PHYSICAL EDUCATION YEAR 5 / 6 DANCE UNIT AUTUMN TERM ABOUT THE UNIT In this unit children learn different styles of dance and focus on dancing with other people. They create, perform and watch dances in a range of styles, working with partners and groups. In dance as a whole, children think about how to use movement to explore and communicate ideas and issues, and their own feeling and thoughts. As they work, they develop an awareness of the historical and cultural origins of different dances. VOCABULARY In this unit children will have an opportunity to use a range of words and phrases, such as: Dance style, technique Actions Dynamics Formation, pattern, gesture, rhythm Motif, variation RESOURCES 5, Controlled landing without losing balance A CD player Music A video camera, digital camera Projector A variety of stimuli Football, tennis ball Videos of professional sports matches (see TOP card) YEAR 5 / 6 DANCE By the end of Year 6 most children will be able to: Acquiring and Developing Skills Choose appropriate material to create motifs in a chosen dance style. Explore, improvise and choose appropriate material to create new motifs in a chosen dance style Perform specific skills and movement patterns for different dance styles with accuracy Selecting and Applying Skills, Tactics and Compositional Ideas Adapt dance motifs to make longer dances Compose, develop and adapt motifs to make dance phrases and use these in longer dances. Knowledge and Understanding of Fitness and Health Warm up and cool down independently Warm up and cool down independently. Use exercises that stretch and tone their bodies and help them prepare for their dance Evaluating and improving performance Use appropriate terminology to describe the style of dance and suggest ways to develop their technique. Use appropriate dance terminology to identify and describe different styles in their own and others dances Talk about the relationship between the dance and its accompaniment Suggest ways to develop their technique and composition DANCE Y5/6 CORNWALL Game, Set and Match For Class Yr 5, Yr 5/6 or Yr 6 Pupils QCA Core Task Unit 5 In groups create and perform a dance with three sections. This could include: Set dance focusing on performance style, patterning and timing Patterns to create small group dances that develop step patterns, gestures and pathways. A processional section with different leaders and characters which develops into a whole class dance combining different formations, rhythms and patterns. Pupil Challenges Can you create and perform a dance that has three sections – a beginning, middle and an end. Can you copy a number of set steps and then change their order, size, direction or speed to make a new dance phrase? Can you teach your dance phrase to a friend and learn theirs? Can you work in a group and organise your dance to show different people leading at different times? Introduction to “The Match” Yr 5/6 Dance Unit of work As well as National Curriculum themes being major starting points for planning units of work, the following example is inspired by the TOPS card “Game, Set and Match”. By taking a sports theme which is relevant to their everyday life and culture, this unit aims to capture children’s interest and enthusiasm …… and is also boy friendly! In order to initially inspire and engage the children, the following introductory ideas may be tried in preparation and cross-referenced with literacy and numeracy learning objectives. Children’s own collection and class sharing of photographs/books/comics/posters Playing of video footage of players in action and also of the watching crowd’s expressions Watching professional dancers and youth dance groups interpreting sports themes Listening to various music – counting beats and phrasing rhythms – interpreting sound and action Brainstorming/thought showering/mind mapping class activities – exploring concepts and images ….. drawing out and abstracting the descriptive and expressive dance language…..into ACTIONS (what the body does) - the doing words …. Verbs e.g. running, jumping DYNAMICS (how the body moves) the quality of the actions…descriptive language interpreting the use of speed and tension e.g. adjectives slowly, gently, fluid etc SPACIAL pathways, directions and levels (where the body is moving) concepts of shape and design, focus etc RELATIONSHIPS (with body parts, actions and other people) use of number combinations and interpretation of the theme; moving under, over, around, towards & away etc Encourage the understanding of creating whole dances which have a beginning, middle and end ….. Dances which have a form and structure….. and in doing so, children are… CREATING/ COMPOSING, PERFORMING and APPRECIATING their own and others’ work. This example unit of work continually uses ICT within the teaching process in order to help children make more progress and evaluate and improve their own performance. Recommended reference sources – please also refer to the additional page on resources TOPS Dance handbook and cards/music BBC Sports bank Special: Dance video pack ISBN 0563 37690 2 The Dance Teacher’s Survival Guide by Katherine Sexton ISBN 1 85273 102 8 Music – Reverence by Faithless – track 9 “Baseball Cap Year 5/6 EQUIPMENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES WARM UP Autumn Term Dance “The Match” Progression 1 TOPS card “Game, Set and Match”, CD player and music, Video and images of sports matches, digital video/stills camera, projector or TV or laptop Children should learn to show an understanding of why it is important to warm up and cool down to explore and improvise ideas for dances, working on their own, with a partner and in a group to compose dances by using, adapting and developing steps, formations and patterning to describe, analyse, interpret and evaluate dances, showing an understanding of some aspects of style and context Why do you need to warm up - discuss with each other… Think about the image/movement qualities of the ball….what can it do? How does it move? Where does it go? Let’s take some of these ideas as a starting point for a warm up. Can you… Drop your head and roll-down through your spine - counts 1234 and return 5678 and repeat….now try tilting your head sideways and repeat the same sequence Listen to the music and try quickening up the rhythm – roll down 1-2 and return 34…repeat. Are you feeling warmer? Do you feel ready to do more? Repeat this sequence, and then find your own way of rolling, turning, bouncing, flying etc… (Improvise) can you make up your own sequence? Practice, repeat and perform. WHOLE GROUP “The Crowd” COOL DOWN It is possible at this point to show video/stills of matches and their crowds. Imagine now you are looking into the crowd who are watching the game…look at their expressions, what are they thinking/feeling? – talk about this with your teacher/partner… what is happening in the game? – How are they reacting with their body shapes and actions? Discuss and then try out some ideas with a partner(improvise) With a partner can you choose(select) three body shapes which express a reaction to the umpire/referee’s decision in the game – use contrasting shapes by using different levels Sequence them into a “sentence”(phrase/motif) working with your partner at the same time ( in unison) Start your sequence on different levels to each other and then contrast your levels until the end of your phrases. Face different directions and change the timing? Can you practice and then perform your duets to another pair/rest of the class? Join up with another pair and try different relationship patterns (remembering you are watching a match) Possibly video record children working LEARNING OUTCOMES Watch each others’ work and comment on how well they were performed and how they can be improved (could use video to playback and evaluate) With your teacher, remember the lesson use exercises that stretch and tone their bodies and help them prepare for their dance explore, improvise and choose appropriate material to create new motifs compose, develop and adapt a motif to make a dance phrase suggest ways to develop their technique and composition Year 5/6 EQUIPMENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES WARM UP WHOLE GROUP “The Ball” Autumn Term Dance “The Match” Progression 2 TOPS card “Game, Set and Match”, CD player and music, Video and images of sports matches, digital video camera, projector or TV or laptop Children should learn to organise their own warm-up and cool-down activities to suit the dance to explore and improvise ideas for dances, working on their own, with a partner and in a group to compose dances by using, adapting and developing steps, formations and patterning to perform dances expressively, using a range of performance skills to describe, analyse, interpret and evaluate dances, showing an understanding of some aspects of style and context With your teacher, remember your warm-up from the last lesson. Can you find a new way to travel in and around the space? Now try adding slow stretching, swings and turns and then develop the sequence by changing the order. Can you watch each others’ warm ups. – can you see images/pictures of the game? The Ball, The Players, The Crowd? Think about the different ways a ball can move. How many phrases can you think of? (What, how, where, E.g. Bounce suddenly forwards) Imagine you are the ball… how do you feel? Talk with a partner/teacher. Try to move like the ball – try using different action words like roll, rebound, spin etc (WHAT the ball is doing?) Choose 3 actions and sequence them into a phrase (like a sentence with a beginning , middle, end) Can you now think of HOW it is moving e.g. quickly/slowly, lightly/firmly(dynamics) Try to change the directions, pathways and levels of your actions (space) Perform your phrase of movement to a partner and discuss Remember and perform “The Crowd” dance from your last lesson – perform and share with the class. You may want to watch the video recording of the last lesson Can you now join these two sections together? “The Crowd” and “the Ball” Divide the class in half and take it in turns to watch each other perform. Video both pieces together COOL DOWN Walk quietly and slowly in/around the whole space, stretching and curling into some of your favourite shapes of your dance. With your teacher, remember the lesson and discuss – how can you improve your work? (Could use recording of video to analyse) LEARNING OUTCOMES use exercises that stretch and tone their bodies and help them prepare for their dance explore, improvise and choose appropriate material to create new motifs compose, develop and adapt a motif to make dance phrases Use appropriate dance terminology to identify and describe their own and others’ dances. Year 5/6 EQUIPMENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES WARM UP Autumn Term Dance “The Match” Progression 3 TOPS card “Game, Set and Match”, CD player and music, Video and images of sports matches, digital video/stills camera, projector or TV or laptop Children should learn to organise their own warm-up and cool-down activities to suit the dance to explore and improvise ideas for dances, working on their own, with a partner and in a group to compose dances by using, adapting and developing steps, formations and patterning to perform dances expressively, using a range of performance skills to describe, analyse, interpret and evaluate dances, showing an understanding of some aspects of style and context With your teacher, remember your warm-up from the last lesson. In a circle with the whole class, one by one everybody performs their sequence in the middle – the rest copy .Can you see images of The Ball, The Crowd? Do you now understand the need to warm up? Are you feeling stronger and more flexible? ON YOUR OWN “The Players” WHOLE GROUP “The Match” COOL DOWN LEARNING Imagine you are watching the ball… look to the side, front, side, front, up, down… repeat this sequence Imagine you are watching a game – look at the players…Where are they going? How are they moving? Can you walk in time with the music - 1234 and lunge 5678, repeat and create a pattern using all the space Now follow the direction of the ball as you lunge…. Don’t forget to change your directions/levels Perform with your class and then to a partner -.give each other positive feedback... With your teacher, divide the class into two halves- “the players and the ball” and “the crowd” Can you discuss, explore and develop how these patterns can fit together to create a story of “the match” Experiment with different combinations Change over groups and repeat the process. Discuss with your class whether your accompaniment brings out the best of your movements…. Try using different music styles/artists Video performance Can you Walk quietly and slowly in/around the whole space, stretching, curling, twisting and rolling- breathing slowly and deeply. With your teacher, remember the lesson and watch your work on video – how can you improve your work? OUTCOMES warm up and cool down independently and use appropriate exercises explore, improvise and choose appropriate material to create new motifs compose, develop and adapt a motif to make dance phrases perform specific skills and movement patterns with accuracy use appropriate dance terminology to identify and describe their own and others’ dances talk about the relationship between the dance and its accompaniment Year 5/6 EQUIPMENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES Progression 4 Children should learn to understand why dance is good for their fitness, health and wellbeing to explore, improvise and combine movement ideas fluently and effectively ON YOUR OWN/partner “The Players” Dance “The Match” TOPS card “Game, Set and Match”, CD player and music, Video and images of sports matches ,digital video/stills camera, projector or TV or laptop WARM UP Autumn Term to create and structure motifs, phrases, sections and whole dances to understand how a dance is formed and performed to evaluate, refine and develop their own and others’ work With your teacher, discuss why people dance and how it is an important part of our lives – when you dance, how does it make you feel? Why is it important to warm up before dancing? Let’s make up a warm up sequence with stretches, runs and lunges to make our heart pump faster (aerobic) – using all the space, 4 stretches in different directions – 8 counts, run – 4 counts, lunge and turn head (follow the ball) - 2 counts .Keep repeating this…… Freeze! Can you feel/hear your heart beating faster? How do you feel? Why? Watch on the video how the footballers (you could use video of professional football players or school team), use their feet when controlling the ball- look how skillfully they use different parts of their feet…. Now without the ball Can you imagine you are dribbling the ball – explore using different parts of the feet and create a pattern of movement which lasts for 8 counts – repeat and develop this phrase by changing your directions and speed …. Try adding stillness e.g. 1234 still for 56, move for 78. Listen to the music – let it help you to create your phrase “A”. Can you find other ways of managing the ball – pass and kick, kick behind and turn, knee to knee, heading the ball etc – can you create a pattern of movements with these ideas – put them into a sequence which lasts 8 or 16 counts. Again listen carefully to the music; it will help you to phrase your actions. Play with the speed of the movements….. Have fun with it! (phrase B) Can you try performing your phrases of movement with a partner – use action/reaction (question & answer) Try an ABBA pattern – you perform A and freeze, while your partner does B, then you perform – B, partner – A, etc... Try different combinations… have fun with it! Your teacher will video and photograph your work in order to make your own improvements and developments. WHOLE GROUP COOL DOWN LEARNING OUTCOMES With your teacher, rehearse and remember all three sections – (The Ball, the Crowd and the Players). This can be used at the beginning of the next lesson to remind the children of the dance Can you Walk quietly and slowly in/around the whole space, stretching, curling, twisting and rolling- breathing slowly and deeply. With your teacher, remember the lesson and watch your work on video – how can you improve your work? describe how dance contributes to fitness and wellbeing respond to a range of stimuli, improvising freely using a range of controlled movements and patterns select and use a range of compositional ideas to create motifs that demonstrate their dance idea comment on what works well and explain why Year 5/6 EQUIPMENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES Autumn Term Dance “The Match” Progression 5 TOPS card “Game, Set and Match”,CD player and music, Video and images of sports matches, digital video/stills camera, projector or TV or laptop Children should learn: to prepare effectively for dancing to explore, improvise and combine movement ideas fluently and effectively to begin to use basic compositional principles when creating their dances to evaluate, refine and develop their own and others’ work WARM UP With your teacher, remember your warm-up from the last lesson .Can you repeat it? Can you remember any of your other warm ups in previous lessons? With a partner try to combine your ideas into a new warm up sequence. Do you now understand the need to warm up? Are you feeling stronger and more flexible? ON YOUR OWN/ group WHOLE GROUP “The Match” Let’s remember and rehearse “The Ball”. “The Crowd” and “The Players” sections of our class dance again – how can you make your dance phrases fit together into a whole dance ”jigsaw” which has a beginning, middle and end ….. It is telling a story! In groups of 4 Discuss how you might pattern and put these 3 sections together to create “The Match” story. Plan this on a large piece of paper so you can describe it to the rest of your class later – you could also help create a colourful class wall display! Listen to different pieces of music – which works better for your dance and why? Think about your costume and your set design – you could also project a film or photographs on the back wall to help give your dance more atmosphere! Or you could use any artwork that has been done to support the unit of work as a slide show in the background. COOL DOWN LEARNING OUTCOMES Can you try out joining these sections together Watch again a part of a match on the video – look at how the players move into group circles, semi circles, straight lines, triangles... try out some of these patterns to link up your 3 sections of “The Match” dance Perform and share your ideas with the rest of the class – also watch some of each others work on video – look at the different combinations of actions and group patterning. Look at how some of you are moving at the same time as each other-called UNISON-why is that effective? Can you see other wave like patterns, one person/group moving after each othercalled CANON – why is that effective? Look at some of the still shapes in the class photographs your teacher has takenCan you slowly stretch, curl, twist and shape yourself into 3 of these shapes to make a sequence? Breathe slowly in and out to cool down. identify what types of exercise they need to do to help their dancing explore dance and movement ideas imaginatively, including actions, dynamics, space and relationship select and use a range of compositional ideas to create motifs that demonstrate their dance idea use appropriate language and terminology to describe, interpret and evaluate their own and others’ work comment on what works well and explain why Aspects and where the 10 High Quality Outcomes fit with EQUIPMENT aspects 1. Committed LEARNING 4. Confidence and 10. Enjoyment OBJECTIVES relate to attitudes and not directly linked to the 4 aspects Acquiring & Developing Skills Autumn Term Year 5/6 3c 3b 3a 4c Dance Year 5 Dance “The Match” 4b 4a 5c Progression 6 5b 5a TOPS Level 3 card “Game ,Set and Match” Level 4 CD player and music, Video Level 5 and images of sports matches ,digital video/stills camera, projector or TV or laptop Some children will be MOST children will have Some children will have consolidated working within the consolidated the previous level and following criteria but learn will be working well within the Children should will not quite have following it completely to prepare effectively for dancing fulfilled the previous level and will be working beyond it and into the following criteria to create and structure motifs, phrases, sections and whole dances actions to understand how a Link dance formedandand Use skills, and ideas skills,istechniques ideasperformed Combine skills, techniques and ideas appropriately showing precision control and consistently showing precision, control fluency and fluency Pupils create three movements With your teacher, remember Pupils your create warm-up from the last lesson. Can you repeat it with a 2. Understanding showing a change in speed and a group dance pupils can create/perform a sequence partner? skills level, direction and expression showing a moment of cannon, of movements showing motif WARM 6. A range UP of each pupil and uses the samethe music development, e.g. a circle shape group could Can you travel usingwhere all the space when stops make a whole competitive, movement, one after the other. Use be described using a variety of body pattern when your teacher calls outaway CIRCLE/ STRAIGHT LINE/TRIANGLE creative and direction to move and parts e.g. hips, shoulder and elbow etc challenge-type partner. Useget different andcount travel through space Take it in turns to calltowards out the shapethere by the of 5 E.g. CIRCLE activities patterns to move in circling, 54321 FREEZE! weaving or straight Do you understand toskills, warm up? Are andskills, moretechniques Select skills,now actions and ideas and the need Apply techniques and you ideas feeling selectstronger and apply their Selecting & apply them with co-ordination andto dance? accurately and appropriately and ideas accurately and appropriately applying skills, flexible? Are you ready control tactics & Pupils use points of contact such as Pupils select and structure dance compositional Pupils can develop a phrase of hands, back, hip to create safe motifs in relation to chosen ideas. ON YOUR ideas movement repeating action frombalances and supports through They improve the technical and Can youbywatch theanvideo last week’s lesson and remember your dance ideas? OWN/Group and adding linking movements. A your improvisation. Can teach a friend expressive content and focus Can you now discuss with group/teacher what needs to be improved…e.g.… 5. skillsMatch” performance has a beginning or group a phrase appropriately on the intention of the “The middle and end dance Can see howtheir Your work isdance similar toactions Compare and comment on skills, and comment on skillsout, and in Evaluating & and phrases – are they clear,analyse big enough, spaced and different from others’ work techniques and ideas used in their techniques and how these are applied in improving with on the music with work each other? Do they well? ownand and others’ theirflow own and others’ work performance Pupils can watchtime their dance video and observe how fidgeting Pupilsgroup observedance how good dancers pupils a professional piece of Looking at the whole – are the floor andwatch air patterns clear, are 7. Thinking and can affect the quality of enough changes use their eyes to focus on, either a work and recognise skills and there of levels and directions? Is everyone focusing towards decision making performance point in space or a body part techniques they have the ball? 8. Show a desire to Use this understanding to improve performance achieved/performed themselves improve their own performance Use this understanding improve themodify andand refinemeaning skills and techniques Let’s now rehearse “The Match” again andtoimprove quality of the their own performance to improve performance Pupils rehearse and refine their dance “story” own group dance. Improving In their next attempt pupils pupils refine their work to include an Are to perform to an AUDIENCE? stretch, fingers/toes etcyou ready now perform silently with greater entrance and exit into the space, that concentration andclass/ clear focus is appropriate to the dance idea (opportunity to perform to another in assembly/parents/community) Give reasons why warming up before Explain and apply basic safety Warm up and cool down in ways that Knowledge & Have you chosen principles appropriate costume colours?suit the activity and explain how the an activity isimportant in preparing for exercise understanding of body reacts during different types of fitness & health Pupils explain it is important explain why warming up why Have you thoughtPupils about lighting? exercise to warm up whole body, the feet and knees before jumping Are you happy with your music? 3. Healthy, active particularlythe feet is important Pupils warm up and cool down using lifestyles Give reasonswhy Has physical activity is a Describe the effects of exercise on whole body and isolated your dance clear structure with a beginning, middle and end?movements 9. Stamina, good for their health their bodies and how this is valuable e.g. warming up the finders in activity Rehearse shape/ending position …. And bow….forWait for theAsian suppleness and to their fitness and health Good all round for you final preparation Indian/south strength applause! strength/flexibility and suppleness Pupils describe how dance dance Explain why regular safe exercise is in the muscles Now it’s time to generates performwarmth your best to your audience… good luck! good for their fitness and health and sweating Teacher films for pupils final describe evaluation the positive effects Pupils explain how dance can or nervousness enhancing contribute to a more active lifestyle, performance and the aid fitness and improving selfCOOL DOWN After performing – sit down and talk with the audience excitement/sense of achievement confidence as well as making you feel afterwards good dance with the audience. This is now a good opportunity to discuss how you created your Names of some childrenWhere who will did be working Namesbecome of some children who will have Don’tcome list from and how did they your ideas movements, shapes and within this criteria but will not quite have most children will have consolidated the previous criteria but why did choose andthislighting? fulfilled it completely sequences. How and consolidated theyou previous criteriathe music/costume, may be working wellset within criteria and will be working well within the in “The Match” story? Did the audience recognise the sport images following criteria What is your next dance going to be about? SEN LEARNING OUTCOMES identify what types of exercise need to do to help their dancing Gifted andthey talented explore dance and movement ideas imaginatively, including actions, dynamics, space and relationship perform with clarity and sensitivity to an accompaniment, communicating a dance idea on their own, with a partner and in a group recognise how costume, music and set can help to improve a dance performance comment on what works well and explain why Aspects and where the 10 High Quality Outcomes fit with aspects 1. Committed 4. Confidence and 10. Enjoyment relate to attitudes and not directly linked to the 4 aspects Acquiring & Developing Skills 2. Understanding skills 6. A range of competitive, creative Dance Year 6 LEVEL 3 Some children will be working within the criteria below but will not quite have fulfilled it completely LEVEL 4 MOST children will have consolidated the previous criteria and will be working well within the criteria below LEVEL 5 Some children will have consolidated the previous criteria and will be working well within the criteria below Use skills, actions and ideas appropriately Pupils create three movements showing a change in speed and level, direction and expression Link skills, techniques and ideas showing precision control and fluency Pupils create a group dance showing a moment of cannon, where each pupil uses the same movement, one after the other. Use Combine skills, techniques and ideas consistently showing precision, control and fluency pupils can create/perform a sequence of movements showing motif development, e.g. a circle shape could and challenge-type activities Selecting & applying skills, tactics & compositional ideas 5. skills Evaluating & improving performance 7. Thinking and decision making 8. Show a desire to improve Knowledge & understanding of fitness & health 3. Healthy, active lifestyles 9. Stamina, suppleness and strength Select skills, actions and ideas and apply them with coordination and control Pupils can develop a phrase of movement by repeating an action and adding linking movements. A performance has a beginning middle and end Can see how their work is similar to and different from others’ work Pupils can watch their dance on video and observe how fidgeting can affect the quality of performance Use this understanding to improve their own performance Pupils rehearse and refine their own group dance. Improving stretch, fingers/toes etc Give reasons why warming up before an activity is important Pupils explain why it is important to warm up whole body, particularly the feet Give reasons why physical activity is good for their health Good all round activity for strength/flexibility and suppleness Names of some children who will be working within the above criteria but will not quite have fulfilled it completely direction to move away and towards partner. Use different patterns to move in circling, weaving or straight be described using a variety of body parts e.g. hips, shoulder and elbow and travel through space Apply skills, techniques and ideas accurately and appropriately Pupils use points of contact such as hands, back, hip to create safe balances and supports through improvisation. Can teach a friend or group a phrase select and apply their skills, techniques and ideas accurately and appropriately Pupils select and structure dance motifs in relation to chosen ideas. They improve the technical and expressive content and focus appropriately on the intention of the dance Compare and comment on skills, techniques and ideas used in their own and others’ work Pupils observe how good dancers use their eyes to focus on, either a point in space or a body part performance Use this understanding to improve their own performance In their next attempt pupils perform silently with greater concentration and clear focus analyse and comment on skills and techniques and how these are applied in their own and others’ work pupils watch a professional piece of work and recognise skills and techniques they have achieved/performed themselves modify and refine skills and techniques to improve performance pupils refine their work to include an entrance and exit into the space, that is appropriate to the dance idea Explain and apply basic safety principles in preparing for exercise Pupils explain why warming up the feet and knees before jumping is important Describe the effects of exercise on their bodies and how this is valuable to their fitness and health Pupils describe how dance generates warmth in the muscles and sweating pupils describe the positive effects or nervousness enhancing performance and the excitement/sense of achievement afterwards Don’t list Warm up and cool down in ways that suit the activity and explain how the body reacts during different types of exercise Pupils warm up and cool down using whole body and isolated movements e.g. warming up the finders in preparation for Indian/south Asian dance Explain why regular safe exercise is good for their fitness and health Pupils explain how dance can contribute to a more active lifestyle, aid fitness and improving selfconfidence as well as making you feel good Names of some children who will have consolidated the previous criteria but may be working well within this criteria most children will have consolidated the previous criteria and will be working well within the following criteria SEN Talented