Creative Writing Rationale: One of the main goals of communication arts is to produce a knowledgeable and understanding citizen. Teachers will present a study of quality literature from not only this culture but also others to expand the student knowledge and acceptance of the variety of human experiences. Literature is one venue that is used to teach communication arts in the classroom Communication skills encompass reading, writing, talking, listening, viewing, and representing ideas visually to find and interpret information. Students will be instructed to communicate in each of these ways and will be expected to combine their knowledge and experience by reflecting, exploring, and generating new ideas to solve problems and make decisions. Students will be able to effectively communicate their ideas and experiences to others. Students will be able to communicate in traditional fashions and will be enlightened of the more advanced technologies of communication. Being aware and able to use this type of communication will help in the work place. Many employers have stressed the importance of being able to manage technology resources and information along with strong interpersonal skills. All of these competencies require that students communicate effectively in a variety of situations and each is addressed in communication arts. Description: This course focuses on allowing students a certain personal freedom to express themselves through their own original writings. It demands that students read, discuss and analyze various literary genres to use as models for their own writing. Also included is an in-depth study of literary devices and their use in writing. The process approach to writing is used extensively throughout the course, and daily writing is expected, as well as major project production including: writing an original short story, various essays, a children’s book and poems Objectives for Graduation/Mastery 1. Students will demonstrate a growing vocabulary. – 70% 2. Students will collect information and evaluate for reliability. – 80% 3. Students will create fiction works using a specified set of guidelines. – 80% Unit 1 Unit Title: Vocabulary Essential Question: Why are words important? GLEs/ Objective R1C, R1E OBJ 1 National Standards (SELA) 4, 6 DATES TAUGHT/NOTES Lesson Activities (Formative Assessment) Students will demonstrate a growing vocabulary. 1. Record weekly vocabulary words in their course notebooks, including correct spelling, accurate definition, part of speech and sample sentence with correct usage. 2. Complete text practice exercises, individually and cooperatively. 3. Construct original sentences. 4. Utilize other activities like crossword puzzles and word finds. 5. Practice integrating new vocabulary words into their writing. 6. Employ strategies to predict word meaning in context. RESOURCES Assessment Take weekly vocabulary quizzes and summative assessment on final exam. MASTERY – 70% on final exam CORRECTIVE ACTION SPECIAL NEEDS ACCOMODATIONS Unit 2 Unit Title: Collecting Information Essential Question: GLEs/ Objective National Standards (SELA) IL1A, 4, 7, 8 IL1B, IL1C, IL1D OBJ 2 Lesson Activities (Formative Assessment) Assessment Students will collect information and evaluate for reliability. 1. Collect information e.g. charts, graphs, diagrams and advertising. 2. Evaluate the information for reliability and effect. 3. Present data and summarize findings in an oral presentation. 4. Do comparison analysis: 1. Types of graphs and the usage of each for different purposes. 2. Display the graphs on Smartboard and discuss the format and interpretation. 3. Exemplify title and caption necessary tools for interpretation. 4. Discuss the source of the data for reliability. 5. Discuss samples of advertising that students bring and detail advertising techniques. 6. Create three advertising campaigns for a the same product for TV, radio and magazine. Evaluate students graphs created in response to specific data. Students will receive a rubric of the criteria. Evaluate student advertising campaigns in accordance to the rubric. MASTERY – 80% DATES TAUGHT/NOTES RESOURCES CORRECTIVE ACTION SPECIAL NEEDS ACCOMODATIONS Unit 3 Unit Title: Children’s Books Essential Question: GLEs/ Objective National Standards (SELA) W2F, 4, 5, 6 W2B, W2C, W2D OBJ 3 DATES TAUGHT/NOTES Lesson Activities (Formative Assessment) Student will create fiction works using a specified set of guidelines. 1. Create a children’s book to be read to kindergarten students. 2. Participate in peer editing groups to revise work. 3. Revise and edit sentence structures to provide variety and complexity. 4. Use thoughtful revision strategies with particular attention to tightening, parallel structure, active voice and precise, vivid diction. 5. Demonstrate understanding and accuracy by completing assigned vocabulary and grammar. RESOURCES Assessment Revision checklist Teacher observation Class discussion Reading of texts to kindergarten students. MASTERY – 80% CORRECTIVE ACTION SPECIAL NEEDS ACCOMODATIONS Unit 4 Unit Title: Poetry Essential Question: GLEs/ Objective R2A, R2B, R2C National Standards (SELA) 1, 2, 3 DATES TAUGHT/NOTES Lesson Activities (Formative Assessment) Students will read and respond orally and in writing to poetry. 1. Read assigned selections, and create competent responses to writing prompts. 2. Identify, explain, interpret theme/main idea and supporting details of a passage. 3. Compose clear, thoughtful answers to essay questions. 4. Read collection of their works and collection of other poets’ works and compare likes/dislikes. RESOURCES Assessment Teacher observation Class discussion Assignment specific scoring guides. CORRECTIVE ACTION SPECIAL NEEDS ACCOMODATIONS Unit 5 Unit Title: Construction Essential Question: GLEs/ Objective W3C National Standards (SELA) 1, 2, 3, 5 DATES TAUGHT/NOTES Lesson Activities (Formative Assessment) Students will construct effective stories of narration, description, and/or exposition, matching style to purpose and audience. 1. Read, evaluate and discuss examples/model stories. 2. Compose a narrative story to vividly render an experience. 3. Formulate an effective controlling idea to develop an essay. 4. Analyze a piece of literature or a film. 5. Peer edit to revise. RESOURCES Assessment Assignment specific scoring guides. CORRECTIVE ACTION SPECIAL NEEDS ACCOMODATIONS