space odyssey 04.04.14 volunteer update Click below for quick access to: Space Odyssey News Trainings and Meetings Storytelling with Uniview Space Science Lectures & Events Museum News and Lectures Volunteer Enrichment Committee (VEC) Events space odyssey news MEGA-KUDOS Once again, I think "mega-kudos" are in order for everyone in Space Odyssey-land after yet another crazy week. Things should die down for a bit starting next week...MEGA KUDOS EVERYBODY! Great work, thank you so much for everything you do! HELP NEEDED FOR APRIL 8 NEW MEMBER NIGHT Thanks to those who have responded! We are all set I think but if you have a strong desire to help out this night, you're welcome to join us, just let me know. HELP NEEDED FOR APRIL 27 SCIENCE LOUNGE We need 2-3 folks who love talking about electricity to volunteer for this Science Lounge. We could really use someone who could run the fuel cell and who would like to talk about how a van der graaf generator works. This Science Lounge is on April 27, and runs from 6:30 to 9:30. Briefing and dinner will most likely be at 5:30. Please let me know if you're interested, thanks! HOW TO GET HELP IN AN EMERGENCY If you're in the Museum and someone's having a medical emergency, call extension 6666 or call from your cell phone: 303.370.6666. This is the number for Fire Command here at DMNS. This is part of our Security department and they will call emergency services to dispatch an ambulance, etc. and they'll handle getting emergency services personnel into the building to help. Do not call 911 as that causes mass confusion if done so from within DMNS. If you have any questions, please let me know and please enter the Fire Command number into your cell phone. Thanks! GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK IF YOU NEED IT (OR NOT) With these busy days, I know how it goes when you've been on the floor talking non-stop. I know most folks take breaks, but if you usually don't, please do yourself a favor and take one and drink or eat something. And please use the stools or chairs in the exhibit if you need to take seat while facilitating. If we're lacking in either, let me know. Thanks! HELP NEEDED: SOS KIOSK EVALUATION COMMENCING For the rest of April, we'll be doing an evaluation of the new SOS kiosk to see what you and the visitors think of it. The evaluation will be happening primarily on Saturdays and Sundays, see the schedule below. Note that at the appointed day/time, we will need folks to facilitate the SOS using the "Kiosk Playlist." We'll also be moving the kiosk around in the exhibit to test it in different locations. For SOS users on all shifts, we'll be putting a short survey on the iPads for you all to fill out when you have the chance. I'll let you know when it's ready. If you work on Saturdays, please let me know if you're able to help facilitate the SOS during the times noted below. Sunday teams: facilitating the SOS is optional during the times listed below just don't use the Kiosk playlist or interact with anyone at the kiosk during the times listed. Clear as mud eh? Thanks! Here's the evaluation schedule: April 5 10-2: Facilitate the SOS using the Kiosk Playlist April 6 10-2: Facilitation of SOS is optional and you can use any dataset or playlist except the Kiosk playlist April 12 10-2: Facilitate the SOS using the Kiosk Playlist April 13 10-2: Facilitation of SOS is optional and you can use any dataset or playlist except the Kiosk playlist April 19 10-2: Facilitate the SOS using the Kiosk Playlist April 20 10-2: Facilitation of SOS is optional and you can use any dataset or playlist except the Kiosk playlist April 26 10-2: Facilitate the SOS using the Kiosk Playlist April 27 10-2: Facilitation of SOS is optional and you can use any dataset or playlist except Kiosk playlist Expect Research Assistants from our Audience Insights department to be on the floor near the kiosk at the times listed above. If you all have any questions, please let me know. Thanks! SOS UPDATES There's a Chile Tsunami dataset now on the iPad. Look under Library>Oceans>Chile Tsunami. This dataset was created from data related to the Chilean 8.0 earthquake on April 2nd. There's also a Polar Vortex dataset that can be viewed under Library>Atmosphere>Polar Vortex. This dataset is a compilation of several image sets from this past January guessed it: the Polar Vortex! Enjoy! IS THAT A ROCK OR A SPACE ROCK...? If you or a guest is wondering if what they've found is a real meteorite, we've added a link on the Portal that can be of help. Just go to the Meteorite Cart page and you'll find this link: E-CIGARETTES NOT ALLOWED INSIDE DMNS E-cigarettes are being treated just like regular cigarettes in that they are not allowed to be "smoked" inside the building. If you ask someone to put their e-cigarette away and they aren't cooperative, call Security. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks! More info about e-cigs STEVE LEE'S PODCAST SUGGESTIONS FOR THE WEEK From Steve: "While catching up on podcasts from NPR's Science Friday program, I came across this one: I ended up grabbing the audio book from Amazon: This is a thoroughly engaging book! The science/engineering seems rooted in the "nearterm plausible" -- the author has certainly done his homework! The portrayal of Mars is close to being spot on. As a Martian myself, I'd give this book three thumbs up and would highly recommend it to all of our 'space folk'!" NEW GALAXY STAGE VIDEOS There are several new videos on the galaxy stage. Most notably are the first two videos in the default show: Opposition of Mars (which takes place on April 14) and Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses (the first takes place April 15). See the Galaxy Stage video schedule here. SPACECRAFT 3-D APP IS...COOL... If you haven't downloaded this app, it's worth a try...there's a card you need from JPL and I have one in my office, so if enough folks want to use this app, we can probably get some more of these cards from JPL. We'll also put this app on the big iPad in Space O. CRATERING MACHINE STILL OFFLINE The air valve on the machine responsible for firing the balls has broken. The new one is ordered but these are custom-made items so it may be a few weeks before it's working again. NASA TV OFFLINE TILL APRILish From about mid-February to mid-April, we'll have to use the laptops to stream NASA TV on any of the screens in the exhibit because the satellite dish on the roof has to be relocated for some work. Note that it's best to use "UStream" from the NASA TV site as it gives you the best picture quality. AMAZING JAMES WEBB TELESCOPE VIDEO SCFD COMMUNITY FREE DAYS As part of the Museum's agreement to receive funds from SCFD, which account for a significant portion of the Museum's operating budget, the Museum offers "community free days" throughout the year to allow those who can't afford admission the privilege to visit DMNS. Below are the dates for the 2014 free days. The Museum is offering 12 Community Free Days in 2014, made possible by the Scientific & Cultural Facilities District. For more information, click here. Sunday, April 13 Saturday, April 26 (Día de los Niños) Monday, June 2 Monday, June 30 Sunday, July 20 Monday, September 8 Sunday, September 28 Monday, October 27 Monday, December 1 trainings and meetings SOS AND GRAVITY WELL TRAINING Wednesday April 9th 6 PM to 8 PM Space Odyssey Food and drink provided RSVP to Dave Blumenstock by 4/9 Come learn the basics about the SOS and Gravity Well! If there's the time and desire we can also move into the more advanced topics/facilitations that both of these stations can offer. FREE CALTECH ONLINE COURSE If you've ever wanted to take a class at Caltech from an instructor like Dr. Mike Brown (the man who killed Pluto), your opportunity has arrived. Beginning March 31, Mike will be teaching a free, 9-week online course entitled "The Science of the Solar System"... Explore the solar system using concepts from physics, chemistry, biology, and geology. Learn the latest from Mars, explore the outer solar system, ponder planets outside our solar system, and search for habitability in the universe. More information, including sign-up, available on the website: storytelling with uniview by Dr. Ka Chun Yu, PhD Curator of Space Science DMNS Click the links below to read Ka Chun's latest helpful articles on storytelling with Uniview. These columns are very interesting and helpful for teaching complex topics at the Orbits Table. Here's column #7: Touring the Far-Infrared Sky NOTE: If you're having issues viewing this column in Firefox, try using Safari or Explorer as those seem to show the column in the best quality. I'm not sure about Chrome. space science lectures & events RESERVATION INFO Volunteers may attend some lectures for free on a space available basis. You must contact Adult Programs at 303.370.6303 or email to find out if an event or lecture qualifies for free admission and to add your name to the list to attend. For other programs, like Science Lounge, volunteers may have to pay the member price to attend, please call Reservations, 303.370.6000 to reserve your seat or for more information. 60 Minutes in Space Wednesday, April 30 7 PM Gates Planetarium FREE Go "behind the stories" in space science using the best images and animation available to help understand new developments. Seating is limited to first come, first served. The next 60 Minutes in Space will be on Wednesday, May 28. museum news MUSEUM OPERATIONS UPDATE Click here to view the latest Operations Update on the Museum's financials. If you have specific questions about any of the content in this report, please let me know. "OLD" DISCOVERY ZONE CLOSES APRIL 6; NEW 'ZONE OPENS IN JUNE Just a reminder that the current Discovery Zone exhibition will have its last day this coming Sunday, April 6. The Discovery Zone is one of our most popular exhibitions, and has the highest repeat visits with our young visitors and their families. Please pop your head in this weekend for a heartfelt thank you to all the staff and volunteers for a great 10 years, and to say a fond farewell to the giant nest, the see-inside piano, the fun house mirrors, and the other activities that have engaged more than a million visitors since the DZ opened in 2002. The new Discovery Zone, made possible by Kaiser Permanente, will be a welcoming and dynamic environment nearly twice as large as the current one. It will be located on Level 2 of the new Morgridge Family Exploration, and will continue to include facilitation with our staff and volunteers through engaging activities. The overall idea is that early learners will do what scientists do: look, ask, discover, make, and share. Age-appropriate, multisensory exhibits, activities, and programs will focus on science process skills as children explore basic concepts in physical science, life science, earth and space sciences, math, and human culture. Construction and installation on the new Discovery Zone is already underway. You can get a sneak peek by peering through the peep holes on the doors to the new Discovery Zone, on Level 2 of the new wing. Plans are in the works for special previews for staff and volunteers, members, and donors, with de tails to come. Find out more about the new Discovery Zone @ Here are some suggestions for other ways for young children to enjoy the Museum! AstroTot Training, Space Odyssey, Level 1: Strap on a jet-pack and take off for space from the kid-sized shuttle flight deck. Activity table outside former Discovery Zone, Level 2: Try out crafts, games, and experiments about science and nature. Tykes Peak, Expedition Health, Level 2: Multisensory experiences, such as shadow play and testing your heart beat, get kids' bodies moving. Wildlife Halls, Levels 2 & 3: Count baby animals, hunt for colors, and visit the new kid-sized statues of black bear cubs and a fur seal pup in Bears and Sea Mammals Hall. Camp PaleoPals, Prehistoric Journey, Level 3: Puppets, books, puzzles, and real fossils on display get kids excited about our ancient world. VOLUNTEER SERVICES PERSONNEL CHANGES Dear Museum Volunteer Team, In the past two weeks, we've had some personnel changes in Volunteer Services. David Piemontesi, the Coordinator of Volunteers for Temporary Exhibits, has moved back to Virginia Beach to spend time with his family. His last day was Wednesday, March 26th. We will miss his great sense of humor and strong work ethic. David arrived home on Saturday and is doing well. Rachel Mullen, whom many of you have met, has been promoted into the Coordinator of Volunteers for Temporary Exhibits position. Rachel's first day as a member of the Volunteer Services staff team began just a month ago on March 3rd as the Volunteer Services Administrative Assistant. Her incorporation into the team has been seamless and praise worthy. She approaches her work with a keen eye and creative spirit. Rachel brings a passion for volunteer management, coupled with strong organizational skills, to the position. Please take a moment to congratulate and welcome her. We are in the process of hiring an Administrative Assistant and will send you more information as we make our way through that process. In the meantime, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact anyone in the Volunteer Services Department. Please share this information with members on your teams who may not receive email. Thank you for dedicating your time, energy and knowledge to the Museum. Best regards, Jacqueline SCIENCE ON THE FLY DEBUTS IN NEW ATRIUM "Science on the Fly" is a brand new Museum experience geared toward families in the Science Atrium of the Morgridge Family Exploration Center. Guests will enjoy a daily "high point" experience that features spectacular science and visuals as we gear up for a daily "Science Parade". Science on the Fly uses a talent show format to pit performers against one another to try to lead the DMNS Parade of Flight. They try to imitate a flying squirrel, a bee and a parrot in order to win the competition and become the new parade leader. Audience members help out the performers by learning how these animals fly and then showing off their stuff using props and an innovative interface with our Science and Art Imagination screen. After the show, guests will enjoy three Exploration Stations in order to "go deeper" with content. They will explore how flight works and the many different kinds of fliers---both animal and man-made---in our world. From jaw-dropping education collections to a wind tunnel and build-your-own flyer stations to test out aerodynamics, guests will get to follow their own interests as they explore flight. This show will be happening at 3:00 every weekday and at 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM every weekend. To keep the buzz going about this show (pun intended) we need your help! Please come see the show and spread the word!!! DMNS LECTURE SERIES INFORMATION RESERVATION INFO Volunteers may attend some lectures for free on a space available basis. You must contact Adult Programs at 303.370.6303 or email to find out if an event or lecture qualifies for free admission and to add your name to the list to attend. For other programs, like Science Lounge, volunteers may have to pay the member price to attend, please call Reservations, 303.370.6000 to reserve your seat or for more information. Click here for Evening Lectures Click here for Museum IMAX information Click here for Museum Planetarium Information Click Here to Learn About the New Morgridge Family Exploration Center volunteer enrichment committee Click here for more information about VEC events: Or see the bulletin board in the Volunteer Lounge for more info. Dave Blumenstock Coordinator of Volunteers for Space Science Denver Museum of Nature & Science Phone 303.370.8344 Fax 303.370.6005 Join the Museum's Online Community