ESPAÑOL 2 ¡Bienvenidos a Español 2! Welcome to Spanish 2. Welcome back, I hope that you all had a great summer. This course will expand your vocabulary and we will add many other verb tenses. The course will be taught primarily in Spanish. You will be provided a textbook (GLENCOE SPANISH 2 BUEN VIAJE), which will remain in the classroom. A workbook (WRITING ACTIVITIES WORKBOOK) will also be provided. You are responsible for this workbook and will complete the majority of the workbook throughout the school year. However, you are NOT to write in the workbook, please write your work out on a separate piece of paper. Again, do NOT write in the workbook. You will be responsible for completing workbook pages for homework throughout the chapter. During the first semester we will cover chapters 1-3 and in the second semester we will cover chapters 4-9. There will be chapter projects, pop quizzes and tests for each chapter completed. I encourage you to speak as much Spanish inside and outside of the classroom. This is a great opportunity for you to take advantage of speaking the language. Plus, it could always help your participation points!! Technology in the classroom will be use throughout the year. I continually update my website at, with weekly homework assignments, projects completed in class, and news happening in our school and classroom. I will also post all vocabulary lists (blank and answers) for you to use as a study aid. Please check out my website for information you may have missed in class. I also update grades weekly and they can be viewed through the website, please monitor your grade. MATERIALS: *FOLDER *NOTEBOOK OR BINDER (WITH PLENTY OF PAPER) *PENCIL (You have the week to gather your materials. You must have them on Friday, August 30th, if you do not have your materials you will lose all of your participation points until you are prepared for my class.) GRADE CATEGORIES: 1. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES10% *all work is completed in class *work is due the same day that it is given *do now worksheet will be graded weekly 2. HOMEWORK30% *homework assignments will be checked on a random basis, so be prepared *assignments will be written on the board *late homework will not be accepted nor will partial credit be given 3. TESTS40% *includes chapter projects, pop quizzes, announced quizzes and chapter tests 4. PARTICIPATION20% *you will be given 5 POINTS PER DAY *points are based on coming prepared for class (bring homework, books and pencils), volunteering in class, following the class rules, speaking Spanish and having a good attitude **If you miss my class you are responsible for getting the assignments and turning them into me in a timely manner. There is a missing assignments tray located behind my desk underneath the window. You will find the agenda/assignments given on the day of your absence. CLASSROOM RULES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NO GUM!! If I catch you with gum you will lose all participation points for the day. Do not talk when I am talking. Have respect for me and others in the classroom. Keep negative comments to yourself. If you have problems with something come and see me. Bring all books and pencils for class, if you are not prepared you will lose your participation points for the day. Bad attitudes and bad language will not be tolerated. CLASSROOM PROCEDURES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. No gum! Be seated when the bell rings. Look at the agenda for the day. Take out homework. Be prepared to participate and speak Spanish. Stay seated until the bell rings. SCHOOL RULES: 1. 2. 3. 4. Follow directions. Be prepared for class. Keep hands, feet and objects to self. No vulgarity, bullying or put downs. My door is always open if you need help or just want to stop in. Do not let anything become too overwhelming, I am here to help you. I can arrange for tutors to help or I can stay after school on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. If there are any concerns please email me at or contact the school at 724-947-8100. Please keep this syllabus in your folder/binder so that you may refer to it on an as needed basis. This is your first homework assignment. You and your parent/guardian need to complete and sign the bottom of the paper provided that you understand the classroom outline, materials, grading categories, classroom rules/procedures and school rules. This paper needs to be given to me on or before FRIDAY, AUGUST 30th, 2013. Remember I do not accept late homework! Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ First and last names of all parents, step parents and / or legal guardians: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Home Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cell phone numbers of all parents, step parents and / or legal guardians: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail addresses of all parents, step parents and / or legal guardians: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ The best time and way to contact parents, step parents and / or legal guardians: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE _________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE