1 Introduction 2 The field of food microbiology is a very broad one, encompassing the study of 3 microorganisms which have both beneficial and deleterious effects on the quality and 4 safety of raw and processed foods. The primary tool of microbiologists is the ability to 5 identify and quantitate food-borne microorganisms; however, the inherent inaccuracies 6 in enumeration processess, and the natural variation found in all bacterial populations 7 complicate the microbiologist’s job. Accumulating sufficient data on the behaviour of 8 microorganisms in foods requires an extensive amount of work, and is costly. In 9 addition, while data alone can describe the response of a microorganisms in food, they 10 provides little insight into the relationship between physiological processes and growth 11 or survival. One way in which this link can be made is through the use of mathematical 12 models. 13 14 In its simplest form, a mathematical model is a simple mathematical description of a 15 process, and models have been used extensively in all scientific disciplines. They were 16 first used in food microbiology in the early 20th century to describe the inactivation 17 kinetics of food-borne pathogens during thermal processing of foods. Since then, with 18 the advent of personal computers and more powerful statistical software packages, the 19 use of modelling in food microbiology has grown to the point of being recognized as a 20 distinct discipline of food microbiolgy, termed “predictive microbiology”. This concept 21 was introduced and extensively discussed (with particular reference to growth of food- 22 borne pathogens) by McMeekin and his colleagues at the University of Tasmania [3]. 23 24 Predictive microbiology has application in both microbial safety and quality of foods; 25 indeed, early development of the concept was based on seafood spoilage. Extensive 26 research in recent years has shown, however, that the most important application of 27 predictive microbiology is in food safety. Mathematical models for microbial growth and 28 survival are now sufficiently detailed and accurate to make an important contribution to 29 the ability of scientists and regulators to make reasonable predictions of the relative risk 30 posed by a particular food or food process. It has been argued, however, that predictive 31 microbiology is a misnomer; predictive microbiology does not actually make predictions 32 at all. To examine this further, we need to first look at some definitions of modelling. 33 34 In a general sense, a “model” is a simplification of a system using a combination of 35 descriptions, mathematical functions or equations, and specific starting conditions. 36 There are two general classes of models: descriptive and explanatory, the latter being 37 composed of analytical and numerical models. Descriptive (or observational, empirical, 38 “black box” or inductive) models are data-driven; approaches such as polynomial 39 functions, artificial neural nets, and principle component analysis are used to classify 40 the data. True predictions with this class of models are difficult to make, since they 41 cannot be extrapolated beyond the data used to build the model. In spite of this, 42 descriptive models are used extensively with considerable success in predictive 43 microbiology. 44 45 Explanatory (or mechanistic, deductive, or “white box”) models aim to relate the given 46 data to fundimental scientific principles, or at least to measureable physiological 47 processes. Many predictive microbiology models have parameters which are related to 48 observed phenomenon, and are considered mechanistic. The common form of these 49 are analytical models, explicit equations which can be fit to data. To be truly 50 mechanistic, however, a model should raise new questions and hypotheses which can 51 be tested. This is not always easy with explicit functions, since it is difficult to extend 52 them to dynamic situations, or to add additional steps to the model. 53 54 Numerical approaches are designed specifically to allow further development of the 55 model. These models are hierarchial, containing submodels at least one level deeper 56 than the response being described. They have been extensively developed for complex 57 ecological systems, but have not been applied to any great extent in predictive 58 microbiology. Numerical models have been difficult for non-mathematicians to apply, 59 due to the need for extensive programming skills. New software platforms and 60 concepts such object-oriented programming have provided new tools for the 61 microbiologist to extend traditional modelling approaches. 62 63 The models discussed so far (and the majority of existing predictive microbiology 64 models) have all been deterministic. In a deterministic model, knowledge of the starting 65 conditions combined with a mathematical function describing the behaviour of the 66 system over time is sufficient to predict the state of the system at any point in time. 67 Bacteria, however, are not so cooperative. While it may be possible to define a 68 function, the starting conditions are less clear, particularly when dealing with individual 69 bacterial cells. Models which recognize and account for uncertainty or variability in an 70 experimental system are called stochastic or probabilistic models. Probability models 71 have been used extensively in the past to predict the probability of germination of 72 pathogenic spore forming bacteria. Recently, the behaviour of individual bacteria has 73 been likened to that of atoms, in a concept referred to as ‘quantal microbiology’ 74 analgous in some ways to quantum mechanics [2]. In addition, the effect of 75 environmental stress on microorganisms leads to interpopulation diversity, where 76 individual cells may be phenotypically but not genetically different from each other [1]. 77 Recent advances in the use of software which allows the development of probability 78 models has helped to make these approaches more accessible, and has provided more 79 support for the development of risk assessment procedures. 80 81 The excellent monograph by McMeekin and colleagues published in 1993 [3] has set 82 the stage for an explosive increase in predictive microbiology research in the last 83 decade of the 20th century. As we move into the next century (and millenium), there is a 84 need for a definitive work on the subject, above and beyond the many comprehensive 85 and stimulating reviews which have appeared. This book can serve many purposes. 86 Firstly, we believe it will be a primer for many who are not familiar with the field. 87 Chapters 1 (Experimental Design & Data Collection), 2 (Primary Models), and 3 88 (Secondary Models) are designed in part to give the uninitiated sufficient information to 89 start developing their own models. Other chapters address more complex issues such 90 as the difficulties in fitting models (Chapter 4: Model Fitting and Uncertainty), and the 91 relevance of models to the real world (Chapter 5: Challenge of Food and the 92 Environment). Extensive applications of predictive microbiology are covered in 93 Chapters 7 (Software Programs to Increase the Utility of Predictive Microbiology 94 Information) and 8 (“New chapter name”). The important contribution made by 95 predictive microbiology to quantitative risk assessment is describe in Chapter 8 (Risk 96 Assessment), and the further complication of individual cell behaviour and inter-cell 97 variability are addressed in Chapter 9 (Modelling the History Effect on Microbial Growth 98 and Survival). The future of predictive microbiology is the subject of Chapters 10 99 (Models: The Next Generation) and 11 (Conclusions). 100 101 We have attempted to cover the basics of predictive microbiology, as well as the more 102 up-to-date and challenging aspects of the field. There are extensive references to 103 earlier work, as well as recent publications. It is hoped that this book will reflect the 104 extensive research which has gone into placing predictive microbiology at the forefront 105 of food microbiology, and will provide stimulating discussion which will chart our way 106 forward. 107 108 References: 109 110 111 112 1. Booth, I.R. Stress and the single cell: Intrapopulation diversity is a mechanism to ensure survival upon exposure to stress. Int.J.Food Microbiol. 78: 19-30 (2002). 113 114 2. Bridson, E.Y., & Gould, G.W. Quantal microbiology. Lett.Appl.Microbiol. 30: 95-98 (2000). 115 116 3. McMeekin, T.A., J.N. Olley, T. Ross, and D.A. Ratkowsky. 1993. Predictive microbiology: Theory and application. John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York. 117