GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS This guide specification is written according to the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) formats, including MasterFormat, SectionFormat, and PageFormat. Carefully review and edit this section to meet the requirements of the project and local building code. Coordinate this section with other specification sections and drawings. Delete all "Specifier Notes" when editing this section. SECTION 11 61 00 THEATER AND STAGE EQUIPMENT PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS A. 1.2 The General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 – General Requirements apply. SECTION INCLUDES Specifier Note: Retain only those items below that remain after editing text of section. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 1.3 Fire curtains. Counterweight lineset rigging. Motorized lineset rigging. Rope rigging linesets. Dead-hung lineset rigging. Drapery and track package. Pipe grid. Wire rope tension grid. RELATED SECTIONS Specifier Note: In this article, specify work specified in other sections that is related to work of this section. A. B. C. D. Project Name Project Location Section 05 50 00 - Metal Fabrications: Supporting framework for theater and stage equipment. Division 26 - Electrical: Electrical systems and components. Section 26 55 61 - Theatrical Lighting. Section 26 09 61 - Theatrical Lighting Controls. Project No 11 61 00-1 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date Specifier Note: The following paragraph is a sample that may be used in this article. Add to or delete from the following as appropriate for the specific project. E. 1.4 Section [xxxxx] – [Section Title]: [Include brief description of work specified in another section that is related to the work of this section.] REFERENCES Specifier Note: Retain only those references that are required after the section is edited. A. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC): 1. B. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): 1. C. Specifications for Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings, 6th Edition. ANSI B17.1, Keys and Keyseats. American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/ASME International (ASME): 1. ANSI/ASME B106.1M, Design of Transmission Shafting. D. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): E. 1. ASCE 7, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): 1. 2. 3. F. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA): 1. 2. G. ANSI E1.4, Entertainment Technology Manual Counterweight Rigging Systems. ANSI E1.22, Entertainment Technology Fire Safety Curtain Systems. Underwriters Laboratories (UL): 1. Project Name Project Location OSHA 1910, Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry. OSHA 1926, Occupational Safety and Health Regulations for Construction. PLASA (formerly Entertainment Services and Technology Association): 1. 2. H. NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. NFPA 80, Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives. NFPA 701, Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame Propagation of Textiles and Films. Listing Directory. Project No 11 61 00-2 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date I. Wire Rope Technical Board (WRTB): 1. 1.5 Wire Rope Users Manual, Fourth Edition, December 2005. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Specifier Note: Revise two paragraphs below to suit project or delete article if not required. Specifier Note: Retain first paragraph below if Contractor is required to assume responsibility for design. A. B. Delegated Design: Design rigging, including comprehensive engineering analysis by a qualified professional engineer, licensed in the state where the project is located, using performance requirements and design criteria indicated. Structural Performance: Rigging shall withstand the effects of gravity loads and the following loads and stresses within limits and under conditions indicated: Specifier Note: Consult a structural engineer experienced in engineering rigging of type indicated to quantify the design loads applicable to project. Verify compliance with codes. 1. Design Loads: Weight of curtains and [Insert loads]. Specifier Note: Delete the following paragraph if seismic design of theater and stage equipment is not required for project. Revise to indicate specific loads determined by project's structural engineer or refer to loads indicated on Drawings. Model building codes and ASCE 7 establish criteria for buildings subject to earthquake motions. Verify requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. C. D. Seismic Performance: Provide theater and stage equipment capable of withstanding the effects of earthquake motions determined according to [ASCE 7, Chapter 11, "Seismic Design Criteria"] [Insert applicable code requirement]. Minimum Standards: Comply with the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.6 Tension Load Path Components and Systems: Design factor of eight (8). Cable Bending Ratio: Minimum of 29 times the rope diameter. Steel: 1/5 of stress yield. Maximum Fleet Angle: Two (2) degrees for grooved drums and blocks. SUBMITTALS Specifier Note: In this article, specify various types of data to be furnished by the contractor before, during, or after construction. Topics included in this article are: product data, shop drawings, samples, design data, test reports, certificates, manufacturers’ instructions, manufacturers’ field reports, qualification statements, and closeout submittals. A. B. Project Name Project Location Submit under provisions of Section [01 33 00] [ ]. Prepare submittals under the supervision of a Registered Design Professional licensed in the state where the project is located. Project No 11 61 00-3 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 1. 2. C. D. E. F. G. H. 1.7 Product Data: For each product specified, provide details, dimensions, anchoring and mounting requirements, material and finish descriptions, electrical requirements, and manufacturer's warranty. Shop Drawings: Indicate plans, elevations, and detailed sections of typical stage equipment systems and elements, electrical riser diagrams, schematics, loads and panel details, estimated building loads imposed by furnished equipment, anchor and fastening details, drapery and lineset schedules, miscellaneous equipment details and any additional information required to evaluate the completeness and correctness of the rigging systems. Highlight any deviations from specified equipment. Samples: For each type of curtain specified, including color charts illustrating the manufacturer’s full range of colors, textures, and patterns. Provide a 12-inch square sample of each type of fabric in any color. Samples: For any equipment or component when requested by the Architect. Product Certificates: Provide name of flame-retardant chemical used, identification of applicator, treatment method, application date, allowable life span for treatment, and details of any restrictions and limitations. Warranty: Provide sample of manufacturer’s standard warranty for materials and parts. CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. B. C. D. E. 1.8 Shop drawings shall be signed and sealed by a Registered Design Professional. Registered Design Professional’s responsibility shall include all elements related to overhead lifting, support of elements provided by the stage rigging contractor, and all overhead suspended elements. Submit under provisions of Section [01 33 00] [ ]. Operation and Maintenance Data: Provide three (3) sets of data including parts list for fire curtains, rigging and each piece of equipment provided or installed to include in the operation and maintenance manuals. Receipts for delivery of turnover items designated as “Deliver to Owner.” Record Drawings: Provide three (3) sets of “as-built and approved” shop drawings and wiring diagrams indicating systems and components as installed including field modifications. Test Certificates: Provide three (3) sets of flame retardant test certificates for each type of fire curtain installed. QUALITY ASSURANCE Specifier Note: In this article, describe qualifications, regulatory requirements, certifications, field samples, mock-ups, and pre-installation meetings. A. Project Name Project Location Installer Qualifications: A company that has successfully completed at least 10 similar projects with the last five (5) years. Furnish project location, completion date, scope of work, and Owner and Architect contact names if requested. Project No 11 61 00-4 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date B. C. D. Source Limitations: Obtain each item of theater and stage equipment through one (1) source from a single manufacturer. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide curtains with flame-resistance ratings that pass NFPA 701, as determined by testing identical products by UL or a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Installer must maintain a fully equipped field service organization capable of providing prompt inspection, service and repairs of the installed equipment and system. 1. E. 1.9 Provide only expert installation personnel on the Work. Ensure that an experienced Entertainment Technician Certification Program (ETCP) Certified Theatre Rigging Technician installation supervisor is present throughout the entire installation. Maintain availability of replacement parts for equipment and components for a minimum of 10 years after final acceptance of the Work. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Field Measurements: Verify actual dimensions of openings and construction contiguous with theater and stage equipment by field measurements before fabrication begins. Indicate measurements on shop drawings. 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver and store theater and stage equipment on job site prior to their installation in a clean area. 1.11 COORDINATION A. Coordinate locations of theater and stage equipment with other work to prevent interference with clearances required for access, and for proper installation, adjustment, operation, cleaning, and servicing. 1.12 WARRANTY A. Manufacturer's Standard Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair, restore, or replace defective theater and stage equipment components that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period. 1. Warranty Period: [One (1)] [Insert number] year(s) from date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 – PRODUCTS Project Name Project Location Project No 11 61 00-5 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide stage curtains and rigging equipment manufactured by SECOA, Inc., 8650 109 Avenue North, Champlin, MN 55316; Telephone: 800-328-5519; Fax: 763-506-8844; Website: Specifier Note: Select either of the following two (2) paragraphs and delete the other. B. C. 2.2 Substitutions will not be considered. Substitutions will be considered, subject to compliance with requirements of this section, under provisions of Section 01 25 00. MATERIALS A. B. Shop Primer: Manufacturer’s standard primer. Finish Paint: 1. 2. 3. C. 2.3 Metal Components: Paint in semi-gloss black. Special Markings: Same quality and type in colors as specified. Special Finishes: As specified. Miscellaneous Hardware, Cable Fittings, Clips and Chain, and Hardware: Painted, galvanized or cadmium plated as required. BRAIL FIRE SAFETY CURTAINS A. Operation: 1. Meet or exceed the requirements set forth in the Building Code for any proscenium measuring 50-feet or less in width and 30-feet or less in height. 2. Raising and lowering of the fire safety curtain is normally operated electrically, using a winch. In an emergency, a release system will cause the curtain to lower by gravity. An emergency release will close the curtain with an average closing speed of not less than six (6) inches per second and not more than 24 inches per second. The last eight (8) feet shall not require less than five (5) seconds. 3. The rigging equipment supplied for the fire safety curtain shall in all respects meet the quality standards established for the theater and stage equipment specified. B. Fabric: 2-1/2-lb per sq yd, stainless steel wire inserted, 100 percent glass yarn fabric, coated on both sides with special high temperature coating. 1. C. Project Name Project Location Meet or exceed building code requirements for proscenium theatre fire curtains in the United States. Construction: Project No 11 61 00-6 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D. Fabricate curtain in finished size that will overlap the proscenium opening 18 inches on each side and store above the proscenium opening in a minimum amount of space. Install 3-inch yielding pad of non-combustible material at base of curtain to form a seal against stage floor. Provide smoke seal “flap” at curtain top edge to bridge gap between curtain top and proscenium wall. Curtain top edge to be dead hung from overhead roof steel. Provide curtain with vertical rows of “D” rings, sewn 18-inches on center, at each lift line location. Pass lift cables through “D” rings and attach to bottom pipe, allowing curtain material to “stack” upon itself and store above the proscenium opening. Horizontal spacing between vertical rows of “D” rings shall be no greater than 8’0” on center. Provide each side of the curtain with bronze spool guides spaced no more than 18 inches on center for the height of the curtain. Rigging: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Provide one (1) heavy-duty head block with lathe-turned and polished, ASTM A48 Class 30-34 gray iron casting, minimum 12-inch diameter sheave, with one (1) groove for 1/4-inch cable for each lift line. Include provisions for attachment of clew guide cables. Provide one (1) heavy-duty loft block for each lift line grooved for 1/4-inch cable with lathe turned and polished, ASTM A48 Class 30-34 gray iron casting, minimum 8-inch diameter sheave. One (1) multi-line guided cable clew to transition lift lines into a single 1/4-inch drive line at winch. One (1) electrically operated brail winch assembly with centrifugal descent governor to control curtain descent. Winch shall be a “Standalone Motorized Fire Safety Curtain Winch” as described below. Winch to have metal safety enclosure and provisions for attachment of clew guide cables. Winch to hold curtain in storage position by means of a brake, attached to the emergency release line. Stay Chains: SECOA Theatrical Chain (hereinafter referred to as “STCTM”) chain. There shall be one (1) more stay chain than the number of supporting cables. Attach stay chains to the top batten of the curtain and to the overhead steel. a. b. c. d. Project Name Project Location Specifically designed STCTM chain for overhead lifting applications. The STCTM chain shall have a minimum breaking strength of 13,000 lbs and a working load limit of 3,250 lbs. Each link of the chain shall be proof tested to twice the working load limit. The STCTM chain shall be compatible with industry-recognized chain hardware. Individual link size shall match the National Association of Chain Manufacturers, Welded Steel Chain Specifications for Grade 30 Proof Coil Chain. The STCTM chain shall be easily recognizable. Project No 11 61 00-7 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 1) 2) 3) Stamp each link of the chain with the manufacturer’s identifying mark. The chain shall be lot traceable, with a coded date stamp on every tenth link of chain. The finish applied to the chain shall be per ASTM B633 FE/ZN 5, Yellow Iridescent. Specifier Note: Retain the following subparagraph if required on a project. e. 6. 7. 8. 9. Lift Lines: 1/4-inch diameter 7x19 small diameter specialty cord impregnated with a dry lubricant. Attach each cable to its clew with one (1) 1/4-inch thimble and one (1) 1/4-inch copper oval sleeve, and attach to curtain bottom pipe batten by wrapping and two (2) drop forged cable clips. Pipe Battens for Fire Curtain Set: Two-inch I.D., Schedule 40, black iron pipe. Winch Driveline: Minimum 1/4-inch, 7x19 small diameter specialty cord impregnated with dry lubricant with appropriate fittings. The emergency release system must effectively lower the curtain in the event of fire with or without human intervention. a. b. 10. b. 2.4 Emergency Release Line: Construct of 1/8-inch small diameter specialty cord impregnated with a dry lubricant, fitted with not less than six (6) 165 degree F fusible links. Install one (1) fusible link for every 15 lineal feet of emergency release line and one (1) fusible link no more than 7’-6” from the vertical rise of the release line. When a link separates, the fire curtain will automatically lower. Manual emergency deployment of the fire curtain shall be accomplished by the activation of one (1) of two (2) quick-release assemblies, one (1) located at each side of the proscenium. Activation shall be by lifting a lever to release the 1-1/2-inch diameter red ring attached to the emergency release line. Smoke Pockets: Construct of 9-inch structural channel and 1/4 x 18-inch steel plates mounted on each side of the proscenium arch. The front edge of the pocket is set six (6) inches back from the proscenium opening. The smoke pocket extends from the stage floor to a height 2’-0” above the top of the fire safety curtain. a. E. [Make the STCTM chain OSHA 29 CFR 1910.184 Compliant.] Provide a guide cable inside of each smoke pocket to engage the bronze spool guides along the side of the curtain. Size and anchor guide cable to resist a load of two (2) psf of pressure differential as appropriate for the size of the proscenium opening. Provide one (1) fire safety curtain. STRAIGHT LIFT FIRE SAFETY CURTAIN Project Name Project Location Project No 11 61 00-8 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date Specifier Note: Retain this article for proscenium openings of less than 850 sq ft. A. Operation: 1. 2. Meet or exceed the requirements set forth in the Building Code for any proscenium of less than 850 sq ft. Raising and lowering of the fire safety curtain is normally operated manually, using a hand line. In an emergency, a release system will cause the curtain to lower by gravity. An emergency release will close the curtain fully with an average closing speed of not less than six (6) inches per second and not more than 24 inches per second. The last eight (8) feet shall not require less than five (5) to close (dashpot required). a. B. Fabric: 2-1/2-lb per sq yd, stainless steel wire inserted, 100 percent glass yarn fabric, coated on both sides with special high temperature coating. 1. C. Meet or exceed building code requirements for proscenium theatre fire curtains in the United States. Curtain Construction: 1. 2. 3. D. The fire safety curtain must have a finished size so that it will overlap the proscenium opening 18 inches on each side and 24 inches at the top. Install a 3-inch yielding pad of non-combustible material at base of curtain to form a seal against stage floor. Steel Roller Guides: Supply at each side of curtain to guide curtain along guide track installed in the smoke pocket. Attach guides 18-inch O.C. to sheet metal reinforced curtain edges. Guide tracks must run within the entire length of the smoke pockets. Rigging: 1. 2. The rigging equipment supplied for the fire safety curtain must in all respects meet the quality standards established for counterweight systems. 12” Head Block: a. b. Project Name Project Location Manual operation of the fire safety curtain shall not disable the emergency operation. Construct heavy-duty sheaves of ASTM A48, Class 30-35 gray iron castings, minimum 12 inches in diameter. Each sheave must be concentrically bored, machine faced and grooved for the required number of 1/4-inch wire rope lift lines, and one 3/4-inch purchase line. Hand line rope grooves must be shallow; assuring that the pitch diameter is equal to the pitch diameter of the wire rope lines. Spacers must be installed to allow passage of the purchase line and prevent the wire rope from jumping grooves. Wire rope cable grooves must have no more than 1/64inch tolerance. Project No 11 61 00-9 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date c. d. e. f. g. h. 3. Loft Block: Heavy-duty sheaves constructed of ASTM A48, Class 30-35 gray iron castings, a minimum 8-inch in diameter. Groove the sheave for 1/4-inch cable with no more than a 1/64-inch tolerance. a. b. c. d. e. f. 4. Concentrically bore the sheave for an 11/16-inch cold rolled steel shaft and two (2) 11/16-inch tapered bearings, each having a radial load capacity of 1,945 lb at 100 RPM (200 FPM). Other bearings rated at a lower capacity for the specified RPM are not acceptable. Accomplish proper adjustment of the bearings through use of a "Nyloc" self-locking nut on one (1) end of the shaft a keeper pin on the other end. Side Plates: Manufacture from minimum 10-gage steel. Miter, trim and grind corners of side plates. Hold side plates together by minimum five (5) 5/16-inch bolts and spacers. Locate spacers to retain cable in sheave groove. Manufacture base angles from minimum 3/16-inch x 1-1/4-inch x 1-1/4-inch steel angle welded to side plates in three (3) places at each angle. Provide each loft block with a series of nylon idler sheaves to support the lift cable of each successive loft block. Idler sheaves to be minimum 2-7/16-inch in diameter and operate on engineered plastic bearing hubs. Attach block to building structural steel by means of a minimum of two (2) 3/8-inch steel clips and a minimum of four (4) 3/8-inch bolts with lock washers and nuts. Size clips as appropriate for the actual flange with this specification reflecting minimum acceptable size. Provide one (1) loft block at each lift line point. Arbor: a. Project Name Project Location Sheave to operate on a one-inch diameter cold rolled steel shaft and two (2) tapered roller bearings. Each bearing must have radial load capacity of 2,580 lb at 75 RPM (225 FPM). Other bearings rated at lower capacity at the specified RPM are not acceptable. Accomplish proper adjustment of the bearings by means of a "Nyloc" selflocking nut on one (1) end of the shaft and a keeper pin on the other end. Sheave Side Plates: Minimum 10-gage steel. Miter, trim and grind corners and edges and bead weld to the base at three (3) locations. Base: Construct from minimum 2 inch by 1-1/2 inch by 1/4-inch steel angle. Angles must be turned to face each other. Attach block to building structural steel by means of a minimum of two (2) 3/8-inch steel clips and a minimum of four (4) 1/2-inch bolts with lock washers and nuts. Size clips as appropriate for the actual flange with this specification reflecting minimum acceptable size. Provide one (1) head block. Fabricate counterweight arbor tops from 5/16-inch thick steel plate formed into a channel with 2-1/2-inch high legs. Punch the legs to receive eight (8) lift lines and one (1) 5/8-inch bolt with half-height "Nyloc" self-locking nut in the center to receive 3/4-inch purchase line. Cast grey or malleable iron arbor tops are not acceptable. Project No 11 61 00-10 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date b. c. d. e. f. g. 5. Lattice Track: Provide one (1) wall mounted lattice track assembly to guide the counterweight arbor along its full travel. Alternate arbor location at the first tee wall slot is also acceptable. a. 6. b. c. d. e. The sheave is to be a smooth iron casting, a minimum of 11 inches in diameter and designed for 3/4-inch purchase line. Concentrically bore the sheave for a 3/4-inch cold rolled steel shaft and two (2) 3/4-inch flange ball bearings. Provide a half-height "Nyloc" self-locking nut at one (1) end of shaft and a keeper pin at other end. House sheave in side plates guided by four (4) 1/2-inch steel rods. Provide one (1) floating 11-inch tension block mounted at the floor to maintain tension in the operating line. Standard floor block specified below is acceptable for tee wall mounted arbor. Wire Rope Lifting Line and Hardware: a. b. c. Project Name Project Location Provide a spring bumper assembly as the bottom stop of the lattice track to prevent the arbor from leaving its guides. Tension Block: a. 7. Fabricate arbor bottom from 3/8-inch by 3-inch flat steel bar. Thread arbor bottom to accept 3/4-inch arbor rods. Provide arbor bottom with one (1) 1/2-inch drop-forged eyebolt welded in the center to receive 3/4-inch purchase line. Cast grey or malleable iron arbor bottoms are not acceptable. Join the arbor top and bottom with two (2) 3/4-inch threaded steel rods and one (1) 3/8-inch by 3-inch flat bar backbone. Rod length shall be adequate to accommodate specified counterweight load. Utilize three (3) 3/4-inch nuts at top of each threaded steel rod; utilize one (1) 3/4-inch nut at bottom of each threaded steel rod. Provide two (2) sets of UHMW guide assemblies, consisting of two (2) UHMW outer shoes, one (1) UHMW spacer and one (1) 3/16-inch steel back-up plate for each side of the guide shoe assembly. Bolt each guide assembly to the arbor with two (2) 3/8-inch bolts with lock washers and nuts. Provide arbor with 1/8-inch by 2-inch wide steel flat bar spacer plates, one (1) for every two (2) feet of arbor length and two (2) locking collars equipped with thumb screws, weld one (1) locking collar to the top spacer plate. Provide one (1) counterweight arbor and associated counterweights to properly counterbalance the fire curtain. Lift Line: 1/4-inch 7x19 preformed small diameter specialty cord impregnated with a dry lubricant. Finish cable termination points with HD galvanized cable thimbles and one (1) Nicopress® oval sleeve applied per manufacturer’s written instructions. Tape cable ends with black self-fusing silicone tape to prevent unraveling and snagging. Project No 11 61 00-11 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date d. 8. Provide one (1) 3/8-inch diameter drop-forged type turnbuckle for each lift line, installed at the batten end attached to an appropriately sized pipe clamp. Mouse after final adjustment. Stay Chains: SECOA Theatrical Chain (hereinafter referred to as “STCTM”). There shall be one (1) more stay chain than the number of supporting cables. Attach stay chains to top batten of curtain and to overhead steel. a. b. c. d. Specifically design STCTM chain for overhead lifting applications. The STCTM chain shall have a minimum breaking strength of 13,000 lbs; a working load limit of 3,250 lbs. Each link of the chain shall be proof tested to twice the working load limit. The STCTM chain shall be compatible with industry-recognized chain hardware. Individual link size shall match the National Association of Chain Manufacturers, Welded Steel Chain Specifications for Grade 30 Proof Coil Chain. The STCTM chain shall be easily recognizable. 1) 2) 3) Stamp each link of the chain with the manufacturer’s identifying mark. The chain shall be lot traceable, with a coded date stamp on every tenth link of chain. Apply finish to the chain per ASTM B633 FE/ZN 5, Yellow Iridescent. Specifier Note: Retain the following subparagraph if required on a project. e. 9. Hand Line: a. b. c. 10. Provide one (1) batten the width of the fire curtain for the upper and lower pockets of the curtain. Emergency Release: a. b. Project Name Project Location Hand lines for operating the counterweight sets must be 3/4-inch Multi-Line II rope as manufactured by New England Ropes. Heat seal and tape rope ends with black self-fusing silicone tape. Terminate hand lines with two (2) half hitches and two (2) nylon zip ties to attach rope end to the standing part of the rope. Pipe Battens: Construct from 2-inch I.D. Schedule 40, black iron pipe. Minimize pipe joints and use a drive fit pipe sleeve at least 18 inches long; secure with four (4) plug welds. Paint pipe batten with high quality paint. a. 11. [Make the STCTM chain OSHA 29 CFR 1910.184 Compliant.] Emergency release system must effectively lower curtain in event of fire with or without human intervention. Incorporate an emergency release line constructed from 1/8-inch small diameter specialty cord impregnated with dry lubricant, fitted with not less Project No 11 61 00-12 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date c. d. 12. Overbalance and Hydraulic Dashpot Checking: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 13. Project Name Project Location than six (6) 165 degree Fahrenheit fusible links. Install one (1) fusible link for every 15 lineal feet of emergency release line and one (1) fusible link no more than 7’-6” from the vertical rise of the release line. When a link separates or the manual pull pin is removed from the manual release station the fire curtain will lower automatically. Manual emergency deployment of the fire curtain shall be accomplished by the activation of one (1) of two (2) quick-release assemblies, one (1) located at each side of the proscenium. Activate either assembly by lifting a lever to release the 1-1/2-inch diameter red ring attached to the emergency release line. Normal operation of the fire curtain shall not disable the emergency operation of the fire curtain system. Furnish and install an overbalance arbor, which must cause the normally balanced fire curtain to descend in the event the emergency release system is activated. Provide a hydraulic dashpot to slow the curtain descent in its last eight (8) feet of travel. In an emergency, the fire curtain must have an average closing speed of not less than six (6) inches per seconds and not more than 24 inches per second. The last eight (8) feet shall not require less than five (5) seconds to close. Size and valve the hydraulic dashpot to full decelerate the free-falling fire curtain. Construct the heavy-duty sheave of ASTM A48 Class 30-35 gray iron casting with a minimum 12-inch diameter and groove for the required cable diameter. Grooves shall have sloped sides and conform to the cable manufacturer’s standards for groove shape. Concentrically bore the sheave for a one (1) inch cold rolled steel shaft and two (2) 1-inch tapered roller bearings. Each bearing shall have a radial load capacity of 2580 lbs at 75 RPM (225 FPM) for a minimum of 4000 hours. Other bearings rated at a lower capacity for the specified RPM are not acceptable. A bent keeper pin shall retain the shaft on one (1) end. Set proper preload on the bearing by adjusting a fine threaded "Nyloc" selflocking nut on the other end of the shaft. Each sheave shall run plumb and true without rubbing side plates when rotated. Attach the sheave to a one (1) inch diameter CRS cylinder piston rod with five (5) feet of total travel. Fabricate cylinder from 1026 DOM tubing. The fire curtain’s rate of descent shall be adjusted with an integral bonnet globe valve metering fluid flow from the rod end of the cylinder as the dashpot extends under normal operation. Globe valve shall have renewable seat and disc. Smoke Pockets: Construct of 6-inch structural channel and 1/4 by 18-inch steel plate mounted to each side of the proscenium arch. 1/4-inch steel plate forming a C-shape is also acceptable. Project No 11 61 00-13 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date a. b. c. 2.5 Set the front edge of the pocket six (6) inches back from the proscenium opening. The smoke pockets extend from the stage floor to a height of 1'-0" above the top of the raised fire safety curtain or to the grid or roof steel whichever is less. Incorporate a steel track channel into the smoke pocket for the fire curtain roller guides engage. Secure smoke pocket to proscenium wall with construction appropriate minimum 1/2-inch diameter grade-5 fasteners spaced 4-feet on center or 3/8-inch diameter grade-5 fasteners spaced 2-feet on center to secure the smoke pockets to the proscenium wall. d. Provide one (1) smoke pocket at each side of the proscenium arch. STANDALONE MOTORIZED FIRE SAFETY CURTAIN WINCH Specifier Note: Retain this article for proscenium openings greater than 850 sq ft. A. Motorized winch assembly with integrated centrifugal speed governor to control curtain descent. Winch to have built-in metal safety enclosure, basic control station and provisions for attachment of clew guide cables. Winch shall hold curtain in storage position by means of a brake release attached to the emergency release line. Drive line shall be 1/4-inch 7x19 Small Diameter Specialty Cord Impregnated with a Dry Lubricant. No other steel cables are acceptable. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B. Control System: Basic “push-and-hold-to-operate” style system, attached directly to the winch enclosure. Works in tandem with manual wall mount emergency release boxes and fusible link system. 1. Project Name Project Location Winch shall be virtually maintenance free for the user’s ease of operation. A/C Brake Motor: 1725 RPM, three-phase, [Insert voltage] volts, 60 Hz motor with an integral brake. Automatically apply brake in case of power failure. Motor must have 1.0 service factor. Overload protection for the motor is required. Provide with four (4) total factory-wired and tested limit switches for both normal operational and over travel limits. Winch shall be operable for either straight lift or brail situations. Brail winch configuration shall accommodate variable clew guide cable spacing. Winch shall be suitable for new construction, renovation, re-rig or integration with existing straight lift or brail fire curtain system. Brail winch configuration, shall accommodate variable guide cable spacing. Provide with winch stand as standard equipment. Hydraulic descent governor is not acceptable. Motor shall have a 750 lb standard capacity. If additional capacity is necessary for the fire curtain system, augment the motor with a counterweight arbor. Maintained E-stop button shall operate a line contactor, which removes power completely from the reversing contactor and controls. Other control methods are not acceptable. Project No 11 61 00-14 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 2. Factory-wire and test low voltage controls. Furnish with a UL label. Specifier Note: Retain the following subparagraph if the optional key switch is required on the project. 3. 4. 2.6 Key Switch: Prevents unauthorized usage and provides system security. Power shall not be require for emergency operation of fire curtain release system. MOTORIZED STRAIGHT LIFT LINE SHAFT WINCH FIRE SAFETY CURTAIN Specifier Note: Retain this article for proscenium openings greater than 850 sq ft. A. Operation: 1. 2. 3. B. C. Furnish and install a motor of adequate capacity to safely and efficiently raise and lower the fire safety curtain. Raising and lowering of the fire safety curtain is normally performed manually using the motor control panel. In an emergency, the release system causes the curtain to lower by gravity. An emergency release will close the curtain fully in less than 30 seconds. The last eight (8) feet of curtain travel will require a minimum of five (5) seconds, as a safety measure. Power shall not be required for emergency operation of fire curtain release system. Line shaft winch must have one (1) cable drum for each lift line. Alternately groove drums for right and left hand winding to prevent the batten from traveling side to side. Gear Motor Reducer: Combination right angle helical bevel gear reducer with a minimum service factor of 1.0. Specifier Note: Verify available voltage and insert in the following paragraph. D. E. F. Project Name Project Location AC Brake Motor: 1725 RPM, three-phase, [Insert voltage] volts, 60 Hz motor with an integral brake. Size motor to stop and hold moving load within four (4) inches. Automatically apply brake in case of power failure. Motor must have 1.0 service factor. Cable Drum: Drum diameter must be a minimum of 32 times cable diameter. Machine drums for right or left hand single helical groove a required. Make cable drum of proper length to hold all of the cable in one (1) layer; rope piling is not acceptable. Support drums on each side with a flange block assembly. Drum must hold minimum amount of cable required for fire curtain travel plus three (3) dead wraps. 1. Provide drums with a single helical groove and size appropriately for cable used. Drums shall have key-slots for easy connection of cables. 2. Groove winch drum to accept one (1) line of minimum 1/4-inch - 7x19 small diameter specialty cord impregnated with a dry lubricant. 3. Key drum hub directly to output shaft of reducer. 4. Chain or belt drives are not acceptable. Frame: Project No 11 61 00-15 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 1. 2. 3. G. Limit Switches: 1. 2. H. 2. 3. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Project Name Project Location The motor starter must be UL Listed in a NEMA 1 enclosure attached to the winch frame. Provide NEMA 12 enclosures for outdoor or wet locations. If the system is 480V, provide the enclosure with a through-the-door disconnect. Overload protection for the motor is required. Control Panel: 1. J. Provide each winch with an adjustable four (4) element limit switch that stops the winch at the upper and lower normal extremes of travel. Two (2) of the elements must be backup or over travel limits, wired such that the winch cannot be operated until the cause of normal limit failure is determined and repaired. Motor Starter: 1. I. Construct the winch frame of structural steel members, compactly designed to support the winch components and load in a minimum amount of space. Run structural support continuous for the entire length of the system. Incorporate a cable keeper bar in the frame that is located next to the grooves in the drum to prevent lift lines from jumping grooves and slack lines from unwinding. Provide a wall mounted, UL Listed, NEMA 1 control enclosure that contains UP and DOWN push buttons for each winch. Provide NEMA 12 enclosures for outdoor or wet locations. The push buttons must require continuous pressure to operate the fire curtain. Provide a key switch to prevent unauthorized personnel from operating the fire curtain. The key switch must not disable the emergency operation of the fire curtain. Provide the control panel with an on-off key switch, mushroom head push-pull maintained emergency stop, up and down push buttons, and a system monitor lamp. Typical operation would be to turn the system on and press the UP or DOWN push button for direction of travel. Emergency stop push button will disconnect all power to the entire system assembly and halt operation at any position. Maintained emergency stop button operates a line contactor which removes completely from the reversing contactor and controls. Other control methods are not acceptable. Engaging the emergency stop will not affect the emergency operation of the system. The system monitor lamp indicates system trouble by monitoring power, ultimate limit switches, motor overloads and the hydraulic descent governor system. Wire Rope Cable Used for Lift Lines: Minimum 1/4-inch 7x19 small diameter specialty cord impregnated with dry lubricant. Terminate the cable at the drum with a Nicopress® stop fitting. Terminate the cable at pipe batten with a thimble, two (2) drop Project No 11 61 00-16 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date forged cable clips (or one (1) copper oval sleeve swage fitting), applied per manufacturer’s written instructions, a 6-inch jaw & eye turnbuckle sized one (1) trade size larger than the lift cable diameter, and a full batten clamp. Neatly tape all loose ends with self-fusing silicone tape to prevent catching. Mouse turnbuckle after final adjustment. K. Fire Curtain: 1. 2. Fabric: 2-1/2-lbs per sq yd, stainless steel wire inserted, 100 percent glass yarn fabric, coated on both sides with a special high temperature coating. Fabric must meet or exceed applicable building codes for proscenium theatre fire curtains. Curtain Construction: a. b. c. L. Rigging: The rigging equipment supplied for the fire safety curtain must in all respects meet the quality standards established for counterweight systems. 1. Wire Rope Lifting Line and Hardware: a. b. c. d. 2. Lift Line: Minimum 1/4-inch 7x19 small diameter specialty cord impregnated with dry lubricant. Finish cable termination points with HD galvanized cable thimbles and one (1) Nicopress® oval sleeve installed per manufacturer’s written instructions. Tape cable ends with self-fusing silicone tape to prevent unraveling and snagging. For each lift line, provide one (1) drop-forged type turnbuckle one (1) trade size larger than the diameter of the lift line, installed at batten end attached to an appropriately sized pipe clamp. Mouse turnbuckle after final adjustment. Stay Chains: SECOA Theatrical Chain (hereinafter referred to as “STCTM”) chain. Provide one (1) more stay chain than the number of supporting cables. Attach stay chains to top batten of curtain and to overhead steel. a. b. c. Project Name Project Location Finished size of fire safety curtain must be such that it will overlap the proscenium opening 18 inches on each side and 24 inches at the top. Install a 3-inch yielding pad of non-combustible material at the base of the curtain to form a seal against the stage floor. Provide with roller guides at each side of curtain to guide the curtain along the guide track. Attach guides at 18-inch O.C. to sheet metal reinforced curtain edges. Run guide tracks within the entire length of the smoke pockets. Specifically design STCTM chain for overhead lifting applications. STCTM chain shall have a minimum breaking strength of 13,000 lbs; a working load limit of 3,250 lbs. Proof-test each link of the chain to twice the working load limit. STCTM chain shall be compatible with industry-recognized chain hardware. Individual link size shall match the National Association of Chain Project No 11 61 00-17 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date d. Manufacturers (NACM) "Welded Steel Chain Specifications" for Grade 30 Proof Coil Chain. STCTM chain shall be easily recognizable. 1) 2) 3) Stamp each link of the chain with manufacturer’s identifying mark. The chain shall be lot traceable, with a coded date stamp on every tenth link of chain. Finish applied to chain shall be per ASTM B633 FE/ZN 5, Yellow Iridescent. Specifier Note: Retain the following subparagraph if required on a project. 4) 3. Pipe Battens: a. b. 4. b. c. Project Name Project Location The emergency release system must effectively lower the curtain in the event of fire with or without human intervention. Incorporate an emergency release line constructed from 1/8-inch small diameter specialty cord impregnated with dry lubricant, fitted with not less than six (6) 165 degree F fusible links. Install one (1) fusible link for every 15 lineal feet of release line, one (1) fusible link no more than 7’-6” from the vertical rise of the release line. When a link separates or the manual pull pin is removed from the manual release station the fire curtain will lower automatically. Manual emergency deployment of the fire curtain shall be accomplished by the activation of one (1) of two (2) quick-release assemblies, one (1) located at each side of the proscenium. Activation of either assembly shall be by lifting a lever to release the 1-1/2-inch diameter red ring attached to the emergency release line. Descent Control: a. b. 6. Construct from 2-inch I.D. Schedule 40, black iron pipe. Minimize pipe joints and use a drive fit internal pipe sleeve a least 18 inches long, secured with four (4) plug welds. Paint pipe batten with recognized high quality paint. Provide one (1) batten equal to the width of the fire curtain for upper and lower pockets of curtain. Emergency Release System: a. 5. [Make the STCTM chain OSHA 29 CFR 1910.184 Compliant.] Provide with a hydraulic descent governor to slow the curtain descent. The fire curtain must close in not more than 30 seconds, with the last eight (8) feet requiring not less than five (5) seconds. Smoke Pockets/Side Guides: Project No 11 61 00-18 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date a. b. c. d. e. 2.7 Construct of 6-inch structural channel and 1/4-inch by 18-inch steel plate mounted to each side of proscenium arch. A formed 1/4-inch steel plate creating a C-shape is also acceptable. Set front edge of pocket is six (6) inches back from proscenium opening. Extend smoke pockets from stage floor to a height of 2'-0" above top of raised fire safety curtain. Smoke pocket must incorporate a 14 gage galvanized steel track channel, approximately 2-5/8-inch wide by 2-3/4-inch high in which the fire curtain side roller guides engage. Use construction appropriate minimum 1/2-inch diameter Grade 5 fasteners spaced 4-feet on center or 3/8-inch diameter Grade 5 fasteners spaced 2feet on center to secure smoke pockets to proscenium wall. Provide one (1) smoke pocket/side guide systems at each side of proscenium arch. RATE-OF-RISE RELEASE SYSTEM Specifier Note: Retain this article if the rate-of-rise release system is required for project. A. 2.8 Emergency release system must interface with building’s fire alarm panel (provided by others) and effectively lower curtain in event of fire with or without human intervention. COUNTERWEIGHT RIGGING A. Lineset Components (Typical) (Refer to Drawings and Schedule for Quantities): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 12" diameter head block Eight (8) inch diameter nylon loft blocks with incremental idlers T-Bar Counterweight Arbor 11" diameter floor block Rope Lock STC™ Trim Chains, with one (1) 5/16-inch screw pin shackle 1/4-inch Nicopress® oval sleeve. 1/4-inch Cable Thimbles 3/4-inch Multi-Line II Handline 1-1/2-inch I.D. Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Batten Flame-cut Counterweights 1/4-inch 7x19 small diameter specialty cord impregnated with dry lubricant Specifier Note: Retain any of the following additional components as required on a project. 13. 14. 15. Project Name Project Location [One (1) Each Additional - 1-1/2-inch diameter pipe, for each electric batten] [Two (2) feet Additional Arbor length for each electric batten] [Four (4) feet Additional Arbor length for each Orchestra Shell Ceiling] Project No 11 61 00-19 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date B. 12" Head Block: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. C. Double Purchase 12" Head Block: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Project Name Project Location Heavy-Duty Sheaves: Construct of ASTM A48, Class 30-35 gray iron castings or smooth Polyamide Nylon casting 12" in diameter. Concentrically bore, machine face and groove each sheave for the required number of 1/4-inch wire rope lift lines, and one (1) 3/4-inch purchase line. Hand line rope grooves must be shallow to assure that the pitch diameter is equal to the pitch diameter of the wire rope lines. Install spacers to allow passage of purchase line and prevent wire rope from jumping grooves. Wire rope cable grooves must have no more than 1/64-inch tolerance. Sheave to operate on a one-inch diameter cold rolled steel shaft and two (2) tapered roller bearings. Each bearing must have radial load capacity of 2580 lbs at 75 RPM (225 FPM). Other bearings rated at lower capacity at the specified RPM are NOT acceptable. Accomplish proper adjustment of bearings by means of a "Nyloc" self-locking nut on one (1) end of the shaft and a keeper pin on the other end. Sheave Side Plates: No less than 10-gage steel; miter, trim and grind corners and edges and bead weld to base at three (3) locations. Base: Construct from minimum 2-inch by 1-1/2-inch by 1/4-inch steel angle. Turn angles to face each other. Attach block to building structural steel by means of a minimum of two (2) 3/8inch steel clips and a minimum of four (4) 1/2-inch bolts with lock washers and nuts. Size clips appropriately for actual flange with this specification reflecting minimum acceptable size. Provide one (1) head block for each single purchase line set. Heavy-Duty Sheaves: Construct of ASTM A48, Class 30-35 gray iron castings or smooth Polyamide Nylon casting 12" in diameter. Concentrically bore, machine face and groove each sheave for the required number of 1/4-inch wire rope lift lines, and one (1) 3/4-inch purchase line. Hand line rope grooves must be shallow to assure that the pitch diameter is equal to the pitch diameter of the wire rope lines. Install spacers to allow passage of purchase line and prevent wire rope from jumping grooves. Wire rope cable grooves must have no more than 1/64-inch tolerance. Sheave to operate on a one-inch diameter cold rolled steel shaft and two (2) tapered roller bearings. Each bearing must have radial load capacity of 2580 lbs at 75 RPM (225 FPM). Other bearings rated at lower capacity at the specified RPM are NOT acceptable. Accomplish proper adjustment of bearings by means of a "Nyloc" self-locking nut on one (1) end of the shaft and a keeper pin on the other end. Sheave Side Plates: No less than 10-gage steel; miter, trim and grind corners and edges and bead weld to base at three (3) locations. Base: Construct from minimum 2-inch by 2-1/2-inch by 5/16-inch steel angle. Turn angles to face each other. Attach block to building structural steel by means of a minimum of two (2) 3/8inch steel clips and a minimum of four (4) 1/2-inch bolts with lock washers and Project No 11 61 00-20 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 8. 9. nuts. Size clips appropriately for actual flange with this specification reflecting minimum acceptable size. Provide double purchase tie-off bracket at appropriate position on the block. Provide one (1) head block for each double purchase line set. Specifier Note: Retain the following paragraph if the loft block is required for a project. D. Eight (8) Inch Multi-line Loft Block: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. E. Eight (8) Inch Upright Loft Block: 1. 2. 3. Project Name Project Location Heavy-Duty Sheaves: Construct of ASTM A48, Class 30-35 gray iron castings or smooth Nylon casting eight (8) inches in diameter. Groove sheave for 1/4-inch cable with a 1/64-inch tolerance. Provide one (1) groove for each lift line. Concentrically bore sheave for 11/16-inch cold rolled steel shaft and two (2) 11/16-inch tapered roller bearings, each having a radial load capacity of 1945 lbs at 100 RPM (200 FPM). Other bearings rated at a lower capacity for the specified RPM are not acceptable. Accomplish proper adjustment of bearings by means of a "Nyloc" self-locking nut on one (1) end of shaft and a keeper pin on the other end. Side Plates: No less than 10-gage steel; miter, trim and grind corners of side plates. Hold side plates together by a minimum of five (5) 5/16-inch bolts and spacers. Locate spacers to retain cable in sheave groove. Make base angles from minimum 3/16-inch by 1-1/4-inch by 1-1/4-inch steel angle welded to side plates in three (3) places at each angle. Attach block to building structural steel by means of a minimum of two (2) 3/8inch steel clips and a minimum of four (4) 3/8-inch bolts with lock washers and nuts. Size clips appropriately for actual flange, with this specification reflecting minimum acceptable. Groove each loft block to support the lifting line and all passing lift lines. For electric sets provide one (1) additional groove. Provide one (1) multi-line loft block at first position of each line set. Heavy-Duty Sheaves: Construct of ASTM A48, Class 30-35 gray iron castings or smooth Nylon casting eight (8) inches in diameter. Groove sheave for 1/4-inch cable with a 1/64-inch tolerance. Concentrically bore sheave for 11/16-inch cold rolled steel shaft and two (2) 11/16-inch tapered roller bearings, each having a radial load capacity of 1945 lbs at 100 RPM (200 FPM). Other bearings rated at a lower capacity for the specified RPM are not acceptable. Accomplish proper adjustment of bearings by means of a "Nyloc" self-locking nut on one (1) end of shaft and a keeper pin on the other end. Side Plates: No less than 10-gage steel; miter, trim and grind corners of side plates. Hold side plates together by a minimum of five (5) 5/16-inch bolts and spacers. Locate spacers to retain cable in sheave groove. Make base angles from minimum 3/16-inch by 1-1/4-inch by 1-1/4-inch steel angle welded to side plates in three (3) places at each angle. Project No 11 61 00-21 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 4. 5. 6. F. Eight (8) Inch Underhung loft Block: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. G. Heavy-Duty Sheaves: Construct of ASTM A48, Class 30-35 gray iron castings or smooth Nylon casting eight (8) inches in diameter. Groove sheave for 1/4-inch cable with a 1/64-inch tolerance. Concentrically bore sheave for 11/16-inch cold rolled steel shaft and two (2) 11/16-inch tapered roller bearings, each having a radial load capacity of 1945 lbs at 100 RPM (200 FPM). Other bearings rated at a lower capacity for the specified RPM are not acceptable. Accomplish proper adjustment of bearings by means of a "Nyloc" self-locking nut on one (1) end of shaft and a keeper pin on the other end. Side Plates: No less than 10-gage steel; miter, trim and grind corners of side plates. Hold side plates together by a minimum of five (5) 5/16-inch bolts and spacers. Locate spacers to retain cable in sheave groove. Make base angles from minimum 3/16-inch by 1-1/4-inch by 1-1/4-inch steel angle welded to side plates in three (3) places at each angle. Attach block to building structural steel by means of a minimum of two (2) 3/8inch steel clips and a minimum of four (4) 3/8-inch bolts with lock washers and nuts. Size clips appropriately for the actual flange, with this specification reflecting the minimum acceptable. Every loft block shall contain a series of nylon idler sheaves to support the lift cable of each successive loft block. Idler sheaves to be minimum 2-7/16-inch in diameter and operate on engineered plastic bearing hubs. Provide one (1) loft block at each lift line point. Eight (8) Inch Loft Block for Underhung Use: 1. 2. 3. Project Name Project Location Attach block to building structural steel by means of a minimum of two (2) 3/8inch steel clips and a minimum of five (5) 5/16-inch bolts and spacers. Locate spacers to retain cable in sheave groove. Fabricate base angles from 3/16-inch by 1-1/4-inch by 1-1/4-inch steel angle welded to side plates in three (3) places at each angle. Sag bars may be provided at full stage depth at a minimum of three (3) positions along the line sets. Provide one (1) loft block at each lift line point. Heavy-Duty Sheaves: Construct of ASTM A48, Class 30-35 gray iron castings or smooth Nylon casting eight (8) inches in diameter. Groove sheave for 1/4-inch cable with a 1/64-inch tolerance. Concentrically bore sheave for 11/16-inch cold rolled steel shaft and two (2) 11/16-inch tapered roller bearings, each having a radial load capacity of 1945 lbs at 100 RPM (200 FPM). Other bearings rated at a lower capacity for the specified RPM are not acceptable. Accomplish proper adjustment of bearings by means of a "Nyloc" self-locking nut on one (1) end of shaft and a keeper pin on the other end. Side Plates and Mountings: One-piece formed steel member having a minimum thickness of 3/16-inch; miter, trim and grind corners of side plates. Hold side plates together by a minimum six (6) 5/16-inch bolts and spacers. Locate four (4) Project No 11 61 00-22 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 4. 5. 6. H. Eight (8) Inch Underhung Throat Cut Loft Block: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I. Heavy-Duty Sheaves: Construct of ASTM A48, Class 30-35 gray iron castings or smooth Nylon casting eight (8) inches in diameter. Groove sheave for 1/4-inch cable with a 1/64-inch tolerance. Concentrically bore sheave for 11/16-inch cold rolled steel shaft and two (2) 11/16-inch tapered roller bearings, each having a radial load capacity of 1945 lbs at 100 RPM (200 FPM). Other bearings rated at a lower capacity for the specified RPM are not acceptable. Accomplish proper adjustment of bearings by means of a "Nyloc" self-locking nut on one (1) end of shaft and a keeper pin on the other end. Side Plates: No less than 10-gage steel, throat cut to latch over one (1) side of structural member; miter, trim and grind corners of side plates. Hold side plates together by a minimum of five (5) 5/16-inch bolts and spacers. Locate spacers to retain cable in sheave groove. Every loft block shall contain a series of nylon idler sheaves to support the lift cable of each successive loft block. Idler sheaves to be minimum 2-7/16-inch in diameter and operate on engineered plastic bearing hubs. Attach loft block to building structure by means of a 5/8-inch steel draw bolt and 1/4-inch thick formed metal clip. Provide one (1) loft block at each lift line point. Tension Block: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Project Name Project Location spacers to retain cable in sheave groove. Provide loft block with a series of punched holes to facilitate mounting of loft block to a wide variety of buildings’ structural steel widths. Attach block to building structural steel by means of a minimum of two (2) 3/8inch steel clips and a minimum of four (4) 3/8-inch Grade 5 bolts with flat washers, lock washer and nut to secure the loft block to its mounting beam. Every loft block shall contain a series of nylon idler sheaves to support the lift cable of each successive loft block. Idler sheaves to be minimum 2-7/16-inch in diameter and operate on engineered plastic bearing hubs. Provide one (1) loft block at each lift line point. Sheaves: Construct of smooth iron casting, a minimum of 11 inches in diameter and design for 3/4-inch purchase line. Concentrically bore sheave for a 3/4-inch cold rolled steel shaft and two (2) 3/4inch flange ball bearings. Accomplish proper adjustment of bearings by means of a “Nyloc” self-locking nut on one (1) end of shaft and a keeper pin at other end. Construct block of seven (7) gage steel plate. Cast iron block housings are not acceptable. Provide each block with two (2) sets of vulcanized fiber guide shoes with a minimum 3/16-inch steel back-up plate to fit "T"-Bar Guides. Bolt to the tension block with four (4) 3/8-inch Grade 5 bolts, lock washers and nuts. To insure proper tautness of purchase lines, minimum weight of each block must be 40 lbs. Provide one (1) tension floor block for each line set. Project No 11 61 00-23 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date J. Counterweight Arbor (Single Purchase): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. K. Double Purchase Counterweight Arbor: 1. 2. Project Name Project Location Counterweight Arbor Tops: Form from 5/16-inch thick steel plate into a channel with 2-1/2-inch high legs. Punch the legs to receive eight (8) lifting cables and one (1) 5/8-inch bolt with a half-height “Nyloc” self-locking nut in the center to receive a 3/4-inch purchase line. Cast grey or malleable iron arbor tops are not acceptable. Arbor Bottoms: Fabricate of 3/8-inch by 3-inch flat steel bar. Thread arbor bottom to accept 3/4-inch arbor rods. Provide arbor bottom with one (1) 1/2-inch drop-forged eyebolt welded in the center to receive 3/4-inch purchase line. Cast grey or malleable iron arbor bottoms are not acceptable. Join arbor top to arbor bottom with two (2) 3/4-inch threaded steel rods and one (1) 3/8-inch by 3-inch flat bar backbone. Rod length shall be adequate to accommodate specified counterweight load. Utilize three (3) 3/4-inch nuts at top of each threaded steel rod; utilize one (1) 3/4-inch nut at bottom of each threaded steel rod. Provide arbor with 1/8-inch by 2-inch wide steel flat bar spacer plates, one (1) for every two (2) feet of arbor length. Provide two (2) locking collars equipped with thumb screws at top of the stack of steel plates. Weld front locking collar to top spacer plate. Backer Plate: Fabricate from 3/8-inch by 3-inch steel bar. Provide two (2) UHMW guide assemblies consisting of two (2) UHMW outer shoes, one (1) UHMW spacer and one (1) 3/16-inch steel backup plate for each side of the guide shoe assembly. Bolt each guide assembly to the arbor with two (2) 3/8-inch bolts with lock washers and nuts. Provide one (1) arbor for each single purchase line set. Arbor Top: Form from 3/8-inch thick steel plate. Attach an 8-inch diameter semisteel sheave grooved for the required number of 1/4-inch lift lines and one (1) 3/4-inch hand line to the arbor top. The sheave shall operate on a one-inch diameter cold rolled steel shaft and two (2) tapered roller bearings. Proper adjustment of bearings is to be accomplished through the use of a “Nyloc” selflocking nut at one (1) end of the shaft and a keeper pin at the other end. Make side plates from no less than seven (7) gage steel. Install spacers to allow passage of hand line and to prevent wire rope from jumping grooves. Weld side plate assemblies directly to arbor top plate. Arbor Bottom: Fabricate from of 3/8-inch by 3-inch flat steel bar. Tap arbor bottom to accept 3/4-inch arbor rods. Attach an 8-inch diameter semi-steel sheave grooved for one 3/4-inch hand line to arbor bottom plate. Sheave shall operate on a 3/4-inch diameter cold rolled steel shaft and two (2) 3/4-inch flanged ball bearings. Accomplish proper adjustment of the bearings by a “Nyloc” selflocking nut on one (1) end of the shaft and a keeper pin at the other end. Make side plates from minimum 10 gage steel. Install spacers to prevent the hand line from jumping the groove. Weld side plate assembly directly to arbor bottom plate. Project No 11 61 00-24 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. L. Counterweights: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. M. Counterweights shall be 13-5/8 inches long with a U-shaped cutout for arbor rods. Counterweights shall be fabricated from flame or laser cut steel. Each piece shall be free from sharp edges, burrs and slag. The dimensions of each piece of counterweight shall not vary by more than 3/16-inch. Paint top weight on each counterweight Chrome Yellow, indicating arbor is in normal balance. Counterweights shall be approximately one (1) inch thick. Furnish 800-lbs of counterweight per rigging set. Furnish 200-lbs of additional counterweight for each lighting batten. Furnish 700-lbs of additional counterweight for each orchestra ceiling truss batten. Mechanically fasten counterweight base weights to bottom of arbor with two (2) steel straps and seals. Rope Locks: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Project Name Project Location Join arbor top and bottom with two (2) 3/4-inch threaded steel rods. Make rod length adequate to accommodate specified counterweight load. Use three (3) 3/4-inch nuts at the top of each threaded steel rod and one (1) 3/4-inch nut at the bottom of each threaded steel rod. Provide arbor with 1/8-inch by 2-inch steel flat bar spacer plates, three (3) per arbor or one (1) for every two (2) feet of arbor length. Locate two (2) locking collars at top of this stack of plates and equip with thumb screws. Weld front locking collar to top spacer plate. Backer Plate: 3/8-inch by 3-inch steel bar. Provide two (2) UHMW guide assemblies, consisting of two (2) UHMW outer shoes, one (1) UHMW spacer and one (1) 3/16-inch steel backup plate for each side of guide shoe assembly. Bolt each guide assembly to arbor with two (2) 3/8inch bolts with lock washers and nuts. Provide one (1) arbor for each double purchase line set. Construct from one-piece casting of ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 ductile iron. Each rope lock shall use ductile or malleable iron jaws for clamping rope. Grey iron jaws or housings are not acceptable. The rope lock hand lever shall be a minimum of nine (9) inches long to provide required leverage and cut from 1/2-inch steel plate. Cast iron rope lock handles are not acceptable. Encapsulate hand levers in red poly-vinyl chloride, 25 mils thick and testing between 50 and 60 on a durometer. Provide each rope lock with steel oval-shaped rope ring. Oval rings shall be plastic dipped as above, to quiet operation. Provide each rope lock with a nylon tipped adjustment bolt and locknut for adjusting the compression of the locking shoes. Rope lock housings shall incorporate nylon washers, rubber mushroom bumper and nylon-tipped locking set screw to quiet operation. Rope locks shall have the ability to add a padlock to the housing at time of purchase or any time in the future, for lockout. Bolt rope lock to locking rail using four (4) 3/8-inch bolts, lock washers and nuts. Project No 11 61 00-25 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 8. N. Steel Tee-Bar Guide System: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. O. Provide one (1) rope lock for each line set. Construct from 3/16-inch by 1-1/2-inch by 1-1/2-inch steel tee bar, spaced 8inches on center. Hold tee bars plumb and true by means of 3/16-inch by 1-inch steel u-clips fastened to tee bar with 5/16-inch bolts, lock washers and huts. Provide u-clips for each side of every tee bar with exception of end tee bars. Mount tee bar to horizontal wall battens at five-foot vertical intervals. Construct wall battens from 2-inch by 2-inch by 3/16-inch steel angle. Bolt horizontal wall batten to u-clips with 5/16-inch bolts, lock washers and nuts. Install a complete tee bar guide system whether there is an arbor positioned at initial installation or not. This shall increase the usability of the space in the future. Run the tee bar vertically and plumb. Perfectly align butt joints, providing a continuous guide from the stage floor to the underside of the head block beams. Secure wall battens to stage wall with 1/4-inch by 2-inch flat bar wall knees, located five (5) feet on center, in both vertical and horizontal dimensions. Secure wall knees to stage wall using construction appropriate 3/8-inch fasteners. Locate 3/16-inch by 2-inch by 2-inch steel stop battens, one (1) at top and one (1) at bottom of the battery. Bolt 2-inch by 2-inch continuous hardwood strips to both stop battens. Steel tee bar guide system shall include steel floor batten to attach lower tee sections to stage floor. Construct floor battens from 2-inch by 2-inch by 3/16-inch steel angle attached to floor using construction appropriate 3/8-inch fasteners. Locking Rail: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Construct rope-locking rail sturdily and securely brace; able to withstand an upward force of 300-lbs per linear foot. Mount rope locks on a one-piece formed locking rail. The rail consists of 1/4-inch thick plate, at a total overall height of 3-inches, a horizontal run of approximately 2-1/2-inches, and a 3-inch integral index card strip located at 45-degrees to the top. Drill the angle to receive rope locks at intervals of 8-inches. Locking rail is to include an index cardholder strip and sequence numbered cards, indicating rigging set number, function and capacity. Provide drilled and bolted index card clips to hold the numbered cards to the index cardholder strip. The cards do not need to be engraved Lamicoid unless specifically noted. Attach locking rail to stanchions fabricated from 3/8-inch by 3-inch steel with two (2) 1/2-inch Grade 5 bolts, lock washers and nuts per stanchion. Provide stanchions on 4’-8” maximum spacing. Attach each stanchion to floor using a minimum of three (3) each 1/2-inch diameter construction appropriate fasteners, lock washers and nuts. Locking rail shall run, at minimum, full length of tee bar guide system. Specifier Note: Retain the following subparagraph if the optional feature is required for the project. Project Name Project Location Project No 11 61 00-26 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 6. P. Pipe Battens: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Q. If additional upward force is probable on the system, design the locking rail to withstand those forces, with only supplemental accessories, like stanchions and braces. Construct from 1-1/2-inch I.D. Schedule 40, Black iron pipe. Paint pipe batten with high quality black paint. Pipe battens shall have a minimum number of splices with sections smaller than 21 feet being in the center of the assembly. Splices shall use an internal sleeve at least 18 inches long with minimum wall thickness of 5/32-inch. Secure splice with four (4) plug welds or four (4) 3/8-inch bolts with half-height “Nyloc” nuts. Lengths as indicated on Drawings and schedules. Provide one (1) batten for each line set and one (1) additional batten for each electrical lighting position. Provide dedicated orchestra shell linesets with a three (3) pipe truss batten to prevent bowing. Three Pipe Truss Battens: 1. Construct with a top, bottom and front chord of 1-1/2-inch I.D. Schedule 40, black iron pipe. Continuously weld a 12-inch long, 1/4-inch by 2-inch steel strap at the centerline of the pipe battens at maximum spacing of 5-foot on center. Drill the vertical strap to accept the included electrical wire-way bracket. Attach the front pipe to top and bottom pipes with a formed 1/4-inch by 2-inch steel strap and three (3) 3/8-inch U-bolts, lock washers and nuts. 2. Pipe battens shall have minimum number of splices with sections smaller than 21 feet being in the center of the assembly. 3. Splices shall use an internal sleeve at least 18 inches long with minimum wall thickness of 5/32-inch. 4. Secure splice with four (4) plug welds or four (4) 3/8-inch bolts with half-height “Nyloc” nuts. 5. Paint the pipe batten with high quality black paint. 6. Lengths as indicated on Drawings and schedules. 7. Provide one (1) three-pipe truss batten for each orchestra ceiling line set. R. Trim Chain: 1. Fabricate each 36-inch long chain from 1/4-inch alloy SECOA Theatrical Chain (hereinafter referred to as “STC™”), specifically designed for theatrical overhead lifting applications. a. Project Name Project Location The STC™ Chain shall have a minimum breaking strength of 13,000-lbs; a working load limit of 3,250-lbs. Proof-test each link of the chain to twice the working load limit. Project No 11 61 00-27 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date b. c. The chain shall be compatible with industry-recognized chain hardware. Match individual link size to the National Association of Chain Manufacturers (NACM) "Welded Steel Chain Specifications" for Grade 30 Proof Coil Chain. The STC™ Chain shall be easily recognizable. 1) 2) 3) 2. 3. 4. STC™ Chain, as manufactured by SECOA. Terminate one (1) end of trim chain at wire rope thimble. Wrap trim chain 1-1/2 times around stage batten and terminate with single 5/16inch screw pin shackle. a. b. c. 5. Stamp each link of chain with manufacturer’s identifying mark. Chain shall be lot traceable, with a coded date stamp on every tenth link of chain. Finish applied to chain shall be per ASTM B633 FE/ZN 5, Type II Yellow Iridescent. Terminate bow of this shackle at wire rope thimble. Place pin of this shackle through fifth link from free end of chain, leaving approximately 5-inches of chain hanging free for trim adjustment. “Mouse” shackles shut with wire, after proper installation. Attach and terminate one (1) trim chain at stage end of each lifting line. Specifier Note: Retain the following subparagraph if the optional feature is required for the project. 6. S. Shackles: 1. 2. T. 2. Fabricate from forged and galvanized steel conforming to ASTM F1145, Type 1, Grade 1. After final adjustment, mouse turnbuckles with wire to prevent loosening. Pipe Clamps: 1. 2. 3. Project Name Project Location Screw pin type (Class 2) drop forged and galvanized conforming to RR-C-271D Type IVA. After final adjustment, mouse shackles with wire to prevent loosening. Turnbuckles: 1. U. Make the STC™ Chain OSHA CFR1910.184 compliant with the addition of a sling identification tag. Two-piece construction fabricated from two (2) strips of 7-gage by 2-inch hot rolled steel formed to encompass and clamp pipe batten to prevent rotation. Round corners to prevent snapping on adjacent curtains. Provide a 3/8-inch Grade 5 hex bolt, lock washer, and hex nut above and below batten. A 17/32-inch hole at top of clamp shall allow for attachment of rigging hardware. Project No 11 61 00-28 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 4. V. Each pipe clamp shall have a recommended working load of 750 lbs. Pipe Clamp and Turnbuckle: 1. Utilize an alternative method of termination at the batten with the following: a. One (1) 3/8-inch by 6-inch jaw and eye forged turnbuckle; mouse after final adjustment. b. One (1) 2-piece pipe clamp, where the clamp is appropriately sized for 11/2-inch pipe and the clamp completely encloses the pipe. W. Wire Rope Lifting Lines: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. X. Hand Line: 1. 2. 3. Y. Lift Line: 1/4-inch 7x19 preformed small diameter (galvanized) specialty cord, impregnated with dry lubricant, conforming to ASTM A1023/A1023M. All small diameter specialty cord must have Lot Testing Certificates, completed by an outside party, available from the manufacturer. Damaged or deformed cables shall not be used. All wire rope rigging shall be installed so as to prevent abrasion of wire rope against any part of building construction or other equipment. Finish cable termination points with HD galvanized cable thimbles and one (1) Nicopress® oval sleeve installed per manufacturer’s written instructions. Tape cable ends with self-fusing silicone tape to prevent unraveling and snagging. 3/4-inch Multi-Line II rope as manufactured by New England Ropes. Heat-seal and tape all rope ends with self-fusing silicone tape. Terminate hand lines with two (2) half hitches and two (2) nylon zip ties to attach rope end to standing part of the rope. Outrigger Pipe for Index Strip Light: 1-1/2-inch Schedule 40 outrigger pipe to run full length of locking rail. 1. 2. 3. Outrigger pipe shall have same construction as pipe battens. Support outrigger pipe from tee bar battery at 10' O.C. maximum spacing by 3/16inch by 4-inch flat steel brackets and appropriately sized U-bolts with lock washers and nuts. Alternate: Support outrigger pipe from two (2) wall battens at 10 feet O.C. maximum spacing by 2-inch by 3/16-inch steel angle brackets bolted to two (2) wall battens with 5/16-inch Grade 5 bolts, lock washers and nuts. Support pipe by appropriately sized 3/8-inch U-bolts with lock washers and nuts. Specifier Note: Retain either of the following two paragraphs and delete the other one. If retaining both paragraphs for a specific project, indicate locations for each type on Drawings. Z. Project Name Project Location Index Strip Light (Single Circuit Option): Project No 11 61 00-29 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 1. 2. 3. AA. Index Strip Light (Two Circuit Option): 1. 2. 3. 2.9 Furnish and install an index light strip the full length of the locking rail and support from the outrigger pipe. Construct housing to adequately light the locking rail without spilling onto the stage. Construct light strip from 20-gage steel with lamp sockets spaced 24 inches O.C. and wired in parallel to a common circuit. Provide 40-watt lamps for all sockets. The Electrical Contractor shall furnish power connection and a 1000W rotary dimmer switch. Furnish and install an index light strip for full length of locking rail and support from the outrigger pipe. Construct housing to adequately light the locking rail without spilling onto the stage. Construct light strip from 20-gage steel with lamp sockets spaced 24 inches O.C. and wired in parallel alternately to two (2) circuits. Provide 40-watt frosted lamps for all sockets on first circuit and 40-watt blue colored lamps for all sockets on second circuit. The Electrical Contractor shall furnish power connections and two (2) 1000W rotary dimmer switches. MOTORIZED LINESETS A. Counterweight Assist Operation: 1. System Requirements: a. b. 2. Gear Reducer: a. b. 3. b. Project Name Project Location Combination right angle helical worm gear reducer. Reducer must have a minimum service factor of 1.0. Frame: a. 4. Design winch to operate the arbor at a fixed batten speed of approximately 20 feet per minute. Winch system must have, as a minimum, 1000 lbs lifting capacity or 50 percent of the total arbor capacity; whichever is greater. Construct winch frame from structural steel members, compactly designed to support winch components and load in a minimum amount of space. Securely mount structural support to floor below arbor assembly with construction appropriate fasteners. A chain idler sprocket, as required, will deflect chain around arbor to prevent contact with any part of the system. Brake Motor: Project No 11 61 00-30 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date a. b. c. d. e. 5. Motor Starter: a. b. c. d. 6. b. c. d. e. Sprocket must be size and pitch matched to double roller drive chain. Key sprocket hub directly to output shaft of reducer. Slack Chain Idler: a. b. Project Name Project Location Equip each piece of motor-operated equipment with four (4) limit switches. Provide with two (2) normal travel limit switches to stop motion at each end of travel and to provide redundancy two (2) over travel limit switches that removes power from the motor, through either a line contactor or other secure disable device and also remove power from the starter control circuit when activated. Furnish limit switches with rotary, lever arm, cam, or plunger style operators. Provide limit switches with a minimum NEMA 1 surface mounting enclosure with provisions for conduit fitting mounting. Actuate each circuit by means of an individually adjustable operator. Provide limit switches with sufficient liquid-tight, flexible conduit or flexible cable. Provide limit switches with a grounding conductor. Failure of a limit switch shall fail to safe state. Switches shall have snap acting contacts. Chain Sprocket: a. b. 8. Provide a UL Listed motor starter in a NEMA 1 enclosure attached to winch frame or location indicated on Drawings. Provide a NEMA 12 enclosure for outdoor or wet locations. Motor overload protection is required. If the system is 480V, provide the enclosure with a though the door disconnect. If required, provide local control push buttons for UP/DOWN operation. Push buttons must require continuous pressure to operate the set. If local control is required provide a local Emergency Stop. Limit Switches: a. 7. The AC brake motor must be 1725 RPM, three-phase, 60 Hz with an integral brake. Size integral brake to stop and hold moving load within four (4) inches. Brake must automatically be applied in case of power failure. A high inertia flywheel is required. Motor must have 1.0 service factor. Verify availability of 3-phase voltage. Design idler to maintain maximum chain contact with drive sprocket in both directions of arbor travel. Design idler assembly to shuttle to tensioned side of chain. Project No 11 61 00-31 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 9. Drive Chain: a. b. 10. Drive Cable: a. b. c. 11. b. c. 15. B. Headlock must conform to rigging specification listed above. Drive cable groove must be shallow; assuring that pitch diameter is equal to pitch diameter of wire rope lift lines. A separate sheave for the drive cable may be used. Sheave must have bearings rated for safe and reliable operation under the maximum design load. Loft Blocks: Conform to rigging specification listed above. Arbor: Conform to rigging specification listed above, and have appropriate fabrication alterations and termination hardware to attach to drive chain. Pipe Battens, Aircraft Cable, Termination Hardware and Methodology: Conform to rigging specifications listed above. Line Shaft Winch Rigging System: 1. 2. 3. Project Name Project Location Chain to cable connection must allow cable to pivot around its axis to prevent chain rotation. Chain to cable and chain to arbor connection must maintain 100 percent of chain strength capacity. Headlock: a. b. 13. 14. Minimum 1/2-inch 6 by 36 XIPS IWRC. Cable connections must conform to best practices and manufacturer’s written instructions. Maintain minimum bending radius, as recommended by manufacturer. Drive Chain Connections: a. 12. Fabricate from minimum 3/4-inch pitch double roller chain (RS60-2). Maintain minimum bending radius, as recommended by the manufacturer. Furnish and install [Insert capacity] lb capacity, motorized lineshaft winches to raise and lower specified battens. Each winch must operate at a fixed speed of approximately 20 feet per minute. Batten must travel from a low trim of 4'-0" above stage floor to approximately 2'-0" below winch assembly. Provide each lineshaft winch with one (1) cable drum for each lift line grooved for minimum 1/4- inch cable. Alternately groove drums for right and left hand winding to prevent batten from traveling. Gear Motor Reducer: Combination right angle helical worm gear reducer with a minimum service factor of 1.0. AC Brakemotor: 1725 RPM, three-phase, 60 Hz with an integral brake. Project No 11 61 00-32 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date a. b. c. 4. Cable Drum: Machine for right or left hand winding as required. Drum diameter must be a minimum of 32 times the cable diameter. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 5. b. b. c. Project Name Project Location Design shafts to accommodate all applied loads in accordance with ANSI/ASME B106.1M. Key all connections using keys designed to accommodate applied loads. Keys shall be in accordance with ANSI B17.1. Couplings shall accommodate possible parallel and angular misalignments caused during manufacturing, assembly, and installation of winch. Use only couplings made of steel and with steel to steel contact surfaces. Frame: Construct winch frame from structural steel members, compactly designed to support winch components and load in minimum amount of space. a. b. 8. Use a secondary over-speed sensitive inertia brake at each significant shaft section. Each inertia brake must be capable of stopping and holding maximum designed load. Shafts, Keys and Couplings: a. 7. Make cable drum of sufficient length to hold all of the cable in one (1) layer; rope piling is not acceptable. Support drums on each side with a flange block assembly. Drums must hold a minimum of cable required for the batten travel plus three (3) dead wraps. Helically groove drums for the appropriately sized cable and provide with key-slots for easy connection of cables. Groove winch drum to accept 1-line of minimum 1/4-inch cable. Key drum hub directly to output shaft of reducer. Chain or belt drives are not acceptable. Secondary Brake: a. 6. Size brake to stop and hold moving load within four (4) inches. Automatically apply brake in case of power failure. Motor must have 1.0 service factor. Verify availability of 3-phase voltage. Run structural support for entire length of system. Incorporate a cable keeper bar in the frame that is located next to grooves in the drum to prevent lift lines from jumping grooves and slack lines from unwinding. Limit Switches: Provide each winch with an adjustable four-element rotary limit switch driven by roller chain. Key sprockets to prevent slippage and size for maximum usable rotation of switch cams. Appropriately guard input shaft and drive chain. Project No 11 61 00-33 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date a. b. c. d. e. 9. Motor Starter: UL Listed in a NEMA 1 enclosure attached to winch frame or location indicated on Drawings. Provide NEMA 12 enclosure for outdoor or wet locations. a. b. c. 10. C. If system is 480V, provide enclosure with a though the door disconnect. Motor overload protection is required. If required, provide local control push buttons for UP/DOWN operation. Push buttons must require continuous pressure to operate the set. If local control is required provide a local Emergency Stop. Pipe Battens, Aircraft Cable, Termination Hardware and Methodology: Conform to rigging hardware specifications listed above. Basic Control Panel: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Project Name Project Location Equip each motor-operated piece of equipment with normal travel limit switches to stop motion at each end of travel and provide redundancy to over travel limit switches that removes power from motor, through either a line contactor or other secure disable device and also remove power from starter control circuit when activated. Provide limit switches with minimum NEMA 1 surface mounting enclosure with provisions for conduit fitting mounting. Actuate each circuit by means of an individually adjustable operator. Provide limit switches with sufficient liquid-tight, flexible conduit or flexible cable. Provide limit switches with a grounding conductor. Failure of a limit switch shall fail to a safe state. Switches shall have snap acting contacts. Provide wall mounted, UL Listed, NEMA 1 control enclosure that contains UP and DOWN push buttons for each winch. Provide NEMA 12 enclosure for outdoor or wet locations. Provide continuous pressure type (hold-to-run) push buttons to operate the set. Use a key switch to prevent unauthorized personnel from operating system. Control panel to contain an ON-OFF key switch, controls on lighted push button, mushroom head push-pull emergency stop, winch selector switch, if than one (1) winch is provide, and UP-DOWN push buttons. Typical operation would be to select winch and press UP-DOWN push button for direction of travel. Emergency stop push button disconnects power to entire system assembly and halts operation at any position. Maintained emergency stop button operates a line contactor, which removes power completely from reversing contactor and controls. Other control methods are not acceptable. There shall be an option to make controller with a detachable control pendant. Provide a shorting plug to allow for operation of the system with the pendant removed from the system. Pendant shall include UP and DOWN push buttons and a maintained emergency stop push button. Project No 11 61 00-34 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 8. D. There shall be an option to make each motor’s controller mountable directly to lockrail at lineset position. Target V Control Panel: 1. General System and Operation Description: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Control system to use industrial grade PLC and automation controls. Add these to motor above. System allows complete programming and configuration setup of fixed and variable speed winch units. Incorporate record function to read, store and recall information of a manually established batten height. Winch units must be individually addressable and programmable. Individual winch units must provide elevation feedback in feet and inches and be programmable to stop anywhere along the travel between normal limits. System must offer recording of multiple targets for repeatable positioning. Furnish a single analog phone line, by others, to enable remote programming, software upgrades, system manufacturer troubleshooting and monitoring. Specifier Note: Retain the following subparagraph if a networked system is required for a project. Delete if not required. 2. Central Operator Station: a. b. c. d. General: Output display must include numeric positions for each motorized set. Information includes actual, target and present position; fault and emergency stop conditions, and allows input of necessary user information. Display shows current position in feet and inches. Provide a CPU processor with a minimum clock speed of 200 MHz and 32MB SDRAM of main memory and 16MB of flash ROM. CPU includes a graphics accelerator and 1MB of graphics memory. Interface allows Serial I/F, LAN I/F, CF Card I/F, USB and PS/2 I/F. Specifier Note: Retain the following subparagraph if a single station system is required for a project. Delete if not required. 3. Operator Control Stations (OCS): a. b. c. Project Name Project Location Motor logic controller: Provide with an operator interface (text based or graphical), I/O, and networking utilizing an Intel® processor. Faceplate: Provide with 10 function keys and four (4) system keys. OCS must allow for digital and analog input and output and power monitoring and high-speed counters. Project No 11 61 00-35 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date d. e. Communications between system components to be accomplished by an Ethernet interface operating at 10Mbaud with a 10base T connection that supports both half and full duplex modes. Provide motor control panel with an OCS capable of sharing data and accessing programming of its respective motor. Specifier Note: Retain either or both of the following two subparagraphs if the optional features are required for a project. Delete if not required. f. g. h. i. 4. Make controller a pedant with wall plug. Make each motor’s controller mountable directly to lockrail at lineset position. Provide each control panel location with a mushroom head push-pull emergency stop switch to disengage power to all winch units. Emergency stop push button disconnects power to entire system and halts operation at any position. Acceptable Product: Target V as manufactured by SECOA, Inc., Champlin, MN. Wireless Radio Remote Control System: a. b. General: Provide a FCC approved unlicensed radio remote control system complete with a hand-held transmitter and a microprocessor based receiver/decoder that will connect in parallel to the winch control system. Receiver/Decoder: 1) 2) 3) c. Decode data sent from transmitter and verify data accuracy. Include diagnostic indicators for mainline contactor (emergency stop), power supply, transmitter data stream reception, warning status and control relays. Provide an antenna with an operational distance of 200 ft minimum. Transmitter: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Design transmitter to operate in user selectable frequency band range of 433.87-434.65 MHz Provide with eight (8) control and one (1) mushroom-head E-stop buttons. Equip with LED status indicators. Furnish with built-in rechargeable NiCad batteries and an external charging unit. Enclose transmitter in impact resistant polymer enclosure with removable rubber boot. Maximum Weight: 13 oz. 2.10 ROPE RIGGING LINESETS AND/OR EQUIPMENT Project Name Project Location Project No 11 61 00-36 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date A. Eight (8) Inch Rope Spot Block: 1. Heavy-duty Sheaves: Construct of ASTM A48, Class 30-35 grey iron castings or smooth Nylon casting, minimum 8-inches in diameter. Groove sheave for 3/4inch rope. a. 2. 3. Concentrically bore sheave for a 3/4-inch cold rolled steel shaft and two (2) 3/4-inch flange bearings. Accomplish proper adjustment of bearings by means of a "Nyloc" self-locking nut on one (1) end of shaft and a keeper pin on the other end. Side Plates: Fabricate from minimum 10-gage steel, welded in three (3) places to minimum 3/16-inch by 1-1/4-inch by 1-1/4-inch base angle. Miter, trim and grind corners of side plates. Hold side plates together by means of a minimum of five (5) 5/16-inch bolts and spacers. Locate spacers to retain rope in sheave groove. Provide a method to positively stop block from shifting laterally along grid. Locking attachment shall consist of two (2) 1/4-inch steel clip; 3/8-inch J-bolts, lock washer and 3/8-inch nut. Specifier Note: Retain the following subparagraph if the optional feature is required for a project. Delete if not required. a. b. c. Provide a single spot block with multiple single grooved sheaves. Provide [Insert Quantity] number of sheaves per block. Provide quantities as shown on Drawings and as scheduled. Specifier Note: Delete the following subparagraph if the pin rail is specified in Section 05 50 00 - Metal Fabrications. Delete if not specified in that section. 4. Pin Rail: Fabricate from 4-inch Schedule 40 pipe. a. b. c. 5. Belaying Pin: Fabricate from first grade Hickory. a. b. 6. Design to allow use in a 1-3/16-inch pin rail hole. Provide as shown on schedule. Two Piece Trim Clamps: Two-piece cast body with spring inserts to hold up to five (5) lines. a. b. Project Name Project Location Drill 1-3/16-inch diameter holes through pipe on 1-foot centers. Provide with vertical legs to support pipe to allow for 500-lb/lineal foot uplift. Provide pin rail(s) as indicated on Drawings and one (1) hickory belaying pin per pin rail hole. Design to allow drop to be trimmed without removing sandbags. Provide as shown on schedule. Project No 11 61 00-37 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 7. Sandbag: Canvas or nylon bag sewn with nylon support straps and a drop- forged snap hook. Bag shall be available in saddle-style or bullet-style, as specified for the application. a. b. Provide each sandbag filled to capacity with clean dry coarse sand. Provide quantities and capacities as shown on schedule. 2.11 DEAD-HUNG GENERAL PURPOSE (DRAPERY, SCENERY OR ELECTRICS) BATTENS A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Pipe: Construct from 1-1/2-inch Schedule 40 black iron pipe. Paint pipe with high quality black paint. Pipe batten shall have minimum number of splices with sections smaller than 21’-0” to be in the center of the assembly. Splices shall use an internal sleeve at least 18 inches long with a minimum wall thickness of 5/32-inch. Secure splice with four (4) plug welds or four (4) 3/8-inch bolts with half-height “Nyloc” nuts. Lengths as indicated on Drawings and as scheduled. Provide one (1) batten for each line set and one (1) additional batten for each electrical lighting position. Threaded and coupled connections are not acceptable. Battens shall be dead hung from structure provided by others at no greater than 10’-0” on center spacing and no further than two (2) feet from either end. 1. Hanging methodology shall be by either method below: a. Beam clamp and cable. 1) 2) 3) 4) Beam clamps fabricated from appropriately sized steel angle iron with two (2) 3/8-inch steel clips and 1/2-inch bolts, lock washers and nuts, attached to support structure, connected to 1/4-inch small diameter specialty cord impregnated with dry lubricant, with Copper Oval Nicopress® Sleeves installed per manufacturer’s written instructions. Provide with 1/4-inch heavy-duty thimbles at top and bottom connection. Provide with 36-inches of SECOA Theatrical Chain (hereinafter referred to as “STCTM”) chain for adjustment. Terminate one (1) end of trim chain at wire rope thimble. Wrap trim chain 1-1/2 times around stage batten and terminate with single 5/16-inch screw pin shackle. Terminate bow of this shackle at wire rope thimble. Place pin of this shackle through fifth link from free end of chain, leaving approximately 5-inches of chain hanging free for trim adjustment. a) b) Project Name Project Location STCTM chain shall be specifically designed for overhead lifting applications. The STCTM chain shall have a minimum breaking strength of 13,000 lbs; a working load limit of 3,250 lbs. Proof-test each link of chain to twice the working load limit. Project No 11 61 00-38 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date c) d) The STCTM chain shall be compatible with industry-recognized chain hardware. Individual link size shall match the National Association of Chain Manufacturers (NACM) "Welded Steel Chain Specifications" for Grade 30 Proof Coil Chain. The STCTM chain shall be easily recognizable. aa) Stamp each link of the chain with the manufacturer’s identifying mark. bb) The chain shall be lot traceable, with a coded date stamp on every tenth link of chain. cc) The finish applied to the chain shall be per ASTM B633 FE/ZN 5, Yellow Iridescent. Specifier Note: Retain the following subparagraph if the optional feature is required for the project. dd) Make the STC™ Chain OSHA CFR1910.184 compliant with the addition of a sling identification tag. b. Beam clamp and chain 1) 2) 3) Fabricate beam clamps from appropriately sized steel angle iron with two (2) 3/8-inch steel clips and 1/2-inch bolts, lock washers and nuts, attached to steel, connected to 1/4-inch STCTM chain with 5/16-inch screw-pin shackle. Wrap trim chain 1-1/2 times around stage batten and terminate with single 5/16-inch screw pin shackle. Mouse all shackles. Terminate bow of this shackle at wire rope thimble. Place pin of this shackle through fifth link from free end of chain, leaving approximately 5-inches of chain hanging free for trim adjustment. a) b) c) d) STCTM chain shall be specifically designed for overhead lifting applications. The STCTM chain shall have a minimum breaking strength of 13,000 lbs; a working load limit of 3,250 lbs. Proof-test each link of chain to twice the working load limit. The STCTM chain shall be compatible with industry-recognized chain hardware. Individual link size shall match the National Association of Chain Manufacturers (NACM) "Welded Steel Chain Specifications" for Grade 30 Proof Coil Chain. The STCTM chain shall be easily recognizable. aa) Stamp each link of the chain with the manufacturer’s identifying mark. bb) The chain shall be lot traceable, with a coded date stamp on every tenth link of chain. cc) The finish applied to the chain shall be per ASTM B633 FE/ZN 5, Yellow Iridescent. Project Name Project Location Project No 11 61 00-39 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date Specifier Note: Retain the following subparagraph if the optional feature is required for the project. dd) Make the STCTM Chain OSHA CFR1910.184 compliant with the addition of a sling identification tag. 2.12 STAGE CURTAIN TRACKS (STRAIGHT OR ON-STAGE APPLICATIONS) A. Front Curtain Traveler and Upstage Travel Curtain Tracks: 1. Heavy-duty enclosed type, approximately 2-5/8 by 2-3/4 inches, 14-gage steel formed to provide parallel double tracks for carrier wheels and totally enclosed except for bottom carrier slot. 2. Traveler track assemblies shall be free of burrs, dents, and irregularities. 3. Each section of track less than 20 feet in length shall be in one (1) continuous piece. 4. Splice clamps shall be permitted for section lengths over 20 feet. 5. Splice clamps shall provide positive alignment of sections with at least two (2) lap clamps to join halves where required. 6. Single carriers to have two (2) urethane or neoprene wheels with ball bearings. 7. Single carriers to have single-plated swivels with three (3) to six (6) inch trim chains and rubber spacers and back packs. 8. Provide five (5) percent spare single carriers. 9. Provide dead end pulleys with a 45-degree downward incline. 10. Firmly bolt housings to the track; pressure fitting is not acceptable. 11. Acceptable Products: The complete track assembly with all necessary parts shall be ADC 283 or H&H Specialties 418P or Triple E Limited Unitrack. B. Traveler curtains on motorized or counterweight line sets shall include a sandbag tension pulley. Support curtain tracks rigidly from pipe battens using 2-piece, bent steel pipe clamps. Clamp spacing is not to exceed manufacturer’s written instructions. C. Specifier Note: Select either standard mill finish color or optional black finish color in the following paragraph where required for specialty applications. D. E. Track and Components Finish Color: [Mill] [Black]. Quantities, sizes and lengths per Drawings and schedules. 2.13 STAGE CURTAIN TRACKS (CURVED OR STUDIO/CCTV APPLICATIONS) A. Curve-able Track: 1. 2. 3. 4. Project Name Project Location Aluminum I-Beam track, approximately 2-1/2 by 1-inch top, intermediate and bottom flanges. Traveler track assemblies shall be free from burrs, dents, and irregularities. Each section of track less than 20 feet in length shall be one (1) continuous piece. Splice clamps shall be permitted for section lengths over 20 feet. Project No 11 61 00-40 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Splice clamps shall provide positive alignment of track sections. Single carriers shall have two (2) nylon wheels with ball bearings. Single carriers to have single-plated swivels with three (3) to six (6) inch trim chains and two (2) rubber bumpers. Provide five (5) percent spare single carriers. All track carriers, clamps, ropes, chains, hangers, etc. except operating surfaces of pulleys and wheels shall be mill finish. Acceptable Products: The complete track assembly with all necessary parts shall be ADC 141 custom or H&H Specialties 316A. Wall mounted track support brackets shall use ceiling clamps and be painted the same color as the wall to which they are attached. Wall mounted track support brackets shall use wall construction appropriate fasteners for wall attachment. Specifier Note: Select either standard mill finish color or optional black finish color in the following paragraph where required for specialty applications. B. C. Track and All Visible Track Components Finish Color: [Mill] [Black]. Quantities, sizes and lengths per Drawings and schedules. 2.14 STAGE DRAPERY AND DROPS (ALL FLAME RETARDANT) A. Stage Curtain Construction: 1. Treat materials to be flame retardant or materials shall be inherently flame retardant and tested in accordance with NFPA 701. a. b. 2. 3. 4. Produce fabrics from one (1) dye lot per color. Color quality shall be consistent throughout, with no visible streaking, striping, or spotting. Attach by sewing at webbing to rear of each curtain a piece of curtain fabric of sufficient material for a minimum of four (4) tests per NFPA 701. Velour Drapery: a. b. Project Name Project Location Sew certification label on back of each curtain at bottom of stage hem, off stage or, for side masking, upstage. Provide certificates as required. Curtains shall be of quantities, sizes, and fullness per the Schedule and Drawings. Pile fabric shall have pile running up. Run fabric full height with no horizontal seams. Thread colors shall match face colors. Thread shall conform to shrinkage characteristics and composition of fabric. Reinforce top hems with 3-1/2-inch jute or nylon webbing. Install black grommets on webbing at pleats and at ends of curtain pieces. Provide six (6) inch double-turned hem at bottom with separate heavy canvas chain sleeve with galvanized or plated No. 6 jack chain in separate sleeve held four (4) inches above bottom of curtain. Project No 11 61 00-41 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date c. 5. Main Curtain and Valance Drapery: Fabricate from minimum 24 oz 100 percent polyester IFR Velour in standard colors. a. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. B. Acceptable Products: Crescent by KM Fabrics. Any fabric sections with visible streaking or spotting must be cut from bolt and discarded. Box-pleat stage curtains with sewn fullness on 12-inch centers. Furnish top hems with heavy-duty jute webbing double stitched at the top with machine set brass grommets one (1) foot on center with tie lines or CCF-2 snap hooks as required. Draperies must have, as a minimum, 50 percent fullness unless otherwise specified. Double-turn hems with no visible selvage edges. Vertical hems of on-stage and off-stage house curtain and traveler curtains to have 1/2 bolt width turned back hems. Make all other vertical hems eight (8) inches. Make bottom hems of border curtains four (4) inches. Weight bottom of curtains with No. 8 jack chain contained within a canvas sleeve. Construct main curtain and front valance from a single color, as selected by Architect, chosen from manufacturer’s standard color card, unless noted otherwise. Construct on-stage masking draperies from a single dye lot of black velour, unless noted otherwise. Scenery Drop and Scrim Construction: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Project Name Project Location Acceptable Products: Charisma by KM Fabrics, Alicante by Gerriets International, or Dante by J.B. Martin Ltd. Other Velour Drapery: Fabricate from minimum 20 oz 100 percent polyester IFR Velour in standard colors. a. 7. Sew a test piece of curtain fabric to the webbing on the back of each curtain. Fabric shall be of sufficient size for a minimum of six (6) tests per NFPA 701: Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame Propagation of Textiles and Films. Vat dye fabrics unless specified as a natural color. Flameproof cotton fabrics using an immersion process complying with the requirements of NFPA 701. Make fabric cuts full width with no splices. Sew cuts horizontally unless otherwise specified. Use seamless fabrics. Sew a test piece of curtain fabric to the webbing on the back of each curtain. Fabric shall be of sufficient size for a minimum of six (6) tests per NFPA 701: Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame Propagation of Textiles and Films. Reinforce top hem with heavy jute webbing double stitched with No. 4 machine set brass grommets one-foot on center with 36-inch tie lines. Tie lines shall be black or white to best match drop or scrim color. Project No 11 61 00-42 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 7. 8. Make side hems three (3) inch double turned without any selvedge. Provide bottom hem with a suspended inner 6-inch heavy canvas lined pipe pocket with an opening 10’-6” on center for inserting pipe weight. 9. Furnish and install 3/4-inch galvanized Schedule 40 pipe batten in bottom pocket. Pipe is to be 10’-6” long, threaded on each end. Provide one (1) coupler per pipe section. Tape leading and tailing end of pipe to prevent snags and tearing of soft goods. 10. Quantity and size per schedule and Drawings. C. Acceptable Fabric Manufacturers: 1. Velour Fabrics (weights and colors as specified): a. b. c. 2. J.L. DeBall KM Fabrics Piedmont Plush Mills Muslin, Canvas and Scrim (type, weight and color as specified): a. b. c. Dazian Fabrics Frankel Associates Gerriets International 2.15 PIPE GRID A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. Project Name Project Location Pipe Grid: Construct from 1-1/2 inch I.D. Schedule 40 black iron pipe. Live Load Capacity: 30 lbs/lineal foot. Fabricate pipe with a minimum number of splices with sections shorter than 21’-0” to be located in center of batten. Use an internal sleeve for splices with sleeve at least 18 inches long and secured with four (4) plug welds or four (4) 3/8-inch bolts with half-height "Nyloc" nuts. Threaded and coupled connections are not acceptable. Paint pipe grid with recognized high quality paint. Install pipe grid battens in a crossing pattern 90 degrees to each other in four (4) foot by four (4) foot bays. Join intersecting pipes with a 1/8-inch ASTM A36 HR steel formed intersection plate and two (2) 5/16-inch U-bolts, lock washers and hex nuts. Fabricate support hangers from 1/2-inch ASTM A193 Grade B7 threaded rod. Make connection of the hanger to the pipe grid by means of drop forged yoke end with a clevis pin and cotter pin to a two-piece pipe clamp. Form pipe clamp from 7-gage x 2inch ASTM A36 HR steel joined with two (2) 3/8-inch Grade 5 hex bolts, lock washers and hex nuts. Rigidly mount support hangers to building’s support structure. Maximum spacing between hangers not to exceed 10’-0” in either direction and no more than 24-inches from a wall. Attach support hangers to lower pipes of grid. Support hangers shall have a 750 lb load capacity. Project No 11 61 00-43 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date L. M. End pipes two (2) inches off wall. Install internally sleeved wall flanges to prevent lateral movement of pipe grid. Attach wall flanges to building using construction appropriate fasteners for type of wall construction encountered. Size per Drawings and schedules. 2.16 WIRE ROPE TENSION GRID A. Summary: System shall be one (1) system designed to provide a safe and resilient walking surface with light-transparent properties. The wire rope tension grid shall consist of a suspended steel frame with wire rope woven in an over-and-under pattern to create a two (2) inch mesh. Terminate each length of wire rope at each end along the perimeter of the framing members. Construct hangers of 1-1/2-inch nominal diameter (1.9-inch O.D.) Schedule 80 black iron pipe. B. System Description: 1. Design Requirements: Tension grid shall be constructed so that the maximum live load is transferred to the frame assemblies. a. b. 2. Performance Requirements: a. b. c. C. The maximum live load for the system is 15,000 lbs. The live load on any one (1) grid hanger pipe shall not exceed 2,880 lbs. Install tension grid system at height above finished floor as shown on Drawings. System shall be capable of supporting a uniform load of 20 psf with a less than two (2) inch deflection at 250 lbs over two (2) feet. System service life shall be concurrent with the projected life of the building in which it is installed, dependent on appropriate use and maintenance by the facility’s personnel. Coordination: 1. Coordinate with all necessary trades doing adjoining or essential work to assure proper fit and installation for the safety of the users. a. b. Grid Panels: Provide by this section including installation. System Hangers, Sway Braces and Mounting Plates: Specifier Note: Retain one of the subparagraphs below as appropriate to the project and delete the others. Coordinate with Division 05 sections. 1) 2) 3) Project Name Project Location Provided by this section including installation. Provided by Division 05 including installation. Provided by Division 05, provided to the steel erector, and coordinated by this section through the Construction Manager. Project No 11 61 00-44 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date c. Lighting Pipes (Permanent or Demountable): Specifier Note: Retain one of the subparagraphs below as appropriate to the project and delete the others. Coordinate with Division 05 or 26 sections. 1) Provided by this section including installation. 2) Provided by Division 05 including installation. 3) Provided by Division 26 including installation. 4) Provided by Division 26, installed by this section. d. Handrails: Specifier Note: Retain one of the subparagraphs below as appropriate to the project and delete the others. Coordinate with Division 05 sections. 1) 2) Provided by this section including installation. Provided by Division 05 including installation. Specifier Note: Retain the following subparagraph if required for a project. Delete if not required. e. Walkway Platforms: Provided by Division 05 including installation. Specifier Note: Retain the following subparagraph if required for a project. Delete if not required. f. 2. Provide shop and as-built drawings for approval, coordination and record as part of the system requirements. a. 3. 4. 5. D. Access Bridges and Ladders: Provided by Division 05, including installation. Submittals shall include design calculations that have been reviewed and signed and sealed by a Professional Structural Engineer. Include tension grid panels, connection to hangers (whether furnished under this section or Division 05), and connections to the structural steel. Components, construction and installation shall allow for a minimum design factor of eight (8). Warrant wire rope tension grid system for a period of one (1) year following final acceptance of the system. Follow applicable trade standards, including basic engineering standards, welding standards and steel construction standards. Component Wire Rope Walking Surface: Specifier Note: Retain one of the finishes in the following subparagraph. Mill is the standard finish while black is optional. 1. Project Name Project Location Each tension wire cable shall be 1/8-inch 7x19 small diameter specialty cord impregnated with dry lubricant with breaking strength of 2,000 lbs. [Mill] [Black] finish. Project No 11 61 00-45 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 2. Secure ends of each length of wire rope with a factory-swaged stud and appropriately sized NF thread stud and two (2) nuts. a. E. Fittings and hardware shall conform to the wire rope manufacturer’s recommendations. All fittings shall have 100 percent of the ultimate cable strength. F. Frame: Construct from “U” shaped steel with holes appropriately drilled for connection of wire rope. Walk-able Checker Plates: If necessary, connect individual platforms by checker plates fabricated from 1/4-inch steel, framed to match the elevation of the wire rope tension grid panels. Provided and installed by Division 05. G. Hand Railings: 1. H. Lighting Positions: 1. 2. 3. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. Project Name Project Location Construct pipe positions from 1-1/2 inch I.D. Schedule 40 black iron pipe. Minimize pipe joints, if necessary. Connect using a drive fit pipe sleeve at least 18 inches long, secured by plug welds or four (4) 3/8-inch bolts and half height Nylock nuts. Paint pipe with recognized high quality paint. Attachment to uprights with fixed “Rota-lock” pipe clamps or approved equal. Attachment to uprights with swivel or rigid “Rota-lock” pipe clamps or approved equal. Provide quantities as indicated on Drawings and schedule. Hanging Points: 1. J. Construct pipe handholds from 1-1/2 inch I.D. Schedule 40 black iron pipe. Minimize pipe joints, if necessary. Connect using a drive fit pipe sleeve at least 18 inches long, secured by plug welds. Attachment to uprights as noted. Paint pipe with recognized high quality paint. Construct chain mid-rail from 1/4-inch STCTM chain, connected to uprights with rated shackles and eyebolts per Drawings. Hang wire rope tension grid panels from support structure in an approved method in approximately 96 inch bays, not to exceed 10 feet. Coordinate bays and hanger locations with other trades. Support hangers must have a 2,880 lb live load capacity. Coordinate spacing between hangers with tension grid panels not to exceed 10’0” in both directions and no more than 24-inches from a wall. Tension Grid Support Plates: 1/2-inch steel drilled for attachment of tension grid modular panels. Weld support plates to tension grid hangers. Attach support plate to each tension grid panel with one (1) 1/2-inch hex bolt, flat washers, lock washers, and hex nut in each corner. Wire Rope Tension Grid Panel: Quantities and sizes as indicated on Drawings and Schedules. Project No 11 61 00-46 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date K. L. Paint components other than cables satin black prior to installation with touchup in the field if necessary. Metal work shall be free of all extraneous markings, scars and abrasion. Finish edges smooth to the touch. Execute welds in accordance with the standards of the American Welding Society. Welding shall be completed in a manner so as not to add secondary stresses and create distortion. 2.17 FABRICATION A. B. Give all fabricated metal items minimum one (1) coat of primer and one (1) coat of finish paint. Color: Satin black. Fabricate and install equipment to facilitate maintenance and future replacement. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. B. C. 3.2 PREPARATION A. B. 3.3 Examine areas and conditions for compliance with requirements for supporting members, blocking, installation tolerances, clearances, and other conditions affecting performance of theater and stage equipment. Notify of Architect of any conditions, measurements, quantities, or other data, required for proper execution, fit and completion of the Work, and for safe and proper operating clearances. Do not begin installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Stage rigging contractor is responsible for becoming familiar with and verifying pertinent dimensions and conditions, both on Drawings and in the field, before proceeding with the Work. Fully assemble and internally wire electrical components with terminals of the proper rating and clearly labeled, provided for external feeder and control wiring. INSTALLATION A. B. C. D. E. Project Name Project Location Install equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s printed instructions and shop drawings, as indicated. Install equipment square, plumb and true to adjacent work. Position equipment accurately as indicated on Drawings. Note any deviations required to adjust for field conditions. Incorporate deviations on as-built drawings. Coordinate Work with trades performing adjoining work. Use only qualified riggers for installation, trim and adjustment. Project No 11 61 00-47 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. B. C. D. E. 3.5 During installation of equipment arrange for access to equipment by Architect. After completion of installation, notify Architect that equipment is ready for review. Provide necessary personnel required to operate equipment and assist Architect with review process. Repair or replace any equipment that does not meet requirements of Drawings or specifications with suitable equipment. Final acceptance of equipment will be withheld until all equipment has been reviewed, tested, and found to be in conformance with Drawings and specifications. DEMONSTRATION A. B. 3.6 Protect stage flooring, regardless of whether flooring has been stained or sealed. Protect flooring from both structural damage and cosmetic damage. Clean and touch up field welds and abraded paint work with matching finishes. Wire turnbuckles and screw pin shackles shut after adjustment. Fabricate and install operating equipment to minimize operating noise levels for live performances. Hang and trim curtains only after construction is completed and final building cleaning has been accomplished. No personnel will be allowed on the wire rope tension grid surface until installation is complete and the installation supervisor has deemed that the system is safe for use. Preliminary inspections will be at the discretion of the Installation Supervisor based on life safety concerns. No use of the wire rope tension grid system, including lighting pipes, will be allowed until demonstration and checkout has occurred. Remove all construction rubbish and spare materials at project completion. Furnish a rigging operation and safety class to Owner’s representatives. Make class of sufficient length to cover all work of this section. Train Owner’s maintenance personnel to adjust, operate, and maintain theater and stage equipment. ADJUSTING A. Prior to expiration of warranty arrange performance of the following services at the Owner’s convenience: 1. 2. 3. 4. Project Name Project Location Complete inspection of rigging system Adjustment of equipment as required. Correction of defective work covered by warranty. Provide written recommendations for required repairs or changes that are not covered under the warranty. Project No 11 61 00-48 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date 5. One (1) hour rigging operation and safety class. Provide a written proposal for next year’s inspection and maintenance visit. END OF SECTION © 2012 SECOA®, Inc. All Rights Reserved. A copyright license to reproduce this specification is hereby granted to non-manufacturing engineers, architects and specification writers. New 06/12 Project Name Project Location Project No 11 61 00-49 Theatre and Stage Equipment Date