Karen Whitmore – Deputy Headteacher/Child Protection Officer

Karen Whitmore – Deputy Headteacher/Child Protection Officer
Dawn Clewes – Child Protection Governor
Sian Hughes – Inclusion Coordinator
The Academy recognises its statutory responsibility to work according to ‘Working Together to Safeguard
Children 2013’ and ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education 2014’, with social care departments and other
agencies acting on behalf of children in need or enquiring into allegations of abuse. We recognise that
children have a fundamental right to be protected from harm and require a secure environment in order to
learn effectively.
The staff will seek to adopt an open and accepting attitude towards children as part of their responsibility
for pastoral care. We aim to provide an atmosphere where both children and parents/carers feel free to
discuss any concerns they may have and see Academy as a safe place if there are difficulties at home.
Children should be aware that any worries or fears will be listened to and taken seriously if they approach
a member of staff for help.
 All staff must read Part 1 of ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ and should try to be aware of and
alert to signs which may indicate abuse and the reporting procedure with regard to any concerns or
 Staff should keep a written record of the date, time and persons present during any disclosure or
observation together with a note of their concerns and the child's own words, where possible.
 However, members of staff should not conduct investigations. Leading questions must not be
 Staff must also make children aware that confidentiality cannot be guaranteed if concerns are such
that referral must be made to relevant agencies in order to protect the child's welfare.
 In all cases where abuse is suspected, or a sustainable allegation is made, the information should
be reported to the designated teacher who is then required to contact the agencies responsible for
child protection investigations according to the processes established by Stoke on Trent ACPC
and by the LA.(LADO)
 If a member of staff needs to refer directly to the Local Authority he/she should dial 01782 235100
and say ‘I am referring under child protection procedures’. (They will need to have the child’s
details from SIMS including date of birth and address when making the referral). The Stoke on
Trent Safeguarding Board has a useful website which offers additional information on all aspects of
safeguarding, www.safeguardingchildren.stoke.gov.uk.
 If a person is dismissed or removed because of safeguarding concerns, a referral must be made to
the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
Children may be referred under section 17 of the Children Act 1989, Child in Need or section 47, Child in
danger of significant harm. In the case of a child in need, a multi-agency approach to support, which
includes Academy, will be offered.
The designated person with responsibility for all matters relating to child protection and looked after
children in the Academy is Karen Whitmore.
The Inclusion Team, led by Sian Hughes, will deputise in her absence. The Inclusion Team and Learning
Support team along with Heads of House/Performance Leader, provide an additional support to Children
in Care. The Academy has appointed a mentor for Children in Care to ensure the progress of these
The designated teacher's position within Academy should be known to all members of staff and any new
members of staff should be informed as part of their initial induction. All staff should be trained to level
Inadequate clothing, poor growth and hunger may indicate neglect. Bruises, lacerations or burns which
might indicate physical abuse, may be observed, especially when children get changed for sports
activities. Sexual abuse may be indicated by physical signs or significant changes in behaviour including
precocity or withdrawal. Emotional abuse may be indicated by excessive dependence or attention
seeking behaviour. These signs, or disclosures by a child, may give rise to suspicion and may be
monitored but are not in themselves proof of abuse.
Children involved in sexual exploitation or domestic violence should be treated as victims of abuse. Staff
should be aware of the high priority placed upon this in Stoke-on-Trent and by the Academy.
There is a register of Children in Care and all staff should be aware of the names. These children are
supported in Academy to ensure that all needs are met. We have a duty of care as part of Children's
Services to ensure that Children in Care achieve a full range of qualifications at 16.
Children should be encouraged to show respect for others and to demonstrate personal responsibility.
Parents/Carers are expected to help children to behave in non-violent and non-abusive ways towards both
staff and fellow students. Where bullying is identified, procedures in accordance with the Academy's AntiBullying Policy should be followed.
The Governing body acknowledges the importance of child protection in Academy and will ensure that
sufficient resources, within the budgetary constraints, are made available so that the necessary tasks are
carried out under Stoke on Trent ACPC procedures. Child protection issues will be addressed through the
curriculum, where appropriate, particularly on Personal Development days. The governors will ensure that
appropriate child protection policies are in place and reviewed as required. All governors have read Part 2
of ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’.
The designated Governor for Child Protection is Dawn Clewes.
Parents/carers should feel confident that safeguarding procedures are in place to ensure that all staff
appointed, whether paid or voluntary, are suitable to work with children and young people and we adhere
to the Safer Recruitment Policy. (Please refer to the Safer Recruitment Policy).
Any complaint about staff behaviour should be made initially to the Headteacher. If students make staff
aware, this should be reported immediately to the Headteacher. Complaints which give rise to child
protection issues will be investigated and reported to the LA Safeguarding Board Manager. In the case of
a complaint against the Headteacher, the designated teacher and the Chair of Governors should be
informed. Any concerns will be passed to the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer).
This policy and guidelines need to be read in conjunction with the Physical Restraint, and E-Safety and
Whistleblowing Policies.
This policy must be reviewed annually.