AVID Tutor Reflection

AVID Tutor Reflection
Spring 2006
Name: __________________________
Major: ________________
Year: _______
# of years you have tutored with Azusa Reads: ___________
1. Why did you choose to apply for the AVID tutoring position? How did you hear about this
2. How does this tutoring position relate to your academic field of study? (ie. Liberal Studies,
Social Work, etc.)
3. How does this tutoring position relate to your future career goals?
4. What skills have you developed and/or strengthened through this tutoring position?
5. Has this tutoring experience deepened your desire to be involved in community work in the
future? Please explain.
6. What is one major highlight of your tutoring experience this semester/year?
Center for Academic Service Learning and Research
Azusa Pacific University