MIS 696a and 797a Group Project College of Business and Public Administration Conan Albrecht Wayne Anderson Irit Askira Michael Chau Faiz Currim Craig Erwin Xiao Fang Rosie Viprakasit Hauck Vijay Khatri Dongwon Lee Greg Lousignont Gary Mahon Jeff Perry Yi Shan Poh-Kim Tay Karl Wiers Huimin Zhao Dongsong Zhang Bin Zhu December 15, 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………2 Overall MIS papers …………………………………………………………………………3 Science & Scientific Practice Theoretical Background Methodologies Database Technology ……………………………………………………………………….8 Data mining Data warehousing Design/Maintenance Modeling OLAP KM Software development and engineering ………………………………………………......13 Models System engineering Process/work flow Reengineering CASE tools Technology ………………………………………………………………………………….19 AI Algorithms & Data structures GSS OS Human-computer interaction ……………………………………………………………...24 Visualization techniques Interface design I/O: speech, mouse, keyboard Organizational/Behavioral ………………………………………………………………....27 Individual judgement and decision making Group judgement and decision making (non-GSS) Organizational change Ethics, Legal, International, and Social Issues Decision Sciences ……………………………………………………………………………33 OR/OM Project Management DSS/ESS Economics of IS 1 Introduction This collection of key papers and influential people is organized into seven areas, representing the major divisions of research within Management Information Systems and the related field of Management. The citations of key papers conform to the most recently published guidelines from American Psychological Association (APA). For each of the key people identified, a short biographical sketch has been prepared, highlighting their significant contributions, research interests, and current university affiliation, if applicable. It was decided that the management papers would begin chronologically with the introduction of game theory in the late 1940’s. This was not intended to downplay the contributions of Bernoulli, Gauss, Pascal, and others in the development of probability theory, but rather to place a realistic boundary on the time frame for key papers and people. To facilitate the distribution and use of this compilation, a version will be placed on the web to enable access by all interested parties. Regular updates will be performed as necessary to keep the information current and accurate. The task of narrowing down the list of key papers was not an easy one, however the group attempted to find the right balance between quality and quantity. Key papers were selected using one of two methods, either a subjective assessment from one or more faculty or objectively, by counting the number of citations in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). Key people were determined primarily by subjective methods, taking into consideration a person’s publications, graduate student sponsorship, and notoriety within the field. 2 Overall MIS Papers Science and Scientific Practice Nature of Science Kuhn, T. (1996). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (3rd edition). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Academic Ethics Culliton, B. J. (1988, November 4). Authorship, Data Ownership Examined. Science, 242, 658. Schachman, H. K. (1993, July 9). What is Misconduct in Science. Science, 261, 148-149, 183. Smith, R. (1997). Authorship, Data Ownership Examined. British Medical Journal, 314(7086), 992. Methodology Quantitative Research Methodologies in MIS 1. Optimization Modeling Ram, S., & Narasimhan, S. (1994). Database Allocation in a Distributed Environment: Incorporating Concurrency Control Mechanism and Queuing Costs. Management Science, 40(8), 969-983. Ram, S., & Narasimhan, S. (1995). Incorporating the Majority Consensus Concurrency Control Algorithm into the Database Allocation Problem. ORSA Journal on Computing, 7(3), 244-258. Fisher, M. L. (1985). An Application-Oriented Guide to Lagrangian Relaxation. Interfaces, 15, 10-21. Jain, H. K., Tanniru, M. R., & Fazlollahi, B. (1991). MCDM Approach for generating Alternatives in Requirements Analysis. Information Systems Research, 2(3), 223-239. March, S., & Rho, S. (1995). Allocating Data and Operations to Nodes in Distributed Database Design. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data engineering, 7(2), 305-317. 2. Grammars Tremblay, J. P., & Sorenson, P. G. (1984). Grammars. Data Structures with Applications, (pp. 101-114). New York: McGraw-Hill. 3 Choobineh, J. (1991). SQLMP: A Data Sublanguage for Representation and Formulation of Linear Mathematical Models. ORSA Journal on Computing, 3(4), 358-375. Mohan, L. & Kashyap, R. L. (1993). A Visual Query Language for Graphical Interaction with Schema Intensive Databases. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data engineering, 5(5), 843-858. 3. Set Theory and Formal Modeling Lin, Y. F., & Lin, S. Y. (1984). The Concept of Sets. Set Theory with Applications, (pp. 33-58). Tampa, Florida: Mariner Publishing Co. Kainz, W., Egenhofer, M. J., & Greasley, I. (1993). Modeling Spatial Relations and Operations with Partially Ordered Sets. International Journal of Geographic Inforamtion Systems, 7(3), 215229. Rudensteiner, E., & Bic. L. (1992). Set Operations in Object-based Data Models. IEEE Transactions on Data and Knowledge Engineering, 4(3), 382-398. Parsons, J. (1996). An Information Model based on Classification Theory. Management Science, 42(10), 1437-1453. 4. Simulation Law, A. H., & Kelton, W. D. (1992). Basic Simulation Modeling. Simulation Modeling and Analysis (pp. 1-132). New York: McGraw-Hill. Kelton, W. D. (1994). Perspectives on Simulation Research and Practice. ORSA Journal on Computing, 6(4), 318-328. Agarwal, R., Carey, M. J., & Livney, M. (1987). Concurrency Control Performance Modeling: Alternatives and Implications. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 12(4), 609-654. Kumar, A., Ow, P. S., & Prietula, M. (1993). Organizational simulation and Information Systems Design: An Operations Level Example. Management Science, 39(2), 218-240. 5. Econometric Modeling Simon, H. (1987). Models of Man Social and Rational (pp. 1-61). New York: John Wiley and Sons. Zellner, A. (1988). Causality and Causal Laws in Economics. Journal of Econometrics, 39, 7-21 Holland, P. W. (1986), Statistics and Causal Inference. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 81(396), 945-970. 4 Gurbaxani, V., & Mendelson, H. (1992), An Empirical Analysis of Software and Hardware Spending. Decision Support Systems, 8, 1-16. Ein-Dor, P. (1985). Grosch’s Law Re-Revisited: CPU Power and the Cost of Computation. Communications of the ACM, 28(2), 141-151. Behavioral Research Methodologies in MIS 1. Nature of Theory Markus, M. L., & Robey, D. (1988). Information Technology and Organizational Change: Causal Structure in Theory and Research. Management Science 34(5), 583-598. Wallace, W. L. (1971). The Logic of Science in Sociology (Chapter 1). Chicago: AldineAtherton. 2. Research Approaches in MIS Orlikowski, W. J., & Baroudi, J. J. (1991). Studying Information Technology in Organizations: Research Approaches and Assumptions. Information Systems Research 2(1), 1-28. 3. Research Validity Cook, T. D., & Campbell, D. T. (1979). Quasi-experimentation : Design & Analysis Issues for Field Settings (Chapter 1). Chicago : Rand McNally College Publishing Company. Mitchell, T. R., (1985). An Evaluation of the Validity of Correlational Research Conducted in Organizations. Academy of Management Review 13(4), 627-638. 4. Survey Research Fowler, F. J. (1993). Survey research methods (2nd edition). Newbury Park: Sage Publications Kirsch, L. (1996). The Management of Complex Tasks in Organizations: Controlling the Systems Development Process, Information Systems Research, 7(1), 1-21. Nidumolu, S. R. (1995). The Effect of Coordination and Uncertainty on Software Project Performance: Residual Performance Risk as an Intervening Variable. Information Systems Research, 6(3), 191-219. Pinsonneault, A., & Kraemer, K. L. (1993). Survey Research Methodology in Management Information Systems: An Assessment. Journal of Management Information Systems 10(2), 75105.. 5 Straub, D. W. (1989). Validating Instruments in MIS Research. MIS Quarterly, 13(2), 147-166. 5. Intensive Research Case Studies Yin, R. K. (1994). Case study research: design and methods (2nd edition). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Lee, A. S. (1989). A Scientific Methodology for MIS Case Studies. MIS Quarterly 13(1), 33-50. Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). Building Theories from Case Study Research. Academy of Management Review, 14(4), 532-550. Ethnography Barley, S. R. (1986). Technology as an Occasion for Structuring: Evidence from Observations of CT Scanners and the Social Order of Radiology Departments. Administrative Science Quarterly, 31(1), 78-108. Grounded Theory Research Orlikowski, W. J. (1993). CASE Tools as Organizational Change: Investigating Incremental and Radical Changes in Systems Development. Management Information Systems Quarterly, 17(3), 309-340. Hermeneutics Lee, A. S. (1994). Electronic Mail as a Medium for Rich Communication: An Empirical Investigation Using Hermeneutic Interpretation. MIS Quarterly, 18(2), 143-157. Action Research Baskerville, R. L. & Wood-Harper, A. T. (1996). A Critical Perspective on Action Research as a Method for Information Systems Research. Journal of Information Technology, 11, 235-246. Network Analysis Barley, S. R. (1990). The alignment of technology and structure through roles and networks. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35 (1), 61-104. Krackhardt, D. & Stern, R. N. (1988). Informal networks and organizational crises: An experimental simulation. Social Psychology Quarterly, 51(2), 123-140. 6 Other References 1. Research Methods: Under ISWORLD Net Research and Scholarship http://www.umich.edu/~isworld/reshome.html: extensive references for Qualitative (Intensive) Research, and MIS Survey Research. 2. Information Systems Ethics: Under ISWORLD Teaching and Learning, Information Systems Ethics http://www.siu.edu/departments/coba/mgmt/iswnet/isethics/ 7 Database Technology Apers, P. M. G. (1988, September). Data Allocation in Distributed Database Systems. ACM TODS, 13 (3), 263-304. Batini, C., Lenzerini, M. & Navathe, S.B. (1986, December). A Comparative Analysis of Methodologies for Database Schema Integration. ACM Computer Surveys, 18 (4), 323-364. Chen, P. (1976, March). The Entity-Relationship Model: Toward a Unified View of Data. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 1 (1), 9-36. Frawley, W. J., Pietesky-Shapiro, G., & Mathetheus, C. J. (1991) Knowledge Discovery in Databases: An Overview. In Piatetsky-Sharpiro, G. & Frawley, W. J. (Eds.), Knowledge Discovery in Databases (pp. 1-30), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Hull, R. & King, R. (1987, September). Semantic Database Modeling: Survey, Applications, and Research Issues. ACM Computing Survey 19 (3), 201 – 260. Lewandowski, S. M. (1998, March). Frameworks for Component-Based Client/Server Computing. ACM Computing Surveys, 30 (1), 3-27. Sheth, A. P. & Larson, J. A. (1990, September). Federated Database Systems for Managing Distributed, Heterogeneous, and Autonomous Databases. ACM Computing Surveys, 22 (3), 183-236. The List of Key People in MIS - Database Technology Name Research Area E-mail School Jay Nunamak er Arie Segev Bezalel Gavish Univ. of Arizona Group decision support systems Systems analysis and design Software for eliciting requirements UC Information management Berkeley Electronic Commerce Distributed Object Technologies & Applications Vanderbilt Management and application of University technology in business Latest developments in computers, telecommunications, and other hightechnology instruments 8 NUNAMAKER@BPA.ARIZONA.E DU http edu SEGEV@HAAS.BERKELEY.EDU http ~seg gavishb@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu Name Research Area E-mail School Amit Basu Lynda Applegat e Izak Benbasat Bob Zmud Haim Mendelso n Charles H. Kriebel Erik Brynjolfs son Andrew B. Vanderbilt Knowledge based systems University Decision support systems Database management systems Workflow Management Electronic Commerce Harvard IT and business transformation Business Computer supported cooperative work School IT and globalization University Analysis of human-computer of British interaction Columbia Augmenting decision making with computerized support Research methodologies for IS studies Explanations in Expert systems It-Business Linkage University Information technology (IT) of management Oklahoma The diffusion (and infusion) of technological and managerial innovations The effects of computer- mediated communication systems on organizational design and performance. Stanford Information systems economics University Securities markets The computer industry Carnegie- Economics of information systems and Mellon technology University Evaluation of IT and impact on business value Software engineering and process development MIT Information technologies and productivity Internet applications for pricing, organizational change University Decision support systems of Texas, Electronic commerce Austin Economics of information systems Whinston Ted Stuart 9 BASUA@CTRVAX.VANDERBILT. EDU http du/O lapplegate@hbs.edu http ega IZAK.BENBASAT@COMMERCE.U http BC.CA .ca/ enb rzmud@ou.edu HAIM@HAIM.STANFORD.EDU ck04@andrew.cmu.edu erikb@mit.edu http ABW@UTS.CC.UTEXAS.EDU http abw Name Research Area E-mail School Salvatore T. March Stuart E. Madnick Sirkka Jarvenpaa Al Havner Peter Chen Hasan Pirkul Omar A. El Sawy Wanda Orlikows ki Les Brown M. Lynne Markus University Automated tools for the design of of databases Minnesota Data modeling and system development interface Computer support for groups MIT Intelligent interpretation of information Systematic design methodology/software project management Composite information systems University of Texas, Austin University of South Florida Louisiana Models of Data Representation for State Databases University Office Automation Knowledge-based Systems University Distributed computer systems of Texas Physical database design at Dallas Location and allocation problems and heuristics University Knowledge sharing and business of process redesign Southern Electronic value chains California IS for managerial scanning in messy environments MIT Information technology and organizational change Social and cultural implications of information technology Systems development and CASE tools SMARCH@CSOM.UMN.EDU Claremont Information technology, organizational Graduate change, and reengineering University Systems policy and administration Cooperative work and communication Enterprise software M.Lynne.Markus@cgu.edu 10 SMADNICK@MIT.EDU sjarvenpaa@mail.utexas.edu ahevner@coba.usf.edu chen@bit.csc.lsu.edu http epar vne http y/pc hpirkul@utdallas.edu elsawy@bus.usc.edu WANDA@MIT.EDU http y/m Name Research Area E-mail School Starr Roxanne Hiltz New Jersey Institute of Technolog y Christine L. Borgman UCLA Computer-Mediated Communication Computer-Supported Cooperative Work Group Decision Support Systems Human-Computer Interaction Technology and Society \ Computers and Education Information Systems Evaluation Methodologies Digital libraries and technology and policy issues in the development of computing networks Automated library services in Central and Eastern Europe. roxanne@eies.njit.edu http cborgman@ucla.edu http lis.g lty/c Process Modeling 1. Booch, G. “Object-Oriented Development” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 12, 2, 1986, pp. 211-220. 2. Chen, P. P. S. “The Entity-relationship Model – Toward a Unified View of Data” ACM Transactions on Database System, 1, 1, pp. 9-36. 3. Curtis, B., Kellner, M., Over, J., “Process Modeling” Communications of The ACM, 35, 9, 1992. 4. Malone, T. W. et al., “Toward a Handbook of Organizational Processes” Sloan School of Management Working Paper, 1997. 5. Rumbaugh, J., Blaha, M., Premerlani, W., Eddy, F., Lorensen, W. Object-oriented Modeling and Design, Prentice Hall, 1990. 6. Scheer, A. W. Business Processes Engineering. Springer-Verlag, 1994. Key People: Booch and Rumbaugh are key people in object-oriented modeling. They are now at Rational Software Corporation. In 1995 they proposed the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Chen is the person who introduced Entity-Relationship model. This modeling method is very popular in data modeling area. Curtis is a professor who is now at CMU’s Software Engineering Institute. 11 Malone is a professor at MIT’s Sloan School of Management. Scheer is German professor who is famous for modeling ERP system, such as SAP/R3. Business Process Reengineering 1. Davenport, T. H., Process Innovation: Reengineering Work through Information Technology, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Massachusetts, 1993. 2. Davenport, T. H., Beers, M. C. “Managing Information about Processes” Journal of Management Information Systems, 1995, pp. 57-80. 3. Davenport, T. H., Short, J. E. “The New Industrial Engineering: Information Technology and Business Process Redesign” Sloan Management Review, Summer 1990, pp. 11-27. 4. Davenport, T. H., Stoddard, D. B. “Reengineering: Business Change of Mythic Proportions?” MIS Quarterly, June 1994, pp. 121-127. 5. Hammer, M., Champy, J. Reengineering the Corporation, HarperCollins Publishers, New York, 1993. Key People: Hammer and Champy are among the first persons who introduce the concepts and theories of Business Process Reengineering. Davernprot is partner at Ernst & Young’s Center for Information Technology and Strategy in Boston, and teaches at Boston University’s School of Management. 12 Software Development and Engineering Key Papers Alonso, G., Agrawal, D., El Abbadi, A., Kamath, M., & et al. Advanced Transaction Models In Workflow Contexts. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Engineering . Alonso, G., Gunthor, R., Kamath, M., Agrawal, D., & et al. (1996). Exotica/FMDC: A Workflow Management System For Mobile and Disconnected Clients. Distributed and Parallel Databases, 4(3), 229-247. Berman, O., Larson, R. C., & Pinker, E. (1997). Scheduling Workforce And Workflow In a High Volume Factory. Management Science, 43(2), 158-172. Bussler, C. J. (1996). Specifying Enterprise Processes With Workflow Modeling Languages. Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, 4. Bussler, C. J., & Jablonski, S. An Approach to Integrate Workflow Modeling and Organization Modeling In an Enterprise. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises . DeMarco, T. (1979). Structured Analysis and System Specification. Prentice-Hall. Ellis, C. A., & Nutt, G. J. (1980). Office Information Systems and Computer Science. ACM Computing Surveys, 12(1). Fagan, M. E. (1976). Design and code inspections to reduce errors in program development. IBM Systems Journal. Georgakopoulos, D., Hornick, M., & Sheth, A. (1995). An Overview of Workflow Management: From Process Modeling To Workflow Automation Infrastructure. Distributed and Parallel Databases, 3(2), 119-153. Humphrey, W. S. (1995). A Discipline For Software Engineering. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Jablonski, S. (1995). On the Complementarity of Workflow Management and Business Process Modeling. SIGOIS Bulletin, 16(1), 33-38. 13 Jaeger, T., & Prakash, A. Management and Utilization of Knowledge for The Automatic Improvement of Workflow Performance. Conference on Organizational Computing Systems . Koksal, P., Arpinar, S. N., & Dogac, A. (1998). Workflow History Management. SIGMOD Record, 27(1), 67-75. Kumar, A., & Zhao, J. L. (1998). Dynamic Routing and Operational Controls in Workflow Management Systems. Management Science. Leymnn, F., & Roller, D. Building a Robust Workflow Management System with Persistent Queues and Stored Procedures. 14th International Conference on Data Engineering . Liu, L., & Pu, C. Methodical Restructuring of Complex Workflow Activities. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Data Engineering . Lochovsky, F. H. (1983). Improving Office Productivity: A Technology Perspective. Proceedings of the IEEE, 71(4), 512-519. Mahling, D. E., Craven, N., & Croft, W. B. (1995). From Office Automation to Intelligent Workflow Systems. IEEE Expert, 10(3), 41-47. Mohan, C., Agrawal, D., Alonso, G., El Abbadi, A., & et al. (1995). Exotica: A Project on Advanced Transaction Management and Workflow Systems. SIGOIS Bulletin, 16(1), 45-50. Nutt, G. J. (1996). The Evolution Towards Flexible Workflow Systems. Distributed Systems Engineering, 3(4), 276-294. Paulk, M. C., B. Curtis, & et al. (July, 1993). Capability maturity model, version 1.1. IEEE Software, 18-27. Pressman, R. S. (1997). Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach. McGraw-Hill. (Chapter 2: Software Engineering Methods) Swenson, K. D., & Irwin, K. Workflow Technology: Tradeoffs for Business Process Re-Engineering. Conference on Organizational Computing Systems . Wodtke, D., Weissenfels, J., Weikum, G., Dittrich, K., & et al. The MENTOR Workbench For Enterprise-Wide Workflow 14 Management. ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. Yourdon, E., & Constantine, L. (1979). Structured Design. Prentice-Hall. Key People Amit Sheth - Research interests include Interoperable Information Systems (esp. Transactional Workflow Management), Global Information Evolving collaboration technologies, Electronic/Information Commerce, Ontology/Context/Semantics, Schematic Heterogeneity, Federated Database Systems, Multidatabase Consistency/Interdependent Data, Data Quality, Schema Integration. He is currently director of the Large Scale Distributed Research Lab and associate professor of Computer Science at UGA, as well as an adjunct associate professor in the College of Computing at the Georgia Tech. Dimitrios Georgakopoulos - He was a Principal Member of Technical Staff at GTE Laboratories and the initiator of the Workflow Management Infrastructure project. He led the development of the Word Wide Workflow system for enterprise-wide and multi-organizational business process management. He played a principal role in introducing workflow and distributed object technologies to GTE business units, and received an Excellence award for his work. He is Currently a Senior Member of Technical Staff and the technical leader of the Collaboration Management Infrastructure Project (CMI) at MCC. Gerhard Weikum - Research interests include parallel and distributed information systems database optimization and performance evaluation, workflow management, transaction processing and multimedia information management. He is currently the head of the Database and Information Systems Group and a professor at the University of the Saarland, Germany Christoph Bussler - Research interests include Organizational Policy Management in Workflow Management Systems, Generic Workflow Models, Architecture of High Performance Workflow Management Systems and Mobility Aspects of Workflow Management. He is currently a researcher at Boeing, USA. Gustavo Alonso - Research interests include distributed and parallel data management systems: transaction processing, database applications, workflow management systems, and Ecommerce issues such as system architecture, scalability, high performance processing, reliability, availability, fault 15 tolerance, and new applications. He is currently the head of the Information and Communication Systems Research Group and a professor at ETH in Zurich, Switzerland. C. Mohan - Research interests include all aspects of transaction, database and workflow management. He works for IBM, but is presently on a 1 year sabbatical at the French government's computer science research institute called INRIA at Rocquencourt outside Paris Gary Nutt - Research interests include distributed systems, supporting group work with multimedia and distributed systems, highly responsive operating systems, modeling and performance, performance visualization, collaboration technology and group workflow models and systems. He is currently a professor at the University of Colorado. Clarence (Skip) Ellis - Research interests include Workflow Technology, Groupware, Cognitive Science (Group cognition), Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Object Oriented Systems, Systems Modeling, Databases, Group User Interfaces and Distributed Systems. He is currently a professor at the University of Colorado. W. Bruce Croft - Research interests include formal models of retrieval for complex, text-based objects, text representation techniques, the design and implementation of text retrieval and routing systems, and user interfaces. He is currently Director of the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval and a professor at the University of Massachusetts. Tom DeMarco - Has made outstanding contributions to the theory and practice of software development, through his writing, lecturing, and consulting. From his early seminal work on structured analysis, to his later contributions in the areas of software metrics and team building, Mr. DeMarco has established himself as a pioneer and leader in the software profession. In 1986, Mr. DeMarco was awarded the J.D. Warner Prize for "lifetime contribution to the information sciences." His most recent publications are The Deadline: A Novel About Project Management, Why Does Software Cost So Much? (and other puzzles of the information age) and PEOPLEWARE: Productive Projects and Teams (the latter with co-author Tim Lister), all published by Dorset House. He also wrote the ground-breaking text Structured Analysis and System Specification, the popular Controlling Software Projects: Management, Measurement and Estimation and more than 100 articles and papers. He is a member of the IEEE 16 Software Editorial Board, and was chosen (along with Dr. Barry Boehm) to serve as guest editor for that journal's May, 1997 Special Issue on Risk Management. Mr. DeMarco is a Principal Member of The Atlantic Systems Guild, a systems think tank and consulting firm with offices in New York and London. He makes his home and headquarters in Camden, Maine. Grady Booch - Chief Scientist at Rational. He has been with the company since its foundation in 1980. Booch has pioneered the development of object-oriented analysis and design methods. His work centers primarily around complex software systems. Booch is the author of four books, ncluding "Object-Oriented Analysis and Design," and "Object Solutions: Managing the Object-Oriented Project." He is a member of AAAS, IEEE, and CPSR, and is both an ACM Fellow and Rational Fellow. Michael Fagan has had 20 years of experience as a line manager of software development, engineering development, and manufacturing. In addition, he was: manager of programming methodology for IBM's DP Product Group (Worldwide); the first software senior technical staff member in IBM's T.J. Watson Research Laboratory; a member of the Corporate Technology Staff; and, one of the founder members of the IBM Quality Institute. After creating the Inspection Process in 1972, he continued refining the methodology, incorporating Formal Process Definition, and reinforcing the Continuous Process Improvement aspect of the Fagan Inspection Process. In 1979, IBM awarded him the largest individual Corporate Achievement Award for creating the INSPECTION PROCESS and promoting its implementation in IBM's laboratories around the world and in industry. Since 1989, when he formed Michael Fagan Associates, he has continued to refine the methodology and has also found ways to help facilitate its very rapid implementation in more than 60 organizations. In fact, most of these organizations have produced impressive results in the product or release on which they were working starting the day after completing training. (The products they developed spanned a range that included systems programs, database programs, applications, hardware designs, systems and applications requirements, 4GL and Object Oriented Tools.) The methodology developed by Michael Fagan is credited with dramatically reducing the number of defects in software and hardware products, increasing the feature content per release, shortening cycle time, increasing customer satisfaction, improving development processes, accelerating SEI/CMM maturity in organizations, and significantly reducing costs! 17 Dr. Pressman specializes in helping companies establish effective software engineering practices. He is the developer of Process Advisor, the industy's first self-directed software process improvement product and Essential Software Engineering, a comprehensive video curriculum. Dr. Pressman is the author of six books and many technical and management articles. His book, Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach (McGraw-Hill , 4th ed., 1997), is the world's most widely used software engineering textbook. He is on the Editorial Boards of American Programmer and IEEE Software and is Series Advisor for the McGraw-Hill Systems Design and Implementation Series. He is a member of the IEEE, ACM and Tau Beta Pi. Watts S. Humphrey – Employed by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University. Formerly Director of the Software Process Program at the SEI, Humphrey was responsible for developing improved software engineering process methods. He has continued to work closely with software engineers in industry and government, helping them to implement these improved methods. Before joining the SEI, Humphrey was with IBM for 27 years in various technical and management positions. He is a Fellow of the SEI and the IEEE, a member of the ACM, a past member of the Malcolm Baldridge national Quality Award Board of Examiners, and a holder of five issued U.S. patents. He lives in Sarasota Florida. Mark Paulk – A longtime member of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University. Paulk was one of the major contributors to the development of the Capability Maturity Model (CMM). 18 Technology Dan O'Leary University of Southern California Tom Malone Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tom Davenport Boston University V. Dhar New York University Chen, H., Titkova, Orwig, O. R., & Nunamaker, J. F. (1998). `Information Visualization for Collaborative Computing, IEEE Computer, forthcoming. Nii. H. P. (1986). Blackboard systems: Blackboard applications systems, blackboard systems from a knowledge engineering perspective. AI Magazine, 7(3): 38-53. Tversky, A. & Kahneman, D. (1974). Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases. Science, 1124-1131. Quinlan, J. D. (1983) Learning efficient classification procedures and their applications to chess end games. In Michalshi, R. S., Carbonell,J. G., & Mitchell, T. M., Machine Learning, An Artificial Intelligence Approach, 463-482, Tioga, Palo Alto, CA, 1983. Lippmann, R. P. (1987) An introduction to computing with neural networks. IEEE Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing Magazine. 4(2):4-22. Frawley, W. J., Pietesky-Shapiro, G., & Mathetheus, C. J. (1991). Knowledge discovery in databases: an overview. In Piatetsky-Sharpiro, G. and Frawley W. J., Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 1-30, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1991. Maes, P. (1994). Agents that reduce work and information overload. CACM, 37(7):30-40. Bowman, C. M., Danzig, P B., Manber, U., & Schwatrz., F. (1994) Scalable Internet resource discovery: research problems and approaches. CACM, 37(8): 98-107, August, 1994. Group Support Systems Researchers Jay F. Nunamaker, Jr. The University of Arizona 19 Regents Professor of MIS and Computer Science, 1994 - Present. Director (1985 to Present) and founder of the Center for Management of Information (CMI), a research center to study collaboration technology and decision support Current research interests include computer supported collaboration and decision support to improve productivity and communication. jnunamaker@cmi.arizona.edu Center for the Management of Information University of Arizona McClelland Hall, Room 430GG Tucson, Arizona 85721 (520) 621-4105 Voice (520) 621-3918 Fax Douglas R. Vogel The University of Arizona Associate Professor, Dept. of MIS, 1992-Present. Current research interests include integrating technology into distributed educational contexts. He has additionally been particularly active in the development, facilitation, and evaluation of University of Arizona GroupSystems. dvogel@cmi.arizona.edu Center for the Management of Information University of Arizona McClelland Hall, Room 114 Tucson, Arizona 85721 (520) 626-2644 Voice (520) 621-2641 Fax Robert O. Briggs The University of Arizona Research Fellow, The Center for the Management of Information Current esearch interests include technology-supported learning, and technology for group productivity bob@cmi.arizona.edu Center for the Management of Information University of Arizona McClelland Hall, Room 429 Tucson, Arizona 85721 (520) 621-2133 Voice (520) 621-2433 Fax Alan R. Dennis The University of Georgia Associate Professor, Department of Management 20 Current research interests include computer-supported group brainstorming and decision making, the design of web-based technologies to support collaborative work, and business process reengineering. adennis@uga.cc.uga.edu Department of Management Terry College of Business The University of Georgia Athens GA 30602 (706) 542-3902 Voice (706) 542-3743 Fax Joseph S. Valacich Washington State University The George and Carolyn Hubman Distinguished Professor in Information Systems and Associate Professor of Information Systems, College of Business and Economics Current research interest include group support systems, organizational impacts of information systems, systems analysis and design, and distance Learning jsv@wsu.edu College of Business and Economics Todd Hall 240D Washington State University Pullman, WA 99164-4736 (509) 335-1112 Voice (509) 335-7736 Fax Gerardine DeSanctis Duke University Professor of Management Current research interests include the design of systems to support managerial decision making and the effects of information systems use on individuals, groups and organizations gd@mail.duke.edu Duke University Box 90120 Durham, NC 27708-0120 (919) 660-7848 Voice (919) 681-6245 Fax R. Brent Gallupe Queens University Professor of Management Information Systems Director of the Queen's Executive Decision Centre Current research interests include electronic brainstorming, the history of information systems, information technology, and management information systems. gallupeb@qucdn.queensu.ca 21 School of Business Queen's University Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6 (613) 545-2361 Voice (613) 545-6589 Fax Papers Briggs, R. O. (1993). Focus Theory: An Explanation of Group Productivity For Developers and Users of Electronic Meeting Systems. , University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Briggs, R. O., Ramesh, V., Romano, N. C., & Latimer, J. (1995). The Exemplar Project: Using Group Support Systems to Improve the Learning Enviroment. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 23(3), 277-291. Clawson, V. K., Bostrom, R. P., & Anson, R. (1993). The Role of the Facilitator in ComputerSupported Meetings. Small Group Research, 24(4), 547-565. Connolly, T., Jessup, L. M., & Valacich, J. S. (1990). Effects of Anonimity and Evaluative Tone on Idea Generation in Computer-Mediated Groups. Management Science, 36(6), 689703. Dennis, A. R., George, J. F., Jessup, L. M., Nunamaker, J. F., & Vogel, D. R. (1988). Information Technology to Support Electronic Meetings. MIS Quarterly, 12(4), 591-624. Dennis, A. R., Heminger, A. R., Nunamaker, J. F., & Vogel, D. R. (1990a). Bringing Automated Support to Large Groups: The Burr-Brown Experience. Information & Management, 18, 111-121. Dennis, A. R., Nunamaker, J. F., & Vogel, D. R. (1991). A Comparison of Laboratory and Field Research in the Study of Electronic Meeting Systems. Journal of Managment Information Systems, 7(3), 107-135. Dennis, A. R., Valacich, J. S., & Nunamaker, J. F. (1990b). An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Group Size in an Electronic Meeting Environment. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 20(5), 1049-1057. DeSanctis, G., & Gallupe, R. B. (1987). A Foundation for the Study of Group Decision Support Systems. Management Science, 33(5), 589-609. Gallupe, R. B., Dennis, A. R., Cooper, W. H., Valacich, J. S., Bastianutti, L. M., & Nunamaker, J. F. (1992). Electronic Brainstorming and Group Size. Academy of Management Journal, 35(2), 350-369. Grohowski, R., McGoff, C., Vogel, D., Martz, B., & Nunamaker, J. (1990). Implementing Electronic Meeting Systems at IBM: Lessons Learned and Success Factors. MIS Quarterly, 14(4), 369-383. King, W. R., & King, T. S. H. (1996). Key Dimensions of Facilitators and Inhibitors for the Strategic Use of Information Technology. Journal of Management Information Systems, 12(4), 35-53. Nunamaker, J., Vogel, D., Heminger, A., Martz, B., Grohowski, R., & McGoff, C. (1989). Experiences at IBM with Group Support Systems: A Field Study. Decision Support Systems, 5(2), 183-196. Nunamaker, J. F. (1992). Articles from Workgroup Computing, Reprinted from Corporate Computing : Ziff-Davis. 22 Nunamaker, J. F., Briggs, R. O., Mittleman, D. D., Vogel, D. R., & Balthazard, P. A. (1997). Lessons from a Dozen Years of Group Support Systems Research: A Discussion of Lab and Field Findings. Journal of Management Information Systems, 13(3), 163-207. Nunamaker, J. F., Chen, M., & Purdin, T. D. M. (1991a). Systems Development in Information Systems Research. Journal of Management Information Systems, 7(3), 89-106. Nunamaker, J. F., Dennis, A. R., Valacich, J. S., & Vogel, D. R. (1991b). Information Technology for Negotiating Groups: Generating Options for Mutual Gain. Management Science, 37(10), 1325-1346. Nunamaker, J. F., Dennis, A. R., Valacich, J. S., Vogel, D. R., & George, J. F. (1991c). Electronic Meeting Systems to Support Group Work. Communications of the ACM, 34(7), 40-61. Post, B. Q. (1992). Building the Business Case for Group Support Technology. Paper presented at the Twenty-Fifth International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, HI. Saffo, P. (1990). Same-Time Same-Place Groupware. Personal Computing. Shepherd, M. M., Briggs, R. O., Reinig, B. A., Yen, J., & Nunamaker, J. F. (1996). Invoking Social Comparison to Improve Electronic Brainstorming: Beyond Anonymity. Journal of Management Information Systems, 12(3), 155-170. Valacich, J. S., Mennecke, B. E., Wachter, R., & Wheeler, B. C. (1993). Computer-Mediated Idea Genteration: The Effects of Group Size and Group Heterogeneity. Paper presented at the Twenty-Sixth International Conference on System Sciences, Wailea, HI. Zigurs, I., Poole, M. S., & DeSanctis, G. L. (1988). A Study of Influence in Computer-Mediated Group Decision Making. MIS Quarterly, 12(4), 625-643. 23 Human Computer Interaction Key People in HCI Dan R. Olsen Jr. (CMU) Director of Human Computer Interaction Institute Interests include software architectures for user interfaces. In particular, studying how to structure user interface software so that pervasive capabilities are supported. John R. Anderson (CMU) Professor of Computer Science Research is to understand how people organize knowledge that they acquire from their diverse experiences to produce intelligent behavior. The concern is very much with how it is all put together and this has led to the focus on what are called "unified theories of cognition." A unified theory is a cognitive architecture that can perform in detail a full range of cognitive tasks. Gary Marchionini (UNC) Professor of School of Information and Library Science. Research interests: Information seeking, human-computer interaction, digital libraries, information design, information policy Ben Shneiderman (UMD) Professor of Computer Science and Head of the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory Research Interests: Human-computer interaction, user interface design. Dr. Kent L. Norman (UMD) Professor of Psychology Interests include cognitive psychology, human/computer interaction, and the design of electronic educational environments. Additionally, interested in models of judgment and decision making and have applied these to the behavior of computer interfaces. Thomas P. Moran (Xerox Parc) Research includes early work on the theoretical foundations of human-computer interaction, development of several HCI analysis tools and theoretical frameworks, and development of several innovative interactive systems. Marti Hearst (UC-Berkeley) Professor of School of Information Management & Systems Current research interests focus on user interfaces and robust language analysis to build information access systems, and on furthering our understanding of how people use and understand such systems. The field of Information Access concerns helping people find, use, understand, and create the information they need, often using computer systems as tools. Text analysis and user interface technology should be combined with an understanding of how users work with information and computer tools when building systems to support information access. I also plan to begin studying the interdependence of the social and the technical in information systems. Jakob Nielsen Until July 1998 he was a Sun Microsystems Distinguished Engineer and the company's Web usability guru. Dr. Nielsen coined the term "discount usability engineering" and has invented several usability techniques for fast and cheap improvements of user interfaces, including 24 heuristic evaluation. Dr. Nielsen was usability lead for several design and redesign rounds of Sun's website and intranet (SunWeb), including the original SunWeb design in 1994. His earlier affiliations include Bellcore (Bell Communications Research), the Technical University of Denmark, and the IBM User Interface Institute at the T.J. Watson Research Center. Jock D. Mackinlay (Xerox Parc) Information Sciences and Technologies Laboratory (ISTL) User interface research in the areas of: Information Visualization, 3D User Interfaces, Automatic Presentation Gary Perlman Research interests include several information sciences and their applications: information management (hypermedia and information retrieval), computer science (software engineering and user interfaces), experimental psychology (cognitive engineering and human factors), statistics (measurement and statistical computing). William Buxton (Alias | Wavefront Inc.) Chief Scientist Bill Buxton is a designer and researcher specializing in human aspects of technology, humancomputer interaction, and technology mediated collaborative work (Telepresence). He is Chief Scientist at Alias | Wavefront Inc., as well as its parent compny, Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI), , and an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto, where his research is mainly sponsored by the Information Technology Researh Institute of Ontario (ITRC) and British Telecom Laboratories. While "full-time" at Alias |Wavefront and SGI, Buxton maintains an office at the University and continues to supervises graduate students. Terry Winograd (Stanford) Professor of Computer Science Professor Winograd's focus is on developing the theoretical background and conceptual models for designing human-computer interaction. He is a principal investigator on the Stanford Digital Libraries Project, developing models that can provide information collections and services in an integrated framework from a wide base of heterogeneous distributed materials. He directs the Project on People, Computers, and Design and is developing teaching programs in HumanComputer Interaction Design. Judy S. Olson (University of Michigan) Professor of Information Systems and Professor of Psychology Prior to joining the Michigan Business School, she was on the faculty of the Department of Psychology at Michigan and served as a technical supervisor for human factors in systems engineering at Bell Laboratories. Her research interests are human-computer interaction relating to the design and evaluation of software for human problem solving in business, both in individual settings and group work. Gary M. Olson (University of Michigan) Interim Dean and Professor His current research interests are in the areas of applied cognitive science, particularly humancomputer interaction and computer-supported cooperative work. Specifically, he is working on topics in the area of computer support for collaborative activities, particularly when conducted at a distance. He has conducted both laboratory and field studies of teams carrying out various 25 forms of complex intellectual activities. A major current interest is the design and evaluation of collaboratories to support distributed science and engineering. George Furnas (University of Michigan) Came to Michigan after 15 years in research at Bell Labs and Bell Communications Research (Bellcore), where he was most recently director of computer graphics and interactive media research in the Computer Science Research Department. A principal focus of his research has been in human-computer interaction, specializing in areas related to information access and visualization, but he has also published work in multivariate statistics and graphical reasoning. Readings Baecker, R., Grudin, J., Buxton, W., Greenburg, S. (Eds). Readings in human-computer interaction: Towards the year 2000. 2nd Ed. San Francisco, Morgan Kaufmann. Contains many great articles pulled from books and journals. Card, S. K. (1996). Visualizing retrieved information: A survey. Computer Graphics & Applications, 63-67. Card, S., Moran, T., & Newell, A. (1983). The psychology of human-computer interaction. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Chapters 2 and 5 discuss the Model Human Processor and the GOMS model. Carroll, J. M. (1982). The adventure of getting to know a computer. IEEE Computer, 15(11), 49-58. Daft, R. L. & Lengel, R. H. (1986). Organiztional information requirements, media richness and structural design, Management Science, 32(5), 554-571. Furnas, G. W., Landauer, T. K. Gomez, L. M. & Dumais, S. T. (1987). The vocabulary problem in human-system communication. Communications of the ACM, 30(11), 964-971. Laudauer, T. K. (1995). The troubles with computers: Usefulness, usability, and productivity. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Pirolli, P. & Card, S. (1995). Information foraging in formation access environments. CHI ’95: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Software. ACM: NY pp 51-58. Nielsen, J. (1992). The usability engineering life cycle. IEEE Computer, 25(3), 12-22. Shneiderman, B. (1993). Direct manipultation: A step beyong programming language. IEEE Computer, 57-69. Winograd, T. (1988). A language/action perspective on the design of cooperative work. Human-Computer Interaction, 3(1) 3-30. 26 Organization Behavior Individual Judgement and Decision Making Anthologies Bazerman, M. (1994). Judgement in managerial decision making. Third edition. New York: Wiley. Plous, S. (1993). The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making. New York: McGraw-Hill. Simon, H.A. (1957). Models of man. New York: Wiley. Simon, H.A. (1982), "Models of Bounded Rationality, Vols. 1 and 2." The MIT Press, London. Theory Papers and Books Brockner, J. (1992). The escalation of commitment to a failing course of action: Toward theoretical progress. Academy of Management Review, 17: 39-61. Dawes. R. (1988). Rational choice in an uncertain world. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich. Fischoff, B. (1982). Debiasing. In D. Kahneman, P. Slovic, and A. Tversky (Eds.), Judgement under uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases. Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University Press. Hardin, G. (1968). The tragedy of the commons. Science 162, 1243-1248. Kahneman, D. & Tversky, A. (1979). Prospect theory: An analysis of decisions under risk. Econometrica. 47:263-291. March, J. & Simon, H. (1958). Organizations. New York: Wiley. Mintzberg, H. (1975). The nature of managerial work. New York: Harper and Row. Raiffa, H. (1982). The art and science of negotiation. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Slovic, P. (1987). Perception of risk. Science, 236, 280-285. Staw, B. (1981). The escalation of commitment to a course of action. Academy of Management Review 6, 577-587. Thaler, R (1980). Toward a positive theory of consumer choice. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 1:39-60. 27 Empirical Papers Arkes, H. & Blumer, C. (1985). The psychology of sunk costs. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 35:124-140. Bar-Hillel, M. (1973). On the subjective probability of compound events. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 9:396-406. Kahneman, D. & Tversky, A. (1984). Choices, values, and frames. American Psychologist. 39:341-350. Laughhunn, D. & Payne, J. (1984). The impact of sunk outcomes on risky choice behavior. INFOR Canadian Journal of Operations Research and Information Processing, 22:151-181. Slovic, P. & Lichtenstein, S. (1971). Comparison of Bayesian and regression approaches in the study of information processing in judgement. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 6:649-744. Staw, B.M. (1976). Knee-deep in the big muddy: A study of escalating commitment to a chosen alternative. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 16:27-44. Thaler, R. (1985). Using mental accounting in a theory of purchasing behavior. Marketing Science 4, 199-214. Thaler, R. & Johnson, E. (1990). Gambling with the house money and trying to break even: The effects of prior outcomes on risky choice. Management Science, 36:643-660. Tversky, A. & Kahneman, D. (1974). Judgement under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases. Science 185, 1124-1131. Tversky, A. & Kahneman, D. (1981). The framing of decisions and the psychology of choice. Science 211: 453-463. Key People in Individual Judgement and Decision Making Hal Arkes – Research interests are medical decision making, "colloquial economics", sunk costs, windfall gains, and the hindsight effect. Currently, Program Director, National Science Foundation - Decision, Risk, and Management Science. Jonathan Baron - Research interests include the maximization of utility (good), how to measure utility for purposes of cost-effectiveness analysis, and in everyday intuitions that stand in the way of utility maximization, particularly moral intuitions. Currently at the University of Pennsylvania. Egon Brunswik - (1903-1955) 28 One of several outstanding psychologists who came to the United States from Europe shortly before World War II. Developed Social Judgment Theory and the Lens Model. Robin Dawes - Current research spans five areas: intuitive expertise, human cooperation, retrospective memory, methodology and United States AIDS policy. Currently at CarnegieMellon University. Ward Edwards - Director of the Social Science Research Institute and Professor of Psychology and of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Southern California. Prior to going to USC in 1973, he spent 15 years at the University of Michigan as Professor of Psychology, Head of the Engineering Psychology Laboratory, and Associate Director of the Highway Safety Research Institute. Research interests have been in the fields of behavioral decision theory, decision analysis, and the subjective expected utility maximization model. Baruch Fischoff - Best known for his publication entitled “Behavioral Research Approaches to Reducing Product Liability Risks”. A cognitive psychologist and currently at Carnegie-Mellon University. Ken Hammond - Fields of interest include expert judgment, effects of stress on cognition, and conflict resolution in public policy making. He has done basic and applied research in these areas and has consulted for federal, state, and local governments and for multinational corporations. His most recent articles have been on dynamic tasks, conflict resolution, and modes of cognition. Professor Emeritus at the University of Colorado. Daniel Kahneman – Developed Prospect Theory along with Amos Tversky. Awards include: Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award of the American Psychological Association (1982) and the Warren Medal of the Society of Experimental Psychologists (1995), and the Hilgard Award for Career Contributions to General Psychology (1995). Currently at Princeton University. Oskar Morgenstern - (1902 - 1977) Best known for his work with John von Neumann on the theory of games. He provided much of the economic analysis on the greater generality of "strategic behavior" over "Robinson-Crusoe" behavior. John W. Payne - His research has focused on how people adapt their strategies for solving decision problems to the demands of the tasks they face. His research has included studies of consumer choice, managerial risk taking, environmental valuation, and jury decisions. He is an Associate Editor of Management Science, the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, and the Journal of Forecasting. Currently at Duke University. Richard Thaler - Research activities include behavioral economics and finance, the psychology of decision making. His most notable contribution is the concept of mental accounting and loss aversion research. Currently at the University of Chicago. Amos Tversky - (1937 - 1996) A cognitive psychologist who changed the way experts in many fields think about how people make decisions about risks, benefits and probabilities. He 29 developed Prospect Theory along with Dan Kahneman. He also influenced statisticians and other researchers interested in how decisions involving risk are made in fields like medicine and public policy. John Louis von Neumann - (1903 - 1957) Brilliant mathematician, synthesizer, and promoter of the stored program concept, whose logical design of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) became the prototype of most of its successors - the von Neumann Architecture. Developed the synergism between computer’s capabilities and the needs for computational solutions to nuclear problems related to the hydrogen bomb. KEY PEOPLE IN THE FIELD OF ETHICAL, SOCIAL AND LEGAL ISSUES OF MIS Sara Kiesler - Research interests are group dynamics, communication, decision making and computer-mediated communication. Currently a Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. Rob Kling - Research interests are the social effects of computers, privacy in the electronic age, and the effects of computers on group and individual behavior. Currently a Professor at the Indiana University School of Library and Information Science. Lee Sproull - Research interests are group dynamics, communication, decision making, and in how computer-based communication affects human behavior. Currently a Professor of Management at Boston University School of Management. ETHICAL, SOCIAL AND LEGAL ISSUES OF MIS KEY PAPERS Branscomb, L. (1979). Information: The ultimate frontier. Science, 248, 143-147. Conger, S., Loch, K. & Helft, B. (1995). Ethics and information technology use: A factor analysis of attitudes to computer use. Information Systems Journal, 5(3), 161-183. Culnan, M. (1993). How did you get my name? An exploratory investigation of consumer attitudes toward secondary information use. MIS Quarterly, 17, 341-363. Kling, R. (1980). Social Analyses of computing: Theoretical perspectives in recent empirical research. Computing Surveys, 12, 62-89. Kling, R. (1991). Computerization and Social Transformations. Science, Technology and Human Values, 16(3), 342-367. Mowshowitz, A. (1994). Virtual Organization: A vision of management in the information age. The Information Society, 10, 267-288. Olson, M. (1982). New information technology and organization culture. Management Information Systems Quarterly, 6(5), 71-92. Sipior, J., & Ward, B. (1995). The ethical and legal quandary of e-mail privacy. Communications of the ACM, 22, pp. 48-54. 30 Sproull, L. & Kiesler, S. (1991). Computers, networks and work. Scientific American, 265(3), 116-123. Sproull, L., Kiesler, S., & Zubrow, D. (1984). Encountering an alien culture. Journal of social issues, 40(3), 31-48. Ware, W. (1993). The new faces of privacy. The Information Society, 9, 195-211. KEY PEOPLE IN THE FIELD OF GROUP DECISION MAKING (NON-GSS) Andre Delbecq - Research interests are executive decision-making processes, organization structure and design and managing innovation in rapid change environments. Currently a Professor of Management in the Leavey School of Business and Administration at Santa Clara University. Sara Kiesler - Research interests are group dynamics, communication, decision making and computer-mediated communication. Currently a Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. Lee Sproull - Research interests are group dynamics, communication, decision making, and in how computer-based communication affects human behavior. Currently a Professor of Management at Boston University School of Management. Andrew Van de Ven - Research interests are group decision making, organizational innovation and change, organization theory, and innovation. Currently a Professor at the University of Minnesota. Victor Vroom - Research interests are motivation, the psychological analysis of behavior in organizations, leadership, and decision making. Currently a Professor of Organization and Management and Professor of Psychology at Yale School of Management. GROUP DECISION MAKING (OTHER THAN GSS) KEY PAPERS Bond, Jr., C. & Titus, L. (1983). Social facilitation: A meta-Analysis of 241 studies. Psychological Bulletin, 29, 265-92. Cotton, J., Vollrath, D., Froggatt, K., Lengnick-Hall, M., & Jennings, K. (1988). Employee participation: Diverse forms and different outcomes. Academy of Management Review, 13, 8-22. Delbecq, A., & Van De Ven, A. (1971). A group process model for problem identification and program planning. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 7, 466-492. Doise, W. (1969). Intergroup relations and polarization in individual and collective judgments. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 12, 136-143. Kiesler, S. & Sproull, L. (1992). Group decision making and communication technology. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 52 (1), 96-123. 31 Lowin, A., (1968). Participative decision making: A model, literature critique, and prescriptions for research. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 3, 68-106. Park, W. (1990). A review of research on groupthink. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 3, 229-245. Schweiger, D., Sandberg, W., & Ragan, J. (1986). Group approaches for improving strategic decision making: A comparative analysis of dialectical inquiry, devil’s advocacy, and consensus. Academy of Management Journal, 29, 51-71. Siegel, J., Dubrovski, V., Keisler, S., & McGuire, T. (1986). Group processes in computer mediated communication. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 37, 157187. Sniezek, J. & Henry, R. (1989). Accuracy and confidence in group judgment. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 43, 1-28. Stoner, J.A. (1961). A comparison of individual and group decisions involving risk. Unpublished master’s thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Van De Ven, A., & Delbecq, A. (1971). Nominal versus Interacting Group Process for committee decision making effectiveness. Academy of Management Journal, 14, 203-212. Van De Ven, A., & Debecq, A. (1974). The effectiveness of Nominal, Delphi, and Interacting Group decision making processes. The Academy of Management Journal, 17(4), 605-21. Vroom, V. & Jago, A. (1974). Decision making as a social process: Normative and descriptive models of leader behavior. Decision Sciences, 14, 750-773. Wagner, J. & Gooding, R. (1987). Shared influence and organizational behavior: A metaanalysis of situational variables expected to moderate participation-outcome relationships. Academy of Managment Journal, 30, 524-541. 32 Decision Sciences Operations Management Reading List Capacity Planning Bowman, E. H. Scale of Operations – An Empirical Study. Operations Research. June 1958, 320-328. Carroll, T. M., and Dean, R. D. A Baynesian Approach to Plant Location Decisions. Decision Sciences, vol. 11, no. 1, Jan. 1980. Drayer, and Seabury. Facilities Expansion Models. Interfaces, vol. 5, no. 2, 174-184. Erlenkotter, D. Capacity Planning for Large Multi-location Systems: Approximate and Incomplete Dynamic Programming Approaches. Management Science, vol. 22, no. 3, 274-285. Erlenkotter, D. Sequencing Expansion Projects. Operations Research, vol. 21. (1973) 542-553. Fetter, R. B. A Linear Programming Model for Long Range Capacity Planning. Management Science, vol. 7, 372-278. Giglio, R. J. Stochastic Capacity Models. Management Science, vol. 17, no. 3, 174-184. Groff, G. K., and Muth, J. F. Operations Management: Analysis for Decisions. Irwin Series in Quantitative Analysis for Business, R. D. Irwin, Inc., 1972. Gunn, W. Airline System Simulation. Operations Research, vol. 12, no. 2, 206-229. Hertz, D. B. Risk Analysis in Capital Investment. Harvard Business Review. Jan.-Feb. 1961, 5570. Hinomoto, H. Capacity Expansion with Facilities under Technological Improvement. Management Science, vol. 11, no. 5, 581-592. Howard, G., and Nemhauser, G. Optimal Capacity. Naval Logistics Review Quarterly, vol. 15, no. 4, Dec. 1968. Jen, F. C., Pegels, C. C., and DuBois, T. M. Optimal Capacities of Production Facilities. Management Science, vol. 14, no. 10. Manne, A. S. Plant Location under Economics of Scale – Decentralization and Computations. Management Science, November 1964. McClain, J. O. Bed Planning Using Queuing Theory Models of Hospital Occupancy: A Sensitivity Analysis. Inquiry, vol. 13, 167-176. Stochastic Assembly Line Design Anderson, D. R., and Moodie, C. L. Optimal Buffer Storage Capacity in Production Line Systems. International Journal of Production Research, 7, 3, 233-240. Barten, K. A Queuing Simulator for Determining Optimum Inventory Levels in a Sequential Process. Journal of Industrial Engineering, 13, 4, 245-252. Carnall, C. A., and Wild, R. The Location of Variable Workstations and the Performance of Production Flow Lines. International Journal of Production Research. 33 Davis, L. E. Pacing Effects on Manned Assembly Lines. International Journal of Production Research, 4, 3, 171-184. De La Wyche, P., and Wild, R. The Design of Imbalance Series Queue Flow Lines. Operational Research Quarterly, 28, 3, 695-702. Dudley, N. A. Work Time Distributions. International Journal Operations Research, 2, 2, 137144. Duncan, A. J. Quality Control and Industrial Statistics. Richard D. Irwin, Inc., Homewood, Illinois, 1974, 700-706. El-Rayah, T. E. The Efficiency of Balanced and Unbalanced Production Lines. International Journal of Operations Research, 17, 1, 61-75. El Rayah, T. E. The Effect of Inequality of Interstage Buffer Capacities and Operation Time Variability on the Efficiency of Production Lines Systems. International Journal of Production Research, 17, 1, 77-89. Hatcher, J. M. The Effect of International Storage on the Production Rate of a Series of Stages Having Exponential Service Times. AIIE Transactions, 1, 2, 150-156. Hillier, F. S., and Boling, R. W. The Effect of Some Design Factors on the Efficiency of Production Lines with Variable Operation Times. Journal of Industrial Engineering, 17, 12, 651658. Hillier, F. S., and Boling, R. W. On the Optimal Allocation of Work in Symmetrical Unbalanced Production Line Systems with Variable Operation Times. Management Science, 25, 8, 721-728. Kala, R., and Hitchings, G. G. The Effects of Performance Time Variance on a Balanced, Fourstation Manual Assembly Line. International Journal of Production Research, 11, 4, 341-353. Kottas, J. F., and Lau, H. A Cost-Oriented Approach to Stochastic Line Balancing. AIIE Transactions, 5, 2, 164-171. Layout Books Francis, R. L., and White, J. A. Facility Layout and Location: An Analytical Approach. PrenticeHall. 1974. Tompkins, J. A., and Moore, J. M. Computer Aided Layout: A User’s Guide. Facilities Planning and Design Division, Monograph Series No. 1, AIIE, 1978. Tompkins, J. A., and White, J. A. Facilities Planning. John Wiley and Sons, 1984. Muther, R. Systematic Layout Planning. Boston, MA: Industrial Education Institute, 1961. Mirchandani, P., and Francis, R. L. (Editors) Discrete Location Theory, Wiley, 1990. Survey Papers Foulds, L. R. Techniques for Facilities Layout: Deciding Which Pairs of Activities Should Be Adjacent. Management Science, vol. 9, no. 12, 1414-1426. Heragu, S. S., and Kusiak, A. Machine Layout Problem in Flexible Manufacturing Systems. Operations Research, 36, 258-268. 34 Kusiak, A., Heragu, S. S. The Facility Layout Problem. European Journal Operations Research, 29, 229-251. Application Papers Pfefferkorn, C. E. A Heuristic Problem Solving Design for Equipment or Furniture Layouts. Comm. Of ACM, vol. 18, no. 5, 286-297. Ratliff, D. H. Order Picking in an Aisle. IIE Transactions, 20, 53-62. Ravindran, A. et al. An Application of Simulation and Network Analysis to Capacity Planning and Material Handling System at Tinker Air Force Base. Interfaces, 19, 102-115. Singh, M. G., Roderick, C., and Marcel, C. A Hybrid Knowledge-based System for Allocating Retail Space and for Other Allocation Problems. Interfaces, 18, 13-22. Abernathy, W. J. Production Process Structure and Technological Change. Decision Science, vol. 7, 607-619. Abernathy, W. J., Clark, K. B., and Kantrow, A. M. the New Industrial Competition. Harvard Business Review, vol. 59, no. 5, 68-81. Abruzi, A. The Production Process: Operating Characteristics. Management Science, vol. 11, no. 6, 98-118. Arcalay, J. A., and Buffa, E. S. A Proposal for a General Model of a Production System. International Journal of Production Research, March 1963. Banks, R. L., and Wheelright, S. C. Operations vs. Strategy: Trading Tomorrow for Today. Harvard Business Review. vol. 57, no. 3, 112-120. Bowman, E. H. Consistency and Optimality in Managerial Decision Making, Management Science, January 1963. Buffa, E. S. Research in Operations Management. Journal of Operations Management, vol. 1, no. 1, 1-7. Chase, R. B. A Classification of and Evaluation of Research in Operations Management. Journal of Operations Management, vol. 1, no. 1, 9-14. Drucker, P. R. Behind Japan’s Success. Harvard Business Review, vol. 59, no. 1, 83-90. Hayes, R. H., Schenner, R. W. How Should You Organize Manufacturing, Harvard Business Review, vol. 56, no. 1, 105-118. Hayes, R. H., and Wheelright, S. C. Link Manufacturing and Product Life Cycles. Harvard Business Review, vol. 57, no. 1, 133-140. Hobbs, J. M., and Henry, D. F. Coupling Strategy to Operating Plans. Harvard Business Review, vol. 55, no. 3, 119-126. Huge, E. C. Managing Manufacturing Lead Times. Harvard Business Review, vol. 57, no. 5, 116-123. Kantrow, A. M. The Strategy-Technology Connection. Harvard Business Review, July-August 1980. 35 Work Measurement and Learning Curves Abernathy, W. J., and Wayne. Limits of the Learning Curve. Harvard Business Review, Sept.Oct. 1974. Adams, S. K., and McGrath, T. J. Procedure for and Economic Comparison of Work Measurement Techniques, I Model, II Application. AIIE Transactions, vol. 11, no. 3. Andress, F. J. The Learning Curve as a Production Tool. Harvard Business Review, JanuaryFebruary 1954. Baloff. Estimating the Parameters of the Start-up Model – An Empirical Approach. Journal of Industrial Engineering, April 1967. Conway, R. W., and Schwartz, A., Jr. The Manufacturing Progress Function. Journal of Industrial Engineering vol. 10, no. 1, 39-54. Globerson, S. The Influence of Job-related Variables on the Predictability Power of Three Learning Curve Models. AIIE Transactions, vol. 12, no. 1 (1980). Globerson, S. Introducing the Repetition Pattern of a Task into its Learning Curve. International Journal of Production Research, vol. 18, no. 2, (1980). Hirsch, W. Z. Manufacturing Progress Functions. Harvard Business Review, vol. 34, May 1952. Hirschman, W. Profit from the Learning Curve. Harvard Business Review, January-February 1964. Paul, R. P., and Nof, S. Y. Work Methods Measurement – Comparison between Robot and Human Task Performance. International Journal of Production Research, vol. 17, no. 3, 1975. Pegels, C. Start-up on Learning Curves – Some New Approaches. Decision Sciences, vol. 7, 1976. Raouf, A., and Manney, W. Variations in Cycle Time and Certain Physiological Measures of Workers Performing a Paced Assembly Task. International Journal of Production Research, vol. 16, no. 5, 1978. Womer, N. K. Learning Curves, Production Rate and Program Costs. Management Science, April 1979. Service Process Design Chase, R. B. The Customer Contact Approach to Services: Theoretical Bases and Practical Extensions. Operations Research, v. 29, n. 4, 698-706. Chase, R. B., Northcraft, G. B., and Wolf, G. Designing High Contact Services Systems: Application to Branches of a Savings and Loan. Decision Sciences, 15, 4, 1984. Chase, R. B., and Tansik, D. A. The Customer Contact Model Organization Design. Management Science, 29, 9, 1037-1050. Fitzsimmons, J. A. Consumer Participation and Productivity in Service Operations. Interfaces, 15, 3, 60-67. Johnston, B., and Morris, B. Monitoring and Control in Service Operations. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 5, 1, 32-38. 36 Lovelock and Young. Look to Customers to Increase Productivity. Harvard Business Review, May-June 1979. Schmenner, R. How Can Service Business Survive and Prosper? Sloan Management Review, Spring 1986, 21-32. Shostack, G. L. Designing Services that Deliver. Harvard Business Review, January-February 1984. Aggregate Planning Bowman, E. H. Consistency and Optimality in Managerial Decision Making. Management Science, 9, 2, 310-321. Eilon, S. Five Approaches to Aggregate Production Planning. AIIE Transactions, 7, 2, 118-131. Holt, C. C., Modigliani, F., and Simon, H. A. A Linear Decision Rule for Production and Employment Scheduling. Management Science, 2, 2, 10-30. Johnson, L. A., and Montgomery, D. C. Operations Research in Production Planning, Scheduling, and Inventory Control. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1974. Jones, C. H. Parametric Production Planning. Management Science, 13, 11, 843-866. Khoshnevis, B., and Wolfe, P. M. An Aggregate Production Planning Model Incorporating Dynamic Productivity: Part I, Model Development. AIIE Transactions, 15, 4, 283-291. Lee, W. B., and Khumawala, B. M. Simulation Testing of Aggregate Production Planning Models in an Implementation Methodology. Management Science, 20, 6, 903-911. Schwarz, L. B., and Johnson, R. E. An Appraisal of the Empirical Performance if the Linear Decision Rule for Aggregate Planning, Management Science, 24, 8, 844-849. Silver, E. A. A Tutorial on Production Smoothing and Work Force Balancing. Operations Research, 15, 6, 985-1010. Taubert, W. H. A Search Decision Rule for the Aggregate Scheduling Problem. Management Science, 14, 6, 343-359. Wagner. The Design of Production and Inventory Systems for Multi-Facility and MultiWarehouse Companies. Operations Research, vol. 22, March-April 1974. Hierarchical Planning Systems Abernathy, W. J., Baloff, J., Hershey, J. C., and Wandel, S. Three-Stage Manpower Planning and Scheduling Model: A Service Sector Example. Operations Research, 21, 3, 693-711. Bitran, G. R., and Hax, A. C. Disaggregation and Resource Allocation Using Convex Knapsack Problems with Bounded Variables. Management Science, 27, 4, 431-441. Gaalman, G. Optimal Aggregation of Multi-item Production Smoothing Models. Management Science, 24, 1733-1739. Ritzman, L. P., Krajewski, L. J., and Showalter, M. J. The Disaggregation of Aggregate Manpower Plans. Management Science, 22, 11. Zipkin, P. Exact and Approximation Cost Functions for Product Aggregates. Management Science, 28, 9, 1002-1012. 37 Zoller, K. Optimal Disaggregation of Aggregate Production Plans. Management Science, 17, 8, 533-549. Manufacturing Planning and Control Books Hall, R. W. (1983) Zero Inventories, Irwin, Homewood, IL. Wight, O. W. (1981) MRP II Unlocking America’s Productivity Potential, The Book Press, Brattleboro, VT. Workforce Scheduling Baker, K. R. Scheduling a Full-Time Workforce to Meet Cyclic Staffing Requirements. Management Science, 20, 12, 1561-1568. Bechtold, S. E. Workforce Scheduling for Arbitrary Cyclic Demands. Journal of Operations Management, 1, 4, 205-241. Buffa, E. S., Cosgrove, M. J., and Luce, B. J. An Integrated Work Shift Scheduling System. Decision Sciences, 7, 4, 1030-1047. Chaiken, J. M., and Bennett, H. S. A Patrol Car Allocation Model: Capabilities and Algorithms. Management Science, 24, 12, 1291-1300. Chaiken, J. M., and Larson, R. C. Methods of Allocating Urban Emergency Units: A Survey. Management Science, 19 (Dec. 1972), 110-130. Fitzsimmons, J. A., and Sullivan, R. S. Service Operations Management. New York: McGrawHill Book Company, 1982. Glover, F., McMillan, C., and Glover, R. A Heuristic Programming Approach to the Employee Scheduling Problem and Some Thoughts on “Managerial Robots”. Journal of Operations Management, 4, 2, 113-128. Hill, A. D., Naumann, J. D., and Chervany, N. L. SCAT and SPAT: Large Scale Computer-based Optimization Systems for the Personnel Assignment Problem. Decision Sciences, 14, 2, 207-220. Ingall, E., Kolesar, P., and Walker, W. Linear Programming of Crew Assignments for Refuse Collections. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernatics, 2, 5 (Nov. 1972). Kolesar, P., and Walker, W. E. An Algorithm for the Dynamic Relocation of Fire Companies. Operations Research, 22, 2, 249-274. Krajewski, L. J., Ritzman, L. P., and McKenzie, P. Shift Scheduling in Banking Operations: A Case Application. Interfaces, 10, 2, 1-8. Mabert, V. A., and Raedels, A. R. The Detailed Scheduling of a Part-Time Workforce: A Case Study of Teller Staffing. Decision Sciences, 8, 1, 109-120. Marsten, R. E., Muller, M. R., and Killon, C. L. Crew Planning at Flying Tiger: A Successful Application ogf Integer Programming. Management Science, 25, 12, 1175-1196. Johnson, R. V. Optimally Balancing Large Assembly Lines with FABLE. Management Science, 34 (1988), 240-253. 38 Kao, E. P. C., and Queyranne. On Dynamic Programming Methods for Assembly Line Balancing. Operations Research, 30, 1982. Kottas, J. F., and Lau, H. S. Some Problems with Transien Phenomena when Simulating Unpaced Lines. Journal of Operations Management, 1, 155-164. MacAskill, J. L. C. Production Line Balances for Mixed Model Lines. Management Science, 19 (1972), 423-434. Patterson, J. H., and Albrecht, J. J. Assembly Line Balancing: Zero-One Programming with Fibonacci Search. Operations Research, v. 23, 166-174. Rosenblatt, M. J., and Carlson, R. C. Designing a Production Line to Maximize Profit. IEE Transactions, v. 17. Smunt, T. L., and Perkins, W. C. Stochastic Unpaced Line Design: Review and Further Experimental Results. Journal of Operations Management, v. 5, 351-373. Talbot, F. B., and Patterson, J. H. An Integer Programming Algorithm with Network Cuts for Solving the Assembly Line Problem. Management Science, v. 30, 85-99. Talbot, F. B., Patterson, J.H., and Gehrlein, W. V. A Comparative Evaluation of Heuristic Line Balancing Techniques. Management Science, V. 32, 430-454. Thomopolous, N. T. Mixed Model Line Balancing with Smoothed Station Assignments. Management Science, v. 16, 593-603. Wee, T. S., and Magazine, M. J. Assembly Balancing as Generalized Bin Packing. Operations Research Letters, v. 1, 56-58. Project Management Books Baker, K. R. Introduction to Sequencing and Scheduling. Wiley, New York, 1974. Johnson, L. A., and Montgomery, D. C. Operations Research in Production Planning, Scheduling, and Inventory Control. Wiley, New York, 1974. Hax, A. C., and Candea, D. Production and Inventory Management. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1984. Elmaghraby, S. E. Activity Networks: Project Planning and Control Network Models, John Wiley, New York, 1977. Survey Papers Adlakha, V. G., and Kulkarni, V. G. A Classified Bibliography of Research on Stochastic PERT Networks. INFOR, v. 27, 272-296. Davis, E. W. Resource Allocation in Project Network Models – A Survey. Journal of Industrial Engineering, v. 17, 177-188. Davis, E. W. Project Scheduling Under Resource Constraints – Historical Review and Categorization of Procedures. AIIE Transactions, v. 5, 297-313. Theory Papers 39 Cooper, D. F. Heuristic for Scheduling Resource Constrained Projects: An Experimental Investigation. Management Science, v. 22, 1186-1194. Davis, E. W., and Patterson, J. H. A Comparison of Heuristic and Optimum Solutions in Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling. Management Science, v. 21, 944-955. Doersch, R. H., and Patterson, J. H. Scheduling a Project to Maximize Its Present Value: A ZeroOne Programming Approach. Management Science, v. 23, 882-889. Single-Echelon Systems Books Hadley, G., and Whitin, T. M. Analysis of Inventory Systems. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1963. Hax, A. C., and Candea, D. Production and Inventory Management, Englewood, NJ, 1984. Johnson, L. A., and Montgomery, D. C. Operations Research in Production Planning, Scheduling, and Inventory Control. John Wiley, New York, 1974. Schwarz, L. B. (Editor) Multi-Level Production/Inventory Control Systems: Theory and Practice. North Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1981. Silver, E. A., and Patterson, R. Decision Systems for Inventory Management and Production Planning, John Wiley, New York, 1985. Tersine, R. J. Principles of Inventory and Materials Management. North Holland, New York, 1988. Survey Papers Aggarwal, S. C. A Review of Current Inventory Theory and Its Applications. International Journal of Production Research, v. 12, 443-472. Elmaghraby, S. E. The Economic Lot Sizing Problem (ELSP): Review and Extensions. Management Science, v. 24, 587-598. Graves, S. C. A Review of Production Scheduling. Operations Research, v. 29, 646-675. Nahmias, S. Perishable Inventory Theory: A Review. Operations Research. v. 30, 680-708. Silver, E. A. Operations Research in Inventory Management: A Review and Critique. Operations Research, v. 29, 628-644. Wagner, H. M. Research Portfolio for Inventory Management and Production Planning Systems. Operations Research, V. 28, 445-475. Theory Papers Arrow, K. J., Harris, T., and Marschak, J. Optimal Inventory Policy. Econometrica, v. 19, 250272. Berry, W. L., and Bliemel, F. W. Selecting Exponential Smoothing Constraints: An Application of Pattern Search. International Journal Operations Research, v. 12, n. 4, 483-499. Bretchneider, S. I., and Gorr, W. P. On the Relationship of Adaptive Filtering Forecasting Models to Simple Brown Smoothin. Management Science, v. 27, n. 8, 965-969. 40 Bretchneider, S. I., Carbone, R., and Longini, R. L. An Adaptive Approach to Time Series Forecasting. Decision Sciences, v. 10, n. 2, 232-244. Brown, R. G., ad Meyer, R. F. The Fundamental Theorem of Exponential Smoothing. Operations Research, v. 9, 673-685. Gardner, E. S. The Strange Case of Lagging Forecasts. Interfaces, v. 14, n. 3, 47-50. Geoffrion. A Summary of Exponential Smoothing. Journal of Industrial Engineering, v. 13, n. 4. Groff, G. K. Empirical Comparison of Models for Short-Range Forecasting. Management Science, v. 20, n. 1, 22-31. Lee, T. S., and Adam, E. E., Jr. Forecasting Error Evaluation in Material Requirements Planning (MRP) Production Inventory Systems. Management Science, v. 32, n. 9, 1186-1205. Mabert, V. A. Forecast Modification Based Upon Residual Analysis: A Case Study of Check Volume Estimation. Decision Sciences, v. 9, 1978. Mabert, V. A. An Introduction to Short-Term Forecasting Using the Box Jenkins Methodology. AIIE Monograph, 1975. Makridakis, S., and Winkler, R. Averages of Forecasts: Some Empirical Results. Management Science, v. 29, n. 9, 987-996. McClain, J. O. Restarting a Forecasting System When Demand Suddenly Changes. Journal of Operations Management, v. 2, n. 1, 53-61. Muth, J. F. Optimal Properties of Exponential Weighted Forecasts. Journal of American Stat. Association, v. 55, 299-306. Investing in Technology/FMS Buzacott, J. A., and David, D. Y. Flexible Manufacturing Systems: A Review of Analytical Models. Management Science, v. 32, n. 7, 890-905. Migrom, P., and Roberts, J. The Economics of Modern Manufacturing: Technology, Strategy, and Organization. The American Economic Review, v. 80, n. 3, 511-528. Roller, L., and Tombak, M. Competition and Investment in Flexible Technologies. Management Science, v. 39, n. 1, 107-114. Stochastic Assembly Line Design Baker, K. B., Powell, S., and Pyke, D. Optimal Allocation of Work in Assembly Systems. Management Science, v. 39, n. 1, 101-106. Berkley, B. J. A Review of the Kanban Production Control Research Literature. Prodcution and Operations Management, v. 1, n. 4, 393-411. Conway, R., Maxwell, W., McClain, J., and Thomas, L. The Role of Work-In-Process Inventory in Serial Prodcution Lines. Operations Research, v. 36, n. 2, 229-241. Deleersnyder, J., Hodgson, T., Mulller, H., and O'Grady, P. Kanban Controlled Pull Systems: An Analytic Approach. Management Science, v. 35, n. 9, 1079-1091. Duenyas, I., Hopp, W., and Spearman, M. Characterizing the Output Process of a CONWIP Line with Deterministic Processing and Random Outages. Management Science, v. 39, n. 8, 975-988. 41 Hendricks, K., and McClain, J. The Output Processes of Serial Production Lines of General Machines with Finite Buffers. Management Science, v. 39, n. 10, 1194-1201. Muth, E. The Reversibility of Production Lines. Management Science, v. 25, n. 2, 152-158. Tayur, S. Structural Properties and a Heuristic for Kanban-Controlled Serial Lines. Management Science, v. 39, n. 11, 1347-1368. Process Control Fine, C. Quality Improvement and Learning in Productive Systems. Management Science, v. 32, n. 10, 1301-1315. Lee, H. Lot Sizing to Reduce Capacity Utilization in Production Process with Defective Items, Process Corrections, and Rework. Management Science, v. 38, n. 9, 1314-1328. Marcellus, R., and Dada, M. Interactive Process Quality Improvement. Management Science, v. 37, n. 11, 137-144. Multi-Echelon Systems Atkins, D., and Iyogun, P. A Lower Bound on a Class of Coordinated Invenrory/Production Problems. Operations Research Letters, v. 6, n. 2, 63-67. Jackson, P., Maxwell, W., and Mukstadt, J. The Joint Replenishment Problem with a Powers-ofTwo Restriction. IEE Transactions, March 1985, 25-32. Roundy, R. 98%-Effective Integer-Ratio Lot-Sizing for One-Warehouse Multi-Retailer System. Management Science, v. 31, n. 11, 1416-1430. Schwarz, L. A Simple Continuous Review Deterministic One-Warehouse N-Retailer Inventory Problem. Management Science, v. 19, n. 5, 555-566. Miscellaneous Gerwin, D. Control and Evaluation in the Innovation Process: The Case of Flexible Manufacturing Systems. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. EM-28, No. 3 (August 1981). Gerwin, D. Do’s and Don’ts of Computerized Manufacturing. Harvard Business Review, MarchApril 1982, 107-116. Gold, B. CAM Sets New Rules for Production. Harvard Business Review, November-December 1982. Goldhar, J. D., and Jelinek, M. Plan for Economies of Scope. Harvard Business Review, November-December 1983, 141-148. Gruber and Niles. The Science Technology-Utilization Relationship in Management. Management Science, vol. 21, no. 8, 956-963. Huang, P.Y., and Chen, C. Flexible Manufacturing Systems: An Overview and Bibliography. Production and Inventory Management, 3rd Quarter 1986. Huete, L. M. A Matrix for Linking Service Contents with Delivery Options. Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings, 1987. 42 Jenkins, K. M., and Raedels, A. R. The Robot Revolution: Strategic Considerations for Managers. Production and Inventory Management, 3rd Quarter 1982, 107-116. Kaplan, R. Must CIM be Justified by Faith Alone? Harvard Business Review, March-April 1986. Kilbridge, M., and Wester, L. An Economic Model for the Division of Labor. Management Science, vol. 12, no. 6, 255-269. Kusiak, A. Application of Operational Research Models and Techniques in FMS. European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 24, 1986. Malkiel, B. C. Productivity – the Problem Behind the Headline. Harvard Business Review, MayJune 1979. Monahan, G., and Smunt, t. A Multi-level DSS for the Financial Justification of Automated Flexible Manufacturing Systems. Interfaces, Nov.-Dec. 1987. Nof, S. Y., and Whinston, A. B., and Bullers, W. I. Control and Decision Support in Automatic Manufacturing Systems. AIIE Transactions, vol. 12, no. 2, June 1980. Quinn, J. B. Technological Forecasting. Harvard Business Review, no. 2, March-April 1967. 43