Sri Aurobino Marg, New Delhi - 110016
(Division of Educational Kits)
Dated: 30.03.2016
M/s. ----------------------
Sub: Limited Tender Enquiry for supply of 05 Nos. each of Urdu Language Kit and
Rainbow: English language kit-regarding.
Dear Sir/Madam,
The NCERT is an autonomous organization under Ministry of Human Resource and
Development invites sealed limited tender bids from firms for supply of 05 Nos. each of
Urdu Language Kit and Rainbow:English language kit on rate contact basis.
The terms and conditions as indicated below may be noted carefully and complied with, while submitting the tender with reference to this enquiry. The firm who agrees to the said terms & conditions, are requested to quote their lowest rates non adherence of terms and conditions may result in rejection of the tender.
The tender shall be submitted strictly in accordance with proforma enclosed as per Annexure-“A” (Technical bid), Annexure “B” (Financial bid) and sealed sample as per specification mentioned Annexure “C” and “D”.
The tenders should be signed by the authorized person and his full name and status should be indicated below his signature. All pages of tenders be signed with office seal. Offers from tenderer, if found incomplete, will be considered as unresponsive.
Overwriting, cutting /erasing, if any, should clearly be indicated and should be authenticated/attested by the tenderer. You are required to furnish a certificate to the effect that “no cutting/overwriting in the rates etc. have been made.”
Along with the quotation.
Tender will not be accepted if they are received after the due date and time as specified in the quotations letter i.e. 2:30 P.M on 18.04.2016 NCERT will not be responsible for any postal delay. The technical bids will be opened at 3.30 pm on
18.04.2016 in conference room, DEK, NCERT, New Delhi. The financial bids will be opened later on, the date & time will be intimated to technically qualified bidders.
All tenders must be accompanied by earnest money deposit (EMD) for and amount of Rs. 2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand Only) in the form of Demand Draft/
Banker Cheque drawn in favour of Secretary, NCERT and payable at SBI, NCERT
Branch, New Delhi. The EMD will liable to be forfeited, if the tenderer withdraw, amend, impair the tender in any respect. No interest will be paid on EMD. The EMD will be refunded to the tenderers as soon as decision is taken in the matter.
The present requirement of Urdu language kit and Rainbow:English Language kits is 05 Nos. only which may increase/decrease time to time.
The successful tenderer shall be awarded rate contract for period of six month or till the regular empanelment comes force whichever is earlier. NCERT reserves right to make parallel rate contract as and when required.
The tender should be addressed to Section Officer, DEK, Workshop Building, NCERT
Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110016
The right of acceptance of tender (s) will rest with the Council Authority. Also,
NCERT is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to reject or partially accept any or all the tender (S) received without assigning any reasons
The rates should be quoted in figures as well as in words and should be inclusive of all taxes/levies. Extra charges, if any, shall be borne by the tenderer.
11 One set of sealed sample to be submitted with the tender bid.
12 After receipt of order the kits should be supplied within 90 days.
The kit items will be inspected by NCERT experts, in case, if any item (s) of the kit fails to conform to the specification the firm will replace rejected kit/kit item free of
18 cost payment will be released on the receipt of Performance Security Deposit.
The successful tenderer requires to furnish Performance Security for an amount of
10% of the total value of the purchase order at the time of supply of stores in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft Drawn in Fixed Deposit Receipt from a
Commercial Bank/Bank Guarantee from a Commercial Bank in an acceptable form to ensure due performance of the Purchase Order/Contract. Further, such performance security should remain valid for a period of 180 days beyond the date of completion of all contractual obligations including warranty/guarantee obligations. No interest will be paid on such deposit.
Full payment will be made against the duly-stamped pr-receipted bill (in triplicate) after acceptance of the inspection of the stores. If the software is founds to be defective the same will have to be replaced by you. The payment will be released on the receipt of Performance Security Deposit.
In case the last day of receipt of tender enquiry is declared a holiday on any account, the tenders will be received on the following working day.
The tenderer must be available at his postal address furnished in the tender. Any change in the address must be communicated to the NCERT well in time.
The firm will not lodge any claim with regard to interest for delay in settlement of his dues due to any administrative reasons.
20 Terms & condition of this tender are valid for this particular case only.
(R.K. Parashar)
Prof. & Head, DEK
1 Name of Firm
2 Name of Proprietor
Full correspondence address with contact no, Email
Registration number of firm where the manufacturing unit where the manufacturing unit is situated
5 PAN No. of the bidder
The copies of /VAT/Sales Tax certificate
7 3 year copies of ITR of kits
EMD Rs. 2000/- has been submitted in the form of DD
Undertaking regarding acceptance of team & condition of the tender document
Annexure “B”
The firm is required to submit the price bid in the following format on firm’s letter which should be addressed to the Head, DEK
Sl. No.
Name of kit with detailed specifications
Qty. Unit price
Total price including all taxes/transportation/loadi ng/unloading/octroi and other charges etc.
Urdu Language Learning
Kit as per detailed specification under
(Rupees …………………………
…………….. only).
(Rupees ………………………
…………….. only).
Language Learning Kit as per detailed specification under Annexure-D
(Rupees …………………………
…………….. only).
(Rupees ………………………
…………….. only).
Authorized Signatory of the Firm with rubber stamp of the firm
Sr No.
Urdu Lion
Size 210 x 293 mm colour printing, on 180 gsm
Artcard with 223x303 mm ,of 125 micron pouch lamination. As per sample.
2 Playing Cards Size 85 x 60 mm made of 250 gsm artcard with 25 micron thermal lamination on both side & multicolour printing of one side packed in a plastic box. As per sample.
4 Word and Size 218 mm made of PVC 0.7 mm thick sheet meaning game with multi colour printing in circle, with two transparent arrow fixed with reverse rivet. As per
5 sample.
Braille chart Size 455x303 mm A polypropylene 0.7 mm thick sheet with Braille & multicolour in first & second alphabet with English number printing on one side and packed in plastic tube both side covered, The ink should be ROHS certified. As per sample.
Similar word Size 218 mm made of PVC 0.7 mm thick sheet and meaning with multi colour printing in circle, with two
Game transparent arrows fixed with reverse rivet. As per sample.
Picture and alphabet game
Size 218 mm made of PVC 0.7 mm thick sheet with multi colour printing in circle, with two transparent arrows fixed with reverse rivet. As per sample
Size 40 x 40 mm made of PVC sun board 2.5 mm thick printed with different colour alphabets.
Corner of square must be round cutting, packed in plastic box. As per sample.
8 Urdu
Size 200 x 282 mm made of 250 gsm artcard with
25 micron thermal lamination on both side & multicolour printing on one side & also fold to be given. As per sample.
Size 210 x293 mm colour printing, on 180 gsm artcard with 223x303 mm,of 125 micron pouch lamination. As per sample.
Total size 750x500 mm made of flex Material with multi colour printing on one side with stick attached on top & bottom, given along with hanging facility. As per sample.
Size 130 x210 mm colour printing on 180 gsm artcard with 150x222 mm, of 125 micron pouch
Each 4No.
Total 1 Nos
Each 1 No.
Total 55 Nos
Each 1 No.
Total 1 Nos set
Each 1 No.
Total 1 Nos.
Each 1 No
Total 1.No.
Each 1 nos. total 1 Nos
Each 2 no.
Total 84 Nos.
Each 1 no.
Total 3 Nos. set
1 no. each
Total 2 No.
1 no.
Each 1 nos.
Total 4 Nos.
Ludo suffix and prefix
Speaking skill game
Opposite word cards lamination. As per sample.
Size. 465 x 460 mm white sheet four colour printing of ludo game pasted on card board in two parts. Four sides PVC covered card board, on the front side transparent PVC & back side non transparent PVC with plastic counter (cone type),
4 piece in four different colours & two dice, with answer sheet pouch laminated. As per sample.
Size 218 mm made of PVC 0.7 mm thick sheet with multi colour printing in circle, with two transparent arrows fixed with reverse rivet. As per sample.
Size 85x60 mm made of 250 gsm art card with 25 micron thermal lamination on both side & multicolor printing of one side packed in plastic box. As per sample.
Size. 567 x 560 mm white sheet four colour printing of ludo game pasted on card board in two parts. Four sides PVC covered card board, on the front side transparent PVC & back side non transparent PVC. with plastic counters (cone type)
16 Pieces of four different colours each & two dice. As per sample.
Initial and
Final Sound
Size 180x230 mm one side permanent multi color printing as per sample on ceramic White steel sheet and other side covered with laminated sheet.
All four sides covered with round aluminum section & four corners fitted by first quality ABS corner. Along with slate also, pen packet & small duster to be given. As per sample.
Anagram Size 230x330x1.3 mm one side permanent multi color printing as per sample on ceramic Green steel sheet and other side covered with laminated sheet. All four side covered with round aluminum section & four corner fitting by first quality ABS corner. Along with slate also, pen packet & small duster to be given, As per sample.
Word Puzzle Size 175 x 125x 5.4 mm four color printing on one side MDF board. With zixo cutting, with pouch
Carrying laminated answer sheet. As per sample.
Good quality cloth bag of appropriate size with chain and locking arrangement with handle strap and long hanging strap. As per sample
1 No.
Each 1 no. total 1 Nos
Each 1 no.
Total 12 No.
Each 1 Nos.
Total 1 Nos.
Each 1 Nos.
Total 1 Nos.
Each 1 No.
Total 1 Nos.
Each 1 No.
Total 10
01 No.
Sr No.
Short Story Size 275x200 mm Multi colour Printed as per Each 1No. Total sample on 250 gsm art card with both side thermal 2 Nos Set lamination of 25 micron & spiral binding at the top of the card.
Poems Size 288x205 mm Multi colour Printed as per sample on 250 gsm art card with both side thermal lamination of 25 micron
Anagrams Size 230x330x1.3 mm one side permanent multi
Each 1 No.
Total 14 Nos
Each 1 No. colour printing as per sample on Ceramic Green steel sheet and other side covered with laminated
Total 4 Nos Set sheet. All four sides covered with round aluminum section & four corner fitted by first quality ABS corner. Along with slate also, pen packet & small duster to be given
Listen and
Listen and
Initial & final sound
Specification Qty
Size 210 x293 mm colour printing on 180 gsm Art card with size 223x303 mm, of 125 micron pouch lamination as per sample.
Each 1 No.
Total 10 Nos. set
Sizes 130x210 mm colour printing on 180 gsm art Each 1 No Total card with size 150x222 mm,of 125 micron pouch 10 Nos. Set lamination as per sample.
Size 25x25 mm made of plastic. Each side of plastic cube with first and second alphabet attached reflected.
Each 2 nos. total 104 Nos set.
Size 180x230 mm one side permanent multi colour Each 1 no. Total printing as per sample on Ceramic White steel 4 Nos. set sheet and other side covered with laminated sheet.
All four side covered with round aluminum section
& four corner fitted by first quality ABS corner.
Along with slate also, pen packet & small duster to be given
How to Draw Size 210x293 mm colour printing on 180 gsm art Each 1 no. Total card with 223x303 mm,of 125 micron pouch lamination as per sample.
3 Nos. set
1 no. Braille chart Size 455x303 mm a polypropylene 0.7 mm thick sheet with Braille & multi colour in first & second alphabet with English number printing on one side
Measuring scale as per sample. The ink should be ROHS certified
Total size 1000x25x5 mm made of Plastic in three parts with locking arrangement. Braille scale impression on the top of the scale.
1 no.
Mask 1.7 mm thick made of Ethylene Vinyl acetate as per sample multicoloured. Each side as per shape cutting & 12 mm elastic fixed by both side finished rivet.
Emoti Cons Size 55 mm made of Plastic 9 different Smileys as per sample with safety pin on the back side.
Slate Size 230x330x1.3 mm multi colour one side permanent printing as per sample on ceramic
Each 1 nos. total 4 Nos set.
Each 1 Nos. total 9 Nos set.
Each 1 no. total
3 Nos set.
Green steel sheet, and other side covered with laminated sheet. All four side covered with round aluminum section & four corner fitting by first quality ABS corner. Along with slate also, pen packet & small duster to be given
Word in Card Size 85x60 mm made of 250 gsm artcard with 25 Each 1 no. Total micron thermal lamination on both side & multicolour printing of one side. As per sample
60 No. set
Riddle Size 130 x210 mm colour printing as per sample on 120 gsm artcard with 150 x220 mm,of 125 micron pouch lamination.
Each 1 Nos.
Total 4 Nos. set
Size70x92 made of 250 gsm artcard with 25 micron thermal lamination on both side & multicolour printing of one side. As per sample
Words Circle Size 160 mm made of PVC 0.7 mm thick sheet with multi colour printing in Circle as per sample
Size 40 x 40 mm made of PVC sun board 2.5 mm thick with different colour. First alphabet, second alphabet & number printed corner of square must be round cutting as per sample
Good quality cloth bag of appropriate size with chain and locking arrangement with handle strap and long hanging strap. As per sample
Each 1 Nos.
Total 26 Nos. set
Each 1 No.
Total 4 Nos. set
Each 2 Nos.
Total 106 Nos. set
01 No.