America Reads Application 2016-2017

America Reads Application
America Reads Application
Initial Screening Form
Complete this form electronically, and submit as an attached document via email to Michele Guernsey at – please type “America Reads Application” in the subject line.
Name_____________________________________ Student ID #___________________________
Check One:
UNI E-mail______________________________
UNI Address________________________________________________________________________
Permanent Address
America Reads is a work study program involving literacy tutoring with children/adolescents. For the 2016-2017 academic year,
America Reads will be at Lincoln Elementary School in Cedar Falls. The tutoring time on Tuesdays will be from 3:30-5:30 PM, and on
Thursdays from 3:30-5:00PM, with travel time of fifteen minutes before and after the tutoring time. Tutors will need to provide their
own transportation to Lincoln Elementary for their tutoring sessions (carpooling will be organized for those who need transportation).
To be paid for America Reads tutoring, you must be eligible for Work Study. Please check one of the following:
_____ I qualify for work study and have met with Financial Aid to confirm my eligibility. Date of
_____ I qualify for work study but need to make an appointment with Financial Aid to confirm my eligibility.
_____ I am not sure if I qualify for work study, but will make an appointment with Financial Aid to confirm my eligibility.
_____ I do not qualify for work study, but would like to volunteer to tutor in the America Reads program this spring.
To qualify for America Reads, tutors must be available each week for the 4 ½ required hours of participation, involving the following
Tuesdays: 3:15-5:45 PM (includes 15 minutes travel time before and after tutoring)
Thursdays: 3:15-5:15 PM (includes 15 minutes travel time before and after tutoring)
Additional Information
Please mark the following that apply to your studies at UNI (NOTE: these majors and minors are not required to participate):
____Education Major (elementary, middle level, or secondary)
____Literacy Education Minor
____Social Sciences Minor (Please Check: ____Mathematics, ____Sciences, and/or ____ Social Studies)
Briefly describe why you would like to be an America Reads tutor:
Date of Application:___________________________________________