Summer Reading Assignment 2012-2013

To Prospective AP European History Students 2012-2013,
You have accepted the challenge of taking AP European History in 2012-2013. The advanced
level curriculum is both demanding and challenging. Any student who enrolls in this class
must be committed beyond the standard class requirements and be prepared for a large
amount of work. This summer assignment is as much a signal of that commitment as it is of
your capabilities as a student.
The Advanced Placement European History Class is primarily designed to prepare students to
take the A. P. European History test in May. The curriculum of A. P. European History
includes political, social, and economic historical aspects and events since 1450. Students
must understand and utilize facts obtained from readings that are frequently college-level.
Because of the volume of the material that must be covered before the exam in early May, it
is necessary for all incoming enrolled students to complete a summer assignment. Failure to
complete this assignment will result in a serious impact on your first trimester grade.
This packet should include:
RENAISSANCE” with Discussion Questions and Identification items.
2) “DBQ 3: The Middle Ages: Dark Ages, Age of Faith, Age of Feudalism”, or a Golden
3) “Basic European Geography” with three maps of Europe
4) Reading Questions for The Prince by Machiavelli
5) Reading Questions for Utopia by Thomas More
1) Read “Medieval Europe” and answer each of the discussion questions in complete
sentences. Also based on this reading, define and explain each of the identification items.
2) Complete all items in Part A of the DBQ. This is in preparation to writing the actual essay,
“Part B”, during the first week of school.
3) Complete the European Map Assignment. You have been given three maps of Europe to
label. The first map is for all countries. The second map is for cities. The third map is for
physical geography items. These maps are due on the day you return from summer break.
You will have a quiz on your knowledge of the map of Europe during the first week of
4) Read The Prince and answer each of the discussion questions in complete sentences.
5) Read Utopia and answer each of the discussion questions in complete sentences.
This assignment should be completed and ready to hand in the first day in class when you
return to school after summer break. You should also be prepared for a quiz that covers this
material on the first day of school. These assignments are graded individually and are
therefore meant to be done by each individual, not copied.
See you in September!
Mr. Sheehy
Mrs. Kelley
The Prince
Summer Reading Questions
1. What does Machiavelli give the prince since he has no other valuables? Why
does Machiavelli think this is a worthy gift?
2. Why must you be a prince to understand the nature of people?
3. Why must you be an ordinary citizen to understand the nature of a prince?
1. What are the two types of governments that exist according to Machiavelli?
How are the different?
2. Why is it difficult to rule a principality?
3. Why do men take up arms against a prince?
4. Who does a prince need as a friend in order to maintain a strong army?
5. When acquiring a new territory, what 2 things must a prince do? Why is that
good advice?
6. Why should a prince help a less powerful neighbor?
7. Why did Machiavelli think it was wrong for the prince to give the Church
8. Why can only a prince be loved? Why must he be the ultimate authority?
1. What are the 3 ways to hold onto states that had previously had their own
laws and liberties? Which one of those ways does Machiavelli most support?
2. Why is it better to come to power by virtue rather than by fortune? Name an
example of such a person.
3. When does someone who gains power through fortune struggle? Why?
4. What do you think the following quote means:
He who does not lay his foundations in advance may, with great
Lay them afterward, although the be laid with pain for the builder
And peril for the building.
5. Why does Machiavelli think the duke is a good leader to look up to?
6. What was the one mistake the duke made? Why was it a mistake?
7. When may cruelty be called “well-used?”
8. When are cruelties “badly used?” How does that lead to a lack of loyalty?
9. What is a civil principality? Why is a civil principality good?
10. What does being nice and protective over fearful subjects do for you?
11. Who can stand by themselves? Why? Who always needs others? Why?
1. What is an ecclesiastical principality? Why don’t people free themselves
from this type of government?
2. What were the two main cares of the 5 powers in Italy?
3. What are the two principal foundations all states must have?
4. What are mercenary arms? Why are they bad? What are auxiliary arms?
Why are they useless?
5. What type of army should a wise prince use? Why is it a wise decision?
6. How can a prince train for war during peace?
7. How can a prince exercise his mind for war?
8. What do you think the following statement means:
“Hence it is necessary for a prince, if he wishes to maintain himself, to learn
to be able to be not good, and to use this faculty and not to use it according to
1. Does Machiavelli think that a prince can really be known as a liberal? Why or
Why not?
2. Why does Machiavelli think it is better to be called a miser?
3. Why is it okay to be cruel?
4. Does Machiavelli think it is better to be feared or loved? Why?
5. Even if you are feared, what don’t you want to be? Why?
6. According to Machiavelli, what are the two kinds of combat? Which one
should a prince know?
7. What two beasts should a prince act like? Why?
8. What are the five qualities a prince must appear to have?
9. What two fears should a prince have? Why?
10. What should a new prince do when he finds his subjects unarmed? Why?
11. According to Machiavelli, when do princes become great?
12. When do you need a fortress? When don’t you?
Who is Ferdinand of Aragon? What made him great?
Why is it better to choose sides rather than stay neutral?
Why should a prince encourage his citizens to practice their trade?
What are the three kinds of minds men have?
What type of minister should a prince have?
How should the prince encourage his ministers to speak in council?
What do you think the following statement means?
“A prince who is not wise by himself cannot be counseled well.”
8. What does impetuous mean? Why is it better to be impetuous rather than
1. Overall, what is Machiavelli encouraging the prince to do in Italy? Why is he
encouraging that course of action?
2. Do you think Machiavelli’s manual was helpful to the prince? Why or why
not? (Specific examples to support your answer)
Summer Reading Questions
Describe More’s perception of Peter Gilles.
Who is Raphael Nonsenso? Who did he work for? Where did he go?
Why wouldn’t a king want Raphael for an advisor?
Why hasn’t crime been reduced in England? How does Raphael suggest
England fix the problem?
5. How do nobles who raise sheep harm others?
6. How does the lack of farm work lead to crime?
7. How do games lead men to becoming thieves?
8. How does the punishment of death lead men to commit murder?
9. What does Tallstoria do to punish thieves?
10. Why are men offered a reward to betray an escape plan?
11. What should be done with beggars?
12. Why did the men agree with Raphael only after the Cardinal did?
13. Look up the definition of civic humanism in the dictionary. Provide an
example of civic humanism using page 57.
14. What does Raphael advise the king of France to do? Why?
15. How is a king like a shepherd?
16. What two faults are likely to make a king hated and despised?
17. Why did the King of Happiland refuse to have more than 1,000 pounds in his
18. Explain the statement: We’ll never get human behavior in line with Christian
ethics, so let’s adapt Christian ethics to human behavior.
19. What is the one essential condition for a healthy society?
20. Why does More think a communist system would not work
1. What is ironic about the fact that “savages” founded Utopia?
2. How do Utopians get tools and equipment?
3. Why does the council have a rule that no resolution can be debated on the
day that it is first proposed?
4. What two things do people do for work in Utopia? Who makes sure the
people are working?
5. What is the secret to a happy life?
6. According to Utopians, when is war justifiable?
7. Why do they sit older people with younger people at the dining hall?
8. How do Utopians spend their money during a time of war? Why?
9. Why do they make people wear gold as a form of punishment?
10. What are the three types of good?
11. What are their first and second religious principles?
12. Why is “pleasure” synonymous with “virtue?”
13. What are three stupid pleasures?
14. What is their favorite physical pleasure?
15. When does pleasure cause pain?
16. Why did Utopians think scientific investigation would please the creator
(God)? From what you know about the 1500’s, why would the church
disagree with this statement?
17. What do priests tell people with incurable diseases to do? Why?
18. What happens if you laugh at someone who is deformed? Why?
19. Why don’t Utopians sign treaties?
20. During war, what are Utopians most proud of?
21. Who are the Venalians? Why does Utopia exploit them?
22. Why do Utopians never chase an enemy in retreat?
23. What is the religious view of the vast majority of Utopians?
24. What is the name of Utopia’s supreme being?
25. Why would Thomas More make the point that “they make no attempt to
discourage other people from adopting [Christianity], or attack those who
26. Why would God make different people believe different things?
27. What are priests responsible for?
28. Why are there no visual representations of God in Utopian churches?
29. Explain what More means when he says, “People are always talking about the
public interest, but all they really care about is private property.”
30. Why does Raphael think the Utopian way of life will last forever?