
Modern World History
Name: ________________________
Machiavelli Questions
Niccolo Machiavelli was a political thinker of the Italian Renaissance. He wrote a very
famous book, The Prince, in which he described what he felt it takes to be an effective
leader (Prince) and maintain power. He wrote the book to impress an Italian Prince from
whom he hoped to get a job. The book, though, has survived through history as one of
the most famous descriptions of political strategy.
Directions: Read the excerpt from Machiavelli’s The Prince on pages 426-429 in your
textbook and respond to the following questions.
1. Make a list of any characteristics, qualities and actions Machiavelli says a good
leader (Prince) must have/take. (you should find several throughout the reading).
2. What is Machiavelli’s view of human nature (how does he describe the people
under the leader’s rule)?
3. Record any key quotes from the reading that you think are famous or that strike
you as powerful (pick at least one).
4. Do you think that individuals should follow Machiavelli’s advice in dealing with
their family, friends and classmates? Why or why not?