Assignment - 9

Assignment No-9
Unit test-1
Q1. Describe Holographic images and its use.
Q2. Draw a block diagram of components of Digital
Camera.Describe itin detail.
Sample Paper -1
Q1. List and describe any four components of Multimedia file.
Q2. Define Pixel and Roping display terminology.
Q3. Why the traditional input devices are not suitable for
multimedia systems? List the multimedia devices used for
video conference.
Q4. Give meaning of CD-ROM, WORM, Rewriteable, Multifunction
and explain.
Q5. Describe working of Digitizer and state function of each block
of electronic pen.
Sample Paper-2
Q1. List multimedia data elements and describe any three of them
Q2. List and describe goals multimedia technology
Q3. Describe multimedia architecture system for workstation
Q4. Compare the different printing technology based on technology
, object printed , documents type , speed , dpi , output quality
Q5. What is used of scanner and describe operation of Flat bed
Q6. Describe the frame work of Multimedia system
Q1. List 4 input devices and 4 output devices for multimedia
Q2. Which factors to be considered while designing interactive
user interface.
Q3. Explain Laser printing technology.
Q4. State the use of following devices in multimedia systems
(1)Scanner (2)Digital camera (3)Electronic pen (4)Digitizer
Q5. State the applications of DSP.
Q6. Define optical media. List different technologies used in optical
storage media. Explain mini disk Technology.
Summer 2009
Q1. Describe voice commands and voice synthesis.
Q2. Describe image animation with its use.
Q3. List any two multimedia applications and its use.
Q4. Define Triad, Pixel, Video bandwidth and Barrel distortion.
Winter 2009
Q1. List 4 input devices and 4 output devices for multimedia
Q2. Explain laser printing technology.
Q3. State the use of following devices in multimedia system.
i) Scanner ii) Digital camera iii) Electronic pen
Q4. Define optical media. List different technologies in optical
storage media. Explain minidisk technology.
Q5. Explain multimedia system architecture with its block
Summer 2010
Q1. List any four component of multimedia file.
Q2. Define pixel, Roping display terminology.
Q3. Why the traditional input device are not suitable for
multimedia system ? List the multimedia device used for video
Q4. List all five component of multimedia system and describe any
four of them.
Q5. What is electronic pen ? Describe its operation with block
Unit test-1
Q1. What is Orchestration or meta scheduling?
Q2. Describe approximate and observation based QOS
Sample Paper -1
Q1. Describe tightly controlled and bounding related to QOS
Q1. Explain framework with diagram.
Q2. Explain concept of Orchestration.
Summer 2009
Q1. Describe need of synchronization.
Q2. Describe briefly scripting language and conference services of
multimedia distributed processing model.
Q3. Define Orchestration.
Winter 2009
Q1. Describe orchestration.
Q2. What is need of synchronization in multimedia applications ?
Summer 2010
Q1. Describe QOS architecture and describe four approach used
in high speed network to guarantee QOS.
Q2. Describe synchronization and orchestration related to
multimedia system
Sample Paper-2
Q1. What is continuous media and describe resource management
in multimedia computing?
Unit test-1
Q1. Explain interpolative and predictive compression techniques.
Q2. Describe MPEG-2 and MPEG-4.
Q3. Draw a labeled sequential coding block diagram for JPEG.
Sample Paper -1
Q1. Describe with figure DCT Encoding and Quantization related
to JPEG.
Q2. Draw a block diagram of video compression technique.
Q3. What benefits are achieved by using compression in
multimedia systems?
Q4. What is JPEG and its requirement? Write full form of RTF and
Q5. Describe how I and B pictures are decoded in MPEG.
Q6. Describe the importance of synchronization in multimedia
Sample Paper-2
List and describe different color characteristics.
List the different predictive technique and explain them in
Write short note son Motion Video Compression
Describe the requirement of JPEG Architecture
Describe RIFF architecture with the help of diagram
List the factors needed to evaluate a compression system
and explain them in details.
Write short note on Lossy and Lossless compression
Q1. Explain transforms coding video compression technique in
Q2. Draw and explain sequential encoding JPEG image
compression technique.
Q3. Describe the structure of RIFF file format state four
specifications of RIFF file format.
Q4. Discuss MPEG file format.
Q5. Explain navigation methods for information access.
Q6. Compare RIFF and AVI file formats.
Summer 2009
Q1. Justify the need of compression.
Q2. Describe loss less compression with one real life example.
Q3. List any four objectives of Jpeg
Q4. What Is JPEG? Write full form of TIFF and AVI
Q5. Compare simple and predictive compression techniques on the
basis of Implementation issue, speed of compression and
decompression, performance, name at least one method of
Q6. Draw sequential coding block diagram and explain DCT
Q7. What are P, B and I pictures related to MPEG coding?
Winter 2009
Q1. Explain any two simple compression technique.
Q2. What is JPEG ? List the objectives of JPEG.
Q3. Explain the AVI and RIFF file format.
Q4. Explain transformation compression technique
Q5. Describe with fig DCT encoding and quantization related to
Summer 2010
Q1. What benefits are achieved by using compression in
multimedia system ?
Q2. Describe display resolution and file format and data
compression issues related to multimedia authoring.
Q3. Draw block diagram of video compression technique ? And
describe simple video compression technique.
Q4. Write short note an color, gray scale and still image
Q5. Describe with figure DCT encoding, zig zag sequencing,
Quantization and entropy encoding related to JPeg.
Q6. Explain MPEG architecture and different kind of picture used
with neat sketch of frames.
Q7. What is JPEG and its requirement ? Write full form of RTF,
Q8. Describe TIFF architecture with diagram.
Q9. Describe different color models in details.
Note : Don’t Solve the repeated Question in these assignment and
On Wednesday Test will be there from these assignment
Submission on Chapter-1-3/09/2012
Submission on Chapter-2-4/09/2012
Submission on Chapter-3-5/09/2012
(Marks for these can also be considered
if u have lost marks in last test)