DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM IN VIETNAM REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM Prepared for: ELECTRICITY REGULATORY AUTHORITY OF VIETNAM (ERAV) Prepared by: AF-MERCADOS EMI October 2012 No. 1356 AF-MERCADOS EMI REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 3 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 2. BACKGROUND............................................................................................................................ 3 CONCLUSIONS OF PREVIOUS REPORTS .............................................................................................. 4 OBJECTIVES OF THIS DOCUMENT ..................................................................................................... 5 SMART GRIDS: VISION AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR VIETNAM ....................................................... 6 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 3. DEFINITION ............................................................................................................................... 6 VISION ..................................................................................................................................... 6 OPPORTUNITIES ......................................................................................................................... 6 STRATEGIC APPROACH .............................................................................................................. 8 3.1. PHILOSOPHICAL AND OPERATIONAL APPROACH ................................................................................. 8 3.1.1. PHILOSOPHICAL APPROACH ...................................................................................................................8 3.1.1. OPERATIONAL APPROACH .....................................................................................................................9 3.2. PHASING OF THE PROGRAM ........................................................................................................ 10 4. TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................. 12 4.1. 4.1.1. 4.1.2. 4.1.3. 4.1.4. 4.1.5. 4.1.6. 4.2. 4.2.1. 4.2.2. 4.2.3. 4.2.4. 4.3. 4.3.1. 4.3.2. 4.3.1. 4.4. 4.4.1. 4.4.2. 4.4.3. 4.5. 4.5.1. 4.5.2. 4.5.1. 5. 5.1. 5.2. SMART SYSTEM OPERATION SUB-PROGRAM ................................................................................... 12 REAL TIME MONITORING – OPERATION ................................................................................................12 INTRODUCTION OF MODERN MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ............................................................................13 INTEGRATION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES ....................................................................................17 ANCILLARY SERVICES ADVANCED CONTROL............................................................................................23 LOAD SHEDDING MECHANISMS ............................................................................................................23 SUMMARY OF THE ACTIVITIES IN THE PROGRAM: .....................................................................................24 SMART DISTRIBUTION NETWORK SUB-PROGRAM ............................................................................. 24 OPTIMIZATION OF THE ENERGY FLOW ...................................................................................................25 PROVISION OF INFORMATION TO THE TSO.............................................................................................26 REORGANIZATION..............................................................................................................................26 SUMMARY OF THE ACTIVITIES IN THE PROGRAM: .....................................................................................27 SMART METERING SUB-PROGRAM ............................................................................................... 27 ENERGY AUDIT GENERAL CONCEPT .......................................................................................................27 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MIS (MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM) INTEGRATION ................................30 SUMMARY OF THE ACTIVITIES IN THE PROGRAM: .....................................................................................33 SMART CUSTOMERS SUB-PROGRAM ............................................................................................. 33 DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................33 SMART NEW APPLICATIONS: ELECTRIC VEHICLE, INTELLIGENT CONSUMPTION .............................................35 SUMMARY OF THE ACTIVITIES IN THE PROGRAM: .....................................................................................35 TRANSVERSAL SUB-PROGRAMS .................................................................................................... 35 SOCIAL FRIENDLY APPROACH...............................................................................................................35 CYBER-SECURITY ...............................................................................................................................37 SUMMARY OF THE ACTIVITIES IN THE PROGRAM: .....................................................................................37 COST – BENEFIT ANALYSIS........................................................................................................ 37 DESCRIPTION OF COSTS (EU APPROACH) ........................................................................................ 39 DESCRIPTION OF BENEFITS .......................................................................................................... 47 REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 1 AF-MERCADOS EMI 5.2.1. QUANTITATIVE ..................................................................................................................................51 5.2.2. QUALITATIVE ....................................................................................................................................51 5.3. COST – BENEFIT BALANCE FOR EACH PROGRAM ................................................................................ 51 6. IMPLEMENTATION ROAD MAP ................................................................................................ 52 6.1. DETAILED PHASING ................................................................................................................... 52 6.1.1. STAGE 1: INITIAL PHASE (2012-2016) .................................................................................................52 6.1.2. STAGE 2: EMERGING PHASE (2017-2022) ...........................................................................................53 6.1.3. STAGE 3: MATURE PHASE (AFTER 2022) ..............................................................................................53 6.2. ROAD MAP ............................................................................................................................. 54 7. INSTITUTIONAL ROLES ............................................................................................................. 55 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.5.1. 7.5.2. 7.5.3. MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND TRADE .............................................................................................. 55 ERAV .................................................................................................................................... 55 NPDC AND NPT ...................................................................................................................... 56 PCS AND LDUS ........................................................................................................................ 56 CIVIL ORGANIZATIONS ............................................................................................................... 56 CONSUMER ASSOCIATIONS .................................................................................................................56 UNIVERSITIES AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS ..........................................................................................57 TRADE UNIONS .................................................................................................................................57 8. CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................................... 58 9. ANNEXES ................................................................................................................................. 59 9.1. BENEFITS CALCULATIONS DETAILS ................................................................................................. 59 REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 2 AF-MERCADOS EMI I 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. BACKGROUND Vietnam’s power system has been built and developed in traditional centralized, integrated structure with central power plant, transmission, distribution network and customers. While new upgrades of grid infrastructure has been made to meet increasing demand, the power system is still operated in traditional way: energy flows over the grid from central power plant through transmission and distribution network to customers; dispatch is centralized by levels from national, regional centres for the transmission network, dispatching to local centres for distribution network. Reliability of the national power system is challenged in periods of tight reserves or transmission congestion, compromising sufficient operational reserves to reliably supply the demand in all regions. There can be blackout risk caused by domino effect – a cascading series of failures which may occur in generation sector as well as backbone transmission network, especially in dry season where hydro power plants’ reservoirs run out of water, although until such incidents have not occurred. Moreover, the fast growth of demand and the high rate of electrification in the last ten years have obliged to invest in upgrading and extending the grid and networks, without being able to also prioritize modernization and automation. In addition, since local primary energy resources (fossil fuels) become depleted and more expensive, the government is introducing support mechanisms for the development of new renewable energy (mainly small hydro, wind, solar, biomass). The grid is not well suited to integrate in the transmission grid and distribute renewable clean energy sources. In particular, modernization is needed for a more flexible and responsive operation of the system as the share of renewable energy increases in time. Modernizing the existing power grid in Vietnam would bring consumers to be interactive with the system, employing real-time, two-way communication between distribution companies and customers, appliances and power grid in order to monitor and control the energy grid in near-real time. Benefits of this modernization would be to improve energy efficiency, reduce overall electricity consumption, improve reliability and utilization, reduce blackouts, and postpone costly new upgrades (investments of new power plant and other network facilities). To realize this modernization and its benefits, ERAV needs to assess the latest trends and potential benefits of Smart Gird technologies in Vietnam power system operation, transmission grid and distribution networks. Among others, ERAV responsibilities will cover setting standards and other regulations that enable and promote smart grid technologies that are cost benefit, for example in the Vietnam Grid Code and the Vietnam distribution Code. Theoretically, Smart Grid is a digitally enabled electrical grid that gathers, distributes decentralized energy sources, and acts on information about the behaviour of all connected users of the grid and of the network that perform both a long distance transmission and local distribution network in order to improve the efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of electricity services, and its ability to integrate and scale up new renewable energy. Smart Grids are currently a worldwide development. Globally there are currently more than one hundred Smart Grid pilot and full deployment projects under way, with roughly the same number planned. In Europe, the target has been set for all meters to be converted to smart meters by 2022. In the USA, there have been installed more than 35 million smart meters as of mid 2012. The realisation of the Smart Grid vision will require many challenges to be overcome relating to: technology, legislation and regulation, business models, investment, customer engagement, supply chain, network management, reputation building, industry structure and skills. Apart from the general drivers for Smart Grids – which include energy security, economic growth, CO2 emissions reductions, growing energy demand and integration of renewables – specific drivers in Vietnam are improved network management, competitiveness, changing regulation and customer engagement. The primary aim of the electricity system is to generate and transmit electricity according to where and when it is demanded. Ensuring that supply and demand are always in balance, and therefore the integrity of the system is protected, currently relies primarily on the availability of sufficient generation that is predictable, controllable and can be operated flexibly in order to react to fluctuations in demand and supply shocks. It also requires a fit for purpose network to ensure that electricity can be moved around the system efficiently and securely. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 3 AF-MERCADOS EMI The generation mix will evolve from a mix dominated by large power stations providing predictable and mostly flexible electricity to a mix with a significantly greater proportion of variable and less flexible generation. Demand profiles will also change. The level of electricity consumption will increase due to the expected electrification of heat and transport. Daily peaks and troughs are likely to become more extreme. The locational profile of demand will also change as residential demand increases to power cars and heat homes. Increasingly, technologies that can be used to help balance the supply and demand of electricity (demand side response (DSR), electricity storage and interconnection) and smarter networks are likely to be required to help match the supply and demand of electricity efficiently and costeffectively under the changing generation and demand profiles highlighted above. DSR is an active, short-term reduction or shifting in consumption of electricity at a particular time. In a world where there is going to be more intermittent and inflexible generation, DSR can be used to help balance supply and demand of electricity by providing system flexibility, especially at times when customer demand and availability of variable renewable generation pull in opposite directions (i.e. demand is increasing while availability of variable renewable generation is falling to a minimum and vice versa). This could be achieved by self-supplying using local backup generation, or by not using the electricity at that time, reducing the need for peaking plant and network reinforcement. In this way, DSR can reduce the total capacity needed on the system, and reduce the need for generation capacity to meet peaks in demand. Building a ‘smarter’ distribution network involves network companies applying new technologies and a communications platform to give them better information about, and more control over, the flow of power on their networks. This will allow network companies to use existing assets more efficiently by actively managing power flows, improving their ability to assess what reinforcement is needed (and therefore reduce or defer investment), fix outages more quickly, and drive up safety standards. It also has the potential to reduce the amount of generation and transmission investment required, particularly as more distributed generation comes online. Some of these smart technologies, such as automatic voltage control devices, are relatively simple and well understood whereas others, such as those to facilitate community level energy systems, are more sophisticated. 1.2. CONCLUSIONS OF PREVIOUS REPORTS During the first phase of this project and analysis of the existing local and international initiatives in this field was undertaken. The following paragraphs summarizes the conclusions achieved. After the analysis of the different experiences and trends in the world with regard to the Smart Grids, it can be said that this new approach to the electricity sector has an important impulse in both developed and developing countries. Though few years ago this technology sounded very incipient and with no clear target, current situation locates the Smart Grids as a key tool for the future challenges in the sector, i.e. energy efficiency, renewable energies integration, carbon emissions reduction, demand side management, etc. However, it is also true that in every country there are different approaches for solving and or implementing the Smart Grids. Local framework, sector’s objectives, traditions, and or past legislation clearly drive the solutions in multiple directions. It is therefore an important role for the local institutions in Vietnam to guide the process according to the final targets and the expectances from a process that clearly will bring benefits but no doubt will require large investments in the following years. Pilots from existing initiatives in Vietnam show an interest of the utilities to open the companies to the new technology and approach. Unfortunately, they have proven not to provide enough information about the impact of a larger scale. The main conclusions from the international experience with regard to the Regulatory role can be summarized as follows: Experience in other countries shows that the regulator plays an important role in the development of Smart Grids. In this way, the regulators in expected to provide resources REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 4 AF-MERCADOS EMI (or determine how to source them) and to eliminate barriers (technical and or regulatory) to allow the implementation of the technology. Regulators have internationally used two means for boosting Smart Grids. On one hand explicit mentioning in the regulation and on the other by establishing performance conditions only achievable by means of Smart Grids. Decision on selecting one or the other has mostly related to the hurriedness to implement the new technology and willingness to cover part or all the expenditures. Smart Grids have a maturity time for providing benefits. Therefore, there is a need for financing the costs of the investments. Usual approaches have included among others subsidies, increase in tariffs, benefits sharing, etc. The main conclusions from the international experience with regard to the Technical aspects can be summarized as follows: It is a lesson learnt that solutions applied differ from Developed to Developing countries. In that sense, the following conclusions can be extracted: o Developing Countries usually focus on basic operational aspects for this new technology may speed up the process to reach sustainable performance. In this way, Energy efficiency (loss reduction) and Quality of the service improvement are among the main targets. o Developed Countries however have already reached a sustainable performance and they focus on other more sophisticated targets. In that sense Quality excellence, Peak Demand Reduction, Climate Change support and Further Business restructuring can be found among them. Vietnam should combine both approaches in a long-term road map in order to consolidate the sector and then pursue all achievable targets. Technology applied is found to be similar worldwide. However, the definition of standards seems to be an issue that needs to be addressed within the road map. Finally, the International Experience shows that there are some Barriers that can delay the expansion of the smart grids technologies. Among them the following may be present: Economical Barriers for the investments Uncertainty about assets ownership and operation Lack of technological standardization Impossibility to adapt the utilities to the new technologies requirements Social refusal for new equipment or the new staff conditions Communication network weakness Etc. 1.3. OBJECTIVES OF THIS DOCUMENT This report will recommend and develop a Smart Grid program for Vietnam based on the background and actual situation in Vietnam. The Smart Grid Program includes following aspects: Overall structure of Smart Grid system proposed to Vietnam including each Smart Grid component (transmission and distribution level); Institutional arrangements, mainly role of ERAV, and functions and responsibilities of the transmission company (NPT), the distribution companies (PCs) and the National Dispatch Centre as system and market operator; Type of smart grid technologies and their characteristics, use, benefits and requirements for each Smart Grid components; Awareness campaigns and mechanisms to motivate and allow consumers to participate in Smart Grid system and Demand Side Programs; Implementation roadmap for Smart Grid in Vietnam with indicative timeframe, and prioritizing first the technologies that can bring the larger benefits to Vietnam power system. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 5 AF-MERCADOS EMI 2. SMART GRIDS: VISION AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR VIETNAM 2.1. DEFINITION The strategy 2.2. VISION Vietnam is a blooming country in the South East Asia region and would like to become a technological leader and reference of the region’s energy sector. The country has already started the implementation of a challenging road map for the sector reform and next steps shall include the necessary changes to introduce modern technologies in the energy utilities and customers. The implementation of Smart Grids shall represent that technological upgrade will be incorporated in the sector and that a gate to improvement of the quality of the services and new service will be open for the future. Additionally, the two way capabilities of this kind of technologies shall allow Vietnam to be leader in the introduction of new energy efficiency and demand side management tools by means of demand side management capabilities. Likewise, Vietnam has an opportunity to channel all the know how acquire during the process in order to develop a new industry that can both serve the domestic market and export the experiences to the surrounding countries. In this way, the proposed vision for Vietnam in the field of Smart Grids would be as follows: To become Vietnam a leader of the efficient use of the new Smart Grids Technologies in the Region and a leading international example for the South East Asian Region in order to improve the quality of the service, reduce the unit demand in the country, and create new high value jobs in the sector. 2.3. OPPORTUNITIES Smart Grids offer many interrelated benefits such as the integration of large-scale and microrenewable without the need for extensive infrastructure upgrades, reduced need for peak power plants, improved grid asset utilisation and operational efficiency, improved reliability of service and accommodation of future demand. In addition, Smart Grids are important enablers for the transition towards the low carbon economy. The smart grid is an enabler, not an end itself. It is accepted worldwide that an implementation of smart grids is absolutely necessary in order to achieve the strategic targets for integration of renewable energy sources in the most effective manner, a more secure, sustainable electricity supply, optimal and efficient use of energy and full inclusion of consumers in the electricity market. At the same time, investments for the development of smart grids should be financially sound. Market forces must see real financial returns in achieving these energy policy goals to incentivise the continued significant investments which will be required over the coming decades. In this way, Vietnam is in an excellent position to capitalize on the opportunities that Smart Grids present thanks to: A strong Governmental interest to efficiently and properly develop this new technology A wide range of internationally significant industries Key Smart Grid demonstrator and pilot projects already in progress Its diverse geography, its entrepreneurial climate and its ambitious renewables targets Significant company and academic strengths in the major PCs. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 6 AF-MERCADOS EMI Therefore, the key market and technology opportunities with the implementation of Smart Grids for Vietnam are: Sharp and definite improvement of the quality of the service to the customers for them to obtain the best value for the money. Develop a more efficient use of the energy by means of demand side management programs. Optimal and sustainable integration of new energy sources (renewable, distributed) without large increases in the investments. New business models for supplying electricity and additional services Data acquisition, monitoring and analysis of the entire energy system Network automation and optimization Development of future new applications like: Energy storage, electric vehicles, etc REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 7 AF-MERCADOS EMI 3. STRATEGIC APPROACH 3.1. PHILOSOPHICAL AND OPERATIONAL APPROACH 3.1.1. PHILOSOPHICAL APPROACH The Smart Grids program for Vietnam must be comprehensive and include all areas that can be developed in the following years. In this way, the following aspects are to be included: Smart System Operation: this area is required in order to allow the optimization of the quality of the service by better management of the existing power plants and shall also allow the introduction of new renewable energy in safe and sustainable conditions. Smart Distribution Network: this area shall allow the PCs to optimize and improve the management of the networks in order to: o Reduce the number of incidences in the grid o Reduce the time required for energy reestablishment after an incident happens. o Reduce technical losses by means of efficient distribution of the energy flow through the grid. o Reduce/optimize the need for further investments for the demand increase and the introduction of distributed energy. Smart Meters: this area shall allow: o The PCs to provide a better service to the customers by means of a deeper knowledge of their consumption profile. o It will also help to improve the operational efficiency (losses, collection, etc) due to the introduction of modern software and hardware with immediate analysis and actuation. o Finally, the customers shall have enough and accurate information to make the proper decisions. Smart Consumers: as one of the final purposes of this technology, this area shall allow the customers to optimize the consumption in order to save money, reduce the peak demand, and contribute to the reduction of the CO2 and NOx emissions to the grid. They will also be capable of participating in the generation by means of distributed plants that will both contribute to a greener generation mix and help to reduce the investments needs in the network for the source of energy is brought close to the demand. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 8 AF-MERCADOS EMI Smart Consumers Program Smart Metering Smart Grids Smart System Opera on Program Smart Distribu on Program All the aspects above mentioned are necessarily integrated in the same Smart Grid and shall have internal connections in order to develop a sustainable and modern energy sector. Finally, all the technological and behaviour based programs must be social friendly. The new technological upgrade is founded on the benefits that will be achieved through the improvement of the quality of the service, the increase of the efficiency in the use of the energy and the capability for developing alternative services for the customers. In this way, it is mandatory that the solutions provided are fully shared with the population in terms of: Receive enough and accurate information about the new developments and how they will affect them Participation in the design of the programs so that they are involved from the beginning Receive capacity building about how to profit from the new developments Receive update information of the deployment progress This social friendly approach shall become an envelope that will be present in all the phases of the program. 3.1.1. OPERATIONAL APPROACH The operationalization of the strategy shall involve all aspects in the energy supply chain. In that sense, there will be two dimensions. On one hand, it is the dimension for the natural flow of the energy. On the other hand, it is the dimension for the analysis of the data and the actions thereof. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 9 Application Division AF-MERCADOS EMI Supply Chain dimension Exhibit 1 Dimensions and Structure of the Smart Grids Vietnam As it can be seen in Exhibit 1, Generation, transmission and system operation, distribution network, smart metering and customers’ applications represent the first dimension. The second dimension, transversal to the whole first dimension shall integrate the communications paths, the management information systems and the use of the information from the final users (both utilities and customers). 3.2. PHASING OF THE PROGRAM The program for the implementation of smart grids must be progressive and be implemented within a reasonable range of time. Progressivity represents in the case of Vietnam, the proper implementation of the different technologies in due time to allow the stakeholders to incorporate and assimilate the new technologies. Reasonable range of time represents a period that is within the expectance of the stakeholders and shall not generate conflicts of integration. Phases of a Smart Grids project comprises the following ones: Initial Phase: integrating the basic functions of the Smart Grids. This phase is mostly focused on smart meters and limited automation of the network. Emerging Phase: this phase develops a deeper integration of the automation of the system with the existing meters. It also develops tools for energy efficiency and the integration of generation plants (specially no manageable Renewable Energy Sources). Mature Phase: in this phase, the systems are already in place, fully operational and integrated, and advanced demand side tools are implemented. Alternative services are also integrated in the phase (i.e. electric vehicle) and energy storage. Exhibit XX shows an example of the phasing for the phasing in Sweden where a similar approach was implemented. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 10 AF-MERCADOS EMI Exhibit 2 Sweden Smart Grids Implementation Phasing REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 11 AF-MERCADOS EMI 4. TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT As mentioned above, the Smart Grids Program shall cover the entire two dimensions above described. It will therefore comprise the following sub-programs: Smart Smart Smart Smart System Operation Sub-Program Distribution Network Sub-Program Metering Sub-Program Customers Sub-Program Finally, the whole programs will include social friendly approach in order to facilitate its integration with the existing social reality. 4.1. SMART SYSTEM OPERATION SUB-PROGRAM The operation of the system is clearly one of the more technological sub programs. It must define the changes and improvements to be introduced in the National Load Dispatch Center as well as in the grid operators (transmission and distribution) in order to transform the system. The main characteristics of the new system would be as follows: Management of large data volumes Intelligent applications for forecasting Automation and remote operation Real time interaction with other actors Transparency The most important areas for the NLDC comprises the interoperability of different actors/devices connected to the grid, the management of the renewable generation, the management of eventual energy storage and the knowledge of the situation of the distributed (embedded) generation in the distribution network. 4.1.1. REAL TIME MONITORING – OPERATION The control of the network requires not only systems and forecasting models but the to have real capability for remotely controlling the main assets in the network. Aspects like real time monitoring of the RES, network self-healing, or dynamic network adaption to reduce technical losses and spare capacity requires that the operators and the system have the opportunity to have information and operate the equipment in real time. In this way, the following basic facilities are required, at least at substation level: Monitoring of real time network parameters: o Voltage (feeder, transformer, bus bars); REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 12 AF-MERCADOS EMI o Current (Feeder, Transformer) o Frequency; o Harmonics o Flicker level o Transformer’s parameters (temperature, changer position, oil level, etc.) o Breakers and switchgears state o Protections state o Capacitors’ bank state o Auxiliary services state (pumps, temperature, etc.) Control o Open and Closure of Breakers (Mandatory) o Open and Closure of Switchgears (advisable) o Transformer’s tap changer operation o Capacitors’ bank operation Likewise, lines may also have some of the elements above indicated however it is not strictly necessary at the automation level expected in this project. In that sense, the table below shows the pending control activities that need to be implemented: Item Fully Controlled Connected Not Working Not Connected Total Power Plants 61 20 20 101 500 kV Substations 18 220kV Substations 77 4 110kV Substations 266 76 180 522 Total 422 100 160 682 81 Therefore, the actuations are necessary in 260 substations (100 for repair and 160 new developments) in order to automatize the transmission system. 4.1.2. a) INTRODUCTION OF MODERN MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Software Functions For this purpose the following functions are necessary to be present in the National Control and Dispatch Center/s: State Estimation The State Estimator calculates the most probable network snapshot compatible with the set of values received from the field (using the SCADA system) which normally will include missing and wrong values among the good ones. The state estimator will fill the missing values and correct the wrong one, inside the observable area of the network. The resulting set of values has, according with the estimation criteria, is the most probable set of values coherent with the electric model and the system injections. State Estimation is also used as a base by the other functions of the Real Time Security Analysis such as Contingency Analysis and Dispatcher Power Flow Analysis functions. It runs automatically by event, by operator manual start or by time (every 5 minutes as example). Tele-measurements acquired from the field cover a minimum of 85% of the total production.The operator enters data for the remaining 15% manually or employing statistical tools based on values stored in the real time database. Different weighted factors are for each variable, so that manually entered data for the un-telemetered part of the network does not affect the telemetered part. Usually, the state estimator provides a good solution for the REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 13 AF-MERCADOS EMI whole network (telemetered and un-telemetered values). In any case, the use of statistical or manually entered data limits the accuracy of the state estimator results and (in some cases) produce convergence problems. Contingency Analysis Contingency analysis runs, typically, every 10 minutes1 and determines which contingencies in a given contingency list would result in overloading and/or abnormal voltage conditions in the network. Contingencies may be single or multiple outages of network components. Up to 500 contingencies can be included in a contingency list. Contingency Evaluation uses State Estimator’s valid results as base, and therefore the mentioned limitations on the state estimations are automatically transferred to the contingency analysis. A two-step approach for contingency evaluation is used: (i) Contingency Screening (CS) and (ii) Contingency Analysis (CA). Contingency Screening provides a ranking of contingencies from the contingency list, according to expected limit violations in case of an equipment outage. It uses a fast approximate power flow calculation. The Contingency Analysis module evaluates in greater detail contingencies at the top of the list. The results of the Contingency Analysis are given to the operators as violation list for each of the critical (harmful) contingencies. Dispatcher Power Flow Load flow program is executed at the operator’s request, in study mode, for establishing a solution under pre-established operating conditions for study purposes, using as input the State Estimator output. The operator can initialize the power flow analysis program with a valid real-time network solution (from the state estimator) or from a saved case to study particular conditions of load, generation, topology, and regulation. Economic Dispatch The economic dispatch function calculates the optimal (least cost) base points for the generating units in service, combine cycle blocks and power plants that are included in economic dispatch. The base points calculated by Economic Dispatch function can be loaded into the Automatic Generation Control function. Some of the economic functions in Real Time are now, responsibility of the Market Operator or simply are not possible as where conceptually designed in the past. As an example the optimization processes where based in operative variable costs and now the system is based in prices. Reserve Monitoring The purpose of this function is to calculate the various reserve quantities and to alarm the operator when any of them falls below the operator specified level. The Reserve Monitoring function: o Calculates reserve requirements based on reserve policy selected by the operator (usually the trip of largest generating unit or an interconnection line) plus or minus an allowable margin by reserve class, o Calculates the available reserves, by reserve class and gives alarms to the operators in case current active reserves are not sufficient compared to the calculated requirements. Short Term Load Forecast The Short Term Load Forecast (STLF) function is executed on demand for a user defined study period (up to 2 weeks) to forecast hourly loads by using historical load values, historical weather values and weather forecast data. STLF is executed periodically to re-forecast the loads in case weather forecasts change significantly or if new telemetered data indicate a significant difference between the actual load and forecasted loads. There is also a userselectable option to execute STLF automatically each hour, to update and refine the current day's load forecast based on the most recent load data. In case of excessive deviations between actual and forecasted load, it gives alarm. 1 This value may reduce depending on the technology applied. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 14 AF-MERCADOS EMI Dispatcher Training Simulator Dispatcher Training Simulator (DTS) is available. The simulator provides a separate environment in which the operator uses a replica of the SCADA/EMS functions to safely practice the various operator functions in normal as well as emergency conditions. A specific console has been dedicated for this function. Remote operation of the elements connected to the grid The operators must perform the control of all elements in the grid remotely. Breakers (at least) in all substations require remote operation capabilities and the elements must provide information about the state of the element at all moment. Alarms remote reports to ELES in case the manoeuvre is not fulfilled are only present in the substations operated by ELES. b) Communications – protocols and equipment As part of the diagnostic of the current state of the power system the Consultant has identified that the communication between the communications between the elements of the system and the SCADA are using the IEC 60870-5-101/104 protocol. In future the NLDC is proposing a reorganization of the communications with the additional introduction of the ICCP protocol. Protocols are similar to languages, which allow the RTU/SCADA units to communicate each other. Depending of the complexity of the contents and speed of the communication the protocols can be classified in the following seven categories2: Layer 7 – Application: This layer supports application and end-user processes. Communication partners are identified, quality of service is identified, user authentication and privacy are considered, and any constraints on data syntax are identified. Everything at this layer is application-specific. This layer provides application services for file transfers, e-mail, and other network software services. Telnet and FTP are applications that exist entirely in the application level. Tiered application architectures are part of this layer. Layer 6 – Presentation: This layer provides independence from differences in data representation (e.g., encryption) by translating from application to network format, and vice versa. The presentation layer works to transform data into the form that the application layer can accept. This layer formats and encrypts data to be sent across a network, providing freedom from compatibility problems. It is sometimes called the syntax layer. Layer 5 – Session: This layer establishes, manages and terminates connections between applications. The session layer sets up, coordinates, and terminates conversations, exchanges, and dialogues between the applications at each end. It deals with session and connection coordination. Layer 4 – Transport: This layer provides transparent transfer of data between end systems, or hosts, and is responsible for end-to-end error recovery and flow control. It ensures complete data transfer. Layer 3 – Network: This layer provides switching and routing technologies, creating logical paths, known as virtual circuits, for transmitting data from node to node. Routing and forwarding are functions of this layer, as well as addressing, internetworking, error handling, congestion control and packet sequencing. Layer 2 – Data Link: At this layer, data packets are encoded and decoded into bits. It furnishes transmission protocol knowledge and management and handles errors in the physical layer, flow control and frame synchronization. The data link layer is divided into two sub layers: The Media Access Control (MAC) layer and the Logical Link Control (LLC) layer. The MAC sub layer controls how a computer on the network gains access to the data and permission to transmit it. The LLC layer controls frame synchronization, flow control and error checking. Layer 1 - Physical: This layer conveys the bit stream - electrical impulse, light or radio signal through the network at the electrical and mechanical level. It provides the hardware means of sending and receiving data on a carrier, including defining cables, cards and physical aspects. Fast Ethernet, RS232, and ATM are protocols with physical layer components. ISO (International Standards Organization) standard seven layer OSI (Open Systems Interconnection). The reader can imagine the analogy of communication protocols with the programming languages of low level and high level for computer programs. 2 REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 15 AF-MERCADOS EMI Protocols until layer 4 allows exchange signals and simple operation commands, the layers 5 and 6 allow exchange the information between systems and develop sophisticated user interfaces, the layer 7 allows in addition to exchange the information and display it support sophisticated processing of the data, obtain useful information and run complex programs of analysis of the system. Regarding the protocols typically found in Power Systems the classification is the following: 1. DCCP (Datagram Congestion Control Protocol: Is a protocol of layer 4 (transport), usually associated with a fast collection of data linked to a elemental/heuristic method of solution of congestion, often un-useful if the process require complex analysis and fast response. 2. ELCOM (Electricity utilities communication): Is an electrical utility oriented data communication protocol used to exchange data such as indications, commands, measurements and short text messages over WAN and LAN between control centers. The ELCOM provider is a third party solution manufactured by KEMA and it is responsible for network interaction between control centers. 3. IEC 60870-5-101: is a standard for power system monitoring, control and associated communications for remote control, remote protection, and associated telecommunications for electric power systems, and use standard asynchronous serial remote-control channel interface between DTE and DCE. The standard is suitable for multiple configurations like point-to-point, star, multidropped etc. 4. IEC 60870-5-104: protocol is an extension of IEC 101 protocol with the changes in transport, network, link and physical layer services to suit the complete network access. The standard uses an open TCP/IP interface to network to have connectivity to the LAN (Local Area Network) and routers with different facility (ISDN, X.25, Frame relay etc.) can be used to connect to the WAN (Wide Area Network). There are two separate link layers defined in the standard, which is suitable for data transfer over Ethernet and serial line (PPP - Point-to-Point Protocol). The control field data of IEC104 contains various types of mechanisms for effective handling of network data synchronization The integration of a significant participation of Wind and solar plants in the power system demands an improvement of the supervision of the system and enhancement of the remote operation of both generation plants and elements of connection in the transmission and distribution network. It is clear that IEC 60870-5-104 is, among the exiting in the company, the most suitable protocol to provide the fully layer 7 requirements for communications with the equipment and among the control centers. In any case, the consultant underlines the following aspects for the future implementations of communication protocols: Consider open non-proprietary standards and protocols for RTU/SCADA Control and Monitoring. For this purpose the priority would be to prioritise the use of the IEC 60870-5104 protocol. Proprietary and vendor specific protocols and programs should be avoided at all costs. Select programs and equipment interchangeable software and hardware from one vendor to other Develop and implement the programs and system software code after purchase of systems. Note that due to advances in technology and possible custom and off the shelf hardware and software availability, the distinction between RTUs, PLCs, DCS and PCs are disappearing. All these now overlap each other with respect to functionality, protocols, hardware and software. The main requirement for all these networks is: They have to operate in real time deterministic mode, so that the process and production data can be received and sent in a timely manner to all required places on the local and wide area networks. However, new equipment in both EU and USA are currently widely introducing the protocol IEC61850 as the standard for the communications among equipment. This new protocol is more flexible and will surely represent the future for supporting the communications for Smart Grids. Therefore, ELES must also start introducing it in the SCADA as existing protocol and within new or retrofitted substations. Key characteristics of the protocol are as follows: This is a global standard for “Networks and Substations Communications Protocol” REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 16 AF-MERCADOS EMI It provides a data and service data model that can be escalated and allows new functions development. The protocol itself does not define a specific set of control or protection functions. It is open for client’s customization. It is flexible in terms of applicable philosophy. It provides a customization programming language that can be used to describe the substation configuration as per the client’s needs. Uses Ethernet and the TCP/IP protocol. Interoperability among the equipment and more active participation of the power equipment in the generation of ‘messages’. 4.1.3. a) INTEGRATION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES Additional Management information Systems Additionally, and in particular for the Renewable energy generation, the following functionalities are necessary: Wind/Solar Generation Monitoring Wind/Solar parks must be continuously monitored (solar only above certain level of installed capacity). Main data to be controlled comprises generation and weather conditions registered for studies, forecast and statistical purposes. Correlation between measured parks and uncontrolled generation should be established in order to obtain real generation estimation as precise as possible. Differences between forecasted generation and real estimations must be used to define tertiary reserve requirements. Wind/Solar Generation Forecast In order to minimize availability uncertainty, an advanced and accurate (as much as possible) Wind/Solar generation predictive system is necessary. Control area operators and power markets in scheduling functions and real-time operating practices can reduce incremental costs due to the uncertainty in the timing and quantity of energy delivery from Wind/Solar generation facilities in operational time frames with better short-term Wind/Solar generation forecasts and appropriate use of those predictions. One of the main difficulties of Wind/Solar forecast is the variability from one area to another in the same region, especially due to geographical aspects (mountains, valleys…). In consequence, the Wind/Solar forecast must be done specifically for each Wind/Solar farm. In some cases some parks could be grouped, if their characteristics allow it and their connection the network are near (measured in electrical terms). Since the Wind/Solar may have a different speed at ground level or some meters above (which also contribute to this uncertainty), the forecast should be done at propellers level, which may vary according the aero generator technology and power. Weather forecasting algorithms are to be implemented for this purpose. Static Analysis (partially present) Static Analysis functionalities are compulsory, not only to control the system capacity to integrate the amount of RES but also to anticipate its capability to provide the Ancillary Services required by the system with the remaining conventional generation. It is important to include in the model the technology used in the different parks in order to consider it in the static studies (voltage control capability…). As a result of the static analysis and due to security criteria violations, decisions to limit the RES generation could be taken. In such a case, the volume and allocation of the reductions required over RES generation is a functionality to be included in the RES Generation Monitoring System. Dynamic Analysis (not present) Dynamic Analysis is a complex study. However, they are mandatory if most important characteristics of the Wind/Solar parks are to be taken into account in determining the effects of usual faults in the power system. Due to the limited contribution of this kind of technologies to the stability of the system, as well as the potential disconnection of important amounts of Wind/Solar generation after faults (even properly cleared) it is important to assess in advance the potential evolution of the system after all credible contingencies. b) Development of a RES control Center RES Control Centre should not be seen as an independent control centre, but as an expansion of the National Load Dispatch Centre, and its functionalities, complementary to the existing ones. The REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 17 AF-MERCADOS EMI objectives of this functionality are to reduce the impact of the RES generation into the system security and to the quality of the services provided by the electric system. Wind generation is primarily an energy resource, and cannot be dispatched like conventional generation. In more traditional utility operations, predictions of system load for the next hour, day, week, etc. Incremental costs due to the uncertainty in the timing and quantity of energy delivery from wind generation facilities in operational time frames can be reduced with better short-term wind generation forecasts and appropriate use of those predictions by control area operators and power markets in scheduling functions and real-time operating practices. b.1) Wind & Solar Production Forecast Wind generation forecast is a very difficult task even for short-term periods. Although strong efforts have been made during last years to improve the results, there are still large differences between the estimations and actual productions. With high penetration of wind power, the unit commitment of thermal units may dramatically change with the estimation of wind generation during the study period. Additional tertiary reserves must be provided to support system reliability while minimizing operation cost. A daily time frame, with hourly time frames will be a suitable basis for determining the unit dispatch. One of the promising arrangements intending to mitigate negative effects of wind intermittency and its mismatch is horizontal coupling of wind power resources with pumping plants and other perspective energy storage facilities. As a matter of fact, the intermittent nature of the wind power resource is a reality that cannot be eliminated completely. Special regulatory arrangements and state-of-the-art forecasting tools are required to create conditions for competitiveness of the wind power in the Market. b.1.1) Meteorological Data Acquisition and Time Series Data Base The forecast system requires updated meteorological forecasts which are in general done by Meteorological Services. If it is available, the meteorological data collection shall be automatized as much as possible, to reduce possible manipulation mistakes and to guarantee the best and updated information available. The forecasts database shall contain at least the following time series: Meteorological forecasts. Meteorological real values. Forecasted wind generation, at different time frames. Actual wind generation Forecast errors statistics One of the characteristics of the system required is the “cleaning” of actual values (meteorological or wind generation) time series. This “cleaning” should correct anomalies due external factor to wind generation (i.e. network incidences, instructed reduction in generation, etc.) in order not to mislead the forecasting process. b.1.2) Revision of Historical Data Wind generation time series are requested for its use in the forecasted tools. In this regard, it is important, that wind generation reductions due to security or other external factors will be “cleaned“ from the time series, in order not to be replicated them in future forecasts. The wind forecast tools, for very short-term horizons, require real time information of the wind power generated, with the best granularity possible. This information can be obtained from the SCADA system that collects real time information from the parks. To obtain the hourly energy values either the integration of instantaneous power values inside the hour or the reception of the metering system in real time could be used. This methodology will provide the total power and energy produced by the different parks. It could be that not all parks are metered. In such cases, the power and generation not metered can be estimated using through similarities with metered parks, making correlations with the generation of both parks. This method will provide valuable information with enough quality in cases the metered part is much bigger that the estimated part. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 18 AF-MERCADOS EMI b.1.3) Forecasting Models and Algorithms Once all available information has been collected and revised as per the two subsections above, ELES need to forecast the potential for production of wind and solar according to the existing proven models. There are several models to predict this potential production and the company need to identify the most suitable as per its interests. In any case, the forecasting model for wind generation must include at least the following characteristics: Wind speed probability must be calculated by considering the following aspects: o o At Global Scale level: Temperatures differences (10.000 km) Coriolis acceleration (10.000 km) Geostrophic winds (1.000 km) At Meso Scale level: o o Temperature differences due to land warming land-mountains-sea (100km) At Micro Scale level Obstacles –Natural, artificial- (10km) Stelae (10km) Boundary Layer Theory Calculation methodologies (examples) Weibull distribution Wind Rose o Height of the Generator Pole o Turbulences Finally the potential for production is evaluated by crossing the wind intensity versus the Wind Turbine power curve. b.1.4) Evaluation of Final Production The Potential for production will determine the capability of the wind and solar plants to generate in certain moment of time. However, final dispatched production must also consider the technical aspects related to the demand and network states at each moment. In this way, the system must cross check the potential for production with the capability –and suitability- to evacuate that total potential for production. The final result of this evaluation will provide the Total Final production forecasting of the RES plants. b.2) Real Time Monitoring and Control To monitor and control de wind generation real time information of each wind park is required in addition to the enhancement of the control of the generation system. Different processes will use this information: Wind and Solar Generation monitoring. Conventional generation and energy balance services Generation curtailment. Wind Generation forecast b.3) MAN MACHINE INTERFACES The operator of the RES Control Centre must have available three MMI: The MMI that controls the new applications, the Power System Control Centre MMI and a wall map projection system. b.3.1) MMI FOR CONTROLS OF NEW APPLICATIONS REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 19 AF-MERCADOS EMI The new applications shall have available a MMI interface from where the operator shall be capable to: Visualize the historic data, the actual data and the results of the processes. Allow the operator to introduce, modify create and delete any information from the historic time series. Run and modify the execution parameters of the application. All this functions shall be possible using any of the following means: Numerical presentation in form of tables or individual values. Graphical presentation in form of curves, bars or pie charts, to mention some of the possible presentation means. Export the data, adding them to a Data Base or export them as excel format or flat files. Also the information could be exported in a computer-to-computer communications using different possible communications protocols, including but not limited to FTP, ICCP, etc. b.3.2) MAN MACHINE INTERFACE SYSTEM The RES Control Centre shall be considered an extension of the Power System Control Centre and in consequence shall have the same MMI system, in order to not have two different systems working at the same time. The operator will be able to do, but not limited, the following actions: Visualize any value, received from the SCADA, result of a process or calculated using any type of value, analogue or digital, from SCADA or output of any process. Be able to set and modify limits to any value, which will generate an alarm when those limits are violated and he must have also de capacity to recognize and cancel the alarm, but not to eliminate the message from the historic files. Trend recording of any value in the database. Save it in a Data Base, with a frequency predefined in the system database. b.4) SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE There are different potential system architectures to perform the functionality described above. In following paragraphs two “families” of architectures will be described, depending on the potential supplies of the new functionalities: If the supplier is the same one that the actual supplier of the Power System Control Centre SCADA and EMS System, the architecture shall be an expansion of the current system. If the supplier is different from the actual Control Centre supplier, the system architecture shall be separated from the actual and connected to it using standard communications protocols. Following figure schematized (in a simplified way) the expected situation of NLDC National Control Centre simplified architecture is (after the improvements that the NLDC is likely to implement): MMI COM Other Computers APPLIC. Hot – Cold Back-up ADM DB Field (RTU’s) Exhibit 3 Future NLDC Schema REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 20 AF-MERCADOS EMI Where: ADM is the workstation that makes the Administrative functions (Data Base management…). At least shall be one ADM, may be some other as back-up DB is the Data system database, normally based in SQL technologies. In real time there is normally a faster copy of this Data Base. COM workstations with the function to communicate with the field (RTU’s) or with other computers, using standard communications protocols (ICCP, Elcom…) Applications workstation, where runs the different EMS, AGC among other real time applications. MMI or Man Machine Interface represents the information display technologies that facilitate the visualization of all information to the operator and the capacity of the operator to control the system. Hot and Cold Back-ups represents the spare workstation that will assume main functionalities in case of fails of a dedicated workstation. This is a schematic architecture and does not intent to perfectly replicate actual system architecture, but only a mean to facilitate the comprehension of the system expansion. b.4.1) Same supplier that the actual Power System Control Centre In this case, the new functionalities will be integrated in the same architecture and considered as an expansion of the actual system. A simplified representation of the proposed architecture is shown in following figure: MMI WIND Data Col. Meteorological Services Wind Time Series Mimic Map Board manager WIND APPLIC. MMI COM Other Computers APPLIC. Hot – Cold Back-up ADM DB Field (RTU’s) Wind generation Field (RTU’s) Wind generation Owner Control Centres Exhibit 4 Control Center Expansion - Same Supplier Where the WLAN has been extended to allocate: Additional MMI for the use of the wind Control Centre operator. The Mimic Map Board controller Wind Applications workstation where the different application will run. Data collection PC which will collect automatically, if possible, the meteorological information. If required, the Power System Control Centre could be expanded with a new COM Workstation Information interchange between systems The system has a single Data Base and as a consequence all information to be presented in the different displays (including the map-board) must be included in this Data Base. In consequence, all applications shall be responsible to allocate their results or input data into the Data Base, in order to be processed by the available software (display presentation, alarms and limits control, trend recording...) REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 21 AF-MERCADOS EMI The information for monitoring wind generation is already available in the Data Base, as part of the information collected periodically by the SCADA system. Eventually, new windows for displaying this information will be required, and they should be developed using the standard tools available at the system. b.4.2) Different supplier that the actual Power System Control Centre In this case, it is assumed that the software shall be independent and that no modifications shall be introduced to the existing Power System Control Centre functionalities. The projected architecture is a separated and independent one. Following figure schematizes this integration: Mimic Map Board manager WIND Data Col. Meteorological Services Wind Time Series MMI MMI WIND APPLIC. COM Hot – Cold Back-up COM Wind generation Field (RTU’s) Wind generation Owner Control Centres APPLIC. ADM DB Field (RTU’s) Other Computers Exhibit 5 Control Center Expansion - Different Supplier Where: Additional MMI for the use of the wind Control Centre operator, connected to the Grid Control System. The Mimic Map Board controller Wind Applications workstation where the different application will run. Data collection PC which will collect automatically, if possible, the meteorological information. If required, the Power System Control Centre could be expanded with a new COM Workstation in order to allocate the communications with new RTU’s in the wind parks or to computer-to-computer communications with Wind Control Centres. In this case, a new communication link shall be established, using ICCP standard protocol, to connect the Grid and Wind Control Centres. The information to be interchanged shall be at least, but not limited to: From Wind to Power System Control Centre: all the information, as results of the different processes that are likely to be consulted by the operator. From Grid to Wind Control Centre: The real time information required by the wind applications. Information interchange between systems The system has a Data Base from where the different displays from the MMI must have it available and included in the Grid System Data Base. At the same time, some of the information available in the Power System Control Centre Data Base is necessary to be used by the new applications. In consequence some of this information must be made available to new applications Data Bases. In consequence, the following flows of information are required: From Power System Control Centre to Wind Control Centre SCADA information required for wind monitoring (wind generation by park, etc.) State Estimation results to perform Real Time Security Analysis (injections as input and Voltages and Flows as starting point) From Wind Control Centre to Power System Control Centre REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 22 AF-MERCADOS EMI Wind applications input data that must be presented in the MMI Wind applications results that must be presented in the MMI 4.1.4. ANCILLARY SERVICES ADVANCED CONTROL In environments where the integration of Renewable is massive, the most important ancillary services that NLDC has to manage and monitor include: Primary Frequency Control (present) Compulsory for all generation facilities, except RES, above certain installed capacity (defined by ELES). Primary Frequency Control participation rate is proportional to the total installed capacity of each generation facility. Primary Frequency Control reserve is determined by ELES. Secondary Frequency Control This service shall be provided by all generation facilities above certain (larger that in the previous item) installed capacity, except for RES, cogenerations and active facilities without AGC system installed. Secondary Frequency services are daily assigned by the System Operator to minimize the total cost of the service. Tertiary Frequency Control In an environment with large integration of RES, the tertiary frequency control becomes more active in terms of the frequency of plants participation. Whereas a normal situation without RES may require the participation of the tertiary once or none a day, under a RES scenario this may reach three or four times an hour in extreme situations. It is also possible that this scenario requires an increase of the tertiary reserve to cope with all requirements. This framework requires that the company revise and re-evaluate the costs for the secondary and tertiary auxiliary services in order to maintain the stability of the system. In the international experience, the costs for this operation have increased due to these reasons. Voltage Control (Reactive Power) All licensed power plants connected to transmission and distribution system shall participate in reactive power control between 0.85 power factor (over-excited operation) and 0.95 power factor (under-excited operation). Regulation of this factor is possible through Automatic Voltage Regulators or by instruction of transmission or distribution system operator. Wind/Solar farms are allowed to work in any point of the range stated (0.85-0.95). Reactive power needs shall be determined by ELE for each region. 4.1.5. LOAD SHEDDING MECHANISMS Finally, under a smart grid framework Instantaneous Demand Control – Load Shedding can be implemented to control under-frequency situation in the electric system. NLDC may tender out the provision of services related to disconnection of consumer plants in the transmission system (loads to the electric system). Any consumer connected to the transmission system and whose consumption exceeds the threshold indicated in the call for tender may participate in the provision of Load Shedding services to the operator. Consumers participating in these tenders agree with NLDC to be disconnected of the electric grid in case of under-frequency problems. Disconnection is performed by means of “Instantaneous Demand Control Relays”; this equipment gives the opening instruction to the breakers that will effectively disconnect in real time the consumer facility or facilities from the grid. Capacity and price for this service is stated in each agreement between NLDC and the consumer. The capacity or power volume the facility is offering for the load-shedding mechanism is called “Instantaneous Demand Control Reserve”. The disconnection lasts for 15 minutes at most; the reconnection is done after approval of NLDC. Also the wind or solar generators shall participate in the energy balance and in the case that all other control means are already used, the generation rejection will contribute to recover acceptable values of frequency or international interchanges. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 23 AF-MERCADOS EMI 4.1.6. SUMMARY OF THE ACTIVITIES IN THE PROGRAM: The following list summarizes the list of activities and the priorities to be included in the Smart System Operation Subprogram: Item Description Priority 1 Automation of the Grid High 2 Improvement of existing EMS system High 3 Integration of RES into the system 3.1 Development of RES Software Integration Tools Medium 3.2 Development of a RES Control Center Low 4 Development of Advanced Ancillary services Medium 5 Development of Load Shedding Mechanisms Medium 4.2. SMART DISTRIBUTION NETWORK SUB-PROGRAM The distribution network also faces important challenges in the future. As the most extended network in any electricity system, its operation highly affects the final Performance Standards. In that sense the Distribution System Operator (DSO) are usually requested to implement distributed intelligence. Likewise, the DSO will find a number of changes for which it must adapt its management to match with the new sector’s targets. A reorganization of the structure shall be also needed therefore. As part of the control of the implementation of Smart Grids, the distribution companies have an important role in terms of the balancing and efficiency of the whole system and to manage the embedded generation in the Distribution Network. In particular, distribution companies need to focus on the following aspects: REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 24 AF-MERCADOS EMI 4.2.1. OPTIMIZATION OF THE ENERGY FLOW It is a Distribution companies’ responsibility to reorganize the network’s layout in real time in order to: Reduce losses; Control voltage; Increase the network reliability. Modern DMS are capable of providing the operators of the Distribution Networks enough information to rearrange the network in order to optimize the energy flow according to the expected generation profile. The operator can accordingly make the necessary arrangements in the grid. The grid (and the targets) shall be as dynamic as the remote control capabilities and meshing degree of the distribution network. Full implementation of this kind of software requires the following modules: SCADA; Assets database with GPS positioning; DMS On the hardware side, the DisCos shall need the following: Meshing the grid with the creation of necessary loops; Remote control facilities in substations and control points in the lines; Development of communications. International experience shows that the remote control of facilities can be fairly done by automatizing 100% of HV/MV assets (substations and feeders) and between 20% and 30% of MV/LV assets. In fact, Exhibit XX below shows that the 50% of the data is enough for controlling and modelling 90% of the grid. Therefore, considering that HV/MV was covered in section 4.1.1 above, the deployment of remote control in distribution must cover 20% of the 240,000 Distribution Transformers/Centers installed in the country meaning 48,000 Distribution Transformers. What data do I need, e.g. for network analysis? 2 Result of grid calculation 100% 90% 50% 100 % Data volume and depth RWE Rhein-Ruhr Netzservice 02.04.2010 REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 25 SLIDE 27 AF-MERCADOS EMI Last researches are pointing to a self-healing mechanism in the distribution networks as part of profiting the benefits of the Smart Grids. The objective is to provide small portions of the network with local intelligence so that those areas reorganize internally based on specific targets for losses, voltage drops, feeders’ load, etc sent from the central SCADA. This is still experimental and no major deployments have been done yet. In any case, it must be inserted in the roadmap as a low priority so that it can be included in the mature phase of the roadmap. 4.2.2. PROVISION OF INFORMATION TO THE TSO NLDC have access points to the discos where all energy is transmitted for its further distribution. Distribution networks shall have not only the traditional demand from the customers but now they shall be also receiving the injection of RES plants (solar or wind) that are non-manageable from the point of view of the availability of the production. NLDC has access to some of the RES facilities but there is a number of other facilities that have no direct communication with the System Operator. In this way, the Distribution companies need to provide daily forecasting of the following parameters separately: Demand forecasting for the following period: this must be done as per the normal procedures in Slovenia. Production forecasting for the embedded RES plants: in general terms there is two alternatives to produce this information: a) The Distribution company will request the RES plants to provide it’s day ahead forecasting. This option can be cumbersome for small solar plants and may generate conflicts and may reduce the interest in the development of RES. International experience in Spain has solved the problem in the following way: Small plants (below 100kW) are out of this scheme and follow the above methodology where the disco undertakes the role for the forecasting. Medium size plants (100 – 1MW) are requested to associate under a ‘trader’ that is the one in charge of preparing the forecasting for the whole group (this plants can also decide preparing the forecasting themselves). Large size plants (above 1MW) are requested to provide the forecasting themselves. In any case, the Distribution Company usually checks the inputs with a similar methodology integrating the RES generation in one or more forecast. b) Based on the information provided by the meters and the meteorological conditions forecast, the distribution company will prepare estimation for the following periods (day ahead or shorter), as required by NLDC procedures. Inputs from the meteorological institution in Slovenia will be crucial for the estimation of this production. 4.2.3. REORGANIZATION Current PC’s structures respond to the current (and present for the last decades) understanding of the electricity business. However, the introduction of the modern technologies shall represent a major change into the normal operation of the companies and therefore it must be reflected in the organization. In this way, the major changes expected would be the following: Data shall be flowing into the company from the different sensors installed in the field (smart meters, automated substations and lines, etc) so the company shall pivot on the analysis of the acquired information in order to do analytichs and make decisions (please see Exhibit 1). Customers are no longer passive receptive actors but now they shall constitute active actors in the system for several reasons, namely: o They shall participate in the peak demand control and energy efficiency o They may participate in the generation sector by means of distributed generation plants. Finally, a new assortment of new services shall transform the single-product passive customer into a multi-product active customer. For all the above, the reorganization of the companies is included with a medium priority as it must be undertaken when the degree of implementation is relevant enough. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 26 AF-MERCADOS EMI 4.2.4. SUMMARY OF THE ACTIVITIES IN THE PROGRAM: The following list summarizes the list of activities and the priorities to be included in the Smart Distribution Network Subprogram: Item Description Priority 1 Optimization of the Network’s Layout 1.1 SCADA implementation High 1.2 GIS Implementation Medium 1.3 DMS Implementation High 1.4 Meshing of the network Medium to Low 1.5 Automation of 20% of distribution Centres Medium 2 Coordination of information about RES with NDPL Medium 3 Reorganization of the companies Low 4.3. SMART METERING SUB-PROGRAM The Smart Metering Sub-Program shall include the installation of meters for energy audit and demand control as well as the development and implementation of the necessary systems to withdraw and process the information. 4.3.1. ENERGY AUDIT GENERAL CONCEPT Remote metering implementation must result in a change of mind within the company energy audit operations. Problems matching energy going inside the network against energy supplied to the customers may be easily solved now. According to the new information provided by the system, the company traditional field operations and monitoring must restructure according to the electrical areas covered by the network. In this way, each substation and each feeder in the grid will become an independent electricity provider that must have a manager responsible for the annual targets of energy losses, collection, and operational costs. The system must be implemented to ensure accurate information to the managers in order to help to obtain the results. Therefore, each feeder/substation will become an energy area within the company and will result in a four level energy balance that will ensure the losses and collection through accurate on line operational monitoring. In this way, the four levels will be as follows: Level 1: HV-MV/MV Substations control This is the high level energy monitoring at a company. The implementation of this control is mandatory in order to determine loads and potential energy leakages in the grid. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 27 AF-MERCADOS EMI Exhibit 6 Level 1 Energy Areas Control HV MV Cons 1 Auditing Meter Consumer's Meter LV Cons 1 Cons 2 Cons 3 Cons … Cons n Level 2: Feeder Control The second level involves the balance within a MV energy feeder in a substation. It includes the MV feeder in the substation and all elements connected at MV level (i.e. MV/MV and MV/LV substations and MV customers). This level may become the management lowest level in the company involving a large energy balance of all MV and LV customers. Exhibit 7 Level 2 Energy Areas Control HV MV Cons 1 Auditing Meter Consumer's Meter LV Cons 1 Cons 2 Cons 3 Cons … Cons n Level 3: LV Substations Control This is the lowest control level where accurate and geographically precise energy balance is made. This information will be the most important for final losses detection as it involves little amount of consumers that may be easily reviewed searching for energy irregular registration. Exhibit 8 Level 3 Energy Areas Control HV MV Cons 1 Auditing Meter Consumer's Meter LV Cons 1 Cons 2 Cons 3 Cons … Cons n REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 28 AF-MERCADOS EMI Level 4: Meter Events Control Electronic meters have the capacity to register and later inform of much of the electricity events that happen around them regarding potential irregular energy balance. In this way, the lowest level to inform and perform a balance will be the meter itself. Additionally, the meter will provide information to perform all the above mentioned balances as mandatory information. It is obvious that the profitability of the whole system involves that the whole elements in the chain is remotely monitored at the same time. Lacking of some of the elements in the chain will result in useless investment since there will not possible to perform the balance properly. The result will be an electrically vertical integrated system that can monitor accurately all the energy entering and being supplied in the network. Some exceptions, however, in terms of implementation of remote metering in some elements of the grid may appear. In this way, remote metering of HV substations and large customers connected at MV level may be reasonable due to the large amount of energy under control by that implementation. a) Criteria Definition The Consultant proposes the following criteria for the deployment of smart meters. a.1) HV/MV Substations and large customers (Levels 1 & 2) Substations HV/MV was covered in section 4.1 above. This section nevertheless will include them for high accuracy metering purposes. Large customers connected at MV are the following most important control points in a distribution utility. They must therefore be therefore high priority in this subprogram. On one hand, substations energy registering will determine how much energy is necessary to be paid to generators. In this way, all level 1 meters (boundaries in the company) must implement remote metering technology to have accurate periodical control of the energy flowing through the company. MV feeders will provide substations energy balance and first approach to electrically integrated areas. Thus, MV in feeders should be remote metered only when it is part of a level 2 and 3 area. On the other hand, a large percentage of the energy is usually supplied to a few consumers connected at MV level. Thus, they are key elements for preserving and controlling present and future revenues. In this way, The Consultant proposes to have 100% of these points under constant control by means of remote metering technology. The technology to implement proposed is in both cases (due to great geographical dispersion) an independent communications path (GSM/GPRS, radio, or similar)3 connected directly to the meter in large customers or set of meters in the substation. Meters must be capable of registering all the information for long time and will include the modem to connect the meter with the system. Unit costs will be calculated according to the equipment required per installation. In this way: Meter Current and Voltage transformers Meter Box Modem Installation costs (including, among others, signal cables, location preparation, etc) a.2) MV/LV Substations (Level 3) As mentioned above, MV/LV Substations remote metering installations will be useful only when all customers below the transformers are also using the same technology. Implementing to all the substations in the company without a clear feedback from the customers’ meters will result in a useless huge investment (including the increase in operational expenditures due to communications costs for the whole network). In this way, The Consultant proposes to install remote metering equipment only in the substations where level 3 monitoring is to be implemented. The installation will receive all the information from the customers connected through PLC system. It will be recorded in a concentrator and transmitted to the system through an independent communication path (GSM/GPRS, radio, or similar). 3 In some cases, the company may prefer using the SCADA communications path instead of an independent one. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 29 AF-MERCADOS EMI Unit costs will be calculated according to the equipment required per installation. In this way: Meter Current transformers (It is estimated that all of them are to be replaced at this level) Meter Box Modem Concentrator Public Lightning meter Installation costs (including, among others, signal cables, location preparation, etc) a.3) Residential & LV Customers (Level 4) This segment involves all the meters below the MV/LV transformer. It involves, therefore, customers with indirect metering set, three phase direct meters, and single-phase direct meters. This is the largest amount of meters in the company by far and required, in this way, an accurate definition of the technology to implement in order to determine the optimal trade-off between technical and economical solution. The efficient solution will involve weighing potential risks with their probability to determine how costly our solution has to be. In order to make the system reliable, it is a key issue to prevent the meter and the whole metering installation to be manipulated by any non-authorized person. In this way, the meters must be in a public area or, at least be installed in a way that not allow manipulating it easily. Meters can be selected with connection/disconnection facilities or without them. Meter’s costs differences are about 10% less4 when the breaker is not installed within the meter. It is advisable installing this technology in all meters in order to keep real control of the performance (valid for DSM purposes) and reduce potential need for extra visits to the customer. However, The Consultant also advises that the operation of this meters must be carefully determine in a clear procedure to avoid any problem (either from software or from manual operation) that may result in mass disconnection of customers. Quite the opposite, LV indirect meters lack of any disconnection capabilities unless the installation becomes much more expensive5. Due to the quantity of meters to be implemented and the cost of the required tele-controlled breaker (5,000€/each approx.) of them, The Consultant proposes not to install them with connection/disconnection facilities and operate them in the traditional way (using the information provided by the new system). Indirect meters are estimated to be 1% of the customers according to the data provided. This quantity must be considered inside the cost calculation estimation. Additionally, EPS considers only replace current transformers when it is necessary after making the proper revision of them. The Consultant estimates, according to the international experience during the implementation of massive remote metering equipment, that 50% of existing current transformers may need to be replaced. Communications set proposed in here is PLC from the meter up to the level 3 node (detail definition must be provided by the implementer). The concentrator will deliver all the information from there to the system. Also GPRS can be an option whenever the prices are competitive. Please note that periodical service charge of the communications providers make this latter technology very expensive. 4.3.2. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MIS (MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM) INTEGRATION Implementation of a full Automatic Metering Management requires dealing with loads of information accurately registered and available on line. MIS (Management Information Systems) must process the information automatically by the to avoid mistakes and to provide quick response to both the company and the customers. This section will provide recommendations about how to organize and integrate the remote metering capabilities with the existing systems. 4 According to International suppliers’ prices. 5 An external tele-controlled circuit breaker would be necessary. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 30 AF-MERCADOS EMI a) System scheme proposal According to the main objectives of the project of accuracy, economy, and interoperability, the system scheme definition must meet the following criterion: It must be capable of reading remotely all kind of meters implemented in the network. It must be capable of connect and disconnect all the meters remotely. All communications paths must be allowed. It will replace the meters firmware whenever it is needed. It must allow manual meter reading when necessary. It must be capable of read and record all the events defined and register in the meters firmware. It must be capable of delivering and receiving information and orders from the billing system in the DisCo. Therefore, the scheme shown in Exhibit 10 integrates all the needs listed above considering the following items: Remote metering reading platform must be a multiprotocol platform6. This system will be able to read all the meters in the network independently of the meter’s brand. Meters’ communications protocols must be shared with the software manufacturer in order to integrate them in the system. The software will read both indexes and events registered in the meters. If a defined communications’ protocol DLMS is properly defined by the PCs there should not be any problem at the concentrator level. The implementation of this software will also allow (if meters are technically capable) integrating the existing remote meters from the past pilots, what represent integrate the whole company under a unique system scheme. Remote meter management platform for all meters will be difficult to find. In this way, independent software for every meter’s brand shall be installed in the system and connected to the communications’ network. Note also that this software mostly send orders to the meters. Protocols for those actions are mostly very particular in each meter manufacturer. So, it can represent a problem when delivering orders to a meter through an else brand concentrator. The company may find that instructions are not properly deliver to the meter by the concentrator. In this way, the communications’ protocol must be clearly defined to allow connect to the meter through the concentrator even if both are from different manufacturers 7. Measurement Data Base will be installed to record all the data and send it to the billing system orderly. This software will also allow the PCs to prepare reports about energy balances at the four level mentioned. Interfaces with billing system8 must be developed locally as all DisCos own a different proprietary billing system. These interfaces shall allow sharing the information and orders in order to perform the whole chain automatically. Description of the integration’s requirement is provided in the next section. There are different multiprotocol platform solutions in the market. As an example it can be mentioned solutions from PrimeStone and Itron widely applied in North and Latin America. 6 7 Prime Allianz led by Iberdrola has provided a free communications standard protocol fro AMM systems. 8 Note that this Billings system may be integrated as a module in a wider CC&B platform. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 31 AF-MERCADOS EMI Exhibit 9 Systems Scheme Proposal - Meters Indexes and Events. - Meters Inventory Billing System - Meters Inventory reporting. - Connection/Disconnection Orders. - Revision of Meters' situation. Readings Data Base Remote Management Platform Remote Reading Platform ENERGY BALANCES COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK GSM/GPRS Meters Concentrators PLC Meters Once data is available in both billing system and Readings Data base, it can be transferred to other software applications through ad-hoc interfaces. The Consultant advises to perform in that way in order to avoid any legal or regulatory risk due to orders and/or data mismanagement. b) System requirements for integration According to the billing systems implemented in the companies, a local software developer 9 was contacted in order to assess the feasibility and costs of developing the interfaces to integrate the remote metering system with the local billing system. The Consultant found a positive answer and requested the basic items that the interfaces must include. In this way: Data transfer from remote metering system to the billing system Preparation of commands for disconnection of users Automatic generation of commands for connection of users Updating (connection of data about meters with consumers, replacing of meters, failures, new customers etc...) The quality of the system software and hardware shown during the visit (oracle based system with independent server and a carefully tailor made software), The Consultant thinks that the integration can be developed locally ensuring the integration of all systems in the project. c) Software & Hardware Costs System costs estimation (Hardware & Software) will be as follows: 9 DIGIT. Billing System Developer for Centar DisCo REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 32 AF-MERCADOS EMI Table 1 Systems Costs Item Multiprotocol Remote Meter Reading Platform Oracle Data Base Remote Meter Management Platform Server Communcations facilities Interfaces Implementation Total Qty 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 Unit Price 400.000 € 50.000 € 20.000 € 5.000 € 100.000 € 40.000 € 200.000 € Total Costs 2.000.000 € 250.000 € 100.000 € 25.000 € 500.000 € 200.000 € 200.000 € 3.275.000 € Costs have been calculated according to international remote metering software and hardware for companies around 3 million customers. It was also taken into account prices for local interfaces development. 4.3.1. SUMMARY OF THE ACTIVITIES IN THE PROGRAM: The following list summarizes the list of activities and the priorities to be included in the Smart Metering Subprogram: Item Description Priority 1 Smart Meters in Large Customers High 2 Smart meters in MV Substations Medium 3 Smart Meters in Residential customers Medium (in areas with high density or unit consumption) to Low (the remaining areas) 4 Systems for data analysis High (for data acquisition and monitoring of large customers) to Medium (for residential customers) 4.4. SMART CUSTOMERS SUB-PROGRAM Customers are the final link in the energy change. They are the final objective and target as recipients of all the outputs of the remaining actors in the chain. During many years, the role of the consumer was merely receptive with low to no involvement in the performance of the sector but to claim for results. However, the new technologies and in particular the smart grids allow the customers to become an active actor to participate in the future development of the sector. In this way, the clients shall have the possibility and or obligation to participate in programs for energy efficiency and demand side management. Additionally, aspects like new services (electric vehicles, intelligent consumption, etc) shall also be possible. 4.4.1. DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT The possibilities in the field of demand side management mostly relate to the management of the peak demand in Vietnam. Increase of peak demand during the year represents a huge investment for the country in order to match that demand with available capacity. If demand is constant and consistent, then the best value for the money is achieved with the investment. However, if the demand is not permanent but transient, then the cost of the new plan shall be distributed among the exising consumption with an average increase of the energy unit costs. An assessment of the demand profiles of Vietnam (see Exhibit 10 Exhibit 11) suggests that there are two areas where there is room for improvement, namely: There are non-permanent peaks in July and December 2011 (also in February 2010) that could have been avoided with modern smart grids technology and the involvement of the customers. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 33 AF-MERCADOS EMI There is a tiny room for improvement within the day for the peak is reached both in the morning and in the evening. However, central time during the day is less intense in energy use. In this way, a shift of part of the consumption would definitely reduce the final total peak. 17000 16000 15000 MWh Peak 14000 13000 2010 12000 2011 11000 10000 30/12 16/12 02/12 18/11 04/11 21/10 07/10 23/09 09/09 26/08 12/08 29/07 15/07 01/07 17/06 03/06 20/05 06/05 22/04 08/04 25/03 11/03 26/02 12/02 29/01 15/01 8000 01/01 9000 Exhibit 10 Daily Peak in Vietnam 16000 14000 12000 MWh Peak 10000 2010 - Non-Rainy 8000 2010 - Rainy 2011 - Non-Rainy 6000 2011 - Rainy 4000 2000 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Hours Exhibit 11 Typical Average Daily Profiles in Vietnam The two most common methodologies provided by the Smart Grids to participate in the demand side management is the real time tariffs (as an upgrade of the past TOU) and or the load shedding extended to all customers. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 34 AF-MERCADOS EMI a) Real Time Dynamic Tariffs Real time dynamic tariffs schedule is a sophisticated methodology that is available thanks to the new capabilities of the smart meters. Bidirectional communications allow the retailers/distributors to send the information to the meters in order to adapt the cost of the consumption to the present conditions in the market and congestions in the network. This is an incipient methodology that is being implemented in United States and that will be extended to all other places where smart meters have been deployed and there is a need for demand side management. Proper managmetn of the real time tariffs (even combined with the current TOU) definitely flattens the demand daily profile representing a huge benefit for the country. b) Load Shedding Traditionally, load shedding was applied only to large customers. However, new technologies in smart meters and distribution control allow extending this possibility to any customers in the grid. The principle is simple. Whenever there is a extra demand that cannot be matched by the generation, the client accepts (with an economical compensation) to have its energy supply cut off with a warning of one hour in advanced. This possibility definitely helps to reduce the undesirable peaks and so the need for additional nonrequired power plants. 4.4.2. SMART NEW APPLICATIONS: ELECTRIC VEHICLE, INTELLIGENT CONSUMPTION Finally, new applications for electric vehicle and intelligent consumption shall be developed in the long future as part of the new set of services that shall be provided by this kind of technologies. 4.4.3. SUMMARY OF THE ACTIVITIES IN THE PROGRAM: The following list summarizes the list of activities and the priorities to be included in the Smart Customers Subprogram: Item Description Priority 1 Demand Side Management 1.1 TOU Tariffs High 1.2 Real Time Dynamic Tariffs Low 1.3 Load Shedding Large customers High 1.4 Load Shedding rest of the customers Medium to Low (along with the implementation of the smart metering subprogram) 2 New Services and facilities Low 4.5. TRANSVERSAL SUB-PROGRAMS 4.5.1. a) SOCIAL FRIENDLY APPROACH Dissemination Plan As mentioned above, the present program’s success needs the involvement of the society. In this sense, the present program shall include a dissemination plan from the beginning for all the activities. The plan needs to be sponsored by the MoIT with the direct involvement of the different stakeholders (ERAV, PCs, NLDC, NPT, etc). The plan shall include, but not limited, the following aspects: Dissemination of the strategic approach for Smart Grids in Vietnam REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 35 AF-MERCADOS EMI Consultation papers by the stakeholders before the implementation of the subprograms with the technical solution proposed, affections for customers, and monetary costs and benefits so that feedbacks and or comments may be issued. Information of the implementation progress for the programs launched Capacity building (mass or specific) for the customers to understand the technology and exploit its potentials. The methodology used will be defined specifically for each campaign and must be adapted to each stakeholder’s segment it is addressed to. b) Installation Code of Practice Any of the subprograms, and in particular those related to distribution network, smart meters and smart customers, require a massive presence on the field for introducing the necessary changes in the network in order to adapt it to the smart grids. This massive presence requires that the implementers of the different programs follow a strict a code of practice to avoid any conflict with the clients and with the society in particular. The regulator (ERAV) with the valuable collaboration and coordination of the implementers (PCs, NPT, NLDC, etc) should develop the code including, but not limited, the following topics: Pre-Installation o Training/Accreditation o Customers Communications o Appointments Installation o Responsible, courteous at visit o Explanation of Smart Meters Post installation o Customer follow up o Complaints resolution c) Motivational Campaign As mentioned above, customers’ participation is crucial for the success of the different programs. However, the customers usually are little motivated for participating in this kind of programs. That’s a constraint! Typical motivation for customers may be of two kinds: Rational or Emotional. Rational regards to the objective benefits for the customer with the implementation of smart grids whereas emotional regards to the perception of the customers of the use of the electricity. Due to the weight of electricity cost over the total family incomes, the experience shows that the campaigns must be focused on the emotional side to be successful. In this way, the MoIT shall develop a motivational campaign in order to mobilize the population to participate actively in the benefits of the smart grids. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 36 AF-MERCADOS EMI 4.5.2. CYBER-SECURITY Last but not least the cyber security is a everyday more important aspect to take into account. From the beginning of the program, a detailed study on these aspects is necessary. The energy sector is a strategic area within any country. Attacks by means of accessing the different actuators an blocking the access to electricity may represent a huge danger for Vietnam. In this sense the MoIT must therefore a comprehensive study including the following aspects: Identification of Threats Identification of the list of potential attacks that can be received Determination of the vulnerabilities (consequences of the attack); and finally, Define the proper actuations and preventions to avoid the risks. The Process Extor ①Threats must be identified (who): > Terrorists > Former Empoyees > Organised Crime Organised cr Motivation Funding Resources Petty t Terror ②Then, list of attacks (how) > > > > > Break meter Turn contactor on Turn contactor off Change tariffs Change f/w Hack Equipment / Tools Expertise / Skill Knowledge By-pas Magn ③Then, list the vulnerabilities (what) > > > > Meter can be broken Contactor can be turned on/off Tariffs table can be altered Firmware can be downloaded STOP Virus/Trojan/Root Comms b Exhibit 12 Itron analysis of Cyber Risks 4.5.1. SUMMARY OF THE ACTIVITIES IN THE PROGRAM: The following list summarizes the list of activities and the priorities to be included in the Transversal Sub-Programs: Item Description Priority 1 Disemination Plan High 2 Installation Code of Practice High 3 Motivational Campaign Medium 4 Cyber security analysis and recommendations High 5. COST – BENEFIT ANALYSIS Proposals that require a government decision are, among other things, usually justified by an analysis of the net societal benefit of various options. A cost-benefit analysis is a mature and well developed economic tool that helps to assess the relative economic merits of a proposal. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 37 AF-MERCADOS EMI If the expected monetary value of the benefits exceeds the anticipated costs, there is a net economic benefit, as long as the project team identifies and manages risks that could negate the benefits. There have been a number of national and Victorian studies that have focused on the economic case for the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) project. The definition of “performance indicators” quantifying the extent to which a specific smart grid project is contributing to progress toward the “ideal smart grid”10. This output reveals to what extent a project or deployment achieves the following smart grid services (characteristics) as defined by EC expert group 1: Integration of new users and requirements for sustainability, Consumer inclusion, Improving market functioning and consumer service, Enhancing efficiency in day to day grid operation, Enhancing better planning of future investments, and Ensuring network security / control / quality of supply An assessment framework to qualitatively capture the impact of a smart grid project on the considered electricity system (in terms of the delivery of smart grid services) is recognised as an important feature, but is beyond the scope of this paper. However, the authors recognise the importance of such a framework and the complementary value it can bring to the quantitative results of a cost-benefit analysis (CBA). A “Cost and Benefit analysis” assessing the profitability of a smart grid solution and associated investment. An essential outcome of this analysis is the identification of the specific beneficiaries. Benefits from smart grid investments accrue throughout the value chain from generators, suppliers and customers to society as a whole. This is why economic regulation defining the conditions for the so-called socialisation of a major part of the investments is key for the successful implementation of smart grids. Too narrow a view when evaluating the cost efficiency of smart grid investments – to be undertaken mainly by DSOs – should be avoided. This paper aims to outline the first step towards the effective attribution of costs and benefits, necessary to the development of a successful market-based approach to govern the evolution of smart grids and achieve all related strategic policy goals. The objective is to define the methodological approach for conducting such cost-benefit analyses of smart grid projects. Moreover, it provides project leaders with guidance in establishing a broad approach in their cost-benefit analyses for smart grids, taking indirect benefits and social factors into consideration. In the context of this analysis, a ‘benefit’ is an impact (of a smart grid project) that is of value to any regulated or commercial body, energy consuming households or society at large. To gauge their magnitude and facilitate comparison, benefits should be quantified and expressed in monetary terms. For smart grid systems, it is well accepted that there are four fundamental categories of benefits11: Economic – reduced costs, or increased production at the same cost, that result from improved utility system efficiency and asset utilisation; Reliability and Power Quality – reduction in interruptions, service quality assistance improvement and power quality events; Environmental – reduced impact of climate change and effects on human health and ecosystems due to pollution; Security and Safety – improved energy security (i.e. reduced oil and gas dependence); increased cyber security and reductions in injuries, loss of life and property damage. Within each of the broad categories, there are several types of benefit and by definition they are mutually exclusive in terms of accounting for different benefit categories. However, smart grid functionalities that lead to one type of benefit can also lead to other types of benefits. For example, improvements that reduce distribution losses (an economic benefit) mean that pollutant emissions are reduced as well (which is an environmental benefit). 10 Important to note is that such a measurement towards the “Ideal Grid” for a specific country should be seen as the relative and not absolute improvement. Moreover the consecutive order of functionality will not follow the same path throughout Europe; there will be "jumps". 11 EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute) (Faruqui, A., Hledik, R.) (2010). Methodological Approach for Estimating the Benefits and Costs of smart grid Demonstration Projects, Palo Alto, CA: EPRI. 1020342 REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 38 AF-MERCADOS EMI Having identified the achieved benefits, it is very important to identify the beneficiaries in the process. In general, benefits are reductions in costs and damages, whether to generators, distribution system operators, consumers or to society at large. In this evaluation process the various benefits are defined so as to avoid instances of transfer payments between these groups of beneficiaries, to avoid mistakes in the evaluation of the total benefits, and to illustrate benefits from the separate perspectives of each group. Broadly speaking the beneficiaries are the following: Consumers: Consumers can balance or reduce their energy consumption with the real-time supply of energy. Variable pricing will provide consumer incentives to install their own inhome infrastructure that supports the smart grid development. The smart grid information and communication infrastructure will support additional services not available today. Utilities (generators, transmission system operators, distribution system operators and suppliers): Utilities can provide more reliable energy, particularly during challenging emergency conditions, while managing their costs more effectively through efficiency and information which can be used for more effective infrastructure development, maintenance and operation. Society: Society benefits from more reliable supplies and consistent power quality for both domestic customers and all industrial sectors – manufacturing, services, ICT – many of which are sensitive to power outages. Renewable energy, increased demand efficiency, and electric vehicles or other distributed storage support will reduce environmental costs, including society’s carbon footprint. A benefit to any one of these stakeholders can in turn benefit the others. For example, those benefits that reduce costs for a DSO could lower prices, or prevent price increases, for customers. However in such cases it is vital to ensure that benefits transferred from one party to another are not double counted. Lower costs and decreased infrastructure requirements enhance the value of electricity to consumers. Reduced costs increase economic activity which benefits society. Societal benefits of the smart grid can be indirect and hard to quantify, but cannot be overlooked. 5.1. DESCRIPTION OF COSTS (EU APPROACH) Over the past few years, there have been various models and constructs put forth related to evaluating smart grid projects and related investments. The lack of a standard, commonly accepted operator-level cost-benefit framework or system has led to few effective investment analysis approaches. However, DSO executives and policy decision makers are in need of such a framework. Smart grid project investment analysis is particularly difficult because it involves a large number of technologies, programmes and operational practices; impacts on all the operational areas of the electricity value chain in an interlinked way (transfer of costs and benefits); requires long-term vision12 and commitment to fully implement; assumes active involvement of customers in using new technologies and software, the reliability and extent of which is still highly uncertain. Moreover, variation among European DSOs in existing grid infrastructure (e.g. current communications and metering systems, network age and condition) or service area characteristics (e.g. customer geographic density and consumer end-use loads) – even within a single country – is so great that decision makers so far could not rely on existing studies from other regions or DSOs to justify smart grid investments. From an economic point of view, certain challenges arise when attempting to apply traditional costbenefit analysis in the context of smart grid investments. Evaluating smart grid project investments can be different from traditional investment analyses: All benefits related to smart grid investments may not be borne by the investing party and some additional costs required to realise a benefit may be borne by other parties. Should these additional costs and benefits be incorporated into the analysis? If so, how will all costs and benefits be attributed to the appropriate parties, in modelling and analysis? Uncertainty with respect to the magnitude of benefit streams is not unique to smart grids. However, some potential metrics associated with smart grids present particularly difficult issues for accurate quantification (e.g. environmental impact, reliable levels of response). The 12 In ’10 Steps to Smart Grids – EURELCTRIC DSOs’ Ten-Year Roadmap for Smart Grid Deployment in the EU’, EURELECTRIC DSOs outline the 10 steps that are required for implementing smart grids in Europe. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 39 AF-MERCADOS EMI rationale and assumptions made for some chosen parameters can greatly affect the outcome of the analysis. The logical flow of the developed methodological framework is shown in the figure below, which outlines the proposed process for identifying benefits and estimating their monetary value. The final methodology foresees seven building blocks: Figure 1 Cost-Benefit Analysis Framework. Font: EURELECTRIC In the EU approach there is a Cost‐benefit analysis (or “CBA”): A seven‐step CBA, and a minimum of two forecast scenarios (“business as usual” and one other), are recommended. In addition, timely consultation with local promoters and regulatory authorities, to ensure that all the appropriate communication infrastructure technologies, architectures and measures needed to guarantee interoperability and compliance with the EU’s available or international standards and best practices are taken into consideration, and the assumptions underpinning the analysis are adapted to local circumstances. STEP 1 – Describe the technologies, elements and goals of the project The initial step in estimating the benefits of a project is to describe it by identifying the goal of the project and the smart grid assets. a) Goal As a first step it is important to describe the high-level goals of the overall solution and how the installed components will allow the objectives of the project to be addressed. It should be clear who the stakeholders are and how their needs are addressed. b) Smart grid assets Smart grid assets consist of the technologies, devices, and equipment that are purchased, installed, and made operational for the smart grid project. Assets could include, for example, in-home displays, load control devices, voltage control devices, a communications network and associated infrastructure, cyber security upgrades, enhanced fault detection technology or advanced metering infrastructure. It is important to identify what specific assets are installed, where they are installed, how the system is affected and what they do. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 40 AF-MERCADOS EMI Furthermore, assets can include energy resources that interact with the grid, including distributed generation, stationary electricity storage, plug-in electric vehicles, and smart appliances. These resources can generally communicate and make business decisions or receive commands based on signals from the grid, customers or other operators like retailers, using either integrated technology or other assets of the project. Each of the deployed assets will produce a unique list of possible functionalities. Detailed fact sheets of the installed products can also help to define those functionalities and illustrate their role in the project. STEP 2 – Identify the smart grid functionalities Once identified, these assets can be integrated to enhance the delivery and use of electricity by enabling smart grid functionalities. Functionalities describe the enhanced capabilities provided by smart grid assets for delivering electricity across the grid from power plants to consumers. Expert Group 1 (EG1) of the EC Smart Grid Task Force has defined the smart grid in terms of six high-level characteristics (referred to in 1.2 above) that are delivered through 33 specific network functionalities. a) Enabling the network to integrate users with new requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. Facilitate connections at all voltages / locations for any kind of devices Facilitate the use of the grid for the users at all voltages/locations Use of network control systems for network purposes Update network performance data on continuity of supply and voltage quality b) Enhancing efficiency in day-to-day grid operation 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Automated fault identification / grid reconfiguration reducing outage times Enhance monitoring and control of power flows and voltages Enhance monitoring and observability of grids down to low voltage levels Improve monitoring of network assets Identification of technical and non technical losses by power flow analysis Frequent information exchange on actual active/reactive generation/consumption c) Ensuring network security, system control and quality of supply 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Allow grid users and aggregators to participate in ancillary services market Improved operation schemes for voltage/current control taking into account ancillary services Intermittent sources of generation to contribute to system security System security assessment and management of remedies Monitoring of safety particularly in public areas Solutions for demand response for system security in required time d) Better planning of future network investment 17. Better models of DG, storage, flexible loads, ancillary services 18. Improve asset management and replacement strategies 19. Additional information on grid quality and consumption by metering for planning e) Improving market functioning and customer service 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Participation of all connected generators in the electricity market Participation of VPPs and aggregators in the electricity market Facilitate consumer participation in the electricity market Open platform (grid infrastructure) for EV recharge purposes Improvement to industry systems (for settlement, system balance, scheduling) Support the adoption of intelligent home / facilities automation and smart devices Provide to grid users individual advance notice for planned interruptions Improve customer level reporting in occasion of interruptions f) Enabling and encouraging stronger and more direct involvement of consumers in their energy usage and management 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Sufficient frequency of meter Reading Remote management of meters Consumption/injection data and price signals by different means Improve energy usage information Improve information on energy sources Availability of individual continuity of supply and voltage quality indicators The functionalities defined by EG1 describe in broad terms the different ways in which smart grid technology can be used to improve the reliability, efficiency, operation, and security of the electrical REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 41 AF-MERCADOS EMI grid. Depending on which smart grid assets are installed, how they are combined and how they are operated in a system, different functionalities can be triggered. STEP 3 – Map each functionality onto a standardised set of benefit types As assets are mapped to functionalities, functionalities are mapped to benefits. Each of the triggered functionalities has to be considered to determine if and how they can provide any of the smart grid benefits. The general categories of benefits include improved economic performance (such as reduced operating and maintenance costs), enhanced reliability, reduced emissions and greater energy security. The EPRI methodology has developed a complete list of four benefit categories comprising 22 specific benefits. This has been adopted as a comprehensive list 13 that is also suitable for use in Europe: Optimized Generator Operation (Utilities) Improved Asset Utilitzation Deferred Generation Capacity Investments (Utilities) Reduced Ancillary Service Cost (Utilities) Reduced Congestion Cost (Utilities) Deferred Transmission Capacity Investments (Utilities) T&D Capital Saving Deferred Distribution Capacity Investments (Utilities) Reduced Equipment Failures (Utilities) Economic Reduced Distribution Equipment Maintenance Cost (Utilities) T&D O&M Savings Reduced Distribution Operation Cost (Utilities) Reduced Meter Reading Cost (Utilities) Theft Reduction Reduced Electricity Theft (Utilities) Energy Efficiency Reduced Electricity Losses (Consumer) Recovered Revenue Detection of anomalies relating Contracted Power (Utilities) Electricity Cost Savings Reduced Electricity Cost (Consumer) Reduced Sustained Outages (Consumer) Power Interruptions Reliability Reduced Major Outages (Consumer) Reduced Restoration Cost (Utilities) Reduced Momentary Outages (Consumer) Power Quality Reduced Sags and Swells (Consumer) Reduced CO2 Emissions (Society) Environmental Air Emissions Reduced Sox, Nox, and PM-10 Emissions (Society) Reduced Oil Usage (Society) Security Energy Security Reduced Wide-scale Blackouts (Society) Table 1 List of Benefits STEP 4 – Establish the project baseline 13 Annex I of the JRC report ‘Guidelines for conducting a cost-benefit analysis of smart grid projects’ REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 42 AF-MERCADOS EMI The implementation of a smart grid project incurs costs and delivers benefits that have to be compared with the scenario had the project not taken place. It is therefore essential for any costbenefit analysis to define and characterise the baseline against which all other aspects of the analysis are compared. The baseline encompasses all the quantitative data that is needed to represent the current situation. Since all cost-benefit analyses are based on measuring or assessing change, two cases are required to measure the change that is to be assessed. The EPRI methodology puts forward the two types of states of the system necessary to start the evaluation: The Business as Usual (BAU) scenario14: the baseline (or control) conditions that reflect what the system condition would have been without the smart grid system in place The smart grid scenario: The realised and measured conditions with the smart grid system installed The quantification of a specific benefit or cost, as explained in the next step, is then the incremental change in that cost and benefit metric between BAU and the smart grid scenario. There might be a number of candidate baselines for each benefit, and the smart grid Project will have to select the baseline that is viewed as the most representative of the state of the grid had the smart grid project not been implemented. Important factors that have to be taken into account when defining the baseline include, inter alia, extreme events15, inflation, demand growth, load growth, evolution of electricity prices and final date of the project. STEP 5 – Quantify and monetise the identified benefits and beneficiaries Quantifying the benefits in this case means “measuring the effects or outcomes that the project will deliver.” The challenge lies in evaluating these effects in monetised terms. The metrics needed to monetise the benefits may be quantified in terms of physical units (e.g. reduction in kWh). The quantified benefits should in turn be monetised by applying a cost per unit (e.g. €/kWh). Every identified benefit requires an approach and data for the calculation of both the BAU condition and the smart grid condition. The incremental monetary change between both conditions can in general be expressed as: Value (€) = [Condition]BAU – [Condition]SG a) Externalities - Parameter Values for Monetisation When calculating benefits, it is clear that some benefits, such as reduced emissions or reduced damages to end-users from power interruptions, are difficult to monetise. A Project would, for example, need to estimate the emissions before the project on the electricity generated for the area under study, and after the smart grid investments are in place. In this respect the choice of the right parameter values is important.16 On top of that, the project may deliver benefits that cannot be accurately monetised. These benefits include, inter alia, new services and products offered, vehicle-to-grid services, job creation and new business opportunities. In general, they benefit the public or society at large. They should not be overlooked and should be taken, quantitatively or qualitatively, into account in the total smart grid project assessment. The following benefits require specific attention: 1. Reliability and power quality benefits To monetise reliability and power quality benefits, the most common approach is to apply the cost per un-served kilowatt-hour (or customer hour depending on regulatory framework) from the interruption-cost estimates. Benefits calculated from this approach are a direct function of the change in the number of interrupted hours (from what is experienced under a baseline conditions to what is experienced after smart grid investments are made). 14 The analysis should not be always based on a single BAU scenario; it can be useful to consider a limited number of options for the BAU scenario. 15 “Extreme events” could not be assumed in modelling a baseline scenario due to their sporadic and unpredictable nature. However, if an extreme event occurs over the period where the smart grid project was in operation and measurements were made, this will likely impact on the results of the “Smart Grid Scenario”. Thus, if possible, the impact of the same event should be built into the BAU scenario. The accuracy of this would depend on there being historical evidence of how the system has dealt with such events in the past. 16 Annex II of the JRC report offers an approach for quantifying and monetizing smart grid benefits illustrated by parameters. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 43 AF-MERCADOS EMI 2. Environmental benefits To the extent that they can be reasonably quantified (and that they can be attributed to thesmart grid investment), environmental benefits should be quantified, monetised in the costbenefit framework and designated a societal benefit. In some cases, environmental benefits can be estimated based on the average cost of installing remediation equipment as an alternative, such as emission reduction technology. In other cases, there are market instruments from which the benefits can be readily calculated (e.g. spot and future values of allowances traded in market exchanges). 3. Societal benefits From an economist’s viewpoint, substantial benefits accrue to consumers and, more interestingly, to third parties because of positive externalities created from a smart grid implementation. The analysis should include a unique list of societal benefits and internalise all externalities, thereby understanding and valuating the community welfare effects. System operators and regulators should ultimately include benefits with a broader societal impact in their assessments. Some typical benefits include: Environmental and health benefits due to decreased peak electricity generation and the associated release of pollutants into the atmosphere (as peaking capacity is generally carbonintensive rather than renewable). New industries can develop to deliver a whole new spectrum of products (prepayment, demand response programmes), energy efficiency applications and new technologies (smart appliances, storage, etc.). Smart grid projects could leverage innovation in distinct areas like electric vehicles, renewables, distributed generation and energy efficiency. Sustained job creation: including direct utility jobs created by smart grid programmes (new skills, jobs created in the broad “energy services” sector), non-utility smart-grid related jobs (contractors, technology design, manufacturing, for example in new industry lines like plug-in electric hybrid vehicles). b) Beneficiaries When conducting the analysis, it is of extreme importance to take into consideration the complete value chain and all the effects that a society experiences from producing and consuming electricity in the smart grid deployment, and not only the effects on the generators that produce electricity and their registered consumers who consume electricity. Benefits need to be clearly allocated to their beneficiaries. STEP 6 – Quantify and estimate the relevant costs The relevant costs of a project are those incurred to deploy the project, relative to the baseline. The complete picture of costs is required to determine if the project has delivered a positive return on investment and, if so, at what stage during or after deployment the cumulative spend matched the benefits accrued. EPRI provides some guidelines when defining the appropriate costs: Cost data can come directly from the project, estimated or tracked by the investor; Capital costs are amortised over time; each project has to estimate its activity based costs, using its approved accounting procedures for handling capital costs, debit, depreciation, and taxes; Both baseline and actual project costs should be tracked, with a distinctionbetween costs that would normally be incurred in a-scale investment and those due to the RD&D aspects of the project. Moreover, it is important to note that costs should always be estimated and/or calculated on the same time intervals for which benefits are calculated. In general, following costs could be considered: Category Programme Type of cost Planning and administration Smart Grid programme implementation Marketing REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 44 AF-MERCADOS EMI Category Type of cost Measurement, verification, analysis Participant incentive payments Capital investments Generation Transmission Distribution Other Operation & maintenance Generation Ancillary service Transmission Distribution Meter reading Participant incentive payments Losses and theft Value of losses Value of theft Reliability Restoration costs Environmental costs CO2 control equipment and operation CO2 emission permits SO2, NOx, PM control equipment and operation SO2, NOx emission permits Energy security Cost of oil consumed to generate power Cost of gasoline, diesel and other petroleum products Costs to restore wide-area blackouts if any actually occur during the project period Research and development R&D costs Table 2 Overview of costs STEP 7 – Compare costs to benefits Once costs and benefits have been estimated, they need to be compared in order to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the project. This comparison could be done by using one of the following universally accepted approaches (also put forward by the EPRI methodology): Annual comparison: Compiling the annual benefits and costs over the duration of the project – i.e. the differences compared with the BAU condition for both benefits and costs for each year of the study period. Cumulative comparison: Presenting costs and benefits cumulatively over time, with each year’s costs or benefits being the sum of that year’s value plus the value of all prior years. This approach helps identifying the ‘break-even’ point in time when benefits exceed costs. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 45 AF-MERCADOS EMI Net present value (NPV): Calculating the net present value, in which benefits minus costs each year of the project are discounted using an agreed discount rate. The NPV represents the total discounted value of the project – i.e. the total amount by which benefits exceed costs after accounting for the time value of money. Benefit-cost ratio: This method shows the ratio of benefits to costs. It represents the size of benefits relative to that of the costs. If the ratio is greater than one, the project is costeffective. Sensitivity analysis When comparing costs to benefits, this must be carried out around certain factors or parameters depending on the choice of the project coordinators. These are generally parameters with a high degree of variability and/or uncertainty. Key assumptions underlying the analysis, including those that drive estimates of major cost components, should be clearly documented, and the variability or uncertainty of estimates should be incorporated into those estimates. The proposed methodology recommends including a sensitivity analysis as part of the costbenefit information filing supporting the smart grid project investments. Indeed, different geographies and regulatory environments will have different impacts on the cost and benefits quantification. The sensitivity analysis should: Identify the key variables. Good candidates include the cost and reliability of technology, customer behaviour change achieved, discount factor when calculating net present values, emission costs and reliability factors, which have a wide range of potential values and are more subjective in nature. Produce different cost-benefit results in order to demonstrate the impact various scenarios might have on the economic and societal profile of the smart grid project. We consider the following two factors as having a high impact on the final outcome of the analysis: a) Discount rate The realisation of smart grid benefits and costs may occur gradually and over extended periods of time. Therefore, all cost-benefit analyses in support of a smart grid investment should reflect and adjust for the expected timing of estimated costs and benefits. The rate of return on grid investments or the interest rate on long-term state bonds could be a reasonable choice for a discount rate. However, different discount rates can be used to assess the benefits for different beneficiaries, e.g. consumers may have a different assumed cost of capital compared to system operators. The question of discount rate as should be applied and the influencing factors in its determination depend on the context in which the analysis is to be considered. Two cases warrant consideration here – the rate applied in analysis to inform a purely comercial decision regarding the financial implications of implementing a technical solution in comparison with other options for the benefit of the investing party, and analysis for comparative purposes where a project may be publicly funded to realise potential benefits to society. Where a smart grid investment is being considered by the grid operator as an alternative to more conventional investments on purely technical and financial terms, it must be noted that “smart” investments are often far closer to typical telecommunications investments, generally with a higher risk level than conventional utility investments. Additionally, this is often less mature technology, applications and a new technological environment for the utility, increasing the risk of not achieving expected returns. Thus if the discount rate is to fairly reflect the relative risk of the projects, a higher discount rate should be applied to the “smart investment” analysis. However as the useful economic lifetime of smart grid assets will likely be shorter, this higher risk is limited to a shorter period. Thus should there be a will to incentivise “smart” investments over conventional ones for societal reasons on the part of government, the regulator or other policy determining organisations, an appropriate means of achieving this would be through allowing the grid operator a higher WACC and shorter depreciation on such investments, thus seeing the additional risk subsidised by the driving body. There is however, a case for a lower discount rate to be applied on a theoretical level to show what the return for society on an investment will be relative to the return seen on other public investments. Where a “smart grid” is being considered for social reasons with the costs and gains to society, then it would be appropriate for the discount rate to reflect the risk to the state, specified by the state body responsible for determining whether the project will be publicly funded. The interaction between discount rate and implementation schedule of a project will have a direct impact on the NPV cost of the project. Thus it is vital that both are accurate and do not disproportionately emphasise costs or benefits at any stage in the project. Where the costs or rate of return vary over the discounting period, this must be factually reflected. This is pertinent in the case of smart grids, as evidence to date suggests that benefits are achieved later due to the REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 46 AF-MERCADOS EMI interdependence of different systems which must be deployed, the current immaturity of technology leading to price volatility and the requirement for public engagement to realise potential benefits. It must be borne in mind that no generic discount rate can be applied in either case as this will depend on a complex combination of matters including the debt level of the funding body. The rate applied in any case, be it utility WACC or the rate on state bonds, requires calculation by those fully informed on the case in question and qualified to do so. However standardising the useful economic lifetime of assets would be a far more achievable measure due to its dependence on technology rather than financial status of a body. b) Lifetime The lifetime over which a cost-benefit analysis is conducted should reflect the projected useful life of the smart grid investment or system. It represents the continuous period of time when the components and system of the investment operate correctly and reliably to perform their designed functionalities. The project coordinator should carefully document the basis for its determination of the investment’s useful life and also the length of time over which reasonable customer and societal benefits can be reliably estimated. 5.2. DESCRIPTION OF BENEFITS The following benefits of Smart Grid implementation are those traditionally accepted by the energy sector. Optimization of System Operation Improvement of power system supervision and control The current state of Smart Grid technology enables the supervision and control of electricity network elements under a totally new totally new and improved control paradigm. For instance, with such technology, System Operators have the possibility to supervise the high voltage (HV) network as well as distributed generation, and to perform remote operations over HV and MV elements – integrating control, planning and operation of generation, customer equipment, and the network under the same framework and directly over the distribution lines. Likewise the use of “smart” components in the network will help to redirect energy flows, especially active flows like variable impedance transformers, angle transformers or the use of Special Protection Schemes, to deal with the emergency situations and avoid incidents that deeply penetrate the network. Optimal and efficient use of power generation and energy recourses Planning for energy use/consumption includes not only the scheduling of generation plants to meet demand, but also many ancillary services that must be planned, forecasted and dispatched in order to ensure network security and quality of service. The implementation of Smart Grid technology provides an improved control over conventional, distributed, and RES generation plants. This improved control then results in: o a higher accuracy and broader scope in the supervision of the power system, and; o the availability of more and accurate data with which to calculate a wider range of fault scenarios for the security analysis, and reduce the margins of generation capacity needed to provide operational reserves. Essentially, the additional information and improvement of remote control operations can achieve significant energy resource optimization – up to heretofore‐infeasible levels without the use of new Smart Grid technology. Intelligent diagnostic and corrections The availability of more accurate information has given rise to advanced network analysis functions such as “self‐healing” of automated transmission networks. This self‐healing scenario means that with Smart Grid technology, the grid is able to autonomously identify, localize, manage, and restore service due to an unexpected disturbance or interruption. Enhanced fault management Remote control and improved monitoring of the HV and MV grid achievable with Smart Grid technology change the paradigm of fault management; including in the detection of faults, manoeuvres and reconfiguration of the network during the service interruption, restoration of the supply after a shortage, communication with the affected customers and further analysis of the incident. This enhanced management capability also allows for an optimization of network‐related and energy resources. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 47 AF-MERCADOS EMI Improved options for power markets With the corresponding market rules or guidelines, the implementation of Smart Grid technology provides HV and MV network agents the opportunity to actively contribute to efficiency in power markets, by creating more options for and more knowledgeable generators and consumers. o Real‐time information gathered at the transmission level can improve generators’ bids in the market. o Demand control via electronic meters with two‐way (bidirectional) communications enables consumers to offer their flexibility as a service to the market, or can incentivize consumers to seek more advantageous electricity service contracts from willing suppliers interested to make use of this supply flexibility. Distributed management of power system operation Some sub‐networks can be coordinated through Smart Grid technology without compromising the advantages of centralised power system operation. Smart Grid technology allows for a hierarchically subordinate, sub‐network configuration of the overall network that boosts the local and central operation. This sub‐network coordination is referred to as a “distributed management” paradigm (rather than “decentralized”) and is characterised by task automation, and the delegation of control from the main control centre to regional control centres. Real‐time, adaptive system operation The availability of information in real‐time allows for real‐time supervision of power system performance. The network or system operator can quickly act to adjust operations (if needed) for deviations from forecasted scenarios, as well as more accurately track evolving fault risks and act to prevent them. Network Planning Optimization Reduced need for reserve capacity in the network The increase in the accuracy and granularity of system control means that the same level of shortterm safety and security can be met with lower capacity reserve margins and network redundancies; while in the medium and long‐term reduce the need for investment in transformers and the network. Reduced need for investment in transmission network The main objective of the transmission network is to transfer energy in bulk from large generation zones to the consumers; the two of which have historically been far from one another. The recent increase in installed, increasingly modular distributed generation has reduced long distance transfer needs by placing generation and consumers in the same (or closer) geographical zones. Since distributed generation can be managed by Smart Grid technologies on non‐HV networks, it is an additional advantage over more remotely‐placed, larger generation requiring transmission infrastructure. The economic efficiency benefits of smart‐grid controlled, distributed generation are thus expected to reduce the needs for transmission infrastructures. Improved analysis of ancillary services The implementation of Smart Grid functions increases the efficient provision of ancillary services in technical, economic and environmental terms. Electricity Market Transparency Transparency in electricity pricing can be supported by data collected through the smart grid and the automation of the billing process. Furthermore, providing customers with access to data that they can use to participate in demand management is expected to eventually bring about lower electricity prices across the system. Facilitating RES Integration Improved management of renewable energy generation Even with the amazing progress of wind and solar generation technology in recent year, some technical issues (absent in conventional generation) such as generation intermittence, non manageable production, voltage fluctuation sensitivity and others, continue to present an additional challenges for system operation whenever the plants are connected to the grid. However, implementing generation control and supervision functions of Smart Grid technology can reduce the uncertainty caused by wind and solar energy use, in a way that was unimaginable ten years ago. Today Smart Grid technology is inseparable from reliable power systems that integrate RES generation. Improved use of indigenous and local energy resources REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 48 AF-MERCADOS EMI The use of Smart Grid technology can help maximize the use of energy resources near load centres, thus providing some benefits to the overall system operation. For example, Smart Grid technology implementation facilitates the use of distributed generation and efficient cogeneration, reduces transmission and distribution losses, reduces transmission infrastructure needs, improves the security of operation, adds supervision and control elements to the system enhancing quality of service and continuity of supply, etc. Increased energy independence The total number of large, viable power plants based on endogenous resources in any given country is finite. In other words, sooner or later no additional large big hydropower plants, or thermal plants based on domestic fossil fuels, can be built and/or operated. Traditionally the solution to the scarce indigenous resources was only to import either fuel or electricity (through cross border interconnections), resulting in a certain level of energy dependence on other countries for power supply. The use of Smart Grids supports non‐import solutions by enabling improved integration of distributed RES plants to the grid. With each additional RES plant that comes on‐line, the level of dependence on non‐domestic resources falls somewhat. Furthermore, if the demand can be “stored” or “delayed”, and served local resources are available, the need to import energy decreases. Similarly, if peak load can be reduced, the needs to import expensive energy during the peak hours decrease. This concept supports demand side management programs. Lastly, in support of optimizing available generation plants, more accurate management of system reserves lowers the need for Ancillary Services, including reserves. Lowering the impact of price uncertainty in fuel supply contracts In general terms, fuel price uncertainty has a greater impact on systems that have fewer alternatives to the fuel supply. The management of fuel price uncertainty is mainly based in the characteristics of the fuel supply contracts4. The most important concept is that, the fewer options to the contract‐based fuel supply that the buyer has, the more incentive the seller has to capitalize on the buyer’s limitation and incorporate contractual clauses that link the long term fuel price to the world spot market prices. The application of Smart Grid technology in resource optimization improves fuel purchasers’ / generators’ options for fuel management, and improves the flexibility and negotiation position of the buyer so as to achieve more amenable fuel supply contract terms with the seller. As an indirect result, the lower uncertainty of fuel prices for power supply also results in a lower electricity price, thus benefiting the development of the economy as a whole. Facilitating integrated RES self‐generation As the environmental conscience of the citizens grows, very often preferences shift toward more environmentally friendly (and costly) power supply options. Smart Grid technologies provide consumers with greater freedom of supply choice and the technical support needed to install wind and solar self‐generation equipment, while remaining connected to the distribution grid and enjoying the same service quality as any other distribution customer. Allowing New Economical Land Use Among the benefits of the Smart Grids technologies and the integrated RES that accompany it, is emergence of new uses for land. Areas where RES are viable are usually not suitable for real estate, industrial or farming purposes because the favourable conditions for RES production (high wind or sun intensity) are usually too extreme for other activities. The possibility of installing RES plants on otherwise less desirable land is a windfall to the country’s overall productivity and economy. Energy Efficiency Reduced global peak demand Peak demand periods are very resource intensive and costly when compared to the off‐peak demand. By mean of feasible programs of demand side management the peak demand can be reduced almost without impact on the energy needs of the customers. Lower technical and non‐technical losses The extensive use of bi‐directional flow information (electronic meters and/or other monitoring equipment in the grid) allows different operators to determine the size of the system losses, either technical or nontechnical, and the areas where they occur. From this knowledge, corrective measures can be implemented to reduce the losses, such as: flows reduction, voltage levels adjustment, and others. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 49 AF-MERCADOS EMI The implementation of the Smart Grid technology supports the reduction of the technical losses in many ways, largely due to the increase of the optimal operation of the power system. The main ways to reduce the technical losses are: o Integrating distributed generation to reduce the transmission and distribution losses; o Optimizing generators’ operational margins allowing them to run more closely to their optimal efficiency levels, and; o Reducing spare operational capacity and redundancies in the lines and transformers. Likewise, Smart Grid Technologies facilitate the control of the energy flow and hence the low level balance among the energy supplied and the energy billed to customers. The analysis of that information and the implementation of the corresponding activities lead to significant reductions in non‐technical losses. Consumer contribution to efficient power system operation By employing the control features of electronic metering equipment the customer can actively participate in the Demand Side Management, thereby connecting or disconnecting demand blocks. Intelligent management of electric car (large battery) charging The use of Smart Grids facilitates the introduction and growth of the electric car market in Europe. At the same time, smart grid control applications support commercial, publicly available sites and home‐based battery recharging as a part of domestic DSM. An additional application under discussion is the possibility use smart grid technology to remotely control large numbers of batteries distributed among residential consumers to store electricity and release/dispatch as needed by regional or local power system control centres. Customized client consumption patterns Smart Grid technology is able to support the customer‐level automation of power consumption according to the real‐time power system operational conditions. The benefit of this customization would be to meet energy use criteria defined by the consumer, such as by energy price, environment impact, or others. Improved consumer options for lowering the carbon footprint As the participation of consumers in the electricity market becomes more dynamic, providers and suppliers must work harder to satisfy the their expectations. In this sense, providing consumers with the ability to participate in the electricity market by selecting providers promotes the installation and use of RES energy due to a growing demand for “green” energy. Consumers can know how much (or how little) their energy choices contribute to reducing CO2 emissions, for instance, and allows them to choose energy suppliers with associated low‐carbon primary energy sources. Climate Change Social demands facing climate change implications The last two decades have shown an increase in the social sensitivity to the environmental impact of human activity and its contribution to “climate change”. It is a trend that has proven stable and unlikely to change. The increased of use of more environmentally friendly generation technologies is a practical approach to satisfying the demand for consumer social responsibility. Additional, yet lesser‐known options are also available through smart grid technologies, such as the optimal use of the existing generation facilities, lowering needs for expansion, use of more efficient generation process, among others. Lowering carbon emissions While the main way in which the Smart Grid technology helps to lower the carbon emissions is to maximize the injection of “green energy” in the system, it is not the only way. As Smart Grid technology allows a more flexible operation of the power system, significant additional ways to reduce the carbon emissions appear. For example, the management of demand allows demand to be delayed until it can be served by less polluting resources or processes. Also, the reduction of losses intrinsically reduces overall system emissions, and so on. Support to the political targets of RES plants The political and institutional targets of integrating a significant level of renewable energy plants in Europe by 2020 requires the technical support of Smart Grid functions that can feasibly adapt the wind and solar plant generation idiosyncrasies to the system quality and security of supply standards. Business and Economic Growth REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 50 AF-MERCADOS EMI New business and research opportunities for power sector stakeholders in both technical and commercial products & services Smart Grids also provide new business and research opportunities in the economy. The implementation of Smart Grid technology improves and creates business opportunities in technology and financial research fields for a range of stakeholders, particularly for those active in the power sector: utilities, generators, customers, service providers, and manufacturers of control and communication equipment, financiers, insurances firms, and many others, in both technical and commercial areas of the electricity market. 5.2.1. a) QUANTITATIVE EU Approach Likewise, the benefits are defined in order to provide transparent calculation criteria. The concepts are now followed by a calculation formula so that the evaluation is consistent across the countries’ assessments. The table below lists the standard aspects that must be evaluated as potential benefits through this methodology. (Additional benefits may also be considered by member states at their discretion.). Full details of the calculations indicated by the methodology can be found in Annex 9.1 to this paper. b) Additional Benefits (additional work possibilities) Under development 5.2.2. QUALITATIVE The overall analysis should also consider externalities that are not quantifiable in monetary terms. This includes the cost and benefits derived from broader social impacts like security of supply, consumer participation and improvements to market functioning. To this end, it is necessary to identify project impacts and externalities and assess them in physical terms or through a qualitative description, in order to give decision-makers the whole range of elements for non-monetary appraisal. Assessment should also address non‐quantifiable issues, including: Performance Assessment or the impact of public policy measures expected from smart meter program rollout according to specific KPI. Externalities and Social impacts, essentially “spill over” effects of smart meter roll out that cannot be monetized, but that impact society, such as the expected development of future related products & services. 5.3. COST – BENEFIT BALANCE FOR EACH PROGRAM Under development REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 51 AF-MERCADOS EMI 6. IMPLEMENTATION ROAD MAP 6.1. DETAILED PHASING As mentioned above, the implementation of the program shall include three phases, namely: Initial Phase Emerging Phase Mature Phase All technological and social improvements shall be included therefore in these three phases. 6.1.1. STAGE 1: INITIAL PHASE (2012-2016) This phase shall include as follows: 1. Improvement of power network operation program: 1.1. Complete the SCADA/EMS project for National Load Dispatch Center, Regional Load Dispatch Centers. Install completely the devices to collect operation data from substations/power plants connected to 110kV grid and above. 1.2. Implement the applications to enhance reliability and to optimize operation of transmission, distribution grids; reduce losses; especially the applications to protect safety of 500kV operation, such as fault recorder system, wide-area protection. 1.3. Check and review the implementation of regulation on mandatory data collection system in power plants, substations connected to 110kV grid and above. 1.4. Initially equip SCADA/DMS system for distribution power corporations, provincial power companies. This includes the software, hardware and Communications for Control Centers at PC’s headquarters and automation of selected 110kV-MV/MV substations 1.5. Training and enhancing the smart grid implementation capacity of National Power Transmission Corporation, National Load Dispatch Center, distribution power corporations, power companies. 1.6. Complete the programs, technical assistance project, load research; deploy the demand side management programs. 1.7. Development and implementation of advanced operation tools for the integration of large amount of non-manageable renewable power in the system. 1.8. Pilot project for integration of renewable generation in Center Power Corporation: apply for renewable generation of the capacity from 5MW. 2. Development of Smart Metering Program: 2.1. Pilot project for advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) applied to selected big customer in Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation and in Center Power Corporation. 2.2. Disemination of lessons learnt 2.3. Pilot Extension to the remaining Power Corporations. Implement the pilot project which allows customer to trade on the competitive power market (whole sales competitive power market and pilot retail power market). 2.4. Implementation of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) applied to selected big customer in Vietnam. 2.5. Pilot project of residential metering infrastructure in Hanoi Power Corporation. 3. Building of regulatory framework: 3.1. Complete load research procedure; develop the mechanism for demand side management. 3.2. Through out the assessment of implemented programs for TOU meter, installation of electronic meter, complete regulatory framework, propose mechanism to enhance efficiency and to extend these programs for the next stages. 3.3. Research and propose financial mechanism for smart grid development. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 52 AF-MERCADOS EMI 3.4. Base on researching result and accessing of programs efficiency, issue or review regulatory documents in order to deploying of infrastructure and implementing of smart grid applications. 3.5. Develop technical regulations: Researching, issuing of technical standards for Smart Grid, such as: advanced metering infrastructure, integrated renewable generation and distributed generation standards; structure of distribution smart grid, etc. 4. Development of Social Support 4.1. Preparation of Communication program for the Smart Grids. 4.2. Full dissemination of the program Corporations, Large Customers for: Institutions, Generation Companies, Power 4.3. Preliminary dissemination of the program for residential customers. 6.1.2. STAGE 2: EMERGING PHASE (2017-2022) This phase shall include as follows: 1. Continue to implement the program Enhance the network operation efficiency, focusing on the distribution grids; equipped the Information Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure to the distribution grids: 1.1. Deploy SCADA/DMS system for the distribution power corporations, including all 110kVMV/MV substations and some selected MV/LV substations. 1.2. Continue to build the Smart Grid implementation capacities for the distribution power corporation. 1.3. Integrate distributed generations, new energy generations, and renewable generations into the network at medium and low voltage. 1.4. Development of pilots for advanced Energy management in the Transmission Grid. 2. Development of Smart Metering: 2.1. Deploy to install the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) to residential customers of 5 distribution power corporations. 2.2. Develop step-by-step the electricity transport system, test and evaluate economic efficiency of others smart grid technologies as electricity transport system, energy storage technology. 2.3. Continue to implement the demand side management programs (DSM) to rural areas. 2.4. Development of pilot projects for Smart Homes. 2.5. Creation of a pilot Smart City 3. Building the regulatory framework: 3.1. To research and recommend the authority to issue the mechanisms: encouraging smart grid applications in developing renewable energy sources; encouraging smart grid applications in zero energy house (non-consumed of energy from outside); encouraging smart grid applications in energy trading between customers and power utilities. 3.2. Development of advanced tariff methodology that can profit the technological advantages of Smart Grids. 3.3. Develop technical standards: research and recommend the authority to issue technical standards for electricity transport system, energy storage technology. 4. Development of Social Support 4.1. Update of Communication program for the Smart Grids to include the new tariffs approach. 4.2. Full dissemination –in stages- of the program for residential customers. 6.1.3. STAGE 3: MATURE PHASE (AFTER 2022) This phase shall include as follows: 1. Continue the Information and Communication Infrastructure program for distribution grids: REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 53 AF-MERCADOS EMI 1.1. Deploy the SCADA/EMS system for all provincial/district power companies to reach efficient number of MV/LV substations. 1.2. Extension of advanced energy management tools from transmission grid to distribution network. 2. New applications 2.1. Develop Electric Vehicle Infrastructure. 2.2. Enhance Distribute Generation plants 2.3. Implement the smart grid applications which allow to electricity demand-supply balancing in customer level (Smart Homes). 2.4. Use of renewable energy widely in distribution grid with the time-of-usage electricity price mechanism associated with retail competitive power market. 2.5. Develop electricity transport system, energy storage system. 3. Build regulatory framework which allows to deploy smart grid applications base on existing information technology infrastructure. 6.2. ROAD MAP Pending for the workshop REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 54 AF-MERCADOS EMI 7. INSTITUTIONAL ROLES The implementation of an intelligent network will require changes in the planning, operation, maintenance and expansion of the transmission and distribution grids. This can further lead to a shortening of investment cycles of grid operators due to the massive integration of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) components. All actors will ultimately benefit from this development as the increased smartness should result in potentially overall lower costs, higher quality of supply, enhanced competition and more flexible tariff options compared to situation where no Smart Grids deployment is made. For the successful deployment of Smart Grid, a number of challenges that need to be resolved include: Technical issues, as the Smart Grid represents a technical challenge that goes beyond the simple addition of an Information Technology infrastructure on top of an electrotechnical infrastructure. Each device that is connected to a Smart Grid is, at the same time, an electrotechnical device and an intelligent node. Market design issues, where variable energy sources and active demand side management are integrated into new market rules, incentivizing consumers and (small) producers to actively participate in the energy market. Necessary changes that allow grid operators, retailers, small generators and customers to make use of state-of-the-art communication technologies to improve data transparency and actively participate at the energy market. Regulatory measures allowing the development of smarter grids and more active participation of small players by e.g. giving proper incentives to grid and energy providers and users to contribute to an efficient system. Customer engagement with Smart Grid issues, especially focusing on public acceptance of and engagement with Smart Metering and reassuring consumers on privacy and/or security, and other issues that may arise. In order to build consumer trust there needs to be a systematic review of consumer protections and a strategy to deliver tangible benefits to consumers. Social issues, such as acceptance and engagement with technological changes, ensuring that all consumers including vulnerable and low income consumers can access the benefits of Smart Grids. 7.1. MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND TRADE Policy makers should ensure active support for market and competitive business activities –including innovative approaches where these benefit their citizens. They must put in place the appropriate regulatory framework to protect consumers and enable them to access the full benefits of Smart Grids and Metering. At the same time, they should avoid interfering where this is not necessary to preserve the competitive environment, ensuring, unless it is for fairness reasons and guaranteeing proper functioning of all markets in a sustainable way to the benefit of all actors and society as a whole. Some of the areas to be addressed are: Given that the marketplace will expand with new actors and services offered, the required legal framework needs to exist and be enforced to ensure all relevant market rules and regulations are in place between TSOs, DSOs and other market participants. Policy makers will be required to create a framework and guidance for the Smart Metering rollout especially to deal with issues relating to customer data privacy, data protection, tariffs, remote management and disconnection. 7.2. ERAV Regulator should ensure a long-term-predictable and stable regulatory framework, including adequate incentives for investments. The payment of costs should remain fair according to the actual originator REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 55 AF-MERCADOS EMI of these costs with a balanced and sustainable approach between the appropriate rate-of return for the regulated grid operators and the respective requirements and benefits for the grid users. Given that more actors will participate in the marketplace, Regulators will also need to further support designing and implementing the direct regulatory measures and market rules required for the market place of the future and for ensuring utilization of all the new services and opportunities to the benefit of all actors. The use of consultation papers may be useful for this kind of activities. Regulators should also be assigned the responsibility for systematically reviewing customer protection to ensure that they are fit for purpose in a smart world. For example, new safeguards will need to be put in place to protect customers from misuse of remote disconnection, remote switching, mis-selling of complex new tariffs alongside new data protection and privacy rules. They have a particular responsibility to protect the interests of low income and vulnerable consumers to ensure that all customers are able to access the benefits of smart grids. In summary, ERAV must determine the ‘drivers for the change’ thereafter. Finally, the regulator will be responsible to create and modify the new technological codes engaged to Smart Grid implementation, the role and function of technical regulation will need to change to respond to new factors. 7.3. NPDC AND NPT The Transmission company (NPT) and the System Operator (NLDC) will have to provide more support & communication of data to the DSOs, but will also require more specific information from the DSOs, especially with more distributed generation coming from the distribution grids. In order to achieve this, all of them need to ensure that the standards they implement for communication and data exchange is compatible. It also follows that the System Operator will have to gradually redesign power system control as well as market information management relating to forecasting the overall system load in conjunction with the DSOs. At the same time, the DSOs will have to strengthen their role in providing the required data relating to the distributed generation, local storage and electric vehicles within the distribution grid. All of them therefore should be able to execute their active role in Smart Grid management by ensuring more sophisticated legal provisions for system security management under increased uncertainty. 7.4. PCS AND LDUS Growing distributed generation, active management of demand, local storage and electric vehicles (EV) will impact the DSO infrastructure. Thus the DSO will have to be an active participant in all such projects along with the actors implementing these projects as these projects will fundamentally change today’s relatively static distribution system to a much more dynamic distribution system. As more fluctuating distributed generation will feed into the distribution system, gathering handling the data about the state of the distribution system will be one key issue for the DSO. data collected will enable the DSOs to fulfil their duty in relation to the overall grid stability operational security, given that more and more distributed generation will be connected to distribution grid. and The and the In order to resolve these challenges, the DSOs will have to continue upgrading their grid infrastructure, control centres and educating their employees accordingly. For the other hand, the DSOs will have to develop transparent and easy understandable rules for Demand Side Response, such that they are accepted and trusted by all consumers. It is also important that by collecting and communicating such data, all consumers will become more aware of their overall consumption of energy and how they actually use that energy. To make Demand Side Responsible possible, standard load profiles used by suppliers for customers will have to be replaced by ‘dynamic’ load profiles in case of flexible energy prices and / or grid tariffs. 7.5. CIVIL ORGANIZATIONS 7.5.1. CONSUMER ASSOCIATIONS Consumers will become more engaged in Demand Side Response (DSR) and DSR will become increasingly important to enhance the overall system efficiency and effectiveness and consumer associations have the responsibility to inform consumers of the new technologies, applications, benefits and responsibilities. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 56 AF-MERCADOS EMI The way forward is to inform grid users, especially households, which in turn is a responsibility for all actors: regulators, suppliers, distribution networks and manufactures. At the same time, national communication campaigns must acknowledge that it is not possible to engage all audiences on the same level: consideration must be given on how best to segment and approach the respective consumer groups. In addition, another key aspect is the position and needs of consumers which must be addressed appropriately and contained in any strategy for overcoming the challenges above. These include; The national economic assessments must address the potential social benefits and risks; Consumers must be protected from financial risks and from unfair, new and confusing tariffs; Low income and/or vulnerable consumers must be protected. Assist consumers to understand and value the environmental benefits related to the deployment of Smart Grids. 7.5.2. UNIVERSITIES AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS Universities and Scientific Institutions should be involved in the Smart Grids development, ensuring the knowledge transfer of new smart technologies and systems to the future professionals. To enable the training of these professionals, universities will have to launch courses with specific contents in Smart Grids and carry related research projects. 7.5.3. TRADE UNIONS Electric Smart Grid equipment supplied to grid users will continue to evolve as suppliers innovate to integrate more and more ‘smartness’ into their products and solutions. Further technology developments in conjunction with advances in modern ICT will result in more sophisticated and intelligent equipment being used in the Smart Grid. All this technological development will carry out a wider knowledge of smart grid technologies, new business models and service offerings will evolve as actors take advantage of the new data sources available to them, potentiating Vietnamese companies to become solution providers taking a leadership role in the market. REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 57 AF-MERCADOS EMI 8. CONCLUSIONS Pending for the Workshop REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 58 AF-MERCADOS EMI 9. ANNEXES 9.1. BENEFITS CALCULATIONS DETAILS REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 59 AF-MERCADOS EMI REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 60 AF-MERCADOS EMI REPORT ON RECOMMENDATION OF SMART GRID PROGRAM FOR VIETNAM 61