LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL NOTICE PAPER No. 52 Tuesday, 7 February 2012 The President takes the Chair at 2.00 p.m. GOVERNMENT BUSINESS NOTICES OF MOTION 22 MR HALL — To move — That this House notes the continuing unacceptable high levels of university offer deferral rates in regional and outer suburban areas and calls on the Federal Government to guarantee better income support for students required to live away from home. 24 MR D.M. DAVIS — To move — That this House congratulates the Premier, Mr Ted Baillieu, on the successful health agreements secured at the recent Council of Australian Government’s meeting in Canberra which vastly improves upon the deal signed by the previous Labor Government and which — (1) secures GST revenue for Victoria’s future; (2) ensures Victorian patients have access to more hospital beds; (3) protects local hospital boards and statewide providers from forced amalgamations; (4) brings greater certainty to the Medicare Locals concept; (5) provides for better clinical outcomes by including an expert panel to review the implementation of the proposed targets for elective surgery and emergency departments; (6) brings forward funding for Victorian hospitals; and (7) provides greater certainty and long term funding for Victorian hospitals including a recognition of 50/50 sharing of growth funding in future years. 175 MR ONDARCHIE — To move — That this House — (1) notes the criticism by Mr Shaun Leane, the Opposition Whip, of the Commonwealth Labor Government’s carbon tax; and (2) calls upon the Labor Opposition to heed the views of Mr Leane. [Notice given on 14 September 2011 — Listed for 17 days]. 205 MS LOVELL — To move — That this House notes that, during Question Time on 15 September 2011, the Member for Northern Victoria and former Minister for Housing, Ms Candy Broad MLC, made comments that led this House to believe that the position of Director of Housing is a Ministerial appointment, and further notes that — 2 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 52 (1) on 15 April 2005, the Governor-in-Council declared, by Order, that the Director of Housing would be a Declared Authority under section 104 of the Public Administration Act 2004, and further specified that the Public Service body head in relation to the Declared Authority, is the Secretary of the Department of Human Services; and (2) the Minister for Housing at the time of the declaration was Ms Candy Broad MLC; and calls on Ms Candy Broad MLC to fully explain why she was unaware of this important change during her administration. 215 MR KOCH — To move — That this House notes the outrageous statement from Ms Jaala Pulford, Member for Western Victoria Region, to the House on 25 October 2011 relating to the appalling condition of the Melton train station carpark and, further, notes that the previous Labour government had 11 years to redevelop this much used precinct, but chose to do nothing, making this yet another of the many sad legacies of the failed Labor government that have been inherited by the current Baillieu administration. [Notice given on 26 October 2011 — Listed for 11 days]. ORDERS OF THE DAY 1* CITY OF GREATER GEELONG AMENDMENT BILL 2011 — (from Assembly — Mr Guy) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr Tee). 2* PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT AMENDMENT (SCHOOLS) BILL 2011 — (from Assembly — Mr Guy) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr Tee). 3* PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS AMENDMENT BILL 2011 — (from Assembly — Mr Dalla-Riva) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr Pakula). 4 OMBUDSMAN’S REPORTS, 2011 — Motion to take note of the reports tabled by the Ombudsman in 2011 (Mr D.M. Davis) — Resumption of debate (Mrs Peulich). 5 SOUTH EAST COALITION AGAINST THE CARBON TAX — PETITION — To be considered. [Listed for 14 days]. GENERAL BUSINESS NOTICES OF MOTION 161 MS TIERNEY — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the decision of the Baillieu Government to axe funding for the Take the Break Occasional Childcare program, which will disadvantage families in the Western Victoria Region; (2) notes that the Baillieu Government failed to notify Take a Break providers that they may have lost their government-funded indemnity insurance; (3) calls on the Baillieu Government to give all Take a Break providers across Victoria, written assurance that they currently retain insurance with the VMIA; and (4) calls on the Baillieu Government to reinstate Take a Break funding and reinstate VMIA indemnity insurance for all Take a Break providers across Victoria beyond 31 December 2011. [Notice given on 31 August 2011 — Listed for 20 days]. * Indicates new entry. 7 February 2012 3 162 MR VINEY — To move — That this House condemns the Leader of the Government for requiring the Legislative Council to meet until 4.30 a.m. on Wednesday, 31 August 2011 despite a request from an ill Member of this House who wanted to make a significant contribution to the legislation before it. [Notice given on 31 August 2011 — Listed for 20 days]. 163 MR TARLAMIS — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government for recklessly slashing $12 million per year for Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning coordinators across our schools and other education providers without any consultation or notice, and notes that such a decision will undermine the future of the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning program for students in the South Eastern Region. [Notice given on 1 September 2011 — Listed for 19 days]. 164 MR LEANE — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government for recklessly slashing $12 million per year for Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning coordinators across our schools and other education providers without any consultation or notice, and notes that such a decision will undermine the future of the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning program for students in the Eastern Metropolitan Region. [Notice given on 1 September 2011 — Listed for 19 days]. 165 MR SCHEFFER — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government for recklessly slashing $12 million per year for Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning coordinators across our schools and other education providers without any consultation or notice, and notes that such a decision will undermine the future of the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning program for students in the Eastern Victoria Region. [Notice given on 1 September 2011 — Listed for 19 days]. 166 MS DARVENIZA — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government for recklessly slashing $12 million per year for Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning coordinators across our schools and other education providers without any consultation or notice, and notes that such a decision will undermine the future of the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning program for students in the Northern Victoria Region. [Notice given on 1 September 2011 — Listed for 19 days]. 167 MS PULFORD — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government for recklessly slashing $12 million per year for Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning coordinators across our schools and other education providers without any consultation or notice, and notes that such a decision will undermine the future of the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning program for students in the Western Victoria Region. [Notice given on 1 September 2011 — Listed for 19 days]. 168 MR EIDEH — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government for recklessly slashing $12 million per year for Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning coordinators across our schools and other education providers without any consultation or notice, and notes that such a decision will undermine the future of the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning program for students in the Western Metropolitan Region. [Notice given on 1 September 2011 — Listed for 19 days]. 4 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 52 169 MR ELASMAR — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government for recklessly slashing $12 million per year for Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning coordinators across our schools and other education providers without any consultation or notice, and notes that such a decision will undermine the future of the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning program for students in the Northern Metropolitan Region. [Notice given on 1 September 2011 — Listed for 19 days]. 170 MR LENDERS — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government for recklessly slashing $12 million per year for Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning coordinators across our schools and other education providers without any consultation or notice, and notes that such a decision will undermine the future of the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning program for students in the City of Kingston. [Notice given on 1 September 2011 — Listed for 19 days]. 172 MR LENDERS — To move — That this House expresses its disappointment and sadness that the extremist Dutch politician, Geert Wilders, is embarking on a speaking tour of Australia and notes that his language of intolerance and hatred has no place in a modern and multicultural Victoria. [Notice given on 13 September 2011 — Listed for 18 days]. 173 MR SOMYUREK — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government for not having a policy and action plan ready to implement for the Victorian manufacturing sector despite being in government for almost 10 months and notes that — (1) local manufacturers are under severe stress from the ongoing increases in the value of the Australian dollar to the detriment of Australian exporters and domestic industries competing against imports; (2) the word ‘job’ was not mentioned once in the Treasurer’s speech demonstrating the Baillieu Government’s lack of commitment to Victorian manufacturing jobs; (3) close to 1500 jobs have been lost in the Victorian manufacturing sector from eight manufacturers alone since March 2011; (4) the Australian Industry Group/Price Waterhouse Coopers Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index is in a state of contraction; (5) the Baillieu Government has abdicated its responsibility to assist the maintenance and development of the State’s vital manufacturing sector and thereby help secure associated jobs; and (6) this abandonment of Victoria’s manufacturing industry is unacceptable and not inkeeping with the responsibilities of a Victorian Government. [Notice given on 13 September 2011 — Listed for 18 days]. 174 MR LENDERS — To move — That this House notes the woeful implementation of policy on the run by the Baillieu Government arising from its botched endeavours to execute a firewood policy announced by the Hon. Wendy Lovell by media release on 3 November 2010 that includes — (a) a promise by Ms Lovell that the Coalition will abolish the requirement for permission to be obtained to collect firewood from roadsides; (b) this media release being taken off the Liberal Party website after the election; (c) the misleading media releases by the Hon. Ryan Smith and a number of Coalition members during September 2011 announcing that the Government was abolishing the need for permits on public land without explaining that this was only in selected areas and did not include roadsides; 7 February 2012 5 (d) the multiple changes to the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) website when public and media queries asked for clarification; (e) the requests from numerous mayors for a public clarification of the Coalition’s policy as citizens were being endangered on local and state roads because of the misinformation; (f) the anxiety of businesses that sold firewood permits and commercial wood providers as to the viability of their operations following this change of policy; (g) the DSE maps showing no designated sites for free firewood collection along the length of the Murray River or the State’s North West and in particular in the Gippsland East electorate where Ms Lovell made the original promise; and (h) the DSE website providing a list of no less than 14 rules for collecting firewood, despite the original Coalition promise specifying only one restriction – that firewood collection would not be permitted on total fire ban days – that despite being sensible, demonstrate how far removed this Coalition election promise was from the reality. [Notice given on 13 September 2011 — Listed for 18 days]. 179 MR TEE — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government and the Minister for Energy and Resources for — (1) attacking the previous Government’s household solar program by cutting nearly 60 per cent off the feed-in-tariff; (2) claiming that the premium tariff is too costly when it’s policy is to support a gross scheme which will pay for all energy consumed by the householder and any surplus; (3) providing unrealistic forecasts on the payback period of solar panels under the new proposed feed-in-tariff; (4) driving the investment and jobs in the solar industry out of Victoria; and (5) potentially causing solar panel businesses operating in the Eastern Metropolitan Region to move their operations interstate or close down. [Notice given on 15 September 2011 — Listed for 16 days]. 180 MR TARLAMIS — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government and the Minister for Energy and Resources for — (1) attacking the previous Government’s household solar program by cutting nearly 60 per cent off the feed-in-tariff; (2) claiming that the premium tariff is too costly when the policy is to support a gross scheme which will pay for all energy consumed by the householder and any surplus; (3) stating unrealistic forecasts on the payback period of investment in household solar panels under the new proposed feed-in-tariff; (4) not considering that this action will drive investment and jobs in the solar industry out of Victoria; and (5) not considering that this action could cause solar panel businesses operating in the South Eastern Metropolitan Region to move their operations interstate or close down. [Notice given on 15 September 2011 — Listed for 16 days]. 181 MR SCHEFFER — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government and the Minister for Energy and Resources for — (1) attacking the previous Government’s household solar program by cutting nearly 60 per cent off the feed-in-tariff; (2) claiming the decision to scrap the premium tariff was because it is too costly which is not credible given their policy was to support a gross scheme which would have paid for all energy consumed by the householder and any surplus; 6 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 52 (3) stating unrealistic forecasts on the payback period of investment in household solar panels under the new proposed feed-in-tariff; (4) not considering that this action will drive investment and jobs in the solar industry out of Victoria; and (5) not considering that this action could cause solar panel businesses operating in the Eastern Victorian Region to move their operations interstate or close down. [Notice given on 15 September 2011 — Listed for 16 days]. 182 MS DARVENIZA — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government and the Minister for Energy and Resources for — (1) attacking the previous Government’s household solar program by cutting nearly 60 per cent off the feed-in-tariff; (2) claiming the decision to scrap the premium tariff was because it is too costly which is not credible given their policy was to support a gross scheme which would have paid for all energy consumed by the householder and any surplus; (3) stating unrealistic forecasts on the payback period of solar panels under the new proposed feed-in-tariff; (4) not considering that this action will drive investment and jobs in the solar industry out of Victoria; and (5) not considering that this action could cause solar panel businesses operating in the Northern Victorian Region to move their operations interstate or close down. [Notice given on 15 September 2011 — Listed for 16 days]. 183 MR LEANE — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government and the Minister for Energy and Resources for — (1) attacking the previous Government’s household solar program by cutting nearly 60 per cent off the feed-in-tariff; (2) claiming the excuse to scrap the premium tariff was that it is too costly which is hard to believe given their policy was to support a gross scheme which would have paid for all energy consumed by the householder and any surplus; (3) stating unrealistic forecasts on the payback period of investment in household solar panels under the new proposed feed-in-tariff; (4) not considering that this action will drive investment and jobs in the solar industry out of Victoria; and (5) not considering that this action could cause solar panel businesses operating in the Eastern Metropolitan Region to move their operations interstate or close down. [Notice given on 15 September 2011 — Listed for 16 days]. 184 MR EIDEH — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government and the Minister for Energy and Resources for — (1) attacking the previous Government’s household solar program by cutting nearly 60 per cent off the feed-in-tariff; (2) claiming the excuse to scrap the premium tariff was that it is too costly which is hard to believe given their policy is to support a gross scheme which will pay for all energy consumed by the householder and any surplus; (3) stating unrealistic forecasts on the payback period of investment in household solar panels under the new proposed feed-in-tariff; 7 February 2012 7 (4) not considering that this action will drive investment and jobs in the solar industry out of Victoria; and (5) not considering that this action could cause solar panel businesses operating in the Western Metropolitan Region to move their operations interstate or close down. [Notice given on 15 September 2011 — Listed for 16 days]. 185 MS TIERNEY — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government and the Minister for Energy and Resources for — (1) attacking the previous Government’s household solar program by cutting nearly 60 per cent off the feed-in-tariff; (2) claiming the decision to scrap the premium tariff was because it is too costly which is not credible given their policy was to support a gross scheme which would have paid for all energy consumed by the householder and any surplus; (3) stating unrealistic forecasts on the payback period of investment in household solar panels under the new proposed feed-in-tariff; (4) not considering that this action will drive investment and jobs in the solar industry out of Victoria; and (5) not considering that this action could cause solar panel businesses operating in the Western Victorian Region to move their operations interstate or close down. [Notice given on 15 September 2011 — Listed for 16 days]. 186 MR ELASMAR — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government and the Minister for Energy and Resources for — (1) attacking the previous Government’s household solar program by cutting nearly 60 per cent off the feed-in-tariff; (2) claiming the excuse to scrap the premium tariff that it is too costly which is hard to believe given their policy is to support a gross scheme which will pay for all energy consumed by the householder and any surplus; (3) stating unrealistic forecasts on the payback period of investment in household solar panels under the new proposed feed-in-tariff; (4) not considering that this action will drive investment and jobs in the solar industry out of Victoria; and (5) not considering that this action could cause solar panel businesses operating in the Northern Metropolitan Region to move their operations interstate or close down. [Notice given on 15 September 2011 — Listed for 16 days]. 187 MS BROAD — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government and the Minister for Energy and Resources for — (1) attacking the previous Government’s household solar program by cutting nearly 60 per cent off the feed-in-tariff; (2) claiming the reason to scrap the premium tariff was because it is too costly which is not credible given their policy was to support a more costly scheme which would have paid for all energy consumed by the householder and any surplus; (3) stating unrealistic forecasts on the payback period of investment in household solar panels under the new proposed feed-in-tariff; (4) not considering that this action will drive investment and jobs in the solar industry out of Victoria along with jobs and investment in the wind generation industry; and (5) not considering that this action could cause solar panel businesses operating in the Northern Victorian Region to move their operations interstate or close down. [Notice given on 15 September 2011 — Listed for 16 days]. 8 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 52 188 MR JENNINGS — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government and the Minister for Energy and Resources for — (1) attacking the previous Government’s household solar program by reducing the premium feed-in-tariff by nearly 60 per cent; (2) providing the lame excuse to scrap the premium tariff because it was too costly, which is not credible given their policy is to support a gross scheme which would pay for all energy consumed by the householder and any surplus; (3) claiming totally unrealistic forecasts on the payback period of investment in household solar panels under the new proposed feed-in-tariff; (4) not considering that this action will drive investment and jobs in the solar industry out of Victoria; and (5) potentially causing solar panel businesses operating in the South Eastern Metropolitan Region to move their operations interstate or to close down altogether. [Notice given on 15 September 2011 — Listed for 16 days]. 189 MR VINEY — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government and the Minister for Energy and Resources for — (1) attacking the previous Government’s household solar program by cutting nearly 60 per cent off the feed-in-tariff; (2) claiming the excuse to scrap the premium tariff that it is too costly which is hard to believe given their policy is to support a gross scheme which will pay for all energy consumed by the householder and any surplus; (3) stating unrealistic forecasts on the payback period of investment in household solar panels under the new proposed feed-in-tariff; (4) not considering that this action will drive investment and jobs in the solar industry out of Victoria; and (5) not considering that this action could cause solar panel businesses operating in the Eastern Victorian Region to move their operations interstate or close down. [Notice given on 15 September 2011 — Listed for 16 days]. 190 MR SCHEFFER — To move — That this House notes the decision of the Minister for Planning to intervene in the Planning Scheme rezoning of land at Ventnor, Phillip Island, and his subsequent reversal of that decision, and calls on the Minister to provide — (a) a full explanation of both the decision and the reversal of that decision by him to the House; (b) all documents, notes and advice to him regarding his original decision and his reversal of that decision; (c) the dates and times of all meetings relating to the Ventnor land, including notes and advice; (d) the names of all persons the Minister has met with regarding the Ventnor land, including dates, times and any notes of those meetings or discussions; (e) the dates of events and functions the Minister has attended with the land holder and others who lobbied the Minister in support of the rezoning of the land; (f) all correspondence, including emails and faxes, dates and times of telephone calls relating to the original decision to grant a rezoning of the Ventnor land and the decision to reverse that determination; and (g) all documents and information referred to in this motion to the House by 6.30 p.m. on 8 November 2011. [Notice given on 11 October 2011 — Listed for 15 days]. 7 February 2012 9 191 MR TEE — To move — That — (1) This House refers the decision of the Minister for Planning to rezone land at Ventnor, Phillip Island, and his subsequent reversal of that determination to the Environment and Planning References Committee for inquiry, consideration and report, and in particular — (a) whether the Minister for Planning was lobbied by the proponent and/or others supporting the rezoning of the land; (b) whether there are any links between the proponent and/or others who lobbied the Minister in support of the rezoning of the land and the Liberal Party; (c) whether the proponent or others who lobbied the Minister in support of the rezoning of the land were donors to the Liberal Party in any jurisdiction in which the Minister is a member or is connected; (d) any other matter related to the Minister’s decisions regarding the Ventnor land that the Committee considers relevant; and (2) The Committee will present an interim report to the Council no later than 15 December 2011, and a final report no later than 29 June 2012. [Notice given on 11 October 2011 — Listed for 15 days]. 193 MR VINEY — To move — That — (1) A Select Committee of 7 Members be appointed to inquire into the decision of the Minister for Planning to rezone land at Ventnor, Phillip Island, and his subsequent reversal of that determination, and in particular — (a) whether the Minister for Planning was lobbied by the proponent and/or others supporting the rezoning of the land; (b) whether there are any links between the proponent and/or others who lobbied the Minister in support of the rezoning of the land and the Liberal Party; (c) whether the proponent or others who lobbied the Minister in support of the rezoning of the land were donors to the Liberal Party in any jurisdiction in which the Minister is a member or is connected; and (d) any other matter related to the Minister’s decisions regarding the Ventnor land that the Committee considers relevant; (2) The Committee will consist of 3 Members from the Government Party nominated by the Leader of the Government, 3 Members from the Opposition nominated by the Leader of the Opposition and 1 Member from the Australian Greens nominated by the Leader of the Australian Greens; (3) The Members will be appointed by lodgement of the names with the President by the persons referred to in paragraph (2) no later than 4.00 p.m. on Friday, 14 October 2011; (4) The first meeting of the Committee must be held no later than 4.00 p.m. on Monday, 24 October 2011; (5) The Committee may proceed to the despatch of business notwithstanding that all Members have not been appointed and notwithstanding any vacancy; (6) 4 Members of the Committee will constitute a quorum of the Committee; (7) The Chair of the Committee will be a non-Government Member and the Deputy Chair will be a Government Member; (8) In addition to exercising a deliberative vote, when votes on a question are equally divided, the Chair, or the Deputy Chair when acting as chair, shall have a casting vote; (9) The Committee may commission persons to investigate and report to the Committee on any aspects of its inquiry; (10) The Committee will present an interim report to the Council no later than 15 December 2011, and a final report no later than 29 June 2012; 10 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 52 (11) The presentation of a report or interim report of the Committee will not be deemed to terminate the Committee’s appointment, powers or functions; and (12) The foregoing provisions of this resolution, so far as they are inconsistent with the Standing Orders or practices of the Council will have effect notwithstanding anything contained in the Standing Orders or practices of the Council; and I advise the House that subject to either the motion by Mr Scheffer or the motion this day by Mr Tee being agreed to, I will not proceed with this motion. [Notice given on 11 October 2011 — Listed for 15 days]. 194 MS PENNICUIK — To move — That this House requires the Leader of the Government to table in the Legislative Council by 2 p.m. on Tuesday, 25 October 2011, the briefing note to Victorian Government Ministers that was prepared by the Secretary of the Department of Justice regarding the transfer of prisoner Carl Williams from an isolation unit to one shared with two other prisoners in Barwon Prison. [Notice given on 11 October 2011 — Listed for 15 days]. 196 MS PENNICUIK — To move — That this House calls on the Government to establish a statutory body that is independent of the Department of Justice and the Attorney-General that reports directly to Parliament, to provide oversight and scrutiny of custodial services in Victoria, by conducting regular and unannounced inspections, investigations, carrying out research and publishing its findings and recommendations on the standards and operational practices of all custodial services in Victoria. [Notice given on 11 October 2011 — Listed for 15 days]. 199 MS PENNICUIK — To move — That this House calls on the Baillieu Government to adhere to the principle that education in government schools should be secular by amending the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 and that the Government cease funding for special religious education in government schools, other than general religious and ethics education. [Notice given on 12 October 2011 — Listed for 14 days]. 201 MR TARLAMIS — To move — That this House notes, that — (1) for more than 30 years there has been bipartisan support for the protection and enhancement of the Green Wedges as the lungs of the city; (2) the Baillieu Government has initiated 3 reviews with the stated aim of handing Melbourne’s Green Wedges over to developers; (3) as part of one of those reviews, 104 hectares of Casey’s Green Wedge land at Brompton Lodge has been targeted for development; and (4) the Government is only focussed on development on Green Wedges, and does not have the balance right; and calls on the Government to stop all reviews of Green Wedge land and — (a) consider the needs of Victorian families to access open space; (b) look at measures to strengthen and enhance Melbourne’s Green Wedges; and (c) ensure that infrastructure and services will be planned and funded before any developments are recommended. [Notice given on 12 October 2011 — Listed for 14 days]. 203 MR SCHEFFER — To move — That this House notes, that — (1) for more than 30 years there has been bipartisan support for the protection and enhancement of the Green Wedges; 7 February 2012 11 (2) the Baillieu Government has initiated 3 reviews with the stated aim of handing Green Wedges over to developers; (3) as part of one of those reviews, 353 hectares of Cardinia’s Green Wedge land at Pakenham East has been targeted for development; and (4) the Government is only focussed on development on Green Wedges, and does not have the balance right; and calls on the Government to stop all reviews of Green Wedge land and — (a) consider the needs of Victorian families to access open space; (b) look at measures to strengthen and enhance Green Wedges; and (c) ensure that infrastructure and services will be planned and funded before any developments are recommended. [Notice given on 12 October 2011 — Listed for 14 days]. 204 MR PAKULA — To move — That this House notes, that — (1) for more than 30 years there has been bipartisan support for the protection and enhancement of the Green Wedges as the lungs of the city; (2) the Baillieu Government has initiated 3 reviews with the stated aim of handing Melbourne's Green Wedges over to developers; (3) as part of one of those reviews, 443 hectares of Wyndham’s Green Wedge land at Point Cook has been targeted for development; and (4) the Government is only focussed on development on Green Wedges, and does not have the balance right; and calls on the Government to stop all reviews of Green Wedge land and — (a) consider the needs of Victorian families to access open space; (b) look at measures to strengthen and enhance Melbourne's Green Wedges; and (c) ensure that infrastructure and services will be planned and funded before any developments are recommended. [Notice given on 12 October 2011 — Listed for 14 days]. 206 MS MIKAKOS — To move — That this House notes, that — (1) for more than 30 years there has been bipartisan support for the protection and enhancement of the Green Wedges as the lungs of the city; (2) the Baillieu Government has initiated 3 reviews with the stated aim of handing Melbourne's Green Wedges over to developers; (3) as part of one of those reviews, 8 hectares of Whittlesea’s Green Wedge land at Laurimar West has been targeted for development; and (4) the Government is only focussed on development on Green Wedges, and does not have the balance right; and calls on the Government to stop all reviews of Green Wedge land and — (a) consider the needs of Victorian families to access open space; (b) look at measures to strengthen and enhance Melbourne's Green Wedges; and (c) ensure that infrastructure and services will be planned and funded before any developments are recommended. [Notice given on 12 October 2011 — Listed for 14 days]. 208 MR LEANE — To move — That this House notes, that — (1) for more than 30 years there has been bipartisan support for the protection and enhancement of the Green Wedges as the lungs of the city; (2) the Baillieu Government has initiated 3 reviews with the stated aim of handing Melbourne's Green Wedges over to developers; 12 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 52 as part of one of those reviews, 237 hectares of Cardinia’s Green Wedge land at Pakenham East has been targeted for development; and (4) the Government is only focussed on development on Green Wedges, and does not have the balance right; and calls on the Government to stop all reviews of Green Wedge land and — (a) consider the needs of Victorian families to access open space; (b) look at measures to strengthen and enhance Melbourne's Green Wedges; and (c) ensure that infrastructure and services will be planned and funded before any developments are recommended. [Notice given on 12 October 2011 — Listed for 14 days]. (3) 209 MR EIDEH — To move — That this House notes, that — (1) for more than 30 years there has been bipartisan support for the protection and enhancement of the Green Wedges as the lungs of the city; (2) the Baillieu Government has initiated 3 reviews with the stated aim of handing Melbourne's Green Wedges over to developers; (3) as part of one of those reviews, 16 hectares of Hume’s Green Wedge land at Yuroke/Greenvale West has been targeted for development; and (4) the Government is only focussed on development on Green Wedges, and does not have the balance right; and calls on the Government to stop all reviews of Green Wedge land and — (a) consider the needs of Victorian families to access open space; (b) look at measures to strengthen and enhance Melbourne's Green Wedges; and (c) ensure that infrastructure and services will be planned and funded before any developments are recommended. [Notice given on 12 October 2011 — Listed for 14 days]. 210 MS BROAD — To move — That this House notes, that — (1) for more than 30 years there has been bipartisan support for the protection and enhancement of the Green Wedges as the lungs of Melbourne; (2) the Baillieu Government has initiated 3 reviews with the stated aim of handing Melbourne's Green Wedges over to developers; (3) as part of one of those reviews, 25 hectares of Hume’s Green Wedge land at Sunbury West has been targeted for development; (4) it is the Green Wedge around Sunbury that protects it from urban sprawl and maintains its rural character; and (5) the Government is only focussed on development on Green Wedges, and does not have the balance right; and calls on the Government to stop all reviews of Green Wedge land and — (a) consider the needs of Victorian families to access open space; (b) look at measures to strengthen and enhance Melbourne's Green Wedges; and (c) ensure that infrastructure and services will be planned and funded before any developments are recommended. [Notice given on 12 October 2011 — Listed for 14 days]. 211 MR TEE — To move — That this House notes, that — (1) for more than 30 years there has been bipartisan support for the protection and enhancement of the Green Wedges as the lungs of the city; (2) the Baillieu Government has initiated 3 reviews with the stated aim of handing Melbourne's Green Wedges over to development; 7 February 2012 13 as part of one of those reviews, 393 hectares of Hume’s Green Wedge land at Mount Riley Road, Mickleham has been targeted for development; and (4) the Government is only focussed on development on Green Wedges, and does not have the balance right; and calls on the Government to stop all reviews of Green Wedge land and — (a) consider the needs of Victorian families to access open space; (b) look at measures to strengthen and enhance Melbourne's Green Wedges; and (c) ensure that infrastructure and services will be planned and funded before any developments are recommended. [Notice given on 12 October 2011 — Listed for 14 days]. (3) 212 MR ELASMAR — To move — That this House notes, that — (1) for more than 30 years there has been bipartisan support for the protection and enhancement of the Green Wedges as the lungs of the city; (2) the Baillieu Government has initiated 3 reviews with the stated aim of handing Melbourne's Green Wedges over to developers; (3) as part of one of those reviews, 2 hectares of Whittlesea’s Green Wedge land at Quarry Hills has been targeted for development; and (4) the Government is only focussed on development on Green Wedges, and does not have the balance right; and calls on the Government to stop all reviews of Green Wedge land and — (a) consider the needs of Victorian families to access open space; (b) look at measures to strengthen and enhance Melbourne's Green Wedges; and (c) ensure that infrastructure and services will be planned and funded before any developments are recommended. [Notice given on 12 October 2011 — Listed for 14 days]. 214 MR TEE — To move — That this House notes with concern the failure of the Government to develop and implement a planning policy for Victoria and that, instead, the Minister for Planning seeks to randomly intervene, often at the request of developers and contrary to the wishes of local communities, to impose developments on Victorian communities including, but not limited to, Surf Coast Shire, Portland, Wangaratta, Footscray, Phillip Island, St Kilda and Cape Paterson, and calls on the Environment and Planning References Committee to inquire into, consider and report to the House by 1 July 2012, on the consequences of this unprecedented intervention of the Minister for Planning, including the impact — (1) of the lack of roads, public transport and other essential infrastructure to sustain the developments, such as the Phillip Island development which was to proceed in an area with no sealed roads; (2) on community confidence and participation in the local planning system when the outcomes of years of community engagement is discarded in favour of the views of local developers; (3) that the loss of open space will have on the health and well being of future generations; (4) that the inappropriate development will have in changing the look, feel and liveability of local communities; and (5) that inappropriate development in regional Victoria will have on tourism and jobs. [Notice given on 13 October 2011 — Listed for 13 days]. 216 MS MIKAKOS — To move — That this House — (1) notes that the Member for Northern Victoria Region, Mrs Petrovich, is a passionate supporter of the Take a Break Occasional Childcare Program having spoken in support 14 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 52 of State Government funding for this program in her Member’s Statement on 27 May 2010; and (2) calls on the Minister for Children and Early Childhood Development to listen to Mrs Petrovich’s concerns and the concerns of thousands of Victorian families and reinstate the funding. [Notice given on 27 October 2011 — Listed for 10 days]. 220 MS MIKAKOS — To move — That this House notes that in media releases dated 2 November 2011, the Minister for Children and Early Childhood Development, falsely claimed that the Gowanbrae Community and Children’s Centre and the Laurimar Community Activity Centre were funded by the Victorian Coalition Government when they were in fact funded by the former Brumby Labor Government. [Notice given on 8 November 2011 — Listed for 9 days]. 221 MS MIKAKOS — To move — That this House — (1) deplores the tactics engaged in by the Baillieu Government to frustrate the Australian Nursing Federation’s Enterprise Bargaining Agreement negotiations; and (2) calls on former nurses Ms Georgie Cozier, MLC and Ms Elizabeth Miller, MP to support their former colleagues by denouncing the strong-arm tactics engaged in by the Minister for Health and his agents. [Notice given on 9 November 2011 — Listed for 8 days]. 223 MS PULFORD — To move — That this House notes media reports that the Minister for Children and Early Childhood Development has now confirmed that the Baillieu-Ryan Government will not reinstate funding for ‘Take a Break’ occasional childcare programs in Western Victoria and this will adversely impact families in the Western Victorian Region in the communities of — (a) Anglesea; (b) Ararat; (c) Bacchus Marsh; (d) Herne Hill; (e) Dartmoor; (f) Haddon; (g) Rokewood; (h) Clunes; (i) Kyneton; (j) Lara; (k) Melton; (l) Meredith; (m) Stawell; (n) Torquay; (o) Ballarat; (p) Warracknabeal; and (q) Horsham; and further notes that the Baillieu-Ryan Government has broken its own promise to restore State funding if the Federal Government provided additional funds, which they have now done. [Notice given on 10 November 2011 — Listed for 7 days]. 7 February 2012 15 224 MS TIERNEY — To move — That this House notes the decision by the Liberal Government to retain exactly the same alignment for Stage 4C of the Geelong Ring Road as proposed by the former Labor Government and condemns the failure of the Member for South Barwon to deliver what was promised to local community groups. [Notice given on 10 November 2011 — Listed for 7 days]. 225 MS MIKAKOS — To move — That this House notes that in a media release dated 23 June 2011, the Minister for Children and Early Childhood Development falsely claimed that the Port Fairy Community Services Centre was funded by the Victorian Coalition Government when it was in fact funded entirely by the former Brumby Government. [Notice given on 22 November 2011 — Listed for 6 days]. 227 MR BARBER — To move — That this House — (1) notes that — (a) feed-in tariffs are the world's most popular renewable energy policy mechanism, used by more than 80 jurisdictions around the world; (b) globally, the solar photovoltaic industry is expanding rapidly; more than 40GW of generating capacity is currently installed, and this is expected to grow 3 to 5 fold over the next 5 years, with much of the growth in the Asia region; and (c) on 29 November 2008 the Council of Australian Governments agreed to a set of national principles for feed-in tariff schemes, the first of which was that micro renewable generation should receive fair and reasonable value for exported energy; and (2) agrees that in setting a fair and reasonable value for solar photovoltaic electricity exported to the grid, the following benefits of distributed photovoltaic (PV) systems should be taken into consideration — (a) avoided wholesale electricity costs (taking into account higher prices associated with periods of peak demand); (b) avoided line losses in the transmission and distribution networks; (c) the tendency for PV systems to reduce electricity spot prices, due to their negligible operating cost; and (d) employment and industry development. [Notice given on 22 November 2011 — Listed for 6 days]. 228 MR BARBER — To move — That, under section 52 of the Constitution Act 1975, the Honourable Michael O’Brien, MP, Minister for Energy and Resources be permitted to attend the Legislative Council for the purpose of explaining and answering questions during Committee of the whole in relation to the provisions of the Mines (Aluminium Agreement) Amendment Bill 2011. [Notice given on 22 November 2011 — Listed for 6 days]. 230 MR LENDERS — To move — That this House — (1) notes that Ms Cindy McLeish, Member for the electoral district of Seymour, said in a media release on 16 November 2011 that she welcomed the closing of the North-South Pipeline and that “it was common sense for Melbourne to meet its own water needs and for water north of the divide to stay north of the divide”; (2) notes that Ms McLeish went on to say that “it is now time to put the North-South Pipeline saga behind us and get on with enjoying life”; (3) notes that closing down this billion dollar asset means that constituents in the southern 30 per cent of Ms McLeish’s electorate will have less long-term water security and will 16 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 52 need to rely on more expensive water from recycling, storm water and the desalination plant; (4) notes that the Baillieu-Ryan Government remains committed to drawing water out of the north of the State when Melbourne has Stage 4 water restrictions in place; and (5) calls on Ms McLeish to explain to the northern portion of her electorate how it is “common sense” to draw water from the northern irrigation areas during drought but not at times when Lake Eildon is full. [Notice given on 24 November 2011 — Listed for 4 days]. 231 MR BARBER — To move — That this House requires the Leader of the Government to table in the Legislative Council by 12 noon on Tuesday, 28 February 2012 a copy of the Northern Victoria Irrigation Renewal Project Stage 2 agreement between the State of Victoria and the Commonwealth, as described in the Minister for Water’s media release of 18 October 2011. [Notice given on 6 December 2011 — Listed for 3 days]. 232 MR LEANE — To move — That this House agrees that the Baillieu Government will never actually build a heavy railway line to Doncaster, despite the Premier’s pre-election bluster in stating “we intend to plan it, find the funds, and then build it”, and the Member for Doncaster stating the same commitment in her election material. [Notice given on 6 December 2011 — Listed for 3 days]. 233 MR LENDERS — To move — That this House — (1) notes that Baillieu Government Ministers have repeatedly told the House that programs in their portfolios had to be cut because of Commonwealth cuts or lapsing programs; (2) notes the hostility of the Government to programs that may have their funding lapse and the total hypocrisy of Baillieu Government Ministers in agreeing to National Partnerships lapsing funding and in particular establishing lapsing programs of their own, in the areas of housing and health, such as — (a) acquired brain injury support; (b) oral health capacity building; (c) expanding the supply of affordable housing; and (3) further notes that these lapsing programs have no ongoing funding and will need to cease unless they are re-funded in the next budget. [Notice given on 6 December 2011 — Listed for 3 days]. 234 MR BARBER — To move — That on the next day of meeting, I will introduce a Bill for an Act to amend the Information Privacy Act 2000 in relation to the disclosure of constituents’ personal information by Members of Parliament and their staff and for other purposes. [Notice given on 6 December 2011 — Listed for 3 days]. 235 MS PULFORD — To move — That this House expresses its grave concern about the Government’s failure to prepare adequately for fire risk this coming Summer, and in particular, notes that the — (1) Powerline Bushfire Safety Taskforce report has not yet been released by the BaillieuRyan Government; (2) emergency alert system has not been delivered by the Baillieu-Ryan Government as promised; (3) land buyback scheme fails to live up to the pre-election rhetoric from the Baillieu-Ryan Government or the VBRC recommendation; and 7 February 2012 17 (4) concern of bushfire survivors about the graphic nature of the government advertising campaign about bushfire safety awareness. [Notice given on 6 December 2011 — Listed for 3 days]. 236 MS MIKAKOS — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the decision of the Baillieu Government to axe funding for the Take a Break Occasional Childcare program that supports 9,000 children across Victoria and that has specifically resulted in the closure or imminent closure of occasional childcare programs at — (a) The Basin Community House; (b) Longbeach Place Occasional Childcare; (c) Chelsea Heights Community Centre; (d) Mallacoota Kindergarted; (e) Crib Point Community House; and (f) Baranduda Community Centre; (2) notes that the Baillieu Government’s decision has resulted in the cost-shifting of this important program to local government, and more specifically, that the following Take a Break providers have been given a reprieve by their respective local councils — (a) Godfrey Street Neighbourhood House, Moongala Women’s Community House, City hall Occasional Care, Caulfield South Community House, McKinnon Occasional Care and Murumbeena House Occasional Care Group, supported by Glen Eira City Council; (b) Mahogany Neighbourhood House, supported by Frankston City Council; (c) Katandra West Early Childhood Centre, Colliver Road Children’s Centre, Gowrie Street Preschool and Occasional Care, Tallygaroopna Children’s Centre, Gowrie Park Pre-school, Tatura Community House and Toolamba Preschool, supported by Greater Shepparton City Council; (d) Southport Playhouse, now supported by Port Phillip Council; (e) Duke Street Community Centre now supported by Brimbank City Council; and (f) Chatsworth Kindergarten now supported by Moyne Shire Council; (3) notes that Deans Marsh Community Cottage has been given a reprieve by way of fundraising efforts of the staff and parents affected; (4) notes that the Baillieu Government’s decision has caused other centres to increase their fees in 2012, which may affect the viability of their programs; (5) notes that some Take a Break providers have to fund their own professional indemnity insurance in 2012 as a result of losing state government funding; (6) condemns the Baillieu Government for abandoning Take a Break providers and affected staff and families by refusing to fund this important program, which was fully funded by the Brumby Labor Government in 2010-11; and (7) calls on the Baillieu Government to reverse its heartless decision and reinstate funding to the Take a Break Occasional Childcare program. [Notice given on 6 December 2011 — Listed for 3 days]. 237 MR LENDERS — To move — That this House — (1) notes that during the 2010 Leaders Election Debate, when the current Premier was asked about Parliamentary standards by then ABC journalist Josephine Cafagna, he replied that under his administration “Dorothy Dix” questions would be banned; (2) notes that no changes have been proposed to the Standing Orders of either House to end questions to Ministers from Government Members; (3) notes that in the Legislative Council on 6 December 2011, the Government Whip, Mr David Koch, asked a “Dorothy Dix” question of a Minister sitting next to him that invited 18 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 52 her to praise him and the Government despite the Premier’s pledge to abolish the practice; and (4) calls on Government Members in the Council to honour the spirit and letter of the Premier’s election commitment made to Josephine Cafagna and the Victorian people in November 2010. [Notice given on 7 December 2011 — Listed for 2 days]. 238 MS DARVENIZA — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government for its decision to axe the funding of 12 Living Longer Living Stronger seniors’ strength training programs in Northern Victoria and — (1) notes that the program has been running since 2000 and has benefited approximately 17,000 seniors who participate annually in Centres across the State; (2) expresses dismay at the withdrawal of funding from a program that is cost effective, maintains muscle strength, improves fitness and balance and promotes general well being; and (3) calls on the Baillieu Government to reverse its funding decision, which adversely impacts seniors in Northern Victoria. [Notice given on 7 December 2011 — Listed for 2 days]. 239 MR TEE — To move — That Amendment C86 to the Hobsons Bay Planning Scheme be revoked. [Notice given on 7 December 2011; 8 days remain for resolving]. 240 MS TIERNEY — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government for severely decreasing the educational opportunities of Victorian students by slashing Victoria’s education budget including: (a) cutting $48 million from the VCAL program; (b) cutting 200 teaching and learning coaches, 45 literacy experts and 15 specialists to help Koori students; (c) scrapping the $300 School Start bonus for 100,000 families; (d) cutting the school capital budget by almost half this year; and (e) scrapping the Apprentice Completion Bonus, which supports the employers of 14,000 young apprentices as they complete their training and become qualified tradespeople. [Notice given on 7 December 2011 — Listed for 2 days]. 241 MS TIERNEY — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government for failing to secure the purchase of land in Torquay for the new secondary college, causing concern and uncertainty for Torquay families about where their children will complete their secondary schooling. [Notice given on 7 December 2011 — Listed for 2 days]. 242* MS BROAD — To move — That this House — (1) notes that the Baillieu-Ryan Government has — (a) cut $481 million from the education budget and halved the capital works budget for education; (b) cut $48 million from the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning; (c) refused to honour their promise to make Victorian teachers the highest paid in Australia; and (d) failed to replace the former Labor Government’s plan to rebuild, renovate or refurbish every government school by 2016-17 with any plan at all; Indicates sitting days remaining, including this day, for resolution of motion to be within statutory approval provisions. 7 February 2012 19 calls on the Government to recognise that — (a) the Ouyen Community agreed to merge their primary and secondary schools to form a P-12 college on one campus with new buildings to support better teaching and learning in the belief that a commitment by the Government of the day was something they could rely on in accordance with long standing conventions; (b) Stage 1 funded by the former Labor Government is due to be completed by February 2012; (c) unless the second and final stage is funded the community will be left with a new campus separated by the Sunraysia Highway and a railway line from an old campus, which consists of substandard buildings riddled with white ants, leaving the Principal, students and staff to travel between campuses; and (d) the College Council is extremely concerned that it is only a matter of time before someone is badly injured or worse, and feel they have been abandoned by the Government; and (3) urges the Baillieu-Ryan Government to fund Stage 2 of Ouyen P-12 College in the 2012-13 Budget. [Notice given on 8 December 2011 — Listed for 1 day]. (2) 243* MR LENDERS — To move — That this House — (1) notes that the Minister for Health evaded questions before the most recent Estimates Hearing held by the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee when asked why the Department of Health had to spend money on structural strengthening of the floor of his ministerial office to support an extra-large security storage facility; (2) notes that the Minister for Health has failed to meet a number of key election promises on providing data to the community on the performance of the health system; and (3) calls on the Minister for Health to abandon what appears to be a policy of State secrecy and honour his promise prior to the election of openness, transparency and accountability in the administration of the health system. [Notice given on 8 December 2011 — Listed for 1 day]. 244* MS PENNICUIK — To move — That, pursuant to section 16 of the Ombudsman Act 1973, this House requires the Ombudsman to investigate and report on the reported events of the morning of 5 December 2011 of a young woman, identified as an Occupy Melbourne protestor, having had the small tent she was wearing as a protest outfit forcibly removed from her by members of Victoria Police and Melbourne City Council officers, including with use of a knife to cut the outfit, leaving her dressed in only her underwear in a public place. [Notice given on 8 December 2011 — Listed for 1 day]. 245* MR LENDERS — To move — That this House — (1) notes that the Liberal Party first committed to a railway station at Monash University on 30 September 1958 and has done so on several occasions since, the most recent of which was in the 2010 election campaign; (2) notes that the Liberal Party during the Thompson and Kennett Governments closed down large sections of the existing rail network; (3) notes that the Liberal and National Parties, when in opposition, were critical of the establishment of Regional Fast Rail networks but have since demanded more services on those lines; and (4) calls on the Baillieu-Ryan Government to produce a comprehensive and funded transport plan that both honours the Government’s multiple infrastructure promises and outlines which of the existing priorities of the Victorian Transport Plan they will replace. [Notice given on 8 December 2011 — Listed for 1 day]. 20 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 52 246* MR LENDERS — To move — That this House — (1) notes that the Baillieu-Ryan Government has increased public transport ticket prices by 5% above CPI without extending the services outlined in the Victorian Transport Plan; and (2) notes that despite his constant criticism of the myki ticketing system, the Minister for Public Transport in his media release of 6 December 2011 urged commuters to switch to myki to take advantage of the cheaper fares myki offers. [Notice given on 8 December 2011 — Listed for 1 day]. ORDERS OF THE DAY 1 CHELSEA HEIGHTS COMMUNITY TAKE A BREAK OCCASIONAL CHILD CARE CENTRE — MINISTER’S ANSWERS TO A QUESTION AND SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTION WITHOUT NOTICE, 31 AUGUST 2011 — To be considered. [Listed for 20 days]. 2 PUBLIC HOUSING — MINISTER’S ANSWERS TO A QUESTION AND SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTION WITHOUT NOTICE, 13 SEPTEMBER 2011 — To be considered. [Listed for 18 days]. 3 HIGH STREET PRESTON PUBLIC HOUSING — MINISTER’S ANSWERS TO A QUESTION AND SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTION WITHOUT NOTICE, 13 SEPTEMBER 2011 — To be considered. [Listed for 18 days]. 4 ROOMING HOUSE SAFETY — MINISTER’S ANSWERS TO A QUESTION AND SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTION WITHOUT NOTICE, 13 SEPTEMBER 2011 — To be considered. [Listed for 18 days]. 5 HOUSING WEEK CELEBRATIONS — MINISTER’S ANSWERS TO A QUESTION AND SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTION WITHOUT NOTICE, 13 SEPTEMBER 2011 — To be considered. [Listed for 18 days]. 6 PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS — ONLINE SENTENCING SURVEY — LETTER FROM, ATTORNEY-GENERAL, 9 SEPTEMBER 2011 AND RELATED DOCUMENT — To be considered. [Listed for 17 days]. 7 PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS — NETWORK REVENUE PROTECTION PLAN — LETTER FROM MINISTER FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORT, 12 SEPTEMBER 2011 AND RELATED DOCUMENT — To be considered. [Listed for 17 days]. 8 GREEN WEDGES DEVELOPMENT — PETITION — To be considered. [Listed for 14 days]. 9 MYKI MANUAL — REFERRAL TO SCRUTINY OF ACTS AND REGULATIONS COMMITTEE — Motion requiring Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee to inquire into, consider and report on the Victorian Fares and Ticketing Manual (myki) (Mr Barber) — Resumption of debate (Mr O’Donohue). [Listed for 15 days]. 7 February 2012 21 10 REGISTER OF MEMBERS INTERESTS DECLARATION — MINISTER’S ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE, 13 OCTOBER 2011 — To be considered. [Listed for 13 days]. 11 PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS — CARBON PRICING IMPACTS ON EMPLOYMENT — LETTER FROM PREMIER, 11 OCTOBER 2011 AND RELATED DOCUMENTS — To be considered. [Listed for 13 days]. 12 PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS — MYKI TICKETING SYSTEM — LETTER FROM TREASURER, 11 OCTOBER 2011 — To be considered. [Listed for 12 days]. 13 YOUNG VICTORIAN ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS — Motion expressing concern at Government’s failure to support programs — (Ms Mikakos) — Resumption of debate (Mr Drum). [Listed for 15 days]. 14 PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS — NEW STREET, BRIGHTON RAILWAY CROSSING — LETTER FROM MINISTER FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORT, 5 NOVEMBER 2011 — To be considered. [Listed for 9 days]. 15 GROWTH CORRIDOR STRATEGY — MINISTER’S ANSWERS TO A QUESTION AND SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTION WITHOUT NOTICE, 9 NOVEMBER 2011 — To be considered. [Listed for 8 days]. 16 TAKE A BREAK OCCASIONAL CHILD CARE PROGRAM — MINISTER’S ANSWERS TO A QUESTION AND SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTION WITHOUT NOTICE, 10 NOVEMBER 2011 — To be considered. [Listed for 7 days]. 17 ANGLESEA BROWN COAL MINE — PETITION — To be considered. [Listed for 6 days]. 18 VICTORIA PLANNING PROVISIONS AMENDMENT VC83 — Notice of Approval to the Victoria Planning Provisions Amendment VC83 — To be considered. [Listed for 5 days]. 19 MINISTER FOR CHILDREN AND EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CORRESPONDENCE TO TAKE A BREAK PETITIONERS — MINISTER’S ANSWERS TO A QUESTION AND SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTION WITHOUT NOTICE, 23 NOVEMBER 2011 — To be considered. [Listed for 5 days]. 20 MARRIAGE EQUALITY — Motion supporting and calling for amendment to Commonwealth Marriage Act — Resumption of debate (Ms Pennicuik). [Listed for 5 days]. 21 VICTORIAN FAMILIES STATEMENT 2011 — Motion noting failure of Government to conclude debate and expressing concern at effect of funding cuts on families — (Mr Lenders) — Resumption of debate. [Listed for 5 days]. 22 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 52 22 PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS — GRANT THORNTON REPORT ON EDUCATING YEAR PREP TO 12 STUDENTS WITH AN AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER, AUGUST 2011.— To be considered. [Listed for 3 days]. 23 ACCIDENT COMPENSATION AMENDMENT (FAIR PROTECTION FOR FIREFIGHTERS) BILL 2011 — (Ms Hartland) — Second reading. 24* VICTORIAN MANUFACTURING SECTOR — MINISTER’S ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE, 8 DECEMBER 2011 — To be considered. [Listed for 1 day]. BILL REFERRED COMMITTEE 1 TO ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING LEGISLATION ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AMENDMENT (BEVERAGE CONTAINER DEPOSIT AND RECOVERY SCHEME) BILL 2011 — (Ms Hartland) — Referred on 30 August 2011. * * * * * WEDNESDAY, 8 FEBRUARY 2012 STATEMENTS ON REPORTS AND PAPERS [Pursuant to Standing Order 9.10] 1 Auditor-General’s Report on Managing Contaminated Sites, December 2011 (Ms Hartland). 2* Ombudsman’s Report on the Investigation into ICT-enabled projects, November 2011 (Mr Ondarchie, Mrs Coote and Ms Crozier). 3* Ombudsman’s Report on the Investigation into the Foodbowl Modernisation Project and related matters, November 2011 (Mrs Petrovich). 4* Auditor-General’s Report on Managing Contaminated Sites, December 2011 (Mr Elsbury). 5* Office of Police Integrity’s Report under section 30L of the Surveillance Devices Act 1999, 2010-11 (Ms Pennicuik). 6* Attorney-General’s Report on the operation of the Freedom of Information Act 1982, 2010-11 (Ms Broad). WAYNE TUNNECLIFFE Clerk of the Legislative Council BRUCE ATKINSON President 7 February 2012 23 DAY AND HOUR OF MEETING Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday — — — — 2.00 p.m. 9.30 a.m. 9.30 a.m. 9.30 a.m. ROUTINE OF BUSINESS TUESDAY Messages Questions Answers to Questions on Notice Formal Business Members’ Statements (up to 15 Members) Government Business Adjournment (up to 20 Members) WEDNESDAY Messages Formal Business Members’ Statements (up to 15 Members) General Business At 12 noon Questions Answers to Questions on Notice General Business (continues) At 5.30 p.m. Statements on reports and papers (60 minutes) At 6.30 p.m. Adjournment (up to 20 Members) (if a Standing or Select Committee is meeting) At 8.00 p.m. Standing or Select Committees (if meeting) OR General Business OR Government Business (if Committees not meeting) At 10.00 p.m. Adjournment (up to 20 Members) (if Committees not meeting) THURSDAY Messages Formal Business Members’ Statements (up to 15 Members) Government Business At 12 noon Questions Answers to Questions on Notice Government Business (continues) Adjournment (up to 20 Members) FRIDAY Messages Formal Business Government Business At 12 noon Questions Answers to Questions on Notice Government Business (continues) Adjournment (maximum 30 minutes) Note: Unless otherwise ordered, the Adjournment of the House will be moved automatically at 10.00 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, or at 6.30 p.m. on Wednesday if a Standing or Select Committee is meeting, and at 4.00 p.m. on Friday. 24 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 52 DEPUTY PRESIDENT AND ACTING PRESIDENTS DEPUTY PRESIDENT — Mr Viney. ACTING PRESIDENTS — Ms Crozier, Mr Eideh, Mr Elasmar, Mr Finn, Mr O’Brien, Ms Pennicuik, Mr Ramsay and Mr Tarlamis. * * * * COMMITTEES DISPUTE RESOLUTION COMMITTEE — Mr D.M. Davis, Mr Hall, Mr Lenders, Ms Lovell and Ms Pennicuik. DRUGS AND CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE (JOINT) — Mr Leane, Mr Scheffer and Mr Ramsay. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE — Mrs Peulich. ECONOMY AND INFRASTRUCTURE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE — Mr Barber, Ms Broad, Mrs Coote, Ms Crozier (Participating member), Mr Drum, Mr Finn, Ms Pulford, Mr Ondarchie (Participating member), Mr Ramsay and Mr Somyurek. ECONOMY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REFERENCES COMMITTEE — Mr Barber, Ms Broad, Mrs Coote, Ms Crozier (Participating member), Mr Drum, Mr Finn, Mr Ondarchie (Participating member), Ms Pulford, Mr Ramsay and Mr Somyurek. EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMMITTEE (JOINT) — Mr Elasmar and Ms Tierney. ELECTORAL MATTERS COMMITTEE (JOINT) — Mr Finn, Mr Somyurek and Mr Tarlamis. ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE — Mr Koch. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING LEGISLATION COMMITTEE — Mr Elsbury, Mr Finn (Participating member), Ms Hartland (Participating member), Mrs Kronberg, Mr Ondarchie, Ms Pennicuik, Mrs Petrovich (Participating member), Mrs Peulich, Mr Scheffer, Mr Tarlamis (Participating member), Mr Tee and Ms Tierney. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING REFERENCES COMMITTEE — Mr Elsbury, Mr Finn (Participating member), Ms Hartland (Participating member), Mrs Kronberg, Mr Ondarchie, Ms Pennicuik, Mrs Petrovich (Participating member), Mrs Peulich, Mr Scheffer, Mr Tee and Ms Tierney. FAMILY AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (JOINT) — Mrs Coote and Ms Crozier. HOUSE COMMITTEE — Mr Drum, Mr Eideh, Mr Finn, Ms Hartland and Mr P.R. Davis. LAW REFORM COMMITTEE — Mrs Petrovich. LEGAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES LEGISLATION COMMITTEE — Ms Crozier, Mr Elasmar, Mr Elsbury (Participating member), Ms Hartland, Ms Mikakos, Mr O’Brien, Mr O’Donohue, Mrs Petrovich, Mr Ramsay (Participating member) and Mr Viney. LEGAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES REFERENCES COMMITTEE — Ms Crozier, Mr Elasmar, Mr Elsbury (Participating member), Ms Hartland, Ms Mikakos, Mr O’Brien, Mr O’Donohue, Mrs Petrovich, Mr Ramsay (Participating member) and Mr Viney. OUTER SUBURBAN/INTERFACE SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (JOINT) — Mrs Kronberg and Mr Ondarchie. PRIVILEGES COMMITTEE — Ms Darveniza, Mr D.M. Davis, Mr P.R. Davis, Mr Hall, Ms Lovell, Ms Pennicuik and Mr Scheffer. PROCEDURE COMMITTEE — The President, Mr Dalla-Riva, Mr D.M. Davis, Mr Hall, Mr Lenders, Ms Pennicuik and Mr Viney. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS AND ESTIMATES COMMITTEE (JOINT) — Mr P.R. Davis, Mr O’Brien and Mr Pakula. ROAD SAFETY COMMITTEE — Mr Elsbury. RURAL AND REGIONAL COMMITTEE — Mr Drum. SCRUTINY OF ACTS AND REGULATIONS COMMITTEE (JOINT) — Mr O’Donohue and Mr O’Brien. 7 February 2012 25 QUESTIONS ON NOTICE Questions appearing for the first time and a list of all other questions remaining unanswered will appear in each edition of the Notice Paper. All unanswered questions will be reprinted and circulated separately towards the end of each sitting month. The provisions of Standing Order 8.11 [the "30 day rule"] apply in relation to answers to questions on notice. Notice Paper No. Notice received Questions remaining unanswered 5 1 March 2011 Nos. 108, 124, 126 and 133. 6 2 March 2011 Nos. 139 and 140. 7 3 March 2011 Nos. 156 and 161. 8 22 March 2011 Nos. 167, 170, 172, 173 and 175. 10 24 March 2011 Nos. 217, 222 and 235. 11 5 April 2011 Nos. 336, 337, 340, 348, 349, 353, 354, 363, 364, 365, 366, 373, 376, 377, 380, 389, 390, 392, 393, 402, 404, 405, 407, 414, 416, 417, 420, 430, 433, 435, 436, 447, 448, 449, 450, 461, 462, 463, 466, 475, 479, 480, 481, 493, 494 and 495. 12 6 April 2011 Nos. 599, 605, 606 and 607. 14 3 May 2011 Nos. 6211, 630, 635, 636, 637, 643, 644, 670, 674 and 675. 16 5 May 2011 No. 6772. 17 24 May 2011 Nos. 683, 688, 692, 705, 710, 711 and 714. 19 26 May 2011 Nos. 718, 728, 729, 731, 733, 735, 741, 747, 752, 755, 757 and 761. 22 2 June 2011 No. 791. 23 14 June 2011 Nos. 794, 795, 796, 798 and 799. 1 2 342, 355, 367, 381, 394, 408, 423, 439, 451, 468, 483, Question 621 reinstated by order of the President on 13 September 2011. Part 1 of Question 677 reinstated by order of the President on 12 October 2011. 343, 357, 368, 382, 395, 410, 424, 440, 454, 469, 484, 345, 358, 369, 383, 396, 411, 427, 441, 457, 471, 487, 346, 360, 370, 384, 400, 412, 428, 442, 458, 472, 490, 347, 361, 371, 387, 401, 413, 429, 446, 460, 474, 491, 26 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 52 25 16 June 2011 Nos. 848, 849, 850, 851 and 853. 26 28 June 2011 Nos. 884, 887, 951, 963, 970, 973, 980, 981, 996, 999, 1012, 1017, 1026, 1027, 1029, 1030, 1033 and 1035. 27 29 June 2011 Nos. 1085, 1091, 1107, 1123, 1139, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1321, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1331, 1332, 1333, 1334, 1335, 1336, 1337, 1338, 1339, 1340, 1341, 1342, 1343, 1344, 1345, 1346, 1347, 1348, 1349, 1350, 1351, 1352, 1353, 1354, 1355, 1356, 1357, 1358, 1359, 1360, 1361, 1362, 1363, 1364, 1365, 1366 and 1367. 28 30 June 2011 Nos. 2268, 2279, 2299 and 2320. 29 16 August 2011 Nos. 2429, 2430, 2431, 2486, 2487, 2541, 2542, 2680, 2703, 2741, 2777, 2842, 2843, 2844, 2845, 2849, 2850, 2851, 2852, 2856, 2857, 2858, 2859, 2863, 2864, 2865, 2866, 2870, 2871, 2872, 2873, 2877, 2878, 2879, 2880, 2884, 2885, 2886, 2887, 2891, 2892, 2893, 2894, 2898, 2899, 2900, 2901, 2905, 2906, 2907, 2908, 2912, 2913, 2914, 2915, 2919, 2920, 2921, 2922, 2926, 2927, 2928, 2929, 2933 and 2934. 30 17 August 2011 Nos. 3050, 3051, 3052, 3053, 3054, 3055, 3056, 3057, 3058, 3059, 3060, 3061, 3062, 3063, 3064, 3065, 3066, 3067, 3068, 3069, 3070, 3071, 3072, 3073, 3074, 3075, 3076, 3077, 3078, 3079, 3080, 3081, 3082, 3083, 3084, 3085, 3086, 3087, 3088, 3089, 3090, 3091, 3092, 3093, 3094, 3095, 3096, 3097, 3098, 3099, 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, 3105, 3106, 3107, 3108, 3109, 3110, 3111, 3112, 3113, 3114, 3115, 3116, 3117, 3118, 3119, 3120, 3121, 3122, 3123, 3124, 3125, 3126, 3127, 3128, 3129, 3130, 3131, 3132, 3133, 3134, 3135, 3136, 3137, 3138, 3139, 3140, 3141, 3142, 3143, 3144 and 3145. 31 18 August 2011 Nos. 3243, 3255, 3266, 3267, 3268, 3273, 3274, 3275, 3376, 3377, 3378, 3262, 3269, 3372, 3379, 2444, 2623, 2839, 2846, 2853, 2860, 2867, 2874, 2881, 2888, 2895, 2902, 2909, 2916, 2923, 2930, 3263, 3270, 3373, 3380, 2462, 2658, 2840, 2847, 2854, 2861, 2868, 2875, 2882, 2889, 2896, 2903, 2910, 2917, 2924, 2931, 3264, 3271, 3374, 3381, 2485, 2659, 2841, 2848, 2855, 2862, 2869, 2876, 2883, 2890, 2897, 2904, 2911, 2918, 2925, 2932, 3265, 3272, 3375, 3382, 7 February 2012 32 27 30 August 2011 3383, 3384, 3385, 3386, 3390, 3391, 3392, 3393, 3397, 3398, 3399, 3400, 3404, 3405, 3406, 3407, 3411, 3412, 3413, 3414, 3418, 3419, 3420, 3421, 3425, 3426, 3427, 3428, 3432, 3433, 3434, 3435, 3439, 3440, 3441, 3442, 3446, 3447, 3448, 3449, 3453, 3454, 3455, 3456, 3460, 3461, 3462, 3463, 3467, 3564 and 3566. 3387, 3394, 3401, 3408, 3415, 3422, 3429, 3436, 3443, 3450, 3457, 3464, 3388, 3395, 3402, 3409, 3416, 3423, 3430, 3437, 3444, 3451, 3458, 3465, 3389, 3396, 3403, 3410, 3417, 3424, 3431, 3438, 3445, 3452, 3459, 3466, Nos. 3578, 3579, 3581, 3585, 3586, 3587, 3588, 3592, 3593, 3594, 3595, 3599, 3600, 3601, 3602, 3606, 3607, 3608, 3609, 3613, 3614, 3615, 3616, 3620, 3621, 3622, 3623, 3627, 3628, 3629, 3630, 3634, 3635, 3636, 3637, 3641, 3642, 3643, 3644, 3648, 3649, 3650, 3651, 3655, 3656, 3657, 3658, 3662, 3663, 3664, 3665, 3669, 3670, 3671, 3672, 3676, 3677, 3678, 3679, 3683, 3684, 3685, 3686, 3690, 3691, 3692, 3693, 3697, 3698, 3699, 3700, 3704, 3705, 3706, 3707, 3711, 3712, 3713, 3714, 3718, 3719, 3720, 3721, 3725, 3726, 3727, 3728, 3732, 3733, 3734, 3735, 3739, 3740, 3741, 3742, 3746, 3747, 3748, 3749, 3753, 3754, 3755, 3756, 3760, 3761, 3762, 3763, 3767, 3768, 3769, 3770, 3774, 3775, 3776, 3777, 3781, 3782, 3783, 3784, 3788, 3789, 3790, 3791, 3795, 3796, 3797, 3798, 3802, 3803, 3804, 3805, 3809, 3810, 3811, 3812, 3816, 3817, 3818, 3819, 3823, 3824, 3825, 3826, 3830, 3831, 3832, 3833, 3837, 3838, 3839, 3840, 3844, 3845, 3846, 3847, 3851, 3852, 3853, 3854, 3858, 3859, 3860, 3861, 3865, 3866, 3867, 3868, 3872, 3873, 3874, 3875, 3582, 3589, 3596, 3603, 3610, 3617, 3624, 3631, 3638, 3645, 3652, 3659, 3666, 3673, 3680, 3687, 3694, 3701, 3708, 3715, 3722, 3729, 3736, 3743, 3750, 3757, 3764, 3771, 3778, 3785, 3792, 3799, 3806, 3813, 3820, 3827, 3834, 3841, 3848, 3855, 3862, 3869, 3876, 3583, 3590, 3597, 3604, 3611, 3618, 3625, 3632, 3639, 3646, 3653, 3660, 3667, 3674, 3681, 3688, 3695, 3702, 3709, 3716, 3723, 3730, 3737, 3744, 3751, 3758, 3765, 3772, 3779, 3786, 3793, 3800, 3807, 3814, 3821, 3828, 3835, 3842, 3849, 3856, 3863, 3870, 3877, 3584, 3591, 3598, 3605, 3612, 3619, 3626, 3633, 3640, 3647, 3654, 3661, 3668, 3675, 3682, 3689, 3696, 3703, 3710, 3717, 3724, 3731, 3738, 3745, 3752, 3759, 3766, 3773, 3780, 3787, 3794, 3801, 3808, 3815, 3822, 3829, 3836, 3843, 3850, 3857, 3864, 3871, 3878, 28 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 52 3879, 3880, 3881, 3886, 3887, 3888, 3893, 3894, 3895, 3900, 3901, 3902, 3907, 3908, 3909, 3914, 3915, 3916, 3921, 3922, 3923, 3928, 3929, 3930, 3935, 3936, 3937, 3942, 3943, 3944, 3949, 3950, 3951, 3956, 3957, 3958, 3963, 3964, 3965, 3970, 3971, 3972, 3977, 3978, 3979, 3984, 3985, 3986, 3991, 3992, 3993, 3998, 3999, 4000, 4005, 4006, 4007, 4012, 4013, 4014, 4027, 4034, 4040, 4064 and 4066. 3882, 3889, 3896, 3903, 3910, 3917, 3924, 3931, 3938, 3945, 3952, 3959, 3966, 3973, 3980, 3987, 3994, 4001, 4008, 4016, 4057, 3883, 3890, 3897, 3904, 3911, 3918, 3925, 3932, 3939, 3946, 3953, 3960, 3967, 3974, 3981, 3988, 3995, 4002, 4009, 4021, 4060, 3884, 3891, 3898, 3905, 3912, 3919, 3926, 3933, 3940, 3947, 3954, 3961, 3968, 3975, 3982, 3989, 3996, 4003, 4010, 4024, 4061, 3885, 3892, 3899, 3906, 3913, 3920, 3927, 3934, 3941, 3948, 3955, 3962, 3969, 3976, 3983, 3990, 3997, 4004, 4011, 4026, 4062, 33 31 August 2011 No. 4262. 34 1 September 2011 Nos. 4359, 4360, 4361, 4362, 4363, 4364, 4365, 4366, 4367, 4368, 4369, 4370, 4371, 4372, 4373, 4374, 4375, 4376, 4377, 4378, 4379, 4380, 4381, 4382, 4383, 4384, 4385, 4386, 4387, 4388, 4389, 4390, 4391, 4392, 4393, 4394, 4395, 4396, 4397, 4398, 4399, 4400, 4401, 4402, 4403, 4404, 4405, 4406, 4407, 4408, 4409, 4410, 4411, 4412, 4413, 4414, 4415, 4416, 4417, 4418, 4419, 4420, 4421, 4422, 4423, 4424, 4425, 4426, 4427, 4428, 4429, 4430, 4431, 4432, 4433, 4434, 4435, 4436, 4437, 4438, 4439, 4440, 4441, 4442, 4443, 4444, 4445, 4446, 4447, 4448, 4449, 4450, 4451, 4452, 4453, 4454, 4455 and 4499. 35 13 September 2011 Nos. 4582, 4583, 4584, 4585, 4586, 4587, 4588, 4589, 4590, 4591, 4592, 4593, 4594, 4595, 4596, 4597, 4598, 4599, 4600, 4601, 4602, 4603, 4604, 4605, 4606, 4607, 4608, 4609, 4610, 4611, 4612, 4613 and 4614. 36 14 September 2011 Nos. 4724 and 4822. 38 11 October 2011 Nos. 5304, 5305, 5306, 5310, 5311, 5312, 5313, 5317, 5318, 5319, 5320, 5324, 5325, 5326, 5327, 5331, 5332, 5333, 5334, 5338, 5339, 5340, 5341, 5307, 5314, 5321, 5328, 5335, 5342, 5308, 5315, 5322, 5329, 5336, 5343, 5309, 5316, 5323, 5330, 5337, 5344, 7 February 2012 29 5345, 5352, 5359, 5366, 5373, 5380, 5387, 5394, 5401, 5408, 5415, 5422, 5429, 5436, 5443, 5450, 5457, 5464, 5471, 5478, 5485, 5492, 5499, 5506, 5513, 5520, 5527, 5534, 5541, 5548, 5555, 5562, 5569, 5576, 5583, 5590, 5597, 5604, 5611, 5618, 5625, 5632, 5639, 5646, 5653, 5660, 5667, 5674, 5681, 6168, 6175, 6182, 6189, 6196, 6203, 6210, 6217, 5346, 5353, 5360, 5367, 5374, 5381, 5388, 5395, 5402, 5409, 5416, 5423, 5430, 5437, 5444, 5451, 5458, 5465, 5472, 5479, 5486, 5493, 5500, 5507, 5514, 5521, 5528, 5535, 5542, 5549, 5556, 5563, 5570, 5577, 5584, 5591, 5598, 5605, 5612, 5619, 5626, 5633, 5640, 5647, 5654, 5661, 5668, 5675, 5682, 6169, 6176, 6183, 6190, 6197, 6204, 6211, 6218, 5347, 5354, 5361, 5368, 5375, 5382, 5389, 5396, 5403, 5410, 5417, 5424, 5431, 5438, 5445, 5452, 5459, 5466, 5473, 5480, 5487, 5494, 5501, 5508, 5515, 5522, 5529, 5536, 5543, 5550, 5557, 5564, 5571, 5578, 5585, 5592, 5599, 5606, 5613, 5620, 5627, 5634, 5641, 5648, 5655, 5662, 5669, 5676, 5683, 6170, 6177, 6184, 6191, 6198, 6205, 6212, 6219, 5348, 5355, 5362, 5369, 5376, 5383, 5390, 5397, 5404, 5411, 5418, 5425, 5432, 5439, 5446, 5453, 5460, 5467, 5474, 5481, 5488, 5495, 5502, 5509, 5516, 5523, 5530, 5537, 5544, 5551, 5558, 5565, 5572, 5579, 5586, 5593, 5600, 5607, 5614, 5621, 5628, 5635, 5642, 5649, 5656, 5663, 5670, 5677, 5684, 6171, 6178, 6185, 6192, 6199, 6206, 6213, 6220, 5349, 5356, 5363, 5370, 5377, 5384, 5391, 5398, 5405, 5412, 5419, 5426, 5433, 5440, 5447, 5454, 5461, 5468, 5475, 5482, 5489, 5496, 5503, 5510, 5517, 5524, 5531, 5538, 5545, 5552, 5559, 5566, 5573, 5580, 5587, 5594, 5601, 5608, 5615, 5622, 5629, 5636, 5643, 5650, 5657, 5664, 5671, 5678, 5685, 6172, 6179, 6186, 6193, 6200, 6207, 6214, 6221, 5350, 5357, 5364, 5371, 5378, 5385, 5392, 5399, 5406, 5413, 5420, 5427, 5434, 5441, 5448, 5455, 5462, 5469, 5476, 5483, 5490, 5497, 5504, 5511, 5518, 5525, 5532, 5539, 5546, 5553, 5560, 5567, 5574, 5581, 5588, 5595, 5602, 5609, 5616, 5623, 5630, 5637, 5644, 5651, 5658, 5665, 5672, 5679, 5686, 6173, 6180, 6187, 6194, 6201, 6208, 6215, 6222, 5351, 5358, 5365, 5372, 5379, 5386, 5393, 5400, 5407, 5414, 5421, 5428, 5435, 5442, 5449, 5456, 5463, 5470, 5477, 5484, 5491, 5498, 5505, 5512, 5519, 5526, 5533, 5540, 5547, 5554, 5561, 5568, 5575, 5582, 5589, 5596, 5603, 5610, 5617, 5624, 5631, 5638, 5645, 5652, 5659, 5666, 5673, 5680, 5687, 6174, 6181, 6188, 6195, 6202, 6209, 6216, 6223, 30 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 52 6224, 6231, 6238, 6245, 6252, 6259, 6266, 6273, 6280, 6287, 6294, 6301, 6308, 6315, 6322, 6329, 6336, 6343, 6350, 6357, 6364, 6371, 6378, 6385, 6392, 6399, 6406, 6413, 6420, 6427, 6434, 6441, 6448, 6455, 6462, 6469, 6476, 6483, 6490, 6497, 6504, 6511, 6518, 6525, 6532, 6539, 6546, 6553, 6560, 6567, 6574, 6581, 6588, 6595, 6602, 6609, 6616, 6225, 6232, 6239, 6246, 6253, 6260, 6267, 6274, 6281, 6288, 6295, 6302, 6309, 6316, 6323, 6330, 6337, 6344, 6351, 6358, 6365, 6372, 6379, 6386, 6393, 6400, 6407, 6414, 6421, 6428, 6435, 6442, 6449, 6456, 6463, 6470, 6477, 6484, 6491, 6498, 6505, 6512, 6519, 6526, 6533, 6540, 6547, 6554, 6561, 6568, 6575, 6582, 6589, 6596, 6603, 6610, 6617, 6226, 6233, 6240, 6247, 6254, 6261, 6268, 6275, 6282, 6289, 6296, 6303, 6310, 6317, 6324, 6331, 6338, 6345, 6352, 6359, 6366, 6373, 6380, 6387, 6394, 6401, 6408, 6415, 6422, 6429, 6436, 6443, 6450, 6457, 6464, 6471, 6478, 6485, 6492, 6499, 6506, 6513, 6520, 6527, 6534, 6541, 6548, 6555, 6562, 6569, 6576, 6583, 6590, 6597, 6604, 6611, 6618, 6227, 6234, 6241, 6248, 6255, 6262, 6269, 6276, 6283, 6290, 6297, 6304, 6311, 6318, 6325, 6332, 6339, 6346, 6353, 6360, 6367, 6374, 6381, 6388, 6395, 6402, 6409, 6416, 6423, 6430, 6437, 6444, 6451, 6458, 6465, 6472, 6479, 6486, 6493, 6500, 6507, 6514, 6521, 6528, 6535, 6542, 6549, 6556, 6563, 6570, 6577, 6584, 6591, 6598, 6605, 6612, 6619, 6228, 6235, 6242, 6249, 6256, 6263, 6270, 6277, 6284, 6291, 6298, 6305, 6312, 6319, 6326, 6333, 6340, 6347, 6354, 6361, 6368, 6375, 6382, 6389, 6396, 6403, 6410, 6417, 6424, 6431, 6438, 6445, 6452, 6459, 6466, 6473, 6480, 6487, 6494, 6501, 6508, 6515, 6522, 6529, 6536, 6543, 6550, 6557, 6564, 6571, 6578, 6585, 6592, 6599, 6606, 6613, 6620, 6229, 6236, 6243, 6250, 6257, 6264, 6271, 6278, 6285, 6292, 6299, 6306, 6313, 6320, 6327, 6334, 6341, 6348, 6355, 6362, 6369, 6376, 6383, 6390, 6397, 6404, 6411, 6418, 6425, 6432, 6439, 6446, 6453, 6460, 6467, 6474, 6481, 6488, 6495, 6502, 6509, 6516, 6523, 6530, 6537, 6544, 6551, 6558, 6565, 6572, 6579, 6586, 6593, 6600, 6607, 6614, 6621, 6230, 6237, 6244, 6251, 6258, 6265, 6272, 6279, 6286, 6293, 6300, 6307, 6314, 6321, 6328, 6335, 6342, 6349, 6356, 6363, 6370, 6377, 6384, 6391, 6398, 6405, 6412, 6419, 6426, 6433, 6440, 6447, 6454, 6461, 6468, 6475, 6482, 6489, 6496, 6503, 6510, 6517, 6524, 6531, 6538, 6545, 6552, 6559, 6566, 6573, 6580, 6587, 6594, 6601, 6608, 6615, 6622, 7 February 2012 31 6623, 6630, 6637, 6644, 6651, 6658, 6665, 6672, 6679, 6686, 6693, 6700, 6707, 6714, 6721, 6728, 6735, 6742, 6749, 6756, 6763, 6770, 6777, 6784, 6791, 6798, 6805, 6812, 6819, 6826, 6833, 6840, 6847, 6854, 6861, 6868, 6875, 6882, 6889, 6896, 6903, 6910, 6917, 6924, 6931, 6938, 6945, 6952, 6959, 6966, 6973, 6980, 6987, 6994, 7001, 7008, 7015, 6624, 6631, 6638, 6645, 6652, 6659, 6666, 6673, 6680, 6687, 6694, 6701, 6708, 6715, 6722, 6729, 6736, 6743, 6750, 6757, 6764, 6771, 6778, 6785, 6792, 6799, 6806, 6813, 6820, 6827, 6834, 6841, 6848, 6855, 6862, 6869, 6876, 6883, 6890, 6897, 6904, 6911, 6918, 6925, 6932, 6939, 6946, 6953, 6960, 6967, 6974, 6981, 6988, 6995, 7002, 7009, 7016, 6625, 6632, 6639, 6646, 6653, 6660, 6667, 6674, 6681, 6688, 6695, 6702, 6709, 6716, 6723, 6730, 6737, 6744, 6751, 6758, 6765, 6772, 6779, 6786, 6793, 6800, 6807, 6814, 6821, 6828, 6835, 6842, 6849, 6856, 6863, 6870, 6877, 6884, 6891, 6898, 6905, 6912, 6919, 6926, 6933, 6940, 6947, 6954, 6961, 6968, 6975, 6982, 6989, 6996, 7003, 7010, 7017, 6626, 6633, 6640, 6647, 6654, 6661, 6668, 6675, 6682, 6689, 6696, 6703, 6710, 6717, 6724, 6731, 6738, 6745, 6752, 6759, 6766, 6773, 6780, 6787, 6794, 6801, 6808, 6815, 6822, 6829, 6836, 6843, 6850, 6857, 6864, 6871, 6878, 6885, 6892, 6899, 6906, 6913, 6920, 6927, 6934, 6941, 6948, 6955, 6962, 6969, 6976, 6983, 6990, 6997, 7004, 7011, 7018, 6627, 6634, 6641, 6648, 6655, 6662, 6669, 6676, 6683, 6690, 6697, 6704, 6711, 6718, 6725, 6732, 6739, 6746, 6753, 6760, 6767, 6774, 6781, 6788, 6795, 6802, 6809, 6816, 6823, 6830, 6837, 6844, 6851, 6858, 6865, 6872, 6879, 6886, 6893, 6900, 6907, 6914, 6921, 6928, 6935, 6942, 6949, 6956, 6963, 6970, 6977, 6984, 6991, 6998, 7005, 7012, 7019, 6628, 6635, 6642, 6649, 6656, 6663, 6670, 6677, 6684, 6691, 6698, 6705, 6712, 6719, 6726, 6733, 6740, 6747, 6754, 6761, 6768, 6775, 6782, 6789, 6796, 6803, 6810, 6817, 6824, 6831, 6838, 6845, 6852, 6859, 6866, 6873, 6880, 6887, 6894, 6901, 6908, 6915, 6922, 6929, 6936, 6943, 6950, 6957, 6964, 6971, 6978, 6985, 6992, 6999, 7006, 7013, 7020, 6629, 6636, 6643, 6650, 6657, 6664, 6671, 6678, 6685, 6692, 6699, 6706, 6713, 6720, 6727, 6734, 6741, 6748, 6755, 6762, 6769, 6776, 6783, 6790, 6797, 6804, 6811, 6818, 6825, 6832, 6839, 6846, 6853, 6860, 6867, 6874, 6881, 6888, 6895, 6902, 6909, 6916, 6923, 6930, 6937, 6944, 6951, 6958, 6965, 6972, 6979, 6986, 6993, 7000, 7007, 7014, 7021, 32 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 52 7022, 7029, 7036, 7043, 7050, 7057, 7064, 7071, 7078, 7085, 7092, 7099, 7106, 7113, 7120, 7127, 7134, 7141, 7148, 7155, 7162, 7169, 7176, 7183, 7190, 7197, 7204, 7211, 7218, 7225, 7232, 7239, 7246, 7253, 7260, 7267, 7274, 7281, 7288, 7295, 7302, 7309, 7316, 7323, 7330, 7337, 7344, 7351, 7358, 7365, 7372, 7379, 7386, 7393, 7400, 7407, 7414, 7023, 7030, 7037, 7044, 7051, 7058, 7065, 7072, 7079, 7086, 7093, 7100, 7107, 7114, 7121, 7128, 7135, 7142, 7149, 7156, 7163, 7170, 7177, 7184, 7191, 7198, 7205, 7212, 7219, 7226, 7233, 7240, 7247, 7254, 7261, 7268, 7275, 7282, 7289, 7296, 7303, 7310, 7317, 7324, 7331, 7338, 7345, 7352, 7359, 7366, 7373, 7380, 7387, 7394, 7401, 7408, 7415, 7024, 7031, 7038, 7045, 7052, 7059, 7066, 7073, 7080, 7087, 7094, 7101, 7108, 7115, 7122, 7129, 7136, 7143, 7150, 7157, 7164, 7171, 7178, 7185, 7192, 7199, 7206, 7213, 7220, 7227, 7234, 7241, 7248, 7255, 7262, 7269, 7276, 7283, 7290, 7297, 7304, 7311, 7318, 7325, 7332, 7339, 7346, 7353, 7360, 7367, 7374, 7381, 7388, 7395, 7402, 7409, 7608, 7025, 7032, 7039, 7046, 7053, 7060, 7067, 7074, 7081, 7088, 7095, 7102, 7109, 7116, 7123, 7130, 7137, 7144, 7151, 7158, 7165, 7172, 7179, 7186, 7193, 7200, 7207, 7214, 7221, 7228, 7235, 7242, 7249, 7256, 7263, 7270, 7277, 7284, 7291, 7298, 7305, 7312, 7319, 7326, 7333, 7340, 7347, 7354, 7361, 7368, 7375, 7382, 7389, 7396, 7403, 7410, 7609, 7026, 7033, 7040, 7047, 7054, 7061, 7068, 7075, 7082, 7089, 7096, 7103, 7110, 7117, 7124, 7131, 7138, 7145, 7152, 7159, 7166, 7173, 7180, 7187, 7194, 7201, 7208, 7215, 7222, 7229, 7236, 7243, 7250, 7257, 7264, 7271, 7278, 7285, 7292, 7299, 7306, 7313, 7320, 7327, 7334, 7341, 7348, 7355, 7362, 7369, 7376, 7383, 7390, 7397, 7404, 7411, 7610, 7027, 7034, 7041, 7048, 7055, 7062, 7069, 7076, 7083, 7090, 7097, 7104, 7111, 7118, 7125, 7132, 7139, 7146, 7153, 7160, 7167, 7174, 7181, 7188, 7195, 7202, 7209, 7216, 7223, 7230, 7237, 7244, 7251, 7258, 7265, 7272, 7279, 7286, 7293, 7300, 7307, 7314, 7321, 7328, 7335, 7342, 7349, 7356, 7363, 7370, 7377, 7384, 7391, 7398, 7405, 7412, 7611, 7028, 7035, 7042, 7049, 7056, 7063, 7070, 7077, 7084, 7091, 7098, 7105, 7112, 7119, 7126, 7133, 7140, 7147, 7154, 7161, 7168, 7175, 7182, 7189, 7196, 7203, 7210, 7217, 7224, 7231, 7238, 7245, 7252, 7259, 7266, 7273, 7280, 7287, 7294, 7301, 7308, 7315, 7322, 7329, 7336, 7343, 7350, 7357, 7364, 7371, 7378, 7385, 7392, 7399, 7406, 7413, 7612, 7 February 2012 33 7613, 7620, 7627, 7634, 7641, 7648, 7655, 7662, 7669, 7676, 7683, 7690, 7697, 7800, 7807, 7814, 7821, 7828, 7835, 7842, 7849, 7856, 7863, 7870, 7877, 7884, 7891, 7994, 8001, 8008, 8015, 8022, 8029, 8036, 8043, 8050, 8057, 8064, 8071, 8078, 8085, 8136, 8147. 7614, 7621, 7628, 7635, 7642, 7649, 7656, 7663, 7670, 7677, 7684, 7691, 7698, 7801, 7808, 7815, 7822, 7829, 7836, 7843, 7850, 7857, 7864, 7871, 7878, 7885, 7892, 7995, 8002, 8009, 8016, 8023, 8030, 8037, 8044, 8051, 8058, 8065, 8072, 8079, 8086, 8138, 7615, 7616, 7617, 7618, 7619, 7622, 7623, 7624, 7625, 7626, 7629, 7630, 7631, 7632, 7633, 7636, 7637, 7638, 7639, 7640, 7643, 7644, 7645, 7646, 7647, 7650, 7651, 7652, 7653, 7654, 7657, 7658, 7659, 7660, 7661, 7664, 7665, 7666, 7667, 7668, 7671, 7672, 7673, 7674, 7675, 7678, 7679, 7680, 7681, 7682, 7685, 7686, 7687, 7688, 7689, 7692, 7693, 7694, 7695, 7696, 7699, 7700, 7701, 7702, 7703, 7802, 7803, 7804, 7805, 7806, 7809, 7810, 7811, 7812, 7813, 7816, 7817, 7818, 7819, 7820, 7823, 7824, 7825, 7826, 7827, 7830, 7831, 7832, 7833, 7834, 7837, 7838, 7839, 7840, 7841, 7844, 7845, 7846, 7847, 7848, 7851, 7852, 7853, 7854, 7855, 7858, 7859, 7860, 7861, 7862, 7865, 7866, 7867, 7868, 7869, 7872, 7873, 7874, 7875, 7876, 7879, 7880, 7881, 7882, 7883, 7886, 7887, 7888, 7889, 7890, 7893, 7894, 7895, 7992, 7993, 7996, 7997, 7998, 7999, 8000, 8003, 8004, 8005, 8006, 8007, 8010, 8011, 8012, 8013, 8014, 8017, 8018, 8019, 8020, 8021, 8024, 8025, 8026, 8027, 8028, 8031, 8032, 8033, 8034, 8035, 8038, 8039, 8040, 8041, 8042, 8045, 8046, 8047, 8048, 8049, 8052, 8053, 8054, 8055, 8056, 8059, 8060, 8061, 8062, 8063, 8066, 8067, 8068, 8069, 8070, 8073, 8074, 8075, 8076, 8077, 8080, 8081, 8082, 8083, 8084, 8087, 8088, 8089, 8090, 8091, 8139, 8140, 8141, 8142 and 40 13 October 2011 No. 8148. 41 25 October 2011 Nos. 8149, 8150, 8151, 8152, 8153, 8154 and 8155. 44 8 November 2011 Nos. 8157, 8158 and 8159. 45 9 November 2011 Nos. 8160, 8162, 8163, 8164, 8165, 8166, 8167, 8168 and 8169. 34 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 52 47 22 November 2011 Nos. 8170, 8171, 8172, 8173, 8174, 8175, 8176, 8177, 8178 and 8179. 50 6 December 2011 Nos. 8180, 8181, 8182, 8183, 8184, 8185, 8186, 8187, 8188 and 8189. (Notice received 8 December 2011) 8190 MS BROAD — To ask the Minister for Planning (for the Minister for Roads): Has there been any directive to VicRoads preventing the examination of options for a bypass to the west of the Kilmore township. 8191 MS BROAD — To ask the Minister for Planning (for the Minister for Roads): What endangered species of flora and fauna will be affected in the Monument Hill precinct at Kilmore by options A, B or C for a bypass to the East of Kilmore township. 8192 MS BROAD — To ask the Minister for Planning (for the Minister for Roads): How many homes will be compulsorily acquired for options A, B or C for a bypass to the east of Kilmore township. 8193 MS BROAD — To ask the Minister for Planning (for the Minister for Roads): What are the impacts on Kilmore’s sporting and racing precincts of options A, B or C for a bypass to the east of Kilmore township. 8194 MS BROAD — To ask the Minister for Planning (for the Minister for Roads): Will any environmental, cultural, heritage or sporting overlays have to be altered or removed as a result of options A, B or C for a bypass to the east of Kilmore township. 8195 MS BROAD — To ask the Minister for Planning (for the Minister for Roads): What are the impacts on safe road access by the CFA to Monument Hill in the event of a bushfire in the area of options A, B or C for a bypass to the east of Kilmore township. 8196 MS PENNICUIK — To ask the Minister for Planning (for the Minister for Ports): In relation to Port of Melbourne Corporation Notices to Mariners No. 120 (T)/11 issued on 25 October 2011, No 117 (T)/11 issued on 28 October 2011 and Nos. 126, 127 and 128 (T)/11 issued on 3 November 2011, which warn of the presence of shoaling in the South Channel: (1) What is the cause of the shoaling. (2) What hazard does it pose to commercial and recreational vessels. (3) What impact has or is the shoaling having on the depth of the South Channel. (4) What is being done about it. 8197 MS HARTLAND — To ask the Minister for Planning (for the Minister for Public Transport): In relation to the Altona loop train line: (1) In the period 10 August to 8 December 2011 — (a) what number of trains to Laverton, via the Altona loop, did not arrive on time; (b) what number of trains to Newport, via the Altona loop, did not arrive on time; (c) what number of trains to Laverton, via the Altona loop, were cancelled; (d) what number of trains to Newport, via the Altona loop, were cancelled; (e) how many times have the Laverton station lifts broken down; and (f) how many trains bypassed the Altona loop. (2) In the period 9 May to 9 August 2011, how many trains bypassed the Altona loop. 8198 MS HARTLAND — To ask the Minister for Planning (for the Minister for Public Transport): In relation to access and support for people with varying mobility needs: (1) If there is a problem with the lift at a station that does not have ramps — (a) will station staff know where the next accessible station is; (b) how do passengers access a maxi taxi, to which they are entitled; 7 February 2012 35 (c) (2) (3) can passengers request that the maxi taxi take them home, instead of just to the next accessible station; and (d) how do passengers get off the station on to the bus or taxi, for example at Laverton Station on platform 1 where there is no street access or alternative exit. When accessible railway replacement buses are in operation — (a) do passengers, such as those with certain scooters who may not be able to access buses, have the right to request a maxi taxi instead; and (b) can passengers request that the maxi taxi take them home instead of to the train replacement bus stops. Which train stations on the public transport network do not provide shelter from the rain in wheelchair areas. By Authority: Government Printer for the State of Victoria