PROGRAME ANALITICE MASTER COMPUTER ENGINEERING UNIVERSITATEA "POLITEHNICA" DIN TIMIŞOARA FACULTATEA DE AUTOMATICĂ ŞI CALCULATOARE DOMENIUL CALCULATOARE ŞI TEHNOLOGIA INFORMAŢIEI SPECIALIZAREA COMPUTER ENGINEERING (MASTER) SEMESTRUL 1 „POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY FROM TIMIŞOARA SYLLABUS for the discipline: “TESTING OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS” FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of studies: I or II (MASTER) Semester: 1 Course instructor: professor Mircea Vlăduţiu, PhD Applications instructor: assistant professor Lucian Prodan PhD, teaching assistant Versavia Ancuşa, teaching assistant Alexandru Amaricăi, teaching assistant Oana Boncalo Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory 2 0 2 Project 0 Evaluation Exam Credits 9 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES This course introduces fundamentals of theory and practice of detecting failures in complex digital systems, fault analysis, test generation, and design for testability for digital ICs and systems. Covered topics include circuit and system modeling; fault sources and types, fault simulation methods, automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) algorithms for combinational and sequential circuits, testability measures, design-for-testability, VLSI testing issues and processor and memory testing. Fundamental techniques of detecting failures in complex digital systems will be introduces along with algorithms for automatic test generation, schemes for designing systems to be easily testable and with self test capability; hands-on experience with state-of-the-art computer-aided test tools in the laboratory. B. COURSE SUBJECTS Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1. Dependability attributes and scope. Reliability and Fault tolerance 1.2. Applications. Systems with high reliability, high availability, safety critical 1.3. Fault tolerance as a design target 1.4. Fault modeling. Fault causability chain 1.5. Physical and logical defects. Types of faults 1.6. Fault recovery techniques 1.7. Redundancy and reconfiguration 1.8. Defects specific to digital computing Chapter 2. Automatic Test Pattern Generation 2.1. One path sensitization algorithm 2.2. D-algorithm 2.3. Poage-McClusky Chapter 3. Error Checking and Correcting Codes 3.1. Fault detection and correction concepts 3.2. Detecting and correcting a single error 3.3. Hamming codes 3.4. Hamming modified codes 3.5. Correction of a single error with detection of all double errors 3.6. Correction of a double error 3.7. Error coding for memory chips Chapter 4. Self-Testing Techniques 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Self-checking ALUs 4.3. Parity checked ALU 4.4. Checksum codes 4.5. Combination codes 4.6. Residue codes 4.7. Self checking PLAs 4.8. Berger codes C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS (laboratory, seminar, project) The project can comprise of 1. a thorough survey of a topic, with original insight 2. a development of a new scheme, or a fresh implementation of an existing scheme 3. or modeling and analysis of an existing scheme. A project proposal, a progress report and a final report will be due at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the semester. The proposal should include a title, name, one paragraph abstract, motivation, proposed approach and applicable references The progress report should indicate that at least half of work has been finished, with a summary of the findings, any refinements of the objectives as a result of the past study, what the final report will contain and the applicable references. An oral presentation is required. The final report should follow the structure and formatting of a research paper. D. REFERENCES 1. Parag K. Lala. Digital Circuit Testing and Testability. Academic Press, 1997. 2. A.J. van de Goor. Testing Semiconductor Memories. Theory and Practice. John Wiley and Sons, 1991. 3. M. Abramovici, M.A. Breuer and A.D. Friedman. Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design. Computer Science Press, New York, NY, 1990. E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE Course ends with a 2 hour written exam accounting for 50%. Candidates will have to cover several subjects (3-4) based on course topics. Projects are based on a one page proposal that should include motivation, brief scope of study and some specific references. The progress report and the final report will account for 20% and 30% of the final mark. F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY 1. Carnegie-Mellon University, 18765 – Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design 2. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, ECE 543 – Digital System Testing & Design for Testability 3. Stanford University, EE488: Testing Aspects of Computer Systems Date: HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Prof. Dr. Eng. Vladimir CREŢU COURSE INSTRUCTOR, Prof. Dr. Eng. Mircea VLADUTIU „POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY FROM TIMIŞOARA SYLLABUS For the discipline: “IMAGE PROCESSING AND RECOGNITION” FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of studies: I or II (MASTER) Semester: 1 Course instructor: Associate professor Horaţiu Moldovan, PhD Applications instructor: ing. Ronald Wagmann Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory 2 0 2 Project 0 Evaluation Exam Credits 9 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES The course was originally designed to present processing and recognition techniques of digital images. B. COURSE SUBJECTS 1. Introduction: generalities, numerical images representation, fundamental steps in image processing 2. Basic notions: elements of human visual perception, image model, pixels relations 3. Images transformation: Fourier transformation – introduction, description, properties 4. Image improvement: generalities, image improvement by points processing, spatial filters and image improvement regarding frequency 5. Restoration of images 6. Compression of images 7. Segmentation of images 8. Representation and description: representation schemes, regional descriptors, morphology. C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS (laboratory, seminar, project) 1. Image representation 2. Fourier transformation 3. Properties of Fourier transformation 4. Uniform filter 5. Image improvement by point processing 6. Spatial filters 7. Increasing image quality. Filters for front detection 8. Frequency filters 9. Dilatation and erosion 10. Restoration of images with a band stop filter D. REFERENCES 1. R.C. Gonzalez, P. Wintz - "Digital Image Processing. Addison Wesley, 1987 2. R.C. Gonzales, R.E. Woods - "Digital Image Processing", Addison Wesley, 1992. 3. F.C.A. Groen, R.J. Ekkers, R. de Vries - "Image processing with personal computers", Signal Processing 15, 1988 E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE Examiner 2/3, applications 1/3 F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY 1. Wien Institute of Technology, Austria 2. University of Karlsruhe, Germany 3. University of Dortmund, Germany Date: 10.09.2007 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Prof. Dr. ing. Vladimir CREŢU COURSE INSTRUCTOR, Conf. Dr. Ing. Horaţiu MOLDOVAN „POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY FROM TIMIŞOARA SYLLABUS for the discipline: “SMART SENSORS AND SENSOR NETWORKS” FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of studies: I or II (MASTER) Semester: 1 Course instructor: professor Mircea Popa, PhD Applications instructor: Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory 2 0 2 Project 0 Evaluation Exam Credits 9 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES - to understand the Smart sensor term; to know its characteristics, architecture, software level and applications; - to understand the Sensor networks; to know the topics for the sensor networks: communication protocols, data gathering and processing, energy management, security, reliability and foult tolerance; - to know examples, standards, platforms and tools for sensor networks; - to be able to choose among different smart sensors and to establish the topics for designing a sensor network. B. COURSE SUBJECTS Smart sensors fundamentals: Basic sensor technolog Sensor systems; Smart sensors definitions; Smart sensors: Characteristics; Smart sensors architectures; Smart sensors buses and interfaces; Smart sensors software; Data acquisition methods for smart sensors; Virtual sensor systems; Smart sensors for electrical and non-electrical variables; Sensor networks architectures: Single node architecture; Multi node architectures; Design principles; Energy efficient topologies; Wired sensor networks and wireless sensor networks; Applications; Communication protocols: Phisical layer; MAC protocols; Link layer protocols; Localization and positioning; Routing protocols; Transport layer; Data gathering and processing: Protocols for gather information; Data processing techniques; Energy management: Energy consumption of sensor nodes; Techniques for reducing consumption and communication energy; Energy aware routing; Security, reliability and fault-tolerance: Security and privacy protection; Reliability support; Fault-tolerance; Sensor networks standards; platforms and tools: IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11; Berkeley motes; Operating systems. C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS (laboratory; seminar; project) Projects: 1. Smart sensors for electrical variables 2. Smart sensors for non-electrical variables 3. Study of Berkeley Motes 4. Study of Smart Dusts 5. Microsensors and MEMS 6. Operating systems for sensor networks; 7. Time synchronization and calibration in sensor networks; 8. Distributed sensor networks 9. Coverage in sensor networks 10. Localization in sensor networks 11. Data centric protocols in sensor networks 12. Routing and information aggregation in sensor networks 13. Dynamic sensor networks 14. Low power design in sensor networks 15. Minimization of consumption in sensor networks D. REFERENCES 1. N. V. Kirianaki, S. Y. Yurish, N. O. Shpak V. P. Deynega: Data Acquisition and Signal Processing for Smart Sensors, John Wiley, 2004 2. H. Karl, A. Willig: Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks, John Wiley, 2005 3. M. Ilyas, I. Mahgoub (ed.): Handbook of Sensor Networks: Compact Wireless and Wired Sensing Systems, CRC, 2004 E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE Exam and project each of them with 50% of the final note. F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY 1. Stanford University: Sensor Networks 2. Lancaster Engineering University: Smart Sensors 3. Harvard University: Wireless Communications and Sensor Networks Date: 26.03.2007 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Prof. dr. ing. Vladimir CREŢU COURSE INSTRUCTOR; Prof. dr. ing. Mircea POPA "POLITEHNICA" UNIVERSITY OF TIMISOARA SYLLABUS for the discipline: "DATA TRANSMISSION, CODING AND COMPRESSION" FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of Studies: I or II (MASTER) Semester: 1 Course instructor: associate professor Mihai V. Micea, PhD Applications instructor: teaching assistant Bogdan Ciubotaru Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory Project 2 0 2 0 Evaluation Exam Credits 9 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES The course provides a detailed view of underlying support techniques employed in data communication networks. The students attending this course will gain detailed knowledge about data transmission techniques, data processing for enhancing communication efficiency and security. The students will also gain specific skills and abilities in analyzing, designing and implementing communication solutions for various types of networks and distributed applications. B. COURSE SUBJECTS Introduction: General description of the field; Data communication principles, issues and solutions; Fundamental aspects of data transmission: Signal transmission; Signal representation; Modulation techniques; Data transmission protocols: OSI Layer 1 and 2 implementations for different network architectures; Coding: Notion of channel coding; Block coding; Convolution coding; Mobile networking: Mobile networks characteristics; Mobile networks specific design issues; Mobile network specific protocols; Mobile network location and mobility management; Ad-hoc mobile networks: Characteristics of ad-hoc mobile networks; Specific issues; Ad-hoc mobile communication protocols; Wireless sensor networks; Data compression techniques: Huffman coding, MNP5, V.42; Security in data communication: General issues; Security in traditional networks and Internet; Security in wireless networks; Encryption and Authentication Techniques: Symmetric key encryption, RSA, Diffie-Hellman, Digital signature, SSL/TSL, PGP. C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS (laboratory, seminar, project) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Evaluation and testing of network protocols using NS-2 (Network Simulator). Evaluation and testing of wireless network protocols using NS-2 (Network Simulator). Implementation of a simple protocol stack for data transmission in wireless sensor networks. Protocol evaluation metrics. Wireless sensor networks SPIN protocol implementation in NS-2. Wireless sensor networks Directed Diffusion protocol implementation in NS-2. Wireless sensor networks SPIN protocol implementation on a 5-node network platform. Wireless sensor networks Directed Diffusion protocol implementation on a 5-node network platform. Data encryption library implementation. Data compression library implementation. D. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 2. 3. J.G. Proakis, "Digital Communications", 4-th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2001. J. Schiller, "Mobile Communications", Addison Wesley, 2000. Pahlavan, Krishnamurthy, "Principles of Wireless Networks", Prentice Hall, 2002. E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE The final grade is composed of the evaluation during the semester at the project workshops and at the course classes (50%), and of the final written exam evaluation (3 hours, 50%). F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY 1. 2. 3. Carnegie Mellon University, SUA, Computer Scinece Department, Undergraduate Program: “Computer Networks” (15-441) , Masters Program: “Networking” (15-744) Johns Hopkins University, SUA, Whiting School of Engineering, Undergraduate Program: “Introduction to Information Theory and Coding” (520.447), “Basic Communications” (520.401), “Digital Communications I ” (520.465), “Digital Communication II ” (520.466) Stony Brooks State University of New York, SUA, Computer Science Department, Undergraduate Program: “Data Communications and Networks” (CSE/ISE 310), “Wireless and Mobile Networking“ (CSE370) 26.03.2007 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Prof. Dr. Eng. Vladimir CRETU COURSE INSTRUCTOR, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Eng. Mihai V. MICEA „POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY FROM TIMIŞOARA SYLLABUS for the discipline: “EMERGING SYSTEMS” FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of studies: I or II (MASTER) Semester: 1 Course instructor: lecturer Mihai Udrescu, PhD Applications instructor: teaching assistant Oana Boncalo Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory 2 0 2 Project 0 Evaluation Exam Credits 9 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES This course approaches an essential aspect regarding the engineering training process of the master program: understanding and employing the emerging computing technologies and techniques. The need for these new technologies and the benefits that come along are thoroughly explained, as well as the difficulties in implementing them. The advent of the first commercial quantum computer (built by the D-Wave Systems Company) and its presentation at Stanford University has transformed quantum computation into a high priority trend within the emerging computing technology field. This course is presenting the fundamental features that make quantum computation able to solve in polynomial time (efficiently) some problems that have exponential (inefficient) solutions on a classical computer. B. COURSE SUBJECTS Introduction: ITRS (International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors) guidelines; The ERD – Emerging Research Devices Document; Emerging technologies comparison; Introduction to quantum mechanics; Computer science basics; Quantum Circuits: Quantum algorithms; One-qubit operations; Controlled operations; Measurement; Universal gate sets; The circuit model of the quantum computer; Quantum systems simulation; Quantum Fourier transform and its applications: Quantum Fourier transform; Phase estimation; Factoring problem – Shor’s algorithm; General applications; Quantum search algorithms: Grover’s algorithm; Quantum simulation; Quantum counting; NPcomplete problems solution speedup; Search algorithms performance; Black-box algorithms limitations; Quantum computer physical implementation: Basic principles; Conditions for quantum computation; Harmonic oscillator quantum computer; Optical photon quantum computer; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; Ion Trap technology, Optical cavity quantum electrodynamics; Quantum computer reliability: Classical noise and Markov models; Quantum noise; Quantum information measures; Quantum error correction; Quantum error detection and correction codes; Entropy and information: Entanglement; Quantum cryptography. C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS (laboratory, seminar, project) Representing quantum states and transformations with procedural programming languages; Quantum program algorithmic emulation. QPL (Quantum Programming Language) scripts; Describing quantum circuits with hardware description languages: QHDL and VHDL; Automated synthesis of quantum circuits with genetic algorithms; Template-based automated synthesis of quantum circuits; Quantum circuit reliability assessment: partitioning and reliability graphs; Simulation-based quantum fault injection in order to evaluate the accuracy threshold as main reliability measure; Gate-level quantum algorithm simulation by FPGA board configuration; D. REFERENCES 1. Michael A. Nielsen, Isaac L. Chuang. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information. Cambridge University Press, 2000. 2. Sandeer K. Shukla, R.. Iris Bahar (Eds.) Nano, Quantum and Molecular Computing: Implications to High Level Design and Validation. Springer Verlag, 2005. 3. Dan C. Marinescu, Gabriela M. Marinescu. Approaching Quantum Computing. Prentice Hall, 2006. E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE The evaluation process output consists of two grades: one for the laboratory activity, which is yielded by evaluating the implementation of the lab projects, and one for the final exam grade. The relative weight of these grades in the final grade outcome is 66% for the exam and 33% for the lab projects assessment. The final exam lasts for 120 minutes, and consists of a written response to 10 short theoretical questions, plus 2 problems (quantum circuit synthesis and quantum algorithm assessment). F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY 1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 2. University of California Berkeley 3. California Institute of Technology (CALTECH) Date: 27 March 2007 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Prof. Dr. ing. Vladimir CREŢU COURSE INSTRUCTOR, Lecturer dr. Mihai UDRESCU-MILOSAV „POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY FROM TIMIŞOARA SYLLABUS For the discipline: “HIGH-END INTERFACES AND EQUIPMENTS” FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of studies: I or II (MASTER) Semester: 1 Course instructor: professor Mircea Stratulat, PhD Applications instructor: Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory 2 0 2 Project 0 Evaluation Exam Credits 9 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES The course was originally designed to introduce optical recording systems to undergraduates and postgraduates in science and engineering B. COURSE SUBJECTS 1. Introduction to optical recording, Basic optics, Lasers, photoreceptors, media substrates 2. Optical recording drive systems 3. Magneto–optic recording 4. Magneto–optic recording, drive systems 5. DVD recording, HDVD, Ray-blue DVD. Holographic memories, other memories C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS (laboratory, seminar, project) Optical recording, Basic optics, Lasers, photodectectors, media substrates, Optical recording drive systems, Magneto– optic recording, Magneto–optic recording, drive systems, DVD recording, HDVD, Ray-blue DVD. Holographic memories, other memories D. REFERENCES 1. E.W.Williams – The CD-ROM and Optical Disc Recording Systems. Oxford, 1995 2. S.O.Kasap – Optoelectronics and photonics. -”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2001 3. Linda G. Shapiro, George C: Stockman – Computer Vision - Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2001 E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE Examiner 2/3, applications 1/3 F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY 1. 1. 1. University of. California. Berkeley, 2. Linkoping Institute of Technology, 3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Date: 20.03.2007 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT COURSE INSTRUCTOR, Prof. Dr. ing. Vladimir CREŢU Stratulat „POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY OF TIMIŞOARA SYLLABUS for the discipline: “RESEARCH TOPICS IN COMPUTER SYSTEMS” FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of studies: I (MASTER) Semester: 1 Course instructor: associate professor Marius Minea, PhD, lecturer Radu Marinescu, PhD Applications instructor: Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory 2 0 0 Project 0 Evaluation Distributed Credits 3 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES To present research papers that have been influential in shaping the field of software systems. Students will learn to appreciate past and future developments in the field, contents and structure of a good research paper, make a critical analysis, a clear and consistent presentation, and participate actively in discussions. The papers will address topics that are essential both for researchers and practitioners. Thus, students will gain insight into the essence of the most widely used software techniques, practices and paradigms. By understanding the foundations of current approaches, they will form solid reference points for taking future competent decisions on adopting novel techniques, practices or paradigms. B. COURSE SUBJECTS Programming language paradigms; software system architecture and design; program semantics, specification, modeling; program analysis techniques; managing software development C. APPLICATION SUBJECTS (laboratory, seminar, project) D. REFERENCES Donald D. Chamberlin, Raymond F. Boyce - SEQUEL: A Structured English Query Language, 1974 Frederick P. Brooks, Jr: The Mythical Man-Month, 1975 Walter Tichy: Software development control based on module interconnection, ICSE-4, 1979 Mark Weiser: Program Slicing, ICSE-5, 1981. D. L. Parnas, P. C. Clements, D. M. Weiss: The Modular Structure of Complex Systems, ICSE-7, 1984 Frederick Brooks, Jr.: No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering. Computer, 1987 Lee Osterweil: Software processes are software too, ICSE-9, 1987. David Ungar, Randall B. Smith - Self: The Power of Simplicity. OOPSLA, 1987 David Harel, H. Lachover, A. Naamad, Amir Pnueli, Michal Politi, Rivi Sherman, Aharon Shtul-Trauring: Statemate: A Working Environment for the Development of Complex Reactive Systems, ICSE-10, 1988 David S. Rosenblum: Towards a Method of Programming with Assertions, ICSE-14, 1992 W. Harrison and H. Ossher - Subject-Oriented Programming (A Critique of Pure Objects) OOPSLA, 1993 Michael Jackson, Pamela Zave: Deriving Specifications from Requirements: An Example, ICSE-17, 1995 J. Dean, C. Chambers, and D. Grove: Selective Specialization for Object-Oriented Languages, PLDI, 1995 Bjarne Steensgaard, Points-to Analysis in Almost Linear Time, POPL, 1996 George Necula: Proof-Carrying Code, POPL, 1997 E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE Students will each present one paper and participate in the discussion of other papers, both activities contributing to the final grade. F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY 1. What Makes Good Research in Software Engineering, course 17-939A, Carnegie Mellon University 2. Research Topics in Software Engineering, course P02102, University of Edinburgh 3. Research inSoftware Engineering, course CMSC 838p, University of Maryland Date: 28.03.2007 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Prof. Dr. ing. Vladimir CREŢU COURSE INSTRUCTOR, SEMESTRUL 2 „POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY FROM TIMIŞOARA SYLLABUS for the discipline: “EMBEDDED SYSTEMS” FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of studies: I (MASTER) Semester: 2 Course instructor: professor Mircea Popa, PhD Applications instructor: Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory 2 0 2 Project 0 Evaluation Exam Credits 9 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES - to understand the design goals and methodologies for high performance embedded computing; - to learn the main and specific topics for high performance embedded systems; - to understand the modeling process for embedded systems; - to obtain a consistent overview of the specific problems of the embedded systems; - to be able to outline the adequate embedded system architecture for a type of applications. B. COURSE SUBJECTS High-Performance embedded computing: Design goals; Design methodologies; Models of computation; Typical architectures; CPUs: Microprocessors vs. Microcontrollers vs. DSPs; Parallel execution mechanisms; Processor memory hierarchy; CPU simulation; Automated CPU design; Programs: Code generation; Program performance analysis; Models of Computation and Programming; Processes and operating systems: Real-time process scheduling; Operating system design; Verification; Modeling embedded systems: System level modeling; Models of computation; Represntations of different models; Specific software: The GNU toolchain; The GNU assembler; The GNU linker; Converting files; The GNU debugger; Specific topics: Design and validation of embedded systems; Design and verification languages; Operating systems; Timing and performance analysis; Memory organization techniques for low power computing; Power aware computing; Security; Applications C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS (laboratory; seminar; project) Projects: 1. Modeling embedded systems 2. The GNU operating systems 3. Operating systems for embedded systems 4. Programming languages for embedded systems 5. System-on-chip’s (SoC’s) 6. Network-on-chip’s (NoC’s) 7. Debugging embedded systems 8. Solutions for minimizing the consumption in embedded systems D. REFERENCES 1. W. Wolf: High-Performance Embedded Computing, Elsevier, 2006 2. A. Jantsch: Modeling Embedded Systems and SoC’s: Concurrency and Time in Models of Computation, Morgan Kaufmann, 2004 3. R. Zurawski: Embedded Systems Handbook (Industrial Technology), CRC, 2005 E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE Exam and project each of them with 50% of the final note. F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY 1. University of Essex: Advanced Embedded System Design 2. University of Utah School of Computing: Advanced Embedded Systems 3. University of Leicester: Embedded Systems for condition monitoring and control. Date: 26.03.2007 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Prof. dr. ing. Vladimir CREŢU COURSE INSTRUCTOR; Prof. dr. ing. Mircea POPA "POLITEHNICA" UNIVERSITY OF TIMISOARA SYLLABUS for the discipline: "ROBOTIC SYSTEMS" FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of Studies: I (MASTER) Semester: 2 Course instructor: associate professor Mihai V. Micea, PhD Applications instructor: teaching assistant Dan Chiciudean Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory Project 2 0 2 0 Evaluation Exam Credits 9 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES The course objective is to learn the theory and practice of mobile robotic systems and applications. The students will gain advanced knowledge on designing and implementing relative complex applications which involve real world problems like robot movement control, navigation and interaction, obstacle avoidance using robotic modular perception equipment and techniques. The students will apply the learned knowledge using real-life systems during course projects. B. COURSE SUBJECTS Introduction: General description of the field; Overview and preliminaries; Application of robotic systems. General architecture: Description of the main blocks and subsystems. Power supply block: Battery types, Charging modules, Power control and management. Locomotion subsystem: Locomotion types (Tricycle method, Differential system, Ackerman principle, Syncronous locomotion systems); Electric motors (DC, steppers, brushless); Electric motor driving techniques (H-bridge, PWM). Perception block: Transducers and sensors (proximity and collision, ultrasonic sensors, optic and video sensors); Data acquisition and processing. Control subsystem: Central processing unit (embedded systems, microcontrollers); Data communication block (wireless communication: 802.11 standard, 802.15.4 standard, bluetooth, GSM and GPRS modules). Robot operating modes: Remote control (tele-operation); Autonomous operation techniques. Navigation and localisation techniques: Obstacle avoidance algorithms, GPS and ultrasonic localisation, 3D perception. Collaborative robotic systems: Robot swarms; Distributed sensing and control; Cooperative behavior. C. APPLICATION SUBJECTS (projects) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Maze solving project: the mobile robot must find autonomously its way out from a predetermined starting position next to the central area of the maze. Line following robot: the robot must follow a light-reflective stripe. Autonomous mini-vehicle using ultrasonic Sonar. Desing and implementation. Autonomous orientation and obstacle avoidance techniques implemented on the Sonar-based robot. Soccer player robotic team: development of a robotic team to play a simplified soccer game. D. BIBLIOGRAPHY 4. 5. U. Nehmzow, "Mobile Robotics: A practical introduction", 2nd Edition, Springer-Verlag London, 2003. G. Dudek, M. Jenkin, "Computational Principles of Mobile Robotics", Cambridge University Press, 2000. 6. G. Branwyan, "Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Building Robots", Que, 2003. E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE The final grade is composed of the evaluation during the semester, at the project workshops and at the course classes (50%), and of the final written exam evaluation (3 hours, 50%). F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY 4. 5. 6. University of Ottawa, Canada, Computer Engineering, Undergraduate Program: “Computer Control in Robotics”, “Robotics: Intelligent Connection of the Perception to Action” Carnegie Mellon University, SUA, The Robotics Institute, Undergraduate Minor in Robotics: "Introduction to Robotics " (16-311), "Introduction to Mobile Robot Programming" (16-362 / 16-862) University of Cambridge, UK, Department of Engineering, Undergraduate Program: "Computer Vision and Robotics " (4F12) 26.03.2007 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Prof. Dr. Eng. Vladimir CRETU COURSE INSTRUCTOR, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Eng. Mihai V. MICEA „POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY FROM TIMIŞOARA SYLLABUS for the discipline: “OPTIC FIBER TRANSMISSIONS” FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of studies: I (MASTER) Semester: 2 Course instructor: professor Mircea Stratulat, PhD Applications instructor: Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory 2 0 2 Project 0 Evaluation Exam Credits 9 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES If you hope to become a professional in components field and concentrate in the area of optical fiber, transmitters, receivers, amplifiers, and active and passive components, you will need understanding of the technology. B. COURSE SUBJECTS 1. Introduction to Telecommunications and Fiber Optics 2. Optical Fibers – Basics2.1 Attenuation, 2.2 Intermodal and Chromatic Dispersion, 2.3 Bit Rate and Bandwidth 3. Multimode Fibers 4. Singlemode Fibers 5 Fabrication, Cabling, and Installation 6. Receivers, Light sources and Transmitters 7. Components of Fiber – Optic Networks 7.1. Passive Components, Switches, and Functional Modules of Fiber Optic Network 8. An Introduction to Fiber Optic Networks C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS (laboratory, seminar, project) Optical Fibers Basics, Attenuation, Intermodal and Chromatic Dispersion, Bit Rate and Bandwidth, .Multimode Fibers, Single mode Fibers, Fabrication, Cabling, and Installation, Receivers, Light sources and Transmitters, Components of Fiber – Optic Networks, Passive Components, Switches, and Functional Modules of Fiber Optic Network, An Introduction to Fiber Optic Networks D. REFERENCES 1. Jeff Hecht – Understanding Fiber optics – Howard w. Sams&Company. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2001 2. D.Mynbaev, L.L. Scheiner – Fiber Optic Communication Technology - . Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2001 3. Leon W. Couch – Digital and analog Communication Systems, sixth edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2000 E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE Examiner 2/3, applications 1/3 F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY 1. 1.University of. California. Berkeley, 2. Linkoping Institute of Technology, 3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Date: HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Prof. Dr. ing. Vladimir CREŢU COURSE INSTRUCTOR, Stratulat „POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY FROM TIMIŞOARA SYLLABUS for the discipline: “CELLULAR DATA NETWORKS” FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of studies: I (MASTER) Semester: 2 Course instructor: lecturer Doru Todincă, PhD Applications instructor: lecturer Doru Todincă, PhD Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory Project 2 0 2 0 Evaluation Exam Credits 9 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES The goals of the course are to give first an overview of mobile communication systems, then to give more detail about cellular data network, with an emphasis on mobile data networks. B. COURSE SUBJECTS 1. Introduction: applications, history, market vision 2. Wireless Transmission: frequencies & regulations, signals, antennas, signal propagation, multiplexing, modulation, spread spectrum, cellular system 3. Medium Access Control: motivation, SDMA, FDMA, TDMA (fixed, Aloha, CSMA, DAMA, PRMA, MACA, collision avoidance, polling), CDMA 4. Telecommunication Systems: GSM, UMTS/IMT-2000 5. GPRS/EGPRS: main concepts, system architecture, protocol architecture, Quality of Service (QoS) 6. Wireless LAN: IR vs. radio, infrastructure/ad-hoc, IEEE 802.11 (a, b, g, h), HiperLAN2, mobile QoS, Bluetooth, IEEE 802.15 7. Mobile Network Layer: Mobile IP, DHCP, ad-hoc networks, routing optimization 8. Research issues concerning cellular data networks: QoS and QoS differentiation; applications of artificial intelligence techniques in cellular data networks C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS (laboratory, seminar, project) Students can choose one of two types of projects: - Select a particular topic of component mobile communication and analyse it in detail, writing a technical report - Design a simulation model of a mobile data network D. REFERENCES Se pastreaza indicatiile din modelul in lb. romana 1. Jochen H. Schiller, Mobile Communications, second edition, Addison-Wesley, 2003, ISBN 0 32112381 6 2. William Stallings, Wireless Communications and Networking, Prentice Hall, 2005 3. T. Halonen, J. Romero, J. Molero (editors), GSM, GPRS and EDGE Performance, John Wiley & Sons LTD, 2002 E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE 50% written examination and 50% evaluation of assignments F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY Se pastreaza indicatiile din modelul in lb. romana 1. University of California, Irvine, U.S. 2. Dublin City University, Ireland 3. Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Date: HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Prof. Dr. ing. Vladimir CREŢU COURSE INSTRUCTOR, Conf. Dr. Ing. Doru TODINCA „POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY FROM TIMIŞOARA SYLLABUS for the discipline: “AUTOMATIC DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION OF VLSI CIRCUITS” FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of studies: I (MASTER) Semester: 2 Course instructor: professor Marius Crişan, PhD Applications instructor: Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory 2 0 2 Project 0 Evaluation E Credits 9 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the course, students will have an understanding of the characteristics of CMOS circuit construction and emerging nanometer-scale electronic circuit technologies and processes. Stuents will be able to use mathematical methods and circuit analysis models in analysis of VLSI circuits, including logic components and their interconnect. Students will be able to complete a significant VLSI design project having a set of objective criteria and design constraints. B. COURSE SUBJECTS Introduction, Objectives: VLSI concept. VLSI design methodology. Transistors and layout. CMOS Process and Layout: Basic CMOS device topology and fabrication. Construction of digital logic gates in CMOS. Advanced interconnect models: Delay bottlenecks. Reducing crosstalk. Modeling copper interconnect. Power Estimation and Optimization: Advanced low-power design techniques. Minimizing power utilization. CAD Systems and Algorithms: Overview of HDLs. Practical IP-based design solutions C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS (laboratory, seminar, project) 1. Designing and simulating CMOS gates 2. Designing a simple sequential circuit (e.g. one-bit accumulator) 3. Designing a comparator of two n-bit numbers. 4. Designing a 4-bit Parallel Full Adder with carry-look-ahead. 5. Designing “latch” and memory circuits. 6. Designing a A/D and D/A converter. D. REFERENCES Se pastreaza indicatiile din modelul in lb. romana 1. Neil Weste, David Harris, CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective, 3rd Edition, , Addison Wesley, 2003 2. Wayne Wolf, Modern VLSI Design, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, 2002. 3. Rabaey, J., et al., Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective, 2nd. ed., Prentice Hall Publishers, Inc., 2003. E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE There will be a final examination from lecture notes and project paper. The paper will be graded on technical content, format, and writing skill. 40% lab assignments and 60% final exam and project paper. F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY Se pastreaza indicatiile din modelul in lb. romana 1. University of Massachusetts: VLSI Design Principles 2. University of South Carolina: Design of VLSI Circuits 3. Princeton University: Design of VLSI Sytems Date: 20.03.2007 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT COURSE INSTRUCTOR, Prof. Dr. ing. Vladimir CREŢU Marius Crisan „POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY FROM TIMIŞOARA SYLLABUS for the discipline: “VIRTUAL MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS” FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of studies: I (MASTER) Semester: 2 Course instructor: professor Mircea Popa, PhD Applications instructor: Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory 2 0 2 Project 0 Evaluation Exam Credits 9 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES - to understand the Virtual Instrumentation (VI) concept, its features, advantages and implementation; - to learn about a classical VI software, the National Instruments’ LabVIEW, the programming techniques and concepts from labVIEW; - to learn about the hardware needed for instrumentation; - to be able to design a LabVIEW based virtual instrument. B. COURSE SUBJECTS Overview of virtual instrumentation: Evolution of virtual instrumentation (VI); Architecture of a virtual instrument; Software level; Advantages of VI; LabVIEW; VI in engineering; Programming techniques: LabVIEW environment; Dataflow programming; G programming; Programming concepts: Control structures; Selection structures; Arrays; Clusters; Strings; Waveform charts and graphs; Tables; File input/ output; Inputs and outputs: Transducers; Sensors; Signal operations; A/D and D/A control; Interfaces for instrumentation: Current loops; RS232; RS422; RS485; GBIP; VISA; Input/ output buses: USB; PCI; PCI Express; PXI; PCMCIA; VXI; LXI; Data acquisition: Data acquisition in LabVIEW; Hardware installation and configuration; Data acquisition hardware; Data acquisition software; Data transmission: Pulse codes; A/D modulation techniques; Wireless communications; Distributed automation and control systems; SCADA; Applications C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS (laboratory, seminar, project) Projects: 1. Remote data acquisition using the ADVANTECH PCI 1710 board and LabVIEW 2. Remote data analysis and control using the ADVANTECH PCI 1712 board and LabVIEW 3. Remote data acquisition using the ADVANTECH PCL 816 board and 4. Study of the IEEE 1488 GPIB interface 5. Client – Server applications in LabVIEW 6. Distributed virtual instrumentation with LabVIEW 7. LabVIEW based robot control system 8. LabVIEW tools D. REFERENCES 1. J. Travis: LabVIEW for Everyone (2nd Edition), CRC, 2002 2. S. Sumathi, P. Surehka: LabVIEW based Advanced Instrumentation Systems, Springer-Verlag, 2007 3. R. Bitter, T. Mohiuddin, M. Nawrocki: LabVIEW Advanced Programming Techniques, 2006 E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE Exam and project each of them with 50% of the final note. F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY 1. University of Glasgow: MSc Virtual Instrumentation 2. Cornell University: Computer Instrumentation Design 3. New Jersey’s Science & Technology University: Virtual Instrumentation Date: 26.03.2007 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Prof. dr. ing. Vladimir CREŢU COURSE INSTRUCTOR, Prof. dr. ing. Mircea POPA „POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY FROM TIMIŞOARA SYLLABUS for the discipline: “INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH” FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of studies: I (MASTER) Semester: 2 Course instructor: each dissertation thesis coordinator for his master students group Applications instructor: Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory 2 0 0 Project 0 Evaluation Distributed Credits 3 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES The main objective of the discipline “Introduction to research activity” is the creation of support for the student-centered research activities. The coordinators introduce, based on their experience, the main specific aspects of the research activity. B. COURSE SUBJECTS Research methodology, bibliographical synthesis elaboration, practical aspects of research activity. Establishing the dissertation thesis domain. C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS Each master student will elaborate a state-of the-art report concerning his dissertation thesis domain as starting point for the dissertation thesis elaboration. D. REFERENCES Specific domain bibliography and references E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE The state-of-the-art report will be presented and defended by each master student in a special presentation session, and will be evaluated by a commission F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY Date: 27-th of March 2007 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Prof. Dr. ing. Vladimir CREŢU COURSE INSTRUCTOR, SEMESTRUL 3 "POLITEHNICA" UNIVERSITY OF TIMISOARA SYLLABUS for the discipline: "ADVANCED DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING" FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of Studies: I or II (MASTER) Semester: 1 Course instructor: associate professor Mihai V. Micea, PhD Applications instructor: teaching assistant Dan Chiciudean Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory Project 2 0 2 0 Evaluation Exam Credits 9 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES The course focuses on the advanced techniques and algorithms used in digital signal processing. Students will learn the main design and analysis techniques of advanced types of digital filters such as: efficient FIR and IIR filters, adaptive filters, linear prediction and optimum filters. Students will also gain abilities of designing and implementing advanced digital signal processing algorithms and systems using generic and specialized digital devices (Digital Signal Processors – DSPs). B. COURSE SUBJECTS Implementation of discrete-time systems: Structures for FIR and IIR systems; State-space system analysis and structures; Quantization of filter coefficients; Round-off effects in digital filters. Design of digital filters: Generic model for digital filter design; Design of FIR and IIR filters; Frequency transformations; Design of digital filters based on Least-Squares Method. Multirate digital signal processing: Decimation and interpolation; Sampling rate conversion; Filter design and implementation for sampling-rate conversion; Multistage implementation of sampling-rate conversion; Applications of multirate signal processing. Design of adaptive digital filters: Goal of adaptive digital filtering; General concepts; Theory of Wiener-type digital filters; Adaptive LMS algorithm; Least-Squares recursive algorithm; Applications of adaptive digital filtering. Elements of spectral analysis and estimation: Principle and traditional methods of spectral estimation; Modern methods of parametric estimation; Applications of spectral analysis. Linear prediction and optimum linear filters: Forward and backward linear prediction; Properties of the linear prediction – error filters; Applications of linear prediction. C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS (laboratory, seminar, project) 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Architecture and programming of the Freescale StarCore DSP system. FFT implementation and evaluation on a PC and on the StarCore DSP. Implementation and evaluation of FIR digital filters on a PC and on the StarCore DSP. Implementation and evaluation of IIR digital filters on a PC and on the StarCore DSP. Design and implementation of a digital audio effects processor. Design and implementation of a digital audio equalizer on specialized devices (DSP). Design, implementation and analysis of multirate systems. Adaptive digital filters: design, implementation and evaluation. Linear prediction filters: design, implementation and evaluation. D. BIBLIOGRAPHY 7. G. Proakis, D. G. Manolakis, "Digital Signal Processing. Principles, Algorithms and Applications", 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1996. 8. 9. A. V. Oppenheim, R. W. Schafer, "Digital Signal Processing", Prentice-Hall, 1996. S. Stergiopoulos (editor), "Advanced Signal Processing Handbook: Theory and Implementation for Radar, Sonar, and Medical Imaging Real-Time Systems", CRC Press LLC, 2001. E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE The final grade is composed of the evaluation during the semester at the project workshops and at the course classes (50%), and of the final written exam evaluation (3 hours, 50%). F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY 7. 8. 9. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, SUA, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Basic Undergraduate Program: "Discrete-Time Signal Processing" (6.341, A. V. Oppenheim, V. K. Goyal), "Digital Speech Processing" (6.343, T. F. Quatieri), "Introduction to Communication, Control, and Signal Processing" (6.011, A. V. Oppenheim, G. C. Verghese) Carnegie Mellon University, SUA, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Undergraduate Program: "Advanced Digital Signal Processing" (18-792), "Digital Signal Processing" (18-491), "Digital Communication and Signal Processing Systems Design" (18-551) University of Cambridge, UK, Department of Engineering, Undergraduate Program: "Digital Filters and Spectrum Estimation" (4F7, S. J. Godsill, S. Singh), "Signals and Systems" (3F1, J.M. Goncalves, N.G. Kingsbury), "Signal and Pattern Processing" (3F3, S. J. Godsill) G. OBSERVATIONS 1. 2. 3. The course is presented using PowerPoint slides with a video projector. Students can receive the course support (course slides) in electronic or printed format. The project and application workshops will be hosted by the Digital Signal Processing Laboratories – DSPLabs, which provides latest generation equipments and specialized modules through various partnerships with topranking companies in the domain, such as: Motorola/Freescale, Alcatel-Lucent, etc. Interested students have the opportunity to collaborate at various projects and research contracts, developed within the DSPLabs. Such participation replaces the applicative activities required by the syllabus. 26.03.2007 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Prof. Dr. Eng. Vladimir CRETU COURSE INSTRUCTOR, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Eng. Mihai V. MICEA „POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY FROM TIMIŞOARA SYLLABUS For the discipline: “INTEGRATED INFORMATION SYSTEMS” FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of studies: I or II (MASTER) Semester: 1 Course instructor: Associate professor Horaţiu Moldovan, PhD Applications instructor: ing. Ronald Wagmann Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory 2 0 2 Project 0 Evaluation Exam Credits 9 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES The course was originally designed to understand what is the role of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system for an enterprise, to be able to define and modify database structure, to show all the functions and modules of an ERP system and to present implementation methodologies for an ERP system. B. COURSE SUBJECTS 1. Introduction to information systems, defining and classifying integrated information systems 2. Enterprise organization 3. Life cycle of an ERP system 4. Enterprise business analysis 5. Technologies. Architectures. Design of ERP systems 6. Business processes 7. ERP implementation 8. Developing an ERP system C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS (laboratory, seminar, project) We will demonstrate all the functionality of an ERP system. This includes an overview of the basis modules of an ERP such as Accounting, Controlling, Material Management, Sales and Distribution and Production Planning. We will create scenarios to simulate the main activities that take place in an enterprise. D. REFERENCES 1. Travis Anderegg – ERP: A-Z Implementer’s Guide for Success. Resource Pub, SUA, 2000 2. Doina Fotache, Luminiţa Hurbean – Integrated information systems for managing businesses – ERP, Ed.Economică, Bucureşti, 1999 3. ***, SAP Documentation; SAP Germany 2006 online E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE Examiner 2/3, applications 1/3 F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY 1. University of Southern California, USA 2. Wien Institute of Technology, Austria 3. University of Missouri, USA Date: 10.09.2007 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Prof. Dr. ing. Vladimir CREŢU COURSE INSTRUCTOR, Conf. Dr. Ing. Horaţiu MOLDOVAN "POLITEHNICA" UNIVERSITY OF TIMISOARA SYLLABUS for the discipline: "EMERGENT AND COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS" FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of Studies: I or II (MASTER) Semester: 1 Course instructor: associate professor Mihai V. Micea, PhD Applications instructor: teaching assistant Răzvan-Dorel Cioargă Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory Project 2 0 2 0 Evaluation Exam Credits 9 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES The primary objective is to learn some of the main advanced techniques and architectures underlying distributed systems and collaborative environments. The course is targeted at understanding and obtaining hands-on experience with distributed, collaborative environments such as wireless sensor networks or robotic collectives, which are often composed using relatively inexpensive nodes requiring low power consumption, processing power and bandwidth. The students will apply the learned knowledge in working with real systems in course projects. B. COURSE SUBJECTS Introduction: Introduction to Distributed Systems; Examples and Applications of Distributed Systems; Introduction to Emergent Behavior; Examples and Applications of Emergent Behavior. Distributed Embedded and Robotic Systems: Real-time Operation; Fault Tolerance; Distributed Communications; Programming Paradigms. Emergent Behavior: Principles of Emergent Behavior; Formalization of Emergent Behavior Patterns; Programming Paradigms; Collaborative Environments: Scalable Networks; Discovery; Auto-configuration; Collaboration. C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS (laboratory, seminar, project) 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Introduction to the architecture of a collaborative system node. Basic programming of the collaborative system node. Introduction to the eBML (Emergent Behavioral Modeling Language). Applications. Solving a specific task for a collaborative system using distributed systems paradigms. Formal modeling using eBML. Solving a specific task for a collaborative system using emergent behavior patterns systems paradigms. Formal modeling using eBML. Implementing the “distributed” solution. Implementing the “emergent” solution. Comparison between solutions. Presentation of final report D. BIBLIOGRAPHY 10. S. Russell, P. Norvig, "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach", 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 2002. 11. M. Wooldridge, "An Introduction to MultiAgent Systems", Wiley & Sons, 2002. 12. R.C. Arkin, "Behavior-Based Robotics (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents)", MIT Press, 1998. E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE The final grade is composed of the evaluation during the semester at the project workshops and at the course classes (33%), and of the final exam evaluation. The final exam is composed of a theory module (1.5 hours, 33%) and a problem solving module (1.5 hours, 34%). Each of the final exam modules can be attended independently. F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY 10. Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Undergraduate Program, “Wireless Sensor Networks” (18748), “Distributed Systems” (18842), “Special Topics in Systems and Control: Multi-Agent Systems” (18879N) 11. California Institute of Technology, USA, Computer Science, Undergraduate and Graduate Programs, “CS 141 abc. Distributed Computation Laboratory” 12. Université de Lausanne, Switzerland, HEC (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales), “Intelligent Agents for Collaborative Information System” (“Agents Intelligents pour Système d'information Collaboratif”), Min-Jung YOO. 26.03.2007 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Prof. Dr. Eng. Vladimir CRETU COURSE INSTRUCTOR, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Eng. Mihai V. MICEA „POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY FROM TIMIŞOARA SYLLABUS for the discipline: “EVOLVABLE HARDWARE” FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of studies: I or II (MASTER) Semester: 1 Course instructor: assistant professor Lucian Prodan, PhD Applications instructor: teaching assistant Versavia Ancuşa, teaching assistant Alexandru Amaricăi, teaching assistant Oana Boncalo Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory 2 0 2 Project 0 Evaluation Exam Credits 9 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES This course is a graduate level complement to Reconfigurable Computing (8L1.1.1) and Fault Tolerant Computing (8L2.5). It introduces a range of computational models that appeared at the crosspoints between reconfigurable hardware and evolutionary algorithms in the recent years as an attempt to solve traditionally hard computational problems. The course surveys relevant aspects of means to evolve reconfigurable architectures by using evolutionary techniques inspired from biological processes pertaining to phylogeny, ontogeny and epigenesis. In particular, the following topics will be discussed: evolvability characteristics, evolutionary computation and design, traditional and novel reconfigurable architectures, evolvable hardware. Typical applications will illustrate the mentioned approaches. B. COURSE SUBJECTS Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1. Characteristics of Evolvable Circuits and Systems 1.2. The Good and The Bad of Evolvable Hardware 1.3. Technology and Applications 1.4. Evolvable VS Evolved Hardware 1.5. Intrinsic VS Extrinsic Evolution. Online VS Offline Evolution Chapter 2. Fundamentals of Evolutionary Computation 2.1. Definition of Evolutionary Algorithms 2.2. Components of an EA: Representation, Variation, Evaluation, Selection, Population and Termination Criteria 2.3. Peramenter Tuning and Selection of Best EA Chapter 3. Reconfigurable Digital Devices 3.1. Basic Architectures: PLDs and FPGAs 3.2. Using Reconfigurable Hardware. Design Phase. Execution Phase 3.3. Experimental Results 3.4. The POEtic Architecture. Organic Subsystem. Molecules. Routing Layer Chapter 4. Using Evolvable Hardware (EHW) 4.1. Synthesis VS Adaptation 4.2. Design of Self-Adaptive Systems. Fault Tolerant and Real Time Systems 4.3. Online Reconfigurable Systems 4.4. Examples of EHW-based Fault Recovery C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS (laboratory, seminar, project) The project can comprise of 4. a thorough survey of a topic, with original insight 5. a development of a new scheme, or a fresh implementation of an existing scheme 6. or modeling and analysis of an existing scheme. A project proposal, a progress report and a final report will be due at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the semester. The proposal should include a title, name, one paragraph abstract, motivation, proposed approach and applicable references The progress report should indicate that at least half of work has been finished, with a summary of the findings, any refinements of the objectives as a result of the past study, what the final report will contain and the applicable references. An oral presentation is required. The final report should follow the structure and formatting of a research paper. D. REFERENCES 1. D. Mange, M. Tomassini (eds.). Bio-Inspired Computing Machines. Towards Novel Computational Architectures. Presse Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, 1998. 2. G.W. Greenwood, A.M.Tyrrell. Introduction to Evolvable Hardware. A Practical Guide for Designing Self-Adaptive Systems. IEEE Press Series on Computational Intelligence, 2007. 3. R.S. Zebulum et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the NASA/DoD Conference on Evolvable Hardware (EH’05). IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos CA, 2003-2005. E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE Course ends with a 2 hour written exam accounting for 50%. Candidates will have to cover several subjects (3-4) based on course topics. Projects are based on a one page proposal that should include motivation, brief scope of study and some specific references. The progress report and the final report will account for 20% and 30% of the final mark. F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY 1. University of Missouri-Rolla, CpE/EE/SysEng 301 – Evolvable Hardware (Adaptive Devices, Circuits and Systems) 2. Brno University of Technology, EUD – Evolutionary and Unconventional Hardware 3. University of Oslo, INF-EHW – Evolutionary Computation and Evolvable Hardware Date: HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Prof. Dr. eng. Vladimir CREŢU COURSE INSTRUCTOR, Assist. Prof. Dr. Lucian PRODAN „POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY OF TIMIŞOARA SYLLABUS for the discipline: “ADVANCED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE” FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of studies: I or II (MASTER) Semester: 1 Course instructor: professor Marius Crişan, PhD Applications instructor: Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory 2 0 2 Project 0 Evaluation Exam Credits 9 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES The course starts with a review of the theory and practice of the most advanced strategies in AI and how to utilize the various techniques in knowledge-based systems. Then, the cognitive processes (perception, memory, language and thought) are investigated. Finally, the main research approaches are presented that may lead to valid intelligent techniques suitable for various applications. Upon completion of this course students will be able to provide solutions for solving real human-like problems and develop their own research approaches. B. COURSE SUBJECTS 1. Computational approaches in mental function modeling. 2. Models of vision and aural perception. 4 3. Memory systems. 4 4. Natural language processing 4 5. Reasoning and thinking models. 4 6. Learning and development. 4 7. Quantum model of brain. 4 Total 28 C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS 4 (laboratory, seminar, project) 1. Sensory system modeling based on self-organizing neural networks. 4 2. Models of perception and memory. 4 3. Complexity and information content analysis of cognitive systems. 4 4. Models of natural language understanding. 4 5. Approaches in Q & A systems. 4 6. Learning by simulating evolution. 4 7. Development of a mind/brain model based on quantum computing. 4 Total 28 D. REFERENCES Se pastreaza indicatiile din modelul in lb. romana 1. 2. 3. S. Russell and P. Norvig. “Artificial Intelligence- A Modern Approach.” Prentice Hall, 2003. T. Malim: “Cognitive Processes”, Macmillan Press Ltd, 1994 (translated Ro. Ed. Tehnica 1999) Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition. By Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin. Prentice-Hall, 2000. E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE There will be a final examination from lecture notes weighting 60% of the final grade. The lab assignments weight 40% of the final grade. F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY Se pastreaza indicatiile din modelul in lb. romana 1. University of Houston: Advanced Artificial Intelligence 2. New York University: Advanced Artificial Intelligence 3. University of Adelaide: Advanced Artificial Intelligence Date: 20.03.2008 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT COURSE INSTRUCTOR, Prof. Dr. ing. Vladimir CREŢU Marius Crisan „POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY FROM TIMIŞOARA SYLLABUS for the discipline: “DIRECTED THESIS RESEARCH” FACULTY: AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERS DOMAIN / SPECIALIZATION: COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Year of studies: II (MASTER) Semester: 1 Course instructor: each dissertation thesis coordinator for his master students Applications instructor: Number of hours/week/Evaluation/Credits Course Seminar Laboratory 0 2 0 Project 0 Evaluation Distributed Credits 3 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES Directed thesis research activity has as main objective to create the support for the student-coordinator collaboration. The main objective of directed thesis research activity is the elaboration of the dissertation thesis proposal by the master student. B. COURSE SUBJECTS Starting from the state-of–the-art report and focusing on thesis topic, the master student will elaborate the dissertation thesis proposal, under surveillance of the coordinator C. APPLICATIONS SUBJECTS Elaboration of the dissertation thesis proposal document D. REFERENCES E. EVALUATION PROCEDURE The dissertation thesis proposal will be presented and defended by each master student in a special presentation session, and will be evaluated by a commission. F. INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY Date: 27-th of March 2007 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Prof. Dr. ing. Vladimir CREŢU COURSE INSTRUCTOR,