public ledger (1836) and the Baltimore sun (1837).The
four penny sheets all became famed newspapers.
67. What does the first paragraph say about the “penny press?”
A. It was known for its in-depth news reporting
B. It had an involvement with some political parties.
C. It depended on the business community for survival.
D. It aimed at pleasing the general public.
68. In its early days, a penny paper often ___________-A. paid much attention to political issues
B. provided stories that hit the public taste
C. offered penetrating editorials on various issues
D. covered important news with inaccuracy
69. As the readership
was growing
A. improved its content
B. changed its writing style
C. developed a more sensational style
D. became a tool for political parries
70. The underlined word “ventures” in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced
by ___________
A. editors
B. reporters
C. newspapers
D. companies
71. What is true about the Philadelphia Public Ledger and the Baltimore
A. They turned out to be failures.
B. They were later purchased by James Gordon Bennett.
C. They were also founded by Benjamin Day.
D. They became well-known newspapers in the U.S.
72. This passage is probably taken from a book on ___________
A. the work ethics of the American media
B. the techniques in news reporting
C. the history of sensationalism in American media
D. the impact of mass media on American society
Passage 3
Forget what Virginia Woolf said about what a writer needs—a room of
one’s own. The writer she had in mind wasn’t at work on a novel in
cyberspace, one with multiple hypertexts, animated graphics and
downloads of trancey, chiming music. For that you also need graphic
interfaces, RealPlayer and maybe even a computer laboratory at Brown
University. That was where Mark Amerika—his legally adopted name;
don’t ask him about his birth name—composed much of his novel
Grammatron. But Grammatron isn’t just a story. It’s an online narrative
(Grammatron.com) that uses the capabilities of cyberspace to tie the
conventional story line into complicate knots. In the four year it took to
produce—it was completed in 1997—each new advance in computer
software became anther potential story device. “I became sort of
dependent on the industry,” jokes Amerika, who is also the author of two
novels printed on paper. “That’s unusual for a writer, because if you just
write on paper the ‘technology’ is pretty stable.”
Nothing about Grammatron is stable. At its center, if there is one, is Abe
Golam, the inventor of Nanoscript, a quasi—mystical computer code that
some unmystical corporations are itching to acquire. For much of the
story, Abe wanders through Prague-23, a virtual “city” in cyberspace
whare visitors indulge in fantasy encounters and virtual sex, which can
get fairly graphic, The reader wanders too, because most of
Grammatron’s 1,000-puls text screens contain several passages in
hypertext. To reach the next screen, just double-click. But each of those
hypertexts is a trapdoor that can plunge you down a different pathway of
the story. Choose one and you drop into a corporate-strategy memo.
Choose another and there’s a XXX-rated sexual rant. The story you read
is in some sense the story you make.
Amerika teaches digital art at the University of Colorado, where his
students develop works that straddle the lines between art, film and
literature. “I tell them not to get caught up in mere plot,” he says. Some
avant-garde writers—Julio Cortazar, Italo Calvino—have also
experimented with novels that wander out of their author’s control. “But
what makes the Net so exciting, “says Amerika, “is that you can add
sound, randomly generated links, 3-D modeling, animaion.” That room of
one’s own is turning into a fun house.
73. The passage is mainly to tell __________________.
A. differences between conventional and modern novels
B. how Mark Amerika composed his novel Grammatron
C. common features of all modern electronic novels
D. why Mark Amerika took on a new way of writing
74. Why does the author ask the reader to forget what Virginia Woolf said
about the necessities of a writer?
A. Modern writers can share rooms to do the writing.
B. It is not necessarily that a writer writes inside a room.
C. Modern writers will get nowhere without a word processor
D.It is no longer sufficient for the writing in cyberspace.
75.As an on-line narrative, Grammatron is anything but stable because it
A. provides potentials for the story development
B. is one of the novels at
C. can be downloaded free of charge
D. boasts of the best among cyber stories
76.By saying that he became sort of dependent on the industry, Mark
Amerika meant that _________.
A. he could not help but set his Grammatron and thers in Industrial
B. conventional writers had been increasingly challenged by high
C. much of his Grammatron had proved to be cybernetic dependent
D. he couldn’t care less about new advance in computer software
77. As the passage shows , Grammatron makes it possible for readers to
_____________A. adapt the story for a video version
B. “walk in” the story and interact with it
C. develop the plots within the author’s control
D. steal the show and become the main character
78. Amerika told his students not to ____________
A.immerse themselves only in creating the plot
B. be captivated by the plot alone while reading
C. be lagged far behind in the plot development
D. let their plot get lost in the on-going story
Passage 4
In 1993, a mall security camera captured a shaky image of two
10-year-old boys leading a much smaller boy out of a Liberpool, England,
shopping center. The boys lured James Bulger, 2, away from his mother,
who was shopping , and led him on a long walk across town. The
excursion ended at a railroas track. There, inexplicably, the older boys
tortured the toddler, kicking him, smearing paint on his face and
pummeling him to death with bricks before heaving him on the track to
be dismembered by a train. The boys, Jon Venables and Robert
Thompson, then went of to watch cartoons.
Today the boys are 18-year-ole men, and after spending eight years in
juvenile facilities, they have been deemed fit for release--probably this
spring. The dilemma now confronting the English justice system is how to
reintegrate the notorious duo into a society that remains horrified by
their crimes and skeptical about their rehabilitation. Last week Judge
Elizabeth Butler-Sils decided the young men were in so much danger that
they needed an unprecedented shield to protect them upon release. For
ht e rest of their lives, Venable sands Thompson will have a right to
anonymity. All English media outlets are banned from publishing any
information about their whereabouts of the new identities the
government will help them establish. Photos of the two or even details
about their current looks are also prohibited.
In the U.S, which is harder on juvenile criminals than England, such a
ruling seems inconceivable. “We’re clearly the most punitive in the
industrialized world,” says Laurence Steinberg, a Temple University
professor who studies juvenile justice. Over the past decade, the trend in
the U.S. has been to allow publication of ever more information about
underage offenders. U.S. courts also give more weight to press freedom
than English courts ,ewhich, for example, ban all video cameras.
But even for Britain, the order is extraordinary. The victim’s family is
enraged, as are the ever eager British tabloids. “What right have they got
to be given special protection as adults?” asks Bulger’s mother Denise
Fergus. Newspaper editorials have insisted that citizens have a right to
know if Venables of Thompson move in next door. Says conserbative
Member of Parliament Humfrey Malins;”It almost leaves you with the
feeling that the nastier the crime, the greater the chance for a completely
new life.”
79. What occurred as told at the beginning of the passage?
A. 2 ten-year-olds killed James by accident in play
B. James Bulger was killed by his two brothers.
C. Two mischievous boys forged a train accident.
D. A little kid was murdered by two older boys.
A. hav been treated as juvenile delinquents
B. have been held in protective custody for their murder game
C. were caught while watching cartoons eight years ago
D. have already served out their 10 years in prison
81.The British justice system is afraid that the two young men
A. hardly get accustomed to a horrifying general public
B. be doomed to become social outcasts after release
C. still remain dangerous and destructive if set free
D. be inclined to commit a recurring crime
82. According to the British courts, after their return to society, the two
adults will be __________
A. banned from any kind of press interview
B. kept under constant surveillance by police
C. shielded from being identified an killers
D. ordered to report to police their whereabouts
83. From the passage we can infer that a US counterpart of Venables or
Thompson would________.
A. have no freedom to go wherever he wants
B. serve a life imprisonment for the crime
C. be forbidden to join many of his relatives
D. no doubt receive massive publicity in the U>S>
84. As regards the mentioned justice ruling, the last paragraph mainly
tells that ________________
A. it is controversial as it goes without precedent
B. the British media are sure to do the contrary
C. Bulger’s family would enter all appeal against it
D. Conservatives obviously conflict with Liberals
Passage 5
Can the Internet help patients jump the line at the doctor’s office? The
silicon Valley Employers Forum, a sophisticated group of technology
companies, is launching a pilot program to test online “virtual visits
“ between doctors at three big local medical groups and about 6,000
employees and their families. The six employers taking part in the Silicon
Valley initiative, including heavy hitters such as Oracle and Cisco
Systems, hope that online visits will mean employees won’t have to skip
work to tend to minor ailments of to follow up on chronic conditions.
“With our long commutes and traffic, driving 40 miles to your doctor in
your hometown can be a big chunk of time, “ says Cindy Conway,
benefits director at Cadence Design Systems, one of the participating
Doctors aren’t clamoring to chat with patients online for free; they spend
enough unpaid time ton the phone. Only 1 in 5 has ever E-mailed a
patient, and just 9 percent are interested in doing so, according to the
research firm Cyber Dialogue.”We are not stupid,” says Stirling Somers,
executive of the Silicon Valley employers group. “Doctors getting jpaid is
a critical piece in getting this to work.” In the pilot program, physicians
will get $20 per online consultation, about what they get for a simple
office visit.
Doctors also fear they’ll be swamped by rambling E-mails that tell
everything but what’s needed to make a diagnosis. So the new program
will use technology supplied by Healinx, an Alameda, Calif.-based
start-up. Healinx’s “Smart Symptom Wizard” questions patients and
turns answers into a succinct message. The company has online
dialogues for 60 common conditions. The doctor can then diagnose the
problem and outline a treatment plan, which could include E-mailing a
prescription or a face-to-face visit.
Can E-mail replace the doctor’s office? Many conditions, such as
persistent cough, require a stethoscope to discover what’s wrong—and to
avoid a malpractice suit. Even Larry Bonham, head of one of the doctor’s
groups in the pilot, believes the virtual doctor’s visits offer a “very
narrow” sliver of service between hone calls to an advice nurse an a visit
to the clinic.
The pilot program, set to end in nine months, also hopes to determine
whether online visits will boost worker productivity enough to offset the
cost of the service. So far, the Internet’s record in the health field has
been underwhelming. The experiment is “a huge roll of the dice for
Healinx,” notes Michael Barrett, an analyst at Internet consulting firm
Forester Research. If the “Web visits” succeed, expect some
HMOs(Health Maintenance Organizations) to pay for online visits. If
doctors, employers, and patients aren’t satisfied, figure on one more
E-health start-up to stand down.
85. the Silicon Valley employers promote the E-health program for the
purpose of ___________
A. rewarding their employees
B. gratifying the local hospitals
C. boosting worker productivity
D. testing a sophisticated technology
86. What can be learned about the on-line doctors’ visits?
A. They are a quite promising business.
B. They are funded by the local government.
C. They are welcomed by all the patients
D. They are very much under experimentation.
87.Of he following people, who are not involved in the program?
A. Cisco System employees
B. advice nurses in the clinic
C. doctors at three local hospitals
D. Oracle executives
88. According to Paragraph 2, doctors are___________
A. reluctant to serve online for nothing
B. not interested in Web consultation
C. too tired to talk to the patients online
D. content with $20 paid per Web visit
89. “Smart Symptom Wizard” is capable of ___________
A. making diagnoses
B. producing prescriptions
C. profiling patients’ illness
D. offering a treatment plan
90.It can be inferred from the passage that the future of online visits will
mostly depend on whether___________
A. the employers would remain confident in them
B. they could effectively replace office visits
C. HMOs would cover the cost of the service
D. new technologies would be available to improve the E-health project
PARTV TRANSLATION (25minutes, 10 points)
Directions:Put the following passage into English. .Write your English
version in the proper space on your Answer SheetⅡ
伟大艺术的美学鉴赏和伟大科学观念的理解都需要智慧。但是, 随后的感受升华和
情感又是分不开的。没有情感的因素,我们的智慧很难开创新的道路; 没有智慧,
PART VI WAITING(35minutes,15 points)
Directions: Write an essay of at least 150 words on the topic given below.
Use the proper space on your Answer SheetⅡ
With her entry into the WTO, China is being plunged into an international
competition for talents, and in particular, for higher-level talents. To face
this new challenge, China must do something, among other things, to
reform her graduate (postgraduate) education system. State your
opinion about this reform, and give the solid supporting details to your
华东师范大学——英语 2003 年博士研究生入学考试试题
2003 年招收博士学位研究生入学考试
1)本考卷共包括七大项,共 17 项。考试时间为 180 分钟,满分 100 分。
2)试卷中 Paper One 各项答案按相应题号一律用铅笔划横线填入答题卡。
3)Paper Two 各项用钢笔或圈珠笔答在答题纸上,字迹需清晰端正。
Paper One
Part I Listening Comprehension 15% (20 minutes)
Section A
Directions: In this section, you will hear ten short conversations. At the
end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said.
Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After
each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the
four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.
Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single
line through the centre.
1. A. From the policemen.
B. In the car.
C. In the town.
D. At the police station.
2. A. Doctor.
B. Secretary.
C. Receptionist.
D. Patient.
3. A. Mr. Bixy's secretary.
C. A typist.
B. Mr. Bixby's friend.
4. A. Ron.
D. Mr. Bixby's client.
C. Lucy.
B. Ron's friend.
D. Lucy's husband.
5. A. Visiting as many places as he can.
B. Visiting a variety of museums.
C. Visiting his friends here.
D. Visiting the art museums.
6. A. The first speaker's is going to spend the weekend there and then
visit some friends.
B. The first speaker is going to visit some friends there.
C. The first speaker is going to attend a conference there.
D. The first speaker is going to see a doctor there.
7. A. Making some money.
B. This spring.
C. Thinking.
D. Putting on a show.
8. A. By subway.
B. By taxi.
9. A. 39
C. By bus.
D. On foot.
B. 27
D. 93
10. A. The second speaker had a very serious accident.
B. The first speaker is feeling well.
C. The first speaker doesn't know what happened to the second speaker.
D. The first speaker thought that the accident was not serious.
Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of
each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the
questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must
choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then
mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line
through the centre.
Passage 1
Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.
11. A. Why people need to sleep.
B. Two kinds of sleep.
12. A. Active sleep.
B. Passive sleep.
C. Two purposes of sleep.
D. Why and how people sleep.
C. Physical sleep.
D. Emotional sleep.
13. A. Only when people sleep well, will they feel rested.
B. Dreaming occurs in active sleep and helps restore our energy.
C. All people dream for one and a half hours during eight hours of sleep.
D. Dreaming won't occur until the passive sleep period is over.
Passage 2
Questions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.
14. A. Chinese readers.
B. German readers.
15. A. The first of January.
B. The middle of November.
C. The Romans.
D. Non-Chinese.
C. The middle of winter.
D. The beginning of the harvest season
16.A. It means a period of rest from work
B. It brings us a good life.
C. It symbolizes a new life with new hope.
D. It embodies a happy occasion.
17. A. The celebration of the New Year.
B. The difference between the western New Year and Chinese New Year.
C. The origin of the New Year festival.
D. The significance of the New Year festival.
Passage 3
Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
18. A. When she was a graduate.
B. At the age of sixteen.
C. When she entered a
D. Before she entered a university.
19. A. Because she wanted to make friends with the staff.
B. Because she wanted to earn extra money for the summer vacation.
C. Because she wanted to get some experience in a hotel.
D. Not mentioned.
20. The head waiter had a sense of humor
B. The woman didn't care much about her appearance.
C. The woman was easy-going and carefree.
D. The hotel was not far from where they lived.
Part II Vocabulary (10%) (10 minutes)
Directions: Below each sentence, there are four words marked A, B, C
and D. Choose the one that is closest in meaning to the underlined word
in the sentence or that best completes the sentence. Write the
corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.
21. Smith's position in this agency provides him with authority to award
contracts and to __ obligations for payment of bills as well.
A. incure
B. support
C. resume
D. incite
22. For all her rich experience in practicing law, the lawyor failed to pry
much information out of the witness.
A. sophisticated
B. sober
C. obstinate
D. gloomy
23. Shanghai Orient Men Basketball Team attributed its
League Basketball Tournament in 2002 to a number of factors.
A. losing...ominous
C. winning...advantageous
B. embarrassing...optimistic
D. winning...adventurous
24. A(n)
of employment opportunities
entering the job market.
prospective employees
A. excess...impedes
C lack…inspires
B. surfeit...hinder
D. dearth...discourages
25. Anyone who believes that war is stupid and unnecessary thinks that
to lose one's life on the battlefield is .
A. glorious
B. futitle
C. heroic
D. courageous
26. Unruly people may well become
people around them.
A. composed...respect
B. clam...irritation
if they are delt with
by the
C. angry...benevolence
D. dangerous...favoured
27. I was absolutely when I received a C on the exam in mathematics,
for I was positive that I could have got an A.
A. elated
B. frustrated
C. incited
D. contented
28. In this youthhood, Jack was withdrawn, preferring the company of
books to that of people; consequently, in his adulthood Jack was
socially .
A. successful
0B. uninhibited
C tranquil
D. inept
29. Scientists believe that a conclusion which is drawn readily before all
of the relevant data are collected, analyzed and contemplated is called
A. insincere
C. premature
B. premise
D. presumption
30. The advancement of science and technology has demonstrated that a
fact appearing to contradict to certain theory may actually be a more
advanced formulation of that theory.
A. consistent with
C. eliminated by
B. in opposition to
D. incompatible with
31. Nancy is an advocate of consumer rights and has spent a great part
of her professional career attempting to __ the deceitful claims of
business companies.
A. show on
B. show out
C. show off
32. The lover of democracy has an
A. empathy
B. antipalthy
D. show up
towards totalitarianism.
C. sympathy
D. symphony
33. As he has faith in Mary's integrity, Mr. Lee offers to
president on her behalf concerning the "cheating" matter.
A. interrupt
C. interject
B. interfere
D. intervene
with the
34. Jenny's wealth of practical experience and psychological acuity
(sharpness) more than
her lack of formal academic training.
A. compensate for
C. speak volumes for
B. account for
D. make for
35. Applied science is
theoretical science.
discovering ways to use the knowledge of
A. concerned about
C. concerned for
B. combined with
D. concerned with
36. The former president is to verify at a human rights court heating
cases of atrocities.
A. testify
B. conform
C. provide
D. supply
37. As is known to all, the rail service now operates without a sum of
money granted by the government for assistance.
A. bonus
B. pension
C. yield
D. subsidy
38. In the Anti-Japanese War, flexibility and mobility were the features of
the Chinese Eighth Route Army and Communist guerrillas.
A. characters
C. contributes
B. attributes
D. properties
39. As a yieldance to the public outcry, the government reduced the tax
on income.
A. recession
C. concession
B. permission
D. possession
40. In the dim light, I managed to discern the shadowy figure of a big dog
among the trees.
A. make off
C. make out
B. make up
D. make over
III. Structure (5%) (10 minutes)
Directions: There are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D
beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one which can best
complete the sentence if inserted at the blank space. Write the
corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.
41. If this evil man remained unpunished, our social moral standard
A. will undermine'
C. would be undermined
B. would undermine
D. will be undermined
42. Mary' s eyes are red now, she must
A. cry
on hearing the sad news.
C. be crying
B. have been crying
D. have cried
43. She brought her rage under control, her smiling face
her real
A. disguised
C. disguise
B. disguising
D. to disguise
44. The mechanic couldn't operate the machine
A. for all
his efforts.
C. but for
B. owing to
D. according to
45. Eating more nutritious food than is needed doesn't make it function
better, overfilling the tank makes a car move faster.
A. not more than
B. no more than
C. less than
D. any more than
46. David was so careful on the test that his paper was
A. with some errors
B. free from errors
C. full of errors
D. not having some errors
47. The TV star accompanied by many fans
A. are to
B. are being to
deliver a speech in no time.
C. is to
D. is being to
48. The manager thinks it desirable that some adjustments
A. are made
B. made
C. be made
D. will be made
49. I met with something difficult to deal with and intended to turn to my
teachers for help yesterday. I rushed into the office only to find not a
single teacher there.
A. I could consult
C. I could consult with
B. could I consult on
D. could I consult
revealed the secret?
A. Who was it that
C. Who was it who
B. It was who that
D. It was whom that
IV. Error Identification (5%) (10 minutes)
Directions: There are four underlined words or parts marked A, B, C and
D in each of the following sentences. Choose the one that you think
incorrect, and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.
51. Many motions submitted at the first session of the 10th National
People's Congress called for
guarantees of the rights of laid -off workers, migrant labourers except for
safeguards for the
national economy and social security system.
52. To meet increasing demand, Shanghai has embarked upon the huge
Harbour International Passenger Terminal Centre, locating on the City's
River, at a cost of 3.2 billion yuan.
53. This scenic capital began construction of a massive project comprises
a water
pipeline network and two water processing plants.
54. The training of performers, directors, and designers have been the
purpose of
American National Theatre and Academy for over 50 years.
55. The infectious disease was broken out in Hainan that summer and
hundreds of
people were dead, many children included.
56. I intended to have her accompany me to the concert yesterday
evening, but she
rejected my request.
57. All these dictionaries which have been donated by a publishing house
are to be
used by the students here.
58. Were it not for his illness last week, he would have been quite
enthusiastic about
the plan and done something for it.
59. So far as the influence of computerization is concerned, nowhere we
can see the
results more clearly than in the US, which really have amazed us.
60. Come in and have a look at the person seated by the window. He is no
more a man
than the one you are looking for.
V. Reading (25%) (60 minutes)
Directions: Read the fotlowing five passages carefully, choose the best
answer to each question from the four choices given, and then write the
corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.
Passage 1
Birds sometimes exhibit benevolent feelings; they will feed the deserted
young ones even of distinct species, but this perhaps ought to be
considered as a mistaken instinct. They will feed, as shown in an earlier
part of this work, adult birds of their own species which have become
blind. Mr. Buxton gives a curious account of a parrot which took care of a
frost-bitten and crippled bird of a distinct species, cleansed her feathers
and defended her from the attacks of the other parrots which roamed
freely about his garden. It is a still more curious fact that these birds
apparently evince some sympathy for the pleasures of their fellows.
When a pair of cockatoos made a nest in an acacia tree "it was ridiculous
to see the extravagant interest taken in the matter by the others of the
same species." These parrots also evinced unbounded curiosity and
clearly had "the idea of property and possession." They have good
memories, for in the Zoological Gardens they have plainly recognized
their former masters after an interval of some months.
Birds possess acute powers of observation. Every mated bird, of course,
recognizes its fellow. Audubon states that a certain number of mating
thrushes (Mimus polyglottus) remain all the year round in Louisiana,
while others migrate to the Eastern States; these latter on their return
are instantly recognized and always attacked by their southern brethren.
Birds under confinement distinguish different persons, as is proved by
the strong and permanent antipath or affection which they show without
any apparent cause toward certain individuals. I have heard of numerous
instances with jays, partridges, canaries, and especially bullfinches. Mr.
Husscy has described in how extraordinary a manner a tamed partidge
recognized everybody; and its likes and dislikes were very strong This
bird seemed "fond of gay colors, and no new gown or cap could be put on
without catching his attention." Mr. Hcwitt has described the habits of
some ducks (recenfiy descended from wild birds) which at the approach
of a strange dog or cat would rush headlong into the water and exhaust
themselves in their attempts to escape; but they knew Mr. Hewitt's own
dogs and cats so well that they would lie down and bask in the sun close
to them. They always moved away from a strange man, and so they
would from the lady who attended them if she made any great change in
her dress. Audubon relates that he reared and tamed a wild turkey which
always ran away from any strange dog; this bird escaped into the woods,
and some days afterward Audubon saw, as he thought, a wild turkey and
made his dog chase it; but to his astonishment the bird did not nm away,
and the dog when he came up did not attack the bird, for they mutually
recognized each other as old friends.
Mr. Jenner Weir is convinced that birds pay particular attention to the
colors of other birds, sometimes out of jealousy and sometimes as a sign
of kinship. Thus he turned a reed-bunting (Emberiza sehoeniculus),
which had acquired its black headdress, into his aviary, and the
newcomer was not noticed by any bird except by a bullfinch, which is
likewise black-headed_ This bullfinch was a very quiet bird, and had
never before quarreled with any of its comrades, including another
reed-bunting, which had not as yet become black-headed; but the
reed-bunting with a black head was so unmercifully treated that it had to
be removed.
61. Why does Darwin cite Mr. Buxton?
A. To support his theory about birds' powers of observation.
B. To support his statement about birds' benevolence.
C. To contrast with his own observations of birds,
D. Both A and B.
62. Why does Darwin mention jays, partridges, canaries, and bullfinches?
A. To explain why some birds cannot be trained.
B. To educate his reader on types of local birds.
C. To contrast with a later discussion of shore birds.
D. To support his discussion of birds' memories.
63. What does Darwin mean by "a sign of kinship"
A. Mark of common parentage.
B. Premonition of future union.
C. Symbol of compatibility.
D. Evidence of family relationship.
64. A good title for paragraph 3 might be
A. "Different-Colored Birds"
B. "Bullfinches and Their Colors"
C. "An Example of Color Recognitiion in Birds"
D. "Captive Birds"
65. The main purpose of this passage is to
A. compare three species of birds
B. review current studies of birds
C. compare wild birds to confined birds
D. discuss some traits of birds
Passage 2
At the end of what seemed a tedious while, I had managed to pack my
head full of islands, towns, bars, "points," and bends; and a curiously
inanimate mass of lamber it was, too. However, inasmuch as I could shut
my eyes and reel off a good long string of these names without leaving
out more than ten miles of river in every filly, I began to feel that I could
make her skip those little gaps. But of course my complacency could
hardly get start enough to lift my nose a trifle into the air, before Mr.
Bixby would think of something to fetch it down again. One day he turned
on me suddenly with this settler:
"What is the shape of Walnut Bend?"
He might as well have asked me my grandmother's opinion of
protoplasm( 原生质)。 I reflected respectfully, and then said I didn't know
it had any particular shape. My gunpowdery chief went off with a bang, of
course, and then went on loading and firing until he was out of adjectives.
I had learned long ago that he only carried just so many rounds of
ammunition, and was sure to subside into a very placable and even
remorseful old smoothbore as soon as they were all gone. That word
"old" is merely affectionate; he was not more than thirty-four. I waited.
By and by he said:
"My boy, you've got to know the shape of the river perfectly. It is all
there is left to steer by on a very dark night Everything else is blotted out
and gone. But mind you, it hasn't the same shape in the night that it has
in the daytime."
"How on earth am I ever going to learn, then?"
"How do you follow a hall at home in the dark? Because you know the
shape of it. You can't see it."
"Do you mean to say that I've got to know all the million trifling
variations of shape in the banks of this interminable river as well as I
know the shape of the front hall at home?"
"On my honor, you've got to know them better than any man ever did
know the shapes of the has in his own house."
"I wish I was dead!"
"Now I don't want to discourage you, but" -"Well pile it on me; ! might as well have it now as another time."
"You see, this has got to be learned; there isn't any getting around it A
clear starlight night throws such heavy shadows that, if you didn't know
the shape of a shore perfectly, you would claw away from every bunch of
timber, because you would take the black shadow of it for a solid cape;
and you see you would be getting scared to death every fifteen minutes
by the watck You would be fifty yards from shore al the time when you
ought to be within fifty feet of it. You can't see a snag in one of those
shadows, but you know exactly where it is, and the shape of the river
tells you when you are coming to it. Then there's your pitch-dark night;
the river is a very different shape on a pitch-dark night from what it is on
a starlight night. All shores seem to be straight lines, then, and mighty
dim ones, too; and you'd nm them for straight lines, only you know better.
You boldly drive your boat right into what seems to be a solid straight wall
(you knowing very well that in reality there is a curve there), and that
wall falls back and makes way for you. Then there's your gray mist. You
take a night when there's one of these grisly, drizzly, gray mists, and then
there isn't any particular shape to a shore. A gray mist would tangle the
head of the oldest man that ever lived. Well, then different kinds of
moonlight change the shape 0fthe river in different ways.
66. When Twain compares a question to asking his "grandmother's
opinion of protoplasm" (line 10 ), he means that
A. the question is inane.
B. the speaker is very old.
C. he does not know the answer.
D. his grandmother would be able to respond.
67 Twain compares his chief to a gun point out the chief's
A. splendid posture
B. peppery temper
C. love of hunting
D. violent past
68. When Twain writes that Mr. Bixby "carried just so many rounds of
ammunition," he means that
A. Bixby used a pistol to settle arguments
B. Bixby loaded and fired his gun at random
C. Bixby's gun was out of bullets
D. Bixby's hot temper would soon subside
69. Twain's reaction to Mr. Bixby's insistence on the need to know the
river at night is
A. despair
C. puzzlement
B. elation
D. humility
70. Mr. Bixby is shown to be extremely
A. knowledgeable
B. rude
C. condescending
D. fearful
Passage 3
The United States court system, as part of the federal system of
government, is characterized by dual judicial systems; there are both
state and federal courts. Each state has its own system of courts,
composed of civil and criminal trial courts, sometimes intermediate
courts of appeal, and a state Supreme Court. The federal court system
consists of a series of trial courts (called district courts) serving relatively
small geographic regions (there is at least one for every state), a tier of
circuit courts of appeal that hear appeals from many district courts in a
particular geographic region, and the Supreme Court of the United Slates.
The two court systems are to some extent overlapping, in that certain
kinds of disputes may be initiated in either system. They are also to some
extent hierarchical (等级制度的), for the federal system stands above the
state system in that litigant (person engaged in lawsuits)who lose their
cases in the state supreme court may appeal their eases to the Supreme
Court of the United States.
Thus, the typical court case begins in a trial court-----a court of
general jurisdiction-----in the state or federal system. Most cases go no
further than the trial court; for example, the criminal defendant is
convicted by a trial and sentenced by the court and the case end; the
personal injury suit results in a judgment by a trial court (or an
out-of-court settlement by the parties while the court suit is pending)
and the parties leave the court system. But sometimes the losing party at
the trial court cares enough about the cause that the matter does not end
there. In these cases, the "loser" at the trial court may appeal to the next
higher court.
71. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Civil and criminal trial courts.
B. Typical court cases.
C. The court system in the United States.
D. The appeal court process.
72. According to the passage, district courts are also known as
A. circuit courts
C. supreme courts
B. intermediate courts
D. trial courts
73. In the last sentence of the first paragraph, "engaged in" means
A. committed to
C. involved in
B. attentive to
D. absorbed in
74. The passage indicates that litigants who lose their cases in the state
trial court may take them to a .
A. different court in the same state
B. federal trial court
C. state supreme court
D. court in another state
75. It can be inferred from the passage that typical court cases are
A. always appealed
B. usually resolved in the district courts
C. always overlapping
D. usually settled by the Supreme Court
Passage 4
For 150 years scientists have tried to determine the solar constant, the
amount of solar energy that reaches the Earth. Yet, even in the most
cloud-free regions of the planet, the solar constant cannot be measured
precisely. Gas molecules and dust particles in the atmosphere absorb and
scatter sunlight and prevent some wavelengths of the light from ever
reaching the ground.
With the advent of satellites, however, scientists have finally been able to
measure the Sun's output without being impeded by the Earth's
atmosphere. Solar Max, a satellite from the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA), has been measuring the Sun's output
since February 1980. Although a malfunction in the satellite's control
system limited its observation for a few years, the satellite was repaired
in orbit by astronauts from the space shuffle in 1984. Max's observations
indicate that the solar constant is not really constant after all.
The satellite's instruments have detected frequent, small variations in
the Sun's energy output, generally amounting to no more than 0.05
percent of the Sun's mean energy output and lasting from a few days to
a few weeks. Scientists believe these fluctuations coincide with the
appearance and disappearance of large groups of sunspots on the Sun's
disk. Sunspots are relatively dark regions on the Sun's surface that have
strong magnetic fields and a temperature about 2,000 degrees
Fahrenheit cooler than the rest of the Sun's surface. Particularly large
fluctuations in the solar constant have coincided with sightings of large
sunspot groups. In 1980, for example, Solar Max's instruments
registered a 0.3 pement drop in the solar energy reaching the Earth. At
that time a sunspot group covered about 0.6 percent of the solar disk, an
area 20 times larger than the Earth's surface.
Long-term variations in the solar constant are more difficult to determine.
Although Solar Max's data have indicated a slow and steady decline in the
Sun's output. Some scientists have thought that the satellite's aging
detectors might have become less sensitive over the years, thus falsely
indicating a drop in the solar constant. This possibility was dismissed,
however, by comparing solar Max's observations with data from a similar
instrument Operating on NASA's Nimbus 7 weather satellite since 1978.
76. What does this passage mainly discuss?
A. The launching of a weather satellite.
B. The components of the Earth's atmosphere.
C. The measurement of variations in the solar constant
D. The interaction of sunlight and air pollution,
77. Why does the author mention "gas" and "dust" in line 3 ?
A. They magnify the solar constant.
B. They are found in varying concentrations.
C. Scientific equipment is mined by gas and dust
D. They interfere with accurate measurement of the solar constant.
78. According to the passage, scientists believe variations in the solar
constant are related to
A. sunspot activity
B. unusual weather patterns
C. increased levels of dust
D. fluctuations in the Earth's temperature
79. Why did scientists think that Solar Max might be giving unreliable
A. Solar Max did not work for the first few years.
B. The space shuttle could not fix Solar Max's instruments.
C. Solar Max's instrument were getting old.
D. Nimbus 7 interfered with Solar Max's detectors.
80. The attempt to describe the solar constant can best be described as
A. an ongoing research effort
B. an issue that has been resolved
C. a question that can never be answered
D. historically interesting, but irrelevant to contemporary concerns
Passage 5
The economic expansion prompted by the Second World War triggered a
spectacular population boom in the West. Of course, the region was no
stranger to population booms. Throughout much of its history, western
settlement had been characterized by spurts, rather than by a pattern of
gradual and steady population growth, beginning with the gold and silver
rushes of the 1850's and 1860's. The decade after the First World War --the 1920's---witnessed another major surge of people pouring into the
West, particularly into urban areas. But the economic depression of the
1930's brought this expansion to a halt; some of the more sparsely
settled parts of the region actually lost population as migrants sought
work in more heavily industrialized areas. By 1941 when the United
States entered the Second World War and began to mobilize, new job
opportunities were created in the western part of the nation.
If the expansion of industries, such as shipbuilding and aircraft
manufacturing, was most striking on the pacific coast, it also affected
interior cities like Denver, Phoenix, and Salt Lake City, Equally dramatic
were the effects of the establishment of aluminum plants in Oregon and
Washington and the burgeoning steel industry in Utah and California The
flow of people into these areas provided an enormous impetus to the
expansion of the service industries --- banks, health care services and
schools. Although strained to the limit by the influx of newcomers,
western communities welcomed the vast reservoir of new job
opportunities. At the same time, the unprecedented expansion of
government installations in the West, such as military bases, created
thousands of new civilian openings. As land had served as a magnet for
western migrants in the late nineteenth century, so wartime mobilization
set in motion another major expansion of population. Indeed, it could be
said that the entire western United States became a giant boomtown
during the Second World War. This was especially true of California. Of
the more than eight million people who moved into the West in the
decade after 1940, almost one-half went to the Pacific coast. In fact,
between 1940 and 1950, California's population surged by more than
three million people.
81. What is the main point of the passage?
A. California dominated the economic growth of the West during the
Second World War.
B. Industrial growth during the 1940's attracted large numbers of people
to the West.
C. The military drew people away from civilian jobs during the 1940's.
D. The West experienced gradual and steady economic growth from 1900
to 1940.
82. The word "triggered" in line 1 is closest in meaning to
A. was connected to
B. generated
C. interfered with
D. illuminated
83. Why does the author mention "the gold and silver rushes of the
1850's and 1860's in the first paragraph?
A. As causes of gradual population growth
B. As contrasts to late patterns of population growth
C. As illustrations of a market economy.
D. As examples of western population booms.
84. According to the passage, the depression of the 1930's caused which
of the following?
A. A lack of population growth in the West.
B. The building of new suburbs
C. A creation of more job opportunities.
D. A growth in immigration from abroad.
85. Which of the following statements about the shipbuilding industry is
suggested by the passage?
A. It came into being during the First World War.
B. Many new shipbuilding yards were established on the Pacific coast
during the 1940's.
C. Denver was considered to be a poor location for shipbuilding factories.
D. Shipbuilding was the dominant industry in Oregon and Washington.
Paper Two
VI. Translation (25%) (30 minutes)
A. Directions: Translate the following into Chinese. 12%
Between 1500 and 1800, significant changes took place in the way
educated Europeans saw their society. Important scientific discoveries
were made and the enlightenment brought a new sense of responsibility
and reason. In sprite of such changes, however, in the middle of the
eighteenth century most people in the world (and perhaps most
Europeans, too) could still believe that history would go on much as it
seemed always to have done. The weight of the past was everywhere
enormous and often it was immovable: some of the European efforts to
shake it off have been touched upon, but nowhere outside Europe was
even the possibility of doing so grasped. Though in many parts of the
world a few people's lives had begun to be revolutionized by contact with
Europeans, most of it was unaffected and much of it was untouched by
such contamination of traditional ways.
B. Directions: Translate the following into English 13%
VIL Writing (15%) 30minutes)
Directions: In this part, you are to write with 30 minutes a composition
with On An All-Roundly Well-off Society as its title. Your composition
should contain the three key points given below with a length of over 150
words, please remember to write clearly.
1. Your ideal all-roundly well-off society(全面小康的社会)
2. Some disadvantageous factors preventing China from realizing this
3. Possible solutions
华东政法大学——英语 2003 年博士研究生入学考试试题
华东政法学院 2003 年博士研究生入学考试
In Sections A and B you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully
and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to
each question on your answer sheet.
In this section you will hear nine statements. At the end of each
statement you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.
1. The speaker likes teaching because of
A. its interesting nature.
B. the good salaries.
C. contact with the young.
D. more summer holidays.
2. What does the speaker mean?
A. Bad living conditions are due to the poor city.
B. Bad planning is responsible for poor living conditions.
C. Living conditions are bad because the city is too big.
D. Small cities have better living conditions than large ones.
3. What does the statement mean?
A. Many people are concerned about their security.
B. Social security bears no relation to population.
C. Most social security problems are caused by a few people
D. Too many people may result in social security problems.
4. Passengers must check in to board Flight 998 by
A. 10:30 a.m.
B. 10:00 a.m.
D. 11:00 a.m.
C. 11:30
5. The speaker is probably a(n)
A. insurance agent.
B. fireman.
C. salesman.
6. The speaker thinks that
A. Ian achieved a lot as an athlete.
B. Ian’s blind eye prevented him from athletics.
C. Ian’s success depended on his childhood experience.
D. Ian trained so hard in athletics as to lose one eye.
7. Mrs. Clark is worried about her
A. husband’s health
B. husband’s work
C. husband’s illness
D. own health
8. The relationship between Susan and Jenny is
A. neutral.
B. friendly.
C. unclear.
9. What do we learn about Jack?
A. He is well-known for hard work
B. He is pretty busy working.
C. He has overworked and hurt his sight.
D. He doesn’t like to have dinner with us.
In this section, you will hear nine short conversations between two
speakers. At the end of each conversation you will be given 10 seconds to
answer the question.
10. What are they mainly talking about?
A. Graduation date.
D. Job hunting.
B. Vacation plans.
C. School
11. The conversation probably takes place in
A. a library
department store.
B. a bookstore.
C. the classroom.
12. The relationship between the two speakers is probably
A. man and wife.
B. lawyer and client.
D. a
C. customer and waitress.
D. colleagues.
13. We can infer from the conversation that the man is a(n)
A. plumber.
B. construction worker. C. office boy
14. What will the man probably do next?
A. Turn off the tape recorder.
C. Call the doctor.
B. Turn up the tape recorder.
D. Continue to play.
15. How does Lisa feel about her work?
A. Satisfied.
B. Frustrated. C. Annoyed
D. Confident
Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the
passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for
each blank on your answer sheet.
Traditional superstitions and beliefs 16 disappear altogether; they
assume new forms and 17 to contemporary conditions. 18 in the
21st century people may dismiss their forefather's customs and practices
as superstition, many are still current. A Friday which falls on the 13th of
a month is widely feared as 19 , and so are spilling and walking
under a ladder. Belief 20 the power of mascots is far from 21 ;
the lucky rabbit's foot, like the horseshoe, is a popular charm. Certain
foods, too, 22 their ancient lore. Many people, for example, accept
the old adage "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". One aspect of
traditional 23 which is still very much 24 today is folk medicine.
When the causes of illness were totally 25 , and disease seemed to
strike without any reason, it was often 26 to evil spirits taking over
the body. To 27 the patient, the demons of disease must be driven
out, and many "cures" were spells and charms intended to exorcise these
usurpers. Until 28 modern times even “official” medicine was very
unpleasant, with no anaesthetics or pain-killers, and a low success rate.
Few people, 29 , could afford it, and most relied on folk healers and
magic. There was an enormous range of herbal cures, some of which
have since been found to have actual healing properties. Charms were
worn to ward off disease; and a wide 30 of seemingly strange objects,
such as church furnishings, were credited with powers of healing.
16. A. often
B. already
C. seldom
17. A. adopt
B. adapt
C. continue
18. A. But
B. Since
19. A. lucky
20. A. in
B. unlucky
B. of
21. A. alive
22. A. get
B. live
B. regain
23. A. behaviour
24. A. live
B. living
C. about
D. for
D. vanish
C. rewind
D. retain
C. wonder
C. alive
D. means
D. life
C. wondered
B. attributed
B. treat
D. Although
C. dead
B. suspected
26. A. contributed
D. go
C. superstitiopus D. magic
B. factor
25. A. suspicious
27. A. diagnose
C. Then
D. always
C. achieved
C. cure
D. deteriorated
D. watch
28. A. comparatively B. very
C. recently
29. A. in case
B. in every case
C. in no case
30. A. variety
B. group
C. form
D. unknown
D. constantly
D. in any case
D. amount
There are twenty-five sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence
there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word
or phrase that best completes the sentence.
Mark your answers on your answer sheet.
31. Arriving at the bus stop, ______ waiting there.
A. a lot of people were. B. he found a lot of people C. a lot of people
people were found
32. We can assign the task to ____ is capable and trustworthy.
A. whomever
B. who
C. whom
D. whoever
33. _______ regular training in nursing, she could hardly cope with the
work at first.
A. Not received
having received
B. Since receiving
C. Having received
D. Not
34. So badly _____ in the car accident that he had to stay in hospital for
a few months.
A. did he injure
B. injured him
C. was he injured
D. he was
35. The country’s chief exports are coal, cars and cotton goods, cars
_____ the most important of these.
A. have been
B. are
C. being
D. are being
36. It was recommended that passengers _____ smoke during the flight.
A. not
B. need not
C. could not
D. would not
37. Only take such clothes ________ really necessary.
A. as were
B. as they are
C. as they were
D. as are
38. _______ you were busy, I wouldn’t have bothered you with my
A. If I realized
B. Had I realized
C. I realized that
D. As I
39. _______ is often the case with a new idea, much preliminary activity
and optimistic discussion produced no concrete proposals.
A. That
B. It
C. This
D. As
40. Please dispose _______ those old newspapers while you’re cleaning
up the room.
A. out
B. of
C. away
D. in
41. He was _______ admittance to the concert hall for not being properly
A. rejected
B. denied
C. withheld
D. deprived
42. The problem has ________ simply because you didn’t follow the
instructions in the handbook.
A. assembled
B. arisen
C. risen
D. resulted
43. In the next few years major changes will be _______ in China’s
A. brought forward
B. brought about
C. brought on
D. brought
44. Judicious praise is to children _____ the sun to flowers.
A. like
B. as
C. what
D. that
45. We are in an ear of information procession _____ there are great
opportunities for those who can qualify.
A. which
B. when C. that
D. where
46. Although cats can’t see in complete darkness, their eyes are much
more sensitive to light than ________.
A. are human eyes
eyes can
B. do human eyes
C. human eyes do D. human
47. Even as a girl, _____ to be her life, and theater audiences were to be
her best teachers.
A. performing by Melissa were B. it was known that Melissa’s
performances were
C. knowing that Melissa’s performances were
performing was
D. Melissa knew that
48. There is no doubt __ the company has made the right decision on the
sales project.
A. why
B. that
C. whether
D. when
49. He was ______ to tell the truth even to his closest friend.
A. too much of a coward B. too much the coward C. a coward
D. enough of a coward
50. Barry had an advantage over his mother ______ he could speak
A. since that
B. in that
C. at that
D. so that
51. You needn’t worry ______ regards the cost of the operation.
A. with
B. which
C. as
D. about
52. The team’s efforts to score were ______ by the opposing goalkeeper.
A. frustrated
B. prevented
C. discouraged
53. Being colour-blind, Sally can’t make a ______ between red and
A. difference
B. distinction
C. comparison
54. You must insist that students give a truthful answer ______ with the
reality of their world.
A. relevant
B. simultaneous
C. consistent
55. He drank his beer and _____ reading the paper.
A. proceeded B. advanced C. confronted D. resumed
In this section there are six passages followed by questions or unfinished
statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D.
Choose the one that you think is the best answer.
Mark your answers on your answer sheet.
Text A
Whatever may be said against mass circulation magazines and
newspapers, it can hardly be argued that they are out of touch with their
readers' daydreams, and therefore the inducements they hold out to
them must be a near. accurate reflection of their unfulfilled wants and
aspirations. Study these and you will assuredly understand a good deal
of what it is that makes society tick.
Looking back, for example, to the twenties and thirties, we can see that
circulation managers unerringly diagnosed the twin obsessions which
dominated that era of mass unemployment -- economic insecurity and a
passionate concern for the next generation. Thus it was that readers
were recruited with offers of free insurance policies for the one, and free
instant education for the other. The family whose breadwinner lost an eye
in a double railway derailment, or an arm in a flood, could confidently
expect to collect several hundred pounds from the Daily This or the
Evening That. The family who could not afford to send their son to
grammar school could find consolation in equipping him with the
complete works of Shakespeare in one magnificent, easy to read volume.
After the war the need to fall into step with the new consumer society
was soon realized. If you were flanked by neighbors who, unlike you,
could afford a holiday abroad, then winning an easy competition could
set you up with a fortnight in an exotic sunspot. Dishwashers, washing
machines, slow-cookers and deep-fat-friers were - and still are- available
by the same means.
56. The writer finds the study of gifts and prizes interesting because it
reveals social trends.
exposes journalistic dishonesty.
confirms his view of human nature.
shows the power of the popular press.
57. From the passage, we are told that newspapers in the 1920s and
1930s offered their readers gifts in order to
A. spread popular education.
B. increase their circulation.
C. improve social conditions.
D. increase their readers' ambitions.
58. What does the choice of gifts tell us about the circulation managers?
A. They despised their readers.
B. They understood their readers.
C. They enjoyed being powerful.
D. They were out of touch.
59. Why did holidays abroad become a common prize after the war?
A. Group travel became easier.
B. Everyone wanted the opportunity to travel.
C. People became more interested in material possessions.
D. People wanted to get away from familiar surroundings.
Text B
Thirty years ago the Today program was unpredictable to the point of
chaos with presenter Jack da Manio improvising and thinking aloud,
always eager for a joke or a prank. Through the studio trooped a
procession of English eccentrics ---- a man who ate light bulbs, another
who ate spiders, a chap who was touring the country leapfrogging all the
pillar boxes, a hard-headed individual who could play Rule Britannia by
hitting himself on the head with a nine-inch spanner ---- and many
others. Talking dogs and singing cats were almost common place.
By the mid-70s, however, Today had got to the point where, for example,
it had on one morning Libby Purves making the first "live" radio
broadcast from China, someone else in Dublin covering the pope's visit,
another presenter in Margate where the Liberals were conferring, and an
anchorman in London.
When you have reached this stage, there is no room for talking dogs, and
humor and whims have to be confined to odd corners.
Despite its more serious approach, however, Today has somehow
retained its character and its tone of voice. And being a live, high-risk
program, it can still go horribly wrong. Only recently an eminent doctor
launched into a lengthy on-air harangue against the production team and
refused to listen to the questions he was supposed to be answering. Such
things can always happen ---- and so can studio rows, sometimes even
involving the presenters. There was a memorable spat not long ago when
a rattled Nigel Lawson accused Redhead of being a well-known supporter
of the Labor party.
But rows or no rows. Today is where the ministers and would-be
ministers want to be heard. As Brian Redhead is fond of saying: "If you
want to plant a word in the nation's ear, come on Today." His other
favorite remark is: "We set the agenda for the day." Both statements are
true of a program with a steady weekly audience of 6 million ---- easily
the largest on Radio 4.
60. Before the 1970s, the Today program used to be quite a
A. serious program.
B. humorous program.
C. religious program.
D. political program.
61. According to the passage, the Today program is
A. extremely influential.
B. becoming less popular.
C. fairly obscure.
D. politically biased.
62. Which of the following examples is given to show the program
sometimes does not go according to plan?
A. Libby Purves had an argument with Nigel Lawson.
B. Someone hit himself on the head with a spanner.
C. Someone leapfrogged pillar boxes in the street.
D. A doctor declined to answer the set questions.
Text C
One of the good things for men in women’s liberation is that men no
longer have to pay women the old-fashioned courtesies.
In an article on the new manners, Mrs. Holmes says that a perfectly able
woman no longer has to act helplessly in public as if she were a model.
For example, she doesn’t need help getting in and out of cars. “Women
get in and out cars twenty times a day with babies and dogs. Surely they
can get out by themselves at night just as easily.”
She also says there is no reason why a man should walk on the outside of
a woman on the sidewalk. “Historically, the man walked on the inside so
he caught the garbage thrown out of a window. Today a man is supposed
to walk on the outside. A man should walk where he wants to. So should
a woman. If, out of love and respect, he actually wants to take the blows,
he should walk on the inside--because that’s where attackers are all
hiding these days.”
As far as manners are concerned, I suppose I have always been a
supporter of women’s liberation. Over the years, out of a sense of respect,
I imagine, I have refused to trouble women with outdated courtesies.
It is usually easier to follow rules of social behaviour than to depend on
one’s own taste. But rules may be safely broken, of course, by those of us
with gift of natural grace. For example, when a man and woman are led
to their table in a restaurant and the waiter pulls out a chair, the woman
is expected to sit in the chair. That is according to Ms. Ann Clark. I have
always done it the other way, according to my wife.
It came up only the other night. I followed the hostess to the table, and
when she pulled the chair out I sat on it, quite naturally, since it
happened to be the chair I wanted to sit in.
“Well,” my wife said, when the hostess had gone, “you did it again.”
“Did what?” I asked, utterly confused.
“Took the chair.”
Actually, since I’d walked through the restaurant ahead of my wife, it
would have been awkward, I should think, not to have taken the chair. I
had got there first, after all.
Also, it has always been my custom to get in a car first, and let the
woman get in by herself. This is a courtesy I insist on as the stronger sex,
out of love and respect. In times like these, there might be attackers
hidden about. It would be unsuitable to put a woman in a car and then
shut the door on her, leaving her at the mercy of some bad fellow who
might be hiding in the back seat.
63. It can be concluded from the passage that
A. men should walk on the inside of a sidewalk.
B. women are becoming more capable than before.
C. in women’s liberation men are also liberated.
D. it’s safe to break rules of social behaviour.
65. The author was “utterly confused” because he
took the chair out of habit.
was trying to be polite.
was slow in understanding
had forgotten what he did.
65. He “took the chair” for all the following reasons EXCEPT that
he got to the chair first.
he happened to like the seat.
his wife ordered him to do so.
he’d walked ahead of his wife.
66. The author always gets in a car before a woman because he
wants to protect her.
doesn’t need to help her.
chooses to be impolite to her.
fears attacks on him.
67. The author is _____ about the whole question of manners and
women’s liberation.
A. joking
B. satirical
C. serious
68. Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage?
A. Manners ought to be thrown away altogether.
B. In manners one should follow his own judgement.
C. Women no longer need to be helped in public.
D. Men are not expected to be courteous to women.
Text D
Does a drink a day keep heart attacks away? Over the past 20 years,
numerous studies have found that moderate alcohol consumption--say,
one or two beers, glasses of wine or cocktails daily-- helps to prevent
coronary heart disease. Last week a report in the New England Journal of
Medicine added strong new evidence in support of that theory. More
important, the work provided the first solid indication of how alcohol
works to protect the heart.
In the study, researchers from Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital
and Harvard Medical School compared the drinking habits of 340 men
and women who had suffered recent heart attacks with those of healthy
people of the same age and sex. The scientists found that people who sip
one to three drinks a day are about half as likely to suffer heart attacks as
nondrinkers are. The apparent source of the protection: those who drank
alcohol had higher blood levels of high-density lipoproteins (脂蛋白), the
so-called good cholesterol (胆固醇), which is known to repel heart disease.
As evidence has mounted, some doctors have begun recommending a
daily drink for patients of heart diseases. But most physicians are not
ready to recommend a regular happy hour for everyone. The risks of
teetotalling are nothing compared with the dangers of too much alcohol,
including high blood pressure, strokes and liver troubles--not to mention
violent behaviour and traffic accidents. Moreover, some studies suggest
that even moderate drinking may increase the incidence of breast and
colon (结肠) cancer. Until there is evidence that the benefits of a daily
dose of alcohol outweigh the risks, most people won't be able to take a
doctor's prescription to the neighbourhood bar or liquor store.
69. The medical article quoted in the passage demonstrates ______.
A. the way in which alcohol can help the heart
B. how a couple of cocktails daily can stop heart problems
C. why alcoholic drinks are dangerous to one's health
D. that reports on the advantages of alcohol were misfounded
70. Experiments showed that nondrinkers had ______.
larger amounts of good cholesterol
smaller amounts of good cholesterol
higher blood pressure
lower blood pressure
71. According to the passage, moderate drinking ______.
is recommended by most doctors for heart patients
should be allowed on prescription
is still not medically advisable
is not related to liver problems
72. The main theme of this passage is ______.
the change in recent drinking habits
the connection between cancer and alcohol
whether moderate drinkers outlive nondrinkers
whether alcohol may be good for your health
Text E
I am going to mobilise public opinion sufficiently to bring to the very top
of the nation's conservation agenda the several endangered species I
have in mind. I think all I ask now, is that the mangel-wurzel be not
allowed to die out.
The mangel has been a great friend to the traditional British farmer. It is
the easiest of crops to grow and is seemingly resistant to any disease.
There is a price to be paid in that it is a delicate crop that cannot be lifted
by machine or it will be bruised and rot, so has to be hauled by hand
which is expensive. But why, just because it is a sensitive soul, should it
be allowed to pass away? I have now grown five crops and each has been
better than the previous one. I had high hopes that we might achieve
that happy state, where the mangels were so huge it took two men to lift
one. But my dreams lie shattered across the desks of the seed merchants
who insist there is no mangel seed to be found.
Things have been on the decline for some years. A catalogue from the
1920s listed more than 30 varieties, yet the most I have ever been
offered is a choice of two. This year there is no choice at all. The next
question that arises is how I am going to break this to the livestock, and
to the cows in particular who have done spectacularly well when winter
arrived and I stopped feeding them corn and gave them mangels instead.
How can I bring myself, next New Year, to offer them miserable pellets of
something indescribable when they have spent the whole of the autumn
looking forward to the day when their jaws will sink into that crisp, ruddy
root and the sweet juices will flow?
The seed suppliers tell me things will be better next year but I am not
certain I trust them. Our only hope now is to create a demand for
mangels, make them into a fashion item, get them into Habitate. As a
crop, they would be quite easy to grow in a garden and whilst not the
most attractive of border plants they make wonderful wine, I am told.
This may all sound far-fetched, but the situation is serious and demands
an urgent and imaginative response: any ideas you may have would be
welcome. My Farmers' Cyclopedia of 1912 tells me that mangel-wurzel
means, roughly translated from German, "root of scarcity". Let us hope
that it does not live up to its name.
73. In what season is mangel-wurzel fed to the animals?
A. Summer.
B. Autumn.
C. Winter.
D. Spring.
74. The author's next move in defence of the mangel is ______.
to rely on the seed suppliers
to get his cows to eat another type of crop
to make it seem stylish to grow mangels
to introduce a new variety of mangel-wurzel
75.The author's purpose in writing this passage is ______.
to explain the origins of the mangel
to appeal for help in saving the mangel
to discourage the domestic growth of the mangel
to promote the production of mangel-wurzel wine
Text F
I am one of the many city people who are always saying that given the
choice we would prefer to live in the country away from the dirt and noise
of a large city. I have managed to convince myself that if it weren’t for my
job I would immediately head out for the open space and go back to
nature in some sleepy village buried in the country. But how realistic is
the dream?
Cities can be frightening places. The majority of the population live in
massive tower blocks, noisy, dirty and impersonal. The sense of
belonging to a community tends to disappear when you live fifteen floors
up. All you can see from your window is sky, or other blocks of flats.
Children become aggressive and nervous—cooped up at home all day,
with nowhere to play; their mothers feel isolated from the rest of the
world. Strangely enough, whereas in the past the inhabitants of one
street all knew each other, nowadays people on the same floor in tower
blocks don’t even say hello to each other.
Country life, on the other hand, differs from this kind of isolated
existence in that a sense of community generally binds the inhabitants of
small villages together. People have the advantage of knowing that there
is always someone to turn to when they need help. But country life has
disadvantages too. While it is true that you may be among friends in a
village, it is also true that you are cut from the exciting and important
events that take place in cities. There’s little possibility of going to a new
show or the latest movie. Shopping becomes a major problem, and for
anything slightly out of the ordinary you have to go on an expedition to
the nearest large town. The city-dweller who leaves for the country is
often oppressed by a sense of unbearable stillness and quiet.
What, then, is the answer? The country has the advantage of peace and
quiet, but suffers from the disadvantage of being cut off; the city breeds
a feeling of isolation, and constant noise batters the senses. But one of
its main advantages is that you are at the centre of things, and that life
doesn’t come to an end at half past nine at night. Some people have
found (or rather bought) a compromise between the two: they have
expressed their preference for the “quiet life” by leaving the suburbs and
moving to villages within commuting distance of large cities. They
generally have about as much sensitivity as the plastic flowers they leave
behind—they are polluted with strange ideas about changes and
improvement which they force on to the unwilling original inhabitants of
the villages.
What then of my dreams of leaning on a cottage gate and murmuring
“morning” to the locals as they pass by. I’m keen on the idea, but you see
there’s my cat, Toby. I’m not at all sure that he would take to all that
fresh air and exercise in the long grass. I mean, can you see him mixing
with all those healthy males down the farm? No, he would rather have
the electric imitation-coal fire any evening.
76. We get the impression from the first paragraph that the author
used to live in the country.
used to work in the city.
works in the city.
lives in the country.
77. In the author’s opinion the following may cause city people to be
unhappy EXCEPT
a strong sense of fear.
lack of communication.
housing conditions
a sense of isolation
78. The passage implies that it is easy to buy the following things in the
country EXCEPT
daily necessities.
fresh fruits
designer clothes.
fresh vegetables.
79. According to the passage, which of the following adjectives best
describes those people who work in large cities and live in villages?
A. Original.
B. Quiet.
C. Arrogant.
80. Do you think the author will move to the country?
Yes, he will do so.
No, he will not do so.
It is difficult to tell.
He is in two minds.
1. 世界卫生组织计划在日内瓦举行一次国际科学会议,以回顾有关非典型性肺炎的
2. 伊拉克反对派官员上周在新闻采访中明确表示他们将不受萨达姆政府以前与俄
3. 对伊拉克使用武力的合法性是令人怀疑的,因为这场战争显然违反了国际法的基
4. 中国作为一个发展中国家,面临着发展经济与保护环境的双重任务。
5. 受害者都是在办小时内被击中,该少年随后把一颗子弹射进自己的头部而自杀。
这事件在这个 8 千人的村庄中引起了恐慌。
Intellectual property is characterized by heavy fixed costs relative to
marginal costs. It is often very expensive to create, but once it is created
the cost of making additional copies is low, dramatically so in the case of
software, where it is only a slight overstatement to speak of marginal
cost as zero. Without legal protection, the creator of intellectual property
may be unable to recoup his investment, because competitors can free
ride on it; and so legal protection can expand output rather than, as in
the usual case of monopoly, reduce it. At the same time, legal protection
of intellectual property may operate to deflect consumers to more costly
substitutes. The owner of the patent or copyright will charge a positive
price for copying, even though the marginal cost may be zero; the
positive price will deflect some consumers to substitutes. To prevent
these defections would require perfect price discrimination, which is
infeasible because it would require the seller to have complete
information about the elasticity of the demand for his product by all his
customers and potential customers. (Richard A. Posner, Antitrust in the
New Economy)