Chinese Company Law and Financial Law

Chinese Company law
Beijing Normal University Law School
Fall 2013
Tuesday, 9:00 – 11:40 AM
Classroom: 1924A Rear Main Building
Lecturer Dan HE
Office:1920 Rear Main Building
September 17, 2013 Session 1
September 24, 2013 Session 2
October 1, 2013 – No Class: National Day
October 8, 2013, Session 3
October 15, 2013, Session 4
October 22, 2013, Session 5
October 29, 2013, Session 6
November 5,2013 Session 7
Session 1-History
Zelin, M. (2009) “The Firm in Early Modern China.” Journal of Economic Behavior &
Organization 71: 623-637
Kirby, W. C. (1995) "China Unincorporated: Company Law and Business Enterprise in
Twentieth-Century China." Journal of Asian Studies, 54, no. 1: 43-63
Session 2 Corporatization of SOEs
Broadman, H.G. (2001) “The Business(es) of the Chinese State”, World Economy: ___
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank (ed) (1997) China’s
Management of Enterprise Assets: The State as Shareholder, Washington DC: The World
Bank: xi-xx, 1-48 (“Executive Summary”, “The Economic and Legal Framework and
SOE Property Rights”, “Reform of Organizational Structures” and “Corporate
Section 3 Foreign Investment Enterprise
Sino-foreign Equity Joint Venture Law of the PRC (2001)
Sino-foreign Equity Joint Venture Law Implementing Regulations (2001)
Sino-Foreign Co-operative Joint Venture Law of the PRC (2000)1
Sino-Foreign Cooperative Joint Venture Law Implementing Rules of the PRC (1995)2
Provisional Regulations on Several Issues Concerning the Establishment of Foreign
Investment [sic, should be “Invested”] Companies Limited by Shares (Ministry of Foreign
Trade and Economic Cooperation, January 1995)
Howson, N.C. (1998) “Foreign-invested Companies Limited by Shares and Private
Purchases of Equity” in Asia Law and Practice (ed) (1998) Buying a Business in the PRC,
Hong Kong: Euromoney Books
Howson, N.C. (2001) “The AMCs Debt-for-Equity Swaps: Opportunities for Foreign
Capital?” The China Business Review (September-October 2001)
Lange, J.E. (1996) “Equity Joint Venturers Puzzle Over Approval and Equity Financing
Issues,” China Law & Practice (June 1996)
Cohen, J.A. (1996) “Cooperative Joint Ventures in China: Still a Puzzle,” East Asian
Executive Reports (March 1996)
Folta, P.H. (2005) “Cooperative Joint Ventures – Savvy Foreign Investors May Wish to
Consider the Benefits of This Flexible Investment Structure,” The China Business Review
(January-February 2005)
Bransfield, S. and D. Schlueter (2004) “When Joint Ventures Go Bad,” The China
Business Review (September-October 2004)
Session 4 – The Structure of 2005 Company law and 2005 Amendment
Note: as in effect prior to WTO accession-conforming amendments.
Note: as in effect prior to WTO accession-conforming amendments.
PRC Company & Securities Laws-A practical Guide, CCH Asia Pte Limited, 2006.Page5,
page9-19, Skim Page35-112.
Knut Benjamin Pissler, Junhai Liu,Corporate Governance of Business Organizations in
the People's Republic of China: The Legal Framework After the Revision of the Company
Law in 2005,China: Corporate governance of business organizations, in: Klaus J. Hopt,
Andreas M. Fleckner (Hg.), Comparative Corporate Governance: A Functional and
International Analysis, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2013, 156 - 207
Hong, Tan Lay (1999)“Corporate Law Reform in the People’s Republic of China.”
Australian Journal of Corporate Law, 10, no. 3 (September 1999): 238-267
Session 5 Corporate Governance under The New Company Law
Anderson, C. and B. Guo (2006) “Corporate Governance Under The New
Company Law (Part I): Fiduciary Duties and Minority Shareholder
Protection”, China Law and Practice, (April): 1
Cindy A. Schipani, Junhai Liu,Corporate Governance in China: Then and
Now, Columbia Business Law Review, Vol. 2002, pp. 1-69, 2002
Howson, N.C. (2008) “The Doctrine That Dared Not Speak Its Name: Anglo-American
Fiduciary Duties in China’s 2005 Company Law and Case Law Intimations of Prior
Convergence” in Kanda, H., K.S. Kim and C. Milhaupt (eds) (2008) Transforming
Corporate Governance in East Asia. Oxford: Routledge: 193-254
Session 6 Shareholder’s lawsuit
Anderson, C. and B. Guo (2006) “Corporate Governance Under The New
Company Law (Part II): Shareholders Lawsuits and Enforcement”, China Law
and Practice, (May): 1
Luo P.X. (2006) “Judicial Plights in the Context of the New Company Law of
China., Working Paper delivered at the 3rd Asian Law Institute Conference
The Development of Law in Asia: Convergence Versus Divergence, May 25-6,
2006, Shanghai, PRC
Howson, Nicholas Calcina and Clarke, Donald C., Pathway to Minority
Shareholder Protection: Derivative Actions in the People's Republic of China
(August 31, 2011). Available at SSRN: or
Session 7 Theoretical Approaches: Common v. Civil Law Systems,
Convergence v. Path Dependency, and Transplantation
La Porta, R., F. Lopez-de-Silanes, A. Schliefer, A., and R.W. Vishny (1997) “Legal
Determinants of External Finance.” Journal of Finance, 52, no. 3: 1131-50
Bebchuk, L.A. and M.J. Roe (1999) “A Theory of Path Dependency in Corporate
Ownership and Governance.” Stanford Law Review, 52, no. 1: 127-70.
Gilson, R.J. (2001) “Globalizing Corporate Governance: Convergence of Form or
Function.” American Journal of Comparative Law, 49, no. 2: 329-57
Hansmann, H. and R. Kraakman (2001) “The End of History for Corporate Law.”
Georgetown Law Journal, 89, no. 2: 439-68
Kanda, H. and C.J. Milhaupt (2003) “Re-examining Legal Transplants: The Director’s
Fiduciary Duty in Japanese Corporate Law.” The American Journal of Comparative
Law, 51, no. 4: 887-901.
Syllabus of Chinese Financial Law
By Prof.Yuan
Class One: General Introduction of Chinese Securities Law
Case: Hu Zhenzhu v. Shanghai Stock Exchange
Class Two: Issuance of Securities
Section I Issuance of Stock, Bond or Other Securities
Case: Chen Mingang v. Shanghai Perfection Nanometre New Material Co.,
Section II Underwriting of Securities
Case: Guosen Securities Co., Ltd. v. Xiyi Co., Ltd. and Xiyi Group Co., Ltd.
Class Three, Four: Transactions in Securities
Section I Listing of Securities
Case: HKEx Listing Decision on VIE Structure
Section II Acquisitions of Listed Companies
Case: Case Re Hostile Takeover of Ewushang
Section III Disclosure of Information
Case: Tu Miaolong v. Sino-Platinum Metals Co., Ltd.
Class Fives, Six: Securities Institutions
Section I Stock Exchanges
Case: Chen Yutian v. Haitong Securities Co., Ltd., et al.
Section II Securities Companies
Case: Chen v. Shanghai Kangding Road Securities Sales Department,
Hongyuan Securities Co., Ltd.
Section III Securities Registration and Clearing Institutions
Case: China Machinery & Electronic Products of Exports Investment Co., Ltd.
v. Minfa Securities Co., Ltd. & China Securities Depository and
Clearing Corporation Limited
Section IV Securities Trading Service Institutions
Case: Xiao Xianbai v. Hisense Kelon Electrical Holdings Co., Ltd. and Deloitte
Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd.
Class Seven: Securities Regulation
Section I China Securities Regulatory Commission
Case: Ding Liye v. China Securities Regulatory Commission
Section II Self-Regulatory Bodies
Case: Zhang Yiyong v. Shanghai Securities Central Registration and Clearing
Corporation & Shanghai Stock Exchange
Class Eight: Legal Liabilities for Illegal Practices
Section I Insider Trading
Case: Chen Zuling v. Pan Haishen
Section II Market Manipulation
Case: Xie Xuefen v. Cheng Wenshui & Liu Yanze
Section III False Statement
Case: Fan Meijuan v. Huawen Media Investment Corporation