Loreen Hammill Lalonde CIVIL STATUS: E-MAIL WEB Overview 15 years 19 years 19 years 22 years 27 years Married, 2 children: Max (19) Alexandra (18), spouse: president /owner L.LALONDE@bellnet.ca LalondePartners.com 48 Granby St Toronto, ON M5B 2J5 Off. (416) 204-1034 Res. (416) 593-4683 Cell (416) 899-4683 marketing, new business development and managing strategic partnerships and sponsorships and executive advisory Toronto Star, Sheraton Ctr Toronto, Royal York-CP, Delta Chelsea, Crowne Plaza Toronto, Metropolitan Hotel, Tourism Toronto, GPC/Cdn Museum of Civilization, Canadian Breast Cancer, Livent marketing management: (up to 17 staff) Sheraton Ctr Toronto, Royal York-CP, Delta Chelsea, Metropolitan Hotel sales management: up to 40 staff tourism, entertainment, hotels, advertising, bank products management & marketing of community & service organizations EXPERIENCE: President LALONDE+ASSOCIATES – Partners in Marketing & CAREER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Inc 1992-08(to present) (15-year-old marketing management, business development and strategic partnerships and alliances consulting practice; with a 29-year-old retail specialty division advising individuals on career transition and building a career transition website 4MinutesToTheJob.com) Toronto 15 yrs: Marketing Management, Sponsorship-Partnerships Managed client contracts on Director level: teams: 2-34 staff: Toronto Star Newspaper Sheraton Centre Toronto Royal York Hotel Hotel Vancouver Hotel Plaza II Vanc. Waterfront Ctr Hotel Tourism Toronto - StarTrek GPC Consulting – Breast Cancer GPC Consulting – India Exhibit Crowne Plaza – Toronto Centre Chestnut Park/ Metropolitan Hotel The Spa Career Management Systems Inc: total 15 years: 4 yrs: www.MinutesToTheJob.com: (in progress) production of e-commerce website of career transition and job search products 7 yrs: (in progress) development of 10-kit series for distribution over the Internet Achievements successfully built a blue chip client base offering new business development, marketing management, executive advisory, strategic partnerships and sponsorships built and installed management teams for clients LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE –2– What you will see in this CV Experience .................................................................................................................................................. 1 Toronto Star Newspaper Contracts 1999-07 ............................................................................ 8 Other Contracts 1993-2008 ............................................................................................................. 13 Full-Time Career Positions ................................................................................................................ 20 Other Contracts ...................................................................................................................................... 25 Other Full-Time Career Positions ................................................................................................... 37 Computers - Software .......................................................................................................................... 41 Management Skills ................................................................................................................................ 42 Marketing Skills....................................................................................................................................... 61 Sales Skills ............................................................................................................................................... 90 Professional Awards ........................................................................................................................... 100 Reports & Publications ...................................................................................................................... 100 Travel ....................................................................................................................................................... 103 Residences ............................................................................................................................................. 104 Professional Studies........................................................................................................................... 105 Industry Volunteer Activities............................................................................................................ 108 Community Volunteer Activities..................................................................................................... 111 Professional Memberships .............................................................................................................. 116 Professional Subscriptions .............................................................................................................. 118 Subscriptions ......................................................................................................................................... 118 Competitive Sports .............................................................................................................................. 118 Personal Interest (Other) Activities .............................................................................................. 118 Memberships ......................................................................................................................................... 122 Reading .................................................................................................................................................... 122 Pleasure Sports .................................................................................................................................... 123 Personal Interest Courses ............................................................................................................... 123 Other Experience ................................................................................................................................. 124 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE –3– Table of Contents Contracts EXPERIENCE .................................................................................................................................................. 1 President ............................ LalondePartners.com Lalonde+Associates ............................... Toronto ... 1992-08- .. 1 TORONTO STAR NEWSPAPER CONTRACTS 1999-07............................................................................ 8 Long Term Contracts ............ Toronto Star ................................................................................ Toronto ... 1999-07- .. 8 Project Director..................... Toronto Star – Campus Readership Program ............................. Toronto ... 1999-06- .. 8 Project Director..................... Toronto Star – Dream Days Auctions ......................................... Toronto ... 2003 ...... 11 Consultant ........................... Toronto Star – Int’l Newspaper Marketing Assn ......................... Toronto ... 2002 ...... 12 OTHER CONTRACTS 1993-2008 ................................................................................................................ 13 Mktg Mgmt Consultant .......... The Spa ....................................................................................... Toronto ... 2007-08 . 13 Project Director..................... Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel ................................................... Toronto ... 2004-08 . 15 Acting Dir Sales & Mktg ......... Sheraton Ctr Toronto Hotel ......................................................... Toronto ... 2004 ...... 17 Senior Consultant ................. GPC Consultants – Sponsorship Division ................................... Toronto ... 1999 ...... 19 Full-Time CAREER POSITIONS................................................................................................................... 20 VP Sales Canada ................. Livent Inc ..................................................................................... Toronto ... 1997-98 . 20 OTHER CONTRACTS ................................................................................................................................... 25 Dir of Bus. Devel. ................. Tourism Toronto .......................................................................... Toronto ... 1996 ...... 25 Co-Chair/Co-Founder ............ It’s Our Country Rally – Toronto .................................................. Toronto ... 1995 ...... 29 Co-Chair/Co-Founder ............ It’s Your Country ......................................................................... Toronto ... 1995-96 . 30 Partner/Mktg Cnslt ................ Crown Plaza – Toronto Centre .................................................... Toronto ... 1995 ...... 31 Partnership Cnslt .................. Concordia University – Toronto Alumni ....................................... Toronto ... 1995-96 . 31 Marketing Director ................ Royal York Hotel ......................................................................... Toronto ... 1994-95 . 32 Consultant ........................... Hotel Vancouver .......................................................................... Vanc. ..... 1995 ...... 33 Consultant ........................... Waterfron Centre Hotel .............................................................. Vanc. ...... 1995 ...... 33 Director of Marketing ............. Metropolitan Hotel - Dr Wu .......................................................... Toronto ... 1993-94 . 34 Director of Mktg .................... Chestnut Park Hotel – Deloitte-Touche ....................................... Toronto ... 1993 ...... 35 Marketing Consultant ............ Hotel Plaza II ................................................................................ Toronto ... 1993 ...... 36 Other full-time CAREER POSITIONS .......................................................................................................... 37 Director of Marketing ............ Delta Chelsea Inn ....................................................................... Toronto ... 1988-92 . 37 Analyst ................................ Torlon Management Ltd .............................................................. Toronto ... 1986-87 . 39 Director of Sales ................... Sheraton – Cavalier Hotel ........................................................... Calgary ... 1982-86 . 40 Sales Rep ............................ Bank of Montreal - Mastercard .................................................... Calgary ... 1981-82 . 40 Sales ................................... Four Seasons Hotel .................................................................... Calgary ... 1978-81 . 41 Sales Manager ..................... 'Red Deer Advisor' Newspaper ................................................... Red Deer 1976-79 . 41 COMPUTERS - SOFTWARE ........................................................................................................................ 41 MANAGEMENT SKILLS ............................................................................................................................... 42 Personal Mgt Technique ................................................................................................................42 Management Technique ................................................................................................................42 Executive Advisory ................. 19 years reporting & teamwork with senior execs........................ 19 yrs...... .............. 42 Teamwork............................... 38,500 hours of teamwork............................................................ 29 yrs...... .............. 45 Technique ..................................................................................................................................46 Staff Management .................. 2-68 staff, 1-14 direct, full-time and volunteer .............................. 27 yrs...... .............. 46 3 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE –4– Staff Management Technique ..........................................................................................................47 Management of Managers ..... 1-14 managers and execs, 1-9 direct full time ............................. 11 yrs...... .............. 47 Mgt of Sales Mgrs-Execs ....... 3-14 sales managers and execs, 1-3 direct ................................. 9 yrs........ .............. 48 Sales Management of Managers Technique .......................................................................................48 Mgmt of Sales Reps ............... 3-23 sales staff, 1-7 direct ............................................................ 9 yrs........ .............. 49 technique ...................................................................................................................................49 Consultant Management ........ Managed 67 consultants and contractors .................................... 25 yrs...... .............. 50 technique ...................................................................................................................................51 Project Management .....................................................................................................................52 Chairing Meetings .................. Chaired 2,170 meetings, 4-50 participants .................................. 26 yrs...... .............. 52 technique ...................................................................................................................................53 Exec Presentations ................ 959 executive presentations, 5 min to 2 hrs, 4-30 execs ............. 18 yrs...... .............. 53 technique ...................................................................................................................................55 Staff Coaching ........................ 6,010 hrs of staff coaching, 75 exec, mgt, sales, support staff .... 20 yrs...... .............. 55 technique ...................................................................................................................................56 Staff Devel.-Promotion ........... 15 cases internal management development and promotion ...... 12 yrs...... .............. 56 Staff Hiring.............................. Hired 79 exec, management, sales and support staff .................. 24 yrs...... .............. 57 technique ...................................................................................................................................58 Staff Evaluations .................... Produced 228 performance evaluations ...................................... 15 yrs...... .............. 58 technique ...................................................................................................................................59 Staff Terminations .................. Terminated 12 staff ...................................................................... 11 yrs...... .............. 59 technique .............................. ..................................................................................................... ............... .............. 60 On-the-Job Training Technique........................................................................................................60 MARKETING SKILLS .................................................................................................................................... 61 Budgeting ............................... 626 budgets annual, semi-annual and project budgets ............... 15 yrs...... .............. 61 Forecasting............................. 531 forecasts annual, semi-annual and project forecasts ............ 19 yrs...... .............. 63 technique ...................................................................................................................................64 Business Evaluations ............. 4,061 business evaluations .......................................................... 18 yrs...... .............. 64 Analysis ................................. 14,900 hours analysing ................................................................ 21 yrs...... .............. 69 technique ...................................................................................................................................70 Mktg, Partner/Sponsorships ... 43 samples of programs managed............................................... 11 yrs...... .............. 70 technique ...................................................................................................................................74 Ad Agency Management ........ 766 campaign and project reviews, briefing documents .............. 14 yrs...... .............. 74 Ad-Creative Agency Liaison ... 55 agencies, major (V&B) to small service providers................... 14 yrs...... .............. 76 Ad Agency Reviews ............... 16 agency reviews ....................................................................... 17 yrs...... .............. 77 Surveys .................................. 18 surveys initiated, led or participated in .................................... 10 yrs...... .............. 78 Focus Groups ......................... 31 focus groups initiated, led or participated in ............................ 13 yrs...... .............. 78 Purchasing ............................. $14 million and 4,114 purchases ................................................. 28 yrs...... .............. 79 Supplier Relations .................. 9,640 supplier contacts ................................................................ 19 yrs...... .............. 81 technique ...................................................................................................................................82 Event Organization ................. 1,094 major functions 2 hrs to 3 days, 20-8,000 participants ...... 26 yrs...... .............. 82 Marketing Products ................ 22 new or repositioned products .................................................. 13 yrs...... .............. 84 Electronic Marketing .............. 19 electronic marketing projects .................................................. 15 yrs...... .............. 85 Mktg during Construction ....... 6 hospitality properties marketed during construction .................. 9 yrs........ .............. 86 Fund Raising Organizer ......... 25 major fundraisers .................................................................... 17 yrs...... .............. 88 Systems Development ........... 15 systems sales, marketing, budgeting, distribution .................. 16 yrs...... .............. 89 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE –5– Systems Development Technique ....................................................................................................89 SALES SKILLS .............................................................................................................................................. 90 Negotiating ............................. 3,480 negotiations ....................................................................... 31 yrs...... .............. 90 technique ...................................................................................................................................94 Client Relations ...................... 69,900 people served in ............................................................. 28 yrs...... .............. 94 technique ...................................................................................................................................95 Sales ...................................... 14,110 sales presentations and service calls .............................. 28 yrs...... .............. 95 technique ...................................................................................................................................96 Group Presentations .............. 1,502 group presentations, up to 8,000 audience ........................ 19 yrs...... .............. 96 Emceeing ............................... 19 events...................................................................................... 14 yrs...... .............. 99 PROFESSIONAL AWARDS ........................................................................................................................ 100 RSVP Award ........................ Canadian Direct Mail Association .............................................. ............... 1991 .... 100 REPORTS & PUBLICATIONS .................................................................................................................... 100 Budgeting ............................ 701 budgets annual, semi-annual, project .................................. 16 yrs...... ............ 100 Business Plans ..................... 128 business plans and updates ................................................ 14 yrs...... ............ 100 Newsletters ......................... 37 newsletters .............................................................................. 9 yrs....... ............ 101 Magazines ........................... 3 magazines published ............................................................... 2 yrs........ ............ 101 Monthly Owners Reports ....... 116 mthly comprehensive owners reports .................................. 11 yrs...... ............ 102 Written Presentations ............ 216 written presentations ............................................................. 27 yrs..... ............ 102 Visions 90 ............................ Delta Chelsea .............................................................................. Toronto ... 1988-89 102 Chamber of Commerce ......... Oilweek Magazine - Southam Publications ................................. Calgary ... 1986 .... 102 Press Kits ............................ 22 2-15pg press kits .................................................................... 11 yrs...... ............ 103 Press Releases .................... 47 1-2pg press releases .............................................................. 11 yrs...... ............ 103 TRAVEL ...................................................................................................................................................... 103 RESIDENCES .............................................................................................................................................. 104 PROFESSIONAL STUDIES ........................................................................................................................ 105 Marketing ............................. International Newspaper Marketing Assoc ................................. Toronto ... 2002 .... 105 Selling More ......................... IEG Sponsorship Seminar Series ............................................... Toronto ... 1999 .... 105 Management ........................ Women of Influence Speaker Series .......................................... Toronto ... 1994-04 105 Team Power......................... Canadian Pacific Hotels & Resorts ............................................ Toronto ... 1994 .... 105 Attitude & Sales .................... Achievers International - Delta Chelsea ...................................... Toronto ... 1990 .... 106 Marketing ............................. York University Executive Development ..................................... Toronto ... 1990 .... 106 Communications ................... York University Executive Development .................................... Toronto ... 1990 .... 106 Direct Mail ............................ York University .......................................................................... Toronto ... 1990 .... 106 Time Management ................ Time on My Side ...................................................................... Toronto ... 1990 .... 106 Delphi System ...................... Delta Hotels ................................................................................ Toronto ... 1989 .... 106 Smart Integrated ................... Delta Hotels .............................................................................. Toronto ... 1988 .... 106 Public Speaking ................... Dale Carnegie ............................................................................. Toronto ... 1988 .... 107 Lotus 123 .......................... Torlon Management .................................................................. Toronto ... 1987 .... 107 Prof. Selling Skills ................. XEROX ........................................................................................ Calgary ... 1980 .... 107 Advtg Photojournalism .......... Southern Alberta Institute of Technology .................................... Calgary ... 1975-77 107 Real Estate .......................... Calgary Real Estate Board .......................................................... Calgary ... 1981 .... 107 INDUSTRY VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................................... 108 Speaker ............................. Humber College .......................................................................... Toronto ... 2005-07 108 Speaker ............................. Seneca College at York University .............................................. Toronto ... 2005 .... 108 5 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE –6– Speaker ............................. Seneca at York University ........................................................... Toronto ... 2003 .... 108 Governor ............................. Bd of Governors Toronto Jr Bd of Trade ..................................... Toronto ... 2002-03 108 Speaker ............................... Ryerson Polytechnic University ................................................... Toronto ... 1998 .... 108 Panelist ............................... Ontario Arts Council .................................................................... Toronto ... 1998 .... 108 Participant & Volunteer.......... Tourism Toronto .......................................................................... Toronto ... 1992-97 108 Member ............................... Toronto Hospitality Executives .................................................... Toronto . 1987-88 109 PR Chair .............................. Membership Div - Calgary Ch of Commerce .............................. Calgary ... 1985-86 109 CofC Ambassador ................ Calgary Chamber of Commerce ............................................... Calgary ... 1984-86 109 PR Chair .............................. Membership Drive -Calgary Ch of Commerce ............................ Calgary ... 1985-86 109 Entertainment Chair .............. Canadian Business Travellers Assn ........................................... Calgary ... 1984 .... 110 Media Chair ......................... Cdn Business Travellers Assn 1984 Natl Conf ........................... Calgary ... 1984 .... 110 PR-Special Events Chair ....... Branding ‘n Boogie - Calgary Ch of Commerce .......................... Calgary ... 1984-86 110 Mktg Director & Brd Mbr ........ Canadian Advertising and Sales Assn ........................................ Calgary ... 1985-86 111 COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................... 111 Mentor .................................... Lalonde+Associates .................................................................... Toronto ... 1998-08 111 Board Director ...................... Ctre for Therapy through the Arts Foundation ............................ Toronto ... 2008- ... 111 Advocate Parent Council ....... Earl Grey Sr. Public School ......................................................... Toronto ... 2002 .... 111 Host .................................... Cdn Landmines Fdn – Night of 1000 Dinners ............................. Toronto ... 2002 .... 112 Mktg Ctee Co-Chair .............. St Michael’s Choir School – 2000 Massey Hall Concerts ............ Toronto ... 2000-01 112 Sponsor Ctee Sec’ty ............. St Michael’s Choir School – Lottery Dinner Dance ..................... Toronto ... 1990 .... 112 Co-Chair Founder ................. It’s Your Country – Travel Exchange .......................................... Toronto ... 1995-96 113 Director & Fund Raising ........ Rosedale Federal Political Assn ................................................. Toronto ... 1994-95 113 Marketing Ctee ..................... Maison Montessori de Toronto .................................................... Toronto ... 1995-96 113 Director of Fundraising .......... Waterfront Montessori Children’s Ctr .......................................... Toronto ... 1992-93 113 Volunteer Coordinator ........... Waterfront Montessori Children’s Ctr .......................................... Toronto ... 1990 .... 113 Marketing Ctee ..................... Waterfront Montessori Children’s Ctr .......................................... Toronto ... 1991-93 113 Lecturer & Res. Person ......... Southern Alberta Institute of Technology .................................... Calgary ... 1983-86 114 Fundraising Bd of Dir. ........... YW Sheriff King Home for Battered Women & Children ............. Calgary ... 1985-86 114 Breakfast Chair..................... Westcan River Raft Race ............................................................ Calgary ... 1983-85 114 PR Director .......................... Canadian Progress Club – Calgary Eves .................................... Calgary ... 1979-85 115 Chair, Children’s Xmas .......... Canadian Progress Club ............................................................. Calgary ... 1981-82 115 Celebrity Night Chair ............. Canadian Progress Club ............................................................. Calgary ... 1979-80 115 Model .................................. Kiwanis and Canadian Progress Club ......................................... Calgary ... 1979-81 115 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS ............................................................................................................. 116 Member ............................... Toronto Board of Trade .............................................................. Toronto ... 2002-03 116 Member ............................... Canadian Society of Assn Executives ........................................ Toronto ... 1997-98 116 Member ............................... Tourism Toronto .......................................................................... Toronto ... 1987-98 116 Member ............................... Canadian Direct Marketing Assn ................................................ Toronto ... 1991-92 116 Member ............................... YMCA Health Club ..................................................................... Toronto ... 1991-92 116 Member ............................... Elmwood Club ............................................................................ Toronto ... 1987-91 116 Member ............................... Metropolitan Toronto Board of Trade ......................................... Toronto ... 1987-92 116 Member ............................... Canadian Hospitality Institute ..................................................... Toronto ... 1987-92 116 Member ............................... Institute of Association Executives – Calgary ............................. Calgary ... 1985-86 116 Member ............................... Institute of Assn Executives – 1985 Annual Conference ............ Calgary ... 1985 .... 116 Member ............................... Canadian Hotel & Mktg Sales Executives .................................. Calgary ... 1983-86 117 Member ............................... Calgary Tourist & Convention Bureau ......................................... Calgary ... 1979-86 117 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE –7– Member ............................... Alberta Business Travellers Assn .............................................. Calgary ... 1980-86 117 Member ............................... Calgary Chamber of Commerce ................................................ Calgary ... 1982-86 117 Member ............................... Cdn Advertising & Sales Assn .................................................... Calgary ... 1979-86 117 PROFESSIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS .......................................................................................................... 118 SUBSCRIPTIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 118 COMPETITIVE SPORTS ............................................................................................................................. 118 Canoer ................................ SAIT – Women’s Varsity Canoe Team ....................................... Calgary ... 1976 .... 118 Guard .................................. Milton Williams Jr High – Varsity Basketball Team ..................... Calgary ... 1970-71 118 All Positions ......................... Milton Williams Jr High – Varsity Volleyball Team ...................... Calgary ... 1970-71 118 OTHER ACTIVITIES .................................................................................................................................... 118 MEMBERSHIPS .......................................................................................................................................... 122 Subscriber ........................... Canadian Stage Company .......................................................... Toronto ... 2007-08 122 Member ............................... Alliance Française de Toronto .................................................... Toronto ... 2005-08 122 Member ............................... Learning Disabilities Assn of Ontario .......................................... Toronto ... 1998-03 122 Member ............................... Federal & Provincial Political Party ............................................. Toronto ... 1995-07-122 Member ............................... Calgary Canoe Club .................................................................... Calgary ... 1975-86 122 Member ............................... Calgary Olympic Development Ctee ........................................... Calgary ... 1985-86 122 READING ..................................................................................................................................................... 122 PLEASURE SPORTS .................................................................................................................................. 123 PERSONAL INTEREST COURSES ............................................................................................................ 123 French Conversation ............. The Rosetta Stone On-Line Tutorial ........................................... Toronto ... 2002 .... 123 French Converstaion ............. First Class French – Private Tutorial ........................................... Toronto ... 1994-95 123 Advanced Skiing ................... Calgary Olympic Park ................................................................. Calgary ... 1984-85 124 Reflexology & Massage ......... YWCA ......................................................................................... Calgary ... 1981 .... 124 Piano ................................... Mr. Cousins & Mrs. Henschel ...................................................... Calgary ... 1962-69 124 OTHER EXPERIENCE................................................................................................................................. 124 Model .................................. Hutchinson & Hill Advtg Agency – Tall Girl Shop ........................ Calgary ... 1980-84 124 Media Coordinator ................ Westmount Place Club ................................................................ Calgary ... 1982 .... 124 Land & Legal Runner ............ McKay Land & Legal Services .................................................... Calgary ... 1975-76 124 Land Titles Clerk................... Land Titles Office ........................................................................ Calgary ... 1974-75 125 Sales Clerk .......................... Simpson’s Sears – Jr Bazaar, Decorations, Menswear .............. Calgary ... 1972-74 125 7 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE –8– EXPERIENCE: (cont’d) President LALONDE+ASSOCIATES – Partners in Marketing & CAREER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Inc (continued) developed significant profits for clients by mobilizing untapped resources and relationships went “one step further” by managing hardware/software installation and staff training to ensure that clients had infrastructure to capitalize on the partner/sponsor relationship managed development of prototypes for electronic marketing (see individual contracts by client: starting page 5) TORONTO STAR NEWSPAPER CONTRACTS Long Term Contracts Project Director Sponsorship & Partnership (contract) 1999-07 Campus Readership Program - Mentoring Workshops Circ. Dept Campus Readership Program Circulation Dept Dream Days Auctions Promotions Dept and Advtg Dept Dream Days Home & Condo Auction Promo Dept and Advtg Dept Campus Readership Program Sponsorship Circulation Dept Dream Days Fall Extravaganza Auction Promo Dept-Advtg Dept Toronto Mayoral Debate project Communications Dept International Newspaper Awards project Communications Dept 2000-071999-062003 2003 1999-04 2003 2003 2002 TORONTO STAR - Circulation Dept Campus Readership Program 1999-06 (led special unit reporting to a visionary senior Toronto Star executive, drawing on as-needed resources to develop a major circulation increase for Toronto’s largest-circulation daily newspaper; in 1999 the start of the Toronto newspaper war among 6 daily newspapers meant circulation ideas and programs were needed; Toronto Star had 2.1 million readers/day; 57% of total Toronto adult population; ¾ million more than its closest competitor) Toronto 7 yrs Reported to current SVP Manage 2-9 staff Conceived idea of entire sponsored newspaper program Developed plan and secured approvals from senior management ctee Directed implementation of new very profitable partnership initiative and support programs 21,000 new sponsored newspapers/day 6 million papers/yr at 19 Ontario university and college campuses to increase Toronto Star’s circulation and readership Nov 2002 Circulation, over Nov 2001, Mon-to-Friday paid +1.4% total 462,692 papers/day Toronto Star National Post -17.8% Globe & Mail -14.8% Toronto Sun -06.9% LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE –9– TORONTO STAR CONTRACTS: Project Director Sponsorship & Partnership (continued) (cont’d) TORONTO STAR - Circulation Dept Campus Readership Program Initial Research: directed research that revealed 1. 64% of student readers remain brand loyal, after graduation, to the first newspaper they read 2. only 15% of university students regularly read newspapers 3. regular newspaper reading by university students increased to 73% from 15% with 1 year’s daily access to newspapers Proposal: proposed uniquely Canadian structure: offer freeof-charge Star newspapers to universities; secure corporate sponsors to pay for the newspapers Impact on Canadian Education: our company, Lalonde+Associates decided to present The Campus Readership project to the executive committee of Toronto Star because it met our company’s commitment to positively affecting Canada’s public affairs: a. improve the quality of Canadian education in one of the largest groupings of universities – Southwestern Ontario b. for the first time in Canadian history, deliver free daily current events news to the most highly subsidized segment of Canadian society, the university and college student sector c. fill a major gap in the Canadian university learning process, the fact that only 15% of students read newspapers d. fill the gap of many students who, by economic and sociological circumstances, were not being exposed to current local and world news in their education e. open the range of learning by providing free newspapers to students thereby enabling professors to discuss current world/local events in the classroom f. introduce possibility of examining students on current events by providing universal access to world/local news g. place a sponsored newspaper program in an environment, the university, where it would be the best positioned to be used effectively University Partnerships: developed individual partnerships with 19 Ontario universities and colleges: UofT University College UofT Scarborough UofT New College UofT Law UofT Rotman Sch of Mgt Seneca - Finch Conestoga College Queen’s York U York U - Glendon UofT Phys Ed-Hlth UofT Fine Arts Georgian College Centennial Nipissing Wilfrid Laurier Ryerson Durham Seneca King City 9 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 10 – TORONTO STAR CONTRACTS: (cont’d) TORONTO STAR - Circulation Dept Campus Readership Program Project Director Sponsorship & Partnership Developed and negotiated contracts; extensive liaison with all levels of university management and elected student leaders and student newspaper editors; each contract was different, (continued) each institution required extensive consultations and consensusmaking Earnings Target: increased circulation and readership translate into increased advertising revenue rates: primary funding of newspapers Sponsorships: developed, from scratch, full sponsorship program; presentations, contracts, sales program, sales presentations, negotiations, secured all approvals and led sales effort: major sponsor Pizza Pizza Sponsorship-Partnership support: Toronto Star (newspaper) Mentoring Program conceived, developed and deliver high profile semi-annual 1-day program where 10-15 Star professionals teach 40-70 cross-Ontario student university newspaper management and staff: all aspects of newspaper editing and production Toronto Star Speaker Series: conceived, developed and deliver high profile program of journalists, editors and managers on participating campuses; managed logistics, advertising, official on-campus hosting, event sponsoring Major Challenges: campus newspapers and their national advertising placement agency perceived a large daily paper as a threat to readership and developed a major war with The Star; developed and managed a 2-year public affairs campaign to develop on-campus allies Ongoing Research: developed questionnaires; liaised with individual universities for approvals; managed admin of annual tracking surveys and communication of results Ongoing Public Relations: annually leveraged polling information to develop annual reports to University and College presidents; developed testimonial videos POS Racking: managed design and production of 160+ customized, high profile newspaper racks (‘Information Centres’) promoting readership of Toronto Star and student newspapers; and profiling sponsors Highlights and Achievements “One of the top 25 superb staff efforts in 2001…”, John Honderich, Publisher, Toronto Star Feb. 2002, company-wide notice secured a dominant university and college profile for The Star and sponsors since 1999, students read 37 million+ sponsored Toronto Stars at participating campuses achieved 161% growth, actual-to-forecast in program growth and impressions LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 11 – TORONTO STAR CONTRACTS: Project Director Sponsorship & Partnership (continued) (cont’d) TORONTO STAR – Circulation Dept Campus Readership Program Highlights and Achievements (cont’d) 79,900 graduating students have the potential to become Star subscribers in next 4 years as a result of the Campus Program secured 3-year partnership agreements to provide total 21,000 Toronto Stars every weekday at 19 campuses of academic institutions sponsors received 1.6 million weekly impressions two years of independent research: 93% of students “like and use…Program” 58%: “Use The Star for research and …academics” 89%: of students: “…has helped my academic studies and understanding of the world” students read 3.7 Toronto Star’s per week (Appendix 3) Project Director (contract) TORONTO STAR NEWSPAPER Dream Days Auctions 2003 (multi-million dollar joint venture marketing campaign (forward-thining Promotions Dept and Advertising Dept) to generate additional advertising revenue) Toronto Reported to visionary VP-level Director of Communications, and to Director of Advertising Managed entire Dream Days Auction marketing and operations involving 13 Torstar Divisions Campaign Development: developed $1.8 million of ‘prepromotion’ marketing campaigns ($900,000 each) Creative Production: managed production of creative for 2 Dream Days Auctions: 78% of $1.4 million was paid by The Star in contra or at media cost Campaign Management: directed marketing campaign during 2-week online Auction; managed auction fulfillment to realize top revenues. (visit the site at: www.stardreamdays.com) Achievements 2003 Dream Days Home and Condo Auction: earned $1.6 million revenue sold 9 homes and condos at 91% of their retail value exceeded revenue target by 160%: $1.6 million actual $1.0 million target auctioned homes for avg 91% of their value by developing higher impact marketing exceeded previous year’s auction retail value by 13% 91% 2003 80% 2001 (launch year) 11 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 12 – TORONTO STAR CONTRACTS: Project Director (cont’d) TORONTO STAR Dream Days Auctions (continued) Achievements (cont’d) developed entire campaign in 6 weeks received kudos from 13 departments for managing a seamless and effective campaign Star’s management allocated full time internal staff to run the Auctions after realizing the success of Home and Condo Auction and its incremental revenues (Appendix 2) Consultant (contract) TORONTO STAR International Newspaper Marketing Assn 2002 World Congress (700-delegate event of senior marketing execs from newspapers worldwide, hosted in 2002 by senior communications execs of 4 dailies: Toronto Star, The Sun, Globe & Mail, National Post.) under contract to Lalonde+Associates Toronto Represented Torstar’s SVP Director of Communications & Operational Planning (SVP) and managed his responsibilities for the International Newspaper Marketing Association (INMA) 72nd Annual World Congress May 1-3, 2002; SVP was in union negotiations and emergency strike plans; personally took over 4 days prior to conference Managed the Toronto Publishers’ Forum moderated by TV personality, Pamela Wallin. First of its kind forum with Publisher and CEO Globe & Mail; Publisher Toronto Star; Publisher & CEO Toronto Sun; Publisher National Post. Codeveloped questions for panellists; wrote and presented briefing for moderator; reviewed final details; wrote briefing document for Torstar CEO; represented Torstar at coordinating meetings and official event 2002 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 13 – OTHER CONTRACTS 1993-2008 THE SPA Marketing Mgmt & Project Director (contract) (continued) 2007-08 under contract to Lalonde+Associates (180+ staff large 25-year-old 5-floor 40,000 sq ft day spa located in a historic building with 34 treatment rooms; facilities include 2 restaurants, swimming pool, 2 whirlpools, 3 steam... Renovation-expansion: a $20-million renovation and expansion project [originally planned as 1½ yrs took 4 years to complete] severely curtailed its business was to be completed in November 2007, no marketing had been done.) 6 mths: Reported to Board mthly and advised Exec Director daily Mandate: quickly implement $640,000 marketing and sales program to re-launch the larger spa in 4 months Developed Marketing Plan featuring renovation, presented strategy (including marketing revenue and expense budgets) Led internal process to build strategic positioning: price service product review, established Core Competency Statement, spa’s pricing, positioning, operations, marketing plan, budgets, operational efficiency recommendations Front Sales and Client Service Training: recommendedimplemented company wide training, 108 management and staff, 4 wks, Guest Service Excellence; Coach the Coach training Budgeted, conceived plans and implemented marketing campaign: advertising, collateral for spa services and proprietary in-house skin care and spa products with: brochures, direct mail, website, e-marketing; created procedures and matrices; assessed offerings, profit margins, trends, built packages, made and implemented recommendations Recruited new sales-marketing team: Sr. Mgr Sales & Marketing, Mktg Coordinator, outside sales rep Contracted and directed 7 external firms: advertising, national media relations, international spa press-relations, multinational staff training, online marketing (website and email), direct mail database, photography Developed integrated marketing campaign: contacted 218,000 past and potential clients: loyalty program, internal communications; tracked and presented results Operational Efficiencies: recommended and implemented specific operational efficiencies: reorganization, performance expectations to increase sales and support marketing efforts for guest service reps, call centre operators, massage therapists, aestheticians; implemented procedures for sales, marketing creative, inventory, purchasing, accounting, database management, Information Services Achievements completed entire project in 4 months, ready for launch date developed plan, systems and launched repositioning and campaign in 4 months. inbound Call Centre calls increased by 117% during campaign, over same time previous year service Bookings during campaign increased by 41% over same time previous year 13 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 14 – OTHER CONTRACTS 1993-2008 (cont’d) Marketing Mgmt & Project Director (contract) THE SPA Achievements guests visits increased by 40% over same time previous year implemented Guest Service training for 108 management and staff. Mgmt advisory to Board. Introduced program and operations for database e-marketing developed integrated marketing campaign: 48-page modular brochure set, direct mail, e-marketing (contacting 267,000 past and potential clients); website, loyalty program, internal communications; tracked and presented results campaign marketing initiatives exceeded projections by 24% email campaign met e-marketing industry standards of a 3% revenue return on the first email design. led internal process to build strategic positioning: 2 strategic documents to the Exec Dir, Bd of Directors, and owner developed and implemented Renovation Marketing plan including plan to market in-house skin and body care products (Appendix 1) 8 staff and experts/contractors (continued) LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 15 – OTHER CONTRACTS 1993-2008 (cont’d) Project Director SHERATON CENTRE TORONTO HOTEL 2008 (1,377-room $100 million/yr corporate-owned convention hotel wholly 2004-06 owned by Sheraton, in turn owned by Starwood Hotels and Resorts. previously In Dec 2004 Sheraton began a 2-year $80-million renovation and Acting Director expansion of its 30-year-old hotel. The first phase, due to construction Sales & Marketing complications was completed 4 months late, Sept 2006. The project (contract) included renovation of 800 guest rooms [60% of its capacity], construction of a new lobby, arrival court, and restaurant: Traders Bar & Grill. Renovations were extensive, visible and disruptive, displacing business involving thousands of clients. 2006 involved conversion of two existing cinemas into an expanded exhibit hall and ballroom; and renovation of the remaining 577 guest rooms. Sheraton Ctr to be among the largest convention spaces in Toronto offering 100,000 sq ft of meeting space. While the hotel was re-building its post-SARS business, plans needed to be implemented that minimized the perception of construction disruption, at the same time communicating the renovation plans to clients. The unexpected 4-month construction extension, together with the soft Toronto 2006 tourism market forced the Sheraton to postpone to first quarter 2006 its renovation marketing launch, we placed a 2 person L+A team on contract full-time ) Toronto Reported to dynamic GM (Rehka Khote) and to new Director of Sales & Marketing Managed 4 staff, direct Budgeted, conceived plans and implemented advertising, collateral, electronic marketing, sponsorships, Starwood programs and associated staff: Developed and implemented Renovation and ExpansionMarketing plan for 2005-06: $80 million renovation Budgeting: 1 2006 $6.3 million Sales & Marketing Expense budget (with Director of Sales & Marketing) 1 Mid-Year Update Presentation to Regional Starwood team 15 Zero-Based Marketing Plan & Expense budgets 36 expense monthly & year end forecasts and reforecasts Special Projects: positioned hotel as a leader in electronic mktg with following projects co-developed after my 2004 arrival: 1) Drive-to-Web: managed launch under direction of Starwood Hotels (Sheraton parent), the first Canadian drive-to-web CRM campaign for Starwood Canada; managed development of e-marketing initiatives to retain and increase customer loyalty; system became prototype for other Sheratons: $0 in 2003, $1.8 million 2004; $3 million 2005 2) Websites and Digital Sales Tools: managed strategy, concept implementation and production management of digital sales tools to provide a competitive edge. Sole Sheraton Hotel offering the electronic resources of Virtual Visit and customized web resources to client meeting and travel planners 15 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 16 – OTHER CONTRACTS: (cont’d) Project Director Marketing SHERATON CENTRE TORONTO HOTEL under contract to Lalonde+Associates (contract) (continued) 3) Electronic Marketing: managed sourcing-development of independent multi-media formats to respond to Sales Dept’s need for a faster competitive edge. System provides customers (meeting / travel planners worldwide) with marketing and sales material in a fast, interactive, effective, and feasible format: web designers, graphic designers, printers, photographers, videographers, creative houses, branding specialists Was first Starwood Hotel to use these multi-media formats: 2 24-pg 4-colour hotel mktg magazines 6-pg 4-colour mtg space floor plans click Virtual Visit 4-colour brochures 9 Interactive PDF brochures sent directly to clients via e-mail, disc or web download 4) Virtual Visit web site: www.visitsheratoncentre.com interacclick tive digital Virtual Tour tool providing customized site tours to Appeal Magazine clients 2004 5) Customized Meetings and Renovation web site designed as a sales tool to supplement the Starwood branded site and act as a ‘landing page’ to electronic banner advertising. Evolves with updated information and visuals providing instant resources for the potential clients (meeting planners) 6) Sheraton branded website property content pages: a click Starwood project making the Sheraton Ctr one of 14 hotels Appeal Magazine world-wide as the prototype, responsible for managing hotel 2006 content 7) Starwood Meetings content interactive floor plans: Sheraton Ctr used as a prototype enabling clients to access hotels floor plan dimensions and layouts on the web 8) Starwood Meetings-in-a-Moment: first hotel world-wide to develop and introduce access to reserving small meeting rooms (maximum 25 people) online 24 hours per day – worked with Starwood on content https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/SMMWeb/home.go 9) eproposal: updated and trained sales staff on new electronic proposal tool: templates to build ‘instant’ proposals to send to clients immediately following a sales discussion 10) Re-positioning: positioned hotel prior to $80 million renovation and expansion through new imaging, photography, and 24-pg 4-colour multi-media magazine 11) Branding: worked with Starwood to enhance branding and recommend standards 12) Appeal Magazine: 2 24-pg 4-colour magazines, 20,000 copies, 10,000 emailed in interactive PDF version and accessible from Sheraton website; designed to showcase hotel and future expansion plans and targeted at worldwide client and meeting travel planners; created at .75 each LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 17 – OTHER CONTRACTS: (cont’d) Project Director Marketing SHERATON CENTRE TORONTO HOTEL under contract to Lalonde+Associates Sponsorship-Partnership: assessed, enhanced and managed sponsorships-partnerships with (contract) (continued) City of Toronto Special Events TicketMaster Toronto Jazz Alliance TD-Cda Trust Downtown Art Gallery of Ontario Jazz Festival TicketKing Royal Ontario Museum Canadian Opera Company Through Starwood Canada Blue Man Group Mirvish Productions Acting Director of Sales & Marketing (contract) Achievements conceived and developed electronic sales tools acclaimed by the sales team as providing a competitive edge implemented with Starwood, on-line drive-to-web business in 2004, Sheraton Centre realized $ 3.0 million 2005 $ 1.8 million 2004 on-line revenues $ 0 2003 (prior to my arrival) developed e-marketing initiatives and 4 prototypes with Starwood Hotels that became standards for other North American Starwood hotels (Westins and Sheratons): Meetings-in-a-Moment Drive-to-Web CRM campaign Sheraton Branded Website property content pages Meetings Content Interactive Floor Plans introduced Virtual Visit electronic sales tool that helped sell $180,000 in the first month of implementation co-conceived and co-developed ‘Appeal Magazine’: 1st magazine of its type produced for North American hotel acclaimed by customers primary sales tool for Sheraton sales force (20,000 copies) mentored 2 marketing coordinators in online implementation Coordinator 1 promoted to international On-Line Manager, Starwood USA HQ Coordinator 2 evaluated strongest on-line coordinator in Canada SHERATON CENTRE TORONTO HOTEL (1,377-room $100 million/yr corporate-owned convention hotel wholly owned by Sheraton, in turn owned by Starwood Hotels and Resorts. Dec 2003: The hotel was rebuilding its business after a devastating year of SARS, a 4-day blackouts, West Nile disease and the Gulf War that saw Toronto hotels’ occupancies [guests per night] drop to an average 30% from 70%. The hotel experienced room and facilities cancellations in excess of $10 million. 2004 was a building year for city tourism and the hotel with the essential Group base [convention and tour- 2004 17 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 18 – OTHER CONTRACTS: (cont’d) Acting Director of Sales & Marketing SHERATON CENTRE TORONTO HOTEL (contract) (continued) ist] was not expected to return to normal levels until 2006. Sheraton Centre needed to be creatively aggressive with a strong marketing focus to drive short term leisure and business travel until the essential Group (convention and tourist) base revived. Toronto 5 mths: Reported to dynamic General Manager, Rehka Khote Managed 30 staff: 4 direct Director Group Sales Dir of Revenue Mgmt 2 Marketing Coordinators Indirect: Bus. Travel Sales Div. Director of Tour & Travel 7 national and international sales reps 8 inside sales mgrs and coordinators 7: Mgr, SRSA (Delphi), 5 reservations coord. 3: Director, Manager and Coordinator 2: Director, 1 Coordinator LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 19 – OTHER CONTRACTS: (cont’d) Acting Director of Sales & Marketing SHERATON CENTRE TORONTO HOTEL (contract) (continued) Mandates: started as 3-mth contract: directed Sales and Marketing, managed performance-to-budget in gross room revenue, and bottom line; built a strategic marketing plan; implemented new packages and marketing programs targeted to bring in short term leisure and business travellers; developed collateral and provided sales tools for the sales team; hired and trained permanent Director of Sales & Marketing Steering Ctee: 75 2hr mtgs: 8 member exec team meeting wkly: fiscal, HR, quality control, policies and operations Forecasting: established top-line revenue projections with GM, Dir Revenue Mgmt, and Director Group Sales; objective: re-build post-SARS revenue to $100 million Sales and Marketing Plan & Budget: re-forecasted 2004 budget to include new electronic initiatives and renovationmarketing plan. Budgeting: developed and managed $6.6 million 2005 marketing budget including renovation launch 2 annual Sales & Marketing Expense budgets 1 Annual Gross Room Sales Revenue budget 1 Mid-Year Update Presentation to Regional Starwood team 3 Zero-Based Marketing Plan & Expense budgets 6 expense monthly & year end forecasts and re-forecasts Achievements co-developed and implemented a strong marketing re-focus that attracted short term leisure and business travel to replace the huge convention cancellations ($10 million) that occurred because of SARS; reinvented ourselves launched (with parent Starwood Hotels), 1st Canadian driveto-web CRM (customer relationship marketing) campaign for Starwood Canada established electronic marketing prototypes for North American Starwood hotels (Sheratons, Westins) trained new DOSM (Dir of Sales & Mktg) successfully reached performance-to-budget in gross room revenue, after 6 months of non-performance (SARS and 9/11) 1999 Senior Sponsorship GPC CONSULTANTS – Sponsorship Division Consultant Division of Omnicom under contract to Lalonde+Associates (6-member Toronto team of a successful 17-member national sponsor(contract) ship group in a 120-staff national Corporate Public Affairs and Sponsorship consulting group; 2nd largest strategic consulting and communications group in Canada – div. of $2.6 billion/yr New York-based Omicom) Toronto Managed start up of 5 financial sponsorship projects: identified and matched sponsors for Alberta Tourism; for 2nd World Conference on Breast Cancer; the India Ex 19 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 20 – OTHER CONTRACTS: (cont’d) Senior Sponsorship GPC CONSULTANTS – Sponsorship Division Consultant hibit: the millennium feature at the Museum of Civilization (contract) (Ottawa), Govt of Canada’s Rock Concert in coordination with the international ‘Francophonie’ summit, and the international (continued) “Francophone Doctors Conference” in coordination with Canada’s hosting of the international “Francophonie” summit Sponsors & Partners: Kodak Nortel Sun Life PWC Royal Bank Fairfax Financial Biomira Bank of Montreal Corel Gov’t of India CFMT Museum of Civilization Int’al Conf. on Breast Cancer Dairy Farmers of Cda Delta Chelsea Hotel Achievements: set up very difficult and unappealing projects to successfully raise the required money and profits created concept and managed a National Sponsorship Team of business executive volunteers for Canadian Museum of Civilization’s India Exhibit; execs came from major Canadian corporations under the patronage of Adrienne Clarkson: Clarence Chandran (Nortel), Charles Coffey (Royal Bank), B of Montreal, Sun Life, Fairfax Financial, PricewaterhouseCoopers, that secured total $500,000 of mainstream sponsorships for a project with marginal commercial attraction (recruited by Toronto Star to develop major circulation initiatives) Full-Time CAREER POSITIONS VP Sales Canada with U.S. responsibilities LIVENT INC (dynamic 42-staff $82-million/yr dept of 200-employee head office of $320 million/yr largest and fastest-growing live entertainment company in the world producing Phantom of the Opera, Ragtime, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, Karen Kain Tour, Show Boat”, Candide, ...with curtains going up on 10 productions/night around the world. Livent owned-managed 5 theatres in Canada and the USA.) 2 years: reported to SVP Sales, Fardad Yazdi considered one of the sales-marketing gurus of the North American live entertainment industry Functioned as VP Sales Canada responsible for US for 18 mths until a first-time US VP Sales joined in June 1998 Managed 42 staff, 9-12 direct Managed 5 regional offices: Vancouver, Cleveland, Windsor, Buffalo and head office 1997-98 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 21 – Livent – VP Sales – 42+ staff 21 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 22 – FULL-TIME CAREER POSITIONS (cont’d) VP Sales Canada with U.S. responsibilities (continued) LIVENT INC Developed group sales and direct sales within the tour and travel, the corporate, and the club sectors PERSONAL MISSION: stabilize $220 million/yr of ticket sales by increasing the numbers sold by direct sales programs, rather than reliance on high-cost and cyclical advertising programs Participated in Livent's imaginative and sophisticated process that demanded carefully planned and implemented marketing strategies. Livent gave as much attention to the marketing as it did to the creative development of its productions Sold unique marketing programs to the public and to partners and sponsors On a daily basis 1. 2. 3. 3. 5. participated in 3-5 hrs/day of meetings of advertisingmarketing-publicity-sales operations or brainstorming with 7-12 Senior VP and VP colleagues coached my staff to perform incredible feats directed Livent sales suppliers: advertisers, promotions, and direct mail houses 2-3 hrs/day wrote business plans, budgets, ad agency briefings, sales proposals and reports for Garth worked with and spoke to or met 2-3 partners or sponsors/wk to develop joint programs Some Major Productions 1997-98 Phantom Toronto, Vanc, L.A. Joseph Ragtime Toronto, L.A., Chicago, Fosse Washington DC Showboat L.A, London, Australia New York Parade non-Livent Toronto productions: Annie Peter Pan Smokey Joes Bring in da Noise Tor., Vanc, Salt Lake Toronto, Los Angeles, Boston Barrymore Toronto, New York Candide Broadway Karen Kain Toronto Goosebumps Cirque Ingenu Major Corporate Clients Dynamic Funds Manulife Oxford Properties Sick Kids Hosp State of Israel Bonds GE Canada Major Tour & Travel Clients CanAm Holidays Bluebird Coach Yankee Holidays Lenzner Coach Travel Adventures AAA Buffalo BNS TD Bank deHavilland CIBC BofM Keytours Debolt Tours Soletur New Horizons LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 23 – FULL-TIME CAREER POSITIONS (cont’d) VP Sales Canada with U.S. responsibilities (continued) LIVENT INC Forecasts and Budgets: approx 76 budgets: 18 individual show budgets $3,000 to $3.5 million/show; 10 Sales Dept Expense, 48 wkly MAP's: sales expense budgets with 6-weekforward projections Business Line Evaluations: approx 650 evaluations ranging from conceptualization through proposal to clients of new programs and their post-program evaluation; wkly performance week-over-week of programs / business lines; mthly evaluation of top client performance (i.e. tour wholesalers and tour operators); daily evaluation of total mix of all programs within the revenue analysis; wkly evaluations with Chairman and 10 VP colleagues of ad agency campaigns ($150 million/yr for all markets) Marketing / Partnerships / Sponsorships: 8 major Torontoarea programs: AT&T, Movenpick Restaurants, Delta Chelsea Hotel (largest in Canada) Ad Agency Management: 100 briefing documents for agencies; 52 approvals for newspaper ticket advertising; 100 approvals for $980,000/yr of brochures, direct mail pieces, signage; 100 wkly reviews with Chairman and 10 VP colleagues of external and internally generated ad/media campaigns; 8 focus groups Purchasing: $2.4 million of direct purchasing (3-4 contacts/ day): publications, collateral, direct mail, fax, trade shows Staff: handled all HR for 42 staff in absence of an HR Dept: 1,600 hrs of staff coaching: prepared young mgrs to handle new programs; 8 terminations (restructuring); 4 hirings Other: 60 negotiations with sponsors and clients; 120 internal / external sales presentations, 400 5-15min group presentations at mgmt, staff or show mtgs; chaired 1-2 mtgs/wk; Structural Achievements maintained sales levels despite lack of new product and Livent's booking of non-Livent shows to fill gaps in 1998 used newly developed Outbound / Inbound Sales Groups and maintained direct sales levels despite short notice of opening dates (3-4 mths) vs industry standard of 12-18 mths, having missed millions of dollars of free trade marketing (tour and corporate collateral, seasonal offerings) and fund-raising markets developed a low-cost 12-staff Outbound Group Sales Call Centre that developed a portfolio of top Livent group clients for Canada, New York and Chicago Outbound Call Centre secured business at 2¢ on the dollar 23 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 24 – FULL-TIME CAREER POSITIONS (cont’d) VP Sales Canada with U.S. responsibilities LIVENT INC Structural Achievements (continued) developed concept of a sales promotion partnership with 2 of Livent's top clients to capture growing trend of the last minute entertainment package purchasers for Toronto and New York. Mktg-ad costs were shared with the eager clients (tour operators) with only 2.04% cost of sale: i.e. sold $1.5 million of tickets for $75,000 cost of advertising created a first-time strategic partnership for Phantom of the Opera with Movenpick Restaurants: Phantom TheatreDinner packages; this successful campaign provided exceptional "value added" and secured sales of 6,000 tickets in a 12-month period implemented a sales productivity and client tracking system with 2 senior managers to enable them to identify and focus on high-yield low-cost business (Appendix 4) LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 25 – OTHER CONTRACTS Director of Business Development (contract) (cont'd) TOURISM TORONTO under contract to Lalonde+Associates 1996 (60-staff not-for-loss 700-member sales and marketing service organization providing for Toronto’s $6 billion/yr tourist industry; members comprised hotels, airlines, restaurants, retail, museums, theatres, attractions...one of the fastest growing industries in Toronto) Toronto 10 mths: reported to visionary President & CEO Mandate: create and launch new initiatives to generate revenues to replace a substantial government (Metro Toronto) funding cut GENERAL INDUSTRY SPONSORSHIPS: Developed programs with companies wishing to affiliate with existing or customized convention and visitors bureau communications vehicles Projects: AT&T communication and marketing programs; Transactive phone card initiative Negotiations: 16 2wk to 5mth negotiations with sponsors, partners, potential sponsors, consultants, sub-contractors Sales Presentations: 2-11/wk to potential sponsors, corporate partners: one-on-one and to full boards of directors or management committees Achievement co-developed and secured AT&T sponsorship targeted to the US traveller in 1996-97 2 major project initiatives: 1. Stages - A Celebration of the Lively Arts (12-week program comprising 16 theatre and performing companies offering discounts and value-added on 900 performances of 41 different shows - including 47 participating hotels) Mandate: Bring in sponsorships to source revenues and celebrate and profile Toronto’s position as the 3rd largest live entertainment centre in the world. Re-package live theatre and performing arts venues in Toronto into a festival to raise revenue and bring in tourism during the Jan 15-Mar 31st lowbusiness period, position it as an annual event that will grow The Event: 1st year: marketing driven program offering a variety of entertainment and related attractions i.e. back stage tours, discussions with cast members, directors, and free gifts 2nd year: a total entertainment experience to include special events, celebrity profiles, retail-merchandising opportunities throughout Toronto theatre and live entertainment venues Operations: prepared initial event and sponsorship plan based on research; steering committee organized with senior 25 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 26 – OTHER CONTRACTS (cont'd) Director of Business Development TOURISM TORONTO (continued) Operations: (cont’d) management from LIVENT, Mirvish Productions, Disney’s ‘Beauty and The Beast’, Toronto Theatre Alliance, Toronto Symphony, Follows Latimer, TicketKing Entertainment Venues Livent Disney Buddies in Bad Times Dance Ontario Assn Atlantis Theatre Mirvish Productions Theatre Passe Muraille Canadian Opera Co. Follows Latimer Toronto Sym. Orchestra Harbourfront Centre Theatre Columbus Factory Theatre Ancient Opera Company Major Productions Phantom of the Opera Jayne Eyre Angels in America Mysteriously Yours Forever Plaid Ragtime - The Musical Death of a Salesman The Glass Menagerie Millennium Approaches Peristroika Sled Beauty & the Beast Forever Tango Potential Sponsors approached Cossette Altamira AT&T Visa Kodak Chrysler Grey Interactive Citibank Fuji Sprint Bell Midland Walwyn Echo Advertising RBC Dominion duMaurier Arts Fdn Fidelity Investments Altimira BBDO Gaylord Group Edleman Group BCP Benson & Hedges Scotia Dank Lassoo Scotia Capital Merchant & Traders Bank US 2. Star Trek: The Festival Project: city-wide festival that packaged 2 sanctioned Star Trek exhibits and the launch of the new Star Trek movie; one of the first Viacom-sanctioned international events put together in the spring of 1996 for launch 6 months later Mandate: launch a self-funding event to establish a basis for profiling Toronto during a low tourist period Operations: prepared initial plan for presentation to Viacom (Canada & Los Angeles); secured initial approval; approached senior mgmt at STAR TREK: The Exhibit, Ontario Science Centre, Ontario Place, CN Tower, SkyDome, Blockbuster Video, Telemedia, media partners -potential sponsors; negotiated with Future Call (New York) to deliver a STAR CONFERENCE II, a Las Vegas-premiered event featuring William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy; liaised with Toronto Trek (non-sanctioned 4,000-participant) annual convention; carried out negotiations and secured agreement (May 24th, LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 27 – OTHER CONTRACTS (cont'd) Director of Business Development TOURISM TORONTO (continued) 1996); developed specific proposal and sold event in the market to secure media partners, sponsors; continually briefed TT Board of Directors; finalized first draft (Aug 15) of legal agreement; finalized contract (Sept 1) with Viacom, Famous Players Theatres and Paramount Pictures; 11 weeks to secure the sponsor, develop logistics, and promote the event; attended first Paramount sanctioned Star Trek Festival (Sept 5) in Huntsville Alabama (adjacent to the NASA Space Ctr) Sponsorships: talked to 50 major corporations: initial contacts, identification of decision makers, preparation of individual 10 page proposals, multiple meetings with each prospect and follow-up Air Canada* Toronto Colony Hotel* Bell Global Solutions* Distican* Bell Mobility* Wonderland* Canadian Airlines* CN Tower* Crown Plaza Toronto* Ontario Science Ctr* Spar Aerospace Ontario Place CP SkyDome Hotel* Star Trek: The Exhibit* DuMaurier Arts Fdn Atlantis Complex* Millenitex* McDonald’s Cdn Space Agency* Edleman Group Avis Gaylord Group CorelDraw Kodak Starbuck’s BCP Blockbuster Video Bell Canada Basstoy Int’l Kellogg’s Microsoft Cara AT&T Harvey’s Ambrose Carr Molson DuMaurier Mastercard Bank of Montreal Future Call (N.Y) *secured sponsorship Key media partners: City TV, Chum AM/FM, Toronto Sun, TV Guide - $500,000 of media coverage; other participants: Saturday Night Magazine, Canadian Living, and Where Publications (New York and Toronto), Star Trek Communicator (100,000 circ.) Media: MuchMusic* 1050 CHUM* CHUM FM* Toronto Sun* TV Guide* Where Toronto* Where New York* CITY TV/New VR* Telemedia Calgary Sun* Edmonton Sun* Ottawa Sun* Star Trek Communicator Tickets: worked Bell Global Solutions and TicketMaster Event Management: carried out negotiations and secured agreement (May 24th, worked with 2 companies: Barry McCabe Communications and Your Show Productions Press Launch: October 29th, re-launch Nov 14th 27 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 28 – OTHER CONTRACTS (cont'd) Director of Business Development TOURISM TORONTO Intellectual Property: managed Viacom’s complex intellectual property agreements through the sponsor-partners advertising and promotion, and each word of each media sponsors’ advertising, promotion and editorial material and scripts Direct Mail: 3,000-piece mailing to Star Trekkers Promotions: radio and TV campaigns: naming of Toronto Star Trek Week by Allan Tonks, Ferengi’s and Klingon appearances on television, radio drops, promotions at National Science Teachers convention registration, Wonderland highway signage, banners on Lakeshore Blvd. Web Site: co-developed Web site with Bell Global Solutions, and managed complex restrictions on content among 9 partners Site Coordination: oversaw 32 paid or volunteer staff coordinating operations at 5 venues including 8 Star Trek celebrities and 3 scientists with multiple venue appearances OTHER: Budgets: 7 budgets and updates Negotiations: 35 1hr to 5mth negotiations with sponsors, partners, potential sponsors, consultants, sub-contractors (continued) Achievements secured $500,000 in media sponsorship secured $750,000 of editorial coverage secured $50,000 in cash sponsorships secured $58,000 of product and service sponsorships highest volume attendance ever for Star Trek: The Exhibit (planetarium) 183% attendance at Ontario Science Centre against previous year’s date on Festival’s Opening Day venue and media partner-sponsors want to participate next year, 1997 and in future programs successfully coordinated 9 partners’ operations each with its own distinct vision, mission and method of operation LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 29 – OTHER CONTRACTS: Co-chair & Co-Founder (cont'd) IT’S OUR COUNTRY RALLY - TORONTO 1995 (2-chairperson 65-volunteer project which mounted a rally to support the “No” side of the Referendum by bringing 8,000 people out onto Nathan Philips Square - City of Toronto to speak out on Quebec and to listen to speeches by prominent Canadians: Margaret Atwood Arsinėe Khanjian Bluma Appel Adrienne Clarkson Mayor Barbara Hall Al Waxman Hon Barbara McDougall Charles Pachter… Toronto 3 weeks: Managed all facets of the rally Speakers: managed the solicitation of and/or personally solicited 75 potential speakers from among prominent Toronto Canadians, negotiated and secured participation of 14; offered and managed vetting and advice on content of 95% of speeches where speakers were concerned with highly sensitive nature of the topics Volunteers: secured and coordinated 65 volunteers; directed and allocated tasks. Fundraising: managed raising of $16,000 in 3 weeks, directed 2 prominent fund-raisers; personally solicited and made presentations to individuals and corporations Sponsorships: raised $20,000 of product and services in exchange for sponsorship status with: ad agency, printer, hotel, product and services, musicians, signage, fax services and communications Event Organization: managed organization and execution of rally day logistics, before, during and after the event Media: managed 3-person bilingual media solicitation team, and 70 media interviews; solicited interviewees from among the team and personally gave interviews in local, regional and national newspapers, TV and radio networks; wrote, set up, distributed press releases. Managed media relations of post referendum coverage Communications: oversaw and developed all communication to speakers, volunteers, sponsors, donors, media, corporations, public Montreal Rally Logistics: issued press-releases encouraging support of 150, 0000-participant Montreal rally; managed receipt of 300 calls from the public requesting information on transport to Montreal; arranged construction of large Toronto banners, led team to Montreal; encouraged support in media in the 30,000-participant October 29 rally in Montreal Speaking Engagements: spoke at the rally, guest speaker at 3 post-Referendum Progress Club meetings 29 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 30 – OTHER CONTRACTS (cont'd) Co-chair & Co-Founder IT’S OUR COUNTRY RALLY - TORONTO Budget: $16,000: rally operations, guideline for contributors (continued) Achievements rally was seen as the catalyst for Canadians to feel confi- dent to voice their feeling in the follow up rally in Montreal & Toronto rally organization contributed to the logistics of the massive bus lift to join 150,000 Canadians in Montreal on the Friday prior to the Referendum extensive media coverage during and after the event including prime time Electronic coverage CBC The National CBC Metro Morning CTV Global Press coverage in: Vancouver Province Montreal Gazette Press front page coverage Globe and Mail Toronto Star Co-chair & Co-Founder CBC Benmurgi Live City TV La Press Ming Pao Ottawa Citizen IT’S YOUR COUNTRY – TRAVEL EXCHANGE (200-volunteer non-partisan organization, founded after the Quebec Referendum as a result of a strong appeal from Canadians wanting to continue to find a solution to the united Canada problem, that has developed into a massive travel program where non-Quebec Canadians can invite “Yes” voters from Quebec to experience the rest of Canada) Toronto Co-chaired 1-2 task group meetings/wk Mandate: continue momentum of rallies with program where individual Canadians could be empowered to create a united Canada. Objective: make it possible for 300,000 Quebecers to be hosted in homes, cities and towns across Canada and lobby the federal government to fund program with a $1,000 per person travel voucher Volunteers: managed the recruiting of the first core volunteers, presented concept, co-developed 7 task groups who have spent over 200 hours developing a “Guest Invitation Kit” to be sent to hosts across Canada Logistics: secured Crowne Plaza Toronto Centre’s sponsorship in providing meeting rooms, set up incoming calls in database, arrange volunteers and computers for regular updates to the volunteers; organize core committee volunteers, presentations, meetings 1995-96 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 31 – OTHER CONTRACTS (cont'd) Partnership & Marketing Consultant CROWN PLAZA - TORONTO CENTRE under contract to Lalonde+Associates (586 guest room hotel) Toronto Reported to General Manager and to Regional Dir of Marketing 4 month project: designed and implemented a high profile marketing program Sponsorships Mandate: secure high profile organizations in Toronto to sponsor Sourcing: canvassed major organizations to discuss their hotel and event needs Negotiations: negotiated with 2 initial prospects including Royal Conservatory of Music Discussions: discussed relative merits and positioning of the target groups and selected one Contracts: discussed mutually agreeable offers, secured contracts Other Special Project Media Relations Management: managed launch of hotel’s 100% Guarantee Program and 1995 Torchbearer’s Award Contra Advertising: manage a review, recommendations and implementation of the hotel’s contra program Achievements secured the Royal Conservatory of Music as a prime sponsor secured profile acknowledgment from the CEO, Board of Trade of Metropolitan Toronto for the 1995 Torchbearer Award – a North America-wide industry recognition for very high client service involved hotel as a Canadian unity sponsor with a pro-Canada rally of 8,000 people on the plaza of Toronto City Hall called It’s Our Country Partnership & Sponsorship Consultant CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY - TORONTO ALUMNI under contract to Lalonde+Associates 1995-96 Toronto Reported to Executive Committee Mandate: secure regular upscale meeting facilities, F&B privileges, and accommodations for the Alumni in return for the patronage and access to mailing list of the 5100 alumni Sourcing: developed and presented the concept to 3 downtown Toronto hotels and selected the Metropolitan Hotel Negotiations & Contracts: negotiated undertakings and drafted contracts covering both parties 31 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 32 – OTHER CONTRACTS (cont'd) Marketing Director ROYAL YORK HOTEL (contract) 1994-95 under contract to Lalonde+Associates ($60 million/yr 1400–room downtown hotel, second largest hotel in the Canada, flagship of Canadian Pacific Hotels & Resorts) Toronto 16 months (Mar 94-Jul 95) Reported to Regional VP and GM, John Pye Marketing initiatives and strategic alliances with entertainment and event venues that attracted Toronto tourism Main mandate: increase hotel’s market share, specifically through the leisure market. Provide marketing initiatives and support for hotel’s other market segments and depts Marketing Affiliations: developed and enhanced sponsorships and partner relationships with Entertainment: TicketMaster TicketKing Mirvish Productions Canadian Opera Company Culture: Barnes Exhibit Live Entertainment, ‘Sunset Blvd’ Canadian Stage Company Disney’s Beauty and the Beast “Napoleon” National Ballet of Canada Art Gallery of Ontario Royal Conservatory of Music Museums: Hockey Hall of Fame Bata Museum Sports: Design Exchange ROM Raptors Government: MTCVA Transportation: TTC Credit Card OMCTR Air Ontario VIA Rail American Express Non Profit Red Cross Commercial Eaton Centre TD Centre Corporations Apple Computers Covenant House Royal Bank Plaza Commerce Court First Canadian Place Compaq Computers Tenants American Express Travel Christian Dior Bell Mobility CP Store Marketing Affiliations: analyzed and introduced new marketing initiatives; developed business plans with pro-formas, sold concept to partners, handled negotiations, prepared and executed communication plans to get the marketing initiative into the market, managed ongoing partner relations LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 33 – OTHER CONTRACTS (cont'd) Marketing Director ROYAL YORK HOTEL (continued) Marketing: managed ongoing radio, TV and print promotional programs; managed mktg and ad budget, prepared the 1995 Advtg & Mktg Plan with budget; member of the CP Club Task Force; worked daily with PR dept Advertising: worked closely with ad agency (BBDO), graphics and communications companies, developed all campaigns, collateral for all markets, media negotiations and relations for extensive contra advertising and marketing; managed an inherited and non-productive relationship between Royal York and its agency BBDO - eventually resulting in the termination of BBDO’s 100 year relationship as CP Hotels & Resorts’ advertising agency Budgets: pro-formas and business plans for strategic partnerships: ‘Show Boat’, ‘Sunset Blvd,’ TicketMaster, TicketKing, and the high-profile multimillion dollar Barnes Exhibit at the Art Gallery of Ontario Negotiations: 9 1-4mth negotiations with sponsors and partners, 18 with newspapers for contra programs Sales Presentations: sponsorships Achievements negotiated highly profitable alliances and sponsorships re-positioned hotel into high-end (weekend) leisure market from its reliance on the convention market initiated and managed negotiations with Livent Inc. to become Official Hotel to the show ‘Sunset Boulevard’ developed excellent relationship with Live Entertainment successfully developed business plan, sold concept, planned and installed TicketMaster and TicketKing into the hotel reservation system, the 2nd hotel in Canada to offer such a comprehensive service introduced the concept of contra newspaper campaigns that has significantly increased return on advertising budget re-introduced the Apple computer partnership to Canadian Pacific Hotels & Resorts (CPH&R) – this was run as a major nation-wide 1994 & 1995 corporate campaign introduced Compaq Computers to CPH&R as a potential national computer partner to create a bidding alternative Consultant (contract) WATERFRONT CENTRE HOTEL & HOTEL VANCOUVER June 1995 contract with Lalonde+Associates (Waterfront Centre: 500-room showpiece hotel on the Vancouver waterfront located adjacent to the Trade & Convention Centre known as the most photographed building in Vancouver) 33 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 34 – OTHER CONTRACTS (cont'd) Consultant WATERFRONT CENTRE HOTEL & HOTEL VANCOUVER (continued) + + + + Director of Marketing (contract) & Exec Ctee Member (Hotel Vancouver: 489-room landmark hotel located in city centre) Vancouver 3 days Reported to General Manager and worked with Regional Director of Sales and Marketing, B.C. Region; Director of Sales and Marketing (Waterfront Centre) Project: Live Entertainment was launching the production of ‘Show Boat’ in Vancouver in November with the opening launch of the Vancouver Ford Performing Arts Centre. Canadian Pacific Hotels and Resorts in Vancouver had been struggling since January 1994 on how to negotiate and structure a feasible sponsorship program with ‘Show Boat’ and TicketMaster. Toronto recommended that I be contracted to assist Mandate: worked staff through the costs and related operations, and presented options and recommendations. Advised them how to maximize their relationship with Live Entertainment Result: the Waterfront Centre Hotel and Hotel Vancouver became Official Hotels of ‘Show Boat.’ METROPOLITAN HOTEL (aka Chestnut Park) contract with Lalonde+Associates for Liverton Hotels International (520–room hotel purchased in November 1993 by the prominent Dr. James Wu family from Hong Kong; first hotel investment in North America. Dr. James Wu is principal owner of the Hopewell Corporation, fourth largest company on the Hong Kong stock exchange) Toronto 3 months: Nov 93 - Feb 94 Reported to General Manager and to Owner Managed 2 staff Major mandate: prepare and position hotel for a $5 million renovation Main mandate: secure market stability during extensive renovations and launch the new product into the existing market and the new Asian market. Advertising: introduced new agencies that had joint experience in both the English and Asian markets; managed new campaigns, and new collateral Marketing: initiated development of a new image in all 1993-94 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 35 – OTHER CONTRACTS (cont'd) Director of Marketing (contract) & Exec Ctee Member METROPOLITAN HOTEL (aka Chestnut Park) contract with Lalonde+Associates for Liverton Hotels International (continued) communications that would reposition the hotel; managed the public relations and marketing campaign that introduced the new hotel purchase and owners into the Canadian market; introduced and managed strategic alliances; developed the 1994/1995 marketing plan and budget; managed marketing budgets; researched and provided recommendations on the hotel’s physical product and service requirements, developed profile in the Chinese community, developed direct mail Negotiations: 12 with newspapers for contra programs, 1 with Sharp Electronics for strategic alliance Achievements successfully introduced the new hotel ownership into the Canadian market place introduced a significant strategic alliance with Sharp Elec- tronics developed and introduced a specific Renovation Marketing Plan that would ease the hotel through 5 months of construction and disruption (recruited by Royal York as Marketing Director) Director of Marketing (contract) & Exec Ctee Member CHESTNUT PARK HOTEL / DELOITTE & TOUCHE with Lalonde+Associates with Deloitte & Touche 1993 (520–room hotel located adjacent Toronto's City Hall; hotel suffered "gross mismanagement": and declining occupancies and was taken over by Deloitte & Touche on behalf of the lender group to bring in a new management team) Toronto 9 months: Mar 93 - Nov 93 Reported to General Manager, and to Deloitte & Touche Managed 1 staff Major mandate: produce and execute a 3-year plan to reposition the hotel and make the hotel attractive for investors to buy out of bankruptcy Main mandate: secure market stability, increase occupancies Agency change: managed an agency review Marketing: introduced a competitive review, including tracking procedures, profiling target markets, established strategies for those markets; developed marketing affiliations (MTCVA, Accommodations Toronto...); introduced wkly focus groups with business guests 35 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 36 – OTHER CONTRACTS (cont'd) Director of Marketing CHESTNUT PARK HOTEL / DELOITTE & TOUCHE contract with Lalonde+Associates with Deloitte & Touche (contract) & Affiliations: developed guidelines and managed contra, Exec Ctee Member and marketing partnership affiliations Support: worked closely with VP International; Dir of Sales (continued) Advertising: worked with agency, developed, launched and managed a new campaign; new collateral for all markets (photography and brochure), direct mail programs Other: Budgets: 2 annual mktg budgets Negotiations: 12 with newspapers: advertising-for-contra programs Sales Presentations: 3-4/mth convention and hotel services Achievements overcame low ad budget with highly creative contra program which quadrupled ad dollars in the market place and raised occupancies secured significant free advertising in newspapers in a market sector which raised occupancies secured larger budget by successfully negotiating with Deloitte Touche to amortize current advertising costs to future years to justify the Re-positioning Budget introduced family programs to attract leisure market introduced access to special event ticketing introduced product enhancements: lobby re-decoration, F&B marketing implemented financial controls with new controller (his 1st hotel) for marketing and promotions: financial account coding, in-depth mth-end reviews, mid-mth and month-end forecasts... prepared for upgraded service program by implementing computerized guest history and database 1993 Marketing Consultant HOTEL PLAZA II (contract) (contract Lalonde+Associates) (256-room 4-star hotel located adjacent to Toronto's major upscale shopping street; hotel was suffering from very low occupancies and management had been taken over by Rank Hotels) Toronto 2 mth contract: qualified accounts, found and initiated leads, reviewed and edited sales files in preparation for a database and new sales team; rewrote model sales letters LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 37 – OTHER FULL-TIME CAREER POSITIONS Total 5 years: 1987-92 Director of Marketing & Exec Ctee Member & Regional Director of Marketing DELTA CHELSEA INN 1988-92 Delta Hotels & Resorts ($39 million/yr 1600-room downtown hotel, Canada's largest; flagship of Delta Hotels, maintained highest number of rooms sold in Toronto and Canada with 430,000 rooms sold) Toronto 4 yrs: Reported to VP & GM (Warren Markwart), to VP Sales (Chris Cahill), to President (Simon Cooper) Managed 22 staff, 4 direct and 18 indirect Executive Ctee, 8-member team meeting wkly on fiscal, human resources, quality control, policies and procedures; also on Marketing Task Force Marketing: prepared 18 Sales & Marketing Plans, with budgets, for: existing hotel and pre-opening plans on 1600-room property Forecasting: established top-line revenue projections Regional Advtg & Marketing Ctee (Delta Hotels & Resorts): quarterly 3-day meetings to establish and review national marketing; participants: 5 Regional Directors, 2 Corporate Directors, 3 VP's Advertising & Promotion Budget: developed and implemented 4 A&P budgets ($7 million during1989 expansion), standard operating $3.5 million/yr A&P Budget; conceive and implements ads, collateral, special events public relations, direct mail; extensive corporate and ad agency liaison (i.e. $1.7 million media buy budget) Day-to-Day: responsible for performance-to-budget in gross room revenue, and bottom line. Analyzed, pro-acted and reacted to, market conditions, competition, and consumer trends Research: extensive quantitative & qualitative research Continuous tracking & results updates Micro-computer: use of Lotus 1-2-3, Smart and Macintosh software for analysis and production of reports and graphs Sales Mgmt: of merged Sales & Catering Office, chaired wkly mtgs, motivated, trained in sales skills, created accountability, analyzed productivity, advised on contracts, special situations Computerization: installed state-of-the-art "Delphi" sales & marketing computer system; IBM pc's and Macs Budgets: 15 semi-annual, 10 zero-based 12-mth budgets; 48 zero-based ongoing expense budgets; 3-month annual budget cycle with 3 presentations to corporate Event Organization: opening parties, themed client functions, Olympic sponsorship kick-off and 7 events, wkly client focus groups 37 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 38 – CAREER POSITIONS (cont'd) Director of Marketing & Executive Ctee Member DELTA CHELSEA INN Delta Hotels & Resorts (continued) Negotiations: 440 negotiations of strategic alliances, hotel sponsorships, systems installations, room rates, convention F&B packages: Live Entertainment, Miss Saigon, TicketMaster, TicketKing, Canadian Olympics Assn, du Maurier jazz Achievements achieved relative market share of 128% for 1991 - the leader in market share managed multi-million dollar highly profitable partnership with "Phantom of the Opera" as their Official Hotel initiated and managed negotiations with "Phantom of the Opera" Live Entertainment Corp to become Official Hotel and co-op on advertising; very profitable - it filled hotel to 100% capacity on Saturday nights, in the height of the recession increased market share throughout 2 years of construction ($80 million expansion), opening and through the Gulf War and recession successfully opened and re-positioned 1600-room hotel in 1990 3rd Place Award, Canadian Direct Marketing Assn, 1991, for personally created and developed direct mail letter and brochure: top sales generation in Canada produced 3 major plans for 1600-room hotel in 4 months: 1990, 91, 92, satisfactory to owners, corp. management, and hotel management re-structured entire Sales and Marketing Office with VP Sales (Delta); system being implemented chain-wide computerized Sales & Catering Office brought staff compensation into line with industry produced in-depth report and plan for Chairman (Delta) on client expectations in the 1990's success of analysis project has caused it to be implemented chainwide) secured sponsorships & co-operative marketing, none done by another hotel in Canada (Appendix 5) LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 39 – Sales & Marketing Dept Executive Committee Analyst Marketing & Functions TORLON MANAGEMENT LTD 1986-87 Toronto 1 yr: Project: prepared 1987 national marketing plan for 4 existing nation-wide franchises for $750,000/yr operation; prepared first set of job descriptions and full manual for management and support staff 39 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 40 – CAREER POSITIONS (cont'd) Director of Sales SHERATON - CAVALIER HOTEL 1982-86 ($7 million/yr 250-capacity corporate-client hotel owned by Saskatoonbased franchiser) Calgary 4 yrs: Managed 3 staff Sales Mgmt: managed 3: reps and support staff, selling approx $4,600,000/yr of rooms, $2,340,000/yr of food and beverage Products: conventions ($3,300-$28,000 each), banquets-dinners (200-$13,250 ea.), mtg facilities corp-gov't & groups rates,... Sales: made 9,600 sales presentations, 20 2060min presentations/wk negotiated all contracts Promotions/Marketing: conceived and implemented approx 480: special events, conventions, conferences; ads & brochures, public and community relations team Market: sales team sold cross-Canada and into Los Angeles, New York, Hong Kong, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, England, Boston, western USA Start-Up: opened new hotel in construction phase (with GM and AGM), established hotel's: market, mktg and pricing policies, hired and trained staff, set up all sales systems Also managed: Banquet & Catering Office operations Budgets: semi-annual operating, and project budgets Event Organization: organized 482 hotel and industry events, avg 3/wk, 20-500 participants Fund Raising Events: 2 Canadian Diabetes, 2 Burn Treatment Centre fund raisers Negotiations: 10/wk: room rates and convention F&B packages Achievements Successfully opened and positioned new hotel Maintained average 83% occupancy rate Results: Conferences $7,000,000 $5,500,000 $4,000,000 Sales Representative Occupancy 83% 80% 78% 1986 (Dec) 1985 1984 BANK OF MONTREAL - MASTERCARD Calgary 1 yr: Territory: Calgary, Edmonton, Southern Alberta, South-Eastern BC Made 1,600 in-person calls/day; 11-14 510min calls/day, sold, serviced and installed new and established accounts 1981-82 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 41 – CAREER POSITIONS (cont'd) Sales Representative FOUR SEASONS HOTEL (Joint Contract with Calgary Convention Centre) 1978-81 Calgary 3 yrs: Managed 1 staff and Made 3,500 20-60min sales calls, 3-6 /day, 75% by appointment; co-ordinated sales development programs, sales blitzes, familiarization trips,.. Logistics: planned with clients: conventions, conferences, mtgs, banquets, quest rooms; managed logistics of clients' programs Promotion/Marketing: organized approx 406: special events, dinners, receptions, conventions; prepared 1981 Promotion Plan, PR for Four Seasons; media relations; prepared and designed promotion material Fund Raising Events: 2 UNICEF fund-raisers Negotiations: 1/wk, room rates, convention F&B packages Trained: Sales Manager, 3 sales reps, 2 secretaries Territory: Calgary, Vancouver and Edmonton Sales Manager 'RED DEER ADVISOR' bi-weekly newspaper ADVISOR PUBLICATIONS 1976-79 (55,000-circulation 90-page bi-weekly paper serving Southern Alberta, Calgary, Red Deer) 3 yrs: Made 4 20min sales presentations/day and 6 5-30min service calls/day; 11 major clients (wkly 1-22pg colour spreads), 30 minor clients; created 40 advertising layouts and copies/wk; Trained: 3 new sales reps, Photographer: for advertising (10/wk) COMPUTERS - SOFTWARE Word Processing Word (Macintosh) Graphics Quark Express Critical Charting Word-for-Windows Project Manager Internet PageMaker Explorer and Safari Spreadsheets Lotus 123 (PC) Excel (Windows and Mac) PIM ACT 2000 (Automated Client Tracking) Presentation PowerPoint Inspiration Accounting Quicken 41 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 42 – MANAGEMENT SKILLS: Executive Advisory........... ..................................................................................................... 42 Teamwork ........................... ..................................................................................................... 44 Staff Management ........... ..................................................................................................... 45 Management of Execs & Managers ................................................................................. 46 Management of Sales Mgrs & Execs............................................................................... 47 Management of Sales Reps ............................................................................................... 48 Consultant Management ..................................................................................................... 49 Project Management ..... .................................................................................. 51 Chairing Meetings ............ ..................................................................................................... 51 Executive Presentations. ..................................................................................................... 52 Staff Coaching................... ..................................................................................................... 54 Staff Development and Promotion.................................................................................... 55 Staff Hiring.......................... ..................................................................................................... 56 Staff Evaluations .............. ..................................................................................................... 57 Staff Terminations ............ ..................................................................................................... 58 On-the-Job Training ........ ..................................................................................................... 59 Personal Management Technique Use Stephen Covey’s 4 quadrants supported, backed up by Palm linked to ACT software (Automatic Client Tracking); use time planner to prioritize tasks and set priorities; plan each day the day before; - with objectives clearly defined; set deadlines; follow-up systematically on other's promised deadlines; do it right the first time; foresee and avoid possible problems; keep people informed; collaborate and share the workload; never sacrifice quality for quantity Management Technique Plan mthly action plans, wkly, and daily; daily "to do list" and work the list (Stephen Covey’s 4 quadrants); delegate; make accountable with measured results; extensive action plans based on marketing plans and programs that are changing as results progress Executive Advisory TORONTO STAR – SHERATON - THE SPA - GPC - LIVENT TOURISM TORONTO - CROWNE PLAZA - ROYAL YORK CHESTNUT PARK - DELTA – SHERATON 1974-08 19 years senior reporting and teamwork with senior executives Toronto Star Publisher, John Honderich VP Marketing, Jeff Shearer Managing Editor, Mary Deanne Shear VP Marketing, Victor Kruklis Exec Director of Circulation, Rupert Fry Director of Circulation, Sandy McLeod Circulation Marketing Director, Kevin Brewin Circulation Marketing Managers, Brian Master, Brad Carew, Bill Whitfield, Paul Abdool Dir (VP) Communications, Brad Henderson Asst Dir of Communications, Catherine Yates 5 yrs LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 43 – Mgr Newspapers In Education, Laura Plesenius Associate Dir Communications, Catherine Yates 43 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 44 – MANAGEMENT SKILLS: (cont’d) Executive Advisory Sheraton Ctr (continued) The Spa GPC Livent Tourism Toronto Crowne Pl Royal York Chestnut Delta Delta Sheraton VP Operations Canada, Stephen Foster Gen Mgr Rekha Khote Dir Rooms / Dir of Sales & Mktg, Edwin Frizzel Dir Operations, June McDougall Dir HR, Kim Gillard Dir Food & Beverage, Renauld Fleury Dir Sales & Mktg Starwood, Gordon Carncross Dir Customer Relations Mgmt, Nilowfer Gray and Daniel Kerzner Dir of Revenue Management, Don Lougheed and Angela Pak Controller, Jenni Chiu and Amnon Reshef Dir of PR Starwood, Cynthia Bond Owner, Sherry Brydson Board Member Duncan McCrae Board Member Alex Leman, Leman Group Board Member, Rick Gargarella CA, Collins Barrow Executive Director Marie Picton President, Darwin Keeley VP, Nadine Sabey SVP Sales, Fardad Yazdi, daily Garth Drabinsky, CEO twice wkly EVP Robert Topal, 1/mth SVP Advertising, Janet Young, daily SVP Publicity, Eleanor Goldhar, 3/wk SVP Sponsorship & Promotions, Hugh Wakeham, 2/wk SVP Finance & CFO, Maria Messina, 1/mth SVP North American Touring, 1-2/wk VP Touring, Brenda Lazare, 4/wk VP Sales US, Howard Kahn, 3/wk SVP Merchandising, Lyn Butler, 1/mth SVP Creative Affairs, Marty Bell, 1/wk EVP Legal & Bd of Directors, 3-4/yr VP Concert Music Programming, 3-4/yr President & CEO, Kirk Shearer, 1 hr/day Max Beck, Pres Ontario Place, quarterly VP Marketing, 2/wk VP Sales, Gino Giannacola, 1/mth VP Finance, 2-3/wk Dir of Marketing, Karen McQuaid 20 min/day Regional VP & GM; Daniel Blahut 2/wk Vice President & Reg.Mgr CP Hotels, John Pye, 1-2/wk Hotel Manager, Fred Lawlor, 1-2/wk Gen Mgr, David Nielson, daily Owner & President, Henry Wu, 2-3/wk Deloitte Touche Bankruptcy Partner & SVP: David Boddy, 2-4/mth Gen Mgr, Delta Chelsea, Rekha Khote now VP Cda Sheraton, daily VP & Managing Director, Warren Marquart, now VP Technology, Fairmont Hotels & Resorts, daily President, Delta Hotels, Simon Cooper, 2-3/wk VP Sales, Delta Hotels, Chris Cahill, now Pres. Fairmont, 1-2/mth Chairman & President, Delta Hotels, Bill Pattison, 1-4/wk VP Sales, Delta Hotels, Chris Cahill, now Pres. CP Hotels & Resorts, 1-2/mth President & Owner, General Manager, Curtiss Frenetts 1½ yrs 6 mths 5 mths 2 yrs 1 yr 3 mths 1 yr 1 yr 5 yrs 3 yrs LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 45 – MANAGEMENT SKILLS: Teamwork (cont'd) TORONTO STAR – SHERATON – THE SPA - GPC - LIVENT 1970-08 TOURISM TORONTO - IT’S YOUR COUNTRY LALONDE+ASSOC - CONCORDIA - ROYAL YORK ROSEDALEPOLITICAL ASSN - CHESTNUT PARK - DELTA TORLON - SHERATON - FOUR SEASONS - MASTERCARD - C OF C - PROGRESS CLUB - CBTA - CDN ADVERTISING & SALES ASSN - SHERRIF KING HOME - COLLEGE SPORTS - WESTCAN RIVER RACE - McKAY LAND & LEGAL SERVICE - LAND TITLES OFFICE - SIMPSON SEARS 38,500 hrs of teamwork TorStar Sheraton Ctr The Spa GPC Livent Tourism Tor. Our Country Lalonde+Ass Concordia Royal York Liberal Assn Chestnut Park Delta Torlon Sheraton 4 Seasons M-Card LT Office McKay Legal - 29 years 1,000 hrs, 20% of working hrs: 2-10/team: Publisher, VP Marketing, Director Communications, Director of Circulation, Circ Marketing Mgr. and partner/sponsor executives at universities and Pizza Pizza; INMA Executive Director and Communications Directors of competitive newspapers. 1,965 hrs, 75% of working hrs, 2-13 team: GM, Dir Sales & Mktg, Dir of Sales, Dir F&B, sales, marketing, front office, Dir Revenue Mgt, F&B staff, Rooms Div, Controller, Asst Controller, accounting, Starwood Sales & Mktg, Conference Service Dept 504 hrs, 75% of working hrs: Exec Dir, Sr Sales & Mktg Mgr, Mktg Coordinator, Spa Mgr, HR Mgr, Call Centre Supervisor, Guest Service Reps, Consultants: The Marshall Plan, Starfish Training 180 hrs, 20% of working hours, Sponsorship Director, VP Gov’t Affairs, VP Sponsorship, President, sponsorship managers; sponsor clients i.e. World Conference on Breast Cancer 4,000 hrs, 80% of working hours: 2-30 team SVP, VPs, directors, managers, coordinators (advertising, publicity, promotions, sponsorship, sales), general management; including Pres & CEO, VP Finance, ... 700 hrs, 40% of working hours: 2-15 team Pres & CEO, Dir of Finance, PR mgr, partner presidents, GM’s and mktg directors 294 hrs, 95% of working hours, team: 65 volunteers 2,500 hrs, 50% team: 2-4 consultants 80 hrs, 75% team: 6-18 board directors 1,900 hrs, 50% teams: 2-7: gen mgr, regional director of sales and marketing, sales and public relations officers, partners 80 hrs, 95% team: 4-12 organizers 1,680 hrs, 75% team: 8, president-owner, GM, Dir of Sales, hotel mgr, sales and ops staff 11,100 hrs, 75% team: 2-15: hotel GM, corp pres, corp vp mktg, corp vp sales, dir of sales, dir of operations, dir F&B, Exec chef 150 hrs, 50% team: 2-4 consultants 6,300 hrs, 75% team: 2-9 president-owner, hotel GM, hotel mgr, dir F&B, sales staff 3,000 hrs, 60% team: 2-10 hotel GM, dir of sales, sales and F&B staff 550 hrs, 20% team: 5 sales reps 550 hrs, 30% team: 8 title searchers 400 hrs, 20% team: 10 legal support staff 5 yrs 1½ yrs 6 mths 4 mths 2 yrs 10 mths 2 mths 2 yrs 1 yr 1.3 yrs 1 yr 10 mths 5 yrs 6 mths 4 yrs 3 yrs 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr Volunteer: Montessori CofC 100 hrs, 100% team: 2-3 ad-pr volunteers, parents 780 hrs, 100% team: 5-25 business people 1 yr 2 yrs 45 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 46 – MANAGEMENT SKILLS: Teamwork (continued) (cont'd) Prog Club CBTA CASA S-King Home WC Riv Race Sports: Canoeing Basketball Volleyball 540 hrs, 100% team: 7 volunteers, business people 130 hrs, 100% team: 5 volunteers, business people 16 hrs, 100% team: 3 volunteers, business people 85 hrs, 100% team: 12 volunteers 68 hrs, 100% team: 30 volunteer cooks 2 yrs 2 yrs 1 yr 2 yrs 1 yr 160 hrs, 100% team: 8 canoeists 200 hrs, 100% team: 12 players 50 hrs, 100% team: 15 players 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs Teamwork Technique Measure myself by the strength of the team; sell the team and then myself; always mention the other team members who contributed; support the consensus once a decision is taken; cooperative and pull my weight; take time to talk with members of the team; listen and observe; watch for colleagues having a difficult day, and support them; look for opportunities to complement team members Staff Management TORONTO STAR - SHERATON – THE SPA - LIVENT - TOURISM TORONTO - LALONDE+ASSOC - IT’S OUR COUNTRY - ROYAL YORK - CHESTNUT PARK - DELTA - SHERATON - FOUR SEASONS - CofC - ADVISOR PUB CANADIAN BUSINESS TRAVELLERS ASSN - PROGRESS CLUB - WESTCAN RIVER RACE 1974-07 Managed 2-68 staff, 1-14 direct, full time and volunteer – 27 years TorStar Sheraton Ctr 10 9 1 29 The Spa Livent 5 3 42 T Toronto L+A It’s Our Country Royal York 1 1 6 68 1 staff, 14 direct, contract “environmental” students staff, 9 direct: contract newspaper distributors circulation coordinator staff, 4 direct, Jan-May 2004 Dir Sales, Dir Rev Mgmt, 2 Mktg Coordinators; indirect 1 staff: 2 marketing coordinators and 3 hotel trainees 2004-05 staff: 2 direct: Sr Sales & Mktg Mgr, Mktg Coordinators (2) staff, 13 direct: Dir of Tour & Travel, Dir of Sales Operations, Dir of Education and Direct Marketing, Regional Dir of Sales Buffalo, Regional Dir of Sales Vancouver , Dir of Corporate Sales, Dir of Ticketing and Box Office, Regional Director Cleveland, Manager Tour & Travel, Direct Marketing Dir, Regional Director Windsor, Mgr Mobile Box Office, Corp Sales Manager contract publicist event management consultant 2 full time support, 3 part time support, 1 accountant staff: 13 direct 3 support, 10 core committee volunteers, 65 volunteers support 2 ½ yrs 1 yr 4 mths 14 mths 4 mths 2 yrs 3 mths 1 year 2 wks 1.25 yrs LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 47 – MANAGEMENT SKILLS: (cont’d) Staff Management (continued) Chestnut Delta Dir of Mktg Dir of Sales Sheraton 4 Seasons CofC LT Office CBTA Progr Club WR Race Staff Management Technique Management of Execs & Managers 3 2 support, 1 in-house graphic artist 8 dept managers, 10 sales mgrs, 8 support 22 staff, 4 direct, 18 indirect directs: Dir of Sales, Dir of PR, Admin Asst, Promotions Coord indirects: sales mgrs, sales coordinators, sales secretaries 11 staff, all direct: 5 sales staff (corporate, association, tour and travel, corporate A and corporate B sales reps, catering sales rep), 4 support staff, 1 PR Director 3 staff, all direct: 1 sales manager, 1 sales rep, and 1 sales secretary 2 support staff chaired 4 pres, 17 businessmen/women 10 staff: all direct: land titles clerks 5 volunteers, business and professionals 30 volunteers, business and professionals 25 volunteers, business and professionals 1 yr 4 yrs 1 yr 4 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 2 yrs 6 mths 6 yrs 4 mths Team concept, delegation and motivation, leadership by example, treat staff as professionals; take the time to train and counsel; committed to my people, weekly meetings; delegate: make accountable, identify job or project tasks and objectives (in writing), discuss with team, ensure all expectations and responsibilities understood, establish step-by-step plan and time goals, set objectives, identify desired results; reviewed plan and objectives on regular basis Motivate: keep all staff aware of the big picture and then made them feel a crucial part of the big picture; positive reinforcement, brainstorm problems with staff, allow staff to use initiative; give staff ownership of an idea when developing concepts; public praise for job well done, give full credit; management dinners: 3-4 group dinners/yr with managers, 2 individual lunches/yr with mgrs; set new incentives Measurement: action plans with results reviewed; budgets targets and incentives; establish step-by-step plan and time goals; get to know all staff; discuss personal and business goals of immediate subordinates; pre-set dates for performance and salary reviews; Problems: arrange private meeting, discuss problem as our problem but let staff know about the performance requirement; encourage thorough work planning; recognize and compliment efforts TORONTO STAR – SHERATON – THE SPA - LIVENT - TOURISM TORONTO - IT’S OUR COUNTRY - DELTA 1974-07 Managed 1-14 managers, 1-9 direct, full time and volunteers - 11 years TorStar Sheraton Ctr 6 contractor-presidents of newspaper distribution companies 3 directors: Dir of Sales, 2 Directors Revenue Mgmt 3 indirect: Dir Business Travel Sales, Mgr Business Travel Sales, Dir Tour & Travel 1 ½ yrs 4 mths 47 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 48 – MANAGEMENT SKILLS: (cont’d) Management of Execs & Managers The Spa Livent 1998 (continued) 1997-98 1997 Tourism To It’s Our Country Delta Dir of Mktg Dir of Sales Management of Sales Mgrs & Sales Execs 2 managers direct: Dir of Sales, Dir of PR 4 managers, indirect: Senior Sales Managers (equivalent of Directors of Sales in smaller properties) 4 managers direct: Dir or PR, 3 Sr Sales Managers (equiv. of Dir of Sales in smaller properties) SHERATON – THE SPA - LIVENT - TOURISM TORONTO - IT’S OUR COUNTRY - DELTA 4 mths 2 yrs 6 mths 1 yr 3 mths 2 wks 5 yrs 1 yr 1987-07 Managed 3-14 sales managers and execs, 1-3 direct - 9 years Sheraton The Spa Livent 1998 1997-98 1997 Delta Dir of Mktg Dir of Sales Sales Management of Managers Technique 1 direct: Senior Sales & Marketing Manager 8 managers & directors: Dir of Tour & Travel, Dir of Sales Operations, Dir of Education and Direct Marketing, Regional Dir of Sales Buffalo, Regional Dir of Sales Vancouver , Dir of Corporate Sales, Dir of Ticketing and Box Office, Outbound Group Sales Supervisor 10 managers: as above and Regional Director Cleveland, Manager Tour & Travel 14 managers direct, as above and Direct Marketing Dir, Regional Director Windsor, Manager Mobile Box Office, Corporate Sales Manager, 1 event management consultant 3 core ctee chairs, direct, Chair of PR, Event Day Chair, Chair of Organization, Chair of Systems 3 directors: Dir of Sales, 1 Director Revenue Mgmt 3 indirect: Dir Business Travel Sales, Mgr Business Travel Sales, Dir Tour & Travel 1 Senior Sales & Marketing Manager 9 managers & directors: Dir of Tour & Travel, Dir of Sales Operations, Dir of Education and Direct Marketing, Regional Dir of Sales Buffalo, Regional Dir of Sales Vancouver , Dir of Corporate Sales, Dir of Ticketing and Box Office, Sales Operations Manager 10 managers: as above and Regional Director Cleveland, Manager Tour & Travel 14 managers direct, as above and Direct Marketing Dir, Regional Director Windsor, Manager Mobile Box Office, Corporate Sales Manager, 1 executive direct: Dir of Sales 3 sales mgrs, indirect (equivalent of Directors of Sales in smaller properties) 3 sales managers direct (equiv. of Dir of Sales in smaller properties) Coach managers; daily phone conversations: all mgrs were spoken to in-depth at least once per week; build teams: find good people, focus their effort through efficient systems 4 mths 4 mths 2 yrs 6 mths 1 yr 4 yrs 1 yr LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 49 – MANAGEMENT SKILLS: (cont’d) Sales Management of Managers Technique and follow-up; lunches and dinners with managers; meet to review new product programs and challenges so that they can effectively manage their staff and responsibilities; empower managers to make decisions and bring forth new programs or adaptations; establish clear quantitative goals with sales manager for themselves and their staff; always conscious of developing sales managers and keeping them motivated by introducing training and development tools; co-developed and pushed for compensation scheme to acknowledge, motivate and reward productivity (continued) Management of Sales Reps & Sales Staff LIVENT - DELTA - SHERATON Managed 3-23 sales staff, 1-7 direct, 9½ years Sheraton Ctr Livent Delta Dir of Mktg Dir of Sales Sheraton Sales Management Technique Sales Reps 1974-06 21 indirect: sales reps and managers and coordinators 1 direct: Director of Sales 1 indirect: mgr Business Travel Sales 1 indirect: Director Business Travel Sales 1 indirect: Director Tour & Travel 1 indirect: Sales Coordinator 23 indirect: 2 Sales Coordinators Tour&Travel 1 inbound Sales Supervisor 1 Operations Mgr 3 inbound sales reps 1 Sales Coordinator 1 Sales Coordinator Buffalo 10 Outbound Group Sales reps 1 Sales Coordinator Education 1 VIP Ticketing Coordinator 1 Sales Coordinator Touring 1 Sales Coordinator Wraps (Reports) 1 Reports Analyst 1 Sales Manager Vancouver 1 Sales Coordinator Buffalo 1 direct: 1 Systems Coordinator 4 mths 18 indirect: sales mgrs, sales coordinators, sales secretaries 7 staff, all direct: 5 sales staff (corporate, association, tour and travel, corporate A and corporate B sales reps, catering sales rep) 3 staff, all direct: 1 sales manager, 1 sales rep, and 1 sales secretary 4 yrs 1 yrs 2 yrs 4 yrs Regular meeting; personal problems - open door; walk about to ensure I saw and acknowledged as much support as possible; sales meeting to share and exchange pertinent information, where sales reps highlight achievements and activities; keep sales meetings very upbeat and motivating - problems handled one-on-one; new product information pre 49 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 50 – MANAGEMENT SKILLS: (cont’d) Sales Management Technique Sales Reps (continued) Consultant Management sented at sales meeting; ensure specific quantitative mthly goals are established and reviewed for development; observe and discuss sales techniques and specific client challenges in order for the sales reps to feel confident about securing business; provide 3rd party highly professional sales and personal presentation training; identify with sales reps how they can develop; promote from within as much as possible TORONTO STAR – SHERATON – THE SPA - CMS - LIVENT TOURISM TORONTO - LALONDE+ASSOC - CROWNE PLAZA ROYAL YORK - CHESTNUT PARK - DELTA - TORONTO WATERFRONT - MONTESSORI SCHOOL 1987-08 Managed 87 consultants and contractors - 25½ yrs TorStar Sheraton Ctr The Spa CMS Inc Tourism To Lalonde+Ass Royal York 14 contract “environmental” students, 1 yr 9 contract newspaper distributors, 2 yrs 5 graphic designers and artists: Orpin & Assoc Propaganda Studios Jane Speed Graphics Daniel Wise Graphics MMG Worldwide (creative agency for Starwood) 2 photographers: Elaine Kilbourn, Garry Kan 2 software developers: Virtual Visit NewMarket International Inc (interactive floor plans and Starwood custom design meeting software) 1 customized meeting planning software PlanSoft 1 copy writer, Ann Diamon 2 web developers from Starwood Creative Services 1 brand and creative development expert from Starwood Creative Services Dept 1 Direct Mail house, Interprovincial Printing 3 Creative director & design staff: Thinkhouse Design 1 Online marketing expert from Pixel Science 1 Hospitality Reservation Software company president from Resort Suite Reservation Systems 1 Direct Mail expert from First Avenue Clearing 2 PR and media experts from Wilcox Group Media 1 Commercial Photographer from Richard Picton Photo. 1 Sales & Staff Training expert from Starfish 1 contract web technician, 8 wks 1 accountant, 4 years 1 contract publicist, 6 wks 1 contract publicist, 3 wks 1 event management consultant, 3 mths wks, Your Show Productions 2 communication agencies Anne Francis Oakes Marketing Grand Events 9 advertising/ communication agencies BBDO Darragh Designs 5 yrs 1½ yrs 6 mths 6 yrs 10 mths 2 yrs 1.3 yrs LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 51 – MANAGEMENT SKILLS: (cont’d) Consultant Management Royal York (continued) (continued) Chestnut Park 5 Delta 4 2 2 3 2 1 1 Montessori Consultant Management Technique 1 2 Chris Louden First Avenue Clearing House Rossignol & Associates Hambly & Wooley Echo Advertising / LIVENT Mary E. Nichols Photography Bert Deveau Window Designs advertising/Communication agencies Can-Asia Terry O’Connel Lackey Communications Ann Francis Oakes First Avenue Clearing House consumer research firms: Vickers & Bensen Research Division, Generations Travel Data Insignia strategic alliance firm: Lang & Associates advertising agencies: Vickers & Benson Hemisphere Productions public relations firms: Strategic Objectives Promenade communication consultants: Ove Design Kooky/Walton Graphic Designers Minacs Mitchell Brooks direct mail houses: First Avenue Clearing BDP/CCG Corporate Communications Group conference sales firm: Howard Green & Assoc, New York special events firm Showmakers commercial video prod. house graphics and printer Kooky/Walton Graphic Designers Brett Nattrass Design 10 mths 5 yrs 1 yr Refer to competing firms to ensure we are getting the best possible advice; ensure that contractor has my best interests at heart at all times; ensure that contractor understands and is sensitive to my budget; make consultants understand that they are being held accountable on daily basis; establish target dates; have meeting of intends on work-in-progress and intermediate; predetermined follow- up meetings; communicate that consultant is performing up to expectations (when s/he is) 51 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 52 – MANAGEMENT SKILLS: (cont’d) Project Management Teamwork; gather together all responsible people and chair Technique a meeting where I allocate responsibilities and ensure participants know and accept them; always identify actions, responsibilities and completion dates; brainstorming sessions resulting in specific actions; much creativity - then disciplines approach to bring the project in on time; follow-up weekly for progress and problem resolution; all meetings prearranged with agendas sales training technique; formal and informal training sessions on products, sales skills, and job functions; show and tell; take time to explain whey something is done; talk trainee through, step-by-step; use practical case studies and examples; review by making trainee tell me what I told them; observe staff-client interaction and suggest-guide changes; constant praise to build confidence for the next step; expose staff to new opportunities and markets Chairing Meetings TORONTO STAR – SHERATON – THE SPA - GPC - LIVENT 1974-08 TOURISM TORONTO - IYC - OUR COUNTRY - CROWNE PLAZA ROYAL YORK - CHESTNUT - DELTA - SHERATON - FOUR SEASONS - COFC - S KING HOME - PROGRESS CLUB - CBTA WEST CAN RIVER RACE Chaired 2,170 meetings, 4-50 participants, 30 minutes to 2 hrs - 26 years TorStar Sheraton Ctr Chairing Meetings (continued) The Spa 7 60-90min meetings with senior Toronto Star management 5 yrs 39 60-90min meetings with prospective partners (universities) 67 Online Strategy Weekly; 7-12 participants: GM, Dir Sales & Mktg, 1½ yrs Starwood Reg Dir Client Relationship Mgt, Dir of Group Sales, Starwood Regional Mktg Mgrs, Dir Revenue Mgmt, Marketing Coordinator, Dir of Front Office, Reservations Mgr, Food & Beverage Dir, Asst Controller, 4 Tour & Travel operations task force – 9 participants: Dir Revenue Mgmt, Reservations Mgr, Group Reservations Coordinator, Dir of Front Office, Front Office Mgr, Tour Coordinator, Dir of Tour & Travel, Sales Coordinator Tour & Travel, Dir Food & Beverage 2 Sales Revenue Strategy & Marketing Plan meeting: 7-12 participants: GM, Dir Sales & Mktg, Reg Dir Client Relationship Mgt, Dir Revenue Mgmt, Marketing Coordinator, Controller, Dir of Business Travel Sales, Mgr Business Travel Sales, Dir of Tour and Travel, Dir of Group Sales 4 Magazine concept and development mtgs, 4-7 participants: Dir of Sales & Mktg, Dir of Group Sales, Dir PR, GM (occasional), Dir of Client Relationship Mgt (Starwood), Marketing Coordinator 14 marketing meetings, 4 participants: Marketing Coordinators, Sales & Mktg Coordinators, Marketing Co-Op trainee 7 2-3 hr marketing mtgs with Board of Directors, 5 participants: 6 mths 2 board members, Exec director, Project Director (myself) 3 2hr strategy and creative mtgs, 14 participants ______________________________________________ LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 53 – MANAGEMENT SKILLS: (cont’d) Chairing Meetings The Spa (continued) GPC Livent Tourism Toronto IYC Our Country Crowne Plaza Royal York Chestnut Delta Dir of Mktg Dir of Sales Sheraton Four Seasons CofC 20 2-3 hrs dept strategy and operations mtgs, 4-10 participants: Web, IT, database, HR, Call Centre, Guest Service, Mgrs, Supervisors, training, campaign results 8 2-3 hr price, product, service reviews, 4-7 participants: Exec Dir, Controller, accounting, Sales & Mktg Mgr, Mktg Coordinator, Call Centre Supervisor, Sr Spa Mgr 5 90min client updates in-person and conference call, 1/wk, 3-9 participants: client president, VP Sponsorship GPC, Dir Sponsorship Practice (GPC), … 100 90min Global Sales meetings, 1/wk, core group of SVP, new VP Sales (US), Regional Director (Chicago), Directors, Managers 24 1-3hr Show-Specific meetings, 1/mth, 5-15 participants, SVPs, VPs, directors and managers 5 45-min partners and suppliers, BBE, Movenpick, 2-3 participants 5 1hr Phantom Final Block meetings, 5 participants Sales Mgrs, Advtg Mgr 12 20min staff communication mtgs, 15-35 management and staff 105 1-4hr negotiating-progress report-sales mtgs, 2-3/day, 3-18 participants: venue executives, boards of directors, mktg-promotionsadvtg staff 2 2hr volunteer recruiting mtgs, 30-45 volunteers 29 30-45min daily operations mtgs, 4-6 core organizers 5 90min logistical mtgs, 7-12 core ctee organizers 9 30min-2hr sponsorship sales/negotiating mtgs, 3-7 potential sponsors or partners 4 30min-2hr sponsorship sales/negotiating mtgs, 3-4 potential sponsors or partners 45 20-90min multiple-client sales-logistics mtgs, 1/wk, 3-7 clients 200 40 52 200 600 450 20 22 14 S King Home CBTA 15 14 WC Riv Race 20 1-3hr mktg and sales mtgs, 7-12 participants 40-90min multiple-client sales-logistics mtgs, 2-3/mth, 3-7 clients 2hr sales staff mtgs, 8-12 participants 90min wkly sales-mkting staff mtgs, 4-6 participants 20-90min multiple-client sales-logistics mtgs, 2-5/wk, 3-7 clients 30-90min multiple-client sales-logistics mtgs, 3-5/wk, 3-7 clients 2hr mthly breakfast mtgs for new member recruiting, 20-35 participants 40-90min organizing ctee mtgs: 4-7 volunteer business people 30-90min Calgary Stampede event organizing mtgs: 10-15 volunteer business people 45-90min mthly or wkly ctee and logistics mtgs; 5-15 volunteers wkly & mthly 2hr progress and logistics mtgs, 8-15 volunteer business people wkly 30-90min logistics mtgs and briefings, 5-25 volunteers 3 mths 2 yrs 10 mths 3 mths 1 mth 4 mths 1.3 yrs 9 mths 4 yrs 1 yr 4 yrs 3 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 1 yr Chairing Technique Begin meetings with operational highlights, never low lights; end meetings on high motivational note; take the time to explain and share operational details so staff can genuinely participate; give credit to the staff Executive Presentations TORONTO STAR – SHERATON – THE SPA - GPC - LIVENT 1979-08 TOURISM TORONTO - IYC - OUR COUNTRY - CROWNE PLAZA CONCORDIA - ROYAL YORK - ROSEDALEPOLITICAL ASSN CHESTNUT PARK - DELTA - SHERATON - FOUR SEASONS MONTESSORI - COFC - PROGRESS CLUB 959 executive presentations, 5 minutes to 2 hours, 4-30 execs - 18 years 53 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 54 – MANAGEMENT SKILLS: (cont’d) Executive Presentations TorStar (continued) Sheraton Ctr The Spa GPC Livent Tourism TO. Crowne Plaza Concordia Royal York Chestnut Delta Dir of Mktg 15 60-min internal concept presentations to Toronto Star execs; avg 4 people: Publisher, Dir of Circulation, Circulation Marketing Manager, Communications Manager, Newspaper-in-Education Manager, VP Marketing, Managing Editor, Dir of Communications, VP Advertising, Directors and Senior Mangers of Advertising 26 45-min sponsorship presentations to executives: Pizza Pizza (5), GM (2), IBM (2), Upath.com (2), Toronto Star Advertising Dept (4), Bell Canada, Sprint, Greyhound, Apple Computer, Compact, Roots, Corel, The Bay, Business Depot, Cossette (3), Nike 61 60-min partnership presentations to executives: Presidents, university Deans, VP’s of Admin and Communications of 14 universities and colleges 3 20min-presentations of 3hr hotel updates to Starwood Regional Office: VP Operations, VP Sales & Mktg Cda, VP Finance Cda, Reg Dir of Revenue Mgmt, Reg Dir HR, Reg Dir Food & Beverage, hotel execs 5 20-60min presentations on electronic marketing 8 20min presentations: annual forecast and re-forecasts and marketing plan: GM, Dir of Sales & Mktg, Dir of Sales, VP Sales & Mktg, Starwood Dir CRM (Customer Relations Management), Dir Revenue Mgt, Dir Resource Mgmt, Controller 7 2-3hr Board of Directors Marketing presentations: 2 Board members, Exec Dir of the spa 1 60min strategy and budget campaign results presentation to Exec Director of spa and Sr Sales & Mktg Mgr 23 60-90min presentations: to internal executives and to execs of sponsor companies and campaign committees 200 10min presentations at 1-3 2-3hr Show-Specific Marketing Meetings/wk; 5-15 participants, SVPs, VPs, directors and managers 20 10min presentations as part of 1hr wkly Senior Sales Meeting, core group of SVP, new VP Sales (US), Regional Director (Chicago) 100 15min presentations as part of wkly 1½ hr Global Sales Meeting that I chaired, 11-15 cross-Canada and cross USA VPs, Directors, Managers 100 5min presentations as part of wkly 3hr Marketing Meeting, chaired by Garth Drabinsky CEO Livent, and attended by 30 SVPs, VPs, directors, ad agency execs 2 40min presentations to board of directors, incl. Pres Tourism Toronto 1 30min presentation to hotel exec ctee 8 10min presentations to board of directors, 18-22 members 2 20min presentation to hotel exec ctee, 10 participants, Regional VP & GM, Dir of Sales, Controller, Chef, operating managers 16 10min presentations to mthly dept head mtgs, 30 participants 5 30min presentations to Exec Ctee and owners mtgs on mktg plan and re-structuring, 4-6 participants, incl. Dr. Wu and Mr. Henry Wu 10 50min presentations to owners-Deloitte Touche, 7 participants on marketing plans 5 10min presentations at mthly Dept Head meetings, 20 participants 5 yrs 1½ yrs 6 mths 4 mths 2 yrs 10 mths 4 mths 1 yr 1.3 yrs 9 mths 42 30min mthly owners mtgs, incl. Pres Delta Canada, VP & GM, 4 yrs corp VP’s, Dir of Sales, 7 participants 40 10min presentations at mthly exec ctee mtgs, 10 participants 30 30-60min presentations, 6-8/yr, during semi-annual budgeting and re-budgeting exercises, 10 participants: Pres. Delta chain, corp VP mktg, corp VP sales, corp VP finance, GM, Dir of Sales LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 55 – MANAGEMENT SKILLS: Executive Presentations (cont’d) Dir of Sales (continued) Sheraton 40 10min presentations at mthly Dept Head mtgs, 10 participants 12 10min presentations at mthly owners mtgs, incl. Pres Delta Canada, VP & gm, corp vp’s, Dir of Sales, 7 participants 12 10min presentations at mthly exec ctee mtgs 8 30-60min presentations, 8/yr, during semi-annual budgeting and rebudgeting exercises, 10 participants: Pres. Delta chain, corp VP mktg, corp VP sales, corp VP finance 11 10min presentations at mthly exec ctee mtgs, 10 participants 45 10min presentations at mthly dept head mtgs, 20 participants 16 20-40min presentations at quarterly owner mtgs, 4 participants 1 yr 4 yrs Volunteer St Michael’s Choir School It’s Our Country S King Home Ch of Commerce Rosedale Liberal Presentation Technique Staff Coaching 5 5min presentations to committee for annual Lottery dinner dance with objective to raise $20,0000 for choir music program 10 30min presentations to core ctee meetings 30 5-10min presentations at mthly ctee mtgs, 10-12 directors 30 15min presentations at mthly ctee mtgs, 10 participants 2 yrs 1 yr 2 yrs 2 yrs 4 5min presentations at mthly board of directors mtgs, 15-28 direc- 2 yrs tors Look professional, clear, and articulate; prepare and hand out an agenda; tell them what I'm going to tell them, tell them, and summarize; back up conclusions and information with quantitative data; use prepared easels and white boards and lots of visuals; place quantitative and statistical data into graphs for quick visual understanding; use overhead projector with prepared foils; hand out summaries and relevant information for discussion; professionally package presentation hand outs; ask questions to ensure that they understood TORONTO STAR – THE SPA - TOURISM TORONTO - IT’S YOUR COUNTRY - LALONDE+ASSOC - ROYAL YORK - CHESTNUT DELTA - SHERATON - FOUR SEASONS - ADVISOR PUBLICATIONS - LAND TITLES OFFICE 1974-08 6,010 hrs of staff coaching, 75 executive, management, sales, and support staff - 20¾ years TorStar Sheraton Ctr The Spa L+A Livent 1998 60 hrs 40 hrs 10 hrs 756 hrs 45 hrs 25 hrs 40 hrs 700 hrs 300 hrs 300 hrs 200 hrs 100 hrs 30 hrs 14 1 1 4 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 contractors, 1 support staff Dir of Sales & Mktg, 3 mths Dir of Revenue Management Mktg Coordinators, 2 hrs/wk Sr. Sales & Mktg Mgr Marketing Coordinator L+A marketing coordinator Marketing Coordinators Dir of Tour & Travel, 3 hrs/wk Dir of Sales Operations, 5 hrs/wk Dir of Education and Direct Marketing, 1 hr/wk Regional Dir of Sales Buffalo, 1 hr/wk Regional Dir of Sales Vancouver, 20 min /wk 5 yrs 1½ yrs 4 mths 5 yrs 2 yrs 55 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 56 – MANAGEMENT SKILLS: (cont’d) Staff Coaching (continued) 1997-98 1997 L+A Tourism To. Royal York Chestnut Delta Dir of Mktg Dir of Sales Sheraton 300 hrs 30 hrs 40 hrs 10 hrs 60 hrs 25 hrs 100 hrs 50 hrs 150 hrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dir of Corporate Sales, 3 hrs/wk Dir of Ticketing and Box Office, 20 min/wk Outbound Group Sales Supervisor, 1 hr/day (2 mths) Regional Director Cleveland, 20 min/wk, 14 mths Manager Tour & Travel, 2 hrs/wk Direct Marketing Dir, 1 hr/wk Regional Director Windsor, 2 hrs/wk Manager Mobile Box Office, 1 hr/wk Corporate Sales Manager, 3 hrs/wk 24 hrs 260 hrs 40 hrs 50 hrs 1 1 1 1 development assistant, 2 hrs/wk Marketing Coordinator, 4 hrs/wk support staff, 40 hrs initially Marketing Coordinator, 1 hr/wk 10 mths 1.3 yrs 10 mths 1,250 hrs 200 hrs 200 hrs 150 hrs 150 hrs 150 hrs 70 hrs 50 hrs 50 hrs 100 hrs 200 hrs 200 hrs 100 hrs 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 6 2 2 2 3 1 Directors of Sales, 5 hrs/wk Directors of PR, 1 hr/wk ongoing Sales Managers, Corporate, 1 hr/wk Sales Managers, Corporate, 1-2 hrs/wk Sales Managers, Tour & Travel, 1-2 hrs/wk Sales Managers, Association, 1-2 hrs/wk Catering Rep (Sales), 1-2 hrs/wk Sales Co-ordinators, 1 hr/wk Sales Secretaries, 1 hr/wk PR Managers, 2 hrs/wk ongoing Sales Managers, 1 hr/day support staff, 1 hr/day Catering Manager, 30 min/wk 4 yrs Coaching Technique Give staff a theoretical understanding of their role on the field, in addition to technical skills; get staff to demonstrate a skill to me, ask them how they felt about it (comfortable, proficient...), if they weren’t comfortable or it was being done improperly, give them a couple of alternatives and ask them to demonstrate or try to imitate them and have them observe what it looks like and ask for feedback; frequently they correct themselves; proceed to outline the benefits of the alternative suggestion; avoid negative criticism as much as possible Staff Development & Promotions SHERATON CTR - LIVENT - DELTA - SHERATON 15 cases: internal management developments and promotions - 12 years Sheraton Ctr 1 development of Mktg Coordinator to International Online Mgr for Starwood Headquarters, NY (coordinator did not have previous online experience) 1 yr 4 yrs 1984-06 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 57 – MANAGEMENT SKILLS: Staff Development & Promotions (cont’d) Sheraton Ctr (cont'd) Livent (continued) Delta Dir of Mktg Dir of Sales Sheraton Staff Hiring 1 development of subsequent Mktg Coordinator: evaluated as strongest Online Coordinator in Canada, by Starwood, no previous hotel or online management experience 1 development of Sales Coordinator (inbound calls) to Sales Manager Corporate, where he did a posting in Los Angeles for Livent, now Sales Manager National Ballet of Canada 1 Tour and Travel Manager to Manager Sales Operations, currently Educational Sales Manager establishing an education program for Famous Players Theatres 1 development of Sales Coordinator to Corporate Sales Manager and Manager of Outbound Group Sales; currently an associate at an Arts Publishing House 1 hiring of Colin Bartley as Sales Rep Govt & Unions promoted to Sr Sales Mgr promoted to Dir of Sales Delta Bow Valley 1 hiring of Vicki Perry as Director of Sales from Director of Sales position at Chimo Hotel, promoted to Regional Director of Mktg Delta Hotels (Western Region) 1 hiring of Charlotte Cloutier from school as Sales Rep promoted to Sales Mgr left for France and is now Director of Development, McGill University School of Mgmt 1 hiring of Sherry Cibio from Canadian Airlines as sales manager (no outside field sales experience) promoted to Sr. Sales Manager, then to Director of Sales Delta Meadowvale Hotel, now partner in Achievers Canada (a top line hotel sales training consultantcy) 1 hiring of Cathy Levins as Sales Coordinator (hired from Ryerson), promoted Corporate Sales Mgr to Sr. Sales Mgr, now Director of Sales Meridien Sutton Place 1 promotion of Sue Ann Zankowski from Sr Sales Mgr Association to Asst Director of Sales to Director of Sales promoted to Delta National Delphi Mgr, currently with Cdn Pacific Hotels as Mgr National Sales Systems 1 hiring of Anemike Verheyen from Reservations Mgmt position to Sales Coordinator promoted to Sales Mgr New Travel Agent Business transferred to Delta Mountain Inn as Sales Mgr 1 hiring of Lisa Diamond as PR Coordinator directly from Ryerson, promoted to PR Mgr and went to Cdn Olympic Assn as Promotions Mgr 1 hiring of part time mother (hooked up with remote computer at home) as Sales Mgr Corporate promoted to full time Sr Sales Mgr and then became National Dir of Sales, Westin Hotels 1 hiring of sales rep, Tom Snyder from U of Saskatoon with no sales experience, promoted to Sales Mgr, hired by Proctor & Gamble as Sales Mgr and promoted to Regional Sales Mgr (P&G Toronto Region) TORONTO STAR – SHERATON CTR - THE SPA – LALONDE+ASSOCIATES - LIVENT - TOURISM TORONTO CHESTNUT PARK - DELTA - SHERATON 1982-07 Hired 79 executive, mgmt, sales and support staff – 24½ years 57 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 58 – MANAGEMENT SKILLS: (cont’d) Staff Hiring TorStar (continued) Sheraton Ctr The Spa CMS Inc – L+A CMS Inc Livent Tourism To Chestnut Delta Dir of Mktg Dir of Sales Sheraton Hiring Technique Staff Evaluations 16 student “environmentalists” to do daily checks of 10-40 newspaper racks, record numbers of papers left in racks, clear up discarded papers and put them in special waste containers 3 contract event staff 1 marketing coordinator 3 mktg co-op students 1 Dir of Sales & Marketing (co-hired) Sr Sales & Marketing Manager 1 Marketing Coordinator 1 accountant 1 bookkeeper 5 marketing coordinators 1 accountant 1 Tour and Travel Manager 1 Tour and Travel Coordinator 2 Outbound Group Sales Reps 1 publicists 1 business development assistant 2 Mktg Coordinators 1 support staff 3 1 4 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 1 2 3 2 Directors of Sales PR Managers Sales Secretaries Sales Co-ordinators Catering Reps (Sales) with Catering Mgr Sales Managers, Association Sales Managers, Tour & Travel Sales Manager, Corporate Sales Managers, Tour & Travel Directors of PR interns Director of Sales Sales Managers Corporate/Association sales secretaries catering secretaries 5 yrs 1 ½ yrs 4 mths 5 yrs 2 yrs 10 mths 10 mths 4 yrs 1 yr 4 yrs Keep a personal recruiting list and access this list; get to know people and then bring them aboard; appearance; look for special qualities and ensure that there will be a good team fit; sense of responsibility; team player; promote from within; have candidates meet with at least two colleagues and secure their feedback; look for kind and friendly attitude; take up cases with senior management when candidate’s talents may not be obvious to them TOURISM TORONTO - SHERATON - LALONDE+ASSOC - IT’S YOUR COUNTRY - ROYAL YORK - CHESTNUT PARK - DELTA SHERATON Produced 228 performance evaluations, over a 15 year period 1974-06 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 59 – MANAGEMENT SKILLS: (cont’d) Staff Evaluations Sheraton (continued) Royal York Delta Dir of Mktg 1 1 2 3 1 8 32 144 Dir of Sales Sheraton 4 Seasons 22 12 2 annual review with goals for Dir of Sales annual review with goals for Dir Revenue Mgmt annual reviews with goals for Mktg Coordinators term-end review for co-op hotel marketing students annual review, admin assistant dept managers, 10 sales mgrs, 8 support semi-annual evaluations of 4 direct reports: semi-annual: 4 pgs, annual 8 pgs; Dir of Sales, Dir of PR, Admin Asst, Promotions Coordinator reviews of semi-annual evaluations with Dir of Sales of indirect reports: sales mgrs, sales coordinators, sales secretaries semi-annual evaluations 5 sales staff (corporate, association, tour and travel, corporate A and corporate B sales reps, catering sales rep), 4 support staff, 1 PR Director annual evaluations: 1 sales manager, 1 sales rep, 1 sales sec’ty support staff Staff Evaluation Technique Consistency in identifying key result areas for management and non-management personnel; establish expectations/goals; for each area, monitor and assess performance, interview employees and discuss assessment providing written documentation; set an agreed upon monthly target; reviewed targets every month; results: sales quotas achieved more often; corporate culture became such that staff prioritized time; managers did same exercise with their staffs Staff Terminations LIVENT - DELTA - SHERATON Terminated 12 staff Livent Delta Dir of Mktg Dir of Sales Sheraton 1½ yrs 1.3 yrs 4 yrs 1 yr 4 yrs 3 yrs 1985-98 over an 11 year period 1 2 2 1 1 1 Corporate Sales Manager Managers of Mobile Box Office Regional Directors of Sales (Cleveland and Windsor) Sales Coordinator, Systems Director Direct Marketing Sales Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Director of Sales admin assistant PR Coordinator sales rep 59 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 60 – MANAGEMENT SKILLS: (cont’d) On-the-Job Training L+A - TORONTO STAR – SHERATON – THE SPA - LIVENT - TOURISM TORONTO - IT’S OUR COUNTRY - ROYAL YORK CHESTNUT - DELTA - SHERATON - 4 SEASONS - ADVISOR LAND TITLES OFFICE - MCKAY 1974-08 Trained 103 staff – 29 yrs 3,137 hrs of staff training – 29 yrs TorStar Sheraton Ctr The Spa Lalonde+Assoc Livent Tourism To It’s Our Country Royal York Chestnut Delta Dir of Mktg Dir of Sales Sheraton 4 Seasons Advisor LT Office McKay On the Job Training Technique 30 hrs 5 yrs 110 hrs 456 hrs 25 hrs 25 hrs 240 hrs 40 hrs 20 hrs 40 hrs 40 hrs 15 hrs 6 hrs 40 hrs 40 hrs 130 hrs 14 student “environmentalists” to do daily checks of 10-40 newspaper racks, record numbers of papers left in racks, clear up discarded papers and put them in recycling containers; 30% in-person, 70% by phone 1 Dir of Sales & Mktg 4 Mktg Coordinators, 3 marketing co-op trainees 1 Marketing Coordinator 1 Sr Sales & Mktg Mgr 5 Marketing Coordinators 1 bookkeeper 1 administrator 1 Corporate Sales Manager, 1 wk intensive 1 Corporate Sales Manger, over a 1 year period 15 venue site staff 2 support staff 1 Marketing Coordinator, 1 hr/wk 1 support staff, 40 hrs initially 1 Marketing Coordinator, 2 wks initially, 1 hr/wk ongoing 240 hrs 80 hrs 80 hrs 40 hrs 40 hrs 40 hrs 40 hrs 20 hrs 30 hrs 80 hrs 100 hrs 110 hrs 80 hrs 160 hrs 60 hrs 40 hrs 80 hrs 80 hrs 400 hrs 80 hrs 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 6 2 2 7 1 2 3 1 1 1 10 1 4 yrs Directors of Sales, 2 wks initially Directors of PR, 1 wk initially, 1 hr/wk ongoing PR Managers, 40 hrs in 1st mth Sales Managers, Corporate, 20 hrs in 1st wk Sales Managers, Corporate, 20 hrs in 1st wk Sales Managers, Tour & Travel, 20 hrs in 1st wk Sales Managers, Association, 20 hrs in 1st wk Catering Rep (Sales) 20 hrs in 1st wk Sales Co-ordinators, 5 hrs in 1st wk Sales Secretaries, 40 hrs in 1st mth PR Managers, 2 hrs/wk ongoing interns, 10 hrs in 1st wk, 2 hrs/wk ongoing Director of Sales, 2 wks Sales Managers, 2 wks initially support staff, 20 hrs initially Catering Manager, 1wk sales training Sales Manager, 2 wks Advtg Sales Rep, 2 wks title search clerks, 1 wk land and legal runner, 2 wks Encourage trainee to read manuals and set goals; recognize individual needs, zoom in on their needs and mould them; show and tell; take the time to explain the "why" of a step or procedure; don’t criticize, explain; “Don't worry about making mistakes."; have trainee repeat back a procedure to verify that it has been absorbed; constant praise and reinforcement to build trainee's confidence for the next step; ongoing feedback on progress 1½ yrs 4 mths 5 yrs 2 yrs 10 mths 1 mth 1.3 yrs 10 mths 1 yr 4 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 1 yr 1 yr LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 61 – MARKETING SKILLS Budgeting ............................ ..................................................................................................... 60 Forecasting ........................ ..................................................................................................... 62 Business Evaluations ...... ..................................................................................................... 63 Analysis ............................... ..................................................................................................... 68 Marketing, Partnerships, Sponsorships .......................................................................... 69 Ad Agency Management ..................................................................................................... 73 Ad & Creative Agency Liaison............................................................................................ 75 Ad Agency Reviews......... ..................................................................................................... 76 Surveys ................................ ..................................................................................................... 77 Focus Groups .................... ..................................................................................................... 77 Purchasing ......................... ..................................................................................................... 78 Supplier Relations ............ ..................................................................................................... 74 Promotion Event Organization ........................................................................................... 81 Marketing Major New or Re-Positioned Products ........................................................................ 83 Electronic Marketing .......... .................................................................................. 84 Marketing during Construction ................................................................................. 85 Fund Raising Organizer .................................................................................. 87 Systems Development .... ..................................................................................................... 88 Budgeting TORONTO STAR – SHERATON – THE SPA – LIVENT - TOURISM1978-07 TORONTO - IT’S YOUR COUNTRY - CROWNE PLAZA - ROYAL YORK - CHESTNUT PARK - DELTA - SHERATON - FOUR SEASONS - PROGRESS CLUB - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 626 budgets: annual, semi-annual and project budgets over a 15-year period Toronto Star 4 24 100 24 52 52 52 16 5 6 1 Sheraton Ctr 1 2 2 9 2 42 annual budgets – Excel-based, personally designed 5 yrs monthly budgets (updates) wkly 11-day (university) campus budgets mthly actuals reports wkly individual university/campus budgets Greater Toronto Area university campus budgets Province of Ontario university campus summary budgets budget spreadsheets (per university, linked into above reports) sponsorship budgets semi-annual operational cost budgets, built spreadsheet evaluation of new packaging / consolidation of other Toronto Star divisions Annual guest room sales revenue budget 2005 – Groups, Busi2 yrs ness IT, Leisure, Associations, Corp, Tour Year end re-forecasts: Gross Room Sales Revenues Annual Sales & Mktg $ budgets $6.5 million (2005 with renovation plans and supporting rationale) $6.3 million (2006) Re-forecasts for $6.5 million Sales And Marketing Expense budgets Mid-year PowerPoint presentations of Mktg & Sales Revenue Results and Forecasts Sales & Mktg expense Budget Forecasts for end-of-month, midmonth, first of month 61 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 62 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Budgeting Sheraton Ctr (continued) The Spa CMS Inc Livent TT Country Crowne Pl Royal York Chest. Park Delta Delta (cont’d) C of Com 4 Seasons CBTA 1 Zero-based 12-mth Revolving Mktg Expense Budget – Excelbased; personally designed to control and plan all aspects of marketing: advertising, online and electronic marketing, collateral, Starwood marketing programs, sales travel activities, production 18 Updated zero-based Excel Mktg Expense budgets with actuals and forecasted activities and expenses 6 On-line Marketing Plans with budgets 3 Expense Budget Renovation 3 Revenue Renovation Sales Mix 2 Campaign initiative projections 1 Web project budget 18 show budgets, $3,000 to $3.4 million/ show 10 sales dept expense budgets 48 wkly MAP's (mthly action plan) for each market that showed sales-marketing expenditures 6 weeks out, since Sept 1998 7 major budgets and updates for 2 events, and 5 initiatives 1 zero based budget for rally operations and managing of donations and expenses 1 zero based budget for event and management of expenses 2 pro-formas and business plans for strategic entertainment partnerships with shows ‘Show Boat’, ‘Sunset Blvd’ 2 pro-formas and business plans for strategic operations and infrastructure partnerships with TicketMaster, TicketKing 1 pro-forma and business plans for cultural project Barnes Exhibit (Art Gallery of Ontario) 1 annual mktg budget for 1400-room hotel 2 zero based 12-month revolving marketing and advertising budgets 2 annual mktg budgets for 450-room hotel 4 annual budgets for 1600-room hotel (1990-92) top and bottom line, sales mix, expenses, concept, strategies... 3 annual budgets for 977-room hotel 10 zero-based 12-month budgets, top and bottom line, sales mix, expenses 15 semi-annual budgets 60 zero-based ongoing expense budgets: salaries, travel, supplies and stationery, advertising, printing, promotions, memberships, owners fees, corporate overhead allocation 6 semi-annual sales operating budgets 6 ongoing project budgets: exhibits, travel, special projects, events, pre-opening budgets 3 budgets on special projects 8 budgets on PR activities: client receptions, fund-raising events, media promotions 8 budgets on PR activities: client receptions, fund-raising events, media promotions 2 budgets on entertainment and on delegate convention kits 6 mths 5 yrs 2 yrs 6 mths 2 mths 4 mths 1.3 yrs 9 mths 5 yrs 2 yrs 6 yrs 3 yrs LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 63 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Forecasting TORSTAR – SHERATON - LIVENT - TOURISM TORONTO - IT’S YOUR COUNTRY - CROWNE PLAZA - ROYAL YORK CHESTNUT PARK - DELTA 1986-07 531 forecasts: annual, semi-annual and project forecasts over a 19½-year period 3 forecasts for annual budgets – Excel-based, personally designed 24 forecasts for monthly budgets (updates) 50 forecasts for wkly 11-day (university) campus budgets 24 forecasts for mthly actuals reports 52 forecasts for wkly individual university/campus budgets 52 forecasts for Greater Toronto Area university campus budgets 52 forecasts for Province of Ontario university campus summary budgets 16 forecasts for budget spreadsheets (per university, linked into above reports) 5 forecasts for sponsorship budgets 3 annual program expense budgets 2 evaluation of new packaging / consolidations of other Toronto Star divisions for presentation to major sponsor; built spreadsheet Sheraton Ctr 2 Year End re-forecasts: Gross Room Sales Revenues 9 Re-forecasts for $6 million Sales and Marketing Expense budgets 2 Mid-year PowerPoint presentations of Mktg & Sales Revenue Results and Forecasts 42 Sales & Mktg expense Budget Forecasts for end-of-month, midmonth, first of month 18 Updated zero-based Excel mktg Expense budgets with actuals and forecasted activities and expenses Livent 18 annual and semi-annual forecasts of group sales, $300,000 to $3.4 million per show 10 sales dept expense forecasts 48 wkly MAP's (mthly action plan) for each market that showed salesmarketing expenditures 6 weeks out, since Sept 1998 TT 7 major expense forecasts (sales and expenses) and updates for 2 events, and 5 initiatives Royal York 2 forecasts business plans for strategic entertainment partnerships with shows ‘Show Boat’, ‘Sunset Blvd’ 2 forecasts for business plans for strategic operations and infrastructure partnerships with TicketMaster, TicketKing Royal York 1 forecast for business plans for cultural project Barnes Exhibit (Art (cont’d) Gallery of Ontario) 2 zero based 12 month revolving marketing and advertising forecast Metropolitan 2 annual mktg forecasts for 450-room hotel & Chest Park 1 updated marketing forecast Delta 4 annual sales forecasts for 1600-room hotel (1990-92) top and bottom line, sales mix, expenses, concept, strategies... 3 annual sales forecasts for 977-room hotel 15 semi-annual updated sales forecasts 60 zero-based ongoing expense forecasts: salaries, travel, supplies and stationery, advertising, printing, promotions, memberships, owners fees, corporate overhead allocation Toronto Star 63 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 64 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Forecasting Technique Discipline and perseverance in attacking large volumes of data; analytical: constant attention to where we were and why we were there; watch out for outside influences: survey, survey, survey; give sales reps basic histories with trends, and ask them to fill in the blanks; avoid exclusively mathematical or intuitive forecast; break data into small manageable segments, and then put it all back together again; later, accumulate forecasts to form an overall forecast; give out information to solicit comment - and give praise for accurate forecasts; watch for other industry trends Business Evaluations TORONTO STAR – SHERATON - THE SPA - LIVENT - TOURISM TORONTO - ROYAL YORK - DELTA - SHERATON - FOUR SEASONS 1979-07 Approx 4,061 business evaluations 30 minutes to 1-day, individually and as part of daily, wkly and monthly evaluations of new and ongoing business over a 25 year period: sponsorship programs, partnership programs, marketing programs, advertising program, F&B packages (Food & Beverage), F&B-room-convention packages.... TorStar university campus readership programs 5 yrs university newspaper editor mentorship programs university speaker program evaluation of new packaging / consolidation of other Toronto Star educational divisions within the program 12 sponsorship program evaluations: General Motors, Pizza Pizza (5), U-Path.com, Star.com 8 evaluations of individual partnerships with universities (at the outset of the program) prepared as part of the internal sign-off process, and to identify what could be traded in the final stages of negotiations Sheraton Ctr 2 yrs 12 Sponsorships 2 Ticket Master (annual) 4 TD Canada Trust Downtown Jazz Festival 6 additional miscellaneous proposals: Distillery District Jazz Festival Miss Canada Tourism Pageant Miss Molson Indy… 2 Media sponsorships: 8 Entercom Radio in Buffalo and Rochester (Jazz –FM radio station) Steda-Marketing media sponsorship for live theatre Mirvish Productions; 23 Sponsorship evaluations 4 TD Canada Trust Jazz Festival sponsorships (2 proposals and 1 re-cap) 2 4 1 1 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 65 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Business Evaluations Sheraton Ctr (continued) 12 (cont’d) 4 TicketMaster 1 Distillery District Jazz Festival proposal 4 Canadian Opera Company 1 Rogers Cup Tennis sponsorships 1 Miss Molson Indy sponsorships 1 Cirque du Soleil sponsorships 2 Legends of Golf 4 misc Sponsorship proposals 3 Toronto Jazz Alliance business plans 48 Media Promotion sponsorships 8 Entercom Buffalo and Rochester Radio and Online: Evaluation of media promotions for the hotel to sponsor 2 Standard Radio Ontario 8 STEDA marketing 1 Jazz FM1 20 TD-Canada Trust Jazz Festival Celebrity Hosting 24 Starwood Mktg and Co-Op Opportunity sponsorships 1 Blue Man Group sponsorship 15 Mirvish Productions sponsorships and partnerships with 1 Lord of the Rings 6 Mamma Mia 1 Da Kink in My Hair 6 Hairspray 1 Producers Toronto Entertainment pkgs with TicketKing, OTMP and Mirvish programs and partnerships 2 VIA Rail 1 Andrea Bocelli 2 CAA (Canadian Automobile Assn) 2 Telus 1 American Airlines 1 Hockey 12 Tourism Toronto marketing partnerships and sponsorships 15 Annual RFP’s (requests for proposals) evaluated, recommended pricing and concessions annually for top accounts: El Al Airlines Air Transat Bell, Corporate accounts, tour groups, conventions government 36 Media advertising, multi-media proposals: evaluated proposals from MPI (Meeting Planners international) PCMA Convene (Prof Convention Mgmt Assn) M&IT (Meetings & Incentive Travel) NYSAE (NY Society of Assn Execs) Amex ‘Contact’ Magazine, Canadian Opera Company, 65 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 66 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Business Evaluations Sheraton Ctr (cont’d) (continued) The Spa GPC Livent 1 4 6 70 70 100 24 420 Toronto Getaway Newspaper Tourism Toronto Digital Planner Destination Magazine CTC (Canadian Tourism Commission) Plan Soft CSAE (Canadian Society of Assn Executives) Spa Train (VIA) partnership 4 mths Advertising and Sponsorship evaluations evaluations of sponsorship projects as part of the pro3 mths cess to bid for the sponsorship contract evaluations during the conceptualization and negotiat- 2 yrs ing period of new programs with clients evaluations immediately after the program where programs were incorporated as top clients and partners examples: 2 evaluations of general annual sponsorship contracts with Movenpick Restaurants, 2 wks: 1 evaluation of Movenpick Dinner Package, 7 wks ongoing 1 evaluation of Toronto Tours Dinner Packages where tours and their logistics were Movenpick dinner packages, 2 hrs 2 evaluations of Christmas Campaign specials with Movenpick, 4 wks days 1 evaluation of Canadian Professional Sales Assn joint sales promotion, 2 hrs 1 evaluation of US Dept of Defence (Pentagon) program for Livent product to be offered at a discount rate to all military personnel - staff voucher program, 1 hr evaluation 1 evaluation of Yankee Holidays-Boston, 8 hr evaluation over a 6 mth period for the initial concept and creation of Livent Express (theatre-based air-railhotel-bus tour packages that are based around theatre) and ticket prices 1 evaluation of Keytours-Windsor 1-day (theatrebased air-rail-hotel-bus tour packages that are based around theatre) and ticket prices 1 2hr evaluation of top US tour operator (Debolt Cleveland) on ticket prices and programs (theatrebased bus tour packages) that are based around theatre) and ticket prices 1 3mth evaluation of proposed music Subscription Series in Toronto and Vancouver others: Delta Chelsea Hotel, CN Tower, Business Barter Exchange, Lasso Communications/Grey Advertising, BCE Place, AT&T, Canadian Airlines, Toronto Getaway, National Ballet, Harbourfront, Young Peoples Theatre, Stratford, Toronto Life... weekly evaluations of performance of business lines, performance week-over-week, WTD over previous year... mthly evaluations of top clients and programs as businesses, more in-depth analysis: client production, separate from daily and weekly daily evaluations of our business lines, total mix of all programs within the revenue analysis LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 67 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Business Evaluations Livent (cont’d) (continued) Tourism Toronto Star Trek 100 wkly evaluations-reviews of ad agency campaigns ($150 million/yr) where each week full presentations were made by 2 agencies which were critiqued by the team and decisions made on which campaign to pursue; review team: 24 people: Garth Drabinsky, VPs and SVPs and agencies presidents, VPs, directors (Echo Advertising, Thornley Advertising) 10 mths 70 1hr-3wk evaluations: i.e. Air Canada*: promotional airline tickets, title sponsorship Bell Global Solutions*: Internet Web Site, telephone reservations, fulfillment, title sponsorship Bell Mobility*: cellular phone services Canadian Airlines*: promotional airline tickets and title sponsorship Spar Aerospace*: title sponsorship, key exhibit 1050 CHUM* CHUM FM: media partner Toronto Sun*: media partner TV Guide*: media partner Where Toronto* Where New York: media partner CITY TV/The New VR MuchMusic*: media partner Telemedia: media partner Calgary Sun*: media partner Edmonton Sun*: media partner Ottawa Sun*: media partner Viacom: license; programming content, merchandise, communications, ad and promotion content, talent, contras Paramount Pictures: potential partnership, distribution percentages for Ontario Place, ticket prices, promotion and media giveaways, Canadian launch of new movie, media partners, timing, ad content Famous Players: theatre location, Canadian launch of new movie, partnership Star Trek Communicator: media partner Crown Plaza Toronto*: host hotel, celebrity accommodations, press facilities CP SkyDome Hotel*: prize accommodations Millenitex*: merchandise, t-shirts Toronto Colony Hotel*: prize accommodations Distican*: celebrity sponsorships Wonderland*: $10,000 talent sponsorship and $5,000 program sponsorship CN Tower*: partnership, cash, celebrity sponsorship Ontario Place*: partnership, cash Ontario Science Ctr*: partnership, cash, celebrity sponsorship Star Trek: The Exhibit*: partnership Atlantis Complex*: partnership Edleman Group - DuMaurier: title sponsorship Bell Canada: title sponsorship Basstoy Int’l - Kellogg: title sponsorship, program sponsorship Microsoft: title sponsorship 67 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 68 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Business Evaluations Star Trek (continued) Stages Crowne Plaza Royal York 15 1 9 50 26 CP Vancouver Metropolitan Hotel 1 1 50 1 1 Delta Dir of Mktg Cara - Swiss Chalet: title sponsor Future Call (N.Y): partnership and sponsorship of $500,000 Star Conference II 1-2hr evaluations of title sponsorship for the festival, i.e. Altamira, AT&T, Visa, Chrysler, Grey Interactive Sprint, Bell, duMaurier, Fidelity, BBDO Bell, BCP / Benson & Hedges, Scotia Bank, Scotia Capital... evaluation of strategic partnership with Royal Conserv- 4 mths atory of Music 3hr-1mth evaluations of new programs 1.3 yrs TicketMaster for implementation of TicketMaster in hotel reservation centre TicketKing for implementation of TicketKing in hotel reservation centre Live Entertainment for Official Hotel status for Sunset Boulevard Beauty and the Beast for partnership Canadian Stage Company for joint partnership National Ballet of Canada for strategic partnership on Nutcracker Air Ontario, VIA Rail Compaq Computers for joint promotion Macintosh Computers, this became a national program for CP Hotels wkly evaluations of the TicketMaster, TicketKing, Live Entertainment programs wkly evaluations for 6 months of the newspaper advertising-for-contra programs with 16 wkly newspapers 3-day evaluation of Livent-Ticketmaster affiliationsponsorship in Vancouver 1mth evaluation of the existing branding of the hotel's 3 mths current franchise with Best Western Hotels; was it appropriate for the more upscale facility that the owners had purchased and were going to invest $14 million to upgrade; sourced other franchises affiliations wkly evaluations of newspaper advertising-for-contraprograms evaluations of Sharp Electronics strategic alliance 2wk evaluation of charitable organization for association with the Hotel 1 1yr evaluation project of Delta hotel expansion to be4 yrs coming Canada's largest hotel: 1,600 rooms; there were no local benchmarks for this: positioning, marketing, sales, food & beverage, rooms, staffing levels,... 13 evaluations during the conceptualization and negotiating period of new programs with clients 13 evaluations immediately after the program where programs were incorporated as top clients and partners examples of business lines: 1 6mth evaluation of Live Entertainment strategic alliance on “The Phantom of the Opera” 4 1wk re-evaluations of Live Entertainment program 1 2wk evaluation of “Miss Saigon” program for host hotel LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 69 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Business Evaluations Delta 1 2wk evaluation TicketMaster facilities program, in the hotel Dir of Mktg (continued) 40 400 Dir of Sales Sheraton 4 Seasons Analysis 250 2,000 150 1 2wk evaluation TicketKing facilities in the hotel 1 1mth evaluation Canadian Olympic Assn as official host hotel, 2 contracts 1 evaluation of initial newspaper advertising-for-contra program 3 1mth evaluations as a sponsoring hotel of du Maurier Jazz 4hr mthly evaluations with reports to president, GM, owners including the above programs 30min-2hr evaluations of business: 2/wk, room rates, convention Food & Beverage (F&B) packages 30min-2hr evaluations of business: 5/wk, room rates, 1 yr convention F&B packages 30min-2hr evaluations of business: 10/wk, room rates, 4 yrs convention F&B packages evaluations, 1/wk, room rates, convention F&B pack3 yrs ages TORONTO STAR - SHERATON - THE SPA - LIVENT - TOURISM TORONTO - CROWNE PLAZA - ROYAL YORK - CHESTNUT PARK - DELTA - SHERATON 14,900 hours of analysis Toronto Star Sheraton Ctr The Spa Livent 1982-08 - 21 years 2,900 hrs, 60% of working hours 5 yrs troubleshooting of statistics generated by internal IS sponsorship deals campus partnership negotiations 11-day wkly campus reports… 4 intercept surveys, analysed and transferred into sales and media communications Penn State research to develop business plan and support feasibility of Campus Readership Program 2012 hrs, 65% of working hours 2 yrs sponsorship programs sales & mktg programs results & analysis market trends employee feedback customer feedback Industry analysis 286 hrs, 40% of working hours 6 mths marketing and operations strategic marketing price, service, product review campaign results measurement analysis 645 hrs, 25% of working hours sales results and performance patterns market trends focus group data for Group Sales (Goldfarb) customer feedback focus group Individual Ticket Sales data (Goldfarb) employee feedback 2 yrs 69 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 70 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Analysis Royal York (continued) Chestnut Park Delta Sheraton 320 hrs, 10% of working hours industry analysis customer feedback employee feedback sales analyses market trends 250 hrs, 10% of working hours industry analyses customer feedback employee feedback sales analyses market trends 7,400 hrs, 40% of working hours industry analyses customer feedback employee feedback sales analyses market trends 1,100 hrs, 10% of working hours 1.3 yrs 9 mths 5 yrs 4 yrs Analysis Technique Emphasis on research, analysis and marketing planning; break data into small manageable segments, then put it all back together again; get good quality and timely information from the market; non-rigid initial research plan emphasis on quantitative vs qualitative for early documentation; data is translated into graphs to visually show trends; draw my own conclusions; develop new ideas Marketing / Partnerships / Sponsorships TORONTO STAR – SHERATON - LIVENT - TOURISM TORONTO 1989-06 - IT’S YOUR COUNTRY - CROWNE PLAZA - CONCORDIA ROYAL YORK - WATERFRONT CENTRE HOTEL (VANCOUVER) HOTEL VANCOUVER - DELTA CHELSEA INN Examples of 43 programs managed over an 11½-year period TorStar 17 programs: partnerships with York U, U of Toronto (8: Rotman School of Management University College New College Faculty of Fine Arts Faculty of Law Faculty of Physical Education & Health Graduate House 5 yrs LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 71 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Marketing / Partnerships Sponsorships TorStar (cont’d) (continued) 4 Sheraton Ctr 4 Livent 2 4 2 Tourism To. It’s Your Country 2 1 1 University of Toronto (cont’d) Scarborough Campus Queen’s University (Kingston) Wilfrid Laurier U (Kitchener) Ryerson U Seneca (Finch-Don Mills) York University (King City) Durham College (Whitby-Oshawa) Georgian College (Barrie-Midland-Orillia) Conestoga College Residence (Kitchener) Nipissing U (North Bay) Centennial College Residence sponsorship programs: Pizza Pizza, U-Path.com, Star.com, General Motors Programs: 2 TD-Canada Trust Downtown Jazz: negotiated and managed 2 TicketMaster sponsorship contracts 3 Mirvish Productions live theatre productions Mamma Mia Hairspray The Producers 2 Toronto Jazz Alliance partnerships 2 Canadian Opera Company Wine Auction sponsorships 8 Entercom Radio Buffalo & Rochester Media sponsorship-partnerships 4 Toronto Entertainment pkgs with TicketKing programs: negotiated and managed 2 sponsorship contracts with a major Toronto-based upscale restaurant chain - Movenpick; programs and benefits included Theatre Dinner packages that became major group and consumer campaigns producing $300,000 ticket revenue in year one; contra food and beverage to host top client events, cross marketing campaigns. programs: member of group under Sr VP Sponsorship that created and presented programs to affiliate AT&T with Livent including; the AT&T Curtain Call Club, sponsorship of Livent sales and tourism programs; Livent secured cash sponsorship fee and access to a new market of AT&T customers programs: managed 2 sponsorship contracts with 1,600-room Delta Chelsea Inn developing and implementing sales and marketing programs programs: Star Trek: The Festival and Stages program: established the program and negotiated sponsorships from corporations, service organizations, community organizations to finance the operations of Quebec-Canada Travel Program program: negotiated sponsorships for $20,000 value of services and products with ad agency, printer, hotel (Crown Plaza Toronto Centre) signage, musicians, and communication companies 2 yrs 2 yrs 10 mths 1 mths 71 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 72 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Marketing / Partnerships Sponsorships Crowne Plaza Concordia U (continued) Royal York 1 Royal Conservatory of Music: Initiated a relationship for Crowne Plaza to be Official Hotel to the Royal Conservatory of Music. Benefits include endorsement and communication about the hotel to the 50,000-member base and visibility on most programs. Raises community profile and image 1 Metropolitan Hotel Established the Metropolitan Hotel as Official Hotel of the Concordia University Toronto Alumni. Benefits to Alumni include a regular, first class event and meeting facility, and to the hotel a profile to a highly educated group 1 TicketMaster & TicketKing: Negotiated for Royal York the implementation of TicketMaster in the hotel reservation centre; provided recommendations to the 1 Waterfront Centre Hotel and Hotel Vancouver on a TicketMaster strategy 1 Barnes Exhibit: Negotiated for the Royal York Hotel the status of being a Preferred Hotel of the Barnes Exhibit, an exhibit of 80 French Impressionist paintings, which was sold out in Tokyo and Milan. As one of nine hotels participation includes sitting on the marketing board of the exhibit and advising on marketing and advertising programs 1 Live Entertainment: Negotiated the Royal York as being Official Hotel of 'Sunset Blvd'. This partnership is part of launch to position the Royal York with the great entertainment and event venues of Toronto. Program involves inclusion on advertising, TV and collateral, sales activities, publicity, and promotions. 1 Examined feasibility of taking over the sponsorship of the final 6 months of ‘Show Boat’s’ Toronto run from the Delta Chelsea 1 Developed feasibility, proposed and successfully secured consensus on going with ‘Sunset Blvd’ 1 Hockey Hall of Fame and the Design Exchange Partnership as Host Hotel involves managing cross promotions and maximizing visibility on all collateral and marketing material. Designed to position the Royal York as being an integral part of the high profile venues in Toronto which attracts travellers 1 Beauty and the Beast: Initiated discussions and opened up monopoly status of a competing hotel to develop joint promotions with Disney Theatrical Productions LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 73 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Marketing / Partnerships / Sponsorships Royal York (cont’d) (continued) Delta 1 Canadian Stage Company: Established joint partnership where Royal York became participating sponsor along with Royal Bank; to position Royal York with the serious arts and patrons community of Toronto; included in all print ads, publicity, sales activities, received revenues from special dinners and F&B (Food & Beverage) promotions; attracted travellers to stay at The Royal York through access to one of the best cultural entertainment venues in Canada; Official Host Hotel of the new Nutcracker production 1 National Ballet of Canada: Established joint partnership where Royal York became positioned with the Host Hotel 1 Air Ontario, VIA Rail: Developed joint programs, and tagged onto collateral to provide visibility and attract travellers to stay at the Royal York 1 Phantom of the Opera: Negotiated the Delta Chelsea Inn as Official Hotel of the Phantom of the Opera. It was the first time that Live Entertainment or a similar Canadian venue had ever worked with a hotel in this manner; contract included co-op advertising, joint promotions, revenue producing rooms and functions and international marketing 1 Miss Saigon: Initiated talks and proposal to David Mirvish and American Express for the Delta Chelsea Inn to become Host Hotel of Miss Saigon's premier opening in 1993 1 TicketMaster & TicketKing: Negotiated for Delta Hotels & Resorts the implementation of TicketMaster in the hotel reservation centre; the first hotel in Canada and upper US to consider and implement such a service. Positioned the hotel as being top of mind with travellers who want to experience theatre, special events, and the great destination attractions Olympics: Negotiated Olympic sponsorship as Delta Chelsea Inn being the official hotel of Canada's Olympic Teams until 1992; $300,000 commitment of services; first time that Canada’s Olympic Team has worked with a hotel sponsor United Nations: Negotiated for the Delta Chelsea Inn the sponsorship of (UNEP) United Nations Environment Program as official hotel du Maurier Jazz: Negotiated sponsorship for the Delta Chelsea Inn as host hotel of the du Maurier Jazz Festival 73 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 74 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Marketing Technique Trends: look at industry trends and develop product to suit the trends and the needs and the interests of consumer groups offering to be competitive in the marketplace and profitable for the company, ensure that the operations groups are capable of delivering the product; strong emphasis on research, analysis, and marketing planning; assess and determine: customer "wants"; customer perception of company's market position and/or products: i.e. does the customer have perceived value for the products; target market in terms of size of trading area, in terms of demographics level of awareness of the target group for the company and/or the product ensure the message sent to the target group will be understood; therefore the message must be of few words and specific; concise and to the point the appropriate market "vehicle" is identified in terms of consumer reach at acceptable awareness levels; Positioning: ensure that product is positioned properly for the marketplace; consistent image projected through promotional material, staff advertising, and operations; use appropriate marketing mix: advertising, sales, publicity, public relations, and collateral material; establish marketing budget; get good quality and timely information from the market and get it into the sales force's hands before they ask for it; detailed practical examination of market trends and dynamics packaged for salesmen; close contact with PR director and staff on a continuous basis to ensure company image best serviced; provide input for new operational and long term business planning; high priority emphasis on product and market development; ensured that all collateral, ads, and sales material carried a synergistic approach; high success factor in positioning the hotel destination, event marketing 1987-07 Ad Agency Manage- TORONTO STAR – THE SPA - TORONTO STAR TV – THESTAR.COM LIVENT TOURISM TORONTO IT’S YOUR ment COUNTRY -CROWNE PLAZA - ROYAL YORK - CHESTNUT PARK & Co-Management – DELTA 766 campaign and project reviews, briefing documents LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 75 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Ad Agency Management & Co-Management TorStar The Spa Sheraton (continued) Livent Tourism Toronto Royal York 1 MacLaren: 2 mths to set up General Motors sponsorship 11 campaign plans and briefing documents for Toronto Star’s internal advertising group, Toronto Star TV, TheStar.com, external sponsorship direct mail house 1 creative strategy, marketing campaign, web design with president of Thinkhouse design 38 Starwood Creative Services and Customer Relationship Management (CRM); located in White Plains New York: the HQ of Starwood Hotels & Resorts [owner of Sheraton, Westin, ‘W’ Hotels, ‘4 Points Hotels] 1 briefing document and request for multimedia campaign to position $80 million renovation and expansion 1 Garry Kan photographer, briefing document and on-site management of new photography 36 on-line creative requirements and development: web sites, branded web updates, new branded website prototype, collateral development, customer relation online email campaigns 100 wkly reviews of ad agency campaigns ($150 million/yr) where each week full presentations were made by 2 agencies which were critiqued by the team and decisions made on which campaign to pursue; review team: 24 people: Garth Drabinsky, VPs and SVPs and agencies presidents, VPs, directors (Echo Advertising, Thornley Advertising) 100 wkly reviews of all $100 million of media purchases in all markets, same team as above 100 briefing documents or approved briefing documents that went to agencies for sales materials that were required, i.e. full-page 4-colour advertising in magazines and trade publications; newspaper advtg creative and media placement for sales promotions i.e. Livent Express; direct mail creative and list sourcing demographics; brochures for sales promotions: corporate brochure, signage 52 approvals (8 mths) of all Canadian newspaper ticket advertising for Phantom (2/wk); approx $2.5 million 100 approvals (over a 1 year period) of all Canadian sales materials (1/wk): brochures, direct mail pieces, signage, approx $998,000 of projects 10 briefings and approvals for Star Trek project with McCabe Communications 2 briefings to Ambrose, Carr on AT&T sponsorships 35 briefings and approvals (and account management) of BBDO, approx $414,000 10 briefs and reviews with Susan Darragh Design to design and produce ongoing quarterly Royal York client newsletter, $25,000 6 briefs and reviews with copywriter Chris Louden to write quarterly Royal York client newsletter 4 meetings and reviews with Echo Advertising to incorporate Royal York within the Livent newspaper advertising in the upper United States as part of the sponsorship with Livent 6 reviews of Hambly & Wooley's food and beverage signage for main public areas, $27,000 1 project management of $25,000 Mary Nichols (Architectural Digest) photo shoot for a $40,000-creative Conference Planner and use in brochures, advertising, ... to sell Royal York to international conference planners 75 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 76 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Ad Agency Management & Co-Management Metropolitan (1 year) Chestnut (continued) Delta Ad & Creative Agency Liaison 10 briefings to agencies on each project, managed, and approved creative for the Asian market: with Terry O'Connel Communications and Can-Asia 25 reviews of advertising, brochures, signage, conference planners, in-hotel collateral Lacky Communications 1 project: hands-on management Hemisphere (for 8 mths), briefings, all campaigns 32 reviews of positioning campaign with Hemisphere: external advertising, brochures, conference planners to reposition the 1,600 room hotel as the largest in Canada 3 regular agency reviews with Vickers and Benson (agency of record for the Delta Chain and the Delta Chelsea); led 3-person Delta team comprising President of the chain, VP Marketing, VP Sales, and myself; with V&B's President, VPs; responsible for ongoing management of the agency 20 reviews of specific campaign materials with Vickers and Benson 150 reviews (wkly) of sales collateral, in-room collateral, flyers, tent cards, signage, Food & Beverage materials, PR materials with Walton Communications TORONTO STAR – SHERATON – THE SPA - LIVENT - TOURISM TORONTO - CROWNE PLAZA - ROYAL YORK - CHESTNUT PARK - DELTA 1987-08 Dealt with 55 agencies: major to small agencies, creative and communications services providers - 14 years TorStar Sheraton The Spa Livent Advertising in-house Toronto Star Creative Dept Pizza Pizza creative dept Communications Shandwick Graphics Joy Studios Graphics & Print Virtual Visit Orpin & Associates Propaganda Studios Jane Speed Creative Daniel Wise Starwood Creative Services (N.Y.) Digital Graphics Artform Cardy Group (Starwood HQ NY agency) MMG Worldwide PDF Creative BC Pictures Web Virtual Tours Virtual Visit Photography Elaine Kilbornge, Garry Kan Creative Thinkhouse Design Mktg Strategy The Marshall Plan (L.A.) Web Pixel Science Advtg Echo Advertising Thornley Advertising and in-house Advertising Dept 5 yrs 1½ yrs 6 mths LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 77 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Ad & Creative Agency Liaison Tourism Toronto Royal York (continued) Metropolitan Delta Ad Agency Reviews Advtg Ambrose Carr Linton Carrol McCabe Communications Advtg BBDO Echo Advertising Chris Louden Susan Darragh Designs Communications Rossignol & Assoc Hambly & Wooley Photog. Mary E Nichols Photography Advtg Terry O'Connel Communications Can-Asia Lackey Communications Communications Minacs Mitchell Brooks Direct Mail First Avenue Clearing Ad Agency Vickers & Benson Hemisphere Productions Communications Ove Design Kooky / Walton Graphic Minacs Mitchell Brooks Direct Mail First Avenue Clearing - direct mail PR Strategic Objectives (PR) Promenade (PR) BDP / CCG Corp Comm. Group Photography Van der Kolk SHERATON CTR - THE SPA - LIVENT - TOURISM TORONTO CROWNE PLAZA - ROYAL YORK - CHESTNUT PARK - DELTA 16 agency reviews Sheraton Ctr The Spa Tourism Toronto Royal York 10 mths 1.3 yrs 1 yr 5 yrs 1989-07 – 7 years 2 agency reviews to produce 24-pg 4-colour Appeal Magazine for the hotel re-positioning with $80 million renovation and expansion: Orpin & Associates; Propaganda Studios 2 3-agency reviews to produce marketing brochures, collateral, signs: Orpin & Associates 2 3-agency reviews to produce on-line marketing, web pages, banners, skyscrapers: Jane Speed. … 1 review to produce virtual tour and interactive sales tool: Virtual Visit 1 review to convert hard copy brochures, collateral and magazine to a multi-media interactive PDF format: BC Pictures 1 1-agency review: creative (brochures and collateral) and web design 1 1-agency review: communications The Marshall Plan 1 1 agency review: web design and email campaign: Pixel Science 1 2-agency review to select agency to handle the Star Trek project; McCabe Communications 1 4-agency review to select agency to reposition Food & Beverage outlets through signage Hambly & Wooley 2 yrs 4 mths 16 mths 77 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 78 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Ad Agency Reviews Metropolitan (continued) Delta Surveys 1 review, sourced agencies, briefed them; led the pro- 1 yr cess agency review to select agency for Asian markets; tried two of the competitors (one being CanAsia), and finally settled on complete commu-nication strategy from Terry O'Connel 1 review; 4-agency competition; briefed agencies, managed review; presentations to GM, Dir of Mktg, Dir of Sales, Operations Mgr; choosing Lackey Communications; managed all campaigns afterwards 1 review to select the agency that would specifically 1 yr handle the Delta Chelsea's expansion: advertising, communications, look..; 4 agencies; review panel: President (Simon Cooper), VP Marketing, VP Sales (Chris Cahill), Dir of Marketing (myself); was responsible for the hands on management of winning agency Hemisphere, briefings, all campaigns TORONTO STAR - LIVENT - DELTA Initiated, led or participated in Torstar Livent Delta Focus Groups 1989-07 18 surveys - 10 yrs 13 Mentoring Workshop surveys conducted after each session to analyse the workshop effectiveness and gain feedback for future content and format 3 surveys, during introduction of new shows; special guests attended preview shows and were surveyed as part of their participation; 1 intercept survey to identify types of shows that public wanted to see in the future 4 phone surveys to Toronto, Chicago and New York corporations and associations to determine interest in having groups attend musical theatre shows; used to build an extensive sales database. 3 guest surveys; developed, administered, analysed and databased, during expansion period where the hotel grew from 900 to 1700 rooms TORONTO STAR – LALONDE+ASSOCIATES – LIVENT – DELTA 5 yrs 2 yrs 3 yrs 1987-06 Initiated, led or participated in 31 focus groups – 13 years TorStar Lalonde & Assoc Sheraton Livent 13 focus groups: personally initiated university groups to identify students’ preferences for workshops, sponsor offerings, success level of Campus Readership Program 1 Focus group with frequent business travellers to gain insights into hotel branding and pricing 1 Starwood focus group: organized business, group, leisure travel guests to participate in a Starwood-facilitated focus group 3 focus groups; personally initiated these events with top corporate clients and tour & travel clients: group sales, service, and product; logistics Goldfarb & Assoc 4 focus groups led by Goldfarb, show-specific, to review impressions of advertising: Fosse, Parade 5 yrs 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 79 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Focus Groups Delta (5 years) (continued) Purchasing 12 focus groups; organized and led 2hr events of top clients over breakfast or cocktails 2 formalized focus groups; initiated these events with top meeting planners to get industry feedback on the requirements for the expanded 1,600 room hotel 5 focus groups led by ad agency Vickers & Benson on campaigns TORONTO STAR – SHERATON - THE SPA - CMS - LIVENT TOURISM TORONTO - ROYAL YORK - METROPOLITAN CHESTNUT PARK - DELTA - SHERATON CALGARY $14.27 million of purchasing 4,114 purchases TorStar Sheraton The Spa CMS Inc 5 yrs 1983-07 - 28 years - 28 years $180,000 300 purchases pre-fab eqpt: customized newspaper racks $12,000 9 purchases of signage and printing $3,000 2 purchases promotional material: Toronto Star t-shirts, caps 254,000 78 purchases advertising: trade magazines, directories, consumer magazines, newspapers $22,000 4 purchases brochures: brochures, planners, website $78,000 11 purchases collateral: conference folders, fact sheets, magazines, meeting space, floor plans $258,000 20 purchases contract Services: photocopiers, equipment, consultants, cleaning, shop calls, market research $17,100 28 purchases online: keyword buys, web partners, Toronto.com, Virtual Visit, e-servus, TicketMaster, Plan Soft $9,000 13 purchases electronic Advtg: website design and maintenance, banners $32,000 68 purchases design and production for ‘ads’: magazine and newspaper $29,000 5 purchases photography: photo shoot of property $140,000 32 purchases promotions: client gifts and promotional items, sponsor parties and concessions, client and partner receptions $126,000 24 purchases office supplies: stationery, office supplies, inhouse printing $32,000 6 purchases operations collateral: renovation promotional signs, certificates, letters $75,000 32 purchases signage: 2 permanent signs for renovated public space $10,000 1 purchase laptop computers $126,000 8 purchases contract marketing services: photography, creative design and production, web design, communications, media $206,000 16 purchases campaign materials: brochures, direct mail, e-marketing, web, media launch party, sales kits $36,000 30 purchases computers, printers, peripherals: 8 pc’s. 2 Mac’s, 2 networks, 2 Palms, 2 laptops, Spirit, D-Links, PMCIA cards, HP printers, Canon printer, Agfa digital camera, LaCie CD writer, cabling, … 5 yrs 1½ yrs 4 mths 8 yrs 79 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 80 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Purchasing CMS Inc (continued) $7,000 (cont’d) Livent Phantom $1,200 $370,000 $18,000 $153,000 $7,800 $20,000 $240,000 other Cdn shows $116,000 all shows $50,000 $280,000 $60,000 $66,500 $136,000 Education $4,000 $115,000 $18,000 $288,000 $490,000 $70,000 Tourism Toronto Royal York $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $408,600 $7,000 $15,000 $37,000 $225,000 $219,000 Metropolitan $114,500 $30,000 $119,000 $80,000 $160,000 $311,000 20 purchases software: Norton Utilities, Virtual PC, ACT, Word (Mac & PC), Inspiration, Norton Firewall, Quicken, MS FrontPage, Palm, FACES, Encarta, Sapiens Bilingual Grammar Checker, Adobe PageMill, Adobe Distiller, , ProCD Phonebooks, Winfax… 3 purchases sponsorship seminars 16 purchases advertising in trade publications and ads for Livent Express, 20/yr, $184,000/yr 10 purchases: collateral: flyers, ticket wallet inserts, vouchers, signage, 5/yr, $9,500/yr 10 purchases: direct mail, 5/yr, $76,000/yr 4 purchases: gifts for clients, 2/yr, $3,900 10 purchases: blast fax services, 5/yr 70 purchases: trade shows entry fees, set-up and travel, 35/yr, $120,000/yr 40 purchases: marketing and sales promotion: collateral, advertising, promotions 10 purchases: direct mail 8 purchases: single ticket direct mailers 20 purchases: vouchers 5 purchases: Partner marketing 8 purchases: sponsorships, 4/yr, trade sponsorships: National Tour Assn, PowWow..; $68,000/yr 1 purchase: research 1 purchase: direct mail 20 purchases: educational publications 2 purchases: annual operations Livent tour cast and crew 1010 purchases: bus subsidies to transport companies for each school bus to make it more affordable, 505/yr 1010 purchases: lunch vouchers to subsidize lunch costs for children to make it affordable 1 purchase: resource guide 1 purchase: media creative services for $500,000 of contra media in Toronto Sun.... 2 purchases: PR consulting services 16 purchases: advertising / media: radio, print with BBDO 2 purchases: sponsorships Livent, Barnes Exhibit 14 purchases: food & beverage marketing (promotional flyers, promotions, menu design, promotional signage) 14 purchases: directories: Yellow Pages, phone books, trade publications 27 purchases: ads in trade publications 25 purchases: collateral (flyers, tent cards, newsletters, fact sheets, business centre brochures, ...) 18 purchases: advertising / media 4 purchases: 4 brochures (folders and fact sheets) 14 purchases: collateral (flyers, in-room tent cards, business floor material ...) 13 purchases: Food & Beverage marketing (promotional flyers, promotions, menu design, promotional signage) 23 purchases: promotional services 12 purchases: PR programs (press kits, newsletters, media receptions for renovation program) 2 yrs 10 mths 1.3 yrs 1 yr LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 81 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) $17,000 $52,000 Purchasing (continued) $30,000 Delta $540,000 $344,000 $88,000 $372,000 $171,000 $1,080,000 $940,000 $864,000 $2,050,500 Sheraton Supplier Relations $110,000 $110,000 $1,500,000 $92,000 14 purchases: ads in publications 4 purchases: signage (at airport terminal banner) and production 2 donations: Printing House Charitable Foundation, Brazilian Ball, Clarke Institute 110 purchases: trade magazine and trade directories advtg, 5 yrs 22 publications, $108,000/yr 17 purchases: signage, banners, permanent signs, 3/yr, $20,000-$101,000/yr 5 purchases: brochures, 5 sets over a year period, $6,000$25,000/yr 60 purchases: collateral (flyers, tent cards, fact sheets, business centre brochures, comment cards...), $49,000-$111,000/yr 85 purchases: trade and assn memberships over a 5 year period, $34,200/yr 172 purchases: promotional activities and gifts: client parties, entertaining, surveys, gifts, thanks for putting up with our renovation programs, $202,000$272,000/yr 160 purchases: PR programs, media receptions, PR consultants, newsletters, videos, films: $160,000$300,000/yr 110 purchases: Food & Beverage marketing (promotional flyers, promotions, menu design, promotional signage, $196,000-$200,000/yr 84 purchases: media advertising, 12/yr, $308,000$658,000/yr 60 purchases: of printing and stationery, $22,000/yr 60 purchases: of donations, $22,000/yr 4 purchases: of sponsorships, 3 year period 22 purchases: banquet menus, sales collateral, office sup- 3½ yrs plies / eqpt TORONTO STAR - SHERATON CTR - THE SPA - LIVENT - CMS TOURISM TORONTO - ROYAL YORK - METROPOLITAN CHESTNUT PARK - DELTA - SHERATON 1983-08 9,640 supplier contacts - 19 years TorStar Sheraton Ctr The Spa CMS Inc Livent Tourism Toronto Royal York 220 contacts; 2-4/wk: graphic artists, website advertising managers, metal designers (newspaper racks), sign makers, newspaper delivery contractor 672 contacts: 10/wk: graphic artists, website advertising mgrs, designers, media reps, sponsors, fulfillment houses, software developers, tourism partners, promotion houses 72 contacts: 4/wk: communications, media, creative, web design, training, photography, direct mail 200 contacts, 1-2/wk: office supplies 1,680 contacts, 3-4/day: direct mail houses, promotions houses, printers, ad agencies, coach lines, software suppliers 360 contacts, 1-2/day: coach lines, printers, fulfillment houses, event management companies 150 contacts, 3/wk ad agencies, printers, writers, graphics and design suppliers 4 yrs 1½ yrs 6 mths 8 yrs 2 yrs 10 mths 16 mths 81 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 82 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Supplier Relations Metropolitan Delta (continued) Sheraton 60 contacts, 2-6/wk: ad agencies, newspapers, printers 1,250 contacts, 2-20/wk: ad agencies, newspapers, design studios, communications suppliers, 5,040 contacts, 5-8/wk: newspapers, design studios, printers, a/v eqpt suppliers 3 mths 5 yrs 3½ yrs Supplier/Vendor Relations Technique Determine supplier credibility, make suppliers feel responsible and part of the process; establish that we need them and count on them; honest; fairness; praise for work well done; build long term relations Promotion Event Organization TORONTO STAR – SHERATON - THE SPA - LIVENT - TOURISM 1974-07 TORONTO - IT’S YOUR COUNTRY - CROWNE PLAZA CONCORDIA - ROYAL YORK - ROSEDALEPOLITICAL ASSN CHESTNUT PARK – ST MICHAEL’S CHOIR SCHOOL WATERFRONT MONTESSORI - DELTA - SHERATON - FOUR SEASONS - CofC - SHERRIF KING HOME - CBTA - WESTMOUNT PLACE - PROGRESS CLUB - WESTCAN RIVER RACE SOUTHERN ALBERTA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Organized 1,094 major functions, 2 hrs to 3 days, 20-8,000 participants TorStar Sheraton Ctr Livent 15 events: Publishers’ Forum, speaker events $500-$900 budgets, star- 5 yrs ring Toronto Star journalists or executives; at cross-Ontario universities; pre-event newspaper and poster advertising, signage, special invitations, promotion by e-mail, write-design flyers and speaker bio’s, arrange sponsor food 4 3hr receptions as part 1-day in-house seminars for editors and staff of cross-Ontario university newspapers hosted by Toronto Star professionals, journalists, execs: pre-event promotion; selective expense distribution 13 1-day in-house mentoring workshops, 40-75 student newspaper editors and staff from 11 institutions, 14 publications 1 VIP Toronto Raptors Dinner, 17 student Editor-in-Chiefs 2 Virtual Visit Launch roll-out (web interface tour of the property) to 42 2 yrs sales reps, Global Sales office and Starwood executives, demonstrating product, features and benefits 3 Leisure Package rollouts to educate hotel front line associates, full day rotational with PowerPoint and handouts 3 participated in 2 Starwood reviews of hotel performance; presented marketing ; participated in PowerPoint and handouts Note: many other events were organized by my staff, here is a listing of the events that I was personally hands-on with 1 event In the Spotlight : $150,000 budget, a major roll-out of Ragtime (in Vancouver) to an audience of 500 tour operators, tourism officials, corporate clients; including presentations of Ragtime vignettes by cast members, speech by CEO Garth Drabinsky, supplier trade show, bussing to 4 hotel restaurants, 4 luncheons LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 83 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Promotion Event Organization Livent (cont’d) (continued) Tourism To St Michael’s IYC Our Country Crowne Plaza Concordia U. Royal York Rosedale Liberal Fort York Chestnut Montessori Delta Sheraton Four Seasons 1 Fosse Workshops, for total 150 guests at National Ballet School Theatre, brunch at Movenpick, bussing 1 Corporate evening co-hosted with Movenpick Restaurants, 150 clients who then saw Phantom 1 Fosse Sneak Preview, 400 people over 2 nights, cocktail reception, top corporate clients, clubs, organization, tour and travel, business influencers from Toronto, Southwestern Ontario, and the upper US states 1 focus group of 15 top corporate clients (Goldfarfb), lunch at Delta Chelsea, focus group and then Sept 20 Phantom Anniversary Reception 1 Parade Workshop for 100 guests, at National Ballet School Theatre 1 focus group of 30 top tour and travel clients, accommodation at Delta, lunch at King Edward Hotel, and reception at Phantom Anniversary Dinner 1 3-day, 5-venue Star Trek festival 1 4-hr concert in First Canadian Place, 20 singers, 2 performances 1 fund-raising luncheon, 115 guests, 2 speakers 1 rally with 8,000 people, 14 prominent speakers 1 event with a torch run from the Board of Trade and VIP reception for 80 people - organized in 1 week. 1 Women of Influence Luncheon 30 ppl 1 Annual General Meeting 2 Seminars on Fantasy Job Search and Internet 2 Dinner meetings for Board of Directors 1 staff launch for the Sunset Blvd sponsorships 1 media launch for Sunset Blvd for Diane Carroll introduction 1 launch for the Entertainment Sponsorship with, 50 vvps, press and media 1 Rosedale Riding Christmas party for Bill Graham MP. 250 ppl attended 1 coffee party for Provincial Legislature candidate Bob Wong, former Minister of Citizenship & Culture 1 Wu Family Introduction VIP reception with 150 high profile guests and media 1 Moroccan theme dinner fund-raiser, 250 guests 1 Expansion Opening Party and events, 150 guests, $75,000 budget 3 Phantom of the Opera functions for 4 to 300 people 10 themed client functions, 75-250 guests 1 Olympic sponsorship Kick-off, 250 guests 16 wkly focus groups with: clients and PIP's (partners in performance) functions, 5-30 guests 7 Olympic program events: 5-30 guests 482 special events: conferences, conventions, banquets (3/wk), 20-500 participants; i.e.: Sheraton General Managers" Conference Calgary Secretaries' Day Canadian Diabetes Media Trivial Pursuit Championship CFAC-Radio/Stampede New Zealand contest, and CofC reception 2 Stampede Breakfast Cook-offs, 3 Chili Cook-Off fund-raising events Chuck Wagon Event (fund-raiser), hotel staff BBQ 406 special events: conferences, conventions, banquets (3/wk) 20-2000 guests; i.e. 83 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 84 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Promotion Event Organization Four Seasons CofC 4 S King Home Prog Club 2 8 CBTA 1 WC Riv Race Montessori 2 1 (continued) Marketing of Major New or Re-positioned Products 6 media promotions, client Golf Tournament dinner, 2 client receptions, fund-raisers events: 2 membership drives, Stampede Kick Off, new member breakfast events: fund-raising Theatre Night, reception events: 2 Children's Christmas parties, 5 media Celebrity Fundraisers Annual Conference, reception, dinner, entertainment and coffee breaks events: 2 outdoor breakfasts (2,000 guests) fund-raising dinner, 120 guests SHERATON CENTRE TORONTO – THE SPA – LIVENT – ROYAL YORK HOTEL – METROPOLITAN HOTEL – CHESTNUT PARK HOTEL- DELTA CHELSEA INN - SHERATON CAVALIER CALGARY 1982-07 Managed marketing of 22 new or repositioned products – 13 years Sheraton Ctr Toronto The Spa Livent 6 projects: $80-million 1-year renovation in- progress while hotel was in operation; including major renovation-construction for 6 months in the lobby and public areas of a 1,377-room convention hotel; produced major supports for the 31 sales reps and sales support staff 1. developed 2 new large-format magazines ‘Appeal’ selling the newly renovated Sheraton Ctr 2. mailed and emailed ‘Appeals’ to 20,000+ clients, used as a primary sales tool 3. sourced and managed re-design of hard copy ‘Appeal’ magazine into very dynamic interactive computer-friendly format (see it at www.4MinutesToTheJob.com/LL_CV/AppealMaga zine2006.pdf 4. developed new collateral featuring detailed photos and illustrations of the ‘new Sheraton’ 5. developed 4-colour collateral (brochures, flyers) that were designed to be downloaded directly to pc’s of client corporate meeting planners worldwide when our sales reps were closing sales by phone 6. developed concept, sourced, contracted and managed firm that produced interactive ‘virtual visit’ of the hotel to be downloaded by Sheraton’s sales reps when talking to clients worldwide http://www.virtualvisit.ca/webvisit/sheraton/toronto/ standalone.html 1. $20 million renovation; developed vision, strategic positioning, branding, marketing campaign, brochure, direct mail, web, electronic marketing co-developed sales programs to market Livent’s new shows: ‘Ragtime’ and 18 other shows 2 yrs LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 85 – MARKETING SKILLS: Marketing New or Re-positioned Products (continued) Electronic Marketing (cont’d) Royal York Hotel 1 project: developed marketing program to sell Royal Metropolitan Hotel 1 Chestnut Park Hotel 1 Delta Chelsea Dir of Mktg 8 Sheraton Cavalier Calgary 1 York’s renovation re-positioning from a convention hotel to a high-end leisure and corporate hotel project: developed renovation marketing plan and managed marketing during the renovation for new owners (Wu family) of 430-room hotel project: working for bankruptcy trustee Deloitte Touche, re-positioned hotel leading for sale to the Wu family (Hong Kong); extensive use of contra to buttress small marketing budget (now Metropolitan Hotel) projects (as first Dir of Marketing) developed programs for sales team during hotel’s expansionconstruction from 1,000 rooms to 1,600 rooms, hotel was open during entire construction period; maintained occupancies at an industry-leading 92% 1-yr project: developed collateral and marketing systems for new 250-room hotel (under construction) and managed sales and marketing programs for two years when the hotel had the highest occupancies in Calgary TORONTO STAR – SHERATON CENTRE TORONTO - THE SPA 1991-07 LIVENT - TOURISM TORONTO - ROYAL YORK HOTEL METROPOLITAN HOTEL - CHESTNUT PARK – DELTA CHELSEA HOTEL Managed electronic marketing of 19 projects over a 15 years Toronto Star Sheraton Ctr Toronto 3 projects: Dream Days Auctions: Home and Condo 5 yrs Auction, Summer Auction, Fall Auction Extravaganza 1. managed online technology firm to power online auctions 2. directed format and look of online auction site 3. directed Star.com to design internet banner, skyscraper and button ads; worked with them to ensure partner links were connected and timely 4. directed three 2-wk multi-media campaigns: TV, web, newspaper 5. produced multi-media procedures manual 6 projects 2 yrs 1. Interactive Online Marketing Magazine: developed 2 new large-format magazines `Appeal’ selling newly renovated Sheraton Ctr, sourced, contracted and managed specialist firm to convert the magazine to PDF wide-screen interactive format to be emailed to 1,000 clients and used by 9 senior Sheraton Sales reps to sell to convention clients worldwide (see it at www.4MinutesToTheJob.com/LL_CV/AppealMagazine2006.pdf 85 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 86 – MARKETING SKILLS: Electronic Marketing (continued) (cont’d) Sheraton Ctr Toronto (cont’d) The Spa Livent Royal York Hotel Delta Chelsea Dir of Mktg 2. developed 4-colour collateral (brochures, flyers) that were designed to download directly to computers of client corporate meeting planners worldwide when our sales reps were closing sales by phone with them 3. developed interactive ‘Virtual Visit’ of the Sheraton Centre hotel to be downloaded by Sheraton’s sales reps when talking to clients worldwide http://www.virtualvisit.ca/webvisit/sheraton/toronto/ standalone.html 4. Sourced, contracted and managed 3 ‘electronic’ photography firms whose specialty was photographing locations a 3-dimensional feel 7 projects 1. database management 2. web design and operations 3. e-mail campaign 4. managed electronic marketing firms 5. managed database firms 6. managed IT Dept 7. Reservations System 1 project managed in-house development of ACT (Automated Client Tracking) software to convert from a paper-based to electronic bookings of hundreds of incoming bus tours from US to Canada 1 project: installation of Tickmaster and Ticketking terminals in the hotel to enable in-room booking of entertainment and capturing of data 2 projects: 8. co-managed first-time installation in a Canadian hotel of Ticketmaster and TicketKing terminals providing ‘one stop shopping’ for guests to book entertainment in Toronto, capture data, and maximize our sponsorship position as Livent’s Phantom of the Opera ‘Official Hotel’ 9. installed and trained staff on a new Delphi software, an automated meeting room inventory and sales management system 6 mths 2 yrs 1½ yrs 4 yrs during Marketing during Construction SHERATON CENTRE TORONTO – THE SPA METROPOLITAN HOTEL - CHESTNUT PARK HOTEL - DELTA CHELSEA HOTEL SHERATON CAVALIER CALGARY 1982-07 Managed marketing of 5 properties during construction over a 9 year period Sheraton Ctr Toronto 1 project: $80-million 1-year renovation in-progress while hotel was in operation; including major renovation-construction for 6 months in the lobby of a 1,377room convention and corporate hotel LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 87 – MARKETING SKILLS: Marketing during Construction (cont’d) Sheraton Ctr Toronto (continued) (continued) 1. developed 2 new large-format lifestyle magazines ‘Appeal’ selling the new Sheraton Ctr 2. mailed and emailed ‘Appeals’ to 1,000+ clients 3. sourced-managed re-design of hard copy ‘Appeal’ magazine into dynamic interactive computer-friendly format (see it www.4MinutesToTheJob.com/LL_CV/AppealMagazine2006.pdf The Spa Metropolitan Hotel Chestnut Park Delta Chelsea Dir of Mktg 4. strategically placed large format illustrations, photos, tag lines on internal and external hoarding to divert guests’ attention from construction itself to build customer excitement and buy-in during operational disruption 5. developed new collateral featuring detailed photo and illustrations of the ‘new Sheraton’ 6. developed 4-colour collateral (brochures, flyers) that were designed to be downloaded directly to client corporate meeting planners worldwide when Sheraton sales reps were closing sales by phone with them 7. developed interactive ‘virtual visit’ of the hotel to be downloaded by Sheraton’s sales reps when talking to clients worldwide in person or by phone http://www.virtualvisit.ca/webvisit/sheraton/toronto/st andalone.html 8. developed correspondence and compensation program targeting customer appreciation and retention during the construction 1 project: at the end of a projected 1.5 yr (actual 4year) major interior renovation, re-positioned the 4storey spa (now doubled in size): newspaper and magazine ads, new website; back-end e-commerce for products and services; staff training 2 projects 1. developed and managed renovation marketing for new owners (Wu family) of 430-room hotel 2. developed and implemented correspondence, direct mail, hoarding to inform, client retention programs 1 project: working for bankruptcy trustee Deloitte Touche, re-positioned hotel (construction renovation of public areas and dining rooms) leading to sale to the Wu family (Hong Kong); extensive use of contra to buttress small marketing budget; developed and implemented correspondence, direct mail, hoarding to inform, client retention programs 3 projects 1. developed programs for sales team during hotel’s expansion from 1,000 rooms to 1,600 rooms; hotel was open during entire construction period; occupancies went up to 92% 2. developed correspondence and compensation program targeting customer appreciation and retention during the construction 3. developed ‘Chelsea Bucks’ program where hundreds of service staff could instantly compensate clients who complained about service disruption to acknowledge them with ‘coupons’ for future stays 4. weekly breakfast focus groups with guests to ensure their input and retention as the 18-month construction progressed through different stages 87 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 88 – MARKETING SKILLS: Marketing during Construction (cont’d) Delta Chelsea (continued) (continued) Sheraton Cavalier Calgary Fund Raising Organizer or Co-organizer 5. weekly breakfast focus groups with guests to ensure their input and retention as the 18-month construction progressed through different stages 6. part of the re-branding team 7. developed and implemented client loyalty programs 8. ongoing research with clients to ensure buy-in 1 1-yr project: developed collateral and marketing systems for new 250-room hotel (under construction) and managed marketing programs and 3 sales reps for two years leading to highest occupancies in Calgary CANADIAN LANDMINES FOUNDATION - ST MICHAEL’S CHOIR SCHOOL - ROYAL CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC - IT’S YOUR COUNTRY - ROSEDALEPOLITICAL ASSOCIATION MONTESSORI - SHERATON - FOUR SEASONS - CH of COMMERCE - SHERRIF KING HOME - CANADIAN BUSINESS TRAVELLERS ASSN - PROGRESS CLUB - WESTCAN RIVER RACE Co-/ organized 25 major fund-raisers over 17 years Cdn Landmines Fd St Michael’s Choir School Royal Cons. Music It’s Your Country Rosedale Sheraton 4 Seasons C of Commerce S King Home Progress Club CBTA WC Riv Race Montessori 1 dinner, 10 guests @ $100 each 2 dinners, 400 guests @ $100 each, including soliciting corporate sponsors, prizes, raised $18,000- $20,000 net 1 concert series at Massey Hall, 1,000-2,000 patrons, raised $56,000 net; pre-event radio ad campaign, newspaper-web-email campaign, promotional concert 1 dinner, 100 guests 1 solicitation program for sponsorships and funding for national unity projects 1 Fundraising luncheon, $5,500 2 Dinners, 60 guests- raised $13,000 3 Canadian Diabetes Fund-raisers 2 Burn Treatment Centre fund-raisers, including soliciting corporate sponsorships 2 UNICEF fund-raising events 5 solicitation programs to sponsor Chamber of Commerce events 2 fund-raising events and combined direct solicitation programs 1 Aunts at large fund raiser, 3 direct fund raisers solicitation programs to subsidize club events 1 direct solicitation program to business to subsidize national conference 2 Alberta Children's Hospital fund-raising events, including direct solicitation program to subsidize event 1 fund-raising dinner, 120 guests 1979-02 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 89 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Systems Development TORONTO STAR – SHERATON CTR - LIVENT - ROYAL YORK IOC RALLY - CONCORDIA - DELTA - SHERATON 1982-07 Developed 15 systems over a 15 year period TorStar Sheraton Ctr Livent Royal York IOC Rally Concordia Delta Dir of Mktg Dir of Sales Sheraton Systems Development Technique 1 project: 2 years: co-developed 17-university / college free3 yrs newspaper reading project; logistics of delivering 20,000 daily papers to 68 locations, site visits to determine newspaper rack locations; oncampus promotions, co-promotion with university newspapers, oncampus speaker series starring journalists, twice-yearly Toronto Star Mentorship Seminars for university publication editors 1 project: 6 mths: sold internally concept of developing and using a web- 1.3 yrs based instant tour of the hotel ‘Virtual Visit’ as a sales tool; used by sales team to provide customized, instant and remote site inspection of the hotel; provides in-depth information to meeting planners instantly; tracks sales managers’ activity; provides interactive customized presentations at trade shows; presented cost-benefit of $9 k and ongoing investment; directed content; two property photo shoots; product development with sales team, training and presentations: sold $180,000 in first month of implementation 1 project: co-developed ACT- based prospecting and client tracking 1 yr application for 2 regional offices to call, write, and follow-up on clients, issue contracts, confirmation letters 1 project, team: 3; securing hardware for networking reporting system for all 32 Livent shows 1 project: developed complete ticketing system: Ticketmaster, Ticket- 10 mths King, reservations systems link, procedures, staff training 1 project: developed ACT-based scheduling, donor-solicitation, 2 mths speaker tracking and invitation, media tracking and contact system to manage 8,000-participant rally launched in 14 days 1 project: developed ACT-based multi-event participant tracking, special 1 yr invitation, and ticket sales system 5 yrs 1 project: developed complete ticketing system: Ticketmaster, TicketKing, reservations systems link, procedures, staff training 1 Delphi Reservations installation upgrade (computerized) 1 Delphi Reservations installation upgrade (computerized) Sales Reporting System (manual) incl. forms and procedures Sales Filing System - modified (manual) incl. forms and procedures 1 Sales & Catering Filing System (manual) incl. forms and procedures 3½ yrs 1 Sales Call Trace System (manual) incl. forms and procedures 1 Sales Recording System (manual) incl. forms and procedures 1 Guest or Event Booking System (manual) incl. forms and procedures Absolute Philosophy: if it does not have a financial implication, the discipline to enter the required dynamic data is never there - and your system fails; Systems don’t drive the company, people drive the system: systems are a conduit for the organized flow of information that permits an efficient use of 89 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 90 – MARKETING SKILLS: (cont’d) Systems Development Technique management time in decision-making. Buy your package off the shelf (off-the-shelf software) and pour your organization into it. Thousands of hours have already gone into developing the system - so it is hard to be wrong. Are you in the production or in the software development business? (continued) SALES SKILLS: Negotiating ............................. ..................................................................................................... ............... .............. 89 Client Relations ...................... ..................................................................................................... ............... .............. 93 Sales ...................................... ..................................................................................................... ............... .............. 94 Group Presentations .............. ..................................................................................................... ............... .............. 95 Emceeing ............................... ..................................................................................................... ............... .............. 98 Negotiating TORONTO STAR – SHERATON – THE SPA - LIVENT – CMS TOURISM TORONTO - IT’S YOUR COUNTRY ROSEDALEPOLITICAL ASSOCIATION - MONTESSORI SHERATON - FOUR SEASONS - CH of COMMERCE - SHERRIF KING HOME - CANADIAN BUSINESS TRAVELLERS ASSN PROGRESS CLUB - WESTCAN RIVER RACE 1979-08 3,480 negotiations – 31 years TorStar Sheraton 180 university / college partnership negotiations: initial administration 5 yrs buy-in, student services, facilities (physical plant), students councils, student newspapers, final signing; over 8-12 month periods 2 partnerships with sister newspapers Hamilton Spectator 30 sponsorship negotiations (sponsor VP/President, ad agency reps) 8 1hr negotiations with sponsors: TD Canada Trust Downtown Jazz 1½ yrs 2004-2006 sponsorship, Canadian Opera Company, TicketMaster` 2 ½-hr negotiations on Jazz sponsorship with Gen Mgr and Dir of Sales & Marketing (Sheraton) 2 1-hr negotiations with El Al Airlines on crew contract 22 ½-hr negotiations with Gen Mgr, DOSM (Dir of Sales & Mktg), Dir Ops and Dir F&B on hotel marketing-sales promotion programs; sponsorship, package costs, Web partnerships and purchases, budgets, indication expected return, yearly-mthly expense budgets and forecasts, year-end re-forecasts, revenue budgets 8 1-hr negotiations with Starwood Directors, Customer Relations Manager and VP Sales & Marketing on sales and marketing programs: Virtual Visit, web and marketing purchases, marketing budget 12 ½-hr negotiations with ad and marketing suppliers: PCMA (Professional Convention Mgmt Assn), MPI (Meeting Planners International), M&IT (Meetings & Incentive Travel), CARP (Cdn Assn of Retired Persons), Entercom Radio on purchasing integrated space in magazines, websites, direct mail LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 91 – SALES SKILLS: (cont’d) Negotiating The Spa 5 1-2 hr negotiations on revenue and expense budgets with Exec Dir, Board of Directors, Sr Sales & Mktg Mgr 2 ½-hr negotiation on $10,000 physical improvement plan 6 mths (continued) Livent 3 2-hr negotiations on creative strategy with Board of Directors 6 1-3 hr negotiations on strategic positioning, branding, logo, operations training, price, services with Exec Dir, Board of Directors, senior management 7 1-2hr negotiations with 4-member IT Dept on access to technology, database operations, Web support, reservations systems and marketing needs 3 ½-hr negotiations with building maintenance and operations on marketing needs for support 10 1/2 –hr service contract negotiations with suppliers, web, database, communications, direct mail, e-marketing 4 employee management contracts with my staff 2 yrs 1 2hr negotiation with Canadian Professional Sales Assn on joint sales promotions 1 2hr negotiation with US Dept of Defence (Pentagon) for Livent product to be offered at a discount rate to all military personnel - staff voucher program 5 2-day negotiations with 1 top US and one top Canadian tour wholesaler (Yankee Holidays-Boston and Keytours-Windsor) on Livent Express (theatre-based air-rail-hotel-bus tour packages that are based around theatre) and ticket prices 1 2-hr negotiation with top US tour operator (Debolt - Cleveland) on ticket prices and programs (theatre-based bus tour packages) that are based around theatre) and ticket prices 6 2-hr negotiations with Delta Chelsea Hotel on contracts and marketing/ sales promotion programs 10 2-hr negotiations with Movenpick Restaurants on contracts and marketing/ sales promotions programs 1 1-hr negotiation with CN Tower on a marketing/sales promotion 1 1-hr negotiation with Business Barter Exchange for contra (bartering products in exchange for tickets) 2 1-hr negotiation with Lasso Communications (division of Grey Ad- 2 yrs vertising) on the VIP Smart Card 1 2hr negotiation with management of BCE Place to offer joint sales promotions to their tenants 1 1hr negotiation with AT&T to present programs that would support their sponsorship 2 1hr negotiation with PC supplier to install software and networking in return for tickets 25 20min negotiations with entertainment venues for mailing lists, cross marketing opportunities: National Ballet Danny Grossman Theatre Harbourfront dance troupes Young Peoples Theatre Stratford Festival Shaw Festival Follows-Latimer Toronto Life Roy Thompson Hall Massey Hall Hummingbird Centre Canadian Stage Company 91 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 92 – SALES SKILLS: (cont’d) Negotiating Livent (continued) Tourism Toronto Star Trek Star Trek Stages 3 20min negotiation to host NY and Cdn clients with Delta Chelsea King Edward Hotel Movenpick 10 mths 35 negotiations 3 mths with Air Canada*: promotional airline tickets, title sponsorship 5 mths with Bell Global Solutions*: Internet Web Site, telephone reservations, fulfilment, title sponsorship 1hr negotiation with Bell Mobility*: cellular phone services 2 mths with Canadian Airlines*: promotional airline tickets and title sponsorship 1 day with Spar Aerospace*: title sponsorship, key exhibit 3 mths with 1050 CHUM* CHUM FM: media partner 1 mth with Toronto Sun*: media partner 2 wks with TV Guide*: media partner 2 days with Where Toronto* Where New York: media partner 3 mths with CITY TV/The New VR MuchMusic*: media partner 3 mths with Telemedia: media partner 2 wks with Calgary Sun*: media partner 2 wks with Edmonton Sun*: media partner 2 wks with Ottawa Sun*: media partner 6 mths with Viacom: licence; programming content, merchandise, communications, ad and promotion content, talent, contras 4 mths with Paramount Pictures: potential partnership, distribution percentages for Ontario Place, ticket prices, promotion and media giveaways, Cdn launch of new movie, media partners, timing, ad content 4 mths with Famous Players: theatre location, Canadian launch of new movie, partnership 1 mth with Star Trek Communicator: media partner 1 hr with Crown Plaza Toronto*: host hotel, celebrity accommodations, press facilities 1 hr with CP SkyDome Hotel*: prize accommodations 1 mth with Millenitex*: merchandise, t-shirts 1 hr with Toronto Colony Hotel*: prize accommodations 2 mths with Distican*: celebrity sponsorships 3 wks negotiation with Wonderland*: $10,000 talent sponsorship and $5,000 program sponsorship 5 mths with CN Tower*: partnership, cash, celebrity sponsorship 5 mths with Ontario Place*: partnership, cash 5 mths with Ontario Science Ctr*: partnership, cash, celebrity sponsorship 5 mths with Star Trek: The Exhibit*: partnership 5 mths with Atlantis Complex*: partnership 2 mths with Edleman Group - DuMaurier: title sponsorship 1 wk with Bell Canada: title sponsorship 1 wk with Basstoy International - Kellogg: title sponsorship, program sponsorship 2 mths with Microsoft: title sponsorship 3 wks with Cara - Swiss Chalet: title sponsor 4 mths with Future Call (N.Y): partnership and sponsorship of $500,000 Star Conference II 15 negotiations 1 mth with Altamira: title sponsorship 2 mths with AT&T: title sponsorship LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 93 – SALES SKILLS: (cont’d) Negotiating Tourism Toronto 1 wk with Visa: sponsorship 6 mths with Chrysler: title sponsorship 2 mths with Grey Interactive - Sprint: title sponsorship 1 mth with Bell: title sponsorship 3 mths with Edlmen Group/duMaurier: title sponsorship 1 mth with Fidelity Investments: title sponsorship 1 wk with BBDO - Bell: title sponsorship (continued) IYC 1 1 Our Country Crowne Concordia 1 1 1 2 Royal York 9 Chestnut Delta Dir of Mktg Dir of Sales Sheraton 4 Seasons Advisor CofC S King Home Prog Club WC Riv Race 18 22 1 6 mths with BBDO-Chrysler: title sponsorship 3 mths with BCP / Altimira: title sponsorship 4 mths with Benson & Hedges: title sponsorship 4 mths with Cossette / Scotia Bank: title sponsorship 1 mth with Scotia Capital: title sponsorship negotiation with Crown Plaza for meeting facilities negotiation with Metropolitan Hotel for Fundraising luncheon sponsorship negotiation with ad agency for logos and printing negotiation with Canon for high-volume fax and photocopying eqpt negotiation of strategic partnership with Royal Conservatory f negotiation of strategic partnership of university with host Metropolitan Hotel: free of charge mtg facilities, cost plus events, accommodations discount package negotiations 4 mths with TicketMaster for implementation of TicketMaster in hotel reservation centre 1 mth with TicketKing for implementation of TicketMaster in hotel reservation centre 4 mths with Live Entertainment: for Official Hotel statues for Sunset Boulevard 1 mth with Beauty and the Beast: for partnership 3 mths with Canadian Stage Company for joint partnership 1 mth with National Ballet of Canada: for strategic partnership on Nutcracker 2 mths for joint programs with Air Ontario, VIA Rail 2 mths with Compaq Computers for joint promotion 1 mth with Macintosh Computers, that became a national program negotiations with newspapers for contra programs negotiations with newspapers for contra programs 2 mth negotiation with Sharp Electronics for strategic alliance .3 yr 1 yr 1.3 yrs .75 yr 1 6 mth negotiation with Live Entertainment for strategic alliance on 4 yrs “The Phantom of the Opera” 4 re-negotiations with Live Entertainment 1 3 mths with “Miss Saigon” for host hotel 1 18 mths with TicketMaster facilities in the hotel 1 4 mths with TicketKing facilities in the hotel 1 3 mths with Canadian Olympic Association as official host hotel 30 negotiations with newspaper for contras 1 2 mths with du Maurier Jazz as a sponsoring hotel 400 negotiations, 2/wk, room rates, convention F&B packages 250 negotiations, 5/wk, room rates, convention F&B packages 1 yr 2,000 negotiations, 10/wk, room rates, convention F&B packages 4 yrs 150 negotiations, 1/wk, room rates, convention F&B packages 2.5 yrs 150 negotiations, 1/wk, room rates, newspaper advertising 3 yrs 1 negotiations for major sponsorship of Stampede Kick-Off 3 negotiations for corporate sponsorships of fund-raising events 17 negotiations for corporate sponsorships of fund-raising events 3 negotiations for food and beverage sponsorships including McDonald’s 93 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 94 – SALES SKILLS: (cont’d) Negotiating Technique Negotiate for the long term; anticipate what opposite party wants, and is prepared to acknowledge his/her needs; be prepared: anticipate, know the facts; have a set agenda; set-up: send letter to confirm date, time, place and participants; and objectives of the meeting. stipulate subjects to be covered, and what will not be addressed: arrange to have all parties together (no shuttle diplomacy); ensure refresh ments available and call breaks; preparation: organize prenegotiation briefings; discuss legal, practical, financial issues; openly explain my needs and their needs; principles: establish principles of common ground and then go over details point by point; non-threatening environment; point out where I can help them; where there is a gap, examine their costs item by item; keep all discussions light so that there is room to insist at certain points; final agreement must be workable for both parties; written confirmation Client Relations TORONTO STAR - SHERATON - THE SPA - LIVENT - TOURISM TORONTO - IT’S YOUR COUNTRY - CROWNE PLAZA - ROYAL YORK - CHESTNUT PARK - DELTA - SHERATON MASTERCARD - FOUR SEASONS & CALGARY CONVENTION CENTRE - ADVISOR - MCKAY LAND & LEGAL SERVICES LAND TITLES OFFICE - SIMPSONS / SEARS Served approx 69,900 people TorStar 1974-08 – 28 years 2,400 contacts: 2-15/day by phone, avg 4: university executives, support staff, managers, sponsor execs, Toronto Star executives and editorial execs, student newspaper editors, students 200 contacts: 1-2/wk in person: primarily university partners (execs and managers), seminar and workshop guests Sheraton Ctr 151 contacts: 1-3/day by phone and in person: strategic partners, sponsors, media, Starwood (parent company), top accounts, Starwood Preferred Guest 16 contacts: 2 mths: top crew accounts, top Starwood Preferred Guest members for research and trouble shooting The Spa 40 contacts: 1-2/day: spa Exec Director, Board of Directors, owner Livent 2,400 contacts: 2-15/day by phone, avg 5 : travel-tour-corporate groups reps, strategic partners 90 contacts 1/wk in person, primarily strategic partners Tourism To 4,400 contacts: 15-20/day by phone, 4-15/wk in person: potential sponsors, partners, bureau members, media It’s Your Country 175 contacts: sponsorships, speakers, financial, media Crowne Plaza 60 contacts: 1-5/day: partners, potential strategic alliance partners, media Royal York 1,900 contacts: 8-10/day by phone, 2-5/wk in person: partners, commercial tenants, strategic partners, media Chestnut 2,400 contacts: 8-10/day by phone, 2-8/wk: strategic alliance partners, guest groups, media Delta 14,000 contacts: 2-15/day by phone, 1-4/day in person: travel-tourcorporate groups reps, strategic partners Sheraton 9,600 contacts: 2-15/day by phone, 1-4/day in person: travel-tourcorporate groups reps, individual client 4 yrs 1.3 yrs 6 mths 1 yr 10 mths 1 mth 10 mths 16 mths 9 mths 5 yrs 3½ yrs LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 95 – SALES SKILLS: (cont'd) Client Relations Mastercard (continued) 4 Seasons Advisor McKay Land Titles Simpson/Sears Client / Partner Relations Technique Sales 1,600 contacts: 6-10/day, MC merchant members and potential members, in person and by phone 3,500 contacts: 2-15/day by phone, 1-4/day in person: travel-tourcorporate groups reps, individual clients 4,500 contacts: 6-10/day by phone and in-person, newspaper advertising clients 2,400 contacts: 10/day: lawyers, realtors, runners, secretaries, businessmen 4,800 contacts: 20/day: lawyers, realtors, runners, secretaries, businessmen 15,400 contacts: 20/day: retail fashion customers 1 yr 3 yrs 3 yrs 1 yr 1 yr 2 yrs Treat clients as I would want to be treated; ask questions to identify what the client really wants; listen; solve problems immediately and make client feel s/he is being responded to; honest (if I don't know the answer, find it and get back to the client); customer is essential, earn the right to have them re turn; continuous challenge to create the proper perception the customer has of our business; how we execute our service dictates that TORONTO STAR - SHERATON - THE SPA - GPC - LIVENT TOURISM TORONTO - IT’S YOUR COUNTRY -CROWNE PLAZA HOTEL - ROYAL YORK HOTEL - CHESTNUT PARK - DELTA SHERATON - MASTERCARD - FOUR SEASONS & CALGARY CONVENTION CENTRE - ADVISOR 1974-08 14,110 sales presentations and service calls: 5 min to 2 hrs: partnerships, sponsorships, entertainment, tourism, hotel and convention services, newspaper advertising, Mastercard services TorStar Sheraton Ctr The Spa GPC 15 60-min internal concept presentations to Toronto Star execs; avg 4 6 yrs people: Publisher, Dir of Circulation, Circulation Marketing Manager, Communications Manager, Newspaper-in-Education Mgr 26 45-min sponsorship presentations: Pizza Pizza (5), GM (2), IBM (2), Upath.com (2), Toronto Star Advertising Dept (4), Bell Canada, Sprint, Greyhound, Apple Computer, Compact, Roots, Corel, The Bay, Business Depot, Cossette (3), Nike 61 60-min partnership presentations: 14 universities and colleges 13 30-60min mentorship program concept presentations 2 20min presentations on hotel performance to Starwood Regional 1.5 yrs Team 3 20min written proposals and phone sales to crew accounts 15 10min presentations to hotel General Mgr, Dir Sales & Mktg and Starwood on sponsorship and marketing promotion opportunities and results 9 1-3hr documented presentations of concepts, trends, strategy, services, training, vision, performance to Exec Dir and Board of Directors 22 20-40min written and phone sponsorship presentations: Corel, 4 mths Govt of Alberta, Biomira, Chatelaine, Oxygen Media, Chrylser, Dairy Farmers of Canada, Estee Lauder, Glaxo, Kodak, Johnson & Johnson, Nature’s Path Foods, … 95 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 96 – SALES SKILLS: (cont’d) Sales Presentations Livent (continued) Sales Technique 100 20-minute presentations; format: send formal presentation and then present by phone: Canadian Professional Sales Assn, Yankee Holidays-Boston and Keytours-Windsor, Delta, Movenpick, ; for major Livent sales programs 20 20-min presentations to Garth Drabinsky and SVP Sales to sell and get approval for sales-marketing promotions Tourism To 320 20min-1hr sales presentations, 2-11/wk, to potential sponsors, partners: one-on-one to executives, and to full boards of directors or management ctees It’s Your Coun175 20-40min sales presentations: sponsorships, speakers, financial, try media Crowne Pl 7 60min sales presentations: partnerships Royal York 120 20-60min sales presentations: partnerships and hotel and convention services Chestnut 200 20-40min sales presentations, strategic alliance, marketing Delta 1,500 10-60min sales presentations, hotel accommodations, marketing, strategic partnerships Sheraton 3,700 20-60min sales presentations, 20/wk, hotel rooms Mastercard 1,050 10-20min sales presentations, 6/day, MC merchant memberships 4 Seasons 2,900 20-60min sales presentations, 3-5/day, hotel rooms, conferences Advisor 3,900 5-30min sales-service presentations, 6/day, newspaper advertising 2 yrs 10 mths 1 mth 4 mths 1.3 yrs 10 mths 5 yrs 4 yrs 1 yr 3 yrs 3 yrs Honest presentations with quality product; convey idea "I'm a professional at your service"; state my purpose; explain objectives fully...what customer should expect from me and equally important, what I expect from them; probe diligently for the customer's real requirements; listen; honest, if I can't provide it, say so; find the answer and get back to the client as quickly as possible; establish confidence; establish trust; objections are opportunities to close the sale; get to know the customer's business; spend time on the strategy: who are the client's influencers and who are the final buyers; organized close: "these are your needs and this is what you've agreed will solve your need"; deliver as promised; sell relationships build for the long term Group Presentations TORONTO STAR – SHERATON - THE SPA - LIVENT - TOURISM 1979-08 TORONTO - IYC - OUR COUNTRY - CROWNE PLAZA CONCORDIA - ROYAL YORK - ROSEDALEPOLITICAL CHESTNUT PARK - DELTA - SHERATON - FOUR SEASONS MONTESSORI - COFC - PROGRESS CLUB 1,502 group presentations, 10 minutes to 2 hours, 4-8,000 people, over a 19-year period TorStar 15 60-min internal concept presentations to Toronto Star execs; avg 4 5 yrs people: Dir of Circulation, Circulation Marketing Manager, Communications Manager, Newspaper-in-Education Manager LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 97 – SALES SKILLS: (cont'd) Group Presentations TorStar (cont’d) (continued) Sheraton Ctr The Spa Livent Tourism Toronto Crowne Plaza Concordia Royal York Chestnut Park 26 45-min sponsorship presentations, 3-12 participants, avg 4: Pizza Pizza (5), GM (2), IBM (2), Upath.com (2), Toronto Star Advertising Dept (4), Bell Canada, Sprint Greyhound, Apple Computer, Compact, Roots, Corel, The Bay, Business Depot, Cossette (3), Nike 61 60-min partnership presentations, 2-18 participants: 14 universities 3 20min hotel update presentations to Starwood Regional Office as part of 3-hour PowerPoint presentations 5 20min-1hr presentations with AV on Virtual Visit (web based hotel tour), Eproposal electronic sales proposals: to sales team, to Starwood and to Sales Dept 18 20min presentations for annual year and monthly budget results and forecasts 8 ½-hr internal strategy and marketing presentations to 20-50 spa staff 4 2hr internal concept presentations to Exec Dir, senior managers, creative team; avg 8 participants 100 5min presentations as part of wkly 3hr Livent Marketing Meeting, chaired by Garth Drabinsky CEO Livent, and attended by 30 SVPs, VPs, directors, ad agency execs 200 10min presentations at 1-3 2-3hr Livent Show-Specific Marketing Meetings/wk; 5-15 participants, SVPs, VPs, directors and managers 100 15min presentations as part of wkly 1½ hr Livent Global Sales Meeting that I chaired, 11-15 cross-Canada and cross USA VPs, Directors, Managers 1 15min presentation to 200 guests of the Ontario Arts Council, followed by 1 hr panel 1 10min presentation to 15 top corporate clients who were participating in a Goldfarb & Assoc. focus group 1 1hr presentation to 200 graduating tourism students at Ryerson Polytechnic University 1 20min presentation to 150 Livent top corporate clients 20 10min presentations as part of 1hr wkly Livent Senior Sales Meeting, core group of SVP, new VP Sales (US), Regional Director (Chicago) 2 40min presentations to board of directors, incl. Pres Tourism Toronto 2 30min presentations to 22 staff, the Star Trek initiative 10 20min presentations to media partners, 4-8 participants 10 40min presentations to operations mtgs, 6-15 participants 30min sales presentations to potential and existing partners, 210 participants 1 30min presentation to hotel exec ctee 7 20min sales presentations to potential and existing partners, 3 participants 8 10min presentations to Board of Directors, 18-22 members 2 20min presentation to hotel Exec Ctee, 10 participants, Regional VP & GM, Dir of Sales, Controller, Chef, operating managers 15 15min presentations in wkly sales staff mtgs, 10 participants 4 20min presentations on Ticketmaster to dept head mtgs 16 10min presentations to mthly dept head mtgs, 30 participants 1 20min presentation to international media, CP corp executives on Sunset Blvd, 60 participants 16 15min presentations at mthly retail tenants mtgs of Royal York commercial retail tenants, 15 participants 5 30min presentations to Exec Ctee and owners mtgs on mktg plan and re-structuring, 4-6 participants, incl. Dr. Wu and Henry Wu 1½ yrs 4 mths 2 yrs 10 mths 4 mths 1 yr 1.3 yrs 9 mths 97 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 98 – SALES SKILLS: (cont'd) Group Presentations Chestnut Park (cont’d) (continued) Delta Dir of Mktg Delta Dir Mktg (cont’d) Dir of Sales Sheraton Four Seasons 10 50min presentations to owners-Deloitte Touche, 7 participants on marketing plans 5 10min presentations at mthly Dept Head meetings, 20 participants 42 30min mthly owners mtgs, incl. Pres Delta Canada, VP & GM, corp VP’s, Dir of Sales, 7 participants 40 10min presentations at mthly exec ctee mtgs, 10 participants 40 10min presentations at mthly Dept Head mtgs, 10 participants 100 20min presentations at wkly Sales & PR mtgs, 15 participants 16 20min presentations at quarterly hotel staff mtgs, 600 staff/mtg 2 10min presentations at Top Client dinners, 300 clients 2 30min presentations at Cdn Consulates (New York and Buffalo), 200 guests 20 30min presentations to Top Clients on Chelsea expansion ) 30 30-60min presentations, 6-8/yr, during semi-annual budgeting and rebudgeting exercises, 10 participants: Pres. Delta chain, corp vp mktg, corp vp sales, corp vp finance, GM, Dir of Sales 4 10min presentations at quarterly Top Client dinners, 300 clients 50 20min presentations at wkly Sales & PR mtgs, 11 staff 12 10min presentations at mthly owners mtgs, incl. Pres Delta Canada, VP & gm, corp vp’s, Dir of Sales, 7 participants 12 10min presentations at mthly exec ctee mtgs 8 30-60min presentations, 8/yr, during semi-annual budgeting and rebudgeting exercises, 10 participants: Pres. Delta chain, corp VP mktg, corp VP sales, corp VP finance 11 10min presentations at mthly exec ctee mtgs, 10 participants 4 15 min presentations at annual staff presentations, 200 staff 45 10min presentations at mthly dept head mtgs, 20 participants 16 20-40min presentations at quarterly owner mtgs, 4 participants 200 20min presentations at wkly Sales & PR mtgs, 4-6 staff 6 15min presentations to media dinners, 25 guests 4 yrs 1 yr 4 yrs 3 yrs Volunteer St Michael’s Choir School IYC Our Country Rally Montessori S King Home Ch of Commerce Prog. Club Rosedale Liberal 5 5min presentations to committee for annual Lottery dinner dance with objective to raise $20,0000 for choir music program 1 15min presentation at founding mtg of federalist unity group, 40 participants 10 30min presentations to core ctee meetings 1 5min presentation to Referendum Rally at Nathan Phillips Square, 8,000 participants 12 5-10min presentations at mthly Bd of Directors mtgs, 6-8 board members 30 5-10min presentations at mthly ctee mtgs, 10-12 directors 3 20min presentations to members and new member events, 100 guests 30 15min presentations at mthly ctee mtgs, 10 participants 65 10min presentations at mthly ctee mtgs, 4 10min presentations at special events - media, auction, Children’s Christmas parties 4 5min presentations at mthly board of directors mtgs, 15-28 directors 2 yrs 1 yr 1 mth 1 yr 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 1 yr LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 99 – SALES SKILLS: (cont'd) Emceeing TORONTO STAR - ROYAL YORK - DELTA - PROGRESS CLUB 1982-06 Emceed 19 events, over a 14 year period, hotel openings, top client dinners, fund-raisers TorStar Royal York Delta Dir of Mktg Dir of Sales Prog Club 10 1 day, in-house workshops, 40-60 guests 1 3hr Sunset Blvd PR Dinner & Reception, 60 guests 1 2 2 3 2hr Opening Party (hotel expansion), 600 guests 3hr Top Client dinner receptions, 150-300 guests 3hr Top Client dinner receptions, 150-300 clients 2hr fund-raisers and special events, 200 guests 5 yrs 1.3 yrs 4 yrs 1 yr 2 yrs 99 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 100 – PROFESSIONAL AWARDS: RSVP Award CANADIAN DIRECT MAIL ASSOCIATION 1991 Toronto RSVP Award for top sales generation Won merit based on 25% return & 44% production of repeat customers REPORTS & PUBLICATIONS: Budgets TORONTO STAR - SHERATON - THE SPA - LIVENT - TOURISM TORONTO - IT’S YOUR COUNTRY - CROWNE PLAZA - ROYAL YORK - CHESTNUT PARK - DELTA - SHERATON - FOUR SEASONS -PROGRESS CLUB - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1978-07 701 budgets: annual, semi-annual and project budgets over a 16 yr period (see ‘Budgets’ in Marketing Skills section) Business Plans TORONTO STAR - SHERATON - THE SPA - GPC - CMS - LIVENT - TOURISM TORONTO - ROYAL YORK - METROPOLITAN DELTA - SHERATON 1982-08 128 business plans and updates, 6-38 pages TorStar Sheraton Ctr The Spa GPC CMS Inc Livent 22 3 2 2 6 1 1 3 1 3 1 20 T Toronto 4 Royal York 4 1 2 6-page Sponsorship-Partnership business plan 20-pg Campus Readership Program business plans 25-pg Sponsorship business plans midyear plans online marketing plan with budget renovation and launch expense plan annual marketing plan 30-pg strategic business plans 38-pg campaign report analysis 20-pg sponsorship business plans: Word Conference on Breast Cancer, ‘India the Living Arts’ Canadian Museum of Civilization, Tourism Alberta (5-page special section)… 25-pg website business plan: sales, partnership programs, sales expenses, sales projections 6-12 page plans, by show: sales promotions, marketing, partnership programs, sales projections, sales expenses for all markets 8-15 pg plans: StarTrek, Stages, AT&T: identifying the opportunity, demographics, geographics, participating partners, operations, budget 20pg quarterly marketing plans: marketing programs, action plan, expenses, budget 10pg sponsorship plan: opportunities, operations, ROI 15-30pg ticketing reservation plan opportunity, competitive surveys, demographics, cost and ROI, expense and revenue analysis, marketing programs, operations, training plans LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 101 – REPORTS & PUBLICATIONS: Business Plans (cont'd) Royal York (cont’d) (continued) Metropolitan Chestnut Delta Sheraton Newsletters 2 15-30pg ticketing reservation system: competitive surveys, demographics, cost and ROI, expense and revenue analysis, marketing programs, operations, training plans, renovation plans, systems, TicketMaster and TicketKing analysis 1 115pg plan repositioning for new owners, last quarter profile and renovation program, overviews, key strategies, competitive review, strategies by rooms, food & beverage, forecasts and budgets, action plan, revenues and expenses 1 30pg for Deloitte Touche: complete plan of repositioning of hotel; including last quarter analysis, key statements, marketing advertising sales strategies, revenue budgets and sales expenses 10 30-300pg business plans and updates: last quarter profile and renovation program, overviews, key strategies, competitive review, strategies by rooms, food & beverage, forecasts and budgets, action plan, revenues and expenses 32 30-100pg business plan updates 6 50pg business plans: positioning overview, opening plan, target markets, key strategies, competitive reviews, expense budgets, action plans ROYAL YORK - DELTA - CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY TORONTO ALUMNI 1990-99 Published 37 newsletters over a 9 year period Concordia U. Royal York Delta Magazine Publisher 6 8pg high quality newsletters, 5,800 circulation, designed to increase participation of Toronto alumni through an upgraded professional image that offered programs on topical issues; profiled sponsorship of Metropolitan Hotel 7 4-pg tabloid size high quality newsletters: designed as a major positioning tool for the hotels. Topics changed accordingly to address the corporate, leisure or conference and association market 24 4-pg in-room mthly guest newsletter: special events in Toronto, affiliating Delta with Toronto's entertainment, SHERATON CTR - DELTA 1990;06 Published 3 magazines Sheraton Ctr Delta 2 Appeal Magazines: concept and development of multimedia 24-pg 4-colour magazine designed to position, showcase the hotel and announce developments with $80 million renovation and expansion; targeted at worldwide meeting and travel planners; 3 editions planned 1st edition: 20,000 copies 2nd edition: 60,000 copies (in progress) 1 magazine, co-published with Maclean-Hunter: 4-colour glossy publication designed to position the expansion and renovation of the hotel. Cost provided through supplier advertising. Distributed through Maclean Hunter circulation and to hotel clients . 101 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 102 – REPORTS & PUBLICATIONS: Monthly Owners Reports (cont'd) SHERATON - THE SPA - METROPOLITAN HOTEL CHESTNUT PARK - DELTA - SHERATON CALGARY - CofC FOUR SEASONS - PROGRESS CLUB - CBTA 2004-07 1978-94 116 monthly comprehensive owners reports and presentations graphing performance of the hotel in the marketplace with market share, revenues, and action plans Written Presentations TORONTO STAR - SHERATON - THE SPA - CMS - LIVENT TOURISM TORONTO - YOUR COUNTRY - CROWNE PLAZA LALONDE+ASSOC -POLITICAL ASSOC - ROYAL YORK CHESTNUT - DELTA - SHERATON - CofC - CBTA 1980-07 216 written presentations: researched and submitted full presentations on sponsorships, partnerships, strategic alliances, recommended concepts, policies, ad agency briefings budgets to corporate Chairmen, Presidents, Senior VPs, VPs, controllers, owners, hotel management, volunteers and Chamber of Commerce Visions 90 DELTA CHELSEA 1988-89 78 page report: commissioned by Chairman/owner of Delta Hotels: presented the past, present and future direction of the Delta Chelsea Inn operation. Researched consumer trends in the 1990's including budgets and graphs. Used both as a marketing and financial document, set precedent for all other Delta Hotels who used the format for their own programs Chamber of Commerce OILWEEK MAGAZINE - SOUTHAM PUBLICATIONS Calgary 1 250-word promotional article on achievements and objectives of Calgary Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with "Chamber of Commerce Week": 1986 membership campaign, circulation: 4,000 1986 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 103 – REPORTS & PUBLICATIONS: Press Kits (cont'd) TORONTO STAR - TOURISM TORONTO - YOUR COUNTRY CROWNE PL - CHESTNUT PARK - SHERATON - CALGARY CofC – CBIA – ST MICHAEL’S CHOIR SCHOOL 1983-01 Created 22 2-15pg press kits: format: fact sheets, press releases, public service announcements, printready articles, promotional pieces, circulation: 20-75 media TorStar St Michael’s TT Your Country Crowne Pl Chestnut Sheraton C of Commerce 7 kits 1 kit 2 kits 1 kits 2 kits 2 kits 2 kits 2 kits 1 kit 1 kit CBTA Press Releases 2-7 pgs, to 20 media 3 pgs, to 40 media 7-15 pgs, to 140 media 6 pgs to 82 media 2-3pgs, to 75 media 2-3pgs, to 75 media 5 pgs, to 20 media 10 pgs, to 55 media 5 pgs, to 30 media 10 pgs, to 50 media TOURISM TORONTO – SHERATON CTR - YOUR COUNTRY CROWNE PL - CHESTNUT PARK - SHERATON - FOUR SEASONS - CofC - PROGRESS CLUB - CBTA - WESTMOUNT PLACE 1978-06 47 1-2pg press releases Toronto Star Sheraton Ctr St Michael’s Tourism To. Your Country Crowne Pl Chestnut Sheraton 4 Seasons C of Commerce TRAVEL: (*Residences) Canada QUE. 3 6 1 4 7 6 4 4 12 4 2pg releases 1pg releases 2pg release 2pg releases 2pg releases 2pg releases 2pg releases 2pg releases 2pg releases, including special events: Sugar Plum Fair (Christmas) visit, Irish Coffee (St Patrick’s) to radio stations 1pg releases including 10 PSA’s Montreal (52 trips), Baie d'Urfé (37). Mansonville 1960-07 (6), St Sauveur (4), Valleyfield (4), Sherbrooke, (20), Lac Memphremagog (4), Quebec City, Mt Tremblant, Sutton, Chapeau, Ville Marie, Desjardinville, Quyon 103 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 104 – TRAVEL: (cont'd) Canada ONT. (continued) N.S. B.C. MAN. SASK. ALTA Toronto*(30), Ottawa (8), Niagara (5), Oshawa (4), Burlington (2), Oakville (5), Gravenhurst, Bayfield (6), Collingwood (3), Blue Mountain, Orangeville (6), Cornwall, Kingston (6), Haillebury, New Liskeard, Mattawa, Pembroke, Arnprior Halifax Vancouver (24), Whistler Mountain (8), Kamloops (3), Victoria, Okanagan (5), Radium/Windermere* (200) Winnipeg (3) Saskatoon (15), Regina (2), Moose Jaw, Prince Albert (10) Calgary* (70), Red Deer * (200), Edmonton (10), Banff (200), Waterton (10), Jasper (2), Lake Louise (150), Lake Sylvan* (40), Lethbridge (8), Medicine Hat (4), Fort McMurray (10), Panorama United States N.Y. MASS WASH MICH. OHIO CALIF New York (6), Buffalo (6), Niagara (5) Boston, Cape Cod Seattle (2) Detroit Cleveland Los Angeles (4), San Francisco, San Diego (2), Palm Springs, Monterey, Carmel ARIZONA Phoenix MONTANA White Fish (2), Great Falls (2) FLORIDA Orlando Burlington, Stowe VT ALABAMA Huntsville GEORGIA Atlanta 1961-06 United Kingdom ENGLAND London (6), Wimbledon (4), Guildford, Fowey (Cornwall), Leatherhead, 1989-07 Europe GREECE FRANCE Mid Atlantic BERMUDA Pacific HAWAII Oahu (2), Maui 1981-85 ONT. ALTA. Toronto Calgary Red Deer Calgary 1986-07 1979-86 1976-78 1956-76 Corfu, Delphi, Mount Olympus Paris (3), Versailles, Loire Valley, Charantes (Neuil) 1980-07 1987 RESIDENCES: Canada LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 105 – PROFESSIONAL STUDIES: Marketing INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER MARKETING ASSOC 72nd WORLD CONGRESS 2002 Toronto 3 days: Marketing and Opportunities in a disruptive market environment. how to brand-build, understand customers, make “convergence” profitable, grow circulation, retail advertising. Key speakers: The Power of Ideas: Joe Uva, CEO, OMD Worldwide Newspapers and Recruitment Advertising: Charlene Li, Research Director, Media and Entertainment, Forrester Research, San Franscisco. Reversing the Generational Loss of Youth Readership: John Bartolomeo, Partner, Clark, Martire & Bartolomeo, USA. Toronto Newspaper Publishers’ Forum: Publishers and CEO’s Toronto Star, National Post, Globe & Mail, The Sun. Survival is Not Enough: Seth Godin, Author, Survival is Not Enough (2002) and Permission Marketing (1999) USA Selling More Sponsorship IEG SPONSORSHIP SEMINAR SERIES Toronto 1 day: Targeting Your Most Likely Prospects Valuing your Sponsorship Packages Increasing the Value of Your Property Renewing: Keep Your Sponsors Coming Back Selling Strategically Management Styles 1999 Packaging, Identifying Your Assets and the Most Lucrative Way to Package Them Creating a Proposal that Sells Negotiating and Closing the Deal WOMEN OF INFLUENCE SPEAKER SERIES – UNIQUE LIVES AND EXPERIENCES 1994-04 Toronto 4 90min speeches: Diane McGarry: Pres. Xerox Canada Maureen Kempston Darkes: Pres. GM Canada Joan Rivers Roberta Jameson, CEO National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation, Chief of Six Nations of the Grand River Territory Team Power CANADIAN PACIFIC HOTELS & RESORTS 1994 Toronto 24 hrs: 2-day intensive personal dynamics and how to effectively communicate and work as a team. 105 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 106 – PROFESSIONAL STUDIES: Attitude & Sales Skills Marketing (cont'd) ACHIEVERS INTERNATIONAL - DELTA CHELSEA 1990 Toronto 24 hrs: 3-day intensive on latest marketing trends; situation selling and managing the situational seller YORK UNIVERSITY EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 1990 Toronto 24 hrs: 3-day intensive on latest marketing trends; emphasis on consumer product marketing and techniques that can be applied outside the field Communication YORK UNIVERSITY EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 1990 Toronto 24 hrs: 3 day intensive: presentation skills, communicating effectively and persuasively Direct Mail YORK UNIVERSITY 1990 Toronto 8 hrs: 1 day: component of successful direct mail programs Time Management TIME ON MY SIDE 1990 Toronto 16 hrs: time management including prioritization, idea generation & affirmation skills; book has become an essential of present organization Delphi System DELTA HOTELS 1989 Toronto 40 hrs: full operation of this sales and marketing system; led installation & training of 12 staff Smart Integrated DELTA HOTELS Toronto 50 hrs: and 600 hrs of hands-on use for 1989-90 3-month budget cycle; and ongoing operational plans: integrated spreadsheet, work processing, limited use of data base and communications; trained by VP Rooms (Delta Corporate); sole Director of Mktg to use micros in the chain 1988 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 107 – PROFESSIONAL STUDIES: (cont'd) Public Speaking & Human Relations DALE CARNEGIE Lotus 123 TORLON MANAGEMENT 1988 Toronto 56 hrs: impromptu and prepared speaking; won 2 performance awards 1987 Toronto 18 hrs: and 400 hrs hands-on use for 1988-89 3-month budget cycle of $27 million hotel marketing plan; and ongoing operational plans; 1st exec in hotel to use microcomputer (rented myself) PSS II Professional Selling Skills XEROX Advertising & Photojournalism Diploma SOUTHERN ALBERTA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Calgary 23 hrs: 4 day intensive: presenting, probing, listening, benefit-need relating, handling and selling to objections, closing on needs; simulations 1975-76 Calgary 91% average in graduating semester 1,400 hrs: special 7-student seminars in: Sales (w. video simulations) Consumer Behaviour A Photojournalism A Creative Layout & Copy Real Estate 1980 Bus Admin A Advertising Media Buying Printing Production B CALGARY REAL ESTATE BOARD 1981 80 hrs: obtained license 107 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 108 – INDUSTRY VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Speaker HUMBER COLLEGE 2005-07 Toronto "Consumer Marketing” 90mIn presentation and discussion to 3rd year (university credit course); presented techniques to target young adults 18-25 years old using Toronto Star Campus Readership Program as the case study Speaker SENECA COLLEGE AT YORK UNIVERSITY 2005 Toronto “Marketing” 30min presentation 3-year Business students as part of the ‘Creative Minds’ Conference; presented skills and successful approaches in the marketplace Speaker SENECA AT YORK 2003 Toronto "Corporate Communications” 2 year post-graduate degree program: 60 minute presentation and discussion as part of a graded student project; presented Toronto Star Campus Readership Program communications strategies Governor BOARD OF GOVERNORS Toronto Junior Board of Trade (aka Board of Trade of Young Professionals) 2002-03 (22-member elected board of experienced (older) business execs advising and mentoring the 18-40 year-old members of the Junior Board of Trade who join to build leadership skills through business and community activities; the Board of Governors propose new strategies and projects to the Executive of the Junior Board including: building membership; events; sponsorship; alumni involvement; financial wellbeing and synergy with the Board of Trade) Toronto 1 3hr Governor’s meeting/mth; 2-3 conversations and communications/wk with Chair of Board of Governors; and mthly meetings of Junior Board of Trade; 1-2 social-business events/mth; specialty: focus groups, events, planning Speaker RYERSON POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY 1998 Toronto "Company Expectations and How To Thrive In Your Career." 90min presentation and panel to graduating 4th year tourism and hospitality students; participants: Hotel Mgr CP Royal York Hotel, VP Sheraton Franchise Division Canada Panellist ONTARIO ARTS COUNCIL 1998 Toronto Sat on a panel to offer input and expertise on how the influence of the arts on the economy Participant & Volunteer TOURISM TORONTO 1992-97 5 yrs: 2 mtgs/yr: sat on committees to offer input and expertise on bringing business into Toronto LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 109 – INDUSTRY VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Member (cont'd) TORONTO HOSPITALITY EXECUTIVES 1987-88 Toronto 1 hr breakfast meeting/mth: worked with 15-member Executive Board to promote seniors' tours into Toronto during soft periods. Included securing funding from city hotels and the Ministry of Tourism, Metropolitan Toronto Tourism Convention and Visitors Assn, Hotel Assn of Metro Toronto, Toronto attractions and hotels PR Chairperson MEMBERSHIP DIVISION - CALGARY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1985-86 Calgary 2 yrs: Major Meetings: 1 2hr mtg/mth (4:30-6:30pm), part of group of 50 businessmen/women (divided into 5 teams of 10) who co-ordinate networking functions within the Chamber: introduce new members/strangers to each other, sign up members, explain Chamber activities Budgets: 8 PR budgets CofC Ambassador CALGARY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1984-86 Calgary Small Group Mtgs: 1 2hr mtg/mth: create ideas and responsible for stimulating the networking process at each reception or functions; co chair New Member Events: personally chaired mthly new member breakfast mtgs; also ctee mtgs, dinners PR Chair MEMBERSHIP DRIVE - CALGARY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1985-86 Calgary 2 yrs: coordinated, prepared and produced 55 media kits (5-6 public service announcements, invitation-to-join, annual report, press releases, introduction letter, fact sheets, CofC achievements); arranged magazine articles, interviews 1 frontpage press story; photo coverage, arranged Mayor's proclamation for annual "Chamber of Commerce Week" (Chamber's main opportunity to inform business community of their services and benefits and recruited 200 members/yr) 1985 Chamber of the Year Award for North America (fastest growth of memberships and membership services) 109 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 110 – INDUSTRY VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Entertainment Chair (cont'd) CANADIAN BUSINESS TRAVELLERS ASSN - 1984 1984 National Conference of Meeting Planners Entertainment Ctee (56-member team to provide entertainment for national conference of 150 corporate meeting planners and suppliers) Calgary 6-mth project: Managed 56 volunteer team: coordinated entertainment ideas for national conference of 150 national corporate meeting planners and suppliers, closing dinner, receptions, coffee breaks; dance presentation Sponsors: co-solicited 10 corporate sponsorships, sourced souvenir registration binders ($3,000) Media Ctee: team: 2, wrote and distributed press kit: press release, fact sheet, Public service announcement, invitation letter to the media; arranged media coverage Budgets: produced 2 event budgets Media Chair CANADIAN BUSINESS TRAVELLERS ASSN - 1984 1984 National Conference of Meeting Planners Calgary Team: 2, wrote and distributed press kit: press release, fact sheet, public service announcement, invitation letter to the media; arranged media coverage PR and Special Events Chair BRANDING 'N BOOGIE - CALGARY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Calgary $24,000 budget: conceived and initiated 1,000-guest preStampede annual chuck wagon race and dinner dance; obtained 15 corporate sponsorships and prizes; media events, press conferences and kits; Human Chuck Wagon Race: contacted Hiram Walker (trophies and $2,000 sponsorship),conceived idea of corporate and media-sponsored custom built mini-chuck wagons pulled by 3 people ("horses") who downed shot glasses of Hiram Walker then pulled their wagon around a scaled down Stampede track; 10-12 chuck wagons in 3 heats; arranged for media personalities to emcee event (judged by Calgary Stampede officials), 1986 Event: co-planned 1986 event, prior to move to Toronto directed at Calgary business community 1984-86 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 111 – INDUSTRY VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: PR and Special Events Chair (continued) (cont'd) BRANDING 'N BOOGIE - CALGARY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Solicited major sponsors: Petro Canada Chamber of Commerce Royal Bank CJRT-AM CP Air anywhere-in-the-world flight for 2 CFCN Radio Sheraton CFCN TV Jasper Park Lodge weekend for 2 Calgary Cannons major league baseball club Banff Rocky Mtn Inn weekend for 2 Hiram Walker Achievements obtained 15 corporate sponsorships and prizes Marketing Director & Board Member CANADIAN ADVERTISING AND SALES ASSN 1985-86 Calgary Provided coverage and obtained media support to increase awareness and membership sales COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Mentor LALONDE+ASSOCIATES 1998-08 Toronto Mentor young women who are interested in marketing: provide: career advice, image tips, referrals to jobs, often hire and train on short term contracts at Lalonde+Associates to provide experience, 8 women over 8-year period Board Director CENTRE FOR THERAPY THROUGH THE ARTS FOUNDATION 2008- (foundation to provide a centre for the arts, staffed with mental health (to present) practitioners experienced in the expressive arts) Toronto Strategic planning, fund-raising for facility to support and recognize innovative programs that offer hands-on experiences for those in need; to promote the value of hands-on therapeutic sessions and reinforcement support in mental health Advocate Parent Council EARL GREY SR. PUBLIC SCHOOL 2002 (6 core-member team of a 450 student grade 7-8 school with audience of 5,000) Toronto Team: 6; advocate for children with learning disabilities; researched and prepared documentation presented to Toronto District School Board (TDSB) demanding accountability on 111 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 112 – COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: (cont'd) EARL GREY SR. PUBLIC SCHOOL Advocate Parent Council (continued) policies and budgets of a proposed downloading of special education students to small local schools where there was little competence to look after their needs; ensured accountability of government and the provisions of the children’s human rights Achievements school board voted unanimously to cancel a misguided program proposed by their officials CANADIAN LANDMINES FOUNDATION Host 2002 Night of 1,000 Dinners Toronto Team: 4, with spouse and children hosted a black-tie dinner at our home to raise money and awareness to promote the international removal of landmines Achievements raised $800 Marketing Ctee Co-Chair Sponsor Ctee & Ctee Sec’ty ST. MICHAEL’S CHOIR SCHOOL 2000-01 ST MICHAEL'S CHOIR SCHOOL Lottery Dinner Dance 1998-99 2000 Massey Hall Concerts (annual 2-night concert of renowned 450-boy school choir) Toronto Team: 2; prepared marketing and advertising program to fill Massey Hall’s 2,700 seats; secured 85% Saturday night, and 76% Sunday night; raised $37,000+ Marketing: radio ad series; newspaper ad program; e-mail advertising program; 2 lunchtime promotional concerts at First Canadian Place (downtown Toronto) Achievements secured 85% Saturday night 76% Sunday night raised $37,000+ successfully managed a major papering program (12-member core team of 400-guest $200/couple fund-raiser with $6,000 first prize and $40,000 of silent auction prizes) Toronto Attended 3 90min mtgs/wk; prepared copy for main brochure; edited new and repeat sponsor solicitation letters; Achievements raised net $21,000 to support school’s music program COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: (cont'd) LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 113 – Co-Chair Founder IT’S YOUR COUNTRY – TRAVEL EXCHANGE Director & Fundraising Ctee ROSEDALE FEDERAL POLITICAL ASSOCIATION Marketing Committee MAISON MONTESSORI DE TORONTO Director of Fundraising WATERFRONT MONTESSORI CHILDREN'S CENTRE 1995-96 (non-partisan, volunteer organization to provide a voice for Canadians during the Canada-Quebec unity crisis and referendum; which resulted in a rally for 8,000 people and a travel and hosting program) Toronto 1994-96 Toronto A member of 30-person board that provided advice and action from policy decisions to fund-raising 1995-96 (French public Montessori School for ages 2 1/2 to 10 yrs, with a capacity of 60 full time children; attended by both my children) 1992-93 (non-profit centre specializing in ages 2 1/2 to 6 yrs, located on the Toronto Islands with a capacity of 28 full time children; attended by both my children) Toronto Co-Chaired mthly mtgs at our residence: team of parents running fund-raising activities to cover the schools special needs; 3 major events/yr; major 1993 event: Moroccan dinner with chefs Jamie Kennedy and Susur Lee Volunteer Coordinator WATERFRONT MONTESSORI CHILDREN'S CENTRE Marketing Ctee WATERFRONT MONTESSORI CHILDREN'S CENTRE 1992-93 Toronto One-person team mandated to persuade parents to volunteer at the school 1991-93 (5-member group recruiting students and raising the school’s profile located on Toronto Island) Toronto 2 years: Team: 5: recruited new students and raised profile of the school. New Brochures: produced school’s 1st professional 4colour brochure optimizing the $15,000 cost with tax credits Video: co-produced 15min marketing video Follow-up System: developed system for marketing and follow-up on new inquiries. Promotions: co-organized open houses and communication vehicles 113 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 114 – COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: (cont'd) Lecturer & Resource Person SOUTHERN ALBERTA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Fundraising Board of Directors YW SHERIFF KING HOME FOR BATTERED WOMEN & CHILDREN 1983-86 Calgary 3 yrs: gave 5 60min lectures to 20-75 marketing, sales and hotel students: opening a hotel, coordinated sales blitz to give students practical experience Internships: received 9 hotel students (3/yr) for 2 day research projects 1985-86 (12-member board for state-of-the-art 35-bed residence for battered women and their children located in an upscale area of Calgary) Calgary 2 yrs: 2-4 3hr working lunch mtgs/mth Raised $30,000 in 2 years Created and executed 3 major fundraising activities/yr to fund operating expenses, after government grants: Cocktail-Theatre Evening: $14,000: 250 guests at Calgary Centre for Performing Arts, ($50/person), successfully solicited free theatre, professional acting group and reception Blue Fox Coat Raffle: $12,000: $5/ ticket raffle Casino Events: $2,000 Breakfast Chair WESTCAN RIVER RAFT RACE Alberta Children's Hospital Calgary 2 yrs: Raised approx $35,000 in 2 years Organized 2 annual breakfasts to feed 2,000 competitors in day-long Calgary-wide 500-raft race: successfully solicited corporate sponsorships: breakfast: pancakes, orange juice, syrup, coffee; cutlery, griddles; recruited 25 cooks and servers from "Uncles at Large: (similar to Big Brothers) and friends; sponsors: McDonald's, Dixon Coffee, Phil's Pancakes (chain) 1983-85 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 115 – COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: (cont'd) PR Director CANADIAN PROGRESS CLUB - CALGARY EVES 1979-85 Calgary 6 yrs: 2 4hr dinner mtgs/mth; 1 3hr board mtg/mth, club is sole financial supporter of "aunts-at-large" (similar to big sisters) raised $50,000/yr: produced 48 press releases (7-9/yr), 5 media and celebrity events (1/yr), personally did 2 radio interviews and arranged 10 others (2/yr), 30 active members first all-women chapter in Canada Chair of Children's Christmas CANADIAN PROGRESS CLUB Celebrity Night Chair CANADIAN PROGRESS CLUB Model 1981-82 Calgary 2 yrs: team: 10, 2 Christmas parties for 50 underprivileged girls, their volunteer "Aunts" and parents, total 150, responsible for complete fund-raising and soliciting of services, donations from Safeway, Co-Op, Woodwards, McDonalds, Fletchers, Zellers, Lucifers (supplied night club and cash) selected gifts, obtained food, set agenda, arranged entertainment 1979-80 Calgary Team: 8-10, raised $10,000 (1980), conceived & organized major fund-raiser celebrity evening: arranged on-site radio broadcast by major local FM rock radio station (with 2 wk preevent advertising), arranged donation of cover charge and percentage of drink receipts with local night club as host; media celebrities auctioned donated prizes: blue fox coat, bachelor-of-the-year; shoe shine by Mayor of Calgary; sold dances with Miss Calgary and Calgary Stampede cheerleaders KIWANIS & CANADIAN PROGRESS CLUB 1979-81 Volunteered time as a runway model for 5 benefit dinners 115 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 116 – PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: Member TORONTO BOARD OF TRADE 2002-03 Toronto Member Member CANADIAN SOCIETY OF ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVES 1997-98 Toronto Member TOURISM TORONTO 1987-98 Member CANADIAN DIRECT MARKETING ASSN 1991-92 Member YMCA HEALTH CLUB 1991-92 Member ELMWOOD CLUB 1987-91 (full facility exclusive women's professional club) Entertained 2/mth; swimming, health club, business Member METROPOLITAN TORONTO BOARD OF TRADE 1987-92 Member CANADIAN HOSPITALITY INSTITUTE 1987-92 Member INSTITUTE OF ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVES CALGARY CHAPTER 1985-86 Calgary 1 4hr luncheon-speaker mtg/mth, assisted reception staff Member INSTITUTE OF ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVES CALGARY CHAPTER 1985 Annual National Conference held in Calgary; 200 members: Cancer Society, Heart Foundation, Boy Scouts, Canadian Real Estate Board, Red Cross...executive directors and their suppliers 1985 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 117 – PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: (cont'd) Member CANADIAN HOTEL & MARKETING SALES EXECUTIVES - CALGARY CHAPTER 1983-86 Calgary 3 yrs: 1 5hr dinner-speaker mtg/mth: hotel industry development, making marketing presentations, hotel-related gov't legislation, 75 hotel and mktg execs; 3 day annual conference in Banff Member CALGARY TOURIST & CONVENTION BUREAU 1979-86 Calgary 7 yrs: 1 2hr breakfast-speaker mtg/mth: 25-50 participants: general managers and sales directors, special activity mtgs Member ALBERTA BUSINESS TRAVELLERS ASS'N - CALGARY CHAPTER 1980-86 Calgary 6 yrs: 1 4hr evening dinner-speaker mtg/mth, 100 corp meeting and travel planners (Gulf, Petro Can, Esso Resources...) and 100 of their suppliers, (hotels, airlines, bus lines...) coorganized 1984 National Conference Member CALGARY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1982-86 Calgary 4 yrs: 1 luncheon dinner-speaker mtg/mth; mthly "Business AfterHours" networking event; mthly new members welcome breakfast; 3-4 business lunches/mth; regular Ctee mtgs Member CANADIAN ADVERTISING & SALES ASSOCIATION 1979-86 Calgary 7 yrs: 1 evening dinner-speaker mtg/mth, 2 Mktg Ctee mtgs/mth with 50-60 active participants: ad agency execs; radio-TV-press management and sales reps, suppliers: hotels, breweries 117 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 118 – PROFESSIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS: Canadian Business, Profit SUBSCRIPTIONS: Toronto Star, Globe & Mail. Women’s Post COMPETITIVE SPORTS: Canoer SOUTHERN ALBERTA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WOMEN'S VARSITY CANOE TEAM 1976 (10-member team competing in a 6 team league) Calgary 2-person canoes and 6-person war canoes, 3 4hr practice/wk for 3 mths, 1 3day annual competition, 12 cross Alberta colleges 1st Place, Western Region Championship, 2-person canoe, 1976 Guard MILTON WILLIAMS JUNIOR HIGH - VARSITY BASKETBALL TEAM 1970-71 Calgary 2 yrs: 2 2hr practices and 1 game every 2 wks, 4 mths each yr All Positions MILTON WILLIAMS JUNIOR HIGH - VARSITY VOLLEYBALL TEAM 1970-71 Calgary 2 2hr practices and 1 game/wk, 4 mths each yr OTHER ACTIVITIES: Family Close immediate family: spouse and 2 children aged 19 (son) and 18 (daughter), manage (as an anglophone) a French-language family in Toronto; booster and supporter of dance, hockey, football, musical theatre, acting; weekends on Toronto Island, sit-down breakfast and dinner every day is a must; son contracted cancer (Melanoma) in 2002 which required extensive support through 12 months of every-48 hours chemotherapy – 5 year cancer survivor LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 119 – OTHER ACTIVITIES: (cont'd) Family Close extended family: brother and sister and spouses, nephews: wkly phone calls, 1-2 visits/yr to Calgary and vice versa; very close to parents when they were living Close in-laws family: 4 brother and sister-in-laws, 8 nephews and nieces, wkly phone calls, trips to Montreal (continued) Care for Son with Cancer Caregiver 2002-05: home supporter and caregiver for 14 yr old son with Melanoma (as of now incurable); son was under care of a dermatologist for 3 yrs because of his 6th sense claim that a mole on his back was cancerous. After 3 years, despite doctor’s resistance, insisted on removal of the mole. Independent biopsy identified Stage III Melanoma (46% survival) Support during recovery from surgery: supported him and coorganized friends and family support throughout operations including removal of 20 lymph nodes in right shoulder area. Support during 12 mths of chemotherapy: 30 days daily Interferon and 11 mths of every-48-hours needle-injections of Interferon – a non-cure treatment with very heavy physical and psychological side effects: flu symptoms, headaches, psychological disorientation Set up home office: spouse set up an office at home providing round-the-clock presence and someone to host young visitors. Researched Alternative Therapies: launched research for alternative therapies and discovered Fu Zheng, a Chinese origin herbal immune booster. The medicine, taken 5 times/day, resulted in raising white blood cells to normal levels within 8 days and for the rest of the year of chemotherapy. This enabled our son to go outside the house (sports, movies, school) without fear of getting fatal infections Energetic Healing: arranged an alternative healing therapist to come and do energy healing on our son twice per week: great effect on his physiology, morale, and development of a long lasting friendship. Treatments continue to this day, 3 years later. Meditation: continued our twice-daily 20-minute family TM meditations that provided comfort and physiological relaxation Encouraged Sports Participation and Social Interaction with other teens: encouraged sick son to play hockey and basketball despite illness. “Since you’re going to feel sick whether you are lying in bed or up-and-around, you might as well be up.” This approach helped to maintain a balance between day and night and some perspective on what life would hold after the treatments were finished Support group: Joined Gilda’s Club support group and enrolled entire family in their individual weekly support groups and special events. Made cyclist Lance Armstrong my son’s idol. Searched the Web and downloaded funny stories to promote laughter. Encouraged and hosted his friends’ visits. Focused on long-term futures: 3 week cancer summer camps, 2 weeks summer travel to a resort. Briefed friends and family to talk cancer with him frankly and not ‘beat around the bush.’ 119 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 120 – OTHER ACTIVITIES: (cont'd) Care for Son with Cancer Sports and Recreation: Research showed that long term Melanoma survivors had become strong physical education practitioners – iron men and women. Encouraged him in all physical activities: league and pick-up: basketball, hockey, tennis, basketball; daily walks (winter and summer). Son Supporting Others: Encouraged him to talk to and motivate younger cancer patients aged 5-12 when in the waiting rooms during his day-long hospital sessions. Impressed on our son the positive aspect of him (a tall teenager) making time to talk to younger children. He became a teen cancer spokesperson. Lawsuit: Pursued a medical association action against the dermatologist who had misdiagnosed him. He felt betrayed by the doctor who for three years had constantly refused his requests to remove what our son identified was a cancerous mole. School: negotiated and adjusted return-to-school schedule in 9th month of his 12-month chemotherapy, so our son could return to a routine that could be handled physically, rescue some of the beginning of his year, and prepare him for return to normalcy. Challenges: supported him in the aftermath of a gang assault, including working with police to bring these repeat offenders to justice Siblings: supported his younger sibling from the feelings of being overlooked Structure: provided continuity, with spouse, of the structure of living: daily family breakfasts and daily family supper-dinner; regular chores, regular weekly participation at Gilda’s; regular visits from friends; regular and other trips; regular sports; total focus on a non-cancer future; building a steel mind To date: he is at the end of his 5th year ‘cancer-free.’ He is considering a business career option, wants to get an athletic scholarship to university (continued) Leisure Reading 1 hr/day Music Classical - 3-4 hrs/day: Lind institute ‘Relax with the Classics’ series, Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi, Rempal, Handel, Telemann, Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, Elgar, Strauss Jazz-MOR: Diana Krall, Peggy Lee 26 wks/yr: cycle, walk, picnic on in a secluded area of Toronto Island Outdoor Activities LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 121 – OTHER ACTIVITIES: (cont'd) Theatre 3-15/yr: Da Kink in My Hair, The Island, Ragtime (3), Sunset Boulevard, Barrymore, Fosse (6), Show Boat (3), Les Miserables (2),The Phantom of the Opera (6), Lion King (2), Six Degrees of Separation, Noel Cowards Hay Fever, Crazy for You, Phantom of the Opera (9), Aspects of Love, Kiss of the Spiderwoman, Tommy, Into the Woods Sondheim, Transit of Venus, Lips Together Teeth Apart, Half Life, Lucy, Palace of the End Films & VCR 4/mth: Eastern Promises, A Beautiful Mind, Good Will Hunting, Pay It Forward, The Hours, Shadowlands, Like Water Like Chocolate, Sophie’s Choice, Ryan’s Daughter, Ghandi, Room with a View, The Colour Purple, Casablanca, Doctor Zhivago, Ghost, Canada: A People’s History, wide selection of foreign films, French films. Inconvenient Truth, Manufactured Landscapes Downhill Skiing 2006-07: Davos (Christmas break) 2006: March break (at Mt. Tremblant) 1986-98: occasional (Toronto Area!) 1966-86: 20 years: 6 days/month: December-May (Rockies) Entertaining 2-3/wk: entertain 1-8 friends and friends of children at home Walking Three 45-minute walks/wk usually at 6 am Swimming 3 20min sessions/wk up to 2002 Weights 5 20min sessions/wk Yoga 5 20min sessions/wk up to 2008 (present) Cycling 2005-08: 1-6 30-60min trips/wk year-round, Trek ‘Navigator’ 1975-05: 1-4 1hr trips/wk: May to October Visualization 1-2 sessions/wk: this activity has been a major contributor to my success TM (Meditation) 1986-08: 22 yrs: 10-11 20min sessions/wk (twice/day): relaxation and rejuvenation essential mainstay to my energy, focus, balancing and success. Cooking 5-8 projects/wk: Greek chicken, Chicken Marbella, South Asian dinners, tri-colour bean salads, French fish stews, Jacqueline Onassis’ custard eggs, roast lamb, organic salads, herb and garlic hamburgers: acquired taste for organic fresh produce: Jerusalem artichokes, Herbes de Provence, salad dressings substituting lemon for vinegar Hiking Country 1972-86: 3/mth summer: Rocky Mountains, Kananaskis Valley 25 yrs up to 1986: Lake Windermere and Sylvan Lake: summer cottage in Alberta Volunteer 2 hrs/mth: currently: mentor young professionals in business, children and families with learning disabilities 121 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 122 – MEMBERSHIPS: Subscriber CANADIAN STAGE COMPANY 2007-08 Toronto Subscriber ALLIANCE FRANCAISE DE TORONTO 2007-08 Toronto Cultural events; AGM Member LEARNING DISABILITIES ASSN OF ONTARIO 1998-03 Toronto 4 yrs: read journals Member FEDERAL & PROVINCIAL POLITICAL PARTY 1995-07- Toronto 7 yrs: fund raising, event organization Member CALGARY CANOE CLUB 1975-86 Calgary 11 yrs: 55 1day canoe trips, 5/yr, on Elbow River, with 23 family members; until 1980: wkly BBQ's, canoe race regattas Member CALGARY OLYMPIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1985-86 Calgary Support special events twice yearly READING: Business Good to Great Jim Collins, The Opposable Mind Roger Martin, First Things First, Seven Habits of Highly Successful People Covey, Titans Peter C. Newman, Shifting Gears Nuala Beck (economist), Corporate Cultures Terrence Deal & Allen Kennedy, You’re the Boss! Paths to Power Natasha Jesefwotz PhD, Negotiation Michael Schatzki; How to Win Friends & Influence People, Effective Speaking, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living Dale Carnegie; First Aid for Meetings Charlie Hawkins, The One to One Future Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, PH.D., The Seven Year Delta Watts Wacker, Seven Habits of Highly Successful Teenagers Sean Covey Autobiographies They Can Kill You But They Can’t Eat You Dawn Steel, Mary Kay Mary Kay, We Are Our Mothers Daughters Cokie Roberts, Out on a Limb Dancing in the Light Shirley MacLaine, The Bridge Across Forever One Richard Bach, Knock Wood Candice Bergen, Garth Drabinsky, Michael Ovitz, Memoirs Pierre Elliott Trudeau. LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 123 – READING: (cont’d) Non-Fiction Eat, Pray, Love Elizabeth Gilbert, Women Who Run With Wolves, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Deepak Chopra, Super Self Charles J Givens, Second Seduction Lear, Powers of Your Subconscious Mind Dr Joseph Murphy, Psycho-Cybernetics Dr Maxwell Maltz, Prospering Woman Ruth Ross PhD, Think & Grow Rich Napoleon Hill, Power of Positive Thinking Norman Vincent Peale, Now or Never Mary Modhal, Joy of Stress Stress for Success Hanson, Margaret Thatcher biography, Michael Ovitz, Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus John Gray, Simple Abundance Something More Sarah Ban Breathnach, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff Don’t Worry, Make Money Richard Carlson, Reconnection Eric Pearl, Spontaneous Healing, 8 Weeks to Optimum Health Andrew Weil, It’s Not About the Bike Lance Armstrong, City of Joy, A Thousand Suns Dominique LaPierre, Straight from the Gut Jack Welch Fiction Quicksilver, Confusion (trilogy) Neal Stephensen, The Poisonwood Bible Barbara Kingsolver, Faith Len Deighton, Too Close To The Falls Catherine Gildiner, A Year in Provence, Toujours Provence Peter Mayle, The English Patient Michael Ondaatje, Markers Sydney Zion, The Prodigal Daughter Jeffery Archer, The Flanders Panel Arturo Perez-Reverte, Bitter Grounds Sandra Benitez, Our Game John LeCarré, Berlin Solstice Sylvia Fraser, Moneychangers, Hotel, Airport, Wheels Arthur Hailey, 79 Park Ave Harold Robbins, Rage of Angels Other Side of Midnight Sidney Sheldon, 12 books of Anya Seton, The Crystal Cave, The Hollow Hill Mary Stewart, Paris to the Moon Adam Gopnik, The Good Earth Pearl S Buck, Rose Martin Cruz Smith, Daughter of Fortune, Portrait in Sepia, House of Spirits, The Infinite Plan Isabel Allende, Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures Vincent Lam PLEASURE SPORTS: Biking, walking, swimming, cycling, yoga PERSONAL INTEREST COURSES: French Conversation THE ROSETTA STONE ON-LINE TUTORIAL Toronto 2002 French Conversation FIRST CLASS FRENCH - PRIVATE TUTORIAL Toronto 1994-95 123 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 124 – PERSONAL INTEREST COURSES: (cont'd) Advanced Skiing (Downhill) CALGARY OLYMPIC PARK Reflexology & Massage YWCA Piano MR COUSINS & MRS HENSCHEL 1984-85 Calgary 2 yrs: 20 hrs/yr: modification and correction of techniques for advanced skiers 1981 Calgary 30 hrs 1962-69 Calgary 7 yrs: 2,100 hrs: 1 hr/day practice & 1 1hr lesson/wk; popular music OTHER EXPERIENCE: Model HUTCHINSON & HILL ADVERTISING AGENCY TALL GIRL SHOP 1983-84 1980-81 Modeled for photography: 3 catalogues and 5 flyers Media Coordinator (contract) WESTMOUNT PLACE CLUB Land & Legal Runner (bonded) McKAY LAND & LEGAL SERVICES (age 17) 1982 Calgary Coordinated media event for pre-opening reception of luxury condominium & health club Calgary 1 yr Assisted 2,400 customers, 10/day Legal: picked up legal documents (divorces, commercial contracts...) and fees from law firms, delivered to and processed with court clerk at Court House Land: picked up, serviced & processed land & documents at Land Titles Office for 8 law firms & realty companies Training: trained 10 new staff 1975-76 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 125 – OTHER EXPERIENCE: Land Titles Clerk (age 18) (cont'd) LAND TITLES OFFICE 1974-75 Calgary Received and assisted 4,800 customers, 10-20/day Researched land titles, liens, mortgages, purchase prices, conditions. and pre-processing fees, for the general public and then seconded to servicing law firm & realty companies exclusively; trained and supervised 10 new staff Sales Clerk (age 16) SIMPSON SEARS Junior Bazaar, Christmas Decorations, Mens Wear Depts 1972-74 (part-time) Calgary 2 yrs Received and assisted 15,400 customers, 20/day Part-time sales clerk & cashier during high school 125 LOREEN (HAMMILL) LALONDE – 126 –