Town Clerk: Jo Swift 15-17 Temple Street, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1HF Telephone: 0117 986 8683 Fax: 0117 986 6359 E-mail: Dear Councillor You are summoned to attend the meeting of KEYNSHAM TOWN COUNCIL to be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, Town Hall, Keynsham, on TUESDAY 17th AUGUST 2010 at 7.30 p.m. The Agenda for the meeting appears below. 10th August 2010 Jo Swift TOWN CLERK ________________________________________________________________________ EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE When the continuous alarm sounds you must evacuate the building by one of the designated exits and proceed to the named assembly point. The designated exits are sign-posted. Arrangements are in place for the safe evacuation of disabled people. Assembly point: Civic Centre Car Park AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Local Authority (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007 issued under SI No. 11/59 including paragraph 12 (2). 3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RECOMMENDED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Town Council held on 13th July 2010 (previously circulated) be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION That in accordance with Standing Order 23, members of the public be permitted to address the Chairman on questions and observations upon matters within the jurisdiction of the Council, provided that written notice has been given to the Town Clerk at least 4 clear days before the meeting where possible, and in any case to the Chairman before the meeting. TOWN COUNCIL AG. 17th August 2010 -2- Members of the public may also speak on one single item only per meeting just prior to that item being discussed. Each person can speak for not more than two minutes, with a maximum of three speakers per item. To facilitate the smooth running of the meetings. Members of the Public will be asked to register their interest with the Town Clerk prior to the start of the meeting. 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE CHAIRMAN 6. QUESTIONS ON NOTICE BY MEMBERS In accordance with Standing Order 24, Members may ask the Chairman any question concerning the business of the Council, provided that notice of the question has been given to the Town Clerk at least 4 clear days before the meeting where possible, and in any case to the Chairman before the meeting. 7. MINUTES OF MEETINGS * All minutes previously circulated unless otherwise stated. Meeting Keynsham-in-Bloom Working Party Keynsham Young Peoples Liaison Group Keynsham Town Centre Management Working Party Personnel Sub-Committee Planning Committee Date Recommendations 8th July 2010 - 15th July 2010 - 19th July 2010 19th July 2010 26th July 2010 - RECOMMENDED: That the Minutes of the above meeting be received and any recommendations contained therein be approved. 8. FINANCIAL ITEMS – MONTH 4 The Schedule of Accounts, Bank Reconciliation, Petty Cash statements and Budget Monitoring for July 2010 (Mth. 4) will be presented to the September meeting of the Town Council, together with August 2010 (Mth. 5). 9. INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT ACTION PLAN 2009/2010 (attached) Members of the Internal Audit Sub-Committee received a copy of the above paper and the following information was requested in relation to the two recommendations on the Action Plan. R1 R2 Invoices now sent out to Funeral Directors as required and no further action required.. The accountants have done this where the insurance value is available and this has been discussed with the Internal Auditor. Certain assets are however not insured (so no insurance value is available) and therefore are either carried at a nominal value or cost. TOWN COUNCIL AG. -3- 17th August 2010 If a Council is not to undertake a valuation by a professional valuer then it is important that the insurance schedule and fixed asset register maintained by the Town Council are as accurate as possible. It should be possible to identify individual assets or groups of assets as disclosed in the financial statements to the insurance schedule. This is presently being done. 10. 11. INTERNAL AUDIT SUB-COMMITTEE (Minutes of meeting 27 July previously circulated) To approve the recommendations of the Internal Audit Sub-Committee. Minute no. 6 Risk Management: - That the Town Council approve the action plan subject to 3 amendments (as per minute). Minute no. 7 Review of Internal Audit – That the Review of Internal Audit be approved. Minute no. 8 Statement of Internal Control (previously circulated) – That the Statement of Internal Control with dates suitably amended, be approved Minute no. 9 Final Internal Audit Report 2009/2010 (agenda item 9 above refers) – That the Final Audit Report Action Plan for 2009/2010 be approved. BMX TRACK AT CADBURYS SITE B&NES Senior Valuer, Property Services, has advised “that the above area of land is rented to B&NES from Cadburys, but occupied by the Town Council. The lease was due for renewal some years ago and was delayed whilst Cadburys decided what to do with their site. The matter was set down for a Statutory renewal and the terms were agreed for a renewal on an ongoing basis until the site is required for redevelopment. However, the matter has stalled over the last few months and we need to get the documentation provided by Cadbury’s solicitors. Whether the position has changed since the takeover, is not known. The rent is nominal, 5p per annum, although the liability to repair the track rests with the Town Council and work was done to the track in 2007. “ The Town Council need to consider whether they wish to keep and maintain the track or whether they no longer wish to occupy the site, since the opening of the multi-wheel facility. 12. OFFICIAL POLL CARDS – BY ELECTION – SOUTH WARD On Wednesday 23rd June 2010, the Chairman and the Town Clerk were advised that under the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006 Reg. 25, “the council of the parish or community may, not later than noon on the nineteenth day before the day of election (Friday 2 July) request the returning officer to issue official poll cards for that election.”. Under Standing Order, item 58, it was agreed in conjunction with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Town Clerk of the Council to instruct Electoral Services Officer, Bath & North East Somerset Council to proceed with issuing official poll cards. The financial implications will be in the region of £1200 and there is £2,000 in the budget (code 4080). TOWN COUNCIL AG. 13. 17th August 2010 -4- COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY To consider the attached report. (report no. 1) 14. REINSTATEMENT OF AMENITIES COMMITTEE The Town Council’s amenities now include the Cemetery, Multi-Wheel Facility, Bandstand, play areas, multi-sports facility and Manor Road football pitches and pavilion, together with some bus shelters, noticeboards, roadside seats and litter bins in Keynsham. There have been issues in the past which should have come before the Council. Further to a question put forward by Councillor Gill Hellier at the last meeting of the Town Council Members are asked to agree to reinstating the Amenities Committee and that meetings are held monthly or bi-monthly. 15. KEYNSHAM CEMETERY – REQUEST FOR PLANTING OF TREE To consider the attached report. (report no. 2) 16. CEMETERY HEADSTONE SAFETY TESTING To inform Members that the current year’s round of safety testing will commence in September. Notices have been sent to Churches, Funeral Directors and Masons and letters will be sent to grave space owners where contact details are available. 17. JOINT LOCAL TRANSPORT QUESTIONNAIRE PLAN (JLTP) 3 – CONSULTATION A questionnaire has been received on the above item for completion by 4th October 2010. (copy available from the Town Council office). One agreed/co-ordinated response is required from each Parish Council. The following link contains more information and an online version of the questionnaire .Members are asked to advise how they would like to proceed with completing the questionnaire. 18. ADDITIONAL LITTER BINS AT MANOR ROAD A request has been received from Rachel Ward – Stronger Communities Manager, B&NES as follows:“I attended last night’s PACT meeting at Wellsway School and one issue arising from the previous meeting was raised again – Litter Bins at Manor Road. As discussed at the Town Centre Working Party there is a perception that litter is an ongoing problem at Manor Road. Those present were happy with the work that the Town Council groundsmen do to clear up but felt that there should be an extra bin (or bins) near Manor Road itself which would encourage people touse a bin rather than drop litter. The two existing bins are, apparently, on the far side of the filed near Lytes Cary Road and Nunney Close. Is this something you could look into please. It would be good to be able to report back to the next PACT on this matter as to whether the Town Council would be willing to provide extra bins at Manor Road.” TOWN COUNCIL AG. 19. -5- 17th August 2010 PRELIMINARY FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT Correspondence from B&NES attached. 20. ALCA MEMBERSHIP To consider the attached letter from ALCA re: membership. 21. TESCO CAR PARK At the Town Council’s last meeting B&NES proposed changes to parking and related fees and charges 2010/11 had been discussed. The Clerk was asked to find out what Tesco were going to charge/do about their car park. The following reply has been received from John Whatley of Lawray Partnership Ltd. (architects). “The car park will have an automatic number plate recognition system installed, with signage at the site entrance stating that the first 2 hours parking are free of charge, and anything in excess of this will be subject to a fine. The system logs the entrance and exit of all vehicles and where necessary automatically generates a letter to the vehicle owner.” (Planning consent 08/04611/EFUL – Information to discharge Condition 29). 22. DAMAGE/VANDALISM REPORT Damage vandalism sheet attached. 23. CORRESPONDENCE ITEMS (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) 24. Response from Berkley Estates re: World of Dreams “Thank you for your letter dated 16th July 2010 and I note your comments regarding the World of Dreams unit in Temple Street. We do have difficulties of our own obtaining rent payments from the current tenant and have to pursue him every quarter for the same. We will flag your concerns with the owner but would not hold out too much hope that he will review the way in which he operates that unit”. Letter from Bristol Airport (attached) Letter from B&NES District Commander (attached). Reply from Avon Pension Fund to the Clerk’s letter dated 26th July 2010 (attached) New Routes Social Prescribing – Mid Project Report Summary – June 2010 (attached) INFORMATION ITEMS (Available for inspection in the Town Council office, if not attached) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (vi) Minutes of Keynsham Music Festival Association – 6th July 2010 (attached) Somer Times – Summer 2010 Countryside Voice – Summer 2010 Developing Health & Independence – Information Takeaway (reconnecting local people to the services, activities and support in their community) B&NES Litter Campaign – information attached. TOWN COUNCIL AG. 25. -6- 17th August 2010 DATE OF NEXT MEETING RECOMMENDED: To note that the scheduled date and time for the Town Council's next meeting is Tuesday 14th September 2010 at 7.30 p.m. 26. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC RECOMMENDED: That pursuant to the provision of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business by reason of the confidential nature of business to be transacted. 27. TOWN CLERK’S EXCESS HOURS To consider the attached Confidential Report. (report no.3)