Fall 2008 - USC Alumni Association

Spring 2012
Society 53 Membership Application
Due Wednesday, February 29th at 4:45pm to the
USC Alumni Association, Epstein Family Alumni Center
3rd Floor of Ronald Tutor Campus Center
Email Society53@gmail.com with questions
2012 Society 53 Membership Application
Application should be typed or printed. Detailed applications are essential for the interviewing process. Please use
additional sheets if necessary.
Personal Information
First Name:_ _____________
____ Last Name:
____________ ___________
Campus/Local Address: _____________________________________________ __
________________ ____ ____ ___________________________ ____
Permanent Address:__ ____________________________________ __________ ____________
Cell Phone Number:__ ____________________ Email Address:_ _______ _________________
Birth Date:__ _________ ____________________ Age:__ _____
Male/Female (please circle)
Parents’/Guardians’ Names:_ __________________________ ___________________________
Is either parent/guardian a Trojan (please circle): Yes / No
If yes, whom and from which graduating class?:__ _____________ _____ __________________
Educational Information
High School Attended:__ __________________________ _______________________________
Year in School:__ ________ __ Major(s)/Minor(s):__ __________________ ___ _____
Cumulative Grade Point Average:__ ____ _________ GPA Fall 2011:__
Graduation Date:__ _________ _____ Number of Units Carrying this Semester:__ ________
Career Objective:__ ________________ _____________________________________________
Are you available Wednesdays from 7:00 pm-8:00 pm (please circle): Yes / No
Work Status
Are you employed? Yes / No
If yes, how many hours per week do you work?_ _______
What are your plans for this summer? (Please include location)___________________________
How can you contribute to Society 53?
Answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper. Please limit your answers for all 3 questions to one page (one page
total for all three combined answers).
1. What does the USC Alumni Association mean to you and what purpose does it serve to the
Trojan family? In your response, please suggest a way Society 53 can improve the Alumni
Association’s presence on campus.
2. Define your leadership style using three words and give an example of how you have displayed
each of these qualities within the USC community.
3. In three sentences or less, what would you say to convince an admitted high school senior to
attend USC next fall?
*Attach the following to your application:
1) Resume
2) Spring 2012 Class Schedule
I understand that my involvement in Society 53 is a year-round commitment involving weekly
meetings - every Wednesday at 7pm, mandatory involvement in one or more committees,
involvement at events, recruitment responsibilities, Alumni Association involvement and public
speaking. All new members are required to pay a yearly fee of $25 in dues upon acceptance. I also
understand that being a member of Society 53 means being a role model and an ambassador of the
___________________________ _______________
Due Wednesday, February 29th by 4:45 p.m. to the
USC Alumni Association, Epstein Family Alumni Center
3rd Floor of Ronald Tutor Campus Center
Spring 2012 Recruitment Timeline:
February 22nd:
Information Session and Ice Cream Social (Widney Alumni
House, 7-8pm)
February 29th:
Applications Due (Epstein Family Alumni Center-TCC 307)
March 20th-22nd:
Interviews (Alumni House)
March 28th:
Final Round Recruitment Mixer (Alumni House)
To assist us in scheduling interviews, please label your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th choices when you
would most prefer to come in.
March 20th
March 21st
March 22nd