The Federation of Winklebury Infant and Junior Schools Willoughby Way, Basingstoke, Hants RG23 8AF Head of Federation: Mrs C.A. Clayton Tel/Fax Infant: 01256 325303 Tel/Fax Junior: 01256 323244 E-mail: E-mail: Monday 13th May 2013 Newsletter no. 10 Dear Parents Bikes We are getting an increasing number of families cycling to school which is good news for a healthy lifestyle and the problems of parking at the start and end of the school day. We are looking into providing improved cycle storage facilities but until then, thank you for your patience over our current arrangements. A reminder – please make sure all bikes and scooters left on school premises during the day are removed at the end of the school day. Bikes left overnight are a security hazard and although Mr O’Dee, our Site Manager, endeavours to ensure they are as secure as possible, we cannot take responsibility for them when left overnight. Thank you for your co-operation. Smoking We have received a parental complaint about parents smoking at the school gate and I am therefore asking you to be reminded that if you wish to smoke please move well away from the school entrances thus ensuring that adults and children making their way to and from school do not have to walk through a smoky atmosphere. Smoking is not allowed on the school premises and we apply this to the areas immediately outside the school entrances and exits. Thank you for your co-operation. I have written about this in a previous newsletter and would urge you to please let me know if you experience any further issues with this so that I can approach people individually. Thank you. Start and end of the school day Could I please ask parents to leave the school premises immediately after dropping their children off in the mornings. The school site is a good place to meet friends for a quick ‘chat’ but we are finding that some groups of parents are remaining on site for sometimes up to 15 minutes after their children have gone into school. This can be distracting for teachers and children in the classrooms and we also need to lock the gates to make the site secure. Similarly, in the afternoons please be aware that groups of parents outside the classrooms can be distracting, especially if an adult is raising their voice or a younger sibling is making a lot of noise. Please keep well away from the classroom windows whilst you are waiting for your child at the end of the day, do not attempt to attract any child’s attention in the classrooms, keep your voices low and do not allow younger children to cause a disturbance – we expect them to remain with you and wait quietly. Please also be aware that we will not allow your child to communicate with you outside – they need to be tidying up or listening to end of the day instructions. Thank you for your co-operation. Headlice – junior school We have had repeated cases of headlice in Year 5 at the junior school and would appreciate all parents checking their children’s hair, including brothers and sisters, and treating with either a lotion or the wet combing method if you need to. Thank you. Uniform As we (hopefully!) move towards the summer months can I please remind you that if you wish your child to wear shorts, they must be tailored grey school shorts, not any type of fashion short. This applies to boys and girls and we expect shorts to be worn with socks. Girls should not wear shorts with tights as this is a current trend in fashion and is not suitable for school. Junior toilets! We had some brilliant news over the Easter holiday – the Local Authority has agreed to fund the refurbishment of the pupil toilets in the junior school. This is something we have had as a priority for the past two years but have not had the funds to undertake. The refurbishment will be done over the summer holiday this year and plans are already well underway. Stay and Read sessions A reminder that you are invited to our weekly Stay and Read sessions: Year R – Mondays 8.40 to 9.00am Year 1 – Tuesdays 8.40 to 9.00am Year 2 – Wednesdays 8.40 to 9.00am Year 3/4 – Tuesdays 8.35 to 9.00am Year 5/6 – Wednesdays 8.35 to 9.00am - NOT THIS WEEK DUE TO YEAR 6 SATs Please be aware we do not expect parents to use their mobile phones during these sessions. The sessions are provided to give you time to share a book with your child and should be considered as a ‘special’ time in which you can give your child your undivided attention, often very difficult with all the demands parents have on their time. If you have any questions about the sessions please do not hesitate to ask your child’s classteacher. P.A.W.S. A reminder of upcoming P.A.W.S. events: * Book and Cake Sale – Thursday 16th May 2.30pm in the infant hall * Fathers Day Sale for the children – Thursday 13th June. Please send any donations you may have for the sale into either school by Monday 10th June. The second hand uniform sales continue to be a success – please send in to either school office items of clean uniform which are in good condition at any time of the school year. Thank you. Watching over the schools We are very pleased that after the installation of the improved security gates and the clearance of the undergrowth and shrubs around the boundary, the problem with litter and people using the schools as a thoroughfare has dramatically reduced. However, we would still ask that you inform us of anything you see which you feel to be inappropriate use of the school site e.g. people congregating by the site and leaving their rubbish for us to clear up, people throwing items into the bushes around the edges of the site etc. The local police have been asked to monitor a group of youths who had started using the wall at the front of the school as a place to meet, but the most effective watchful eye is the eye of our neighbours. Thank you to those who live very locally, we always welcome the information you give us. Opportunities We have the following information in the schools – if you would like a leaflet please pop in to collect one or ask us to send one home with your child: * Stagecoach Theatre Arts – two week taster sessions – go online at for further details Dates and times - school finishes at the usual time for the May half term holiday Friday 24th May 2013 - both schools are closed for a staff inset day Monday 3rd June 2013 - school opens for the children for the second half of the summer term on Tuesday 4th June 2013 A reminder all children must be in school ready for registration: Infant school – 8.55am Junior school – 8.45am Yours sincerely Mrs C.A.Clayton Head of Federation THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE MADE AVAILABLE IN ALTERNATIVE FORMATS ON REQUEST TO THE SCHOOL