College Biology – Honors Chapter 12 The History of DNA o Fred Griffith’s experiments inferred that genetic information could be transformed or transferred from one bacterium to another. circa 1928 o Erwin Chargaff showed that the % of nitrogen bases cytosine/guanine, and adenine/thymine, were approximately equal in number. o Oswald Avery discovered that DNA is the nucleic acid that stores and transmits information from one generation to the next. A team of scientists working with him determines that genes are made of DNA. circa 1944 o Hershey and Chase discovered that bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria) use DNA to infect their host, not protein. circa 1951 o Ros Franklin working with Mo Wilkins studied DNA using x-ray crystallography or x-ray diffraction, and actually provided a picture of the molecule. Franklin determines from the pictures that DNA is a helix. circa 1952 o Watson and Crick develop a model of DNA that is a double helix, in which two strands are wrapped around each other. Their model looked like a twisted ladder. They quickly determine the method by which DNA copies itself. april 1953 The Structure of DNA DNA is a double helix macromolecule, that is a polymer composed of many stacks of nucleotides. A nucleotide is made of a nitrogen base, a 5-carbon sugar, and a phosphate group. Let’s see what is needed to make a nucleotide. Choose one from Column A, one from Column B, and one from Column C Column A Column B Column C Deoxyribose O O Phosphate Ribose O O Purines = Adenine, Guanine Pyrimidines = Cytosine, Thymine, Uracil o Nitrogen base pairing in DNA = 1 Purine with 1 Pyrimidine joined by Hydrogen bonds. o Each nucleotide monomer is held together by what is called a sugar phosphate backbone. o Each DNA molecule has 2 sugar phosphate backbones, each of which is a helix. o DNA would look something like this, only much longer and twisted or spiraled: Deoxy ribose Deoxy ribose Guanine Cy tosine PO4 PO4 Deoxy ribose Deoxy ribose Thy mine Adenine PO4 PO4 Deoxy ribose Deoxy ribose Cy tosine Guanine PO4 PO4 Deoxy ribose Deoxy ribose Adenine PO4 Thy mine PO4 So a single DNA molecule can have several million base pairs and can be over a meter long if stretched out. Don’t forget the DNA molecule will coil and wrap itself around protein spools called histones. These coils of DNA become super coils which when bunched together become a visible chromosome, during a cell division. What is truly amazing is that these long complicated strands of DNA will actually go through a replication process millions of times throughout the life cycle of an organism, and rarely if ever, get tangled or confused. DNA Replication Replication is carried out with the help of enzymes, those biological facilitators. First the two strands are separated like a zipper or unzipped. Then the complimentary bases on both sides of the DNA strands are filled in. You gotta see page 298. The construction (polymerization) of 2 new DNA molecules from 2 single strands is attributed to the enzyme called DNA polymerase. This enzyme polymerizes individual nucleotides to produce complete DNA. RNA – As you know, RNA is a single strand of stacked nucleotides, with Ribose as the 5-carbon sugar, and the nitrogen base Uracil (a pyrimidine) takes the place of Thymine. There are 3 known forms of RNA. m-RNA, t-RNA, and r-RNA Research the name, shape, and function of each type of RNA m-RNA – t-RNA – r-RNA – Transcription RNA is formed in the process of transcription, which is similar to replication. Instead of a complimentary strand of DNA being formed, a strand of complimentary RNA nucleotides is polymerized. RNA polymerase binds to DNA and separates the DNA strands. RNA polymerase uses one strand of DNA as a template from which the nucleotides are assembled into a strand of RNA. Where does transcription take place? How does RNA polymerase know where to start this process and where it should end it? What are introns and exons? Protein Synthesis The DNA molecule is coded information. This information is used to build proteins. Proteins as you know, are made of amino acids that are linked together in long chains. There are many different protein structures, and each is based on the particular configuration of the amino acids. Some organisms have tens of thousands of different proteins. So this is where the genetic code of the DNA molecule is used, to synthesize proteins. DNA transcribes mRNA that migrates out of the nucleus to the site of a ribosome. The mRNA is carrying a protein blueprint message. That message consists of a long strand of codons; a codon is 3 consecutive nucleotides that call for a specific building block or amino acid. See page 303 in your text. The specific amino acid is carried to the site of protein synthesis by tRNA. The tRNA has a site called the anticodon (complimentary bases) that docks with the codon. While the codon and anticodon are linked, the amino acid is fastened (via a peptide bond) to another amino acid forming a chain. The tRNA releases, and moves back to the cytoplasm to pick up another amino acid. This process of reading the coded message and assembling a polypeptide chain (protein), is called translation. Study carefully the diagrams on pages 304 & 305. The following web sites provide excellent activities to help us understand Replication, Transcription, and Translation. Compare the different roles played by DNA and RNA. Why is the nucleus of a cell considered the brains of the operation of that cell? So genes, which are responsible for inheritance, are nothing more than information used to assemble proteins. Every physical aspect and characteristic of an organism is determined by its particular proteins. And proteins are determined by DNA with the help of RNA. Heavy! Mutations – are changes in the DNA sequence that affect the genetic information. Point mutations occur at a single point in the nucleotide sequence. Usually one nucleotide is substituted another. That would produce only one different amino acid. That’s a small change. Check this out! This is a frame shift mutation. THECATATETHEDOG! If this is a message in codons, it would read, THE CAT ATE THE DOG ! If a frame shift mutation occurred and the first T was eliminated, the message would read, HEC ATA TET HED OG! which doesn’t make sense. Look at this! Here is a sequence of codons on DNA: TAC GCA TGG AAT CCG This is the mRNA sequence: AUG CGU ACC UUA GGC The resulting amino acid sequence: Methionine-Ariginine-Threonine-Leucine-Glycine If the first base is removed. We have: DNA ACG CAT GGA ATC CG The mRNA would be UGC GUA CCU UAG The amino acid sequence - Cysteine-Valine-Proline-Stop (big difference) Chromosomal mutations involve changes in chromosome structure or number. Describe the following examples of chromosomal mutations: Deletion – Duplication – Inversion – Translocation – Gene Regulation All the information found in genes is not always used, and if it is used, it is not always used to synthesize polypeptide chains. Some of the genes found in a chromosome are recessive and may not be expressed. Because of the presence of certain repressors or activators, mRNA may or may not be transcribed. Some of the information is used to direct operations or provide specific instructions like “start here” or “stop here”. Some areas of the gene provide a site for attachment of enzymes such as RNA polymerase. Scientists ,particularly molecular biologists are still finding out about the many complexities of DNA and the genes it makes up. We’ve come a long way since the days of Gregor Mendel’s garden pea experiments. Did you know that some genes turn on and turn off together in groups? They are known as operons. Sections of these genes, called operators , bind with repressors (that act like brakes), when an operon is turned off. Operators remind me of chocks. Some genes, called hox genes, (master control genes) are responsible for the development of organs and tissues in various parts of the embryo. Now that’s responsibility. They can also be responsible for body plans. Can you imagine a mutation that occurs to the hox gene responsible for development of the brain or nervous tissue of an organism? Geneticists have fiddled with fruit fly hox genes, and have developed fruit flies with eyes on their legs instead of in the head region. Don’t forget, experimentation leads to new information and new questions! o What are some differences between prokaryotic genes and eukaryotic genes? o What will the amino acid sequence be if a section of DNA to be transcribed is TTAGGCAGTTGGAACCCGCTAGCTATCAGG?