NAME : Athapol Noomhorm
DATE OF BIRTH : May 30 th
, 1952
Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology
The School of Environment, Resources and Development
Asian Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 4, Klongluang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand
Tel 02 524 5476, Fax. 02 524 6200
Email address:
Permanent Address: 25/88 Soi Navamindr 131
Navamindr Rd., Bunggoom, Bangkok 10230,
Tel. 02 510 8172
Mobile ph 0818287644
1985 Ph.D., Engineering Science
Major: Agricultural Engineering
Minor: Mechanical Engineering & Industrial Engineering
Louisiana State University, Louisiana, U.S.A
1977 M.Eng., Mechanical Engineering
Lamar University, Texas, U.S.A.
1974 B.Sc., Farm Mechanization
Kasetsart University, Thailand
1991 5 th
International Training Programme (ITP) on Biotechnology, Gesellschaft for
Biotechnogische Forschung mbH (GBF), Braunschweig, Germany.
Postharvest and Food Process Engineering
English (Good), Thai (Good tongue)
1. Member of Gamma Sigma Delta, since 1984
2. Committee Member, Agricultural Engineering Society of Thailand, since 1987
3. Foundation Member of Asian Association for Agricultural Engineering, since
4. Member of National committee of Agricultural machinery, Thailand, since 1992
1. Recipient of a "Certificate for outstanding agricultural student" from Gamma
Sigma Delta Society, U.S.A. 1983
2. Recipient of a “Award for the best paper for oral presentation’ at the world aquaculture conference” (co-author with Vongsawasdi, P.) “Effect of preservation methods and storage time on qualities of giant freshwater, Macrobrachium rosenbergii”. The 1996 Annual Meeting of the World Aquaculture Society, 1996.
3. Recipient of a “Award for Outstanding Dissertation in the Field of
Biotechnology”; Topic: “The production of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, a major component of aromatic rice flavors, by Acermonium nigricans” Mrs. Vilai
Rangsardhong (advisee); from Thailand-Japan Foundation for promotion
Biotechnology (FPBI), Taguchi prize, 1997
4. Recipient of a “ Award for research project from Thailand Toray Science
Foundation, 1999
5. Recipient of a “ Distinguished alumni from Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart
University, January 2011
6. Recipient of a “ Distinguished Alumni from Kasetsart University, Feb 2012
February 2006 – date Field of Study Coordinator, Food Engineering and
Bioprocess Technology, School of Environment,
Resources and Development; Asian Institute of
Sept 2003 – January 2005 Field of Study Coordinator, Processing Engineering and
Bioprocess Technology, School of Environment,
Resources and Development; Asian Institute of
Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
August 1999 – date Professor, Processing Engineering and Bioprocess
Technology, School of Environment, Resources and
Development; Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok,
Teaching post graduate students, supervising M.Sc.,
M.Eng., and Doctoral students, researches and related
July 1992 – June 1999 Associate Professor
Post Harvest Technology
Division of Agricultural and Food Engineering
September 1986 – 1992 Assistant Professor,
Post Harvest Technology
Division of Agricultural and Food Engineering
Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
1981 - 1985 Research Assistant
Research on Rice Post Harvest Technology
Agricultural Engineering Department
Louisiana State University, Louisiana, U.S.A.
1980 - 1981 Research Assistant on Solar Energy Project
Mechanical Engineering Department
Louisiana State University, Louisiana, U.S.A.
1979 - 1980 Mechanical Engineer
Westinghouse Co., Beaumont, Texas, U.S.A.
1974 - 1975 Government Official, Extension Service Department of
Agriculture, Bangkok, Thailand
Programming the Irrigation System Project.
(1) Teaching
A. Experience as a teacher
1. Post harvest technology of cereal grains 3(3-0), 1987-2003
Catalogue description: Quality deterioration in moist cereals; cereal quality assessment; insect biology and control in stored cereals; prevention spoilage and loss of quality in cereals after harvest; cereal grain aeration and drying systems, design aspects of grain storage facilities; grain processing technologies and grain by-products utilization and handling of rice mills.
Average number of students registered: 15-20
Post harvest technology of fruits and vegetables 3(3-0), 1993-2003
Catalogue description: Structure and constituents of frits and vegetables related to postharvest handling; physiology of postharvest metabolism in fresh fruits and vegetables; patterns of respiratory activity; ripening and senescence; physical and chemical changes during postharvest handling; regulating of ripening and senescence with engineering, chemical and physical principles; combination of treatments to increase shelf life; use of the systems approach to organize and implement an improved handling system.
Average number of students registered: 15
Food processing II 3(3-0), (1991)
Catalogue description: Application of engineering principles in food processing operations involving heat, mass and momentum transfer, general design and operation equipment. Topics include dehydration, spry drying, freezing and thawing, freeze drying, evaporation, membrane process, distillation, leaching and extraction and crystallizations.
Average number of students registered: 15 -20
4. Processing effects on food 3(3-0)
Catalogue description: Introduction to food and its components; food spoilage and preservation techniques; principle of food processing and their influence on quality including thermal, low temperature and dehydration methods; effects of miscellaneous techniques such as irradiation, microwave heating and extrusion cooking; influence of chemical and biological change of food quality; technique for food quality assessment.
Average number of students registered: 15 -20
Food Bioprocess technology 3(3-0)
Catalogue description: Impact of biotechnology on the food industry; principles of biotechnology applied to food; microorganism and enzyme based processes and products
Average number of students registered: 15 -20
6. Agro-industry system development 3(3-0), 1990-2009
Catalogue Description: Agro-industrial system identification; marketing techniques; analysis f the marketing needs; marketing forecasting; raw material requirement; organization of raw material production and procurement; identification; design and development of the processing technology; and combination of major components to from a total agro-industry system.
Average number of students registered: 15 -20
7. Post harvest and food processing laboratory 3(1-6)
, since 1987-date.
Catalogue Description: Application of post harvest technology and food processing principle viz., grain moisture measurement; air flow measurement in grain aeration systems, fluid flow in pipe; heating and cooling characteristics of fresh products; fruit juice concentration; thermal processing, sensory analysis.
Average number of students registered: 15
8. Post harvest Engineering 3(3-0), since 2003-date
Catalog Description: Role and importance of postharvest food system; internal and external factors affecting quality of fresh produce; engineering aspects of postharvest handling systems for cereal and horticultural crops; psychometrics and postharvest operations; design of aeration and cooling systems for fresh produce; low temperature storage; controlled atmosphere (CA) and modified atmosphere storage. Recent developments and trends in postharvest technology: minimally processed foods; edible coating; pulsed light surface treatment.
Average number of students registered: 15
9. Food Operation Engineering 3(3-0), since 2003-date
Catalog Description: Principles and applications of thermal processing; food dehydration; food freezing; evaporation of liquid foods; extrusion cooking of foods; food irradiation; membrane separation processes; food packaging and shelf-life stability; extrusion cooking; introduction to newer N on-thermal Processing
Technology in Food Industry and innovative concepts and trends such as ohmic heating, high pressure processing, supercritical fluid extraction, and minimally processing technologies; process control in food manufacturing
10. Engineering Property of Food Material 3(2-3), Jan 2006
Catalog Description: Principles involved in the measurement of physical characteristics; mechanical; thermal; electrical; and optical properties of food materials; analysis; interpretation; and application of experimental data in relation to harvesting; handling; processing; storage; and quality evaluation.
11. Food Safety and Standardization of Food products 3(3-0) Sept 2008
Catalogue Description: Introduction on food quality and safety issues, good agricultural practices (GAP), benefits of traceability systems, technology for traceability, international regulations and regulatory bodies on standardization and safety of food products, information management systems on food safety and traceability and food biotechnology.
B. Evaluation of teaching
Evaluation with satisfactory of all the classes.
C. Other contribution
1. All courses offered at AIT have detailed of lecture and extra hand out placed in library with more than 200 pages for each class
2. For the laboratory course, detailed manuals were prepared for each experiment.
(2) Student Research Supervision
A. Theses supervised List in chronological order all masters and doctoral degrees obtained by students supervised.
1. JOSE D. GUZMAN - Design and development of a precooling system for tropical fruits and vegetables. M.Eng. Thesis no. AE-87-21
2. NIRAT TIASUWAN - Effect of controlled atmosphere storage on mango. M.Sc.
Thesis no. AE-87-30
3. LOPE GALINDO TABIL, JR - Breakage susceptibility of corn as affected by rehydration and redrying. M.Eng. Thesis no. AE-87-26.
4. SANJAY D. POTEY - Used of polymeric films for tropical fruit storage. M.Eng.
Thesis no. AE-88-20.
5. TOMAS DELUTA CARDONA - Chemical application techniques to control aflatoxin in corn. M.Eng. Thesis no. AE-88-17.
6. CHUSAK CHAVAPRADIT - Study on physical and thermal properties as maturity indices of mango. M.Eng. Thesis no. AE-88-18.
7. MELODY B. BUATISTA - Protein enrichment of cassava by solid-state fermentation. M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-88-23.
8. T.B. ADHIKARINAYAKE - Effect of continuous steaming and different storage systems on parboiled rice quality. M.Eng. Thesis no. AE-89-15.
9. PENSIRI ANANTRAKSAKUL - Protein recovery from mungbean vermicelli industry by ultrafiltration. M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-89-65.
10. PRATEEP SRIBUAIAM - Generalized of respiration heat and energy demand model for a cold storage on mango. M.Eng. Thesis no. AE.-89-19.
11. NITTAYA KASEMSUKSAKUL - Effect of fruit maturity, storage and heat treatment on bitterness and quality of tangerine juice. M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-89-21.
12. CHEN YU BAI - Effect of environmental condition on the quality of milled rice.
M.Eng. Thesis no. AE-89-24.
13. JASWINDER SINGH - Optimization of processing parameters with regards to quality in the manufacturing of powder from pineapple juice. M.Eng. Thesis no. AE-89-20.
14. CESAR CHOW TING - Kinetics of change in sensory quality of during thermal process. M.Eng. Thesis no. AE-89-18.
15. MONTIP CHAMCHONG - Study of quality of tangerine juice by using Ultrafiltration membrane and enzyme treatment. M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-89-23.
16. AMPAWAN TANSAKUL - Quality of tomato puree: Effect of screen sizes and speeds of pulper-finisher. M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-90-20.
17. CHOUW INPRASIT - Design and development of laboratory scale freeze-drying system for tangerine juice powder. M.Eng. Thesis no. AE-90-17.
18. KANAGARAJAH PREMAKUMAR - Comparative analysis of convection and conduction of peanut drying. M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-90-18.
19. SIRIWAN RUKHAVIBUL - Effect of processing and concentration methods on the quality of passion fruit concentrate. M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-90-19.
20. MONTIP PICHETSKUL - Effect of fruit maturity, storage and processing condition
1991 on cashew apple juice. M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-90-21.
21. KITTICHAI BANJONG (as Co-Chairman) - Study on transient thin layer drying of rough rice. D.Eng.
22. CHRISTIAN BERNE - Dehydration of jackfruit by using osmotic drying technique.
M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-91-25.
23. DOREEN C. BANDOLA - Application of wheat and rice composite flour in bread making. M.Sc. Thesis no. AE.-91-27.
24. WANG XIOA HONG - Low calorie beer-making using Qingdao yeast and amylo-1,
6-glucosidase in processing and Chinese rice as a adjunct. M.Eng. Thesis no. AE-91-
25. MARTINE HUSS - Saccharification of cassava starch assisted by ultrafiltration reactor. M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-91-22.
26. HENRY T. SABAREZ - Design, fabrication and testing of a screw conveyor dryer for roasting cashew nuts. M.Eng. Thesis no. AE-91-20.
27. B. P. SINGH - Two-stage drying of high moisture paddy in the humid tropic. M.Eng.
Thesis no. AE-91-28.
28. BENJAR CHUTINTARASRI - Concentration of pineapple juice by osmotic distillation membrane and clarification of mill juice production by ultrafiltration process. M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-91-29.
29. JIRAPORN KIJSIPONSE - The use of ultrafiltration and ion exchange processes for syrup production from pineapple mill juice. M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-92-21.
30. ZHAO XIN - Design and performance of a horizontal ribbon mixer for microingredients of corn feed with different particle sizes. M. Eng. Thesis no. AE-92-
31. NGUYEN MINH THUY - Improvement of cocoa powder and butter quality. M. Eng
Thesis no. AE-92-17.
32. ISHWARI P. UPADHYAY - Effects of Gamma radiation and hot water treatment on the shelf life of mango Var. "Rad". M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-92-15.
33. ROA S. MUKKU (as Co-Chairman) - Determination of processing parameters to develop an oleoresin/color extractor for red chilli. M. Eng. Thesis no. AE-92-16.
34. JOSEPHINE D. CRUS - Stabilization of cloudiness in pineapple juice and its effect on other quality parameters. M. Eng. Thesis no. AE-93-15.
35. CHARUN LIKITRATTANA - Evaluation of the performance of the non-mixing columnar rice dryer. M. Sc. Thesis no. AE-93-17.
36. PHANIDA BUSAPAROEK - Determination of physical and mechanical properties as maturity indices for mango variety 'Nam Dok Mai". M. Eng. Thesis no. AE-93-19.
37. SU SU WIN - Growth kinetics of bakers' yeast in batch and fed-batch fermentors. M.
Eng. Thesis no. AE-94-11.
38. LIU HUA - Study of the processes of tangerine juice with suspended sacs. M. Eng.
Thesis no. AE-94-15.
39. WIMOLRAT CHEAPPIMOLCHAI - Isolated protein from mungbean vermicelli waste for edible film production. M. Sc. Thesis no. AE-94-17.
40. MUANMAI APINTANAPONG - Effect of aging and hardening process on the quality of glutinous rice cracker. M. Sc. Thesis no. AE-94-18.
41. KARKI D. BAHADUR – A study on irradiation of semi-dried mango. M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-94-12.
42. PATTRA MANEESIN - Product-package compatibility of sliced ham: Effect on product quality and film properties. M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-95-10.
43. SASIKAN KUPONGSAK - Deacetylated chitin used as adsorbent in clarification of pineapple syrup production. M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-95-12.
44. LI-XIANG-YAN - A study on the vacuum osmotic dehydration of pineapple. M.Sc.
Thesis no. AE-95-13.
45. LE VAN DOA - Effect of post harvest operations on rice quality: A case study of
Thanh Hoa province, Vietnam. M. Eng. Thesis no AE-95-14.
46. TIDAPORN NITIPHAICHIT - Occurrence of salmonella in frozen shrimp and its rapid detection methods. M. Sc. Thesis no. AE-95-15.
47. SORADA YOENYONGBUDDHAGAL - Modification of rice starch for utilization in frozen products. M. Sc. Thesis no. AE-96-14.
48. PORNTIP SIRISOONTARALAK - Application of combined method technology in high moisture pineapple preservation. M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-96-13.
49. SANGEETA MANANDHAR (as Co-chairman) - A market-oriented approach to post-harvest activities of tomatoes in Nepal. M.Sc. Thesis No. AE-96-33.
50. CHANPEN AMPUNPON (as Co-chairman) - A market-oriented approach to postharvest activities of tangerine in Pathumtani Province, Thailand. M.Sc.
51. MARIA E.A. INGLES - Quality evaluation of meat products in relation to package and irradiation. M.Eng. Thesis no. AE 97-18.
52. SASIWIMON CHITTRAKORN - Composite films from protein concentrate and modified rice starch. M.Sc. Thesis No. AE-97-9.
53. GAN YU XIN - Comparison of tocopherol content in rice bran oil extracted with organic solvent, subcritical and supercritical carbon dioxide. M. Eng. Thesis no. AE-
54. ASHOK K. ASHRESTA - Preparation, evaluation and utilization of KINEMA (solid state fermented soyfood from Nepal) flour. M.Sc., Thesis no. AE-97-10.
55. YUPA LAOJINDAPUN - Application of hazard analysis and critical control points
(HACCP) system for frozen chicken processing: A case study: hazard analysis. M.Sc.
Thesis no. AE-97-15.
56. IWAN TARUNA - Drum drying of soy pulp (okara) powder. M. Eng. Thesis no. AE-
57. JIANPING YU - Effects of operation parameters on the freeze concentration process.
M.Eng. Thesis no. AE-98-10.
58. WARAPORN POSOMBOON - Processing effects on the quality of dried shrimp.
M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-98-7.
59. SUPINYA SOOKDANG - The modification of rice flour for rice noodles. M.Sc.
Thesis no. AE-98-8.
1999 (5)
60 RUANGSAK ASSAWARACHAN - Study and design a tomato sorting machine based on color and firmness. M.Eng. Thesis no. AE-99-8
61. PASSARAPA SARANAKOMKUL - Quality changes in black tiger shrimp in relation to water salinity, cooking time and freezing method. M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-99-
CHUTIRAT MANJAWONVUH - Effect of enzyme hydrolysis on functional properties of soy protein. M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-99-14.
RODA P. ANUNCIADO - Effect of postharvest handling and modified atmosphere packaging on the quality of baby corn ( Zea mays ). M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-99-15.
DUONG THI PHUONG LIEN - Quality evaluation of composite alginate based films.
M.Eng. Thesis no. AE-99-16.
2000 (5)
65. JULIANGSIH - Effect of conventional pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis on soybean oil extraction. M.Sc. Thesis no. AE-00- 13
66. VU THU GIANG - Stabilization of brown rice by heat treatments. M. Sc. Thesis no.
67. KHANITTA MANOI - Effect of emulsifiers on composite wheat, rice and brown rice flour bread characteristics. M. Sc. Thesis no. AE-00-
68. APIPORN ADULPICHIT - Study on irradiation treatment and high temperature by using rotary dryer on qualities of semi-dried shrimp. M. Sc. Thesis no.
69. PORNLADA NAKAKETE - Study of artificial aging by drying of high moisture rough rice under high humidity conditions. M.Eng. Thesis no. AE-00-
2001 (3)
70. SAOWANEE CHOKANANKUN - The effect of thermal processing on the quality of cooked rice packaged in retort pouch. M.Sc. Thesis no. PH-01- 4
71. SUNAN PARNSAKHORN - The effect of steaming treatment on accelerated aging of rough rice. M. Eng. Thesis no. PH-01- 5
72. REHNA LAKHE - The effect of processing and packaging on the shelf life of peeledslice potatoes. M. Sc. Thesis no. PH-01- 6
2002 (3)
73. TANINEE KOOMSANIT - Shelf life evaluation of frozen and irradiated-chilled stored spicy chicken basil rice (ready meal). M. Sc. Thesis no. PH-02-1
74. PANJIT CHANTAKAMMA - Process modification for producing quick-cooking brown rice. M.Sc. Thesis no. PH-02-10
75. LIANG HENG TONG - Effect of trehalose on characteristic of cooked rice and rice products. M.Sc. Thesis no. PH-02-4
2003 (5)
76. BONGGODMAS CHARASAI - Composite rice flour for making rice noodles. M.Sc.
Thesis no. PH-03-1
77. CHARATSREE CHAROENSUTASINEE - Properties and stabilizing mechanism of low fat salad dressing. M.Sc. Thesis no. PH-03-2
78. CHUTIWAN BOONYANIPAT - Calcium and iron fortification of rice flour and noodles, M.Sc. Thesis no. PH-03-3
79. JANTANA SUNTUDPROM - Controlled atmosphere storage and edible coating effect on storage quality of lime. M.Sc. Thesis no. PH-03-6.
80. VEEGRIT BORVORNASAVAKUL - Processing effect on quality of rice noodle flour. M. Eng. Thesis no. PH-03-10
2004 (3)
81. HATAIRAT KITPRASONG - Development of extruded quick-cooking rice. M.Sc.
Thesis no. FB-04-7.
82. SIRIPORN SANGSUMRITPHON - Effect of carbon dioxide fumigation under pressure on insect mortality and rice quality. M.Sc. Thesis no. FB-04-10
83. VO THI KIM OANH - Mold growth and Ochratoxin A formation in coffee bean.
M.Sc. Thesis no. FB-04-14
2005 (8)
84. ARUNOTHAI PUANGMANEE - Thermal process effect on quality of cooked brown and parboiled rice in reportable pouch
85. KANITA PUNGSAWAT - Shelf life evaluation of frozen and irradiated chilled stored fried shrimp with rice noodle
86. RASINA NA RANONG - Development of composite rice starch to produce hard capsule
87. YADA LEKDUMRONGSAK - Factors effect on beeswax emulsion properties and stability
88. WICHITRA SUPANDKARATANA - Viability of Lactobacillus casei after spray drying, subsequent rehydration and storage
89. ANOCHA TOWANABUT - Extending the shelf life of Thai Sacred Basil ( Ocimum sanotum Lin .) in fresh and dried form
90. RATCHADA PHIROMRAK -Effects of handling methods on quality changes of
Pacific white shrimp ( Penaeus vannamei )
91. KYAWT KAY KAY KHINE - Enzyme assisted starch extraction from cassava roots
2006 (12)
92. SASIWIMON TABYAM - The Effects of impingement freezers on the quality of food
93. SURANYA TRIAKARABENJAKUL - Production of Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose
(CMC) from rice straw to improve quality of tropical fruit juice
94. TUMAWADEE THEAMHONG - Use of irradiation to extend the shelf life of steamed sticky rice, roasted chicken and papaya salad
95. LAKSAMEE DACHANULAKNUKUL - Quality and shelf life of organic asparagus and conventional asparagus as stored under modified atmosphere packing
96. SIRIPRAPA SOOTHIBOON - Study of germinated brown rice for producing γaminobutyric acid (GABA)
97. SIRIWADEE ANGKAPAICHIT - Effect of drying and storage on colour degradation of Red Chilli.
98. PANICHA NASUEB - Developing a high quality, ready to eat, shelf stable retort pouch prawn product (Tom Yum Kung)
99. JACKCHAI BUASUWAN - Egg powder using horizontal spray drying process
100.NAHATHAI PUNTIGO - The development of heating source of drum dryer for okara by using infrared technique
101.CHANKIT BENJADUMRENGKIT - The influence of various temperatures on the survival of insects exposed to controlled atmosphere and pressures in packaged rice
JIRAPORN SRIPINYOWANICH - Identification of a mixture in a Thai aromatic rice
(Khao Dawk Mali 105)
KAMOLRAT SAKULLERTPASUK The study of optimum rice cooking developed for aseptic cooked rice
2007 (8)
ARPARAT HUTTSAN - Electronic nose for Thai rice wine (Sato) discrimination
105. KHANG CHAU DUY - Studying post-harvest technology in Mekong Delta and assess quality of selected Vietnamese rice
LADARAT BAKA - The effect of high pressure processing on the qualities of rice products
107. NATTHAPORN JIRAKITKUL - Microwave vacuum drying of mulberry leaves
108. ONUMA WONGSANGAM - Effect of corn germ rice bran for substitute skim milk
powder in functional ice cream
109. PIYATIDA TIANGTHAM - Microwave-assisted extraction of total polyphenol from
mulberry leaves
110. PRUEKSA SAWARDSUK - Effect of extrusion condition on the physicochemical
properties of brown rice and soybean snack
111. TUNYANUCH UAKAROONCHAI KUL - Infrared drying with vacuum for extracting quercetin content in red onion
2008 (7)
CHUTWAN TOCHAI - Effect of drying methods on extracted total triterpenoid
saponins for Ling-Zhi ( Ganoderma lucidum)
ASMAPORN JUTTUPORNPONG - Production of leaf protein concentrate from cassava leaves
YUPADEE PREECHAKUL - Reduction of oil uptake in instant fried noodles by optimizing the frying conditions
115. WIMALLUCK LOAWATTANATRAKULl - Effect of packaging, drying and storage on quality of fresh chilli and chilli powder
116. PRAPAKORN PHOLSUWAN - Effect of young rice milk, maltodextrin, fiberose and rice bran on functional ice cream
WILASINEE SANGSOM - Evaluation of supply china system for aromatic rice: A case study in the northeast of Thailand for quality, production and marketing
SIVAPORN WANNAIAMPIKUL - Development of supply chain management system for frozen shrimp in Thailand
May 2009 (14)
PORNPIMOL TAPBUNTON - Influence of drying methods on drying kinetic and
qualities of white pepper
120. KARN CHITSUTHIPAKORN – Parameters influencing performance of rubber roll
NATTRIYA SUPMOON - Design and development of an evaporative cooling system for
tropical fruits and vegetables in transportation vehicle
122. TEERADATE KONGPICHITCHOKE – Comparison of spray drying and microwave
vacuum for producing mango powder
DHAYUTITHRON JONGJAIRUKSA – Improvement of tofu by freezing application on
soybean and the addition of hydrocolloids on soybean curd
KORNTIP THITITUMJARIYA - Effect of extrusion conditions on the
properties f snack made from purple rice (Hom Nil) and soybean flour blend
CHAROONSAK SOMPHONG - Continuous down draft rice husk gasifier for paddy
PACHARAWAN MOOLSADANG – Optimization of drying method and other
parameters during encapsulation of vitamin E
YUWADEE POOSIRIPINYO - Study of vacuum microwave-assisted extraction of
proanthocyanidins from grape seeds
NGUYEN THI ANH TUYET - Frozen catfish supply chain management in
Vietnam: A case study of a medium scale company versus large scale company
THERADECH LERDVILAIANUNT - The effects of operating conditions on
pomegranate juice quality during the ohmic heating process
MORAKOT ZEA-LEE - Microwave assisted extraction of pectin from yellow passion fruit peels
131. NARUDEE CHOKANUWAT - Effects of different concentration process on the quality of reconstituted mulberry juice
SUTAMAS SINHAGAMOL – Development of rice supply chain management and
identification of rice adulteration: A case study of Pathumthani fragrant rice in
Suphanburi province
Dec 2009 (2)
133. NAPASIRI LAOSANGUANEK – Effect of drying methods on quality of tumeric powder
134. SARINPRAPA KLINSRISUK- Effect of blanching and drying methods on qualities of drumstick leaves
May 2010 (14)
SUKRIT TERMSAITHONG - Evaluation of postharvest handling for two culinary herb: sweet basil ( Ocimum basilicum) and rocket salad ( Eruca sativa)
SIWADOL SUKJITAM- Process Modification for producing germinated instant brown rice
137. THITIWORN RATTANATHITIKUL- Development of Rang Chuet ( Thunbergia laurifolia lindl.) product using Far-infrared vacuum drying
138. VORADA ASSAVATANALAB- Preparation and characteristic of Pyrodextrins from rice starch
139. ASRI WIDYASANTI- Determination parameter and mathematical model verification of temperature rise during ohmic pasteurization of mixed orange-carrot juices using static ohmic heater
140. HUSSAYA NORTHONGKAM- Effects of dying and extraction condition on bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity obtained from Mahogany seed
141. KHEMAWAN SUKONDHASING- A partial substitution of wheat flour by
Acetylated jackfruit seed starch in white salted noodles
142. KIINGKAN PONGTONG- Effects of drying methods and conditions on qualities of pomegranate arils ( Punica granatum L.)
143. NAPAPORN SRIWILAI - Optimization of fermented bamboo shoot sterilization using ohmic technology
144.NATCHAYA VATCHARASUWAN- Effect of rice flour based batter containing granular cold water-soluble rice starch on properties of deep fried-onion ring
145. SIRINAN LASRICHARN- Combination of vacuum precooling and modified atmosphere packaging to extend shelf-life of Thai holy basil in mixed herbal set
146. WARITHA SATONG-AUN- Effect of drying temperature and extraction methods on α- Mangostin content from pericarp of Mangosteen ( Garcinia mangostana)
147. SARANYA NUEAMEE- Sustainable community forest management: A case study of Yangtone village, Sai Yok district, Kanchanaburi, Thailand
148. THANASRI KONGSOMPONG Assessment and opportunities of production and marketing trends in biodegradable packaging and materials in Thailand
Dec 2010 (2)
149. HO MINH THAO- Effect of drying methods on sweet potato starch properties and its substitution in mungbean noodles
150. PAWEENA SAENGHIRUNWATTANA- Biodegradable plastic from corn fiber
May 2011 (7)
151 THAWUNPORN PANANUN- High-power ultrasonication on extraction and activity of soybean isoflavones and effect of drying temperature on isoflavone activity
152. ORAWAN SOPANATTAYANON.- Effect of drying method on coconut flake residues
153. LY PHANNA - Rice post harvest technology and supply in Cambodia
154. KANCHANA CHANDAROJANA – Extraction of Betalain form dragon fruit peel and production of sherbet ice cream
155. SIRANYA SUPATTATHUM- Production of coating material with low fat content from waxy rice flour for snack food.
156 KIYADA HAISOKE – Retailed supply chain and traceability of organic food in
157. DUANGKAMOL NGAMKAJIT- Agro tourism as an Alternative Form of
Tourism in Thailand (Case Studies: Central area )
Dec 2011 (2)
158. YINGSUDA SAWATDISAWANEE-Effect of Mannanase and emulsifiers on coconut flour as wheat flour substitution on bread properties FB-11-20
159. VU THI THANH DAO-optimization of drum drying process parameters for pumpkin powder product and its substitution in rice noodles FB -11-14
May 2012 (9)
160. NARISARA CHANASIT- Effect of processing on qualities of non-dairy products
161. WARANYA UMPO- Instant parboiled rice using superheated steam fluidized bed drying
162. PHENSIRI KHONGSIT- Effect of processing parameters on coconut residue drying using flash dryer
163. NATAROS WIBOONRUNGSON- Using ohmic heating for separating protein form waste water of mungbean vermicelli industry
164. PANITHIDA RUCHUTRAKOOLl- Biocomposite material for food packaging
165. WARINTORN NAWARAT NA AYUDTHAYA- Application of intermittent drying on Tiliatriandra using fluidized bed and ultrasonic extraction
166. ALISA RAKVANICH- Good application practice of fruit and vegetables in
167. CHUAYBUDDA TUANGPORN- Study on Thai rice export supply chain
168. EKKARAT SUEBROSPLUEM – Ohmic thawing of frozen mackerel
July 2012 (1)
169. JYOTSNA SHRESTHA- Extrusion Processing of Soy White Flakes Based Feed for Nile Tilapia
Dec 2012 (1)
170. TROUNG PHOUNG MAI- Effect of Prebiotic and probiotic additive to coffee on survivability of Probiotic
May 2013
171. PROUDPORN SUMETHA-AKSORN- Effect of processing on quality of fermented Thai soy sauce
172. WITCHAYA TRAICHOK-Potential benefit, toxicity and allergy of probiotic melon drink
173. SAROCHA PRADYAWONG- Ethanol production from cassava starch by using conventional and raw starch hydrolyzing enzyme
174. TANAKORN JANTARAPRAPA –The optimization of mixed rice ratio on cooking, eating quality and nutrient
175. PETCHARAT SANGKAMKAD – Extraction bioactive compound from longan seed and production of longan beverage
176. SUTTIRAT BOONTHAJIT- Processing effects on quality of frozen rice
B. Chairman of dissertation committee
1. VILAI RUNGSARDTHONG - The production of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, a major component of aromatic rice flavors, by Acermonium nigricans ". D. Tech. Dissertation no. AE-95-2.,1995
(Awarded: Outstanding Thesis in the Field of Biotechnology ,1997 Taguchi Prize,
Taguchi Fund, Foundation for promotion of Biotechnology (FPBI) in Thailand )
Patent in Thailand with BIOTEC/NSTDA
Rungsardthong, V. and A. Noomhorm "Microbial Production of Aromatic Rice
Flavors, Pyrroline Compounds. , 1996
Rangsardthong V and Athapol Noomhorm (2005) Production of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline by microbial cultures Flavour and Fragrance Journal 2005; 20:710-714)
2. PUNCHIRA VONGSAWASDI - Effects of handling and preservation methods on qualities of giant fresh water prawn, Macrobrachium rosebergii . D. Tech. Dissertation no. AE-96-2 1996
Vongsawasdi, P. and Noomhorm, A. (2000). “Effect of handling methods on quality changes of Giant freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergi)”, Journal of Aquatic
Food Product technology. Vol 9 no.3, p 57-70
Vongsawasdi, P and Noomhorm, A. (1998). “Effect of preservation methods on qualities of giant fresh water prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergi)”, Journal of Food
Quality, 21(2), (145-154).
3. CHUSAK CHAVAPRADIT - Design and development of a grading machine for post harvest handling of mangoes D. Eng. Dissertation no. AE-96-5., 1996
Chavapradit, C. and Noomhorm, A. (1995), “Maturity detection of mango by using impact response technique”. Proc. of Technology Enhancement for Agricultural
Production Conference, by National Research Institute of Thailand, 29 June-1 July
1995, Pattaya, Thailand.
4. SAVITREE JUNGSAULRUJIREK - Removal of bitter compounds from Thai tangerine juice by adsorption technique. D. Tech. Dissertation no. AE-97-2 ,1997
Jungsakulrujirek, S and Noomhorm, A. (1998), “Effect of harvest time and fruit size on distribution of limonin in Thai tangerine fruit”, International Journal of Food
Science and Technology. 33, 367-374.
Savitree Jungsakulrujirek and A. Noomhorm. (2004) Reduction of bitterness in the juice of Citrus reticulata Blanco
, using adsorption technique with XAD 16 resin,”
Journal of Science, Technology and Humanities; Burapa University Vol.2 o2. July-
December 2004 pp1-8.
5. TOMAS D. CARDONA - Optimizing processing parameters to increase the productivity of Nata de coco. (Resigned), 1997
6. JIRAWAN YAMPRAYOON - Effect of preservation methods and geosmin content on off-flavour in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis nilotica ).,D. Tech. Sc Dissertation no.
AE98-3., 1998
Yamprayoon, J and Noomhorm, A. ( 2000). “Geosemin and Off-Flavor in Nile Tilapia
(Oreochromis niloticus) Journal of Aquatic Food Product technology. Vol. 9 no.2 , p
Yamprayoon, J, and Noomhorm, A. ( 2000). “Effects of Preservation methods on
Geosemin Content and Off-Flavor in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Journal of
Aquatic Food Product technology. Vol. no 4. p 95-107
Yamprayoon, J. and A. Noomhorm (2003); “Off-Flavor in Nile Tilapia
( Oreochromis niloticus ): the ACS Symposium Series on "Off-Flavors in
Aquaculture"; Volume 848; ACS Symposium Series.;Oxford University Press: 235-
7. MAUNMAI APINTANAPONG - Effect of chemical and physical parameters on -2acetyl -1-pyrroline production of aromatic rice flavors by Acremonium nigricans . Jan
1996 – 2000, D. Tech. Sc. Dissertation no. PH-00-2, 2000
Apintanapong, M and A. Noomhorm; (2003); “Microencapsulation of 2-Acetyl-1-
Pyrroline, a major flavor component of aromatic rice by spray drying technique”.International Journal of Food Science & Technology 38, 95-102
8. CHOUW INPRASIT - Effect of drying methods on aging qualities of rough rice. ,
D. Eng. Dissertation no. PH-01-2, Jan 1996 – 2001.
Patent : Chow Inprasit and A. Noomhorm “ Accelerated aging of rice” under review process, (Thailand IP), 2002.
Temperature of Different Types of Dryer and Operation on Rice Quality; - An
International Journal of Drying Technology: No. 19(2), pp 389-404.
9. PATTRACHAI VICHAIYA - Improved handling and storage of lime for extending shelf life, September 1996 – resigned 2004. .
10. SORADA YOENYONGBUDDHAGAL - The effects of processing condition on rice vermicelli quality, D. Tech. Sc., Dissertation No. PH-02-2; August 2002
Yoenyongbuddhagal, S and A. Noomhorm: (2002); “Effect of raw material preparation on rice vermicelli quality; Starch Journal., Vol 54- No.11 November
2002; pp 534-539.
Yoenyongbuddhagal, S and A. Noomhorm: (2002); “Effect of physiochemical on quality of rice vermicelli prepared from high amylose Thai rice; Journal of Cereals
Chemistry. Vol. 79(4) July –August 2002
11. ARPATHSRA SANGNARK - Evaluation of dietary fibers produced from selected agri-by products for use as flour in bakery products, May 1997 – Dec 2002; D. Tech.
Sc. Dissertation No. PH-02-3; 2002
Sangnark, A. and A. Noomhorm: (2002); “Effect of particle sizes on functional of dietary fiber prepared from sugarcane baggase; Food Chemistry, 80, 221-229.
Sangnark, A. and A. Noomhorm: (2003); "Effect of particle sizes on in-vitro calcium and magnesium binding capacity of prepared dietary fibers" Food Research
International Journal. 36, 91-96.
Sangnark A. and A. Noomhorm. (2004); Effect of dietary fiber from sugarcane baggasse and sucrose ester on dough and bread properties” LWT Journal 37: 697-
Sangnark A. and Athapol Noomhorm. (2004) Chemical, physical and baking properties of dietary fiber prepared from rice; Food Research International Journal
:37, 66-74.
12. WORASAK SOMTON - Tentative title: Quality determination of Thai tangerine,
January 1998 – Resigned 2000
13. UMA SANGKRAM - Postharvest handling effects on the quality of soybean and lecithin, D. Tech. Sci. Dissertation no. PH 03-1; Jan 1998-2003; 2003
Sangkram, U. and A. Noomhorm; (2002) “ The effect of drying and storage of soybean on the quality of bean, oil and lecithin production; An International Journal of Drying Technology. Vol 20, No 10 pp 2041-2054
14. PANUWAT SUPPRANG - : Modification of low amylose rice flour and starch by extrusion cooking and drum drying, D.Tech.Sc. May 1997- 2004; Dissertation no.
PH-04-02. ,2004.
Panuwat Supprung and A. Noomhorm (2003); Optimization of drum drying parameters for low amylose rice (KDML 105 ) flour and starch; Drying
Technology Vol. 21, No 9, pp 1785-1799,
Ganiyal G, M. A. Hanna, P. Supprung, A. Noomhorm and D. Jones (2006)
Modeling selected properties of extruded rice flour and rice starch by neural networks and statistics: Cereal Chemistry: 83(3),223-227.
NATTA LAOHAKUNJIT- Improvement of rice flavor with natural Pandan, D.
Tech. Sc., Dissertation no. PH 0305 .Jan 2000-Dec 2003;
Laohakunjit, N. and A. Noomhorm (2004); Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of 2-Acetyl-1-Pyrroline and volatile components from pandan leaves”; Flavour and
Fragrance Journal; 19: pp 251-259
Laohakunjit, N. and A. Noomhorm. (2004); Effect of plasticizers on mechanical and barrier properties of rice starch film; Starch Journal.,Vol 56 No. 8 August pp 348-
16. PORNTIP SIRISOONTALARAK - Study the shelf life of milled rice packaged with fumigation and irradiation treatment 1997- 2007
Sirisoontaralak P and A. Noomhorm (2007) Changes in physicochemical and sensory-properties of irradiated rice during storage; Journal of Stored Products
Research 43 (2007) 282–289
17. UDOMLUCK THITIRUKPAICH - Extraction, characterization and application of hydrocolloid from Scapphium macrropodum , Nov 2002 –date (resigned )
18. CHARUN LIKITRATANAPORN - Process development and optimization for improvement of parboiled rice production; Jan 2002 - 2012
19. RUNGARUN HOMDOK - Effect of drying, storage and hydrothermal processing on rice starch quality, May 2003 – Dec2008
Homdok, R and A. Noomhorm (2007) ; Hydrothermal treatments of rice starch for improvements of rice noodle quality LWT Journal Volume 40, Issue 10, December
2007, Pages 1723-1731
20. BENJAR CHUTINTRASRI - Improvement of pineapple puree quality by deaeration and non-thermal treatment; May 2003- December 2005
Chutintrasri B and A. Noomhorm (2005) Thermal inactivation of polyphenoxidase in pineapple puree, ” LWT Journal , Vol 39 :p 492-495
Chutintrasri B and A. Noomhorm (2007) Color degradation kinetics of pineapple puree during thermal processing” LWT Journal Volume 40, Issue 2, March 2007,
Pages 300-306
JIRAWAN MANEECHOT – Transport phenomena and frying conditions of fried rice cracker , Jan 2004- May 2008
Jirawan Maneerote, P.. S. Takhar and Athapol Noomhorm (2009) Optimization of processing conditions to reduce oil uptake and enhance physico-chemical properties of deep fried rice cracker. LWT Journal Volume 42, Issue 9, 805-812
22. SUNAN PARNSAKORN- The effects of processing on the quality of parboiled rice and germinated brown rice August 2006-May 2009
Parnsakhorn and A. Noomhorm (2008) Changes in Physicochemical Properties of
Parboiled Brown Rice during Heat Treatment; ECIGR
RITTICHAI ASSAWARACHAN - Concentration of pineapple juice by microwave;
May 2004-2011
Rittichai Assawarachan and Athapol Noomhorm (2009) "Suitability of Mathematical
Models to represent Vacuum-Microwave concentration Behavior of Pineapple
Juice" ;Journal of Food Process Engineering.
Rittichai Assawarachan and Athapol Noomhorm (2009)"Influence of Temperature and TSS on performance of evaporation and Rheological Properties of Pineapple
Concentration by Microwave Vacuum Evaporator." Journal of Food Process
PREEDAWAN CHAISRICHONLATHAN - Study on ultrasonic detector for grading mangosteen ; Jan 2006-2012
WANVISA SRIKHAM - Determination of degree of rice milling and application of infrared drying for high moisture rice.; Aug 2005 -date
SUTEE WANGTUEAI - Optimization of extraction process for fish gelatin Jan
2006– Dec 2009
Sutee Wangtueai and Athapol Noomhorm (2008) Processing Optimization and
Characterization of Gelatin from Lizardfish ( Saurida spp.) Scales . LWT Journal
Volume 40, Issue 10, December 2008
EKKAPONG CHEEVITSOPON - Effect of processing on quality of rice GABA
Jan 2006 –date
THUTIYAPORN CHITTAPALO – Ultrasonic assisted alkali extraction of protein from defatted rice bran and its properties and application" August 2006 - 2010
Thutiyaporn.Chittapalo and Athapol Noomhorm (2009) " Ultrasonic assisted alkali extraction of protein from defatted rice bran and properties of the protein concentrates" International Journal of Food Science and Technology., Volume 44,
PLANGPIN PIANPUMIPONG – Antioxidant capacity and total polyphenol content of fermented turmeric (Curcuma longa) beverage with mixed cultures; Jan 2007 -
WIKROMANAS AUAWITHOOTHIJ- Accumulation of teotrodotoxin in Puffer
Fish and removal of its contamination from fillets Aug 2007-date
JIRAPORN SRIPINYOWANICH – Production of Instant Rice using Microwave and
Vibro-fluidized Bed Drying, Jan 2008- 2012
NAMAPORN ATTAVIROJ – Aug 2008 – Development of models for Thai rough rice quality inspection and classification via near infrared spectroscopy
NATRIYA SAPMOON – Aug 2009 – Influence of combined hot air impingement and infrared drying on potato chips
ONG-ARD PRAEPANITCHAI – Aug 2010- Biopolymeric based multi-layered microcapsules to encapsulate probiotics for their survival during processing in mango juice and gastrointestinal passage
KRIRKPONG PONGTRIDHRAM – Aug 2010- Novel antimicrobials bacteriocin isolated from partially purified of Lactobacillus plantarum from fermented
Houttuynia cordata and colloidal nano silver: As natural bio nano solution against unpleasant human body odors and microbial that cause infection
SUJITTA RAUNGRUSMEE – Aug 2010 – Processing effects on texture and aroma of KDML 105 organic rice
ACHARAPORN KHUMTHONG – Aug 2011 – Tracking and traceability in supply chain of Thai aromatic rice
(3) Research
A. Books and monographs
1. Noomhorm A., Dissertation; “A Generalized Single-Layer Rice Drying Model and
Deep Bed Simulation", Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, U.S.A,
2. Noomhorm, A., Manual: "Information, Education and Communication Programmes for
Popularizing Appropriate Technology for Food Processing and Storage", ESCAP,
United Nations, New York; 1994, 44p+vi.
3. Noomhorm, A., Proceeding: “Application of Bioprocess Technology to Agro-Industries in Tropical Asia.”, Editor, Proceeding of the Regional Workshop”, UNESCO and
National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (NCGEB), June, 1996,
4. Jindal, V.K. A. Noomhorm, S.K. Rakshit and I. Ahmad, Proceedings; ‘Innovations in
Food Processing Technology and Engineering (ICFPTE’02)’ 11-13 December
2003, AIT Bangkok.
5. Jindal, V.K. A Noomhorm and I. Ahmad, Proceedings ADC’03; ‘New Frontiers in
Drying Technology’ 1-3 September 2003 .
6. Binod Yadav, A. Noomhorm and S.K Rakshit ; Proceedings: The 3 rd
Conference on “ Innovations in Food and Bioprocess Technologies” 12-14
December 2006
7. Hui, Y.H., C. Clary, M.M. Farid, O. O. Fasina, A Noomhorm and J. Welti-Chanes
(2008); ‘Food Drying: Science and Technology’, Microbiology, Chemistry,
Application: DEStech Publications, Inc., 792 pg.
8. Imran Ahmad, A. Noomhorm and S.K. Rakshit: Proceedings; The 4 th
Conference on Innovations in Food Processing Technology and Engineering, 19-20
January 2009.
9. Imran Ahmad, A. Noomhorm, Anil K. Anal and S.K. Rakshit: Proceedings; The 5 th
International Conference on Innovations in Food & Bioprocess Technology, 7-9
December 2010
10. Athapol Noomhorm and Imran Ahmad (2010): Advances in Odor and Flavor Science:
A review on aroma applications in food products: LAMBERT Academic
Publishing (LAP)., 52 pg
11. Lerdvialianunt, Theradech, and Athapol Noomhorm (2011), The Effects of Operating
Conditions During the Ohmic Heating Process
LAMBERT Academic Publishing
(LAP)., pg
Noomhorm, A and Shuren Chen, (2011); Rice Harvesting and Rice Technologies in
Myanmar – Training manual ” UNESCAP Jan 2011
13. Functional Foods (Wiley) under preparation (2012)
B. Book chapters
1. Yamprayoon, J. and A. Noomhorm (2003); “Off-Flavor in Nile Tilapia
( Oreochromis niloticus ): the ACS Symposium Series on "Off-Flavors in
Aquaculture"; Volume 848; ACS Symposium Series.;Oxford University Press: 235-
2. Vongsawasdi P. and A. Noomhorm (2003); ‘Freezing Shelfish’: In ‘Handbook of
Frozen Foods’ edited by Y. H. Hui, P. Cornillon, I.G. Legaretta,M.H. Lim, K.D.
Murrell and Wai Kit Nip; Marcel Dekker, Inc. pg. 309-323
Athapol Noomhorm, Imran Ahmad and Porntip Sirisoontararak (2007): Part 3: Food
Processing Operation Systems and Machinery Design; Chapter 9. Grain Processing
Engineering : Handbook of Farm, Dairy, and Food Machinery; Pg 215-242: William
Andrew Publishing Norwich, N.Y. U.S.A., Edited by Myer Kutz.
4. Athapol Noomhorm, Mukku Shrinivas Rao and Punchira Vongsawasdi (2007): Part B:
Section XVI; Seafood, Chapter 85; Shellfish Freezing; Handbook of Food Products
Manufacturing; Health, Meat, Milk, poultry, Seafood, and Vegetables:: Wiley-
Interscience; A John Wiley & sons, Inc., Publication; Edited by Y.H. Hui.; Pg 893-914
5. Athapol Noomhorm and Imran Ahmad (2008): Vacuum drying; Chapter 8; Food
Drying: Science and Technology’, Microbiology, Chemistry, Application:
Publications, Inc., Pg:203-214
Sutee W., A. Noomhorm, J.M. Regenstein and Anil K. Anal, Value-Added
Bioprocessing of Fish Waste to Gelatin” for the book “GELATIN, NOVA
Publisher., 2012 (under revision )
Anil Kumar Anal, Imran Ahmad, Jiraporn Sripinyowanich and Athapol Noomhorm
(2012); Sustainable Food Grain Processing; Book chapter; Sustainable Food
Processing submitted to Wiley-Blackwell Publisher, April 2012, (under revision)
C. Refereed journal articles: national, regional, international
H index 11; Document 65
1. Noomhorm, A. and Verma, L.R. (1982). “A comparison of microwave, air oven and moisture with the standard method for rough rice moisture determination. Trans. of the
ASAE. 25(5): 1464-1472.
2. Noomhorm, A. and Verma, L.R. (1983). “A microwave measure of moisture”,
Louisiana Agriculture, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 14-15.
3. Verma, L.R. and Noomhorm, A. (1983). “Moisture determination by microwave drying” Trans. of the ASAE., 29(2): 935-939.
4. Noomhorm, A. and Verma, L.R. (1986). “Generalized single-layer rice drying” Trans. of the ASAE., 29(2): 587-591.
5. Noomhorm, A. and Verma, L.R. (1986). “Deep-bed rice drying simulation using two generalized single-layer models”. Trans. of the ASAE., 295: 1456-1461.
6. Verma, L.R. and A. Noomhorm, (1986). " Rice Drying Simulation ", An International
Journal of Drying Technology: Drying'86, Drying of Agricultural products and grains eds. A.S. Mujumdar ;Vol. II, Pg 461-469.
7. Salokhe, V., Ilangantileke, S.G. and Noomhorm, A. (1990). “Determination of food grain moisture content by microwave heating”. Journal of Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America. 21(2): 53-58.
8. Noomhorm, A., Ilangantileke, S.G. and Guzman, J.D. (1991). “Design and development of a precooling unit for tropical fruits and vegetables”. Journal for
Hawaiian and Pacific Agriculture. Vol 3, pp 29-37.
9. Noomhorm, A. and Tabil, G.L. (1991). “Breakage susceptibility of shelled corn due to due to rehydration and redrying”. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. Vol.14.
No.1, pp. 69-82.
10. Noomhorm, A. and Chen Yu Bai. (1991). “Effect of environmental conditions during breakage of milled rice”. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. Vol.8 pp.521-
11. Chamchong, M. and Noomhorm, A. (1991). “Effect of pH and enzymatic treatment on microfiltration and ultrafiltration of tangerine juice. Journal Food Process Engineering.
Vol. 14. 14, No.1, pp 21-35.
12. Noomhorm, A., and Kasemsuksakul, N. (1992). “Effect of maturity and processing on bitter compounds in Thai tangerine juice”. International Journal of Food Science &
Technology. Vol. 27. pp 65-72.
13. Cardona, T.D., Noomhorm, A., Ilangantileke S.G., and Guzman, J.D. (1992). “A smallscale chemical applicator to prevent aflatoxin contamination in maize cobs”. Journal of
Postharvest Biology and Technology. Elsevier, The Netherlands. Vol. 1(1992) pp 327-
14. Noomhorm, A., Premakumar, K. and Ting, C.S.(1992). “Accelerated drying of groundnut in batch type rotary drier”. Asean Food Journal. Vol. 7 No. 3 pp 159-160.
15. Noomhorm, A., S. Ilangantileke and M.B. Bautista, (1992). “Factors in the protein enrichment of cassava by solid state fermentation”, Journal of the Science of Food and
Agriculture. Vol 58, 17-123.
16. Noomhorm, A., and Tansakul, A. (1992). “Effect of Pulper-finisher operation on quality of tomato juice and tomato puree”. Journal Food Process Engineering. Vol. 15.
No.4. pp. 229-239, Dec 1992.
17. Sabarez, H.T. and Noomhorm, A. (1993). “Performance testing of an experimental screw conveyor dryer for roasting cashew nuts”. Journal of Postharvest Biology and
Technology. Elsevier, The Netherlands. Vol. 2, pp.171-178.
18. Tansakul, A., Noomhorm, A., S. Bhumiratana and N. Patmayothin. (1992). “Effect of pulp-finisher specification on tomato juice characteristics”. Asean food Journal. Vol &.
No.1, pp 56-58.
19 Noomhorm, A. and Potey, S. (1993). “Modified atmosphere packaging of Thai banana”. Journal of Hawaiian and Pacific Agriculture. Vol 4. 69-78.
20. Noomhorm, A., Premakumar, K and Sabarez, H. (1994). “Design and development of a conduction drier for accelerated drying of peanuts”. Journal of Food Engineering, USA.
Vol 21, No. 4, pp.411-420.
21. Noomhorm, A., Bandola, D.C. and Kongseree, N. (1994). “Effect of rice variety, flour concentration and enzyme levels on composite bread quality”. Journal of the Science of
Food and Agriculture. 64, 433-440.
22. Tiasuwan, N. and Noomhorm, A. (1995). “Controlled atmosphere storage of mango fruit, Magnifera indica Rad”, Journal of Food Process
23. Su Su Win, Impulsup, A. and Noomhorm, A. (1996). “Growth kinetics of baker's yeast in batch and fed-batch fermenter”, Journal Industry of Microbiology, 16, 2, 117-123.
24 Noomhorm A., Kongseree, N. and Apintanapong, M. (1996). “Effect of the aging on the quality of glutinous rice cracker”, Cereal Chemistry, 74(1), 12-15. .
25. Noomhorm, A., Elena, I, M., Wongsawasdi, P and Maneesin, P. (1997). “ Impact of low-dose radiation on the quality of meat products and film properties” Kasetsart
University (KU), Science Journal . 15(2-3), 1-13.
26 Vongsawasdi, P and Noomhorm, A. (1998). “Effect of preservation methods on qualities of giant fresh water prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergi)”, Journal of Food
Quality, 21(2), (145-154).
27. Noomhorm, A., Adhikaritanayake, T.B. (1998). Effect of continuous steaming on parboiled rice quality; Journal of Food Engineering. 36 (135-143)
28. Noomhorm, A., S. Kupongsak and S. Chankrachang. (1998). “Decetylated chitin used as adsorbent in production of clarified pineapple syrup . Journal of the Science and food and Agriculture. 76: 226-232.
29. Jungsakulrujirek, S and Noomhorm, A. (1998), “Effect of harvest time and fruit size on distribution of limonin in Thai tangerine fruit”, International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 33, 367-374.
30. Adsavakulcha S., K. Nualchawee, S. Murai, K. Honda, A. Noomhorm and S. Lertlum,
(1998), Remote sensing for monitoring the distribution of mosquitoes related to
Japanese encephalitis; ASIAN-Pacific Remote sensing and GIS Journal, Vol. 11, no. 1
July 1998, p 57-65.
31. Yamprayoon, J and Noomhorm, A. ( 2000). “Geosemin and Off-Flavor in Nile Tilapia
(Oreochromis niloticus) Journal of Aquatic Food Product technology. Vol. 9 no.2 , p
32. Vongsawasdi, P. and Noomhorm, A. (2000). “Effect of handling methods on quality changes of Giant freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergi)”, Journal of Aquatic
Food Product technology. Vol 9 no.3, p 57-70
33. Yamprayoon, J, and Noomhorm, A. ( 2000). “Effects of Preservation methods on
Geosemin Content and Off-Flavor in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Journal of
Aquatic Food Product technology. Vol. no 4. p 95-107
34. Adsavakulcha, S., Honda K., Nualchawee K, Murai S, K. Honda, Noomhorm A. and
Lertlum, S. (2001). “ A study on climate impact assessment on human health using remotely sensed data, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, Vol. 1, no 3, March 2001. P 75-
35. Inprasit, C.,and Noomhorm, A, (2001) Effect of Drying Air Temperature and Grain
Temperature of Different Types of Dryer and Operation on Rice Quality; - An
International Journal of Drying Technology: No. 19(2), pp 389-404.
36. Shrestha A and A. Noomhorm, (2001) Composition and functional properties of fermented soybean flour.: Journal of Food Science and Technology (India) (Vol 38,
No. 5 p 467-470.
37. Shrestha A and A. Noomhorm, (2002) Comparison of physico-chemical properties of biscuits supplemented with soy and kinema flours. Journal: International Journal of
Food Science and Technology (UK). 37, 361-368, 2002.
Yoenyongbuddhagal, S and A. Noomhorm: (2002); “ Effect of physiochemical on quality of rice vermicelli prepared from high amylose Thai rice; Journal of Cereals
Chemistry. Vol. 79(4) July –August 2002
Sangkram, U. and A. Noomhorm; (2002) “ The effect of drying and storage of soybean on the quality of bean, oil and lecithin production; An International Journal of Drying Technology. Vol 20, No 10 pp 2041-2054
40. Yoenyongbuddhagal, S and A. Noomhorm: (2002);“ Effect of raw material preparation on rice vermicelli quality; Starch Journal., Vol 54- No.11 November pp
41. Sangnark, A. and A. Noomhorm: (2002); “Effect of particle sizes on functional of dietary fiber prepared from sugarcane baggase; Food Chemistry, 80, 221-229
42. Sangnark, A. and A. Noomhorm: (2003); "Effect of particle sizes on in-vitro calcium and magnesium binding capacity of prepared dietary fibers" Food Research
International Journal. 36, 91-96
43. Apintanapong, M and A. Noomhorm; (2003); “ Microencapsulation of 2-Acetyl-1-
Pyrroline, a major flavor component of aromatic rice by spray drying technique”.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology 38, 95-102
44. Panuwat Supprung and A. Noomhorm (2003); Optimization of drum drying parameters for low amylose rice (KDML 105 ) flour and starch; Drying Technology
Vol. 21, No 9, pp 1785-1799,
45. Laohakunjit, N. and A. Noomhorm (2004); Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of
2-Acetyl-1-Pyrroline and volatile components from pandan leaves”; Flavour and
Fragrance Journal; 19: pp 251-259
46. Sangnark A. and A. Noomhorm. (2004); Effect of dietary fiber from sugarcane baggasse and sucrose ester on dough and bread properties” LWT Journal 37: 697-
47. Laohakunjit, N. and A. Noomhorm. (2004); Effect of plasticizers on mechanical and barrier properties of rice starch film; ; Starch Journal., Vol 56 No. 8 August pp 348-
48. Sangnark A. and Athapol Noomhorm. (2004) Chemical, physical and baking properties of dietary fiber prepared from rice; Food Research International Journal :37,
49. Savitree Jungsakulrujirek and A. Noomhorm. (2004) Reduction of bitterness in the juice of Citrus reticulata Blanco
, using adsorption technique with XAD 16 resin,”
Journal of Science, Technology and Humanities; Burapa University Vol.2 o2. July-
December 2004 pp1-8.
50. Rangsardthong V and Athapol Noomhorm (2005) Production of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline by microbial cultures Flavour and Fragrance Journal 2005; 20:710-714
51 . Chutintrasri B and A. Noomhorm (2006) Thermal inactivation of polyphenoxidase in pineapple puree, ” LWT Journal vol 39 pp 492-495
52. Sirisoontaralak P. and A. Noomhorm (2006) . Changes to physicochemical properties and aroma of irradiated rice. Journal of Stored Products Research 42, 264–276.
53. Ganiyal G, M. A. Hanna, P. Supprung, A. Noomhorm and D. Jones (2006) Modeling selected properties of extruded rice flour and rice starch by neural networks and statistics: Cereal Chemistry: 83(3),223-227.
54. Orapin Chienthavorn , Sumate Pengpumkiat , Athapol Noomhorm, Roger M Smith
(2006); Superheated water extraction and phase transfer methylation of phenoxy acid herbicides from solid matrices:.
J Chromatogr A. Dec 21; 17212966
55. Chutintrasri B and A. Noomhorm (2007) Color degradation kinetics of pineapple puree during thermal processing” LWT Journal Volume 40, Issue 2, March 2007,
Pages 300-306
56. Homdok, R and A. Noomhorm (2007) ; Hydrothermal treatments of rice starch for improvements of rice noodle quality LWT Journal Volume 40, Issue 10, December
2007, Pages 1723-1731
57. Sirisoontaralak P and A. Noomhorm (2007) Changes in physicochemical and sensory-properties of irradiated rice during storage; Journal of Stored Products
Research 43 (2007) 282–289
A. Noomhorm (2007); Overview of dehydration method on quality of fruit and vegetable Srinakarinviroj University, Thailand Science Journal . Vol. 23 No.1; Pg 9-22.
59. S. Parnsakhorn and A. Noomhorm (2008) Changes in Physicochemical Properties of
Parboiled Brown Rice during Heat Treatment; Agricultural Engineering
International: the CIGR E-journal. Manuscript FP 08 009. Vol. X. August, 2008.
60. Rittichai Assawarachan and Athapol Noomhorm. (2008). Effect of operating condition on the kinetic of color change of concentrated pineapple juice by microwave vacuum evaporation. J. of Food, Agriculture and Environment, Vol.
6(3&4) Pg. 47-53.
61. Sutee Wangtueai and Athapol Noomhorm (2008) Processing Optimization and
Characterization of Gelatin from Lizardfish ( Saurida spp.) Scales . LWT Journal
Volume 40, Issue 10, December 2008
62. Noomhorm, A and Imran Ahmad. (2008). Food supply chain management and food safety: South& East-Asia scenario. Agricultural Information Research, published by
Japanese Society of Informatics, 17(4),pg 131-136, 2008.
63. Jirawan Maneerote, P.. S. Takhar and Athapol Noomhorm (2009) Optimization of processing conditions to reduce oil uptake and enhance physico-chemical properties of deep fried rice cracker. LWT Journal Volume 42, Issue 9, 805-812
64. Noomhorm, A, P. Sirisoontaralak, C. Uraichoen and I. Ahmad (2009) Effect of pressurized carbon dioxide on mortality of Sitophilus zeamais and properties of milled rice ; Journal of Stored Products Research 45(2009) 201-205
65. Rittichai Assawarachan and Athapol Noomhorm (2009) Mathematical models for vacuum microwave concentration behavior of pineapple juice. Journal of Food
Process Engineering . (online version on 19 November 2009).
66. Thutiyaporn, Chittapalo and Athapol Noomhorm (2009) " Ultrasonic assisted alkali extraction of protein from defatted rice bran and properties of the protein concentrates" International Journal of Food Science and Technology. Vol 44, No.9 ,
September 2009, pp. 1843-1849(7)
67. Rittichai Assawarachan and Athapol Noomhorm (2010); “Changes in Color and
Rheological Behavior of Pineapple Concentrate through Various Evaporation
Methods; International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. May 10,
2010 , Vol 3. no 1, pp 74-84.
68. Wilasinee S, Imran A and Athapol Noomhorm. (2009). Optimization of Rice Supply
Chain in Thailand – A Case Study of Two Rice Mills; paper accepted for Springer book series. The
International Symposium on Food and Water Sustainability in China 2007/
Asia 2008
69. Plangpin.Pianpumepong and Athapol Noomhorm (2010) " Isolation of probiotic bacteria from turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn.) and its application in enriched beverages" Paper submitted to International Journal of Food Science and
Technology. Dec, 2010, Vol.45(12), p.2456-2462
70. Elizabeth A. Ogunlana , Athapol Noomhorm and Teerapol Silakul (2010) Alley
Farming in Thailand Sustainability Journal y 2010, 2 (8), 2523-2540
Wangtueai, Sutee, Athapol Noomhorm and Joe M. Regenstein. 2010. Effect of
Microbial Transglutaminase on gel properties and Film Characteristics of Gelatin from Lizardfish ( Saurida spp.) Scales. Journal of Food Science. (2010) , Nov-Dec,
2010, Vol.75(9), p.C731-C739
72. Kiattiyos Th , Lal
Samarakoon1, Athapol Noomhorm1, R. S. Clemente1, D. B. Hannaway : Comparison of crop simulation and field performance of maize under 20-day dry period imposed during selected critical growth periods in Nakhon ratchasima province , Thailand
Recent Research in Science and Technology 2010, 2(5): 17-31
73. Preedawan Chaisrichonlathan and Athapol Noomhorm Effects of Harvesting Seasons and Maturity Stages on Internal Characteristics of the Mangosteen having Different
Surface Properties" International Journal of Food Science and Technology ; Vol. 46
Issue 4 pg 717-723 April 2011
74. Cheevasopon Ekkapong and Athapol Noomhorm (2011) "Kinetics of hydration and dimensional changes of brown rice; Journal of Food Processing and Preservation ;
Dec 2011 Vol 35 Issue 6; pp 840 -849
75. Nobunto W., Parkpian., Oanh N.T.K., Noomhorm A., Delaune R.d., Jugsujinda A.:
Lead distribution and its potential risk to th environment: Lesson learned from environmental monitoring of abandon mine; Journal of Environmental Science and
Health – Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substance and Environmental Engineering ,2010
76. Suksomboon, A ., Limroongreungrat, K., Sangnark, A., Thititumjariya, K.,
Noomhorm, A; 2011; Effect of extrusion conditions on the physicochemical properties of a snack made from purple rice (Hom Nil) and soybean flour blend. The
International Journal of Food Science and Technology: 46(1): 201-208
77. Rittichai Assawarachan and Athapol Noomhorm (2011) Influence of Temperature and TSS on performance of evaporation and Rheological Properties of Pineapple
Concentration by Microwave Vacuum Evaporator; Journal of Food Process
Engineering. 34: no. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-4530.2010.00600.x(online version on 25
April 2011).
78. Jiraporn Sripinyowanich and Athapol Noomhorm ,A. (2011); New Model and
Quality of Unfrozen and Frozen Cooked Rice Dried in a Microwave Vibro-Fluidized
Bed Drier" Drying Technology Journal ; Aug 201 1, Vol.29(7), p.735-748
79. Charun Likittaratanaporn and Athapol Noomhorm. (2001) Effect of Simultaneous
Parboiling and Drying by Infrared Radiation Heating (IR) on Parboiled Rice Quality
Drying Technology. Vol. 29 Issue 9 pp 1066-1075
80. Ho Minh Thao and Athapol Noomhorm: (2011) Physiochemical properties of
Sweet Potato and Mung Bean Starch and Their Blends for Noodle production;
Journal of Food Processing and Technology Vol 2; Issue1; 2:105; 2011
81. Assawarachan, R., Sripinyowanich, J., Theppadungporn, K. and Noomhorm, A.
(2011). Drying paddy by microwave vibro-fluidized bed drying using single mode applicator. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 9 (2), 50-54.
82. Pongtong, K., Assawarachan, R. and Noomhorm, N. 2011. Mathematical models for vacuum drying characteristics of pomegranate aril. Journal of Food Science and
Engineering 1 ( 1), 11-19.
83. Satong-aun, W., Assawarachan, R. and Noomhorm, N. 2011. The influence of drying temperature and extraction methods on alpha-mangostin in mangosteen pericarp, Journal of Food Science and Engineering 1(2);85-92 .
84. Namaporn Attaviroj, Sumaporn Kasemsumran and Noomhorm, A. (2011): "Rapid
Rough Rice Variety Classification by Fourier Transform Near Infrared
Spectroscopy" Cereal Chemistry; Vol. 88, No. 5, September/October 2011: 490-
85. Cheevasopon Ekkapong and Athapol Noomhorm (2011) Effects of parboiling and fluidized bed drying on the physicochemical properties of germinated brown rice;
International Journal of Food Science and Technology, Vol 46, Issue 12, pp 2498-
86. Jiraporn Sripinyowanich and Athapol Noomhorm (2011)"Effects of freezing pretreatment, microwave-assisted vibro-fluidized bed drying, and drying temperature on instant rice production and quality ; Journal of Food Processing and Preservation.
(Article first published online: 2 MAR 2012 DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-
4549.2011.00651.x(Article in Press)
87. Ho Minh Thao and A. Noomhorm (2011) Modeling and Effects of Various Drying
Methods on Sweet Potato Starch Properties; Walailak J Sci & Tech 2011; 8(2) pp
88. Pananun, T., Montalbo-Lomboy, M., Noomhorm, A., Grewell, D., and Lamsal, B
(2012) High Power Ultrasonication- Assisted Extraction of Soybean Isoflavones and Effect Of Toasting ; LWT - Food Science and Technology47 (1) , pp. 199-207;
89. Plangpin Pianpumepong, Anil Kumar Anal, Galayanee, Athapol noomhorm (2012)
Study on enhanced absorption of phenolic compounds of Lactobacillus-fermented turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn.) beverages in rats ; International Journal of Food
Science and Technology, (Article in Press)
90. Nattriya Supmoon and Athapol Noomhorm (2012) Influence of combined hot air impingement and infrared drying on potato chips; paper submitted to Drying
Technology Journal (accepted)
91. Namaporn Attaviroj and Athapol Noomhorm (2012): .Discriminant Analysis of
Multiple Physicochemical Properties for Thai Rough Rice Varietal Authentication; paper submitted to International of food properties on 4 March 2012. (accepted with revision)
92. Wikrommanas Auawithoothij and Athapol Noomhorm (2012 ): Shewanella putrefaciences, A Major Microbial Species Related to Tetrodotoxin (TTX)-
Accumulation of Puffer Fish Lagocephalus lunaris; Journal of Applied
Microbiology; 113 (2) , pp. 459-465
93. Sirorat Jaisanti, Anil Anal Kumar and Athapol Noomhorm (2012): Enhanced yield of phenolic extracts from banana peels (Musa acuminata Colla AAA) and cinnamon barks (Cinnamomum varum) and their antioxidative potentials in fish oil;
International Journal of Food Science and Technology, (Article in Press)
94. Cheevasopon Ekkapong and Athapol Noomhorm (2012): "Effects of superheatedsteam fluidized-bed drying on the quality of parboiled germinated brown ric e" ; submitted to International Journal of Food Science and Technology,
D. Papers in conference proceedings
1. Noomhorm, A. (1987). “A comparison of microwave, air oven and moisture meters with the standard method for rough rice moisture determination”. Proc.25th Annual
Seminar on Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, pp.7(1-24).
2. Noomhorm, A. (1987). “Rice milling and rice noodles industries in Thailand”. Proc.
International Seminar on Diversification of Rice Utilization, Bangkok, Thailand.
3. Noomhorm, A. (1988). “Design and development of a precooling system for tropical fruits and vegetables”, Proc. 26th Annual Seminar on Engineering, Kasetsart
University, Bangkok, Thailand.
4. Noomhorm, A. and Tiasuwan N. (1988). “Effect of controlled atmosphere storage on mango”, Proc. 26th Annual Seminar on Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok,
5. Noomhorm, A., Ilangantileke, S.G. and Cardona, T. (1988). “Chemical treatment of freshly harvested maize cobs to prevent aflatoxin contamination in storage”, Proc. 3rd
Asean Food Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 930-938.
6. Noomhorm, A., Ilangantileke, S.G. and Chavapradit, C. (1988). “Determination of physical and thermal properties as harvesting indices for mango”, Proc. 3rd Asean Food
Conference, 23-26 October 1988, pp. 950-956.
7. Noomhorm, A., Ilangantileke, S.G. and Potey, S. (1988). “Use of polymeric films for tropical fruit storage”, Proc. 3rd Asean Food Conferences, Bangkok, Thailand, October
1988. pp. 1011-1022.
8. Noomhorm A., Ilangantileke, S.G. and Bautista, M.B. (1988). “Protein enrichment of cassava by solid-substrate fermentation”. Proc. 3rd Asean Food Conferences., Bangkok,
Thailand. pp. 365-371.
9. Salokhe, V., Ilangantileke, S.G. and Noomhorm, A. (1988). “Determination food grain moisture content by microwave heating”. Proc. 3rd Asean Food Conference, Bangkok,
Thailand, 23-26 October 1988. pp. 447-453.
10. Ilangantileke, S.G., Noomhorm, A. and Cardona, T. (1988). “Development and design of a chemical applicator to control aflatoxin in stored maize cobs”. Proceedings of the
Eleventh ASEAN Technical Seminar on Grain Postharvest Technology, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. pp. 251-267.
11. Kasemsaksakul, N. and Noomhorm, A. (1990). “Effect of fruit maturity on bitterness and quality of tangerine juice”. Proc 28th Annual Seminar on Scientific Conference,
Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, 29-31 January 1990.
12. Noomhorm, A. and C.S. Ting (1990). “Color degradation prediction of pineapple juice concentrate during storage by kinetics”. Proc. 28th Annual Seminar and Conference,
Kasetsart University, 29-31 January 1990.
13. Noomhorm, A. and Anantrasakul, P. (1990). “Mungbean vermicelli processing waste utilization”. Proceedings of 3rd SPSJ International Polymer Conference. Nagoya,
Japan. November 1990, pp. 66.
14. Noomhorm, A. and Anantrasakul, P. (1990). “Protein recovery from mungbean vermicelli industry by ultrafiltration”. Paper published on Proceedings of 6th
International Symposium on Agricultural and Food Waste. Chicago, USA, December
15. Noomhorm, A. and C.S. Ting. (1990). “Fabrication and performance test of on-farm mobile precooling unit for tropical fruits”. Proceedings of Agricultural Engineering
Conference. AIT, Bangkok, Thailand, December, 1990. pp. 715-722.
16. Noomhorm, A., Ilangantileke, S.G. and Adhikarinayake, T.B. (1989). “Comparison rural farm storage structures based on the milling quality of paddy”. Proceedings of the
Twelfth ASEAN Seminar on Grain Postharvest Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia,
29-31 August, 1989. pp. 22-36.
17. Noomhorm, A. and Cardona, T. (1991). “Drying and chemical treatment of grains to prevent mycotoxin contamination during storage”. Proceedings of Mycotoxin prevention and control in food grains, edited by R.L Semple, A.S. Frio, P.A. Hicks and
J.V. Lozare. A REGNET/AGPP Publication., Bangkok, Thailand, December 1991, pp.
18. Cardona, T., Ilangantileke, S.G. and Noomhorm, A. (1989). “Aflatoxin research on grain in Asia - its problems and possible solutions”. Proceedings of the Twelfth
ASEAN Seminar on Grain Postharvest Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia, 29-31 August
1989. pp. 378-394.
19. Noomhorm, A. and Inprasit, C. (1993). “Effect of engineering properties on Thai pineapple industry, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Engineering
Properties of Foods, AIT, Bangkok, 20-22 September 1993.
20. Cardona, T., Ilangantileke, S.G. and Noomhorm, A. (1993). “Influence of pH and temperature on some physical and theological properties of Nata de coco. Proceedings
of the International Workshop on Engineering Properties of Foods, AIT, Bangkok, 20-
22 September 1993.
21. Noomhorm, A. (1993). “Research activities on membrane technology in food processing at AIT”. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Engineering
Properties of Foods, AIT, Bangkok, 20-22 September 1993.
22. Noomhorm, A. and Likitrattanapron, J. (1994). “Current status of paddy dryer in
Thailand”. Proc. National Seminar of Ag. Machinery, Kampaengsean, Nakornpratom,
Thailand, pp. 35-42, 18-20 May 1994.
23. Noomhorm, A. and Shrinivas Rao, M. (1994). “Development and cooperation in building of policies institutional infrastructure for processed food industries”. Proc.
ESCAP/WASME Asia-Pacific Regional Symposium on Development and Cooperation
Food Processing Industries, p. 30, 16-19 November 1994, New Delhi, India.
24. Noomhorm, A. and Shrinivas Rao, M. (1994). “Enhancement of agriculture through food processing and storage”. Proc. ESCAP/WASME Asia-Pacific Regional
Symposium on Development and Cooperation Food Processing Industries, p. 20, 16-19
November 1994, New Delhi, India.
25. Noomhorm, A. and Sabarez, H.T. (1995). “Low relative humidity dehydration of tropical fruits using a refrigeration system”. Proc. of Technology Enhancement for
Agricultural Production Conference by National Research Institute of Thailand, 29
June-1 July 1995, Pattaya, Thailand.
26. Noomhorm, A., Rao,M.S. and Ilangantileke, S.G. (1995). “Determining the processing parameters to develop an oleoresin extractor for Thai red chili”. Proc. of Technology
Enhancement for Agricultural Production Conference, by National Research Institute of
Thailand, 29 June-1 July 1995, Pattaya, Thailand.
27. Apintanapong, A., Kongseree, N. and Noomhorm, A. (1995). “Effect of the aging on the quality of glutinous rice cracker”, Proc. of Technology Enhancement for
Agricultural Production Conference, by National Research Institute of Thailand, 29
June-1 July 1995, Pattaya, Thailand.
28. Chavapradit, C. and Noomhorm, A. (1995), “Maturity detection of mango by using impact response technique”. Proc. of Technology Enhancement for Agricultural
Production Conference, by National Research Institute of Thailand, 29 June-1 July
1995, Pattaya, Thailand.
29. Nitiphaichit, T. and Noomhorm, A. (1996), “Rapid method for Salmonella detection in shrimp”. Book of Abstracts for World Aquaculture '96, The 1996 Annual Meeting of
The World Aquaculture Society, 29 January- 2 February 1996, Bangkok, Thailand, 284.
30. Vongsawasdi, P. and Noomhorm, A. (1996) “Effect of preservation methods and storage time on qualities of giant freshwater, Macrobrachium rosenbergii”. Book of
Abstracts for World Aquaculture '96. The 1996 Annual Meeting of The World
Aquaculture Society, 29 January-2 February 1996, Bangkok, Thailand, 432.
Note : (Awarded ‘best paper for oral presentation’ at the conference)
31. Yamprayoon, J. and Noomhorm, A. (1996). “Effects of salting and drying conditions on
qualities of salted dried tilapia (Tilapia nilotica)”. Book of Abstracts for World
Aquaculture '96. The 1996 Annual Meeting of The World Aquaculture Society, 29
January-2 February 1996, Bangkok, Thailand, 450.
32. Noomhorm, A., Kupongsak, S. and Chankrachang, S. (1996). Deacetylated chitin used as adsorbent in clarification of pineapple syrup; Proceeding of the International
Conference on Food and Energy, Bangkok, on 13-14 November 1996.
33. Noomhorm, A. and Sribua-iam, P. (1996). Determination of respiration heat and development of an energy model for Thai mango (Magnifera indica.L); Proceeding of the International Conference on Food and Energy, Bangkok, on 13-14 November 1996.
34. Noomhorm, A., Li Xiang-Yan and Vincent, J.C. (1996). A study of osmotic dehydration of pineapple; Proceeding of the International Conference on Food and
Energy, Bangkok, on 13-14 November 1996.
35. Noomhorm, A. (1996). Improvement of rice post production and utilization techniques.
Proceeding of the 80th year anniversary of Rice Experiment Station, Pathumthani
Province, Thailand, 12-14 November 1996.
36. Noomhorm, A. and Apintanapong, M. (1996). Irradiation in combination of heat treatment of mango puree; Book of Abstract of Nuclear Science and Technology for a
Better Life; The 6 th
Nuclear Science and Technology Conference; organized by Office of Atomic Energy for Peace, Ministry of Science Technology and Environment,
Bangkok, Thailand, pp 32 .
37. Noomhorm, A., Karki, D.B. and Rao, M.S. (1996). Irradiation in combination with low
temperature storage for preservation of semi-dried mango and longan; Book of
Abstract of Nuclear Science and Technology for a Better Life; The 6 th
Science and Technology Conference, 2-4 December 1996 organized by Office of
Atomic Energy for Peace, Ministry of Science Technology and Environment, Bangkok,
Thailand, pp 31.
38. Noomhorm, A. (1997). Application of new technology on development of Thai rice quality, at the Seminar on Thai rice quality , Proceeding of Thai rice standard
,organized by Ministry of Commerce, Nakhonrajsima, Thailand, 25 th April 1997. pp85-114 .(in Thai)
39. Noomhorm, A, P Sirisontaralak, S. Yoenyongbuddhagal, C Inprasit and B. Z Predicala.
(1998). Postharvest Handling and Quality Evaluation Criteria of Thai Longan ;
Proceeding of tropical fruit, organized by Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives,
Thailand in collaboration with FAO of the United nations, 25-28 May 1998, Pattaya
City, Thailand.
40. Noomhorm, A, P Sirisontaralak, S. Yoenyongbuddhagal, C Inprasit and B. Z Predicala.
(1998). Postharvest Handling and Quality Evaluation Criteria of Thai Pineapple
;Proceeding of tropical fruit, organized by Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives,
Thailand in collaboration with FAO of the United nations, 25-28 May 1998, Pattaya
41. Noomhorm, A, and M.E.A. Ingles. (1998). Quality Evaluation of Meat Products in
Relation to Packing and Irradiation; Proceeding of Nuclear Technology: A Stimulus for
Thai Economy, The 7 th Nuclear Science and Technology Conference, Ministry of
Science Technology and Environment, Thailand,1-2 December 1998,
42. Noomhorm, A., S.G. Ilangantileke, I.P. Upadahya, D.B. Karki, and M. Apintanapong.
(1998). Use of irradiation in combination with preservation techniques to extend the shelf-life of tropical fruits and their products; Panel Proceedings Series: Combination
Process for Food Irradiation, Proceedings of the Final research co-ordination meeting of the co-ordinated research program on irradiation in combination with other process for improving quality organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear
Techniques in Food and Agriculture and International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna,
1998, Pg 53-75.
43. Adsavakulchai Suwanee, Kaew Nualchawee, Shunji Murai, Kiyoshi Honda,
A.Noomhorm, Surat Lertlum (1999). Satellite Monitoring of Seasonal Fluctuation for
Japanese Encephalitis Mosquitoes in Thailand, ISU Symposium, 26-28 May 1999.
44. Adsavakulchai Suwanee, Kaew Nualchawee, Shunji Murai, Kiyoshi Honda, A.
Noomhorm, Surat Lertlum, (1999). The Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for
Monitoring Travel Medicine in Southeast Asia, The Sixth Conference of the
International Society of Travel Medicine, 6-10 June, 1999.
45. Taruna, I, and Noomhorm, A. (1999). Drum drying of soy pulp (okara). Proceeding of the First Asian – Australian Drying Conference, October 24-27 1999, Bali Indonesia
46. Inprasit, C, and Noomhorm, A, (1999). Effect of drying air temperature and grain temperature of different type of dryer and operation on rice quality. Proceeding of the
First Asian – Australian Drying Conference, October 24-27 1999, Bali Indonesia.
47. Noomhorm A., (2000). Problem and strategy of tomato quality for processing industry;
Proceeding of Research and Development of tomato for industry; organized by Nation
Research Office, National of Genetic and Biotechnology Center, Khonkaen U and
Kasetsart U, Sakonakhon, pp 281-287, 23-25 Feb 2000.
48. Noomhorm, A and S. Yoenyongbuddhagal. (2000). Cross-linking and acetylation of high amylose rice flour (Chainat1 variety) for instant rice noodle, Proceeding of
FoSTAT/PROPAK ASIA 2000 Food Conference, Bangkok Thailand, p 184-192, 14-16
June 2000.
49. Noomhorm, A. and P. Supprung. (2000), Physical modification by extrusion cooking and drum drying on low amylose rice (KDML 105) flour and starch; Proceeding of
FoSTAT/PROPAK ASIA 2000 Food Conference, Bangkok Thailand, 14-16 June 2000.
50. Pornlada Nakaketet and A. Noomhorm, (2001) Study of artificial aging by drying of high moisture roughrice under high humidity conditions, Proceedings of the 2 nd
Asian-Oceania drying conference ADC’01, Batu Feringhi, Putau Pinang, Malaysia,
20-22 August 2001, 681-690.
51. Noomhorm, A., C. Inprasit, P Sirisoontaralak and R Assawarachan. (2001),
Evaluation of milling yield for Thai rice - the 20 th
Asean / 2 nd
APEC seminar on postharvest technology “Quality management and market access”, Chiangmai,
Thailand 11-14 September 2001, pp81-89
52. Assawarachan, R and A Noomhorm Design and development a tomato sorting machine based on color and firmness - the 20 th
Asean / 2 nd
APEC seminar on
postharvest technology “Quality management and market access”, Chiangmai,
Thailand 11-14 September 2001 pp 302-305.
53. Noomhorm, A, (2001); Rice drying (in Thai), proceeding on annual competition on rice quality of Thailand, organized by Internal Trade Division, Ministry of
Commerce and Tao Rice Mills Association, Rama Garden Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, pp 17- 26, 9 th
November 2001.
54. Noomhorm, A., J Yamprayoon and A. Adulpichit ; Extending shelf life of semidried shrimp with low dose irradiation , In Proceeding of The 8 th
Nuclear Science and Technology Conference , Kasetsart University, Bangkok, (2001), pp38-52
55. A. K. Shrestha and A. Noomhorm (2002). Development of rancidity in soy and kinema flours during storage. Food Nepal 6: 20-26 .
56. Noomhorm, A, (2002); Recent advances in food engineering applications in developing countries; In Proceedings of Second International Agronomy Congress on balancing food and Environmental Security- A continuing Challenge; New Delhi, India,
November 26-30, 2002; pp279-285.
57. Likittrattanaporn C, I Ahmad, P. Sirisoontaralak and A. Noomhorm (2003);
Performance evaluation of a mobile rotary dryer for high moisture paddy; ;
Proceedings of the 3 rd
Asia-Pacific Drying Conference; AIT, Thailand; 1-3 Sept
2003; pp 191-207.
58. Reindl M and A. Noomhorm (2003); Control of microwave vacuum dryer by means of fuzzy logics: Proceedings of the 3 rd
Asia-Pacific Drying Conference; AIT,
Thailand, 1-3 Sept 2003; pp 191-207.
Koomsanit, T. A Noomhorm, and P. Sirisoontaralak (2003), Use of Irradiation to
Improve the Safety and Quality of Thai Prepared Meal, In ‘Proceedings of the
International Conference on Innovations in Food Processing Technology and
Engineering’ 11-13 December 2003, AIT, Bangkok, pp 313-322.
Noomhorm, A (2004); Irradiation to Ensure the Safety and Quality of Prepared
Meals; Proceedings of a Research Coordination Meeting held in Pretoria South
Africa, 26-30 April 2004 ; Reproduced by the IAEA Vienna, Austria, 2004. pp78-81
61. Noomhorm, A (2006); Food safety systems in Thailand Book of Abstracts for
Alliance for Global Sustainability Internal partnership (AGS) Annual Meeting 2006, in Parallel workshop Programme March 19-22, 2006, Bangkok Thailand pp37.
62. Noomhorm, A (2006) The Coordinated Research Project on “Use of Irradiation to
Ensure the Safety and Quality of Prepared Meals: for Thailand ” abstract
Proceedings of the 3rd FAO/IAEA Research Coordination Meeting (RCM) held in
Beijing, People’s Republic of China 22-26 May 2006 pp 29
63. Siriprapa Soothiboon and Athapol Noomhorm: (2006) Study of germinated brown rice for production Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) Proceedings of the
International Conference on “ Innovations in Food and Bioprocess Technologies” 12-14
December 2006, AIT, Bangkok
64. Sirisoontaralak P, I. Ahmad and A. Noomhorm (2006) Use of pressurized carbon dioxide to control infested insects in milled rice; Proceedings of the International
Conference on “ Innovations in Food and Bioprocess Technologies” 12-14 December
65. Benjadumrongkit C, P. Sirisoontaralak and A. Noomhorm (2006) Carbon dioxide fumigation at elevated temperature and pressure to control insect in milled rice:
Proceedings of the International Conference on “ Innovations in Food and Bioprocess
Technologies” 12-14 December 2006
66. Noomhorm A, and P. Soni (2007) What sustainability means for food export and agricultural value addition?” Pathways to our common future “ Proceedings of the
Alliance for Global Sustainability , Annual meeting 2007, 18-21 March, Barcelona,
Spain pp 106-108
67. Jiraporn Sripinyowanich and Athapol Noomhorm .
(2007): Study on quality of Thai aromatic rice: Proceeding of the International Workshop on Food Safety and
Processing Technology; 29-30 November 2007, Nong Lam University; Faculty of
Food science and technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
68. Rittichai Assawarachan and Athapol Noomhorm: (2007): Design and development laboratory scale microwave vacuum evaporator of juice concentrate: Proceeding of the International workshop on Food Safety and processing technology; 29-30
November 2007, Nong Lam University; Faculty of Food science and technology, Ho
Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
69. Noomhorm A, (2008); Thailand best practices - The roadmap to developing winning solutions for the co-generation industry: Proceeding on Biomass & Residues Asia
2008 Organized by Sound Initiatives. Part of Agribusiness Conferences I Asia 2008
;25 to 28 March at the Grand Hyatt in Singapore .
70. Sangsom W, I. Ahmad and A. Noomhorm: Optimization of rice supply case in
Thailand – A case study of two rice mills; : Proceeding of the second international symposium on Food and Water Sustainability in Asia 2008; 7-8 October 2008 Macau,
China pp87-1-01
71. Laosanguanek N, R Assawarachan and A Noomhorm; 2009 Thin Layer Infrared
Radiation Drying of Turmeric Slices, Proceeding of the Agricultural Engineering
Conference (IAEC) at AIT 5-8 Dec 2009 IAEC 2009. , Manhattan Hotel at Klong
Luang, Pathumthani (Thailand)
72. Pongtong, K., Assawarachan, R. and Noomhorm, N. 2009. Vacuum Drying Kinetics of Pomegranate Arils. In International Agricultural Engineering Conference, 5-8
December, 2009, Manhattan Hotel at Klong Luang, Pathumthani (Thailand)
E. Papers in conferences, seminar and workshops
1. Noomhorm, A. and Verma, L.R. (1986). A single-layer drying equation for long grain rough rice. Paper presented at ASAE Summer International Meeting, Davis, California,
2. Noomhorm, A., Ilangantileke, S.G. and Guzman, J.D. (1988). Precooling studies of tropical fruits and vegetables. Paper presented at ASAE International Winter Meeting,
Chicago, USA 13-16 December 1988.
3. Noomhorm, A., Ilangantileke, S.G. and Cardona, T. (1988). Farm level chemical applicator to control aflatoxin in store maize cobs in Thailand. Paper presented at
ASAE International Winter Meeting, Chicago, USA, 13-16 December 1988.
4. Noomhorm, A. and Tiasuwan N. (1988). Design of controlled atmosphere storage on mango. Paper presented at ASAE International Winter Meeting, Chicago, USA, 13-16
December 1988.
5. Noomhorm, A., Ilangantileke, S.G. and Chavapradit, C. (1989). Determination of physical properties as harvesting indices for Thai mango. Paper presented at ASAE
International Summer Meeting, Quebec, PQ, Canada, 25-28 June 1989.
6. Noomhorm, A. and Adhikarinayake, T.B. (1990). Development of a continuous flow steamer for parboiled rice. Paper presented for ASAE International Summer Meeting,
Columbus, Ohio, 24-27 June 1990.
7. Ilangantileke, S.G., Salokhe, V. and Noomhorm, A. (1990). Research and future development in fresh horticulture produce handling in the region. Paper presented at the conference of Regional Expert Consultation on Handling, Processing, Storage and
Transport of Horticulture Produce. Chiangmai, Thailand. June 1990.
8. Tansakul, A. and Noomhorm, A. (1990). Effect of screen size and speeds of pulper finisher on quality of tomato juice. Paper presented for ASAE Winter Meeting,
Chicago, Illinois, USA, 18-21 December 1990.
9. Noomhorm, A. and C.S. Ting. (1990). On-farm mobile precooling system for tropical fruits and vegetables. Paper presented for ASAE International Winter Meeting,
Chicago, Illinois, USA 18-21 December 1990.
10. Noomhorm, A. and C.S. Ting. (1991). Application of membrane technology in food processing. Paper presented at Workshop on Membrane Technology for Water and
WasteWater Engineers and Engineers from Selected Industries. Bangkok. 29-31
January 1991.
11. Noomhorm, A. and Inprasit, C. (1991). Design laboratory scale freeze dryer for tangerine juice. Paper presented at ASAE International Summer Meeting, Arizona,
12. Noomhorm, A. and Rukhavibul, S. (1991). Effect of concentration methods on the quality of passion fruit concentrate. Paper presented at ASAE International Summer
Meeting, Arizona, U.S.A.
13. Noomhorm, A. and Pichetskul, M. (1991). Effect of fruit maturity and processing on cashew apple juice. Paper presented at ASAE International Summer Meeting, Arizona,
14. Noomhorm, A, Ilangantileke, S.G. and Joglekar, H. (1991). A decision model for planning integrated agro-industrial projects. Paper presented at the Workshop on Grain
Postharvest System Analysis Using Microcomputers, 25-27 June 1991, Singapore.
15. Ishwari P. Upadhyay, Noomhorm, A. and Ilangantileke, S.G. (1993). Effects of irradiation and storage temperature on the shelf life and quality of Thai lychee. Paper presented at International Conference on Postharvest Handling of Tropical Fruits, organized by ACIAR, Chiangmai, 19-22 July 1993.
16. Ishwari P. Upadhyay, Rao, M.S., Noomhorm, A. and Ilangantileke, S.G. (1993). Effect of gamma radiation and hot water treatment on the shelf life and quality of Thai mango cv. Rad. Paper presented at International Conference on Postharvest Handling of
Tropical Fruits, organized by ACIAR, Chiangmai, 19-22 July 1993.
17. Noomhorm, A. and Rao, S.M. (1994). Human resource development in the food processing industry. Paper presented at the International Agricultural Engineering
Conference, 6-9 December Bangkok, Thailand, 1994.
18. Singh, J., Ilangantileke, S.G., Salokhe, V.M. and Noomhorm, A. (1994). Development of a decision model for agro-industrial project planning. Paper presented at the
International Agricultural Engineering Conference, 6-9 December, Bangkok, Thailand,
19. Singh, J., Noomhorm, A., Ilangantileke, S.G. and Salokhe, V.M. (1994). Effect of process parameters on quality and physical properties of vacuum puff dried pineapple juice powder. Paper presented at the International Agricultural Engineering Conference,
6-9 December, Bangkok, Thailand, 1994.
20. Noomhorm, A., Upadhyay, I., and Ilangantileke, S.G. (1995). The use of irradiation in combination with chemical treatment and modified atmosphere storage to preserve shell color and quality of Thai lychee. Paper presented at the final FAO/IAEA Research Coordination Meeting on: Irradiation in combination with other processes for improving food quality, Pretoria, South Africa, 27 February-3 March 1995.
21. Noomhorm, A. and Karki, D.B. (1995). Study of irradiation of semi-dried mango and longan. Paper presented at the final FAO/IAEA Research Co-ordination Meeting on:
Irradiation in combination with other processes for improving food quality, Pretoria,
South Africa, 27 February-3 March 1995.
22. Eiumnoh, A., Shrestha, R.P., Baimoung, S., Kesawapitak, P. and Noomhorm, A.
(1995). Field prediction and potential monitoring of cassava production in Nakhon
Ratchasima: Paper presented at the 16th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, 20-24
November, 1995, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.
23. Eiumnoh, A., R. P. Shrestha, S. Baimoung, P. Kesawapitak and A. Noomhorm. 1996.
"Field Prediction and Potential Monitoring of Cassava Production in Nakhon
Ratchasima, Thailand". In: GAME-Tropics Background Papers. GAME-Tropics
Research Materials No. 1, Japan Sub-Committee for GAME-Tropics, August 1996.
24. Noomhorm, A. (1996). Advanced post-academic course on tapioca starch technology.
Paper presented at T-02 Tapioca starch manufacturing in Thailand, 22-26 January and
19-23 February, 1996, Bangkok, Thailand.
25. Noomhorm, A. (1996). Overview of current paddy drying practices in Thailand. Paper presented at the Seminar on “Industrial dryer: selection, operation and control”, organized by Petro-chemical Training and Research Center, Chemical Engineering
Department, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 27th March
26. Noomhorm, A. (1996). Cooperation and institutional infrastructure in food processing industry. Paper presented at Seminar “Agriculture and Agro-Industries in 2000”, organized by the University of Agriculture and Forestry Thu Duc, Ho Chi Minh City,
Vietnam, and Ecole Nationale Veterinaire de Toulouse, France; Ho Chi Minh City,
Vietnam, 5-8th June 1996.
27. Noomhorm, A. (1996). Preliminary study on irradiation in combination with vacuum packaging of sliced ham and semi-dried sliced pork. Paper presented at first FAO/IAEA research co-ordination meeting on production of safe, shelf-stable and ready-to-eat foods through irradiation processing, at The Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast,
Northern Ireland, 9-13 September 1996.
28. Eiumnoh, A., F. X. J. Canisius, S. Baimoung, P. Kesawapitak, A. Noomhorm and R. P.
Shrestha. 1996. Impacts of Land Use Changes in Macro Watershed Using NOAA-
AVHRR Data: A case of Mun Watershed, Thailand. Watershed Management for the
Future, FORTROP’96, International Conference on Tropical Forestry in the 21st
Century (eds. N. Tangtham, S. Thammincha, and L. Puangchit), Kasetsart Univ.,
Bangkok. Vol. 6, pp. 234-244.
29. Yoenyongbuddhagal, S and A. Nooomhorm (1998),The modifications of rice starches for utilization frozen products, Paper presented at poster session FoSTAT/Propak
Asia,, Food Conference 3-4 June 1998
30. Sirisoontaralak P and A. Noomhorm (1998) Application of combined method technology in high moisture pineapple preservation, Paper presented at poster session
FoSTAT/Propak Asia , Food Conference 3-4 June 1998
31. Noomhorm, A,. S. Sookdang, S. Yoenyongbuddhagal and P. Sirisoontaralak (1999) “
The modification of rice flour for rice noodle, Paper present at Poster session on
FoSTAT/Propak Asia , Food Conference 15-18 June 1999
32. Noomhorm, A. (1999). Problem encountered in the development and application of
HACCP to SME in developing countries. Paper presented at Food Safety Coference’99, organized by IBC Asia Limited 29-30 June 1999, West Banyan Hotel, Bangkok
33. Noomhorm A. and T. Thant. (1999). A study on the effect of intermediate products from cassava starch production on the quality of glucose syrup. Paper presented at 10 th
Congress of Food science & Technology , 3-8 October, 1999.
Noomhorm, A. and S. Chayowan (2000). Food for tomorrow. Paper presented at the seminar on: Trends in environmental management and food safety for the new millennium/ co-organized by AIT and Miller Freeman (Thailand) Co., Ltd , Bangkok
International Trade and Exhibition (BITEC) 10-14 May 2000.
Noomhorm, A., P. Vongsawasdi, C. Inprasit, J. Yamprayoon, P. Sirisoontaralak,
M.E.A. Ingles and A. Adulpichit; (2000). Impact of low dose radiation on the quality of processed meat and fishery products; Paper presented at the Final FAO/IAEA Research
Co-ordination meeting (RCM) on development of safe, shelf-stable and ready-to-eat food through radiation processing, Food Research and Development Centre (FRDC),
St, Hyacinthe, Montreal Canada, 10-14 July 2000.
36. Noomhorm, A. (2000), Fresh fruit and vegetables handling systems and standardization of quality evaluation methods; Paper presented at Asian Food Congress, organized by
National Food Institute and Reed Tradex, Nonthaburi Thailand, 9-11 November 2000.
37. Noomhorm, A. (2000), Evaluation of milling yield for Thai rice, Paper presented at
Asian Food Congress, organized by National Food Institute and Reed Tradex,
Nonthaburi Thailand, 9-11 November 2000.
Noomhorm, A. (2000), Cleaner production in food industry, Paper presented at workshop on sustainable Industrial Development through cleaner production, Colombo,
Sri Lanka, 13-14 November 2000.
39. Noomhorm, A. (2001), Irradiation preservation of foods, Paper presented at workshop on developments in Food Processing Technology , Bangkok, Thailand,
April 24-27, 2001
40. Noomhorm, A. (2001), Quality and safety issues in food industry, Paper presented at workshop on developments in Food Processing Technology, Bangkok, Thailand,
April 24-27, 2001
41 Noomhorm, A. (2001), Processing of fruits and vegetables, Paper presented at workshop on developments in Food Processing Technology, Bangkok, Thailand,
April 24-27, 2001
42. Noomhorm, A. (2001), Developments in food processing equipment, Paper presented at workshop on developments in Food Processing Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, April
24-27, 2001
43. Noomhorm, A. (2001), Fresh fruits and vegetables handling systems, processing and standardization of quality evaluation methods, a presented as resource person
Workshop/Training on " Food Processing and Analytical Techniques" Dhaka,
Bangladesh on 5 - 8 August, 2001.
44. Anunciado, R and A. Noomhorm. (2001) Effect of postharvest handling and modified atmosphere packaging on the quality of Baby corn (Zea mays), the 20 th
Asean / 2 nd
APEC seminar on postharvest technology “Quality management and market access”,
Chiangmai, Thailand, 11-14 September 2001.
45. Noomhorm, A. (2001) Fruit and vegetable handling system and equipment,
International Institute of Industrial and Manufacturing Culture Conference (IMAC
2001), AIT, Bangkok, October 11-122, 2001
46. Noomhorm, A. (2003). Product and process development in extrusion technology
SMART EXTRUSION Conference 2003; Prospects and emerging opportunities for extrusion technology applications in Asia and the Pacific, Kasetsart University ,
Bangkok, Thailand, 2-4 December 2003
47. Noomhorm A, (2004). Determination of fruit maturity with various Nondestructive techniques, Japan-Thailand joint symposium on nondestructive evaluation technology,
Baiyoke Sky Hotel, Bangkok , Thailand, May 18-21, 2004.
48. Noomhorm A, (2004). Research in extruded rice products in Thailand, Paper presented at seminar on Innovation of rice puffing; , The Emerald Hotel, Bangkok , 8-9
September 2004.
49. Noomhorm A, P Sirisoontaralak, C. Uraichoen and I. Ahmad Control of insect infestation in milled rice using low pressure carbon dioxide (2005), Paper presented at poster session at 2 nd
International Conference on Innovations in Food Processing
Technology and Engineering’, AIT, Bangkok, Abstract Book pp 27. 11-13 January
50. Noomhorm A, (2005) Post harvest Technology for fruit export, Paper presentation at seminar fruit packaging for export, Thai packaging center, Thailand Institution of
Research and Development, Maruai Hotel, Bangkok, 18th January 2005
51 . Noomhorm A, (2005) Engineering properties of food material, “Principle, Applications and measurements; a presentation as resource person seminar organized by Charpa
Techcenter Co., Ltd Bangkok Thailand 18 th
February, 2005.
52. Noomhorm A, (2005) Extrusion “Principle, Process and Applications; a presentation as resource person organized by Charpa Techcenter Co., Ltd Bangkok Thailand 18 th
February, 2005.
53. Noomhorm, A, E. Ogunlana, I. Sooksathan and . E. Sarobol, (2005); Alley
Farming: An Organic Farming for poverty Alleviation and Environmental
Preservation; paper presented at Seminar on RTG Joint Research Projects,
Asian Institute of Technology, 8th August 2005.
54. Noomhorm, A, P . Vongsawasdi and C. Inprasit. (2005); Improvement of Production and Post Harvest Practices for Thai Rice Quality; paper presented at Seminar on
RTG Joint Research Projects, Asian Institute of Technology, 8th August 2005.
55. Noomhorm A, (2006) : Improving your yield by reducing your waste” Conference speaker for Food Manufacturing Form; 20 th & 21 st February,2006; Westin Grande,
Bangkok Thailand.
56. Noomhorm A., P. Sirisoontaralak, T. Koomsanit, K. Pungsawat, T. Theamhong, W.
Srisawas. P. Vongasawasdi, and A. Vitittheeranon; Use of irradiation to improve the safety and quality of Thai prepared meal; Paper presented at the Final FAO/IAEA
Research Co-ordination meeting (RCM) on development of
RCM on “Irradiation to
Ensure the Safety and Quality of Prepared Meals” Beijing, China; 22-26; May 2006
57. Noomhorm A (2006); Managing Supply chain for fresh fruit and vegetable paper presented at Seminar on food supply chain organized by APO-AIT, 22November
2006, Bangkok Thailand
58. Noomhorm A (2006): Managing supply chain for frozen and processed food, paper presented at seminar on food supply chain organized by APO-AIT, 22 November
2006, Bangkok, Thailand
59. Noomhorm A (2006): Mycotoxin prevention Food Products in Postharvest: Seminar on” Mycotoxin: Achieving Food Security and Food Quality”; Kasetsart University
12 December 2006
60. Noomhorm A (2006) Agro-Industry Development: Marketing; Procurement and
Processing for Thailand and Penang; New Source of Growth Penang : organized by
The Social-Economic & Environmental Research Institute (SERI) and invest Penang;
8 December; Cititel Hotel, Penang Malaysia
Sasiwimon Tabyam and A. Noomhorm (2006); The effect of impingement and spiral freezing methods on the quality of cooked shrimp ; Poster presentation at
International Conference on “ Innovations in Food and Bioprocess Technologies” 12-14
December 2006, AIT, Bangkok
62. Noomhorm A, (2007); Learning sustainability at AIT: Paper presentation at
International working sessions on sustainability in higher education, Barcelona working session , March 17 th 2007
63. Noomhorm A, (2007) “Labeling of food safety” paper presented at seminar on Logo for food safety; 28 th
March 2—7, Economics Department, Chulalongkorn U, Bangkok.
64. Noomhorm A, (2007) “ Pre-project planning”; “Routine production palling and management” and “Supply chain management”, papers presented at training curse on
Improving Managerial Efficiency of Small and Medium Agro-enterprise”; organized by Asian Productivity Organization, 8-9 May 2007, Bangkok.
Noomhorm A, (2007) “ Research on supply chain management in agribusiness:
Thailand” Working party meeting of he experts on research supply chains in
Agribusiness, organized by Asian Productivity Organization (APO), 5-7 th
Tokyo , Japan.
66. Jirawan Maneerote, Athapol Noomhorm, and Pawan Singh Takhar” .
Composition and Frying Parameters of Rice Crackers to Improve Physico-Chemical
Properties and Reduce Oil Uptake. Poster presentation at Bioengineering Poster
Session T he AICHE 2007 Annual Meeting Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 7 November
67. Jiraporn Sripinyowanich and Athapol Noomhorm; (2007): Study on quality of Thai aromatic rice: Paper presented at International workshop on Food Safety and processing technology; 29-30 November 2007, Nong Lam University; Faculty of
Food science and technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
68. Rungarun Hormdok and Athapol Noomhorm (2007);Effects of Drying and
Tempering of Rough Rice on Physicochemical Property of Flour and starch: Paper presented at International Agricultural Engineering Conference;3-6 Dec 2007, AIT,
Bangkok, Thailand
69. Jiraporn Sripinyowanich and Athapol Noomhorm (2007); Identification of a Non-
Aromatic Rice (Chainat 1) in Mixing with an Aromatic Rice (Khao Dawk Mali 105):
Paper presented at International Agricultural Engineering Conference;3-6 Dec 2007,
AIT, Bangkok, Thailand
70. Natthaporn Jirakitkul and Athapol Noomhorm (2007); Microwave Vacuum Drying of Mulberry Leaves: Paper presented at International Agricultural Engineering
Conference;3-6 Dec 2007, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand
71. Charun Likitrattanaporn and Athapol Noomhorm (2007): Design and Development on Infrared Radiation (IR) Heating Apparatus for Parboiled Rice Processing: Paper
presented at International Agricultural Engineering Conference; 3-6 Dec 2007, AIT,
Bangkok, Thailand
72. Tunyanuch Uakaroonchaikul and Athapol Noomhorm: (2007); Effects of Vacuum
Infrared Drying on the Quality and Quercetin Content in Red Onions: Paper presented at International Agricultural Engineering Conference;3-6 Dec 2007, AIT,
Bangkok, Thailand
73. Rittichai Assawarachan and Athapol Noomhorm : (2007); Kinetics of color change of pineapple juice concentration using microwave vacuum evaporation Paper presented at International Agricultural Engineering Conference;3-6 Dec 2007, AIT,
Bangkok, Thailand
74 .
P. Soni , V.M. Salokhe, A. Noomhorm and H. Nakashima (2007). “The Status of
Agricultural Engineering Education in Thailand: An Investigation into the Need for
Restructuring for Sustainability”. Proceedings of the 11 th
International Conference, December 12-14, 2007, Bangkok, THAILAND.
75. Athapol Noomhorm and Peeyush Soni: (2008); Thai agriculture in advent of global climate change: Paper presented at TIGS Symposium 2008 organized by
Transdisplinary Initiative for Global Sustainability (TIGS), Integrated Research
System for Sustainability Science(IR3S), The University of Tokyo and Department of Economics, University of Hawaii at Manoa; February 26 th
-28 th
, 2008
76. Athapol Noomhorm and Rittichai Assawarachan (2008); Application electromagnetic radiation technologies in food processing: Paper presented at The
2 nd
R&DID* International Conference – 2008; University of the Thai Chamber of
Commerce, Bangkok, Thailand ;Theme: Global Competitiveness Through R&DID
(R&DID* : Research and Development, Innovation, Design)
77. Noomhorm A. (2009). Rice supply chain in Thailand: Paper presented at the 4 th
International Conference on Innovations in Food Processing Technology and
Engineering, 19-20 January 2009; AIT: Bangkok.
78. Cheevitsopon E and A. Noomhorm. (2009). Study of hydration kinetics and dimensional changes of brown rice during soaking by image analysis: Paper presented at the 4 th
International Conference on Innovations in Food Processing
Technology and Engineering, 19-20 January 2009; AIT: Bangkok.
79. Srikham A and A. Noomhorm. (2009). Determination of optimal rice milling quality using friction type milling. Paper presented at the 4 th International Conference on
Innovations in Food Processing Technology and Engineering, 19-20 January 2009;
AIT: Bangkok.
80. Parnsakhorn S and A. Noomhorm. (2009). Changes in free fatty acid and pasting characteristics of brown rice and parboiled rice during storage. Paper presented at the
4 th
International Conference on Innovations in Food Processing Technology and
Engineering, 19-20 January 2009; AIT: Bangkok.
81. Noomhorm A, (2009); Encapsulation on Food application by spray drying and Freeze drying; NSTDA (the National Science and Technology Development Agency);
Annual Conference at Thailand Science Park, Pathum Thani.; 12 March 2009
82. Noomhorm A. (2009) Innovative processing and utilization of rice products;
Successfully evaluating, measuring & Managing R&D innovation: The Asia
Business Forum; Grand Sukhumvit Hotel, Bangkok, 12 March 2009
83. Noomhorm A;(2009); Overview Asean Grain Postharvest” paper presented at
Seminar on the training course on Grain post-harvest Technology;” organized by
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (MAFF-Japan) under the
CLMV Focus Component of the Project for Strengthening Partnership[ among Japan and Asean countries, implement by the Asean secretariat;, Department of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand July 14 th
84. Noomhorm A;(2009) “ Rice postharvest in Thailand ” paper presented (invited speaker) at Post harvest Rice Conference and exhibition organized by International
Rice Research Institute, Queen Sirikit Conventional Center Bangkok Thailand, 15 th
17 th July 2009.
85. Rungarun Sasanatayart
1 and Athapol Noomhorm (2009) Hydrothermal modification of waxy and non-waxy rice starch : Effect on DSC thermal properties paper presented at
35 th
Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand , Chonburi, Thailand 15-17 October
86. P. Soni,
V.M. Salokhe and A. Noomhorm (2009). “Green Top, Clean
Bottom: Storey for Sustainability”. In: Abstracts Book. ‘Urban Futures:
The Challenge of Sustainability’. The Alliance for Global Sustainability
(AGS) Annual Meeting 2009, 26-30 January, Zurich, SWITZERLAND.
Pp. 47 .
87. Pongtong, K., Assawarachan, R. and Noomhorm, N. 2009. Vacuum
Drying Kinetics of Pomegranate Arils. In International Agricultural
Engineering Conference, 7-10 December, 2009, Manhattan Hotel at
Klong Luang, Pathumthani (Thailand)
88. Laosanguanek, N, Assawarachan, R. and Noomhorm, N. 2009. Thin
Layer Infrared Radiation Drying of Turmeric Slices. In International
Agricultural Engineering Conference, 7-10 December, 2009, Manhattan
Hotel at Klong Luang, Pathumthani, Thailand
89. Siripinyowanich, J., Assawarachan, R. and Noomhorm, A. 2010.
Microwave vibro-Fluidization Bed Drying I a single Mode Applicator.
In the National science and Technology Fair, 7-22 August, Bangkok,
90. Noomhorm A, (2010) Rice Supply Chain management- Thailand
Experience; paper presented on Greening Food processing Sector for
Sustainable Safe Food Supply at International Conference on Food
Technology; Edition II INCOFTECH -2010 arranged by Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India 30 th
91 . Ho Minh Thao and A. Noomhorm (2010): Physiochemical properties of sweet potato and mung bean starch, and their blends for noodle production; paper presented at the
5 th
International Conference on Innovations in Food & Bioprocess Technology
(IFBT 2010), 7-9 December 2010; AIT Bangkok.
92. Jiraporn Sripinyowanich and Athapol Noomhorm (2010): A new model for vibrofluidized bed and microwave vibro-fluidized bed drying of unfrozen and frozen cooked rice: Paper presented at the 5 th
International Conference on Innovations in
Food & Bioprocess Technology (IFBT 2010), 7-9 December 2010; AIT Bangkok.
93. Orawan Sopanattayanon and Athapol Noomhorm (2010) Determination of a suitable thin layer drying model for coconut residue: Paper presented at the 5 th International Conference on Innovations in Food & Bioprocess
Technology (IFBT 2010), 7-9 December 2010; AIT Bangkok
94. Theradetch Lervilaianunt and Athapol Noomhorm (2010); The effect of operating conditions on pomegranate juice quality during ohmic heating process: Paper presented at the 5 th
International Conference on
Innovations in Food & Bioprocess Technology (IFBT 2010), 7-9
December 2010; AIT Bangkok
95. Ho Minh Thao and Athapol Noomhorm (2010): Modeling and effects of various drying methods on sweet potato starch properties; Paper presented at the 5 th
International Conference on Innovations in Food &
Bioprocess Technology (IFBT 2010), 7-9 December 2010; AIT Bangkok
96 Ekkapong Cheevitsopon and Athapol Noomhorm (2010): Changes in physiochemical property of germinated brown rice and parboiled germinated brow rice dried in a fluidized bed dryer; Paper presented at the 5 th
International Conference on Innovations in Food & Bioprocess
Technology (IFBT 2010), 7-9 December 2010; AIT Bangkok.
97. Nattriya Supmoon and Athapol Noomhorm (2010); Design and development of an evaporative cooling system for tropical fruits and vegetables in transport vehicle; Paper presented at the 5 th
Conference on Innovations in Food & Bioprocess Technology (IFBT
2010), 7-9 December 2010; AIT Bangkok
98. Paweena Saeanghirunwattana and Athapol Noomhorm (2010);
Improvement the performance of biocomposite (PLA-soy protein) reinforced with corn husk fiber; Paper presented at the 5 th
Conference on Innovations in Food & Bioprocess Technology (IFBT
2010), 7-9 December 2010; AIT Bangkok
99. Preedawan C. and Athapol Noomhorm (2010); Study on quality grading of mangosteen by ultrasonic specific gravity controlling system; Paper presented at the 5 th
International Conference on Innovations in Food &
Bioprocess Technology (IFBT 2010), 7-9 December 2010; AIT Bangkok
100. Assawarachan, R., Umaporn, U. and Noomhorm, A. 2011. Electrical conductivity of red grape juice during ohmic heating. In The 12 th
Conference of Thai Society of Agricultural Engineering 31 March – 1
April 2011. Chon-Chan Pattaya Resort, Chonburi, Thailand.
101. Sopannttayanon O., Sripinyowanich, J., Assawarachan, R. and
Noomhorm, A. 2011. Effects of temperature and layer Thickness on
Quality of coconut residue by tray drying. In The 12 th
Annual Conference of Thai Society of Agricultural Engineering 31 March – 1 April 2011.
Chon-Chan Pattaya Resort, Chonburi, Thailand.
102. Buddhi Lamsal, Thawunporn Pananun, Melissa Montalbo-Lomboy,
David Grewell, Athapol Noomhorm (2011) High Power
Ultrasonication-Assisted Extraction of Soybean Isoflavones and Its
Effects; Presented at International Conference on Food Engineering and Biotechnology (ICFEB 2011) Bangkok, Thailand. May 28-29,
2011 (excellent paper award )
103 Khanal J, K. Muthukumarappan, P Fallahi and A. Noomhorm (2012);
Extrusion Processing of soy white flakes based feed for Nile Tilapia, poster presentation at Centre of Bioprocessing and Research, Rapid city, South Dakota, USA 8 March 2010
104. Sopannttayanon O., Sripinyowanich, J., Assawarachan, R. and
Noomhorm, A. (2012) . Effect of storage on quality of coconut flake paper present at poster session at International Congress on Food
Engineering and Technology 2012 IMPACT Convention Center,
Bangkok, Thailand March 28-30, 2012
Namaporn Attaviroj, Sumaporn Kasemsumran and Athapol
Noomhorm (2012); NIRS and FT-NIRS Performance in Brown and
Milled Rice Protein Content Prediction Using Paddy Spectra; paper present in poster session at The Asian Near Infrared Symposium (ANS), 13-
14th May 2012
Namaporn Attaviroj, Sumaporn Kasemsumran and Athapol Noomhorm;
(2012) Evaluation of Apparent Amylose Content in Paddy by Fourier
Transform Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy; Paper present at poster session at The Asian Near Infrared Symposium (ANS) 13-14 th
May 2012
Nava rose Putmuang, Anil Kumar and Athapol Noomhorm (2012)
Autolysis and ultrasonic assisted extraction of protein hydrolysis form white shrimp waste head and its properties; Poster presentation at The
14th Food Innovation Asia Conference 2012; 14-15th June BITEC,
Bangna, Thailand
J. Shestra Khanal J, K. Muthukumarappan, P Fallahi and A.
Noomhorm (2012); Single screw extrusion processing of soy white flake based feed for Nile Tilapia; poster presented at ASABE conference, Dallas, July 2012
1. Noomhorm, A. and Ting, C.S. (1990). Design, develop, evaluation and testing precooling mobile unit for fruit and vegetable. Final report and manual for the user submitted to the Department of Agriculture of Thailand, January 1990.
2. Noomhorm, A. (1991). Extension of precooling technology for handling of fresh fruits and vegetables at farm level. Report submitted to CIDA/AIT-CUC/PP Program,
January 1991.
3. Noomhorm, A., Henao. B. and M. Hamilton (1991). High-cell density cultivation of recombinant Escherichia coli. Report for training course on Biotechnology Program at
GBF, Braunschweig, Germany.
4 Noomhorm, A.(1991). Report to The United Nations Development Programme's
(UNDP) and International Labour Organization (ILO) Regional Project; " Increasing the efficiency and productivity of Tomato Canning and Mush room Factories."
5. Noomhorm, A. (1992). Report of demonstration project for extension of cashewnut processing at farm level, with a manual on cashewnut processing for farm and small and medium industries. Submitted to CIDA/AIT-CUC/PP Program, January 1992.
6. Noomhorm, A. and S.G. Ilangantileke, (1995); " Irradiation in combination with other processes for improving quality of tropical fruits. Report submitted to International
Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna Austria, July 1995.
7. Noomhorm, A. (1994); " Irradiation in combination with other processes for improving quality of tropical fruits: Project No. 6854-RB-R2, Part I: Irradiation of semi-dried mango, Report submitted to International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna Austria,
October 1994.
8. Noomhorm, A. (1995); " Irradiation in combination with other processes for improving quality of tropical fruits: Project No. 6854-RB-R2, Part II: Irradiation of mango puree.
Report submitted to International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna Austria, July 1995
9. Noomhorm, A. (1996); “Irradiation in combination with vacuum packaging sliced ham and modified atmosphere (MAP) for semi-dried pork; Project No. 8873/RO, Report submitted to International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna Austria, November 1996
10. Noomhorm, A. (1997), “Impact of low-dose radiation on the quality of meat products and film properties, Project No. 887/R2, Report submitted to International Atomic
Energy Agency, Vienna Austria, December 1997.
11. Noomhorm, A. (1997), “Postharvest technology of tropical fruit for industrial processing, Thailand”
1). Mango, 213 pp.
2). Pineapple, 137 pp.
3). Papaya, 121 pp.
4). Green mustard leaf, 112 pp.
5). Longan, 125 pp
6). Tomato, 177 pp.
7). Baby corn, 128 pp.
8). Guava, 97 pp.
9). Asparagus, 138 pp.
10).Rambutan, 123 pp.
Report submitted to Ministry of Industry, Thailand, January 1998. (in Thai)
12. Noomhorm, A. (1999), “ The modification of rice flours for rice noodles” Report submitted to Thailand Toray Science Foundation, Thai (33 pp) and English. 83 pp),
March 1999
13. Noomhorm, A. (1999), “ HACCP Implementation Manual” Final reported submitted to by Thai Industrial Standards Institute, Ministry of Industry, Thailand, 181 pp, (in Thai),
April 1999
14. Noomhorm, A. (1999), “ Food Hygiene Practice Manual ” Final reported submitted to by Thai Industrial Standards Institute, Ministry of Industry, Thailand, 71 pp, (in
Thai), April 1999
15. Noomhorm, A. (1999), “ Irradiation of spiced semi-dried pork with combination of packaging”. Project No. 8873/R2, Report submitted to International Atomic Energy
Agency, Vienna Austria, July 1999
16. Noomhorm, A., P Sirisontaralak, S. Yoenyongbuddhagal, Inprasit, C and R.
Asawarachun; (2000) " Evaluation of Thai rice milling yield ( Phase I), Project report submitted to Internal Trade Department, Ministry of Commerce ,Thailand, 117 pp (in
Thai), Jan 2000.
17. Noomhorm, A. (2000), "Quality criteria and measurements of fruits and vegetables for agro-industry: (in Thai)
a). Ginger (51 p)
b). Papaya (62 p)
c). Mango (42p)
d). Tomato (62 p)
e). Baby corn (51 p)
Report submitted to Industry Promotion Department, Ministry of Industry, Thailand
Feb, 2000.
18. Noomhorm, A., P Sirisontaralak, S. Yoenyongbuddhagal, Inprasit, C and R.
Asawarachun; (2000) “ Evaluation of Thai rice milling yield ( Phase II), Project report submitted to Internal Trade Department, Ministry of Commerce ,Thailand, 130 pp (in
Thai), July 2000.
19. Noomhorm, A., K. Piyachomkwan, S. Yoenyongbuddhagal, P. Supprang. (2000).
"Improvement performance of rice flour and starch for food application", Project report submitted to National Science and Technology Development Agency,
Thailand, 70 pp (in Thai), September 2000.
20. Noomhorm, A., A., Adulpichit, J. Yamprayoon, P. Sirisoontaralak. (2000). " Impact of low-dose radiation on the quality of fishery products, Project report submitted to
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 44 pp, September 2000.
21. Noomhorm, A., P Sirisontaralak, S. Yoenyongbuddhagal, Inprasit, C and R.
Asawarachun; (2001) " Evaluation of Thai rice milling yield ( Phase III), Project report submitted to Internal Trade Department, Ministry of Commerce ,Thailand, 130 pp (in
Thai), Feb 2001.
22. Noomhorm, A, Sirisontaralak, S, Ahmad , I W. Srisawat (2004) Potential and status of
The Thai organic Food submitted to Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative,
Thailand, 325 pp (in Thai), April 2004
23. Noomhorm, A, T. Koomsanit, S. Biramontri, P. Sirisoontaralak and W. Srisawas
(2004): Use of irradiation to improve the safety and quality of Thai prepared meal
(Cooked rice and spicy chicken basil leaves) ; Project No. 8873/R2, Report submitted to
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna Austria, 2004
Noomhorm, A, P. Vongsawasdi and C. Inprasit (2004):Improvement of Production and Post Harvest Practices for Thai Rice Quality : Report of RTG Joint Research
Projects RTG-0207; May 2004.
25. Noomhorm, A, K. Pungsawat, P. Sirisoontaralak and P. Vongsawsdi (2005): Use of irradiation to improve the safety and quality of Thai prepared meal (Pad Thai), report submitted to IAEA, May 2005
26. Noomhorm, A. (2005). Improvement of existing technology (Fumigation) and packaging of rice submitted to Thai Research Fund, May 2005
Noomhorm A., P. Sirisoontaralak, T. Koomsanit, K. Pungsawat, T. Theamhong, W.
Srisawas. P. Vongasawasdi, and A. Vitittheeranon; Use of irradiation to improve the safety and quality of Thai prepared meal; Final report submitted to IAEA, 28 pp.
May 2006
Noomhorm, A., P Sirisontaralak, , Inprasit, C and K. Chuapan.: (2007) " Evaluation of
Thai rice milling yield for 2007 , Project report submitted to Internal Trade Department,
Ministry of Commerce ,Thailand, (in Thai), Sept 2007.
Noomhorm, A., P Sirisontaralak, , Inprasit, C and K. Chuapan.: (2007) Evaluation of rice filth on Thai rice, Project report submitted to Internal Trade Department, Ministry of Commerce ,Thailand, (in Thai), Sept 2007.
30. Noomhorm, A, J Sripinyowanich: (2007) Overview and setting up the website on different type of product for business information on chitin/chitosan, GABA rice, organic agriculture and biodegradable. Report submitted to National Innovation
Agency (NIA), Bangkok; November 2007:
Noomhorm, A, W. Srisawasdi and Paichayon Euathaweekul (2007); Challenges
and Opportunities of organic asparagus production: implication for Thailand ; report submitted to National Innovation Agency (NIA), Bangkok; Dec 2007l
Noomhorm, A, J Sripinyowanich: (2008) Overview and setting up the website on different type of product for business information on Basil leaves and Mangosteen;
Report submitted to National Innovation Agency (NIA), Bangkok; May 2008
Noomhorm, A. (2008). Frozen shrimp supply chain in Thailand; Report submitted to
Asian Productivity Organization ( APO), Tokyo, Japan; November 2008.
Noomhorm, A, Pimpen Pornchalermpong and (2010) Production of Germinated
Brown Rice Using Thai Rice Variety (KDML 105) Report of RTG Joint Research
Projects RTG-02009; Dec 2010.
Noomhorm, A, J Sripinyowanich: (2010) Production of Instant Rice using Combined
Microwave Fluidized Bed Drying; Report for RTG Joint Research with Industry
Projects RTG-02009; Dec 2010.
Noomhorm, A and Shuren Chen, (2011) Rice Harvesting and Rice Technologies in
Myanmar – Training manual ” Submitted to UNESCAP Jan 2011
Vilai Rungsardthong and A. Noomhorm (2011) Green Composites from Soy Flour
Based Plastic and Biofibers from Agro-industrial By products report submitted to
RTG joint Research Project; June 2011
Rittichai, Assawarachan, Athapol Noomhorm, Kriangsak Theppadungporn, Jiraporn
Sripinyowanich and Orawan Sopanattayanon (2011); Development of Prototype of
Coconut Meal Dryer (Case Study: Coconut Meal from AMPOL Food Processing
Ltd) Report submitted to Industrial Technology Assistance Program, 16 th
2011i; 85 Pgs.
Noomhorm, A and Ahmad Imran (2011): Case Study on Q-GAP protocols & Organic
Accreditation Systems & farmers training programs in Thailand for fruit & vegetable
Sector, Report submitted for FAO Nov 2011.
G. Patent application
1. Rungsardthong, V. and A. Noomhorm "Microbial Production of Aromatic Rice
Flavors, Pyrroline Compounds. , (Thailand IP)1996
Chouw Inprasit and A. Noomhorm “Accelerated aging of rice” under review process,
(Thailand IP) 2002
H. Invited lecture and keynote address
1. Lectured at the Training Course for Crown Agents of England on Grain Storage and
Distribution. Sept. 1986, AIT.
2. Lectured on the Workshop on Improvement of Post Harvest Handling Systems for
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables; arranged by the ASEAN Food Handling Bureau and the
Department of Agriculture of Thailand, 31st August 1988.
3. Invited as speaker on topic of “Rice drying and rice milling technology in Thailand “for the Seminar on Techniques and Management of Rice Milling Factory, arranged by
Institute for Management Education for Thailand Foundation at Roi-et Province,
Thailand, 15th September 1988.
4. Lectured at the Training Course on the Prevention of Aflatoxin in Corn, arranged by
Plant- Pathology Div., Dept. of Agriculture of Thailand, Bangkok, and 16th September
5. Lectured at the Workshop on Post Harvest Technology of Horticulture Crops, arranged by Horticulture Research Institute, DOA, Thailand, and 3rd August 1989.
6. Lectured at the Training Course on Mycotoxin Prevention and Control, at the Dept. of
Agriculture, Thailand, Organized by UNDP & Asean Food Handling Bureau, AIT, 3 rd
August 1989.
7. Lectured at the Training Course on Integrated Farming System Management, organized by the Continuing Education Center (CEC), AIT on the following topics:
- Solar Drying Techniques, 12th October, 1989.
- Post Harvest Technology of Cereal Grains, 13th October, 1989.
- Post Harvest Technology of Fruits, 13th October, 1989.
8. Lectured at the Training Course on Rural Physical Infrastructures Development, organized by CEC, AIT on topic “Solar Drying System”, 7th November 1989.
9. Lectured at the Training Course on Quality Control in the Food Industry, organized by
CEC, AIT, “Post Harvest Technology on Fruits & Vegetables”, 24th November 1989.
10. Lectured at the Training Course of ASEAN Vegetable Development and Research
Program, Organized by AVDRC, Taipei, at AIT, 12th January 1990.
11. Lectured at the Training Course on Grain Post Harvest for ASEAN Vegetable
Development & Research. 25th January 1991.
12. Lectured at the Training Course on Agricultural Technology for Export Development,
CEC, AIT, 13th February 1991.
13. Lectured at the Training Course on Industrial Waste Management on topic “Production
Technology”, CEC, AIT, 16th February 1991.
14. Invited to lecture at the Workshop on Grain Post-Harvest System Analysis using
Microcomputers, Singapore, June 1991.
15. Lectured in the Training Course on the Improvement of Agro-industry in Thailand, organized by UNDP, ILO and the Dept. of Industry, Thailand, Maruai Hotel, Bangkok,
November 1992.
16. Lectured to the staff member of Rajamangala Institute of Technology on the topic of preparation of research proposals and the conduct of research work, Bangsean, Cholburi
Province, 28 July 1993.
17. Lectured on “Postharvest Handling of Cereal Grain” during the Training Course of
ASEAN Vegetable Research and Development Course, (AVDRC), 14th January1994.
18. Invited as Food Industry expert speaker and presented three papers on the
ESCAP/WASME Asia-Pacific Regional Symposium at New Delhi, India.
19. Lectured on Training course: “Quality Management & Food Industry”, 14 August -1
September 1995 for 9 hrs at AIT.
20. Lectured at C-9 Project Director Course; “Technology in Agriculture and Agro-
Industries Development” 12th May 1995, AIT.
21. Invited as lecturer on Seminar on “Industrial Dryer: Selection, Operation and Control”, organized by Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Chulalongkorn University. 27th March 1996.
22. Lectured at C-9 Project Director Course: “Technology on Agriculture and Agroindustries Development”, 12th May 1995, AIT.
23. Lectured at training course: “ Standard and quality of tropical fruits and vegetables CEC,
AIT March, 1997.
24. Invited to lecture on “ Technological improvement of Thai rice quality”, at The Seminar on Thai rice quality, organized by Ministry of Commerce, Nakhonrajsima, Thailand,
25th April 1997.
25. Lectured at C-9 Project Director Course: “Technology on Agriculture and Agroindustries Development”, 19th June 1997, AIT.
26. Lectured on Training course on “Quality and grading criteria for fruits, vegetables and flowers” CEC, AIT, 11th March 1998.
27. Invited as guest speaker for Food Science Society of Thailand on “How to prepare for post graduate for food science student”: Kasetsart University, Bangkok.,24th March
28. Invited as moderator and presented paper on “Postharvest of baby corn and asparagus”,
Department of Industry Promotion, Ministry of Industry, 26th March 1998.
29. Lectured on training course for Deputy governor (C-9) “ Agricultural Technology and
Ago-industry in Thailand”; 20 th
August 1998, AIT Bangkok.
Invited to lecture on “ Quality determination for Thai aromatic rice”, at The Seminar on
Standard of Thai Aromatic rice, organized by Ministry of Commerce, Pittsanulok,
Thailand, 4 th September , 1998.
31. Invited to lecture on “ HACCP system for Feed Industry” at The Workshop on the application of HACCP system in Feed Industry, organized by Livestock Department,
Ministry of Agriculture, Thailand, 29 January and 24 February 1999
32. Lectured at the Training Course on Horticulture Crop Production; Quality and Grading
Criteria of Selected Horticulture Products, CEC, AIT, 17th June 1999.
33. Lectured on training course for Deputy governor (C-9) “ Agricultural Technology and
Agro-industry in Thailand”; 20 th August 1998, AIT Bangkok
34. Invited as moderator and presented application of GMP and HACCP System on food
Industries at National Seminar on Food Hygiene and Food Safety organized by Thai
Industrial Standards Institute, 25-26 August 1999, Bangkok
35. Lectured at the Training Course on Innovative Post Harvest Technologies; “ Current
Development and Trend of Post harvest Technology of Fruits and vegetables for
Developing Country, Continuing Education Center (CEC), AIT, 13th December 1999.
36. Lectured on “Postharvest Handling of Cereal Grain” to participants of the 18 th
Regional Training Course in vegetable Production and Research ARC-AVRDC (
ASEAN Vegetable Research and Development Course, 21 st
January 2000
37. Lectured on Quality standard and method of quality measurement on fruits and vegetables; Seminar on quality evaluation of fruits and vegetables organized by ,
Industry Promotion Dept, Ministry of Industry, Udontani, 28th Jan 2000.
38. Invited and attended as a fellowship of Salzburg Seminar Session 377: " Who will
Control the Food System?, Scholoss Leopoldskron, Salsburg, Austria, May 5-12, 2000
39. Lectured on Evaluation of milling yield for Thai rice, organized by Internal Trade Dept,
Ministry of Industry, Nakhonrajsima, May 2000
40. Lectured on Evaluation of milling yield for Thai rice, organized by Internal Trade Dept,
Ministry of Industry, Pisanulok, July 2000
41. Lectured at C-9 Project Director Course: “Technology on Agriculture and Agroindustries Development”, AIT, 23rd August 2000.
42. Lectured on “Postharvest Handling of Cereal Vegetable” to participants of the 19 th
Regional Training Course in vegetable Production and Research ARC-AVRDC (
ASEAN Vegetable Research and Development Course, 13rd February 2001
43. Invited speaker “ Innovative on tomato processing” arranged by BIOTEC, NTSDA,
Thailand, Nongkai, Thailand 26-27 February 2001
44. Lectured on “Postharvest Handling of fruit and vegetable ” to participants of the 18 th
Regional Training Course in vegetable Production and Research ARC-AVRDC (
ASEAN Vegetable Research and Development Course, 13 th
January 2001
45. Invited as resources person at annual meeting of PhAction, the Global Post-harvest
Forum, Montpellier, France June 2001
46. Invited as resource person; “ Fresh fruits and vegetables handling systems, processing and standardization of quality evaluation methods, presented as resource person
Workshop/Training on " Food Processing and Analytical Techniques" Dhaka,
Bangladesh on 5 - 8 August, 2001.
47. Lectured on " Quality aspects in agribusiness" to participants of training course on
Agri-business development and extension techniques arranged by Continuing
Education Center, AIT, 20 th
November 2001
48. Invited as speaker; " Advance technology on parboiled rice process and quality" arranged by Freshco Intertrade Co., Ltd and Rice mills Association of
Nakohnsawan province, Thailand 10th December 2001
49. Invited as resource person; " Teaching and research development in agro-industry "; organized by Faculty of Agro-industry, Chiangmai University , Thailand 12 th
December 2001.
50. Lectured on " Quality criteria and post harvest management for selected fruits" to participants of training course on Rural agribusiness development and management arranged by Continuing Education Center, AIT, 16 th
March 2004.
51. Resource person for International training course (IPoS 2004) for students from
Tokyo U., MIT and AIT on “ Sustainable Agriculture” at Pattaya, Cholburi
Thailand during 8 th
- 14 th
August 2004
52. Lectured on “Post harvest technology of cereal grain and fruit and vegetable” for
Vietnamese participants of training course for Vietnamese participants at AIT, 31 st
May 2005
53. Invited as chair session in Seminar on RTG Joint Research Projects on 8th August
2005, Asian Institute of Technology .
54. Resource person for International training course for students from Tokyo U., MIT and AIT on “ Outlook on utilization of biomass in Thailand” at Pattaya, Cholburi
Thailand during June 29 th
- 14 th
July 2005
55. Resource person for International training course for students (IPoS 2005) from
Tokyo U., MIT and AIT on “ Thai Food and taste” at Pattaya, Cholburi Thailand during June 29 th
- 14 th
July 2005
56. Invited as resource person, “Improve yield by reducing waste” at Food Manufacturing
Forum; Organized by Marcus Evans : at Westin Grande Sukhumvit, Bangkok,
Thailand 20-21 February 2006.
57. Invited as resource person, “ MAP of fresh and fresh cut produce”; Seminar on
Modified atmosphere packaging organized by Packaging Centre, Thailand Institute of
Scientific and Technological Research, Maruay Hotel Bangkok, 21 st
April 2006.
58. Resource person for International training course for students from Tokyo U., MIT and AIT on “ Sustainable Agriculture” at Greenery Resort Kaoyai, Nakhon
Rajasima, Thailand during August 27-9 th
Sept 2006
59. Invited as resource person, “Mycotoxin prevention of food products in postharvest” seminar on “Mycotoxin: Achieving Food security and food quality “; organized by
Food Science and Technology Association of Thailand: FoSTAT; 12 th October 2006,
Kasetsart University, Bangkok
60. Resource person for International training course on Improving managerial
Efficiency of Small and Medium Agro-enterprises organized by Asian Productivity
Organization, 8 th
May 2007, Bangkok
Invited as speaker; " Innovative Application electromagnetic radiation technologies in food processing” arranged by University of Commerce, Bangkok, Thailand, 4 th
March 2008
Invited as speaker;” Thailand best practices - The roadmap to developing winning solutions for the co-generation industry: Organized by Sound Initiatives. Part of
Agribusiness Conferences I Asia 2008 ; Biomass & Residues; 25 to 28 March at the
Grand Hyatt in Singapore .
63. Organized Training Workshop: Productivity for food Manufacturing Enterprises at
Twin Tower Hotel, Bangkok; 28 to 31 May 2008.
Invited as lecturer on Seminar on the training course on Grain post-harvest
Technology;” Overview Asean Grain Postharvest”; organized by Ministry of
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (MAFF-Japan) under the CLMV Focus
Component of the Project for Strengthening Partnership[ among Japan and Asean countries, implement by the Asean secretariat;, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of
Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand June 28 and July 10 th
Invited as speaker” Future of Thai food industry” at KMUTT North Bangkok 5 th
August 2008
Organized the seminar on Thai Food Engineering network at The Emerald Hotel,
Bangkok; 1 st
August 2008
66. Invited as speaker on “Rice technology and organic rice in Thailand “at Srinakarind wiroj University Prasanmirthr, Bangkok, 21 st
August 2008
67. Invited as Session Chair on Food and Agriculture session at the Second international symposium on Food and Water Sustainability in Asia 2008; October 7, 2008 Macau ,
68. Invited as keynote speaker “ Rice supply chain: A case study of two Thai rice mill: at the 4 th
International Conference on Innovations in Food Processing Technology and
Engineering, 19-20 January 2009; AIT: Bangkok.
69. Invited as lecturer on Seminar on the training course on Grain post-harvest
Technology;” Overview Asean Grain Postharvest” organized by Ministry of
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (MAFF-Japan) under the CLMV Focus
Component of the Project for Strengthening Partnership[ among Japan and Asean countries, implement by the Asean secretariat;, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of
Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand July 14 th
70. Invited as keynote speaker “ Rice postharvest in Thailand ” at Post harvest Rice
Conference and exhibition organized by International Rice Research Institute,
Queen Sirikit Conventional Center Bangkok Thailand, 15 th
-17 th
July 2009.
71. Invited as a panel for evaluations the performance of Faculty of Agriculture at
Kampaensean, Kasetsart Unversity 18 th
August 2010, Kasetsart University
Resource Person for training on “Pilot project on capacity building to improve postharvest technologies and reduce post-harvest losses in rice in Asian and Pacific countries” Myanmar, Dec 2010.
Resource Person Lectured on " Agri-SCM, Post-harvest management, Appropriate
Postharvest Technology and GAP, Value Addition in Food Processing , and HACCP and Global GAP, Food Value Chain; For Professional Development Program on
“Value Chain management in Agricultural Marketing arranged by ARE Unit, AIT
Extension Continuing Education Center, AIT, 6-7 June 2011.
Resource person for International training course (IPoS 2011) for students from
Tokyo U., MIT and AIT on “ Food security and local livelihoods ” at Komsead
Pattaya, Kanchanaburi Thailand August 5th 2011
Invited as speaker at 14 th Food Innovation Asia Conference 2012, “ Recent development in sustainable rice development at BITEC, Bangkok, 14 th
-15 th
Research grant and sponsored project
Analysis of production cost of sugarcane and sugar, for Cane and Sugar Board,
Ministry of Industry, Royal Thai Government. Co-Principal Investigator US$
14,400, September 1987.
BAAC/Rural Investment Overseas Ltd., U.K. Application of spray chemical techniques at the farm level to control of aflatoxin in stored maize cobs. Co-
Principal Investigator. US$ 2,000, November 1987.
King's Project in Buriram and Khon Kaen provinces. To study and make a plan for water resources, agriculture and socio-economic development in these areas.
National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB), Royal Thai
Government. Co-Principal Investigator, US$ 140,000, 1989.
Design and testing mobile precooling unit for fruits & vegetables. US$ 4,000.
Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative, Principal
Investigator, December 1989 - February 1990.
Extension of precooling technology for handling of fresh fruits & vegetables at farm level. CIDA/AIT-CUC/PP Program Support. US$ 3,000, Principal Investigator,
September - December 1990.
Design and fabrication of cashew oil extraction machine. Northeast Greening Project.
Royal Thai Government. Principal Investigator. US$ 4,800, January- December
Design and fabrication of a dehumidified unit for fruit dehydration. Research grant from
AIT. Principal investigator. US$ 1,800. Jan 1991 - June 1992.
Demonstration project on extension of cashewnut processing technology at farm level,. CIDA/AIT-CUC/PP Program Support. US$ 3,000, Principal
Investigator, September 1992 - February 1993 .
Test and evaluation of non-mixing continuous flow of paddy dryer. Principal
Investigator, sponsored by Rice Engg. Co., Ltd., US$ 4,000. December 1992 -
August 1993.
Effect of irradiation treatment on semi-dried mango and longan on their shelf life,
Principal Investigator, sponsored by International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA), Vienna, Austria. US$ 5,000, December 1993 - July 1994.
Study of the effect of operating parameters on rice cracker quality for Khanom Sakol
Industry., Ltd.; US$ 3,000, Sept 1994 - Feb 1995.
Evaluation of column mixed flow dryer and handling system of paddy
Sponsor: N-Line Co., Ltd.; (US$11,000)
Study on the irradiation heat synergism for semi-dried meat
Sponsor: IAEA, Vienna, Austria (US$5,000)
Study on post harvest handling system for selected fruits & vegetables in Thailand,
Sponsored by Ministry of Industry, Thailand (US$39,000)
Study on the irradiation heat synergism for fresh pork and processed pork with different packaging material.
Sponsor: IAEA, Vienna, Austria (US$5,000)
Development of quality determination and of Thai rice standard.
Sponsor: Chia Meng Co., Ltd - Thailand (Baht, 450,000)
Modification of rice flour for rice noodle
Sponsor: Thailand Toray Science Foundation, (Baht, 300,000)
Study on the irradiation of semi-dried pork .
Sponsor: IAEA, Vienna, Austria (US $5,000)
Study of the irradiation heat synergism for preserving mango puree
Sponsor: IAEA, Vienna, Austria (US$5,000)
Development of pilot-scale neem extraction system
Sponsor: Rangsit Agri-Economic Ltd.; (US$2,000)
Development of GMP and HACCP manual for Thai food industry.
Sponsor: Thai Industrial Standards Institute, Ministry of Industry Thailand
( Baht, 410,000)
Quality criteria and measurements of fruits and vegetables for agro-industry
Sponsor: Department of Export and Promotion, Ministry of Industry, Thailand
(Baht, 1.2 mil.)
Evaluation of milling yield for Thai rice (Phase II)
Sponsor: Dept. of Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand (Baht
Design and development rice accelerated aging unit
Sponsor: Chiameng, Ltd (Baht, 1,600,000)
Evaluation of milling yield for Thai rice (Phase I)
Sponsor: Dept. of Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand (Baht
Improvement performance of rice flour and starch for food application
Sponsor: National Science and Technology Development Agency Ministry of
Science and Technology, (Baht 390,000)
Evaluation of milling yield for Thai rice (Phase II)
Sponsor: Dept. of Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand (Baht
Irradiation of Semi-dried shrimp and cooked fish sausage
Sponsor: IAEA, Vienna, Austria (US $5,000)
Irradiation of composite meal
Sponsor: IAEA, Vienna, Austria (US $5,000)
Improvement of production and post harvest practices for Thai rice quality.
Sponsor: Royal Thai Government budget-joint research, 2002 (Baht 1,000,000)
Human resource development for Officer of Ministry of Agriculture and
Cooperative in 2003-2008 for 25 master and 25 for PhD scholarships.
Sponsor: Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative, Thailand
(Baht 48,187,500.00)
Strengthening Competitive Competency of Thai Organic Food in EU
Sponsor: Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative, Thailand, 2003 (Baht
Improvement of existing technology (Fumigation) and packaging of rice,
Sponsor: Thailand Research Fund, 2003 (Baht 1,300,000)
Organic farming by using bio-fertilizer, crop rotation and alley farming
Sponsor: Royal Thai Government budget-joint research 2003 (Baht 890,000)
Irradiation of composite meal Sponsor: IAEA, Vienna, Austria (US
Thai organic agriculture
Sponsor: Royal Thai Government budget-joint research, 2004 (Baht
Irradiation of Thai Prepared meal Sponsor: IAEA, Vienna, Austria (US $5,000)
Evaluation of milling yield for Thai rice on 2005-2006 production
Sponsor: Dept. of Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand (Baht
Evaluation of rice filth on rice grading,
Sponsor: Dept. of Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand (Baht
Evaluation of milling yield for Thai rice on 2005-2006 production
Sponsor: Dept. of Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand (Baht
Overview and setting up the website on different type of product for business information on chitin/chitosan, GABA rice, organic agriculture and biodegradable
Sponsor By National Innovation Agency (NIA), Bangkok; March –March-
June 2007 (Baht 200,000)
Organizing Symposium on Bangkok Organic Declaration
Regional Workshop and
Organic Symposium;26 th August 2008, (1. 6 Million baht)
Sponsored: National Innovation Agency (NIA), Thailand,
Organizing the Intensive Program on Sustainability :Food , Energy and Environment, and Nissans Workshop in Japan “ Asian Global Sustainability July –Dec 2008
: Sponsor; University of Tokyo and NISSAN Foundation , (Bath900,000)
Production of Germinated Brown Rice Using Thai Rice Variety (KDML 105); 1 st
Nov 2008 – 31 st
Oct 2009: Sponsored by RTG (Bath 820,000)
Production of Instant Rice using Combined Microwave Fluidized Bed Drying; 1 st
Nov 2008 – 31 st Oct 2009: Sponsored by RTG (Bath 2,000,000)
Human resource development for Officer of Ministry of Agriculture and
Cooperative in 2008-2012 for 25 master and 25 for PhD Scholarships.
Sponsor: Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative, Thailand (Baht
Green Composites from Soy Flour Based Plastic and Bio fibers from
Agro-industrial Byproducts June1 st
2009 – 31 st
May 2010: Sponsored by RTG
(Bath 920,000)
Organizing the Intensive Program on Sustainability :Food , Energy and Water, and
Nissans Workshop in Japan “ Asian Global Sustainability July –Dec 2009 :
Sponsor; University of Tokyo and NISSAN Foundation , (Bath
Organizing the training program on Rice Harvesting and Rice Technologies in Asia
– for 20 participants for Asian countries; Sponsor by UNESCAP October 2011
Human resource development for Officer of Ministry of Agriculture and
Cooperative in 2013-2017 for 25 master and 25 for PhD Scholarships.
Sponsor: Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative, Thailand (Baht
13. Service/Outreach
A. Institute committee and administrative service
Committee Member, Faculty/Student Liaison Committee (1989)
ADRC Committee, (1992-1993)
AIT Senate Committee, (1992-1993)
Committee (SERD Representative), (1993 )
Coordinator, Post harvest and Food Process Engineering field of study, Sept 94- July 1995
SERD Administration Committee 1997
Secretary of Agro-Food- Bioprocess Industries Forum, SERD, AIT 1998 to 2000
Task Force Chairman on Patent and copy right policy for AIT, 2000.
Coordinator, Post harvest and Food Process Engineering field of study, Sept 2000 – Sept 2001
Coordinator, Post harvest and Food Process Engineering and Bioprocess Technology field of study, Sept 2001 – 2002
Coordinator, Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology field of study, Sept 2002 – Jan2004
AIT Senate Committee 2002-2003
DPRC Committee 2002-2002
Committee of the Faculty Relations Committee (FRC) December 2002 – 2003
Chairman of Promotion committee, SERD 2003-2005
Laboratory Committee for SERD 2003-2005
Task Force Chairman on Student Guidelines on Publication Ethics and Academic
Integrity in Research and Publication for AIT, 2005-2006
Committee of Academic Matter for SERD 2006-date
Patent Committee, Feb 2006-2007
Outreach council Committee 2008-2011
RTG committee 2009-2010
ADRC committee 2009-2011
B. Professional services
External committee member for master student, Chemical Engineering Division, Engineering
Department, KMITT Thonburi, 1987.
Served as external committee for master student of Food Technology Division, Chulalongkorn
University; April 1993.
Served as external reviewer in the academic promotion ranking committee for Chiangmai
University, under Department of University Affairs, July 1993.
External committee member for master student of Chemical Engineering Department, KMITT
Thonburi, 1995.
Served in the Committee on Curriculum Development for Food Engineering Division,
Engineering Department, KMITT at Lardkrabang, 1994.
Served in the Committee on Curriculum Development for Food Processing Division, Agroindustry Department, KMITT at Lardkrabang, 1995.
Served in External Review Committee for faculty promotion for Chemical Engineering
Division, Engineering Department, KMITT Thonburi, Thailand, 1995.
Served in advisory committee for Food Engineering Division, Faculty of Engineering,
Kasetsart University 1996-date.
Served in External Review Committee for faculty promotion for Chemical Engineering
Division, Engineering Department, KMIT Lardkrabang, Thailand, 1997.
Served in the Committee on Curriculum Development for Food Engineering Division,
Kasetsart University, Thailand, 1998
Served in the Committee on Review Curriculum for Food Processing Division, Agro-industry
Department, Chiang Mai U. (CMU), May 2000.
Served in the Committee on Review Curriculum for Food Processing Division, Agro-industry
Department, KMITT at Lardkrabang, July 2000.
Served in External Review Committee for faculty promotion for Chemical Engineering
Division, Engineering Department, KMUTT Thonburi, Thailand, Sept 2000.
Served in the Committee on Review Curriculum for Agro-Industry Department, KMITNB at
Northern Bangkok, April 2001.
Served in External Review Committee for faculty promotion for Chemical Engineering
Division, Engineering Department, KMUTT Thonburi, Thailand, Sept 2002.
Served as External Review Committee for faculty promotion for Chemical Engineering
Division, Food Engineering Department, KMUTT Thonburi, Thailand, June 2005.
Served in advisory committee for Farm Mechanization Division, Faculty of Agriculture
Engineering, Kasetsart University, Kampaensaen 1996-date.
Served as External Review Committee for faculty promotion in Associate professor rank ) in
Agricultural mechanization, Kasetsart University, Kampaensaen Sept Nov 2005.
Served in the Committee on Review Curriculum for Food science, Rachapat Suan Sunanta
University Bangkok, June 2005.
Served in advisory committee for Farm Mechanization Division, Faculty of Agriculture
Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bang Kaen 1996-date.
Served in External Review Committee for faculty promotion for Chemical Engineering
Division, Engineering Department, KMUTT Thonburi, Thailand, Sept 2006
Served in External Review Committee for faculty promotion for Associate professor rank in
Agricultural mechanization, Kasetsart University, Kampaensean Sept 2006.
Served in External Review Committee for faculty promotion for Associate professor rank in
Agricultural Engineering , Kasetsart University, Kampaensean Jan 2007.
Served in External Review Committee for two faculties promotion for Chemical Engineering
Division, Engineering Department, KMUTT Thonburi, Thailand, January 2007
Served in the Committee on Curriculum Development for Food Engineering Division,
Engineering Department, KMITT at Lardkrabang, March 2007.
Served in the Committee Curriculum Development for Master and Doctoral program of Food
Engineering Division, Engineering Department, Kasetsart University Kampangsaen Campus,
12 th May 2007.
Served in External Review Committee for faculty promotion to Assistant Professor for Food
Engineering Department, Engineering Department, KMUTT, Thonburi, Thailand, May 2007
Served in External Review Committee for faculty promotion to Associatited Professor,
Microbiology, Science Department, KMUTT, Thonburi, Thailand, May 2008
Served in External Review Committee for faculty promotion for Mechanical Engineering
Division, Engineering Department, Mahanakorn University, Thailand August 2008.
Served in External Review Committee for faculty promotion to Professor for Food Engineering
Division, Engineering Department, . Engineering Department, KMUTT, Thonburi, Thailand,
Jan 2009
Served in External Review Committee for faculty promotion to Professor for Food Technology,
Mahidol University, Thailand, Jan 2009
Served in the Committee Curriculum Development for Master and Doctoral program of Food
Engineering Division, Chiangmai University June 2009.
Served in the Committee on Review Curriculum for Agro-Industry Department, KMITNB at
Northern Bangkok, June 2009
Served in Committee on Curriculum Development for Mater degree of Post Harvest technology, Suranalee University
Served in External Review Committee for faculty promotion to associate professor for Food
Technology, Prince Songkla University, Thailand, May 2010
Served in External Review Committee for faculty promotion to Professor for Food Technology,
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, Jan 2010
Served in External Review Committee for faculty promotion to Professor for Biotechnology
Field of Study, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University , Thailand, August 2010
Served in External Review Committee for faculty promotion to assistant Professor for Food
Technology and Agro-Industry, Maejo University, Thailand, August 2010
Served in External Review Committee for faculty promotion to assistant Professor for Food
Technology and Agro-Industry, Maejo University, Thailand, August 2010
Served in Committee on Curriculum Development for Doctoral degree of Agricultural
Engineering , Engineering Department, KMITT at Lardkrabang, June 2011.
Served in External Review Committee for faculty promotion to assistant professor for Food
Technology, Prince Songkla University, Thailand, June 2011
Served in Committee on Curriculum Development for bachelor degree of Agricultural
Machinery and Mechatronic, Kasetsart, Kampaengsaen campus June 2011
Served in committee on Curriculum Development for Doctoral Degree for Product
Development program, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Kasetsart University, August 2011
C. Significant community service a. Consulting activities
1992 – 1993 Rice Engineering & Equipment Co., Ltd., to evaluate and test the continuous flow grain dryer for Thai rice mills.
1990 – 1992 National Technology Consultant for the United Nations Development
Programme's (UNDP) and the International Labour Organization
(ILO) Regional Project; " Increasing the efficiency and productivity of Small and Medium scale Enterprise (SME)". Responsible for consultation on technology approaches for process improvement for small and medium food industry to increase efficiency and reduce cost.
Aug 1994 - October 1994
ESCAP Consultant for United Nations:-
To prepare manuscript for a manual on IEC (information, education and communication) techniques for popularizing appropriate technologies for food storage and processing applicable in the developing countries of
Asia and the Pacific.
Sept 1994 - November 1994
ESCAP Regional Consultant for the project “Development and
Cooperation in building of policy and Institutional Infrastructure for processed food industries in Asia-Pacific”.
October 1999 NASTDA – Kaset Thai Inter. Co ., Ltd project on “ Develop and design commercial dryer with dryer master controlling system .
December 2006-January 2007
Commodity common fund (CFC) . Evaluation maize post harvest technology in Laos. The studies are cover ; harvesting system.
Processing-drying, storage condition, transportation methods, post harvest diseases, value added products
December 2006 – February 2007
DANIDA, Evaluation the midterm progress of grain postharvest handling component in Vietnam
March 2007-Dec 2008
FAO, National consultant as Post harvest expert on the project “ Pilot project for poverty alleviation and the promotion of food security in
Northeastern Thailand
b. Training courses, seminars, workshops organized
Member of organizing committee of “International Workshop on Membrane Technology” of
Water and Wastewater Engineers from Selected Industries, Co-organizer, Sponsored by
CIDA/AIT, US$ 3,000, January, 1991.
Organized the “International Workshop on Engineering Properties of Foods: Their
Determination and Application in Design and Quality Evaluation”. Co-organized with Prof. V.
K. Jindal, US$ 3,000., sponsored by CUC/PP Program Support. September 1993.
Organized a two-month short course on fruit and vegetable handling system for one scientist from Sri Lanka, 1995
Organized a three months training course on food preservation by irradiation for one Burmese scientist sponsored by the International Atomic Energy Agency, Sept 96 - Nov. 96.
Organized a three-months training course on rice drying technology for two North Korean scientist with CEC sponsored by FAO, October -December 1997
Organized the “Regional Workshop on Application of Bioprocess Technology to Agro
Industries in Tropical Asia", US$ 13,000., sponsored by UNESCO and NCGEB, Thailand, 26-
28th June 1996.
Organized the “Post harvest technology of tropical fruit for industrial processing”, sponsored by
Ministry of Industry, Thailand, 30th October 1997.
Organized the Asian-French Workshop on Food industry: Strategic Linkages with Education and Research, 11-14 November 1997, AIT, Bangkok.
Organized the “ Agro-Food-Bioprocess Industries Forum 1998, AIT Bangkok
Organized the “ Agro-Food-Bioprocess Industries Forum: “ Industry-University Alliances 23,
July 1999, SERD, AIT, Bangkok.
Organized the “ Agro-Food-Bioprocess Industries Forum: “ Rice and Chitin Technology, 16 th
August 2000, SERD, AIT, Bangkok
Organized the “ Agro-Food-Bioprocess Industries Forum: “ Innovative for sustainable
Technology, 15th, August 2001, SERD, AIT, Bangkok.
Organized the International Conference on “ Innovations in Food processing Technology and
Engineering” 11-13 December 2002, AIT Bangkok
Organizing 3 rd Asia Pacific Drying Conference, 1-3 September, 2003, AIT, Bangkok
Co-organizing (joint venture of FAO, Food Science Australia, KU and AIT) Smart Extrusion
Conference, 1-2 December 2003, Kasetsart University, Bangkok.
Co-organizing with University of Tokyo: UT_AIT Intensive Program on Sustainability 2004;
Food security and Food Safety, Pattaya , Thailand 6-15 August 2004
Organized the International Conference on “ Innovations in Food processing Technology and
Engineering” 11-13 January 2005, AIT Bangkok
Co-organizing with University of Tokyo: UT_AIT Intensive Program on Sustainability 2005;
Food and Energy, Pattaya , Thailand; 28 th
June - 9 th
July 2005
Organized the International Conference on “International Conference on Innovations in Food and Bioprocess Technologies” 11-14 December 2006, AIT Bangkok
Co-organizing with University of Tokyo: UT-AIT Intensive Program on Sustainability 2006;
Food and Energy, Khao Yai , Thailand; Aug 2006, 1st-12 th .
Organized the work shop for AIT- Industry partnership on “ Thai Rice Giants” 23 rd
2007, AIT Bangkok
Co-organizing with University of Tokyo: UT-AIT Intensive Program on Sustainability 2007;
Forest, Regional Development and Global Sustainability, Sept. 10th-22 nd
; Furano, Hokkaido,
Co-organizing with University of Tokyo: UT_AIT Intensive Program on Sustainability 2008;
Food, Energy and Environment , Rayong , Thailand; 10 th -21 st August 2008
Organized Organic Symposium and Regional workshop 8-10 Sept 2008
Organized the 4 th
International Conference on Innovations in Food Processing Technology and Engineering, 19-20 January 2009; AIT: Bangkok.
Co-organizing with University of Tokyo: UT_AIT Intensive Program on Sustainability 2009;
Food, Energy and Environment , Rayong , Thailand; 9 th
-21 st
August 2008 c. Refereeing of journal articles, books, grant proposal, etc
Reviewer of the papers submitted for publication in the Journal of Asian Agricultural
Engineering. 1994 to date
Reviewer of the paper submitted to Biotechnology Progress, a publication of the American
Chemical Society and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Pittsburgh, U.S.A. 1996
Reviewer of the paper submitted to KMITT Journal, Bangkok, Thailand, 1996 to date
Reviewer of the paper submitted to KU Science Journal, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, 1997
Reviewer of the proposal submitted to USDA, USA 2003.
Reviewer of the paper submitted to Journal of Food Engineering published by Elsevier Science
Ltd., Oxford, England, 1998-2005.
Reviewer of the paper submitted to Journal of KMUTT Research and Development Journal,
Review of Ph.D. Dissertation of T. Wahyudi (2003), University Putra Malaysia, Selangor,
Served as editor with Hui, Y.H., C. Clary, M. Farid, O. O. Fasina, A. Noomhorm and J. Welti-
Chanes (2004); ‘Food Drying: Science and Technology’, SEStech Publications, PA
Served as collaborator between AIT and Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological
Research, TISTR for research collaboration, 2004- date
Review of Ph.D. Dissertation of L. Liyanage, (2005) University of New South wale, Australia.
Review of two papers submitted to Horticulture Science Journal , September 2006
Review of the final report of Thailand Research Fund Project on Design and development the retort using spraying water system for food sterilization . March 2007
Review of papers submitted to Journal Food Process Engineering, April 2007
Review two papers submitted to Journal of Chemical product and process Modeling, The
Berkeley Electronic Press .
, April 2007
Review the paper on Journal of Research and Development of Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat
University, Thailand, May 2007
Review paper of Journal Food Science and Bioprocess Technology, Sept 2007
Review paper of CIGR Ejournal Multiple Parameters for Prediction of Translucent Flesh in
Mangosteens, 18 th
May 2008
Review a paper Journal of Food Science and Technology “Mass transfer kinetics model of osmotic dehydration of tender jackfruit pieces, July 2008
Review a paper of Journal of LWT ;Food Science and Technology “The influence of
Instantaneous High Pressure (IHP) Operation on Rheological properties of Soybean Dreg
Dietary Fiber suspension LWT-D-07-00601
Review a paper on Journal LWT - Food Science and Technology: LWT-D-08-00008 Title:
Effect of pulverization on the antioxidant activity of water caltrop (Trapa taiwanensis Nakai) pericarps, June 2008
Review paper Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology: The Jasmine Rice
(KDML 105 Variety) Adulteration Detection Using Physico-Chemical Properties and
Regression Analysis, July 2008
Review of the final report of Thailand National Research Institute Project on Product from germinated brown rice: July 2008
Review paper of Food Research Journal International Ref. No.: FOODRES-D-08-00610
Title: Combined effect of different retarding agents on physicochemical properties of bread;
October 2008
Review paper for Chiangmai Journal of Science
Review paper on Sustainability Science Journal Vol. 4 no.1 April 2009
Review paper of Journal of Food process Engineering; April 2009
Review paper on International of Food Science and Technology; May 2009
Review paper of Journal Food Chemistry June 2009
Review paper on J ournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Manuscript Title :
"Development of cost-effective media in order to increase the economic potential for largerscale bioproduction of natural food additives ; July 2009
Review paper of Journal Carbohydrate Polymers, 2009-date
Review paper of Journal of Food Property -date
Review paper on Journal of Industry crops and products 2011
Review paper on Journal of Texture Studies 2011
Review paper on Bio resource Technology 2011
Review paper on Journal of Cleaner Production 2012
I, the undersigned, certify that, to the best my knowledge and belief, these biodata correctly describe myself, my qualifications and my experience. I understand that any willful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification.
Day / Month / Year
27 th
Sept 2012