Memphis City Schools Creating the School-Centered Multi-Hazard Emergency School Plan A. Introduction This chapter is designed to provide a practical step-by-step approach to forming a Multi-Hazard Emergency School Plan. It addresses issues from team formation through submission of the plan to the Superintendent’s office. The first step in creating the Multi-Hazard Emergency School Plan is forming the Multi-Hazard School Team. As introduced earlier, the team should represent the diverse training and expertise of the school community. After the team is formed, they should use the attached forms to create the Multi-Hazard Emergency School Plan. Next, the Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team should conduct a presentation at a faculty/staff meeting to update the entire staff regarding Universal Emergency Procedures, Emergency Management Protocols, Emergency Management Team assignments, specific roles, etc. Finally, the team will submit a copy of the plan to the Office of School Safety Security and Emergency Management. The Emergency Management staff will review the reports and document the completion of the plan for each school and report to the Superintendent and the State Department of Education. Using this guide as a starting point, each school and school support building is to establish a MultiHazard Emergency School Team and is to develop (or update) a School-Centered Emergency Management Plan to include: Clearly defined staff roles/responsibilities (a Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team, Incident Command System, etc.) Procedures for emergency evacuation, administering first aid, etc. Setting up a “Command Post” Establishing potential staging areas Student accounting and release procedures Assembly Areas Guidelines for communication with the media Establishing primary and back-up methods for communication (within school, with Central Office, and with parents and community) Each Multi-Hazard Emergency School Plan shall be updated yearly and submitted to the Emergency Management office, and shall reflect the actions required by all involved parties to minimize loss of life and injury to persons and property. The school principal is responsible for supervising, monitoring and organizing the development of the school emergency plan. Further, the principal is responsible for arranging a faculty/staff meeting within one month of the beginning of each school year to review the school’s plan and update staff regarding new procedures. B. Forming the Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team The school principal or facility director is responsible for overseeing the formation of the MultiHazard Emergency School Team and is the designated leader. Certain positions in the school lend themselves to team membership. Those include: counselor, nurse, secretary, custodian, social worker, teachers in various specialty areas, cafeteria manager, school psychologist, staff with special knowledge or training, and staff in strategic locations in the building. Each of these individuals has unique knowledge in areas ranging from mental and physical health to students with special needs, and from access to building plans to knowledge of community resources. Depending on the size and needs of the school, an emergency team could have any number of staff ranging from approximately 6 to 12, depending on the size of the facility. Although these staff members make up the formal Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team, it should be made clear to all staff that each will have a role in the implementation of effective emergency management protocols, and each is responsible for addressing the immediate safety needs of students in their care. Suggested steps for Team formation: 1. Principal/facility director communicates with all staff identifying specific needs, and requesting volunteers to serve on the Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team (see Staff Skills Inventory). 2. Principal/facility director or designee creates list of interested staff, making sure all major areas of need are addressed, including: Physical/medical needs Emotional/mental health needs Students with special needs Staff from all areas of the building (different floors, wings, out-buildings, etc.) Staff with knowledge of transportation needs Staff with knowledge of the building floor plan, locks, etc. Staff with ability to convey information to the media Staff with knowledge of community resources 3. A meeting is held with potential team members to discuss what will be expected for team membership. 4. Principal/facility director or designee follows-up with all staff to update on Team formation, and to fill in areas where deficits exist (NOTE: Although an individual may seem “perfect” for a role, no one should be required to have a primary position on an emergency team if he/she does not feel capable of fulfilling his/her duties in time of need). 5. An initial meeting is held to formally establish the Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team, and to begin the process of developing the school’s Multi-Hazard Emergency School Plan (using forms on the following pages). 6. Conduct a formal presentation during a staff/faculty meeting at the beginning of each school year. 7. Hold regular team meetings throughout the school year (every 1-2 months) to review protocols and ongoing issues as they arise (may include local, state or national issues that may affect the school). 8. Set dates to conduct orientation, review, updates, of plan. C. Checklist for Plan Development Under the direction of the principal, each school is to complete the following according to its unique needs and circumstances. Have each team member become familiar with this Multi-Hazard Emergency School Plan and Recovery Guide and other materials provided. Complete the following: 1. Cover Page 2. Staff Skills Inventory 3. Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team Assignments 4. Students Needing Special Assistance 5. Staff Survey Needing Special Assistance 6. Students and Staff Special Assistance: Master List 7. Classroom and Building “Hazard Hunt” All Staff 8. Classroom and Building “Hazard Hunt” Master List 9. Assembly Area (outdoors) 10. Emergency Walking/Transportation Update 11. Student Accounting and Release 12. Orientation and Training Schedule 13. Drill Schedule and Log Create a Multi-Hazard Emergency Team “Toolbox or Go Kit” using checklist provided Adopt Visitor Screening Policy consistent with local board policy Adopt General Dismissal Procedures consistent with board policy Review the Multi-Hazard Emergency School Protocols (“Response” section); make necessary modifications for school-specific needs (using feedback from Staff Surveys and Emergency Team input, local or district phone numbers and titles, etc.) Each teacher should have their “Classroom Crisis Response Procedures” booklet with them at all times. Review and update Severe Weather Safe Area for each room of building Review and update Shelter in Place plan for each room of building Establish a schedule and procedures for orientation, training, and practicing (suggestions for Orientation, Tabletop Exercise, Drill, Functional Exercise, FullScale Exercise found in the introduction of this guide) Submit the school’s plan to the Office of School Safety, Security and Emergency Management Practice the plan as scheduled, update the plan at least yearly 1. Cover Page for School-Centered Plan Each school is responsible for creating and updating its Multi-Hazard Emergency School Plan and Recovery Plan on a yearly basis. This cover page should accompany the school’s completed plan according to the guidelines established by the District Support Team. The school principal needs to sign this cover prior to submitting the plan to the central office. 2012-2013 Multi-Hazard Emergency School Plan and Recovery Guide School Name: Newberry Elementary School Principal Signature Date Student/Staff/Count & Special Needs Chart # students # special needs students or adults # wheel chairs # office personnel # custodial staff # teachers # of other staff Total in your bldg. 540 6 0 4 5 36 59 650 Revised August 2012 2. Staff Skills Inventory for Multi-Hazard Emergency School Plan Staff: As part of the development of our Multi-Hazard Emergency School Plan, and in accordance with district policy, please complete the following survey and return to the administration office. The information provided will be used to help design and update our Multi-Hazard Emergency School Plan in order to be fully prepared for an emergency situation should one arise. NAME: ROOM I. Emergency response: Please check any of the following areas in which you have training or expertise: First aid CPR Emergency medical Search & rescue Hazardous materials Media relations Counseling/mental health Firefighting Incident debriefing Explain or clarify items checked, if needed II. Special Considerations: Please check and list special skills or resources you feel would be an asset in an emergency situation. Explain items checked: Multilingual, list language(s) Experience with disabilities Ham radio or CB radio experience Knowledge of community resources Other knowledge or skills Other knowledge or skills Check if you have a cell phone that could be used in an emergency Check if you have a 2-way radio that could be used in an emergency III. Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team Membership Each school is to form a Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team to provide leadership and direction in response and recovery activities related to emergency management. Please check here if you are interested in becoming a member of our school’s Multi-Hazard Emergency School Plan. DO NOT RETURN THIS FORM WITH YOUR PLAN 3. Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team Assignments In general, Incident Command System (ICS) or Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team roles should be a logical, reasonable parallel to day-to-day work assignments. Complete the form below to reflect your school Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team assignments. Descriptions of roles and responsibilities for each assignment are provided in Appendix C of the Principal’s Multi-Hazard Crisis Response manual received at training. Title Name Bldg. Location & Phone # Alternate Name Bldg. Location & Phone # Jaron Carson Ext. 69350 Stacy Y. Mayfield, Main Office 416-9356 Coach Richard Jones, Port 300A Intercom 300A Micheal McMillian, TA. 416-2518 Public Information Official: Media Liaison Jan Lynch, RM 23B Ext. 69361 Bill Riley, Annex RM 6A, Ext.52527 Liaison Official: Liaison to Outside Agencies Keisha Haley RM 231B Ext. 52516 Karen Johnson RM 9 Ext.52513 Heather Randall, Port 331B Ext. 52534 Mary Bolton, RM 1 Ext. 52504 Carol Crowder, main Office Ext. 62518 Nancy Hulbert, T.A. Ext. 416-2518 Joyce Townsend, main bldg.. Ext. 69359 Shannon Ores, main Bldg. Ext. 69353 Nurse Cook & Nurse Wood 319A, Ext 52531 Janice Brooks, Cafeteria Ext. 69353 Cyndie Nash, Sch. Psych. Ext. 52501 Beverly Leigh, Social Worker Ext. 52501 LaQuita McClelland, Cafeteria Ext. 69353 Dr. TBA, Supervisor Bond bldg.. 416-5600 Tornaka Houston, Annex 4A Ext. 52525 Deborah Westbrook, Library Ext. 69360 Incident Command: Principal Safety Official: School Security Planning/Intelligence: Situation Analysis Operations: Student Accounting & Release Operations: Facility & Environmental Operations: First Aid, CPR, Medical Operations: Crisis Intervention & Response Operations: Food, water, sanitation Logistics: Communications Virginia Draper, Cafeteria Ext. 69355 Logistics: Supplies Mossilean Williams, Bookroom Lynice Trotter, Bookroom Administration & Finance: Documentation Tracy Whitehead, Main Office Ext. 69351 Beverly Crutcher, Main Office Ext. 416-2518 4. Students Survey Needing Special Assistance (i.e. students and staff with physical limitations, diabetes, asthma, allergies, heart conditions, and special needs students etc.) Instructions: Teachers are to fill in the name of any student/staff in their class who will require special assistance in the event of an emergency (considering a variety of emergency conditions which may alter needs, such as severe weather, evacuation needs, hazardous materials, etc.). Copy form as needed. STUDENT NAME ASSISTANCE NEEDED (Name of Person Who Will Assist) (Name of Person Who Will Assist) (Name of Person Who Will Assist) (Name of Person Who Will Assist) (Name of Person Who Will Assist) (Name of Person Who Will Assist) (Name of Person Who Will Assist) SIGNATURE: ROOM DO NOT RETURN THIS FORM WITH YOUR PLAN 5. Staff Survey Needing Special Assistance (i.e., staff with physical limitations, diabetes, asthma, allergies, heart conditions, etc.) Instructions: Fill in the information below if you require special assistance in the event of an emergency (considering a variety of emergency conditions which may alter needs, such as severe weather, evacuation needs, hazardous materials, etc.). Copy form as needed. STAFF MEMBERS NAME ASSISTANCE NEEDED (Name of Person Who Will Assist) (Name of Person Who Will Assist) (Name of Person Who Will Assist) (Name of Person Who Will Assist) (Name of Person Who Will Assist) (Name of Person Who Will Assist) DO NOT RETURN THIS FORM WITH YOUR PLAN 6. Students and Staff Needing Special Assistance MASTER LIST Using the information from individual Teacher/Staff Survey form (FORM #4 and 4a), the Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team maintains a master list of students and staff needing special assistance in the event of an emergency (make copies of this sheet as necessary): STUDENT/STAFF NAME ASSISTANCE NEEDED AND INDIVIDUAL TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE 7. Classroom and Building “Hazard Hunt” ALL STAFF (and Mitigation Plans) Each Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team is interested in identifying any special circumstances which exist in our building or near our location which present unique problems or potential risk to persons or property. These may include materials used in offices, issues specific to your location in the building, situations which may impede evacuation from the building, community issues (factories, airport, water plants, rivers/streams), etc. Please describe any such potential hazards below, and actions to mitigate: Use this form to compile the master list of hazards for your location. Potential Hazards Actions to Mitigate Successful (Yes/No) Signature: ____________________________________________________ Barriers to Intervention Date: _______________________ DO NOT RETURN THIS FORM WITH YOURPLAN 8. Classroom and Building “Hazard Hunt” MASTER LIST (and Mitigation Plans) Each Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team is required to identify circumstances unique to its school/campus/facility that present unique risks to persons or property. These may include materials used within the building, potentially troublesome evacuation routes, dangers due to geographic location, proximity to potentially hazardous buildings in the community, issues related to sharing a campus with another school, etc. Using information from Classroom and Building “Hazard Hunt” forms, as well as insights from Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team members, list below any specific risks or potential hazards needing special consideration and plans to address them (copy form as needed): Potential Hazards Actions to Mitigate Successful (Yes/No) Barriers to Intervention 9. Assembly Area (Outdoors, for Standard Evacuation) Use the following worksheet to plan for evacuation from the building to an on-site, or near-site Assembly Area (e.g., on-site football field). The Assembly Area should minimize exposure of students to dangers or hazards around the school. 1. Examine floor plans and maps for your school grounds and surrounding neighborhood. Determine primary and secondary exits for each room in the building. Consider factors such as: gas, sewer, power lines; chain link fences (electrical hazard); facilities containing toxic or radioactive material, water towers, multiple story buildings (vulnerable to collapse), transformers, balconies (which may fall from buildings), etc. 2. Designate each of the following in the Assembly Area: (Include an outside map with the assembly area – see sample outdoor map) Command Post Access for emergency vehicles Student assembly areas (by grade level or team, etc.) First aid area Heliport landing area for air medical (if traffic gridlock prevents vehicular access) Psychological first aid area Student release Media area Potential morgue 3. Place copies of floor plans and evacuation routes, highlighted as appropriate, in this section of the guide, and post throughout the building. (Please attach map of indoor and outdoor evacuation) 4. Communicate Student Accounting and Release procedures to parents. (Please attach copy of letter to parents) 10. EMERGENCY WALKING/TRANSPORTATION UPDATE 2012-2013 School __Newberry Elementary_______________________________________________________________ Address ___5540 Newberry Ave___________________________________________________________ City_Memphis___________________________ State_TN______________ Zip 38141 Phone number _901-416-2518______________________ Fax_901-416-8184________________________ Principal’s Name ___Jaron Carson_________________________________________________________________ Phone number___901-416-9350________________________ Cell number__901-283-4620________________ Bus pick-up at school (i.e., front address, left side parking lot, etc.) ___Right Side parking Lot________________ (Remember pick-up and drop-off sites must be accessible by a large bus) ALTERNATIVE BUILDING LOCATION: Walking Distance Alternative Building Location (Name, Address, City/State/Zip Code) Name/Title & Phone Number (Lead Contact) (1) ____Jaron Carson/Principal________________________ ______901-283-4620_____________________________ _________________________________________ Emerald Park______________________ Newberry Avenue Alternative Building Location (Name, Address, City/State/Zip Code) Name/Title & Phone Number (Lead Contact) (2) _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ ALTERNATIVE BUILDING LOCATION: Requiring Transport Alternative Building Location (Name, Address, City/State/Zip Code) Name/Title & Phone Number (Lead Contact) (1) Resurrection 5475 Newberry Avenue Memphis, TN 38115-3651 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Bus pick-up site at this location (i.e., front address, left side parking lot, etc.)________________________ Alternative Building Location (Name, Address, City/State/Zip Code) Name/Title & Phone Number (Lead Contact) (2) ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Bus pick-up site at this location (i.e., front address, left side parking lot, etc.)_________________________ Student/Staff/Count & Special Needs Chart # students # special needs # wheel chairs # office personnel # custodial staff # teachers # of other staff Total in your bldg. 540 6 0 4 5 36 59 650 11. Student Accounting and Release Each school needs to establish a specific plan for student accounting and release. Use the following worksheet to describe how your school will account for students and staff in the building in the event of an evacuation. Teachers must carry roll books, grade books, or student attendance sheets when exiting the building during an evacuation. A staff roster should also be available to take during an evacuation. 1. List below steps or procedures staff will take to assure student or staff accounting (i.e., teachers report to team leader, who reports to “Student Accounting and Release” member of the Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team, who reports to principal): 2. What procedures will be in place to release students to parents, guardians, or other designated adults during an emergency? 12. Orientation and Training Schedule [2011-2012] Annually, each school should prepare a schedule of orientation and training events. Use the worksheet below to outline a schedule for training events, drills, etc. Month July August September October November December January February March April May June Training Event and Who is to be Trained Person Responsible Comments School Name___________________________________________________ 13. Drill Schedule and Log [2011 -2012] Use the following worksheet to plan drills for your school. Submit a copy of the schedule with your school’s plan and use the original to document drills when they actually occur. Final actual schedule is due May 4, 2012. Fax to 416-5718. Fire Drills: Two fire drills in the first month of school, and one per month each following month. Monthly Date Weather Number of Evacuation Comments, Schedule Conducted Conditions Occupants Time Notes 1st:8/9/12 8/9/12 Sunny 465 3 min 2nd:8/17/12 8/17/12 Sunny 516 3 min 3rd:9/4/12 9/4/2012 Sunny 540 3 min 4th:10/19/12 5th:11/14/12 6th:12/13/12 7th:1/9/13 8th:2/21/12 9th:3/21/12 10th:4/17/12 11th:5/15/12 12th: Earthquake Drills: Two each year. Date Date Number of Scheduled Conducted Occupants Response Time Comments, Notes 1st: 10/17/12 2nd:2/21/13 Severe Weather Safe Area: Twice each year, including one in March Date Date Number of Response Scheduled Conducted Occupants Time Comments, Notes 1st:11/14/12 March:3/21/13 Other Drills or Practice: Such as Lockdown, Shelter in Place, Intruder, Bomb Threat, etc. Date Date Event Comments, Scheduled Conducted Scheduled Notes 10/17/12 D. Emergency Team “Toolbox” or “Go Kit” Each Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team is to develop a “toolbox” to have available for use during an emergency situation. Items in the toolbox should not be used for anything other than emergency preparedness activities. A member of the Multi-Hazard Emergency School Team should be assigned to keep the toolbox updated (change batteries, update phone numbers, etc.). The toolbox should be portable and readily accessible for use in an emergency. Copies of the all forms completed in the development of the school or facility MultiHazard Emergency School Plan (Chain of Command, Students Needing Assistance, etc.) Map of building(s) with location of Exits, Phones, First Aid Kits, Assembly Areas Blueprints of school building(s), including utilities Videotape of inside and outside of the building and grounds Map of local streets with evacuation route (Alternate Building Location requiring Transport) Flash lights First aid kit and latex gloves Faculty/staff roster (including emergency contacts) Student roster (including emergency contacts for parents) Master schedule Two-way radios and/or cellular phones available Battery powered radio and spare batteries Several legal pads and ball point pens Grease boards and markers (or dry erase boards) White peel-off stickers and markers (for name tags) Local telephone directory Lists of the district personnel’s phone, cell, fax and pager numbers Lists of other emergency phone numbers Other Other Other Sample Phone Tree Home and Cell Numbers . Asst. Principal Home Number Cell Number Teachers Home Number Cell Number Counselor Home Number Cell Number Teachers Home Number Cell Number Principal Home Number Cell Number Secretary Home Number Cell Number Teachers Home Number Cell Number Cafeteria Staff Home Number Cell Number SBE Home Number Cell Number Teachers Home Number Cell Number Teachers Home Number Cell Number SAMPLE LETTER TO PARENTS Dear Parents, Providing for your child’s safety when at school in our care is a major responsibility of our staff. North Area Elementary has a disaster plan. The Principals and staff are prepared to make prompt and responsible decisions in any situation that could threaten the safety of the students. The need to close a school and evacuate the students before the regularly scheduled closing time could arise from a relatively minor emergency such as a prolonged interruption of power or from a major event such as a fire, earthquake, or severe storm. At times, communication and/or transportation may be disrupted. In the event of a major disaster information will be disseminated in a number of ways, including: Broadcast by the local radio and television stations. Published in the local newspapers and, as possible, posted on the school website. NORTH AREA ELEMENTARY RELEASE POLICY No student will be dismissed from school unless a parent (or individual designated by a parent) comes for him/her. No student will be allowed to leave with another person, even a relative or babysitter, unless we have written permission or that particular person is listed on the student’s Registration or Emergency Medical Release Form in our office and is able to identify him/herself. Please complete the attached emergency card and return it as soon as possible. If the information changes, remember to call the office to request a new card. All parents or designated persons who come for students must sign out at the office or from the alternate release location which will be established in lower north section of the grassy field in front of the building. Signs will be posted if this alternate location is required. We are prepared to care for your student in emergency situations. If you are not able to reach the school, we will care for your student until you or a designated person arrives. We have a number of staff members with first aid training, and we will be in communication with local emergency services. We do ask for your help in the following ways: Do not call the school. It is essential that telephone lines are open for emergency calls. Stay tuned in to your radio and television for updated developments. Avoid traffic congestion at the school by not driving immediately to the school. The school access route and street entrance areas must remain clear for emergency vehicles. During the school year your child will be trained in the necessary emergency procedures. He/she will learn how to react, where to assemble, and what to expect in an emergency situation. If you have any questions or comments about our emergency preparations, please call the office at 385-4240. Sincerely yours, Linda A. Delaney, Principal *Information used on this form was taken from the ’02-’03 Emergency Management Plan submitted by Wells Station Student Assembly Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Student Release Grade 9 Post Command Emergency Vehicles JROTC Armory Morgue First Aid Sample Outdoor Evacuation Area ABC School Gym Media Psychological 1st Aide Heliport