Characterization and Quality Assurance

PO Box 044258
Racine, Wisconsin 53404
(262) 681-0100
FAX: (262) 681-0303
Consulting Engineers
Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering
Marquette University, 1972
Master of Science Degree in Civil Engineering
Marquette University, 1978
Registered Professional Engineer State of Wisconsin
1972-1973 -
Attended Graduate School, Marquette University,
Environmental Engineering More particularly, Water and Wastewater Treatment
Project Engineer, Ewing Engineering Company,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Vice President, Ewing Engineering Company
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Executive Vice President, Ewing Engineering Company
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
President, Redmon Engineering Company
Racine, Wisconsin
During his career at Ewing Engineering Company, he had been active in all of
the activities of Ewing Engineering Company in the general areas of wastewater
collection and treatment and in the application of plastics to piping and related systems.
He served as project leader in many of the company's major assignments.
Mr. Redmon is presently a Steering Committee Member of the ASCE Oxygen
Transfer Standard Subcommittee and has been since its inception in 1979.
David T. Redmon
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He has been active in the area of fine bubble grid aeration and has participated
in the development of a commercially successful fine bubble grid aeration system.
During the development of this equipment, he helped generate new methods of
analyzing porous diffuser elements. These techniques have subsequently been used
extensively in measurement of diffuser fouling tendencies of porous diffusers at
numerous locations throughout the U.S. These methods are also used to determine
the extent and nature of fouling, as well as to assess the effectiveness of various
cleaning methods.
He continues to be active in projects involving cleaning and fouling of fine bubble
diffusers and has helped to invent and develop in-situ cleaning techniques for ceramic
Mr. Redmon had been instrumental in Ewing Engineering Company’s
development of apparatus and methodology to evaluate submerged diffusion
equipment in operating wastewater treatment plants using offgas techniques. He has
been in charge of both Ewing Engineering Company’s and Redmon Engineering
Company’s offgas testing programs and has applied this technique to a wide variety of
aeration devices at wastewater treatment systems throughout the U.S., Canada and
He has contributed significantly in troubleshooting aeration systems, and in
training wastewater treatment plant personnel to monitor diffuser fouling and to
maintain fine bubble diffuser elements.
Principal Areas of Endeavor:
Applied R&D in wastewater collection and treatment including biological
treatment processes, nutrient removal, advanced wastewater treatment and aeration
and oxygen transfer. Several patents and technical publications in the field of aeration
and oxygen transfer.
Member of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Water Environment
Federation (WEF), American Water Works Association (AWWA) and TAPPI.
PO Box 044258
Racine, Wisconsin 53404-7005
(262) 681-0100
PO Box 044258
Racine, Wisconsin 53404
(262) 681-0100
FAX: (262) 681-0303
Consulting Engineers
- Selected Projects and Committees Related to Oxygen Transfer -
Member EPA-ASCE Oxygen Transfer Standards Committee
Task Group Clean Water Testing
Task Group Process Water and VOC Emissions
Co-Chair Subcommittee with respect to Diffuser
Characterization and Quality Assurance
Member WPCF Task Force on Aeration
(New MOP-5)
Contractor with Dr. W.C. Boyle, and Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District "Investigations of Biological Fouling of Ceramic Fine Bubble Diffusers" - EPA
Contractor on EPA-ASCE Project, "Design Information on Fine Pore Diffused Aeration".
Contributing authors on the Interim Design Manual on Above Project.
Chapter on Process Water Aeration Performance Database, and Diffuser
Fouling and Cleaning Database.
Contractor on EPA-ASCE Project, "Effect of Permeability on Oxygen Transfer, Fouling
and Cleaning of Fine Pore Diffusers" - Monroe, Wisconsin.
Subcontractor to Donohue and Associates, side by side testing of ceramic disc and
membrane tube diffusers at Green Bay, Wisconsin. (Responsibility - offgas testing,
diffuser monitoring and testing, and data analysis).
Contributing author on the recently published ASCE "Standard Guidelines for InProcess Oxygen Transfer Testing. Section on Off-Gas Method.
PO Box 044258
Racine, Wisconsin 53404-7005
(262) 681-0100
PO Box 044258
Racine, Wisconsin 53404
(262) 681-0100
FAX: (262) 681-0303
Consulting Engineers
Selected Technical Publications -
Schmit, F.L., and Redmon, D.T., "Oxygen Transfer Efficiency in Deep
Tanks", WPCF, Vol. 47, No. 11, 1975
Schmit, F.L., Wren, J.D., and Redmon, D.T., "The Effect of Tank
Dimensions and Diffuser Placement on Oxygen Transfer", WPCF, Vol 50,
No. 7, 1978.
Ewing, L., and Redmon, D.T., "Testing and Data Analysis of Diffused
Aeration Equipment", WPCF, Vol. 51, No. 10, 1979.
Redmon, D.T., Wren, J.D., and Mandt, M.G., "Oxygen Transfer Data
Interpretation: Non-Steady State Clean Water Tests", Proceedings Workshop Toward An Oxygen Transfer Standard, EPA-600/9-78-021,
Asiloma Conference, April, 1979.
Redmon, D.T., and Boyle, W.C., "Preliminary Findings, Offgas Analysis",
ASCE Oxygen Transfer Standards Committee, Detroit, October 30, 1981.
Boyle, W.C., and Redmon, D.T., "Biological Fouling of Fine Bubble
Diffusers", EPA Conference: Operation and Maintenance of POTWs,
Chicago, January, 1982.
Redmon, D.T., Boyle, W.C., and Ewing, L., "Oxygen Transfer Efficiency
Measurements in Mixed Liquor Using Offgas Techniques", WPCF, St.
Louis, October 5, 1982.
Redmon, D.T., "Operation and Maintenance/Troubleshooting", in
Proceeding of Seminar Workshop on Aeration System Design, Testing
Operation and Control. EPA-600/9-85-005.
Redmon, D.T., "Testing Aeration Equipment Under Field Conditions by
the Offgas Procedure", 31st Annual Wastes Engineering Conference,
University of Minnesota, January 25, 1985.
Redmon, D.T., "Process Water Database", Summary Report: Fine Pore
(Fine Bubble) Aeration Systems, EPA/625/8-85-010.
Selected Technical Publications
Page 2
Ullinskey, J.D., Redmon, D.T., Hendricks, P.S., and Ambrose, W.A.,
"Experience with a Fine Bubble System in a Low SRT Warm
Wastewater", WPCF Conference, Philadelphia, October 7, 1987.
Redmon, D.T., Boyle, W.C., and Hellstrom, B.G., "Experiences In Field
Testing A Variety Of Aeration Equipment In Sweden And In The U.S.A.
By Off-Gas Analysis", IAWPRC International Conference, Brighton, UK,
July, 1988.
Ewing, L., Redmon, D.T., and Boyle, W.C., "Oxygen Transfer
Measurement by the Offgas Procedure - Its Development and
Application", WPCF Conference, Dallas, October, 1988.
Guard, S., Redmon, D.T., Bryan, D. and Zimmerman, B., "Full-Scale
Comparison of the Changes in Oxygen Transfer Efficiency of Fine Bubble
Membrane Diffusers", WPCF Conference, San Francisco, October, 1989.
Ewing Engineering Company, "Characterization of Clean and Fouled
Perforated Membrane Diffusers", EPA CR812167, To Be Published.
Redmon, D.T., Melcer, H., Ellefson, G.V, and Ewing, L., "The Effect of
Permeability on Oxygen Transfer Capabilities, Fouling Tendencies, and
Cleaning of Ceramic Air Diffusers," EPA CR812167, Research Journal
WEF, Vol. 66, No. 7, 1994.
Redmon, D.T., and Ewing, L., "Measurement of Oxygen Transfer
Efficiency of Aeration Devices Having a Diffused Air Component Using the
Offgas Method", WPCF Conference, Washington, D.C., October, 1990.
Powell Groves, K., Simpkin, T.J., Redmon, D.T., and Ewing, L.,
"Evaluation of Oxygen Transfer Efficiency and Alpha-Factor on a Variety
of Diffused Aeration Systems", Water Environment Research, Vol. 64, No.
5, 1992.
Redmon, D.T., and Winslow, F.B., " Oxygen Transfer of a 50 HP
Aspirating Propeller Pump Aerator by Offgas Analysis With and Without
Blower Assist", TAPPI Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April, 1991.
Redmon, D.T., Nessman, M., and Ewing, L., "Pilot Studies and Full Scale
Performance Evaluation of a Membrane Disc Aeration System Treating
PO Box 044258
Racine, Wisconsin 53404-7005
(262) 681-0100
Selected Technical Publications
Page 3
Coated Paper Mill Wastewater at Repap Wisconsin", 1992 Environmental
Conference, Richmond, Virginia.
Daugherty, J., Vik, T.E., and Redmon, D.T., "Aeration System Retrofit
Design Optimization Procedure," Central States WEF Conference,
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, May, 1995.
Stenstrom, M.K. and Redmon, D.T., "Oxygen Transfer Performance of
Fine Pore Aeration in ASBs - A Full Scale Review," 1996 TAPPI
International Environmental Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, May,
Neis, J., Vik, T.E. and Redmon, D.T., "Wastewater Audit + Process
Diagnostics = Successful Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade," TAPPI
Environmental Conference, 1997.
Marx, J., Wilson, T.E., Boyle, W.C. and Redmon, D.T., "Optimizing Step
Feed Aeration Design Using Offgas Testing," 70 th Annual WEF
Conference, Chicago, IL, October, 1997.
Watson, R., Corkery, V. and Redmon, D.T., “Side By Side Testing of High
Efficiency Fine Bubble Aeration Equipment Under Process Conditions,”
71st Annual WEF Conference, Orlando, FL, October, 1998.
PO Box 044258
Racine, Wisconsin 53404-7005
(262) 681-0100