Law of Ukraine On Civil Service

(Enacted under Resolution
of the Supreme Council of Ukraine
#3724 of December 16, 1993;
Changed and amended according to Laws of Ukraine
#282/95-VR of July 11, 1995;
#358/95-VR of October 5, 1995;
#96/96-VR of March 22, 1996
#647-XIV of May 13, 1999)
This Law regulates relations within society embracing activities of the State in providing legal,
organizational, economic, and social conditions for citizens of Ukraine to implement their right to
public service.
This Law determines the key principles of activities and the status of public servants and civil
service employees.
Article 1.
Civil Service and Civil Servants
Civil service in Ukraine shall be understood as the professional occupation of persons holding
positions at State organs and civil service employees practically implementing tasks and functions of
the State in return for pay from government funds.
These persons shall be referred to as civil servants and shall have appropriate official
Article 2.
Ranks [Posts] and Officials
Rank [post] shall be understood as the primary structural unit of a State organ and office
thereof, as per table of organization, vested with authority established by normative acts.
In the context of this Law, officials shall be understood as heads and deputy heads of State
organs and offices [departments] thereof, as well as other civil service employees assigned
organizational, executive or consulting functions under normative acts.
Article 3.
The Main Principles of Civil Service
Civil service shall be based on the following main principles:
Service to the people of Ukraine;
Democracy and legality;
Humanism and social justice;
Priority attached to the rights of man and the citizen;
Professionalism, competence, initiative [resourcefulness], honesty, and dedication;
Personal responsibility for professional performance and discipline;
Observance of the rights and lawful interests of organs of local and regional selfadministration;
Observance of the rights of enterprises, institutions, organizations, and citizens’
Article 4.
The Right to Civil Service
The right to civil service shall vested in citizens of Ukraine regardless of origin, social or
property status, racial or national belonging, sex, political affiliation, creed, place of residence,
provided they have an appropriate education and professional training, and are selected in keeping
with due competitive or other procedures stipulated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Article 5.
Code of Ethics of Civil Servants
A civil servant shall:
Carry out professional duties with diligence;
Treat other citizens, executives, and colleagues with respect and show cultured
Prevent others’ actions that may damage the interests of civil service or blemish a civil
servant’s reputation.
Article 6.
National Policy Guidelines
in the Sphere of Civil Service
The national policy in the sphere of civil service shall be determined by the Supreme Council
of Ukraine.
National policy guidelines in the sphere of civil service shall consist in identifying the key
targets, tasks, and principles of functioning of the institution of civil service, securing effective
operation of all bodies of the State within their respective competence.
The Chief Civil Service Department shall be set up under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
to conduct a uniform national policy and exercise functional control over civil service.
Issues relating to civil service functions at other organs of the State whose legal status is
governed by special laws of Ukraine shall be resolved by these organs.
Article 7.
Governing Body of Civil Service
The Chief Civil Service Department under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine shall be the
body governing civil service within the framework of organs of the State and offices thereof.
The Chief Civil Service Department under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine shall:
Prognosticate and plan personnel requirements of organs of the State and offices
Secure, jointly with other organs of the State, the implementation of general trends of
the civil service policy at organs of the State and offices thereof;
Develop and submit to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine draft normative acts relating
to civil service at organs of the State and offices thereof;
Develop, coordinate, and monitor the implementation of measures aimed at bettering
the efficiency of civil service at organs of the State and offices thereof;
Supervise the methods of competitive selection of civil servants at organs of the State
and offices thereof;
Organize general and professional training for civil servants at organs of the State and
offices thereof;
Monitor observance of the conditions of implementation by citizens of the right to civil
service as set forth hereunder;
Organize, coordinate, and secure conditions for advancing research programs relating
to civil service.
Article 8.
Coordinating Civil Service Council
The Coordinating Council for Civil Service at State Organs shall be set up as an
interdepartmental consultative organ to identify the ways, means, and forms of implementation of the
guidelines of the national policy in the sphere of civil service, combining the efforts of all organs of the
State to improve the efficiency of civil service.
The Regulations on the Coordinating Council for Civil Service at State Organs shall be
adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Article 9.
Specificalities of Regulation of the Legal Status
of Civil Servants at Organs of the State and Offices Thereof
The legal status of the President of Ukraine, Chairman of the Supreme Council of Ukraine
and his Deputies, Chairmen of Standing Commissions of the Supreme Council and their Deputies,
People’s Deputies [MPs], Prime Minister of Ukraine, members if the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,
Chairman and members of the Constitutional Court, Chairman and Judges of the Supreme Court of
Ukraine, Chairman and Arbiters of the Supreme Arbitration court of Ukraine, and Procurator General
of Ukraine and his Deputies shall be governed by the Constitution (888-09) and special laws of
The legal status of civil servants in the employ of the Office of Public Prosecutor, courts of
law, diplomatic missions, customs authorities, Security Service, the Interior, etc., shall be determined
in accordance with this Law, unless otherwise provided by [other] laws of Ukraine.
Article 10.
Principal Responsibilities of Civil Servants
The following shall be the principal responsibilities of civil servants:
Observance of the Constitution and other legislative acts of Ukraine;
Support of effective implementation of tasks assigned organs of the State in line with
their competence;
Prevention of transgressions of the rights and freedoms of man and the citizen;
Direct implementation of official authority vested in them, timely and accurate fulfillment
of decisions of organs of the State or officials, and of directives and instructions of their
immediate superiors;
Preservation of State secrets and such information on citizens as civil servants may
receive in the line of duty, as well as other information classified under the laws
currently in effect;
Continuous efforts to improve civil service and raise its personnel’s professional level;
Diligent performance in the line of duty, resourcefulness, and creative approach.
Each and every civil servant shall act within his/her competence. When assigned a task
contradicting any of the laws in effect, this civil servant shall be under the obligation forthwith to notify
the instructing official in writing, and if pressed to comply, shall likewise notify that official’s superior.
Article 11.
Main Rights of Civil Servants
Civil servants shall have the right to:
Implement the rights and freedoms guaranteed citizens of Ukraine by the Constitutions
and [other] laws of Ukraine;
Take part in resolving issues and making decisions within their competence;
Receive information pertinent to issues within their jurisdiction from organs of the State,
enterprises, institutions, organizations, and organs of local and regional selfadministration;
Be shown respect for their honor and dignity by executives, colleagues, and other
Demand from superiors clear instructions as to their duties and competence;
Be paid salaries and bonuses as per rank and position, promotion, performance,
experience, and seniority;
Have free access to information required by the performance of duty and perforce
submit reports and letters of explanation;
Be promoted in due course, considering personal qualification, ability, diligent
performance, and vie in competitions to fill higher rank vacancies;
Demand internal inquiry to be acquitted of what one considers groundless charges or
Have healthy and otherwise safe and effective working conditions;
Social and legal protection, as per rank and position;
Protect one’s lawful rights and interests with the help of superior organs of the State or
in due course of law.
Civil servants’ specific rights and responsibilities shall be determined based on standard
service references and standing orders approved by the leadership of the given organ of the State, in
keeping with the law and within the limits of competence.
Article 12.
Restrictions Ensuing from Civil Service
The following persons shall not be eligible as civil servants or civil service employees:
When proclaimed legally incapable, in keeping with set procedures;
Having a criminal record, this being incompatible with holding a civil service rank;
Bound to be subordinated to, when employed, or otherwise dependent on close
relatives or in-laws;
In other cases stipulated by the laws of Ukraine.
Article 13.
Civil Servants’ Tax Returns
Applicants for positions as 3-7 category [class] civil servants, as per Article 25 hereunder,
shall submit tax returns and documents testifying to liabilities, including liabilities abroad, in regard to
themselves and their dependents. Claimants for 1-2 category posts, as per Article 25 hereunder, shall
also submit information on movable and immovable property owned by them and their families, and
bank accounts and securities.
Said information shall be submitted by civil servants annually. Procedures of presentation,
storage, and use of this information shall be adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Article 14.
Particulars of Civil Servants’
Disciplinary Liability
Civil servants shall be meted out disciplinary punishments in retaliation for nonfulfillment or
improper fulfillment of their duties, abuse of office, transgressions of restrictions ensuing from civil
service, and actions blemishing their reputation or discrediting the organ of the State employing them.
In addition to disciplinary sanctions stipulated by the labor laws of Ukraine, civil servants may
be meted out the following punishments:
Notices of unsatisfactory professional performance;
Suspending promotion to next rank/position for up to one year.
Article 15.
Employment Procedures
Employment as 3-7 category civil servants shall be on a competitive basis, as per Article 25
hereunder, except when otherwise provided by the laws of Ukraine.
Vacancy contest procedures shall be governed by the Regulations approved by the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine.
Information on civil service vacancies shall be promulgated by the media at least one day
prior to the contest.
Requesting from applicants information and documents no required by the laws of Ukraine
shall be prohibited.
The President of Ukraine, Chairman of the Supreme Council of Ukraine, members of the
Government of Ukraine, and Heads of local State Administrations shall have the right to independently
select and appoint their Deputies, heads of the press service, and secretaries as per table of
organization and category corresponding to rank (patronage1 service). Civil service employment terms
in regard to these persons shall be determined by the relevant authority.
Article 16.
Restrictions in Conjunction with
Civil Service Employment
A civil servant shall have no right to perform actions envisaged by Articles 1 and 5 of the Law
of Ukraine On Struggle Against Corruption (356/95-VR).
(Paragraph 1, Article 16 in the wording of Law of Ukraine #358/95 of October 5, 1995)
Civil servants shall not take part in strikes or commit other acts obstructing the normal
functioning of the [given] organ of the State.
Other restrictions in conjunction with civil service employment shall be instituted in regard to
separate categories of civil servants only by legislative acts of Ukraine.
Article 17.
The Civil Servant’s Oath
Literary translation; the only acceptable English equivalent seems to be “visiting” — Transl.
Citizens of Ukraine being employed as civil servants for the first time shall take the following
“In full awareness of my lofty responsibility, I do solemnly swear to be a loyal servant of the
Ukrainian people, strictly abide by the Constitution and [other] laws of Ukraine, help implement every
one of them, strengthen their authority, protect the rights, freedoms, and lawful interests of every
citizen, be worthy of my noble position as a civil servant, and carry out my duty with utmost diligence.”
Each civil servant will append his/her signature to the text of the Oath which shall be kept at
his/her place of work. An appropriate entry attesting to the taking of the Oath shall be made in the
work-book [employment record].
Article 18.
Trial Period
Newly employed civil servants may be subjected to a trial period of up to six months.
Article 19.
On-the Job Training
In order to gain practical experience, test one’s professional level and personal qualities, an
applicant for civil service employment may have to take a course of on-the-job training at an
appropriate organ of the State for up to two months while on the payroll at the regular place of work.
Article 20.
Working Hours
Civil servants’ working hours shall be determined in keeping with the labor laws of Ukraine,
with an eye to the specificalities set forth hereunder. In order to carry out top priority or emergency
assignments, and if so instructed by their superiors, civil servants shall be under the obligation to
report for work on weekends, holidays, and other days off, for which they shall be rewarded in keeping
with the labor laws currently in effect.
If so resolved by their superiors, civil servants may be recalled from annual or additional [paid]
leaves. The remaining time on leave shall be granted them at any other time during the year or added
to next year’s leave.
Article 21.
Business Trips
Civil servants shall be reimbursed expenses on business trips and paid other compensations
in keeping with the labor laws of Ukraine.
While on business trips, civil servants shall have the right to make hotel reservations, book
tickets for all types of transport, and receive tickets on a top priority basis.
On arriving at the place of destination, civil servants shall be secured adequate working
conditions — e.g., office space, office equipment, transport, and other amenities.
Article 22.
Suspension of Duty
A civil servant guilty of nonfulfillment of duty causing casualties or considerable material or
moral damage to other citizens, the State, enterprises, institutions, organizations or citizens’
associations shall [temporarily] relinquish authority while remaining on the payroll. A decision on such
suspension shall be made by the head of the organ of the State where this civil servant is employed.
Such suspension shall not exceed the time of internal inquiry. The latter shall continue for up
to two months, in keeping with procedures established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
If the correctness of the decision on suspension is nor corroborated by internal inquiry, this
decisions shall be rescinded.
Article 23.
Age of Retirement
The age of retirement for civil servants shall be 60 for male and 55 for female employees.
These restrictions shall not apply to persons elected to elective offices according to the Law of
Ukraine “On Local Self-Administration in Ukraine” (280/97-VR). If need be, the head of the organ of
the State may, if so agreed with the head of the Chief Civil Service Department under the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine, postpone the retirement age, but not longer than five years.
(Paragraph 1, Article 23 changed and amended according to Law of Ukraine #647-XIV of May
13, 1999)
As an exception, after the end of this term, a civil servant may retain employment, but only as
an adviser or consultant, if so resolved by the head of the relevant organ of the State.
Article 24.
Civil Service Procedures
Employment, promotion, bonuses, and other civil service procedures shall be carried out in
accordance with rank and position.
Article 25.
Classification of Positions
The main criteria in classifying civil service positions shall be the organization and legal status
of the employing organ of the State, the character of duties, competence, and the position’s role and
place in the structure of this organ.
The following categories of civil servants shall be instituted:
— 1st category:
—2nd category:
—3rd category:
chairmen of state committees not being members of
the Government of Ukraine; heads of other central
organs of state executive authority under the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine; Permanent Representative of the
President of Ukraine in the Republic of the Crimea,
those in [administrative] regions and the cities of Kyiv
and Sevastopol; first deputy ministers, first deputy
chairmen of State Committees included in the
Government; Heads of the Administration of the
President of Ukraine and of the Secretariat of the
Supreme Council of Ukraine, and other similar ranks
and positions;
Deputies to the Head of the Administration of the
President of Ukraine; Deputies to the Head of the
Secretariat of the Supreme Council of Ukraine;
Deputies to the Head of the Office of the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine; heads of organization
departments of the Secretariat of the Supreme Council
of Ukraine, Secretariats of Standing Commissions of
the Supreme Council of Ukraine, Office of the Cabinet
of Ministers of Ukraine, advisers and aides to the
President of Ukraine, Chairman of the Supreme Council
of Ukraine, Prime Minister of Ukraine, deputies to the
ministers and chairmen of State Committees included
in the Government; first deputies and deputies to the
chairmen of committees and other central organs of
state executive authority under the Cabinet of Ministers
of Ukraine; First Deputy to the Permanent
Representative of the President of Ukraine in the
Republic of the Crimea; first deputy heads of regional,
Kyiv, and Sevastopol city State Administrations, and
other similar ranks and positions;
deputy heads of organization departments, heads of
sectors, head experts, experts, consultants of the
Administration of the President of Ukraine, Secretariat
of the Supreme Council of Ukraine and Office of the
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; Deputies to the
Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine
in the Republic of the Crimea, deputies to the Heads of
Administrations; Presidential Representatives in
districts and city districts of Kyiv and Sevastopol; heads
of departments and independent divisions within the
framework of ministries and other central organs of
executive authority; other similar ranks and positions;
— 4th category:
— 5th category:
— 6th category:
— 7th category:
experts [“specialists”] of the Administration of the
President of Ukraine, Secretariat of the Supreme
Council of Ukraine and Office of the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine, deputy heads of departments and
independent divisions (subdivisions) of ministries and
other central organs of state executive authority, heads
of departments, divisions, and services of regional and
Kyiv and Sevastopol City State Administrations, and
other similar ranks and positions;
experts of ministries, other central organs of state executive authority, Deputies to Presidential Representatives
in districts and city districts of Kyiv and Sevastopol,
deputy heads of departments, divisions, and services of
regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city State Administrations, experts of the offices of these administrations,
and other similar ranks and positions;
heads of departments, divisions, and services of district
and Kyiv and Sevastopol city State Administrations,
experts of departments, divisions, and services of
regional and Kyiv and Sevastopol city State
Administrations, and other similar ranks and positions;
experts [“specialists’] of district and Kyiv and Sevastopol city State Administrations, their departments and
divisions, and other similar ranks and positions.
Any of the existing ranks/positions not listed above or newly instituted ranks/positions of civil
servants shall be classified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as agreed with relevant organs of
the State.
Article 26.
Civil Servants’ Ranks
The following ranks of civil servants shall be instituted [as per categories listed above]:
3rd, 2nd, and 1st Class in regard to civil servants holding ranks/positions as indicated
in the 1st category hereinabove;
5th, 4th, and 3rd Class in regard to civil servants indicated in the 2nd category;
7th, 6th, and 5th Class in regard to civil servants indicated in the 3rd category;
9th, 8th, and 7th Class in regard to civil servants indicated in the 4th category;
11th, 10th, and 9th Class in regard to civil servants indicated in the 5th category;
13th, 12th, and 11th Class in regard to civil servants indicated in the 6th category;
15th, 14th, and 13th Class in regard to civil servants indicated in the 7th category.
The Regulations on Civil Service Ranks shall be adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of
Each civil servant shall be assigned a rank in accordance with his/her position, professional
level, and service record.
Ranks corresponding to positions listed in the 1st category shall be assigned by the President
of Ukraine.
Ranks corresponding to positions listed in the 2nd category shall be assigned by the Cabinet
of Ministers of Ukraine.
Ranks corresponding to positions listed in the 3rd-7th categories shall be assigned by the
head of the organ of the State employing the given civil servant.
Each newly employed civil servant shall be assigned a rank within a certain category [as listed
To be promoted to a rank within a certain category, a civil servant shall have an unblemished
2-year service record in the present position. In recognition of special accomplishments, a civil servant
may be promoted ahead of term within a certain category of ranks.
For meritorious service, a retiring servicemen may be promoted outside and above a certain
category of ranks.
A civil servant shall be stripped of rank only is ruled by a court of law.
(Paragraph 10, Article 26 in the wording of Law of Ukraine #282/95 of July 11, 1995)
In case of demotion or resignation and subsequent return to service, a civil servant shall
retain the latest rank.
People’s Deputies [MPs] who worked as civil servants prior to election shall have their term in
Parliament entered into their civil service employment record.
Entries shall be made in a civil servant’s work-book [employment record] attesting to each
promotion, demotion or other changes in the professional status.
Article 27.
Civil servants shall be promoted by winning higher positions during vacancy contests, except
when otherwise provided by the laws of Ukraine or stipulated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,
and when assigned higher ranks.
A civil servant shall have the right to vie in a vacancy contest. Here the priority right shall be
vested in civil servants with meritorious service records, showing initiative, self-development-oriented,
and included in the Cadre Reserve.
Article 28.
Civil Service Cadre Reserve
Cadre Reserve shall be set up at organs of the State to fill in vacancies and provide for
Cadre Reserve shall be formed from among:
Experts [“specialists”] with bodies of local and regional self-administration, those
specializing in the production, social-cultural, research, and other spheres, and higher
school graduates with appropriate majors;
Civil servants who have taken advanced or on-the-job courses of training, in the
presence of appropriate references [letters of reference recommending promotion].
Procedures of forming and operating the Cadre Reserve shall be governed by the Regulations
on Civil Service Cadre Reserve, adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Article 29.
Personnel Training and Advanced
Training Courses for Civil Servants
Civil servants shall be provided conditions for training and improving their professional skill at
appropriate institutions of learning (at faculties/departments) and by self-education.
Civil servants shall constantly work to raise their professional level, including enrollment in
appropriate institutions of learning — as a rule, at least once every five years. The results of such
training and advanced courses shall be considered when deciding on their promotion.
Article 30.
Reasons for Termination
Apart from general reasons stipulated by the Labor Code of Ukraine, civil service shall be
terminated in the event of:
(i) Transgressions of the terms of implementing the right to civil service (Article 4
(ii) Unobservance of the requirements in conjunction with civil service (Article 16
(iii) Reaching retirement age prescribed for civil servants (Article 23 hereinabove);
(iv) Resignation of 1st or 2nd category civil servants (Article 31 hereinbefore);
(v) Detection or emergence of circumstances preventing a civil servant from continuing in
his/her office (Article 12 hereinbefore);
(vi) A civil servant’s refusal to take or comply with the Oath (article 17 hereinbefore);
(vii) Nonpresentation or presentation of untruthful information about a civil servant’s
incomes (Article 13 hereinbefore).
A change in the leadership or staff of an organ of the State shall not warrant dismissal of civil
servants on the initiative of the newly elected leadership, except government employees of the
patronage service.
Civil servants who have held 1st or 2nd category positions for at least three years and who
are dismissed due to staff changes at the given organ of the State or its termination shall retain
average monthly wages until they find new jobs, but not longer than one year.
Article 31.
A civil servant’s resignation shall be understood as termination of office when occupying 1st or
2nd category posts.
Such resignation shall be warranted as follows:
Principled disagreement with decisions made by the organ of the State or an official
thereof, and ethical reasons preventing continuation of civil service;
When a civil servant is pressed for complying with a decision of the organ of the State
or official thereof, which contradicts current legislation and may cause considerable
material or moral damage to the State, enterprises, institutions, organizations, citizens’
association or private citizens;
Reasons of health, when a civil servant can no longer carry out his duty effectively (in
the presence of a medical certificate).
Such resignation shall be accepted or refused (stating the reasons) by the
employing/appointing organ of the State or official. A decision on accepting or refusing resignation
shall be made within one month. If refused, the applicant shall continue to carry out his duty and shall
have the right to resign in keeping with procedures stipulated by the Labor Code of Ukraine.
When resigning prior to retirement age, but with seniority sufficing for pension allowance (25
years for male and 20 years for female employees), and having occupied a 1st or 2nd category post
for at least five years, a civil servant shall be paid 85 percent of his monthly salary, plus pay raise for
rank and seniority prior to pension age.
Upon reaching retirement age, a retired civil servant shall be assigned a civil servant’s
When assigned an old-age pension, also in case of new employment or imprisonment,
payments stipulated by Section 4 hereinabove shall be terminated.
Article 32.
Appeals Against Decisions
Terminating Civil Service
Decisions on termination of civil service may be appealed by civil servants to a court of law.
Article 33.
Civil servants shall receive wages in sufficient amounts to provide for independent
performance of duty, help staff organs of the State with competent and experienced personnel, and
stimulate their diligent and resourceful work.
Civil servants shall be paid wages according to position, along with pay raise for rank, civil
service seniority, and other bonuses.
Civil servants shall be assigned wages depending on the complexity of work and level of
personal responsibility in the line of duty.
Pay raise for rank shall be assigned depending on the rank .
Pay raise for seniority shall be paid monthly as percentage of the monthly wage, considering
additional pay for rank and seniority, specifically:
10% pay raise for over 3 years;
15% for over 5 years;
20% for over 10 years;
25% for over 15 years;
30% for over 20 years;
40% for over 25 years.
Civil servants’ pay may be raised in acknowledgment of special accomplishments in the line
of duty, for filling in for other employees, and as other bonuses or aid in solving social and communal
Terms of payment, wages, salaries, bonuses, and aid to civil servants shall be determined by
the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
The civil servants’ wage fund shall be raised at the expense of the State Budget of Ukraine
and using other finance sources determined by the Regulations on Organs of State Executive
Authority, [Parliament-]approved Edicts of the President of Ukraine and Resolutions of the Council of
Ministers of Ukraine.
(Paragraph 8, Article 33 in the wording of Law of Ukraine #96/96 of March 22, 1996)
Budget reductions shall not warrant cut wages, salaries, bonuses, or financing of other
guarantees, preferential terms, and compensations stipulated by this Law.
Article 34.
In acknowledgment of meritorious uninterrupted civil service, exemplary performance of duty,
civil servants shall be awarded premiums in amounts and in keeping with procedures established by
the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
In recognition of special merits, civil servants shall be recommended for government awards
and prestigious titles.
Article 35.
Civil Servants’ Annual
and Additional [Paid] Leaves
Civil servants shall have annual [paid] leaves of 30 calendar days, unless longer leaves are
provided by law, with additional sums allocated for healthbuilding purposes in the amount of one
salary according to position/rank.
Civil servants with more than 10 years’ seniority shall be entitled to additional paid leaves of
15 calendar days. Terms and procedures of such additional paid leaves shall be established by the
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Article 36.
Social Protection and Consumer Services
Civil servants shall be provided housing from the national reserve, in keeping with set
Civil servants holding 1st-4th category posts shall have the priority right to have telephone
lines installed.
Civil servants in need of better living conditions (determined as per current legislation) and
those wishing to build private homes or buy apartments/buildings shall be allocated plots and interestfree credits for a term of up to 20 years. Credit conditions shall be determined by the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine.
Civil servants and members of their families living with them shall be entitled, in keeping with
set procedures, to free heath service at government-run institutions of public health. After retirement,
they shall likewise be served by these institutions.
Article 37.
Pensions and Monetary Aid
Civil servants shall be paid pensions at the expense of the State.
Civil service pensions shall be due persons reaching retirement age under the law of Ukraine,
with overall seniority of at least 25 years for men and at least 20 years for women, including at least 10
years of civil service. Said persons shall be assigned pensions in the amount of 80% of their
respective salaries, taking into account additional payments stipulated by this Law and without
reducing the pension’s margin.
Civil servants shall be paid pensions in full, regardless of their earnings (revenues) after
For each full year of work after 10 years in civil service, pension shall be increased by one
percent of the salary, but not more than by 90% of the salary according to post/rank, taking into
account additional payments stipulated by this Law and without reducing the pension’s margin.
A civil servant dismissed from civil service due to imprisonment for a premeditated criminal
offense or on [proven] charges of corruption, shall be denied pension on conditions stated
hereinabove. In such cases pension shall be assigned civil servants on the general terms.
(Paragraph 5 added to Article 37 according to Law of Ukraine #358/95 of October 5, 1995)
Civil servants retiring with at least 10 years’ seniority shall be issued monetary aid in the
amount of 10 monthly salaries according to post/rank.
Civil servants retiring with at least 10 years’ seniority shall be entitled to communal and
housing benefits set forth by this Law.
Article 38.
Answerability for Breaches of Civil Service Laws
Persons guilty of breaches of the civil service laws shall by subject to civil liability and criminal
prosecution as provided by the laws currently in effect.
Leonid Kravchuk, President of Ukraine
City of Kyiv, December 14, 1993