Algebra II/Geometry Syllabus

7th Grade Acceleration Syllabus
Mrs. Smith
Welcome! I am pleased to see your smiling face in E-9 and am looking forward to
working with you this semester. I expect you to listen, work hard, and do your best in
my class. I also know that we will have fun as we learn a variety of mathematical topics.
Course Description: This course is an extension on work done in the regular
mathematics class that runs for one semester (two marking periods). Students will
work on topics that adhere to their specific needs. This course is meant to challenge
all students and help them grow in their individual strengths and weaknesses. We will
focus on challenging concepts from Operations, Geometry, Measurement, Algebra,
and Statistics. The course will follow the assessment anchors and standards for the
Keystone Exam, Common Core, and PSSA. Students will participate in a variety of
engaging activities including group work, class discussions, individual work, and
Classroom Rules: These rules will be followed in my classroom.
1) Respect all classmates and all items located in E-9. If it doesn’t belong to you
please leave it alone!
2) No talking when someone else is talking, especially the teacher.
3) Be on time. If you are late you need a valid late pass. You will not be allowed
into the classroom without one.
4) Follow directions the first time they are given.
5) Follow all policies as outlined in the Hughesville Junior/Senior Student
Handbook, which contains procedures regarding absences, classroom behavior,
electronic devices, make-up work, academic integrity, and all other student
conduct guidelines.
Student Expectations: Expectations are not the same as rules. Expectations are
appropriate classroom behaviors that I would like you to practice. I expect you to do
your best to perform these each day.
1) Attend class regularly. It’s difficult to learn something when you are not here.
2) Come to class prepared. That means bring your pencils, notebooks, etc.
3) Take responsibility for yourself and your actions.
4) Be polite to fellow classmates! (Teasing and impolite behavior is unacceptable, and will not
be tolerated.)
5) Raise your hand if you wish to answer a question, or share an idea.
6) Actively participate in the lessons by completing the bell-ringers, listening, and
staying on task when working in class and in groups.
Course Materials: The following are needed for the 8th Grade Acceleration course.
A binder/folder to hold daily bell ringers, worksheets, reference materials,
projects, ect.
Writing utensil--- a pencil is preferred and strongly recommended.
Notebook paper and graphing paper (Available if needed in the classroom)
A graphing calculator is highly recommended (TI-84)
[Note: TI-84 Plus graphing calculators are available in the classroom]
Grading Policy: This course is based on a PASS or FAIL system. Each student will
be working on different mathematical topics, so grades and assignments will not be
posted on the East Lycoming grade website. A passing grade will be earned when a
student attends class regularly, participates daily, and works to his/her ability. Parents
will be notified if a student is not meeting expectations needed to pass. A failing
grade will result in loss of honor roll status.
** No extra credit assignments will be given. You are expected to put forth an unrelenting effort
throughout the whole semester! **
Mathematical Help/Tutoring: I am available mornings at 7:30am. I am also
available for tutoring after school by appointment. Please let me know if you would
like help completing assignments.
Standards: As in past mathematics classes, a large emphasis will be placed on student
achievement, standards, and assessment anchors. Remember that the standards and
anchors are aligned with the mathematical skills and processes colleges and employers
expect you to know!
Note to Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Hello! I am looking forward to working with your
son/daughter during this school year. If you have any questions, comments, or
concerns please contact me at the high school between 3 and 3:30pm at 584 – 5111 or
via e-mail at Thank you for taking the time to read this syllabus and
to discuss it with your child.
STUDENT SIGNATURE: ______________________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE _______________________
DATE: __________
Parent Contact Information
E-mail address: _________________________________________________________________
Home/Cell phone number:
Work phone number: ____________________________________________________________
May I contact you at work: Yes / No (Please be advised that there may be special
circumstances when I may need to)
Parental Questions/Comments